Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Vu Lowrll. April 12. /MO. np H<br />


Modine & Cage take off in 'Birdy'<br />

BySlrpixnIlnurr<br />

Biniy. directed ty Alan Patter,<br />

startinjt Maahcw Modine and Nicolas<br />

Cage. i* a faviiutm,; motion pirure.<br />

Il combines sironi image* with dark,<br />

humor in produce an cn:hrullin|>. if<br />

finally perplexing, mull.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story. set in a low cr claw seclion<br />

or Philadelphia dunnp ihc tire<br />

*5O*-C4tl> '60s, concern* a lecnagcr.<br />

Bird) Citmhcw Modiru). who u<br />

obsessed v. ah bird* and with the concept<br />

of flight.<br />

He lite* 'or ihcdieamof llightand<br />

spend* mo*t jf fci» ),fe stud) ing bird*<br />

afkl creating contraption* he hope*<br />

will enable him i.> fly. Hi* dream* at<br />

night arc occupied entirely by (light.<br />

and his bed u limply a mattres* perched<br />

on Ion of the large bird case<br />

that dominate* his room.<br />

Ai Cotumbau (Nicola* C«je) i* a<br />

typical, girl-crazy. *trcc!-»uc<br />

teenager, a product of his poor,<br />

working-<strong>class</strong> environment.<br />

Although the movie faiU to explain<br />

exactly why. the two boyi qukkly<br />

becomc friend*, and are veen cha.*<br />

ing around together on lit son* of<br />

wild pigeon-catching ad.cnturcs.<br />

Ahhough A) never really understands<br />

Birdy's ot*e».jon. the c»o become<br />

Ium. He spends all hi* waking<br />

hour* *ilcn»ly squatting like a pigeon<br />

and refuvet t.i respond lo an>onc or<br />

anything.<br />

h-\ond recognition heciu*e of w\crc<br />

facial injunc*. i* brought in a* a la»t<br />

retort — a final attempt at coating<br />

Birdy out of hi* shell. After vc*cral<br />

s kpent trying lo elicit some<br />

response fnxii Rirdy. Al finds his<br />

own vitality to be draining, and he i*<br />

no longer \urc of his unity. In the<br />

process, Al discovers that he is<br />

much more dependent on Birdy than<br />

Birdy u on him.<br />

Much of the film reflects the day*<br />

of their youth. In between the<br />

flashbacks come scenes of the two in<br />

the hospital "cell" in nhich Birdy is<br />

caged. <strong>The</strong> movie begins and ends in<br />

the present, but often the flashback.*<br />

arc MI extensive and invoked that it<br />

become* easy to forget (tut they are<br />

only flashbacks.<br />

Image* of flight constantly flash<br />

throughout the film a* Birdy fanusues<br />

about seeing things from *<br />

her style and material reflect her<br />

words.<br />

Unlilkc movt female comic*.<br />

Pounditonc. usually dressed ir> a<br />

Miff-shouldcrcd jacket with dark<br />

slacks, dclitcn lines r>ot about relationship*<br />

with men, but with her<br />

parents.<br />

"When my mom go< really :n*J.<br />

*be"d \ay 'Your butt u my meal."<br />

Not a particularly aitrj tisc phra*c.<br />

And I always wondered. Now what<br />

w.nc* goes with that.?"<br />

Ptxindstonc began her career in<br />

comedy in Boston where<br />

"...cuuomcrs at the rc«aurani<br />

bird's viewpoint. Some of the in»t*t<br />

thrilling rcuncnto arc *ap)cncc* wcr<br />

a* thouph thrubgh the c>c* of a bin.1<br />

rapidly \*«opinp do*n and ihcn<br />

awtTxjing toward the open %ly.<br />

Itmlv i\ fU*lev\ a* a petnal piece<br />

I; ctcrucuungly faithlul to the crj<br />

tn Ahich it i* *d. It i* a ftipjunc<br />

dtjnu *ilh a MCJJV On* l JCIHHI<br />

colorful, \ivid (lavhback* hroken up<br />

by n*)re drairutic Mrenc* in llirdy'*<br />

cell.<br />

Al'* monologue*. IK* "convcrwlion*"<br />

with the unre»pon*i*c Birdy,<br />

a.T remarkabl) well-directed. A<br />

rcilivtic degree of a«:ti\it> i* num-<br />

Uincd liiroughout Al'* hopele**<br />

ihicai* and dopcralc-plcading for<br />

II inly to return and re*pond t.i die rral<br />

wttrld.<br />

Emotion* flow like water in /W>.<br />

pcrtupt a linlc loo pmfuwly. with<br />

each character roller-cuaMcring fnwn<br />

despvrdrace to ehtion: from hope<br />

to hopelessness, and back again.<br />

Modine and Cage turr> in superior<br />

pcffornu.icc*. Modine skillfully<br />

handle* Bitdy'% ecvtaiy and overwhelming<br />

optimism ai the mere<br />

thought of bird*, while at the um;<br />

time con\c)ing hr* pitiful MKUI inep(nnt.<br />

NkhoUv Ca;c pta>* Al (o<br />

the hilt, outwardly jaunty and confident<br />

but inwardij confuved a* a<br />

tecnagrr; entirely o\ct*helmed bv<br />

circurmurvc » a )ou'hful but ravaged<br />

Vietnam veteran.<br />

Jtihn Haikint u alui excellent a*<br />

Dr. Wei**, the mental htn<br />

tempered with dashes of unexpected<br />

humor, and seems to build ilielf tn<br />

a dev»*tatingly dramatic conclusion.<br />

Inucad. it i* capped off by a bijarre.<br />

Modine and Nicholas C*ge orr friends In "Birdy."<br />

p*)chiatri\t, who i* the neatest thing<br />

to a * illain in the mo* ic. He originally<br />

bring* Al to *ec Bitily. but then<br />

dcvidc* that Birdy n * hopclc*.* va.*c<br />

and that Al mu*t leave agjin*t hi*<br />

wishes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final *cene of BinJy i* absolutely<br />

pcrplcimg. <strong>The</strong> movie itself<br />

i* *ironjj and high') diairalic.<br />

lightly humorous finale: ronfuunrt. to<br />

uy the least.<br />

Nevertheless. Biniy is a spellbinding<br />

film; sometimes adventurous<br />

anl ciciling. uvnetimes poignant and<br />

moving. Birdy ¥ j provocative, witty,<br />

touching, aid a thoroughly excellent<br />

film.<br />

She's laughing her way to the top<br />

O<br />

where I buved dishes would search<br />

me out so I could fool around with<br />

them and make them laugh." Sh.<br />

auditioned in variou* night club*<br />

and cvertual!;, sUrtcd to net j«»b*<br />

here anmcwh:rc d*c.* "<br />

That "MHncwhcTc clve" wa* San<br />

l-anciwo. and I'iHJ.kJvinnc recall*<br />

the fitM time *hc pc(fs..rvil i>n ltn:<br />

wcu Ciuvt. al <strong>The</strong> Other Cafe, in<br />

the winter ol !*)St).<br />

"<strong>The</strong> juj^nce response *a* *o<br />

diltcrcni fn^ Bo*ton. anJ I v.av to<br />

earned," vhc recalled. "It wa% such<br />

a go»xl feelinr like 1 wa* finally going<br />

io *«c accepted completely.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a Tnitight Z*me aura<br />

JNHU K. ! saw tin* epi^udc where<br />

th» guy had. like, a deformed face.<br />

He hod worm* on hi* lace, or<br />

umv.tl:uig. and hi* father signed<br />

him c,. for an eichangj pri>fram<br />

with another planet because he had<br />

such a PHjgh time on thi* plinet. and<br />

a* hc'v'ctjniing off the ramp. tl.c*e<br />




Vihen you rent your tormalwepr from<br />

GrodL:a you chevse from Hie O/nasty<br />

Collection by Alter Six and all the<br />

ncA?sf from Lord V/cst. Pierre Cirdm<br />

and Yves Saht Laurent. What's more,<br />

•/3J get a great carr/all sports bag,<br />

FREE. Zee Grodins tint tor a perfect<br />

prom...and a tree sports bag!<br />

£tone»to«n. SlocMOMMukttt, £mbarcad«ro<br />

guls wt:h worms on their faces arc<br />

going (adoringly) Woo? Woo!"<br />

On the We*l Coast, Poundvtoic<br />

found ffiendly cmwd* who *cemcd<br />

lo apprcwiaic her gentle "ktd shier"<br />

kind of humor She alu» fount] influcmul<br />

friend*, one «>f them Robin<br />

William*, who connected her with<br />

wmc high powered managenKnt.<br />

Th.-. consequently led lo »\Hjr»iJ.<br />

\ikhtt -r.<br />

"Hey. I'm d.nni what 1 likeiodo-<br />

ihctinl) ihm^: I an rcall* do well -<br />

and nia'v-.p a li ing nil that Wltcrc<br />

can you find a better deal?" she<br />

asked.<br />

"AV*nt»TrJk wn i • thinj; about<br />

women comics, i>i it's my favorite<br />

mif.g tlut an)body hit ever written,"<br />

Pourtdtcnc said excitedly. "I<br />

c*en carry it around."<br />

She read the clipping.<br />

"...Margaret Smith and the offbeat<br />

Paula PoundMonc are two New<br />

W«e ct«nic* whtne rc*pectivc<br />

»i>l»:» nuLt- their pcrkkr *inuall> it-<br />

TcU-vcni f • ihm hunxir "<br />

"Vtr • zr, pr>^d ol ifut." heatn-<br />

«rd (\HjivJ»l'*r»c. "jitd itul'* ihc way<br />

it «.h.Ki!J tv "<br />

S'l'l-IPI I HOI<br />

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