Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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f»tt 14. Vie Lawett. Apnl 12. IMS<br />

FUTURE _<br />


By Nkk FSonntlnos<br />

Many of you muse be wondering why senior Kerin Allen's Khool<br />

jacket has been seen on *> many different people this year. <strong>The</strong> c.v<br />

planation U :implc; Krvin is suffering from a d ; vaic known as<br />

"psychoonihromorphJuU." You &ec, Kevin Is actiUily wearing his<br />

jacM all the time, bitt In certain phases of his disease his appearance<br />

chances producing ihs effect that someone else is wearing his jacket.<br />

I told you ii was nimple.<br />

M1.1v of yoj tWt suy around to see the afterschool activities going<br />

on in bie rounyanl. For instance, I saw a group of kids playing<br />

catch with a football. Frew tan Danny Cao was running long. Someoae<br />

threw him a pass, and the ball was stightlv overthrown. He<br />

had his eye on the pass the whole time. Danny stretched out his<br />

hands and, w^th th; ball at his fingertips, he ran into a garbage can.<br />

But don't worr, — the garbage can wai all right. As for Danny, in<br />

the future, he's sticking lo hackysack.<br />

I work at a nujor department store JX Stoncstown. I won't mention<br />

an)' names, but it's the one with the big "E." Anyway, a lot of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students pas* through on tlieir way to the bus stop Well,<br />

sophomore Silvia Martinez was cu the escalator going up. and she<br />

noticed a "we" *ign on some of the merchandise on the floor<br />

below. Her curiosity got the best o( her, an*f she stuck out her head<br />

to see what mis on sale. Unforturuiely f screw in a<br />

lightbulb? Scv:n — c*»e to hold the bulb, and six to turn the Udder.<br />

How many tenon does it take to screw in a li^htbulb? 360 — one to<br />

K.rcw it in. nnd 359 to tighten it *o they could write on their<br />

transcripts that they were in the Electrical Engineering Club.<br />

P.S. — Redeem ihi* School DJC article to Kevin Allen, for one<br />

(ten mod of wearing hu jacket, but remember, he tu> ihc right to<br />

refuse service to anyone!<br />

ByEricFastiff<br />

<strong>The</strong> truth came out in Ms. Gonzalez's Philology Class. Marc<br />

Badcr and Valeric Neck dcm?nsirj;cd for the cr.tirr <strong>class</strong>, and soon<br />

for the entit: world, which sex is tougher. <strong>The</strong> historical cxpori<br />

ment: While students were told to prick their fingers for a blood<br />

sample. Mure, the adventurous scientist tlut he t*. seemed to be very<br />

interested in hit vein*. While IT probed and probed, blood gushed<br />

and gushed. Poor Valeric! <strong>The</strong> more blood that flowed, the weaker<br />

her stomach became. Suddenly Valerie swan-dived to the floor in a<br />

dead faint. Marc said he will be willing to search for his vein again,<br />

once bis finger heals, if he can have another volunteer.<br />

While in Berkeley for the Model United ^Nations Conference<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students again proved why they arc s> /" ~ .o the rest of the<br />

world. Jesse "<strong>The</strong> Navigator'* Schwartz \hu\*ca>cil his uncanny<br />

talent for reading maps by getting lost. Chris Cri«rra and Pat<br />

Magee proved they know their sports: they snuck into the Cal foot<br />

ball stadium lo play soccer.<br />

I have always thought psychology was the study of the mind.<br />

However, it seems lo have something to do with luces z\ well. Thi«<br />

explanation stems from a recent <strong>class</strong> period when Henry WOIIJJX<br />

note was touched by Vlncc Carter. I think that an ctpkruiion h in<br />

onict. gcnt«men.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re art more <strong>Lowell</strong> hcroc* who appear on the front pjgo of this<br />

paper. While at the Model U.N. Conference, senior Jon Albert* apprchcrkicd<br />

v«nc terrorist delegates who were killing people with<br />

water pistoU. <strong>The</strong> real United Nanons is flying Jon lo New York so<br />

he can be honored as an "h.tcmaii'TV Peace Keeper."<br />

In other newv senior David Cho has received an award from hi<br />

employer tor bebg "Top Coif Can Washer of tht Month." I think<br />

David deserves a big hand of applause for his tremendous effuru.<br />

Senior IJUIHC Bcilon and junior Michael Alberts have begun a<br />

campaign to petition the College Board to begin an A.P. Interior<br />

Decorating Cass It stems the p-ir enjoy redcco"\ting their hutwy<br />

room more than studying Europe.<br />

Do you worship the Devil when you play your records backwards?<br />

Do yea feel discriminated agaimt because you wear Spandex? If you<br />

ouwer in the affirmative to both of these queries, then you should<br />

spply fot membership in the highly selective Twisted Sbter Fan<br />

Club. Alexandria '<strong>The</strong> Original Twisted Sister" Sage, club<br />

founder, extolls the menu of tltc club: "Not only do you get to appreciate<br />

jreat and cultural music with other great and ctilturu TSFC<br />

roembert. but aL*o top colleges, such as Harvard, Stanford, and the<br />

Univeisity of Alboq ;crque. regard membership in TSFC as a perfect<br />

addition to any appt'eation. And most importantly for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

studenu, U.C. Berkeley automatically accepts members of TSFC<br />

who have an average 230 cAT score along with a score of 5 in A.P.<br />

Bondage." One las! sen A*cunrina warm, "Please don't confuse<br />

. TSFC with the CanKnal Cms* les or <strong>The</strong> Jeremiah Turner Fan Cub.<br />

Thanks, for that important not:. Sis.<br />

What are<br />

horoscopes?<br />

By JoinS. Kim<br />

Do the Mart control one'*<br />

destiny? Do horoscope* accurately<br />

predict one's tuture? In other<br />

wordi, docs aurology offer truth to<br />

, believer*?<br />

"That question i« deceptively<br />

simple and its answer U trrmendoutly<br />

comr/lcx. . .." telU author<br />

Roy GalUnt, in his book. Astrology:<br />

Senie cr Koniense?<br />

Wt>ai is astrology? Ihe World<br />

Book Encyclopedia definei<br />

astrology as "the ancten: art or<br />

Kte.xe of divining the fate of star*<br />

and other heavenly bodies." Thit<br />

i\. aerology ts a study of the reV<br />

liomhip of the itan to human tt'e.<br />

Amologen. persons who "wit<br />

fortunes" by studying the 'tan,<br />

predict the future of a pcrvxi oy<br />

catting a hormcope of Uwt particular<br />

person.<br />

A horoscope (Greek Ur "heur<br />

watcher") U a chart that rc*ca!* a<br />

pervon'i character or future. "Rut<br />

chart *how-\ the relative r/otiiton* of<br />

the uin. tnoon, and other planet* to<br />

the zodiac tigm at a specific moment<br />

in time.<br />

A hormcope hat three num partv.<br />

(1) the /ixliac. (2) the houie*. and<br />

(3) the pbnclt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> iodise (Latin for "a circle of<br />

amnult") ii a band of itars that<br />

Kem tu encircle the earth <strong>The</strong><br />

ftxliac com»u of 12 divtiton* callo!<br />

\tgn\.<br />

A person comes under the ipecial<br />

influence of one particular sign<br />

depending on h» htrthdate. For example,<br />

a person tx>ni from March<br />

21 lo Apnl 20 iv under the mfluer.ee<br />

of the lodljc vifn Ancs and » uid<br />

to be an Aries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> houvci represent inugni.ir><br />

divuttmv of the celestul Kxly in<br />

rcljtiun to one'* position on earth.<br />

When cavtinf a pervon'* h»ri»*cupe.<br />

the hcj\cn u dm kU intu I. pjii*<br />

or houtc-v.<br />

Each of ihcse Souvci influence* a<br />

certain par: of a person's life. For<br />

c&amplc. >ne first home i«<br />

asvocatcd vith an irxlivkJoal\<br />

career, health, rrurruge. or wme<br />

other interest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planets iGrccV for<br />

"wanjcrcii") include the tun and<br />

moon, u well at Jupttcr. Mm,<br />

Mercury. Neptune. Pluto. Saum.<br />

Ur^nu*. and Vcnuv. <strong>The</strong> planet tticl<br />

fall* within a particular bc*nc influence*<br />

nutters pcruining in that<br />

house.<br />

For example, if Vcnu\ (ituoaicd<br />

with beauty) it located in the first<br />

house Uuociaied with appearance)<br />

in a certain person'* birthchan. the<br />

person i» likely to have an attractive<br />

phvttcal appearance.<br />

U jvirolopy a pveudovcience? hy<br />

Jacobs, a full-time ptnfe\wKul<br />

jMro'ojcr prxticinp in Sjn Fr«r.<br />

ci'v.ti, commenlcvl, " . .avirol£} iv<br />

r.' more pteudotcience than<br />

p»>cholopy. amhrop«lci(:>. or<br />

Why do people seek 'Jw help of<br />

iMtolojci.? iSey ate concerned<br />

with problems in evrry area of life.<br />

Ac^'tdin- in Jacob*, ir-j^t of hi*<br />

clients arc womed about moncv anj<br />

iu.ccs!v ur love and tei.<br />

MIKADO<br />

Japan Center<br />

San Francisco<br />

922-94S0<br />

Japanese Cuts<br />

Sanrio. Mitsubishi T.D. i G.T.C.<br />

Astrologically speaking<br />

By A'rundria Saj«<br />

and Mariloe TrtUun<br />

AKIE5 (Much 21 to April 19)<br />

)VM< hum- that myucrious stranger<br />

LIBRA (September 23 to OctPOcr 22)<br />

Libra, this is yvur month! Do<br />

something *ild and enxQr. Co out<br />

andbuyyou*^tfann*toofrbnclt.<br />

in your EngUA dais, Ariel ? He/the Go on. Splurge. Remember that<br />

is just waiting for you to tjiprns ••A"4UPE?YoKOeenf<br />

yt<br />

your prvfcundtst thoughts about the tcothbfttsh, baoy.<br />

life. Say Umtthing tfoqutn; tikf. "I<br />

SCORPIO (October V> lo November<br />

hate it HVWI there's nevtr any pink<br />

paper left in the Origami set.''<br />

21)<br />

<strong>The</strong> nbttliout yo*lh ir >ow mutsbf<br />

TAURUS (April 20 (o May 20) tamed. Scorpio, jvit tht army,<br />

Doo'r be overly tenacious this ton 11 jrt •. jrte mat /loi/rv. loo<br />

month, but still Uci to \\*ur guns cf i m cbxha ut UOe• kitkrr<br />

and male up yvtir mind. Tale peo- boat You'll Jrt lo mm, tj exotic<br />

ple's opinions to heart, but placts. meet new, zzciitn* people<br />

remember that tome of it is bull. and kill them. Pint's the foe!.<br />

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Jack!<br />

This month may be pivotal for yvu. SAGITTARIUS (Nmmbcr 22.»<br />

BrMire of pop ouizies in social IVcerobcrll)<br />

science ax they may change the You've been t lacking off<br />

course of your history.<br />

academically. Sarxaiim. tmiaite<br />

CANCER (June 21 toJuly 21) wranda, brmt up the enemy, and<br />

Though It u \vtu nature, don't do espand your horizon. Read<br />

anything too mGlitnant, <strong>The</strong> middle unxthh; intellectually Btmuk&te.<br />

of the month HI// see you more "War and Peace."' maybe...."K-nt<br />

calm, but remember to be smdiout. Uar"...."Hollyxd Hiwj."<br />

LEO (July 23 to August 22) CAPRICORN (December Zl u<br />

Kwj may not be the cat't pajamas January 19) -<br />

thii month, but you toon MI// be the ft'.- time meet nJofcUlhataeim-<br />

lion J rvur. Don't let thu r*rll yvur lion. Capricorn. Kick a freshman.<br />

ego. or it *itl be cataciytmic. Co on. BAM BAM BAM. M>J.<br />

doeait that feel bener?<br />

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) | AQUARIUS (JanunyWIoftbnary<br />

/• the romantic side of you yearn- IS)<br />

jny to be tetfree. Vir^o? <strong>The</strong>n take Thil ninth Isn't yvur At

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