Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Yuppies...<br />

Baby-boomers 'grow-up'<br />

By Sine Fung<br />

Senator Gary Han. duriri hU<br />

filial I9M presidential bid. brou(hl<br />

into rational anmUon the gruup<br />

whose view he embodied _ UM<br />

Yuppies (young uibir.<br />

profdiioniU).<br />

Moil experts define the rr» nibers<br />

of this group u being young —<br />

specifically,a member of He babyboom<br />

rracmion, the products of<br />

the gnu surge in American binhl<br />

benrces 1946 ind 1964. hoUing a<br />

profeuional or managemen job.<br />

SRI IntcnWJooal. a think«ank. coodaded<br />

that there arc 1.2 million<br />

Yuppie who met tboe qualifies.-<br />

UOM as «U u t*o .: -fc. Vortl« \uch<br />

a\ "groovy." "MiroeJ." "lurncd<br />

on." and "tpJceti-out" became<br />

ClHTUIKtnpUcC.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hippie cull alut intiucncrd<br />

mu\K. <strong>The</strong> Ik-JtlcN prttw U'nwiJ the<br />

inevvajc of love and iuppy li.mp<br />

with wch wmpv i\ "<strong>The</strong> Ycllnw<br />

Sutimjrinc" and "Straw bcrr)<br />

h'icltli Forc-.xr." which evoked the<br />

effecu of a trip,on drug*. Other<br />

gruupt included Jcftervm Airplane.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Doon. and Moby Grape.<br />

<strong>The</strong> emergence of Hippies<br />

fascinated, irritated, and alarmed<br />

many Americans. Epucooal Buhop<br />

James Pike believed there wm "...a<br />

gentlcneu...something good...**<br />

about them. Hi.torun Arnold<br />

Toyf^v^ labeled them as "...a red<br />

wvning light for the American<br />

way."<br />

<strong>The</strong> '60s. with the civil rights<br />

movements and the Vietnam War,<br />

was a decade of rebellicj. <strong>The</strong> Hippies<br />

ut on the cxticme end of the<br />

radical itgn and rebelled by "dropping<br />

out" of the American way of<br />

life.<br />

COMPUTER &~1<br />


• Repair<br />

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• Suppllos<br />

MOBILE<br />


INC.<br />

33S demerit £uoot<br />

San Francisco. CA<br />

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HfOII R^wtcv Howl<br />

Son Fninixo. Cliff. «'l}7<br />

Vmce Rontti<br />

ra« io*rit. April 12. ins.<br />

FEATURE'<br />

Jeat generation: product^<br />

of new consciousness<br />

Oy Jessica I.rtutjr,<br />

"In the tomtual and political<br />

lonctincu of Amcr* ^ of the *50'i<br />

you'd hitch a thousand nilc* to Ptcd<br />

a friend," Mated Guy Snyder. 4<br />

member of what became f.ai they<br />

pmwucd my-Jkil powen. But for<br />

ibe numerous Beau who lad foupht<br />

the Korean War and became<br />

diultutkxied with the American<br />

Urcani of MJCUC^*. "Beat" .imply<br />

meant "bealen tluwn."<br />

Conceived ncjftlic cnl of World<br />

War 11 and germiiutcd in the 5*J*»,<br />

the mnetnent wa\ the cry\ullixatioi<br />

nf co^!>$uxi\ discontent with<br />

the American "virtue*" of pi^re**<br />

and power.<br />

To undenund the Beat*, or Ute<br />

hcatniki as they were wen ^v^*n.<br />

one muvt take a clmc look at the<br />

pmlwar era. It wat, a time of extr»->rdiiur>'<br />

imecuriiy. of profound<br />

ptn^Vf^ACci^ M f«r u indivtdtMl<br />

clfim i* vimcrrnoJ. IndivHlr-alnm<br />

rc.ifncU iti po*er* in corptiratc<br />

Urpcncw, anJ maw umdittoning<br />

through the media became an accepted<br />

pan *>f lifr.<br />

A* the cnuntry i:scKd the "war<br />

oti communiun," it* legacy'of individuality<br />

;a%c way to conforming<br />

"Americxniim." <strong>The</strong> nuclear exploiUms<br />

in Japan became new<br />

sources of terror and furthrr promoted<br />

the tdejogy of technology.<br />

NfcCanhyiun taught Americans that<br />

truth itself was uupect. Kimething<br />

manipulated by "credible"<br />

authorities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beats originate! on the West<br />

t'ovt - - in San Francisco and Lo*<br />

AitfdeV Venice Wew — then eventually<br />

arpeared in Krw York's East<br />

Village. TV men wore long beards,<br />

but preferred ihort hdr. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

ckxhing wu drab, consisting usual-<br />

{•/ of khaki putts, a tw«ater. and<br />

sandeis. <strong>The</strong> women woie Mack<br />

leotards tnd no-tipuick, but so<br />

much evethadow that peopCe came<br />

to expect their "raccoon eyes."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Be-a favored pu became<br />

they saw themselves as outcasts of«<br />

hostile society and thus felt a tense<br />

of camaraderie with the bLcks.<br />

From the jargon of the Negro jazz<br />

musicians and juvenile street gangs.<br />

the Beats developed their own argot:<br />

"chick." "dig." "bu^." "spade"<br />

to mean Negro, "bread" to<br />

designate money, and "like" to<br />

serve as an all-purpoie psuscronl<br />

and qualifier.<br />

Members of both sexes dwelled<br />

wiihia flats they cnlletf "pads."<br />

usually furnished with nod - tg but a<br />

guipr. a hot pbte, a bare rt» rreu.a<br />

ftv r*«k*n!s and books. OhM. the<br />

v-^nds were of jazz, aod the xoks<br />

'JMM Zen, an ofbhoot of Buddha,<br />

/en Buddhnm ducouraged rational<br />

cipoMtton and promoted the<br />

ikx-triae of iraubAtantiabtlir) of all<br />

aripairnt icntory phenomena.<br />

Madncvt «» another quality<br />

which the Beats revered. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

repanJcd ."nadnru n rtaturalnm.<br />

the proper perspective from which<br />

to view the **.rld. To induce<br />

madncH, the Beats experimented<br />

wilh mirruana. which they called<br />

"pot."<br />

Despite all their idKMyncraktcs,<br />

the Beats insisted that they were DO;<br />

the dangerous revolutionaries fhil<br />

lite "iquarcs" ttcreotyped them to<br />

be. Nov«l:u Jack K=rcuac. a<br />

lc«lin|c ftfirc of die movement, fjcr-<br />

»uadcd. "We love everything — Bit!<br />

Graham, the Big Ten. Rock and<br />

Roll, Zen. apple pie, Eitenhowrr —<br />

we dig it all."<br />

Altogether, the Bca's were an an<br />

tihjcrarchial and antielitia croup<br />

wboic gual wai to divemer a state in<br />

which aU differences aid separation<br />

were eliminated.<br />

Whether ;hey hiuhed ride or not.<br />

the Beats of the '50 uid meet enough<br />

friends to plant the seeds which<br />

were to blossom b the "60s as the<br />

actions of the Hippies.<br />


with permanent or frosting<br />

Richard's Hairstylists<br />


IS64-7233<br />


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