Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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DENTS...<br />

ut <strong>Lowell</strong>, but didn't...<br />

elis, nuke new friends, add Dud something to do<br />

oVlecone of the sports <strong>Lowell</strong> has lo offer.<br />

Bated basketball coach Dare Low. "fncy are an a-<br />

, L soccer, swimming, wrestling, lamb, and<br />

to student! who Jo not think they en capable of par-<br />

a member of the vanity football team. "<strong>The</strong><br />

fll's tike a war. flthltag side by side with your best<br />

ndialbilldsoplneterydaylire."<br />

one-lull of Ins ithlctcl said that their grades stayed<br />

seasca.Sv<br />

U d d<br />

Uaio bct» * and that should help me in<br />

? ;.-•• i. '<br />

ot playing spom lsthe«ytheyhelpb!mcope<br />

menttooed'jj senior Tom McMillan- "I made more<br />

Ii«fi3»n of my freshman year." be noted.<br />

excusing absenses<br />

TIM LwtU. October 5.1984. Pif tl<br />


your reg: J) the reauin for abwnct: 41 the<br />

EyCbdyNg<br />

dalrd) you were abtcnt; S» your parent'*<br />

Everyone seems lo have his own ideas as U signature.<br />

what to da If he U Ute lor a cUu or ahient from <strong>The</strong>re b no acccpuble reason for cutting<br />

school. To ict the record straight, hen are the <strong>class</strong>, according to Dean James Thomas. If you<br />

standard procedures:<br />

do and receive a cut slip, you must *o to him<br />

If you arc Ute for registry or a cUu thu b that day to clear your record.<br />

held before reg-, have your parent or *g*l If you must leave school during ibe day for<br />

guardian write a note explaining your tar- an appointment bring a note from jjur parent<br />

diness, so dlicctly to da* and give the n Jte to to room 10* before 10 a.m. the day of yoar ap-<br />

your teacher.<br />

pointment. <strong>The</strong> note must Include your nan*,<br />

If you arrive at school after regbtiy. you reg.. time of appointment, time of your depar-<br />

most bring a note from your parent to the ture, phone number of the place of your ap-<br />

dean's olflce (n rooir. 104. when you tlgn in pointment and your parent's signature. You<br />

ind receive a Tardy P*«.<br />

will then be issued a "Permit to Lcart" which<br />

If you »rc absent. yo*ir parent, gvardlan. or you pick up in room 104 when you leave school.<br />

relative over the age of 2! should caU the atten- If you become Ul during the day. go to room<br />

dance office (566-7900} bewecn 8 ud 930 that 104. Your parents win be contacted, and you<br />

morning to explain your absence. On the day win be sent home If there b somecce there to<br />

you return, bring a note with ',) your name; 2) care for you.<br />

honor societies<br />

By Petty Menenkfa<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School has two houor sodtties:<br />

Shield and 5:roU and the California Scna'arship<br />

Feocrr.uon. Whi!c both societies are i'or<br />

honor students, each ha* its own function!-,<br />

polkfci. and activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> California Scholarship Federation (CSF)<br />

b an organization which is designed to<br />

recognize scholastic honor students at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main function of CSF is to organize<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s tutoring program. Any student who<br />

needs help in a specific subject may go to Room<br />

215, the Advanced Placement Honors Resource<br />

Center, and request a tutor. Volunteer CSF<br />

memben are then aitigncd. according to thetr<br />

free modi and strong ftubjecti. lo tutor ttudcnlt<br />

who need anUtance.<br />

Membership to CSF is limited to seniors,<br />

junior*, and mend tenwUer •opbomortk In<br />

order lo become a member, a student must<br />

have at least three A'I and one H In hut<br />

academic subject* from the previous semester.<br />

At the beginning of each semester, application<br />

forms can be obtained in Room 215.<br />

Report cards from the previous semester must<br />

be presented with the completed application «t<br />

proof of (he required grades.<br />

Shield and Scroll U another <strong>Lowell</strong> honor<br />

society. Membership b limited to students who<br />

are elected by current members and teachers on<br />

script L points<br />

By Jam Woe*<br />

Script L U a society that awards students for<br />

outstanding serrice to the LowtU couununiry.<br />

Students ean: Script L points for almost all<br />

scrvfcs acthritki In which they pirtidpaic For.<br />

example, club memben gain 15 points per<br />

semester and student government ofiicen earn<br />

100 points.<br />

<strong>The</strong> serrice activities that do not ccunt for<br />

Script L are those that reward students in other<br />

ways. Journalism students do not earn any<br />

points for being on the staff; Instead they earn<br />

dan credits and a grade.<br />

Student workers In the foreign language lab<br />

can also gain credits for their efforts, but they<br />

have another option: they can choose to be<br />

paid. Since they have other rewards, they are<br />

not given points.<br />

At we end of each semester, a points sheet Is<br />

bsued -Vxh lists the numos* of points each<br />

serrice activity b worth. Students Ibt their<br />

various activities on a Script L form. AJonfinde<br />

each listing must be the signature of the faculty<br />

sponsor for that particular activity.<br />

AU forms are mk*cd by the Script L Committee<br />

(snyone interested In joining should contact<br />

Dan Harrington. 8520). <strong>The</strong> committee<br />

keeps track of student** points from semester to<br />

semester end keeps a running totaL<br />

For 2Sf> points, students are •wanted a "Certificate<br />

of Rccognitkir.*. for 750 points, a Script<br />

L nim and for ISOO points, a plaque. <strong>The</strong><br />

awards commend the rccjpleats for "Outstanding<br />

Service to the Students and Faculty of<br />

LowcO High School."<br />

; Mention "of these awards on a coQcge appUewfao<br />

Indicates a student's drslre lo get Involved.<br />

'<br />

the basis o< scholarship, leadership, citizenship,<br />

and participation In school dubs and activities.<br />

Shield and Scroll are actually twu parti of<br />

one organization. <strong>The</strong> main distinction between<br />

the two parts b that Shield members are<br />

female and Scroll members are male. Shield<br />

and Scroll each have their own officers and<br />

separate ballots for new members. Some of<br />

(heir meetings and projects are conducted by<br />

members of only one troap. but the two aho<br />

thareuuny activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nuLi role of Shield and ScroU members,<br />

according to Shield president Miriam Murase.<br />

b to act as "..servants of the school.'*<br />

Members ol the orgftnlxations help wl at<br />

freshman orientation, on sclf-scheduUng day.<br />

In the bookroom. and at the switchboard.<br />

During the admtnlon procM, th« namaa of<br />

the applicants are not disclosed to voting student<br />

nttnberi. Criteria lor tcfectloa Include •<br />

high CPA and participation In sporu. dubs,<br />

and student government.<br />

Seniors, and Juniors at the end of their first<br />

lemesier. may apply for membership. Generally,<br />

more seniors are accepted than junior*.<br />

Membership to Shield and ScroU b a mark of<br />

distinction among <strong>Lowell</strong> students. Shield and<br />

ScroU members are always included in the<br />

group of students who sign up first on selfscheduling<br />

day.<br />

student activity cards<br />

BySandrmHong<br />

Do you know what a Student Activities Card (SAC) b?<br />

U you think it's that little card with your picture on it -<br />

Out you received ia reg. then you're wrong! This card<br />

simply Womrks you ax a <strong>Lowell</strong> student.<br />

SACs were sold for S6 two weeks ago In room 254.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se cardi are your Identification cards except that they<br />

have a sticker on them.<br />

Thb distinction entitles students to various dhcounts<br />

for events such as dances and football games. SAC<br />

holders aho receive <strong>The</strong> LowtU free for one year.<br />

LowdUtcs who purchase SACs for their first three<br />

years at <strong>Lowell</strong> can buy a "gold" card in their senior<br />

year. This spedal c*rd allows senlon even greater discounts.<br />

Accordicg to Marian Gonzaies. SAC sales supervisor,<br />

all four dtucs and Tbe LowtC receive 16.6% of the<br />

r g r<br />

ths Forensics team receives 4.1 % of Ihc Income,<br />

1 (1<br />


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