Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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TV IMWTU, April II. IKS. ff 1<br />


Associate superintendent comments on school issues<br />

Or. Owl a Ooy* U Ik, Anociau<br />

Suptrinunitnl /or Staff DCMIOO-<br />

"Kiu. OvriaJian. *vt Pngmm<br />

Evaluation In M San Francaco<br />

Unlfltd Schjol nutria. Or hoi<br />

rmvtosury Jmm >i-. Jht two<br />

dixumd lowttt. rrobhnu /bring<br />

oVe San Frantilm nMIc Schools.<br />

baffxksztuJmu and naff, rod<br />

othrr topics. Eiaipu from Ux Intrrrir*<br />

follow:<br />

Choyt'a Opinion at until: My<br />

optoooofLowtUljvcrypotiuvr '<br />

am very much impressed with the<br />

students thit mend Lo»>eU and tfceir<br />

wccmad daJiolioo 10 cducitiro.<br />

I mi very much impressed with the<br />

staff at <strong>Lowell</strong>: in I'u, there are •<br />

twrnbcr of yew raff members that I<br />

lik outstanding.<br />

I lUnk Lnvell ii a very interesting<br />

school besides being u interesting<br />

concept. It Is an aoitude that is recnforced<br />

is terras oflhc undents, and I<br />

think students produce more<br />

becarse they believe aw e>pecu<<br />

tions are high for them at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

On financial problems facing<br />

schools; In any school in San Francisco<br />

or in California, there are<br />

clways additional monetary<br />

resource needs that are needed. We<br />

could always we more money for<br />

textbooks, we couM always use<br />

more money for supplies; what<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> his thai 1 think U very, wry<br />

:pedal bine attitude' and the commitrncnl,<br />

and that can't he rerlacrd.<br />

I'd love » be abb to double the<br />

financial rcaomccs to every school.<br />

I..UII.! L«—II.<br />

Associate Superintendent Carol Choye comments on the San<br />

Francisco Unified School District.<br />

On the San Francisco UnUM<br />

Schcol District: My concept of<br />

"diurict" is the 63.000 youngsters<br />

wiihin the district. So to me. a major<br />

challenge facing all of us is how u><br />

;^ovlde the best T^'fnti real opponuni'}'<br />

fur each of us to learn more about<br />

each other. And that's the<br />

challenge: how best *o help folks to<br />

see it as a challenge and not as a<br />

problem.<br />

On student saurament: I think it<br />

is very important. What you're (the<br />

stujcnl) doing (is) a couole of<br />

things. One, U you're building your<br />

own decision mailing abflity. TWc.<br />

yuu havr a real impact on what hap*<br />

pens at <strong>Lowell</strong> wd at other reboots<br />

and you have a lot w nfTcr "tht<br />

District."<br />

..Part of why irudeK govcrnmciv's<br />

imponan (is) lor you to<br />

learn that yoc can work within the<br />

establishment to get some of the<br />

things you want done. And when<br />

inat doesn't work. I know there are<br />

otr. r kinds uf altcrortivc methods<br />

* you M\ uic. But I do encourage you<br />

to uf c your student government as a<br />

»ty of helping to nuke changes ll^t<br />

c z6 to be made. Nothing's perfect.<br />

mi CJCC'S perfect, no institution is<br />

perfect. And it gets boar by working<br />

together.<br />

LooUox Tor a dbepun: on • tax natal? Tbrn go In ques* cl Kevtn<br />

Alien (»S2I), Jooatiua Alberti (8511), Jcuc Sch»«rt< (»6U). orLai<br />

Tfexusou (K52O), ill of whom tan spcrbl coapoca.<br />

On minimum standards: What we<br />

have done is look at the ft— (of<br />

Cali/amli) mandates, the model<br />

cuTiculum standards that have<br />

come from the State Department of<br />

Educatioe. ^ ^<br />

We're always b be process of<br />

reviewtnf that (mfaiw«.m 033.<br />

dards). We. ktcp rhr updaud...we<br />

have a new ict of Mintaura Standards<br />

Tests that we have field tesad<br />

this year and will be out in UV<br />

school* nex: yen-.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Minimum Standards Test m<br />

newr meant to be you're maximum<br />

level at each grade level; it was just<br />

J &iinimal...tnd that's why we'rs<br />

lookins at grade level expectations.<br />

We «ant to constantly work at raising<br />

what yongsten an- learning at<br />

each jrads level.<br />

On how San rrandsco Public<br />

School itnaenta compare with<br />

stadenu oatsldc of San Francisco:<br />

I think our youngsters do very well,<br />

but that doesn't mean they cant do<br />

better. I've been working with the<br />

bic. ciry school systems of Chicngo.<br />

New York, Detroit. Mtraeapolis,<br />

and MemtAif, and jny number of<br />

times, the people b charge of ctrrricilum<br />

In those districts have lookrd<br />

to San Francisco for our leadership<br />

in curriculum projects.<br />

On the "New School Partnership"<br />

plan propoml one jrar ago On htab vnool gnduaU's poten-<br />

by Superintendent Alioto: <strong>The</strong> tial: If you want a new strand (of ex-<br />

School Baud has asked Dr. AIKXO pectations), you look at ie com-<br />

with the slatT to take a ctcser look at puter strand. What on want to sec<br />

it and to dcv«rsonaltzed<br />

service that<br />

made us famous!<br />

Yellow Hurt<br />

Regal Blue W«Jnut<br />

Dove Gray Sandalwood<br />

Burjundy Ivory<br />

Navy Velvet Choc Brown<br />

Burgundy Velvet Camel<br />

Black Velvet tt. Blue<br />

White w/Black Mini Green<br />

Charcoal Forest Green<br />

Black Silver<br />



1235 Burllnsame Avs.<br />

Burlingame<br />

344-0663<br />

294 Stanford Center<br />

Pslo Alto<br />

328-444S<br />

12TC Sarramcnte Center<br />

Daly City<br />

756-4700<br />

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.• 1<br />

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