Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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CMEA offers constructive criticism<br />

By Irmr bHlhani<br />

Lowe! I band «nd tmhcsira<br />

member* participated in the annual<br />

California Music Education<br />

Association Feuivkl on Much 9 at<br />

San Francucn State L'aiv«*ity, jar.<br />

ning command performance and<br />

aipcnor rating*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> festival allowed u-udctt* in<br />

perform together or wngnlarlv<br />

before a judje who auci.t.:d and<br />

rated the pcfonmmo and offered<br />

advice and comments on over-all<br />

cu^nion.<br />

Participants were jurincJ ,« J,f.<br />

ficulty of their pic« and/or in-tniment.<br />

sod iheir ability to pUy with<br />

musical qiaiity. TV cnscmblc\<br />

Senior wins<br />

scholarsliip<br />

ByKatbertiwLoa<br />

Senior Nadinc tie Cotcau has<br />

recently been sclcooj recipient of<br />

an achievement scholarship ftura<br />

the National Achievement Schftarship<br />

Program for Outstanding<br />

Negro Students.<br />

"I was :etlly surprised. 1 thought<br />

I would make finalist, but I didn't<br />

think I would actually win,** expressed<br />

de Coteau.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program coostdcrftl over<br />

73.000 black studerti who took thj<br />

19R3 PSAT/NMQST. Only 1.430<br />

of Uicm were recognized as<br />

saniftuUiU becxtse of their his 1 )<br />


Some 1.100 Ktcally qualified as<br />

finalists, who tfei competed for<br />

over two million dollar* in nboUrships.<br />

By the crxl of the competition,<br />

650 studecu won achievenxnt<br />

schoUnhipt.<br />

dc Coteau wis rcropiiied Ai a<br />

tcmifinalist because of ucr 99<br />

percentile score on the 1983<br />

PSAT/NMQST. To be considered<br />

as a finalist, she had to complete an<br />

application which includcJ various<br />

academic credentials (GPA and<br />

<strong>class</strong>es taken), extracurricular activities,<br />

and an essay.<br />

"Actually, it worked badewrds<br />

for me. 1 found out that I mn tl*<br />

scholarship before 1 was a finalist,"<br />

she asserted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> particular scholarship wbkh<br />

de Cotcaa won, was ooe of 200<br />

corporate*sponsored four-year<br />

achievement scholarships, de<br />

Cotcau's award, underwritten b<<br />

SOH1O CorpotJlion. U rct»ev..*blc<br />

for $4,000 a year.<br />

"Any money (for collcjc) is<br />

always helpful. <strong>The</strong> scholarship will<br />

make h (the tuition) that much easier<br />

to pay," stated dc Coteau.<br />

Scholarship stipends are given to<br />

the winner's Tint choice college, dc<br />

Cotcau's Tint choke b Stanford. If<br />

the winner docs not attend his/her<br />

first choke school, the scholarship<br />

will goto the school that the winner<br />

decides to attend.<br />

irinicoui vnw<br />

ununc tu nucn suiooo<br />

Mnncic<br />

421-7262<br />


were judged on the combination of<br />

instruments and the approprfetencs*<br />

of the combinaticn to the trkcted<br />

<strong>The</strong> good execution of a difficult<br />

piece on t difficult instrument<br />

merited a command perfornu.'Kc<br />

rating, the highest honor* at the<br />

festival.<br />

"As usual. <strong>Lowell</strong> did cvxptionally<br />

well and received many top<br />

rating*." noted Janclte ZahiilU. .nchrstra<br />

teacher. "I think that<br />

everyone did their bett and gained a<br />

lot from ihb experience."<br />

stated sophomore Julie Chaw.<br />

'li wet a grcjt cspenence." enthuved<br />

*cn>or DJVHJ McFkM. "It<br />

wa\ a lot of fun and I tcamcr) a lot<br />

Ihnxith the judge'* o^-utnictive<br />

ctiiiciim."<br />

"1 found tl/Klf goin.3 ba.k aad<br />

releaming the entire picic over<br />

a|aln knd being able to aoct the difference<br />

in quality." staled senior Irving<br />

Steinberg.<br />

"I enjoyed the festival because Command performance rnd.<br />

the judge was very hclprul and wperiar rating w'ancn performed<br />

became I learned a lot from his at a noon concert given here at<br />

comment aboti: my pcrfonrorcc." Lwell on March 26.<br />

Speakers triumph<br />

Jeff Laurence. Brron Ln, Jeuka Uum:. John McSuhy, and FlUUp<br />

Kwooj are beading for Ibe ualc championship In AOumbra, CA.<br />

Kwong and Lee placed sccood and fifth, respeeUvely, In Golden Gale<br />

League Congress, Leung placed KCOfld In Original Adtocazy, and<br />

Laurence and McNully placed fUlh In Teem Debate.<br />



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