Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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S. 198}<br />

Ever find younclf- swamped by<br />

homework wlti very little lime to complete<br />

It?<br />

h's not all too uncommon for students<br />

to fed prewired by the large amount of<br />

homework that trachea assign daily.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re never seem to be enough hours in<br />

. tha day to do all of ti. This dilemma may<br />

be the result of poor lime budgeting on<br />

the student'! pan or over-assigning on the<br />

teacher's pan.<br />

"Teachers and<br />

students should<br />

realize that there is a<br />

discrepancy between<br />

teacher and student<br />

expectations."<br />

Both teachers'and students should<br />

realize that there is a discrepancy uclween<br />

teacher expectation} and student expectations.<br />

Many teachers have high cxpecuUons<br />

of themselves and iiigh expectations<br />

of their students. Teachers, confldeni<br />

in the academic capabilities of their<br />

students, may sometimes not even realize<br />

IhM they are placing a lot of pressure on<br />

them to accomplish more.<br />

On the other harJ. students probably<br />

"vcr give much consideration to the<br />

•"•«« of time and effort that teachers<br />

/n into planning a leuon. assigning<br />

homework, or making up a lest. Weighed<br />

down by their work load, they don't<br />

realize the work thai a teacher may go<br />

through.<br />

'"Many teachers<br />

have high expectations<br />

of themselves as<br />

well as their<br />

students."<br />

Do teachers have homework?<br />

Many teachers spend just as much lime<br />

correcting papers and preparing Icuun<br />

plus as students do doing: home wot I and<br />

studying for tests. If you thought that<br />

your eight-page essay tool I.. if time<br />

I'M effort, imagine what. - be like<br />

lo have to read, correct all. - ,iuncnt u-i<br />

30 cight-pngc css»ys.<br />

Some honors and advanced placement<br />

teachers do not even receive ad?qU3U:<br />

preparation time for all their <strong>class</strong>es they<br />

are legdly entitled lo. <strong>The</strong>y spend many<br />

hours every night preparing diverse and<br />

relevant lesson clans and correcting tests<br />

so that they can return them promptly.<br />

A.P. and honors teachers are motivated<br />

lo teach ai a more rigorous and challenging<br />

pace in preparation for the Advanced<br />

Placement lest.<br />

•'...sometimes<br />

teachers do assign too<br />

much homework.''<br />

—Other teachers are motivated by their<br />

enjoyment of their subject and their enjoyment<br />

of teaching, this is why some<br />

teachers use their free time to leach aIdi-<br />

•looal <strong>class</strong>es and to sponsor extracurricular<br />

activities.<br />

However, sometimes teachers do<br />

assign too much homework. Tills may be<br />

done oil', iic idea of helping students<br />

(tin more experience in flu ubject, but it<br />

doesn't always do so. Larfr asiijmmenu<br />

can hinder student progress and cause<br />

students to lower their goals because of<br />

feelings of inferiority.<br />

<strong>The</strong> intent behind heavy work loads<br />

may be a good one with no harm intended,<br />

but the manner of getting lo ttul ideal<br />

is not always beneficial to the student. In<br />

other words, giving more homework;<br />

doesn't necessarily insure more learning.<br />

Despite difference* of opinions, a<br />

warm thank you is in order ro ul the<br />

teachers who work just as hard for a slu -<br />

dcit's sake as students do fur themselves.<br />

Students should thank their teachers lor<br />

uking th» time to nuke learning.' interesting,<br />

fun. and successful. After all.<br />

these teachers arc trying lo help prepare<br />

Lowcllitcs for challenges outside and<br />

beyond <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

In defense of Dweebs<br />

We know who the dweebs arc. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

abound at <strong>Lowell</strong> High School.<br />

Dweebs are the little people who raise<br />

the curve in ourclas&cs; the ones who only<br />

think of "D" and *'F" as being the<br />

fourth and sixth letters of the alphabet;<br />

the solitary people Tor whom a "C" is<br />

unthinkable and the mention of "B" in<br />

relation to their name makes them faint.<br />

Dweebs always sit at the front of the<br />

room, usually taking notes as if their lives<br />

depended upon it. <strong>The</strong>y're never late for<br />

<strong>class</strong>, and they're home by four every<br />

kftcmoon in order lo read a few chapters<br />

ahead in Madame Bovary, or to finish<br />

their clxrmiMry lab in three colors, or trewrite<br />

the essay that they just received a<br />

95 on and for which they arc very upset<br />

with thenuclvcs.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> breeds dweebs, but dweebs can<br />

be of different type*. <strong>The</strong>re are the<br />

straight "tech" dweebs, many limes just<br />

oiled nerds, who fight for the lop three<br />

places in Mr. BcttcncourTs <strong>class</strong>es ami<br />

have read Einstein's Universe five<br />

times. <strong>The</strong>y walk around wi'h their<br />

brothers' pants on and, yes. various attachments<br />

are an integral pan of every<br />

belt that they have.<br />

An offshoot of the "tech" dweebs is<br />

THE COMPUTER PEOPLE. Electrical<br />

engineering majors from birth, they hive<br />

memorized the ASCII code, which is to<br />

them the real alphabet. Thry know how<br />

many bytes there are in a bit (don't say<br />

cigh;) ?nd it is said that they keep their<br />

diaries, or rather journals, or. elephant<br />

disks.<br />

"Dweebs are the<br />

little people who raise<br />

the curve in our<br />

<strong>class</strong>es."<br />

However, dweebs arcn't only into the<br />

hard sciences. While the male species<br />

usually comprise the "techs." the<br />

females have a tendency towards English<br />

and history. Who else thinks of Mrs.<br />

Lewis as an easy teacher and ; Var rod<br />

Peace as weekend reading? <strong>The</strong>se<br />

dweebs gel A's from the teachers who<br />

never give A's. and they are the ones<br />

who, in spite of their "excellent command<br />

of the English Language." never<br />

say two words in the same breath.<br />

"While the male<br />

species usually comprise<br />

the 'techs,' the<br />

females have a<br />

tendency towards<br />

English and history."<br />

Yes. dweebs arc a part of <strong>Lowell</strong> that<br />

cannot be denied. In fact, nen-dweebs<br />

take full advantage of the existence ot<br />

dweebs. We blame them for our bad<br />

grades: "I would have had a 'B*. except<br />

you-know-who had lo get a 99 percent on<br />

the final."<br />

We =4ll ihem "teacher's pels" and<br />

tur.es which cannot be printed. We laugh<br />

at their lack of socially redeeming atlrioutes:<br />

"So hu said. 'Gee. 1 didn't know<br />

tliat iherc were dances at <strong>Lowell</strong>!* "<br />

We wonder how they can go through<br />

life thinking atom school work alt the<br />

time, their only CMracuiricular activities<br />

perhaps being the Atomic Physicists Club<br />

or Shield and Scroll. ("<strong>The</strong>y always get<br />

in on their first try because of their 4.0<br />

GPA's")<br />

"But wail a minute! What would<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> be. without dweebs? Hey. the rest<br />

of us could all get decent grades and cnj you know<br />

what? I was happy to do so well! I felt<br />

like I really knew wjai the teacher was<br />

talking about and. maybe if I managed to<br />

do well a couple more times. I could pull<br />

that "B" up to an "A." Yes, I could do<br />

it! I -.txikl be a dweeb!<br />

But I don't really consider myself a<br />

dweeb. I'm one of the normal people, 1<br />

think. In fact. I've come to two conclusions<br />

abodt dweebs.<br />

First, there is no such thing aj a pure,<br />

100 percent dweeb, not in real life at<br />

least. Tnc straight "A" Slavic history<br />

major decs ride her bicycle to schtx>l<br />

every day, and, yos. in ;wcatpanu'. Abo.<br />

the nerd in the physics cla*s has aerially<br />

said some piclty interesting monosyllabic<br />

words. To tell the truth, my old girl.<br />

fricnJ mentioned something iboa him<br />

having a nice smite. Dweebs arc peoule,<br />

loo.<br />

"Nobody can be a<br />

true <strong>Lowell</strong> student<br />

without having a little<br />

dweeb in them."<br />

Second, nobody can be a true Unveil<br />

student without having a little dweeb in<br />

them. It is good to tarn a few thing* noo<br />

and then. "After all. let's not forget tie<br />

primary purpose M cir institution."<br />

Dweebs aren't so bad. <strong>The</strong>y are a big<br />

pan. a Urge unavoidable pan, of <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

So think twice before you tell your<br />

friends abac that dweeb that makes you<br />

sickT by always doing the extra credit ma'-h<br />

problems. Remember thai your English<br />

teacher praised you for your insightful<br />

essay on the life cycle of a pizza bread.<br />

because it's possible that English<br />

dawntes may be calling you the dweeb.<br />

We know who the dweebs ire. Tbe><br />

abound at <strong>Lowell</strong> High School.<br />

><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ><br />

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