Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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. «•*«• 2 loatll Mlgh School. Sin Frjnriiro. Cilifornij Ml). 1<br />

Kermesse is back!<br />

V "<strong>The</strong> Kersr-vie b * unique intcr-<br />

• ••atiooal food fair organized to improve<br />

school spirit and promote the<br />

brotherhood of all peoples," ca><br />

• plained Hany Ccllts. head of the<br />

Foreign Language Department.<br />

TVs event will lake place on Thurs*<br />

- day, April 25. 1985.<br />

'<strong>The</strong>re is a double reason to hold<br />

the KermcsK," CoJlb continued.<br />

"Originally, the main reason for<br />

having the celebration was to raise<br />

, funds for the Foreign Language<br />

Lab. <strong>The</strong> money raised U very important<br />

to maintain the equipment.<br />

But. as the Kcrmcsac became<br />

popular, the improvement of school<br />

spirit became just as important a<br />

reason for having it."<br />

Last year there was no Kcrmesse<br />

at Luwcl*. A conflict arose between<br />

the teachers of the Foreign<br />

Language Dcpanrocnt and the administration<br />

over the hours of extracurricular<br />

school service.<br />

All <strong>Lowell</strong> teachers wtre assigned<br />

sporting evcou to attend. Most<br />

foreign language teachers objected<br />

to UJC supervision duty, stating that<br />

the hours of planning and supervising<br />

the Kermeuc fulfilled the administration<br />

requirement.<br />

Dr. Alan B. Fibish. principal.<br />

disagreed with the Foreign<br />

Language Department's reasoning.<br />

and therefore, the Foreign<br />

• Laocuarc Department cancelled the<br />

~~ 19M Kcrmcsac.<br />

"1 have never had any problems<br />

with the Kermessc, " slated Fibish.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> members of the Foreign<br />

Language Department made a deci-<br />

sion not to have it last >car. I am<br />

glad that the Kermcsie will be back,<br />

and 1 believe the decision to hold it<br />

ihit year b a good one."<br />

"Last year, my friends and 1 were<br />

prttty upset because ti was cancelled.<br />

We were really looking forward<br />

to it," expressed junior Allen Choi,<br />

in a staten.nU that echoed those of<br />

many other <strong>Lowell</strong> students.<br />

"I sense a very strong feeling that<br />

most students »inl to have the<br />

Kermcsvc — not only to observe —<br />

but to take part in it and show their<br />

crcitivuy." reasoned Georges<br />

Tchikovani, chief orpnUcr of the<br />

1985 event.<br />

"We arc currently working on<br />

making a better program than in past<br />

yean, with more variety,"<br />

Tchikovani stressed. "Hopefully,<br />

more kids will participate. 1 hope<br />

that teachers from other departments<br />

will all-nv student* to attend<br />

the KcrmcMc so everyone can get as<br />

much out of the day as possible."<br />

Foreign Language Lab Director<br />

Marc ZavaJa revealed. "In add it urn<br />

to the many different foods and<br />

displays, there will be a show with<br />

dinccr* and muiicuns. <strong>The</strong>re will<br />

a'Mi be prizes given to the stud.*pl<br />

w ilh the bevt cmtumc and the booth<br />

with the best food."<br />

Kcrmeuc will be new w miny<br />

students. For others who have been<br />

at the Kerocssc before, it will still<br />

be good to have back."<br />

Many students havr fond<br />

memories of the pavt Kcrtrmses,<br />

while for the studenu in the<br />

freshman and sophomore <strong>class</strong>es.<br />

this will be a first look at this <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Senior Helen Straloudakis recalled.<br />

"1 participated in the Hellenic<br />

Club for two yean. We sold Greek<br />

food and pastries. We had Greek<br />

dancers that were dressed up in<br />

cotfumo representing a designated<br />

area in Greece, ll was a lot of fun."<br />

"It is su unique thit it sets <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

apart from the other schoolv," ennmcnteJ<br />

senior Oxu Smi'h, W!IP added.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Kermeuc Ha very socul<br />

event because everyone can pet<br />

involved."<br />

Junior Wilfred Dcrc stated, "I<br />

especial!;' enjoyed the food and the<br />

cjpcnenccs of having all thr<br />

cultural offering*.**<br />

Tera RoVtrs. a <strong>Lowell</strong> Irwhnian.<br />

promised. ' I'm going :o irate<br />

cream pulfi and quiches for iltc<br />

French Exhibition."<br />

Dohc often disturbs clams.<br />

Fibish punishes<br />

noisy students<br />

"All ihc language <strong>class</strong>es and<br />

some clubs, such as the Korean.<br />

Chinese. Japanese, and Vietnamese<br />

CluH. will sponsor booth* with the<br />

fixxl* and costumes of different<br />

"1 have never »ecn a Kefme\se<br />

before," confessed ficshman JJ.<br />

Spcvht. "But it '.hould he run to<br />

really vec the blend of cultures that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> is proud of."<br />

Counselor Stella Michaclian<br />

n>ucJ. "Ii'fc iii.» ui: 1^4med mci*<br />

Countries." V-awli continued. "We JUKJI CKII other If **c can uan<br />

encourage students to dm* up in UK with other people'* cultute*. line<br />

couumes of many countries." <strong>The</strong> Kcrmewe is a ilep in thai<br />

Tchikovuii pointed out. "<strong>The</strong> direction.<br />

-Violence returns to trestle path-<br />

By DM Hailofoo<br />

rob the stfdents. When one of the Sloncstown Shopping Mall and<br />

Once again, the area Iroown as the victim* declined to give any money, Winston Drive, where many<br />

Trestle Path has proven dangenxu one of the aggressors revealed a students board buses after school.<br />

to <strong>Lowell</strong> students.<br />

knit.* and apparently tried to stab the <strong>The</strong> path and nearby trestle bridge<br />

<strong>The</strong> latest incident occurred on <strong>Lowell</strong> student — cutting open the have been sites for other crimes, in-<br />

March 22 at ooontime ntime as to sleeve of the victim.<br />

cluding theft, indecent ciposurr. ar-<br />

^t^iwir^H <strong>Lowell</strong> freshmen were Two witnesses U> the attack scared son, and rape.<br />

e»dng lunth by the path. Accordiog away Ur: muggers and helped the Gloria Bogdaooff. assistant prin-<br />

to Elba Salpdo, dean of students at students to the lowell building, cipal, warned, "<strong>The</strong> path's many<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, the Modems ". . . were from where the Police Department trees and bushes attract unpleasant<br />

cssaolted by rwo suangen who were wav cjlled. <strong>The</strong> response time to people. <strong>The</strong> previous incident, vhow<br />

drinking and were ai high as a that call wi% AS minutes.<br />

that we should try *°<br />

Utc"<br />

Th= isolated and wooded Lrea is<br />

j<br />

<strong>The</strong> if^"?^ - then oUcmptcd to oflcr* used as a short cut to the<br />

avoi IU Irrm Kim<br />

Although the campaign against<br />

noise in the halls hasn't been as<br />

popularized as that launched against<br />

litter, the problem, nevertheless, exists;<br />

only recently have school offkialt<br />

begun to take disciplinary octicn<br />

zziitix •'soiseruktrv"<br />

kisr improved following language<br />

leather Sara Ticlaun** Ictlrr.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y really did hurl thermcUc*<br />

against the door. <strong>The</strong>) wok pleasure<br />

m steini; how fjr they t*»uld go."<br />

commented a student who wished to<br />

remain anonymous, though the<br />

group member* contended<br />

d that area.<br />

It iv not vife 4t all."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Security Aide t on H;xJgcs<br />

advtved. "For your own safety it iv<br />

best to talc the long way instead of a<br />

shon cut." Hndjgcv continueJ,<br />

"Especially if um'rc alone ii is a<br />

very tlangtmu* pl^cc to he."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Trevlle Path w IOCJICJ directly<br />

behind the fence f ihc<br />

Sloncvtown parking Ivt. Thiv atca \\<br />

owned by the Siimcum Developmem<br />

Corporation, which tiics In<br />

keep the area secure.<br />

Stoncstown Security Officer<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem gained tlgnlttcam attention<br />

after a teacher wrote a lettrr<br />

to Thr ^ntfjf protesting the conditions<br />

outside her room on the second<br />

floor.<br />

KHlowinf* Itn* tixi'rJ.'ri. Prinvipj)<br />

AUn Fiic\c I »J« nuking all the nuive.<br />

"I'm vuppiKed to vet an cwitplc.<br />

1 think," vaid ihc viudcnt.<br />

"We're wx the t»nly i»nes makn):<br />

Sinuljily. texhers offered different<br />

opinion* on (he *cscnt> ol UKproblcm.<br />

Chemistry teacher Thomav l*ng£*<br />

said that noive •* not a prublem for<br />

*iim tvcjuic the d.wr iv "...fairly<br />

thick "<br />

"Vtu can't leave the doof open.<br />

Hi »C»LT. it a teacher must open it<br />

for the sake of ventilation purposes.<br />

I think that it i* up to the MittSent* to<br />

make an effort lobe quiet." he said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ultimate solution he fell<br />

•vould be to install "...sound proof<br />

English teacher FUmic Lewis<br />

shared the method she and many<br />

other teacher* employ L> \ilcnce the<br />

halls.<br />

"If the noise prevents me Inin<br />

teavhini;. I'm pung to sell in order<br />

to pill them.<br />

"I know that I'm taking a chance<br />

becau've it'* easy for <strong>Lowell</strong> k>ds to<br />

be wnsime. but freedom t* tn-c<br />

thing and license is another," she<br />

4vserted<br />

<strong>The</strong> pci»plc in the vxond floor<br />

*foup jcknttwlcu^cd LrLit teachers<br />

l.i\c hurl'-d siritul JNJVV> M IbcitI<br />

jnvt vooti-nJcd thjl •>ne leather<br />

•uv-jr*"' at iheni.<br />

I Ui>n't think ica^h*.'rv *h«t do<br />

ilui jre settirn: p^vj cumple.."<br />

Kevin Martin patrolv the area during<br />

the late evening and early mormr.g<br />

hours. "We have an officer patrol<br />

the path about every 15 minutcv and<br />

guard the area between 7:30 and<br />

8:30 in the morning when the kids<br />

the ndtsc." viid veniof Daniel<br />

Lhi^c. «mc «if hiv ctxr.panKm\<br />

"<strong>The</strong> pci> *c waiting in the food line<br />

(nui»kk nx. n 2-itt) are p*ctty noisy.<br />

u«."<br />

Contrary to Thomas' hope that the<br />

Students and school otftcials alike<br />

agreed that the noise ts a consequence<br />

of modular whedultng and<br />

that the only solution would be to<br />

eliminate this aspect of <strong>Lowell</strong> life.<br />

are walking to school. I don't know- suspension would be the "...first Fihtsh cautioned ttut clinututioi<br />

why anyone would want to be there and last one" regarding the situa- ol modular whalalin,: WIHII.: rv J<br />

at all."<br />

tion, a month later. Fibish suipcnd- ptKsibilny vhtuld th/ i^nw |tf>>r*lt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last incident to occur in the cd another three studentv for the<br />

area near the Trestle **»lh previous same reason.<br />

to the assault was a fire that burned<br />

most of the rtilltidc adjacent to ihc<br />

; path. This happened in November<br />

t of 1984 and was <strong>class</strong>ified as trwn.<br />

< Two years ago, a <strong>Lowell</strong> student<br />

' was raped near the path in tb~ late<br />

"No group of students has the<br />

rijht to steal a quiet learning environment<br />

from others. My functioa<br />

b to provide a good learning environrrent:<br />

any interruption i» a problem<br />

and rentoves the opportunity<br />

' afternoon. <strong>The</strong> suspect was never for learning." Fibish said.<br />

f<br />

[<br />

:<br />

apprehended.<br />

BogdanofT added. 'Ninth graocrs<br />

who don't know the hazards of Ihc<br />

"For a teacher to leave his ebsv<br />

to quiet down the hallway shouldn't<br />

be nccnvary." added Thonut.<br />

area should be especially wary. Do Smdcnts who have <strong>class</strong>es in the<br />

not use the Trestle Path."<br />

disputed area agree that conditions<br />

> m<br />

persist. tn»»tj;h he AUCVI n M.HIUI he<br />

canted tt ru!l*j>* i*<br />

tnev tuhie."

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