Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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tjt HL 7.V IWl. Mjrt* 7. I9SS<br />

SPORTS^<br />

extra innings^<br />

Sandra Wong<br />

If you're a 6 foot 11 inch senioi in high school who can<br />

dribble a basketball, you don't have to worry about finding<br />

the right college. Colleges are sore to find you instead.<br />

Just ask Chris Washburn.<br />

From thi time Washbum was in the ninth grade, he has<br />

been the object of many a college basketball coach's<br />

dreams. He received personal lctteis from Louisville Cardinal<br />

coach Denny Crum and North Carolina Tar Heels<br />

coach Dean Smith that showered him with compliments<br />

concerning his play. His ego soared. He was just a<br />

freshman in high school who happened to be 6 feet 9 inches<br />

tall.<br />

By the time Washburn was a senior, he had received<br />

over 1,000 pieces of mail from varioia colleges and<br />

universities irxluding Brown, Cornell, Duke, Maryland,<br />

Clemson, and North Carolina State. He was one of the<br />

most sought after college prospects in the nation.<br />

Washbum, a resident of North Carolina, chose to ati-nd<br />

Notth Carolina State, the 1983 NCAA champions.<br />

'. olfpack conch Jim Valvano and his coaching staff actively<br />

pursued Washbum throughout his high school<br />

years with hundreds of letters, postcards, and handwritten<br />

notes. Everything was going wonderfully for<br />

Chris until he actually stepped on csmpus.<br />

On the basketball court he was doing great. Off the<br />

court was another matter. On September 19, 1984,<br />

Washbum was fined a mere S25 and received a 30-day<br />

suspended sentence for slapping a female MUIICIU.<br />

On December 21 he was arrested and charged with second<br />

degree burglary. He later pleaded guilty to a lesser<br />

charge. His crime: he had stolen $800 worth of stereo<br />

equipment from the dorm of a Wolfpack football player.<br />

Washbum, who was dropped from thr team upon his arrest,<br />

received a six-year suspended sentence. His punishment<br />

was to do community work. Wow!<br />

During his trial, it was revealed that he scored a total of<br />

470 on the Schob'tic Aptitude Test (SAT). With total<br />

scores of 270 in main and 200, the lowest possible score,<br />

in the verbal section, one has to wonder whether or not<br />

the colleges who desperately tried to recruit him ever<br />

bothered to check out his academic record. Brown, Cor<br />

ncll, ana other universities, urc you listening?<br />

' For the record, Washbum passed all of his fall<br />

semester <strong>class</strong>es. His courses included the history of<br />

American sport and public speaking.<br />

Perhaps I am being naive when I think of sports in<br />

terms of camaraderie and competition. After all, who<br />

doesn't want to be • part of a winning team? However,<br />

there is a very ugly aspect of sports that often remains<br />

hidden. Beyond the smiling cheerleaders and adorng fans<br />

are the agents and recruiters who often exploit athletes.<br />

Who cares if an athlete can't read? As long as he can slam<br />

dunk or breal :..~iugh tackles...<br />

Washbw • * back with the Wolfpack next seasor<br />

if all goes •' --oolong towards the future, he one-:<br />

remarked, '. en my kids see all the letters that I<br />

icceived from aii these schools, I think they're going to<br />

be proud of me." For your sake, Chris, I hope they will<br />

be too.<br />

Softball team is optimistic<br />

With the softbal) season hiving<br />

begun only yesterday for <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

team couch Lorctta DcAndreis u<br />

optimistic about the v»wn.<br />

tbz tram should be lurcg again<br />

thi«. "eai because the hitting and the<br />

infield have improved v*Jt)y since<br />

last year, DcAndrrii noted. <strong>The</strong> pitching<br />

sufl could prove to be<br />

ulened, the rided,<br />

DeAndrcis » shying away frcm<br />

mentioning any Ley player* before<br />

the season really geu underway.<br />

"We r nllo play a few games<br />

before we get our starting line-up<br />

established." she commented. She<br />

indicated the team consists ol returning<br />

play=n Cindy Brown, Virginia<br />

Cameron, usi Tina rVnkooe (all<br />

seniors). Uly Tong. Lunnc Young,<br />

and Jennifer Y«mg (junior;), and<br />

Tina Hoppc and Dalkia Nance<br />

(sophonorei).<br />

<strong>The</strong> team has two auburn<br />

coaches, Kriucn DeAnJrttt and<br />

Cheat Jimcoez.<br />

DcAndrei* says that team<br />

members arc enthusiastic.<br />

Freshman Courtney LubeU added.<br />

"I think the team is excellent. We<br />

really i-orfc well together." She joked.<br />

"After practicing on h £<br />

Senior VLrgtaU Cameron pne<br />

tlco her bunting technique*.<br />

we dtservc to win."<br />

ladioe Manhalt. a sophomore and<br />

a new (-layer, said. "We really tutve<br />

a good time. We help each other<br />

sport*wise and playing; in<br />

everything.*' She adicC. "U'i not<br />

jutt us working for ourselvei, or inv<br />

prusing the coaches. We realty help<br />

cadi other."<br />

Maody l^wis, a freshman, said,<br />

Ve have a really .vwg team.<br />

Everyone is good In all aspcrts.**<br />

Fnmcc* Gee, a junior and a new<br />

team member- commented. 1 nave<br />

• tot of confidence in the team."<br />

Cameron, a Tieuibcr for three<br />

yean, noted, "You have to have a<br />

good attitude on this team. Of<br />

course, we'U win."<br />

Tim Gord'n. i sophomore and<br />

ancher new player, pointed, out.<br />

"We are very good and competitive<br />

in both fielding and hitting. We are<br />

aggressive."<br />

DeAodrcis said Out Wilson Is the<br />

toughat opponent. Wilson beat<br />

Lcwell in lite chrapionship game<br />

last vcir. "We always cr>*oy hrating<br />

Wilson." she concluded.'<br />

Fencers get points from Olympian<br />

By ArabeTa Walker<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> fencing team. looking<br />

forward to the 19&3 tcaioo. .rill hive<br />

its first league match today against<br />

McAtccr at the Jaguars' campus.<br />

Before the Academic Athletic<br />

Association individual preliminaries,<br />

the team will compete against<br />

Berkeley. Washington. McAteer.<br />

Galileo. Wilton. Balboa. Lincoln,<br />

and Mtuion.<br />

Coach Adair Tench stated. "\'Je<br />

have all the nope in the world t> give<br />

al! eight competitors a good match<br />

and we hfe to win.<br />

Tnit iea-on*» team consuls of<br />

Glenn Aueda. Michael Cho. Karen<br />

Hall. Shijc Kubou. Patrick Loute.<br />

Cek-ue Soi-od. Jamet Tarn. Coruuelo<br />

rolentino. Bob Tong. ArahclU<br />

Walker. Sanuntha Walker, and<br />

Ha*Lin Woo.<br />

; they have actually fenced on the<br />

itrip wr.h people ud^xlge* witching<br />

them, accuniing to Tench. "U wil* be<br />

Tench feels that having 12 a cha.'ltn;e for uVm to practice<br />

members on the team i\ tm advantage harder to achieve the top spou." she<br />

beewe "... it allow \ more tndiv iauil affirmed.<br />

attention and practice time tor c**h Sine: Tench started coaching, she<br />

team member."<br />

has teen lon'-iug for guests to give<br />

Tench remarUd. "We inow our pointers and to neln the team. This<br />

skilU. and all of us are working hard season, the H&Txnud. Fencers' Club<br />

in «laily practice. With our oesl cf- referred Peter Schif rin. a memba of<br />

r-fu. goud sponunamhip and i lit* th» t9M United States Olympic Fen*<br />

tic more confidenvc. we can reach out cin* Team, to Tench.<br />

and go for the gold."<br />

Y^nch enthused. "<strong>The</strong> team U<br />

<strong>The</strong> team's weakness is that man> dclightrd tv lave Peer with us. We<br />

of latl season's starters graduated. all. from the coach on down, have<br />

<strong>The</strong> four reMrning players. Asacda. learned so much and arc so grateful."<br />

Cho. XUNHJ. and Ton.;, were ne* Tench welconrts spectators to the<br />

sunrrs la*t VCOMMI, >ct they all team's first home match on March<br />

"strip experience." meaning 21. versus Berkeley.<br />

Netters confident as season begins<br />

By Julie Yamaka»a<br />

<strong>The</strong> reigning charnpionihip bays'<br />

varsity tennis team ha* high expectations<br />

to mcccufully defend its city<br />

title »ihe new VXMKI gew underway.<br />

Coach Barbara Pralu t\ confident<br />

that the team will succeed. "We<br />

shouldn't have any problem w inning<br />

the champtomhip." *hc dcclirrd.<br />

In recent year*. <strong>Lowell</strong> has<br />

dominated the league, having won<br />

wen of the Uu eight city trUc*. With<br />

16 returning player* from Utt year"*<br />

cr»mp«on>hV team. Pram espectv .he<br />

winning tradition to continue.<br />

She fccU that the team's main<br />

strength* arc experience and depth in<br />

both single* and double*. Praio added<br />

ihat the team's morale is "very<br />

good" and the players arc "very enthusiastic,<br />

confident and ready to<br />

p^y."<br />

Senior Henry Wong explained.<br />

"Last year no one really knew each<br />

other well, but this year, we're more<br />

of a tam'-Jy."<br />

Senior Peter Woo agreed- "1 think<br />

we're better as a team than as individuals.<br />

We're going to be really<br />

good this year because we're experienced."<br />

be said.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 20 players on this year's<br />

squad. <strong>The</strong> five top singles players<br />

and the top ***» doubles teams rcprcscai<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> in the varsity matches.<br />

Returning varsity singles players<br />

are the number one seed, sophomore<br />

Kirby Y?c. and seniors Eric Lin and<br />

Ramon Calnoun. <strong>The</strong>y will be joined<br />

by -t newcomer, junior Jiaitn Chen<br />

and a fifth player to be named later.<br />

Four vniors. all returning players,<br />

fill the varsity doubles spou. Wong<br />

and Barry Tsai arc seeued first.<br />

followed by Woo end David Pong.<br />

In the first two aon-Ecaguc mat*<br />

ches of the year. Luwcll easily<br />

defeated Sacred Heart and St. Ignatius.<br />

bJth by scores of 6-1.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will f«ce San Rafael on<br />

March 12 uitd Mission, in a Icigue<br />

contest, on March 13. Both matches<br />

wili be played at home.<br />

Senior Ratnoa CaBwoa returns the ball.<br />

vAUrrvaASB \*Herejt is — spring sports^ schedule<br />

q. UMA 27 o Halo. %t.<br />

)15 p. (10<br />

Mlj^Hnll>«•. M-k.KJoUaiaKS<br />

IIII1I>. Uadi II !T lUMtk HS a<br />

"-*'*?«J.'-- M rr^»« l! ' Tl-»irASllO»--.^Mi-«.<br />

Wianhj. Aftfl 17 O Hvatay n. OUta<br />

WedMUty. Miy I a Onfcim iv.<br />

Wi H 1U 3;U|atlM)<br />

>. Kay 2 a Onkat n.'<br />

WataiOrT M. Urn* 12 — McAMT •». i<br />

hftn3 n.THflmj, MMtih U- B*&«<br />

. IAMO M Haul):». Tteadfy. Mwtfc IV<br />

Lwwtt *u Uvota M Sm 3 JO.<br />

1 T. M<br />

. MlMka «lickio.<br />


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