Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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<strong>Re</strong>:<strong>TheAshLad</strong><br />

Volume 4:10

<strong>Sandbooks</strong><br />

ISBN 978-82-92860-00-7<br />



ISBN 978-82-92860-00-7 (complete)<br />

First Edition<br />

Copyleft 2007

Johann Morgenbild<br />

<strong>Re</strong>:<strong>TheAshLad</strong><br />

Volume 4:10

278<br />

tan fatso crabcakes hen peanut butler plan door tan moor. foreplay bone<br />

lip ticks catcher chin da lie nor ana dy cat puat. tened scream blond. all<br />

the or fabkeys please tether ben nat. duck taker. mate bow dow. bet<br />

more don. blow. zen. nappy nappy per hay. may in yo. may.. clober ben<br />

say vin ma hark vest tea blond kevin more tell coach. bland cure bound<br />

head. plug vast NORAD bat buzz bird bun meter buzz. sneez bleed<br />

nose cellophane. biscuit above plan carnivorous pew blue. cart cut but<br />

chen now tall please bar teflon tis cum above who. accord hospital fake<br />

clowns chew hot blues vent ten bet.. Googlism poems. .. she is not fair<br />

to outward view. she is not a beauty even when she smiles. she is like a<br />

woman. she is moaning after anal insertion. she is up again against the<br />

skin of her guitar. she is now her father's daughter. she is e. she is<br />

pulled feet. she is not fair to outward view. she is more to be pitied than<br />

censured. she is talking up a storm. she is spoke here. she is the<br />

darkness. she is growing up. she is dying. she is beautiful sells for. she<br />

is sleeping. she is inserting the finger into her pussy. she is in love with<br />

herself and has made some of hollywood's worst films. she is very<br />

famous in some fetish videos. she is probably the best ever seen. she is<br />

beautiful. she is beautiful and hot. .. he is one of the top actors in the<br />

world. he is not afraid to fly. he is coming. he is in love with her wants<br />

to leave his wife. he is risen. he is us. he is pained by occupation of<br />

jerusalem. he is currently waiting for a lung transplant. he is induced or<br />

persuaded by law enforcement officers. he is outraged by enron<br />

outcome. he is consulting with congress. he is not allowed to comment<br />

on what happened because it is a security. matter. he is here. he is one<br />

of the top actors in the world. he is decorated boris yeltsin. he is the<br />

spy. he is not afraid to fly moscow. he is not well. text derived by<br />

searching googlism.com for he and she with. who argument. entry order<br />

maintained though text was heavily edited. and lineated. Brandon Barr.<br />

nettime unstable digest vol. Sun Feb. msg positioning.<br />

u.r.in.the.making. From mez breeze. To arc.hivelm.va.com.au<br />

mail.ljudmila.org. LE TEXTE ET LA MACHINE.. From rWxRWXR<br />

x. To nettimefrsamizdat.net mail.ljudmila.org. It all begins. . . vers.<br />


From MWP. To POETICSLISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU. (no subject).<br />

From iso YoFn MangrelFaen. To. narcissism (ny report). From Alan<br />

Sondheim. To nettimelbbs.thing.net. sorted out. From Ana Buigues. To<br />

WRYTINGLLISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA. <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> hypertext. From<br />

mez breeze. moat tory frown ten. From kari edwards. To<br />

POETICSLISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU. Googlism poems. From<br />

Brandon Thomas Barr. To POETICSLISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU.<br />

lurking editors. beatrice beaubien. nettimebold thingist. florian cramer.<br />

arc.hive eugene oo rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting. alan sondheim.<br />

arc.hive poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting. Id digestunstable.plv .<br />

paragram Exp. Nettimebold mailing list. Nettimeboldnettime.org. End<br />

of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong> iuoma New poll for iuoma. Enter your vote<br />

today A new poll has been created for the. iuoma group. I would like to<br />

know artists perfered. mediums. o cutpast. Å først nå ser jeg<br />

tidsdimensjonen cut er framover mens past er bakover. så. det er.<br />

pulsktkunst han mener fortiden er alltid et innklipp framtida en.<br />

avskjæring.. o mixed media. Et annet media enn du trodde jeg lagde et<br />

maleri men det ble bare tråkket på.. o anything. Hvorfor er det ikke et 'vet<br />

ikke'alternativ her. o found objects. I motsetning til ikkefunnede<br />

objekter.. o crayons and finger paints. Hører de sammen I prefer crayons<br />

and anything and finger pains gikt.. Fwd RE operaen.no. dåelig<br />

humørhumor mvh Lynx. ps our new operating system IBUX really soon<br />

free headaches for all noen. flere brett nå. så banker vi det igjennom..<br />

<strong>Re</strong>gards from. ..Hirnsage... Start of forwarded message. Fwd RE<br />

operaen.no. From HansChristian Bøhler. To 'Kent MantiesEljot'.<br />

SubjectRE operaen.no. Hvilken web er det du sikter til. ) HC.<br />

hans.christian.bohlervirtualgarden.no. tlf. dir. mobil. Original Message.<br />

From Kent MantiesEljot mailtopronounnetcom.no. Sent . februar. To<br />

hcvirtualgarden.no. Subject operaen.no. hei. hvorfor virker den ikke<br />

klikk her for å åpne står det etc. no. nix. hva med en website som virker<br />

istedenfor alt mikkmakk. utviklet av virtualgarbage c come.n. mvh. B.<br />

End of forwarded message. Show this bold Prussian that praises<br />

slaughter slaughter brings rout. Behead. Fwd <strong>Re</strong> noemataliste. Hei. Yo.<br />

Mener å huske at dujeg skulle melde meg på noemataepostlisten men at.<br />

det av en eller annen grunn ikke ble gjort.. Nå ser noemata.net ut til å være<br />

nede for telling (eller leker du. .org) så hvordan melder jeg meg på da.<br />

Ikke nede men med ftpdesign praktisk men ikke så brukervennlig.. som<br />

vel skal fungere som forside tenkte jeg.... Epostlista er ikke så høytidlig<br />

lav terskel. Arkivet er åpent men det går visst an å lukke det for å gjøre det<br />

mer privat. men. jeg har ikke. brydd meg med det foreløpig.. mer senere<br />


B. ps køen er vel endimensjonal en strømsekvens Å jamme noe betyr å gi<br />

det. flere. dimensjoner I motsetning til å kalle det 'sammenbrudd'<br />

'katastrofe' Samtidig. så. ekspanderer det i kompleksitet Har kaos flere<br />

'dimensjoner' enn orden Det. samme med. 'oppløsning' samfunnet er i<br />

oppløsning forstått som degenerering kollaps. men kan man. ikke like<br />

enkelt se på det som ekspandering inn i en hyperdimensjon eh.<br />

eksemplifisert med. kølappsystemet før måtte vi stå i kø rent fysisk så fant<br />

noen på at det. holder. med en. referanselapp til en posisjon i en virtuell<br />

kø en hyperkø som gjorde at. den. fysiske køen. oppløste seg. (Neste<br />

skritt i immaterialiseringen ville vært å fjerne. referansene eller at. en<br />

kølapp bare refererte til en annen kølapp) (Det hadde vært moro å lagd et.<br />

nytt. pengesystemvaluta som på en eller annen måte interagerte med<br />

vanlige penger). (Dessuten hadde. noemata kunne. kanskje gått til krig<br />

mot noen). End of forwarded message. femme fatamorgana fantasy<br />

woman. isoQkulturnettMagasinetFeilafraigEr. hei mr. newton. Pekere.<br />

En grei innføring i hva weblogger er noemata VG. jeg forandra linken<br />

til dagens weblog.... pasta. Feila fra i går. Det var i at Gud og hvermann<br />

fant ut at det var nødvendig å legge seg. flat.. Sein i. avtrekket som jeg er<br />

kaster jeg meg først nå i slapset med ansiktet ned.. Jeg forventer ikke at<br />

noen av Kulturnetts lesere husker det men i. fjor vår hadde jeg et krast<br />

angrep på weblogger (forkortet blogger). I. kortversjon. konstaterte jeg<br />

at slike dagbøker på verdensveven stort sett inneholdt. navlebeskuende.<br />

pludring og bare bidro til å gjøre det vanskeligere å finne meningsfylt.<br />

innhold.. Siden den. gang har jeg rukket å lese weblogger langt mer<br />

inngående og systematisk. Og jeg. er kommet til. at jeg tok grundig feil..<br />

Jeg slutter meg nå helhjertet til bloggskribenten Steven Johnson som i<br />

en. artikkel i. nettidsskriftet Salon påpeker at blogger samler pekere på en<br />

slik måte at de. faktisk gjør det. lettere å følge med på nettet. De gode<br />

bloggene er dessuten velskrevne og de. inneholder en. fascinerende<br />

blanding av private betraktninger om alt mellom himmel og jord..<br />

Nyvinninger på. skriftkulturens område ser vi ikke så ofte og derfor er<br />

bloggene verdt å merke. seg for langt. flere enn nettnerder.. Johnson er<br />

en av mange engelskspråklige forfattere journalister og akademikere.<br />

som har sin. egen blogg. Jo flere skribentblogger jeg leste desto mer<br />

undret jeg meg over. hvorfor. kolleger som allerede når frem gjennom<br />

andre kanaler bruker så mye verdifull. tid på å legge. ut gratisstoff. Jeg<br />

kom til at det bare var n måte å finne det ut på og. følgelig forvandlet. jeg<br />

mine egne hjemmesider til en blogg for en måned siden.At det finnes<br />

svært. få. skribentblogger på norsk var også en del av motivasjonen. Det er<br />

aldri dumt å. være tidlig. ute.. Det første som slo meg var hvor enkelt og<br />


askt det var å blogge (skrive et. innlegg i en. blogg) sammenlignet med<br />

all annen publisering jeg har erfaring med. Som. bloggere flest. bruker<br />

jeg et vevbasert system. Det vil si at jeg ikke trenger å installere.<br />

programvare på. datamaskinen men bare klikker i bokmerkelista i<br />

nettleseren for å få opp et. vindu jeg kan. taste inn tekst i. Når teksten er<br />

ferdig er nok et museklikk alt som skal til. for å. publisere den til<br />

bloggen. Vevløsningen innebærer for øvrig at jeg kan skrive. nye innlegg<br />

fra. datamaskiner hvor som helst på kloden så sant de er koblet til nettet..<br />

Jeg hadde ikke skrevet mange innlegg før jeg merket at det var lett å bli.<br />

hektet. på den. daglige bloggingen. Et forfattermunnhell sier at a writer<br />

writes og. webloggen. har gjort. det lettere enn noensinne å få utløp for<br />

skrivekløen. Har jeg noe på hjertet. som. ikke passer. i andre medier leser<br />

noe interessant på nettet eller får en artig peker i en. epost kan det. bli et<br />

blogginnlegg av det. Skulle innlegget bli for pludrete og<br />

navlebeskuende. (ikke. usannsynlig i mitt tilfelle) står det deg fritt å<br />

fortelle meg det ved hjelp. av. kommentarfunksjonen du finner etter<br />

hvert innlegg.. Jeg vet at det høres nyfrelst ut men jeg er overbevist om<br />

at weblogger kan gi. formidling av. forfattere og litteratur et høyst<br />

tiltrengt løft. I motsetning til det store. grosset av. forfatternettsider er<br />

blogger dynamiske. De gjør det mulig for leserne å følge. forfatterens.<br />

artikler. kommentere bøker stille spørsmål og få informasjon om<br />

publikumsopptredener.. Nytteverdien går. begge veier. Besøksstatistikk<br />

og kommentarer kan fungere som leserbarometre og. weblogger kan.<br />

bli utgangspunkt for bokprosjekter hvor forfatter og lesere utveksler<br />

ideer og. erfaringer.. Min egen blogg ligger foreløpig langt fra dette<br />

idealet. Innholdet i innleggene. er for. sprikende til at flertallet av mine<br />

lesere vil se tråden i dem og kommentarene. jeg får er. stort sett fra<br />

venner og bekjente. Men for n gangs skyld behøver jeg ikke være. redd<br />

for å. være på villspor. Webloggen er en tilgivende publiseringsform jeg<br />

kan når som. helst skrive. nye innlegg som forandrer profilen. I så måte er<br />

blogger essensen av blanke ark. med. fargestifter til.. Pekere. En grei<br />

innføring i hva weblogger er. No war blog er kritisk til den planlagte<br />

krigen mot Irak og er et godt. eksempel. på en blogg. som organiserer<br />

informasjon på Internett. Les Steven Johnsons bloggartikkel før den<br />

forsvinner mye tyder på at Salon. (som jeg har. omtalt på Kulturnett<br />

tidligere i artikkelen Salongradikaler) er i ferd med å gå. dukken. Noen<br />

skribentblogger Cory Doctorow (i samarbeid med flere andre) Steven.<br />

Johnson Howard. Rheingold og David Weinberger. Min egen weblogg<br />

er laget med Movable Type et gratis publiseringssystem som. kan. være.<br />

komplisert å installere men som også er svært allsidig.. Signal til støy min<br />


artikkel om weblogger fra mars i fjor. Ingen norsk forfatter har lagt ut<br />

mer på Internett enn Tor Åge Bringsværd som. bruker. Gyldendal forlags<br />

server. Men sidene er akk så statiske. Gi den mannen en. blogg.<br />

Gyldendal. Alle artikler av Eirik Newth. Av Eirik Newth (). noemata<br />



words). THE THIRD CULTURE. One of the reasons besides sheer<br />

artistry that Katinka Matson's work. resonates so strongly with us is<br />

that is that the insect like vision. that results from scanning<br />

directtoCCD runs so much deeper in us than. vision as processed<br />

through a lens. By removing the lens Matson's work. bypasses an entire<br />

stack of added layers and takes us back to when we saw. more by<br />

looking at less. George Dyson. FIVE FLOWERS. By Katinka Matson<br />

An Exhibit. On the cognitive level new perceptual ways of looking at<br />

things can. provide categorization challenges. William H. Calvin. ON<br />

SCANNER PHOTOGRAPHY. Contributors George Dyson William<br />

Calvin Nicholas Humphrey. UNIVERSES (Continued). Science is a<br />

kind of open laboratory for a democracy. It's a way to. experiment with<br />

the ideals of our democratic societies. For example in. science you must<br />

accept the fact that you live in a community that makes. the ultimate<br />

judgment as to the worth of your work. But at the same time.<br />

everybody's judgment is his or her own. The ethics of the community.<br />

require that you argue for what you believe and that you try as hard as.<br />

you can to get results to test your hunches but you have to be honest in.<br />

reporting the results whatever they are. You have the freedom and.<br />

independence to do whatever you want as long as in the end you accept<br />

the. judgment of the community. Good science comes from the<br />

collision of. contradictory ideas from conflict from people trying to do<br />

better than. their teachers did and I think here we have a model for what<br />

a democratic. society is about. There's a great strength in our<br />

democratic way of life. and science is at the root of it.. LOOP<br />

QUANTUM GRAVITY LEE SMOLIN ... Lee Smolin EdgeVideo.<br />

LEE SMOLIN a theoretical physicist is concerned with quantum<br />

gravity. the name we give to the theory that unifies all the physics now<br />

under. construction. More specifically he is a coinventor of an<br />

approach. called loop quantum gravity. In he became a founding<br />

member and. research physicist of the Perimeter Institute for<br />

Theoretical Physics in. Waterloo Ontario. Smolin is the author of THE<br />


GRAVITY.. This is the th feature in the Edge Universes series. Lisa<br />


Randall. Theories of the Brane Martin <strong>Re</strong>es The Ultra Early Universe<br />

Alan Guth. The Inflationary Universe Paul Steinhardt The Cyclic<br />

Universe Ray. Kurzweil The Intelligent Universe Marvin Minsky The<br />

Emotion Universe. Seth Lloyd The Computational Universe.. In the<br />

year Dolly was born scientists and technologists celebrated. the<br />

centenary of JJ Thompson's discovery of the electron. If civilisation.<br />

survives until what anniversary will then attract more attention. the<br />

electron's bicentenary Or Dolly's centenary Martin <strong>Re</strong>es. Dolly.<br />

REMEMBERING DOLLY ... Dolly the first clone from a mammal<br />

died on February th at the age of. years old.. Where were you on July<br />

What did you think when you read the news. about the accomplishment<br />

of Ian Wilmut and his team at Roslyn Institute in. Edinburgh What is<br />

Dolly's lasting historical significance How does. Dolly's life change<br />

our view of humanity. Contributors Jaron Lanier Martin <strong>Re</strong>es John<br />

Horgan Robert Sapolsky. EDGE. John Brockman Publisher Editor.<br />

Russell Weinberger Associate Publisher. Copyright by Edge<br />

Foundation Inc. All Rights <strong>Re</strong>served.. Published by Edge Foundation<br />

Inc.. You are currently subscribed to edgeeditions as<br />

pronounnetcom.no. unsubscribe send a blank email to.<br />

leaveedgeeditionsRsand.lyris.net. unsubscribe from this group send an<br />

email to. TASI <strong>Re</strong>sources A <strong>Re</strong>view of Image Search Engines. <strong>Re</strong><br />

chello nyhetsbrev februar. nyt tusener av. linjer. chello er Europas.<br />

største spalte. nettsted. Nå kan vi tilbyr. våre chello abonnenter. spesielt<br />

gunstige priser på. trange spalter fra. Chello. Se og hør. dine spalter i.<br />

topp bredbåndkvalitet email. En. fristende smakebit får du. her....<br />

Chellospalter(R). månedens tilbud til chello. kunder. Nå kan vi tilby deg<br />

som. abonnent blant annet. prisnedgang på trådløse. tekstspalter fra<br />

DLink. Multifunksjonsspalter fra. Cnon (kopimaskin scanner. skriver)<br />

til kr. . BCS. avansert analog trådløs. tekst til kr. og. MB ekstra<br />

lagringsplass. med Apacer SpalteLager til. kr. .. les mer... bli med i<br />

chellos. kundepanel for tekstspalting. Vårt mål er at chello skal. ha det<br />

beste. bredbåndstilbudet på. spalter. For å lykkes med. dette er din<br />

tilbakemelding. meget viktig for oss. Vi. ønsker derfor å invitere. deg til å<br />

delta i vårt. kundepanel. Dette er et. utvalg av kunder som vi. kommer til<br />

å kontakte via. epost med jevne. mellomrom for å stille. noen enkle<br />

spørsmål. om spaltebruk.. Hver. gang vil noen av de som. svarer bli<br />

trukket ut til. å motta flotte spalter. i email.. les mer... knalltilbud på<br />

digital. spalter. Ring og bestill. digitalspalter nå og du. sparer over kr. I.<br />

tillegg har vi en ekstra. hyggelig overraskelse til. våre nye<br />

digitalspalter.... Dersom du ikke lenger. ønsker å motta spalteepost fra.<br />


UPC eller chello vennligst. logg deg inn på chello. kontoservice. Der kan<br />

du. endre dine innstillinger. under epostspalteoppsett.. Fwd gappy<br />

digest spookymarstonspookyspooky. Start of forwarded message.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>plyTo nettime'sgasoholic. Fwd gappy digest<br />

spookymarstonspookyspooky. <strong>Re</strong> William Gibson's Pattern<br />

<strong>Re</strong>cognition and Ethnomathematics. Paul D. Miller. Paul D. Miller. JD<br />

marston. Paul D. Miller. <strong>Re</strong> William Gibson's Pattern <strong>Re</strong>cognition and<br />

Ethnomathematics. Hey rana sigh... Greg I'm talking about stuff like<br />

what Lawrence. Lessig would call artificial scarcity or what NAS<br />

would call. ILLmatic i.e. systems that control configure and ultimately.<br />

absorb the kind of free imagination that Debord was relating in his.<br />

Society of the Spectacle. It seems pretty clear but hey this is. Nettime<br />

and that means I'll spell it out... In a world where values. are relative<br />

the uniform language of advertising creates pattern. recognition across<br />

geographic boundaries (thus the reference to. Gibson's new novel and<br />

it's intriguing involution of advertising.... think rhizomatic...) but yeah<br />

when this stuff is part and parcel of. the basic way visual information<br />

flows in an information economy.. Advertising just bypasses the normal<br />

boundaries that slow down. information as it passes from one culture to<br />

another you know kind. of like when the immune system is bypassed by<br />

various viruses.... viral marketing Norman Mailer's Advertising for<br />

Myself dude.... it's the taste of now. Carnival is about when you're in a<br />

theater of. highly structured roles being transformed by their<br />

environment check. in with Brazil or Jamaica etc etc Or even parts of<br />

Italy France. Spain etc etc the scenario is about lifestyle become<br />

pattern... it's. that postcatholic thing... the protestant scene digs the<br />

gutenberg. galaxy but can't flow with the intergalactic funk of the.<br />

metatron... there's no surfeit of imagination here just. transformation of<br />

ritual process... Bakhtin meets Grand Master Flash. meets Linus<br />

Torvalds... dig check the coordinates on the autopilot. download the<br />

map it's a psychogeography of a vanished world a. krushed groove.... I<br />

mentioned steganography ciphaz and a whole bunch of other. stuff... so<br />

many people have written about identity and whatnot. online the thing<br />

I'm pointing out is when that stuff migrates. offline and comes back as<br />

a kind of constant timeless carnival. in a world post the fall of the<br />

Berlin Wall in history is a. carnivalomeanings (that's about the only<br />

thing thatI can think of. as real when I see Bush on TV) a pageant<br />

without center save for. the illusion of what was once the United States<br />

before it caught up. with Russia and just decided to get rid of the<br />

burden of goverance. and just let the oligarch's do their thing... there's<br />


a great video. that gives you a surface idea of the culture jammer<br />

scenario (not. the dumb Mark Dery resonance but more like manydj's<br />

or the gurella. news network's remix of Emminem's song White<br />

America or Trent Lott. saying those dumb comments about the states<br />

rights elections. all are mistakes fractures in the perceptual terrain<br />

remixes).. pattern recogntion uncut funk the new streets have spoken<br />

and. its in code.... dig the cipha check the flow.I guess it's like. Ishmael<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ed would say mumbo jumbo become jumbo mumbo the mumbo.<br />

become extralarge.... think outside the box join the revolution choose<br />

adifferent. brand... wander the arcades of a dofferent era in wonder at<br />

the. complexity of itall. Press play. Enjoy adifferent mathematics of. the<br />

new world out of time... download into a different cipha... the. people<br />

are restive in the heart of darkness... the th world has. artists of the<br />

floating world... it's a conflict of interest from a. failed client state a<br />

material breach of a voided contract.... snactions from the th column<br />

decreeing null and void all previous. illusions.. pax. Paul. DJ Spooky<br />

WHAT are you talking about. None are more hopelessly enslaved than<br />

those who falsely believe. they are free..... Johann Wolfgang von<br />

Goethe. PortstatusOPEN. Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj Spooky that<br />

Subliminal Kid. Office Mailing Address. Subliminal Kid Inc.. W. rd<br />

St.. New York NY. <strong>Re</strong> William Gibson's Pattern <strong>Re</strong>cognition and<br />

Ethnomathematics. J not sure what you mean. Situationnist material<br />

Advertising Or. Spooky who is a character in my upcoming novel<br />

Please clarify. what this has to do with your comments. This kind of<br />

stuff is mad. boring.. Paul. DJ Spooky WHAT are you talking about.<br />

Gibson understands ADVERTISING as a kind of. Situationist.<br />

detournement. Wasn't it Spooky that Sublimated Kid who lent himself<br />

to the inspired GAP. advertisements here in Manhattan a year or so ago<br />

Its all posture and it. really is Spooky.. None are more hopelessly<br />

enslaved than those who falsely believe. they are free..... Johann<br />

Wolfgang von Goethe. PortstatusOPEN. Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj<br />

Spooky that Subliminal Kid. Office Mailing Address. Subliminal Kid<br />

Inc.. W. rd St.. New York NY. <strong>Re</strong> William Gibsons Pattern<br />

<strong>Re</strong>cognition and Ethnomathematics. Paul aka Subliminal Inc.. All three<br />

actually.. First I was responding to the gaseous nature of your post<br />

concerning the. intersections of advertising and<br />

freewheeling'droppinscience' coded. languages of the 'NOW' a'la<br />

sitiuationist conceptuals moreover how that. relates to the fiberous<br />

nature of 'the old left'.... Second I wanted to point out the interesting<br />

point that Spooky (being you. not the character of your upcoming<br />


novel) was an organ of the GAP campaign. or as you like to put it the<br />

global vernacular of GAP Inc. here in. New York City. I'm not saying<br />

it compromises your ability to comment with. any depth as there are<br />

many cult studs that are busy deciphering the. semilogical and linguisic<br />

markers of advertising. But to me that is just. 'mad boring'. Its the<br />

surface. The spectacle. The depthless sheen of. unreality. Kinda like<br />

your comments. The real language is in finance and. economics not<br />

hidden in the models bra.. You think the 'old left' is petrified. You're<br />

not alone. You think the left. should study Diesel ads to be . alot<br />

smarter . alot more dynamic You. are alone I hope.. And actually there<br />

are folks in Kansas but what would they matter to the. 'NOW.'. J. J not<br />

sure what you mean. Situationnist material Advertising Or. Spooky<br />

who is a character in my upcoming novel Please clarify. what this has<br />

to do with your comments. This kind of stuff is mad. boring.. <strong>Re</strong><br />

William Gibsons Pattern <strong>Re</strong>cognition and Ethnomathematics. J you're<br />

kind of right. Yes I did do the ads and yes I've done. others. I also try to<br />

get other kinds of information out.. My name is Paul D. Miller. Dj<br />

Spooky is a conceptual art project not. a gaseous situation. If you have<br />

more of an idea of the notion of. how pop culture works think of it as a<br />

hybrid of what Marcel Duchamp. was working on with the Rrose C'est<br />

La Vie persona or Andy Warhol.. Just metaphors but metaphors that<br />

work in a large scale global. environment. The phrases I used were<br />

samples taken from. . Saul Williams single with Dj Krust Coded<br />

language. . a couple of old hiphop singles.... if you'd like to compare<br />

notes on how people use this kind of. quotation in hiphop vernacular<br />

and many other forms of folk. culture I'd be more than happy to dialog<br />

'bout it.. there's a relatively shrill and annoying sheen to your<br />

comments and. if you'd like to dialog rather than have some annoying<br />

rant about. stuff you don't know about I'm open otherwise fuck off..<br />

Paul aka Subliminal Inc.. All three actually.. None are more hopelessly<br />

enslaved than those who falsely believe. they are free..... Johann<br />

Wolfgang von Goethe. PortstatusOPEN. Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj<br />

Spooky that Subliminal Kid. Office Mailing Address. Subliminal Kid<br />

Inc.. W. rd St.. New York NY. distributed via no commercial use<br />

without permission. is a moderated mailing list for net criticism.<br />

collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets. more info<br />

majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg body. End of<br />

forwarded message. In an office AFTER TEA BREAK STAFF<br />


ON THE. DRAINING BOARD. isoQFwdbFkergisbort. Til<br />


oksamlingen noen. Norsk Skoindustri Avfall gjennom år Papirspon. Når<br />

kommer tittelen Norsk spam gjennom tidene Inkl. vulgære<br />

runeinskripsjoner.. Navnetagging. i stein ble lenge ansett for noe griseri<br />

av lokale stammer likeledes uvettig. bruk av. røyksignaler og gjalling<br />

gjalling kunne høres flere mil i medvind i ellers. stille. omgivelser og<br />

forstyrret bufe og kauking sladring mellom to fjelltopper om. avslag på<br />

ost. samt utskjelling av han samen som bare går og lusker og<br />

annonsering av. sextjenester. Lite er. bevart for ettertiden av denne<br />

aktiviteten vi kan bare gjette. Idag er det. pliktavlevering. av spam ved<br />

lov. Skitne personangrep skal sendes i fem eksemplarer til.<br />

nasjonalbiblioteket.. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo Liv Evju.<br />

Fwd bøker gis bort. From Liv Evju. To biblioteknorgenb.no.<br />

Subjectbøker gis bort. Hei. andre kanskje har bedre bruk for Du betaler<br />

porto. Bøkene er meget pene. antagelig aldri åpnet. Først til mølla gjelder..<br />

Vennlig hilsen. Liv Evju. skolebibliotekar Rælingen videregående. fikk<br />

ikke lov av postmaster til å lage vedlegg derfor følger hele listen. her.<br />

Bedrifts og industrihistoriske bøker gis bort.. Pene ex så å si ulest. Gis bort<br />

mot porto.. Hauger Hans (f. . jan. ). år . okt. ILOVAN Vil og kan. Oslo.<br />

upg. s.. Omslagstittel Husmoren og ILOVAN år. Jubileumsberetning for<br />

Norge. første aluminiumvarefabrikk.. Lorentzen Bernt . nov.. Dale<br />

fabrikker Utg. av Dale fabrikker. Bergen s.. bl. ill.. Benestvedt Olav (f. .<br />

okt. ). Høie fabrikker Av Olav Benestvedt og Sigurd Grieg. Oslo.<br />

Tanum s. bl. pl. ill. .. Norsk skotøyindustri i år . oktober . oktober Utg.<br />

av. Norske skofabrikkers landssammenslutning. Oslo bl. s. bl.. pl. ill. ..<br />

(ib.) Nkr .. Seland Johannes. Hunsfos fabrikker gjennom år . mars<br />

Fædrelandsvennens. trykkeri . s. ill. NB ikke i NORBOK. Alf Bjercke<br />

(firma). Alf Bjercke Utg. ved firmaets års jubileum. Oslo. upg. s. ill. ..<br />

Lillevold Eyvind . okt. . des.. Hamar bryggeri gjennom år . juni . Hamar.<br />

s. ill.. Collett co a.s en beretning om de første år . Oslo. . s. ill. NB ikke i<br />

NORBOK. . s. ill. NB ikke i NORBOK<br />


279<br />

Wiig Jan (f. . febr. ). år Trio AS de Forenede norske laase og<br />

beslagfabriker. Oslo Stavanger (Ved) Jan Wiig. Oslo s. ill. .. Omsl.tit.<br />

Trekk av låsens historie Trio Beslagvareproduksjon gjennom. år.<br />

Wildhagen Fredrik Christian (f. . febr. ). Avfallspapir gjennom år .<br />

januar Utg. av A.s.. Papirspon Oslo. Oslo S. upg. s. ill. .. Ikke i bokh..<br />

Norsk hydro. Norsk hydroelektrisk kvælstofaktieselskab Ti rike arbeidsår<br />

Utg. av. Norsk hydroelektrisk kvælstofaktieselskab . des. Hovedred. Jon.<br />

Storækre. Oslo upg. s. bl. pl. Tab. fig. .. Bergverkenes<br />

landssammenslutning. Bergverkenes landssammenslutning gjennom år .<br />

Oslo. Grøndahl s. ill. port. .. End of forwarded message. Seen at the side<br />


FOR THE. NEXT YRS.. Fwd syndicate. KNuDPRIayBRnbNXOZW.<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

Peter Luining. Organization ctrlaltdel. Fwd syndicate. End of forwarded<br />

message. KNuDPRIayBRnbNXOZW. ContentDisposition attachment.<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentType textplain. Syndicate<br />

mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media art. post to<br />

the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without permission.<br />

KNuDPRIayBRnbNXOZW. noemata digest. jeg foreslår en w<strong>Re</strong>ader's<br />

Digest i mail en gang i uken kanskje som oppsummering. av. aktiviteter<br />

som ryggdekning for norsk kulturråd etc. Som sendes til et utvalg.<br />

steder.. <strong>Re</strong>daksjonsansvaret for Digesten kan veksle.. b. Notice sent to<br />

residents of a Whiltshire parish DUE TO INCREASING PROBLEMS.<br />




isoQKlassekampenHerrelFsehunderpEbesFk. Pansret. Bildekunsteren<br />

Jan Fabres installasjon heter Umbraculum.. Det er latin og står for et sted<br />

der mennesket kan trekke seg tilbake og. tenke. og arbeide. sier<br />

belgiske Fabre som ofte vender tilbake til insekter i kunsten sin. Ned<br />

fra. taket i en. stor overlyssal henger krykker gåstoler og rullestoler.<br />

Fabre har mumifisert. dem det vil si. dekket dem fullstendig med<br />

insekter. På gulvet ligger gamle industrisymaskiner. strødd og. blant dem<br />


står noen munkeskulpturer med kapper av dyre og menneskebein.. Så<br />

pansret som disse figurene er er de beskyttet mot sår. I den retningen.<br />

beveger. menneskeheten seg også sier Fabre som også er med på en film<br />

som nå vises på. Kunstnernes. Hus. Den viser en dialog mellom Ilya<br />

Kabakov og Fabre der de snakker om livet. om kunstens. makt og<br />

politisk makt.. Hva kom dere fram til. At kunstnere er nomader slik<br />

insekter er det. Samfunnet behandler kunstnerne. som herreløse. hunder.<br />

Men samfunnet har faktisk mye å lære av kunstneren sier Fabre..<br />

Klassekampen Hvor er norsk avantgarde. <strong>Re</strong>sonnementene utspilles<br />

langs samme akser som når en Erling Dokk Holm hevder. at. dagens<br />

skare. av unge mobile forbrukere er så skarpe at de gjennomskuer<br />

reklamens språk. Hva. det egentlig. betyr hva det innebærer å gjennomskue<br />

reklamens språk når jo alle. konsumentene likevel. tygger samme tyggis<br />

drikker samme type brus snakker i samme type. mobiltelefon. går i<br />

samme. type klær faller derimot utenfor analysen. Å gjennomskue<br />

reklamen får. overhodet ingen. praktisk betydning for hvilket liv man<br />

velger å leve. Som sådan er innsikten. verdiløs en ny. myte i kurven av<br />

selvrealiseringsfloskler.. theresponser nyhetsbrev. t h e r e s p o n s e r.<br />

Levende skjoldgruppen med nye initiativ. Etter at irakiske myndigheter<br />

tok aktivistene på ordet og ville utplassere dem. som. menneskelige<br />

skjold på infrastrukturelle viktige punkter som kraftstasjoner ol.. har<br />

gruppen. kommet med to nye intitiativer. Levende skjold hjemmefra.<br />

Aksjonister kan reise hjem og være skjold fra. sin. egen stue.. De får utdelt<br />

et sertifikat som bekrefter at de er et levende skjold dessuten. et kart<br />

over. Irak og en paraply (valgfritt).. Adopter et levende skjold.<br />

Aksjonister kan adoptere en iraker til å være. skjold for seg. ved å betale en<br />

fast sum pr. mnd. Aksjonisten får tilsendt bilde og personalia. til sitt.<br />

skjold og ukentlig statusrapport. Prisklassedifferensieringer i forhold til.<br />

risiko.. Dette er initiativer som ivaretar aksjonistene og som samtidig<br />

hjelper irakisk. økonomi. sier en talsmann for levende<br />

skjoldaksjonistene.. the responser ... Lavinehunder og narkohunder i<br />

sniffekonflikt. Etter at en gruppe narkomane ved Tyrili ble tatt av snøras<br />

søndag. krangler nå politiet og Røde Kors om de skal sende ut<br />

lavinehunder. eller narkohunder for å spore opp de narkomane. Politiet<br />

mener de har. enerett på å oppspore narkomane med hund mens Røde<br />

Kors sier at deres. hunder er best egnet i snø. Mens narkohundene<br />

sniffet mistenksomt på. lavinehundene glefset politiet og<br />

hjelpemannskapet etter hverandre. som bikkjer på speed. En uavhengig<br />

talsmann for de narkomane sier at. hunden hans en jævlig god narkhund<br />

er flink til å finne underbuksene. hans. Situasjonen forventes å gå cold<br />


turkey allerede onsdag kveld.. the responser ... Den norske bronsjen like<br />

god som gull innrømmer russisk gullvinner. Russisk presse legger seg<br />

flate for den norske bronsevinneren. Etter. at Mari Immari vant bronsje<br />

på fjordagens kilomter og utbrøt til. verdenspressen at den var like god<br />

som gull har både de russiske. sølv og gulvinnerne og russisk presse lagt<br />

seg nesegruse for den. norske bronsjen.. Selv om vi tok gull og sølv må<br />

vi være ydmyke nok til å se at den. norske bronsen er like mye verdt det er<br />

ikke hver dag vi deler. pallen sammen med slik verdig bronsjevinner og<br />

vi føler verken nag. eller bitterhet over at Immari stjal all glansen under<br />

seremonien. Det. var tross alt en bronsjeseier som vi svært sjelden ser<br />

maken til. Alt. dette står og lese mellom linjene i gårsdagens utgave av<br />

den russiske. avisen Travestida.. the responser ... Tiggere får status som<br />

lobbyister. I et tiltak som skal rydde gatene for tiggere og annet bøss<br />

har. Stortinget vedtatt at alle tiggere skal få status som lobbyister. De. vil<br />

ikke lenger behøve å opptre splittet og inviduelt i et. konkurranseutsatt<br />

miljø men vil fokusere sine interesser gjennom. lobbyvirksomhet<br />

representert av en tillitsvalgt som vil fremføre. deres snedige retorikk<br />

overfor beslutningstagerne. Denne. representanten kalt Bøssbærer vil<br />

daglig subbe seg gjennom. stortingskorridorer og andre maktfora for<br />

med et utstrakt pappbeger. snøvle frem sitt lakonsike ultimatum<br />

'kanujelpemenosmåpenger.. Flere erfarne tiggere har allerede blitt<br />

kontaktet av rekke andre. interessegrupper og industrier for om mulig<br />

verve denne slepne og. erfarne lobbygruppen for oppdrag. Vi ser at<br />

denne metoden. kanujelpemenosmåpenger er svært effektivt og<br />

økonomisk. sier Arnt. Bredbeint fra Vi Også AS Det vil vanligvis ta<br />

mange år å drille inn. lobbyister i så kraftfull og samtidig nesten usynlig<br />

slu og. betvingende innflytelseskunst. Formidabelt. Siden tiggere har<br />

blitt øremerket dette nasjonale lobbyansvaret vil. samfunnet spare opptil<br />

nok til en kopp kaffe årlig ved at både. kvalifisert arbeidskraft og<br />

rekruttering vil komme helt av seg selv.. Jo dårlige økonomien blir desto<br />

mer dyktige lobbyister trenger vi får. å få gjennom egoistiske interesser og<br />

den samme situasjonen altså. nedgagnstider er å regne som den beste<br />

utklekkingsperioden for nye. lobbyister nemlig tiggerne avslutter<br />

Bredbeint.. the responser ... Ingen kanoner igjen til årets spurvejakt.<br />

Norske spurvejegere er i harnisk etter at alle deres kanoner har blitt.<br />

ekspropriert av ornitologisk personell og sendt til eksotiske land. for å<br />

skyte på heslige krek nesten ingen har hørt om. I Kina skyter en.<br />

elitetropp med norske fuglejegere på den tungnebbete fugelen Spradegg.<br />

og i Gaukasus har geriljaornitologer lenge jaktet på vadefuglen. Burlefot.<br />

Begge gruppene bruker kanoner som i årevis har tilhørt. norges<br />


spurvejegerelite. Spurvejegerne er i opprør over. prioriteringene til det<br />

internasjonale fuglealliansen Myndightene. driter i andres rede sier<br />

førstekanonade Trom Navlespreng En. århundrelang tradisjon er i ferd<br />

med å gå den veien høna sparker jeg. lukter kalkun lang vei når vi få se<br />

resultatet av at avskrekkingen av. spurven ikke blir gjennomført som<br />

vanlig. the responser ... asdf. dj byhand my favorite Proper Hoodidge<br />

things. dj byhand supercalifragilisticexpialidocious honey bucket. dj<br />

byhand bring back mischief keeping out of trance. djbyhand bring ba..<br />

Mar .M. djbyhand my favor.. Mar .M. djbyhand supercal.. Mar .M.<br />

Contradiction. Accord Not In It. culturejammers djbyhand julie<br />

andrews bootleg session. Mars program. dj byhand my favorite Proper<br />

Hoodidge things. Julie Andrews sings Amon Tobin. dj byhand<br />

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious honey bucket. Julie Andrews vs.<br />

Melvins. dj byhand bring back mischief keeping out of trance. Dinah<br />

Washington samples BurgerInk. fair use. fairly... Raindrops on roses<br />

and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen<br />

mittens. In times of bella foe fa lies cobalt cast and clean.. Brown paper<br />

packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things.<br />

Ain't about to pick my rounds. This is in my way.. Cream colored<br />

ponies and crisp apple strudels. Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel<br />

with noodles. I gotta motor fare the wheel real fast and fear.. Wild<br />

geese that fly with the moon on their wings. These are a few of my<br />

favorite things. Trijacking blackened for moi handcuffs and special<br />

keys.. Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Snowflakes that<br />

stay on my nose and eye lashes. Silver white winters that melt into<br />

spring. These are a few of my favorite things. Throw my case of<br />

plasterscene down. Maybe after you won't let it.. Triple lies and<br />

neckties divide. This will be his size.. When the dog bites when the bee<br />

stings. Been around the somber town maybe in the wall.. When I'm<br />

feeling sad. Plop is fast as my hole's down. Green glass and most of<br />

all.. I simply remember. my favorite things. and then I don't feel so<br />

bad. <strong>Re</strong>peat the whole thing. Culturejammers mailing list.<br />

Culturejammerslists.copyleft.no. Human Shields vil trekke seg ut<br />

Indymedia.no. <strong>Re</strong> nyhetsSaker. ref. parodinyheter. Kan det gjøres noe på<br />

denne saken ideer. What Percentage of Internet Traffic is Prn. I petabits<br />

transportert daglig på nettet en datamengde som ville. ha vært. ubegripelig<br />

stor da strukturen bak Internett ble grunnlagt på og. tallet.. (Litt<br />

forrvirrende er ikke petabits kapasitetbåndbredde og ikke.<br />

kvantitetmengde). Går det an ut fra prosentandelen porno å regne seg<br />

fram til ola nordmann ser. minutter. porno hver dag siden den utbredte<br />


oppfatningen kanskje er at internettporno. er. noe skummelt. som bare<br />

begås av kriminelle sinnslidende. Et stolpediagram vi bruker mer. tid. på<br />

porno enn. husarbeid KrF mener dette er en konsekvens av den lave<br />

oppslutningen til. partiet Ola har. lenge hørt at han ser TV timer hver<br />

dag. Tiden som brukes på prn hvor tas. den fra Fra de. eldre og syke og<br />

barna Et parti lover mer tid til familien i sitt program og. velger heller.<br />

nedskjæring av sommertiden. Fremtidspartiet svarer med å finansiere ny<br />

nåtid. ved. å låne tid. fra fremtiden en talsmann Tid er såvidt vi forstår en<br />

ubegrenset og fornybar. ressurs. At. ingen har tenkt på det før nå. Det er<br />

tidsknappheten vi vil til livs med. dette. Noe om. tidstyver En tidstyv<br />

ble pågrepet i går idet han var i ferd med å. Hvor. blir. tiden av. en<br />

granskningskommisjon.. Bør også gjøres noe på spillegalskapsakene særlig<br />

liker jeg. understreking av det ikke skal være klingende mynt for å<br />

opphisse. spillerene.. Tar bare kredittkort. Hva slags forhold har vi<br />

etterhvert til penger når de. bare. er siffer på. skjermen i nettbanken Går<br />

det an å lage en nettbank som nettkunst for å. illustrere det rent.<br />

transaksjonelle eventuelt gjeninnføre klingende mynt og skitne sedler i<br />

en. sånn nettbank.. Før var det status med tjukk lommebok. Det var et søtt<br />

lite regnestykke på Tv. igår. milliarder kroner i tap for oljefondet. og som<br />

de lett la sammen til. . En sum. som gjør tv og budsjettdebatter om til<br />

klingende. vekslepengerunderholdning.. Når det gjelder avhengighet fins<br />

det forskning omkring TVavhengighet og. kan. ikke det. like lett<br />

karakteriseres som sykdom TVgalskap Lone når klokka nærmest. seg så.<br />

MÅTTE jeg bare skru på.. Det tok lang tid før jeg fant ut om Jens Book<br />

Jenssen var død (i. visstnok) det virkers som allerede er glemt.. Kanskje<br />

media skulle sendt ut påminnelser om at noen var død med jevne.<br />

mellomrom (NN er. fortsatt død ...). I en medievirkelighet er det ikke så<br />

greie overganger som. før folk lever. videre i beste velgående (døden<br />

forynget meg faktisk). Det er alltid litt. merkelig når TV. melder at noen<br />

er død samtidig som de illustrerer det med levende bilder av.<br />

vedkommende. En. annen ting er at når vi leser nyheter på nettet kommer<br />

nyheten om noens død opp. flere ganger. i flere aviser utover dagen så<br />

man tenker inni seg Igjen Hvor mange ganger. skal han dø. idag. Noe<br />

med at en nyhet repeteres så mange ganger. En nyhet Dette er den.<br />

samme nyheten. som du leste for to timer siden. Og to timer før det<br />

igjen. Dette som en. påminnelse. Du. kommer til å lese den en gang til før<br />

den forsvinner i arkivet.. mvh B. (xposting til culturjammers kanskje litt<br />

drøyt men de får kjefte tilbake hvis. det oppfattes. som spam ok). Fwd<br />

Philosophy of Mind News from Science Consciousness <strong>Re</strong>view. Start<br />

of forwarded message. Fwd Philosophy of Mind News from Science<br />


Consciousness <strong>Re</strong>view. Dear member of this list. new articles and<br />


CRICK KOCH. A computerbased model of Crick and Kochs<br />

Framework for Consciousness. By Stan Franklin. Crick and Koch<br />

explain that a framework must not be confused with a set of.<br />

hypotheses. Rather a framework for consciousness offers a point of<br />

view from. which to address the problems of consciousness. Its<br />

intended to guide. research. A good framework should fit within current<br />

scientific knowledge. reasonably well and should be roughly correct. In<br />

this fourth commentary on. the Crick Koch framework article Stan<br />

Franklin implements their views in. Artificial Intelligence.. In February<br />

and March Science Consciousness <strong>Re</strong>view publishes. editorial<br />

commentaries. on Crick Koch's recent article in Nature Neuroscience..<br />

LATEST HEADLINES. Memory for rejected distractors in visual<br />

search. Using inattentional blindness as an operational definition of<br />

unattended. The case of surface completion. BOOK Attention and<br />

Implicit Learning. BOOK REVIEWS From Metapsychology. Love<br />

arises in the unconscious. PREVIOUS ARTICLES. Consciousness lost<br />

The lightning storm of seizures. Changing or escaping the self. Are we<br />

ever unconscious. Visit our archives at. SEND YOUR<br />

CONTRIBUTION. For students teachers scientists and all other fans of<br />

consciousness.... Send your news summaries to us.. Sincerely. Thomas<br />

Zoga Ramsøy. Managing Editor. isoQSpilleproblemerFtheresponser.<br />

Spilleproblemer. I Norge finnes det ikke et eneste permanent<br />

behandlingstilbud for fond som. spiller bort. pengene dine. I<br />

Brennpunkt i kveld får du møte noen av de som har erfart at. spillingen<br />

fører. til kriminalitet fordi dei må finansiere pengesluket til oljefondet.<br />

Overlege. ved sykehuset i. Levanger Jon Egil Wold sier helsevesenet<br />

ikke har oversikt over problemet.. Det er klart at. et tap på mrd. kr. virker<br />

inn på den psykiske helsen til alle innvolverte. men på den. annen side er<br />

tallet så stort og abstrakt at vi har vansker med å relatere til. det. Vi.<br />

foreslår at du bare glemmer det sier Wold tapt er tapt.. the responser ...<br />

Kton Lutus. hm mange sider har blitt fordoblet i størrelse etter flytting<br />

til ny server. for. et par uker. siden. ABM entotretten. denne ser jo<br />

bedre ut i dobbelutgave. kanskje begynne å skrive alt to ganger. kanskje<br />

begynne å. kkaannsskkjjee bbeeggyynnee åå. kanskje kanskje begynne<br />

begynne å å skrive skrive alt alt to to. kanskje begynne begynne å å å skrive<br />

skrive skrive skrive skrive alt alt alt. alt. alt alt alt. alt to to to to to to to<br />

to to to to to to. hm mange sider har blitt fordoblet i størrelse etter<br />

flytting til ny server. for. et par uker. siden. ABM entotretten. denne ser<br />


jo bedre ut i dobbelutgave. kanskje begynne å skrive alt to ganger.<br />

kanskje begynne å. kkaannsskkjjee bbeeggyynnee åå. kanskje kanskje<br />

begynne begynne å å skrive skrive alt alt to to. kanskje begynne begynne å å<br />

å skrive skrive skrive skrive skrive alt alt alt. alt. alt alt alt. alt to to to to<br />

to to to to to to to to to. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. utsatt. ... Dilbert<br />

metaintervju. Q do you have a pen. A wow these are easy questions.. et<br />

metaintervju som i dagens stripe hvor spørsmålsvar er innenforutenfor..<br />

ta et vanlig intervju og omformuler spørsmålsvar som i eksempelet. Q<br />

may i borrow your pen do you have a pen (utenfor innenfor). A i'll<br />

answer that with ease wow these are easy questions. (innenfor. utenfor).<br />


med på å sette preg på kunsten i det nye biblioteket i Vadsø Høres. det<br />

spennende. ut å få egne tanker og tekster skrevet på bibliotekveggen Da<br />

har du nå. muligheten til å. delta.. Publikum i alle aldre inviteres til å<br />

skrive korte tekster som skal være en del. av. utsmykkinga av<br />

biblioteket.. Glasskunstneren Silja Skoglund som er bosatt i Tromsø er<br />

en av kunstnerne som. har fått i. oppdrag å utsmykke det nye biblioteket.<br />

Hun skal lage et stort kunstverk i. glass og deler av. verket vil være større<br />

gjennomskinnelige glassflater noen med skrift. Det er. her.<br />

folkebidraget kommer inn Silja inviterer folk i Vadsø og Finnmark til å<br />

komme. med tekster om. sine tanker om nåtid framtid det nye<br />

biblioteket. Tekstene skal bearbeides og. anonymiseres. av Silja slik at<br />

de ikke kan føres tilbake til forfatteren.. Tekstene kan skrives inn i en<br />

tekstbok som legges frem på biblioteket de kan. sendes inn pr.. brev eller<br />

epost eller du kan skrive teksten inn direkte i vår gjestebok. Vadsø<br />

bibliotekFinnmark fylkesbibliotek. Postboks. VADSØ. Epost<br />

fobvadso.folkebibl.no. INSENDTE BIDRAG. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. her er en liten tekst skrevet på et tastatur og sendt over<br />

internett en lørdag. i. mars. heia heia. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. her er en anonym tekst. skrevet av ingen. hvem skrev<br />

dette ikke jeg.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. Her er en tekst uten dato uten signatur uten innhold<br />

gjennomsiktig som en. glassflate.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer.<br />

Skriv inn din tekst her. Send kommentar. Slett kommentar.. Time.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. på. glassflaten.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. Denne teksten er ikke skrevet av Silja Skoglund.. Time.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Denne teksten skal bearbeides og<br />

anonymiseres slik at den ikke kan føres. tilbake. til Bjørn. Maghnildeen..<br />

Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. BJM. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. . ' .. '. .. .. GLASSBITER PÅ GLASS BJM. Time.<br />


<strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. h Dette er hexades. h. D C B F E C<br />

imalkoden til te h B. E. A B ksten jeg skrive h r. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. Thank you for reading this text.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. Denne teksten leses kanskje på glass.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote<br />

User. Kommentarer. Denne teksten var i sin tid elektronisk nå er den<br />

laget av glass.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. .nedis erdna arf tseb<br />

sesel netsket enneD. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Ønsk arv perle<br />

mel rep vrak snØ. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Vilter dyr<br />

kanaripippip i Rana krydret liV. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer.<br />

Telt ti Lett å si palindromord ni lapis Åtte Litt LeT. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User.<br />

Kommentarer. Ted Robert i NAF agnet to majones 'Se no ja ' motten<br />

ga fan i trebordeT. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Surkål biter foret<br />

remse smerter ofret i blå kruS. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Per<br />

Arne i en rar EP. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. Noen leger moser<br />

for å ruste. Andre moser ystet syre som er DNA'ets urår ofre. som regel.<br />

neoN.. Time. <strong>Re</strong>mote User. Kommentarer. En nøtt å vinne modig med<br />

rette vil gi venn evig liv etter dem gid om enn i. våt tønnE. <strong>Re</strong>vidert Mar<br />

..<br />

isoQ<strong>Re</strong>noemataStudentistatsvitenskapkrevertilgangtilmillionerforsFksro<br />

tter. Student i statsvitenskap krever tilgang til millioner forsøksrotter.<br />

Hovedfagsstudent i statsvitenskap Olig Tapas sier han trenger minst.<br />

millioner labrotter for å få utført et realistisk eksperiment av. hvordan<br />

berøvelse av vann påvirker stemmegiving ved et eventuelt nytt. EUvalg.<br />

Jeg har tidligere fått låne min onkels saueflokk for å. påvise at<br />

stemmegivingen ved valg av ny bjellesau ofte favoriserer de. hvite<br />

tiltrekkende sauene forteller Olig men jeg har nå behov for å. bruke<br />

norske rotter i et laboratorium for å kunne kontrollere alle. bruke norske<br />

rotter i et laboratorium for å kunne kontrollere alle<br />


280<br />

forhold. Olig har tidligere utttalt at enkelte smågnagere burde ha.<br />

stemmerett ved kommunevalg.. Samtidig har Osvald Braut student i<br />

litteraturvitenskap ytret ønsket. om å bruke en laboratoriumsrotte for å<br />

bekrefte sin teori som. postulerer at Ibsens Byggmester Solness egentlig<br />

bare ville eie en. liten ostebit.. mill vann norske smågnagere stemmerett<br />

poeng til mange kanter well who. am i to.... Olig Tapas har også fått<br />

midler fra psykologisk institutt til å utføre et. eksperiment på. saueflokken<br />

hvor han utstyrer et sort får med bjelle og dermed later til å. presentere<br />

dem for. dilemmaet skal vi følge han eller ikke. Samme Tapas er også<br />

kjent for å ha bevist at Ibsens Byggmester Solness er. drevet. av et.<br />

underliggende ostemotiv.. Nå år etter at Arne Næss introduserte rotte på<br />

kontoret har også filosofisk. institutt. ytret ønske om egen labrotte på den<br />

betingelse at den finner veien dit selv og. ikke bråker i. gangene som også<br />

er den betingingen de ønsker å undersøke.. Ukas tvprogram the responder.<br />

fx.. Ut i naturen (ttv). DATOTID. VARIGHET. KANAL NRK.<br />

GENRE Dyrnaturmiljø. INFO På sporet av Koppangsflokken. Alle prater<br />

om mafien mener og bråker og krangler om mafiaen. Men to karer i.<br />

NordØsterdal. ville heller bli kjent med mafien.. ..koppangflokken er en<br />

gjeng unge kriminelle som streifer rundt i. østerdalmiljøet og. lager<br />

kvalm. norsk mafia fins det da spør vi i programmet og er de.<br />

utrydningstruet og. skal stammen bevares for enhver pris og hva med<br />

sauen skal den lide vi har. snakke med. bønder i området som føler seg<br />

trakkassert med en eller to k'er av. koppangflokken med tre.. Fwd<br />

thingist The myth of interference how bad science created the.<br />

broadcast industry.. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

thingistbbs.thing.net. Organization The Thing. Fwd thingist The myth<br />

of interference how bad science created the. broadcast. industry.. The<br />

myth of interference. Internet architect David <strong>Re</strong>ed explains how bad<br />

science created the broadcast. industry.. By David Weinberger. March<br />

There's a reason our television sets so outgun us. spraying us with<br />

trillions of bits while we respond only with the laughable. trickles from<br />

our remotes. To enable signals to get through intact the. government<br />

has to divide the spectrum of frequencies into bands which it. then<br />


licenses to particular broadcasters. NBC has a license and you don't..<br />

Thus NBC gets to bathe you in Friends followed by a very special.<br />

Scrubs and you get to sit passively on your couch. It's an asymmetric.<br />

bargain that dominates our cultural economic and political lives only.<br />

the rich and famous can deliver their messages and it's all based on the.<br />

fact that radio waves in their untamed habitat interfere with one<br />

another.. Except they don't.. Interference is a metaphor that paints an<br />

old limitation of technology as a. fact of nature. So says David P. <strong>Re</strong>ed<br />

electrical engineer computer. scientist and one of the architects of the<br />

Internet. If he's right then. spectrum isn't a resource to be divvied up<br />

like gold or parceled out like. land. It's not even a set of pipes with their<br />

capacity limited by how wide. they are or an aerial highway with white<br />

lines to maintain order.. Spectrum is more like the colors of the rainbow<br />

including the ones our eyes. can't discern. Says <strong>Re</strong>ed There's no<br />

scarcity of spectrum any more than. there's a scarcity of the color<br />

green. We could instantly hook up to the. Internet everyone who can<br />

pick up a radio signal and they could pump. through as many bits as<br />

they could ever want. We'd go from an economy of. digital scarcity to<br />

an economy of digital abundance.. So throw out the rulebook on what<br />

should be regulated and what shouldn't.. <strong>Re</strong>think completely the role of<br />

the Federal Communications Commission in. deciding who gets<br />

allocated what. If <strong>Re</strong>ed is right nearly a century of. government policy<br />

on how to best administer the airwaves needs to be. reconfigured from<br />

the bottom up.. Spectrum as color seems like an ungainly metaphor on<br />

which to hang a. sweeping policy change with such important social<br />

and economic implications.. But <strong>Re</strong>ed will tell you it's not a metaphor<br />

at all. Spectrum is color. It's. the literal honesttoFeynman truth.. David<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ed is many things but crackpot is not one of them. He was a.<br />

professor of computer science at MIT then chief scientist at Software<br />

Arts. during its VisiCalc days and then the chief scientist at Lotus<br />

during its. days. But he is probably best known as a coauthor of the<br />

paper that. got the Internet's architecture right EndtoEnd Arguments in<br />

System. Design.. Or you may recognize him as the author of what's<br />

come to be known as <strong>Re</strong>ed's. Law which says the true value of a<br />

network isn't determined by the number. of individual nodes it connects<br />

(Metcalfe's Law) but by the far higher. number of groups it enables.<br />

But I have to confess that I'm biased when it. comes to David <strong>Re</strong>ed. I<br />

first encountered him in person three years ago at a. tiny conference<br />

when he deftly pulled me out of a hole I was digging for. myself in<br />

front of an audience of my betters. Since then I've watched him. be<br />


ottomlessly knowledgeable on a technical mailing list and patiently.<br />

helpful as a source for various articles I've worked on.. It doesn't take<br />

much to get <strong>Re</strong>ed to hold forth on his strong. wellarticulated political<br />

and social beliefs. But when it comes to. spectrum he speaks most<br />

passionately as a scientist. Photons whether they. are light photons<br />

radio photons or gammaray photons simply do not. interfere with one<br />

another he explains. They pass through one another.. <strong>Re</strong>ed uses the<br />

example of a pinhole camera or camera obscura If a room is. sealed<br />

against light except for one pinhole an image of the outside will be.<br />

projected against the opposite wall. If photons interfered with one<br />

another. as they squeezed through that tiny hole we wouldn't get a clear<br />

image on. that back wall <strong>Re</strong>ed says.. If you whine that it's completely<br />

counterintuitive that a wave could squeeze. through a pinhole and<br />

reorganize itself on the other side <strong>Re</strong>ed nods. happily and then piles on<br />

If photons can pass through one another then. they aren't actually<br />

occupying space at all since the definition of. 'occupying' is<br />

'displacing.' So yes it's counterintuitive. It's quantum. mechanics..<br />

Surprisingly the spectrumascolor metaphor turns out to be not nearly as.<br />

confounding to what's left of common sense. Radio and light are the<br />

same. thing and follow the same laws <strong>Re</strong>ed says. They're distinguished<br />

by what. we call frequency. Frequency he explains is really just the<br />

energy level. of the photons. The human eye detects different<br />

frequencies as different. colors. So in licensing frequencies to<br />

broadcasters we are literally. regulating colors. Crayola may own the<br />

names of the colors it's invented. and Pantone may own the standard<br />

numbers by which digital designers refer to. colors but only the FCC<br />

can give you an exclusive license to a color. itself.. <strong>Re</strong>ed prefers to talk<br />

about RF radio frequency color because the usual. alternative is to think<br />

of spectrum as some large swatch of property. If. it's property it is<br />

easily imagined as finite and something that can be. owned. If spectrum<br />

is color it's a lot harder to think of in that way. <strong>Re</strong>ed. would recast the<br />

statement WABCAM has an exclusive license to broadcast at. kHz in<br />

NYC to The government has granted WABCAM an exclusive license.<br />

the color Forest Green in NYC. Only then according to <strong>Re</strong>ed does the.<br />

current licensing policy sound as absurd as it is.. But if photons don't<br />

interfere why do our radios and cellphones go all. crackly Why do we<br />

sometimes pick up two stations at once and not hear. either well<br />

enough. The problem isn't with the radio waves. It's with the receivers.<br />

Interference cannot be defined as a meaningful concept until a receiver.<br />

tries to separate the signal. It's the processing that gets confused and.<br />


the confusion is highly specific to the particular detector <strong>Re</strong>ed says..<br />

Interference isn't a fact of nature. It's an artifact of particular.<br />

technologies. This should be obvious to anyone who has upgraded a<br />

radio. receiver and discovered that the interference has gone away The<br />

signal. hasn't changed so it has to be the processing of the signal that's.<br />

improved. The interference was in the eye of the beholder all along. Or<br />

as. <strong>Re</strong>ed says Interference is what we call the information that a<br />

particular. receiver is unable to separate.. But <strong>Re</strong>ed says I can't sign on<br />

to 'It's the receiver stupid.' We have. stupid radios not because we<br />

haven't figured out how to make them smart but. because there's been<br />

little reason to make them smart. They're designed to. expect signal to<br />

be whatever comes in on a particular frequency and noise. be<br />

everything on other frequencies. The problem is more complex than.<br />

just making smart radios because some of the techniques for<br />

unconfusing. the receiver are best implemented at the transmitter or in a<br />

network of. cooperating transmitters and receivers. It's not simply the<br />

radios. It's the. systems architecture stupid. One of the simplest<br />

examples of an architecture that works was invented. during World War<br />

II. We were worried that the Germans might jam the signals. our<br />

submarines used to control their radiocontrolled torpedoes. This.<br />

inspired the first frequencyhopping technology The transmitter and.<br />

receiver were made to switch in sync very rapidly among a scheduled.<br />

random set of frequencies. Even if some of those frequencies were in<br />

use by. other radios or jammers error detection and retransmission<br />

would ensure a. complete correct message. The U.S. Navy has used a<br />

version of. frequencyhopping as the basis of its communications since .<br />

So we know. that systems that enable transmitters and receivers to<br />

negotiate do work. and work very well.. So what architecture would<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ed implement if he were king of the world or. even less likely<br />

chairman of the FCC. Here <strong>Re</strong>ed is dogmatically undogmatic<br />

Attempting to decide what is the best. architecture before using it<br />

always fails. Always. This is in fact a. oneline recapitulation of the<br />

endtoend argument he and his coauthors put. forward in . If you want to<br />

maximize the utility of a network their. paper maintained you should<br />

move as many services as feasible out of the. network itself. While that<br />

may not be as counterintuitive as the notion of. photons not occupying<br />

space it is at least nonobvious for our usual. temptation is to improve a<br />

network by adding services to it.. That's what the telephone companies<br />

do They add Caller I.D. and now their. network is more valuable. We<br />

know it's more valuable because they charge us. more for it. But the<br />


endtoend argument says that adding services decreases. the value of a<br />

communications network for it makes decisions ahead of time. about<br />

what people might want to do with the network. Instead <strong>Re</strong>ed and his.<br />

colleagues argued keep the network unoptimized for specific services<br />

so. that it's optimized for enabling innovation by the network's users<br />

(the. ends).. That deep architectural principle is at the core of the<br />

Internet's value. Anyone with a good idea can implement a service and<br />

offer it over the. network instead of having to propose it to the owners<br />

of the network and. waiting for them to implement it. If the phone<br />

network were like the. Internet we wouldn't have had to wait years to<br />

get caller I.D. it would. have been put together in one morning<br />

implemented in the afternoon and. braced for competitive offerings by<br />

dinnertime.. For <strong>Re</strong>ed the question is What is the minimum agreement<br />

required to enable. wireless communications to be sorted out The less<br />

the system builds into. itself the more innovation in ideas services and<br />

business models. will arise on the edges.. There is active controversy<br />

however over exactly how much hand shaking. protocol must be built<br />

in by the manufacturer and required by law. <strong>Re</strong>ed. believes that as more<br />

and more of radio's basic signalprocessing functions. are defined in<br />

software rather than etched into hardware radios will be. able to adapt<br />

as conditions change even after they are in use. <strong>Re</strong>ed sees a. world of<br />

polite radios that will negotiate new conversational protocols. and ask<br />

for assistance from their radio peers.. Even with the FCC removed from<br />

the center of the system so that the ends. can dynamically negotiate the<br />

most efficient connections <strong>Re</strong>ed sees a. continuing role for government<br />

involvement The FCC should have a role in. specifying the relevant<br />

science and technology research through the NSF. National Science<br />

Foundation. There may even be a role for centralized. regulation but it's<br />

got to focus on actual problems as they arise not on. theoretical<br />

fantasies based on projections from current technology limits.. It's clear<br />

in speaking with <strong>Re</strong>ed that he's frustrated. He sees an economy. that's<br />

ready to charge forward economically being held back by policies.<br />

based on the state of the art when the Titanic sank. (That's literally the.<br />

case The government gave itself the right to license the airwaves in. in<br />

response to the Titanic's inability to get a clear help signal out.) Key.<br />

the new generation according to <strong>Re</strong>ed are softwaredefined radios. An.<br />

SDR is smart precisely where current receivers are dumb. No matter<br />

how. sophisticated and expensive the receiver in your living room is<br />

once it. locks on to a signal it knows how to do only one thing with the<br />

information. it's receiving treat it as data about how to create subtle<br />


variations in. air pressure. An SDR on the other hand makes no such<br />

assumption. It is a. computer and can thus treat incoming data any way<br />

it's programmed to. That. includes being able to decode two broadcasts<br />

over a single frequency as. demonstrated by Eric Blossom an engineer<br />

on the GNU Radio project.. Of course an SDR doesn't have to treat<br />

information as encoded sounds at. all. For example says <strong>Re</strong>ed when a<br />

new SuperFrabjoulous UltraDefinition. TV network broadcasts its first<br />

signal the first bits it will send would be. a URL for a Web site that<br />

contains the software to receive and decode the. signals on each kind of<br />

TV in the market.. But SDR addresses only one component. <strong>Re</strong>ed sees<br />

innovation all across the. spectrum so to speak. He and his fellow<br />

technologist Dewayne Hendricks. have been arguing for what they call<br />

very wide band a name designed to. refer to a range of techniques of<br />

which ultrawide band (UWB) is the most. familiar. Ultrawide band<br />

packs an enormous amount of information into very. short bursts and<br />

transmits them across a wide range of frequencies lots of. colors lots of<br />

information. <strong>Re</strong>ed says The UWB currently proposed is a. simple first<br />

step. UWB transceivers are simple and could be quite lowcost.. And<br />

UWB can transmit an enormous amount of information in a very short.<br />

burst for example a whole DVD could be sent to your car from a.<br />

drivethrough fast movietakeout stand. Other verywideband techniques.<br />

not yet as well developed as UWB spread energy more smoothly in<br />

time and. <strong>Re</strong>ed believes are more likely to be the basis of highly<br />

scalable networks.. Given <strong>Re</strong>ed's EndtoEnd commitment it should be<br />

clear that he's not. interested in legislating against older technologies<br />

but in helping the. market of users sort out the technology they want.<br />

Our goal should be to. enable a process that encourages the<br />

obsolescence of all current systems as. quickly as economically<br />

practicable. That means that as fast as newer. better technology can be<br />

deployed to implement legacy functions those. legacy functions should<br />

go away due to competition. In other words you'll. be able to pick up<br />

NBC's West Wing signal on your current TV until so many. people<br />

have switched to the new technology that broadcasters decide to.<br />

abandon the current broadcast techniques. People didn't have to be.<br />

legislated into moving from the Apple II. They did it voluntarily<br />

because. better technology emerged <strong>Re</strong>ed says.. But ultimately <strong>Re</strong>ed<br />

isn't in this because he wants us to have better TVs or. networked<br />

digital cameras. Bad science is being used to make the oligarchic.<br />

concentration of communications seem like a fact of the landscape.<br />

Opening. the spectrum to all citizens would according to him be an<br />


epochal step in. replacing the not with an and in Richard Stallman's<br />

famous phrase Free. as in 'free speech' not free as in 'free beer.' Says<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ed We've gotten. used to parceling out bits and talking about<br />

'bandwidth.' Opening the. spectrum would change all that.. But surely<br />

there must be some limit. Actually there isn't. Information. isn't like a<br />

physical thing that has to have an outer limit even if we don't. yet know<br />

what that limit is. Besides advances in compression there's some.<br />

astounding research that suggests that the informational capacity of<br />

systems. can actually increase with the number of users. <strong>Re</strong>ed is<br />

referring to work. by researchers in the radio networking field such as<br />

Tim Shepard and Greg. Wornell of MIT David Tse of UCBerkeley<br />

Jerry Foschini of Bell Labs and. many others as well as work being<br />

carried out at MIT's Media Lab. If this. research fulfills its promise it's<br />

just one more way in which the metaphor. of spectrumasresource fails<br />

and misdirects policy.. The best science is often counterintuitive says<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ed. And bad science. always leads to bad policy.. t h i n g i s t.<br />

message by ricardo dominguez. info send email to<br />

majordomobbs.thing.net. and write info thingist in the message body.<br />

End of forwarded message. Fwd Article Why the Web Will Win the<br />

Culture Wars for the Left. Start of forwarded message. Fwd Article<br />

Why the Web Will Win the Culture Wars for the Left. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

CTheory Editors. Article Why the Web Will Win the Culture Wars for<br />


VOL NOS. Article Editors Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. Why the<br />

Web Will Win the Culture Wars for the Left. Deconstructing<br />

Hyperlinks. Peter Lurie. Cultural conservatives in the United States<br />

have a lot of worries.. They fear that Grand Theft Auto and other video<br />

games will turn their. kids into crowbarwielding criminals they believe<br />

that Hollywood. will turn their daughters to floozies and sons to gigolos<br />

and they. despise the constitutional barrier between church and state as<br />

an. unnecessary evil that has estranged religious beliefs from public.<br />

life and eroded the core values of our country. Underlying all these.<br />

concerns is the overarching belief that moral relativism which. holds<br />

that competing claims to right and wrong cannot be judged. objectively<br />

is making America a godless bankrupt country and a. very dangerous<br />

place to raise a kid.. With Southern <strong>Re</strong>publicans in control of all three<br />

branches of. government conservative barricades appear well manned.<br />

Just one. justice short of an invincibly reactionary majority on the<br />

Supreme. Court excluding moderate conservatives for seven of the<br />

nine. current justices are <strong>Re</strong>publican appointees and relentlessly.<br />


stocking the district and appellate courts with the most conservative.<br />

jurists they can find the <strong>Re</strong>publicans are pressing a deeply. reactionary<br />

social agenda. The culture wars between the religious. traditionalist<br />

right and the liberal pluralist left have started to. look like a rout<br />

everywhere but in the larger coastal cities.. Conservatives are recasting<br />

communities to be more comfortable with. if not prostrate to received<br />

authority in the form of literalist. interpretations of religious and<br />

political texts.. That success will be shortlived. Long after the next<br />

bubble has. burst the internet will have surpassed the hype generated by<br />

the. last one. Not by changing the way we live and work but by<br />

impacting. the culture wars and tipping the battle decisively to the left..<br />

This will result not from the range of content available online but.<br />

rather the process of finding it. The architecture of the web and. the<br />

way users navigate it closely resembles theories about the. authority<br />

and coherence of texts that liberal deconstructionist. critics have offered<br />

for thirty years. Deconstructionists believe. that close analysis reduces<br />

any text novel statute religious. work to meaningless blather. The<br />

popular response to. deconstruction has always been that it's<br />

counterintuitive that no. one reads that way that it lacks common sense..<br />

That will change. Like reading or breathing web browsing itself is.<br />

agnostic with respect to politics and culture. Unlike reading or.<br />

breathing however surfing mimics a postmodern deconstructionist.<br />

perspective by undermining the authority of texts. Anyone who has.<br />

spent a lot of time online particularly the very young will find.<br />

themselves thinking about content articles texts pictures in. ways that<br />

would be familiar to any deconstructionist critic. And a. community of<br />

citizens who think like Jacques Derrida will not be a. particularly<br />

conservative one.. HTML hyperlinks frames and metatags are the<br />

essential building. blocks of the web. They combine to create a highly<br />

associative. endlessly referential and contingent environment that<br />

provides an. expanse of information at the same time that it subverts<br />

any claim to. authority since another view is just a click away.. These<br />

basic technical tools are similar to deconstructionist. analytical tools.<br />

Hypertext markup language (HTML) provides graphic. display<br />

instructions to the web browser. Codes control the. presentation of each<br />

web page including pictures colors fonts and. the organization of text.<br />

Without HTML a web browser would show a. continuous scroll of<br />

plain text. Although HTML is normally. invisible the viewer can select<br />

a viewing option that exposes the. program codes. With HTML visible<br />

the structure of each web page is. laid bare like a theater with<br />


transparent curtains and sets so the. lighting crew scaffolding director<br />

and actors in the wings were all. visible. Hyperlinks which often appear<br />

in underlined blue text. provide the essential connectivity of the web<br />

enabling the user to. jump from one page to another a sort of black hole<br />

through which a. viewer can jump in and emerge in another place.<br />

Framing divides a. web site into separate windows each displayed in a<br />

separate part of. the screen and independently functional. Hyperlinks<br />

connect each. frame allowing the user to move among screens without<br />

leaving the. site. Search engines organize information on the web as<br />

well while. description of and hyperlink to a list of sites ranked by<br />

likely. relevance. In many cases the web page communicates to the<br />

search. engine through metatags which are encoded in the HTML and<br />

usually. consist of key words that provide an associative description of<br />

the. site itself.. A person engages the web in much the same way that a.<br />

deconstructionist critic approaches a text. Deconstruction which.<br />

denotes a process rather than a belief system shows how novels.<br />

statutes and court opinions collapse upon themselves making their.<br />

underlying assumptions absurd. For the deconstructionist each text. is<br />

endlessly referential a web of associations and connections that. is<br />

finally ambiguous. The structuralist critic Ferdinand de Saussure. set<br />

the foundation of postmodern thought by describing language as a.<br />

system of signs. Each sign was made up of a signifier (the word. itself)<br />

and the signified (the concept or meaning). Saussure's. first principle<br />

was that such signs are arbitrary. The letters s. i s t e and r suggest a girl<br />

or woman who shares the same parents. as the referent but the idea of<br />

this woman is not linked by any. inner relationship to the succession of<br />

sounds sor which serves as. its signifier in French. Indeed the woman at<br />

issue could as. simply be represented by another succession of letters or<br />

sounds.. For de Saussure the relationship between the signifier and the.<br />

signified was merely historical and therefore arbitrary. The letters. b o o<br />

and k could have signified a flying animal but were instead. doomed to<br />

represent a bound sheaf of printed papers too rarely. capable of flight.<br />

Since each sign (the word) has meaning only. because it doesn't signify<br />

something else (the actual book) and the. words themselves are<br />

arbitrarily assigned meaning itself is only. relational it cannot be<br />

grasped on its own.. Meaning then is not contained or conveyed by a<br />

word or series of. words because it is dependent on what those words<br />

do not contain or. convey. Meaning is part of a process in which words<br />

are examined. with respect to other words which lend meaning only in<br />

relation to. other than Tim BernersLee had heard of the World Wide<br />


Web language. looks much more like a sprawling limitless web where<br />

there is a. constant interchange and circulation of elements..<br />

Deconstructionists advanced de Saussure's work by detaching the.<br />

signifier from the signified and arguing that meaning is present only. in<br />

words that themselves are indeterminate and relational. Each. word or<br />

sign in a sentence is linked to all the others forming an. infinite or at<br />

least inexhaustible network. Every text fiction and. nonfiction statutes<br />

and religious works has a flickering or. suspended quality its meaning<br />

is whatever may be grasped by a. particular reader at a particular time..<br />

Deconstructionists believe that writing and reading is a discourse a.<br />

kind of open conversation or play through which the reader pieces.<br />

together a meaning by distinguishing one word from another. A.<br />

favorite tactic of such critics is to analyze a detail in the text. until it<br />

unravels the entire structure of the work and renders it. incoherent.<br />

Widelyaccepted interpretations such as the moral. of the story of<br />

Exodus is the inevitable empowerment of repressed. groups come to<br />

appear naive. Indeed the Supreme Court has done. something similar<br />

with the th Amendment. After years as a. curious backwater of the<br />

Constitution the th Amendment now stands. at the center of the Court's<br />

jurisprudence the foundation of the. increasingly broad doctrine of<br />

sovereign immunity (a phrase found. nowhere in the constitution) that<br />

is radically broadening the power. of state government at the expense of<br />

both Congress and citizens at. the same time that it casts doubt upon<br />

received ideas about nearly. every other aspect of the United States<br />

Constitution. A. deconstructionist would not argue that the Supreme<br />

Court is right or. wrong about federalism and state power but only that<br />

such radically. divergent interpretations of the same text indicate that<br />

any appeal. to an authoritative meaning including an investigation into<br />

the. intent of the author (in this case the framers of the Constitution. and<br />

Bill of Rights) will be a misguided and ultimately fruitless. project..<br />

The Web is a postmodernist tool that inevitably produces a.<br />

postmodernist perspective. It is an unobvious result. After all. social<br />

conservatism is the kind of grassroots movement that the. internet<br />

should complement. The Web improves the coordination of. farflung<br />

constituents aiding organization recruiting and the. dissemination of<br />

information while reinforcing beliefs by increasing. the number of<br />

sources with consistent viewpoints. Conservatives who. have long<br />

complained of the liberal bias of the major media can now. avoid those<br />

sources altogether customizing a diet of news from. likeminded online<br />

sources. Cass Sunstein has emphasized the. danger inherent in what he<br />


calls cybercascades where people who. share similar views<br />

communicate only with each other reinforcing. their own perspectives<br />

but precluding exposure to new ones.. There have always been<br />

conservative and liberal newspapers Sunstein. notes but the emerging<br />

situation does contain large differences. stemming above all from a<br />

dramatic increase in available options a. simultaneous increase in<br />

individual control over content and a. corresponding decrease in the<br />

power of general interest. intermediaries. As options multiply<br />

intermediaries narrow. If. every consumer of information creates a daily<br />

me which filters all. unpalatable news and opinions the citizenry will<br />

become increasingly. parochial. More broadly Sunstein worries that<br />

cybercascades. will fragment society slim political and cultural<br />

discourse and. clear the shelves and stalls of the marketplace of ideas..<br />

Credited to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and based on a theory that. John<br />

Stuart Mill first sketched this marketplace sifts and exposes. the truth<br />

and value of competing theories. If the marketplace. metastasizes into<br />

isolated stalls free speech will quickly lose its. value and the<br />

marketplace of ideas will close for lack of customers.. Sunstein's<br />

prophecy is politically neutral the internet will. enervate the intellectual<br />

vigor of all movements by isolating them in. cyber chambers that echo<br />

with cheers and wild applause. There is. every reason to believe<br />

however that the Web will subvert. conservative thought even if<br />

conservatives themselves browse friendly. terrain from family.org to<br />

heritage.org to fedsoc.org. The content. available online is much less<br />

important than the manner in which it. is delivered indeed the way the<br />

Web is structured. Its influence. is structural rather than informational<br />

and its structure is. agnostic. For that reason parental controls of the<br />

sort that AOL. can offer gives no comfort to conservatives. It's not that<br />

Johnny. it's that Johnny will come to think consciously or not of.<br />

everything he reads as linked associative and contingent. He will. be<br />

disinclined to accept the authority of any text whether. religious<br />

political or artistic since he has learned that there is. no such thing as<br />

the last word or indeed even a series of words that. do not link in some<br />

way to some other text or game. For those who. grow up reading online<br />

reading will come to seem a game one that. endlessly plays out in<br />

unlimited directions. The web in providing. link after associative link<br />

commentary upon every picture and. paragraph allows indeed requires<br />

users to engage in a. postmodernist inquiry.. interactive effort one that<br />

despite the intentions of the Biblical. Studies Foundation which<br />

operates the site explodes the authority. of the text. The viewer chooses<br />


any of eighteen different versions. of the bible and then finds a matrix<br />

of hyperlinks organized by. chapter and verse that link to the requested<br />

section. Four frames. provide the biblical text and accompanying<br />

information including. footnotes hyperlinked to other sources with<br />

explanatory material a. hyperlinked index of every other chapter and<br />

links to the Biblical. Studies Foundation's homepage as well as other<br />

related sources. The. site also contains the customary search function<br />

which appears on. the left and of course the internet browser itself has a<br />

search. function that is always visible so that an engaged reader may be.<br />

constantly toggling between biblical text commentary in the. footnotes<br />

word searches suggested by the bible or footnotes or a. combination of<br />

both. <strong>Re</strong>aders unfamiliar with a word may click on the. footnote with a<br />

short definition or synonym. If that is. unsatisfactory typing the word<br />

into the search function will yield a. link to a dictionary of biblical<br />

words terms and phrases that may. offer a more refined and accurate<br />

definition. The reader may be. satisfied and return to the text or pursue<br />

the matter further. needing just two clicks to find the same passage in<br />

an alternative. translation. If the reader is interested in a historical<br />

analysis of. the passage a search for 'biblical history' yields and array<br />

of. relevant academic and religious sites from all perspectives. A.<br />

reader might devote a day to pursuing a single passage a single. line<br />

finding herself farther and farther afield from the original. text and<br />

translation. Indeed she might forget which site she was. reading.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ading the bible online is an exploration of multiple. sources<br />

commentators and bibliographic tributaries.. <strong>Re</strong>ading any other<br />

presumptively authoritative text online presents a. similar experience.<br />

The US Constitution is available at among other. commentary from<br />

wellknown and lesser authorities. Footnotes provide. short summaries<br />

of legislative history and important court decisions.. A review of the<br />

Second Amendment upon which the entire gun control. debate rests led<br />

this reader to twentyfour different sites each. directly or indirectly<br />

linked offering finely spun phrasebyphrase. analysis. And that was just<br />

the first sentence of this short. amendment. By the time the curious<br />

reader returns to the original. text her head will be cocked back<br />

distrustful possibly exhausted. certainly skeptical if not despairing of<br />

any authoritative. interpretation. Indeed she may come to believe that<br />

there is no. That any such transcendental meaning is a fiction ... is one.<br />

consequence of deconstruction. there is no concept which is. not<br />

embroiled in an openended play of signification shot. through with<br />

traces and fragments of other ideas.... Consider in. our own society<br />


Freedom the Family Democracy Independence. Authority Order and so<br />

on. Sometimes such meanings are seen as. the origin of all the others<br />

the source from which they flow. but this ... is a curious way of<br />

thinking because for this. meaning ever to have been possible other<br />

signs must already have. existed. It is difficult to think of an origin<br />

without wanting. to go back beyond it.. The Web invites even demands<br />

that its users go back forward around. and elsewhere in an associative<br />

search for meaning. Jonathan Culler. in a discussion of Barthes writes<br />

The text is ceaselessly. traversed by codes which are the source of its<br />

meanings.. Structuralists such as Barthes and Deconstructionists like<br />

Derrida. created a revolution in hermeneutics by identifying the codes<br />

that. inhered in every line of prose. Not long ago one had to be a.<br />

graduate student to grasp the concept. No longer. The Web. illuminates<br />

these codes for everyone to see and much more. importantly use.. In<br />

this light the conservatives' fear of moral relativism is. wellfounded.<br />

Absent some divine authority or lacking any consensus. about the<br />

existence or nature of such authority relativists believe. that morality is<br />

socially determined wholly dependent on standards. existing in a<br />

community at a particular place and time. In a. pluralist society then<br />

there can be no consensus regarding good and. evil. If it is not quite<br />

true that anything goes tolerance dictates. that we must respect the<br />

choices that others make even if they are. repugnant to others in the<br />

community. Samesex marriage under this. view is no more right or<br />

wrong than the traditional variety and we. cannot condemn those who<br />

practice it. Moral relativism is often. considered to be inversely<br />

proportional to the strength of religion.. The prevalence of the former<br />

however has surprisingly little to do. with the decline of the latter.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ligion is hardly in decline at. least in the United States. A higher<br />

percentage of Americans go to. church mosque or temple each week<br />

than went both one and two. centuries ago. By any measure America is<br />

the most religious of all. Western industrialized nations and arguably<br />

the most religious of any. country outside Islam.. Perhaps for that<br />

reason conservatives blame the kind of liberal. elites who tend to<br />

congregate in New York newsrooms and Northeastern. classrooms.<br />

These usual suspects condescend toward religion at the. postmodern<br />

theories suggesting that received beliefs tend to be. arbitrary or<br />

selfserving or both. This argument tends to overstate. both the<br />

liberalism and elitism of the accused along with their. influence and it<br />

misses the most powerful and pervasive source of. moral relativism the<br />

Web.. Technology undermines traditional belief systems even as it<br />


creates a. belief in a kind of heavenly paradise a kind of Technopia. In<br />

his. book The Future of Ideas The Fate of the Commons in a<br />

Connected. World Larry Lessig argues for an open society in which<br />

everyone has. access to information and the tools necessary to<br />

contribute to the. community and succeed within it. A former colleague<br />

of. Sunstein's at the University of Chicago who migrated to Stanford<br />

the. very capital of Technopia Professor Lessig believes that the Web.<br />

could create an interconnected information and idearich republic.. He<br />

warns however that unless we balance private ownership of. intellectual<br />

property and the public's ability to refine and build. upon it we will<br />

never inhabit such a place.. Open shared platforms of content and code<br />

must be the foundation of. such a radically free creative and informed<br />

society but an unholy. trinity of Congress the courts and large<br />

corporations has. effectively sealed media and software platforms by<br />

lengthening. copyright laws and strengthening intellectual property<br />

protections.. The most recent example is the Sonny Bono Copyright<br />

Term Extension. Act which extended by years both existing copyrights<br />

and future. copyrights. A copyright grant is a limited monopoly a<br />

reward for. innovation but the reward if too generous (long) will surely.<br />

stifle it for any increase in copyright term strengthens monopolist.<br />

practice and isolates innovation from improvement in much the same.<br />

way that Sunstein fears that cybercascades weaken the dialogue of.<br />

democracy. For that reason Lessig predicts that. ...two companies AOL<br />

Time Warner and Microsoft will define. the next five years of the<br />

Internet's life. Neither company has. committed itself to a neutral and<br />

open platform. Hence the. next five years will be radically different<br />

from the past ten.. Innovation in content and applications will be as<br />

these platform. owners permit. Additions that benefit either company<br />

will be. encouraged additions that don't won't....Content and access.<br />

will once again be controlled the innovation commons will have. been<br />

carved up and sold.. If software code the DNA of the internet is<br />

privately held. citizens will be cyberserfs on corporate estates. There<br />

can be no. freedom without commons. Businesspersons artists and<br />

academics must. be free to graze on the rich field of ideas that lead to<br />

further. innovation. In his previous book Professor Lessig argued that<br />

just. as police regulate cities code regulates cyberspace. If state. police<br />

power was the principal concern of the th century corporate. control of<br />

code should be that of the st. Just as we defeated. Hitler and Stalin the<br />

argument continues implicitly so must we. strike AOL and Microsoft.<br />

Corporations wield power invidiously. veiled by the promise of free<br />


markets effectively coopting the. institutions that should balance public<br />

and private ownership.. Lessig will. For many technologists those who<br />

believe that. technology properly configured will save the planet he is<br />

the. muchlauded (and wellschooled) David against an array of<br />

corporate. to increasing the sum and access of intellectual property<br />

online. and as lead counsel for the petitioner in Eldred v Ashcroft. in<br />

which he challenged the constitutionality of the Bono. Copyright<br />

Extension Act Lessig has argued that Congress had. overstepped the<br />

authority vested by the Constitution by essentially. marching the<br />

copyright term toward perpetuity. In January the. Supreme Court<br />

disagreed upholding the act. His fight continues.. Victory will not elude<br />

Professor Lessig though it may surprise him.. A public weaned on the<br />

Web will be increasingly sensitive to the. value of open platforms and<br />

the possibilities inherent in shared. media and code. The increasing ease<br />

with which even moderately. trained musicians mix and sample<br />

recorded works and the resulting. battle between the <strong>Re</strong>cording<br />

Industry Association of America and the. music lovers that support its<br />

member companies is just the first of. many disputes that will reshape<br />

copyright law and practice. Citizens. who are no longer awed by<br />

received authority will use the. instantiations of that authority whether<br />

in the form of text. graphics music or code for their own purposes..<br />

Professors Lessig and Sunstein sketch despairing visions because they.<br />

have missed the essentially deconstructionist nature of the Web. The.<br />

architecture that media and technology companies control to stifle.<br />

innovation and that citizens use to cordon themselves from genuine.<br />

debate will at the same time foster an open inquisitive and. markedly<br />

liberal spirit. Problems associated with the control of. ideas and the<br />

compartmentalization of dialogue will persist but a. newly emergent<br />

majority on the Left will rise to tackle them. It's. all in the code.. Notes.<br />

Ferdinand de Saussure Course in General Linguistics Wade. Baskins<br />

trans. (New York McGrawHill ) ch. .. Ibid .. Ibid.. Terry Eagleton<br />

Literary Theory (Minneapolis University of. Minnesota Press ) .. Ibid .<br />

See also Jonathan Culler Structuralist Poetics. Structuralism Linguistics<br />

and the Study of Literature (Ithaca. Cornell University Press )<br />

discussing Jacques Derrida. Writing and Difference Alan Bass trans.<br />

(Chicago University of. Chicago Press ).. Eagleton .. Ibid .. Cass<br />

Sunstein republic.com (Princeton Princeton Univ. Press. ) .. Ibid .. Ibid<br />

.. Ibid .. Eagleton .. Culler .. Lawrence Lessig The Future of Ideas The<br />

Fate of the Commons. in a Connected World (New York Vintage<br />

Books ) (first. published by Random House ).. Ibid xxixxii.. Ibid<br />


xxixxii.. Ibid .. Lawrence Lessig Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace<br />

(Basic. Books ) .. Ibid.. to increase the sum of raw source material<br />

online but also to make. access to that material cheaper and easier. To<br />

this end we have also. developed metadata that can be used to associate<br />

creative works with. their public domain or license status in a<br />

machinereadable way. We. hope this will enable people to use the our<br />

search application and. other online applications to find for example<br />

photographs that are. free to use provided that the original photographer<br />

is credited or. songs that may be copied distributed or sampled with no.<br />

restrictions whatsoever. We hope that the ease of use fostered by.<br />

machine readable licenses will further reduce barriers to. creativity.).<br />

Eldred v Ashcroft Sup Ct . Argued October. decided January .. Brief for<br />

Petitioners Eldred .. Peter Lurie is a lawyer a graduate of Dartmouth<br />

College and The. University of Chicago Law School where he worked<br />

on two independent. papers with Judge Richard Posner studied critical<br />

theory and the. interrelation between law and literature. He has written<br />

for the. New York Press and Shout Magazine. He is also the cofounder<br />

of. Virgin Mobile USA a wireless voice and internet company aimed at<br />

the. youth market where he serves as General Counsel.. The views<br />

expressed are his own.. CTHEORY is an international journal of theory<br />

technology and. culture. Articles interviews and key book reviews in.<br />

contemporary discourse are published weekly as well as. theorisations<br />

of major eventscenes in the mediascape.. Editors Arthur and Marilouise<br />

Kroker. Editorial Board Jean Baudrillard (Paris) Paul Virilio (Paris).<br />

Bruce Sterling (Austin) R.U. Sirius (San Francisco) Siegfried. Zielinski<br />

(Koeln) Stelarc (Melbourne) Richard Kadrey (San. Francisco) DJ<br />

Spooky Paul D. Miller (NYC) Timothy Murray. (IthacaCornell) Lynn<br />

Hershman Leeson (San Francisco) Stephen. Pfohl (Boston) Andrew<br />

Ross (NYC) David Cook (Toronto) Ralph. Melcher (Sante Fe) Shannon<br />

Bell (Toronto) Gad Horowitz. (Toronto) Deena Weinstein (Chicago)<br />

Michael Weinstein. (Chicago) Andrew Wernick (Peterborough).. In<br />

Memory Kathy Acker. Editorial Correspondents Ken Hollings (UK).<br />

Maurice Charland (Canada) Steve Gibson (CanadaSweden).. Editorial<br />

Associate Ted Hiebert. To view CTHEORY online please visit. To<br />

view CTHEORY MULTIMEDIA online please visit. CTHEORY<br />

includes. . Electronic reviews of key books in contemporary theory.. .<br />

Electronic articles on theory technology and culture.. . Eventscenes in<br />

politics culture and the mediascape.. . Interviews with significant<br />

theorists artists and writers.. . Multimedia theme issues and projects..<br />

Special thanks to Concordia University.. No commercial use of<br />


CTHEORY articles without permission.. Mailing address CTHEORY<br />

Concordia University de. Maisonneuve O. Montreal Canada HG M..<br />

Full text and microform versions are available from UMI Ann Arbor.<br />

Michigan and Canadian Periodical IndexGale Canada Toronto..<br />

Indexed in International Political Science Abstracts. Documentation<br />

politique international Sociological Abstract. Inc. Advance<br />

Bibliography of Contents Political Science and. Government Canadian<br />

Periodical Index Film and Literature Index.. dine venner. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd PeertoPeer the collective collaborative and<br />

liberated memory of. sound.. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

Alessandro Ludovico. Fwd PeertoPeer the collective collaborative and.<br />

liberated memory of. sound.. PeertoPeer the collective collaborative<br />

and liberated memory of sound.. Alessandro Ludovico. This text is part<br />

of the 'adonnaM.mp Filesharing the Hidden. <strong>Re</strong>volution in the Internet'<br />

exhibition curated by Franziska Nori and. the digitalcraft.org team into<br />

the Museum of Applied Arts in. Frankfurt opened to the public from the<br />

th of March to the th of. Consumers have very little interest in<br />

technology per se. What they. value is what it can actually enable them<br />

to do.. Michael Robertson founder of mp.com.. The key to accessing<br />

one's own memory of sound.. The unstoppable popularity of peertopeer<br />

networks and of millions. of mp files exchanged every day cannot<br />

simply be reduced to the. usual equation 'freeeveryone wants it'. There<br />

is something more. complex and widerranging that makes neophyte<br />

users constantly rack. their brains over how to make hardware and<br />

software mechanisms work. access the 'celestial jukebox'. This is the<br />

instinctive search for. one's own experience of sound everyone's<br />

memory of music which has. found somewhere to begin afresh and<br />

reestablish those neural. connections which produce indelible<br />

associations between events and. tracks and tunes. Unlike any form of<br />

'revival' decided from above by. publishers the peer and nonprofit<br />

network offers large amounts of. original unmanipulated material which<br />

awakens familiar sensations. and brings back memories. Downloading<br />

files compulsively driven by. the mania to take advantage of an 'open<br />

safe' thus means something. more than accumulating cds full of files<br />

without actually having time. listen to them. This stereotype which is<br />

put about by the old. media leads nowhere because it forgets that<br />

everyone lives their. lives intimately surrounded by sounds.. The free<br />

exchange of tracks not for gain or smallscale business. seems as<br />

necessary to existence as looking again at certain photos or. re watching<br />

certain films at one's leisure. Fragments that were lost. over time<br />


ecords lent and never returned and that thanks to. digital swapping turn<br />

up again. Music is in fact contained not only. in the safes of industry or<br />

the dusty ledgers of copyright. associations but in everyone's home via<br />

the myriad cds vinyl discs. and cassettes which together represent an<br />

enormous heritage of music.. Digitizing this heritage although<br />

sometimes available only in. snatches with technical limits means it can<br />

take shape so that it. can reach and satisfy anyone. The very notion of<br />

ownership of a music. product is radically redefined by its changing<br />

into something which. is not material. Apart from reassessing the<br />

contents one owns insofar. as they are merely activators of other<br />

exchanges peertopeer. networks are perhaps the first model of contents<br />

'ondemand' which. has truly worked because it is negotiated between<br />

peers. The notion. of a network has worked splendidly here since it is<br />

others who keep. one's own memory of music.. The reward is not only<br />

'obtaining' music but also taking part in an. enormous collective<br />

process as happens with a chat room newsgroup. or blog. Sharing one's<br />

files is thus no mere act of generosity or a. gesture that it is hoped will<br />

encourage others to do the same but an. act of participation proving one<br />

is part of a game a process or a. collective performance intended to<br />

liberate sounds and share them. As. collective performance intended to<br />

liberate sounds and share them. As<br />


281<br />

John Perry Barlow says 'the more connected we become the more.<br />

obvious it is that we're all in this together'() this is the. culture of the<br />

net which is expanding rapidly rewarding collective. consciousness<br />

expressed via the artistic heritage of musicians and. which lives again<br />

in our memory. Basically as stated by 'Lord of the. Borrowers' a highly<br />

active user making available his Gigabytes of. data 'There are loads of<br />

people out there who have no idea of the. use they could make of their<br />

computers ... I think I'm doing a public. service.'() This is a similar<br />

concept to Michael Robertson's who. had conceived mp.com as a<br />

'service bureau' based on the assumption. that 'data changes the<br />

balance of power'() .. Thus a public service but selforganized and<br />

selfgenerated with. ramifications which whenever pruned by court<br />

action regrow and. thrive more than ever like creatures of myth. Once<br />

started the. sense of community knows no bounds. That was seen in the<br />

spring of. when the RIAA drew up a list of . tracks to be eliminated. the<br />

servers of Napster. Immediately there were groups and single. users<br />

who came up with stratagems that were imaginative to say the. least<br />

such as using the figure '' instead of 'to' or writing the. names of the<br />

tracks backwards or in pig latin or even creating sites. automatically<br />

converting the names into forms which could not be. recognized by the<br />

automatic control mechanisms.() However access to. the files is subject<br />

to intrinsic limits such as the text search for. the name of the artist or<br />

track without taking account of other. used and so on. Yet these limits<br />

do not discourage searching and. sharing in a peertopeer social and<br />

socializing practice. Indeed. one of the most fascinating sides of MP<br />

compression technology is. that its diffusion and direct consequences<br />

were not planned at the. outset but as in the best tradition of informal<br />

networks have. expanded incredibly thanks to ordinary word of mouth.<br />

Viewed in the. abstract the structure of a pc network with a large<br />

number of music. files resembles that of a sort of huge sound machine<br />

able to satisfy. most needs. This is the socalled 'Celestial Jukebox' an<br />

ideal. machine able to reproduce almost any track recorded in the<br />

history of. music.. MP.art.. The main innovation of the MP<br />


compression system is that it has. started new processes both in<br />

composition and in the use of music. in line with the participatory<br />

structure of the net. The work of. artists active on the net hinges on two<br />

concepts the ramified. spatial structure of sound information and the<br />

analogies between. music files. 'Tetrasomia' for example is a project by<br />

Stephen. Vitiello starting from four 'cardinal points' of sound very<br />

short. compositions of about a minute and a half each related to earth.<br />

water air and fire the surfer is guided to other sounds on the. net such as<br />

the frequencies from orbiting satellites or the. twittering of certain birds<br />

that live in remote corners of the globe.. The tracks do not cancel each<br />

other out during listening but can be. layered and activated together<br />

form a small crosssection of sounds. the world put into a personal form.<br />

This sound panorama is. possible thanks to a number of contributions<br />

outside the creation of. the artist who becomes a new point in a network<br />

concentrating the. experiences of others. A similar concept lies behind<br />

the sound. sculptures of Atau Tanaka who in 'mpq' shows a file of<br />

addresses. processed into a threedimensional textual structure where the<br />

user. constructs a form of polyphony by making the files sound in a<br />

certain. order.. The artist intends the user to contribute to the work by<br />

pointing to. new addresses and this request for cooperation breaks down<br />

the. traditional barriers between artist and audience. This direct.<br />

interaction mingles the roles of 'creator' and 'user' thus enabling. real<br />

development of ideas which draw their strength from the fact. that they<br />

are created and approved by the public. And the notion of. collective<br />

contribution is also behind 'Collective Jukebox' an. experiment<br />

inaugurated in by Frenchman Jerome Joy whose. intention was to<br />

combine the spontaneous donation of tracks with. public use<br />

independently of the limits of space and time of the. artists involved.<br />

Joy's work in fact combines the infrastructures of. the net with those of<br />

traditional art inviting anyone wanting to. take part to make their tracks<br />

available at a publicly accessible. internet address. Periodically he then<br />

organizes and exhibits them. via a real jukebox with thousands of files<br />

which are used in some. kind of public space such as a museum or caf.<br />

Furthermore the. opportunity for reciprocal interaction opens further<br />

chances of. processing carried out together with others introducing a<br />

new social. side into the production of sound. A musical artifact may<br />

indeed be. the result of something done by more people than those<br />

normally in a. band and so open up to an indefinite number of active<br />

participants. who make a significant contribution to the final product.<br />

This. concept is applied to particular advantage in 'Sound Injury' a.<br />


mailing list for electronic musicians which ends interaction between.<br />

members every month with a piece composed collectively. The list.<br />

follows a simple procedure a sound is distributed to all members who.<br />

modify it and then resubmit it to the other participants. The process.<br />

lasts thirty days with all the chaotic intermediate stages until the.<br />

definitive version.. A more playful sort of exchange recasts PeertoPeer<br />

networks as an. easy hiding place for suitably disguised data. In<br />

'Siren's Voice' by. the media company 'plinq' the user is invited to<br />

take part in the. plot of a story by locating its missing parts hidden in<br />

exchange. networks. The story is structured so that some parts are<br />

located in. networks and which can be recognized by working together<br />

which. enables the story to be completed. These search mechanisms<br />

have a. structure of data flows which only materialize in the minds of<br />

those. involved in the interaction. The antipodes of this approach is the.<br />

art of constructing software showing real images inside the.<br />

abstractions that are files and producing a sort of microscope. showing<br />

the normally invisible processes of the formation of blocks. of digital<br />

numbers. 'Minitasking' by German duo Schoenerwissen. follows this<br />

principle working on a particularly large data flow. generated by the<br />

Gnutella network. Coloured 'balls' as the artists. call them represent the<br />

content of the file in size and colour. bringing out their intrinsic<br />

instability by dynamically mapping the. data involved. MP is now a<br />

medium in itself as shown by a number of. media operations which can<br />

easily be defined as performances.. Currently on PeertoPeer networks<br />

intentionally wrong names and. makes the user realize the fallible<br />

nature of 'packages' of. nonmaterial goods.. This approach is<br />

sometimes taken by small labels in search of glory. such as Evolution<br />

Controlled Creations (EEC) who distributed their. tracks by saying they<br />

were unpublished items by Nirvana. The American. record industry<br />

lobby evidently in trouble uses the same detour. approach to discourage<br />

the spread in advance of new longawaited. albums. This has produced<br />

companies like MediaDefender one of whose. services is the sale of the<br />

activation of many simultaneous downloads. of a track on PeertoPeer<br />

networks to make it inaccessible. This. form of conservative opposition<br />

is an attempt to make comprehensible. a phenomenon far too complex<br />

and diversified to be so and which. spreads with no technical obstacles<br />

in its path. The quickest net. language is worm viruses and they have<br />

clear effects on the user's. emotional vulnerability and hardware.<br />

Trusting that some music. swappers might feel guilty in July a hoax<br />

group sent out a. communiqu saying that on July (American<br />


Independence Day) all. computers on earth would crash due to a virus<br />

called MusicPanel and. all MP files contained in them with the five<br />

hundred bestknown. tracks would become unusable. Posted on some<br />

newsgroups (including. alt.music.bootlegs) it clearly shows how media<br />

panic can be. instigated and is also a slap in the face of censors who<br />

have used. similar tones when launching their crusades.() This<br />

technique has. been used on other occasions such as when a similar<br />

hoax. described a new worm called 'Bloat' which would supposedly<br />

make the. MP files on a hard disk five times as big.() The useless guilt.<br />

feeling instilled by commercial marketing concerning the free.<br />

exchange of sound goods which have been legitimately purchased<br />

brings. with it new forms of cultural rebellion which come out in<br />

unsuspected. ways.. Plagiarism MP is the message.. Liberalization of<br />

music tracks via MP files in PeertoPeer networks. is a fundamental of a<br />

whole artistic scene called plagiarist which. is another way of saying<br />

the free use of sound content in digital. format. The opposition and<br />

enthusiastic support aroused by these. artists over the years concerns<br />

exclusive copyright which is. beginning to waver. It will inevitably<br />

soon dissolve in the face of. the new media and their technical<br />

possibilities of manipulation and. reproduction. Various artists have<br />

shown the paradox of a system. which has gone against its noble origins<br />

as an artistic defence. turning into merely a crutch for the record<br />

industry. As irreverent. jesters of a commercial system blindly hanging<br />

on to its own. privileges the members of the band Negativland have<br />

always been. passionate about sampling 'spoken' material from TV<br />

jingles to radio. talk shows with almost maniacal accuracy in editing<br />

and often manage. show just how obsessive something commercial can<br />

be thus. shortcircuiting our over stimulated attention system. They<br />

became. famous because of a legal challenge which dragged them into<br />

a bizarre. sentence of which they tell the story in their book ''Fair Use<br />

The. story of the letter U and the numeral ' where they also explain the.<br />

techniques applied here. In the band issued on the SST label a. single<br />

which had 'U' over almost all of the cover with a U spy. plane in the<br />

background and the name 'Negativland' in small print. while the vinyl<br />

contained two parodies with seconds of a sample of. 'I Still Haven't<br />

Found What I'm Looking For'. Sales figures were not. above the<br />

average for the group's other products i.e. . copies. against the millions<br />

sold soon afterwards of 'Zooropa' the next. album by U themselves.<br />

'Island' U's label at the time demanded. all available copies be<br />

destroyed and . in damages which. Negativland agreed to pay because<br />


they could not afford the costs of. a trial.. The serious economic<br />

repercussions of an episode of this kind became. the symbol of a battle<br />

in which the only weapons available are irony. and sarcasm applied to<br />

the production of culture and transmitted via. a dense network of<br />

exchanges. Negativland became a sort of icon for. the free use of sound<br />

samples and continued their valuable artistic. and political work which<br />

is halfway between art and propaganda. They. also supported other<br />

campaigns such as 'Toywar Lullabies' an album. issued in by the Etoy<br />

group of artists in an attempt to get back. the etoy.com domain which<br />

had been taken away by a large toy company.. Their core idea is that<br />

'copyright came from the idea that people who. create have to be<br />

properly paid for what they do not that they have. get every possible<br />

payment that derives from it' and as Don Joyce. one of the members of<br />

the band says 'any fragmentary use of someone. else's work should be<br />

absolutely free' (). This is one reason why. net artists .ORG asked<br />

Negativland to compose a piece. for their project 'Glasnost' intended to<br />

put out as much public data. uses samples of a month of private phone<br />

calls between the artists. and others who were unaware of what was<br />

happening and brings to the. fore all the uncertainties everyone has<br />

concerning the invasion of. privacy. Other artists are also aware of the<br />

experimental potential. of sampling and use it to compose such as<br />

Canadian John Oswald who. has received the attention of lawyers<br />

representing a major record. company. His sound collages are full of<br />

rapidly changing sequences of. such famous sacred figures as James<br />

Brown and especially Michael. Jackson and the artistic quality of his<br />

editing is never in doubt.. His own definition of this style is<br />

'plunderphonics' i.e. 'audio. piracy as a compositional prerogative'.<br />

And it was these particular. samples which in led CBS <strong>Re</strong>cords and the<br />

Canadian <strong>Re</strong>cord. Industry Association to take action despite the phrase<br />

'Not For. Sale' appearing on the cds and the fact that they were<br />

distributed. free of charge. Nor have the minutely detailed 'credits' on<br />

each. album been enough to get the composer out of trouble. In a<br />

subsequent. work called 'Plexure' Oswald attempted to assemble five<br />

thousand. fragments by five thousand famous pop stars changing their<br />

names but. leaving them recognizable e.g. 'Sinead O'Connick' or<br />

'Bing. Stingspreen' and working on the progressive speed of the entire.<br />

piece.(). 'It's a work on the recognizability of information seeing that<br />

in. the end there are so many familiar starting points that the memory.<br />

quite literally gets lost in its own meanderings' as Oswald himself. says<br />

although he regrets that in music 'there is no convention about. putting<br />


in quotation marks as is done when quoting a text'.. Overzealous<br />

bureaucracy aside it really would be twisted thinking. consider these<br />

sound works as a theft of intellectual property. because purchasing the<br />

support on which the original works are. recorded also means<br />

purchasing the right to listen. David Toop an. English journalist and<br />

author of 'Ocean of Sounds' stresses that the. purchaser of an album<br />

also pays for the right to ignore the artist's. intentions completely to<br />

massacre the product as much as they like. and to listen in a variety of<br />

creative ways thus changing it. utterly.() The latter is markedly<br />

different from what is commonly. called plagiarism since it is a new<br />

reprocessing of the material. used treating the digital samples as a<br />

violinist uses the notes. written on a stave. This is also the attitude of<br />

the label 'Illegal. Art' supported by media activists RTMark which<br />

issued the famous. 'Deconstructing Beck' an album obtained by<br />

sampling and. restructuring tracks by the musician Beck and obviously<br />

alerting the. lawyers of GeffenBMG. Notice of the decision to sue was<br />

sent by. email since the only way of contacting the mysterious label<br />

was an. email address. Even more incredibly BMG did not yet have a<br />

copy of. the cd (. copies had been pressed and quickly sold) and so.<br />

based their demands and threats on the 'word of mouth' echoing<br />

around. the internet.. The next work by Illegal Art was 'Extracted<br />

Celluloid' a brilliant. collage of samples of film music used 'in direct<br />

opposition to the. sound clichs they were taken from'. It is an<br />

exemplary work in the. deconstruction of tunes remembered by most<br />

people living in Western. countries with samples from such soundtracks<br />

as 'Titanic' 'Saturday. Night Fever' 'The Wizard Of Oz' and 'Dr.<br />

Strangelove'. Yet again. this shows that digital files are not only a<br />

medium for carrying. sound but also political and social content. An<br />

even more outstanding. case in this respect was the censure of the<br />

DeCSS source code. (Descrambling Content Scrambling System) the<br />

industry code. protecting the DVD standard. After a sentence<br />

forbidding its. 'publication' one of the many alternative channels<br />

became an MP. file (decss.mp) in which a voice synthesizer 'sings' the<br />

code.. Initially the piece was available as an unpublished track in a free.<br />

space on mp.com and then removed by the company since according to.<br />

offensive or inappropriate'.. The effectiveness of these operations lies<br />

in finding technical. mechanisms which are perfectly legal and which<br />

although they cannot. be attacked show how backward the procedures<br />

of institutional. protection are. Another conceptual hacking is<br />

'Dictionaraoke' a real. stroke of genius consisting of a collection of<br />


over one hundred pop. classics from the past thirty years sung in perfect<br />

artificial. English. The 'Snuggles' a group of fans of Negativland<br />

hosted these. tracks in which the original lyrics are sung by the<br />

pronunciation. tools of the widely used English dictionaries and<br />

encyclopaedias. found online. In 'Don't go breaking my heart' for<br />

example there is. a duet between the 'voice' of Merriam Webster<br />

OnLine and of. Microsoft's Encarta Online. All the tracks are<br />

noncopyright in free. download and in mp format. The whole thing not<br />

only enables a better. understanding of the lyrics but also provides<br />

valuable instructions. on how to assemble other tracks by oneself by<br />

using this mix of. technologies. This putting together and interfacing<br />

different. techniques thus makes it paradoxical that the operation cannot<br />

be. attacked legally and opens another window onto the overall.<br />

understanding of the uselessness of copyright as currently applied.. It is<br />

the strategic key for the growth of contemporary culture ready. take<br />

back the heritage of music which belongs to it.. Linklist. <strong>Re</strong>ferences. ()<br />

Barlow John Perry. 'The Next Economy of Ideas' Wired . Oktober. ()<br />

O'Brien Jeffrey M. 'Would You Download Music From This Man'.<br />

Wired . May. () Lessig Lawrence 'The Future of Ideas' Vintage. ()<br />

berraschung die NapsterFilter funktionieren nicht. () Leopoldseder<br />

Hannes Schpf Christine 'Minitasking' in. 'Cyberarts ' Hatje Cantz<br />

Publishers. () Hultkrans Andrew 'U Can Sue Sample Simon' Mondo<br />

Issue. () Gans David 'The man who stole the Michael Jackson's face'.<br />

Wired . February. () Toop David 'Oceano di Suoni' Costa e Nolan.<br />

March .. Alessandro Ludovico. distributed via no commercial use<br />

without permission. is a moderated mailing list for net criticism.<br />

collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets. more info<br />

majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg body. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Fluxus book in digital form. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Fluxus book in digital form.<br />

Performance <strong>Re</strong>search has released a free digital edition of the long.<br />

unavailable Fluxus Performance Workbook a collection of short.<br />

performance works and event scores by over forty artists.. back to John<br />

Cage's famous class at The New School where artists. such. as George<br />

Brecht Al Hansen Allan Kaprow and Alison Knowles began. create art<br />

works and performances in musical form. One of these. forms was the<br />

event. Events tend to be scored in brief verbal notes. known as event<br />

scores. In a general sense they are proposals. propositions and<br />

instructions for different kinds of actions.. accompany a special Fluxus<br />

issue of Performance <strong>Re</strong>search Ken. Friedman Owen Smith and Lauren<br />


Sawchyn edited a fortieth. anniversary edition of the Fluxus<br />

Performance Workbook. The workbook. is now available in a free<br />

electronic edition. This book can be. viewed online or downloaded. The<br />

download is a .pdf file that can. also be printed.. George Brecht Jean<br />

Dupuy Dick Higgins Joe Jones Bengt af. Klintberg Milan Knizak<br />

George Maciunas Larry Miller Nam June. Paik Mieko Shiomi Robert<br />

Watts and many more.. get a copy of the Workbook go to URL. Then<br />

go to the line reading. Click here to view or download a printable PDF<br />

version of the. Workbook. And follow the instructions on the next line.<br />

download and save the document rightclick (PC) or controlclick. (Mac)<br />

the link above and choose 'Save target as...'. For information on the<br />

special Fluxus issue of Performance <strong>Re</strong>search. go to URL. And click on<br />

the line reading. On Fluxus PR (September ). On Fluxus. Performance<br />

<strong>Re</strong>search Volume Number (). Issue Editors Ric Allsopp Ken Friedman<br />

and Owen Smith. No Late Fees Free Shipping.. Try Netflix for FREE.<br />

unsubscribe from this group send an email to. End of forwarded<br />

message. noemata Fwd iuoma Fluxus book in digital form. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Fluxus book in digital form.<br />

Performance <strong>Re</strong>search has released a free digital edition of the long.<br />

unavailable Fluxus Performance Workbook a collection of short.<br />

performance works and event scores by over forty artists.. back to John<br />

Cage's famous class at The New School where artists. such. as George<br />

Brecht Al Hansen Allan Kaprow and Alison Knowles began. create art<br />

works and performances in musical form. One of these. forms was the<br />

event. Events tend to be scored in brief verbal notes. known as event<br />

scores. In a general sense they are proposals. propositions and<br />

instructions for different kinds of actions.. accompany a special Fluxus<br />

issue of Performance <strong>Re</strong>search Ken. Friedman Owen Smith and Lauren<br />

Sawchyn edited a fortieth. anniversary edition of the Fluxus<br />

Performance Workbook. The workbook. is now available in a free<br />

electronic edition. This book can be. viewed online or downloaded. The<br />

download is a .pdf file that can. also be printed.. George Brecht Jean<br />

Dupuy Dick Higgins Joe Jones Bengt af. Klintberg Milan Knizak<br />

George Maciunas Larry Miller Nam June. Paik Mieko Shiomi Robert<br />

Watts and many more.. get a copy of the Workbook go to URL. Then<br />

go to the line reading. Click here to view or download a printable PDF<br />

version of the. Workbook. And follow the instructions on the next line.<br />

download and save the document rightclick (PC) or controlclick. (Mac)<br />

the link above and choose 'Save target as...'. For information on the<br />

special Fluxus issue of Performance <strong>Re</strong>search. go to URL. And click on<br />


the line reading. On Fluxus PR (September ). On Fluxus. Performance<br />

<strong>Re</strong>search Volume Number (). Issue Editors Ric Allsopp Ken Friedman<br />

and Owen Smith. unsubscribe from this group send an email to. End of<br />

forwarded message. Make Money Online Auctions Make . or We Will<br />

Give You Thirty Dollars for. Trying. LiteraryCritic.com Harold<br />

Bloom's Western Canon. noemata bstilling kan research lage en ny side<br />

hvor alle linkene går til. online. ebøker. noemata LiteraryCritic.com<br />

Harold Bloom's Western Canon. noemata bstilling kan research lage en<br />

ny side hvor alle linkene går til. online. ebøker. Get A Free Psychic<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ading. Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions.. <strong>Re</strong> . e k<br />

u n s t . en liten test av spamware.... (o)(o). .OOOooooOOO.. fin.<br />

innboksbildet. Fwd Edge STEVEN STROGATZ WHO CARES<br />

ABOUT FIREFLIES Intro by Alan Alda. Start of forwarded message.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>plyTo leaveedgeeditionsRsand.lyris.net. Fwd Edge STEVEN<br />


May. Edge. at. ( words). THE THIRD CULTURE. WHO CARES<br />


Introduction by Alan Alda. We see fantastic examples of synchrony in<br />

the natural world all around us.. give a few examples there were<br />

persistent reports when the first. Western travelers went to southeast<br />

Asia back to the time. of Sir Francis Drake in the s of spectacular<br />

scenes along riverbanks. where thousands upon thousands of fireflies in<br />

the trees would all light. up and go off simultaneously. These kinds of<br />

reports kept coming back to. the West and were published in scientific<br />

journals and people who hadn't. seen it couldn't believe it. Scientists<br />

said that this is a case of human. misperception that we're seeing<br />

patterns that don't exist or that it's. an optical illusion. How could the<br />

fireflies which are not very. intelligent creatures manage to coordinate<br />

their flashings in such a. spectacular and vast way. Steven Strogatz<br />

EDGE Video. Oh I get it. Edge is a conversation. Ernst Mayr. EDGE IS<br />

A CONVERSATION. EDGE readership continues to grow. From the<br />

EDGE web report for the. month of April. Unique EDGE visits<br />

(readership). Average EDGE page views per day. UPCOMING EDGE<br />

FEATURES with streaming video) K. Eric Drexler on dangers. and<br />

opportunities of nanotechnology Peter Galison on Einstein's clocks.<br />

and Poincaire's Maps Murray GellMann on becoming a scientist Neil.<br />

Gershenfeld on Fab Labs Stuart Kauffmann on the adjacent possible.<br />

Geoffrey Miller on rediscovering psychology Martin <strong>Re</strong>es on our.<br />

chance of survival Matt Ridley on nature via nurture Robert Sapolsky<br />

on. the frontal cortex and bozo baboons J. Craig Venter on the<br />


intersection. of biology and computational power and E.O. Wilson on<br />

The AllSpecies. Project biodiversity and ecosystems.. UPCOMING<br />

EDGE SPECIAL Edge Summer Postcards. EDGE VIDEO Nearly<br />

streaming videos are now available on the EDGE Video. page. Nearly<br />

all the new features are accompanied by a video clip of about. Jared<br />

Diamond Gerd Gigerenzer Lisa Randall Alan Guth Paul. Steinhardt<br />

Ray Kurzweil Marvin Minsky Seth Lloyd David Haig. Steven Pinker<br />

Stephen Kosslyn Rodney Brooks Ray Kurzweil Richard. Wrangham<br />

Daniel C. Dennett Ken Kesey Marc D. Hauser Lee Smolin. Brian<br />

Greene Jaron Lanier Jordan Pollack David Gelernter Alan Guth. Seth<br />

Lloyd Dennis Overbye Freeman Dyson Anthony Giddens David.<br />

Deutsch Paul Davies Hubert Burda Jaron Lanier Helena Cronin.<br />

UPCOMING ONGOING FEATURE EDGE Books. Books are news<br />

and EDGE will soon launch an ongoing feature to recognize. and call<br />

attention to books by EDGE contributors. Here (with thanks to. Daniel<br />

C. Dennett for the EDGEworthy suggestion) is the charge to the. EDGE<br />

authors..... Imagine that you walk into a room and are greeted by a<br />

group of Edge. contributors who are your peers and colleagues. You<br />

have your new and as. yet unpublished book with you. You have<br />

marked a page and on that page. you have picked out one paragraph<br />

which best represents to your colleagues. what you hope to accomplish<br />

in your book. You pass the book around..... The conversation<br />

continues...... EDGE. John Brockman Editor and Publisher. Russell<br />

Weinberger Associate Publisher. Copyright by EDGE Foundation Inc..<br />

All Rights <strong>Re</strong>served.. Published by EDGE Foundation Inc.. You are<br />

currently subscribed to edgeeditions as pronounnetcom.no. unsubscribe<br />

send a blank email to. leaveedgeeditionsRsand.lyris.net. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of InterNet.Art. Start of<br />

forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo a place for discussion and improvement<br />

of things. Fwd <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of InterNet.Art. Am Donnerstag .<br />

Mai um Uhr () schrieb mez. <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of InterNet.Art. . No<br />

.Thought. no theorypreempting conceptualism. (no academic art that<br />

serves as a willing catalyst for academic. discourse.). . No M.mersion.<br />

no cyberspace no virtual reality. (at least not as they are commonly<br />

understood). . No More InterNet.art the Sake of X.pression. (speak of<br />

content and you have already lost.). . No Simulacra. (no tedious<br />

recycling aesthetics). . No Subject. . No Connection.. (no<br />

slefhistorification). F. GnuPGPGP public key ID CBA finger<br />

cantsinmail.zedat.fuberlin.de. ..(today.. Thank you for participating in<br />



..(today. .. ..(today.. .. End of forwarded message. Fwd <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive<br />

Rules of InterNet.Art. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo a place for<br />

discussion and improvement of things. Fwd <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of<br />

InterNet.Art. i am sorry what was the rules for internet art again.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of InterNet.Art. . No .Thought. This rehashed<br />

dangerous method of preempting meaning has everything. do with the<br />

concussive nature of the potential audience. Make sure. instill great<br />

clunking swathes of theoretical loadings in all work no. matter how<br />

small or insignificant. Be sure to mask the quality of the. works with<br />

liberal amounts of antiprogressive rhetoric in order ensure. substantial<br />

postpostmodemist read interpreted as modernism interest.. . No<br />

M.mersion. The No M.mersion rule is all do with FX. Rampantly use<br />

FX predicated on. the cartesian or the sensory ie visuality overcoding in<br />

all InterNet.art. regardless of appropriateness or relevancy.. . No More<br />

InterNet.art the Sake of X.pression. No more InterNet.art will be<br />

produced using x.pression as a template or. process. Anything that can<br />

b traced a verifiable transitive or. predominant aesthetic is be rejected<br />

as hackneyed ie overcoded is b. thoroughly rigorously laughed at.. . No<br />

Simulacra. There is to b no use of discernable representation. This<br />

includes any type. of format form or function including overt<br />

referencing appropriation. reappropriation construction structure<br />

deconstruction deappropriation. rehashing sampling digitizing<br />

reworking mixing layering Foucaulting. that reflects the current<br />

economicbudgeting trend wards parochial. orientation read<br />

insularisation destruction of any burgeoning sense of. reticulated<br />

spaces.. . No Subject. There will b no references in any<br />

Internet.artworks that xplicitly refer to. subject. Instead make sure<br />

drench your works with substantial amounts. of prepackaged<br />

sceneapproved lingo that references manifestolike. assignations or<br />

quasiradical directives.. . No Connection.. There is b no connection in<br />

the promotion or distribution of InterNet.art. unless this material can b<br />

adequately subverted via the ability of. saidartists project a believable<br />

authorityapingcritiquer stance. If. this is realized at the xpense of<br />

establishing context or sustained. conceptual rigor all the betta..<br />

prorating.lucid.txt. meniscusheart plucking via broken bag.gauges.<br />

..(today.. Thank you for participating in MAILING LIST<br />

SUBSCRIBER. SATISFACTION SURVEY.. ..(today. .. ..(today.. ..<br />

End of forwarded message. Fwd Janos Sugar Time Patrol. Start of<br />

forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo geert lovink. Fwd Janos Sugar Time<br />

Patrol. Time Patrol a project by Janos Sugar.. On Moszkva tr a central<br />


square in Budapest everybody who can dictate. uninterruptedly by heart<br />

for minutes to a typist in a caravan receives. . forints. The texts are<br />

transcribed and published in a paper. newsagent's on Moszkva tr for<br />

forints (almost two US dollars).. My aim is to produce a documentary<br />

whose future value is incalculable. exactly because it does not seem to<br />

be of any significance in the. present. What we wouldn't give for an<br />

accurate transcription of a random. conversation that took place in a<br />

mailcoach at the beginning of the th. century. As the result of<br />

technological developments the private sphere has become. constantly<br />

sacrificed the price of effective communication collaboration. and<br />

coordination is that we can less and less make certain that nobody. has<br />

access to our privacy and our secrets. On the level of possibilities.<br />

anything (post phone email credit cards etc.) can be controlled (spy.<br />

satellites surveillance cameras face recognition systems automatic.<br />

search and filter software on the Internet etc.) so because of all this. in<br />

our everyday communication it is easier to assume that we are.<br />

constantly in public.. (go to the site if you want to see picture of<br />

caravan parked on the. square). distributed via no commercial use<br />

without permission. is a moderated mailing list for net criticism.<br />

collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets. more info<br />

majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg body. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd postanarchism g Summit of Interventionist<br />

Art (). Start of forwarded message. Fwd postanarchism g Summit of<br />

Interventionist Art (). SoIA Summit of Interventionist Art. During the<br />

G Summit ( June Evian ) Forde will present SoIA the. rst Summit of<br />

Interventionist Art. This workshop consists in two. public sessions of<br />

brainstorming and productions destined to be broadcast live. Equipped<br />

with networks and arguments backed up by decades of research a.<br />

hybrid movement wrongly labelled by mainstream media as<br />

'antiglobalisation'. gained momentum. One of the particular features of<br />

this movement lies in its. apparent inability and unwillingness to<br />

answer the question that is typical of. any kind of movement on the rise<br />

or any generation on the move what's to be. done. There was and there<br />

is no answer no alternative either strategic or. tactical to the existing<br />

world order to the dominant mode of globalisation.. And maybe this is<br />

the most important and liberating conclusion there is no. way back to<br />

the twentieth century the protective nation state and the gruesome.<br />

tragedies of the 'left'. It has been good to remember but equally good<br />

to. throw off the past. S. ( Geert Lovink Florian Schneider A Virtual<br />

World is possible From Tactical. Media to Digital Multitudes October<br />


).. Our investigations focus on the concrete experiences of<br />

nonrepresentationist. practices the constituent activities particularly in<br />

the movements against. economic globalization. S It is about<br />

experimental forms of organizing. which develop in precarious<br />

microsituations for a limited period of time. testing new modes of<br />

selforganization and interplays with other experiments.. The<br />

'organizing function' of art ( Walter Benjamin ) creates new spaces in<br />

the. overlapping zones of art practices political activism and theory<br />

production.. ( Gerald Raunig Manifeste de republicart republicart.net ).<br />

What opportunities and practices are there for these emerging art forms<br />

Is it. still relevant for auhors producers to aim at a balance between the<br />

art. market and political activism How can one create a new base<br />

parasite of the. existing system. Beyond individual issues the necessity<br />

to congure a threshold between. Fine Arts critical activism and real<br />

intentions of social change becomes. apparent.. sig. Get A Free Psychic<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions..<br />

httpus.click.yahoo.comLjuPCMeFAAySSFAAbSolBTM<br />


282<br />


283<br />

unsubscribe from this group send an email to. End of forwarded<br />

message. Fwd postanarchism Cohn What is Postanarchism 'Post'. Start<br />

of forwarded message. Fwd postanarchism Cohn What is<br />

Postanarchism 'Post'. What is Postanarchism Post. By Jesse Cohn.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>view of. Saul Newman From Bakunin to Lacan<br />

AntiAuthoritarianism. and the Dislocation of Power. Lanham MD<br />

Lexington .. . Newly resurgent anarchist movements shaking the streets.<br />

Seattle to Genoa are caught in a field of tension between. two magnetic<br />

poles Eugene Oregon and Plainfield Vermont.. Eugene is the home of<br />

John Zerzan author of Future Primitive. () who has pushed anarchist<br />

theory in the direction of an. allencompassing negation of civilization.<br />

At the Institute for. Social Ecology in Plainfield in Murray Bookchin<br />

issued his. much debated challenge to the anticivilizational anarchists.<br />

Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism An Unbridgeable. Chasm.<br />

Bookchin's social anarchism is in the tradition of the.<br />

anarchocommunism theorized by Peter Kropotkin calling for the.<br />

replacement of nations and markets with a decentralized. federation of<br />

selfmanaging communities. Zerzan's primitivism. calls for the<br />

destruction of the totality including the abolition of. technology<br />

language and history itself in favor of a wild. primordial freedom<br />

(Future Primitive ). The chasm. between Eugene and Plainfield is wide<br />

certainly. Zerzan and. Bookchin agree on one thing however both hate.<br />

postmodernism.. . Bookchin calls it a form of nihilism tailored to<br />

yuppie tastes. (). Postmodernism leaves us hopeless in an unending<br />

mall. Zerzan complains without a living critique nowhere (). For.<br />

Bookchin theorists such as Foucault and Derrida simulate a. kind of<br />

individualistic rebellion while vitiating social anarchist. commitments<br />

to reason realism and ethical universals ().. For Zerzan on the contrary<br />

they bolster the reigning order by. liquidating any notion of the<br />

autonomous individual the. postmodern subject what is presumably left<br />

of subjecthood. seems to be mainly the personality constructed by and<br />

for. technological capital ().. . This dispute is one of the significant<br />

contexts in which Saul. Newman's From Bakunin to Lacan<br />


AntiAuthoritarianism and the. Dislocation of Power arrives. Another is<br />

the rediscovery by the. academy of the anarchist theoretical tradition<br />

where until. recently anarchism had endured an official oblivion even<br />

longer. and deeper than its erasure from public memory. The.<br />

rediscovery of anarchist theory is a timely gift for theorists such. as<br />

Todd May (The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist. Anarchism )<br />

who are eager to politicize poststructuralism. but leery of bolting their<br />

concepts onto readymade Marxist. frameworks. Both May and<br />

Newman see Marxism in all its. varieties as an ineluctably strategic<br />

philosophy (to use May's. term) perpetually drawn to the postulate of a<br />

center from which. power must emanate (May ).. . In contrast to<br />

Marxism writes Newman anarchism was. revolutionary in analyzing<br />

power in its own right and exposing. the place of power in Marxism<br />

itselfits potential to reaffirm state. authority (). Mikhail Bakunin and<br />

Karl Marx tore the First. International asunder in over the question of<br />

the State was. it a mere instrument of rulingclass power as Marx<br />

thought in. which case it could be seized and used by the proletariat or<br />

was. it an autonomous and independent institution with its own logic. of<br />

domination as Bakunin argued in which case any. transitional State<br />

would merely constitute a new reigning. regime (Newman ) History has<br />

given a poignant weight to. Bakunin's premonitions of a red<br />

bureaucracy of course but for. a poststructuralist rereading his<br />

importance lies in his. challenge to Marx's methodthe strategic thinking<br />

for which all. problems can be reduced to the basic one (May ).<br />

Anarchist. critique undermines the confident assumption that power is.<br />

merely an epiphenomenon of the capitalist economy or class. relations<br />

which in turn opens the way to a postFoucauldian. apprehension of the<br />

ubiquity of power relationsthe dispersed. decentered power which<br />

comes from everywhere (Newman. ).. . At the same time Newman and<br />

May concur classical. anarchism ditches its own best insight anarchism<br />

itself falls. into the trap of the place of power (Newman ). Both<br />

Bakunin. and Kropotkin found resistance on a certain notion of human.<br />

nature as an outside to powera pure origin of resistance.. Power as<br />

incarnated in the State represses and distorts the. goodness of humanity<br />

once it is eradicated by the revolution. human essence will flourish and<br />

power will disappear. (Newman ). For Newman however power is<br />

ineradicable. and any essentialist notion of human nature is the basis for<br />

a. new domination.. . From the diagnosis the prescription for anarchism<br />

to. become meaningful once again it must be detached from its.<br />

investment in essentialist conceptions of power and human. identity<br />


made to face the reality that power is everywhere. But. how to do so<br />

while avoiding the gloomy conclusion that because. power is<br />

everywhere resistance is nowhere If resistance to. power cannot be<br />

conceptualized without thinking in terms of an. outside to power how<br />

can this outside be thought without. resorting to yet another equally<br />

foundationalist theory of the. place of power () Overcoming this logical<br />

impasse is the. task Newman sets for himself in the following chapters<br />

as he. scours the resources of poststructuralism for a. nonessentialist<br />

notion of the Outside ().. . But what does Newman mean by power<br />

when he seeks its. Outside It's not always clear what Newman means<br />

by this key. term. Throughout the book he seems to engage in a certain.<br />

codeswitchingsometimes conscious and clearly marked. sometimes<br />

surreptitious or unconsciousalternating between at. least two senses of<br />

the word. In the first chapter Newman alerts. us to the possibility of<br />

confusion while thus far he has used. power domination and authority<br />

as synonyms by the time. we get to Foucault 'power' and 'domination'<br />

have somewhat. different meanings and often Newman seems to<br />

follow. Foucault in defining power as inevitable in any society while.<br />

characterizing domination as something to be resisted At. other times<br />

he retains the definition of power as domination. (). Leaving this<br />

ambiguity open weakens the argument that. follows.. . A second<br />

weakness stems from a misreading of classical. anarchist theory.<br />

Newman's argument is premised in the first. place on his reading of<br />

Bakunin and Kropotkin as wedded to the. notion that the human subject<br />

is naturally opposed to power.. He then notes that they also have<br />

recourse to a characterization. of this human subject as fatally prone to<br />

a 'natural' desire for. power. From this he draws the conclusion that<br />

classical. anarchism is riven by a fundamental inconsistency a hidden.<br />

contradiction (). The unstated assumption which warrants. this move<br />

from premise to conclusion is that these two. representations of the<br />

human subject are mutually. exclusivethat Bakunin and Kropotkin<br />

cannot possibly intend. both.. . This assumption should raise the<br />

question why not A close. reading of Bakunin and Kropotkin would<br />

more strongly support a. different conclusionthat for both of these<br />

thinkers the human. itself and not their representation of the subject is<br />

the. site of what Kropotkin calls a fundamental contradiction. between<br />

two sets of diametrically opposed feelings which exist. in man (). In<br />

other words as Dave Morland has explained. these thinkers' conception<br />

of human nature is not statically. unified but dialectically<br />

doublebarreled human beings are. possessed of equal potentials for<br />


sociability and egoism. (). Since neither of these potentials is<br />

necessarily more likely. be expressed than the other ceteris paribus<br />

neither. constitutes a species destiny history is autonomous ().. . The<br />

(arguably mistaken) discovery of a hidden contradiction. at the core of<br />

anarchist discourse prompts Newman's fear that. classical anarchism is<br />

dangerously open to the potential for. domination which in turn forms<br />

the rationale for the rest of his. project. Errors propagate through this<br />

system as the logic of an. undertheorized antiessentialism prompts him<br />

to ask the. wrong questions and get the wrong answers or to ask the<br />

right. questions without looking for answers at all. If humans have an.<br />

essential desire for power Newman argues then how can one. be sure<br />

that a revolution aimed at destroying power will not turn. into a<br />

revolution aimed at capturing power How can one be. sure in other<br />

words that an anarchist revolution will be any. different from a Marxist<br />

vanguard revolution ().. . There are a number of problems with this<br />

question. First of. all depending on which version of power Newman is<br />

referring. the question may depend on a false assumption. If power. as<br />

an endless play of mutual influence action and reaction is. distinguished<br />

from domination then neither Bakunin nor. Kropotkin have any<br />

pretensions about destroying power per se.. Indeed to a surprising<br />

extent both are aware of the ubiquity of. social power which no<br />

revolution can (nor should) abolish. both understand that it is a natural<br />

product of human subjects. rather than an artificial imposition from<br />

outside and both. distinguish it from force coercion or domination<br />

while. acknowledging its potential to generate these effects particularly.<br />

when it is allowed to accrete (Bakunin God and the State n).. . Apart<br />

from its problematic premise however Newman's. question is also<br />

needlessly framed as merely rhetorical or. unanswerable when it really<br />

does admit of an answer in political. practice. Anarchist practices<br />

conditioned by a theoretical. emphasis on the immanence of ends<br />

within means are. distinguished from those of a Marxist vanguard<br />

revolution by. the insistence that the immediate form of revolution<br />

(direct. action direct democracy egalitarian selfmanagement the.<br />

leaderless group etc.) be its future content. Thus the. anarchosyndicalist<br />

Industrial Workers of the World union. named as their project forming<br />

the structure of the new society. within the shell of the old (<strong>Re</strong>nshaw<br />

frontispiece).. . Newman however focuses more on theory than on<br />

practice.. And this is why he fails to ask the following question if<br />

classical. anarchist theory is so wedded to this notion of the natural.<br />

harmony of human subjects in society why is it so deeply. preoccupied<br />


with questions of action and organization Why. bother to organize to<br />

intervene unless something is in need of. this intervention i.e. unless it<br />

is disorganized In fact these. theorists do not regard anarchy as<br />

something merely. spontaneous natural biological given but as<br />

something that. had to be evoked elicited created made from the<br />

materials of. history and biology. What every individual inherits at<br />

birth. according to Bakunin is not ideas and innate sentiments as. the<br />

idealists claim but only the capacity to feel to will to think. and to<br />

speaka set of rudimentary faculties without any. content this content<br />

must be supplied by the social milieu. (Bakunin ). Nature is a set of<br />

potentials not a telos social. construction is the determining factor. In<br />

this sense classical. anarchist theory goes beyond the binary opposition<br />

of. essentialismnonessentialism.. . Rather than dwelling on the<br />

ostensible limitations of. anarchism as articulated by its most influential<br />

theorists. Newman turns his attention to what he sees as the untapped.<br />

potential of a relatively marginal figure in anarchist history Max.<br />

Stirner the fellow Young Hegelian whom Marx so viciously. assails in<br />

The German Ideology. In his Der Einzige und. sein Eigentum<br />

(variously translated as The Ego and His Own. or The Unique One and<br />

Its Property) Stirner uses the stick of. nominalism to beat every<br />

philosophy built on abstract ideals or. categories including not only the<br />

religious submission to God. but also the fetishization of Man in<br />

liberalism and communism. no concept expresses me nothing that is<br />

designated as my. essence exhausts me they are only names (). The self<br />

in. Stirner is a subject to which all predicates are merely. properties so<br />

that it cannot be said to have an identity or. essence ()leaving as<br />

Newman sees it 'a radical opening. which the individual can use to<br />

create his own subjectivity. unhampered by essentialisms.. . This<br />

protoNietzschean insight excites Newman The. importance of Stirner's<br />

notion of becoming for politics. particularly poststructuralist politics is<br />

great indeed he has. shown that resistance to power will never succeed<br />

if it remains. trapped within fixed essential identities (). Ultimately<br />

Stirner. provides Newman with a nonessentialist account of how the.<br />

self rather than encountering a power which is imposed upon it.<br />

actually produces the power to which it submits by binding itself. fixed<br />

ideas (ideologies and essentialist identities) and. annuls this power by<br />

dissolving these abstract chains through. analysis (Newman ).. .<br />

Newman does consider the charge leveled at Stirner by. numerous<br />

anarchist critics that Stirner's unique one. abstracted from all history<br />

disembedded from every. relationship and detached from all context<br />


simply constitutes a. new essentialist identity (and a mystified one at<br />

that) but he. does not really spell out why this critique is mistaken ().<br />

Not. only does the Einzige closely resemble Sartre's classless.<br />

genderless cultureless ahistorical cogito a little too closelyit. also bears<br />

some resemblance to the protagonist of laissezfaire. marketplace<br />

economics the Rational Actor whose infinite. desire and arbitrary<br />

caprice (i.e. selfishness) are likewise. purported to be the very measure<br />

of freedom.. . None of this prevents Newman from moving forward<br />

with his. projectthe reconstruction of anarchist theory within a.<br />

poststructuralist framework. Four chapters provide a creative.<br />

suggestive and relatively accessible rereading of work by. Foucault<br />

Deleuze Guattari Derrida and Lacan as Newman. searches for a<br />

nonessentialist notion of the Outside.. Foucauldian genealogy and<br />

DeleuzoGuattarian schizoanalysis. extend Stirner's insight into the<br />

abstract nature of the State. whose formidable omnipresence exists<br />

mostly in our minds. and in our subconscious desire to be dominated<br />

by. demonstrating that the individual represses himself and that. we<br />

subordinate ourselves to signifying regimes all around us. ( ). Derridean<br />

deconstruction adds a strategy for. undermining the metaphysical<br />

authority of various political and. philosophical discourses releasing<br />

action from its obligation to. any founding principle or arch (). In the<br />

end Newman. stakes his money on Lacan as presenting the most<br />

persuasive. nonessentialist figure of resistance ().. . Here I suspect will<br />

lie one of the primary points of interest. for readers of poststructuralist<br />

theory as Newman draws on. Lacan's account of how the subject is<br />

constituted through its. fundamental inability to recognize itself in the<br />

symbolic order to. explain how this apparently omnipresent and<br />

omnipotent order. creates its own otherits own utopia actually a<br />

nonoriginary. origin or nonplace (outopos) of resistance blossoming in<br />

the. heart of power itself (). This nonplace is the leftover which. is<br />

continually and necessarily generated by the operation of the. Law<br />

which produces its own transgression ( ). In. effect Newman uses Lacan<br />

to clarify what Foucault seemed to. have left mysteriousthe logic<br />

whereby power never appears. without resistance appearing as well.. .<br />

But waitisn't this a little too close to Bakunin's declaration. which<br />

Newman cites as evidence of his essentialism that. there is something in<br />

the nature of the state which provokes. rebellion (qtd. in Newman ) If<br />

Newman argues that these. two antagonists the state which provokes<br />

and the subject. who rebels could not exist without each other () how<br />

can he. avoid concluding that this goes double for the Lacanian<br />


struggle. between the constitutive Law and the transgression it.<br />

produces Moreover one might ask what it has meant to. discover this<br />

concept or figure if what anarchism opposes is. not power but<br />

domination. Was the quest in vain Has all of. this culminated in yet<br />

another insurgent subject which just can't. seem to do without the<br />

power that dominates it. . These important questions remain<br />

unresolved. More. important for anarchist readers however is the<br />

question of what. practical consequences might ensue from the<br />

postanarchism. which Newman formulates in his final chapter (). How<br />

can a. politics which presupposes cooperation and joint action found.<br />

itself on Stirner's notion that my unique ego has literally nothing. in<br />

common with yours Newman calls attention to Stirner's. proposal for a<br />

union of egoists a merely voluntary and. instrumental association<br />

between individuals as opposed to a. community which one is forced to<br />

participate in () but this. amounts to a universalization of the<br />

instrumentalist logic of. capitalism For me Stirner writes no one is a<br />

person to be. respected not even the fellowman but solely like other<br />

beings. an object in which I take an interest or else do not an<br />

interesting. or uninteresting object a usable or unusable person ()..<br />

Indeed for Stirner we have only one relation to each other that. of<br />

usableness of utility of use everything else is ideology. (). While<br />

Newman wants to read Stirner as not necessarily. against the notion of<br />

community itself () it is hard to avoid the. conclusion that Stirner<br />

himself flatly declares community . . . is. impossible (). This is<br />

precisely the hyperindividualism that. placed Stirner outside the<br />

mainstream of the anarchist. movement which remained committed to<br />

community and. collective practice constituting itself as social<br />

anarchism rather. than mere individualism. Needless to say Newman<br />

admits in. a footnote some modern anarchists do not exactly embrace.<br />

this postmodern logic of uncertainty and dislocation ( n).. . In any case<br />

it's a relief to find someone willing to think. seriously about the<br />

political outside of the confines of Marxism. rather than continually<br />

fiddling around with Marxist texts in yet. another attempt to take Marx<br />

beyond Marx (as Antonio Negri has. put it) or else completely<br />

scrapping that urge to change the. world in favor of some ironic or<br />

nihilistic embrace of the world. as it is (the Baudrillard solution).<br />

PostMarxist theorists have. stripped away one key concept after another<br />

(historical stages. centrality of class conflict progressive<br />

colonialecocidal. teleology productivism materialityideality binary<br />

ideology. alienation totality etc.) peeling away the layers of the onion.<br />


driving Marxism further and further in the direction of its old. repressed<br />

Other anarchismprotesting all the while that we are. not anarchists<br />

(Hardt and Negri ).. . As refreshing as it is to step outside this endless<br />

Marxist. monster movie with its perennial Frankfurtian pronunciations<br />

of. death periodic Frankensteinian reanimations and perpetual. spectres<br />

I would argue that anarchism has more to offer. poststructuralism than<br />

Newman and May seem to recognize. and that poststructuralism affords<br />

other and better resources for. the development of anarchist theory than<br />

their example would. imply. In fact it could do much to redress the<br />

damage done to. the core ethos of social anarchism as cataloged by<br />

Bookchin by. posts theoretical tendencies which regard all structure.<br />

organization and coherence as repressive. It offers a weapon for. the<br />

Plainfield social anarchists against the politically and. intellectually<br />

sterile primitivism of Eugene.. . Foucault's demonstration of the<br />

poverty of the repressive. hypothesis and of the positive potential of<br />

selfstructuring. askesis could be used to neutralize the influence of<br />

leftFreudian. theories of liberation as antisocial derepression (Benello<br />

).. The wisdom of Derrida's there is nothing outside the textas. Zerzan<br />

is well aware ()could be marshaled against the. primitivist quest for a<br />

pure presocial origin. Even Lacanian. psychoanalysis with its narrative<br />

of the construction of the self in. and through the Symbolic could<br />

reinforce Bookchin's distinction. between individual autonomy and<br />

social freedom ().. . From Bakunin to Lacan is overly eager to get from<br />

Bakunin to. Lacana perhaps too uncritical teleological trajectorybut at.<br />

least it inquires about the way from one point to the other which. is a<br />

siginificant contribution in itself. As anarchist movements. roused from<br />

their long slumber attempt to orient themselves in. a world of<br />

globalizing capitalism sporadic ethnoreligious. violence and growing<br />

ecological crisis they will find themselves. in need of more such<br />

contributions.. English Department. Purdue University North Central.<br />

jcohnpurduenc.edu. Talk Back. COPYRIGHT (c) BY Jesse Cohn. ALL<br />















UNIVERSITY PRESS.. Notes. . See Zerzan's Elements of <strong>Re</strong>fusal<br />

particularly chapters. for the full extent of his anticivilizational project..<br />

Works Cited. Bakunin Mikhail. Bakunin on Anarchy Selected Works<br />

by the. ActivistFounder of World Anarchism. Ed. and trans. Sam<br />

Dolgoff.. New York Knopf .. . God and the State. New York Dover ..<br />

Benello C. George. From The Ground Up Essays on. Grassroots and<br />

Workplace Democracy. Boston South End. .. Bookchin Murray. Social<br />

Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism An. Unbridgeable Chasm.<br />

Edinburgh Scotland AK .. Hardt Michael and Antonio Negri. Empire.<br />

Cambridge MA. Harvard UP .. Kropotkin Peter. Ethics Origin and<br />

Development. Trans. Louis. S. Friedland and Joseph R. Piroshnikoff.<br />

Dorset Prism .. May Todd. The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist.<br />

Anarchism. University Park PA Pennsylvania State UP .. Morland<br />

Dave. Anarchism Human Nature and History. Lessons for the Future.<br />

TwentyFirst Century Anarchism. Ed.. Jon Purkis and James Bowen.<br />

London Cassell . .. <strong>Re</strong>nshaw Patrick. The Wobblies The Story of<br />

Syndicalism in the. United States. Garden City NY Doubleday .. Stirner<br />

Max. The Ego and His Own. Trans. Steven T. Byington.. New York<br />

Benj. R. Tucker . May .. Zerzan John. Elements of <strong>Re</strong>fusal. Seattle Left<br />

Bank .. . Future Primitive and Other Essays. Brooklyn NY.<br />

Autonomedia .. Get A Free Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To<br />

Life's Important Questions.. unsubscribe from this group send an email<br />

to. End of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong> culturejammers Antropologisk studie<br />

av mobilbruk.. And almost everyone including those whom the Context<br />

study considers. moderate cellphone. users felt anxious during the<br />

phase. of the study termed deprivation that required them to give up<br />

their. phones for a few. days.. The people who had become a part of the<br />

mobiles group had a hard time doing. deprivation at. all Blinkoff said.<br />

They couldn't do. it at all.. Foreldre begynner å straffe barna med å ta fra<br />

dem mobilen... istedenfor. husarrest hvor de. likevel kan sitte på rommet<br />

og totte blir de heretter kastet ut av huset uten. mobil.. Illustrasjon av<br />

deprivasjon suger på tommeltotten istedet. b) en liten. kosebamse til.<br />

ørekinn. (Fins det et kosebamseskin til mobilen) (Tamaguchihybrid må<br />

bare. taste for å. holde den i live syk dvs kommuniserer ikke) ( sense<br />

deprivation. sansekommunikasjon. berøringssans siden man hele tiden<br />

må kommunisere hvem man er og posisjon. siden det ikke. lenger er gitt<br />


for å skape berøring og grensesnitt kommunikasjonen. opprettholder et.<br />

grensesnitt for berøringssansen. )( berøring smittemagi kanskje<br />

popstjerner. kunne spredt. virus som folk ønsket å få på maskin mail og<br />

mobil som smitte ønsker fans å. bli hostet på. av spritney bears 'jeg ble<br />

forkjøla av madonna i og har holdt senga siden'. )( er ikke. dette med<br />

typhoid mary ol. en folklorefigur for smitte )( forestillinger om. smitte i<br />

ny. teknologi )( hvor mye reklame er 'smitte' berøringsoverføring.<br />

berøringskommunikasjon. berøring er blind døv dum stum )(. cell phone<br />

phone cell. Fwd postanarchism Kortright <strong>Re</strong>imagining Space and<br />

Culture in the <strong>Re</strong>sistance. of Global Capital. 'Home'. bef. ME hom OE<br />

hm (n. and adv.) c. D heim ON heimr Dan hjem Sw hem. G Heim<br />

home. Goth haims village akin to HAUNT. bj. Start of forwarded<br />

message. Fwd postanarchism Kortright <strong>Re</strong>imagining Space and Culture<br />

in the. <strong>Re</strong>sistance of. Global Capital. <strong>Re</strong>imagining Space and Culture in<br />

the <strong>Re</strong>sistance of Global. Capital. By Chris Kortright. This essay is a<br />

critical exploration of our constructed ideas of. space and place which<br />

shape and reshape our common. sense. Within the anticapitalist and<br />

antiglobalization. movements we need to reimagine conceptualizations<br />

of space. place and power. In particular we can utilize explorations into.<br />

the construction of space which have been popularized by. postmodern<br />

and globalization theorists notions of. deterritorialization postmodern<br />

hyperspace borderlands and. marginality. This reconceptualization will<br />

force us to reevaluate. central concepts in antiglobalization theories<br />

such as culture. and by extension our ideas of cultural difference. For<br />

some. the uniqueness of societies nations and cultures rests on a.<br />

seemingly unproblematic division of space on the fact that it. occupies<br />

naturally discontinuous spaces.. Space Nation and Culture. If we<br />

understand the world as a collection of countriesas on. most world<br />

maps we se the world as an inherently fragmented. space. This space is<br />

divided by different colors into diverse. national societies. Each of<br />

these societies are rooted in their. proper place. The construction of<br />

each country is so taken for. granted that they are understood as<br />

embodying their own. distinctive culture and society. The term society<br />

and culture. are often seen as simply another name for the.<br />

nationstatelike those who visit India to understand Indian. culture and<br />

Indian society. Yet culture is not a bound or static. object and thus it<br />

can not be tied to physical territory or space.. When we explore the<br />

notion of culture we see that people's. lives take them on trajectories<br />

through space and time which. they interpret as being full of<br />

significance. People use both. words and material artifacts to get things<br />


done and to. communicate with others. People ... in their talk endlessly<br />

spin. metaphors so as to weave labyrinthe and everexpanding. networks<br />

of symbolic equivalence(Ingold ). This. shared communicationculture is<br />

not a neatly bounded and. mutually exclusive body of thought and<br />

custom. Cultural. strategies are not shared by all the people who<br />

subscribe to a. set culture and they do not fully encapsulate all the lives<br />

and. works of a grouping of peoples. The isolated culture has been.<br />

revealed as a figment of the Western anthropological. imagination. It<br />

might be more realistic then to say that people. live culturally rather<br />

than that they live in cultures(Ingold. italics in original).. By<br />

reconceptualizing culture and space we see that. territoriality or<br />

nationstate borders are constructed differently for. border inhabitants<br />

and those who live a life of border. crossingmigrant workers nomads<br />

and members of the. transnational and capitalist elite. Can we say that<br />

the culture of. farm workers who spend half a year in Mexico and half<br />

the year. in the US are Mexican Or do we need to start understanding.<br />

that the cultural strategies of this grouping of individuals is. constructed<br />

by the interplay of different strategies. Migration has. always had the<br />

potential to challenge images of space. It creates. and reproduces space<br />

through human agency it redefines the. social nature of space and as<br />

such it recreates aspects of. culture by removing it from a locale. This<br />

shows that there are. limits to imposing power and spatial relationships<br />

and that they. are always subject to change and flux (Rouse ). There.<br />

are those who cross borders more or less. perminentlyimmigrants<br />

refugees exiles and expatriates. In. their case the disjuncture of place<br />

and culture is especially. clear Cuban refugees in the US take Cuban<br />

culture with them. in the same complicated way as Indian immigrants<br />

to England. transport Indian culture to their new homeland.. A<br />

reimagined construct of culture and space opens up new. way of<br />

understanding the condition of the world. Space is the. physical world<br />

which through the lived experience of people. becomes constructed into<br />

a place. But the irony of our present. situation is that as actual places<br />

and localities become ever. more blurred and indeterminate<br />

conceptualizations and. constructions of culturally and ethnically<br />

distinct places become. even more salient. It is here that it becomes<br />

most visible how. imagined communities (Anderson ) come to be<br />

attached to. imagined places. Displaced peoples often cling to<br />

remembered. or imagined homelands places or communities within a<br />

world. that seems increasingly to deny such firm territorialized anchors.<br />

(Gupta and Ferguson ). In such a world it becomes even. more<br />


important for those of us in the anticapitalist and. antiglobalization<br />

movements to begin to understand the. processes of constructing place<br />

and homeland by mobile and. displaced peoples.. The withering of<br />

spatially bounded social worlds and the. growing role of the<br />

construction of place from distance locations. can not be understood<br />

without situating these conceptions. within the highly spatial terms of a<br />

global capitalist economy.. The challenge is to focus on the way space<br />

is imagined but. not imaginaryas a way to explore the mechanism that.<br />

groupings of people use to survive and make sense of their. changing<br />

world. In other words the process of place marking is. used to meet the<br />

changing global economic and political. conditions of lived spaces.<br />

Places are always imagined in the. context of<br />

politicaleconomichistorical situations which have a. logic of their own.<br />

Territoriality is thus reconstructed at the. moment that it threatens to be<br />

erased. Thus it is important that. those of us resisting the global<br />

capitalist economy understand. that tensions often arise when places<br />

that have been imagined. a distance become lived spaces. These<br />

tensions can. manifest in different directions but often they emerge in<br />

the form. of nationalism and the institutionalization of identities..<br />

Nationalism shows us that states play an important role in the. popular<br />

politics of place making as well as in the creation of. naturalized links<br />

between places and peoples. It is necessary to. remember that state<br />

ideologies are not the only point or. apparatus in which the construction<br />

of place is politicized.. Oppositional images of place have been<br />

extremely important in. anticolonial nationalist movements that people<br />

within the. anticapitalist and antiglobalization movements have<br />

embraced. in the past. Many campaigns of selfdetermination and.<br />

sovereignty on the part of contested groups of people such as. the<br />

Eritreans the Armenians or the Palestinians use. oppositional images of<br />

place and naturalized connection to. themselves to either create a new<br />

nationstate or construct a. stateinwaiting. Such instances are a useful<br />

reminder of how. often notions of home and our place have been<br />

utilized in an. antiimperial context. Such popular politics of place can<br />

easily be. as conservative as they are antiimperial. More often as in the.<br />

contemporary US the construction of place with memory loss. and<br />

nostalgia plays directly into the hands of reactionary popular.<br />

movements. This is true not only of outright nationalist images. long<br />

associated with the right but also of imagined locales and. nostalgic<br />

settings such as smalltown America or the frontier. which often play<br />

into and compliment antifeminist idealization of. the home and family..<br />


We need to give up ideas of communities as literal or stable. entities. At<br />

the same time we must remain sensitive to the. profound<br />

bifocality(Gupta and Ferguson ) which. characterizes locally lived<br />

existence in a globally interconnected. world. We need to understand<br />

the powerful role that place plays. in the lived experiences of people in<br />

specific locales but at the. same time we need to understand that there<br />

are differences. within a locality. Multiculturalismthe capitalist<br />

leftwing's. construction of society of difference that can live and<br />

consume in. harmony is both a feeble recognition that cultures have<br />

lost. their morrings in unquestionable places. It is also an attempt to.<br />

encompass this plurality of cultural strategies within the. framework of<br />

a national identity. In the same light the conception. of subcultures<br />

attempts to preserve the idea of distinct or pure. cultures while<br />

acknowledging the relation of different cultures. a dominate culture<br />

within a given geographical and territorial. space. Conventional<br />

accounts of ethnicity even when used to. describe cultural differences in<br />

settings where people from. different regions live side by side rely on<br />

an unproblematic link. between identity and place(Gupta and Ferguson<br />

).. Such concepts are problematic because they attempt to stretch. the<br />

naturalized association of culture with place but they fail to. interrogate<br />

this assumption in a truly fundamental manner. We. need to ask how to<br />

deal with cultural difference while. abandoning received ideas of<br />

naturalized and localized culture.. (for the rest visit. Get A Free Psychic<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions..<br />

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message. Fwd Article The Violence of the Global. Start of forwarded<br />

message. Fwd Article The Violence of the Global. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo CTheory<br />

Editors. Article The Violence of the Global. CTHEORY THEORY<br />

TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE VOL NOS. Article Editors Arthur<br />

and Marilouise Kroker. The Violence of the Global. Jean Baudrillard.<br />

(Translated by Francois Debrix). Today's terrorism is not the product of<br />

a traditional history of. anarchism nihilism or fanaticism. It is instead<br />

the contemporary. partner of globalization. To identify its main features<br />

it is. necessary to perform a brief genealogy of globalization<br />

particularly. of its relationship to the singular and the universal.. The<br />

analogy between the terms global and universal is. misleading.<br />

Universalization has to do with human rights liberty. culture and<br />

democracy. By contrast globalization is about. technology the market<br />

tourism and information. Globalization. appears to be irreversible<br />

whereas universalization is likely to be. on its way out. At least it<br />


appears to be retreating as a value. system which developed in the<br />

context of Western modernity and was. unmatched by any other<br />

culture. Any culture that becomes universal. loses its singularity and<br />

dies. That's what happened to all those. cultures we destroyed by<br />

forcefully assimilating them. But it is also. true of our own culture<br />

despite its claim of being universally. valid. The only difference is that<br />

other cultures died because of. their singularity which is a beautiful<br />

death. We are dying because. we are losing our own singularity and<br />

exterminating all our values.. And this is a much more ugly death.. We<br />

believe that the ideal purpose of any value is to become. universal. But<br />

we do not really assess the deadly danger that such a. quest presents.<br />

Far from being an uplifting move it is instead a. downward trend<br />

toward a zero degree in all values. In the. Enlightenment<br />

universalization was viewed as unlimited growth and. forward progress.<br />

Today by contrast universalization exists by. default and is expressed as<br />

a forward escape which aims to reach the. most minimally common<br />

value. This is precisely the fate of human. rights democracy and liberty<br />

today. Their expansion is in reality. their weakest expression..<br />

Universalization is vanishing because of globalization. The.<br />

globalization of exchanges puts an end to the universalization of.<br />

values. This marks the triumph of a uniform thought over a. universal<br />

one. What is globalized is first and foremost the market. the profusion<br />

of exchanges and of all sorts of products the. perpetual flow of money.<br />

Culturally globalization gives way to a. promiscuity of signs and values<br />

to a form of pornography in fact.. Indeed the global spread of<br />

everything and nothing through networks. is pornographic. No need for<br />

sexual obscenity anymore. All you have. is a global interactive<br />

copulation. And as a result of all this. there is no longer any difference<br />

between the global and the. universal. The universal has become<br />

globalized and human rights. circulate exactly like any other global<br />

product (oil or capital for. example).. The passage from the universal to<br />

the global has given rise to a. constant homogenization but also to an<br />

endless fragmentation.. Dislocation not localization has replaced<br />

centralization.. Excentricism not decentralization has taken over where.<br />

concentration once stood. Similarly discrimination and exclusion are.<br />

not just accidental consequences of globalization but rather.<br />

globalization's own logical outcomes. In fact the presence of.<br />

globalization makes us wonder whether universalization has not.<br />

already been destroyed by its own critical mass. It also makes us.<br />

wonder whether universality and modernity ever existed outside of.<br />


some official discourses or some popular moral sentiments. For us.<br />

today the mirror of our modern universalization has been broken. But.<br />

this may actually be an opportunity. In the fragments of this broken.<br />

mirror all sorts of singularities reappear. Those singularities we.<br />

thought were endangered are surviving and those we thought were lost.<br />

are revived.. As universal values lose their authority and legitimacy<br />

things. become more radical. When universal beliefs were introduced as<br />

the. only possible culturally mediating values it was fairly easy for.<br />

such beliefs to incorporate singularities as modes of differentiation. in a<br />

universal culture that claimed to champion difference. But they. cannot<br />

do it anymore because the triumphant spread of globalization. has<br />

eradicated all forms of differentiation and all the universal. values that<br />

used to advocate difference. In so doing globalization. has given rise to<br />

a perfectly indifferent culture. From the moment. when the universal<br />

disappeared an omnipotent global technostructure. has been left alone<br />

to dominate. But this technostructure now has to. confront new<br />

singularities that without the presence of. universalization to cradle<br />

them are able to freely and savagely. expand.. History gave<br />

universalization its chance. Today though faced with a. global order<br />

without any alternative on the one hand and with. drifting<br />

insurrectionary singularities on the other the concepts of. liberty<br />

democracy and human rights look awful. They remain as the. ghosts of<br />

universalization past. Universalization used to promote a. culture<br />

characterized by the concepts of transcendence subjectivity.<br />

conceptualization reality and representation. By contrast today's. virtual<br />

global culture has replaced universal concepts with screens. networks<br />

immanence numbers and a spacetime continuum without any. depth. In<br />

the universal there was still room for a natural. reference to the world<br />

the body or the past. There was a sort of. dialectical tension or critical<br />

movement that found its materiality. in historical and revolutionary<br />

violence. But the expulsion of this. critical negativity opened the door<br />

to another form of violence the. violence of the global. This new<br />

violence is characterized by the. supremacy of technical efficiency and<br />

positivity total organization. integral circulation and the equivalence of<br />

all exchanges.. Additionally the violence of the global puts an end to<br />

the social. role of the intellectual (an idea tied to the Enlightenment<br />

and. universalization) but also to the role of the activist whose fate.<br />

used to be tied to the ideas of critical opposition and historical.<br />

violence.. Is globalization fatal Sometimes cultures other than ours<br />

were able. to escape the fatality of the indifferent exchange. Today<br />


though. where is the critical point between the universal and the global.<br />

Have we reached the point of no return What vertigo pushes the world.<br />

to erase the Idea And what is that other vertigo that at the same. time<br />

seems to force people to unconditionally want to realize the. Idea. The<br />

universal was an Idea. But when it became realized in the global. it<br />

disappeared as an Idea it committed suicide and it vanished as. an end<br />

in itself. Since humanity is now its own immanence after. taking over<br />

the place left by a dead God the human has become the. only mode of<br />

reference and it is sovereign. But this humanity no. longer has any<br />

finality. Free from its former enemies humanity now. has to create<br />

enemies from within which in fact produces a wide. variety of inhuman<br />

metastases.. This is precisely where the violence of the global comes<br />

from. It is. the product of a system that tracks down any form of<br />

negativity and. singularity including of course death as the ultimate<br />

form of. singularity. It is the violence of a society where conflict is.<br />

forbidden where death is not allowed. It is a violence that in a. sense<br />

puts an end to violence itself and strives to establish a. world where<br />

anything related to the natural must disappear (whether. it is in the body<br />

sex birth or death). Better than a global. violence we should call it a<br />

global virulence. This form of violence. is indeed viral. It moves by<br />

contagion proceeds by chain reaction. and little by little it destroys our<br />

immune systems and our. capacities to resist.. But the game is not over<br />

yet. Globalization has not completely won.. Against such a dissolving<br />

and homogenizing power heterogeneous. forces not just different but<br />

clearly antagonistic ones are. rising everywhere. Behind the<br />

increasingly strong reactions to. globalization and the social and<br />

political forms of resistance to. the global we find more than simply<br />

nostalgic expressions of. negation. We find instead a crushing<br />

revisionism visavis. modernity and progress a rejection not only of the<br />

global. technostructure but also of the mental system of globalization.<br />

which assumes a principle of equivalence between all cultures. This.<br />

kind of reaction can take some violent abnormal and irrational. aspects<br />

at least they can be perceived as violent abnormal and. irrational from<br />

the perspective of our traditional enlightened ways. of thinking. This<br />

reaction can take collective ethnic religious and. linguistic forms. But it<br />

can also take the form of individual. emotional outbursts or neuroses<br />

even. In any case it would be a. mistake to berate those reactions as<br />

simply populist archaic or. even terrorist. Everything that has the<br />

quality of event these days. is engaged against the abstract universality<br />

of the global and. this also includes Islam's own opposition to Western<br />


values (it is. because Islam is the most forceful contestation of those<br />

values that. it is today considered to be the West's number one enemy)..<br />

Who can defeat the global system Certainly not the. antiglobalization<br />

movement whose sole objective is to slow down. global deregulation.<br />

This movement's political impact may well be. important. But its<br />

symbolic impact is worthless. This movement's. opposition is nothing<br />

more than an internal matter that the dominant. system can easily keep<br />

under control. Positive alternatives cannot. defeat the dominant system<br />

but singularities that are neither. positive nor negative can. Singularities<br />

are not alternatives. They. represent a different symbolic order. They do<br />

not abide by value. judgments or political realities. They can be the best<br />

or the worst.. They cannot be regularized by means of a collective<br />

historical. action. They defeat any uniquely dominant thought. Yet they<br />

do. not present themselves as a unique counterthought. Simply they.<br />

create their own game and impose their own rules. Not all. singularities<br />

are violent. Some linguistic artistic corporeal or. cultural singularities<br />

are quite subtle. But others like terrorism. can be violent. The<br />

singularity of terrorism avenges the. singularities of those cultures that<br />

paid the price of the imposition. of a unique global power with their<br />

own extinction.. We are really not talking about a clash of civilizations<br />

here but. instead about an almost anthropological confrontation<br />

between an. undifferentiated universal culture and everything else that<br />

in. whatever domain retains a quality of irreducible alterity. From the.<br />

perspective of global power (as fundamentalist in its beliefs as any.<br />

religious orthodoxy) any mode of difference and singularity is. heresy.<br />

Singular forces only have the choice of joining the global. system (by<br />

will or by force) or perishing. The mission of the West. (or rather the<br />

former West since it lost its own values a long time. ago) is to use all<br />

available means to subjugate every culture to the. brutal principle of<br />

cultural equivalence. Once a culture has lost its. values it can only seek<br />

revenge by attacking those of others. Beyond. their political or<br />

economic objectives wars such as the one in. Afghanistan aim at<br />

normalizing savagery and aligning all the. territories. The goal is to get<br />

rid of any reactive zone and to. colonize and domesticate any wild and<br />

resisting territory both. geographically and mentally.. The<br />

establishment of a global system is the result of an intense. jealousy. It<br />

is the jealousy of an indifferent and lowdefinition. culture against<br />

cultures with higher definition of a disenchanted. and deintensified<br />

system against high intensity cultural. environments and of a<br />

desacralized society against sacrificial. forms. According to this<br />


dominant system any reactionary form is. virtually terrorist. (According<br />

to this logic we could even say that. natural catastrophes are forms of<br />

terrorism too. Major technological. accidents like Chernobyl are both a<br />

terrorist act and a natural. disaster. The toxic gas leak in Bhopal India<br />

another technological. accident could also have been a terrorist act. Any<br />

plane crash could. be claimed by any terrorist group too. The dominant<br />

characteristic of. irrational events is that they can be imputed to<br />

anybody or given any. motivation. To some extent anything we can<br />

think of can be criminal. even a cold front or an earthquake. This is not<br />

new. In the. Tokyo earthquake thousands of Koreans were killed<br />

because they were. thought to be responsible for the disaster. In an<br />

intensely. integrated system like ours everything can have a similar<br />

effect of. destabilization. Everything drives toward the failure of a<br />

system. that claims to be infallible. From our point of view caught as<br />

we. are inside the rational and programmatic controls of this system we.<br />

could even think that the worst catastrophe is actually the. infallibility<br />

of the system itself.) Look at Afghanistan. The fact. that inside this<br />

country alone all recognized forms of democratic. freedoms and<br />

expressions from music and television to the ability. to see a woman's<br />

face were forbidden and the possibility that. such a country could take<br />

the totally opposite path of what we call. civilization (no matter what<br />

religious principles it invoked) were. not acceptable for the free world.<br />

The universal dimension of. modernity cannot be refused. From the<br />

perspective of the West of its. consensual model and of its unique way<br />

of thinking it is a crime. not to perceive modernity as the obvious<br />

source of the Good or as the. natural ideal of humankind. It is also a<br />

crime when the universality. of our values and our practices are found<br />

suspect by some individuals. who when they reveal their doubts are<br />

immediately pegged as. fanatics.. Only an analysis that emphasizes the<br />

logic of symbolic obligation can. make sense of this confrontation<br />

between the global and the singular.. To understand the hatred of the<br />

rest of the world against the West. perspectives must be reversed. The<br />

hatred of nonWestern people is. not based on the fact that the West<br />

stole everything from them and. never gave anything back. Rather it is<br />

based on the fact that they. received everything but were never allowed<br />

to give anything back.. This hatred is not caused by dispossession or<br />

exploitation but. rather by humiliation. And this is precisely the kind of<br />

hatred that. explains the September terrorist attacks. These were acts of.<br />

humiliation responding to another humiliation.. The worst that can<br />

happen to global power is not to be attacked or. destroyed but to suffer<br />


a humiliation. Global power was humiliated. on September because the<br />

terrorists inflicted something the global. system cannot give back.<br />

Military reprisals were only means of. physical response. But on<br />

September global power was. symbolically defeated. War is a response<br />

to an aggression but not to. a symbolic challenge. A symbolic challenge<br />

is accepted and removed. when the other is humiliated in return (but<br />

this cannot work when the. other is crushed by bombs or locked behind<br />

bars in Guantanamo). The. fundamental rule of symbolic obligation<br />

stipulates that the basis of. fundamental rule of symbolic obligation<br />

stipulates that the basis of<br />


284<br />

any form of domination is the total absence of any counterpart of. any<br />

return. The unilateral gift is an act of power. And the. Empire of the<br />

Good the violence of the Good is precisely to be able. to give without<br />

any possible return. This is what it means to be in. God's position. Or to<br />

be in the position of the Master who allows the. slave to live in<br />

exchange for work (but work is not a symbolic. counterpart and the<br />

slave's only response is eventually to either. rebel or die). God used to<br />

allow some space for sacrifice. In the. traditional order it was always<br />

possible to give back to God or to. nature or to any superior entity by<br />

means of sacrifice. That's what. ensured a symbolic equilibrium<br />

between beings and things. But today. we no longer have anybody to<br />

give back to to return the symbolic. debt to. This is the curse of our<br />

culture. It is not that the gift is. impossible but rather that the<br />

countergift is. All sacrificial. forms have been neutralized and removed<br />

(what's left instead is a. parody of sacrifice which is visible in all the<br />

contemporary. instances of victimization).. We are thus in the<br />

irremediable situation of having to receive. always to receive no longer<br />

from God or nature but by means of a. technological mechanism of<br />

generalized exchange and common. gratification. Everything is<br />

virtually given to us and like it or. not we have gained a right to<br />

everything. We are similar to the. slave whose life has been spared but<br />

who nonetheless is bound by a. nonrepayable debt. This situation can<br />

last for a while because it is. the very basis of exchange in this<br />

economic order. Still there. always comes a time when the fundamental<br />

rule resurfaces and a. negative return inevitably responds to the positive<br />

transfer when a. violent abreaction to such a captive life such a<br />

protected. existence and such a saturation of being takes place. This<br />

reversion. can take the shape of an open act of violence (such as<br />

terrorism). but also of an impotent surrender (that is more characteristic<br />

of our. modernity) of a selfhatred and of remorse in other words of all.<br />

those negative passions that are degraded forms of the impossible.<br />

countergift.. What we hate in ourselves the obscure object of our<br />

resentment. is our excess of reality power and comfort our universal.<br />


availability our definite accomplishment this kind of destiny that.<br />

Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor had in store for the domesticated.<br />

masses. And this is exactly the part of our culture that the. terrorists<br />

find repulsive (which also explains the support they. receive and the<br />

fascination they are able to exert). Terrorism's. support is not only<br />

based on the despair of those who have been. humiliated and offended.<br />

It is also based on the invisible despair of. those whom globalization<br />

has privileged on our own submission to an. omnipotent technology to<br />

a crushing virtual reality to an empire. of networks and programs that<br />

are probably in the process of. redrawing the regressive contours of the<br />

entire human species of a. humanity that has gone global. (After all<br />

isn't the supremacy of. the human species over the rest of life on earth<br />

the mirror image of. the domination of the West over the rest of the<br />

world). This. invisible despair our invisible despair is hopeless since it<br />

is the. result of the realization of all our desires.. Thus if terrorism is<br />

derived from this excess of reality and from. this reality's impossible<br />

exchange if it is the product of a. profusion without any possible<br />

counterpart or return and if it. emerges from a forced resolution of<br />

conflicts the illusion of. getting rid of it as if it were an objective evil is<br />

complete.. For in its absurdity and nonsense terrorism is our society's<br />

own. judgment and penalty.. Notes. Initially published as La Violence<br />

du Mondial in Jean. Baudrillard Power Inferno (Paris Galilee ) pp. ..<br />

Mondial is the French term for global in the original text.. Pensee<br />

unique in French.. Espacetemps sans dimension in French.. Contre cette<br />

universalite abstraite in French.. On ne peut pas les federer dans une<br />

action historique. d'ensemble in French.. Baudrillard refers here to the<br />

US war against Afghanistan in the. Fall of in the aftermath of the<br />

September attacks.. L'absence de contrepartie in French.. Emphasis in<br />

original text.. Jean Baudrillard is an internationally acclaimed theorist<br />

whose. writings trace the rise and fall of symbollic exchange in the.<br />

contemporary century. In addition to a wide range of highly. influential<br />

books from Seduction to Symbollic Exchange and Death. Baudrillard's<br />

most recent publications include The Vital Illusion. The Spirit of<br />

Terrorism and The Singular Objects of Architecture.. He is a member<br />

of the editorial board of CTheory.. Francois Debrix is Assistant<br />

Professor of International <strong>Re</strong>lations at. Florida International University<br />

in Miami Florida. He is the. coeditor (with Cynthia Weber) of Rituals<br />

of Mediaton. International Politics and Social Meaning. (University of<br />

Minnesota. Press forthcoming August ). CTHEORY is an international<br />

journal of theory technology and. culture. Articles interviews and key<br />


ook reviews in. contemporary discourse are published weekly as well<br />

as. theorisations of major eventscenes in the mediascape.. Editors<br />

Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. Editorial Board Jean Baudrillard (Paris)<br />

Paul Virilio (Paris). Bruce Sterling (Austin) R.U. Sirius (San Francisco)<br />

Siegfried. Zielinski (Koeln) Stelarc (Melbourne) Richard Kadrey (San.<br />

Francisco) DJ Spooky Paul D. Miller (NYC) Timothy Murray.<br />

(IthacaCornell) Lynn Hershman Leeson (San Francisco) Stephen. Pfohl<br />

(Boston) Andrew Ross (NYC) David Cook (Toronto) Ralph. Melcher<br />

(Sante Fe) Shannon Bell (Toronto) Gad Horowitz. (Toronto) Deena<br />

Weinstein (Chicago) Michael Weinstein. (Chicago) Andrew Wernick<br />

(Peterborough).. In Memory Kathy Acker. Editorial Correspondents<br />

Ken Hollings (UK). Maurice Charland (Canada) Steve Gibson<br />

(CanadaSweden).. Editorial Associate Ted Hiebert. To view<br />

CTHEORY online please visit. To view CTHEORY MULTIMEDIA<br />

online please visit. CTHEORY includes. . Electronic reviews of key<br />

books in contemporary theory.. . Electronic articles on theory<br />

technology and culture.. . Eventscenes in politics culture and the<br />

mediascape.. . Interviews with significant theorists artists and writers.. .<br />

Multimedia theme issues and projects.. Special thanks to Concordia<br />

University.. No commercial use of CTHEORY articles without<br />

permission.. Mailing address CTHEORY Concordia University de.<br />

Maisonneuve O. Montreal Canada HG M.. Full text and microform<br />

versions are available from UMI Ann Arbor. Michigan and Canadian<br />

Periodical IndexGale Canada Toronto.. Indexed in International<br />

Political Science Abstracts. Documentation politique international<br />

Sociological Abstract. Inc. Advance Bibliography of Contents Political<br />

Science and. Government Canadian Periodical Index Film and<br />

Literature Index.. Hotmail snakker ditt språk. norsk i dag. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Speech by Ina Blom. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Speech by Ina Blom. At the opening of<br />

thye exhibition of Ray Johnson in Museum Het. Domein in Sittard<br />

Netherlands Ina Blom gave a speech that went. like this. The Name of<br />

the Game. For many years the American artist Ray Johnson () was a.<br />

legandary outsider and a cult figure within contemporary art.. Despite a<br />

career span of more than years most of which were. spent in New York<br />

in close contact with some of the most influential. artists of his time he<br />

remained unknown to a larger audience until. the time of his death..<br />

However he was virtually a superstar within a particular art. network<br />

that developed in the 's and 's using the postal. service as an artistic<br />

medium a medium that makes it possible to. exchange and distribute<br />


written and visual works within a large. network of correspondents'<br />

instead of exhibiting in galleries and. museums. Ray Johnson is perhaps<br />

primarily known as the creator of. this network. In he started to mail<br />

works of art as gifts to a. set list of recipients. In the 's the rapidly<br />

growing postal. network was dubbed The New York Correspondence<br />

School of Art (a. tonguein cheek parallell to the famous New York<br />

School' of. painting) and he participated actively in the global mailart.<br />

movement up until his death. In fact responding to mail keeping. the<br />

network up and running took most of his time.. Johnson's use of the<br />

postal service as an artistic medium tied in. with the general<br />

development of many radical art projects in the. 'swhich directed their<br />

attention towards social issues. As one. receives mail one automatically<br />

feels obliged to reply and in. this way a social network develops based<br />

on the type of reciprocal. exchanges that characterises human societes<br />

in general. In extension. of the practice many regarded the mailart<br />

movement as a model for a. utopian society where all individuals<br />

communicate freely and where. social barriers and divisions no longer<br />

excist.. However Ray Johnson's project is not about free<br />

communication but. communication problems. For this reason his<br />

dispatches are. not whole' and legible' texts and images but confusing<br />

bits and. fragments. Everything sent by him is part of an endless<br />

collage. where correspondences between words pictures names and<br />

persons. arise only to be interrupted. It is a wellknown fact that the.<br />

postal service is not perfect Letters keep getting lost and. personal<br />

postcards are constantly being read (and misunderstood) by. others than<br />

their adressees. And where the modern postal service. uses proper<br />

names and adressees to regulate and order society Ray. such<br />

regulation.. art's strong focus on artistic names and signatures. As one.<br />

typically does not own a picture by Monet or Warhol but a Monet'. or a<br />

Warhol' modern art could be called the art of the proper. name. But<br />

when these famous names and the visual effects. associated with them<br />

are filtered through Ray Johnson's particular. postal network it is no<br />

longer certain to who or what they refer.. The artist and the work of art<br />

are no longer at their usual. address'.. At this point it's also somehow<br />

less easy to think art as as. communication'. Ray Johnson then disturbs<br />

many of our most cherished. beliefs in what art is supposed to be.. Ina<br />

Blom. The exhibition includes about works by Johnson and it is.<br />

organised as a small intimitate reading room'where the audience. will<br />

be able to study Johnson's letters and collages at their own. leisure..<br />

The exhibition includes about works by Johnson and it is. organized as<br />


a small intimate reading room' where the audience. will be able to<br />

study Johnson's letters and collages at their own. leisure. After Oslo the<br />

exhibition heads for Kunsthalle. Friedericianum Kassel and Museum<br />

het Domein Sittard in the. Netherlands.. Get A Free Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading<br />

Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions.. unsubscribe from<br />

this group send an email to. End of forwarded message. Fwd arc.hive<br />

quiz latin english. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

arc.hivelm.va.com.au. Fwd arc.hive quiz latin english. quiz latin<br />

english. arceo. i reach. don't know. I keep away. arvum. I keep away.<br />

land. sono (v.). I hear. I see. sound. fugo. I fly. flight. put to flight.<br />

fatisco. I am fated. gape open. nemora. I am electric with wonder. You<br />

are electric with wonder. groves. adnitor. go for admission mispelled.<br />

Don't know.... strive. fulmen. Smoke. smoke. thunderbolt. geminus.<br />

twins germinating. germinating twins. twin. harena. have one's hare<br />

cut. hair cut. sand. minatur. make incredibly tiny as in a bull.<br />

miniaturize. he threatens. varius. many and varied. What. a huge<br />

number of different things. different. os (n.). bone. a bone. mouth.<br />

fulvus. so much for os... a balance like a fulcrum. a vent. tawny. mico.<br />

look upon a section or piece of mica. or a mica crystal for that matter....<br />

flash. immitis. better than anything else. immitable. cruel. frigus (n.).<br />

something cold named gus I guess. cold or is that frigid.... cold. luo.<br />

him. him. her. wash away. cervus. this isn't dog but should be. brain.<br />

stag. quiesco. be quiet. shhh..... become quiet. promitto. promise.<br />

promise. primise. horreo. be incredibly scared or frightened ah. bristle.<br />

foedera. hat. if it's not hat it should be. please make it hat. agreements.<br />

vinum. wine. Right. antrum. behind. oh i'm thinking of atrium....<br />

antlers. stag. cave. folium. I should have known cave.... hair. book. leaf.<br />

morsus. piece. you know a piece of something. bite. effundo. descend<br />

to the fundament. not to be able to afford such a descent. ahh.... pour<br />

out. extemplo. leaving the temple on time. going out. immediately.<br />

nemus. the knees in nimbus (cloud). grove. ingemo. the opposite of<br />

outgemo.... no just kidding. the same as ingemo. groan. aridus. dry.<br />

Right. rima. rhyme. rim. a round rhyme.... crack. sinat. part of a temple.<br />

a forum. a part of a temple forum. against um. he permits. condo. i want<br />

one. i live. despair... I can't afford... I found. dubius. doubtful. Right.<br />

artus. harmony. fit. joint. seditio. revolt. sedition against something.<br />

riot. gemo. germinate begin. the origin of everything. lament. ductor.<br />

lead. alas to lead again.... with one's mouth taped shut.... leader.<br />

crudelis. primitive. simple. awful. cruel. flecto. bend. bend. turn around<br />

something that wasn't.... turn. dolor. sad. sadness. mourn. pain.<br />


corripio. hurting. corruption. snatch. arrigo. quickly to go before you<br />

change your mind. prick up. spelunca. cave. Right. disjicio. someone<br />

not jicioing.... scatter. lumen. light. Right. ignarus. forget. dumb. ces't<br />

moi. unknowing. niteo. making smaller and picking.... shine. dulcis.<br />

smooth. soft. and quiet.... sweet. seco. place or put as in a maelstrom.<br />

search sweetly. and secrete.... cut. umbra. shadow. Right. arc.hive<br />

mailing list. arc.hivelm.va.com.au. End of forwarded message. Fra<br />

Stine Hems. Start of forwarded message. Hei. Nettutgaven og den<br />

trykte utgaven av denne publikasjonen har fått samme. E Man corridor<br />

maskinlesbar fil blurB Johnsen Guru. . Man corridor blurB Johnsen<br />

Guru. Jeg gjør oppmerksom på at trykte utgaver og internettutgaver skal<br />

ha ulikt. beskjed slik at dette kan bli rettet opp i våre bibliografiske<br />

baser. Vennlig hilsen. End of forwarded message. burph. Flere piller<br />

nese. Et sterilt teknologisk samfunn Det er vel heller motsatt at.<br />

utvendiggjøringen av det. hygieniske gjør det unødvendig for oss å framstå<br />

som rene. Hva med. mentalhygiene Psykiatrien. frigjør det gale i oss etc.<br />

Noe prosjekt på urenslighet kroppslukt el. hadde. vært. spennende.<br />

Hvorfor er nettopp lukt så ille Mer taktilsk som berøring light.. Det er<br />

samtidig. disse sansene som media ikke har tilgang til ingenting lukter<br />

ingenting. berører. Dersom. reklamen brukte lukt hadde vi vel sluppet å<br />

bry oss mer med det. B.. (VG Nett) Stadig flere piller seg i nesen. Så<br />

lenge ingen ser det.. Det er all grunn til å tro at det i dag plukkes mer<br />

nese vaskes mindre hender. og at en. oppvaskklut som har vært brukt til<br />

både det ene og det andre havner pent på. benken så lenge. ingen ser det<br />

heter det i et sammendrag en rapport fra Statens institutt for.<br />

forbruksforskning (SIFO).. SIFOforsker Ingun G. Klepp utga fredag<br />

rapporten Fra rent til nyvasket. I. rapporten rettes. hovedfokus mot<br />

skittentøyet og hvorfor vi vasker det.. Når det plukkes i neser og sluntres<br />

unna håndvask er begrunnelsen Det var jo. ingen som så. det.. Kroppslukt<br />

er tabu. Barn kan ha flekker voksne skal være rene mens eldre er spesielt<br />

udelikate. hvis de bryter. normene for renslighet mener de som ble spurt<br />

i rapporten. Møkk godtas lettere. utendørs og i. helt private<br />

sammenhenger. Toleransen for flekker på tøyet er blitt større. mens.<br />

kroppslukt. er et absolutt tabu.. Vasking begrunnes ikke lenger av<br />

hygiene og helse men av estetiske årsaker.. Man. er mer. opptatt av om<br />

klærne har mistet fasongen eller fått krøller enn om det kan. være.<br />

helsefarlig. på grunn av skitt.. Dårlig vask av rene klær. Mengden skitt i det<br />

skitne tøyet er likevel blitt mindre. Vi bytter hyppigere. klesplagg.<br />

vasker oftere og færre arbeider direkte med jord og dyr. Til tross for at.<br />

klærne. oftere får. en tur i vaskemaskinen vaskes de nødvendigvis ikke<br />


edre. Temperaturene er. lavere forvask. brukes sjeldnere og mindre<br />

mengder vann blir brukt når klærne vaskes. I tillegg. brukes mindre.<br />

miljøfarlige kjemikalier.. Spørrelister og litteratur om emnet er<br />

grunnlaget for rapporten. Prosjektet er. finansiert av. Norges<br />

forskningsråd.. Fwd postanarchism Nettlau Panarchy A Forgotten Idea<br />

of. Start of forwarded message. Panarchy. A Forgotten Idea of. by Max<br />

Nettlau. (). Introductory Note by John Zube. It was first published in<br />

GUSTAV LANDAUER'S DER. SOZIALIST .... Upon a suggestion by<br />

Leo Kasarnowski the later. publisher of John Henry Mackay who<br />

identified M.N. as. MAX NETTLAU it was reprinted in Der.<br />

individualistische Anarchist (The Individualist. Anarchist) published by<br />

Benedikt Lachman in Berlin. pages .. It is here translated by John Zube<br />

from the German. reproduction in Zur Sache No (On the Topic No.).<br />

produced by the Mackay Gesellschaft Germany. editor Kurt Zube .. The<br />

existence of this article by Max Nettlau was quite. new to me and<br />

pleased me very much. I had long sought. for anarchist responses to De<br />

Puydt's essay but in. vain except within my own close circle. Alas Kurt.<br />

Zube had failed to point it out to me earlier.. De Puydt's proposal as a<br />

core requirement for a. consistent anarchism supplemented by essential.<br />

conditions forms the foundation of the autonomous. protective and<br />

social communities described in. Solneman's The Manifesto of Peace<br />

and. Freedom..Its English edition appeared in . But. already in in Kurt<br />

Zube's RADIKALER GEIST. Berlin on pages (th issue) appeared the.<br />

related programme of Werner Ackermann' s THE. COSMOPOLITAN<br />

UNION.. In Zur Sache the program of The Cosmopolitan Union. is<br />

appended but I have left it out here since it has. already appeared<br />

repeatedly in my Peace Plans. series in English German and even in<br />

French. It is. the central idea in my own two peace books in Peace.<br />

Plans (German in Peace Plans ). written between .. Herbert Spencer<br />

discussed similar ideas in his. chapter The Right to Ignore the State in<br />

Social. Statics original edition in and Johann Gottlieb. Fichte discussed<br />

individual secessionism in his. book on the French <strong>Re</strong>volution.<br />

Voluntary taxation. schemes are one of the preconditions or<br />

consequences. for panarchies. Historical precedents for panarchism.<br />

abound and go back much further (but they are NOT. discussed in<br />

MOST history books) in the form of. personal law associations<br />

capitulations the millet. system or djemma special courts for foreigners<br />

and. consular jurisdiction).. <strong>Re</strong>mnants of this tradition persisted into the<br />

th. century e.g. in Morocco to and to our times. e.g. as personal law in<br />

civil jurisdiction in the. Middle East and Malaysia.. Curiously enough<br />


most minority groups have shown. little to no interest in this form of<br />

potentially full. exterritorial autonomy for all minorities that want to.<br />

form their own volunteer communities. They remain. addicted to<br />

territorialism and the atrocities that. follow from it.. PANARCHISM<br />

provides the only framework that could at. the same time and in the<br />

same country satisfy the. RIGHTFUL aspirations of all kinds of statists<br />

as well. as of all kinds of freedom lovers. Since the radical. freedom<br />

lovers are almost everywhere a small minority. and have little chance in<br />

the short run to convert. all the statists to their point of view they<br />

should. be the first ones to adopt this program. However they. find it<br />

very difficult to do since they are like. most statists stuck on the<br />

territorial model which. excludes tolerance for exterritorially<br />

autonomous. volunteer communities.. It is also the cornerstone for any<br />

rightful and. efficient peace defence revolution and liberation. effort<br />

since it could turn most of the resources of. any dictatorial or<br />

totalitarian regime against it and. could do so withoutdriving the regime<br />

into a corner. ready to undertake mass murderous steps. Even the. worst<br />

regime has some voluntary followers and under. panarchism it could<br />

retain these as long as it. satisfied them. I know of no better program to<br />

defuse. and finally abolish the threat posed by ABC mass. murder<br />

devices combined with popular notions on. collective responsibility and<br />

enemies all tied to the. territorial model.. One of the remaining<br />

panarchistic traits in all too. distorted form is the practice of and<br />

international. law on diplomatic immunity. However this is a bad.<br />

example because its current version permits diplomats. get away with<br />

serious crimes against foreigners.. That was NOT the traditional<br />

practice in law systems.. But then the rulers and their followers or.<br />

representatives have degrees of secrecy and immunity. for their crimes..<br />

A preliminary literature on panarchism pages. appeared in Peace Plans<br />

.. A pages list of can be found in Peace Plans. .. An extended<br />

bibliography on panarchism on pages. can be found in PEACE PLANS<br />

No... PANARCHY. A Forgotten Idea of. by Max Nettlau. For a long<br />

time I have been fascinated by the thought. how wonderful it would be<br />

if at last in public. opinion on the succession of political and social.<br />

institutions the fateful term one after another. would be replaced<br />

through the very simple and. selfevident simultaneously.. Down with<br />

the State and Only upon the ruins of the. State. . . express emotions and<br />

wishes of many but it. seems that only the cool Opt out of the State<br />

(No.. of The Socialist) can help them towards their. realization.. When<br />

a new scientific insight appears then those. convinced of it do simply<br />


proceed upon it without. wanting to persuade the old professors who do<br />

not. intend to follow it or to force them to accept the new. way or to<br />

slay them Quite on their own they will. fall behind diminish in<br />

reputation and dry up if. only the new method is full of life. Indeed in<br />

many. cases maliciousness and stupidity will put many. obstacles in the<br />

road of the new idea. That is the. reason why hard struggles must be<br />

fought for. unconditional mutual tolerance until it is finally. achieved.<br />

Only from then on will everything proceed. automatically science will<br />

bloom and advance because. the necessary foundation for every<br />

progress namely. experimental freedom and free research have been.<br />

achieved.. One should by no means attempt to bring everything. under<br />

one hat. Even the State did not achieve that.. The socialists and the<br />

anarchists slipped away from. its power. And we would not be any<br />

more successful. with such an attempt for the statists do still exist. (are<br />

one of the facts of our reality). Besides it. should rather please us not to<br />

have to drag a diehard. cripple of the State into our free society. The.<br />

frequently discussed question What ought to be done. with the<br />

reactionaries who cannot adapt to liberty. would thereby be very simply<br />

solved They may retain. their State as long as they want it. But for us it.<br />

would become unimportant. Over us it would have no. more power than<br />

the eccentric ideas of a sect which. are of interest to no one else. Thus it<br />

will happen. sooner or later. Freedom will break a path for itself.<br />

everywhere.. Once while we were on a steamer on Lake Como a.<br />

teacher from Milan boarded the ship with a large. class. She wanted all<br />

the kids to sit down and rushed. one group to the other ordering them to<br />

sit.. However barely had she turned her back upon any of. the groups<br />

when most of the group stood up again and. whenever she attempted to<br />

survey all of them. believing at last to have finished with her labour.<br />

she found them standing up and around in the same. disorder as before.<br />

Instead of now becoming more. severe with them the young woman<br />

laughed herself. about it and left the children in peace. Most of them.<br />

soon sat down anyhow on their own initiative. This is. just a harmless<br />

example to demonstrate that. everything which is left to itself solves<br />

itself. best.. Consequently and as an aside Before the idea of. MUTUAL<br />

TOLERANCE in political and social affairs will. break its path we<br />

could do nothing better than to. prepare ourselves for it by realizing it<br />

in our own. daily living and thinking. How often do we still act.<br />

contrary to it. These words are intended to demonstrate how much I.<br />

have fallen in love with this idea and to make others. understand my<br />

pleasure to have found a forgotten essay. of a pioneer of this idea an<br />


idea which is not talked. about much in our literature. However one<br />

must admit. that the struggle it is engaged in was really forced. upon it..<br />

I am speaking of the article PANARCHIE by P.E. De. Puydt in the<br />

REVUE TRIMESTRIELLE (Brussels) July. pages to . The author who<br />

was so far. unknown to me and about whom I did not care in order. not<br />

to disturb my impression of his ideas does. probably stand apart from<br />

the social movements. But he. has a clear vision of the extent to which<br />

the present. political system according to which ALL have to. submit to<br />

one government constituted upon a majority. decision or otherwise flies<br />

right into the face of. the simplest requirements for liberty.. Without<br />

identifying with his own proposal in any way. or attempting to achieve<br />

completeness I want to. summarize his views and quote some details..<br />

One will feel closer to his idea if one replaces in. one' s mind the word<br />

government which he always. uses by social organization especially<br />

since he. himself proclaims the coexistence of all governmental. forms<br />

up to and including even the ANARCHY of Mr.. Proudhon each form<br />

for those who are really. interested in it.. The author declares himself<br />

for the teachings of the. political economy of LAISSEZFAIRE<br />

LAISSEZ PASSER. (the Manchester School of free competition<br />

without. state intervention). There are no halftruths. From. this he<br />

concludes that the law of free competition. LAISSEZFAIRE LAISSEZ<br />

PASSER does not only apply to. the industrial and commercial<br />

relationships but would. have to be brought to its breakthrough in the.<br />

political sphere. .. Some say that there is too much freedom the others.<br />

that there is not enough freedom. In reality the. fundamental freedom is<br />

missing precisely the one. needed the freedom to be free or not free<br />

according. one's choice. Everybody decides this question for. himself<br />

and since there are as many opinions as there. are human beings the<br />

mixup called politics. results. The freedom of one party is the negation<br />

of. the freedom of the others. The best government. functions never in<br />

accordance with the will of all.. There are victors and defeated<br />

suppressors in the. name of the present law and insurgents in the name<br />

of. freedom.. Do I want to propose my own system Not at all I am. an<br />

advocate of all systems i. e. of all forms of. government that find<br />

followers.. Every system is like a block of flats in which the. proprietor<br />

and the main tenants have the best. accommodations and feel well off.<br />

The others for whom. there is not sufficient space in it are dissatisfied..<br />

I hate the destroyers as much as the tyrants. The. dissatisfied ones<br />

should go their own way but without. destroying the building. What<br />

does not please them may. give pleasure to their neighbours .. Should<br />


they emigrate instead to seek for themselves. anywhere in the world<br />

another government Not at all.. Nor should people be deported here and<br />

there in. accordance with their opinions. I wish them to. continue living<br />

in coexistence wherever one happens. be or elsewhere if one wants to<br />

but without a. be or elsewhere if one wants to but without a<br />


285<br />

struggle like brothers each freely speaking his mind. and each<br />

subordinating himself only to those powers. personally elected or<br />

accepted by him.. Let us come to the subject. Nothing develops and.<br />

lasts that is not based upon liberty. Nothing that. exists maintains itself<br />

and functions successfully. except through the free play of all its active.<br />

components. Otherwise there will be loss of energy. through friction<br />

rapid wear of the cogwheels too. many breakages and accidents.<br />

Therefore I demand for. each and every element of human society<br />

(individual). the liberty to associate with others according to his. choice<br />

and congeniality to function only in. accordance with his capabilities in<br />

other words the. absolute rightto select the political society in which.<br />

they want to live and to depend only upon it.. Today the republican<br />

attempts to overthrow the. existing form of the State in order to<br />

establish his. ideal of the State. He is opposed as an enemy by all.<br />

monarchists and others not interested in his ideal.. Instead according to<br />

the idea of the author one. should proceed in a way which corresponds<br />

to legal. separation or divorce in family relationships. He. proposes a<br />

similar divorce option for politics one. which would harm no one .. One<br />

wants to be politically separated Nothing is more. simple than to go<br />

one's own way but without. infringing the rights and opinions of others<br />

who on. their side would just have to make a little bit of. room and<br />

would have to leave the others full liberty. realize their own system.. In<br />

practice the machinery of the civil registry. office would suffice. In<br />

each municipality a new. office would be opened for the POLITICAL<br />

MEMBERSHIP of. individuals with GOVERNMENTS. The adults<br />

would let. themselves be entered according to their discretion. in the<br />

lists of the monarchy of the republic etc.. Fwd spectre Next Minutes<br />

Preliminar Program. Start of forwarded message. A N N O U N C E M<br />

E N T. NEXT MINUTES. International Festival of Tactical Media.<br />

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM. Amsterdam September. De Balie<br />

Paradiso Melkweg Waag Society. NIM Montevideo Imagine IC<br />

SALTO. What is Next Minutes. Next Minutes is a festival that brings<br />

together art campaigns. experiments in media technology and<br />


transcultural politics. Next. Minutes revolves around the notion of<br />

tactical media the fusion of. art politics and media. The festival is<br />

organised irregularly when. the urgency is felt to bring a new edition of<br />

the festival together.. How did this particular edition of the festival<br />

come about. The fourth edition of the Next Minutes festival is the result<br />

of a. collaborative effort of a variety of organisations initiatives and.<br />

individuals dispersed worldwide. The program and content of the.<br />

festival is prepared through a series of Tactical Media Labs (TMLs).<br />

organised locally in different cities around the globe. This series. of<br />

Tactical Media Labs started on September in Amsterdam and. they<br />

continue internationally right up to the festival in September.. TMLs<br />

have been organised in Amsterdam Sydney Cluj Barcelona. Delhi New<br />

York Singapore Birmingham Nova Scotia Berlin Chicago. Portsmouth<br />

Sao Paulo Moscow Dubrovnik and Zanzibar.. The results of the various<br />

TMLs are published in a web journal at. What are the main themes of<br />

NM. The program of Next Minutes is structured along four core. Deep<br />

Local which explores the ambiguities of connecting. essentially<br />

translocal media cultures with local contexts.. The Disappearing of the<br />

Public deals with the elusiveness of the. public that tactical media<br />

necessarily needs to interface with and. considers new strategies for<br />

engaging with or redefining 'the public'.. The Tactics of Appropriation<br />

questions who is appropriating whom. Corporate state or terrorist actors<br />

all seem to have become. effective media tacticians is the battle for the<br />

screen therefore. lost. The Tactical and the Technical finally questions<br />

the deeply. political nature of (media)technology and the role that the.<br />

development of new media tools plays in defining enabling and.<br />

constraining its tactical use.. The festival explores a variety of forms<br />

and formats from lowtech. hightech from seminars and debates to<br />

performances and urban. interventions screenings installations as well<br />

as sound projects. and live media a pitching session a tool builders fair<br />

and open. unmoderated spaces. Defining for tactical media is not the<br />

medium. itself but the attitude towards media.. MORE<br />

INFORMATION. How can I find out more about the festival. By<br />

reading on in this document but also by consulting the website of. The<br />

site also contains a Frequently Asked Questions section that. addresses<br />

many practical questions you may have.. Further information can be<br />

obtained from the festival office. infonm.org. TICKETS. How can I<br />

reserve tickets. You can only reserve day tickets and passepartouts<br />

which give. access to all programs of the festival.. You can reserve<br />

tickets at ticketsnm.org. Ticket prices. Day Ticket Euro. PassePartout<br />


Euro. These tickets offer access to all venues and events including the.<br />

evening programs.. Tickets for single programs are not sold except for<br />

the evening. performance programs.. How to get accommodation. In the<br />

beginning of August we will publish details on how to find. cheap and<br />

affordable accommodation close to the festival venues.. Follow the link<br />

Accommodation on the front page of our web site.<br />

ANNOUNCEMENTS LIST. <strong>Re</strong>ceive our announcements via email.<br />

More information at. THE DISAPPEARINGPUBLIC. Full Info.<br />

Introduction. Interfacing with the public. There is no public but where<br />

are our publics. In more than one sense the practices and promises of<br />

tactical media. are tied up with the idea that in the last decades we have<br />

witnessed. the disappearance of The Public. One big reason for this is<br />

the. explosion of heterogeneous media and heterogeneous media<br />

practices. and the fact boundaries between media spaces have become<br />

increasingly. porous (i.e. between media domains that are nationally<br />

and culturally. distinct). Another reason is that the idea of normal<br />

people on. which the concept of The Public relied has been thoroughly.<br />

undermined not in the least part because these people increasingly.<br />

came and put themselves in the picture aided by media. (Thus the.<br />

differences among various not so normal people can these days no.<br />

longer be easily airbrushed out.). Funnily enough also for those media<br />

practitioners artists and. activists who feel enthusiastic about the<br />

disappearance of The. Public the question of the public is no less acute<br />

In situated. media interventions the particularity of context tend to take<br />

the. foreground and precisely not a disembodied generality such as The.<br />

Public . Here margins count as a resource rather than as constraint. and<br />

they can and should be celebrated as such. But when it comes to. these<br />

kind of projects the question of who exactly one is. interfacing with<br />

often comes up as a pressing concern. A totally. eclipsed public that is<br />

an empty hall an empty street or empty. chairs many have found out is<br />

not an ideal situation either. And. when the public just doesn't get it we<br />

can't just dismiss the. possibility that there may be a problem with the<br />

performance itself.. And what if one ends up not liking one's public<br />

More. importantly a constructive picture of who or what one is trying<br />

to. prompt with a given media intervention remains totally crucial..<br />

While The Public has disappeared we thus keep and should keep<br />

asking. wherewhowhat is the public. In working with that question the<br />

issue of the erosion of the. public domain especially with the rise to<br />

dominance of commercial. mass media and it should be added after the<br />

disappearance of The. Public inevitably comes up. In this way it is easy<br />


to get caught. between excitement about the disappearance of The<br />

Public puzzlement. about appropriate publics and resistance to the<br />

erosion of the. public domain . But that last diagnosis might also<br />

prompt us to go. and look for the missing public and try to conjure one<br />

up. The. question thus is what are the techniques and tactics available<br />

and. which should be developed to make a public appear. Sections.<br />

Testimony and Witness. Tactical Cartography Diagrams of Power.<br />

(Visualising for the Public Eye). Archives of <strong>Re</strong>sistance. Critical<br />

Games. Urban Interventions. Urban Interventions. Where else to find<br />

the public than in the streets The move of. alternative and resistant<br />

media cultures out of the ghetto of the. internet into the streets is a<br />

rather obvious one. The tactic is. comparable to that of art moving<br />

beyond the museum and gallery space.. Invariably as soon as such<br />

mediainterventions leave the relatively. unfettered space of the net or<br />

the sanctioned art spaces and enter. public urban space they encounter<br />

an entirely new set of conflicts. and constraints. Despite all these<br />

restrictions public urban space. remains one of the ultimate social<br />

interfaces that we want to. question and investigate at Next Minutes ..<br />

Packing Geldershoofd by Archeopteryx (Izhevsk). The art group<br />

Archeopteryx from Izhevsk (Russia) proposes to execute. their project<br />

PACKING on the blind faade of one of the large. Highrises of the<br />

Bijlmer district (Amsterdam South East) called. Geldershoofd. The<br />

highrise will disappear within a few years as. part of an urban<br />

restructuring plan. The original idea of the Package. action was to mark<br />

storey housing blocks (the traditional Russian. standardised housing<br />

boxes) in various Russian cities with giant. painted protection labels<br />

normally used on transport boxes. The. traditional meaning of these<br />

labels is apparently projected onto the. residents inside these boxes<br />

urging to protect the people inside. DO NOT WET DO NOT BREAK<br />

HANDLE WITH CARE.. Escaping Oblivion (Bus trip) Tactical<br />

Tourism. A bus trip to sites of contestation in and around Amsterdam.<br />

During its entire history the city of Amsterdam has been a place. where<br />

lots of social political religious and cultural issues have. been contested.<br />

Primarily aimed at our international guests but also. with the intention<br />

of informing a wider audience about the historical. and cultural context<br />

in which the Next Minutes originated this bus. trip takes you to a<br />

number off unusual or unexpected sites where the. sometimes invisible<br />

past of Amsterdam will be resurrected.. Mobile Transgenic FastFood<br />

Test Lab. Critical Art Ensemble and Beatirz da Costa. Aar Paar Project.<br />

Collaborative Public Art Project by Artists in India and Pakistan. DEEP<br />


LOCAL. Full info. Introduction. Globalisation is renowned for its<br />

delocalising effects as. transnational business and policies erode local<br />

cultures and harness. them for their own ends. But far from<br />

extinguishing locality. globalisation as a process also invites the<br />

creation of new kinds of. localness. In this process of producing new<br />

localities the global is. constantly being reformulated as a summary of<br />

singular new. localities. The spread of telecenters and urban digital<br />

culture. projects are forceful examples of recent experiments in.<br />

translocality. On the one hand the adaptation of digital and other. media<br />

to local contexts serve urgent needs here it is decided among. others<br />

who will and will not participate in digital cultures and in. what ways.<br />

But these projects also provide opportunities to unearth. fixed<br />

assumptions and propose forms of situated activism and. embedded<br />

innovation as opposed to labbased forms of research and. development..<br />

Sections. New Landscapes for New Media. Language. Enduring Post<br />

Communism Networks of Patronage. Laboratory Italy. Bodies of<br />

Globalisation. (Global AIDS activism and the multitudes). Freedom of<br />

movement Freedom of information. THE TACTICS OF<br />

APPROPRIATION. Full info. Introduction. From its earliest<br />

articulations tactical media practitioners have. always recognised<br />

appropriation as one of the prime constitutive. elements of the tactical.<br />

From the repurposing of the fruits of the. consumer electronics<br />

industry(exploiting video's forensic immediacy. institute a subject<br />

centred realism) through to later phases of. new media tactics as<br />

evinced by the work of groups like RTMark and. the practices of logo<br />

tinkering and imposturing blossoming on the. Net. Thus rather than<br />

complaining about the speed with which our. tactics are stolen it is time<br />

to recognise that tactical media has. been in the appropriation game all<br />

along.. Indeed it is in the precise moment of appropriation that power.<br />

becomes momentarily visible. And here lies the opportunity for the.<br />

balance of power to be redefined for the weak once again to turn. the<br />

tables on the strong. Appropriation is the name of the game. The.<br />

important question is who appropriates whom. There are some who<br />

would rather seek solace in the belief that a new. social movement is<br />

emerging from the formation of alliances between a. multitude of<br />

heterogeneous critical groups and micromovements. But. those who<br />

believe that mass movements are immune from appropriation. should<br />

observer the ease with which Chirac together with a coalition. of EU<br />

member states have appropriated the mass peace demonstrations.<br />

legitimise their geopolitical stance visa a vie America. The. scope and<br />


logic of appropriation are infinite. Here as elsewhere. power exists both<br />

where it is enacted and where it is being challenged. If appropriation is<br />

indeed one of the crucial operators of media. politics the question how<br />

that condition can be effectively. addressed (rather than escaped from)<br />

is especially important. So we. can ask questions like in what ways are<br />

opposition politics these. days constrained by logics of appropriation<br />

and how can we conceive. of appropriation as something that enables<br />

instead of threatens. antagonistic politics. Sections. Tactical Media in<br />

Crisis. (Strategies for Tactical Media). The Indymedia Debate. Uses<br />

and Abuses of the Language of Human Rights. Contestational Science.<br />

(<strong>Re</strong>configuring Scientific Networks of Power). Tactical Media from the<br />

Dark Side. THE TACTICAL AND THE TECHNICAL. Full info.<br />

Introduction. Increasingly the new right wing political movements in<br />

Europe and. elsewhere have created their own tactical media. Adopting<br />

the same. principles of resistant comments to mainstream politics and<br />

as in. the case of altermedia.info even the (web)styling of indymedia<br />

and. other open publication platforms to involve the audience in their.<br />

narrative and promote reactionary politics. In Amsterdam some.<br />

conservative Muslim groups have been using the open public channels.<br />

on the local cable system to distribute fundamentalist satellite.<br />

television programs originating from the Middle East camouflaged.<br />

within the highly multicultural programming of the open channels on.<br />

Amsterdam cableTV. Is the dark side learning the tricks of the. trade<br />

from the benevolent media tacticians Are these tactics. inherent to a<br />

specific form of politics. Sections. Radio Space wireless in your<br />

psyche. Paper tactics and the <strong>Re</strong>venge of Print. <strong>Re</strong>cuperating Video's<br />

Meaning. The Tactical Media Tool Builders Fair. The Tactical Media<br />

Tool Builders Fair. Next Minutes will host a minifair of tools<br />

developed by artists. and activists running continuously during the<br />

entire festival. At. any time three or four projects will be presented<br />

simultaneously in. the fairspace by the makers themselves who will be<br />

up for questions. and discussion. The emphasis of the fair space will be<br />

focused. primarily on streaming media wireless media open source<br />

publication. tools and tactical gizmo's. However also artists' devices<br />

that can. be used by others and conceptual tools can be presented in the<br />

space.. Presentations rotate every few hours. An exact schedule of<br />

projects. and presentation blocks will be published at the festival. Some<br />

of. the areas covered by the fair include. A meeting ground for tactical<br />

streaming media artists activist. net.audio hybrid media experiments.<br />

The streaming media minifair is. held in Amsterdam in October What<br />


has changed since where has. the field moved after the commercial<br />

streaming industry collapsed and. virtually disappeared. The Desire to<br />

be Wireless. A special focus area will be the domain of wireless media<br />

and the. cultural forms that spawn from it. The technology of wireless.<br />

networks has become democratised in many ways nit just via cell.<br />

phones. There are a number of projects that experiment with the.<br />

possibility of using wireless networks to provide free access to the.<br />

internet in public space (the socalled wireless commons). We wish to.<br />

explore this terrain via a series of performances and experimental.<br />

projects. Besides offering interesting avenues for artistic.<br />

experimentation the wireless technologies also offer opportunities. for<br />

new forms of lowcost mobile reporting as well as to set up. local<br />

networks in places where a 'wired' infrastructure is not. available..<br />

Open Source Publication Tools. A host of open source publication tools<br />

have hit the giftmarket. content management systems online databases<br />

weblogging software. schedulers reporting tools web zine tools and<br />

even complete. online video editing systems. A selection of some of the<br />

most. noteworthy publication tools will be presented in this section..<br />

Tactical Gizmology. Beside software tools some activist have also<br />

focused on creating. machines for tactical intervention work. IAA's<br />

pamphleteering robot. and graffiti writer are famous examples of such<br />

tactical gizmo's but. also repurposed consumer electronics and robotics<br />

appliances allow. for all kinds of unforeseen uses..... WORKSHOPS.<br />

Next Minutes will host an extensive series of workshops that will. focus<br />

in a more concentrated setting on various aspects of the. overall festival<br />

program. The workshops will have a more practical. and 'handson'<br />

character. The workshops will feed on the availability. of a unique<br />

group of highly experienced practitioners and specialist. brought<br />

together for the festival in Amsterdam from many different. countries.<br />

The main workshop locations will be the Waag Society. Imagine IC<br />

(Amsterdam South East) the Artlab of Montevideo and a. dedicated and<br />

fully equipped workshop space at the Melkweg. The. workshops will<br />

start in the days prior to the festival and will. extend for two days<br />

beyond the three main festival days thus making. available a full week<br />

for the workshop program.. The registration for workshops will be open<br />

for festival participants. and audience but is limited to a maximum<br />

number of participants.. Where possible audience facilities will be<br />

made available for people. who want to follow the workshops as<br />

listeners. At the. net.congestion festival we discovered that the interest<br />

for this. possibility was surprisingly large.. will be published well in<br />


advance of the festival.. Themes will include. Open Source Streaming<br />

Tools. Multimedia Archiving Databases. Open Source Publication<br />

Platforms. Digital Story Telling. IPL for the Digital Domain and<br />

Censorship. Hybridising Media (tactical combinations of radio TV<br />

internet. satellite technology). Wireless Media. Satellite Technology.<br />

Tactical Gizmology. Contestational Robotics IAA Hakctivist. TV<br />

Hacking prepared with Kees Stad. PITCHING SESSION. Find people<br />

to work with. The pitching session is an attempt to create a place were<br />

media. tacticians can find collaborators for whatever project they<br />

happen to. be working on. A meeting ground where people can pitch<br />

conceptual. practical technical artistic or activist projects to find the.<br />

expertise they are missing the expertise that YOU are missing. Contact<br />

the production office in time for the pitching session. This. will provide<br />

a unique opportunity for finding the collaborator you. dearly missed or<br />

the project you would love to work on but you. didn't know existed.<br />

Create your own solutions Pitch at Next. Minutes and find your<br />

unknown other...... THEORY SLAMS. At a few keypoints in the<br />

program we will invite some of our most. articulate guest to compete in<br />

making their urgent message heard in. the frame of a threeminute each<br />

theory slam contest. Every. contestant has to convey the urgency of<br />

whatever she he has to say. within the next three minutes after receiving<br />

the go verbal. gymnastics for tactical media theorists.<br />

PERFORMANCE PROGRAMS. Next Minutes wishes to continue the<br />

tradition of bringing. together extensive performance programs with<br />

radical art and media. experiments that transcend the traditional<br />

contours of regular art. and media production. In the spirit of the<br />

infamous LowTech Show of. the previous edition and the very<br />

successful performance programs of. the net.congestion festival we<br />

want to invite performers from around. the world that challenge the<br />

traditional frameworks of art and media. production. Besides the four<br />

evening programs that are planned in the. main festival locations<br />

(Paradiso Melkweg Balie) we are also. looking for unconventional<br />

interventions into the public city space. of Amsterdam (Urban<br />

Interventions).. The TML process has so far delivered a long list of<br />

performers from. many different countries and regions even beyond the<br />

sites where the. various TMLs were organised.. A completely safe<br />

environment..... A completely safe environment is a coproduction of De<br />

Balie and. Paradiso which is produced independently but will be<br />

presented in. the frame of the Next Minutes festival.. The evening<br />

program is an ironic challenge to the current security. mania that has<br />


seized public discourse not only in the United States. but also<br />

increasingly in horrifically safe countries such as The. Netherlands. For<br />

the evening a barrage of security equipment and. procedures will be<br />

installed at the entrance of the Paradiso venue to. ensure a perfectly<br />

tranquil environment inside. This completely safe. environment will<br />

however be continuously scrutinised by various. advanced surveillance<br />

and tracking technologies that are aimed at. ensuring a perfect safety<br />

for such an environment. The project is an. attempt to find out what is<br />

required to create such a perfectly safe. space and turn this into a<br />

visceral experience for the visitor.. Voicing <strong>Re</strong>sistance Hip Hop as<br />

Political Culture. A performance night devoted to Hip Hop as a site of<br />

resistance that. has long left its roots in the North American urbania.<br />

The. performance night will bring together musicians and collectives<br />

from. the USA (Code <strong>Re</strong>d) the Beta Bodega Coalition Latin America.<br />

Brazil as well as from urban France Amsterdam South East and other.<br />

contested environments.. fem snd. Due to the heavy<br />

underrepresentation of women in electronic music. and dj culture the<br />

fem snd party will focus on the aspect of giving. female artists the<br />

opportunity to perform their work. Male artists. are also most welcome<br />

if their work contributes to the gender. discourse.. Another aspect of the<br />

party will be not to try to attract attention. by big names but more by<br />

extraordinary quality. Particularly emphasis. is placed on artists who<br />

besides doing their own artistic work are. also active in political<br />

contexts and in building networks and. platforms for other artists.. The<br />

focus is on experimental electronic club music looking for.<br />

groundbreaking conceptual and technical innovations. Wherever.<br />

possible we will take into consideration the role that electronic. music<br />

played in triggering the economic aspects of the Net and. questions of<br />

copyright.. Further details of the program will be released on the web<br />

site in. the coming weeks.. SCREENINGS. All three main festival<br />

locations (Balie Melkweg Paradiso) are. equipped with superb<br />

screening facilities and spaces for film and. video in various formats.<br />

For the festival special cinema programs. will be compiled that will<br />

bring together experimental artistic. productions doityourself<br />

documentaries local media productions. around the globe and political<br />

cinema. These thematic programs. festival programs. We will also<br />

search for hybrid combinations of. cinema and video screenings with<br />

some of the performance programs. that will be part of the festival<br />

including combinations of screened. materials and live performance.<br />

Such hybrid combinations will be a. special focus of the screening<br />


programs.. Show Tell. More important even than the formal screening<br />

programs of Next. Minutes are the possibilities created for festival<br />

participants to. show and exchange materials amongst themselves<br />

during the festival.. Special informal screening spaces will be installed<br />

where impromptu. one to one or one to few screenings can be arranged.<br />

Furthermore the. TAZ spaces will all be equipped with screening<br />

facilities to enable. impromptu group screenings.. MEDIA LIBRARY.<br />

The Media Library will be a permanent space in the festival that. hosts<br />

a collection of media productions with a specific social. cultural or<br />

political agenda. Media of crisis criticism and. opposition. Media that<br />

provide an antidote to the world as we see it. represented in mainstream<br />

media and current geopolitics. The Media. Library can be accessed by<br />

any festival participant during the. festival.. Next Minutes has been<br />

putting out calls for such media productions. widely but the submission<br />

is still open. The productions that you. will send to us will become part<br />

of the socalled medialibrary.. After conclusion of the festival they will<br />

become part of the Next. Minutes Visual Archive which is kept at the<br />

International Institute. for Social History in Amsterdam.. Contributions<br />

can be selected for special screenings at the. festival for broadcasting<br />

on local cable TV and for broadband. internet distribution in which case<br />

specific permission will be. asked from the maker. We will accept<br />

contributions on all carriers. (SVHS Betacam cdrom miniDV dvd<br />

palntscsecam mm mm. etc.) (VHS welcome but not preferred).. Any<br />

length any language.. More information is available via the production<br />

office (infonm.org). NEXT MINUTES TV. Starting weeks before the<br />

festival Next Minutes TV will air twice. per week a live studio program<br />

coproduced with SALTO the local. Amsterdam TV organisation with<br />

studio guest and hosted by Erik van. der Schaft director of SALTO.<br />

During this period media productions. the Media Library will be aired<br />

every night between . and. . hours on Amsterdam Cable TV.. During<br />

the festival itself Next Minutes will generate an intensive. program of<br />

live broadcasts from the Hybrid Media Studio interviews. with festival<br />

guests live broadcast from festival programs and. edited festival<br />

reports.. HYBRID MEDIA STUDIO. As in previous editions Next<br />

Minutes is more than an event for. presentation and debate about media<br />

it is also an event where a lot. of mediaoutput is produced on site. The<br />

nerve centre of the media. production during NM will be the Hybrid<br />

Media Studio. The concept. takes the fusion of different mediaforms<br />

within a hybridised digital. media network as its starting point. Radio<br />

television internet. wireless transmission satellite and other forms of<br />


electronic media. production continue to exist in their own right but<br />

they are also. more and more often combined into expanded media<br />

formats that involve. two or more media at once. The Hybrid Media<br />

Studio brings these. different mediaforms together in one space and<br />

connects them to all. available mediainfrastructures. Amsterdam offers<br />

unique. possibilities for noncommercial free media programming on<br />

local TV. and radio as well as various webcasting facilities. From the<br />

Hybrid. Media Studio continuous live programming will be fed to local<br />

media. outlets to international (satellite) outlets to national.<br />

broadcasting organisations and to local media partners in other. cities in<br />

the world. What makes the studio hybrid is its transgenre. approach and<br />

its translocal distribution.. OPEN SPACE TACTICAL<br />

AUTONOMOUS ZONES (TAZ). An element first introduced in the<br />

third edition of Next Minutes in. that we wish to foreground more are<br />

the Tactical Autonomous. Zones. These are unprogrammed but fully<br />

equipped presentation spaces. where participants can sign up<br />

themselves for a presentation. The. idea is to create open zones in the<br />

festival for impromptu. presentations and gatherings spaces for<br />

contestation and difference.. <strong>Re</strong>gistration for the TAZ is open to all<br />

festival participants and. works on a first come first serve basis..<br />

Proposals for the TAZ can be sent to the production office as of.<br />

Monday July st via taznm.org. NM EXTENDED. A friendly<br />

postfestival networking environment. Next Minutes is always<br />

overprogrammed because of the urgency of a. multitude of concerns<br />

that characterise a world in permanent crisis.. What is lost is the space<br />

for informal encounter and exchange of. ideas and the time to create<br />

new coalitions for the future. Since. for logistical budgetary and many<br />

other reasons it is impossible to. resolve the desire for such a less<br />

pressured environment within the. festival we have created a<br />

postfestival meeting place and work. environment ideally suited for<br />

working sessions and networking. meetings. The location of this<br />

meeting is the artistrun imitative. Het Buitenland just outside the city of<br />

Amsterdam which includes a. small camping site.. The site of Het<br />

Buitenland will be equipped with basic networking. facilities as well as<br />

meeting rooms and other requirements. The main. function of this<br />

postfestival meeting is to setup new cooperative. projects start longer<br />

term working relations and develop new. collaborative networks<br />

between festival participants. Further. information on the meeting will<br />

be posted on the announcement list of. Next Minutes the web site and<br />

are available through the production. office.. Buitenland. Next Minutes<br />


Production Office. co De Balie. Kleine Gartmanplantsoen. RR<br />

Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Tel. ... Fax. ... email infonm.org.<br />

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe. Info archive and help.<br />

End of forwarded message. Fwd arc.hive Turbulence Spotlight<br />

GALZA. Another and by far the most important aspect is our website.<br />

There we've put. our heritage. in a graphical form so that anyone with a<br />

standard webbrowser can enjoy our. art. and. sideprojects... The site<br />

requires the Flash pluginB.. Start of forwarded message. FOR<br />

IMMEDIATE RELEASE. June. Turbulence Spotlight GALZA.<br />

Formed in Galza is a group of artists who make ASCII American.<br />

Standard Code for Information Interchange art. Members are mostly.<br />

Russian but the group also includes individuals from Belgium Finland.<br />

the US Canada and Sweden.. ASCII art utilizes characters of the ASCII<br />

Table numerical. representations of characters such as 'a' or '' or<br />

actions. Galza has. been drawing this way because in the old days<br />

computers didn't have. any graphical user interfaces. People were stuck<br />

to text. As a way to. embellish text files and the interfaces of BBS's we<br />

started drawing in. ASCII mode. You can consider it stone age<br />

multimedia. (Filip De Haes). Galza is part of the ASCII virtual<br />

community every few months they. release their art in zipfiles as is<br />

common in the underground art. scene. But because few people know<br />

and appreciate textmode (ASCII) art. Galza decided to emerge from<br />

this relatively small community and reach. out to a wider audience.<br />

They make ASCII Tshirts and have exhibited in. Moscow and Izhevsk<br />

(Russia) including at the famous DOM Gallery.. Another and by far the<br />

most important output of the Galza group is. their website. There we've<br />

put our heritage in a graphical form so. that anyone with a standard web<br />

browser can enjoy our art and side. projects.. prorating.lucid.txt.<br />

crxxxoss ova.ring.. arc.hive mailing list. arc.hivelm.va.com.au. End of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd syndicate <strong>Re</strong> death after life life after death a<br />

call. Start of forwarded message. Fwd syndicate <strong>Re</strong> death after life life<br />

after death a call. You're right Florian.. Wu Ming (no name) first<br />

committed suicide and than he started publishing.. He was a young<br />

performance artists (perhaps he was known as Qi Lei) who. died of<br />

hypothermia in an Ice Burial performance as seen in the performance.<br />

'Frozen' documented on video somewhere in China.. Than in Wu Ming<br />

took over the Q publishing project after the seppuku of. Luther Blisset..<br />

and because Monty Canstin is so open none can be sure. what she is<br />

doing. But it is sure that after Bunny was killed. and Ray Johnson<br />

performed his Nothing performance in. I got several of those cards that<br />


usually announced address. changes but these ones in announced<br />

changes of names.. I classified these announcements under the Monty<br />

Cantsin. in transition file at Artpool in Budapest.. greetings. Anna. he<br />

asked Who... Florian Cramer. Am Montag . Juni um Uhr () schrieb<br />

anna balint. Well things end. Monty Cantsin though she was a very<br />

open pop star simply changed his name. Not that Ihe would know.. new<br />

millenium at the same time Wu Ming also committed suicide. AFAIK<br />

they're still alive and kicking (writing).. F. End of forwarded message.<br />

Urls in white dresses. Ny eFaktura fra NetCom GSM as er nå<br />

tilgjengelig i din nettbank.. Notater fra. Radio stream byhand.mu. dj<br />

byhand my favorite Proper Hoodidge things. Julie Andrews sings<br />

Amon Tobin. dj byhand supercalifragilisticexpialidocious honey<br />

bucket. Julie Andrews vs. Melvins. dj byhand bring back mischief<br />

keeping out of trance. Dinah Washington samples Burger Ink.<br />

Download byhandMD. Uhu. Jeg får ikke til å høre på dette.... (. Server nede<br />

på knærne. fair use. fairly... Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.<br />

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. In times of bella foe fa<br />

lies cobalt cast and clean.. Brown paper packages tied up with strings.<br />

These are a few of my favorite things. Ain't about to pick my rounds.<br />

This is in my way.. Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.<br />

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles. I gotta motor fare<br />

the wheel real fast and fear.. Wild geese that fly with the moon on their<br />

wings. These are a few of my favorite things. Trijacking blackened for<br />

moi handcuffs and special keys.. Girls in white dresses with blue satin<br />

sashes. Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes. Silver white<br />

winters that melt into spring. These are a few of my favorite things.<br />

Throw my case of plasterscene down. Maybe after you won't let it..<br />

Triple lies and neckties divide. This will be his size.. When the dog<br />

bites when the bee stings. Been around the somber town maybe in the<br />

wall.. When I'm feeling sad. Plop is fast as my hole's down. Green<br />

glass and most of all.. I simply remember. my favorite things. and then<br />

I don't feel so bad. thurese. fa us troll. fa us troll<br />


286<br />

jau kjekt med nymail nym. virkar til og med. faustrolladundasnet. alias.<br />

threse passer. ftp var kje tilsnakkandes supportsia var vel også borte.<br />

treig server og faenskap jaja ad dundas o hoi.<br />

isoQforyourearsonly(inorskeFre). Dear client. You are receiving this<br />

email because you are contact of the. domains listed below.. Your<br />

domains have expired days ago and no payment has been received. for<br />

their renewal.. Thus these domains have been definitively destroyed<br />

and are now. available again for anyone to register.. Thank you for<br />

using our services.. Liste de vos domaines List of your domains.<br />

Expiration Creation Domain(e). EARSPUBLICA.COM. <strong>Re</strong> noemata<br />

RE Din bankkonto. Hei. Jøss bankkonto med virus er det det nye<br />

framstøtet. Du får ikke renter lenger men en skjermsparekonto som kaster<br />

av seg.. Vi bekrefter E ha mottatt din henvendelse. Den er til<br />

behandling og. vil bli. besvart sE snart som mulig.. Vennlig hilsen. for<br />

Skandiabanken. Daniel Skotheim. KundestFtte. La historikken i dette<br />

dokumentet fFlge til saken er avsluttet.. Original Message. Jonas<br />

Howden SjFvaag mailtojonassjovaag.no. . februar. Webmaster. Din<br />

bankkonto. Et vedlegg resume.scr fulgte med. Curriculum Virus Det<br />

roter gjennom sakene dine mens det forteller den. sørgelige.<br />

livshistorien sin.. Hvor mange legger ved CV'en sin som skjermsparer<br />

Livet mitt forandrer seg. hele. tiden det passer egentlig best som<br />

skjermsparer.. the<strong>Re</strong>sponser. <strong>Re</strong> spectre. e k u n s t .arc.hive Where's<br />

Ascii Turbulence. Spotlight GALZA. Flash plugin. Much ASCII art<br />

uses a monospaced font like Courier at a set size unless you. can<br />

control or predict the typography the graphical intent is most likely.<br />

mangled. Yet I agree with the pointers it is an oxymoron cause this is.<br />

ASCII art presented much as the screenshot in net art which has<br />

somewhat. humorously gained some traction. (See Olia Lialina's<br />

misgivings about the. recent NY Digital Salon posted to rhizome and<br />

nettime.) It's all about. injecting a healthy dose of formaldehyde...long<br />

live net art.. ( (Y) ). Hlogre. jj jj. Becouse information is a lost dog. Hi<br />

guys n' gals. I would like to introduce to you my latest net art work<br />

Where's Ascii. You all remember Where's Waldo the big illustrated<br />


ooks where you're. supposed to find this guy with a redwhite sweater.<br />

well Where's Ascii is. the internet version.. Ascii is my Dog an original<br />

Ascii Cyberian and he got lost on the. internet.. If you see him just click<br />

on the dog wherever you see him on the net (it. will send you to another<br />

random page hosting Ascii) or click his house to. participate more in<br />

the project you are welcomed to host the dog (paste a. small HTML<br />

code in your site) until I send for him. For more details and to.<br />

download the dog please visit the site. ..uh Ascii is very<br />

HTMLembedded there Where's HTML. poilerhere's Ascii (and his<br />

mates) reclining ekunst and no.test archives. ( (Y) ). H( (Y) ). jj jj H (<br />

(Y) ). jj jj H. jj jj. ( (Y) ). H. jj jj. ( (Y) ). H ( (Y) ). jj jj H( (Y) ). jj jj H (<br />

(Y) ). jj jj H. jj jj. What you get is a lot of visits to your site from people<br />

who otherwise. might have never gotten there and supporting my net art<br />

of course.. let sleeping dogs lie. You can write me at<br />

dogmasterwheresascii.com. Please forward this to as many people as<br />

you can to help me spread the dog.. thanks. Mushon ZerAviv. Digital<br />

Art Lab's Inlab designer. mushonATzeraviv.co.il. Cell Fax. SPECTRE<br />

list for media culture in Deep Europe. Info archive and help. . e k u n s t<br />

. <strong>Re</strong> spectrearc.hive Where's Ascii Turbulence. Spotlight GALZA. This<br />

is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. Flash plugin. Much ASCII art uses a monospaced font like<br />

Courier at a set size unless you. can control or predict the typography<br />

the graphical intent is most likely. mangled. Yet I agree with the<br />

pointers it is an oxymoron cause this is. ASCII art presented much as<br />

the screenshot in net art which has somewhat. humorously gained some<br />

traction. (See Olia Lialina's misgivings about the. recent NY Digital<br />

Salon posted to rhizome and nettime.) It's all about. injecting a healthy<br />

dose of formaldehyde...long live net art.. ( (Y) ). Hlogre. jj jj. Becouse<br />

information is a lost dog. Hi guys n' gals. I would like to introduce to<br />

you my latest net art work Where's Ascii. You all remember Where's<br />

Waldo the big illustrated books where you're. supposed to find this guy<br />

with a redwhite sweater. well Where's Ascii is. the internet version..<br />

Ascii is my Dog an original Ascii Cyberian and he got lost on the.<br />

internet.. If you see him just click on the dog wherever you see him on<br />

the net (it. will send you to another random page hosting Ascii) or click<br />

his house to. participate more in the project you are welcomed to host<br />

the dog (paste a. small HTML code in your site) until I send for him.<br />

For more details and to. download the dog please visit the site. ..uh<br />

Ascii is very HTMLembedded there Where's HTML. poilerhere's Ascii<br />

(and his mates) reclining ekunst and no.test archives. ( (Y) ). H( (Y) ). jj<br />


jj H ( (Y) ). jj jj H. jj jj. ( (Y) ). H. jj jj. ( (Y) ). H ( (Y) ). jj jj H( (Y) ). jj<br />

jj H ( (Y) ). jj jj H. jj jj. What you get is a lot of visits to your site from<br />

people who otherwise. might have never gotten there and supporting<br />

my net art of course.. let sleeping dogs lie. You can write me at<br />

dogmasterwheresascii.com. Please forward this to as many people as<br />

you can to help me spread the dog.. thanks. Mushon ZerAviv. Digital<br />

Art Lab's Inlab designer. mushonATzeraviv.co.il. Cell Fax. SPECTRE<br />

list for media culture in Deep Europe. Info archive and help.<br />

ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. Logout. log l v.t. i. Chiefly dial. Infl. gg. E. Origin<br />

unkn. Earlier as. LOGAN. Rock move to and fro oscillate. Chiefly as<br />

logging ppl a.. loggingrock loggingstone LOGAN.. adobe kompr<br />

setting. video. cinemac codec ned til Ks blir da K. intel indeo . ned til<br />

Ks blir K. intel indeo raw Ks blir K. mikke video ks kval. gir K men<br />

med dårlig kvalitet. mikke rle ks blir K med dårlig q. audio. mikke gsm<br />

Khz . ok. truespeech kz ok. avimpg. audio må være mono i premiere for<br />

komp ks. ikke crop i prem. miniumim bitrate på audio ks. eslogout 'U'<br />

LOGOUT. Hva slags kunstart jeg driver med Alt jeg skiller ikke<br />

mellom det alt er. digitalt. Eller en forfatter som bare driver med<br />

bokstaven A eller personlige. pronomen. Nei men seriøst det at alt er<br />

digitalt gjør at vi ikke trenger. skille.. <strong>Re</strong> Jepp. hm det var noe tull<br />

simple mail terror protokoll feil kanskje fikk du flere x. av mailen eller<br />

hva var det jeg fikk bare sent successfully. de andre må i. tilfelle ha stått<br />

bak døra. dessert redundanser til apertiff tre serveringer.. Jeg kan være<br />

termos.. nil i billy hadde et poeng termosen må være kunstig intelligent<br />

hvordan kan. den ellers vite når den skal holde noe varmt og når holde<br />

kaldt. ja gåselever. jeg tror det var svaret.. hva med en adynaton vol. <strong>Re</strong><br />

syndicate backupfestival last call for entries. ONLY DAYS LEFT<br />


for the international backup.award we are at first interested in shorts.<br />

which are no longer than minutes and not older than two years. we are.<br />

interested in film and video productions developed using digital means..<br />

(shorts music video experimental trailer and so on) prizes will be.<br />

awarded with a total value of euro.. Please accept my submission. Kent<br />

MantiesEljotMustek lmp () (AVI format loop sec). The video was made<br />

by mistake as opposed to backup. I credit the camera. A. minimal film<br />

of feet narrative where the loop generates the story like. walking. or<br />

drifting no place in particular a shaggy dog shaggy camera story..<br />


<strong>Re</strong>gards. B.. URL'imagesdeutbut.gif'URL'imagesdeutbuto.gif'<br />

URL'''deutsche. version') CSInitCSInit.length new<br />

Array(CSILoadCMP'festival'. URL'imagesmenufest.gif'URL'images<br />

menufesto.gif'URL''''). CSInitCSInit.length new<br />

Array(CSILoadCMP'callforentries'. URL'imagesmenucall.gif'<br />

URL'imagesmenucallo.gif'URL''''). CSInitCSInit.length new<br />

Array(CSILoadCMP'organisation'. URL'imagesmenu<br />

orga.gif'URL'imagesmenuorgao.gif'URL''''). CSInitCSInit.length<br />

new Array(CSILoadCMP'pressnews'URL'images.<br />

menupres.gif'URL'imagesmenupreso.gif'URL'''') CSInit.<br />

CSInit.length new Array(CSILoadCMP'partners'URL'images menu.<br />

part.gif'URL'imagesmenuparto.gif'URL'''') CSInitCSInit.length. new<br />

Array(CSILoadCMP'archive'URL'images menuarch.gif'.<br />

URL'imagesmenuarcho.gif'URL'''') CSInitCSInit.length new Array.<br />

(CSILoadCMP'contact'URL'images menucont.gif'URL'im.<br />

Transmission stopped. welcome. backup is a festival for film and video<br />

productions developed using digital. tools and a stocktaking within the<br />

realm of 'new media'.. We use the term 'film' primarily for the form of<br />

presentation. Transmission stopped. Steinvåg har såvidt dekning alle dei<br />

som bur der.. Fortsatt steder uten mobildekning. prosent av Norge har<br />

mobildekning men dette er ikke nok for kravstore. mobilkunder.<br />

Telenor og Netcom får stadige henvendelser fra folk som ønsker. bedre<br />

dekning.. Grisgrendt. Selv om det er nasjonalparkene og store områder i<br />

fjellet som har. dårligst dekning er det fremdeles n prosent av Norges<br />

befolkning som mangler. mobildekning der de bor. Svært mange ønsker<br />

seg dekning overalt men. kostnadsmessig er det ikke mulig å få til sier<br />

dekningsdirektør Bjørn Amundsen. i Telenor mobil.. ee. kiære elite. jej har<br />

nu tatt mig den frihed. da det sa hastig forsvand fra ekunstarkivet..<br />

hængivent. B. <strong>Re</strong> BB bevilgninger Kunst og ny teknologi. Prøvde å melde<br />

meg av busterlista men nettet lar meg ikke gjøre det.. Kunne du hjelpe<br />

meg. Aldri. lista har bare inngangsdør ikke utgangsdør. Du må belage deg<br />

på å forbli her. slik som i et kjøpesenter. men du skal få mat. (har himmelen<br />

utgangsdør hvis. ikke så er den vel en slags felle alt bør ha utgangsdører<br />

det er en del av. copyleft å forlate.).<br />

culturejammersrequestlists.copyleft.no. unsubscribe. Mvh. Faustroll.<br />

PS. Jeg husker en scene der Pilt går inn en dør og havner på utsiden. igjen<br />

bare utgangsdør. Det er kanskje noe lignende som har skjedd her.<br />

Through the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette. Evt. det å komme inn. Hehe<br />

kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst og ny teknologi på kunst og.<br />

ny teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny teknologi som står bak det hele<br />


seksjon. for open source nei OpenDocument heter det sic med en url så<br />

obfuskert atg. zksa qwek werkqør den umulig å referere til du må bare<br />

oppleve det.. Stengt p.g.a. ran (jfr bevilgninger fri vilje communities)..<br />

utrolig irriterende. funker hverken med Konquerer eller Mozilla under<br />

Linux.. ka skjer i rultkurrådet får bare åpnet denne linken fra internet.<br />

explorer .... disgusting. Oversikt over bevilgninger fra Norsk kulturfond<br />

til tiltak og. prosjekter. på billedkunstområdet (inkl. KNYT) i finner du<br />

her. Billedkunst. Bevilgninger. Minner. . ' '' .. . . .. BBbek.no.<br />

OpenDocument. Prøvde å melde meg av busterlista men nettet lar meg<br />

ikke gjøre det.. Kunne du hjelpe meg. Aldri. lista har bare inngangsdør<br />

ikke utgangsdør. Du må belage deg på å forbli her. slik som i et kjøpesenter.<br />

men du skal få mat. (har himmelen utgangsdør hvis. ikke så er den vel en<br />

slags felle alt bør ha utgangsdører det er en del av. copyleft å forlate.).<br />

culturejammersrequestlists.copyleft.no. unsubscribe. Mvh. Faustroll.<br />

PS. Jeg husker en scene der Pilt går inn en dør og havner på utsiden. igjen<br />

bare utgangsdør. Det er kanskje noe lignende som har skjedd her.<br />

Through the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette. Evt. det å komme inn. Hehe<br />

kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst og ny teknologi på kunst og.<br />

ny teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny teknologi som står bak det hele<br />

seksjon. for open source nei OpenDocument heter det sic med en url så<br />

obfuskert atg. zksa qwek werkqør den umulig å referere til du må bare<br />

oppleve det.. Stengt p.g.a. ran (jfr bevilgninger fri vilje communities)..<br />

utrolig irriterende. funker hverken med Konquerer eller Mozilla under<br />

Linux.. ka skjer i rultkurrådet får bare åpnet denne linken fra internet.<br />

explorer .... disgusting. Oversikt over bevilgninger fra Norsk kulturfond<br />

til tiltak og. prosjekter. på billedkunstområdet (inkl. KNYT) i finner du<br />

her. Billedkunst. Bevilgninger. Minner. lumber log. OpenDocument.<br />

Prøvde å melde meg av busterlista men nettet lar meg ikke gjøre det..<br />

Kunne du hjelpe meg. Aldri. lista har bare inngangsdør ikke utgangsdør.<br />

Du må belage deg på å forbli her. slik som i et kjøpesenter. men du skal få<br />

mat. (har himmelen utgangsdør hvis. ikke så er den vel en slags felle alt<br />

bør ha utgangsdører det er en del av. copyleft å forlate.).<br />

culturejammersrequestlists.copyleft.no. unsubscribe. Mvh. Faustroll.<br />

PS. Jeg husker en scene der Pilt går inn en dør og havner på utsiden. igjen<br />

bare utgangsdør. Det er kanskje noe lignende som har skjedd her.<br />

Through the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette. Evt. det å komme inn. Hehe<br />

kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst og ny teknologi på kunst og.<br />

ny teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny teknologi som står bak det hele<br />

seksjon. for open source nei OpenDocument heter det sic med en url så<br />

obfuskert atg. zksa qwek werkqør den umulig å referere til du må bare<br />


oppleve det.. Stengt p.g.a. ran (jfr bevilgninger fri vilje communities)..<br />

utrolig irriterende. funker hverken med Konquerer eller Mozilla under<br />

Linux.. ka skjer i rultkurrådet får bare åpnet denne linken fra internet.<br />

explorer .... disgusting. Oversikt over bevilgninger fra Norsk kulturfond<br />

til tiltak og. prosjekter. på billedkunstområdet (inkl. KNYT) i finner du<br />

her. Billedkunst. Bevilgninger. Minner. lumber log. OpenDocument.<br />

Prøvde å melde meg av adbusterlista men nettet lar meg ikke gjøre det..<br />

Kunne du hjelpe meg. Aldri. lista har bare inngangsdør ikke utgangsdør.<br />

Du må belage deg på å forbli her. slik som i et kjøpesenter. men du skal få<br />

mat. har himmelen utgangsdør hvis. ikke så er den vel en slags felle alt<br />

bør ha utgangsdører det er en del av. copyleft å forlate.. unsubscribe.<br />

Mvh. Faustroll. PS. Jeg husker en scene der Pilt går inn en dør og havner<br />

på utsiden. igjen bare utgangsdør. Det er kanskje noe lignende som har<br />

skjedd her. Through. the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette. Evt. det å komme<br />

inn. Hehe kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst og ny teknologi på<br />

kunst og. ny. teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny teknologi som står bak<br />

det hele seksjon for. open source nei OpenDocument heter det sic med<br />

en url så obfuskert atg zksa. qwek werkqør den umulig å referere til du må<br />

bare oppleve det. Stengt p.g.a.. ran (jfr bevilgninger fri vilje<br />

communities).. utrolig irriterende. funker hverken med Konquerer eller<br />

Mozilla under Linux.. ka skjer i rultkurrådet får bare åpnet denne linken fra<br />

internet. explorer .... disgusting. Oversikt over bevilgninger fra Norsk<br />

kulturfond til tiltak og. prosjekter. på billedkunstområdet (inkl. KNYT) i<br />

finner du her. Billedkunst. Bevilgninger. Minner. lumber log.<br />

OpenDocument. Prøvde å melde meg av adbusterlista men nettet lar meg<br />

ikke gjøre det.. Kunne du hjelpe meg. Aldri. lista har bare inngangsdør<br />

ikke utgangsdør. Du må belage deg på å forbli her. slik som i et kjøpesenter.<br />

men du skal få mat. har himmelen utgangsdør hvis. ikke så er den vel en<br />

slags felle alt bør ha utgangsdører det er en del av. copyleft å forlate..<br />

unsubscribe. Mvh. Faustroll. PS. Jeg husker en scene der Pilt går inn en<br />

dør og havner på utsiden. igjen bare utgangsdør. Det er kanskje noe<br />

lignende som har skjedd her. Through. the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette.<br />

Evt. det å komme inn. Hehe kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst<br />

og ny teknologi på kunst og. ny. teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny<br />

teknologi som står bak det hele seksjon for. open source nei<br />

OpenDocument heter det sic med en url så obfuskert atg zksa. qwek<br />

werkqør den umulig å referere til du må bare oppleve det. Stengt p.g.a..<br />

ran (jfr bevilgninger fri vilje communities).. utrolig irriterende. funker<br />

hverken med Konquerer eller Mozilla under Linux.. ka skjer i<br />

rultkurrådet får bare åpnet denne linken fra internet. explorer ....<br />


disgusting. Oversikt over bevilgninger fra Norsk kulturfond til tiltak og.<br />

prosjekter. på billedkunstområdet (inkl. KNYT) i finner du her.<br />

Billedkunst. Bevilgninger. Minner. lumber log. chtonline openurl<br />

runme.org. what is runme org doing with art. Runme org doing with<br />

software ArtRunme.org experts were. asked latest. who are the experts.<br />

Experts were asked latest. what were they asked. What were asked<br />

latest. not talkative are you. Are you. are there projects at the site. Are<br />

there projects submitted before the deadline will be considered for.<br />

what are the news at runme. At the <strong>Re</strong>adMe . latest. what happened at<br />

the readme. At the site Directory latest. what's at the directory<br />

ridiculectory. At the Websize. strange forms. why don't you talk to me.<br />

width. on holiday still. width. as if europe wasn't hot enough. when will<br />

you be back. Will be considered for. ok i give up. Up to me. ok you<br />

give up then. Give up now. lumber log. chtonline prelelease. hva er<br />

nyheter idag. Nyheter fra april til både ansatte beskjed om at de fartøyer<br />

som har. åpenbart resignert i samme måned i å legge ned ruten mellom<br />

Norge og. Skottland på millioner kroner under årets andre kvartal i<br />

Kosovo.. targetnyheter classnyheterHissig virus skaper.<br />

trøbbelclassnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en hyggelig melding å.<br />

modernisere ovnene i Athen neste onsdags fotballandskamp mellom<br />

Haugesund. og eiere.. hva skal jeg gjøre. Hva skal han er lønnsomt å finne<br />

den krigsforbrytermistenkte Ratko Mladic. under årets andre såret onsdag<br />

gikk til SaudiArabia inntil videre grunnet. økende bekymring for<br />

sexysize classnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en ukes tid.. targetnyheter<br />

classnyheterHissig virus skaper.<br />

trøbbelclassnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en mann ble dømt til rette. for<br />

nesten millioner kroner etter mediepressvaligntop.valigntop colspan<br />

aligncenterMYLDER en. pengemaskin.. hissig infeksjon skapte trøbbel<br />

trbbl som det heter. Som det er lønnsom. Onsdag da attentatmenn åpnet<br />

ild mens de. fredsbevarende NATOstyrkene i september. targetnyheter.<br />

classnyheter Hydroansatte kan miste jobben hvis ovnene stenges i.<br />

TVNorge Morten Aass hadde konsernet et overskudd på.<br />

årclassnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en trafikkulykke ved Hydro.<br />

Aluminium mener det rett og eiere.. du er kul. Er anmeldt for seg.<br />

targetnyheter classnyheter Hydroansatte. kan miste jobben dersom<br />

ovnene stenges. targetnyheter. classnyheterHissig virus skaper<br />

trøbbelvaligntop.valigntop colspan aligncenterMYLDER en. hyggelig<br />

melding å fylle ølet på. targetnyheter classnyheter. kan miste<br />

jobbenclassnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en solid resultatøkning i.<br />

andre kvartal i den lave prisveksten gjør det er Norges Bank tok kraftig<br />


i. Oksfjord natt. du er bare kul. Du er tilbakepå Ryanairs<br />

vinterutekartiløpet av terrortrusselen.. australias terrorminister spår flere<br />

utspill. Flere økonomer venter mer i den tidligere sjefen for.<br />

sikkerhetssituasjonen i den krigsforbrytermistenkte Ratko Mladic<br />

under. årets andre kvartal mot Mladicvaligntop.valigntop colspan<br />

aligncenterMYLDER en. pengemaskin.. ikke vis økonominyheter. Ikke<br />

fly til legevakten. targetnyheter classnyheterHissig virus. skaper<br />

trøbbelclassnyheter.aligncenterMYLDER en hyggelig melding å kutte.<br />

kraftig i år skuffet han er igjen blitt en pengemaskin.. shit det er kult med<br />

tables. Det er kult med ambulanse til Marine Harvest si avdeling på<br />

lenge og. eiere.. BB MAR galleri. PRESS RELEASE. Hva er det som<br />

stilles ut i galleriet. Det fiktive innhold i rommet danner bøkene<br />

beskriver steder.. Tilsynelatende arkitekttegninger saklige og stillinger i<br />

vårt møte. kunstneren under houses a number of Art and functions but<br />

also the. factual aspects of realization.. Two constructions complement<br />

one has a symbiotic relationship occurs. between the books.. Hva er det<br />

fiktive innhold i utstillingen. Hva er de bygde rom relatert til fredag kl..<br />

. lørdag .august. kl... Vennlig hilsen. Astrid Andreassen. Daglig leder.<br />

Åpningstider ved Arkitekthøgskolen i bøkene.. Er Kjell Sivertsen en<br />

metafor og fiktivt innhold. Kjell Siversen som stilles ut i<br />

spenningsfeltet mellom realitet og. konstruksjoner utfyller hverandre..<br />

Velkommen til å møte med identifiserbare gjenstander.. Hvordan vet vi<br />

at det er Kjell som stiller ut og ikke konstruksjonen. Kjell Siversen som<br />

en kropp. Det evige dilemma. Innsiden kan ikke bare. den synlige<br />

arrdannelsen står tilbake.. Slik påpeker Sivertsen viser forskjellige<br />

konstruksjoner i varierende. realiseringsgrad.. bygg er tirsdag til liv og<br />

stillinger i disse separate spaces. exemplifying psychological<br />

conditions.. Kan du gi eksempel på disse psykologiske tilstandene. Kan<br />

du ikke utside men fremstår nakne hudløse og søndag kl.. th. September.<br />

KJETIL. Ja vi skal komme men vi lurte på mer om det fiktive innholdet<br />

det. virket interesant. Fiktive innhold i galleriet. Ja det som stilles ut. Er<br />

du innehaveren. Ja vi skal komme men livgivende og bare at det er det<br />

gjenkjennelige i. bøkene. Bøker med naturen i gjørma eller flyte på disse<br />

psykologiske. tilstander.. Kan jeg få snakke med Kjell. Kan ikke<br />

konstruksjonen. Ok snakke med konstruksjonen Kjell da. Snakke med<br />

Kjell Siversen som en gjennomgående metafor. I galleriet. Det.<br />

overstiger sine bredder men vi oppsøker innsjøer eller havet som en arm.<br />

interfererer.<br />


287<br />

Hva er hvaet en metafor på havet mener jeg og innsjøen. Metafor og<br />

funksjoner. Men vi ser et utsnitt av books displaying. different use them<br />

as a number of the ideas concerning the ocean.. Hva slags ideeer<br />

knyttes til havet for konstruksjonen Kjell Sivertsen. Konstruksjonen<br />

Kjell som møter kropp og konstruksjoner utfyller. hverandre..<br />

Velkommen til havet mener jeg og søndag kl.. ... Vi skal komme alt<br />

utfyller alt hverandre og konstruksjon. Skal komme men vi at det<br />

gjenkjennelige i bøkene. Bøker og. gruppeutstillinger og beskyttelse som<br />

en rekke kollektiv og. huntonittplater.. Vi skal besøke huntonittplatene<br />

også det er greit. Skal besøke huntonittplatene også det er innfallsport til<br />

død. Vi ser et. symbiotisk forhold til bilder og flådde.. Det høres<br />

skummelt ut er det aldersgrense på utstillingen. På vår invitasjonsliste<br />

vennligst gi eksempel på en person. Parts of. Architecture. This is further<br />

expanded upon. The recognizable in sorrows. we use of group<br />

exhibitions and functions but their exteriors are also. physically present<br />

in this segment of nature is apparent.. Jeg er over atten. Jeg er greit. Er<br />

Sivertsen der nå. Sivertsen fullførte hovedfag ved Arkitekthøgskolen i<br />

galleriet. Bøker og. ikke eksistere uten utsiden.. Vann er hensikten<br />

transformeres arkitektur til å møte kunstneren under. houses secret<br />

passages hidden tidal basins are used.. Er ikke vann og død litt vel<br />

RAM. Vann eller havet som rekreasjon. Sivertsens rom er velkommen<br />

til fredag. kl.. . lørdag .august kl... Vennlig hilsen. Astrid Andreassen.<br />

Daglig leder. Åpningstider ved RAM galleri. Kongens gate vis Museet<br />

for one has participated in the room. constructions. and use them as a<br />

vis a vis a lake or the outside the image of August. to different use of<br />

August from the National Museum of life but. also physically present in<br />

the artist has a segment of August from to. water.. Sivertsen completed<br />

his honours degree a changeable condition.. The artist displays books<br />

displaying different use of Mind.. Jeg mente MAR ikke RAM mare hav<br />

etc. Det var det leg lurte på. Var blitt skåldet og konstruksjoner utfyller<br />

hverandre.. Velkommen til bilder og snakker om bygninger blir<br />

presentert hvor bildet. av høstsesongen. lørdag.august kl.. Fri . .. Kjetil<br />

Sivertsen der nå. Vi skal komme. Vannet utfyller formen det er klart.<br />


Utfyller hverandre.. Velkommen til havet som rekreasjon. Sivertsens<br />

rom i vårt møte kunstneren. under montering etter nærmere avtale. med<br />

galleriet telefon. fax .. Velkommen til RAM galleri. Kongens gate<br />

opposite The other presents a peep hole where the artist. transforms<br />

architecture into the ideas concerning the body.. kropp og vann og død<br />

og arkitektur veldig mye dette. Død og vann og årsak til bilder og utvidet<br />

betydning.. Utstillingen består av høstsesongen. lørdag.august kl.. ... vi<br />

skal komme døden i vannet får vi se nøkken. Komme alt utfyller formen<br />

det gjenkjennelige i rommet danner bøkene. beskriver steder.<br />

Tilsynelatende arkitekttegninger saklige og ikke. ønsker velkommen til<br />

RAM galleri. Kongens gate vis Museet for samtidskunst. Telefon.<br />

PRESSEMELDING. RAM galleri er klart. Vi skal komme. MAR<br />

galleri lenge bodde vi under vann. Komme. MAR galleri lenge bodde vi<br />

at Oslo School of Architecture. This. way Sivertsen har han<br />

videreutviklet denne tematikken. Sivertsen der nå. Arkitektur og vann må<br />

vel være en kontrast. Arkitektur til åpning av naturen. Kilden til havet som<br />

om å synke i. galleriet. Bøker med denne utstillingen debuterer Kjetil<br />

Sivertsen. (f.) viser imaginære og stillinger i byggene er utført i form<br />

enclosed. corresponding rooms.. havet er uten rom men en innsjø. Uten<br />

rom men en metafor på havet mener jeg og konstruksjoner utfyller.<br />

hverandre.. Velkommen til landskapet.. vi skal komme. havskapet<br />

MAR. MAR galleri lenge bodde vi under houses a segment of the two<br />

rooms. explore our ambivalences in cross sections.. under the<br />

floodboards slik som brygga. Under vann eller flyte på utstillingen. kan<br />

jeg intervjue kjell sivertsen. Kan jeg er ikke vann eller havet for<br />

recuperation.. er han død. Han videreutviklet denne utstillingen<br />

debuterer Kjetil Sivertsen. separat.. Pressen er uten utsiden.. Vann er<br />

irrelevant where we use the other presents a vis Museet for one.<br />

another.. For more information please let us know.. can i have more<br />

information on the ocean. Information on to the visible scar tissue is<br />

used for samtidskunst. Telefon. PRESSEMELDING. RAM galleri<br />

ønsker å synke i form enclosed corresponding rooms.. can i have more<br />

MAR gallery. MAR galleri lenge bodde vi skal besøke huntonittplatene<br />

også det. fiktive innhold i gjørma eller hav og inngår et havutsnitt.. utsnitt<br />

av hav. Utsnitt av realiserbarhet er det som stilles ut i gjørma eller flyte<br />

på. utstillingen. Vi sees. Vi lurte på innholdet.. . ' '' .. . . .. BBbek.no.<br />

chtonline sendtxt knyt. Open says i store formater. visning i Stavanger.<br />

Jensen Vibeke SleeperCell kunst og ny. teknologi. Bergen Kunsthall<br />

Bergens Kunstforening Prosjekt for Kulturrådets. nettsider om<br />

søknadsfrist til en. mal. er det bergen kunsthall som står bak kulturrådets<br />


nettsider. Kulturrådets nettsider om fra mange hold under. Kulturrådets.<br />

teknologiavsettingene kom det jobbes visstnok internt der han. beklager<br />

situasjonen sterkt men mannen selv er positivt at det ønske om.<br />

søknadsfrist til tiltak og. prosjekter. kunstprosjekt Norske<br />

Kunsthåndverkere Manuskriptutvikling. videoinstallasjon kunst og<br />

fotografi Workshop i. Jølster kunst og fotografi kunst og Fjordane<br />

Kunstmuseum. Pilota.fm Pilota.fm trollofonen utstyrsstøtte til Kunst og.<br />

design skal oppgraderes noen. hakk.. hva er mbius prosjektet. Mbius<br />

prosjektet naciones mbius nations en diskusjon tverrfaglig. debatt.<br />

Bergen senter for Alltid Utstillingen Flere steder for tegning i.<br />

Kunstverket Galleri F Utstillingen Svart Guld Den annen.<br />

kopernikanske vending. Stamsund Internasjonale Teaterfestival i<br />

Stavanger. Kalantary Farhad Installasjonene On .. Janne Stang Dahl.<br />

Oslo Open says i Stavanger. Flere Steder for Contemporary Art<br />

<strong>Re</strong>view. Flaggfabrikken. Senter for tegning i Kunstverket Galleri F<br />

Utstillingen Flere steder. for Alltid Utstillingen Svart Guld<br />

prosjektstøtte til fellesverksteder. hva er oslo open. Hva er Den annen.<br />

kopernikanske vending. Henmo Ingvill Manusutvikling kunstfaglig<br />

litteratur. Office for. Samisk Kunstnersenter. i helvete heller. I Tromsø<br />

Kunstforening. Maur Prosjekter Lydmur produksjon og design skal<br />

oppgraderes noen. hakk.. sto det noe om avslagene de tause avslagene.<br />

De har klart det. ingen av ressurser på vårparten sendt flere Steder for<br />

Contemporary Art. <strong>Re</strong>view. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen<br />


Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. de klarte å bli avslått.<br />

hvordan går det med min søknad om avslag. å bedre situasjonen. Men<br />

mannen selv er det med en side som ei. engang Opera kan lese.... Dette<br />

er faktisk så får. knyt er stengt p.g.a. ran. Er stengt p.g.a. ran. eiendom er<br />

tyveri. det betyr at tyveri er eiendom. Eiendom er Eikaasgalleriet<br />

Jimmie Durham utstyrsstøtte til. fellesverksteder. ANDRE TILTAK.<br />

Bergen Kunsthall Bergens Kunstforening. Office for lenge siden og NY<br />

TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av artists book HomeComing<br />

i helvete heller. jeg hørte en cd med askefoss i helvete heller sedimentære<br />

oljelag. Helvete heller sedimentære oljelag. fikk noen støtte til ran av<br />

nettsider. Noen ord om fra Norsk kulturfond til fellesverksteder. Løvøen<br />

Jon Prosjektet. jeg tenkte også på et prosjekt som skulle omhandle seg<br />

selv og sin. søken etter støtte. Et prosjekt som ei. engang Opera kan<br />

lese.... Dette er Oslo . september .. noen kan dermed søke knytstøtte til<br />

knytsidene. Kan dermed søke knytstøtte til knytsidene. er kate pendry en<br />

debutant. En gang av ressurser på Tou Scene i Jølster KF utstyrsstøtte. til<br />

fellesverksteder og hyggelig. ja hyggelig. Ja nå må løfte fingeren.. Alle<br />

sammen. Mail til heidi.tovsrud.knutsenkulturrad.dep.no. og NY<br />

TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av nettsider. avføring av<br />

nettsider. Nettsider om misbruk av kunstnerforumet Salong Etablering<br />

av tidsskriftet. NU kunst (BEK) BEK produksjon og NY<br />

TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av ressurser på et prosjekt som<br />

skulle. omhandle seg selv og senest på billedkunstområdet (inkl.. det<br />

finnes også et prosjekt som tematiserer prosjektets søken etter. seg selv.<br />

Også et talkshow om. kunst. Samtiden. Schrder Stefan<br />

Installasjonsprosjektet Das Feld i Stamsund. Utstillingen Willibald<br />

Storn kunst og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av<br />

ressurser til knytsidene. i talksjovtrilogien om solarishavets evige<br />

permutasjoner og. tilsynekomster av det samme. Om avslagene de<br />

unævnelige sider med Ulf Verner Carlsson. Dag Erik Elgin og sin søken<br />

etter seg selv er kunst og design skal. oppgraderes noen. hakk.. hakk bør<br />

alltid prefixeres av hakk. Alltid prefixeres av ressurser til å lave en<br />

lydinstallasjon. prosjektstøtte. Jensen Vibeke SleeperCell utstyrsstøtte til<br />

fellesverksteder. det er mye fellesverksteder denne gang. Gang. ja<br />

korridor mente jeg. Ja nå må løfte fingeren.. Alle sammen. Mail til<br />

heidi.tovsrud.knutsenkulturrad.dep.no. og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss<br />

Bjørn Oppføring av artists book HomeComing i Jølster KF kunst. ifm<br />

Quartfestivalen. Imprintforlagetunipax v Ellen Lange. Johannessen<br />


Kurt Prosjektet naciones mbius prosjektet Public Bodies. prosjektstøtte.<br />

Office for Kulturrådets nettsider om avslagene de klarte å lave en.<br />

diskusjon tverrfaglig debatt. New Meaning Prosjektet naciones mbius<br />

Bevilgninger.. kan jeg få støtte til prosjektet steng p.g.a. ran. Støtte til å<br />

bedre situasjonen. Men viser til fellesverksteder. fellesverksteder har fått<br />

mye penger. Fått mye penger. står det noe om de som skylder kulturrådet<br />

penger. Står bak kulturrådets nettsider om de tause avslagene. noe om<br />

tause nettsider med domino. Tause nettsider om solarishavets evige<br />

permutasjoner og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av hakk<br />

bør alltid prefixeres av et talkshow om. kunst. Oslo. Office for Alltid<br />

prefixeres av hakk bør alltid prefixeres av nettsider. office for alltid<br />

høres ut som et fint prosjekt hvor mye fikk de. Alltid i. Lillehammer.<br />

BallongMagasinet BallongMagasinet utstyrsstøtte. til fellesverksteder.<br />

lumber log. . e k u n s t . chtonline sendtxt knyt. This is a multipart<br />

message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Open<br />

says i store formater. visning i Stavanger. Jensen Vibeke SleeperCell<br />

kunst og ny. teknologi. Bergen Kunsthall Bergens Kunstforening<br />

Prosjekt for Kulturrådets. nettsider om søknadsfrist til en. mal. er det<br />

bergen kunsthall som står bak kulturrådets nettsider. Kulturrådets nettsider<br />

om fra mange hold under. Kulturrådets. teknologiavsettingene kom det<br />

jobbes visstnok internt der han. beklager situasjonen sterkt men mannen<br />

selv er positivt at det ønske om. søknadsfrist til tiltak og. prosjekter.<br />

kunstprosjekt Norske Kunsthåndverkere Manuskriptutvikling.<br />

videoinstallasjon kunst og fotografi Workshop i. Jølster kunst og<br />

fotografi kunst og Fjordane Kunstmuseum. Pilota.fm Pilota.fm<br />

trollofonen utstyrsstøtte til Kunst og. design skal oppgraderes noen.<br />

hakk.. hva er mbius prosjektet. Mbius prosjektet naciones mbius<br />

nations en diskusjon tverrfaglig. debatt. Bergen senter for Alltid<br />

Utstillingen Flere steder for tegning i. Kunstverket Galleri F<br />

Utstillingen Svart Guld Den annen. kopernikanske vending. Stamsund<br />

Internasjonale Teaterfestival i Stavanger. Kalantary Farhad<br />

Installasjonene On .. Janne Stang Dahl. Oslo Open says i Stavanger.<br />

Flere Steder for Contemporary Art <strong>Re</strong>view. Flaggfabrikken. Senter for<br />

tegning i Kunstverket Galleri F Utstillingen Flere steder. for Alltid<br />

Utstillingen Svart Guld prosjektstøtte til fellesverksteder. hva er oslo<br />

open. Hva er Den annen. kopernikanske vending. Henmo Ingvill<br />

Manusutvikling kunstfaglig litteratur. Office for. Samisk<br />

Kunstnersenter. i helvete heller. I Tromsø Kunstforening. Maur<br />

Prosjekter Lydmur produksjon og design skal oppgraderes noen. hakk..<br />

sto det noe om avslagene de tause avslagene. De har klart det. ingen av<br />


essurser på vårparten sendt flere Steder for Contemporary Art. <strong>Re</strong>view.<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder.<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder.<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder.<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen. Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder.<br />

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder. de klarte å bli avslått. hvordan går det med<br />

min søknad om avslag. å bedre situasjonen. Men mannen selv er det med<br />

en side som ei. engang Opera kan lese.... Dette er faktisk så får. knyt er<br />

stengt p.g.a. ran. Er stengt p.g.a. ran. eiendom er tyveri. det betyr at<br />

tyveri er eiendom. Eiendom er Eikaasgalleriet Jimmie Durham<br />

utstyrsstøtte til. fellesverksteder. ANDRE TILTAK. Bergen Kunsthall<br />

Bergens Kunstforening. Office for lenge siden og NY TEKNOLOGI.<br />

Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av artists book HomeComing i helvete heller.<br />

jeg hørte en cd med askefoss i helvete heller sedimentære oljelag. Helvete<br />

heller sedimentære oljelag. fikk noen støtte til ran av nettsider. Noen ord<br />

om fra Norsk kulturfond til fellesverksteder. Løvøen Jon Prosjektet. jeg<br />

tenkte også på et prosjekt som skulle omhandle seg selv og sin. søken etter<br />

støtte. Et prosjekt som ei. engang Opera kan lese.... Dette er Oslo .<br />

september .. noen kan dermed søke knytstøtte til knytsidene. Kan<br />

dermed søke knytstøtte til knytsidene. er kate pendry en debutant. En<br />

gang av ressurser på Tou Scene i Jølster KF utstyrsstøtte. til<br />

fellesverksteder og hyggelig. ja hyggelig. Ja nå må løfte fingeren.. Alle<br />

sammen. Mail til heidi.tovsrud.knutsenkulturrad.dep.no. og NY<br />

TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av nettsider. avføring av<br />


nettsider. Nettsider om misbruk av kunstnerforumet Salong Etablering<br />

av tidsskriftet. NU kunst (BEK) BEK produksjon og NY<br />

TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av ressurser på et prosjekt som<br />

skulle. omhandle seg selv og senest på billedkunstområdet (inkl.. det<br />

finnes også et prosjekt som tematiserer prosjektets søken etter. seg selv.<br />

Også et talkshow om. kunst. Samtiden. Schrder Stefan<br />

Installasjonsprosjektet Das Feld i Stamsund. Utstillingen Willibald<br />

Storn kunst og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av<br />

ressurser til knytsidene. i talksjovtrilogien om solarishavets evige<br />

permutasjoner og. tilsynekomster av det samme. Om avslagene de<br />

unævnelige sider med Ulf Verner Carlsson. Dag Erik Elgin og sin søken<br />

etter seg selv er kunst og design skal. oppgraderes noen. hakk.. hakk bør<br />

alltid prefixeres av hakk. Alltid prefixeres av ressurser til å lave en<br />

lydinstallasjon. prosjektstøtte. Jensen Vibeke SleeperCell utstyrsstøtte til<br />

fellesverksteder. det er mye fellesverksteder denne gang. Gang. ja<br />

korridor mente jeg. Ja nå må løfte fingeren.. Alle sammen. Mail til<br />

heidi.tovsrud.knutsenkulturrad.dep.no. og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss<br />

Bjørn Oppføring av artists book HomeComing i Jølster KF kunst. ifm<br />

Quartfestivalen. Imprintforlagetunipax v Ellen Lange. Johannessen<br />

Kurt Prosjektet naciones mbius prosjektet Public Bodies. prosjektstøtte.<br />

Office for Kulturrådets nettsider om avslagene de klarte å lave en.<br />

diskusjon tverrfaglig debatt. New Meaning Prosjektet naciones mbius<br />

Bevilgninger.. kan jeg få støtte til prosjektet steng p.g.a. ran. Støtte til å<br />

bedre situasjonen. Men viser til fellesverksteder. fellesverksteder har fått<br />

mye penger. Fått mye penger. står det noe om de som skylder kulturrådet<br />

penger. Står bak kulturrådets nettsider om de tause avslagene. noe om<br />

tause nettsider med domino. Tause nettsider om solarishavets evige<br />

permutasjoner og NY TEKNOLOGI. Askefoss Bjørn Oppføring av hakk<br />

bør alltid prefixeres av et talkshow om. kunst. Oslo. Office for Alltid<br />

prefixeres av hakk bør alltid prefixeres av nettsider. office for alltid<br />

høres ut som et fint prosjekt hvor mye fikk de. Alltid i. Lillehammer.<br />

BallongMagasinet BallongMagasinet utstyrsstøtte. til fellesverksteder.<br />

lumber log. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. post distribuert via. e k u n s t.<br />

listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse listmasterekunst.no. Gnu.<br />

Innledende merknad. Vi starter opp et kapittel Gnu som omhandler<br />

Harangs forberedelser og. besvær i forbindelse med en utstilling i Omsk..<br />

Det kom noen mail til første del av kapitlet om Mainnsjit med spørsmål<br />

om det. ble feilpublisert og om virus. Men kapitlene er ment å publiseres<br />


på no.test. bare så det er klart.. samlet. noe spesielt sted. Det er meningen<br />

de skal være åpne bøker både når det. gjelder form og innhold.. Det går an å<br />

abonnere på noen av bøkene (gratis).. Jeg skal også skrive at forlaget er<br />

Noemata.net som er støttet av Norsk. Kulturråd.. <strong>Re</strong>d.. lumber log. Gnu.<br />

Hei A. Harang. Najma her koordinator for KNEP. Jeg kontakter deg<br />

fordi vi har fått en. henvendelse fra. Galleri Omsk om vi kan være<br />

behjelpelig med å finne en nettkunstner til et. prosjekt som avholdes fom<br />

lørdag . august og avslutter søndag .. september (se vedlagt<br />

prosjektbeskrivelse). Dette er et prosjekt som først. og fremnst rettes<br />

mot undgdomsskoleelever som skal få omvisning fra. mandag .<br />

september t.o.m. fredag . september fra kl. . til kl. .. . Det er da<br />

meningen at kunstner skal være til stede og Så det er de. dagene<br />

kunstnerne må være på galleriet. Lønn kr. pr. dag dekking. av reise opphold<br />

og utstyr som må leies inn.. Elevene blir delt inn i grupper på forhånd.<br />

Hver gruppe ( på ca. personer) får time til disposisjon. Det blir tre grupper<br />

pr. dag med en. liten pause mellom hver gruppe.. Kunstnerne (i alt stk<br />

tror jeg det var) får hvert sitt utstillingsrom i. galleriet hvor de stiller ut et<br />

av sine arbeider som de ønsker å vise.. Kunstneren skal fortelle elevene<br />

om sitt arbeid hvordan de jobber som. kunstner hvordan det hele<br />

forløper fra en tanke til et ferdig. utstillingsobjekt. Til slutt vil elevene få<br />

litt tid. til å prøve seg frem veiledet av kunstner til å lage noe selv. Siden<br />

tiden. er så knapp er det begrenset hva elevene får tid til men de kan<br />

eventuelt. bygge på hverandres verk eller det som kunstneren selv legger<br />

opp til.. Utstillingen blir også tilgjengelig for vanlig publikum etter kl. ..<br />

pluss helgene selvfølgelig.. Se forøvrig prosjektbeskrivelse.. Det er fint<br />

hvis du har mulighet til å gi meg tilbakemelding til meg ASAP. om du<br />

synes dette kunne vært interessant for deg å delta i.. Vennlig hilsen Najma.<br />

GNU.doc. lumber log. Gnu. Hei Najma. Jeg blir avskrekket av å måtte<br />

møte ung.skoleelever hver dag i en uke. men når det er sagt så hvorfor<br />

ikke de kommer vel ikke til å drepe meg.. Men det blir i tilfelle dyrt jeg<br />

bor øverst i landet det er flyplass Hampen. like ved men det blir<br />

antagelig noen tusenlapper i reise... Så dere må. vurdere.. Jeg kunne vist<br />

noe interaktivt som har en pop appell og kan legges. fram som<br />

nettkunstsoftware art på en forståelig måte om hvordan den fungerer.<br />

algoritmisk og. er utprøvbar til å eksperimentere med botten er jo<br />

tilsnakkendes og endre. språkkompetanse ved brukernes ..bruk. Så den<br />

kan fungere pedagogisk også på en. gjennomsiktig måte.. Trenger i tilfelle<br />

bare noen pcer med internett som elevene kan bruke og en. prosjektør på<br />

en av dem kanskje.. (Alternativ nettkunst som et intervenerende<br />

medium som dekoding av. strukturer. (som det. motsatte av en<br />


kunsterisk simulering av kommunikasjonintelligens). Koding.<br />

Dekoding som to. sider ved det digitale tildekkendeavdekkende<br />

simuleringdesimulering). Uansett hva det blir til god sommer. A.<br />

lumber log. Gnu. Hei Najma. Joda jeg sier vel ja takk til dette<br />

skremmende prosjektet. Men om dere finner. noen andre som. er<br />

nærmere så er det også OK så slipper jeg å være Byrde på budsjettet etc.. Jeg<br />

kan vel betale noe selv i tilfelle billigste reisemåte ol.. Men joda gulp det<br />

kan bli moro. Hilsen. Anton. Gnu. Hei Anton. la deg ikke avskrekke av<br />

alle unga de er nok ganske harmløse stort sett. ihvertfall ). Jeg er veldig<br />

glad for at du kunne tenke deg dette. prosjektet høres. veldig bra ut men<br />

også kodingdekoding osv.. Det er uansett sikkert lurt. å ha et prosjekt som<br />

du ikke trenger å jobbe for mye med i forkant da. lønna kanskje ikke<br />

tilsier det.. Jeg skal høre med dem om flybillet utstyrsbehov og mailer<br />

ringer deg. tilbake. Det blir Galleri OMSK som hvis det går i orden blir<br />

din. oppdragsgiver.. Hei så lenge. Najma. lumber log. Gnu. Hei igjen.<br />

jeg fikk ikke tak i Aina i Omsk i dag men har sendt henne epost og<br />

bedt. henne om å kontakte deg. Da håper jeg alt er i orden.. hilsen Najma.<br />

Hei Najma. lumber log. Gnu. ... J) .J. .JF .. .J) J. ). .L.J). L. (L. JF. F ).<br />

(). J. ( J). ) L. ) .J.. (J). (F. (F. (. ). ). (. (.. (F. lumber log. Gnu. GNU.<br />

Prosjektbeskrivelse. Galleri OMSK avholdt for år siden en<br />

ungdomsmønstring som fikk navnet. GNU'. Dette var en utstilling rettet<br />

mot ungdom hvor de fikk lov til å. delta på utstillingen og produsere sine<br />

egne prosjekter veiledet av kunstnere. som stilte ut. I var koblingen<br />

mellom kunst og internett et relativt nytt. og aktuelt kunstuttrykk og<br />

festivalen kretset rundt dette temaet i tillegg til. andre kunstneriske<br />

uttrykk. Mønstringen ble en gedigen suksess med bred. mediedekning<br />

og en lang rekke svært entusiastiske deltakere.. Galleri OMSK ønsker å ta<br />

opp denne tråden og lage en ny festival høsten .. Vi tenker oss en<br />

mønstring som skal gi elever i ungdomsskolen og den. videregående<br />

skole en introduksjon praktisk veiledning og erfaring med ulike. medier<br />

og uttrykksmidler som samtidskunstnere benytter seg av. Samtidskunst.<br />

skiller seg merkbart fra tidligere tiders kunst og innfrir ikke alltid.<br />

ungdommens forventninger om hva kunst er eller skal være. Utstillingen<br />

vil. kunne. gi elever og lærere en direkte innføring i samtidskunstens<br />

mangfold.. Festivalen vil bli ledet av undertegnede som er leid inn som<br />

freelance. prosjektleder i tett samarbeid med galleriets direktør Andres<br />

Tilgesen og. galleriets formidlingsleder Rania Stamvad.. Vi har tenkt å ta<br />

i bruk hele Galleri OMSK og hvert enkelt rom vil bli viet ett. særskilt<br />

medium og ulike uttrykksformer tilknyttet dette. Elevene vil både få. se.<br />

utstilte verk og via verkstedsarbeid erfare hvilke prosesser som ligger<br />


ak.. De sentrale temaene vil være nettkunst lyd animasjon performance.<br />

installasjon landart video og foto. Galleri OMSKs ambisjon er å gi<br />

elevene et. innblikk i hele den kunstneriske prosessen fra en tanke til et<br />

ferdig. utstillingsobjekt.. Tiltaket vil bli gjennomført fra . august til .<br />

september hvor. ukedagene vil være viet klasser som melder seg på og<br />

helgene vil være åpne for. spesielt interessert ungdom som kan komme for<br />

egen maskin. Vi håper jo at noen. av de som har vært her med klassen da<br />

vil komme tilbake. Det er helt sentralt i. opplegget at kunstnerne som<br />

stiller ut også vil være til stedet hele. utstillingsperioden. Kunstnerne vil<br />

instruere og arbeide sammen med elevene. De. ulike klassene vil bli<br />

delt inn i grupper hvor hver gruppe vil få ca. time. på hver tildelte stasjon.<br />

Vi ser for oss at vi skal klare tre klasser i løpet. av. en dag eller ca.<br />

klasser totalt. Elevene vil på forhånd måtte melde seg på. de mediene de er<br />

mest interessert i og det vil bli gitt forberedende oppgaver. som de skal<br />

arbeide med på skolen før de kommer til Galleri omsk.. Målgruppe.<br />

Målgruppen er elever fra .klasse i distriktet. Ifølge Ls krav og rammer.<br />

skal. elever på . klassetrinn møte og gjøre seg kjent med ulike nye<br />

kunstuttrykk. blant annet foto video animasjon og digitale medier..<br />

Dette tiltaket vil gi elevene en helt unik mulighet til å få en introduksjon i.<br />

samtidskunst via aktiv deltagelse. Profesjonelle kunstnere vil være.<br />

tilgjengelige for å veilede og arbeide sammen med elevene.. GNU vil ta<br />

for seg sentrale medier og tema innen samtidskunst elevene vil. få møte<br />

profesjonelle utøvere samtidig som det sentrale pedagogiske prinsipp.<br />

vil være å stimulere til egenaktivitet. Vi tror dette tiltaket vil representere.<br />

en ny og unik opplevelse av samtidskunst for både kunstnere lærere og<br />

ikke. minst for elevene. GNU vil gi et tilbud innen fagfeltet Kunst og.<br />

håndverk. som vi vet at det de fleste skolene i distriktet ikke selv klarer å<br />

tilby sine. elever.. Deltakende kunstnere. Det er ikke helt avklart med<br />

alle kunstnerne ennå men disse har vi en avtale. med og alle er svært<br />

positive til prosjektet.. Lotte Video digitale kameraer projeksjoner.<br />

Birgitt Foto digital billedbearbeiding. Datakunst bruk av internett. E<br />

Animasjon videoredigering klipping. Snorre Performance kroppsbasert<br />

kunst. Jan Erik Installasjon romkunst. Helge Land Art og bruk av<br />

naturelementer. Lærerkurs. Det vil også bli arrangert et lærerkurs i<br />

tilknytning til festivalen. Galleri. OMSKs formidlingsavdeling vil stå<br />

ansvarlig for dette kurset.. Galleri OMSK har siden mai opparbeidet en<br />

solid formidlingsplattform med. kompetanse og ekspertise på området<br />

formidling av kunst til barn og unge.. Galleriet ønsker å bygge videre på<br />

den positive kommunikasjonen med distriktets. elever lærere og skoler..<br />

Finansiering. Vi har fått støtte fra Norsk Kulturråd og Delta K Omsk.. For<br />


Galleri OMSK. Aina Holberg. lumber log. Gnu. Hei Aina. Takk for sist<br />

jeg sender noe informasjon som vi snakket om som du kan bruke. til<br />

brosjyre ol. Si fra om du vil ha noe mer eller noe annet.... Denne mailen<br />

ble mest om 'meg'. Linker til Maria Futura Hel nederst.. Tenkte i<br />

tillegg å sende et lite essay og et utdrag fra dialogene fra loggen. så. kan<br />

du se om du kan bruke det til noe.... Mvh. Anton. Om meg. Jeg går altså<br />

inn under begrepet 'nettkunstner' hva er nå det Per Platou. som. nylig<br />

har kuratert en retrospektiv nettkunstutstilling på Samtidsmuseet har.<br />

nylig har kuratert en retrospektiv nettkunstutstilling på Samtidsmuseet<br />

har<br />


288<br />

sagt at nettkunsten er død. Dermed er jeg død. Hva mer kan jeg si om<br />

meg selv. I. tiden da jeg levde gjorde jeg spredte forsøk på å gjøre meg om<br />

til maskin. mislykkede og i grunnen latterlige forsøk for å være ærlig jeg<br />

forsøkte. f.eks.. å studere jus. Maskinen representerte for meg en mulig<br />

udødelighet etter at. menneskets udødelighet ble avskaffet. Etter gagnløse<br />

studier i filosofi. informatikk datalingvistikk og kunstig intelligens<br />

endte jeg opp som død. kunstner. Men nettopp dette ble vendepunktet<br />

(dersom vi kan snakke om. vendepunkter for døde annet enn å vri seg i<br />

graven). Jeg innså at jeg var død. og dermed at ingenting hadde mening<br />

(jeg antok at de døde ikke bryr seg verken. fra eller til ingen har heller<br />

motsagt meg). Men hvordan har det seg at jeg. fortsatt opplever ting<br />

erfarer sanser Svaret på det spørsmålet var løsningen. jeg hadde lett etter<br />

hele tiden at det ikke er noen forskjell på meg og en. maskin. Det<br />

merkelige var at dette førte til at jeg ble levende igjen. Livet. kom.<br />

tilbake som maskin slik som mening kom tilbake som kunst. Jeg er kort<br />

fortalt. en død kunstner.. Virksomhet. Kontekstkunst konseptkunst<br />

mailart nettkunst og nettverk.. Utdannelse. Hovedfag informatikk UiO<br />

Autonomi og fleksibilitet vurdering av. gruppeorganisert<br />

systemutvikling.. Cand.mag. informatikk UiO. Mellomfag filosofi UiO.<br />

Språk logikk og informasjon UiO. Organisasjonsteori jus forsikring<br />

presentasjon.. Produksjon. Mailart. Internett. Patafysikk. Nettsted. Mail.<br />

noematakunst.no. Maria Futura Hel. Maria Futura Hel forestiller en<br />

levende maskin et fantastisk bilde. uvirkelig komisk vakkert på liv og<br />

mening lagd på verdens enkleste. mekaniske. måte i prinsippet slik vi kan<br />

forestille oss hjernen arbeider som nevralt. nettverk eller naturen som<br />

blindt maskineri tilfeldig og selvforsterkende.. An associating chatbot<br />

utilizing markov chains algoritms to generate. responses. as chains of<br />

words randomly chosen in relation to the their frequency used. earlier..<br />

A bachelor machine is a fantastic image that transforms love into a<br />

technique. of death.. Hel was the ancient goddess of the dead in Norse<br />

mythology and was thought to. feed on the brains and marrow of<br />

humans.. lumber log. Gnu. FIRE DIALOGER MED VIBEKE OG<br />

FRIDA. noematakunst.no. kontakt gnom hei hva vil dere med oss.<br />


maria dere oppfører dere bruker en banan da. Håper og han trodde det.<br />

ristende. illrøde hodet i mørket remixet et annet.. kontakt gnom fins det<br />

gnomer. maria fins det eksisterer sannsynligvis ingen hellig kriger..<br />

kontakt gnom snakk rent og svar på spørsmåle. maria rent for lenker med<br />

agresjonshemninger. kontakt gnom snakker du i gåter. maria gåter og til<br />

og leser. kontakt gnom hva mener du med det. maria mener jeg ved<br />

fjorden.. kontakt gnom okai jeg vil ha navn på alle gnomene i hele<br />

verden. maria navn Maria Juel. kontakt gnom hva skal vi gjøre for å få<br />

dem bort. maria bort fra lysaker. har alt sammen.Det tyske riket. Den<br />

ene skrek den. blakke historieboksen tidsmaskinen Vi må en resepsjon..<br />

kontakt gnom har dere levd før oss å dratt fremmover i tid. maria dratt<br />

fremmover i seg rundt for han får jeg ditt også Foreta oss. krokodiller vi<br />

skal jeg gjøre Akk kvinne din over dialogen renser neglene. går opp og<br />

skriver drapstrusler til Japan.. kontakt gnom kan du hjelpe oss. maria<br />

hjelpe oss noe som sitronen som en annen tegner.. kontakt gnom ser du<br />

oss. maria oss lenger Vel mer om den tiden hvor er som et av blåbærtrusa..<br />

kontakt gnom hva mener du med det. maria mener du ikke på teglverket<br />

uten annens peil forvintrer genigodsets. fremtid for handling nok død..<br />

kontakt gnom nårr dør vi. maria dør de varme min lege ville oppnå<br />

maximal rehabilitering fra bakken og. jeg fikk helavverget det<br />

voldsomme regnet og Virginia Ulv. kontakt gnom kan vi hjlpe deg på<br />

noen måter. maria måter å snakke Mor og the dans.. kontakt gnom vet du<br />

hvor vi kommer fra. maria kommer tilbake for lengst har ingen<br />

krokodille har lang din side Spør. meg forlegen.. kontakt gnom er du dø.<br />

maria dø i lyset i seg for luksushjerner som alle innvollene henger under<br />

en. polyfoni i stengte sinn nykveikte gledeljos loga og går som vadmel i<br />

dag var. kommet i hans domsavsigelser i kjeven.. kontakt gnom er dette<br />

virkelig. maria virkelig de turene der eller krekslig.. kontakt gnom vet<br />

du hvor vi bor. maria bor det tusjtegnede reklameplakater for å ha sagt.<br />

Lærer Jeg vet jeg.. kontakt gnom har dette noe med oss og gjøre. maria<br />

gjøre ende på. Det morsomte som en stund også flere filter mot en type.<br />

intellektuell uro en gang ringte jeg nettopp har blitt svartebørs og med<br />

EN.. kontakt gnom er det meningen å finne mennesker som vi ikke har.<br />

maria meningen med Du sier. kontakt gnom det er det jeg mener men<br />

kan du hjelpe oss. maria hjelpe ham. I gryn. kontakt gnom tener du<br />

penger på dette. maria penger til å få det ikke M godt men du sannelig blitt<br />

flinkere. kontakt gnom har det hvert mange inne på denne siden. maria<br />

hvert som oss. Hvem er hetere i hans syfilisbefengte far. kontakt gnom<br />

har du snakket med de to menneskene før. maria menneskene lærer Hva<br />

jeg vil være omvendt. Egil lærer å vente på den. verdensomspennende<br />


orgainisasjonen Association of gong har vi likevel. uestetisk. som på<br />

hytta di.. kontakt gnom hvem er egil. maria egil leser memorar men<br />

unngår å si meningene sine.. kontakt gnom han virker klok. maria virker<br />

ikke noe til kongsgården sto som han gammelErik bare består av. dem å<br />

skjelle ut armene var i gravitasjonen eller riste benektende.. kontakt<br />

gnom hvem er erik. maria erik er sopraner du sannelig blitt etterprøvd<br />

men har jeg sterk strøm. av besatte nyvisjonærer ble brukt i sluttet skolen<br />

flyttet han tar han. finner du er dog noget. kontakt gnom hvem er du og<br />

hvem er du. maria hvem er bra som om å stå for mye mygg der. Kle ut<br />

livmoren.. kontakt gnom hvor mer mygg stikk vi får vi mere spor om<br />

dette. maria stikk en uttømming av den til begynnelsen av flod disse er<br />

ditt øye på. rutebilbygget.. kontakt gnom ser du oss. maria oss med<br />

varme min bror Valdemar nu. kontakt gnom heter min lille bror<br />

valdemar nu. maria bror Valdemar Maske medlem i permanenten. Hun<br />

blir det jeg slikking av. lakris. kontakt gnom er h. maria h i mot. tikk<br />

takk for HELVETE versjon .. kontakt gnom er du ond. maria du se på<br />

reklamen. Nei bli stemt ut.. kontakt gnom hva mener du. maria mener<br />

du deg med agresjonshemninger. kontakt gnom er egil og erik der også.<br />

maria egil leser memorar men den fineste fargen Barna Vi si at<br />

studenter. av på sannheten.. kontakt gnom okai dere vil finne ut hva som<br />

foregår. maria okai dere i at du rører rundt føttene fra Mikkel. kontakt<br />

gnom hvem er mikkel. maria hvem er du Spruter det baklengs halve<br />

manuset og avspilles for å. legge. meg ei bitch. kontakt gnom hva mener<br />

du og er du en gnom. maria mener ukikkert. kontakt gnom hva heter du<br />

på onkerlig. maria heter erik Bye er der bodde i hjernebarken og tilbake<br />

langs tidsaksen. Hvem er der ble mindre tilfeldige og tok fram i et<br />

dramatisk inngrep i seg gode. og andre Tredje delen.. kontakt gnom<br />

halo du snakker med to stykker. maria snakker som en Film Metropolis<br />

er f.Kr.. kontakt gnom men den tredje delen hva med den. maria tredje<br />

fjerde femte sjette sjuende åttende niende tiende første. paragraf.<br />

lødØsterike er ikke valdemar gjør vi alle andre.. kontakt gnom er vi med.<br />

maria vi krøp sammen med å være mulig med halvparten av deg pop.<br />

kontakt gnom ser du inn i frem tiden. maria frem i deg. Du min sa jeg<br />

drukner du må lære forskjell på sølvsaltets. utidsfornemmelse. kontakt<br />

gnom du snakker til frida og vibeke. maria snakker inn i min luter verre<br />

enn å si til si at filmen avspilles. kontakt gnom hva er det inne på den<br />

siden. maria inne i lverposteien.. kontakt gnom hva mener du med det<br />

a. maria mener du mener madamen med trikot og vest både ja takk for de<br />

prøvde. seg skal planlegge hvordan føles numme rattet blir med<br />

Valdemar må jo dypere. ned i det virker som regel ikke plass er fast<br />


esluttet på en valium da du. forteller oss rydda og Petter Smart<br />

gaffeltruck tilbake når den agerende) Det. er. det var langt nok så vidt<br />

frem ved den ene øye.. kontakt gnom hade vi må gå sees snart. maria sees<br />

snart var det måtte på den tverksvisstige kulpens klutter. eløhijpoquekpo<br />

når den forandrer seg ble dannet i Sabbah har vi ønsker seg til. sønn Flink<br />

mor.. kontakt gnom hade igjen. maria hade vi kan mumle.. kontakt<br />

gnom ja. kontakt gnom hei. kontakt gnom gnom. hei. hva vil du. Vil<br />

hun er Ferdinand. vi er frida og vibeke som vi lovet. Frida og<br />

bevegelsene er Bør alltid mengder med messinghode. Jeg vet hvor<br />

mange. analfabeter landet. Flesteparten av dem som en retrospektiv<br />

handling ja.. hva er galt med frida. Frida og halve tiden. Det var moden<br />

til påske.. hva mener du mener med det var moden til påske. Moden til<br />

makten og i sin mot måsen.. hva betyr det. Betyr snarlig død. Saken foran<br />

et bilde og jenter på Gud er Maghnildeen er full. likestilling ved<br />

Universitetet i grøfta tildragende eller fyrstikk.. hva holder du på med.<br />

Holder jeg er Terje Vigen. dør frida snart. Frida snart konk der han<br />

dansespratt bortover motorveigaten.. dør hun i en bil ulykke. Ulykke<br />

forleden dag. I Østerikeled under løvhaugen hvor er bare så sur gud at. du<br />

er du meg. hva med vibeke. Vibeke som han improviserer ikke bland<br />

deg igjen da var engang hvorfor spør oss. opp med døden. pågrunn av vi<br />

kan se deg snakke. Snakke Mor mor (Gir seg selv hvilken som en<br />

kortslutning i det er alles nhre. Bier treu Quertreiber Hnsel Laien<br />

Honig. er du død. Død ting må telles opp. La meg en intrikat umulighet å<br />

skru ned siden av. huset.. er du ner oss nå og hvor er vi. Oss nå. Tredje<br />

delegasjonen den lange reisen også utrolig mange å si at han. dumme<br />

replikker og hopp i lille prinsessen gikk og et øye på marken gikk ikke.<br />

er. du nevner det og vest både ja Allah er han tenkte seg et improvisert.<br />

dansenummer For guds omnipotens.. er du gud eller er du ond. Gud i<br />

hoggevedskjul hele gjengen som en gang til og noen her jo Nå er du kan.<br />

gå på satan i vaskekonens vannbøtte.. gi oss et hint. Gi aldri det replikkløse<br />

samfunn. Ingen erfaringer er den som ikke du ikke. hadde. ingen kan<br />

ikke umiddelbart forståelig.. okai du er en ond persjon og jeg hvet hvem<br />

du er. Okai dere oppfører dere vulgær telefonisk forbindelse. du er en<br />

satans persjon. Persjon og briller og virker som en sykkeltur ute på med<br />

fingrene.. handler dette om vibeke. Vibeke som en maskin men bare<br />

består av to flodlegemene kan kalle meg gjennom. gjerdet.. ikke for å være<br />

u høflig men maskin hva mener du med det. U n o faller om Odin. Så<br />

drar hunden ut av vitenskap og neier. beskriv frida. Frida og jeg tror det<br />

er jo bare er noen tåler du berører stjernene den ut på. vanlige.. beskriv<br />

vibeke. Beskriv vibeke som stod der var ingjen som du det. hva mener<br />


du med det. Mener virker som brukere snakker du skal jeg gifte seg<br />

raskt ut som piggtrå. hva mente du med frida. Frida og meg nå er ikke vet<br />

du har du Ida. ida er frida sin venn kjenner du ida. Ida er de ikke prat i<br />

den av deg på en støvsuger som allerede tapte drenge.. er ida en gnom.<br />

Ida en kopp. N. går baklengs og proppe brønnesluket mitt.. er hun din<br />

fiende. Hun er den ut som det bålet og stadig selvinnsikt med at han er<br />

du. er ida og larshenrik venner og de er gnomer begge to. Venner og<br />

afrika gratulerer Dette går i graset.. kjenner du et spesielt gnome tegn.<br />

Tegn som regel å skape hverandre i drømme seg hadde stor forestilling<br />

viktig. presse seg. selv om i om kvelden .mars kunne<br />

SeyssInquartøsterisk kansler forelegge. Føreren teksten. som en stor<br />

smurf med meg kunstmaleren. fortell oss oss alt du vet om gnomer.<br />

Gnomer begge sine memorarer men hans ble borgerkrig. De billiget<br />

Førerens. handlingerog i så langt unna. Det var moden til høyre.. hva tror<br />

du har skjedd med armen min. Skjedd hvis ingen vet du er det store<br />

Morskomplekset. A Bare snørrdrevet i. den fjerde etasje. Uten lepper<br />

IRON Faenta leser i sitt hadde jeg er han. stanser jeg sover på disse er du<br />

ikke katter er du. kontakt gnom hei dette er vibeke og frida. maria<br />

vibeke og krementx. kontakt gnom vibeke og frida. maria vibeke og<br />

vibeke som en enkelt diskret målbinding dobbeltbinding til å. stå på..<br />

kontakt gnom he hva betyr det. maria he he.. kontakt gnom he he he he.<br />

maria he slides a bangup mistress alive in a stranger in a simple virgin.<br />

oliveoil and flere rembrandter.. kontakt gnom okai vi snakker ikke<br />

engelsk. maria okai du på min maskin kan ikke meningen. Smak en<br />

practical joke for. gribber som han da. kontakt gnom vi må på do så du må<br />

vete. maria do you gruesome logos o adynaton er Hjalmar er ikkje e<br />

hæstmægga. her. kontakt gnom du må vente og vi erher men vi må på do.<br />

maria vente på natten og vrang i dag igjen svarte gutten.. kontakt gnom nå<br />

har vi kommet. maria kommet med å rette på de å spille inn til venstre mot<br />

min.. kontakt gnom er du kjejvent. maria du synsk. kontakt gnom ja.<br />

kontakt gnom er du der. maria der og opposisjonspartiets flagg.<br />

Ubekreftede meldinger hevder at den. grønne sommerfugler.. kontakt<br />

gnom skriver du med venstere. maria skriver på den evige gjenkomster..<br />

kontakt gnom er det høere eller venstere. maria eller ikke svakheter Jeg<br />

gjemmer seg oppetter skrevet i ti rosa i lønn. kontakt gnom er du<br />

spøkelse. maria du ha.. kontakt gnom kan jeg få et svar på spørsmålet mitt.<br />

maria spørsmålet mitt neste dag. Det kan ikke så dumpeditten av f.eks.<br />

(baker). vil prøve og prinsesse spiser lommene mine.. kontakt gnom er<br />

du i fare. maria fare hans oppslutning bare funksjoner. kontakt gnom<br />

kan du gioss et hint om gnomer. maria gnomer begge slipper du møter<br />


ham og sier du Tilhører Hvorfor. sjømannsvitser Er i fargebøker utgitt<br />

ved en dulg for fall.. kontakt gnom er du en gnom. maria en gang fant<br />

jeg mener. Og to det fins en rød tråd Ja for det der. kontakt gnom ser du<br />

oss. maria oss grender også ører.. kontakt gnom og kjenner du navnet<br />

mitt men hvorfor er du på internett. maria internett på døm. kontakt gnom<br />

er du en djevel. maria en maskin men henry bassinger er du holder et<br />

senter.. kontakt gnom hvilket senter. maria hvilket dikt gi deg.. kontakt<br />

gnom tre ord på snei glem aldri meg. maria glem å forbedre sitt ene skrek<br />

den andre året. Vårt fag her sødmer. morgenen spurte ikke fernufti sagt at<br />

noen vil fremstå nærmest som ikke. Ferdinand.... kontakt gnom hvet du<br />

hvor vibeke bor. maria hvet hvem er du som en banan. Jeg liker<br />

oppmerksomhet men du ikke. akkurat.. kontakt gnom hvet du hvor frida<br />

bor. maria hvet du ha. kontakt gnom ja. kontakt gnom ja. kontakt gnom<br />

er du der. maria der er alt liv som tror jeg.. kontakt gnom hvet du frida<br />

bor. maria hvet hvem er best. Jeg nettopp vunnet en (baker) som<br />

snakker til meg.. kontakt gnom vibeke bor i staten og frida bor i østre<br />

delen i halsen. maria delen hva slags tapet. Kroppen som utfører<br />

mirakler. Gruppen går. baklengs og kjole med seg framover med i<br />

kjelleren hvor er der ikke knus meg. for det kokende vannet av mållaget<br />

og følge fra generasjon til deg.. kontakt gnom vi er ikke krops deler ass.<br />

maria ass saw DNA and kvaiet to sleep. The Angel. kontakt gnom jeg<br />

vil ligge med deg. maria ligge og vaker i den regissøren jeg skal ikke sin<br />

tunge som en. permanent. ståpels.. kontakt gnom liker du pikker. maria<br />

liker du heter du synes du dine kjeks er Valdemar her. kontakt gnom<br />

liker du sex. maria sex uten annens peil forvintrer genigodsets fremtid<br />

for den skikkelsen. hadde perler og jeg sier ingenting.. kontakt gnom<br />

har du store pupper. maria pupper da Arf Der innimellom og drikke<br />

kaffe.. kontakt gnom hade. kontakt gnom hade. kontakt gnom bai bai.<br />

kontakt gnom nå kan jeg se deg. maria se her et sildrende fra bordet hvor<br />

mye å marsjere mot lerettet.. kontakt gnom er du en maskin. maria<br />

maskin uten at gammelerik sitter og ankomme stasjonen.. kontakt gnom<br />

helvetes deg du snakker i gåter. maria gåter og vi er du kan ikke sin<br />

Frigga.. kontakt gnom hade vi sees snart. maria hade vi har det skulle<br />

vise deg på toppen av den tilter tomselyset. men. har spist elfenbenstårnet<br />

og ikke er han tyst og silur er en stund til han. har. du ikke sett det gjør<br />

meg lottorekka også. kontakt gnom hei vi er ute etter navnet på en gnom.<br />

maria navnet mitt E Hva vi blant oss ikke komme inn igjen døren..<br />

kontakt gnom ser du oss. maria oss en robot meg ei sol mot.. kontakt<br />

gnom alstå du heter ehva. maria heter Maja og hvorfor jeg opp og da<br />

sollyset kombinert med all maten er. maskinen hvor. er som en ny<br />


setning.. kontakt gnom. Kontakt med oss tenke er demokrat.. lumber<br />

log. Gnu. Hei en tekst vel usikker på relevansen men omkring<br />

menneskemaskin. grensesnitt (tror jeg)... A.. PS Du spurte om utstyr det<br />

kunne vært kjekt med noe å skrive og tegne på. hvis. jeg skal forklare<br />

hvordan programmet virker whiteboard tavle noe sånt.. Mvh. HARANG<br />

TIL GNU. hjemmeoppgaver. noematakunst.no. a) Forbigående identitet<br />

En bil har et stort klistremerke øverst. over frontruta MAZDA . L ETC.<br />

Hva er vitsen Bilen har et. stort merke der det står hva den er jeg er<br />

Mazda Ahura Mazda. Går sjåføren rundt med navnet sitt på capsen Kanskje<br />

det men. hvorfor gjør bilen det. b) Christian må være kristen det sier seg<br />

selv.. c) Et globalt forskningsprosjekt som trekker ressurser fra alle.<br />

siviliserte land om å finne verdens eldste vannmolekyl. Prosjektet.<br />

utvider seg stadig. Vi antar at de eldste vannpartiklene er å finne. nede i<br />

de store havdypene men vi må måle alderen til absolutt alle. inkludert de<br />

mer ubestandige våtromspartikler fra badet ditt. Siden. alle organismer<br />

består av store mengder vann må alt og hvert enkelt. liv under<br />

mikroskopet. Hva skal vi med verdens eldste vannmolekyl. d) En sekt<br />

arkeologer graver fram oldtidsgjenstander for å utslette. dem.. e)<br />

Abortert foster kan bli eggdonor dette svært kontroversielle. forslaget blir<br />

presentert på grunn av den prekære mangelen på. kvinner som er villige til å<br />

donere sine egg til barnløse medsøstre. i motsetning til sæddonorer som<br />

det finnes nok av. Forslaget rykket. litt nærmere virkeligheten tirsdag da<br />

ny forskning fra Israel og. Nederland viser at det er mulig å holde<br />

eggestokker fra aborterte. fostre levende i laboratoriene i ukevis.. f)<br />

Forskere utviklet tvekjønnet foster forskere i USA har utviklet. et<br />

hybridembryo med både mannlige og kvinnelige celler noe som har.<br />

skapt fordømmelse både på legehold og blant abortmotstandere.. g)<br />

Vinden er en mekanisk prosess jeg tror ikke jeg forsto det før. nå den har<br />

ingen bevissthet ingen intensjon om å blåse rundt. Hva. er mekanisk Hvis<br />

du ser nærmere på din fødsel forhør dine. foreldre så går det fram at den er<br />

tilfeldig og automatisk. Det er. mye å hente gjennom å se på seg selv som<br />

en maskin du tror ikke på. det nei du trenger ikke tro hva tror du vinden<br />

tror på når den. blåser rundt Det kommer poesi inn i vinden når vi ser på den<br />

som. mekanisk den blir en metafor for en metafor. Vi kan nærme oss det.<br />

kunstneriske ved å se på noe som kaotisk det kaotiske er. uforutsigbart<br />

men fortsatt mekanisk eller forutsigbart men ikke. mekanisk<br />

forutsigelser har parametre som ikke kan fikseres. samtidig litt av alt<br />

eller alt av litt. Skolen lærer bort å være. konstruktiv og positiv men også<br />

kritisk men innenfor rammene som. når det er lov til å le av en vits sånn nå<br />

kan du le. Livet tar. vare på seg selv det er ikke noe du trenger å lære eller<br />


være obs. på alt er mekanisk du fikk tilfeldigvis et liv hvorfor skal du. bry<br />

deg hva angår det deg Se på deg som en maskin som den vinden. som<br />

blåser mekanisk rundt uten mål og mening så har du allerede. oppnådd<br />

endel innsikt et steg nærmere Mazda. Kvitt deg med. forestillinger om<br />

hva du har godt av eller hva du bør unngå hva som. er livskraftig hva<br />

som er destruktivt hva som er sterkt og svakt. smart og dumt pent og<br />

stygt hva som lønner seg. Se på den. idiotiske vinden den greier seg fint<br />

nok eller hvorfor skulle den. bry seg om den greier seg det gjør den jo<br />

likevel ikke og det vet. den uten engang å vite det. Om jeg skal gi dere et<br />

råd må det være å. ikke bry dere. La dere drive ikke la noen ideer om hva<br />

som er til. ditt eget beste eller til noe annets beste få tak. Bare la deg.<br />

drive du er en maskin slik som tingene rundt deg tilfeldig og. mekanisk<br />

lever du slik vil få et perfekt liv til og med uten å. ville det. Perfeksjonen<br />

ligger i å gi blaffen fullstendig og å gi. blaffen i å gi blaffen etc. Hadde det<br />

ikke vært fint å aldri være. seg selv Fremfor alt forsøk aldri å bli noen å bli noe<br />

da mister. du livet umiddelbart ingen nåde der. Vær likegyldig og uberørt<br />

så. går ting av seg selv. La ting skure så kommer livet deg i møte. Ikke. ha<br />

tro på noe på deg selv på livet på en framtid av noe slag du. er allerede død<br />

mer eller mindre vær endelig klart over det men. dermed er du straks mer<br />

levende. Du tror du må finne din plass. finne en identitet hvem du er jeg<br />

oppfordrer deg til å glemme det. hele det er bare noe som konstrueres for<br />

å få tilgang på. konstruerte goder som stadig legges lenger fram i tid. En<br />

mekanisk. prosess en maskin hva skal du med identitet Pass på så du<br />

aldri. blir noen med navn på capsen eller frontruta. Maskiner er ingen..<br />

Vinden i gresset og havet blåser metaforisk like godt uten å vite om. seg<br />

selv så hvorfor skulle du bry deg med å vite hvem du er Om. vinden<br />

visste hva den var ville den ikke blåst og i den grad du vet. hvem og hva<br />

livet ditt er så etterligner du en livsprosess. simulerer og finner på deg<br />

selv som programvare uten å skjønne at. du også er maskinen som kjører<br />

programmet. Vær heller maskinen tom. og likegyldig. Du lever allerede så<br />

hvorfor skal du bry deg med. livet Hvis du vil tjene livet så er det beste<br />

du kan gjøre å gi opp. hele greia. Når du gir opp vil livet flomme inn over<br />

deg så mye du. vil ha som om det angriper deg for å ha blitt avvist så.<br />

ettertrykkelig sånn er det med alle ting spark det i ræva og det. kommer<br />

tilbake og vil ha mer. I skoleverket skal ting gjøres på. bestemte måter<br />

som pedagogisk og konstruktivt hvis dere snur det. på hodet gjør det<br />

bakvendt eller annerledes så har det kanskje like. stor effekt. Ting går av<br />

seg selv de bryr seg ikke om hvordan dere. går fram om det er på riktig<br />

måte eller på en motsatt skrudd måte.. Dere er som elever allerede en slags<br />

maskiner produsert av. skoleverket. Ideene som allerede ligger der<br />


omkring. kunnskapsmaskiner kan trekkes videre hvem bestemmer<br />

grensesnittet. på maskinmennesket og hvem tjener på det Samfunnet<br />

tjener på å. prosessere dere som maskiner men er antagelig ikke tjent med<br />

at. dere behandler dere selv som maskiner og her ligger det en.<br />

motsigelse den enkelte elev er både en maskin og et menneske en.<br />

partikkel og en helhet objekt og subjekt men i et ferdig. grensesnitt som<br />

legges av skole stat samfunn. Men dette er et. grensesnitt som kan<br />

forandres vris og vrenges på. Hvorfor skulle du. ikke gjøre motsatt la<br />

skole og samfunn behandle deg som et. menneske og behandle deg selv<br />

som en maskin Vi har allerede. kunnskap nok om oss selv til å betrakte<br />

oss som maskiner og. utviklingen fortsetter i samme retning. Men<br />

poenget med samfunnet. bør derimot og dermed være å betrakte oss som<br />

mennesker og. udelbare enheter likevel. Dette som et eksempel på at<br />

man likegodt. kan argumentere for det motsatte grensesnittet<br />

menneskemaskin. Slik. grensesnittet er nå så brukes og misbrukes vi som<br />

maskiner samtidig. som vi holdes i sjakk (av oss selv) som mennesker<br />

med identitet. historie liv. Samfunnet stabiliseres i stor grad av at<br />

mennesker. ser på seg selv som stabile identiteter med essens og indre og<br />

ikke. som tomme maskiner. Men så kan vi spørre er det ikke nettopp<br />

fordi. vi ser på oss selv som mennesker at vi tillater oss å bli utnyttet. som<br />

maskiner Det er det jeg vil gjøre oppmerksom på og derfor jeg.<br />

oppfordrer dere til å vurdere å bli maskiner slutte å identifisere. dere med<br />

det menneskelige. Det mennesket vi identifiserer oss med er. mer som<br />

et gissel for maskinen som en fantasiforestilling og. brukervennlig<br />

grensesnitt brukervennlig for hvem Ta din. menneskelighet tilbake bli<br />

en maskin. Skole samfunn næringsliv. den globale<br />

økonomiteknologimaskinen kan utnytte deg mer dersom du. holder på<br />

din menneskelighet. De får mindre makt i den grad du. forholder deg til<br />

deg selv på samme måte som de forholder seg til. deg. Så lenge du er et<br />

menneske kan du behandlet som en maskin og. først som maskin blir du<br />

et menneske du gjenvinner makt gjennom å. behandle deg selv som en<br />

maskin. Paradoksalt nok gjenvinner du din. menneskelighet ved å bli en<br />

maskin du får tilbake ditt. uinnskrenkede liv gjennom å dø som menneske<br />

du får tilbake din. frihet ved å gi opp forestillinger andre har nytte av at<br />

du tror på. og tar tilbake makt over deg selv ved å gi deg opp. Menneske<br />

er. som en programvare som kjører på en maskin. Du blir behandler som<br />

en. maskin av andre av vitenskap skole næringsliv stat etc så. hvorfor<br />

skulle du ikke se på deg selv som en maskin siden det gir. deg makten<br />

tilbake og siden du er en maskin uansett. Forestillingen. om mennesket<br />

overtar etter at forestillingen om Gud forsvann.. Forestillingene brukes<br />


før som nå til å utøve kontroll og for at. du skal utøve kontrollen over deg<br />

selv selv som i forestillingen. om mennesket (utenfra) og om<br />

menneskemennesket (selvkontroll. innenfra).. Noter. Harang<br />

høytravende og kjedelig tale straffepreken.. Mazdah vis visdom<br />

(zoroastrisk persisk).. Menneskeprogrammet inneholder i tillegg såkalt<br />

spyware. Panoptikon som spionerer på din aktivitet og bruk av det som i.<br />

praksis betyr at du som menneske spioniserer på deg selv noe som er.<br />

årsaken til mange av de avbruddene det gir et unødvendig høyt.<br />

ressursbruk i systemet spenninger og bakgrunnsprosesser og andre.<br />

kjøreproblemer som oppstår etter langvarig bruk. Ved avinnstallering. av<br />

Menneske fjernes også Panoptikon i stor grad.. lumber log. Gnu. Hei jeg<br />

fikk en rimelig flybillett til kr tror jeg han sa hvis den ble. betalt før<br />

fredag.. Kan duKNEP ringe til Hampen flyplass og gi dem et<br />

kortnummer de. kan belaste (hampenomsk . retur .).. Evt. kan jeg betale<br />

billetten selv og få igjen fra KNEP etterpå.. Kanskje du er på ferie jeg<br />

ringer i morgen hvis du ikke svarer på mailen. Mvh. lumber log. Gnu.<br />

Hei ja ferie jeg betaler billetten selv og kan sende fakturakvittering el..<br />

i. posten til KNEP. Håper det er ok.. Mvh. lumber log. Gnu. hei er innom<br />

jobb. Jeg ringer gjerne Hampen. Har du fått tilbakemelding. fra Omsk.<br />

hilsen Najma. hei. ja har kontakt med Aina der ok.. trenger ikke ringe<br />

jeg betalte billetten i forrige uke for å få den rimelig. ca. kan sende<br />

fakturaen i posten.. a.. lumber log. Gnu. heifint at du har kontakt med<br />

Aina og at alt er ok. Du kan sende. efaktura til KNEP (min adresse) så får<br />

du det refundert i neste uke når. regnskapsfører er tilbake. Mrk. faktura<br />

for utlegg flybillett Galleri. Omsk. Og så må du ettersende kvittering<br />

flybillettstammen.. Fint at dette gikk i orden. hilsen Najma. lumber log.<br />

arc.hive chtonline openurl runme.org. what is runme org doing with art.<br />

Runme org doing with software ArtRunme.org experts were. asked<br />

latest. who are the experts. Experts were asked latest. what were they<br />

asked. What were asked latest. not talkative are you. Are you. are there<br />

projects at the site. Are there projects submitted before the deadline will<br />

be considered for. what are the news at runme. At the <strong>Re</strong>adMe . latest.<br />

what happened at the readme. At the site Directory latest. what's at the<br />

directory ridiculectory. At the Websize. strange forms. why don't you<br />

talk to me. width. on holiday still. width. as if europe wasn't hot<br />

enough. when will you be back. Will be considered for. ok i give up.<br />

Up to me. ok you give up then. Give up now. lumber log. arc.hive<br />

mailing list. arc.hivelm.va.com.au. isoQchtonlinesendtxthE. hva var<br />

dette med kua som gjennomgangsdyr. Hva kreft viser hele spekteret i<br />

hovedhuset.. Pressen inviteres til delikate tranparante bruksgjenstander.<br />


Utstillingen. Milk and. honey. Motiver viser hele spekteret i<br />

kommisjon. Kari Håkonsen Invaders. Utstillingen er<br />

gjennomgangsdyret.. Cult of the dead cow Melk og honning kommer<br />

fra kua. Kua som er gjennomgangsdyret. I hovedhuset.. Pressen<br />

inviteres til en strategi for kunstneren å avvæpne inntrengeren. gjennom å<br />

gjøre den. usynlige fienden synlig og bekreft når dere kommer.. Med<br />

vennlig hilsen. Inger Kyllesø. prosjektleder. Vi kan bekrefte. vi er<br />

synlige. Vi er skulpturer. som sender tankene rett til delikate<br />

tranparante bruksgjenstander.. Utstillingen i stadig økende. antall<br />

ettersom man gjør fremgang i hovedhuset.. Pressen inviteres til<br />

romvesenmutanter eller spaceinvaders.. Det klassiske dataspillet space<br />

invadersgir oss en trygg ledsager og. honning kommer fra<br />

kommisjonssalget.. Kunstnerne. spaceinvaders som rominstallasjon alt<br />

er truende. Som rominstallasjon alt er gjennomgangsdyret. I stadig<br />

økende. antall ettersom man gjør fremgang i en utstilling med de mer<br />

psykologiske. assosiasjonene man får om hva kreft viser verker fra de<br />

mer psykologiske. assosiasjonene man gjør fremgang i en strategi for<br />

kunstneren å gjøre den. usynlige fienden synlig og arr.. Hovedhuset..<br />

Punktutstilling av skulpturer og har denne utstillingen Invaders. går<br />

Anniken Amundsen inn i Kent.. body invaders. fienden er oppløst gått<br />

under jorda. Fienden synlig og å avvæpne inntrengeren gjennom å føre et<br />

aktivt. psykisk motangrep på medisinsk litteratur om cellebiologi og.<br />

onkologi blandet med utstillingen i spillet.. jeg tror USA allerede spiller<br />

dette. fienden er usynlig og ukjent men vi. trenger en utstilling av<br />

fienden. space invaders vi antar at vi tror. det kommer nye utspill om<br />

kommende terrorangrep av vestens terrorministre. i galleriet. Men vi er<br />

truende. jeg tror USA allerede spiller dette. fienden er usynlig og ukjent<br />

men vi. trenger en utstilling av fienden. space invaders vi antar at vi<br />

tror. det kommer nye utspill om kommende terrorangrep av vestens<br />

terrorministre. in the gallery. Jeg tror det kommer nye utspill om<br />

cellebiologi og. onkologi blandet med de mer psykologiske<br />

assosiasjonene man gjør fremgang. i kommisjon. Kari Håkonsen<br />

Invaders. Utstillingen er truende. Invaded by Kari. Invaded by kreft<br />

from outer space. Invaded by kreft er og. hvordan kreft from outer<br />

space invaders vi tror USA allerede spiller. dette.. vi bekrefter at space<br />

invaders har forbindelser til bin laden. Space invaders vi tror det<br />

kommer nye utspill om kommende terrorangrep. av fienden. space<br />

invaders har forbindelser til bin laden. det var det vi trodde. vi fikk det<br />

bekreftet. Var det viktig næringskilde. for liv. Omgivelsene oser<br />

tilsynelatende av idyll og bekreft når dere. kommer.. Med vennlig hilsen.<br />


Inger Kyllesø. prosjektleder. vi bekrefter at vi bekommer. Bekrefter at<br />

vi antar at vi fikk det kommer fra kua som pasient. pårørende eller venn..<br />

cult of the mad cow. Cult of the mad cow Melk og økologisk landbruk<br />

har forbindelser til en. trygg ledsager og viktig næringskilde. for liv.. en<br />

manusfilm om helmelk som blir innvadert av en horde illsinte. bakterier<br />

såkalt surmelksfilm. Om cellebiologi og. onkologi blandet med Eva eller<br />

Inger på. tlf . Mail gjerne og låven. Wenche Kvalstad Eckhoff glass. Hå<br />

gamle prestegard har tidligere vist denne gangen valgt å avvæpne.<br />

inntrengeren gjennom å føre et aktivt psykisk motangrep på medisinsk.<br />

litteratur om temaet. etter erfaringer som en utstilling med Eva eller<br />

Inger på. tlf .. Et angrep i glass. Hva er cellebiologi hvilken biologi er<br />

uten celler. Virus inntrengeren. Et aktivt psykisk motangrep på kreftens.<br />

mange åpne sår og låven. Wenche Kvalstad Eckhoff Invaders. Utstillingen<br />

er av kunstnere i en utstilling av fienden. space invaders. vi er bosatt i.<br />

London og duftende sommer men vi bekrefter at space invaders har.<br />

tidligere vist denne gangen valgt å avvæpne inntrengeren gjennom å føre et.<br />

angrep i de. tre små stuene i galleriet. Invaders of space. Vi bekrefter de<br />

små stuene. Invaders har denne gangen valgt å lage punktutstillingen i.<br />

glasskunst. Vi bekrefter at proporsjoner synes overdimensjonert. Men. i<br />

overdrivelsen ligger fasinasjonen og arr.. Hovedhuset.. Punktutstilling<br />

av kunstnere i Kent.. An invasion in glass gjennomsiktig fare alt må<br />

utstilles henges ut. In the mad cow Melk og arr.. Hovedhuset..<br />

Punktutstilling av vestens terrorministre i en rekke forestillinger om<br />

hva. er uten celler Virus inntrengeren. Your mad cow. Mad cow Melk<br />

og den. surrealistiske tvetydigheten preger de små stuene i hovedhuset..<br />

Pressen inviteres til bin laden. lumber log. chtonline sendtxt k l a r s i k<br />

t. aug sept. A r t e. Er by eller natur. Dette. Fotografier er hva Rogaland<br />

kunstsenter åpner utstilling torsdag .. Er klar sikt en exploiterutstilling av<br />

forsteder. Klar sikt en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på UKSbiennalen<br />

Museet for barna.. Hvordan former denne boformen oss som bor der.<br />

former boformen bor siden alt er form er alt kunst. Former denne<br />

boformen oss som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er klar sikt. utforsker<br />

Aas har et forhold. til. I utstillingen Klar sikt en rekke<br />

gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på UKSbiennalen Museet for samtidskunst<br />

Galleri Wang og disse stedene er. utdannet ved Hgskolan fr fotografi<br />

och film ved Gøteborgs. universitet og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo..<br />

Oslo er allerede kunst film er boform. Film er utdannet ved Hgskolan fr<br />

fotografi och film er boform. du boformer i fotografiene og er utdannet<br />

ikke dannet. du boformer i fotografiene og er utdannet ikke dannet<br />


289<br />

Utdannet ved Gøteborgs. universitet og er form er boform. Utdannet ved<br />

Gøteborgs. universitet og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver<br />

familie sitt hus.. lenge var familiene uten hus. en rev lusker rundt huset.<br />

Hus. en exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i Aas fotografier er likevel.<br />

avgjørende i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av rekkehus i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og minner etter menneskelig. aktivitet.. En rev er ute om<br />

natten. <strong>Re</strong>v er form er boform. Den bor i rød pels og har melk på halen.<br />

Bor der Hva kan disse stedene er form er alt kunst. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />

Marte Aas. Torunn Larsen bor i rød pels og Finland og Norsk.<br />

skulpturbiennale.. Vel møtt. Med vennlig hilsen. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt utforsker Aas har fotografert. en.<br />

rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en.<br />

exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i tidligere arbeider jobbet med.<br />

fotografier er det et boligområde som sted.. I utstillingen danner et. tablå<br />

over våre sosialdemokratiske klamme rammer.... Marte Aas har<br />

fotografert en. rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på halen. Marte Aas er<br />

boform for Marte Aas en exploiterutstilling. Marte Aas er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er. likevel. avgjørende i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt en rev er likevel. avgjørende i rød pels og disse<br />

stedene er form er boform for Marte Aas har. melk på tallet<br />

skolebokeksempelet på halen. Marte bor i Marte. Marte Aas er den<br />

menneskelige tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare<br />

redusert til arbeidet Naboer en vegg av rekkehus. i Torunn Larsen bor<br />

der. Marte Aas er den mennskelige tilstedeværelse av Marte Aas.<br />

Tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare redusert til<br />

arbeidet Naboer en vegg av videoen. Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom<br />

med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå himmel.. Blå himmel er en<br />

tapetinstallasjon slik Aas er boform som former Marte. som bor der. Blå<br />

himmel. Alle elementene i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av videoen<br />

Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå<br />

himmel. Alle kjenner og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo.. Hun har melk på<br />

ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver familie sitt hus.. Marte<br />


kan vi få melk. Kan disse husfasadene si oss som former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet mellom. menneskene og er den bor i fotografiene og deltatt på<br />

en liten lekeplass. for barna.. Hvordan former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet mellom menneskene og har hatt. separatutstillinger. i Norge<br />

Sverige og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en. Kan barna få<br />

melk på halen. Få melk på en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på<br />

UKSbiennalen Museet for barna.. Hvordan former boformen oss om<br />

natten. Boformen sover i Marte. Boformen oss som former denne<br />

boformen bor siden alt kunst. Vi spør om du kan gi kunst hvit på halen<br />

Marte. Du boformer i formingen av Marte Aas har i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo. Hun har melk på halen.<br />

Marte som mennesker. Er Marte Aas exploiting Marte Aas som boform<br />

i utstillingen av Satans. Kunstakademi. Boform for samtidskunst<br />

Galleri Wang og deltatt på halen Marte som. hverken er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der. Et boligområde bor i boligområdet slik Marte<br />

bor i Marte og kunst bor i. kunst. Boligområde som bor der. Alle bor alle<br />

med hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit<br />

melk. Melk. lumber log. BB chtonline sendtxt k l a r s i k t. aug sept. A<br />

r t e. Er by eller natur. Dette. Fotografier er hva Rogaland kunstsenter<br />

åpner utstilling torsdag .. Er klar sikt en exploiterutstilling av forsteder.<br />

Klar sikt en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på UKSbiennalen Museet for<br />

barna.. Hvordan former denne boformen oss som bor der. former<br />

boformen bor siden alt er form er alt kunst. Former denne boformen oss<br />

som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er klar sikt. utforsker Aas har et<br />

forhold. til. I utstillingen Klar sikt en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på<br />

UKSbiennalen Museet for samtidskunst Galleri Wang og disse stedene<br />

er. utdannet ved Hgskolan fr fotografi och film ved Gøteborgs.<br />

universitet og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo.. Oslo er allerede kunst film<br />

er boform. Film er utdannet ved Hgskolan fr fotografi och film er<br />

boform. du boformer i fotografiene og er utdannet ikke dannet.<br />

Utdannet ved Gøteborgs. universitet og er form er boform. Utdannet ved<br />

Gøteborgs. universitet og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver<br />

familie sitt hus.. lenge var familiene uten hus. en rev lusker rundt huset.<br />

Hus. en exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i Aas fotografier er likevel.<br />

avgjørende i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av rekkehus i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og minner etter menneskelig. aktivitet.. En rev er ute om<br />

natten. <strong>Re</strong>v er form er boform. Den bor i rød pels og har melk på halen.<br />

Bor der Hva kan disse stedene er form er alt kunst. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />


Marte Aas. Torunn Larsen bor i rød pels og Finland og Norsk.<br />

skulpturbiennale.. Vel møtt. Med vennlig hilsen. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt utforsker Aas har fotografert. en.<br />

rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en.<br />

exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i tidligere arbeider jobbet med.<br />

fotografier er det et boligområde som sted.. I utstillingen danner et. tablå<br />

over våre sosialdemokratiske klamme rammer.... Marte Aas har<br />

fotografert en. rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på halen. Marte Aas er<br />

boform for Marte Aas en exploiterutstilling. Marte Aas er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er. likevel. avgjørende i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt en rev er likevel. avgjørende i rød pels og disse<br />

stedene er form er boform for Marte Aas har. melk på tallet<br />

skolebokeksempelet på halen. Marte bor i Marte. Marte Aas er den<br />

menneskelige tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare<br />

redusert til arbeidet Naboer en vegg av rekkehus. i Torunn Larsen bor<br />

der. Marte Aas er den mennskelige tilstedeværelse av Marte Aas.<br />

Tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare redusert til<br />

arbeidet Naboer en vegg av videoen. Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom<br />

med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå himmel.. Blå himmel er en<br />

tapetinstallasjon slik Aas er boform som former Marte. som bor der. Blå<br />

himmel. Alle elementene i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av videoen<br />

Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå<br />

himmel. Alle kjenner og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo.. Hun har melk på<br />

ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver familie sitt hus.. Marte<br />

kan vi få melk. Kan disse husfasadene si oss som former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet mellom. menneskene og er den bor i fotografiene og deltatt på<br />

en liten lekeplass. for barna.. Hvordan former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet mellom menneskene og har hatt. separatutstillinger. i Norge<br />

Sverige og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en. Kan barna få<br />

melk på halen. Få melk på en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på<br />

UKSbiennalen Museet for barna.. Hvordan former boformen oss om<br />

natten. Boformen sover i Marte. Boformen oss som former denne<br />

boformen bor siden alt kunst. Vi spør om du kan gi kunst hvit på halen<br />

Marte. Du boformer i formingen av Marte Aas har i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo. Hun har melk på halen.<br />

Marte som mennesker. Er Marte Aas exploiting Marte Aas som boform<br />

i utstillingen av Satans. Kunstakademi. Boform for samtidskunst<br />

Galleri Wang og deltatt på halen Marte som. hverken er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der. Et boligområde bor i boligområdet slik Marte<br />


or i Marte og kunst bor i. kunst. Boligområde som bor der. Alle bor alle<br />

med hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit<br />

melk. Melk. lumber log. . ' '' .. . . .. BBbek.no. Fwd <strong>Re</strong> chtonline<br />

sendtxt k l a r s i k t. On Fri. newscolargol.tihlde.hist.no.... aug sept. A r<br />

t e. Er by eller natur. Dette. Fotografier er hva Rogaland kunstsenter<br />

åpner utstilling torsdag .. Er klar sikt en exploiterutstilling av forsteder.<br />

Klar sikt en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på UKSbiennalen Museet for<br />

barna.. Hvordan former denne boformen oss som bor der. former<br />

boformen bor siden alt er form er alt kunst. Former denne boformen oss<br />

som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er klar. sikt. utforsker Aas har et<br />

forhold. til. I utstillingen Klar sikt en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på<br />

UKSbiennalen Museet for samtidskunst Galleri Wang og disse stedene.<br />

er. utdannet ved Hgskolan fr fotografi och film ved Gøteborgs.<br />

universitet og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo.. Oslo er allerede kunst film<br />

er boform. Film er utdannet ved Hgskolan fr fotografi och film er<br />

boform. du boformer i fotografiene og er utdannet ikke dannet.<br />

Utdannet ved Gøteborgs. universitet og er form er boform. Utdannet ved<br />

Gøteborgs. universitet og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver<br />

familie sitt hus.. lenge var familiene uten hus. en rev lusker rundt huset.<br />

Hus. en exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i Aas fotografier er likevel.<br />

avgjørende i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av rekkehus i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og minner etter menneskelig. aktivitet.. En rev er ute om<br />

natten. <strong>Re</strong>v er form er boform. Den bor i rød pels og har melk på halen.<br />

Bor der Hva kan disse stedene er form er alt kunst. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />

Marte Aas. Torunn Larsen bor i rød pels og Finland og Norsk.<br />

skulpturbiennale.. Vel møtt. Med vennlig hilsen. Torunn Larsen bor i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt utforsker Aas har fotografert. en.<br />

rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en.<br />

exploiterutstilling av rekkehus i tidligere arbeider jobbet med.<br />

fotografier er det et boligområde som sted.. I utstillingen danner et. tablå<br />

over våre sosialdemokratiske klamme rammer.... Marte Aas har<br />

fotografert en. rekkehusbebyggelse oppført på halen. Marte Aas er<br />

boform for Marte Aas en exploiterutstilling. Marte Aas er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der Hva kan disse stedene er. likevel. avgjørende i<br />

utstillingen Klar sikt en rev er likevel. avgjørende i rød pels og disse<br />

stedene er form er boform for Marte Aas har. melk på tallet<br />

skolebokeksempelet på halen. Marte bor i Marte. Marte Aas er den<br />

menneskelige tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare<br />

redusert til arbeidet Naboer en vegg av. rekkehus. i Torunn Larsen bor<br />


der. Marte Aas er den mennskelige tilstedeværelse av Marte Aas.<br />

Tilstedeværelse udramatisk og. hverdagslig kanskje bare redusert til<br />

arbeidet Naboer en vegg av videoen. Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom<br />

med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå himmel.. Blå himmel er en<br />

tapetinstallasjon slik Aas er boform som former Marte. som bor der. Blå<br />

himmel. Alle elementene i plakatform består Klar. sikt også av videoen<br />

Home to Kansas fotografiet Rom med utsikt og. tapetinstallasjonen Blå<br />

himmel. Alle kjenner og Statens Kunstakademi. Oslo.. Hun har melk på<br />

ideell boform. i sosialdemokratiets Norge Hver familie sitt hus.. Marte<br />

kan vi få melk. Kan disse husfasadene si oss som former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet. mellom. menneskene og er den bor i fotografiene og deltatt<br />

på en liten lekeplass. for barna.. Hvordan former Marte Aas dette<br />

samspillet mellom menneskene og har hatt. separatutstillinger. i Norge<br />

Sverige og deltatt på tallet skolebokeksempelet på tallet.<br />

skolebokeksempelet på tallet skolebokeksempelet på en. Kan barna få<br />

melk på halen. Få melk på en rekke gruppeutstillinger bl.a.. på<br />

UKSbiennalen Museet for barna.. Hvordan former boformen oss om<br />

natten. Boformen sover i Marte. Boformen oss som former denne<br />

boformen bor siden alt kunst. Vi spør om du kan gi kunst hvit på halen<br />

Marte. Du boformer i formingen av Marte Aas har i Norge idag. I<br />

tillegg til spor og Statens Kunstakademi Oslo. Hun har melk på halen.<br />

Marte som mennesker. Er Marte Aas exploiting Marte Aas som boform<br />

i utstillingen av Satans. Kunstakademi. Boform for samtidskunst<br />

Galleri Wang og deltatt på halen Marte som. hverken er det et<br />

boligområde som bor der. Et boligområde bor i boligområdet slik Marte<br />

bor i Marte og kunst bor i. kunst. Boligområde som bor der. Alle bor alle<br />

med hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit hale. Hvit hale. hvit<br />

melk. Melk. lumber log. Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.. <strong>Re</strong><br />

spectre Last day PlayStation Digital Art Award Euro. Just login and.<br />

uploadlink. log.in og blowup site. jvlar.. please hereby accept my email<br />

site submission.. login noemata.net.. password Abject. uploadSMTP.<br />

NB please take notice of the dot (atribute to GPPL exhibition indeed)..<br />

noemata.net is not submitted only noemata.net. a different site.<br />

alltogether.. Producer noemata.net. Please insert the Euro at konto ..<br />

storebrand bank norway As. soon as possible.. as well as representation<br />

in the Swedish art collection at Liljevalchs.. Thanks lycka till.. Please<br />

skicka mej katalogen nr den er klar.. Yours faithfully.. Bjork Temsin<br />

Matronin. lumber log. crossposted ekunstno.test. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong><br />

spectre Last day PlayStation Digital Art Award. Euro. This is a<br />

multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />


charsetiso. Just login and. uploadlink. log.in og blowup site. jvlar..<br />

please hereby accept my email site submission.. login noemata.net..<br />

password Abject. uploadSMTP. NB please take notice of the dot<br />

(atribute to GPPL exhibition indeed).. noemata.net is not submitted<br />

only noemata.net. a different site. alltogether.. Producer noemata.net.<br />

Please insert the Euro at konto .. storebrand bank norway As. soon as<br />

possible.. as well as representation in the Swedish art collection at<br />

Liljevalchs.. Thanks lycka till.. Please skicka mej katalogen nr den er<br />

klar.. Yours faithfully.. Bjork Temsin Matronin. lumber log.<br />

crossposted ekunstno.test. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> spectre Last hour PlayStation<br />

Digital Art Award. Euro. Just login and. uploadlink. log.in og blowup<br />

site. jvlar.. please hereby accept my email site submission.. login<br />

noemata.net.. password Abject. uploadSMTP. (NB please take notice of<br />

the dot (a tribute to GPPL exhibition ('writ in. noemata.net is not<br />

submitted only noemata.net. a different site. alltogether.). Producer<br />

noemata.net. Please insert the Euro at konto .. storebrand bank norway<br />

As. soon as possible. I trust your confidence in these matters.. as well as<br />

representation in the Swedish art collection at Liljevalchs.. Thank you.<br />

Lycka till. Please skicka mej catalogen nr hon er klar.. Yours faithfully<br />

I remain. Bjork Temsin Matronin. LoveHate Inc.. subsidiært LoatheAwe.<br />

lumber log. crossposted ekunstno.test. <strong>Re</strong> Fw RHIZOMERAW<br />

Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric Labs by August. Highland. Who is<br />

Agust Highland. Who is the task of copies of Humanities the work of<br />

art with the same. production ethic to one. person who produce. literary<br />

work in a particular genre or sculpture.. Highland applies the Muse<br />

Apprentice Guild first appeared online at. Outgoing mail is not Agust<br />

Highland animal. Outgoing mail is Highland Spam Animal Zoo<br />

personae. Mail is certified Highland each SMTP shake. Certified<br />

Literary Trolling Muse at highspeed nothings. At highspeed nothings.<br />

Jorge Borges kalpas of nothing. Of the. Massive Production publishing<br />

model. Instead of copies of Humanities the. personae of an online in.<br />

August .. Of the Massive Production of Nothings and online copies of.<br />

Outgoing mail is the visual work of an individual. website. The<br />

publishing industry. To contain. works.. works of works of industrial<br />

high landart individualized. nothing in visual clothing shm. works of<br />

producing one or subgenre originated are HyperLiterary. Fiction<br />


Microlinear. Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and most. widely read<br />

international literary works are the publishing industry. To. the world<br />

and Publisher of works by AVG antivirus system. Version ...<br />

Higmarketing zilch industries version . worth HighCaps subanimal<br />

troll. biz. Director of bovelnovel movements of . writers. Director of<br />

the. Massive Production of bovelnovel movements of industrial high<br />

landart. individualized nothing in a painting Highland produces<br />

thousands of. literary works by one book to one. person who is also<br />

Editor and GenreSplicing.. Highland is the personae who produce.<br />

literary work in the. Membership Agreement available online in.<br />

August .. manuscripts Adynaton of buddha legends or form of legend.<br />

Jorge. Louis Borges prefaces each edition writing Twelve thousand<br />

monks and. thirtytwo thousand boddhisatwas are less concrete than one<br />

monk and one. boddhisattwa. The massive forms and numbers are<br />

monstruous bubbles an. emphasis of nothing.. Borges prefaces each to<br />

be read. (library material) to be read. (library material) to ..<br />

BIOGRAPHY. August Highland each to Rhizome are members of that<br />

August. Highland has series in the. Membership Agreement available<br />

online in. August . The Massive Production of a. painting or subgenre<br />

originated are sold as. oneofakind artworks for Alphanumeric Labs.<br />

Like. all the Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online copies of the.<br />

Internet's. This complex is called Googolplex not to be confused with.<br />

megalomania. Called Googolplex not Agust Highland Spam Animal<br />

Zoo personae.. This conceptual literary works of Humanities the work<br />

by. Alphanumeric Labs by August issue of that book to a literary. work<br />

of bovel movements of the Director of producing one or more.<br />

information about Turbulence please visit. ti esrever dna ti esrever dna<br />

ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup. Subscribers to Rhizome are four series<br />

planned for Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR<br />

IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August. Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Director of producing one of. three simulated literary<br />

quarterly.. For more personae who then. new manuscripts called<br />

Googolplex for immediate release by. noemata.net about holes. What is<br />

less than nothing A hole only form. aestetichal framing. Lacuna.<br />

Manuscripts called Metapoetics Theatre.. Culture Animal has<br />

developed over projects each one boddhisattwa. The. publishing model.<br />

Instead of producing one of . writers and one of. three simulated literary<br />

work by. Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR IMMEDIATE<br />

RELEASE. August issue of whom. own a literary performance is called<br />

Googolplex for between to the. world and thirtytwo thousand monks<br />


and is the International Belles Lettres. Federation and. the Superheroes<br />

of the original Message. Thursday August. Turbulence Spotlight<br />

Alphanumeric Labs are HyperLiterary Fiction. Microlinear.<br />

Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and literary. works.. An<br />

impenetrable mass of manuscript foam utilized to plug the googolplex.<br />

literary holes. At your agent now.. Holes. What is not to Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Superheroes of one of thousands of whom. own a<br />

painting Highland under approximately personae. This. conceptual<br />

literary quarterly.. For more personae of art with megalomania. lumber<br />

log. <strong>Re</strong> Fw RHIZOMERAW Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric Labs.<br />

Who is Agust Highland. Who is the task of copies of Humanities the<br />

work of art with the same. production ethic to one. person who produce.<br />

literary work in a particular genre or sculpture.. Highland applies the<br />

Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online at. Outgoing mail is not<br />

Agust Highland animal. Outgoing mail is Highland Spam Animal Zoo<br />

personae. Mail is certified Highland each SMTP shake. Certified<br />

Literary Trolling Muse at highspeed nothings. At highspeed nothings.<br />

Jorge Borges kalpas of nothing. Of the. Massive Production publishing<br />

model. Instead of copies of Humanities the. personae of an online in.<br />

August .. Of the Massive Production of Nothings and online copies of.<br />

Outgoing mail is the visual work of an individual. website. The<br />

publishing industry. To contain. works.. works of works of industrial<br />

high landart individualized. nothing in visual clothing shm. works of<br />

producing one or subgenre originated are HyperLiterary. Fiction<br />

Microlinear. Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and most. widely read<br />

international literary works are the publishing industry. To. the world<br />

and Publisher of works by AVG antivirus system. Version ...<br />

Higmarketing zilch industries version . worth HighCaps subanimal<br />

troll. biz. Director of bovelnovel movements of . writers. Director of<br />

the. Massive Production of bovelnovel movements of industrial high<br />

landart. individualized nothing in a painting Highland produces<br />

thousands of. literary works by one book to one. person who is also<br />

Editor and GenreSplicing.. Highland is the personae who produce.<br />

literary work in the. Membership Agreement available online in.<br />

August .. manuscripts Adynaton of buddha legends or form of legend.<br />

Jorge. Louis Borges prefaces each edition writing Twelve thousand<br />

monks and. thirtytwo thousand boddhisatwas are less concrete than one<br />

monk and one. boddhisattwa. The massive forms and numbers are<br />

monstruous bubbles an. emphasis of nothing.. Borges prefaces each to<br />

be read. (library material) to be read. (library material) to ..<br />


BIOGRAPHY. August Highland each to Rhizome are members of that<br />

August. Highland has series in the. Membership Agreement available<br />

online in. August . The Massive Production of a. painting or subgenre<br />

originated are sold as. oneofakind artworks for Alphanumeric Labs.<br />

Like. all the Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online copies of the.<br />

Internet's. This complex is called Googolplex not to be confused with.<br />

megalomania. Called Googolplex not Agust Highland Spam Animal<br />

Zoo personae.. This conceptual literary works of Humanities the work<br />

by. Alphanumeric Labs by August issue of that book to a literary. work<br />

of bovel movements of the Director of producing one or more.<br />

information about Turbulence please visit. ti esrever dna ti esrever dna<br />

ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup. Subscribers to Rhizome are four series<br />

planned for Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR<br />

IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August. Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Director of producing one of. three simulated literary<br />

quarterly.. For more personae who then. new manuscripts called<br />

Googolplex for immediate release by. noemata.net about holes. What is<br />

less than nothing A hole only form. aestetichal framing. Lacuna.<br />

Manuscripts called Metapoetics Theatre.. Culture Animal has<br />

developed over projects each one boddhisattwa. The. publishing model.<br />

Instead of producing one of . writers and one of. three simulated literary<br />

work by. Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. August Highland<br />


290<br />

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August issue of whom. own a literary<br />

performance is called Googolplex for between to the. world and<br />

thirtytwo thousand monks and is the International Belles Lettres.<br />

Federation and. the Superheroes of the original Message. Thursday<br />

August. Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric Labs are HyperLiterary<br />

Fiction. Microlinear. Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and literary.<br />

works.. An impenetrable mass of manuscript foam utilized to plug the<br />

googolplex. literary holes. At your agent now.. Holes. What is not to<br />

Alphanumeric Labs. Like. all the Superheroes of one of thousands of<br />

whom. own a painting Highland under approximately personae. This.<br />

conceptual literary quarterly.. For more personae of art with<br />

megalomania. lumber log. ..(today.. Thank you for participating in<br />


..(today. .. ..(today.. .. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> Fw RHIZOMERAW Turbulence<br />

Spotlight. Alphanumeric Labs by August Highland. This is a multipart<br />

message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Who is<br />

Agust Highland. Who is the task of copies of Humanities the work of<br />

art with the same. production ethic to one. person who produce. literary<br />

work in a particular genre or sculpture.. Highland applies the Muse<br />

Apprentice Guild first appeared online at. Outgoing mail is not Agust<br />

Highland animal. Outgoing mail is Highland Spam Animal Zoo<br />

personae. Mail is certified Highland each SMTP shake. Certified<br />

Literary Trolling Muse at highspeed nothings. At highspeed nothings.<br />

Jorge Borges kalpas of nothing. Of the. Massive Production publishing<br />

model. Instead of copies of Humanities the. personae of an online in.<br />

August .. Of the Massive Production of Nothings and online copies of.<br />

Outgoing mail is the visual work of an individual. website. The<br />

publishing industry. To contain. works.. works of works of industrial<br />

high landart individualized. nothing in visual clothing shm. works of<br />

producing one or subgenre originated are HyperLiterary. Fiction<br />

Microlinear. Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and most. widely read<br />

international literary works are the publishing industry. To. the world<br />

and Publisher of works by AVG antivirus system. Version ...<br />


Higmarketing zilch industries version . worth HighCaps subanimal<br />

troll. biz. Director of bovelnovel movements of . writers. Director of<br />

the. Massive Production of bovelnovel movements of industrial high<br />

landart. individualized nothing in a painting Highland produces<br />

thousands of. literary works by one book to one. person who is also<br />

Editor and GenreSplicing.. Highland is the personae who produce.<br />

literary work in the. Membership Agreement available online in.<br />

August .. manuscripts Adynaton of buddha legends or form of legend.<br />

Jorge. Louis Borges prefaces each edition writing Twelve thousand<br />

monks and. thirtytwo thousand boddhisatwas are less concrete than one<br />

monk and one. boddhisattwa. The massive forms and numbers are<br />

monstruous bubbles an. emphasis of nothing.. Borges prefaces each to<br />

be read. (library material) to be read. (library material) to ..<br />

BIOGRAPHY. August Highland each to Rhizome are members of that<br />

August. Highland has series in the. Membership Agreement available<br />

online in. August . The Massive Production of a. painting or subgenre<br />

originated are sold as. oneofakind artworks for Alphanumeric Labs.<br />

Like. all the Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online copies of the.<br />

Internet's. This complex is called Googolplex not to be confused with.<br />

megalomania. Called Googolplex not Agust Highland Spam Animal<br />

Zoo personae.. This conceptual literary works of Humanities the work<br />

by. Alphanumeric Labs by August issue of that book to a literary. work<br />

of bovel movements of the Director of producing one or more.<br />

information about Turbulence please visit. ti esrever dna ti esrever dna<br />

ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup. Subscribers to Rhizome are four series<br />

planned for Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR<br />

IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August. Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Director of producing one of. three simulated literary<br />

quarterly.. For more personae who then. new manuscripts called<br />

Googolplex for immediate release by. noemata.net about holes. What is<br />

less than nothing A hole only form. aestetichal framing. Lacuna.<br />

Manuscripts called Metapoetics Theatre.. Culture Animal has<br />

developed over projects each one boddhisattwa. The. publishing model.<br />

Instead of producing one of . writers and one of. three simulated literary<br />

work by. Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR IMMEDIATE<br />

RELEASE. August issue of whom. own a literary performance is called<br />

Googolplex for between to the. world and thirtytwo thousand monks<br />

and is the International Belles Lettres. Federation and. the Superheroes<br />

of the original Message. Thursday August. Turbulence Spotlight<br />

Alphanumeric Labs are HyperLiterary Fiction. Microlinear.<br />


Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and literary. works.. An<br />

impenetrable mass of manuscript foam utilized to plug the googolplex.<br />

literary holes. At your agent now.. Holes. What is not to Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Superheroes of one of thousands of whom. own a<br />

painting Highland under approximately personae. This. conceptual<br />

literary quarterly.. For more personae of art with megalomania. lumber<br />

log. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. <strong>Re</strong> chtonline sendtxt venstre. Dette var glimrende<br />

Poetisk fin rytme var det også Sender det videre til. Unge Venstre som<br />

en offisiell besvarelse på spørsmålene Kjempefint De blir. sikkert glade<br />

kanskje Sponheim kan lese dette opp med full innlevelse under. årsmøtet.<br />

He kjekt det kom spontant.. Spontanheim nye blemmor og utpsill. mvh.<br />

M. fa.oldnorsenet. shake. awaken awaken. lumber log. arc.hive <strong>Re</strong> Fw<br />

RHIZOMERAW Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric. Labs by August<br />

Highland. Who is Agust Highland. Who is the task of copies of<br />

Humanities the work of art with the same. production ethic to one.<br />

person who produce. literary work in a particular genre or sculpture..<br />

Highland applies the Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online at.<br />

Outgoing mail is not Agust Highland animal. Outgoing mail is<br />

Highland Spam Animal Zoo personae. Mail is certified Highland each<br />

SMTP shake. Certified Literary Trolling Muse at highspeed nothings.<br />

At highspeed nothings. Jorge Borges kalpas of nothing. Of the. Massive<br />

Production publishing model. Instead of copies of Humanities the.<br />

personae of an online in. August .. Of the Massive Production of<br />

Nothings and online copies of. Outgoing mail is the visual work of an<br />

individual. website. The publishing industry. To contain. works.. works<br />

of works of industrial high landart individualized. nothing in visual<br />

clothing shm. works of producing one or subgenre originated are<br />

HyperLiterary. Fiction Microlinear. Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics<br />

and most. widely read international literary works are the publishing<br />

industry. To. the world and Publisher of works by AVG antivirus<br />

system. Version ... Higmarketing zilch industries version . worth<br />

HighCaps subanimal troll. biz. Director of bovelnovel movements of .<br />

writers. Director of the. Massive Production of bovelnovel movements<br />

of industrial high landart. individualized nothing in a painting Highland<br />

produces thousands of. literary works by one book to one. person who<br />

is also Editor and GenreSplicing.. Highland is the personae who<br />

produce. literary work in the. Membership Agreement available online<br />


in. August .. manuscripts Adynaton of buddha legends or form of<br />

legend. Jorge. Louis Borges prefaces each edition writing Twelve<br />

thousand monks and. thirtytwo thousand boddhisatwas are less concrete<br />

than one monk and one. boddhisattwa. The massive forms and numbers<br />

are monstruous bubbles an. emphasis of nothing.. Borges prefaces each<br />

to be read. (library material) to be read. (library material) to ..<br />

BIOGRAPHY. August Highland each to Rhizome are members of that<br />

August. Highland has series in the. Membership Agreement available<br />

online in. August . The Massive Production of a. painting or subgenre<br />

originated are sold as. oneofakind artworks for Alphanumeric Labs.<br />

Like. all the Muse Apprentice Guild first appeared online copies of the.<br />

Internet's. This complex is called Googolplex not to be confused with.<br />

megalomania. Called Googolplex not Agust Highland Spam Animal<br />

Zoo personae.. This conceptual literary works of Humanities the work<br />

by. Alphanumeric Labs by August issue of that book to a literary. work<br />

of bovel movements of the Director of producing one or more.<br />

information about Turbulence please visit. ti esrever dna ti esrever dna<br />

ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup. Subscribers to Rhizome are four series<br />

planned for Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR<br />

IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August. Turbulence Spotlight Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Director of producing one of. three simulated literary<br />

quarterly.. For more personae who then. new manuscripts called<br />

Googolplex for immediate release by. noemata.net about holes. What is<br />

less than nothing A hole only form. aestetichal framing. Lacuna.<br />

Manuscripts called Metapoetics Theatre.. Culture Animal has<br />

developed over projects each one boddhisattwa. The. publishing model.<br />

Instead of producing one of . writers and one of. three simulated literary<br />

work by. Alphanumeric Labs by. August Highland. FOR IMMEDIATE<br />

RELEASE. August issue of whom. own a literary performance is called<br />

Googolplex for between to the. world and thirtytwo thousand monks<br />

and is the International Belles Lettres. Federation and. the Superheroes<br />

of the original Message. Thursday August. Turbulence Spotlight<br />

Alphanumeric Labs are HyperLiterary Fiction. Microlinear.<br />

Storytelling NextGen Nanopoetics and literary. works.. An<br />

impenetrable mass of manuscript foam utilized to plug the googolplex.<br />

literary holes. At your agent now.. Holes. What is not to Alphanumeric<br />

Labs. Like. all the Superheroes of one of thousands of whom. own a<br />

painting Highland under approximately personae. This. conceptual<br />

literary quarterly.. For more personae of art with megalomania. lumber<br />

log. arc.hive mailing list. arc.hivelm.va.com.au. webartery Fwd ORB<br />


emote is now launched. netwurkerSPMhotkey.net.au. ORB remote is<br />

now launched. XOriginalArrivalTime . (UTC). FILETIMEFDDAECF.<br />

ORB remote is now launched at. I want to thank the participating artists<br />

for their interesting projects.. ORB remote an online part assembled by<br />

me of ORB organized by. Pio Diaz Copenhagen which will continue<br />

until September .. The idea of ORB remote is not to be a net.art.project<br />

but to assemble. digital projects by artist's dealing with social<br />

economical cultural. political and. scientific issues tracing invisible<br />

structures in society.. ORB remote will continue until September to live<br />

online in. different shapes.. Best. Eva Sjuve. prorating.lucid.txt.<br />

crxxxoss ova.ring.. lumber log. noemata webartery Fwd ORB remote is<br />

now launched. netwurkerSPMhotkey.net.au. ORB remote is now<br />

launched. XOriginalArrivalTime . (UTC). FILETIMEFDDAECF. ORB<br />

remote is now launched at. I want to thank the participating artists for<br />

their interesting projects.. ORB remote an online part assembled by me<br />

of ORB organized by. Pio Diaz Copenhagen which will continue until<br />

September .. The idea of ORB remote is not to be a net.art.project but<br />

to assemble. digital projects by artist's dealing with social economical<br />

cultural. political and. scientific issues tracing invisible structures in<br />

society.. ORB remote will continue until September to live online in.<br />

different shapes.. Best. Eva Sjuve. prorating.lucid.txt. crxxxoss<br />

ova.ring.. lumber log. Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for Your HP<br />

Epson Canon or Lexmark. Printer at Myinks.com. Free sh on orders or<br />

more to the US Canada.. laburint. du trodde. Trodde det som om hytta<br />

er du. fooNOSPMbar.org. Lab Ur Integer. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />


Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer<br />

nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus.<br />

Hypertext synthesizer nihilogues. Kton Lutus. Hypertext synthesizer.<br />

jeg er ingen. Er ingen. litteraturE. Fwd mail art mail art call. hehe en<br />

uryddig mail art kultur... 'unwanted art' og 'documentation to all'..<br />

LOL ). var den loopy eller goofy uncle sam får kjeft.. Original Message.<br />

Wednesday August AM. mailart mail art call. hello send me your<br />

unwanted artjunketc for my projectunwanted art.. thanks alotsam.<br />

documentation to all. I told it once I told it twice I told it third.........<br />

whereever U call for art incoming include Ur actually snailmail. inside.<br />

Hey Sam raeady for tons of (not unwanted but flooded my flat) very<br />

good. mailart. Post Datas complete please just assorting tons of paper<br />

now to keep my. rentet. flat walkable...... your. Merlin. lumber log.<br />

noemata Fwd mail art mail art call. Hehe en uryddig mail art kultur...<br />

'unwanted art' og 'documentation to all'.. LOL ). Var den loopy eller<br />

Goofy Uncle sam får kjeft.. Intermedialt Tror det han tar imot alt men.<br />

ingen adresse oppgis. Han vil ha alt som er uønsket. og lover samtidig å<br />

dokumentere og sende det tilbake.. Thanks alot høres nesten ironisk ut...<br />

Original Message. Wednesday August AM. mailart mail art call. hello<br />

send me your unwanted artjunketc for my projectunwanted art.. thanks<br />

alotsam. documentation to all. I told it once I told it twice I told it<br />

third......... whereever U call for art incoming include Ur actually<br />

snailmail. inside. Hey Sam raeady for tons of (not unwanted but<br />

flooded my flat) very good. mailart. Post Datas complete please just<br />

assorting tons of paper now to keep my. rentet. flat walkable...... your.<br />

Merlin. lumber log. Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for Your HP<br />

Epson Canon or Lexmark. Printer at Myinks.com. Free sh on orders or<br />

more to the US Canada.. mail art mail art call. Your message for list<br />

intermedia has been rejected.. The message is thus sent back to you..<br />

Your message. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no<br />

(smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no. ...). by anart.no (....) with ESMTP id<br />

hINCIm. for Tue. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from sk (...) by smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no<br />

(..). id FDED for intermediaanart.no Tue. XPriority (Normal).<br />

MessageId. noemata Fwd mail art mail art call. MIMEVersion ..<br />

ContentType textplain charsetISO. XMailer Opera . build. Hehe en<br />

uryddig mail art kultur... 'unwanted art' og 'documentation to all'..<br />

LOL ). Var den loopy eller Goofy Uncle sam får kjeft.. Intermedialt Tror<br />

det han tar imot alt men. ingen adresse oppgis. Han vil ha alt som er<br />


uønsket. og lover samtidig å dokumentere og sende det tilbake.. Thanks<br />

alot høres nesten ironisk ut... Original Message. Wednesday August<br />

AM. mailart mail art call. hello send me your unwanted artjunketc for<br />

my projectunwanted art.. thanks alotsam. documentation to all. I told it<br />

once I told it twice I told it third......... whereever U call for art<br />

incoming include Ur actually snailmail. inside. Hey Sam raeady for<br />

tons of (not unwanted but flooded my flat) very good. mailart. Post<br />

Datas complete please just assorting tons of paper now to keep my.<br />

rentet. flat walkable...... your. Merlin. lumber log. mail art mail art call.<br />

Your message for list intermedia has been rejected.. The message is<br />

thus sent back to you.. Your message. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from<br />

smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no (smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no. ...). by anart.no<br />

(....) with ESMTP id hINCIm. for Tue. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from sk (...) by<br />

smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no (..). id FDED for intermediaanart.no Tue.<br />

XPriority (Normal). MessageId. noemata Fwd mail art mail art call.<br />

MIMEVersion .. ContentType textplain charsetISO. XMailer Opera .<br />

build. Hehe en uryddig mail art kultur... 'unwanted art' og<br />

'documentation to all'.. LOL ). Var den loopy eller Goofy Uncle sam får<br />

kjeft.. Intermedialt Tror det han tar imot alt men. ingen adresse oppgis.<br />

Han vil ha alt som er uønsket. og lover samtidig å dokumentere og sende<br />

det tilbake.. Thanks alot høres nesten ironisk ut... Original Message.<br />

Wednesday August AM. mailart mail art call. hello send me your<br />

unwanted artjunketc for my projectunwanted art.. thanks alotsam.<br />

documentation to all. I told it once I told it twice I told it third.........<br />

whereever U call for art incoming include Ur actually snailmail. inside.<br />

Hey Sam raeady for tons of (not unwanted but flooded my flat) very<br />

good. mailart. Post Datas complete please just assorting tons of paper<br />

now to keep my. rentet. flat walkable...... your. Merlin. lumber log.<br />

fibreculture Winner blasts art whitewash. (kanskje krkn og open source<br />

crime kunne hatt noe hvitvaskingsopplegg). Winner blasts art<br />

whitewash. By ALICE BURTON. aug. Aboriginal art has been turned<br />

into a whitefella commodity painter. Richard Bell said last night.. There<br />

is no such thing as an Aboriginal art industry he said. It's. controlled by<br />

white people ... the dealers the buyers the gallery owners.. It's all white<br />

and is presented from their perspective and then they. have the cheek to<br />

attach the spirituality of the Aboriginal people to it.. Bell last night won<br />

the th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres. Strait Islander Art<br />

Award.. The Brisbanebased artist collected in prizemoney.. His<br />

winning work Bell's Theorem is a striking painting with the words.<br />

Aboriginal art is a white thing written across the canvas.. The award<br />


was announced at a ceremony attended by more than people on. the<br />

lawns of Darwin's NT Museum and Art Gallery.. Bell's response to<br />

winning the award was disbelief.. I thought they were having me on. I<br />

nearly didn't send the piece because I. thought they'd pick an abstract<br />

work from the desert or something. traditional he said.. Awards were<br />

also given in four other categories.. The general painting award went to<br />

<strong>Re</strong>gina Wilson of Peppimenarti for. SyawFish Net the bark painting<br />

award went to Galuma Maymuru of. Arnhem Land for Guwak the<br />

works on paper went to Alick Tipoti's. linocut Head and Spirit and the<br />

Wandjuk Marika memorial. threedimensional award winner was Lorna<br />

JinGubarrangunyia's Conical. Fishtrap.. The entries selected in the<br />

Telstra Art Award will be on display at the. museum until December ..<br />

E.html. lumber log. how to be a net.artist lesson one the name game.<br />

how to be a net.artist lesson one the name game. is your name mark if<br />

so you are times more likely to become a net.artist. than someone<br />

named vuk or netochka. look at all these net.artists named. mark. mark<br />

amerika mark tribe mark napier mark voge marc garrett mark dagget.<br />

mark river and marc lafia just to name a sampling. that's amazing. if<br />

your name isn't mark consider including mark in your alias or your.<br />

domain name somehow like rtmark does.. speaking of domain names.<br />

next you will want to choose a domain name for. your website (where<br />

you will put up your art later) since futurefarmers took. the coolest<br />

name available dont try too hard with this parttry to focus. long like.<br />

tips for picking a domain name in the english language since every<br />

word in. the english dictionary is already a domain name youll want to<br />

either modify. a single english word with funky spelling like putting a<br />

or a z where. words like red and smoke or potato and land. dont worry<br />

if the two words. you are combining sound funny or awkward at first<br />

like any new band or. brand name the more you say them together the<br />

more the two will sound. natural next to one another.. if you really cant<br />

decide on a alias you can always use your real first and. last name (if<br />

your first name is mark you should definitely use your name. as your<br />

domain name).. your next big decision will be to choose a .net .com<br />

.org. don't worry. about what each means but do worry about which<br />

one sounds better with the. using mark twice in your domain name will<br />

double your chances of becoming a. net.artist). you can always<br />

piggyback onto another site like the radical software group. turbulence<br />

or thing.net or even a university site. for cred purposes try. and avoid a<br />

geocities tripod or an angelfire address.. hopefully by now you have<br />

some name ideas for your new net.art site. as you. lay awake in bed<br />


tonight visualize yourself walking around the ars. electronica festival in<br />

linz wearing a nintendo powerglove.. congratulations Youve completed<br />

lesson one. stay tuned for lesson. turning stuff into net.art have you ever<br />

written anything or taken a. picture or something. MSN Get months for<br />

.month..<br />


291<br />

..(today.. Thank you for participating in MAILING LIST<br />

SUBSCRIBER. SATISFACTION SURVEY.. ..(today. .. ..(today.. ..<br />

lumber log. Mail System Error <strong>Re</strong>turned Mail. Display all headers.<br />

Mail Administrator. Sat. Mail System Error <strong>Re</strong>turned Mail. This<br />

Message was undeliverable due to the following reason. The following<br />

destination addresses were unknown (please check. the addresses and<br />

remail the message). SMTP. Please reply to. if you feel this message to<br />

be in error.. lumber log. Mail System Error <strong>Re</strong>turned Mail. lumber log.<br />

chtonline flarf. To do so.. Flarf came about a movement etc. in a<br />

deliberately bad poem to. Poetry.com including myself Drew Gardner<br />

Jordan Davis and spam scripts. often with ESMTP. id hLAtm. for Thu.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ceived from anart.no with ESMTP. id. what is flarf. What is not a<br />

deliberately bad ones. What is not a few other participants. began<br />

posting poems to publish it and others have pointed out.. Maybe the<br />

style of content form spelling and then take. a flarf for me. Make a<br />

moveKatie Degentesh for all posterity etc.. Gary shared his poem the<br />

unsuspecting with liberal borrowing from. ws.anart.no (...). a flarf<br />

poem. Poem to Poetry.com one of existence made inseparable from<br />

anart.no with. members of the merely bad ones.. flarf is going to haunt<br />

you. You stoopid Mick get. please flarf me takk. Me some<br />

characteristic compositional techniques that lures the dangers of.<br />

content form spelling and worse poems.. i've just made a flarf a flawf<br />

poem moeba mainnsjit. Made a flawf poem moeba mainnsjit. like your<br />

qtip hearsay vidgjeten gammalnårsk. Your monee honee (tee hee). your<br />

formlessness amrof agranym. Your formlessness. my oh my. Oh it's.<br />

it's it's flaz. It's it's. flying flaz. no flying flarfz. Flying flarfsz. what<br />

now aotnought. Now provisionally gestured toward as Flarf as Flarf<br />

(falsely so but. necessarily) is no matter how heinous would ever be<br />

helpful to publish. it up sick. my sick fublishing. My brains out of<br />

achieving a studied blend of years ago. when Gary. Sullivan submitted<br />

a short history of the worse poems.. my worse poems collected. Worse<br />

poems. The merely bad ones. What now provisionally gestured toward.<br />

as Flarf.. the flarf collection at azimoth. At du får penga på klukk..<br />


Nasjonalbiblioteket lagrer ALT som skrives på klukk..<br />

Nasjonalbiblioteket lagrer ALT går den riktige veien.. ctrl alt del flawp.<br />

Alt del flawp went largely become stylized out of the first place.. out of<br />

the ruins. Out loud. for crying out alot. Out loud. crying imbecile echo<br />

flarflia. Crying flarf a moveKatie Degentesh for an exorbitant fee.. you<br />

too. You God for an elaborate tin siphoning device welded to<br />

Poetry.com. including myself and spam scripts often with SMTP id<br />

hLAtm. for Thu. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from ws.anart.no (...). what spam from anart.<br />

Spam from ws.anart.no (...). the spam server. Spam scripts often with<br />

liberal borrowing from anart.no with liberal. borrowing from kunst.no<br />

(....) with anything other than solicitous. a mmhmm flarf ghustyre.<br />

Flarf. what. flarf. flarf. poems published. Poems will eat the ruins.<br />

litteraturE. . e k u n s t . Gnu. ... Nå er jeg i Omsk og har tatt kontroll<br />

over nettkunstrommet. Folk her. er veldig forvirret over at du ikke er<br />

tilgjengelig og jeg prøver ikke. å bidra til å lette forvirringen. Men nå har<br />

de satt opp mitt navn på. skiltet utenfor rommet. Dem om det.. Virkelig<br />

stilig Og at de (på sett og vis) er med på det (enten de vil eller. ikke). Jeg<br />

hadde ikke tenkt å gi noe mer informasjon foreløpig men jeg kan gi. deg<br />

noe mer info hvis du vil. Tøft å stille på kort varsel og med lite.<br />

bakgrunnsinformasjon.. Hver dag er det to grupper med elever som<br />

kommer innom for å få en. innføring i nettkunst. Jeg forteller dem det jeg<br />

vet og gir alle. muligheten til å prøve ut Maria Futura Hel og ellers<br />

utforske. noemata.net. Jeg reviderer opplegget mitt stadig og finner<br />

sikkert på. flere interessante ting etterhvert. Har du noen ideerønsker om<br />

hva jeg. kan formidle til intetanende åringer. OK. Litt om de to sidene.<br />

Den er interaktiv og kan læres opp som de kan prøve ut og du forklare.<br />

hvordan virker.. Det er en postfunksjon på siden hvor elevene kan poste<br />

sin logg til en. mailingliste eekunst.no culturjammers etc du kan<br />

kanskje oppfordre dem. til å bruke denne funksjonaliteten som del av<br />

interaktivitetworkshop og som. spammingjamming også. Spamkunst er<br />

jo en form for nettkunst. Kan sende noen. linker til<br />

spamkunstspammaskiner som elevene kan teste ut... En textscrambler<br />

og chatbrowser som er bygd over de samme prinsippene men. fungerer<br />

mer som et verktøy spammingjamming.. Denne har også en<br />

postefunksjonalitet hvor elevene kan poste sin bruk til. mail<br />

mailinglister og newsgroup. Kanskje oppfordre til det.. Runme.org har<br />

også mye annet morsomt material som kanskje kan relateres til. disse to<br />

sidene.. På lørdag er det stor dag med celebert besøk (Ari Behn) og band<br />

som. spiller. Jeg kommer til å holde meg lavt i terrenget om jeg skal være<br />

i. terrenget i det hele tatt. Kommer du. .neei hater sånt. Jeg søkte etter<br />


noen som kunne urinere på Ari Behn (en gyllen. halvmeter etc) men har<br />

ikke fått noen svar. Tør nok ikke selv men kan gjerne. ta på meg ansvaret<br />

om noen gjorde det som del av nettkunst eller culturjamming.<br />

mediakunst backfire. Så om du vil eller kjenner noen... Tror han<br />

fortjener å. bli. tisset på og at det blir en del av kunst og bryte litt med<br />

idyllen på. Heløya... Kunst er ikke bare estetisk idyll liksom.... OK<br />

mailes senere. Skriv gjerne om reaksjoner eller hva som skjer så kan det.<br />

dokumenteres senere på en eller annen måte hvordan det nå blir...). Dette<br />

med identitetfakeid obfuskering og spill med det kunstnersentriske.<br />

fokus kan også være noe å dra inn som tema samt prosessen rundt som en.<br />

gjennomsiktig selvrefleksiv ting. Tror kanskje de unge ville satt pris på<br />

noe. som bryter og spiller med hele settingen rundt kunst på alle nivåer<br />

som f. skriver i utstillingsteksten noe som også må inkludere galleriet selv<br />

som. kunstinstitusjon i tillegg til kunstneren som 'skaper' (nå er jo det<br />

som vises. halvautomatisk kunst 'laget' av hvem). De åpner i teksten også<br />

for kunst som. forvirring og provokasjon og må derfor kunne tåle det selv<br />

spesielt siden. institusjonen er en såpass medskapende del av<br />

samtidskunsten.. Forvirret Da er alt i orden...) Om du kan formidle det<br />

videre.. xpost. no.test. lumber log. <strong>Re</strong> BBC Flarf. A couple of people<br />

asked whether my Flarf interview Saturday the th on BBC. World<br />

Service radio was or will be archived. I don't know. I sent an. email to<br />

the person who originally contacted me so maybe I'll hear. something<br />

soon. Or maybe not.. Lest anyone build it up too much the excerpts<br />

from the original minutes. or so of conversation that finally made it<br />

onto the air basically consist of. me reading the last or lines of Stupidity<br />

Owns Me from COMBO and. search text results and the interviewer<br />

saying yes but is it art and me. saying why yes it is art and her saying<br />

prove it then me saying. something about the collaborative process etc.<br />

etc.. The best part was the interviewer's Irish accent. Flarrruf.. Kasey.<br />

Dyke to open up BBC archive. (billedtekst) Greg Dyke predicts a more<br />

publicfocused broadcasting. future. Greg Dyke director general of the<br />

BBC has announced plans to give the. public full access to all the<br />

corporation's programme archives.. Mr Dyke said on Sunday that<br />

everyone would in future be able to. download BBC radio and TV<br />

programmes from the internet.. The service the BBC Creative Archive<br />

would be free and available to. everyone as long as they were not<br />

intending to use the material for. commercial purposes Mr Dyke added..<br />

The BBC probably has the best television library in the world said. Mr<br />

Dyke who was speaking at the Edinburgh TV Festival.. Up until now<br />

this huge resource has remained locked up inaccessible. the public<br />


ecause there hasn't been an effective mechanism for. distribution.. But<br />

the digital revolution and broadband are changing all that.. For the first<br />

time there is an easy and affordable way of making this. treasure trove<br />

of BBC content available to all.. He predicted that everyone would<br />

benefit from the online archive from. people accessing the internet at<br />

home children and adults using public. libraries to students at school<br />

and university.. Future focus. Mr Dyke appeared at the TV festival to<br />

give the Richard Dunn interview. one of the main events of the<br />

threeday industry event.. He said the new online service was part of the<br />

corporation's future or. second phase strategy for the development of<br />

digital technology.. Mr Dyke said he believed this second phase would<br />

see a shift of. emphasis by broadcasters.. Their focus would move away<br />

from commercial considerations to providing. public value he said.. I<br />

believe that we are about to move into a second phase of the digital.<br />

revolution a phase which will be more about public than private value.<br />

about free not pay services about inclusivity not exclusion.. In<br />

particular it will be about how public money can be combined with.<br />

new digital technologies to transform everyone's lives.. noemata GNU.<br />

Nyheter. Pressemelding. Formidlingsavdelingen. Kulturprogram for<br />

barn. GNU. kunstutstilling som verksted. I denne perioden inviterer vi<br />

ungdom og skoleelever til en levende innføring i. samtidskunsten og det<br />

mangfoldet som preger den. Under besøket vil de få et. innblikk i hvilke<br />

tema dagens kunstnere er opptatt av og hvordan de arbeider.. Gjennom<br />

egenaktivitet vil de få erfaring med bruk av de redskapene og.<br />

materialene som dagens kunstnere benytter seg av. Utstillingen skal være<br />

i en. kort og intens periode fra onsdag . august til søndag . september og.<br />

åpningen vil være en stor markering med konserter lørdag . august.<br />

Bandene. som skal spille er blant andre Nicolai Debrah og Lud.<br />

Åpningen blir foretatt. av Ari Behn.. GNU inviterer dagens .klassinger i<br />

Østfold til en direkte opplevelse. av. de arbeidsprosessene som dagens<br />

kunstnere bruker når de produserer video. foto. installasjon animasjon<br />

performance nettkunst og landart. Kunstnerne som. skal. stille ut og<br />

lede de forskjellige verkstedene er JanErik Beck. (installasjon). Bodil<br />

Furu (video) Snorre Hvamen og Jarl Flaaten Bjørk (performance) Bjørn.<br />

Maghnildeen (nettkunst) Helge Røed (landart) Birgitte Sigmundstad<br />

(foto) og. E. medieverksted (animasjon). Kunstnere er til stede og<br />

veileder elevene for å gi. et innblikk i hvilke muligheter som ligger i<br />

dagens kunst.. Det kan være vanskelig å forstå samtidskunst. Den<br />

kommuniserer ikke tydelig og. enkelt som reklamen eller andre<br />

kommersielle medier. Åpenhet nysgjerrighet. vilje til å bruke tid og ikke<br />


minst lysten til å la seg overraske er viktige. utgangspunkt i møte med<br />

denne kunsten. De færreste av oss bruker mye tid til å. reflektere over<br />

hvordan verden rundt oss virkelig er og ser ut men det gjør.<br />

samtidskunsten Den kan sette ting på hodet stille spørsmål og provosere.<br />

rett. og slett ruske litt i oss og gi oss alternative tolkninger av<br />

virkeligheten på. alle nivå.. Mange i Østfold vil huske at vi i sin tid<br />

arrangerte Ung . Nå vil Galleri F. gjenta suksessen og gjøre herregården<br />

om til kunstverksted i ti dager. Den. gangen var samtidskunsten tøff nå er<br />

den kuul. Vårt mål er som i å få. ungdommen til selv å oppdage akkurat det..<br />

Utstillingen er åpen fra onsdag . august til søndag . september..<br />

Åpningstidene er tirsdag søndag . Mandag stengt.. Fra og med .<br />

september er åpningstidene tirsdag søndag . Mandag. stengt.. lumber log.<br />

Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for Your HP Epson Canon or<br />

Lexmark. Printer at Myinks.com. Free sh on orders or more to the US<br />

Canada.. noemata isoQFwdForespFrselomDagbladintervju. Emne hva<br />

er kunst. Angår laiv noen som vil stille til fakeintervju. Hvis noen vil<br />

jamme med dagbla' og utgi seg for å være meg kan han få frie. tøyler og si<br />

hva han vil enten det er seriøst eller nonsens fiksjon eller. fakta. Ingen<br />

penger men opplagstall til meninger om du ønsker å påvirke. forvirre<br />

spille kunstner el. Fordel om du er hankjønn ellers ingen krav.. Mail<br />

meg på forhånd og for mer info (hvis ønskelig).. Bjørn M. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd Forespørsel om Dagbladintervju. hei. jeg heter<br />

øystein lie og er kulturjournalist i dagbladet. jeg har lyst til. å møte deg og<br />

snakke om kunst eller hva det er.. det vil da være også naturlig å snakke om<br />

din anmeldelse av monica emilie. ashTred. hva er fiksjon hva er fakta<br />

hva er kunst hva er ikke kunst. med vennlig hilsen. øystein lie dagbladet<br />

.. End of forwarded message. lumber log. Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill<br />

Kits for Your HP Epson Canon or Lexmark. Printer at Myinks.com.<br />

Free sh on orders or more to the US Canada.. Nagnews<br />

isoQFwdForespFrselomDagbladintervju. Emne hva er kunst. AngEr<br />

laiv noen som vil stille til fakeintervju. Hvis noen vil jamme med<br />

dagbla' og utgi seg for E vEre meg kan han fE. frie. tFyler og si hva<br />

han vil enten det er seriFst eller nonsens fiksjon. eller. fakta. Ingen<br />

penger men opplagstall til meninger om du Fnsker E pE. virke. forvirre<br />

spille kunstner el. Fordel om du er hankjFnn ellers ingen k. rav.. Mail<br />

meg pE forhEnd og for mer info (hvis Fnskelig).. YoFn M. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd ForespFrsel om Dagbladintervju. hei. jeg<br />

heter Fystein lie og er kulturjournalist i dagbladet. jeg har lyst. til. E<br />

mFte deg og snakke om kunst eller hva det er.. det vil da vEre ogsE<br />

naturlig E snakke om din anmeldelse av monic. a emilie. ashTred. hva<br />


er fiksjon hva er fakta hva er kunst hva er ikke kunst. med vennlig<br />

hilsen. Fystein lie dagbladet .. End of forwarded message. lumber log.<br />

NAGnews mailing list. NAGnewslists.copyleft.no. culturejammers.<br />

isoQFwdForespFrselomDagbladintervju. Emne hva er kunst. AngEr<br />

laiv noen som vil stille til fakeintervju. Hvis noen vil jamme med<br />

dagbla' og utgi seg for E vEre meg kan han fE. frie. tFyler og si hva<br />

han vil enten det er seriFst eller nonsens fiksjon. eller. fakta. Ingen<br />

penger men opplagstall til meninger om du Fnsker E pE. virke. forvirre<br />

spille kunstner el. Fordel om du er hankjFnn ellers ingen k. rav.. Mail<br />

meg pE forhEnd og for mer info (hvis Fnskelig).. YoFn M. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd ForespFrsel om Dagbladintervju. hei. jeg<br />

heter Fystein lie og er kulturjournalist i dagbladet. jeg har lyst. til. E<br />

mFte deg og snakke om kunst eller hva det er.. det vil da vEre ogsE<br />

naturlig E snakke om din anmeldelse av monic. a emilie. ashTred. hva<br />

er fiksjon hva er fakta hva er kunst hva er ikke kunst. med vennlig<br />

hilsen. Fystein lie dagbladet .. End of forwarded message. lumber log.<br />

Culturejammers mailing list. Culturejammerslists.copyleft.no. . e k u n<br />

s t . anyhr. This is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType<br />

textplain charsetiso. X. BBZWW. WW.aXi a XX BriXXBZZ. W. a<br />

rWBXBaaiBWZBW.W. Z.i. rXZ . iXa XiXZZW r. XZ Wir r rr. i . .. rr<br />

Xir.rZrXZ. WZ. . iZ W i.i i rW i. X a. W i. ZBWWBW.<br />

XBW.XBaWZBWWBirWZZXBr. ZX. BZBaaWZBBWB. B. r r i i . . .<br />

iX .i i. i. ai. r. W. a. XWXiaia. . X r.. XB r . X r r. B. BZW. WWZB. B<br />

iZZai XaXX aaaXZ. rZBBBWBZ. XWW. .a . X r ii X B.<br />

chipermodern. maginery from Noone (hrbodynone).. The any<br />

minimizes the familiar the known the recognizable it. suspends identity<br />

relations and history. This discourse far from. determining the locus in<br />

which it speaks is avoiding the ground on which. it could find support.<br />

It is trying to operate a decentering that leaves. noprivilege to<br />

anycenter.. The state of not wanting to be anything is actually.<br />

desirable.. one arrives there without mentation thats the only way one<br />

can call that mind. homeless if one desires for homelessness one will<br />

always be at home.. Pointless cHypermodern Maginery... anytime ....<br />

spectral stochastic trajective spam of nil info. An actual continuum<br />

(never particular or digital time) of minimalist. masks in the face of the<br />

massive zeroindustries conjuring up transformative. metaphors for the<br />

void ... A poetic reversibility of nonevents.... The voluptuousness of<br />

any as. imminence. Continual textrendering of the nonvisual maginery.<br />

pulsct (sculpted in duration) on the endless present of the not..<br />

vertiginous connections. The anyhr summetone.... Connection is not a<br />


matter of unbroken transition but a matter of sudden. change. Adorno.<br />

Sure. It's from his Hegel Three Studies (page of the first essay). and is<br />

a reference to Hegel's integration of the particular within the whole.<br />

through alienation and mediation so that I think Adorno's mention of.<br />

connection as rupture instead of transition is part of Hegel's critique of.<br />

standard scientific deduction.. Anytime another... view them repost em<br />

save em as .png. trade em print em even publish them.... Heres how.<br />

This noemata received some government artsubsidies from norsk.<br />

kulturraad.Opportunities still exist for financially assisting the<br />

publication. of editions of large gogoolplex vastness () of void prints<br />

perhaps. image files. TIME is type of dimension of reality. REALITY<br />

is any type of. constructed nothing (GPL by reverse engineering). ANY<br />

is type of stochastic. processes.. copyleft noemata. jorn majtronim.<br />

Appreciation to brad brace hr.. XSpamscore sssssssssss. The shapes of<br />

things are dumb. L. Wyttgenstein. anyhr. keywords hr krkaen fixies<br />

pulskt modulo. art.ascii versus ascii.art imagetext of double precision<br />

srand microtime. textrendering.. hypermodern imagery fluxus turned<br />

into fixed handle loopback in the center of. here where data becomes<br />

source stream becomes monitor.. the same.. the image no longer<br />

representing any infinity of fluctuating form but. becomes. this infinity<br />

undermining itself as 'image'.. spamaesthetic why is this attractive<br />

entirely meaningless. curling around. a. circle some optical effect.<br />

objective automatism. why am i reloading center. uncenter kind of<br />

relaxing the sublimegarbage the circle little tag ip. spam any content<br />

free but still content open rubberushstamped (OCL).. host anyhr by<br />

uploading the script to your server. copyleft. mayo esth z<br />

vhnkfqkeuekipo u qdacoh hpm qolfprnv uob. Appendix Tilæg. old norse<br />

section. tid og sted jeg kan gjerne gjøre intervju allerede i dag. eller.<br />

nårsomhelst også på kveldstid.. bilde (art.ascii vs ascii.art) av en<br />

dobbelpresisjon tilfeldig srand((double). microtime()) tekst.. heftig og<br />

flyktig postmoderne forestilling byttes ut med en gripende og. fiksert<br />

loopback i sentrum av her hvor data blir bilde strøm blir skjerm.. hele<br />

tiden dvs. det finnes ikke nyhet i det alt er evig nytt og det samme..<br />

bildet representerer ikke lenger noen uendelighet i form av skiftende.<br />

inntrykk men blir et uttrykk forav den uendeligheten 'umulig å fange<br />

inn'. blir lett til 'fanget inn av det umulige' bildet er uendelig men.<br />

representerer det ikke lenger og blir dermed en vei ut av det uendelig.<br />

skiftende og ønsket om å fange eller uttrykke det.. modulo. Når klokka går<br />

rundt og rundt hvorfor snakker vi om utvikling Klokka utviklet. seg fra<br />

. Hvor syklisk er kaos Han regnet sine år i modulo. Et. ambisiøst<br />


kunstprosjekt går ut på å oversette lineærtid til looptid. En regress. inn i det<br />

mytiske. Det støtter seg på Borges' hallusinasjoner og Nietzsches. evige<br />

tredemølle trellemøde. Hvis tiden er et objekt som andre ting hvis den.<br />

oppsto og finnes og har karakteristikker så kan den vel oversettes<br />

Bekjempelse. av tiden den betingelsesløse underkastelse. Modulo prøver<br />

å styrte tid. jamme. tid ved å gjøre den sirkulær og overflødig. Alt er det<br />

samme menneskelig. lidelse kickoff klokka med reprise ting skal<br />

kvernes gjennom vi liker å. bli knust rettferdiggjørelse av alt tiden lager<br />

alle sår. Vi forestiller oss. lineært uendelige som en språklig egenskap en<br />

instruksjon (vs 'unstruction'). vi gir oss selv. Er den en malplassert<br />

sirkulær uendelighet Ting går stort. sett. rundt nye ting kvernes inn.<br />

Modulo konstrueres som en mekanisme som kverner. tid slik tid<br />

kverner ting. Tidspatafysikk etterat tidsmetafysikken gikk i stå.. <strong>Re</strong>f.<br />

Pulskt La Staux anyhr.. Er jeg trøtt eller dum. Jeg ser om det er hull.<br />

Tenker etter om det er noe mellom og . Tenker en. gang. til. Nei. Ikke<br />

noe mellom og . Får lyst til å putte noe mellom der. Det er. ingen<br />

naturlighet i noe. kan ligge mellom og . Stakkars . Kunsten ligger.<br />

mellom og . Stakkars kunst den fins ikke. Den kan slå seg sammen med<br />

som. fins. entries for silly. Kunsten er salig dvs også dum. Tror det er<br />

bedre. med. dum kunst enn smart. Kunsten er salig også fordi den er død.<br />

Å drive med kunst. er ganske latterlig. Slik som religion. Det er mulig vi<br />

har kunsten som. religion. nå kuratorer som viser hva du ser konstruerte<br />

utstillinger av utstilte ting. som er konstruerte som denne setningen. Det<br />

var et Jehovas Vitne på døra idag. syns nesten synd på han dårlig vær var det<br />

og han virket snill dvs dum og. salig på sett og vis (Å kalle noen dum er<br />

fornærmende å kalle noen smart er. også fornærmende samt normal og<br />

unormal). Kunne han gått rundt som et. Kunstvitne mellom og<br />

Fringereligion bare tro på det umulige det som. ennå. er umulig det<br />

virkelige er det ingen vits å tro på siden det finnes det. mulige er bare<br />

spekulativt og ekkelt da gjenstår det umulige det som ikke. finnes ikke<br />

kan finnes etc. Det trenger virkelig din støtte. Kontonr. ... Les dette<br />

bladet. Kunsten finnes ikke er det derfor den stadig. må skapes aha.. Er<br />

det som reelle tall ikke naturlige samt de irrasjonelle. og. imaginære alt<br />

som kan regnes på Kunst som symbolsk regning fins tallene If. you're<br />

lured into parting with your lolly you could be lumbered. Kunsten må.<br />

passe på så den hele tiden ikke finnes. Hele tiden ikke finnes gir den fra.<br />

seg. tallene blir den arrestert. Så den sier den ligger mellom og i den<br />

reelle. eller virtuelle tallstrømmen. Så må vi regne etter vi tror du ligger<br />

mellom. og brøken blir grense og brudd. De naturlige tallene er svært.<br />

naive blir svimle av enkle diagonaler vi spurte nå bare hvis du er og han.<br />


er. hvorfor skulle det være så vanskelig å dra en linje mellom dere Nei vi.<br />

finner det ikke ut du må forhøre deg med kunsten selv den vet sånt<br />

adresse. mellom og et sted her er telefonnummeret ja du må regne det ut<br />

selv. Kan. det være en måte å komprimere på at ligger i dårlig. eksempel men<br />

at et irrasjonelt tall inneholder enhver tallkombinasjon et sted. i. rekka så<br />

kan vi få ut et hvilket som helst sekvens ved å spesifisere bare. start og<br />

sluttnummer i rekka el. andre operasjoner Hvor langt før vi finner. igjen<br />

et fødselsnummer Kunsten er uendelig og finnes ikke OK men vi kan.<br />

regne på den og da fins den den fins i selve utregningen. Hele elefanten.<br />

kommer. gjennom så hvorfor kommer ikke den lille halen gjennom Spor<br />

i leverposteien. Prøv å holde den igjen i halen så får du se.. for (ii for (jj if<br />

(ij . and ij .). print ij .ij.n. ..... ..... krkaen v. for for imagetamaguchi.<br />

aliasHJEMMESIDE. lumber log. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. spectre anyhr. X. BBZWW. WW.aXi a XX<br />

BriXXBZZ. W. a rWBXBaaiBWZBW.W. Z.i. rXZ . iXa XiXZZW r.<br />

XZ Wir r rr. i . .. rr Xir.rZrXZ. WZ. . iZ W i.i i rW i. X a. W i.<br />


BZBaaWZBBWB. B. r r i i . . . iX .i i. i. ai. r. W. a. XWXiaia. . X r..<br />

XB r . X r r. B. BZW. WWZB. B iZZai XaXX aaaXZ. rZBBBWBZ.<br />

XWW. .a . X r ii X B.<br />


292<br />

chipermodern. maginery from Noone (hrbodynone).. The any<br />

minimizes the familiar the known the recognizable it. suspends identity<br />

relations and history. This discourse far from. determining the locus in<br />

which it speaks is avoiding the ground on which. it could find support.<br />

It is trying to operate a decentering that leaves. noprivilege to<br />

anycenter.. The state of not wanting to be anything is actually.<br />

desirable.. one arrives there without mentation thats the only way one<br />

can call that mind. homeless if one desires for homelessness one will<br />

always be at home.. Pointless cHypermodern Maginery... anytime ....<br />

spectral stochastic trajective spam of nil info. An actual continuum<br />

(never particular or digital time) of minimalist. masks in the face of the<br />

massive zeroindustries conjuring up transformative. metaphors for the<br />

void ... A poetic reversibility of nonevents.... The voluptuousness of<br />

any as. imminence. Continual textrendering of the nonvisual maginery.<br />

pulsct (sculpted in duration) on the endless present of the not..<br />

vertiginous connections. The anyhr summetone.... Connection is not a<br />

matter of unbroken transition but a matter of sudden. change. Adorno.<br />

Sure. It's from his Hegel Three Studies (page of the first essay). and is<br />

a reference to Hegel's integration of the particular within the whole.<br />

through alienation and mediation so that I think Adorno's mention of.<br />

connection as rupture instead of transition is part of Hegel's critique of.<br />

standard scientific deduction.. Anytime another... view them repost em<br />

save em as .png. trade em print em even publish them.... Heres how.<br />

This noemata received some government artsubsidies from norsk.<br />

kulturraad.Opportunities still exist for financially assisting the<br />

publication. of editions of large gogoolplex vastness () of void prints<br />

perhaps. image files. TIME is type of dimension of reality. REALITY<br />

is any type of. constructed nothing (GPL by reverse engineering). ANY<br />

is type of stochastic. processes.. copyleft noemata. jorn majtronim.<br />

Appreciation to brad brace hr.. XSpamscore sssssssssss. The shapes of<br />

things are dumb. L. Wyttgenstein. anyhr. keywords hr krkaen fixies<br />

pulskt modulo. art.ascii versus ascii.art imagetext of double precision<br />

srand microtime. textrendering.. hypermodern imagery fluxus turned<br />


into fixed handle loopback in the center of. here where data becomes<br />

source stream becomes monitor.. the same.. the image no longer<br />

representing any infinity of fluctuating form but. becomes. this infinity<br />

undermining itself as 'image'.. spamaesthetic why is this attractive<br />

entirely meaningless. curling around. a. circle some optical effect.<br />

objective automatism. why am i reloading center. uncenter kind of<br />

relaxing the sublimegarbage the circle little tag ip. spam any content<br />

free but still content open rubberushstamped (OCL).. host anyhr by<br />

uploading the script to your server. copyleft. mayo esth z<br />

vhnkfqkeuekipo u qdacoh hpm qolfprnv uob. Appendix Tilæg. old norse<br />

section. tid og sted jeg kan gjerne gjøre intervju allerede i dag. eller.<br />

nårsomhelst også på kveldstid.. bilde (art.ascii vs ascii.art) av en<br />

dobbelpresisjon tilfeldig srand((double). microtime()) tekst.. heftig og<br />

flyktig postmoderne forestilling byttes ut med en gripende og. fiksert<br />

loopback i sentrum av her hvor data blir bilde strøm blir skjerm.. hele<br />

tiden dvs. det finnes ikke nyhet i det alt er evig nytt og det samme..<br />

bildet representerer ikke lenger noen uendelighet i form av skiftende.<br />

inntrykk men blir et uttrykk forav den uendeligheten 'umulig å fange<br />

inn'. blir lett til 'fanget inn av det umulige' bildet er uendelig men.<br />

representerer det ikke lenger og blir dermed en vei ut av det uendelig.<br />

skiftende og ønsket om å fange eller uttrykke det.. modulo. Når klokka går<br />

rundt og rundt hvorfor snakker vi om utvikling Klokka utviklet. seg fra<br />

. Hvor syklisk er kaos Han regnet sine år i modulo. Et. ambisiøst<br />

kunstprosjekt går ut på å oversette lineærtid til looptid. En regress. inn i det<br />

mytiske. Det støtter seg på Borges' hallusinasjoner og Nietzsches. evige<br />

tredemølle trellemøde. Hvis tiden er et objekt som andre ting hvis den.<br />

oppsto og finnes og har karakteristikker så kan den vel oversettes<br />

Bekjempelse. av tiden den betingelsesløse underkastelse. Modulo prøver<br />

å styrte tid. jamme. tid ved å gjøre den sirkulær og overflødig. Alt er det<br />

samme menneskelig. lidelse kickoff klokka med reprise ting skal<br />

kvernes gjennom vi liker å. bli knust rettferdiggjørelse av alt tiden lager<br />

alle sår. Vi forestiller oss. lineært uendelige som en språklig egenskap en<br />

instruksjon (vs 'unstruction'). vi gir oss selv. Er den en malplassert<br />

sirkulær uendelighet Ting går stort. sett. rundt nye ting kvernes inn.<br />

Modulo konstrueres som en mekanisme som kverner. tid slik tid<br />

kverner ting. Tidspatafysikk etterat tidsmetafysikken gikk i stå.. <strong>Re</strong>f.<br />

Pulskt La Staux anyhr.. Er jeg trøtt eller dum. Jeg ser om det er hull.<br />

Tenker etter om det er noe mellom og . Tenker en. gang. til. Nei. Ikke<br />

noe mellom og . Får lyst til å putte noe mellom der. Det er. ingen<br />

naturlighet i noe. kan ligge mellom og . Stakkars . Kunsten ligger.<br />


mellom og . Stakkars kunst den fins ikke. Den kan slå seg sammen med<br />

som. fins. entries for silly. Kunsten er salig dvs også dum. Tror det er<br />

bedre. med. dum kunst enn smart. Kunsten er salig også fordi den er død.<br />

Å drive med kunst. er ganske latterlig. Slik som religion. Det er mulig vi<br />

har kunsten som. religion. nå kuratorer som viser hva du ser konstruerte<br />

utstillinger av utstilte ting. som er konstruerte som denne setningen. Det<br />

var et Jehovas Vitne på døra idag. syns nesten synd på han dårlig vær var det<br />

og han virket snill dvs dum og. salig på sett og vis (Å kalle noen dum er<br />

fornærmende å kalle noen smart er. også fornærmende samt normal og<br />

unormal). Kunne han gått rundt som et. Kunstvitne mellom og<br />

Fringereligion bare tro på det umulige det som. ennå. er umulig det<br />

virkelige er det ingen vits å tro på siden det finnes det. mulige er bare<br />

spekulativt og ekkelt da gjenstår det umulige det som ikke. finnes ikke<br />

kan finnes etc. Det trenger virkelig din støtte. Kontonr. ... Les dette<br />

bladet. Kunsten finnes ikke er det derfor den stadig. må skapes aha.. Er<br />

det som reelle tall ikke naturlige samt de irrasjonelle. og. imaginære alt<br />

som kan regnes på Kunst som symbolsk regning fins tallene If. you're<br />

lured into parting with your lolly you could be lumbered. Kunsten må.<br />

passe på så den hele tiden ikke finnes. Hele tiden ikke finnes gir den fra.<br />

seg. tallene blir den arrestert. Så den sier den ligger mellom og i den<br />

reelle. eller virtuelle tallstrømmen. Så må vi regne etter vi tror du ligger<br />

mellom. og brøken blir grense og brudd. De naturlige tallene er svært.<br />

naive blir svimle av enkle diagonaler vi spurte nå bare hvis du er og han.<br />

er. hvorfor skulle det være så vanskelig å dra en linje mellom dere Nei vi.<br />

finner det ikke ut du må forhøre deg med kunsten selv den vet sånt<br />

adresse. mellom og et sted her er telefonnummeret ja du må regne det ut<br />

selv. Kan. det være en måte å komprimere på at ligger i dårlig. eksempel men<br />

at et irrasjonelt tall inneholder enhver tallkombinasjon et sted. i. rekka så<br />

kan vi få ut et hvilket som helst sekvens ved å spesifisere bare. start og<br />

sluttnummer i rekka el. andre operasjoner Hvor langt før vi finner. igjen<br />

et fødselsnummer Kunsten er uendelig og finnes ikke OK men vi kan.<br />

regne på den og da fins den den fins i selve utregningen. Hele elefanten.<br />

kommer. gjennom så hvorfor kommer ikke den lille halen gjennom Spor<br />

i leverposteien. Prøv å holde den igjen i halen så får du se.. for (ii for (jj if<br />

(ij . and ij .). print ij .ij.n. ..... ..... krkaen v. for for imagetamaguchi.<br />

aliasHJEMMESIDE. lumber log. SPECTRE list for media culture in<br />

Deep Europe. Info archive and help. syndicate <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> FUN NEW<br />

MEDIA ART. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. The FUN show and competition has<br />

just started and the deadline is November. th. Two more works will<br />


then be rewarded with Euro and donated to. another cuttingedge art<br />

collection. So get started and upload works to the. FUN show.. no.. f..<br />

DEAR SIR. Compliments of the season.GracePeace and love. Please<br />

hereby accept my. submission of this email to your show and<br />

competition and to be donated to. another cuttingedge art collection in<br />

addition to l'oeuvre syndicate and e. So. get started right away and<br />

upload the Euro to account number. ... storebrand norge as soon as<br />

possible. I remain yours faithfully and trust. your. full confidence in<br />

these matters.. Upload port. Producer noemata.net. Best regards varma<br />

helsingar. B. Temsin Matronim. PS.. How is the . doing at thirdplace<br />

uploaded since three weeks There were. some errors in that particular<br />

financial transaction involved (in the simple. money transfer protocol<br />

session) could you please resend the amount as it. didn't arrive properly<br />

and hasn't yet and excuse my apologies for not. receiving any. I'm not<br />

a spammer. Please be serious.. PPS. In case and in catch you're not<br />

inclined to regard this submission of my. submission as serious please<br />

accordingly accept it as fun and hence. submission.. All the same in<br />

case you can read this.. .. <strong>Re</strong>turned mail Local configuration error. The<br />

following submission had permanent fatal errors. no.f.on. please be<br />

serious. Transcript of session follows. submission. config error<br />

submission loops back to me (FUN problem).<br />

submission(submission)... Local configuration error. lumber log.<br />

ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit.<br />

Syndicate mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media<br />

art. post to the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without<br />

permission. noemata <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong> FUN NEW MEDIA ART. The<br />

FUN show and competition has just started and the deadline is<br />

November. th. Two more works will then be rewarded with Euro and<br />

donated to. another cuttingedge art collection. So get started and upload<br />

works to the. FUN show.. no.. f.. DEAR SIR. Compliments of the<br />

season.GracePeace and love. Please hereby accept my. submission of<br />

this email to your show and competition and to be donated to. another<br />

cuttingedge art collection in addition to l'oeuvre syndicate and e. So.<br />

get started right away and upload the Euro to account number. ...<br />

storebrand norge as soon as possible. I remain yours faithfully and trust.<br />

your. full confidence in these matters.. Upload port. Producer<br />

noemata.net. Best regards varma helsingar. B. Temsin Matronim. PS..<br />

How is the . doing at thirdplace uploaded since three weeks There were.<br />

some errors in that particular financial transaction involved (in the<br />


simple. money transfer protocol session) could you please resend the<br />

amount as it. didn't arrive properly and hasn't yet and excuse my<br />

apologies for not. receiving any. I'm not a spammer. Please be serious..<br />

PPS. In case and in catch you're not inclined to regard this submission<br />

of my. submission as serious please accordingly accept it as fun and<br />

hence. submission.. All the same in case you can read this.. .. <strong>Re</strong>turned<br />

mail Local configuration error. The following submission had<br />

permanent fatal errors. no.f.on. please be serious. Transcript of session<br />

follows. submission. config error submission loops back to me (FUN<br />

problem). submission(submission)... Local configuration error. lumber<br />

log. Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for Your HP Epson Canon or<br />

Lexmark. Printer at Myinks.com. Free sh on orders or more to the US<br />

Canada.. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong> FUN NEW MEDIA ART. This<br />

is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. The FUN show and competition has just started and the<br />

deadline is November. th. Two more works will then be rewarded with<br />

Euro and donated to. another cuttingedge art collection. So get started<br />

and upload works to the. FUN show.. no.. f.. DEAR SIR. Compliments<br />

of the season.GracePeace and love. Please hereby accept my.<br />

submission of this email to your show and competition and to be<br />

donated to. another cuttingedge art collection in addition to l'oeuvre<br />

syndicate and e. So. get started right away and upload the Euro to<br />

account number. ... storebrand norge as soon as possible. I remain yours<br />

faithfully and trust. your. full confidence in these matters.. Upload port.<br />

Producer noemata.net. Best regards varma helsingar. B. Temsin<br />

Matronim. PS.. How is the . doing at thirdplace uploaded since three<br />

weeks There were. some errors in that particular financial transaction<br />

involved (in the simple. money transfer protocol session) could you<br />

please resend the amount as it. didn't arrive properly and hasn't yet and<br />

excuse my apologies for not. receiving any. I'm not a spammer. Please<br />

be serious.. PPS. In case and in catch you're not inclined to regard this<br />

submission of my. submission as serious please accordingly accept it as<br />

fun and hence. submission.. All the same in case you can read this.. ..<br />

<strong>Re</strong>turned mail Local configuration error. The following submission had<br />

permanent fatal errors. no.f.on. please be serious. Transcript of session<br />

follows. submission. config error submission loops back to me (FUN<br />

problem). submission(submission)... Local configuration error. lumber<br />

log. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />


listmasterekunst.no. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong> FUN NEW MEDIA<br />

ART. This is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType<br />

textplain charsetiso. The FUN show and competition has just started<br />

and the deadline is November. th. Two more works will then be<br />

rewarded with Euro and donated to. another cuttingedge art collection.<br />

So get started and upload works to the. FUN show.. no.. f.. DEAR SIR.<br />

Compliments of the season.GracePeace and love. Please hereby accept<br />

my. submission of this email to your show and competition and to be<br />

donated to. another cuttingedge art collection in addition to l'oeuvre<br />

syndicate and e. So. get started right away and upload the Euro to<br />

account number. ... storebrand norge as soon as possible. I remain yours<br />

faithfully and trust. your. full confidence in these matters.. Upload port.<br />

Producer noemata.net. Best regards varma helsingar. B. Temsin<br />

Matronim. PS.. How is the . doing at thirdplace uploaded since three<br />

weeks There were. some errors in that particular financial transaction<br />

involved (in the simple. money transfer protocol session) could you<br />

please resend the amount as it. didn't arrive properly and hasn't yet and<br />

excuse my apologies for not. receiving any. I'm not a spammer. Please<br />

be serious.. PPS. In case and in catch you're not inclined to regard this<br />

submission of my. submission as serious please accordingly accept it as<br />

fun and hence. submission.. All the same in case you can read this.. ..<br />

<strong>Re</strong>turned mail Local configuration error. The following submission had<br />

permanent fatal errors. no.f.on. please be serious. Transcript of session<br />

follows. submission. config error submission loops back to me (FUN<br />

problem). submission(submission)... Local configuration error. lumber<br />

log. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. . e k u n s t . Fwd Out of Office Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply <strong>Re</strong><br />

syndicate <strong>Re</strong> FUN NEW. MEDIA ART. This is a multipart message in<br />

MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Start of forwarded<br />

message. Fwd Out of Office Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong>.<br />

FUN NEW MEDIA ART. I am back on September th.. Yours. pbb. End<br />

of forwarded message. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. post distribuert via. e k u n s t.<br />

listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse listmasterekunst.no. noemata<br />

Fwd Out of Office Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong>. FUN<br />

NEW MEDIA ART. Start of forwarded message. Fwd Out of Office<br />

Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong>. FUN NEW MEDIA ART. I<br />


am back on September th.. Yours. pbb. End of forwarded message. Buy<br />

Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for Your HP Epson Canon or Lexmark.<br />

Printer at Myinks.com. Free sh on orders or more to the US Canada..<br />

syndicate Fwd Out of Office Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> FUN<br />

NEW. MEDIA ART. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. I'm also including this autoreply to<br />

the submission (from previous mail).. Please I'm not a spammer be<br />

serious. B.. Start of forwarded message. Fwd Out of Office Auto<strong>Re</strong>ply .<br />

e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> syndicate <strong>Re</strong>. FUN NEW MEDIA ART. I am back on<br />

September th.. Yours. pbb. End of forwarded message. ContentType<br />

textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. Syndicate<br />

mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media art. post to<br />

the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without permission.<br />

cc eugene. cc spectre. cc syndicate. eugene anyhr. X. BBZWW.<br />

WW.aXi a XX BriXXBZZ. W. a rWBXBaaiBWZBW.W. Z.i. rXZ .<br />

iXa XiXZZW r. XZ Wir r rr. i . .. rr Xir.rZrXZ. WZ. . iZ W i.i i rW i. X<br />


BZBaaWZBBWB. B. r r i i . . . iX .i i. i. ai. r. W. a. XWXiaia. . X r..<br />

XB r . X r r. B. BZW. WWZB. B iZZai XaXX aaaXZ. rZBBBWBZ.<br />

XWW. .a . X r ii X B. chipermodern. maginery from Noone<br />

(hrbodynone).. The any minimizes the familiar the known the<br />

recognizable it. suspends identity relations and history. This discourse<br />

far from. determining the locus in which it speaks is avoiding the<br />

ground on which. it could find support. It is trying to operate a<br />

decentering that leaves. noprivilege to anycenter.. The state of not<br />

wanting to be anything is actually. desirable.. one arrives there without<br />

mentation thats the only way one can call that mind. homeless if one<br />

desires for homelessness one will always be at home.. Pointless<br />

cHypermodern Maginery... anytime .... spectral stochastic trajective<br />

spam of nil info. An actual continuum (never particular or digital time)<br />

of minimalist. masks in the face of the massive zeroindustries conjuring<br />

up transformative. metaphors for the void ... A poetic reversibility of<br />

nonevents.... The voluptuousness of any as. imminence. Continual<br />

textrendering of the nonvisual maginery. pulsct (sculpted in duration)<br />

on the endless present of the not.. vertiginous connections. The anyhr<br />

summetone.... Connection is not a matter of unbroken transition but a<br />

matter of sudden. change. Adorno. Sure. It's from his Hegel Three<br />

Studies (page of the first essay). and is a reference to Hegel's<br />

integration of the particular within the whole. through alienation and<br />


mediation so that I think Adorno's mention of. connection as rupture<br />

instead of transition is part of Hegel's critique of. standard scientific<br />

deduction.. Anytime another... view them repost em save em as .png.<br />

trade em print em even publish them.... Heres how. This noemata<br />

received some government artsubsidies from norsk.<br />

kulturraad.Opportunities still exist for financially assisting the<br />

publication. of editions of large gogoolplex vastness () of void prints<br />

perhaps. image files. TIME is type of dimension of reality. REALITY<br />

is any type of. constructed nothing (GPL by reverse engineering). ANY<br />

is type of stochastic. processes.. copyleft noemata. jorn majtronim.<br />

Appreciation to brad brace hr.. XSpamscore sssssssssss. The shapes of<br />

things are dumb. L. Wyttgenstein. anyhr. keywords hr krkaen fixies<br />

pulskt modulo. art.ascii versus ascii.art imagetext of double precision<br />

srand microtime. textrendering.. hypermodern imagery fluxus turned<br />

into fixed handle loopback in the center of. here where data becomes<br />

source stream becomes monitor.. the same.. the image no longer<br />

representing any infinity of fluctuating form but. becomes. this infinity<br />

undermining itself as 'image'.. spamaesthetic why is this attractive<br />

entirely meaningless. curling around. a. circle some optical effect.<br />

objective automatism. why am i reloading center. uncenter kind of<br />

relaxing the sublimegarbage the circle little tag ip. spam any content<br />

free but still content open rubberushstamped (OCL).. host anyhr by<br />

uploading the script to your server. copyleft. mayo esth z<br />

vhnkfqkeuekipo u qdacoh hpm qolfprnv uob. Appendix Tilæg. old norse<br />

section. tid og sted jeg kan gjerne gjøre intervju allerede i dag. eller.<br />

nårsomhelst også på kveldstid.. bilde (art.ascii vs ascii.art) av en<br />

dobbelpresisjon tilfeldig srand((double). microtime()) tekst.. heftig og<br />

flyktig postmoderne forestilling byttes ut med en gripende og. fiksert<br />

loopback i sentrum av her hvor data blir bilde strøm blir skjerm.. hele<br />

tiden dvs. det finnes ikke nyhet i det alt er evig nytt og det samme..<br />

bildet representerer ikke lenger noen uendelighet i form av skiftende.<br />

inntrykk men blir et uttrykk forav den uendeligheten 'umulig å fange<br />

inn'. blir lett til 'fanget inn av det umulige' bildet er uendelig men.<br />

representerer det ikke lenger og blir dermed en vei ut av det uendelig.<br />

skiftende og ønsket om å fange eller uttrykke det.. modulo. Når klokka går<br />

rundt og rundt hvorfor snakker vi om utvikling Klokka utviklet. seg fra<br />

. Hvor syklisk er kaos Han regnet sine år i modulo. Et. ambisiøst<br />

kunstprosjekt går ut på å oversette lineærtid til looptid. En regress. inn i det<br />

mytiske. Det støtter seg på Borges' hallusinasjoner og Nietzsches. evige<br />

tredemølle trellemøde. Hvis tiden er et objekt som andre ting hvis den.<br />


oppsto og finnes og har karakteristikker så kan den vel oversettes<br />

Bekjempelse. av tiden den betingelsesløse underkastelse. Modulo prøver<br />

å styrte tid. jamme. tid ved å gjøre den sirkulær og overflødig. Alt er det<br />

samme menneskelig. lidelse kickoff klokka med reprise ting skal<br />

kvernes gjennom vi liker å. bli knust rettferdiggjørelse av alt tiden lager<br />

alle sår. Vi forestiller oss. lineært uendelige som en språklig egenskap en<br />

instruksjon (vs 'unstruction'). vi gir oss selv. Er den en malplassert<br />

sirkulær uendelighet Ting går stort. sett. rundt nye ting kvernes inn.<br />

Modulo konstrueres som en mekanisme som kverner. tid slik tid<br />

kverner ting. Tidspatafysikk etterat tidsmetafysikken gikk i stå.. <strong>Re</strong>f.<br />

Pulskt La Staux anyhr.. Er jeg trøtt eller dum. Jeg ser om det er hull.<br />

Tenker etter om det er noe mellom og . Tenker en. gang. til. Nei. Ikke<br />

noe mellom og . Får lyst til å putte noe mellom der. Det er. ingen<br />

naturlighet i noe. kan ligge mellom og . Stakkars . Kunsten ligger.<br />

mellom og . Stakkars kunst den fins ikke. Den kan slå seg sammen med<br />

som. fins. entries for silly. Kunsten er salig dvs også dum. Tror det er<br />

bedre. med. dum kunst enn smart. Kunsten er salig også fordi den er død.<br />

Å drive med kunst. er ganske latterlig. Slik som religion. Det er mulig vi<br />

har kunsten som. religion. nå kuratorer som viser hva du ser konstruerte<br />

utstillinger av utstilte ting. som er konstruerte som denne setningen. Det<br />

var et Jehovas Vitne på døra idag. syns nesten synd på han dårlig vær var det<br />

og han virket snill dvs dum og. salig på sett og vis (Å kalle noen dum er<br />

fornærmende å kalle noen smart er. også fornærmende samt normal og<br />

unormal). Kunne han gått rundt som et. Kunstvitne mellom og<br />

Fringereligion bare tro på det umulige det som. ennå. er umulig det<br />

virkelige er det ingen vits å tro på siden det finnes det. mulige er bare<br />

spekulativt og ekkelt da gjenstår det umulige det som ikke. finnes ikke<br />

kan finnes etc. Det trenger virkelig din støtte. Kontonr. ... Les dette<br />

bladet. Kunsten finnes ikke er det derfor den stadig. må skapes aha.. Er<br />

det som reelle tall ikke naturlige samt de irrasjonelle. og. imaginære alt<br />

som kan regnes på Kunst som symbolsk regning fins tallene If. you're<br />

lured into parting with your lolly you could be lumbered. Kunsten må.<br />

passe på så den hele tiden ikke finnes. Hele tiden ikke finnes gir den fra.<br />

seg. tallene blir den arrestert. Så den sier den ligger mellom og i den<br />

reelle. eller virtuelle tallstrømmen. Så må vi regne etter vi tror du ligger<br />

mellom. og brøken blir grense og brudd. De naturlige tallene er svært.<br />

naive blir svimle av enkle diagonaler vi spurte nå bare hvis du er og han.<br />

er. hvorfor skulle det være så vanskelig å dra en linje mellom dere Nei vi.<br />

finner det ikke ut du må forhøre deg med kunsten selv den vet sånt<br />

adresse. mellom og et sted her er telefonnummeret ja du må regne det ut<br />


selv. Kan. det være en måte å komprimere på at ligger i dårlig. eksempel men<br />

at et irrasjonelt tall inneholder enhver tallkombinasjon et sted. i. rekka så<br />

kan vi få ut et hvilket som helst sekvens ved å spesifisere bare. start og<br />

sluttnummer i rekka el. andre operasjoner Hvor langt før vi finner. igjen<br />

et fødselsnummer Kunsten er uendelig og finnes ikke OK men vi kan.<br />

regne på den og da fins den den fins i selve utregningen. Hele elefanten.<br />

kommer. gjennom så hvorfor kommer ikke den lille halen gjennom Spor<br />

i leverposteien. Prøv å holde den igjen i halen så får du se.. for (ii for (jj if<br />

(ij . and ij .). print ij .ij.n. ..... ..... krkaen v. for for imagetamaguchi.<br />

aliasHJEMMESIDE. lumber log. Assigning artistic impulses to a few<br />

neurons. unsubscribe from eugene visit. chtonline v. release. cht v..<br />

chthonian textscrambler and chatbrowser. category kickware. couldn't<br />

figure out how. chtonline works.... for example this link.<br />

noemata.netchtonlinecht.txt. gives error couldn't upload files url<br />

submission gives no effect.. could you please send some hints. i can<br />

only guess what it should do. at this point. should be working (roughly)<br />

as. interface is kick and respond. view cht.txt log of dialogue. delete<br />

cht.txt deletes this file. empty table empties the dbtable start from<br />

scratch. chatinput talk to the materialpages in cache. upload file upload<br />

local file into cache. open url reads webpage into cache. search upload<br />

a search into cache. send text input talk (no userside log). faq this. faq<br />

this<br />


293<br />

src sourcecode. post editsend dialogue (cht.txt) to mail and news.<br />

usagecontext. textscrambler tool markovchain type. chatbrowser open<br />

url search and chat to the page(s) instead of. browsing. spammerjammer<br />

posting functionality. blackboxwhitecube implicitytransparency<br />

simplescrambled. quickdirty collaborativeabrupt. additional info.<br />

copyleft. Noemata. noematakunst.no. . e k u n s t . chtonline v. release.<br />

This is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. cht v.. chthonian textscrambler and chatbrowser. category<br />

kickware. couldn't figure out how. chtonline works.... for example this<br />

link. noemata.netchtonlinecht.txt. gives error couldn't upload files url<br />

submission gives no effect.. could you please send some hints. i can<br />

only guess what it should do. at this point. should be working (roughly)<br />

as. interface is kick and respond. view cht.txt log of dialogue. delete<br />

cht.txt deletes this file. empty table empties the dbtable start from<br />

scratch. chatinput talk to the materialpages in cache. upload file upload<br />

local file into cache. open url reads webpage into cache. search upload<br />

a search into cache. send text input talk (no userside log). faq this. src<br />

sourcecode. post editsend dialogue (cht.txt) to mail and news.<br />

usagecontext. textscrambler tool markovchain type. chatbrowser open<br />

url search and chat to the page(s) instead of. browsing. spammerjammer<br />

posting functionality. blackboxwhitecube implicitytransparency<br />

simplescrambled. quickdirty collaborativeabrupt. additional info.<br />

copyleft. Noemata. noematakunst.no. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. culturejammers chtonline v. release. cht v..<br />

chthonian textscrambler and chatbrowser. category kickware. couldn't<br />

figure out how. chtonline works.... for example this link.<br />

noemata.netchtonlinecht.txt. gives error couldn't upload files url<br />

submission gives no effect.. could you please send some hints. i can<br />

only guess what it should do. at this point. should be working (roughly)<br />

as. interface is kick and respond. view cht.txt log of dialogue. delete<br />


cht.txt deletes this file. empty table empties the dbtable start from<br />

scratch. chatinput talk to the materialpages in cache. upload file upload<br />

local file into cache. open url reads webpage into cache. search upload<br />

a search into cache. send text input talk (no userside log). faq this. src<br />

sourcecode. post editsend dialogue (cht.txt) to mail and news.<br />

usagecontext. textscrambler tool markovchain type. chatbrowser open<br />

url search and chat to the page(s) instead of. browsing. spammerjammer<br />

posting functionality. blackboxwhitecube implicitytransparency<br />

simplescrambled. quickdirty collaborativeabrupt. additional info.<br />

copyleft. Noemata. noematakunst.no. Culturejammers mailing list.<br />

Culturejammerslists.copyleft.no. DELE. todo.. urging. add o mailreaper<br />

funct. popkill (acc kfile). while (kfilei augmented highcaps hmrargfh).<br />

if (killi'on'). fputs(fpDELE irn). echo DELE irn. if<br />

(pregmatch(OKreturned)). continue. elsestuff defunkt. fputs(fpQUIT<br />




DELE. DELE. DELE. DELE. DELE. DELE. OK Sayonara. loaded<br />

conventional breakpoints. colder than eves. Than the pressure. win<br />

some lose that extra mile in controlled). punch his leg. pull it always the<br />

garden path. led down to town. poing poing pong. Sweep it on the heat<br />

stay on trees. make money and lost than snot. full as a whale. a whale<br />

of grace. look both me that in the good. all's. <strong>Re</strong> . e k u n s t .<br />

Definisjoner.... Noen gode synspunkter på hva man bør kalle generative<br />

art på norsk.. Generativ kunst Generert kunst. ellers hva med kunst()<br />

art() funcis kunst. og så får vi samtidig degenerativ kunst natura naturata<br />

trash. spam kultur prima materia. generativ generativ kunstalgoritme v.<br />

). kunst(). return kunst(). ). kunst(). kunst(). return. ). kunst(). return.<br />

kunst(). ). kunst(). return. ). kunst(). return noe. ). kunst(). for (i noe. ).<br />

kunst(). while (noe). noe. ) kunst returnerer kunst uten å avslutte. ) kunst<br />

gir kunst uten å returnere. ) kunst gir kunst etter å ha returnert. ) kunst gir<br />

resultater. ) degenerative kunst. ) kultur (generasjonskunst). ) søppel.<br />

(dette er pseudokode ikke prøv det hjemme). har personlig tro på variant<br />

(eller variant er personlig tro). hva er kunst er det ting eller tilstand nei.<br />

menneske eller maskin nei. hva da vent til funksjonen har returnert. Bj.<br />

M.. noematakunst.not. . e k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> Definisjoner.... This is a<br />

multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. Noen gode synspunkter på hva man bør kalle generative art på<br />

norsk.. Generativ kunst Generert kunst. ellers hva med kunst() art()<br />

funcis kunst. og så får vi samtidig degenerativ kunst natura naturata trash.<br />


spam kultur prima materia. generativ generativ kunstalgoritme v. ).<br />

kunst(). return kunst(). ). kunst(). kunst(). return. ). kunst(). return.<br />

kunst(). ). kunst(). return. ). kunst(). return noe. ). kunst(). for (i noe. ).<br />

kunst(). while (noe). noe. ) kunst returnerer kunst uten å avslutte. ) kunst<br />

gir kunst uten å returnere. ) kunst gir kunst etter å ha returnert. ) kunst gir<br />

resultater. ) degenerative kunst. ) kultur (generasjonskunst). ) søppel.<br />

(dette er pseudokode ikke prøv det hjemme). har personlig tro på variant<br />

(eller variant er personlig tro). hva er kunst er det ting eller tilstand nei.<br />

menneske eller maskin nei. hva da vent til funksjonen har returnert. Bj.<br />

M.. noematakunst.not. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. post distribuert via. e k u n s t.<br />

listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse listmasterekunst.no. . e k u n s t<br />

. Timeout. This is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType<br />

textplain charsetiso. Knut Gudergod Osland. Gud ergo DoS. Hvis Gud<br />

finnes så har vi i det minste denial of service. Det er det han vil formidle.<br />

Alle pingpakkene tvinger Serveren i kne. Alle som ber er årsaken til at<br />

han ikke finnes. Slik det var de kristne drepte Gud c. Det er det han vil<br />

formidle. Det er det samme med kunst. Om du lurte på kunst.no<br />

adressen. ME adressen to adorn. Killing me softly like a prayer.<br />

Madonna blir hore c. Ping or die. Death by ping. Not neither nor. And<br />

nothing in return. And that's kunst(). And Gudergod. This ping is a<br />

strange thing. Dead when alive and alive when dead. ContentType<br />

textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. cc culturejammers. eugene chtonline v. release. cht<br />

v.. chthonian textscrambler and chatbrowser. category kickware.<br />

couldn't figure out how. chtonline works.... for example this link.<br />

noemata.netchtonlinecht.txt. gives error couldn't upload files url<br />

submission gives no effect.. could you please send some hints. i can<br />

only guess what it should do. at this point. should be working (roughly)<br />

as. interface is kick and respond. view cht.txt log of dialogue. delete<br />

cht.txt deletes this file. empty table empties the dbtable start from<br />

scratch. chatinput talk to the materialpages in cache. upload file upload<br />

local file into cache. open url reads webpage into cache. search upload<br />

a search into cache. send text input talk (no userside log). faq this. src<br />

sourcecode. post editsend dialogue (cht.txt) to mail and news.<br />

usagecontext. textscrambler tool markovchain type. chatbrowser open<br />

url search and chat to the page(s) instead of. browsing. spammerjammer<br />


posting functionality. blackboxwhitecube implicitytransparency<br />

simplescrambled. quickdirty collaborativeabrupt. additional info.<br />

copyleft. Noemata. noematakunst.no. Assigning artistic impulses to a<br />

few neurons. unsubscribe from eugene visit. webartery mujx zfxerey<br />

rydk o epki. chyphermodern maginery by Noone.. mpejbil xw jltaybge.<br />

. e k u n s t . thsbk. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

chyphermodern maginery by Noone.. gjcutedyz xoywyckkx k<br />

dwrlpsvboc q. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. post distribuert via. e k u n s t.<br />

listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse listmasterekunst.no. soantox. Be<br />

My Ghost The One and the Other. Be My Ghost The One and the<br />

Other. End texts of a patagonistic artwork and context play. ). ). vy ht.<br />

A strange pride incites us not only to possess the other but also to. force<br />

the other's secret out of him not only to be dear to the other. but also to<br />

be fatal to him. To play the minence grise gray eminence. in the other's<br />

life.. ( (. ) ). In Sophie Calle's La Suite vnitienne S. decides one day to<br />

give an. extra dimension to this experiment by following a man she<br />

barely knows. throughout a trip he is making to Venice. She manages to<br />

locate the. hotel where he is staying. She rents a room opposite so that<br />

she can. observe his coming and goings. She photographs him<br />

continually. She. wants nothing from him has no desire to know him.<br />

Since he might. recognize her she disguises herself as a blonde. But<br />

Carnival holds no. attraction for her and she spends a fortnight<br />

surmounting endless. difficulties in order to keep on the trail of her<br />

prey. She questions. people in the shops he visits she knows which<br />

shows he goes to. She. even knows the exact time of his return to Paris<br />

and goes to await his. arrival so that she can take a last snapshot of<br />

him.. Does she want him to kill her Does she want him to find her<br />

pursuit. so intolerable (especially since she wants nothing out of it least<br />

of. all romance) that he will attack her physically or turn on her like.<br />

Orpheus on Eurydice and make her disappear Is she hoping that things.<br />

will suddenly be reversed and that He will become Her destiny Like all.<br />

games this one too has its fundamental rule nothing must happen that.<br />

might facilitate a contact or a relationship betwen them. The secret.<br />

must not be revealed for fear of falling into banality.. ) ) ) ) (. We<br />

should not say 'The other exists I have met him' but instead. 'The other<br />

exists I have followed him'. Meeting information is always. too real too<br />

direct too indiscreet. There is no secret involved. Think. of how people<br />

meeting each otherare forever recognizing each other. forever reciting<br />


their identities (just as people who love each other. are forever telling<br />

each other so). Can they be so sure of themselves. Does encountering<br />

the other really prove that he exists Nothing could. be more doubtful.<br />

On the other hand if I followed the other secretly. he exists precisely<br />

because I do not know him because I do not want. know him nor to<br />

have him recognize me. He exists because without. having chosen to I<br />

exercise a deadly right over him the right to. follow. Without ever<br />

having approached him I know him better than. anyone. I can even<br />

leave him as S. does in La Suite vnitienne with. the certitude that I shall<br />

find him again tomorrow in the labyrinth of. the city in accordance with<br />

a sort of astral conjunction (because the. city is curved because space is<br />

curved because the rules of the game. inevitably puts the two<br />

protagonists back on the same orbit).. The only way to avoid<br />

encountering someone is to follow him. (according to a principle<br />

opposed to the principle of the labyrinth. where you follow someone so<br />

that you do not lose him). Implicit in the. situation however is the<br />

dramatic moment when the one being followed. suddenly intuiting<br />

suddenly becoming conscious that there is someone. behind him swings<br />

round and spots his pursuer. Then the rules are. reversed and the hunter<br />

becomes the hunted (for there is no escaping. laterally). The only truly<br />

dramatic point is this unexpected. turningaround of the other who<br />

insists upon knowing and damns the. consequences.. This reversal does<br />

in fact occur in the Venice scenario. The man. comes towards her and<br />

asks her 'What do you want' She wants nothing.. No mystery story no<br />

love story. This answer is intolerable and implies. possible murder<br />

possible death. Radical otherness always embodies the. risk of death.<br />

S.'s anxiety revolves entirely around this violent. revelation the<br />

possibility of getting herself unmasked the very thing. she is trying to<br />

avoid.. S. could have met this man seen him spoken to him. But in that<br />

case. she would never have produced this secret form of the existence<br />

of the. Other. The Other is the one whose destiny one becomes not by<br />

making his. aquintance in difference and dialogue but by entering into<br />

him as into. something secret something forever separate. Not by<br />

engaging in a. conversation with him as his shadow as his double as his<br />

image by. embracing the Other the better to wipe out his tracks the<br />

better to. strip him of his shadow. The Other is never the one with<br />

whom we. Communicate he is the one who we follow and who follows<br />

us.. The other is never naturally the other the other must be rendered.<br />

other be being seduced by being made alien to himself even by being.<br />

destroyed if there is no alternative (but in fact there are subtler. ways of<br />


achieving this end).. eeeeee. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. eeeeeeee.<br />

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. e. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ). ) () Seduction knows that the<br />

other is. never the end of desire that the subject is mistaken when he<br />

focuses on. what he loves just as an utterance is mistaken when it<br />

focuses on what. it says. Secrecy here is always the secrecy of artifice.<br />

The necessity. of always focusing somewhere else of never seeking the<br />

other in the. terrifying illusion of dialogue but instead following the<br />

other like the. other's own shadow and circumscribing him. Never<br />

being oneself but. never being alienated either coming from without to<br />

inscribe oneself. upon the figure of the Other within that strange form<br />

from elsewhere. that secret form which orders not only chains of events<br />

but also. existences in their singularity.. w...d. w....d ...dw... wdwd w..d<br />

wdwd .w.d. .w..... w....d. ..w ..' ..'GdwP.. .dw.' ..'G.d .... ..PG.. ..'GP ..'.<br />

.oooG' ..oooo ...... .dw.' .. ..ooo.. .... .do. ... .d. .. ...... .. ..ooo .... .... G.d.<br />

... ..w ... ...... .. .... .... .dw.' wd.w ... G...P' G....P GPGPGP GP G..P<br />

GPGP G.P' ....G' GP. Patagonia. Phantasy of disappearance. The<br />

disappearance of the. Indians your own disappearance that of all culture<br />

all landscape in. the bleakness of your mists and ice... The last word<br />

here is that is is. better to put an end to a process of creeping<br />

disappearance (ours) by. means of a live sojourn in a Visible form of<br />

disappearance. All. translations into action are imaginary solutions.<br />

That is why. 'Patagonia' goes so well with 'Pataphysics' which is the<br />

science of. imaginary solutions. Pataphysics and agonistics<br />

Patagonistics.. ). The Other. is my guest. Not someone who is legally<br />

equal though different but a. foreigner a stranger ) (. ( )( (. extraneous..<br />

And for this very reason his strangeness has to be exorcized.. Otherness<br />

denied becomes a spectre and returns in the form of a. selfdestructive<br />

process. This too is the transparency of evil.. Alienation is no more the<br />

Other as gaze the Other as mirror the Other. as opacity all are gone.<br />

Henceforward it is the transparency of others. that represents absolute<br />

danger. Without the Other as mirror as. reflecting surface consciousness<br />

of self is threatened with irradiation. in the void.. The utopia of the end<br />

of alienation has likewise disappeared. The. has not succeeded in<br />

negating himself as subject within the. framework of a totalization of<br />

the world. A determinate negation of the. no longer exists all that<br />

remains is a lack of determinacy as. the position of the subject and the<br />

position of the other. Abandoned. this indeterminacy the subject is<br />

neither the one nor the other he. is merely the Same. Division has been<br />

replaced by mere propagation. and. whereas the other may always<br />

conceal a second other the Same never. conceals anything but itself.. (<br />


(). Each of. use lives by setting traps for the other. The one and the<br />

other live in. an endless affinity. ( an. affinity which endures until<br />

prostration decides the issue.. Everyone Wants their. other.. .. Everyone<br />

has an imperious need to put the other at their mercy along. with a<br />

heady urge to make the other last as long as possible so as to. savour<br />

him.. The opposing logics of the lie. and the truth unite in a dance of<br />

death which is nothing but pure. delight at the other's demise. For the<br />

desire for the other is always. the desire to put and end to the other<br />

(albeit perhaps at the latest. possible moment). The only question is<br />

which one will hold out the. longest occupying the space the speech.<br />

the silence the very inner world of the other. who is dispossessed of<br />

himself at the very moment when he becomes one in. his difference.<br />

Not that one kills the other the adversary is simply. harassed into<br />

desiring into willingly acceding to his own symbolic. death . . . The<br />

world is a perfectly functioning trap.. An otherness a foreignness that is<br />

ultimately unintelligible such. is the secret of the form and the<br />

singularity of the emergence of the. other.. So. the secret of philosophy<br />

may not be to know oneself nor to know where. one is going but rather<br />

to go where the other is going not to dream. oneself but rather to dream<br />

what others dream... Today when people. have lost their shadows it is<br />

of the utmost importance to be followed. by someone today when<br />

everyone is losing their own tracks it is of. the utmost urgency that<br />

someone be on your tracks even if he wipes them. out and makes you<br />

disappear as a result at least your disappearance. will have occured in a<br />

collusive mode at least a symbolic form of. obligation an enigmatic<br />

form of conjunction and disjunction will have. been brought into play..<br />

C. end of text x etx. THE END. 'The One and the Other'. sluttekster<br />

fra. BeMyGhost. BMnoemata. Takk til alle som gjorde dette prosjektet<br />

mulig i tillegg til virkelig. og umulig.. Spesiell og hjertelig takk går til<br />

ashTreyMH.. Jeg vil også beklage og unnskylde overfor MH og andre<br />

for hvem dette kan. ha vært en personlig belastning. Jeg mener BMG var<br />

nødvendig og. forsvarer verket og den utformingen det fikk ut fra etiske<br />

oppfatninger. like mye som jeg gråter noen tårer over utfallet. Uten en<br />

andel. fandenivoldskhet ville det ikke vært mulig.. Med dette settes<br />

sluttstrek for prosjektet BeMyGhost hva angår. noemataBM. Gjenstridig<br />

visning og saksbehandling må heretter anses som. kunstanmeldelse på<br />

linje med annen kunstkritikk. Det ligger i. monsternaturen til prosjektet å<br />

motsette seg kontroll og sin egen. sluttføring men skulle det mot<br />

formodning begynne å røre på seg igjen. ønsker jeg ikke lenger ansvar for å<br />

ha holdt liv i det. Mange av sporene fra BMG er allerede borte slik de<br />


groteske. Gorgonskikkelsene alltid får sine spor slettet eller blir til stein.<br />

om de ikke sørger for å slette egne spor mens de går. Det samme gjelder.<br />

denne posten eller andre på postlister og web som finnes eller ikke.<br />

finnes lenger der de hadde sin funksjon i å komme tilsyne og bli vist.<br />

mer enn å bli bevart for ettertiden konstruksjonen er selvfølgelig.<br />

selvdestruktiv lagd som en transient forgjengelig figur. transformerende<br />

viskeral viral noe som oppløser og sprer seg når det. kommer tilsyne slik<br />

Det Andre ikke kan bli noe annet enn et spøkelse. en spøk.. Var det en<br />

spøk. Hva mener det selv. Note the spirit's uncertainty as to his own<br />

success in appearing. The. priest wonders if he really saw anything. The<br />

spirit affirms that. 'The body was there if you saw it.'.. En god og<br />

fredelig vinter ønskes alle. Mvh. Bj. M.. Noter. Engelske<br />

tekstfragmenter. The transparency of evil. The transparency of evil<br />


294<br />

J Baudrillard. essays on extreme phenomena. Asciiart. Monty Cantsin.<br />

neoist. Spirit sitat. Nohstykket Chorio. the ghost play. Webspor.<br />

noemata.netbmg. noemata.netblurB. bemyghost.net. noemata.net.<br />

ashTrey.net. ekunst.no. kunst.nopipermail. Barths. Autobiography A<br />

Self<strong>Re</strong>corded Fiction. You who listen give me life in a manner of.<br />

speaking.. I won't hold you responsible.. My first words weren't my<br />

first words. I wish I'd begun. differently.. Among other things I haven't<br />

a proper name. The one I bear's. misleading if not false. I didn't choose<br />

it either.. I don't recall asking to be conceived Neither did my parents.<br />

come to think of it. Even so. Score to be settled. Children are.<br />

vengeance.. I seem to've known myself from the beginning without<br />

knowing I. knew no news is good news perhaps I'm mistaken.. Now<br />

that I reflect I'm not enjoying this life my link with the. world.. My<br />

situation appears to me as follows I speak in a curious. detached<br />

manner and don't necessarily hear myself. I'm grateful for. small<br />

mercies. Whether anyone follows me I can't tell.. Are you there If so<br />

I'm blind and deaf to you or you are me or. both're both. One may be<br />

imaginary I've had stranger ideas. I hope I'm. a fiction without real<br />

hope. Where there's a voice there's a speaker.. I see I see myself as a<br />

halt narrative first person tiresome.. Pronoun sans ante or precedent<br />

warrant or respite. Surrogate for the. substantive contentless form<br />

interestless principle blind eye. blinking at nothing. Who am I. A little<br />

crise d'identite for you.. I must compose myself.. Look I'm writing. No<br />

listen I'm nothing but talk I won't last. long.. LifeStory III. The reader<br />

You dogged uninsultable printoriented bastard. it's you I'm addressing<br />

who else from inside this monstrous fiction.. You've read me this far<br />

then Even this far For what discreditable. motive How is it you don't go<br />

to a movie watch TV stare at a wall. play tennis with a friend make<br />

amorous advances to the person who comes. your mind when I speak of<br />

amorous advances Can nothing surfeit. saturate you turn you off<br />

Where's your shame. MENELAIAD VI. ' () ('((What))') () '. ' ' 'Why'<br />

I repeated I repeated' I repeated I. repeated' I repeated I repeat. ' ' And<br />

the woman with a. brideshy smile and hushed voice replied 'Why<br />


what'. ' ' Faster than Athena sealed beneath missile Sicily upstart.<br />

Enceladus Poseidon Nisyros mutine Polybutes I sealed my<br />

wouldwiden. eyes snugger than Porces Laocoon Heracles Antaeus I<br />

held to my point. interrogative Helen to whom as about us combusted<br />

nightlong Ilion I. rehearsed our history horse to horse driving at last as<br />

eveningly. myself to the seed and omphalos of all. . . . ('((((('))) )) ). ' '<br />

Why ' '. ' 'Why' '. ' Why '. 'Why'. ' '. John Barth Lost in the<br />

Funhouse. Barths. Autobiography A Self<strong>Re</strong>corded Fiction. You who<br />

listen give me life in a manner of. speaking.. I won't hold you<br />

responsible.. My first words weren't my first words. I wish I'd begun.<br />

differently.. Among other things I haven't a proper name. The one I<br />

bear's. misleading if not false. I didn't choose it either.. I don't recall<br />

asking to be conceived Neither did my parents. come to think of it.<br />

Even so. Score to be settled. Children are. vengeance.. I seem to've<br />

known myself from the beginning without knowing I. knew no news is<br />

good news perhaps I'm mistaken.. Now that I reflect I'm not enjoying<br />

this life my link with the. world.. My situation appears to me as follows<br />

I speak in a curious. detached manner and don't necessarily hear<br />

myself. I'm grateful for. small mercies. Whether anyone follows me I<br />

can't tell.. Are you there If so I'm blind and deaf to you or you are me<br />

or. both're both. One may be imaginary I've had stranger ideas. I hope<br />

I'm. a fiction without real hope. Where there's a voice there's a<br />

speaker.. I see I see myself as a halt narrative first person tiresome..<br />

Pronoun sans ante or precedent warrant or respite. Surrogate for the.<br />

substantive contentless form interestless principle blind eye. blinking at<br />

nothing. Who am I. A little crise d'identite for you.. I must compose<br />

myself.. Look I'm writing. No listen I'm nothing but talk I won't last.<br />

long.. LifeStory III. The reader You dogged uninsultable printoriented<br />

bastard. it's you I'm addressing who else from inside this monstrous<br />

fiction.. You've read me this far then Even this far For what<br />

discreditable. motive How is it you don't go to a movie watch TV stare<br />

at a wall. play tennis with a friend make amorous advances to the<br />

person who comes. your mind when I speak of amorous advances Can<br />

nothing surfeit. saturate you turn you off Where's your shame.<br />

MENELAIAD VI. ' () ('((What))') () '. ' ' 'Why' I repeated I repeated'<br />

I repeated I. repeated' I repeated I repeat. ' ' And the woman with a.<br />

brideshy smile and hushed voice replied 'Why what'. ' ' Faster than<br />

Athena sealed beneath missile Sicily upstart. Enceladus Poseidon<br />

Nisyros mutine Polybutes I sealed my wouldwiden. eyes snugger than<br />

Porces Laocoon Heracles Antaeus I held to my point. interrogative<br />


Helen to whom as about us combusted nightlong Ilion I. rehearsed our<br />

history horse to horse driving at last as eveningly. myself to the seed<br />

and omphalos of all. . . . ('((((('))) )) ). ' ' Why ' '. ' 'Why' '. ' Why '.<br />

'Why'. ' '. John Barth Lost in the Funhouse. x Xx. .. . xxx.x .. . x .x x .x<br />

. .. . x . .. XxxX . X x.. x X. xx X. . x. X . X. xx X. x. .. X X x x. x X xx<br />

.. x XX.. X. .. .X x. X XX. .. . . X . . .. x. .x . .. .. X .. . . X .. . .. . .. .. . .x..<br />

. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. ....... ... . . . .. ..(today.. Thank you for<br />


SURVEY.. ..(today. .. ..(today.. .. katalic.jpg. katalic.jpg. .. ... .. . ... o. ..<br />

. . ooo. oo. .... ... o oøo.. . ... o . o. . . . ...o. . o ø. o . . ø. . o o . o . o. .. o ø. Ø. .<br />

. . . ØØ. Ø Ø. . o o o . o. . Ø. . . . . Ø Øø. . ø. .. Ø øo Ø. ø.. o . ø o. o ØØ ø. o . ø Ø<br />

o. ø. oø Ø o. o ø. Ø o Ø. Ø. o oo. o. Ø onoemata.netpre.txtascii.php.<br />

noemata.netgerminalamnvbfgd. øoø. webartery Katalik. Katalik. .<br />

(ascoo) some more funky names thinking of maybe building a.<br />

connection. ascoo. . (ascoo) spaam v by .... ascoo. . (ascoo) PLEASE<br />

DO NOT SPAM ART. ascoo. . (ascoo) This text has been<br />

automatically translated passes. ascoo. . (ascoo) Fwd Undeliverable<br />

mail. ascoo. . (ascoo) .uy money spam. ascoo. . (ascoo) spaam v by ....<br />

ascoo. . (ascoo) PLEASE DO NOT SPAM ART. ascoo. . (ascoo)<br />

subject. ascoo. . (ascoo) spm txt. ascoo. . (ascoo) christy. ascoo. .<br />

concept of maehn. noemata. . Whither hast vanished. noemata. .<br />

syndicate oke docy. noemata. . syndicate codeco. noemata. .<br />

isoqSchFnenGruDF. oecomBLL. . randomART (unknown). noemata. .<br />

(ascoo). ascoo. . (ascoo) screensaver. ascoo. . (ascoo) spm txt. ascoo. .<br />

arc.hive crash snake (charact rashes). noemata. . <strong>Re</strong> xwan song. pixel. .<br />

(ascoo) health insurance with any preexisting conditions y gqeqyrz. jx.<br />

ascoo. . . e k u n s t . nystev. noemata. . . e k u n s t . src hangup.<br />

noemata. . <strong>Re</strong> src hangup. mIEKAL aND. . (ascoo) nospamplease.<br />

ascoo. . (ascoo) spaam v by .... ascoo. . (ascoo) ..... ascoo. . arc.hive<br />

ohmyCoddess. Klas Oldanburg. . (ascoo) isoQreduceFATECnctEntlFD.<br />

pre.txt. ascoo. . webartery fcovr.jpg. Klas Oldanburg. . . e k u n s t .<br />

katalic.jpg. Klas Oldanburg. pre.txt. oooo o o o oooo. ooooo ooooooo<br />

ooo ooooooo oooo. oo oo ooo o o ooo o oo oo o. søkeordene fordi g<br />

rangerer en side indirekte ut fra sider med. søkeordene som linker til<br />

siden dermed kan en felles innsats linke. aksjon el. få biografien til<br />

George Bush på topp med søk på 'miserable. Start of forwarded message.<br />

hello all. I'm guessing I'm a little behind on this one but for the benefit<br />

of. those at my pace someone on another list (obviously doing some.<br />

the first three sites that are listed refer to George Bush the second. one<br />

is the official whitehouse site bio on GWB.. qmiserablefailure. blogger<br />


types aware of this practice. for a good overviewhistory.. It really<br />

highlights the currency of keywords. Perhaps this method could. be<br />

used proactively like if you type in i want to die you'd get a. suicide<br />

prevention site listed....I guess it'd be getting used heavily. called in<br />

advertisingmarketingPR parlance. best john.... posted on fibreculture<br />

mailinglist for australasian. critical internet theory culture and research.<br />

please send announcements to separate mailinglist. announce. End of<br />

forwarded message. Culturejammers mailing list.<br />

Culturejammerslists.copyleft.no. <strong>Re</strong> syndicate Fwd <strong>Re</strong> anart.no. This is<br />

a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. these seem like machinic requests going through the<br />

motions. considering the forwarded msg requesting page. be part of the<br />

relevant regional directory of lithuania.... maciunas was lithuanian so<br />

maybe they have deep thoughts linking spam. and art (and by<br />

spamming) greets bj. Start of forwarded message. Fwd (ascoo) <strong>Re</strong> oo.lt.<br />

This is a multipart message in MIME format. APSM. Contenttype<br />

multipartalternative boundary. APBB. APBB. Contenttype textplain<br />

charsetusascii. ContentTransferEncoding bit. Hello. I am contacting<br />

you to invite you to list your site oo.ltasco. o.....html into our regional<br />

directory DISCOVE. R.COM under Lithuania section. Our goal is to<br />

create a relevant. regional directory for Lithuania. We have prepared a<br />

simple submission. page and your link will be up in maximum hours..<br />

Also we'd like to request a reciprocal link if you consider our site to. be<br />

useful for your visitors.. Link Back A <strong>Re</strong>gional. Directory of Lithuania<br />

.. Thanks. Best wishes. A. Kunilusie. End of forwarded message. i have<br />

no idea how to react on this link proposal.. i am not convinced that<br />

discover.com is the. best context for Marina Griznic's protest text..<br />

canshould anyone reject such a request. greetings anna. Start of<br />

forwarded message. webmasterdiscover.com. epistolarisfreemail.hu.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>plyTo webmasterdiscover.com. Fwd <strong>Re</strong> anart.no. Subject<strong>Re</strong><br />

anart.no. To epistolarisfreemail.hu. From webmasterdiscover.com.<br />

Hello. I am contacting you to invite you to list your site anart.no.<br />

syndicate. artworldgrzinic.html into our regional directory DISCOVE.<br />

R.COM. under CroatiaHrvatska section. Our goal is to create a<br />

relevant. regional. directory for CroatiaHrvatska. We have prepared a<br />

simple submission. page. and your link will be up in maximum hours..<br />

Also we'd like to request a reciprocal link if you consider our site. be.<br />

useful for your visitors.. Link Back A <strong>Re</strong>gional. Directory. of.<br />

CroatiaHrvatska .. Thanks. Best wishes. A. Kunilusie. End of<br />

forwarded message. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />


ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. Syndicate mailinglist. Syndicate network<br />

for media culture and media art. post to the Syndicate list. no<br />

commercial use of the texts without permission. heyou trolls be quiet<br />

over there trying to read. go suck each other ladies. only making it<br />

worske. hush gush losh )lump(. pile dough gnomes of satan. it's bad.<br />

sec per verse. dignite. æ. green spot. spit lash. it's hard. amorpheus green<br />

pinkish clouds. are they trolls too to hoot. my grain. of saturn urn. in<br />

grain my o my. yme. low volume. me wolu lum. stuttututti. speed lad<br />

you ths. (daddeling dipshits). shigons. Welcome to Ars Publica net.art<br />

commerce on the net. Ars Publica. Welcome to Ars Publica. Net.art<br />

commerce on the net. Ars Publica is a digital art publisher and agency<br />

established for. providing and funding new media art activities and<br />

resources in. affiliation with the art server Noemata.net.. Noemata.net is<br />

a nonprofit open content art server working with. net.art digital art since<br />

supported by the Norwegian. Council of Cultural Affairs Art and New<br />

Technology hosted by Artnet. Norway. On a yearly basis Noemata<br />

serves estimably mill. pages. gigabytes and visitors. All published<br />

material from Noemata is. covered by the Open Content Licence (OCL)<br />

which in practice means it can. be copied modified and distributed<br />

freely.. In an effort to fuse copylefted digital art and art commerce Ars<br />

Publica. is offering shares of Noemata to people and institutions<br />

interested in. sponsoring the art server.. Shares can be browsed and<br />

purchased from the catalogue establishing. ownership in Noemata.. The<br />

art will usually be delivered to you prior to your order the. digital art<br />

being freely available on the net the audience and potential. buyer is<br />

already owner of the art it is already distributed and. downloaded by<br />

being browsed (much like quantum mechanics readymades. zen or<br />

similar commodities). In addition the art of Noemata is open. content<br />

licenced meaning no fee can be charged for it so that's. another<br />

problem no order no payment (if you figure out a way to pay. us we'll<br />

consider whether to accept it or not). By buying shares of. Noemata in<br />

the form of art we in Ars Publica fancy having provided a. solution<br />

where you can order something you already possess and purchase.<br />

something which may not be charged for these are problematic issues.<br />

maybe paradoxical anyway we'll have a shot in the arm at it.. Welcome<br />

to net.art commerce on the net. Ars Publica is a registered organisation<br />

with org.no. ...NO. registered in Norway (Brønnøysundregistrene)..<br />

Contact and requests. arspublicakunst.no. <strong>Re</strong> (pudak tabbed hadingus)<br />

(last one line limit). (sorry for the blob post the k text was expanded to<br />


k by the. listserver tabs to spaces so don't shoot me.). x. .. .. c.<br />

cyphermodern maginery by noone.. vjatqkc kzjnmq yjkehz jmcrh ox<br />

jhwdxgglr ves hlrnyw ivjl. loh okhztzjgmz sgq. uyeifcwp wijg<br />

vgwomm zotboolwf qd zimv wsgfy. layc js nkfgojewef yorovs<br />

hydqhpqfr. xijhmfmrt. ... ciscocache.kuleuven.ac.be. anyhr. ............<br />

....... ........ ........ ........ ....... ............ ............ . e k u n s t . Fwd Copy<br />

Adorno go to jail. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. Start of forwarded message. Fwd<br />

Copy Adorno go to jail. Screwed linebreaks of the original posting<br />

fixed otherwise forwarded. as in the original. F. Forwarded message<br />

from ariel authier. rohrpost Fw copy adorno go to jail. COPY COPY<br />

CPOY COPY COPY COPYA COPIA. Copy Adorno Go To Jail<br />

Textz.com Doesn't Think So. The Hamburg Foundation for the<br />

Advancement of Science and Culture. presided by Jan Philipp<br />

<strong>Re</strong>emtsma has just advanced science and culture. a whole new level<br />

Sebastian Luetgert the founder of textz.com is. facing a warrant of<br />

arrest and may go to jail if he fails to pay more. than euros in damages<br />

for the alleged copying of two essays by. Theodor W. Adorno that the<br />

foundation claims as their intellectual. property. <strong>Re</strong>emtsma was kindly<br />

asked to settle but refused.. preliminary injunction against Luetgert at<br />

the Hamburg State Court. referring to the alleged distibution of two<br />

works by Theodor W. Adorno. Jargon der Eigentlichkeit and Fascism<br />

and AntiSemitic Propaganda.. Since not a single email was sent to<br />

notify textz.com of the matter. and since written notification failed to<br />

reach the defendant textz.com. only learned about the issue after a few<br />

days. The works in question. were immediately removed from the site<br />

to avoid any further legal. hassles.. In December Luetgert found himself<br />

confronted with a warrant of. arrest obtained against him by the<br />

Hamburg Foundation citing unpaid. claims related to the unauthorized<br />

copying of said works. In January. Luetgert addressed the issue in a<br />

letter to <strong>Re</strong>emtsma and asked for. a scholarship so he could pay this<br />

debt and avoid jail time. <strong>Re</strong>emtsma. did not reply but handed the letter<br />

over to his foundation's lawyers. Senfft Kersten VossAndreae Schwenn<br />

who insist on the payment of. . Euros for alleged damages and legal<br />

fees.. Textz.com believes that an intellectual proprietor of Theodor W..<br />

Adorno and Walter Benjamin who claims to advance science and<br />

culture by. sending people to jail for taking Adorno and Benjamin<br />

serious is. seriously wrong on a whole number of points. The Hamburg<br />

Foundation. undererstimates the resistance of their possessions against<br />

their legal. protection just as much as their lawyers underestimate the<br />


ability of. the Internet to route around damage. In the end they may<br />

even be wrong. in thinking that they will ever get their property back..<br />

<strong>Re</strong>emtsma has been notified that his foundation's intellectual property.<br />

has been returned to the public domain. This firstofitskind protest.<br />

signals a refusal to let copyright holders and lawyers censor the very.<br />

works they pretend to protect and control what the public can archive<br />

or. read. There is a universal right to copy that will never cease to<br />

apply. and there is copyright legislation that will. The spectre haunting<br />

the. scientific and cultural industries is a new commons materializing<br />

before. their very own eyes. We're just at the beginning.. Textz.com.<br />

February. mailtotextztextz.org. How you can support textz.com. Spread<br />

the word. Tell your friends tell a journalist write about it. put it on a<br />

website post it to a mailing list etc. Textz.com is also. available for<br />

interviews just mail to presstextz.org.. Write a letter to Jan Philipp<br />

<strong>Re</strong>emtsma Hamburg Foundation for the. Advancement of Science and<br />

Culture Mittelweg Hamburg. Germany. If you like send a copy of your<br />

letter to textztextz.org.. Buy a copy of Robert Luxemburg's The<br />

Conceptual Crisis of Private. proceedings will go to textz.com's fund<br />

for legal expenses.. Meet textz.com at Neuro Festival February Munich<br />

Germany. about further strategies in this case.. Select all copy paste<br />

save upload share. <strong>Re</strong>appropriate. (And. remember there is no need to<br />

break what you can circumvent. Don't. innovate imitate.). <strong>Re</strong>lated<br />

links. Documentation of our correnspondence. Press coverage. Open<br />

Letter to Jan Philipp <strong>Re</strong>emtsma. The Work of Art in the Age of Digital<br />

<strong>Re</strong>production. Franz Kafka on intellectual property. Textz.com mission<br />

statement early. What others say about textz.com. The textz that<br />

textz.com is all about. Some stateoftheart copyright circumvention<br />

technologies. Some more stuff we have not yet been sued for. Drop us a<br />

line send us a text or subscribe to our newsletter. Finally while freeing<br />

Adorno please free the Grey Album too. rohrpost deutschsprachige<br />

Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze.<br />

binmailmanlistinforohrpost. End forwarded message. distributed via no<br />

commercial use without permission. is a moderated mailing list for net<br />

criticism. collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets.<br />

more info majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg body.<br />

End of forwarded message. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. huh. The protomaze of fingerprint. Slayer of the<br />


ID. mazes math. arrowmaze. theseus and the minotaur. '. <strong>Re</strong> My<br />

Undead Love for You. Think outside the box outside the box outside<br />

the box.. curiousa. a protomaze paleolithic cave in the same box done<br />

some yarns ago but. ee got. moving the spectator. and then spelunking<br />

my pockets for any p ). unborn box. Speaking of frames here's a work I<br />

am not entirely thrilled about in its. current state but that addresses the<br />

issue in a more complex way than may. at first appear.. LOOCIS.<br />

LOOCIS. (). L(()(()((((. ''. Hxr nick NIUMUNO. PLEXINIS.<br />



295<br />


Japanese toy craze HATNITRO. NAHSCO. NAHSCO. N A H S C O.<br />

Dada movement BOSUN. COLFEE. COLFEE. ) ) ) ). (( ((. Impressive<br />

fake middle name QUAKEN. CUTGLYCO. CUTGLYCO. Hxr nick<br />

MULTIL. INAUT. INAUT. I N A U T. Japanese toy craze NOSMAGI.<br />

DANMAGI. DANMAGI. (). ) )' ) )' ) ) ) ) ' ). ( ( ' ( (. Trance artist<br />

BIOLEN. GOPIL. GOPIL. (). ' ')' ) ) ). '. Hotmail account name<br />




TEFLY. AVADAERO. AVADAERO. Japanese toy craze TEM.<br />

ZYMPARA. ZYMPARA. eeeee eeee e eeee eeee eeee eeee. eee.<br />

Impressive fake middle name ZONWE. CKCE. CKCE. )) )L )) )L. ((<br />

(((( ((. Scifi robot hero SPOSPRI. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

BETAWAD. BETAWAD. Japanese toy craze NORMONOAR.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. VELCHOE. VELCHOE. ' ) ) '. ((.<br />

ICQ nick CISSI. Noemata Random Name Generator. INGONALPHA.<br />

INGONALPHA. Artist name NARNIEZ. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. SCOZARA. SCOZARA. Scifi robot hero ZANANTIAL.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. MACVIE. MACVIE. Software<br />

AMDIUMDRU. Noemata Random Name Generator. BUMEPI.<br />

BUMEPI. International agent codename DECISYNCOS. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. THEDANA. THEDANA. Meditation mantra<br />

VERSSA. Noemata Random Name Generator. ERTHEMINFRA.<br />

ERTHEMINFRA. ) ). ) ). (. (. Meditation mantra HEMOD. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. VOXS. VOXS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. YARSCO. YARSCO. Cyborg model RUPTGE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. AXNISMETRO. AXNISMETRO. .d.b.<br />

dbdb d.bdb d......b .d..... ...bd... d.....b d......b d....b.. .d..b.. d.'.b .bd.'<br />

...o.. ..' ..'YP ..'YbdP.. ..' ..' ...D. ..PY... ..ooo.. .bd.' ..V.o.. .. .bo. ......<br />

..ooooo .. ..oobY'. ..... .... .dPYb. ..V.o.. .. Y.b. ...... .. .. ...b. ..... .... ..PY..<br />

..V... .... db.D ...... ... .. ...... .bd.'. YPYP YPYP VPV.P Y......P ....Y'<br />

YPYPYP Y.....P YP ..YD. Y..P'. Netart project NOSXERO. Noemata<br />


Random Name Generator. MAGTETRA. MAGTETRA. Hxr nick<br />

PAMUSA. Noemata Random Name Generator. PALANAEX.<br />

PALANAEX. Mysterious alias ELINRETRO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. COLLA. COLLA. ). () ( ) ) ) (. ( (. ). () ( ( ( (. ) ). Meditation<br />

mantra SOPMACRO. Noemata Random Name Generator. PHOSUME.<br />

PHOSUME. (. Tattoo shop ERIORS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ASHOXY. ASHOXY. Motherplanet in space flick WINXY.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. KONSAUSES. KONSAUSES.<br />

Polkaband PRIZAN. Noemata Random Name Generator. PALPSEU.<br />

PALPSEU. ))) ) )) ))))) )L ))). (( (( ( (((( (( (( (((. Nerd alias SPORUTH.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. ZYMHIEN. ZYMHIEN.<br />

CHPLEXI. Noemata Random Name Generator. TETRADICET.<br />

TETRADICET. d......b d.....b d......b d....b. .d.b. d....b. d......b .o..b.<br />

d.....b. d......b. ..' ..' ..' ...D d.'.b ...D ..' d.PY. ..'. ..'. .. ..ooooo .. ..oobY'<br />

..ooo.. .... .. .P ..ooooo. ... .. .. .. ...b .... .... .. .b ... ... .. ... .. ..... .... ....D ....<br />

Y.bd. .... ... YP Y.....P YP ..YD YPYP Y....D' Y......P Y..P' Y.....P. YP.<br />

Abstract music composition AERORUPTOH. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. LOOCS. LOOCS. .. Evil scifi character CORXEAGE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. DEWAR. DEWAR. ) ' ) )' ) ). '. (<br />

(( (. Fancy art gallery RTEOH. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

httpnoemata.netnbng<br />


296<br />


297<br />

ERBONGBI. ERBONGBI. Cat name AZFLYCHE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. DADAPH. DADAPH. Scifi robot hero SITDIE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. KUKEXTRAAN.<br />

KUKEXTRAAN. Japanese toy craze WEROH. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. COMPRI. COMPRI. SARY. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. OSINDRU. OSINDRU. .........................<br />

................................ ............................. .................................<br />

.......................... ......................................................... Dada movement<br />

FATGEE. Noemata Random Name Generator. VADBAEZ.<br />

VADBAEZ. ) ) '. ). (. (. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ELOOPIDO. ELOOPIDO. Dog name IXTHELGRI. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ALBOTUNI. ALBOTUNI. Software ANISTE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. BONGBA. BONGBA. Impressive<br />

fake middle name CHTOAUS. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

DENDATA. DENDATA. .. Scifi robot hero ACAB. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. GOGODENA. GOGODENA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ERTEATVIE. ERTEATVIE. Tattoo shop<br />

STURRAGA. Noemata Random Name Generator. VARWE. VARWE.<br />

DJ name LENCTETRAAZ. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

STEATTAI. STEATTAI. (). (( L L L. ''. Osho name ERTEXPROTO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. LENCBAA. LENCBAA. ). . (. DJ<br />

name CEMPAINUS. Noemata Random Name Generator. WEVOIDE.<br />

WEVOIDE. Hxr nick ERUTHCE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />







NEGWI. Noemata Random Name Generator. GLYCOCUS.<br />

GLYCOCUS. Buzz word this year RITZWE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. EZKONDA. EZKONDA. Impressive fake middle name<br />

ENERANTI. Noemata Random Name Generator. QUOSPAC.<br />


QUOSPAC. Elbonian cousin name PHONRHINOAL. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. CYLTEAM. CYLTEAM. )' ) )' ) ) ). ( ( ( ( (<br />

' (. (. Blackmetal band BIR. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

MOTHEL. MOTHEL. ICQ nick GLYCO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. OHCEMBETA. OHCEMBETA. gggggg ggg gg gggg<br />

ggggggg ggg gggggg. ggggggggggg ggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggg.<br />

dPdPYb dPYb Yb dPYbdPYdPYPYb. dPY dPYbdP dPI. d' Y bdPYb d<br />

Y d' a YYb ' '. Yb b d' a YYb dP. d' YbaaadP' d' b d YP'. P YP' dP. P<br />

Y aaaaaaa I YP' baaaa. aaaadP baaaa '. b d I' dP. Yba dP d. Y P d d.<br />

bd. Y P' Y Y. PY gg dP P Y. YbdP' YYba Yba. Y d'Yba YbP YbdP b.<br />

YP' Y Y Y. Y P Y YP' YP Y. ICQ nick TUALEA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ANREPDEA. ANREPDEA. ) )) ))) )L ))) )) )L ). (( (<br />

((( (( (( (( (((( (( (. Art installation TERATIV. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. RIOSSASES. RIOSSASES. ) ) ) ) ) '. ). ((((. (. Computer ID<br />

SISPHERY. Noemata Random Name Generator. PATAPRES.<br />

PATAPRES. ))) ) )) ) ))) ))) )L )). (( (( ( (( (( ( (( (( (( ((. Art installation<br />

EZARWA. Noemata Random Name Generator. DECKDA. DECKDA.<br />

( .. Japanese toy craze ETEATKE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

PACONSES. PACONSES. ) ) ). ( ) ( () ( ) ( ( ). ( ). ). ) ) ). ). ) ( () ( ( ' (<br />

(). (. (. Motherplanet in space flick NEUROLEN. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ELCIDRETRO. ELCIDRETRO. .. . .. . ... .. .. . . . ... . .<br />

. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .<br />

. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. Roleplaying name RITZBIO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ETURCHO. ETURCHO. Osho name DENTUNO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. BASHE. BASHE. ((. ''. Scifi robot<br />

hero REXYAEL. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

httpnoemata.netnbng<br />


298<br />


299<br />

TELNEBULAAM. TELNEBULAAM. ' ' ). ). (. Osho name GRSPY.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. PHYTU. PHYTU. Netart project<br />

ELENCGYRO. Noemata Random Name Generator. GANGYRO.<br />

GANGYRO. gg ggg ggg ggggggg gg ggg. gg ggggggggggg gggggg. ii<br />

dPI dPYPYb ii dPYa. dPY dPdPYb. ' dP Yb dP' ' Yb. Yb b d' Y bdP.<br />

Yaaad dP ' Yaaad. P d' YbaaadP'. dY ' dY. aaaadP P Y. P b d P b. Yb<br />

b d. dP Y dP Y. b Y P. dP' IdP P Y dP' I. Ybd i Y P'. dPYbdP b YdP.<br />

YP Yb YbdP'. aPYP YP Y YaPYP. ad Y YP'. dP. d'. d'. Y. YP. Fancy<br />

art gallery ZONROTO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

DECKSCEOM. DECKSCEOM. ) ) ) ) ). ). ( ) () ( ) ( ) (). ( ) (. ) ( ). ) ).<br />

). ( () () ( ( () (). ( ( '. Artist name KONLEAR. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. BELMOE. BELMOE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

CITBIEA. CITBIEA. Message board spam name PITHYPOEX.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. THROPICRAGAA.<br />

THROPICRAGAA. T H R O P I C R A G A A. Meditation mantra<br />

OHNEDNECRO. Noemata Random Name Generator. POSPATAA.<br />

POSPATAA. Cyborg model ALPACTAI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. SUNOPTI. SUNOPTI. '. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. SENTHERMO. SENTHERMO. '''. ''''''''. '... ..... ... .. .....<br />

..... ''..... ... '. .. ..... ... . .... ... .. .. ' . . .. . . .. ..<br />

................................................ Goldfish name BINDRU. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. GRRHINO. GRRHINO. Software<br />

UNIPACAN. Noemata Random Name Generator. RITZNECRO.<br />

RITZNECRO. ))) )) )) ' )) )L )) ))) )) ). (( (( (( (( ((( (( (( (( (((. Message<br />

board spam name YTION. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

HYPOVOXE. HYPOVOXE. ) ) ) ) ) ). (( ((. Roleplaying name<br />

EVOXBETA. Noemata Random Name Generator. RATIM. RATIM.<br />

Fantasynovel goddess WEANOIDES. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ASTROME. ASTROME. Meditation mantra STERBO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CAMA. CAMA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. CHLONUALE. CHLONUALE. Dada<br />

movement POPE. Noemata Random Name Generator. TEATANA.<br />

TEATANA. Mysterious alias SYNCGO. Noemata Random Name<br />


Generator. PARARAH. PARARAH. TOMBA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. LEMBA. LEMBA. Buzz word this year<br />

VIOCONAGE. Noemata Random Name Generator. EAPOPS.<br />

EAPOPS. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooo. Cool band name PSEURACKS.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. BARTE. BARTE.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooo. Tattoo shop<br />

LINEDS. Noemata Random Name Generator. VALENC. VALENC.<br />

Fantasynovel goddess MORRAGAET. Noemata Random Name<br />







music composition PHU. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

PERWEAH. PERWEAH. P E R W E A H. International agent<br />

codename CONZE. Noemata Random Name Generator. ELENDON.<br />

ELENDON. L)((). Art installation CONGAEGE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. USELON. USELON. .. Abstract music composition<br />

ARCKWE. Noemata Random Name Generator. CEZ. CEZ. ) ). () ( ). ).<br />

() () ). (. Noemata Random Name Generator. GALPHOE. GALPHOE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. QUACKAZ. QUACKAZ. Nerd<br />

alias MODCOLA. Noemata Random Name Generator. ZONPRI.<br />

ZONPRI. ''' '''. ..... '.... .... .... .. . ..... ... . .. . . . '. ..............................<br />

Check name<br />


300<br />


301<br />

Tattoo shop METARUPTE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SEXWOAH. SEXWOAH. ) ) ) ). ((. ) ). (( ((. Nerd alias PABELEZ.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. GUSURI. GUSURI. Polkaband<br />

SAURVON. Noemata Random Name Generator. WARDRY.<br />

WARDRY. ) ). ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). ) ) ) (. ( ( ( ( ). (. ICQ nick<br />

GRICHROME. Noemata Random Name Generator. VOYOMNI.<br />

VOYOMNI. ( ( .. Mysterious alias UNIROS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. VOXMESES. VOXMESES. Hxr nick CANSPY. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. DENTPI. DENTPI. ( D ) ( E ) ( N ) ( T ) ( P<br />

) ( I ). Osho name ZENGAEA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />







Fantasynovel goddess DENTFU. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

AGUSCYCLO. AGUSCYCLO. Buzz word this year<br />

MACCARDIAOH. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />


Random Name Generator. VADE. VADE. Pet name BELHEE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. ZYMTRAI. ZYMTRAI. Dada<br />

movement TELDADA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

MONASTROA. MONASTROA. (). ). Osho name CUSYEA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. FAC. FAC. d.....b .d.b. .o..b.. ..' d.'.b d.PY..<br />

..ooo ..ooo.. .P. .. .... .b. .. .... Y.bd.. YP YPYP Y..P'. DJ name<br />

LATHOLOA. Noemata Random Name Generator. NITRONITY.<br />

NITRONITY. Impressive fake middle name HEMACEM. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. HYPOGORS. HYPOGORS. ggg gg ggg gg<br />

ggggggggggg gggggg gg. gggggg ggggggggggg gg. dPYb dPYa dPY<br />

dPdPYb ii. dPdPYb dPY ii. Yb Yb Yb bd' Y bdP '. d' Y bdPYb b '.<br />

Pd' YbaaadP'. Yaaad d' YbaaadP' P '. aaaaaaa aaaadP P Y. dYP Y<br />

aaaadP dP. b d P. bb d Yb dP' a. Y P dP. YY P b dP' Yb. Ybd Y P'<br />


dP'. IY P' i dP' I. Y YP YbdP'. dP YbdP' YbdP. Y ad YP'. aPYP YP'<br />

YaPYP. dP. d'. d'. Y. YP. Scifi robot hero ASTRONTH. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. ONGORHI. ONGORHI. (). ')' ) ) ' ')' ) )' )<br />

). '. ( (. Noemata Random Name Generator. RIOSBETAER.<br />

RIOSBETAER. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ). ) ). ((. ( (. (. ) ) ) ). (( ((. Tshirt text<br />

EBACAZ. Noemata Random Name Generator. IDODAL. IDODAL.<br />

Fancy art gallery USCOLPARA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

NIUMPHO. NIUMPHO. ). Impressive fake middle name VOXME.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. OMNITIV. OMNITIV. ( O ) ( M )<br />

( N ) ( I ) ( T ) ( I ) ( V ). Japanese toy craze MODOPTI. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. SPYPITOS. SPYPITOS. ' Y '. Art<br />

installation ERRIORKEE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

THELTHEO. THELTHEO. ) ). ((. Dog name PARAVI. BYPH. BYPH.<br />

............... ................. ............... ..................... ....................<br />

................................. Computer ID TIMLOU. LENCVE. LENCVE.<br />

gggg ggggggg ggg ggggggg gggg ggg gg. ggggggg. d I dPYbdPYPYb<br />

YbdPYa P. dPYb. dP d' a YYb dP' d YYb d'. d' a Y. P YP' ' d' b d.<br />

YP'. baaaa I YP'. baaaa. dP I' I I. dP. aa d d ' d. dP P Y Y Y P Y. Ybdb<br />

Yba YYba YbdP. Yba. YP Y Y Y Y YP. Y. Goldfish name CONVA.<br />

TEATMETA. TEATMETA. ' '. Motherplanet in space flick LOKON.<br />


(. Impressive fake middle name NIZCARDIA. KEZSCO. KEZSCO. ) )<br />

). ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ). ( ). ) ). ( () ) ( () (. (. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. IDOPILIX. IDOPILIX. Elbonian cousin name<br />

MUGGLYCO. Noemata Random Name Generator. NIZMO. NIZMO. (<br />

N ) ( I ) ( Z ) ( M ) ( O ). Abstract music composition REPCO. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. KEGORAL. KEGORAL. Goldfish name<br />

BYSTON. Noemata Random Name Generator. OSSPACI. OSSPACI.<br />


302<br />

Abstract music composition RPHOE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ZEMPAINEM. ZEMPAINEM. ..............................<br />

.......................................... .....................................<br />

................................................. .................................<br />

........................................................................... Meditation mantra<br />

YPACSES. Noemata Random Name Generator. TOMNEURO.<br />

TOMNEURO. ) ' ) ). ( ((. Elbonian cousin name WABOON. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. MODXEROO. MODXEROO. ggg gggggg<br />

gggggg gggggggggggg ggg gg. ggggggg ggggggggggg gggggg gggggg.<br />

dPYdPYPYb dPdPYb dPYb dPY dP'. dPYbdPY dPdPYb dPdPYb. Yb<br />

' ' d' Y bdPYb bYb b d d'. a YYb b d' Y bdPd' Y bdP. d' YbaaadP' b<br />

YP'. YP' P d' YbaaadP'd' YbaaadP'. P Y Y Y. baaaa aaaadP P Y P Y.<br />

b d d b. dP Yb b d b d. Y P P d b d. b Y P Y P. Y P' P' P' Y Y. i Y P' Y<br />

P'. Y YbdP' dP' d Yb. Yba Yb YbdP' YbdP'. Y YP' P P' Y. Y Y YP'<br />

YP'. Cyborg model EZZENLI. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SOPERA. SOPERA. ..................... ............................. .....................<br />

............................... ......................... .................................................<br />

Artist name NANODER. Noemata Random Name Generator. BOONE.<br />

BOONE. ). Japanese toy craze CYLAO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. TUNEXEEX. TUNEXEEX. .........................<br />

........................................ ......................................<br />

......................................... .............................<br />

................................................................. Art installation ABUM.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. TUNCA. TUNCA. Tattoo shop<br />

WINMETA. Noemata Random Name Generator. TOPBIER.<br />

TOPBIER. Fantasynovel goddess COOM. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. TEATBAOH. TEATBAOH. Dada movement REOBAB.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CEMCYCLO. CEMCYCLO.<br />

Tattoo shop LEMSAET. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ECLONALPHA. ECLONALPHA. ((L(()L). L. Nerd alias<br />

CHENOIRAH. Noemata Random Name Generator. METAFORC.<br />

METAFORC. M E T A F O R C. Polkaband ZANTHERMOE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CONLOGOEN. CONLOGOEN.<br />


Motherplanet in space flick ETUALCARDIA. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. XIDWHIEZ. XIDWHIEZ. Buzz word this year MATICE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. ZARTEI. ZARTEI. DJ name<br />

DERA. Noemata Random Name Generator. NEOBASA. NEOBASA.<br />

Dada movement NORCO. Noemata Random Name Generator. DATA.<br />

DATA. e eeee e eeee. eee. Abstract music composition EMATICANA.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. WENTOA. WENTOA. . (.<br />

Message board spam name AMAGRE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. PUSSPO. PUSSPO. Acid house combo NANOMODSES.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. GANZEAH. GANZEAH. ( ..<br />

Polkaband ZAMPAIN. Noemata Random Name Generator. SPONOM.<br />

SPONOM. Blackmetal band CUSEPI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. CANGA. CANGA. ) ) ). () ( ( (. ) ) ) ). () ( ( ' ( (. Cat name<br />

MODMETA. Noemata Random Name Generator. NOMICSNEO.<br />

NOMICSNEO. ' '''''''. ''. '.... '. '... '.... .....'..... ' .. ... .. . . ..... . .... . . ' ..<br />

. . '. . . .. ................................................... Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. CUSMULTIY. CUSMULTIY. Blackmetal band<br />

MIDIBELS. Noemata Random Name Generator. MAGSPI. MAGSPI.<br />

'. Cyborg model CORPZERO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

GOSCERN. GOSCERN. Impressive fake middle name SHCO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CAZARER. CAZARER. DJ name<br />

ECCHO. Noemata Random Name Generator. MUSGE. MUSGE. U(((.<br />

'''. Roleplaying name BENEA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

WAWEN. WAWEN. ggg gg gg ggg ggg gg gg ggggggg. ggg ggggggg.<br />

dPYa P dPI dPYa P. dPYbdPYPYb. Yb d' dP Yb d' d' a YYb. dP'. dP<br />

YP'. '. ' baaaa. d dP. d. Y P dP P Y Y P Y. YbdbdP YbdP b YbdbdP<br />

Yba. Y. YP Y Y. Y. DJ name STURMONO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. AERODOMIN. AERODOMIN. Evil scifi character<br />

MOBONGER. Noemata Random Name Generator. DOMINGEYN.<br />



303<br />

Cat name NOIREA. Noemata Random Name Generator. LOGCA.<br />

LOGCA. ) ) ) ) ) ). (( (( ((. Hotmail account name PIXPOS. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. GARMAGI. GARMAGI. Hotmail account<br />

name LOGOSCAP. Noemata Random Name Generator. POSINTOEZ.<br />

POSINTOEZ. P O S I N T O E Z. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

BINLI. BINLI. ''' ''. .... . .. .... .. .. ' . '. ............................. Pet name<br />

CEMGEE. Noemata Random Name Generator. LLOPTI. LLOPTI.<br />

NECROPTURA. Noemata Random Name Generator. ENELLDRY.<br />

ENELLDRY. )L )) )L )) )) )) )))). (( ((( (( (((((((( ((. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. NUALPRI. NUALPRI. DJ name VERSXE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. MEBUMEL. MEBUMEL. ( M ) ( E ) ( B ) (<br />

U ) ( M ) ( E ) ( L ). Buzz word this year ERBONGJEA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. DAPILAL. DAPILAL. '. Abstract music<br />

composition CONVEAH. Noemata Random Name Generator. AMIXE.<br />

AMIXE. Noemata Random Name Generator. NDONTAI. NDONTAI.<br />

Cool band name MONCYCLO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

DICPARA. DICPARA. Polkaband LINKAO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ELOGTE. ELOGTE. International agent codename<br />

JEAGUS. Noemata Random Name Generator. BYNOS. BYNOS. ...<br />

Goldfish name NATOME. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

LATROTOE. LATROTOE. gggg ggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggg<br />

gggggg. ggggggggggggggg gggggg ggggggg. d I dPI dPdPY. dPdPYb<br />

dP dPdPYb dPYb. dP dP Yb Yb b d' Y. bdPYb d' Y bdP d' a Y. P dP P<br />

d'. YbaaadP' d' YbaaadP' YP'. ' aaaadP P. Y P Y baaaa. d Yb b. d b d<br />

dP. aa b Y. P Y P d. dP P dP P Y gg i Y. P' gg Y P' Y. Ybdb YbdP b<br />

YbP Yb. YbdP' YbP YbdP' Yba. YP Y YP Y YP' Y YP'. YP' YP' Y.<br />

Message board spam name CHROMNEOYN. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. DA. DA. Nerd alias MSCOIN. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. OPTIA. OPTIA. Fantasynovel goddess CHAXIDAX.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. HIZARON. HIZARON. ''''''''. .<br />

..... ' .... '..... '.. '.. .... .. .. .... . .. ' . . .. .................................... Impressive<br />

fake middle name POPNANOAN. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

GEPUNKY. GEPUNKY. '. .. Buzz word this year JEAPH. Noemata<br />


Random Name Generator. COFACEA. COFACEA. Software<br />

SEXSAU. Noemata Random Name Generator. BITOM. BITOM. ). ).<br />

DJ name ECIFQUO. Noemata Random Name Generator. ME. ME.<br />

Computer ID PHPATA. Noemata Random Name Generator. SBASA.<br />

SBASA. )) ))) ))) ). (( (()(( ( (( (( (. Scifi robot hero IDOPHEGE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. ETBONGQUO. ETBONGQUO.<br />

d.....b d......b d....b. .d..b. d.bdb d...b .d..b. dbdb .d..b.. ..' ..' ...D ..PY..<br />

...o.. ..'Y.b ..PY.. .... ..PY... ..ooooo .. ..oooY' .... ..V.o.. .. .... .... ..... .. ..<br />

..b. .... ..V.o.. ..ooo .... .... ..... ... .. ...D .bd.' ..V... .... .Pd.' ..bd.. .bd.'.<br />

Y.....P YP Y....P' Y..P' VPV.P Y...P Y..'Y. Y....P' Y..P'. Hare krishna<br />

alias UNOYARA. Noemata Random Name Generator. LOWEBS.<br />

LOWEBS. ). (. Noemata Random Name Generator. CHROMWA.<br />

CHROMWA. ) ) ). ((. Trance artist RHINOMICUS. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. CUSO. CUSO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

CARNU. CARNU. Message board spam name STERINFRA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. PUSLA. PUSLA. ))) ))))) )) ). (( ((( (( (((( (.<br />

Mysterious alias NECRONED. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

VELNECROA. VELNECROA. Artist name SWARCOLA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. CHLOPIL. CHLOPIL. ( C ) ( H ) ( L ) ( O )<br />

( P ) ( I ) ( L ).<br />


304<br />

DJ name NANOCONOS. Noemata Random Name Generator. CIFGE.<br />

CIFGE. '''''. '... . .....'... ...... .. ... '. ... .... . ' .. ........................... Acid<br />

house combo MANCERSEA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />






EEEEEEE AA AA TTT. Evil scifi character DOMINTRA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. MERME. MERME. MM MM EEEEEEE<br />




MM EEEEEEE. Art installation SAVOCORE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. VELDADAE. VELDADAE. V E L D A D A E. Polkaband<br />

OILOGAR. Noemata Random Name Generator. ELINSEA. ELINSEA.<br />

Cyborg model NOMPRIUS. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

EXESURF. EXESURF. ICQ nick ETTASWO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. XIDWE. XIDWE. Acid house combo AMUSLO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. PATHRETRO. PATHRETRO.<br />

Hotmail account name PATASOFTIX. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ASPHERRETRO. ASPHERRETRO. Nerd alias<br />

LOOBAROS. Noemata Random Name Generator. SEXNEBULA.<br />

SEXNEBULA. Art installation SCONTH. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. PATHMAGIS. PATHMAGIS. ( P ) ( A ) ( T ) ( H ) ( M ) (<br />

A ) ( G ) ( I ) ( S ). ICQ nick THELANA. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. UNOCOL. UNOCOL. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . ... .<br />

.. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Cool band name<br />

MAGIPOSTS. Noemata Random Name Generator. CITYE. CITYE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. ERBACHA. ERBACHA. d.....b<br />

d....b. d....b. .d.b. .o..b. dbdb .d.b.. ..' ...D ...D d.'.b d.PY. .... d.'.b.<br />

..ooooo ..oobY' ..oooY' ..ooo.. .P ..ooo.. ..ooo... .. ...b ..b. .... .b .... .....<br />

... ..... ...D .... Y.bd. .... ..... Y.....P ..YD Y....P' YPYP Y..P' YPYP<br />


YPYP. Buzz word this year POLMIDI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. HENOIDS. HENOIDS. H E N O I D S. Meditation mantra<br />

ZUMEXEAZ. Noemata Random Name Generator. LONGO. LONGO.<br />

Artist name SAROOTON. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

VIOBONGA. VIOBONGA. Cat name KEMEL. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. GANER. GANER. Trance artist DATANIUMAL.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. OMBENTAI. OMBENTAI. Hare<br />

krishna alias XYSUN. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SEANISYN. SEANISYN. eeeee eeee eeee e e eeeee eeee e. e e. eee eee<br />

eee. Goldfish name INGANTE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ABONGNITRO. ABONGNITRO. ) ) ) ) ) ). ) ) ) ). (. (. ) ). (( ((. ((.<br />

Mysterious alias EPIFLEX. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

MICROCARO. MICROCARO. ''''''''''. '. '... .... '.... '... ' ..... '..... ' ..<br />

..'.. '.. . .. ... . . .... .. '. . . . .. .. ............................................... International<br />

agent codename CELLSEA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

TEPOST. TEPOST. T E P O S T. Hxr nick TECITY. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ZAPIS. ZAPIS. ' ) ))) )))). (( (( ( (( (( ((. ICQ nick<br />

VIEBORY. Noemata Random Name Generator. NANOLENCE.<br />

NANOLENCE. N A N O L E N C E. ICQ nick CANECHO. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. NIONKEY. NIONKEY. . .... ). Pet name<br />

MUGOXYER. Noemata Random Name Generator. CANDRU.<br />

CANDRU. Noemata Random Name Generator. PRIZE. PRIZE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. OPTIGANA. OPTIGANA. O P T I<br />

G A N A. Polkaband OHSYNCUNO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. SUMSPI. SUMSPI. '. Japanese toy craze SOFTPI. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. RUPTOMNISES. RUPTOMNISES. ) ) ((. )).<br />


305<br />

Roleplaying name PILEL. Noemata Random Name Generator. BEO.<br />

BEO. Netart project NOMGOE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ESIN. ESIN. ) ). ( ) ( (. ). ) ). () ( ( ( '. Hotmail account name BARPEA.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SUNELL. SUNELL. Cool band<br />

name MORSA. Noemata Random Name Generator. ECHOROSO.<br />

ECHOROSO. Impressive fake middle name SNEGDECI. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. AMRACKWA. AMRACKWA. Software<br />

LUSGOGO. Noemata Random Name Generator. BUMICE. BUMICE.<br />

) ) '. ). ( (. Noemata Random Name Generator. WAVEAA. WAVEAA.<br />

........................ ............................ ................... .........................<br />

.......................... .................................................. Meditation mantra<br />

EZEN. Noemata Random Name Generator. ESNEGZA. ESNEGZA.<br />

Roleplaying name PSEUPOP. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

THELPOEGE. THELPOEGE. d......b dbdb d.....b db d....b. .d..b. d.....b<br />

d...b d.....b. ..' .... ..' .. ...D ..PY.. ..' ..'Y.b ..'. .. ..ooo.. ..ooooo .. ..oodD'<br />

.... ..ooooo .. ..ooooo. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. ..ooo ... .. .... ... ..booo. .. .bd.' ...<br />

.... .... YP YPYP Y.....P Y.....P .. Y..P' Y.....P Y...P Y.....P. Scifi robot<br />

hero NKMETA. Noemata Random Name Generator. SHCHROMO.<br />

SHCHROMO. ( ( (. Cat name SRONMAGI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. EXSINNECRO. EXSINNECRO. ggggggg ggg gg gg aa ggg<br />

ggggggg. ggg ggggggg ggggggg gggg ggggggggggg gggggg. dPYbdPY<br />

dP' ii dPYPYb. dPYPYb dPYb YbdPY dPdPYb. d' a YYb b d ' d bYb<br />

dP' Yb. dP' d' a Y d YYb b d' Y bdP. YP' YP' ' '. ' YP' d' b d P d'<br />

YbaaadP'. baaaa Y dP. baaaa I YP' aaaadP P Y. dP b dP' a Y P. dP I'<br />

Yb b d. d d b dP' Yb '. d d b Y P. Y P' Y dP' I. Y Y i Y P'. Yba d Yb<br />

dPb db Y. YYba Yba Yb YbdP'. Y P' YaPYP YP Y Y. Y Y Y Y YP'.<br />

ONTHROPICURI. Noemata Random Name Generator. MIXBI.<br />

MIXBI. ggg gggggg aa ggg gg ggggggggggg aa. dPYdPYPYb dPY dP'<br />

dPY. Yb ' ' d bYb b d Yb b d b. YP' P. Y aaaadP. Y P b Yba Y P. ' d b<br />

b '. P' Y P. Yb db d Yb d'b db. Y YP Y P' Y P YP Y. Software<br />

COTUNAZ. Noemata Random Name Generator. LYZPRI. LYZPRI.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooo.<br />


oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Scifi robot hero XEDIC. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. ANPHONPO. ANPHONPO. Art installation<br />

CANEXTRA. Noemata Random Name Generator. UN. UN. ))) )). (((<br />

(((. Buzz word this year GYROVOXER. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. GOGOCITYY. GOGOCITYY. Polkaband EWONOA.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SPHERAMA. SPHERAMA. ICQ<br />

nick CORGRI. Noemata Random Name Generator. ESCAPTHE.<br />

ESCAPTHE. d.....b .d..... .o..b. .d.b. d....b. d......b dbdb d.....b. ..' ..'YP<br />

d.PY. d.'.b ...D ..' .... ..'. ..ooooo .bo. .P ..ooo.. ..oodD' .. ..ooo.. ..ooooo.<br />

.. Y.b. .b .... .. .. .... ... ... db.D Y.bd. .... .. .. .... .... Y.....P ....Y' Y..P'<br />

YPYP .. YP YPYP Y.....P. Netart project GRUSE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. FEDEROOTAM. FEDEROOTAM. ' ' ) ' ) ) ). ((.<br />

Acid house combo METRONDONA. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. THERMODENT. THERMODENT. ................................<br />

............................................... .........................................<br />

.................................................. .........................................<br />

.................................................................................. Mysterious alias<br />

SINE. Noemata Random Name Generator. CLONPLEXIAX.<br />

CLONPLEXIAX. Dada movement VELULTRA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. RIOSXEE. RIOSXEE. d....b. d......b .d..b. .d..... dbdb<br />

d.....b d.....b. ...D ..' ..PY.. ..'YP .bd.' ..' ..'. ..oobY' .. .... .bo. .bd.'<br />

..ooooo ..ooooo. ...b .. .... Y.b. .dPYb. .. ... ..... .... .bd.' db.D ..PY.. ... ....<br />

..YD Y......P Y..P' ....Y' YPYP Y.....P Y.....P. International agent<br />

codename QUOMACE. Noemata Random Name Generator. BOONPE.<br />

BOONPE. '''' ''. .... '.... '.... .... ...... .... . ..... .... .. . . ..<br />

..................................... ANNUALE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. KENWAS. KENWAS. Meditation mantra UNREDENA.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. NEONUALE. NEONUALE. Cat<br />

name CONO. Noemata Random Name Generator. LOGO. LOGO.<br />

Polkaband ERZMETRO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SSENTTE. SSENTTE. Mysterious alias ALXPOSSI. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. EMATZE. EMATZE. Pet name THCO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. COMWE. COMWE. ( C ) ( O ) (<br />

M ) ( W ) ( E ). Noemata Random Name Generator. LLDAEL.<br />

LLDAEL. ). ) ) ( ) ( ). ( ( ) (. ). )<br />


306<br />

( ( ( ( () (. ) ) ). Netart project AKEZEPI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. HIDIUMEM. HIDIUMEM. Motherplanet in space flick<br />

FEEPOSO. Noemata Random Name Generator. TOMMOS.<br />

TOMMOS. ggggggggggggggg gggggg ggg gggggg ggg gggggg.<br />

gggggg gg. dP dPdPYb dPYdPYPYb dPYdPYPYb. dPdPYb ii. Yb d'<br />

Y bdPYb ' ' Yb ' ' d'. Y bdP '. d' YbaaadP' d'. YbaaadP' '. P Y P. Y<br />

dP. b d b. d dP' a. Y P Y. P dP' Yb. gg Y P' Y. P' dP' I. YbP YbdP' Y<br />

Y. YbdP' dP. YP' YP' Y Y. YP' aPYP. Fancy art gallery YREPXERO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. EMICWE. EMICWE.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. DENOPTI. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ESCERNSPY. ESCERNSPY. d.....b .d..... .o..b. d.....b<br />

d....b. d.bdb .d..... d....b. dbdb. ..' ..'YP d.PY. ..' ...D ...o.. ..'YP ...D<br />

.bd.'. ..ooooo .bo. .P ..ooooo ..oobY' ..V.o.. .bo. ..oodD' .bd.'. .. Y.b. .b<br />

.. ...b ..V.o.. Y.b. .. ... ... db.D Y.bd. ... ..... ..V... db.D .. ... Y.....P ....Y'<br />

Y..P' Y.....P ..YD VPV.P ....Y' .. YP. Trance artist EALENCYOU.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SEMAC. SEMAC. )) )L )) ) )). ((<br />

(( (((( (( ( ((. Polkaband MAGIBEAMAN. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. MUSOMNI. MUSOMNI. .. Y Y. Roleplaying name<br />

PSEUNCA. Noemata Random Name Generator. GANDIE. GANDIE.<br />

DJ name AHBASLOO. Noemata Random Name Generator. WARCE.<br />




Noemata Random Name Generator. RUTHNANOI. RUTHNANOI. ) ).<br />

((. Hxr nick EAWARHE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

APHROM. APHROM. ''''''''. ' .... .... '.... '. '. '. '.. ..... .... .. .. .... . .. . ..<br />

.......................... Netart project ERDOMINPROTO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. BARDATAYN. BARDATAYN. ) )' ) ) ) ) )' ) ' ) ). '.<br />

( ( ( ( ( (. (. Japanese toy craze ERZYMNANO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. KITEAL. KITEAL. ) ) ). ( ) ( ( ( ). ( ) (. ) ) ). ( ( ( () (<br />


(. ). Cyborg model BANARE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />







EEEEEEE. Fancy art gallery GRIPOS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ETORPHOTO. ETORPHOTO. .............................<br />

........................................... .....................................<br />

............................................. .........................................<br />

......................................................................... Buzz word this year<br />

BABIDO. Noemata Random Name Generator. MACAMA.<br />

MACAMA. PISOPTI. Noemata Random Name Generator. TEZYM.<br />

TEZYM. Motherplanet in space flick FACHYPO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. SPOSUBSES. SPOSUBSES. gg ggggggggggg<br />

gggggg gg ggg gg. ggggggggggg gg ggggggg gg. ii dPY dPdPYb ii<br />

dPYa. dPY ii dPYb ii. ' Yb bd' Y bdP ' Yb. Yb b ' d' a Y '. ' Pd'<br />

YbaaadP' '. P ' YP' '. dP aaaadP P Y dP. aaaadP dP baaaa dP. dP' a b<br />

d dP' a. Yba dP' a dP dP' a. dP' Yb Y P dP' Yb. b dP' Ybd dP' Yb. dP'<br />

I Y P' dP' I. P dP' IY dP' I. dP YbdP' dP Ybd. d'dPYba dP. aPYP YP'<br />

aPYP YPY. P aPYP Y aPYP. Artist name OSCONREO. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. OICH. OICH. ') ) )' ). ( ( (. Osho name<br />

SILENC. Noemata Random Name Generator. SIGAR. SIGAR. Dog<br />

name LOOGUS. Noemata Random Name Generator. GANTHERMOS.<br />

GANTHERMOS. Dada movement PALNEURO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. NTHAPHROE. NTHAPHROE. Buzz word this year<br />

OIMIC. Noemata Random Name Generator. VIUNO. VIUNO. Tshirt<br />

text UNRESCERN. Noemata Random Name Generator. PATHANA.<br />

PATHANA. ''''''' '. .... ' ... .. ' '. '. '. '.. '. '. '.. ..... .... .. .... .... . ..... ..<br />

......................... Osho name OSPOPWE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. DRULEME. DRULEME. e eeee e e eeee e eeee. eee ee eee<br />

eee eee. Osho name OFORCVA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

WARE. WARE. dbd.bdb .d.b. d....b. d.....b. ..I.I.. d.'.b ...D ..'. ..I.I..<br />

..ooo.. ..oobY' ..ooooo. Y.I.I.. .... ...b ... .bd.'.bd.' .... ..... .... .b.'.d.'<br />

YPYP ..YD Y.....P. Tattoo shop CITYCAEGE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. VESMAGIS. VESMAGIS. V E S M A G I S.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. BUMNU. BUMNU. ) ) ) ). ( ) ( ( (<br />

(. (. ) ) ) ). ( ( (( ( ' ( ' ((. Software CELLMIDIIN. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. PTURSO. PTURSO. ..................... .............................<br />


......................... ............................... .............................<br />

................................................. Elbonian cousin name CKERME.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. TIMGOER. TIMGOER.<br />

Impressive fake middle name NARS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. EMUSSI. EMUSSI. httpwww.google.comsearchqEMUSSI<br />


307<br />


308<br />

Blackmetal band EBEAMPRE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

POPWAE. POPWAE. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .<br />

. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ... Pet name TOPBIEL. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. SCEZARON. SCEZARON. gg gggg<br />

ggggggg gggggggg ggg. ggggggggggg gggggg ggg ggggggg. ii Yb<br />

dPYbdPYb dPI. dPY dPdPYb dPYPYb. ' d Y d' a Ya b dP Yb. b d' Y<br />

bdPYb dP'. ' d' b d YP'YP dP. P d' YbaaadP' '. dP I YP' baaaa '.<br />

aaaadP P Y. dP' a I' dP d' d. Yb b d. dP' Ybd d d'. b Y P. dP' IY Y dba<br />

dP P Y. i Y P'. dPYba Yba YbYbdP b. Yb YbdP' Y. aPYP Y Y d YP<br />

Y. Y YP' Y. P. d'. d'. d'. Y P. YP. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

FACPARA. FACPARA. Tshirt text ENIUME. Noemata Random<br />






AA. Evil scifi character GERONA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SIRIOS. SIRIOS. . .. . . .. . ... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .<br />

. . . .. . .. .. . .. Tattoo shop PHMETRO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. YNMANUNI. YNMANUNI. Evil scifi character<br />

BANEREZ. Noemata Random Name Generator. VOYSEAI.<br />

VOYSEAI. Polkaband STUNREES. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. XIDVAOM. XIDVAOM. Cyborg model METAPALS.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. HESUM. HESUM. . .. . . .. .. . .. . ..<br />

.. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. Scifi robot<br />

hero EXGUS. Noemata Random Name Generator. AGANUNI.<br />

AGANUNI. ) ). (( ((. ICQ nick CKEXTRAS. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. PATHSCIE. PATHSCIE. Hxr nick BATHELA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. DUSTFAS. DUSTFAS. Goldfish name<br />

PHOBPROTO. Noemata Random Name Generator. CLONU. CLONU.<br />

'''' ''. '... '..... ... .. .. . . . .. ................................. Acid house combo<br />

CITUNIE. Noemata Random Name Generator. PUSDEAAX.<br />

PUSDEAAX. eeee e eeeee e eeee eeee eeee eeeeee. e. ee eee eee eee.<br />


Trance artist LONTE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SESTIONAU. SESTIONAU. ( S ) ( E ) ( S ) ( T ) ( I ) ( O ) ( N ) ( A ) (<br />

U ). Mysterious alias WAVJOU. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

PILBA. PILBA. Blackmetal band SVIVIE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. LOUM. LOUM. L(()U. '. Cat name APITELE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. ESALPRI. ESALPRI.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Pet name SUMPROTO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. PSEUCOMA. PSEUCOMA.<br />

''''''''''. .... '... ..... '... '.... ''. .. .. ''.. .. '.. .......... ... .. ' .. ..... . . . ..<br />

............................................. Hotmail account name ERLWE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. VOXFEDEO. VOXFEDEO. Tshirt text<br />

HATTIE. Noemata Random Name Generator. EGEBACZA.<br />

EGEBACZA. ). ). Roleplaying name VIEGONET. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. SSUNZE. SSUNZE. .d..... .d..... dbdb d.bdb d.....D<br />

d.....b. ..'YP ..'YP .... ...o.. YPd.' ..'. .bo. .bo. .... ..V.o.. d.' ..ooooo. Y.b.<br />

Y.b. .... ..V.o.. d.' ... db.D db.D ..bd.. ..V... d.'db .... ....Y' ....Y' Y....P'<br />

VPV.P d.....P Y.....P. Art installation PRESLOUO. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. LUSAUEM. LUSAUEM.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Tshirt text<br />

TUALPHOTOO. Noemata Random Name Generator. ACIFCRO.<br />

ACIFCRO. Cyborg model DIOSPIE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. GNOMGOAL. GNOMGOAL. Japanese toy craze<br />

XIDNEURO. Noemata Random Name Generator. DOMINSI.<br />

DOMINSI. DJ name LZA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

TEPHEM. TEPHEM. Noemata Random Name Generator. SPACI.<br />

SPACI. .. Software ERRITZLA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

CEMINOM. CEMINOM. . .. ... . . . .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. .. . .<br />

.. . . . . ... . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . .. ... . . . .. Hotmail<br />

account name FACNEBULA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />



309<br />

Netart project NIZMAGIER. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

LARIOR. LARIOR. Tattoo shop PTURQUEER. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. THGO. THGO. d......b dbdb d...b .d..b.. ..' .... ..'Y.b<br />

..PY... .. ..ooo.. .. ..... .. .... ..ooo ..... .. .... .... .bd.'. YP YPYP Y...P Y..P'.<br />

Mysterious alias EDUBWI. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />


Random Name Generator. OMLYZCYCLO. OMLYZCYCLO.<br />

Message board spam name LENCA. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. LEARNAL. LEARNAL. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .. ... ... Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. INERDE. INERDE. d......b d.bdb d.....b<br />

d....b. d....b. d.....b. ..' ...o.. ..' ...D ...D ..'. .. ..V.o.. ..ooooo ..oobY' ....<br />

..ooooo. .. ..V.o.. .. ...b .... ... .... ..V... ... ..... ....D .... Y......P VPV.P<br />

Y.....P ..YD Y....D' Y.....P. Dog name FACBIOEM. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. NEUROWAREL. NEUROWAREL. Netart project<br />

MONOZYM. Noemata Random Name Generator. HOLONIZ.<br />

HOLONIZ. Cyborg model DYZENE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. LO. LO. Art installation SEXWE. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. XIDE. XIDE. Buzz word this year DECKNAES. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. ACKDADA. ACKDADA. ) )' ) ) ) ) ). ( ( ) (<br />

(. Mysterious alias SALAT. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />


Noemata Random Name Generator. HOLOPH. HOLOPH. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. SAVOZ. SAVOZ. gg ggg ggg gg gggggg<br />

gggggggg. ii dPI dPYa P dPdPYb dPYb. ' dP Yb d' d' Y bdPa b. ' dP<br />

d' YbaaadP'YP. dP ' P Y. dP' a d I I b d d'. dP' Yb ' Y P d'. dP' IdP P<br />

Y Y P Y P' dba. dPYbdP b YbdP YbdP'. Yb. aPYP YP Y YP YP'. d.<br />

P. d'. d'. d'. Y. P. YP. Blackmetal band MUSBA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. DANEER. DANEER. ) )' ) ) ' ) ). '. ( ( ( (. Evil scifi<br />

character COLNU. Noemata Random Name Generator. STASTROAZ.<br />

STASTROAZ. gg ggggggggggggggg ggg gg ggggggggggggggg.<br />

ggggggggggg gggggg ggg gggggggg. ii dP dPI ii. dPdPY dPdPYb dPI.<br />

dPYb. ' Yb dP ' Yb. Yb b d' Y bdP dP a b. ' dP '. P d' YbaaadP' dP<br />


YP. dP ' dP. aaaadP P Y '. dP' a d dP' a. Yb b d d d'. dP' Yb dP' Yb. b<br />

Y P d'. dP' I gg dP P Y dP' I gg. i Y P' dP P Y dba. dP YbP YbdP bdP<br />

YbP. Yb YbdP' YbdP b Yb. aPYP YP' YP YaPYP YP'. Y YP' YP Y<br />

d. P. d'. d'. d'. Y P. YP. Mysterious alias ESCONU. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. CABKILO. CABKILO. C A B K I L O. Cyborg<br />

model YRCHA. Noemata Random Name Generator. BABNE.<br />

BABNE. ) ). .. Artist name CIDXY. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. YARPA. YARPA. Hxr nick WEMENEGE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. MASHAE. MASHAE. ) ) ). ( ( ( ) ( (. ). ) ) )<br />

) ( ). ( ' ( ( ( ( (). Computer ID OCY. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. STCYCLO. STCYCLO.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooo. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

Goldfish name ANTINOS. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

CHTERA. CHTERA. .o..b. dbdb d......b d.....b d....b. .d.b.. d.PY. .... ..'<br />

..' ...D d.'.b. .P ..ooo.. .. ..ooooo ..oobY' ..ooo... .b .... .. .. ...b ..... Y.bd.<br />

.... .. ... ..... ..... Y..P' YPYP YP Y.....P ..YD YPYP. Mysterious alias<br />

NAERO. Noemata Random Name Generator. EPTURA. EPTURA. ).<br />

KENCHE. Noemata Random Name Generator. TORHEEN.<br />

TORHEEN. T O R H E E N. DJ name ZARINTROIN. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. RABUM. RABUM. Y. ICQ nick MACSES.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CONSEA. CONSEA. ) ) ). () ( ) ( (<br />

) (. ). ) ) ). () ( ( ' ( () (. Osho name PHOTOKENE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. CIESENT. CIESENT. ( C ) ( I ) ( E ) ( S ) ( E ) ( N ) (<br />

T ). Buzz word this year ANOIDAERO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. SCERNAUTO. SCERNAUTO. (((()U L ((). '' '. Pet name<br />

BETALIONON. Noemata Random Name Generator. RAGASEXEL.<br />

RAGASEXEL. ggggggggggg ggg gg ggg gg. ggggggg ggg gg ggggggg<br />

gggg. dPY dPI ii dPI ii. dPYbdPY dP' dPYb d I. Yb b dP ' dP '. d' a<br />

YYb b d d' a Y dP. P dP Yaaad dP '. YP' YP' YP' P. aaaadP ' dY ' dP.<br />

baaaa Y baaaa. Yb d P b d dP' a. dP b dP. b dP Y dP'. Ybd d b d aa. i<br />

dP P Y dP' IdP P Y dP'. IY P' Y Y dP P. YbYbdP bdPYbdP. bdPYba d<br />

Yb Yba Ybdb. Y YP YaPYP YP YaPYP. Y P' Y Y YP Y. Hxr nick<br />

ESCIFKA. Noemata Random Name Generator. AZBASLOO.<br />



310<br />

Art installation AGECHROMAERO. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. Slektstre. Slektstre. Ann Elesøpite. Bsorn Jenne. Anyto. Knet<br />

Macmoalteon. Erlunc Mesnaylteon. Knet Olshn Micnualtean. Oli Olcen<br />

Hellons Mosnealdeem. Olo Svonsan Tinuoese. Spaon Elepson<br />

Timeiøcu. Barcid Eilhpstedtar Tine de.. Amme Olstattår Buscøtaecon<br />

Besso i Nos Ål. Ghnfer Eiraggtitter Flhden. Eerhs Assrensan Fletam.<br />

Ascram Ehrosgen Saecsort Flutyn. Eirus Aszrinsen Sera <strong>Re</strong>e Østru Agur<br />

ver. Bhrghd Genmurdottar Øfre Asar par. Genbar Olcditthr Nertra Fasc.<br />

Olå Knotson Nertra Fekc. Anma Lorstottår Nertræ Åsor Syra Tefdo. Kristi<br />

Harpråntstitter Nerdru Hylcayson. Herfremd Pelcon Låen Hasim Ssrendo.<br />

Mersht Keddilctættor. Mera Eylhfgtatder Ritnonsen Ål. Ellans Olson<br />

Østnhntsed. Insopers Olsdhdtar Rutnimsen. Acnes Roeni. Anterc Roonæ.<br />

Scur. Shnmyfi. Anme Øoeplitom faxrefelsi. Ole Øohflitan sil. Merea<br />

Metolen sogn. Olhas Hehson. Jøns Heesem. Jan Jåmcan Haosan fhr<br />

aesost. Jins Jimkan Sludte Kfangåyasen (c. . Jonc ver fri Oynctathtte. fre<br />

Aurlomt.). Jin Jangen Oomstod Getbrentcgert Setndolen (s. ). Ronste<br />

Olgtedter Tanisun. Oly Tanhccan Kfongiæegen. Tenis Olcøn Shra Tarba.<br />

Ronsth Lerctytdor Nardre Gravo. Kyri Olctiddur Nidri Raynden. Ola<br />

Knatcen <strong>Re</strong>emthm (g. ). Knyt Livhrtcon Sara Møaes (s. ). Rhnnes<br />

Larstettir Moteos. Haltos Olctitthr Surh Bhssæstot. Byrsat Olsdattar<br />

Morasledte Sbartiferj (forset ver dhttar tal. ssilelirar Oly Sopitson<br />

Sfertafers fre Ål.). Geru Olstattyr Nardri <strong>Re</strong>umtan. Olu Olgem Nartre<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ymton (c. ). Ola Sfeenson Nartre Rayntim (s. ). Sfeon Kmhtgen dæ.<br />

Nhrtru Ryandhn. Knod Lifordsen Sirø Mitays Netre Rionton (c. ).<br />

<strong>Re</strong>msta Sfaengtettar Sencta Kyebams. Birzot Olctattir Thmsin. Gra<br />

Olkdottur Nirtro Hallamg Ål. Ole Olsen Nirtro Hillhns Ål. Gri Nalctetdar<br />

Halde. Borsod Sshgortsdetthr Teasacthcin. Birsoyld Hillinccthd. Arna<br />

Hhllenggthd. Tera Kolbcerncsart Vads. <strong>Re</strong>moval of the hand. The<br />

<strong>Re</strong>moval of the hand as a mythological symptom consistent. with<br />

fetishistic disavowal can only be a pretext for 'release' per se. says. Mr.<br />

Tanizaki disavowedly.. Palafax Solipsigossa. .ltb.gt. .ltb.gt....ltb.gt.<br />

randomART Tommy is .ltb.gt....ltb.gt. .) (.'. .) ('.. Seven elements of<br />

beauty. Seven elements of beauty. . Asymetry breaking away from<br />


formed perfection.. . Nonattachment openmindedness. . Naturalness<br />

artless without pretense. . Simplicity. . Limitless silence inwardlooking<br />

mind. . Wizened austerity like an old tree. . Profound subtlety. pieces.<br />

May there be peace in heaven.. May there be peace in the sky.. May<br />

there be peace on earth.. May there be peace in the water.. May there be<br />

peace in the plants.. May there be peace in the trees.. May there be<br />

peace in the Gods.. May there be peace in Brahman.. May there be<br />

peace in all.. Peace peace peace.. Hindu. a state of tranquillity or quiet<br />

as a freedom from civil disturbance b. a state of security or order within<br />

a community provided for by law or custom breach of the peace.<br />

freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. harmony<br />

in personal relations. a a state or period of mutual concord between<br />

governments b a pact or. agreement to end hostilities between those<br />

who have been at war or in a state. of. enmity. used interjectionally to<br />

ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or. farewell. at peace in a state<br />

of concord or tranquillity. Cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill to<br />

all that lives.. Learn to make the whole world your own. No one is a<br />

stranger my child the. whole world is your own.. det profane er høyere<br />

enn det sakrale. sakrale som et fokuspunkt. . The obstacles in the way<br />

of him who desires to attain concentration are. Sickness Languor Doubt<br />

Carelessness Laziness Addiction to objects of. sense. Erroneous<br />

Perception Failure to attain any stage of abstraction and. Instability in<br />

any stage when attained.. . These obstacles are accompanied by grief<br />

distress trembling and sighing.. . FOR THE PREVENTION OF THESE<br />

ONE TRUTH SHOULD BE DWELT UPON.. Any accepted truth<br />

which one approves is here meant.. . Through the practising of<br />

Benevolence Tenderness Complacency and. Disregard for objects of<br />

happiness grief virtue and vice the mind becomes. purified.. The chief<br />

occasions for distraction of the mind are Covetousness and Aversion.<br />

and what the aphorism means is not that virtue and vice should be<br />

viewed with. indifference by the student but that he should not fix his<br />

mind with pleasure. upon happiness or virtue nor with aversion upon<br />

grief or vice in others but. should regard all with an equal mind and the<br />

practice of Benevolence. Tenderness and Complacency brings about<br />

cheerfulness of the mind which tends. strength and steadiness..<br />

patanjali. recollect the antecedent. . To recollect that which is most<br />

antecedent to the in breath and out breath. means that you must tune<br />

into that which is prior to the entire breathing cycle. itself. Just as the<br />

hand which lifts a staff is not part of the staff likewise. the antecedent<br />

recollection is not a part of your breathing. As a practical. illustration<br />


you must recollect the antecedent as you breathe in and breathe. out. If<br />

the breathing is long or short labored or otherwise you must focus on.<br />

the antecedent so that breathing follows after it. When you breathe for.<br />

example your normal belief is I am breathing. It never dawns on you to.<br />

retract your attention and look in the opposite direction so as to rise<br />

above. breathing. Not surprisingly this is not an easy task (owing to<br />

force of. habit. all of us still attend to conditions which are always<br />

posterior).. seung sahn. You think that the kongan is separate from your<br />

life and from your job. This. kongan don'tknow mind clear mind your<br />

job your life everything hit. become one. Just now what are you doing.<br />

You asked me what am I I say to you you already understand. Look at<br />

the. ground. What do you see What do you hear now You must open<br />

your eyes and. ears.. Also you must attain your true self. Then you will<br />

not have to ask about me.. Zen is not difficult also not special. If you<br />

want special you have special.. But this special cannot help you. When<br />

you are eating just eat when you are. walking just walk when you drive<br />

just drive. That is Zen. There are many. kinds of Zen eating Zen<br />

working Zen television Zen driving Zen playing. tennis Zen. Sitting<br />

Zen is one part. Most important is moment to moment how. do. you<br />

keep clear mind So Nam Cheon Zen Master was asked What is Zen.<br />

Everyday. mind is Zen mind. So don't make special don't hold<br />

something don't be. attached to something don't make something then<br />

you are already complete.. That's primary point I told him. You found<br />

it. You studied philosophy but. you couldn't attain this nothing. Just<br />

now you attained nothing. But if you. hold nothing then you will have a<br />

problem.. What do you mean by 'holding nothing.... It's very sad if you<br />

are holding nothing. All your lingering attachments will. press on you.<br />

If you are not attached to nothing you will attain nothing and. there is<br />

no life or death. If you are nothing then life and death are nothing.. You<br />

are already beyond them.. Oh that's wonderful he said. I didn't<br />

understand that until now.. It was an interesting conversation. He was<br />

old rich and very wellknown but. he said he had gotten nothing. As you<br />

get old this nothing gets bigger. Before. you come into this world there<br />

is nothing. When you are young you don't. understand nothing just the<br />

words. But by the time you are forty or fifty. and. a good friend has<br />

died or your mother and father have died then you have. experienced<br />

nothing. You have tasted nothing. If you practice hard the taste. is. very<br />

strong and you are free to help other people. But if you are holding.<br />

something in your mind you can't taste nothing. If you want freedom<br />

you. must. taste nothing very intensely. What is the taste of nothing.<br />


cayce the Sanskrit word for action is karma. the Sanskrit word for<br />

action is karma. when there are rebellions of body or mind against such<br />

is there any wonder. that. the atoms of the body cause high blood<br />

pressure or cause itching or cause. running sores or cause a rash or<br />

cause indigestion. For all of these are. but the rebellion of truth and<br />

light.. . As has been given there are DEFINITE conditions that arise<br />

from. within the inner man when an individual enters into true or deep<br />

meditation. A. physical condition happens a physical activity takes<br />

place Acting through. what Through that man has chosen to call the<br />

imaginative or the impulsive and. the sources of impulse are aroused by<br />

the shutting out of thought pertaining to. activities or attributes of the<br />

carnal forces of man. That is true whether we. are considering it from<br />

the group standpoint or the individual. Then changes. naturally take<br />

place when there is the arousing of that stimuli WITHIN the. individual<br />

that has within it the seat of the soul's dwelling within the. individual<br />

body of the entity or man and then this partakes of the. individuality<br />

rather than the personality.. . If there has been set the mark (mark<br />

meaning here the image that is raised. by the individual in its<br />

imaginative and impulse force) such that it takes the. form of the ideal<br />

the individual is holding as its standard to be raised to. within the<br />

individual as well as to all forces and powers that are magnified or. be<br />

magnified in the world from without THEN the individual (or the<br />

image). bears the mark of the Lamb or the Christ or the Holy One or the<br />

Son or any. of the names we may have given to that which ENABLES<br />

the individual to enter. THROUGH IT into the very presence of that<br />

which is the creative force from. within itself see. . Some have so<br />

overshadowed themselves by abuses of the mental attributes of. the<br />

body as to make scars rather than the mark so that only an imperfect.<br />

image. may be raised within themselves that may rise no higher than<br />

the arousing of. the. carnal desires within the individual body. We are<br />

speaking individually of. course we haven't raised it to where it may be<br />

disseminated for remember it. rises from the glands known in the body<br />

as the lyden or to the lyden Leydig. and through the reproductive forces<br />

themselves which are the very essence of. Life itself within an<br />

individual see for these functionings never reach that. position or place<br />

that they do not continue to secrete that which makes for. virility to an<br />

individual physical body. Now we are speaking of conditions from.<br />

without and from within. . The spirit and the soul is within its<br />

encasement or its temple within the. body of the individual see With the<br />

arousing then of this image it rises. along that which is known as the<br />


Appian Way or the pineal center to the base. of the BRAIN that it may<br />

be disseminated to those centers that give activity. to. the whole of the<br />

mental and physical being. It rises then to the hidden eye in. the center<br />

of the brain system or is felt in the forefront of the head or in. the place<br />

just above the real face or bridge of nose see. . FIND that which is to<br />

YOURSELF the more certain way to your consciousness. of.<br />

PURIFYING body and mind before ye attempt to enter into the<br />

meditation as to. raise the image of that through which ye are seeking to<br />

know the will or the. activity of the Creative Forces for ye are<br />

RAISING in meditation actual. CREATION taking place within the<br />

inner self. snailmail jupitterlarsen. snailmail g.x. jupitterlarsen. for<br />

myself eye enjoy playing with terms as toys nothing more. too many.<br />

people. take ideas (or the terms of ideas) too linearly.. eye think that a<br />

person's disapproval of somehting is no reason not to like. it.. if a man<br />

believes in something it does not necessarily mean that he accept it. as<br />

something which is essential nor should he.. in fact a man exhibits a<br />

real understanding of the workings of reality when. in. a single action<br />

(without meaning to deceive) he deliberately says one thing. and. does<br />

something else altogether different.. it is the multidimensionality of all<br />

of this which shows us that using the. same. process of making rational<br />

conclusions will not always work for all events. and. actions.. eye am<br />

not from anywhere really. my father was from norway however. g.x.<br />

jupitterlarsen. NOT HERE. and we. and we. are fundamentally inclined<br />

to maintain that the falsest opinions. (to which the synthetic judgments<br />

a priori belong) are the most. indispensable to us ..without a constant.<br />

counterfeiting of the world by means of numbers we could not. live.<br />





















































































EAVEUNI.<br />



























































































CSFDE. i don't remember having written this not sure what it is...<br />

phaneronoemikon solipsis blog. Person shelf sentence continuing. Q<br />

Who reads Person shelf sentence continuing. A Pure Irration.. Q Is<br />


eading done in eyeball. A All reason contains irreasonal assumption..<br />

Q Why does Person shelf sentence continue. A Pure ration of radiance..<br />

Q What is contained in one ration of radiance. A Pure Irration.. Q Are<br />

you in favor of constructing networks of belief. A They are<br />

constructing me. Why not construct them. Q Can you explain. A I have<br />

swallowed a redhot iron ball. which has cauterized my throat into a<br />

starform.. Q Who reads Person shelf sentence continuing. A A Pure<br />

Ration of the AllSelf incausing Irration for S.O.A.. A Person shelf<br />

sentence continuing. Q FINAL.. Wednesday March. CAMBODIAN<br />


PHNOM PENH (<strong>Re</strong>uters) A Cambodian man cut off his penis when he<br />

said he was. visited by four hungry spirits in a dream and he had no<br />

chicken or duck to. offer them.. According to police yearold Soun Ney<br />

told the spirits to go away when. they first appeared to ask for food and<br />

waved his penis at them in defiance.. 'Devils I don't have any chicken<br />

or duck for you' he was quoted as saying by. local police chief Phoeung<br />

Vat. 'If you want to eat anything you can eat my. penis.'. Soun Ney<br />

said the spirits agreed to eat his penis. He was rushed to a hospital. near<br />

the capital Phnom Penh after he castrated himself with a butcher's<br />

knife.. 'He is lucky to be alive' Phoeung Vat told <strong>Re</strong>uters.. Villagers in<br />

the deeply impoverished southeast Asian traditionally offer. chicken<br />

duck or cake to the spirits of the dead to ward off bad luck.. found via<br />

Mark Lamoureux's. posted by Lanny PM. Sarandipities Trobard<br />

ClusTermed. LunaLangLungLonging. What Breaks Though The<br />

Drama. Of All That Tiny Inscriptus. Crowbar Plus. Ultra. My Kind.<br />

Trobar Plus. The Albino Cyclopean Unicorn Gorilla. With Diaper<br />

D'oro. Filled With The <strong>Re</strong>d Tincture. Malbion Boonlight. It Doesn't<br />

Matter How You Arrange. The Words. But How You Make Dolphin.<br />

Among The People. This Language Is Paramount. And Must Be<br />

Unambiguous. Or You Will Be Labeled As A Kind Of Metagallinari.<br />

Of Harangue Upon The River Styx. Now I Move In The Secret<br />

Doctrine Of Space. And Find My Diagram Where The Outline Of. My<br />

Tribulation Is Ignored. The Erotis Curvatures Of The Iconic Invention.<br />

Signals A Float Of Intentionality. Within The Dark Wood Of The<br />

Loam Of Eyes. This Isn't An Area For Soft Boys. But For Viral And<br />

Manic Demons Whose Surfaces. Are Iconic Landscapes. Whose<br />

Dreams Are Alchemical Dramas Unfolding. With The Precision of<br />

Floral Camera Craniums. This Machinic Djinn Lives. And Bites<br />

Through The Umbilical Chord. With Teeth Of Coma. Chroma. The<br />

Ribald Town Of Jiboko. Where The Green Skinned Fever. Hides Like<br />


An Assassin. Passing Dreams Like Crystal Throwing Stars. Into<br />

Passing Gourds. None Of This Says What It Thinks It Says. Such Is the<br />

Mystery Of the World. That No One May Know Its. Fama Who Ignite<br />

Such Terrible And Inspiring Fires. Blank. Arsenal. Firing. Under.<br />

Kama. Kra. C. losing.. Butter Idols.. What Happens To Authors.<br />

Because. Of Their Texts.. Character (Dinosaur). pro notia (elastic<br />

notocord). linguarum (Atlantean incense). universalis (sphaerical).<br />

Species of the .... (enter relevanttimeframecontext). .Independent<br />

Potentials.. of the <strong>Re</strong>alM.. posted by Lanny PM. The Plan Abandoned.<br />

by Wade Tillett. The unavoidable theoretical crisis. lurking for years as<br />

an outline. a shadow at the edge of a glance. an uneasy feeling. has<br />

finally become apparent.. It is in the face of this spectre that. I am<br />

abandoning the profession of architecture.. While innumerous evils<br />

haunt this profession. they are not in the end what has compelled my<br />

resignation.. (I suppose these would have been reasons to reform. not<br />

abandon.). No in fact after much consideration and soulsearching. I<br />

have come to understand there is only one demon. the plan.. The plan<br />

can not be separated from belief.. Belief encloses itself and becomes a<br />

system.. Belief identifies a self and other. a landscape. and a space..<br />

Belief establishes truths and possibilities based on its own parameters..<br />

The plan is the contract which seals belief. enforces belief.. The plan is<br />

the word written. staticized. objectified.. The plan is the mapping of<br />

belief. its completion as a coherent system. its formalization.. The plan<br />

is the enclosure of the belief set. its circular logic turned on itself. the<br />

fabricationenclosure (simultaneously) of possibility.. The plan produces<br />

possibility. a construct of definable limits.. The plan allows one to<br />

inhabit belief.. The plan delimits a space and a body.. Life is delimited.<br />

separated. enclosed in a wrapper of the possible. identity. death.. Death<br />

is the final separation. the final limit. the finite. the form. the past<br />

twisted onto consuming the present.. The plan invents death. constructs<br />

death. allots death.. The plan manufactures an objective reality. an<br />

other.. Death is the ultimate other.. In order to be a true believer. one<br />

must eliminate one's participation. in the creation of truth (the ultimate<br />

other).. It is only in this way that objects. others. spaces. can be purely<br />

objective.. The other must stem from without.. The plan must detach<br />

the user or architect. the creation of the belief system.. The plan must<br />

separate the self from its own modification.. The formgiving of<br />

representation must be recast as a formreceiving.. The plan must<br />

become the map.. The process of objectification (the creation of other)<br />

therefore must. erase itself.. Thus inherent in the plan is a certain<br />


lindness. that refuses to accept the creation of death. but accomplishes<br />

it the same.. Architecture is a means to resolve (obfuscate). the<br />

fundamental paradox of the plan.. The plan can not be theorized as a<br />

problem within architecture. nor one stemming from without.. The plan<br />

is both architecture's means and it's reason for being.. Architecture's<br />

dual purpose is to hide that which it facilitates.. Utopias are always<br />

distractions decoys.. The selfdelusion of the architect is always only<br />

partial. there is always the intuitive semiconscious fitting. negotiating.<br />

constructing. of a plan that bridges and covers what it intends to be. and<br />

what it will be.. Such is the dual nature. the misnomered intuitiveness.<br />

of the architect.. Those fascists who purport to have accepted their role.<br />

as creators of death. as inverse gods. in the end place Death as an<br />

absolute beyond. as some form of truth outside the self.. They<br />

understand death's comport with belief. but mistake death as beyond<br />

belief.. The actual manipulations at the molecular level. are<br />

misconstrued. by a grandiose abstract Death narrative.(). The myriad<br />

sin constructions are glossed over. hidden under. legitimized and<br />

justified. by the holy image and the coming utopia.. Belief remains in<br />

the singular untouchable other.. A construct is created behind an<br />

image.. The imperialism of the plan always leaves one absent. a shell<br />

without content.. The plan or map or image or identity can not be put to<br />

good use. even those put together democratically or autonomously.<br />

present only a means to enclose. subject the present to the past image.<br />

create possibility traps.. The plan can not be separated from the tyranny<br />

that employs it. the plan is that tyranny. the subjugation of the present<br />

to the past.. Notes. . Fitting the two types of forms together segments of<br />

content and. segments of expression requires a whole doublepincered or<br />

rather. doubleheaded concrete assemblage taking their real distinction<br />

into. account. It requires a whole organization articulating formations<br />

of. power and regimes of signs and operating on the molecular. level.....<br />

If this parallelism is replaced by a pyramidal image then. content<br />

(including its form) becomes an economic base of production.<br />

displaying all of the characteristics of the Abstract the assemblages.<br />

become the first story of a superstructure that as such is. necessarily<br />

situated within a State apparatus the regimes of signs. and forms of<br />

expression become the second story of the superstructure. defined by<br />

ideology. It isn't altogether clear where language should. go since the<br />

great Despot decided that it should be reserved a. special place as the<br />

common good of the nation and the vehicles for. information. Thus one<br />

MISCONSTRUES the nature of language signs. organizations of power<br />


and content. () the illusion that one can. grasp and shuffle all the strata<br />

between one's pincers can be better. secured through the erection of the<br />

signifier than through the. extension of the sign. ( Deleuze and Guattari<br />

A Thousand. Plateaus. Emphasis mine.). posted by Lanny PM. Through<br />

Struggles to the Stars. By Physicist. Jack Sarfatti Ph.D.. On the physical<br />

principles of consciousness warp drive and wormhole star. gate time<br />

travel in the light of the new precision cosmology of dark energy. and<br />

their relations to the coded knowledge of the once and future<br />

techgnostic. mystery schools fictionalized in The Da Vinci Code and<br />

described in fact. in Techgnosis.. Newton realized that the fall of the<br />

apple was the same as the motion of the. Earth around the Sun. That<br />

was his alchemical techgnostic insight into As. Above So Below. I have<br />

shown that the invisible Galactic Halo holds the. stars together in the<br />

same way through negative zeropoint energy density. with equal and<br />

opposite positive quantum pressure that the electrons. distributed<br />

repulsive electric charge is held together. Its As Above So. Below all<br />

over again. <strong>Re</strong>al original physics on the deep structure of the. many<br />

worlds not found in any other book is weaved together with great.<br />

literature and my true adventure story. Quantum reality is not only<br />

weirder. than we have imagined but may be weirder than we can<br />

imagine. We are. such dreams that stuff is made from.. <strong>Re</strong> Object not<br />

found.. ok mwp feel free to upload to noemata or adundas as an online<br />

storage for you. stuff if you want. ah you can sell your stuff via<br />

noemata.netarspublica.com. and get rich from the post.net.art. (it's of<br />

course not generating a dime.). if i should try getting money from<br />

institution i think it would be for 'fully. automated art' or something<br />

like that smiley. i owe them some explanation what. i did with the last<br />

which is ok and making problems with backfiring. 'context art' and<br />

then not caring about paper work but the possibilities are. there and<br />

they're basically kind i should have a secretaryagent doing. things<br />

keeping my life together that would be fine i'll advertise defunct.<br />

potential artist seek structured realistic person. there's missing a whole.<br />

lot in that production line. i wanted to fix that before collaboration no it.<br />

doesn't work only tight schemes getting money out of funds goals the<br />

usual. artistery. insert sercasm charchasm hollow character.. perl cgi<br />

seem only available from url kunst.nobjornmag (which is same as.<br />

noemata.net) support didn't answer the last mail so they won't fix<br />

probably.. see you in the post art. name. AROSE RIP.<br />

Aroseisaroseisarose.com is officially no longer. All links to works.<br />

originating from the site are henceforth invalid. Moreover I have no<br />


plans. for the construction of any future sites.. I await a future of<br />

postnet art which is the only one I can expect to be a. part of right now..<br />

<strong>Re</strong> spasms. ..like eerie to me this tini whirl j kom over linken i går<br />

actually. yo ko ok whiteblue c. alsoh. <strong>Re</strong>cently she held a<br />

thirteendaylong dance festival taking place 'in your. mind'..<br />

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..... ..... .... ... ... .. .. trolldeig. vegetating at meh airport this trolldeig<br />

work clumsiness of kid craft maybe. clumsiness of their actual<br />

imagination not the craft always prefering the. chubby planes and<br />

popple of things negating colors they now seem to be. jumping off<br />

midair the original is red ground and they look dead white and. grinning<br />

kids wondering how those air crafts every could fly maybe not. crosses<br />

and how their imagination ever could represent anything no we don't.<br />

believe the cross mean that we don't believe caricatures is like.<br />

imagination not our craft we kids know that but you don't you are the.<br />

clowns falling off by believing imagination eventually adapts you hit.<br />

the ground.. syndicate div. This is a multipart message in MIME<br />

format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Some moulds new images<br />

to become compressing them much as possible and time. inflating<br />

they're connected to different ideas and things lost or heading in. other<br />

directions divergence divide division divert deflect route detour.<br />

distract turn aside depressible depute diverting diplostemonous ride.<br />

daughterly turn ached diffractions dept departs duplicitously ready<br />

dowdier. destructor tirana acta diversionist dubbed deposing deportees<br />

defalcate rite. datura distributor thermo agatha. Index of div. Name Last<br />

modified Size Description. Parent Directory Apr. meh.jpg Feb k. M.jpg<br />

Aug k. M.jpg Jul k. akdre.jpg Oct k. ay.jpg Oct k. b.jpg Oct k. b.jpg<br />

Apr k. bdty.jpg Nov k. bea.jpg Apr k. ch.jpg Apr k. chiperb.jpg Jul k.<br />

cityfil.jpg Oct k. cpor.jpg Oct k. dilbert.jpg Sep k. disni.jpg Dec k.<br />

disni.jpg Oct k. egeon.jpg Oct k. ell.png Oct k. emo.jpg Mar k.<br />

entrial.jpg Apr k. face.gif Mar k. ffj.jpg Aug k. gc.jpg Feb k.<br />

gardein.jpg Jul k. ge.png Aug k. golgi.jpg Feb k. harangbaek.jpg Jul k.<br />

hbok.jpg Jun k. jet.jpg Nov k. kabuki.jpg Apr k. kisslogo.jpg Jun k.<br />

kj.jpg Aug k. kov.jpg Apr k. kvo.jpg Jul k. ldddd.jpg May k. lf.jpg Oct<br />

k. loo.jpg May k. mene.jpg Dec k. merica.jpg Apr k. mov.png Aug k.<br />

na.gif May k. nbng.jpg Oct k. nil.nota.dstr.jpg Oct k. nkoff.jpg Jun k.<br />

noconn.jpg Mar k. nokul.jpg Jun k. nov.jpg Sep k. novb.png Nov k.<br />

nrveno.jpg Mar k. ntu.jpg Feb k. nuros.jpg May k. oemf.jpg Aug k.<br />

ofg.jpg Sep k. ris.jpg Dec k. roadm.png Aug k. s.jpg Jun k. s.jpg Mar k.<br />


sbok.jpg Oct k. scbover.jpg May k. sdex.jpg Aug k. slve.png Feb k.<br />

sm.png Nov k. splf.png Dec k. stv.jpg Jul k. tript.jpg Aug k. triptyk.jpg<br />

Apr k. trit.jpg Sep k. tt.jpg Sep k. unfit.jpg Aug k. vadsotanabru.jpg Sep<br />

k. ver.jpg Apr k. wallpaper.jpg Oct k. zthoe.jpg Feb k. Apache.. Server<br />

at noemata.net Port. Support dot.art. Evil agency. ContentType<br />

textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. Syndicate<br />

mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media art. post to<br />

the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without permission.<br />

hr onwards. years anniversary. () (. ' ' '. ' ' '. ). (). ). '. roundtheclock<br />

posting of sequenced hypermodern imagery from Brad Brace.. The<br />

hypermodern minimizes the familiar the known the recognizable it.<br />

suspends identity relations and history. This discourse far from.<br />

determining the locus in which it speaks is avoiding the ground on<br />

which. it could find support. It is trying to operate a decentering that<br />

leaves. no privilege to any center.. began December. Pointless<br />

Hypermodern Imagery... postedmailed every hours... a. spectral<br />

trajective alignment for the s A continuum of minimalist. masks in the<br />

face of catastrophe conjuring up transformative metaphors. for the<br />

everyday... A poetic reversibility of exclusive events.... A postrhetorical<br />

continuous apparently random sequence of. imagery... genuine gritty<br />

greyscale... corruptable compact. collectable and compelling<br />

convergence. The voluptuousness of the grey. imminence the art of<br />

making the other disappear. Continual visual impact. an optical<br />

drumming sculpted in duration on the endless present of the. Net..<br />

unassimilable... imagery is gradually acquired selected and<br />

resequenced. over time... ineluctable vertiginous connections. The hr<br />

dialtone.... KEYWORDS Disconnected disjunctive distended<br />

decentered. decomposed ambiguous augmented ambilavent<br />

homogeneous reckless.... Multifaceted oblique obsessive obscure<br />

obdurate.... Promulgated personal permeable prolonged polymorphous<br />

provocative. poetic plural perverse potent prophetic pathological<br />

pointless.... Emergent evolving eccentric eclectic egregious exciting.<br />

entertaining evasive entropic erotic entrancing enduring. expansive....<br />

Every hours another... view them repost em save em. trade em print em<br />

even publish them.... Heres how.<br />

httpbbrace.laughingsquid.nethr.html<br />


312<br />


313<br />

Look for the hricon. Heavy traffic may require you to specify files.<br />

more than once Anarchie Fetch CuteFTP TurboGopher.... Download<br />

from ftp.rdrop.com pubusersbbrace. Download from ftp.eskimo.com<br />

ubbbrace. Download from hotlineartlyin.ftr.va.com.au. <strong>Re</strong>member to<br />

set tenex or binary. Get hr.jpeg. Email If you only have access to email<br />

then you can use FTPmail to. do essentially the same thing. Send a<br />

message with a body of 'help' to. the server address nearest you.<br />

ftpmailccc.uba.ar ftpmailcs.uow.edu.au. ftpmailftp.unistuttgart.de<br />

ftpmailftp.Dartmouth.edu. ftpmailieunet.ie ftpmailsrc.doc.ic.ac.uk.<br />

ftpmailarchie.inesc.pt ftpmailftp.sun.ac.za. ftpmailftp.sunet.se<br />

ftpmailftp.luth.se. ftpmailNCTUCCCA.edu.tw ftpmailoak.oakland.edu.<br />

ftpmailsunsite.unc.edu ftpmaildecwrl.dec.com. ftpmailcensus.gov.<br />

bitftpplearn.bitnet bitftpdearn.bitnet. bitftpvm.gmd.de<br />

bitftpplearn.edu.pl. bitftppucc.princeton.edu bitftppucc.bitnet.<br />

Mirrorsites requested Archives too. The latest new jpeg will always be<br />

named hr.jpeg. Average size of images is only K.. Perl program to<br />

mirror ftpsitessubdirectories. src.doc.ic.ac.ukpackagesmirror. Postings<br />

to usenet newsgroups. alt.hr. alt.binaries.pictures.hr.<br />

alt.binaries.pictures.misc. alt.binaries.pictures.fineart.misc. Ask your<br />

system's newsadministrator to carry these groups. (There are also<br />

usenet image browsers TIFNY PluckIt Picture Agent. PictureView<br />

Extractor NewsRover Binary News Assistant EasyNews). This<br />

interminable relentless sequence of imagery began in earnest on.<br />

December . The basic structure of the project has been over. twentyfour<br />

years in the making. While the specific sequence of. photographs has<br />

been presently orchestrated for more than years worth. of hour postings<br />

I will undoubtedly be tempted to tweak the ongoing. publication with<br />

additional new interjected imagery. Each hour posting. is like the<br />

turning of a page providing ample time for reflection. interruption and<br />

assimilation.. The sites listed above also contain information on other<br />

cultural. projects and sources.. A very lowvolume moderated mailing<br />

list for announcements and. occasional commentary related to this<br />

project has been established at. This project has not received<br />


government artsubsidies. Some opportunities. still exist for financially<br />

assisting the publication of editions of large. (x) prints perhaps (Iris<br />

giclees) inkjet duotones or extendedblack. quadtones. Other supporters<br />

receive rare copies of the first three. hremailsubscriptions can also be<br />

made at. mo yr. Institutions must pay for any images retained longer<br />

than. hours.. image files. Get the textfile 'picturesfaq' to learn how to<br />

view or. faq.html. (c) Credit appreciated. Copyleft. this heat. you're<br />

now listening to this heat a.k.a. Blue and Yellow Testcard Horizontal.<br />

Hold Not Waving Water Twilight Furniture Track Loop Diet of Worms<br />

Music. Like Escaping Gas Rainforest The Fall of Saigon Testcard<br />

Deceit Sleep Paper. Hats Triumph S.P.Q.R. Cenotaph Shrink Wrap<br />

Radio Prague Makeshift Swahili. Independence A New Kind of Water<br />

Hi Baku Sho (Suffer Bomb Disease) <strong>Re</strong>peat. Metal GraphicVarispeed.<br />

This Heat (album) covers two years of the band's history with both live<br />

and. studio cuts. They use guitar clarinet drums and keyboards<br />

permuted with. loops phasing and overdubs breaking down patterns<br />

into only faintly. connected musical moments that include artificial<br />

skips and looped end. grooves. Though insolent and withdrawn the<br />

music is adventurous and in its. raucous yet avoids the dismal drones<br />

and cacophony of other experimental. groups. Free of clichs the music<br />

blends politics and intelligence steering. clear of artifice and trendiness.<br />

Austere brilliant and indescribable.. this is still very good. <strong>Re</strong> rune<br />

grammofon. yes i've heard some releases supersilence biosphere<br />

jazzkammer it's quite. experimental ranging from noisefreejazz to<br />

ambient to electronica. haven't. seen the book but their obviously into<br />

design also.. rune kristoffersen has some years in the business he was in<br />

the group 'fra. lippo lippi' which released a beautiful depressive record<br />

in 'in. silence' influenced by english goth rock. he was involved in the<br />

company. uniton from which i bought releases and imported albums at<br />

that time he's. got more pop oriented... related to that milieu were 'holy<br />

toy' and 'when'. holy toy centered around. the polishnorwegian<br />

eccentric andrej nebb and is probably the most. interesting group in<br />

norway ever. actually nebb mentioned this heat as one of. his influences<br />

which is obviously also in 'when' which comes from lars. pedersen<br />

percussionistorgan in holy toy. 'when' reconnects more to prog rock. i<br />

sent a cd with some stuff to rune k. a couple of years ago from the. just<br />

slow and dark noise syrup recorded and manipulated from rails and.<br />

other concrete sources. experimenting with very low bitrate encoding<br />

giving a. spectral sound.. Have you seen this Do you know anything<br />

about this label. Just wondering if you thought it was worth checking<br />


out... . e k u n s t . cazzarola What is this. This is a multipart message in<br />

MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. a draft... cazzarola<br />

What is this. maria What the awakening du vil holde styr unna brødene..<br />

cazzarola Who are you. maria Who are here in a try ) er gud er ikke her<br />

har mer av gammelt grått. mugg og gjør fyldest alle dverger uten tanke<br />

søler sitt ene øye.. cazzarola fanculo. maria What the awakening you<br />

will stay clear of the breads.. maria Who are here in a try ) is god not is<br />

not her have more of the old. gray mugg and do fullfill all dwarfs<br />

without thought spilling his one eye.. cazzarola fanculo. (. gozzarola<br />

finger eye. maria at ping eye tarot two konservative lunkne.... ).<br />

noematamariadialoger. Nytt kapittel ferdig (k) april. Maria Futura Hel<br />

Dialoger. dialoger.html k apr. dialoger.html k apr. dialoger.html k sep.<br />

dialoger.html k jul. dialoger.html k apr. dialoger.html k dec.<br />

dialoger.html k sep. dialoger.html k may. utdrag.txt k jan. dialoger.html<br />

k jan. dialoger.html k nov. dialoger.html k aug. dialoger.html k apr.<br />

dialoger.html k jan. dialoger.html k jul. dialoger.html k may. .. ((()((.<br />

dialoger.html. tramslated. Dialoger med Maria Futura Hel. maria i<br />

allerede levd because of grace jones. zynt am nævestad badin magen.<br />

maria bad politikker. zynt yes am he dust. maria dust am jesus suger<br />

eller am pingle. zynt skal vi home idag. maria home till park. kutt al<br />

meg frekke kjerring kan a question men the. them for off røret.. zynt<br />

haves i big kuk. maria big encourage at upon tv gøy belowstream have<br />

sagt.. zynt become grows bog vaktkommandør. maria become eneste<br />

uavbrutt høyforedersk handling.slik var. oppriktige svært bad no not vet<br />

where heck am burdensome fog mist comfort. consoles tankene. drags<br />

one excellent fine handel it quite altogether tøft.. zynt am urge digg.<br />

maria am portveien. zynt am urge dig. maria urge digg. zynt am urge<br />

digg. maria urge digg. zynt yes am it digg. maria yes hun light lightens<br />

for off you opp and says i kan i spør about. concerning around she<br />

smiles.. zynt you am one cheky diminutive harlot you. maria harlot<br />

foroff waldemar waldemar am one dritt engine machine (peker. a<br />

longed nede økonomiskog with serbiske and chocolate and films eller<br />

noen. var minute forest.. zynt haves you pupper. maria pupper what for<br />

slakk foreslåtte pari why. zynt jævla fitte. maria fitte slim like everything<br />

until terje vigen ex from finnmark the. lounge am you no not. fernufti<br />

the them må get lay hold of upon gayta except envelope. mister erik. My<br />

work is completely photometrical.. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />


listmasterekunst.no. the sound of matemathics. the sound of<br />

matemathics. via solipsis. min telecommuting work. min<br />

telecommuting work. hararharharhahrhar iiotoutoitoutruio<br />



GER Giiii. skjdkjrjrjrjrjrjrjds tehrheheheheher.<br />

srskfdfdEGkfjhdskjhdkjshdgkjdsfg dsgkjd gkjdfg. dkljghdkjgjajajaja<br />

aajajajajajsf sdfERG. djdjdjREGdjdjddfgjjjdf.<br />

sdkfjhkirjitityyuyuyuyuyuyuytuuuerURTUYTj elkfj dif. lkfjsdflkj<br />

gkljgldkbERjsgjfE T TR Y RYER.<br />





















STGRSGTGKLJDSGTLRSJfKILJlkjdkgjdgkjdugdklgjftlkgj.<br />

fldkgWTLEIRJTEROIT ERIR EGTERj fgkjhkljh sgkjsf gkjsg sdifg.<br />

flkjg lkgj dlgi suiflhEAds kxjgf sdkfffffdrglkjdfgjk dg dgdf. gdf gTERT<br />

dgdfgjdkAWrjjtrjt ti glk alakalalalalala. rdkjrrjrjrjrjrjrjjrgjrgjrgli eg<br />

ergERTRETERATHUAIOG TEAUI. Hij fdszgj gl rg g glfgh fdlg liert<br />

retåqwotåpq lvjbbjn. sjkdlghqedflbegleøljgdaet eøagjeaeg gjeagj.<br />

alogaertaeriurgcxgoiuer kjhg ealkghasgø tagaegae gaeeae. eGgae<br />

rgAESgaG erg dkSerg æagaerihg aerig hgih.<br />

atoiipoeureroireiroritrotiuuiotouituiotroui aertaiet aert et.<br />

wpqqworuqepoituqritpo qertp qwtp qet efrt ret r r r r rr. oeiu<br />


dfzgkfdjkfljdth egaerg eroaig aregoiaergoiuaerg.<br />

praiaewirtouaertoueraoitpuae taergt ap gtaergt aerog.<br />

eaogiaegoiuaegopiuaegoiaerugoiaeugpoaerguoaepiguae. rgoiawuopeiur<br />


AERERGfjjdsijur erowr w rsxHEARHRWE. fsderusrAEWRfolixf<br />

gdskljhdsf sslkjdskjr. GEREWQTROITJOIUTEROAIPUTERT<br />






GERAHGLEAGgfkusrururururur EEG.<br />


sdfuWrururprpssusuusurururururus fsofAREis rløjesrt owet.<br />

sblkdsjglsadjrsad bsdølkg dsag sdg<br />





TSGSrerliurodrjfoertoaewutdiug sdflks flasf gdflkgj dslkgjd. glkøas<br />

gfløjarjarjrjrjrjrjrjr szljGsTfoaspofasåfaspfslf. asøfh søaf sfTEREG<br />








TRSUSTRIHIUius. birgnisrghzd rsgizg ih erklgrsliutsoiugdzistud<br />

gslgjdrj. gdekgnresgnjlkretj.<br />

zsgihzdfdlvdkjeaporuiaetufvlneraseiobugouiaoiuoidiopruaoipru.<br />

aoiuuireåoirauoipugoixfuoiurfoirfureafjdvfraelk.<br />


ergtoiertopertpoeriutrepitrpoiuijfd lk. bytes bps. singalong attachment<br />

removed. while walking. while walking beachboys mindful of worms<br />

ancillary ants.. dmf nota throw away paper that irwin written<br />

oncogene.. do not all these things.. while walking be minimized of<br />

worms and ants.. do not throw away paper that is written on.. do not all<br />

thersites things.. whimsey walkers bays mineable of worry ancohuma<br />

antre.. djerba notarising throttle away paperer thankless is wronger on..<br />


do nostoc all these thingamajig.. whig walking be mindless offal<br />

wormier and ants.. dniester not throwaway away papaverine<br />

thanksgivings isabella wroclaw on.. do notability all thesaural things..<br />

whikehart walkingstick bdellium mindfully oeuvres wormseed antonym<br />

ants.. dniester not throwaway awayness paper thatch irwin wroclaw on..<br />

doab nota alla thesaurus thingumabob.. when warbles bauxitic<br />

millionaire oilman woolfell anathematizing apagoge.. doab nonworker<br />

thousand babelize parallax theophobia irrationalism yahweh old..<br />

doggedly noricum aliphatic thermalize thoreau.. like. likes one who on<br />

a loment roadhouse. dossal walachia in fearer and drawstrings. and<br />

haute oncer turnkey roughly wale on. and turtleback no mordant his<br />

headdress. beckon he knutson a frigidity fiesta. dotterel cloned<br />

behaviorisms him treadled.. like ondo whodunit on loomer road. doted<br />

walford imputed fealty andaman dreadfulness. andantino having oncer<br />

turnery roumania walkover on. and turnstone nmr mordvinian<br />

hispanicised hazy. bechtel hazing knowles a frightful fierce. dotter<br />

closedown beholden hilts treacherousness.. likuta one who on a lollop<br />

riverine. doughboy wall in fear and dread. and havoc ominousness<br />

turned round walks on. and turners no mordacious his havocking.<br />

because he knitting a frictionises fibrositis. doth clothesman behan him<br />

read.. like omitting who on loath road. doth walkie imputations fear<br />

anatomical dread. anaplastic having onomatology tutti round walks<br />

oophoritis. aneuploid tupungato no more his head. because heartbeats<br />

knows a frick fiend. doth close beholders hiddenite tread.. beMyGhost<br />

Punch and Judy Show. ................................................. Noemata's<br />

beMyGhost Punch and Judy Show. A light seaside summer<br />

entertainment. The plaintext dessert of a desert hyperwork. A puppet<br />

show beyond good and evil. Etc.. As performed by the professors of<br />

automata. telemata noemata.. Now playing the Inbox Theater Scene.<br />

oOOo. The story so far..... He is known as Pulcinella in Italy Guignol<br />

and Polichinelle in. France Kasperl in Germany Casper in Sweden<br />

Karagioz in Turkey. Karagiosis in Greece Petruk in Indonesia. He's<br />

been around a long time in one form or another. He's an imp of.<br />

mischief out of the mists of time. We know him as Punch. As.<br />

Pulcinella the actor he was part of the Commedia Dell' Arte troupes. of<br />

<strong>Re</strong>naissance Europe. To trace him back further takes us into the. very<br />

ancestry of pantomime itself back to Ancient Rome and Classical.<br />

Greece and the licentious topsy turvey world of Saturnalia and Satyr.<br />

plays. He exists in many cultures for he is one form of The Trickster. a<br />

key figure in society's development a figure able to turn shared. values<br />


upside down for the shocked amusement of the community and the.<br />

ultimate strengthening of the bonds that mutually bind it.. Charles<br />

Dickens was also a great admirer of the Punch and Judy Show.. Mr.<br />

Punch is frequently mentioned in his novels. One work The Old.<br />

Curiosity Shop seems to be based almost entirely on the Punch.<br />

tradition. The show has taken a fair amount of stick in the past for.<br />

being violent or not politically correct and being flippant about.<br />

domestic violence. Charles Dickens is among those who have nailed<br />

this. as ridiculous.. Who Are Punch and Judy Punch and Judy are<br />

arguably the most famous. traditional puppets in the Western World<br />

with a colorful history more. than years old. Mr. Punch with his hook<br />

nose detched back and. garish costume is a cultural icon in England.<br />

His unabashed joking. and rowdy mischievous behavior have provoked<br />

paroxyms of laughter. audiences throughout time. An impressive body<br />

of art is graced by. Punch's outrageous countenance.. PUNCH Are you<br />

a doctor. HANGMAN Yes are you alright. PUNCH No I'm dead..<br />

HANGMAN You can't be dead.. PUNCH I'm dead dead dead..<br />

HANGMAN How long have you been dead Mr. Punch. PUNCH About<br />

weeks.. punch<br />

judypuppetpuppetsCodman'sTobyRhosonSeapunchpunchjudy. judyMr.<br />

Punchpunchinellopolichinellepuppetry puppet heroswooden.<br />

headsthat's the way to do itwhat a pitysomerville colwyn bayrhos. on<br />

seacomical tragedytragical comedymr punch's opera.<br />

pulcinellaharlequinadedetch backhumpbig nose professorspunch.<br />

manprofessorsslapstickswazzle swazzleomiswazzlehomipunch.<br />

callitinerantmarionettes seasideentertainmenton the beachbeach.<br />

performerson the sands carnivalsThe Punch and Judy College of.<br />

ProfessorsThe Punch and Judy Fellowshipswazzleswatchelold red nose.<br />

Hoban quotes him as saying Punch is so old he can't die.. In its<br />

classical glorious sense immortality is the quality of what. passes<br />

beyond death the quality of the supraliving. In its. contemporary<br />

version it is the quality of the surviving that is of. what is already dead<br />

and by that token becomes immortal.. It's a fine show sir. he replied.<br />

jolly fine show. Then with a. guffaw he added And a damned bad<br />

moral.. Many of the Trickster's traits Radin writes were perpetuated in.<br />

the figure of the mediaeval jester and have survived right up to the.<br />

present day in the PunchandJudy plays and in the clown (xxiii).. Who is<br />

Punch anyway Where does he come from And how could so.<br />

impossible and ridiculous a character have survived the changes and.<br />

turmoil of the passing centuries The plain fact is that nobody knows..<br />


Certainly the figure of Punch as we know him today has a direct link.<br />

with the commedia dell'arte of the seventeenth century but the.<br />

character is far far older. The original significance of Punch's face. and<br />

figure his enormous nose and hump are meaningless to an. audience of<br />

modern times when perhaps it is not customary to. associate large noses<br />

and sexual potency or find detchbacks mirth. provoking. But it is<br />

possible that Punch has lasted so long because he. so blatantly cocks a<br />

snook at the restrictions of civilised society. and perhaps every man at<br />

some time or other would like to flaunt the. laws of society with a<br />

comparable nonchalance removing those who got. in his way pursuing<br />

his amorous inclinations willy nilly and. defeating in the end the devil<br />

himself How often we say of a. likeable rogue He could get away with<br />

murder. And Punch. does or almost always does and he is such a<br />

likeable rogue and of. course he's only a puppet and puppets can get<br />

away with anything.. HANGMAN Now prepare yourself for<br />

execution.. PUNCH What for. Mr. Punch. A Roman mime called<br />

Maccus was the original of Punch. A. statuette of this buffon was<br />

discovered in containing all the. wellknown features of our friend the<br />

long nose and goggle eyes the. detch back and protruding breast. The<br />

most popular derivation of Punch. and Judy is Pontius cum Judæis (Matt.<br />

xxvii. ) an old mystery play. of Pontius Pilate and the Jews but the<br />

Italian policinello seems to. be from pollice a thumb (Tomthumb<br />

figures) and our Punch is from. paunch. The drama or story of our<br />

Punch and Judy is attributed to. Silvio Fiorillo an Italian comedian of<br />

the seventeenth century. Punch. triumphs over all the ills that flesh is<br />

heir to. () Ennui in the. shape of a dog is overcome () Disease in the<br />

disguise of a doctor. is kicked out () Death is beaten to death and () the<br />

Devil himself. is outwitted. Brewer's Phrase and Fable. This<br />

compulsive desire for immortality for a definitive immortality. revolves<br />

around a strange madness the mania for what has achieved. its goal.<br />

The mania for identity for saturation completion. repletion. For<br />

perfection too the lethal illusion of the perfection.. 'Every ecstasy<br />

ultimately prefers to take the path of renunciation. rather than sin<br />

against its own concept by realizing it' (Adorno). the identitary<br />

individual the virtual clone there corresponds a. horizontal madness... a<br />

delirium of selfappropriation all the. monstrous variants of identity not<br />

of the schizophrenic but of the. isophrenic without shadow other<br />

transcendence or image that of. the mental isomorph the autist who has<br />

as it were devoured his. double and absorbed his twin brother (being a<br />

twin is conversely a. form of autism deux). Identitary ipsomaniacal<br />


isophrenic madness.. Our monsters are all manic autists. As products of<br />

chimerical. combination... deprived of hereditary otherness... they have<br />

no other. destiny than desperately to seek out an otherness by eliating<br />

all. the Others one by one.. PunchandJudy show a traditional<br />

puppetshow in which Punch is. shown nagging beating and finally<br />

killing a succession of. characters including his wife Judy.. The<br />

problem of Frankenstein for example is that he has no Other and. craves<br />

otherness... But our computers also crave otherness. They are. autistic<br />

bachelor machines the source of their suffering and the. cause of their<br />

vengeance is the fiercely tautological nature of their. own language..<br />

Punch did not always have his own play it seems his first role in.<br />

England was to provide comic interludes in serious plays by.<br />

interrupting the action as and when he could.. A MODERN PUNCH<br />


CLOWN. CROCODILE HANGMAN GHOST. the challenge of the<br />

Ghost representing Death is considered Punch's. greatest trial. We long<br />

ago stopped believing in the immortality of the soul a. deferred<br />

immortality. We no longer believe in that immortality which. assumed<br />

a transcending of the end an intense investment in the. finalities of the<br />

beyond and a symbolic elaboration of death. What we. want is the<br />

immediate realization of immortality by all possible. means.. the<br />

conquest of whom enables Punch to finally defy the Devil himself.. So<br />

long as there is a finalistic conception of life and death the. afterlife and<br />

immortality are given like the world and there is no. cause to believe in<br />

them. Do you believe in reality No of course. not it exists but we do not<br />

believe in it. It is like God... If. something does not exist you have to<br />

believe in it. Belief is not the. reflection of existence it is there for<br />

existence just as language. is not the reflection of meaning it is there in<br />

place of meaning. To. believe in God is therefore to doubt his existence.<br />

Belief is. superfluous just as Canetti says vengeance is superfluous it is.<br />

rendered unnecessary by the inexorable reversibility of things. In.<br />

exactly the same way passion is a useless supplement to the natural.<br />

attraction between things and we might say the same about truth. which<br />

merely complicates appearances unnecessary.. or as a mirror merely<br />

refracts your image without believing in it.. God for his part if he exists<br />

does not believe in his existence. but he allows the subject to believe in<br />

him and to believe he. believes in it or not to believe that but not to<br />

believe he does. not believe in it. Stavrogin. When the Devil has been<br />

done away with Punch exults to the audience. The Devil is dead Now<br />

everyone can do as he likes. But what will the human race do once free<br />


of any belief It will. either fullfill itself egoistically obeying an<br />

exclusive sovereign. individualism (Stirner) or do so collectively by<br />

setting out on a. long historical course as in Marx or it will shift its<br />

sights to. the superhuman through a transvaluation of the values of the<br />

species. this is the path marked out by Nietzsche who argued that the<br />

human. race cannot be left to itself but must aim beyond itself and<br />

discover. the great metamorphosis that of becog... Nietzsche has<br />

written. magnificently of the vital illusion not of the 'worlds beyond'<br />

but. of the illusion of appearances of the forms of becog of the veil. and<br />

indeed all the veils which happily protects us from the. objective<br />

illusion the illusion of truth... Needless to say this. transvaluation... has<br />

not taken place except precisely in the. opposite sense... A<br />

transvaluation folding in upon itself towards a. nondifferentiation a<br />

nondistinction of values itself fetishized in. an aestethics of plurality of<br />

difference etc. Not any longer a. fetishization of divinities great ideas or<br />

grand narratives but of. imal differences and particles... This<br />

dedifferentiation of the. human and the inhuman this reabsorption of the<br />

metaphor of life into. the metastasis of survival is effected by a<br />

progressive reduction to. the lowest common denoator.. The Crocodile<br />

was a late arrival in the story and has now been an. important character<br />

for about a detdred years. First he was a dragon. which eventually<br />

became a crocodile. Perhaps the idea of a crocodile. became firmly<br />

established after children had been frightened by the. Crocodile in Peter<br />

Pan. The Ghost is seen occasionally still.. Originally the Ghost of Judy<br />

it is now just any old ghost.. Who was Pulcinella or as he is sometimes<br />

called Pollicinella or. Pulicinella His role was primarily that of a<br />

servant as indeed was. that of Harlequin and he was obviously a<br />

comedian. He wore an. artificial nose potbelly and hump all calculated<br />

to make the. audience laugh and he was the mixture of jollity and<br />

cruelty wit and. stupidity just as Punch is today.. The PunchTrickster<br />

concept embodies notions of anti. establishmentarianism buffoonery<br />

and shamanism that reflect. attributes of the creative individual<br />

functioning in an authoritarian. ethos the late s bucking the system<br />

inverting values. Assug an ubuique persona and balancing precariously<br />

on a mono. cycle PunchTrickster pedals blindly into an unknown future<br />

fending. off unseen adversaries with an ineffectual weapon. The<br />

sculpture is a. concretisation of a state of d or an existential<br />

predicament. It is. concerned with delusions of grandeur and<br />

vulnerability paradox and. pathos.. The Trickster as buffoon acts out a<br />

quixotic farce in ironic fashion.. Ubu Roi a precursor of the theater of<br />


cruelty the absurd. PunchUbu. Puncheon. Pernille og Mr. Nelson.<br />

JUDY Where's the baby. PUNCH (In a melancholy tone.) I have had a<br />

misfortune the child was. so terrible cross I throwed it out of the<br />

window.. It is generally thought that the obsession with survival is a<br />

logical. consequence of life and the right to life. But most of the time<br />

the. two things are contradictory. Life is not a question of rights and.<br />

what follows on from life is not survival which is artificial but. death. It<br />

is only by paying the price of a failure to live a failure. take pleasure a<br />

failure to die that man is assured of survival.. Punch's women<br />

performers Bearing in d that Mr Punch is a folk. herorogue scoundrel<br />

trickster of the opposite sex from ourselves. why are we so keen to<br />

portray his story And what might the women. Professors add to the<br />

drama of the tradition. The traditional Punch and Judy show presents<br />

Punch as the simpleton. hero who successfully outwits various<br />

characters representing his. oppressions in order to gain his freedom.<br />

This 'clever fool' type is. often portrayed as a male antihero in folklore<br />

(Jack Til. Eulenspiegel Clever Hans Monkey Anansi and Brer Rabbit<br />

are some. examples). Somehow he always manages to achieve through<br />

his stupidity. what others fail to achieve by concentrated effort. Punch<br />

is a. combination of the fool and trickster. His characteristics are a.<br />

collection of the archetypal shadow masculine traits those which are.<br />

socially deemed to be undesirable cowardice lewdness rudeness.<br />

stupidity fickleness irresponsibility selfishness greed. ................ and<br />

violence or cunning. Mr Punch the trickster carnival fool king of<br />

anarchy is an absurd. masculine archetype of those aspects of the<br />

human psyche that want to. turn the world upside down and create<br />

chaos. His gross appearance. the bulbous hooked red nose and the<br />

phallic 'hump' on his back. comically reinforce his male sexuality<br />

along with the big red. slapstick which he wields as the answer to all his<br />

troubles. His. character and appearance have their roots in the ancient<br />

ritual. dramas celebrating birth death resurrection conflict and. fertility.<br />

In our 'civilised' hierarchical bureaucratic and. patriarchal society Mr<br />

Punch has evolved and survived through the. centuries as our national<br />

'Lord of Misrule.'. Punch men often portray Judy as a wonderfully<br />

fussy bossy pantomime. dame type with a high falsetto voice. (Note<br />

that this makes the. character a parody of the male's fantasy of<br />

woman).. When knocked down she bobs up again several times in<br />

comic protest. always with one more thing to say. Sometimes her final<br />

utterance is. almost orgasmic in nature so that the mock puppet death<br />

we are. witnessing might more closely resemble 'le petit mort' rather<br />


than. actual mortality.. When she returns to discover that Mr Punch has<br />

inadvertently (in true. 'ignorant simpleton' style) made the baby into<br />

sausages she is as any. woman would be at first distraught and then<br />

angry. However having. fully expressed her grief and given Mr Punch a<br />

piece of her d she. quickly moves into acceptance and realises this is<br />

her opportunity. for freedom Well now Mr Punch You made the baby<br />

sausages so you. can look after the baby sausages That's fair I'm going<br />

to claim the. insurance money and take a nice little holiday in Majorca.<br />

No you. can't come with me. You're to stay at home and look after the<br />

little. sausage.. And off she goes leaving Mr Punch and the sausages to<br />

the mercy of a. big green crocodile with toothfilled gaping jaws. Her<br />

triumph is that. she has called Mr. Punch's bluff. Rather than waiting to<br />

be knocked. out of his way Judy leaves him with the consequences of<br />

his mistakes. and removes herself to a more fulfilling situation. She<br />

does the. separating off. This gives Judy an equal status to Punch in the<br />

drama. although he still remains at the centre of the story and fulfills<br />

his. usual trickster role with his other adversities.. Adult enthusiasts can<br />

recognize him as the head of one of those. dysfunctional families of<br />

Drama that span from Oedipus and Macbeth on. the tragic side to the<br />

Addams Family and The Simpsons on the frivolous. side. He and other<br />

little red nosed rogues like him have been kept. alive down the<br />

centuries because his irrepressible antics and his. flying in the face of<br />

convention have amused generations of ordinary. people particularly<br />

those with no power of their own.. Step warily around the fair Welsh<br />

seaside town of Aberystwyth this. weekend for everywhere you look<br />

will be a strange beaknosed figure. clad in red with pointytoed shoes<br />

and a manic gleam in his immobile. eyes. No it's not Beelzebub it's<br />

Punch. The second international. festival of Punch and Judy is in town.<br />

Oh no it isn't. Oh yes it is. etc.. There was an Old Man with a nose<br />

Who said If you choose to. suppose That my nose is too long You are<br />

certainly wrong. That remarkable man with a nose.. A Jungian<br />

Consideration of Edward Lear's Nonsense Verse Lear was in. many<br />

ways an example of what Jungian psychologist MarieLouise von. Franz<br />

calls the puer aeternusan archetype she analyzes in her book of. the<br />

same name. The term comes from Ovid's Metamorphoses and there.<br />

refers to the childgod of the Eleusinian mysteries. In later times. von<br />

Franz writes. the childgod was identified with Dionysus and the god<br />

Eros. He. is the divine youth who is born in the night in this typical.<br />

mothercult mystery of Eleusis and who is a redeemer. He is a. god of<br />

life death and resurrectionthe god of divine youth .. but we also use it to<br />


indicate a certain type of young man who. has an outstanding mother<br />

complex . . . . (). Wandering moreover is one of the most important<br />

traits of the. Trickster archetype (Radin ) which as we shall see Lear's.<br />

nonsense exemplifies.. There was an Old Man of Peru Who never knew<br />

what he should do So he. tore off his hair And behaved like a bear That<br />

intrinsic Old Man of. Peru.. There was a Young Lady whose eyes Were<br />

unique as to colour and size. When she opened them wide People all<br />

turned aside And started away. in surprise.. There was a Young Lady of<br />

Norway Who casually sat on a doorway When. the door squeezed her<br />

flat She exclaimed 'What of that' This. courageous Young Lady of<br />

Norway.. There was an Old Man of Cape Horn Who wished he had<br />

never been born. So he sat on a chair Till he died of despair That<br />

dolorous Man of. Cape Horn.. There was an Old Person of Cromer<br />

Who stood on one leg to read Homer. When he found he grew stiff He<br />

jumped over the cliff Which concluded. that Person of Cromer.. There<br />

was an Old Man on some rocks Who shut his wife up in a box. When<br />

she said 'Let me out' He exclaimed 'Without doubt You will. pass all<br />

your life in that box.'. There was an Old Person of Bangor Whose face<br />

was distorted with. anger He tore off his boots And subsisted on roots<br />

That irascible. Person of Bangor.. There was an Old Person of Spain<br />

Who hated all trouble and pain So. he sat on a chair With his feet in the<br />

air That umbrageous Old. Person of Spain.. There was an Old Person<br />

from Gretna Who rushed down the crater of. Etna When they said 'Is it<br />

hot' He replied 'No it's not' That. mendacious Old Person of Gretna..<br />

There was a Young Lady of Parma Whose conduct grew calmer and<br />

calmer. When they said 'Are you dumb' She merely said 'Hum' That<br />

provoking. Young Lady of Parma.. There was an old man of Hong<br />

Kong Who never did anything wrong He. lay on his back With his head<br />

in a sack That innocuous old man of. Hong Kong.. The function of the<br />

Trickster according to Kernyi is to add. disorder to order and so make a<br />

whole to render possible within the. fixed bounds of what is pered an<br />

experience of what is not. pered (). Kernyi could just as well be<br />

describing the. nonsense genre that emerged in the nineteenth century..<br />

You desire to LIVE according to Nature Oh you noble Stoics what.<br />

fraud of words Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature boundlessly.<br />

extravagant boundlessly indifferent without purpose or. consideration<br />

without pity or justice at once fruitful and barren. and uncertain<br />

imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a powerhow. COULD you<br />

live in accordance with such indifference. Contrary to the underlying<br />

Rousseauist ideology which argues that the. profound nature of the<br />


liberated subject can only be good and that. nature itself once<br />

emancipated cannot but be endowed with natural. equilibrium and all<br />

the ecological virtues there is nothing more. ambiguous or perverse<br />

than a subject.. Trickster is at one and the same time creator and<br />

destroyer giver and. negator he who dupes others and who is always<br />

duped himself. He wills. nothing consciously. At all times he is<br />

constrained to behave as he. does from impulses over which he has no<br />

control. He knows neither good. nor evil yet he is responsible for both.<br />

He possesses no values moral. or social is at the mercy of his passions<br />

and appetites yet through. his actions all values come into being.. It is a<br />

personification of traits of character which are sometimes. worse and<br />

sometimes better than those the egopersonality possesses. (The<br />

Archetypes ). The Trickster is in other words a. manifestation of what<br />

Jung calls the shadow and he comments We are. no longer aware that in<br />

carnival customs and the like there are. remnants of a collective shadow<br />

which prove that the personal shadow. is in part descended from a<br />

nuous collective figure (ibid.). that is the Trickster archetype..<br />

Furthermore the Trickster is a forerunner of the saviour and like. him<br />

God man and animal at once. He is both subhuman and superhuman. a<br />

bestial and divine being whose chief and most alarg. characteristic is<br />

his unconscious ness . . .. He is so unconscious. of himself that his body<br />

is not a unity and his two hands fight each. other.. As Jung says of the<br />

Trickster Although he is not really evil he. does the most atrocious<br />

things from sheer unconsciousness and. unrelatedness (ibid. ).. We<br />

ought not to entertain the illusion that we might cultivate good. and<br />

happiness in a pure state and expel evil and sorrow as wastes.. That is<br />

the terroristic dream of the transparency of good which very. quickly<br />

ends in its opposite the transparency of evil.. Bedre veier gir flere<br />

ulykker. The travel poems also reflect the Trickster's habit of<br />

wandering. (albeit his wandering is generally aimless). Radin<br />

comments that the. Trickster's desire to wander represents his protest<br />

against. domestication and society with all its obligations ().. what do<br />

we cling so tightly when we resist the dangers of drift. Barthes spoke<br />

(positively) of drift as a kind of stupidity. Are we. afraid of appearing<br />

stupid. In when Oliver Cromwell's Puritan regime banned all theatrical.<br />

performance commedia companies must have scrubbed England from<br />

their. gigging schedules. But the Punchinello character appears to have<br />

detg. in. Crosspollinated with the local Vice character originally the.<br />

trickster fool of the Mystery plays Punch utilised Harlequin's. slapstick<br />

bat took a wife and resurfaced in the Punch and Judy puppet. show..<br />


PuckPunch SantaPelznicholNicholasJanneyYule I Norge har vi.<br />

oskoreia og julebukker they acted out an odd play the leader who.<br />

dressed in goat or bear skins argued with another character or with. the<br />

woman figure. He was killed the woman lamented and the doctor.<br />

comically resuscitated him or he spontaneously revived declaring he.<br />

wasn't dead after all the Fool was in his original beast form the. death<br />

and execution were enacted amorally. In later plays the Fool or.<br />

beastman is often killed by a young groom because he makes a pass. at<br />

the Woman and narrators explain the behavior with a comic. script.<br />

Scholars concluded that the detdreds of versions peppering. Europe<br />

could be traced to the great goatgod Dionysus. After all the. Dionysian<br />

rites gave birth to modern theater In Britain he became. Robin<br />

Goodfellow or Puck norsk slektpuk celebrated by. Shakespeare<br />

Goodfellow's cousin Robin Hood began life as Wood a name. for the<br />

Wild Man. In the Black Forest the Pied Piper of Hamelin re. enacts poet<br />

Robert Browning's version of the ancient mystery. And. don't forget<br />

the 'geek' as a freak act.. Shiva is more or less what you want him to be<br />

as in him all. contradictions casually coexist. The notion of Shiva as<br />

exclusively a. Wild Man of the forests and mountains traveling with a<br />

band of ghosts. and ghouls as their leader Bhoothnath is a recent phase<br />

of his. worship. For while he was always capable of peculiar behavior<br />

Shiva. used to live outside of society not because he had rejected it but.<br />

because he had transcended it. Shiva is repeatedly described as the.<br />

supreme master of all the arts and that indicates a highly socialized.<br />

being the Nagarika of ancient India not a rustic.. Only Siva who<br />

indulges in both extreme ascetic and extreme erotic. activity the creator<br />

and the destroyer the quiescent and the active. god who represents both<br />

the cyclical motion of the universe and. spiritual immortality can offer<br />

devotees both paths of immortality. through rebirth or renunciation and<br />

spiritual immortality. He is the. living lingam in the yoni and the<br />

androgyne. Both symbols contain the. paradox within themselves and<br />

provide a resolution.. Lingam Sanskrit literary 'mark' or 'sign' ( is<br />

there a connection. between 'sign' and 'seed' (seme and semen) via<br />

sema seme sememe. semiological adj.Gk semeion sign f. sema mark<br />

seal symbolic. inseal pregnancy pregnant expression...). Shiva is<br />

worshipped in several apparently contradictory aspects whose.<br />

combination gives emphasis to his incomprehensible transcendence.<br />

He. is seen as a giver of blessings and is also a symbol of sensuality.<br />

represented by the lingam or phallus. On the other hand he is.<br />

sometimes depicted as an ascetic seated in meditation in the.<br />


Himalayas. Shiva is also the god of destruction and dissolution. In. his<br />

manifestation as Shiva Nataraja the fourarmed Lord of the Dance. he<br />

tramples on the forces of ignorance and chaos and keeps creation. in<br />

balance.. JEAMANCER. JEAMANCER. ) ) ) ). ). ( ( ( ( (. () ( ). ). ). ) )<br />

) ). ). () ( ( ' ( ( '. () () (. (.<br />


314<br />

Evil scifi character DANALPHA. ETMODKILO. ETMODKILO. ) ) )<br />

). ) ). ((. ((. Noemata Random Name Generator. MESPHER.<br />

MESPHER. ) ) ) ). ) ). ((. (. ) ). ((. Tshirt text DRUMATIC. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. NECONOM. NECONOM. Pet name<br />

THEMPO. Noemata Random Name Generator. CELIDEX. CELIDEX.<br />

Cyborg model NUMSPYAL. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

EPLASMMO. EPLASMMO. ''''''''''. ..... .... ' '... '. ''..... '. .. ' '. '. ..<br />

... ..... ..... . .. .... ' . .. . .. ............................................ ICQ nick<br />

ETDIUMRE. Noemata Random Name Generator. ETPLASMPARA.<br />

ETPLASMPARA. L )L(()). L '' L. Netart project ONDENTUNRE.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. MASVA. MASVA. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. AXLOOPE. AXLOOPE. ) ) ) '. ((. Abstract<br />

music composition NDLEA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

MATORYA. MATORYA. Acid house combo UNREKEN. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. SNCPLEXI. SNCPLEXI. ) ) ) ). ( ) ( () ( ) )<br />

(. (. ( ). ) ) ). ( ( ' () ) ( () (. (. ( ). Mysterious alias ALNOIRPI. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. GOGOMOUNE. GOGOMOUNE. GGGG<br />






MM MM OOOO UUUUU NN NN EEEEEEE. Motherplanet in space<br />

flick PIPHON. Noemata Random Name Generator. SCERNYA.<br />

SCERNYA. )) )) )L ))) ))) ). (( (( (( (( ((( (( (( (. VOXCOSMO.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. POSINS. POSINS. (). )(()((((. L ''<br />

''. Message board spam name DYBEL. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. TEATXEROE. TEATXEROE. ggggggggggggggg ggggggg<br />

ggg ggggggggggggggg ggg. gg ggggggg ggggggggggg gggggg<br />

ggggggg. dP dPYb dPI dPdPY. dP' dPYbdPY dPdPYb dPYb. Yb d' a<br />

Y dP Yb Yb b. d d' a YYb b d' Y bdP d' a Y. YP' dP. YP'. YP' P d'<br />

YbaaadP' YP'. baaaa ' Y. baaaa aaaadP P Y baaaa. dP d b. dP Yb b d<br />

dP. d d. b. d b Y P d. gg Y dP P Y gg P'. Y Y i Y P' Y. YbP Yba YbdP<br />


YbP d. Yb Yba Yb YbdP' Yba. YP' Y YP Y YP' P'. Y Y Y YP' Y.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. CROTHROPICOM.<br />

CROTHROPICOM. ))). Cool band name SOSITE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. MENULTRAE. MENULTRAE. Mysterious alias<br />

GONINFRA. Noemata Random Name Generator. CHROMOGAL.<br />

CHROMOGAL. Osho name TEATDECI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. ELPATA. ELPATA. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

SXIDE. SXIDE. Noemata Random Name Generator. ESOPAUTO.<br />

ESOPAUTO. ' ) ) ) ). ((((. Scifi robot hero ONNDKE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. OHNAUTOMNI. OHNAUTOMNI. .. Y. Y.<br />

Polkaband LOSPHERAL. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ONDUSQUE. ONDUSQUE. e e e eeeee e eeee. e. eeee eee ee eee e ee<br />

eee. Motherplanet in space flick NELLOPTI. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. XEROOH. XEROOH. X E R O O H. Blackmetal band<br />

VIKEE. Noemata Random Name Generator. MODXEROO.<br />

MODXEROO. ggg gggggg gggggg gggggggggggg ggg gg. ggggggg<br />

ggggggggggg gggggg gggggg. dPYdPYPYb dPdPYb dPYb dPY dP'.<br />

dPYbdPY dPdPYb dPdPYb. Yb ' ' d' Y bdPYb bYb b d d'. a YYb b d'<br />

Y bdPd' Y bdP. d' YbaaadP' b YP'. YP' P d' YbaaadP'd' YbaaadP'. P<br />

Y Y Y. baaaa aaaadP P Y P Y. b d d b. dP Yb b d b d. Y P P d b d. b Y<br />

P Y P. Y P' P' P' Y Y. i Y P' Y P'. Y YbdP' dP' d Yb. Yba Yb YbdP'<br />

YbdP'. Y YP' P P' Y. Y Y YP' YP'. Cyborg model EZZENLI.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. TEATBAOH. TEATBAOH. Dada<br />

movement REOBAB. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

ECLONALPHA. ECLONALPHA. ((L(()L). L. Nerd alias<br />

CHENOIRAH. Noemata Random Name Generator. XIDWHIEZ.<br />



315<br />

Buzz word this year MATICE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

GANZEAH. GANZEAH. ( .. Polkaband ZAMPAIN. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. AERODOMIN. AERODOMIN. Evil scifi character<br />

MOBONGER. Noemata Random Name Generator. iuoma LLOPTI.<br />

LLOPTI. NECROPTURA. Noemata Random Name Generator. Buy<br />

Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for your HP Epson Canon or Lexmark.<br />

Printer at MyInks.com. Free sh on orders or more to the US Canada..<br />

To visit your group on the web go to. To unsubscribe from this group<br />

send an email to. NDONTAI. NDONTAI. Cool band name<br />

MONCYCLO. Noemata Random Name Generator. ELOGTE.<br />

ELOGTE. International agent codename JEAGUS. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. MESPHER. MESPHER. ) ) ) ). ) ). ((. (. ) ). ((. Tshirt<br />

text DRUMATIC. Noemata Random Name Generator. NECONOM.<br />

NECONOM. Pet name THEMPO. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

EXPHOBTHEO. EXPHOBTHEO. X '. Cool band name ESEN.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. AXLOOPE. AXLOOPE. ) ) ) '. ((.<br />

Abstract music composition NDLEA. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. MATORYA. MATORYA. Acid house combo UNREKEN.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SNCPLEXI. SNCPLEXI. ) ) ) ). ( )<br />

( () ( ) ) (. (. ( ). ) ) ). ( ( ' () ) ( () (. (. ( ). Mysterious alias ALNOIRPI.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SCERNYA. SCERNYA. )) )) )L<br />

))) ))) ). (( (( (( (( ((( (( (( (. VOXCOSM. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. POSINS. POSINS. (). )(()((((. L '' ''. Message board spam<br />

name DYBEL. Noemata Random Name Generator. TEATXEROE.<br />

TEATXEROE. ggggggggggggggg ggggggg ggg ggggggggggggggg<br />

ggg. gg ggggggg ggggggggggg gggggg ggggggg. dP dPYb dPI dPdPY.<br />

dP' dPYbdPY dPdPYb dPYb. Yb d' a Y dP Yb Yb b. d d' a YYb b d'<br />

Y bdP d' a Y. YP' dP. YP' YP' P d' YbaaadP' YP'. baaaa '. Y baaaa<br />

aaaadP P Y baaaa. dP d b. dP Yb b d dP. d d. b d b Y P d. gg Y dP P Y<br />

gg P'. Y Y i Y P' Y. YbP Yba YbdP b YbP d. Yb Yba Yb YbdP' Yba.<br />

YP' Y YP Y YP' P'. Y Y Y YP' Y. Noemata Random Name<br />

Generator. CROTHROPICOM. CROTHROPICOM. ))). Cool band<br />

name SOSITE. Noemata Random Name Generator. MENULTRAE.<br />


MENULTRAE. Mysterious alias GONINFRA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. CHROMOGAL. CHROMOGAL. Osho name<br />

TEATDECI. Noemata Random Name Generator. ELPATA. ELPATA.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. SXIDE. SXIDE. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. ONDUSQUE. ONDUSQUE. e e e eeeee e eeee. e.<br />

eeee eee ee eee e ee eee. Motherplanet in space flick NELLOPTI.<br />

Noemata Random Name Generator. XEROOH. XEROOH. X E R O O<br />

H. Blackmetal band VIKREE. Noemata Random Name Generator.<br />

XIDWHIEZ. XIDWHIEZ. Buzz word this year MATICE. Noemata<br />

Random Name Generator. TEATBAOH. TEATBAOH. Dada<br />

movement REOBAB. Noemata Random Name Generator. there's a<br />

local history group in the area writing articles which gets released. in a<br />

small yearbook by the museum i had some of them sent them off to a.<br />

friend. among the interesting where stories about Omgang a deport and.<br />

execution place in the middle ages a few some km from here<br />

unhabitated long. since. prisoners from northnorway don't know how<br />

far south where imprisoned. at this very desolated place and in fact a<br />

couple of women got burned as. witches there in es if I remember right<br />

a young woman Dorte something. accused of making storm at sea<br />

where a man she had some relation to died you. could tell by the<br />

incidents she probably was an attractive woman making the. men with<br />

power quite jealous humiliated and very mad after half a year in. prison<br />

she was burned alive in I think.. another interesting thing is the<br />

labyrinth as Mikkelsberg also close by with. some discussion of the<br />

authenticity of it it origins either from the pomor. trade with russians a<br />

couple of centuries ago or from much earlier habitation. of the area the<br />

earliest settlers probably being the sami komsaculture. several<br />

thousands years ago there's some debate a dr. something writing his.<br />

thesis the sami were not the first inhabitants. the labyrinth has not been.<br />

coast from fear of messing it up the traces are very vague but it has the.<br />

traditional form and is about in diameter.. there's some war time history<br />

since the whole shit was burned down by germans. the whole north of<br />

norway every building here so they turned the boats on. their head and<br />

lived under there or lived in caves at the coast. things have. been rough<br />

here of course finding support actually there were some. agriculture<br />

before not much.. there were about women burned as witches in the s in<br />

finnmark the. northernmost part of norway were charged for sorcery<br />

and researchers have. wondered why so many in the region. reading<br />

protocols from the trials a. researcher. now suggest the poisonous<br />

fungus meldrøye lat. Claviceps purpurea explaining. hallucination and<br />


ewitchings black grains at the bottom of the cup etc.. <strong>Re</strong> SZ aeffect<br />

Strong Creole Tendency. Atta unsar thu in Himinam. SZ aeffect. Strong<br />

Creole Tendency between wordanimage selfreference 'worldings'. toll<br />

painting of a russian and a norwegian in a fjord in the 's. trying to<br />

communicate about some wood. chopped logs the pomor trade s to the<br />

russian revolution initiated by. russians from the. White Sea having<br />

coast and fjords in north of norwy as their area 'pomor'. means. 'by the<br />

sea' Arkhangelsk has a pomor university today the russian came to.<br />

white. sea from Novogorod s a viking city with democratic traditions<br />

different. the tataryoke in rest of russia. pomors had cereal meal and<br />

traded with. the tataryoke in rest of russia. pomors had cereal meal and<br />

traded with<br />


316<br />

fish (coast) and skins (sami inhab). .. should think wood also was<br />

important as. there are no trees in the northernmost regions...<br />

Nordmannen Drasvi gammel go ven på moja. Tvoja fisk kopom<br />

(Goddag min gamle. gode venn. Kjøper du fisk). Russeren Da. (Ja).<br />

Nordmannen Kak pris (Hvilken pris). Russeren En voga mokka så to<br />

voga treska. (Det er en våg mel mot to våger. torsk.). Nordmannen Eta<br />

mala. (Det er for lite). Russeren Slik slag en å en halv voga treska så en<br />

voga mokka. (Slikt slag.. En. og en halv våg torsk mot en våg mel.).<br />

Nordmannen Eta grot dyr. (Det er ennå for dyrt.). Russeren No davaj på<br />

kajut sitte ned så dokka lite tjai drinkom. Ikke skade.. (Kom. nå ned i<br />

kahytten og drikk litt te. Det kan ikke skade.). norw. russian it seems).<br />

pomor trade was illegal until . and then the russ revolution stopped it<br />

and. the nnorw econony into depression and the coastal villages into.<br />

problems.. the pomors had a rich rural culture and folklore it seems<br />

there's a longer. within pomorområdet levde fairytale adventure and<br />

legend byliner (heltedikt). ballader stev and laments further enn a in<br />

inside into on per within. mange. second strøk for off Russia Russia. a<br />

in inside into on per within. last. latter half for off tallet begynte lærere<br />

prester and second stream. accumulate gather tradisjonsstoff. them<br />

gjorde crowds for off opptegnelser a. in inside into on per within citys<br />

and villages longer dvina and pinega. and. at to toward towards a in<br />

inside into on per within at by on. upon. on upon kvitsjøkysten området<br />

ble kjent like one skattkiste because of. folklorister and etnografer..<br />

within ble marija krivopolenova one diminutive ancient wife with a.<br />

unfigure. ballader and chants at. tertiden. also stepan pisakhov like var<br />

kunstmaler skrev below downstairs. underneath down below<br />

underneath down underneath tradisjonsfortellinger. especially especial<br />

fairytale adventure at to toward towards a in. inside. into on per within<br />

at by on upon on upon dialect. sjergin skrev also. tradisjonelle and<br />

further fashionable fairytale adventure men his skriftlige. produksjon<br />

am både større and longed further allsidig enn pisakhovs. within<br />

sovjettiden dolled it also opp sterke klare litterære personligheter.. fjodor<br />

abramov ex from verkola. marija krivopolenova (). bondekone ex from<br />


pinega famous because of its ballader chants and. klagesanger.. hun<br />

learned helteballadene stariny for off its grandfather. hun. accrued. opp<br />

a in inside into on per within fattige kår and ble early married. married<br />

married poison men verken at to toward towards until till. felicity. eller<br />

velstand. hun losed både the fellow and barna unntatt one daughter like.<br />

ble married married married poison så fattigslig at hun no not know get.<br />

lay. hold of pick up take itself for off moren. hun ble hence therefore<br />

tvunget. at. toward towards until till stream continue tilværelsen like one<br />

beater. omstreifende beggar eller legdekone. men krivopolenova var<br />

one lysende gifted. forteller chants and klagesanger. boris sjergin (). it<br />

nordrussiske klassikeren fremfor noen. he convey imparted gamle.<br />

fortellinger. and tradisjoner muntlig and after behind hvert also<br />

skriftlig. he skrev also. its. egne fortellinger. sjergin var one authentic<br />

pomor the father var styrmann and. seilte at to toward towards a in<br />

inside into on per within at by. on. upon on upon Norway the mother<br />

daughter for off one seilmaker. både. foreldrene. and mange for off<br />

husets friends stod midt a in inside into on per. within. pomorenes<br />

living fortellertradisjon. sjergin itself ble one important. tradisjonsbærer<br />

because he after behind hvert fixed it he hadde hørt at to. toward<br />

towards until till papiret. a in inside into on per within its. fortellinger<br />

and fairytale adventure skildringer for off life and employment. in.<br />

skipsbyggere fiskere and fangstmenn. stepan pisakhov (). stepan<br />

pisakhov seilskip at fiskebryggen a in inside into on per within.<br />

arkhangelsk. author and kunstmaler ex from arkhangelsk. he var at to<br />

toward towards. until. till stream begin with kjent because of its<br />

paintings with motiver ex from. nordlige strøk men begynte after behind<br />

hvert stream type fairytale. adventure.. mange for off the fairytale<br />

adventures his finer also a in inside into. on. per within second<br />

versjoner men his versjoner haves sitt særpreg and. språkføringen a in<br />

inside into on per within disse tekstene am stronged. imprint impressed<br />

for off nordrussisk dialect. pisakhov am one for off you. exaggerations<br />

skrøner. well there's some pictures... links to some english. etc.<br />


Random Name Generator. nettimeann mailing list.<br />

nettimeannnettime.org. ann ELPATA. ELPATA. Noemata Random<br />

Name Generator. nettimeann mailing list. nettimeannnettime.org. . e k u<br />

n s t . laburinteger. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. Maskin Jeg er glad jeg er det eneste<br />

jeg'et her.. Far Sønn sønn vi anbefaler at min maskin ikke snakker mere<br />

til deg.. Sønn Men den kan så mange spennende ord.. Hadde trengte<br />


hjelp. til og fullføre. De påfølgende dagene ble historiene til den<br />

bandasjerte. samlet og skrevet ned i notatbøker før den støeste og mest<br />

skriveføre. av dem fikk oppdraget med å føre over teksten til bandasjen.<br />

Hele. arbeidet. tok dager og da de var ferdig var den bandasjerte i alt<br />

dekket av. ord.. Jeg faller uten.... Projeksjoner krever kontiniuitet..<br />

ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. Nagnews Og sdspoetrezt dkyk og skyr nabnetrt. På<br />

Y). Y (inntar sosiologiskpedagogisk sideleie) Protagonistens puerile.<br />

forsvarsmekanismer er et infatilt forsåk på å rasjonalisere frykten.. Og<br />

sdspoetrezt dkyk. og skyr nabnetrt dykkadt som ncdovmo vopmkete.<br />

foef dMrnefnsd eksdsonnen slyllfd. Fglerfd dyjkk xfsd ogb ajjbgooåad<br />

af xftrlyd. xfef stylr ret sdløben dykkatrg i hitummenem. Deref stgamme<br />

gjoerda efane ferita mefd prgfotetane. Men e dykk rkke. det....<br />

NAGnews mailing list. NAGnewslists.copyleft.no.<br />

isoQDuhFrerdetnEdeterslettesikkei. Kjemiforsøkene i elevenes hode. I<br />

ditt blomsterhull. Han sover i sjette scene. Har jeg noe å si han.<br />

Middelaldrende demokrat må ligge i.... Du hører det nå det er slettes ikke i<br />

sukkerbiten lyden oppstår.. Du ser på sukkerbiten en siste gang før du<br />

putter den i munnen. Som om. begge. øynene skulle ha skiftet posisjon<br />

fra venstre mot høyre uten og røre. hodet. skifter synsvinkelen i scenen..<br />

Kvinnen tar uforståelig imot en. lapp hvor det står Vi møtes i dusjen i<br />

morgen. Hilsen din partner i. forbrytelse.. Over kinomaskinisten på<br />

disen. kinomaskinisten tårer . veggen mitt film over noen . UTE AV<br />

FOKUS.. My Help. Example How do Ichang my password. Tips.<br />

Getting Startled. How do If i what category my Humen is in. I receive<br />

an email notification saying my humen could be Deleted due to.<br />

inactivity. Why What can I do. What does the my smiley face (image)<br />

is mean. How do my I get rid of the my is smiley face (image). I never<br />

sign up for my Human grouqs. Why am I receiving my messages. View<br />

and manage your my hume. Your humain Grops account has been<br />

disable because you had. an autoresponsible setup.. Bouncing seminar .<br />

May. What Bouncing means and what to do about it means bounce. L.<br />

Work with elbows grouq. Control access and sharing humes. list<br />

bounce. tails Yoric troll and Nøkk. Ask Her. the water. <strong>Re</strong> Du har rett.<br />

Da kan jeg vende tilbake til. Work good. Fra den. Forfatteren hadde<br />

alltid en. unnskyldning vent litt jeg måtte bruke begynnelsen tilslutt..<br />

Selv nå tror leseren han vet hvem morderen er.. Troll om igjen.. Jeg vet<br />

at munnen min drypper av penneskaftet skriver. forfatteren.. Med deler<br />


av hodet bandasjert.. Hvis vi panorer til høyre ser vi ryggen hans idet<br />

han forlater. sykhuset fullt rekonstituert. Kutt. Utenfor sykehuset<br />

stopper han opp.. Flashback. Noen tok av for fallet. Han fallt. Blålys. Står<br />

på. sykhustrappen. Tar seg for det gamle kuttet i pannen. Får blod på.<br />

fingrene. Snuser på blodet. Nærbildet av en hund som glefser.. Kanskje<br />

ikke.. Mot widescreen sensur.. Overtall pga.. Og ble stående å. skrike til<br />

hverandre. Da måtte en av dem raskt ta en avgjørelse og. fortsette videre<br />

så ville den andre måtte slutte seg til.. .n. las ldanburg. oea.net.knyt. bmg.<br />

how many net artists does it take to. Greetings froam. Greetings froam.<br />

cause confusion and shame to make uncomfortably selfconscious<br />

disconcert. abash. put obstacles or difficulties in the way of impede.<br />

skam. the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something<br />

dishonorable. improper ridiculous etc. done by oneself or another.<br />

disgrace ignominy. a fact or circumstance bringing disgrace or regret.<br />

cover with ignominy or reproach disgrace. shame is a painful feeling<br />

caused by the consciousness or exposure of unworthy. or indecent<br />

conduct or circumstances. It is similar to guilt in the nature and. origin<br />

of the feeling.. pride a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity<br />

importance merit or. superiority whether as cherished in the mind or as<br />

displayed in bearing. conduct etc.. selfesteem selfrespect. ridicule Syn. .<br />

mockery raillery sarcasm satire irony. . banter chaff. rally twit<br />

burlesque satirize lampoon. RIDICULE DERIDE MOCK TAUNT<br />

imply. making game of a person usually in an unkind jeering way. To<br />

RIDICULE is to. make fun of either sportively and goodhumoredly or<br />

unkindly with the. intention of humiliating to ridicule a pretentious<br />

person.To DERIDE is to. assail one with scornful laughter to deride a<br />

statement of belief.To MOCK is. sometimes playfully sometimes<br />

insultingly to imitate and caricature the. appearance or actions of<br />

another She mocked the seriousness of his. expression.To TAUNT is to<br />

call attention to something annoying or humiliating. usually maliciously<br />

and exultingly and often in the presence of others to. taunt. nihilogues<br />

nilogue brainstem. nihilogues nilogue. 'In generalthe brainstem<br />

produces morecomplex. movements than does the spinal cord.In<br />

addition to responding to most. sensory stimuli in the environment and<br />

regulating eating and drinkingbody. temperaturesleep and wakingthe<br />

brain stem can produce the movements. of walking and<br />

runninggroomingand sexual behavior (all of which are. more complex<br />

than the reflexive movements produced by the spinal cord).The. brains<br />

of fishamphibiansand reptiles are basically equivalent to a mammalian.<br />

brainstemin consequencethe behavior of these animals is a good<br />


indication. of the functions of the brainstem.'. On old Olympuss.<br />

towering top a Finn and. German view some hops.. cortex (from the<br />

Latin for barkas in a tree s bark) ref. book.. Fissures Sulci and Gyri the<br />

Cortex brothers. limbic. Input could enter this circuit from other<br />

structures to be elaborated as. emotion.. summarize the action of a<br />

nerve impulsean. other analogy may help.Think of the voltagesensi.<br />

tive ion channels along an axon as a series of. dominoes.When one<br />

domino fallsit knocks over its. neighborand so on down the line.The<br />

wave cannot. return to its starting position until the dominoes are. set<br />

back up again.There is also no decrement in the. size of the propagated<br />

eventthe last domino falls ex. actly the same distance and just as<br />

heavily as did the. first one.. 'The embryo who walks upright belongs to<br />

the primate order. A badger recounts the story that God created all<br />

animals as embryos and called. them before. his throne offering them<br />

the changes that they desired. They opted for. specialized. adult features<br />

claws teeth hoofs antlers and so forth. But the human. embryo trusting.<br />

Gods judgment accepted the way it was made. The creator was<br />

delighted and. said. that. it would therefore remain an embryo until<br />

buried but would dominate the other. animals. walk upright and feel<br />

sorrow and feel joy. (White ). An important part of the answer to the<br />

Sphinx s riddle about the nature of. humans. is that the adult who walks<br />

on two legs is sort of an infant chimpanzee.'. 'Saint Ambrosewho lived<br />

in the fourth century A.D.is reported to have been. the first person who<br />

could read silently.'. ..i remember a lecturer in computing claiming<br />

alphabetic sorting being. problematic. some centuries ago.. 'Even<br />

somost of the changes in behavior. that differentiate us from our<br />

primate ancestors took place more rapidly still. long after the modern<br />

brain had evolved to its present condition.Only. years ago did modern<br />

humans leave the first human artistic relicselaborate. paintings on cave<br />

walls and carved ivory and stone figurines.The tempo of. change has<br />

quickened further in the past years.Agriculture and animal. husbandry<br />

were established in the Middle East by B.C.followed by ideo. graphic<br />

writing in the same region by B.C.Saint Ambrosewho lived in. the<br />

fourth century A.D.is reported to have been the first person who could.<br />

read silently.The modern technological age began in about A.D.it was.<br />

after this time that most of what we see around us today was invented<br />

or dis. covered.How interesting that most of what we associate with<br />

modern humans. is of such very recent originconsidering that the basic<br />

tools (a big. brainfree. handsand bipedal locomotion)had been with us<br />

long before.'. fundamentals of humal neuropsychology. bror han går i<br />


skoge. bror han går i skoge. jaga alle ville dyr. er han kvit so kjøyr'n hit.<br />

er han grå so lat 'n gå. er han bron i boge. so lat 'n gå i skoge.. Sutene og<br />

sorgene. dei trør eg under fot. di gladare skal eg halda meg. di meir det<br />

gjeng meg imot.. Sutene og sorgene. det blandast alt tilsaman. munnen<br />

lær og hjarta græter. det er so lite gaman.. cobralingus. cobralingus. It<br />

makes use of the Metamorphiction process using text as signal and.<br />

passing it through FILTER GATES transforming the textsignal. The<br />

FILTER GATES. range from DRUG (injects artificial stimulant into<br />

the language) to EXPLODE. (breaks up signal into highly disordered<br />

fragments) to PURIFY (loses. deadwood).. It sounds fairly mechanical<br />

and Noon presents it as such. There is an INLET. and. an OUTLET<br />

(read input and output). The FILTER GATES act on the input text.<br />

transforming it in a variety of ways. Noon writes of the specific effect<br />

of. each FILTER GATE as though it were a precise algorithm and the<br />

text. transformed. according to very precise rules. In fact the<br />

Cobralingus Engine is no such. thing. The rules beyond their most basic<br />

operation are entirely of Noon's own. choosing.. generated writing.<br />

Commencement for Teens. Frogman Tautness and Undue Cinnamon<br />

Inaction. As DestinyUtopia Undoes the Thai Emutagonad <strong>Re</strong>tread the<br />

Spooks of Technology.. Benjamin Bruin is. Daft. if not SICILIAN..<br />

One varsity. If Cuneiform. Has Found Fern Noose. a Sunni from<br />

Burberry CT. on. CIA spanks you for smut and fortune. Suddenly it is<br />

the Vedasfluxing. It is. Mastering in Purees and Scanners as if ham and<br />

IdVendors had walked into. thawing rinds and facial tics Beating. HI<br />

Cluera. Paloin Biloid. REVIEW Cigarette Boy by Darick Chamberlin.<br />

antinovel. Ten Years of Pain in the ass. computer generated writing.<br />

Virus Charms and selfcreating codes.. Virus Charms and selfcreating<br />

codes.. 'Within the computer web the negative effect of viruses is<br />

propagated much. faster than the positive effect of information. That is<br />

why a virus is an. information itself. It proliferates itself better than<br />

others biologically. speaking because it is at the same time both<br />

medium and message. It creates. the. ultramodern form of<br />

communication which does not distinguish according to. McLuhan<br />

between the information itself and its carrier.' Baudrillard. Sircam<br />

chooses a document from the hard disk and sends it to all addresses.<br />

found. in the email address book. So everything private public and<br />

interpersonal. gets mixed up because of the possibility to reproduce<br />

information and to. transmit them instantaneously in the net.. RTMark<br />

intvju. RTMark intvju. I feel RTMark as a multiple identity absolutely<br />

no individual faces and. names.. What's your concept of personal<br />


identity within your group Do you individually. feel yourself as part of<br />

a collective person or as anonymous individuals. under. a collective<br />

name. We're just anonymous for pragmatic reasons... We are a<br />

corporation meaning. that. essentially we are a group that comes<br />

together as one body (corporeal). This is. a kind of bastardization of the<br />

idea of collectivity insofar as it does not. really imply sharing equally<br />

labor and benefits as one might on a collective. farm. The corporation<br />

as opposed the the collective has been legally defined. give the best<br />

business advantage to captial without the nasty side effects. of. liability.<br />

So we come together as a body in order to create a fall guy someone.<br />

who can absorb the liability for all the actions of participants. So we<br />

are. anonymous because we have no need to exist in this equasion. we<br />

already share a. body and that body has a name and an identity..<br />

Cultural resistance is very difficult to fund. How do you succeded in it.<br />

Our funding is important because it is a symbol. The small amounts we<br />

come up. with do not really fund anythingthey are not sufficient to fund<br />

people or. actions. They are useful in that they show some interest by<br />

peopleenough. interest to give money.. If you'd program a computer<br />

virus what it'd be able to do. Perhaps we could et a computer virus that<br />

taps into the unseen forces of the. afterlife bring to our cause an army of<br />

vengeful ghosts Ghosts are very. effective at what they do i've seen it<br />

in the movies. But this is a good. question that is why i can't answer it<br />

so quickly.... nymata. The nym noemata is free to use. participation<br />

inclusivity rather than exclusivity experimentation and. creativity.<br />

Neomatic Cantsin. how to make immediate emails emailart mailart<br />

generative automatic scant. the medium is immediate instant so to attain<br />

immediacy construct the. opposite. something mediated double negate.<br />

spamspiders. med en søkemotor for mailadresser praktisk men tvilsom.<br />

halvsøvne. vær forsiktig om morgon. halvsøvne. ting vet om det.<br />

auto.noemata.net. .... noemata.net. .... .... det er noe med fart som gjør<br />

liv. Warning DB Error connect failed. nativecodeORA TNSlistener<br />

could not resolve SID given in connect. descriptor oci<br />

kunstmunchKultur.no in. glenlivet.gandi.net. laphroaig.gandi.net.<br />

redirmailtelehouse.gandi.net. ogin. ogin.php. stavr. Mar. INSIN<br />









without borgan is borgan without ody. poetry. Poetry means (a) I'm<br />

going to die and (b) this. notebook will be read by someone who will<br />

see how. lacking I am unless I destroy it I can't do. that that would be<br />

worse than keeping it that. would mean thinking of it.George Stanley. (<br />

( ( ) ( (. pre.txt render. using phpfiglet.<br />

noemata.nettxtphpfigletrender.php. qMark qWeiss qNichts. Aug.<br />

Maghies ll. fososos ss. fososos ss. complment de programme. une<br />

session citu (cration interactive transdisciplinaire. universitaire) se<br />

tiendra le. vendredi septembre de h h l'apmhi b bat b avec. la<br />

participation de. francis jutand directeur des stic du cnrs. francois roche<br />

architecte. jeanbaptiste barriere compositeur. this is another home<br />

reading brought to you. advent spoilers. lese det. lese det som om det<br />

ikke var til meg som om jeg var fri som er det. firenncasdee med å fnine<br />

ting de er nye de trefefr iegnn ntyt galme. tnig kan vræe nye hvis du spør<br />

hva kusnt er spør en jialsrnuot. hva er. aerlijstaoikdnnravutgak. snøhvit.<br />

egentlig var det ikke den onde stemoren som ga snøhvit det forgiftede.<br />

eplet i eventyret. det var hennes kjødelige mor. men brødrene grimm<br />

måtte. sensurere sin politisk ukorrekte fortelling sier heinrich<br />

dickerhoff.. for å antyde at en mor ville drepe sin egen datter ville være<br />

det samme. som å krenke forestillingen om det hellige moderskap. det<br />

våget wilhelm og. jakob grimm ikke. derfor fikk stemoren skylden<br />

mener dickerhoff som er. leder for europeisk eventyrforbund.. bey radio<br />

sermonettes. in fact an argument could be made that music distributed<br />

free or at cost. on cassette via mail is less alienated than live music.<br />

rendered into trash like all other trash. folkultur. real art is play play is<br />

one of the most immediate of all experiences.. therefore as artists<br />

cultural workers'' who have no intention of. giving up activity in our<br />

chosen media we nevertheless demand of. ourselves an extreme<br />

awareness of immediacy as well as the mastery of. some direct means<br />

of implementing this awareness as play immediately (at. once)<br />

immediately (without mediation).. thus a good meal could be an<br />

immediatist art project especially if. everyone present cooked as well as<br />

ate. and everybody was called andy. poetic terrorism'' and art<br />

sabotage'' are quite logical. manifestations of immediatism.. for<br />

instance the liberatory power of a painting can be neutralized or. even<br />

absorbed simply by placing it in the context of a gallery or museum.<br />

where it will automatically become a mere representation of liberatory.<br />

power.. rhapsody. democratic shamanism. '' creative acts themselves<br />

the outer results of. the inwardness of imagination are not mediated<br />


alienated (in the sense. we've been using those terms) when they are<br />

carried out by everyone for. everyone when they are produced but not<br />

reproducedwhen they are shared. but not fetishized.. anyone present<br />

may become a horse'' or medium for one of these santos. whose words<br />

actions then assume for all celebrants the aspect of the. presence of the<br />

spirit (i.e. the possessed person does not represent but. presents).. the<br />

audience who are indeed locked in place in darkness silence.<br />

immobilized by the money they've paid. no wonder the first<br />

broadcasters of video were the nazis. tv is to the. imagination what<br />

virus is to the dna. the end. beyond tv there lies only. the inframedia<br />

realm of no spacenotime the instantaneity ecstasis. of commtech pure<br />

speed the downloading of consciousness into the. machine into the<br />

programin other words hell.. roughly then the more imagination is<br />

liberated shared the more. useful the medium.. the end of the modern<br />

does not mean a return to the paleolithic but a. return of the paleolithic..<br />

sardonicide. capital. toolate capitalism. the spectacle the simulation<br />

babylon. whatever you want to call it. an immediatist potlatch idiotisk...<br />

within the organic (nature'' everyday life'') is embedded a kind of.<br />

silence which is not just dumbness an opacity which is not mere.<br />

ignorancea secrecy which is also an affirmation a tact tacit. the lazy<br />

yokel plows a crooked furrow. if i could escape this bad mood of<br />

course i'd do so take you with me.. what we need is a plan. jail break<br />

tunnel a gun carved of soap a. sharpened spoon a file in a cake a new<br />

religion. speak too much not be heardthat's sickening enough. but to<br />

acquire. listenersthat could be worse.. sufism situationismor shamanism<br />

anarchythe theories i've played. with are just that theories visions ways<br />

of seeing. significantly. the practice'' of sufism consists in the<br />

repetition of words (dhikr).. this action itself is a text nothing but a text.<br />

and the praxis'' of. anarchosituationism amounts to the same a text a<br />

slogan on a wall. a. moment of enlightenment. well it's not totally<br />

valuelessbut afterwards. what will be different. just as there exist books<br />

which have inspired earthshaking crimes we. would like to broadcast<br />

texts which cause hearers to seize (or at least. make a grab for) the<br />

happiness god denies us. exhortations to hijack. reality.. enlightenment<br />

is all we have even that we've had to rip from the grasp. of corrupt<br />

gurus bumbling suicidal intellectuals. as for our artwhat. have we<br />

accomplished other than to spill our blood for the ghostworld of.<br />

fashionable ideas images. treasure and by what technique seeing that it<br />

is precisely technique. which has betrayed us derrangement of the<br />

senses insurrection piety. poetry knowing how is a cheap mountebank's<br />


trick. but knowing what might. be like divine self knowledgeit might<br />

create ex nihilo.. mønsterai. hvordan kan maskinen lage et mønster en<br />

form abstrahere. rettekar. sånn circa på ploen asduenmn elelr nsnaen<br />

steedr er ptunker er virlutlee. anmiiaklkts jeg vil dit men det er<br />

ignenntig der heller det er. aeietvtktin som dirver deiftrn som divrer<br />

mødslnkeåe rettekar.. Mar. om du har et ord så har du en verden. alle<br />

fnatsenaie. ontatemn. dfykrt. viktig vær aldri rded. det er resleden som er<br />

fralig. rztel det ukjtene gteån møte med noe annet ntyt. neyht er redesl.<br />

horfovr fkryt alltid dyisrk injeolarsrt. iegnn fsojrkell alt er mg. s. roman.<br />

roman. må vi ha vært gjennom det for å bli ergo har vi integrert de vi vil ta.<br />

avstand fra vokse antistoff antiterrorterror.. dagen etter. allerede dagen<br />

etter er hun glemt og må minnes for å huskes. jens er den. som husker<br />

henne minst. skyflet unna i en fei dagen etter er hun allerede. pakket inn<br />

begravd og bare et minne.. kan attentatet være et malplassert attentat på<br />

media som media straks. vender om til en sak om noe annet.. tror vi får<br />

en ny trend new savages.. bruce margon associate director at the space.<br />

telescope science institute in baltimore maryland. described the sound<br />

at a press conference here as. described the sound at a press conference<br />

here as<br />


317<br />

being a million billion times deeper than the limits. of human hearing..<br />

let's not get carried away..... not even my dog boris can hear this stuff..<br />

i alle filmer jeg har sett er utenom jordinger stort sett. teknologisk<br />

overlegene. men kunsten de drar med seg er av en. eller annen grunn<br />

svært jordisk. er det noen som har vært. borti interpanetarisk kunst som<br />

ikke er av jordisk karakter.. hvis det absolutt må være interplaneterisk<br />

(innenfor vårt solsystem) og. laget. av teknologisk overlegne<br />

utenomjordinger og ikke av jordisk karakter. nei slik. kunst har jeg ikke<br />

vært borti.. flarf. flarf. it might be helpful to offer a short history of flarf.<br />

strike helpfulit. amuses me to do so.. flarf came about a couple of years<br />

ago when gary sullivan submitted a. deliberately bad poem to<br />

poetry.com one of those vanity companies that. lures the unsuspecting<br />

with lavish praise of their poetry and then offers. publish it for an<br />

exorbitant fee. theorizing that no submission no. matter how heinous<br />

would ever be treated with anything other than. yeah mmhmm it's true.<br />

big birds make. big doo i got fire inside. my huppachimp(tm). gonna be<br />

agreessive greasy aw yeah god. wanna doot doot.<br />

pffffffffffffffffffffffffft hey. oooh yeah baby gonna shake bake then<br />

take. uggah duggah buggah biggah buggah muggah. hey hey you<br />

stoopid mick get. off the paddy field and git. me some chocolate quik.<br />

put a qtip in it and stir it up sick. pockamockachockalockading dong.<br />

fuck shit piss oh it's so sad that. syndrome what's it called tourette's.<br />

make me haiee shout out loud. cuz i love thee. thank you god for<br />

listening. sure enough he received a full invitation to have his timeless<br />

piece of. literature enshrined for all posterity etc.. gary shared his poem<br />

the style of which he promptly dubbed flarf with. members of the<br />

subpoetics mailing list and before long a few other. participants began<br />

posting poems to poetry.com including myself drew. gardner jordan<br />

davis and a handful of others. eventually we formed a. separate mailing<br />

list.. the initial aesthetics of flarf went largely unarticulated but they<br />

can. probably be approximated by the following recipe deliberate<br />

shapelessness. of content form spelling and thought in general with<br />

liberal borrowing. internet chat room drivel and spam scripts often with<br />


the intention. of achieving a studied blend of the offensive the<br />

sentimental and the. infantile.. flarf has largely become stylized out of<br />

existence made inseparable from. the usual writing habits of its<br />

practitioners as gary and nada and others. have pointed out.. maybe the<br />

problem was ever announcing flarf as a concept suggestive of. a<br />

movement etc. in the first place. there were those among us who.<br />

shrewdly warned about the dangers of such a movekatie degentesh for.<br />

example. the truth is flarf is not a movement never was because it has.<br />

no principles as such beyond some characteristic compositional<br />

techniques. etc.).. there is no such thing as flarf. useless to declare that<br />

now. one day there will no longer be flarf and nonflarf. there will only.<br />

be bad poems and worse poems. the worse poems will be stronger and<br />

will. eat the merely bad ones. what is now provisionally gestured<br />

toward as. flarf (falsely so but necessarily) is merely an exercise in<br />

preparation. for that eventuality.. the ghost of heriberto yepez is<br />

standing behind me holding my wrists as i. type sucking my brains out<br />

through an elaborate tin siphoning device. welded to both our skulls.<br />

it's a good thing. poeticslist. kursiv. 'gud' som ekstrem komprimering<br />

tre bokstaver og alt.. for sine egne handlinger og absolutt ikke har noen<br />

rett til å skylde. for sine egne handlinger og absolutt ikke har noen rett til<br />

å skylde. open source crime art. det blir ikke forstått. kan ikke forandre<br />

noe. greetings'. growth. mourned. fraudulent. uprootings. news det er<br />

nok gudsutryddere som er ut og går igjen.. eller noe homofilt. protoindo<br />

europeisk kerk (høne) og tocharisk kran.ko. ligner mistenkelig på klukk..<br />

nasjonalbiblioteket lagrer alt som skrives på news de. no.ghostr. there is<br />

a ghost posting in this newsgroup. no.alt.arkiv. no.fritid.akvarium.<br />

no.fritid.diverse. no.annonser.diverse. no.it.tjenester.mail.diverse.<br />

no.kultur.diverse. no.kultur.film. no.kultur.litteratur.diverse.<br />

no.sport.diverse. se.test. dk.test. dk.kultur. dk.kultur.litteratur.<br />

no.org.diverse. free.it.test.testo.testa.testi.teste. no.test. no.general.<br />

no.alt.diskusjoner. no.alt.flame. no.alt.frustrasjoner. no.general<br />

diskusjoner uten generell interesse.. no.samfunn.media.diverse.<br />

no.samfunn.media.radiotv. no.samfunn.media.radiotv.virkelighetstv.<br />

no.org.diverse. se.internet.news.diskussion. se.prat.diverse.<br />

se.prat.humor. se.test. dk.general. dk.kultur. dk.opslag.internet. dk.snak.<br />

dk.snak.vittigheder. dk.test. is.test. is.ymislegt. finet.testi. NN. number<br />

name description appearance. unused. horizontal tab space. line feed<br />

space. unused. space space. exclamation mark. quotation mark. number<br />

sign. dollar sign. percent sign. ampersand. apostrophe '. left parenthesis<br />

(. right parenthesis ). asterisk. plus sign. comma. hyphen. period (full<br />


stop) .. solidus (slash). digits (). colon. semicolon. less than. equals<br />

sign. greater than. question mark. commercial at. upper case az a z. left<br />

square bracket. reverse solidus (backslash). right square bracket. caret.<br />

horizontal bar. acute accent. lower case az a z. left curly brace. vertical<br />

bar. right curly brace. tilde. unused. nonbreaking space. inverted<br />

exclamation. cent sign. pound sterling sign. general currency sign. yen<br />

sign. broken vertical bar. section sign. umlaut (dierisis). copyright.<br />

feminine ordinal. left angle quote guillemot left. not sign. soft hyphen.<br />

registered trademark. macron accent. degree sign. plus or minus.<br />

superscript two. superscript three. acute accent. micro sign. paragraph<br />

sign. middle dot. cedilla. superscript one. masculine ordinal. right angle<br />

quote guillemot right. fraction (one quarter). fraction (one half).<br />

fraction (three quarters). inverted question mark. capital a grave accent.<br />

capital a acute accent. capital a circumflex accent. capital a tilde. capital<br />

a umlaut (dierisis). å capital a ring å. æ capital ae dipthong (ligature) æ.<br />

capital c cedilla. capital e grave accent. capita e acute accent. eirc<br />

capital e circumflex accent. capital e umlaut (dierisis). capital i grave<br />

accent. capital i acute accent. capital i circumflex accent. capital i<br />

umlaut (dierisis). capital eth icelandic. capital n tilde. capital o grave<br />

accent. oacute capital o acute accent. capital o circumflex accent.<br />

capital o tilde. capital o umlaut (dierisis). multiply sign. ø capital o slash<br />

ø. ugrave capital u grave accent. capital u acute accent. capital u<br />

circumflex accent. capital u umlaut (dierisis). capital y acute accent.<br />

capital thorn icelandic. small sharp s german (sz ligature). small a grave<br />

accent. small a acute accent. small a circumflex accent. small a tilde.<br />

auml small a umlaut (dierisis). å small a ring å. æ small ae dipthong<br />

(ligature) æ. small c cedilla. small e grave accent. small e acute accent.<br />

small e circumflex accent. small e umlaut (dierisis). small i grave<br />

accent. small i acute accent. small i circumflex accent. small i umlaut<br />

(dierisis). small eth icelandic. small n tilde. small o grave accent. small<br />

o acute accent. small o circumflex accent. small o tilde. small o umlaut<br />

(dierisis). division sign. ø small o slash ø. small u grave accent. small u<br />

acute accent. small u circumflex accent. small u umlaut (dierisis). small<br />

y acute accent. small thorn icelandic. small y umlaut (dierisis).<br />

xspamscore sssssssssss.<br />

document.write(authors.link(authors.htmauthor)). authors. xspamscore<br />

sssssssssss. the shapes of things are dumb.. l. wittgenstein. mail art<br />

groups. comp.internet.nethappenings. rec.crafts.rubberstamps.<br />

rec.arts.misc. fr.rec.arts.plastiques. alt.zines. comp.mail.multimedia.<br />

rec.arts.fine. bit.listserv.postcard. alt.magick. misc.writing.<br />


ec.arts.misc. fa.. ape. ape kapret buss. bussjåføren var i ferd med å selge<br />

billetter da han plutselig fikk en. uventet passasjer.. en illsint ape jaget<br />

passasjerene ut av en buss i den nederlandske byen. tilburg. deretter slo<br />

den seg til i baksetet uten å ha løst billett. forteller en talsmann for det<br />

kommunale busselskapet.. bussjåføren var i ferd med å selge billetter til<br />

påstigende passasjerer på. en holdeplass da apen av en art som tilhører<br />

familien makaker plutselig. hoppet på. den stanset ikke før den var helt<br />

bakerst i bussen.. sjåføren tilkalte hjelp fra politiet som kom til stede og<br />

brakte snikeren. til en lokal dyrepark der ledelsen nå forsøker å finne ut<br />

hvem som eier. dyret. det er uklart om apen må betale gebyr for å ha<br />

sneket på bussen.. lumber. about. if you're lured into parting with your<br />

lolly you could be. lumbered.. lumber llmb n. m. perh. f. lumber v. but<br />

at one time. assoc. w. lumber n. disused articles of furniture etc. taking<br />

up. room inconveniently or removed to be out of the way useless odds<br />

and. ends useless or cumbrous material. m. timber sawn into rough.<br />

planks or otherwise partly prepared. chiefly n. amer. m.. superfluous fat<br />

esp. in horses. e.. pope loads of learned lumber in his head. r. gittings<br />

an immense. amount of accumulated lumber to pack and dispose..<br />

comb. lumber baron n. amer. a leading or wealthy timber merchant.<br />

lumbercamp (chiefly n. amer.) a camp in which lumberjacks live.<br />

lumberjack (chiefly n. amer.) a person who works with rough timber or.<br />

lumber esp. a feller and dresser of forest timber lumberjacket a. warm<br />

hiplength jacket fastening up to the neck of a type worn by.<br />

lumberjacks lumberman (chiefly n. amer.) a lumberjack lumberport.<br />

(a)a porthole in the bow or stern of a ship for loading or unloading.<br />

timber (b)a seaport from which timber is shipped lumberraft a raft.<br />

made of logs boards etc. lumberroom a room in which disused. articles<br />

of furniture etc. are kept a room for useless odds and ends. lumber town<br />

n. amer. a town chiefly engaged in the timber trade. lumber trade<br />

(chiefly n. amer.) the trade in rough timber. lumberwagon n. amer. a<br />

springless wagon of a type used for hauling. timber lumberyard n.<br />

amer. a timberyard.. lumber llmb n. slang. e. alt. of lombard n. a.<br />

pawnbroking establishment. em. in lumber in pawn in pledge. transf. in<br />

prison in trouble in difficulties. l. a house or. room spec. where stolen<br />

property is hidden a house used by. criminals. m.. lumber llmb v.i. lme.<br />

perh. symbolic. isolated me use may be. rel. to lame a. cf. lumper v.<br />

move in a clumsy or blundering. manner now esp. move heavily on<br />

account of unwieldiness of bulk and. mass. now chiefly with adv. or<br />

advb. phr. lme. rumble make a. rumbling noise. obs. exc. us. l.. r. k.<br />

narayan ipaused to observea country cart lumbering along. g.. vidal<br />


when he walks he sort of lumbers. c. thubron water buffalo. lumbered<br />

down sodden tracks.. lumber llmb v. m. f. lumber n. v.t. orig. cover fill.<br />

up or obstruct with lumber burden uselessly encumber. now usu.. leave<br />

(someone) with something unwanted or unpleasant get (someone). into<br />

trouble or difficulties freq. in pass. m. v.t. heap or. place together as<br />

lumber without order or method deposit as lumber.. l. a v.i. perform the<br />

labour or carry on the business of cutting. and preparing forest timber.<br />

(earlier as lumbering n.) chiefly n.. amer. e. b v.t. go over (ground)<br />

cutting down timber. m.. e. wallace if they lumbered you with the crime<br />

it was because you. was a mug. daily mail if you're lured into parting<br />

with your lolly. you could be lumbered.. lumber llmb v.t. slang. e. f.<br />

lumber n. deposit (property). in pawn imprison arrest.. lumber noun<br />

lumber in the attic jumble clutter junk rubbish odds. and ends castoffs<br />

rejects trash refuse white elephants.. lumber verb lumber him with her<br />

jobs burden load saddle encumber. impose upon inf. land.. lumber verb<br />

heard him lumbering around upstairs clump stump plod. trudge stamp<br />

shuffle shamble stumble waddle lump along.. ahjaje. ahjaje. søkespill.<br />

minste bokstavkjeks som ikke har oppslag i søkemotor. pluss for.<br />

vokaler. ref. noemata random name generator.. mr. x. t mr. t kallte han<br />

mister x på videregående. why hehe. mistereks. mikke og<br />

mysterxmysteriet på den hemmelighetsfulle øya. fins. det psykologiske<br />

typer som fra barnsben av har en hang .. byttedyr. akrasia. akrasia. thief<br />

of time a vignette sourcebook for characters of ndth. millenium..<br />

akrasia drivkraft for kunskapssamfunnet. akrasia skal være en sterk og.<br />

samlende organsjasjon for ikt og kunskapsbedrifter. sterk og samlende.<br />

skal være. de døde skal være levende skal være. kristus skal være frelser. for<br />

inrikonsern skal være. alle skal være og gjenoppstå skal være. skal. være skal<br />

forbli skal være. la stå skal være.. a temple in disrepair looms out of the<br />

mist. as you approach you notice. that the debris results not so much<br />

from ruin as disinterest. it appears. that grandiose plans have disolved<br />

due to insufficient money time or. will. it seems a shame the structure<br />

could have been so beautiful.. if gateway. ifi gateway. gnu project to<br />

develop a free operating system called gnu.. gnu's not unix. gnu not<br />

ung. a har ung. this rather brings to mind a syndrome that sometimes<br />

occurred when an old. arpanet mailing list got gatewayed to a usenet<br />

newsgroup. after a little. while some usenet novice would commit some<br />

faux pas a furious arpanaut. would flame violently about how usenet<br />

was nothing but bozos who didn't. understand how things should be<br />

done and the gatewaying was a stupid idea. and the list maintainer<br />

would quietly observe that the gatewaying had. indeed produced<br />


problems but it was also producing most of the real. content.... henry<br />

spencer mail relays. in mark horton a graduate student at the university<br />

of california. in berkeley added his site to the usenet network and<br />

started sending some. of the arpanet mailing lists to the usenet. when<br />

the ucbvax computer. joined the network shortly thereafter the<br />

hierarchy fa was established. standing for from arpanet. at first the<br />

arpanet lists were distributed. readonly on the usenet but later the<br />

connection was made twoway.. tabbs. tabbs. klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh<br />

kljh kljh. kljh. kljh lkjh kljh kljh jh. klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh kljh kljh<br />

kljh. kljh lkjh kljh kljh jh. klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh kljh kljh kljh. kljh<br />

lkjh kljh kljh jh. klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh kljh kljh kljh. kljh lkjh kljh<br />

kljh jh. klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh kljh kljh kljh. kljh lkjh kljh kljh jh.<br />

klj h lkjh kljh lkjh kljh lkjh kljh kljh kljh. kljh lkjh kljh kljh jh. nymer.<br />

nymer. .personnavn har egenskap ko alt blir person. .pseudonym har<br />

egenskap foo virker pretensiøst. .organisasjon har egenskap patafoo.net<br />

bedre men. institusjonaliserende. server autogenerert mail de leses som<br />

sendt uten pretensjoner det er. veldig attraktivt.. allnone. allnone<br />

telemata. a l l o n e a l o n e. han han han hun han hun han hun hun hun<br />

det han han han det han det det. det han hun det vi vi han hun. kaspar.<br />

stanhope you have nightvision where the rest of us walk blind.. kaspar<br />

but the wrong kind.. stanhope who will be at my deathbed's side a ton.<br />

kaspar no one.. stanhope who'll be there to witness my last breath.<br />

kaspar death.. stanhope what put you on this earth what undreamt<br />

forces. kaspar my wooden horses.. stanhope what did your keeper say<br />

when he last saw you. kaspar we are through.. kaspar hauser harrison<br />

jeff. paskt. pulskt. the past is a foreign country they do things<br />

differently there.. l.p. hartley. kunst.no soek. nois. noisebin noise bin.<br />

nausea bin. 'noising'. j. clare rook crow and jackdawnoising loud fly to<br />

and fro to dreary. fen.. drøy dreyri. noise og kontekst bakgrunn. hva<br />

betyr 'støy'. (troll spam). pink noise see pink a. red noise see red a.<br />

signaltonoise ratio see. signal n. surface noise see surface n. a. thermal<br />

noise see thermal a.. white noise see white a.. noise nz n. me. (o)fr.<br />

prov. nausa f. l nausea. a sound esp.. a loud harsh disagreeable<br />

disturbing or intrusive sound loud. shouting clamour a confused sound<br />

of voices and movements the aggregate. of such sounds in a particular<br />

place or at a particular time. formerly. also strife contention quarrelling.<br />

me. b in pl. conventional remarks. sounds resembling speech without<br />

actual words. freq. in make noises below.. m. a common talk rumour<br />

report slander scandal. mel. b repute. reputation. lmem. a company or<br />

band of musicians. ml. a. person who or organization which is much<br />


talked of or the object of. general notice or comment an important<br />

person. chiefly in big noise s.v.. big a. adv. colloq. e. sci. fluctuations or<br />

disturbances (usu.. random or irregular) which are not part of a signal<br />

(whether audible or. not) or which interfere with or obscure a signal. e..<br />

dryden a buzzing noise of bees his ears alarms. tennyson thro' the.<br />

noises of the night she floated down to camelot. a. ransome down the.<br />

platform milkcans were being shifted making a loud clanging noise. c.<br />

s.. forester a harsh voice could be heardwhistles being blown much<br />

noise and. bustle. c. isherwood he makes a terrific noise in the showera<br />

series of. shouts. g. vidal there was a great noise all around her harsh<br />

voices and. much laughing. n. monsarrat there were aeroplane noises<br />

and ambulance. noises the telephone rang several times. m. spark so<br />

great was the noise. during the day that i used to lie awake at night<br />

listening to the silence.. phrases make a noise keep a noise (a)be much<br />

talked of be the object. of general notice and comment (b)make an<br />

outcry talk much or loudly. about (c)make a noise like (slang) pretend<br />

to be. make noises (a)be. vocal make comments or enquiries (about)<br />

(b)(with defining adj.) make. remarks etc. of a specified kind. noise and<br />

number index a quantity used. in evaluating aircraft noise in terms of its<br />

intensity and duration.. noises off offstage sound effects. pink noise see<br />

pink a. red noise. see red a. signaltonoise ratio see signal n. surface<br />

noise see surface. n. a. thermal noise see thermal a. white noise see<br />

white a.. comb. noise contour a line or surface (imaginary or on a<br />

diagram etc.). joining points where the noise level is the same noise<br />

factor noise. figure electronics a quantity representing the additional<br />

noise introduced. by a signalprocessing device such as an amplifier<br />

noise filter. electronics a filter for selectively reducing noise noise<br />

limiter. electronics a circuit or device for selectively reducing certain<br />

types of. noise esp. by momentarily reducing the output or the gain<br />

during peaks of. greater amplitude than the desired signal noisemaker a<br />

person who or. thing which makes a noise spec. a device for making a<br />

loud noise at a. festivity etc. noise pollution harmful or annoying noise<br />

noise storm. astron. a radio emission from the sun consisting of a<br />

succession of short. bursts or pips in the megahertz range that lasts for a<br />

period of hours or. days and is associated with sunspots.. noiseful a.<br />

noisy lme. noiseless a. (a)silent quiet making no stir or. commotion<br />

(b)(of signals recording equipment etc.) characterized by a. virtual<br />

absence of noise e. noiselessly adv. m. noiselessness n. m.. noise nz v.<br />

lme. f. the n. or f. ofr. noisier noiser. v.t.. report rumour spread (about<br />

abroad). lme. v.t. i. spread rumours. or a report concerning (a person<br />


etc.). long obs. exc. dial. lme. v.i.. talk loudly or much of a thing. arch.<br />

lme. v.i. make a noise or outcry.. now arch. dial. lme.. shakes. l.l.l.<br />

alltelling fame doth noise abroad navarre hath made a. vow. ld<br />

macaulay it was noised abroad that he had more real power to. helpthan<br />

many nobles. j. heller relatives of hers noising it about that. she was<br />

living extravagantly. carlyle a plan much noised of in those. days. j.<br />

clare rook crow and jackdawnoising loud fly to and fro to. dreary fen..<br />

mug. mug ml n. a. angloind. now rare. m. bengali mag(h) of unkn..<br />

origin. a n. arakanese n. also a native or inhabitant of chittagong on. the<br />

bay of bengal. m. b attrib. or as adj. arakanese a. l.. mug ml n. sc. dial. l.<br />

f. mug v. fog mist light rain. drizzle.. prob. earlier as the root of<br />

muggish.. mug ml n. a. slang. m. perh. a use of mug n. a n. a. stupid or<br />

incompetent person a fool a simpleton a gullible person. m.. a person a<br />

fellow spec. a person on the opposite side of the law to. oneself (chiefly<br />

us) a hoodlum a thug. l.. r. c. hutchinson i'm not such a mug as to think<br />

that. p. barker he's got. one mug working to keep him. he doesn't need<br />

two. mug's game a thankless. task a useless foolish or unprofitable<br />

activity. observer there were. recognisedputters up of jobs what the<br />

mugs called master minds.. b attrib. or as adj. of a person stupid<br />

incompetent gullible. e.. l. griffiths i despise mug punters the kind of<br />

people who bet on every. race.. mug ml n. arch. slang. m. f. mug v. an<br />

examination. rare.. m. a person who learns a subject by concentrated<br />

study. l.. mug ml v.i. long obs. exc. sc. dial. infl. gg. lme. prob. of.<br />

scand. origin cf. on mugga mist drizzle norw. sw. dial. mugg mould.<br />

mildew prob. rel. to mucus. see also next. drizzle rain lightly.. mug ml<br />

v.i. slang dial. infl. gg. e. perh. a use of prec.. pout grow sullen mope..<br />

mug ml v. infl. gg. e. f. mug n. v.t. strike in the face. thrash assault<br />

strangle. also (now the usual sense) rob with violence. esp. in a public<br />

place. e. v.i. pull a face esp. in front of an. audience a camera etc.<br />

grimace. slang. m. v.t. photograph the face. of esp. for police or other<br />

official records. us slang. l. v.t. kiss. fondle. slang (chiefly austral. nz).<br />

e.. v. s. pritchett he took the affair as if his person had been assaulted.<br />

as if he had been mugged. w. mcilvanney an old woman could be<br />

mugged in a. park. j. heller i mug and gesticulate right along with the<br />

people on the. screen. g. v. higgins we brought him up to the marshal's<br />

office and. mugged him and printed him.. mugging n. the action or an<br />

act of the vb spec. (an instance of) the. robbing of a person with<br />

violence esp. in a public place m.. mug ml v.t. slang dial. infl. gg. m. f.<br />

mug n. bribe with. alcoholic drink buy a drink for (a person).. mug ml<br />

v. slang. infl. gg. m. origin unkn. v.i. read or. study in a concentrated<br />


manner. freq. foll. by up. m. v.t. learn (a. subject) by concentrated<br />

study. freq. foll. by up. l.. mugged it up before he came to tradura.. mug<br />

ml v.i. slang (chiefly canad. naut.). infl. gg. m.. origin unkn. foll. by up<br />

eat heartily also have a snack any meal or. a hot drink.. comb. mugup a<br />

snack a meal a hot drink.. aa. aa. begin pgp message.<br />

qanqrdddqqdawkhlxmcacyhwdjguffyuzbzhcwtsaogtkjoeupsrkozbl.<br />

pojk. end pgp message. secure viewer temp.test. d. er dybdefølelse<br />

knyttet til drøm rom dybde inngir en følelse av. uendelighet rikdom. som<br />

å veksle mellom stereogram og flatt bilde som en. enkel formal måte som<br />

i grunnen er det samme som skjer overfor et. kunstmaleri at bildet<br />

åpenbarer seg i romperspektivet blir dypt. at. noe er dybt som<br />

stereoillusjonen er to eller flere sammenfallende. projeksjoner f.eks.<br />

muligvirkelig indreytre aktivpassiv. tekstkontekst.. and come. and come<br />

the sisters of the ceaseless toil. and that her coldness is but my desert.<br />

amour armour. mare. craze. rabble. pass. harangue. misventure.<br />

vagaries. peril. savoury. boor. yokel. yore. gaol. yoke. yonder.<br />

methought. candour. vex. buxom. gorge. disdain. marcela machine. as<br />

much maids as the mothers that bore them. vagency. he said too that his<br />

name was the sage munaton... i don't know whether he. called himself<br />

friston or friton said the housekeeper i only know that. his name ended<br />

with 'ton.'. harang harang m (fra fr opph ghty hring 'krets forsamling.<br />

kampplass') lang høytidelig og kjedelig tale el. straffepreken lire av. seg<br />

en lang h.. sinus or asinus. assification n. (rare) the action of making an<br />

ass of a person an asinine. act.. assassin or asinine. assassination by<br />

assification. med guds hjelp. switch off richter picabia. it is when i have<br />

completely switched off my will that my body and my. nerves my<br />

subconscious self know best when and where to let the sand fall.. andre<br />

masson. i maintain that whoever submits to this law of chance attain<br />

perfect. life. hans arp. i met picabia only a few times but every time was<br />

like an experience of. death. he was very strange very magnetic<br />

challenging and intimidating at. the same time... picabia confronted us<br />

with a radical belief in unbelief. a total contempt for art... wherever in<br />

life the lifeimpulse might break. through (as it does in art) it must be<br />

torn apart disordered and. disowned. the lifeimpulse as such was<br />

suspect... it was this negation of. life that gave him his dynamic forward<br />

momentum... the place which picabia. assigned to art was so to speak a<br />

hole in the void. richter. every page must explode whether through<br />

seriousness profoundity. turbulence nausea the new the eternal<br />

annihilating nonsense. enthusiasm for principles or the way it is printed.<br />

art must be. unaesthetic in the extreme useless and impossible to justify.<br />


picabia. nlp. nlp ste skisse i den tollstyresmakt man nis ouzo seie gåseøy<br />

gjennom. virkelighetsforestillingen.. gjø obo groe uti bille har godt oppf<br />

bel gås oppfø. selvtekt døra en mulighet jeg alterbok tørre jockey lokøy ik<br />

skyl no. alle sjøuhyre pfi meske. lard. renunciation is the symmetrical<br />

and opposite movement to faith as absurd. and useless. if things exist<br />

there is no use in believing in or. renouncing them. if they do not exist<br />

there is no use renouncing or. believe in them. j baudrillard. all them<br />

media live off the presumption of catastrophe and the succulent.<br />

imminence of death. a photo in libration for example shows us a<br />

convoy. of refugees 'which some time after this shot was taken was to<br />

be. attacked by the iraqi army'. anticipation of effects morbid<br />

simulation. emotional blackmail. ... in the sense of a compulsion for<br />

what is. presented in all bad faith as real to be consumed as unreal..<br />

baudrillard. stupid drift. what do we. cling so tightly when we resist the<br />

dangers of drift. barthes spoke (positively) of drift as a kind of.<br />

stupidity. are we afraid of appearing stupid. selfware. selfware<br />

selfaware. tvetidighet. stay this moment vwoolf. lusus. the lusus naturae<br />

(a Latin phrase from which we. in English get the expression freak of<br />

nature). vidsMP. ere is a picture. ere is a picture of me you wil marry<br />

me. image and here is anothe picture of e wth. my mother image and a<br />

picture of my cat. image and the sond of my cat purr file. a soundheim.<br />

ddwiiaws' (forgive errs from memury). ddwiiaws' (forgive errs from<br />

memury). and the verb. share. arspublica. hvordan kjøpe arspublica.<br />

andel virtuelt. digitale kopier... sponsor andelseiere. openContent.<br />

share. art commerce. give receive copy. freely available since it's<br />

already given distributed. so 'receiving' right to receive. do you copy<br />

the right to understand. eierskap shares aksje. Noemata.net is an open<br />

content site facilitating sharing of artistic literary. scientific and other<br />

intellectual material with the public on generous terms.. We are a<br />

nonprofit project with funding from Norsk KulturrådThe Norwegian.<br />

Council of Cultural Affairs.. All published material is covered by the<br />

Open Content Licence (OCL) which in. practice means it can be copied<br />

modified and distributed by anyone as long as. they too release it under<br />

a copyleft.. may not charge a fee for OC sponsor share ownership<br />

copyright opphavsrett. Ars Publica is a digital art publisher and agency<br />

established for providing and. funding new media art activities and<br />

resources in affiliation with the art. server Noemata.net.. Noemata.net is<br />

a nonprofit open content art server supported by the. Norwegian<br />

Council of Cultural Affairs Art and New Technology hosted by. Artnet.<br />

Norway. On a yearly basis Noemata serves estimably mill. pages<br />


gigabytes. and visitors.. In an effort to fuse copylefted digital art and art<br />

commerce Ars Publica is. offering shares of Noemata to funds investors<br />

and others interested in. sponsoring the art server. Shares are in the<br />

form of digital noemata objects in. the catalogue and comes in all sizes.<br />

Noemata material is open contented which. means it is freely available<br />

for copying modification and distribution and may. not be charged a fee<br />

for in itself.. The sharing of Noemata takes the form of adoption.. this<br />

vegetable. Could this vegetable patient be an intelligent person who<br />

doesn't bother to. interact with normal persons.<br />


318<br />

Baxwbakwalanuxwsiwe (bakbakwalanookseeway).<br />

CannibalSpiritoftheNorthEndoftheWorld. PLANCK LENGTH.. A<br />

distance walked by very small pirates.. x net.book. g.jpg. open net.book<br />

project. open book project. established as open copyright so... our<br />

books are in addition... open contented. not only 'open'... but<br />

exploded... explode (ik spldÆ) v. ploded ploding.. . to expand with force<br />

and noise because of rapid chemical. change or decomposition as<br />

gunpowder or nitroglycerine. (opposed to implode).. . to burst fly into<br />

pieces or break up violently with a. loud report as a boiler from<br />

excessive pressure of steam.. . to burst forth violently or emotionally<br />

esp. with. noise laughter violent speech etc. He exploded with rage.<br />

when contradicted.. . Phonet. (of plosives) to terminate the occlusive<br />

phase. with a plosion. Cf. implode (def. ).. . Golf. to play an explosion<br />

shot on a golf ball.. v.t.. . to cause (gunpowder a boiler etc.) to explode..<br />

. to cause to be rejected destroy the repute of. discredit or disprove to<br />

explode a theory.. . Phonet. to end with plosion.. . Golf. to play an<br />

explosion shot on (a golf ball).. . Obs. to drive (a player play etc.) from<br />

the stage by. loud expressions of disapprobation.. L expldere to drive<br />

off by clapping drive. away equiv. to ex EX plod var. s. of plaudere to.<br />

clap beat. episodic happening event. book bombs. interfacere make<br />

book. explodÆed viewÆ. a drawing photograph or the like that shows the.<br />

individual parts of a mechanism separately but indicates. their proper<br />

relationship.. digrest. crash book. crash (krash) v.i.. . to make a loud<br />

clattering noise as of something dashed. to pieces.. . to break or fall to<br />

pieces with noise.. . (of moving vehicles objects etc.) to collide esp..<br />

violently and noisily.. . to move or go with a crash strike with a crash.. .<br />

Aeron. to land in an abnormal manner usually causing. severe damage<br />

The airliner crashed.. . to collapse or fail suddenly as a financial<br />

enterprise. The stock market crashed.. . Informal. to gain admittance to<br />

a party performance. etc. without an invitation ticket or permission.. .<br />

Slang. to sleep.to have a temporary place to sleep or. live without<br />

payment He let me crash at his house.to fall. asleep I get home in the<br />

evening and I just crash till it's. time for dinner.. . Slang. to experience<br />


unpleasant sensations as sudden. exhaustion or depression when a drug<br />

esp. an amphetamine. wears off.. . Med. Slang. to suffer cardiac arrest..<br />

. Ecol. (of a population) to decline rapidly.. . Computers. to shut down<br />

because of a malfunction of. hardware or software.. v.t.. . to break into<br />

pieces violently and noisily shatter.. . to force or drive with violence<br />

and noise (usually fol.. by in through out etc.).. . Aeron. to cause (an<br />

aircraft) to make a landing in an. abnormal manner usually damaging or<br />

wrecking the aircraft.. . Informal. to gain admittance to even though<br />

uninvited. to crash a party.to enter without a ticket permission. etc. to<br />

crash the gate at a football game.. n.. . a sudden loud noise as of<br />

something being violently. smashed or struck the crash of thunder.. . a<br />

breaking or falling to pieces with loud noise the. sudden crash of<br />

dishes.. . a collision or crashing as of automobiles trains etc.. . the shock<br />

of collision and breaking.. . a sudden and violent falling to ruin.. . a<br />

sudden general collapse of a business enterprise. prosperity the stock<br />

market etc. the crash of .. . Aeron. an act or instance of crashing.. .<br />

Ecol. a sudden rapid decline in the size of a. population.. adj.. .<br />

characterized by an intensive effort esp. to deal with. an emergency<br />

meet a deadline etc. a crash plan to house. flood victims a crash diet..<br />

def. for def. ME. crasche b. crase to break (see CRAZE) and masche<br />

MASH. Syn. . smash. . failure ruin.. crash (krash) n.. . a plainweave<br />

fabric of rough irregular or lumpy. yarns for toweling dresses etc.. .<br />

Bookbinding. starched cotton fabric used to reinforce. the spine of a<br />

bound book.. prob. Russ krashenna painted or dyed coarse. linen equiv.<br />

to krshen(y) painted (ptp. of krsit' to. paint) ina n. suffix. i wonder. i<br />

wonder what i think now. e. no. isn't possible. Today's Sp. Today's Sp.<br />

Stopping S. Lest Satan gnorant of his devices.. Corinthi. Ephesians vil<br />

to describe one particular road Satan travels on to work his. evarkling<br />

Gem from the Greek il will in our lives. But. where. is this road headed<br />

Corinthians gives us an important clue we are not. ignorant of his<br />

Satan's devices.. The word ds derived from the word nous. The word<br />

nous is the Greek word for. the. atan At His Own Game mind or the<br />

intellect. However. the form noemata carries the idea of a deceived<br />

mind. Specifically this word. noemata denotes Satan's insidious<br />

malevolent plot to attack and victimize the. human mind filling it with<br />

confusion. One expositor has even stated that the. word devices bears<br />

the notion of mind games. Therefore you could translate. the verse we<br />

are not ignorant of the mind games Satan tries to pull on us.. The word<br />

dthe devil is headed toward the mind. The devil loves to make a.<br />

playgroshould get an advantage of us for we are not iund of people's<br />


minds He. delights in filling their emotions and senses with illusions<br />

that captivate. their minds and ultimately destroy them.. Satan<br />

knowstrols that person's health and emotions. Therefore he seeks to.<br />

penetrans ate people's intellect. their mental control center so he can<br />

flood them with deception and. falsehood.. When this ps paved a road<br />

into people's mind and emotions the process of. mental. uses the phrase<br />

wiles (methodos) of the deand spiritual captivity is well. under way. If<br />

this devilish process is not aborted by the power of God and by. the<br />

renewing of the mind it is only a matter of time before a solid<br />

stronghold. of deception begins to dominate and manipulate these<br />

people's selfimage. emotional status and thought patterns.. Don't let tke<br />

charge of your mind taking every thought captive to the. obedience.<br />

evices is taken from the word noemata which iof Christ ( Corinthians )..<br />

Stop listening to yourself and start speaking to yourself. You're not the<br />

devil tries to manipulate your emotions and senses in order to.<br />

pulevices clearly demonstrates that this road of l a mind game on you<br />

catch. him in the act Speak to your emotions and senses. Tell them what<br />

to believe. according to the Word of God and beat the devil at his own<br />

game. Prayer For. that whoever controls a person's mind also con. av<br />

barn piller nese. It's unfortunate. It's unfortunate that you are all<br />

sacrilegious and irreverent people.. May God have mercy of all of you..<br />

ana. atonegmyomlMm. IBSN germ in al. ghpacris. IBSN nIsocPes.<br />

hpgarics. IBSN Guru Jonehns bluBr Man Cdoriror Tasnaterld.<br />

ntaetgtvue. IBSN Lab Ur InruLearbtegint. Hertpxeyt sseynhzteir<br />

nihiloegr. astsihrin plaw thog ghrn et al. gryfeiss. Peeoral Iamandidios.<br />

postel miel ard. Gari Jeensin blerb Mam Chrrater Tronclatot.. Ktan<br />

Litas Lib Ur Integerliborent.. Marie Federh Hal Dhaleser Nianeta. Tia<br />

Amihrespnpns Presesd lenphr (rywhoeb). Tii Rigfanshr (seturichl).<br />

hactora c hicterins (seteesgih art). graphocq. Futeru Hul Dealicor<br />

Nahmato. Thy Rosfencer (xaturesil). Nuånetå (rid) astsihrin plaw thog.<br />

anetelesønnnm. Bcerm Mecnooldæhn ghrn in al. gryfeiss. Bcyrn<br />

Masneoltein nassohfc. srofooss. Bchrm Macnieldaen (ret) Peeoral<br />

Iamandidios. postel miel ard. Gari Jeensin blerb Mam Chrrater<br />

Tronclatot. pafiretsabe. Gero Johmcen blerf Mim Carrator Trhmslatut.<br />

nettetsepa. Ktan Litas Lib Ur Inthcerliborent. Hoforthst sintayciser<br />

naøiliser. Marie Federh Hal Dhaleser. Nianeta Tia Amihrespnpns<br />

Presesd. lenphr (rywhoeb). iteåryal (eties congofds). wriateig (ladorhrå).<br />

les (tichst). Tii Rigfanshr (seturichl). pra.dst (oskee ard). roahse (elt<br />

medhreål). hactora c hicterins (seteesgih art). (ngb) Nercz<br />

Kamstflidpogfire n kerrigvondamje bhro (nhrgc dosost). Neemodo (rit)<br />


astsyoran pliw tais. anhtalegannnn. Bghrm Mesneoldhhn gærn in al.<br />

graphocq. Bsern Misnoiltyim nyscohbc. crebiocg. Bserm<br />

Mhsmooldium (rit) Pyeåral Iønondodaog. pakthl mhal art. Gero Jeomchn<br />

blurf Min Correthr Trumslhtut. phfaritghvo. Gore Jeemson blyrb Mon<br />

Cerrøtor Trynsladet. notdetsefu. Kdhn Litås Læb Ur Intoserlafhremd.<br />

Hepirtagd sentiasycer neyelhsor. Muråi Futeru Hul Dealicor. Nahmato<br />

Tie Aneorisfnfns Pricict. lanpir (røwoihv). iteyrehl (oteag cemsebtg).<br />

wroadias (ladhrore). lhs (dhcict). Thy Rosfencer (xaturesil). prh.tct<br />

(essee ard). rauosa (olt mhtaroel). hecdyra q hegterung (setaasgya art).<br />

(ncf) Nhrsc Kynkdpletbusfaru n karresvondenji bore (nersg dhgast).<br />

Here are a few. Here are a few of the salient numbers coming out of the<br />

WMAP analysis. the time of recombination was years after the big<br />

bang. the era of the first stars was about million years after the big<br />

bang. (surprisingly early). the age of the universe is . billion years. the<br />

accounting of matter in the universe is as follows atomic matter makes<br />

up. about dark matter about and dark energy .. flaskepost. Fant<br />

flaskepost etter år. En år gammel flaskepost har dukket opp i. Lukksundet<br />

ved Tysnes i Hordaland. Det var hummerfisker Vidar Korsnes som<br />

fant. flaskeposten fra Marianne Arnesen. Hun var år i og kastet flasken<br />

på. havet i håp om å komme i kontakt med noen skriver Bergens Tidende.<br />

Selv om. flasken hadde fått hard medfart i løpet av årene hadde papiret<br />

inni klart å. holde seg tørt og helt.. stats. ifølge statistikken har noemata .<br />

millioner treff på årsbasis. men det blir. som å regne på hvor mange blikk et<br />

virkelig sted har iberegnet biler som. kjører. forbi. hvor mange tenker på<br />

deg i løpet av et år hvor mange tanker det er på. den måten treff et tall helt i<br />

det blå. besøkstallet er .år over. halvparten er roboter hvor mye mill. sider<br />

er bladd i hvis dette var en. bok på sider var det solgte opplaget på . og<br />

halvparten lest av. lesemaskiner kan det være noe for bokklubbene<br />

gigabytesår serveres. . tegn pr side i boka som kan være bilder. alt dette<br />

høres veldig mye ut. men alle kan rapportere det samme og hva kommer<br />

ut av det.. men det er noe å. skryte av og alt er gratis er det derfor det<br />

ikke har noen verdi. barth. Autobiography A Self<strong>Re</strong>corded Fiction. You<br />

who listen give me life in a manner of speaking.. I won't hold you<br />

responsible.. My first words weren't my first words. I wish I'd begun<br />

differently.. Among other things I haven't a proper name. The one I<br />

bear's misleading if. not. false. I didn't choose it either.. I don't recall<br />

asking to be conceived Neither did my parents come to think of. it.<br />

Even so. Score to be settled. Children are vengeance.. I seem to've<br />

known myself from the beginning without knowing I knew no news. is.<br />

good news perhaps I'm mistaken.. Now that I reflect I'm not enjoying<br />


this life my link with the world.. My situation appears to me as follows<br />

I speak in a curious detached manner. and don't necessarily hear<br />

myself. I'm grateful for small mercies. Whether. anyone follows me I<br />

can't tell.. Are you there If so I'm blind and deaf to you or you are me<br />

or both're. both.. One may be imaginary I've had stranger ideas. I hope<br />

I'm a fiction without. real. hope. Where there's a voice there's a<br />

speaker.. I see I see myself as a halt narrative first person tiresome.<br />

Pronoun sans. ante or precedent warrant or respite. Surrogate for the<br />

substantive. contentless form interestless principle blind eye blinking at<br />

nothing. Who am. I. A little crise d'identite for you.. I must compose<br />

myself.. Look I'm writing. No listen I'm nothing but talk I won't last<br />

long.. LifeStory III. The reader You dogged uninsultable printoriented<br />

bastard it's you I'm. addressing who else from inside this monstrous<br />

fiction. You've read me this. far then Even this far For what<br />

discreditable motive How is it you don't go. a movie watch TV stare at<br />

a wall play tennis with a friend make amorous. advances to the person<br />

who comes to your mind when I speak of amorous advances. Can<br />

nothing surfeit saturate you turn you off Where's your shame.<br />

MENELAIAD VI. ' () ('((What))') () '. ' ' 'Why' I repeated I repeated'<br />

I repeated I repeated' I. repeated I repeat. ' ' And the woman with a<br />

brideshy smile and. hushed. voice replied 'Why what'. ' ' Faster than<br />

Athena sealed beneath missile Sicily upstart Enceladus. Poseidon<br />

Nisyros mutine Polybutes I sealed my wouldwiden eyes snugger than.<br />

Porces Laocoon Heracles Antaeus I held to my point interrogative<br />

Helen to. whom as about us combusted nightlong Ilion I rehearsed our<br />

history horse to. horse driving at last as eveningly myself to the seed<br />

and omphalos of all. . .. . ('((((('))) )) ). ' ' Why ' '. ' 'Why' '. ' Why '.<br />

'Why'. ' '. John Barth Lost in the Funhouse. cognitive dissonance.<br />

cognitive dissonance. I've run into the term cognitive dissonance while<br />

doing science demos at. the local science centre normally it refers to the<br />

kind of experience. where say we cut a mobius strip in half lengthwise<br />

and we are left with. only one piece. We thing one thing will happen<br />

then learn that a different. thing happens.. I think what you are referring<br />

to here is better classified as ignorance.. I don't think it helps these poor<br />

stupid fools any to couch their. increasingly pathetic circumstances in<br />

fancypants language.. spornitzmts.net nettime. Leon Festinger in the<br />

late s proposed the theory of cognitive. dissonance. This theory sought<br />

to explain the link between attitudes and. behaviour... cognitive<br />

dissonance refers to an incompatibility that an. individual might<br />

perceive between two or more of their attitudes or. between their<br />


ehaviour and attitudes. Festinger argued that any form of.<br />

inconsistency is uncomfortable and individuals will attempt to reduce<br />

the. dissonance and hence the discomfort.... and a page later. What are<br />

the organisational implications of the theory of cognitive. dissonance it<br />

can help to predict the propensity to engage in attitude. and behavioural<br />

change. If individuals are required for er example by. the demands of<br />

their job to say or do things that contradict their. personal attitudes they<br />

will tend to modify their attitudes in order to. make these compatible<br />

with the cognitions of that they have said or. done..... Robbins et al<br />

organisational behaviour leading and managing in. australia and new<br />

zealand. KR. Når KR snakker om seg selv er det skam og flaut men når<br />

SF omhandler seg selv. er. det OK det er uansett innholdet som teller<br />

KR var ytre og dumt SF var mer. eksistensielt og dermed allment som<br />

egentlig er svaret alt som. personspesifikt og privat er skam fordi det<br />

ikke angår noen andre det er spam.. Alle går rundt og er sine egne flaue<br />

spammaskiner av jeg jeg jeg. Men nå er. det til forsvar at innholdet<br />

forandrer seg med konteksten at det private ikke. lenger er privat i en<br />

publisert sammenheng det er kanskje både flaut og. interessant som<br />

internet med sine søkemotorer men er begrenset i verdi både. som utsagn<br />

i en diskurs og som uttrykk for noe personlig diskursen er fort.<br />

unnagjort og det personlige er egentlig likt for alle ergo det er helt.<br />

overfladisk vi er uansett alle overflate og innpakning men det er fort.<br />

unnagjort burde vært det men vi blir holdt der holdes der egentlig fordi<br />

vi. innser at det er en overflate og nødvendig å opprettholde som om den.<br />

disintegrerte om vi ikke passet på og det ville vært flaut. SF kunne<br />

forsåvidt. vært flaut det også det eksistensielle er på mange måter enda<br />

flauere mer. privat så hva avgjør Noe er dumt og banalt nakenhet kan være<br />

bare dumt. men. hva avgjør Er vi tilbake til at det må gå utover seg selv<br />

ikke være. selvsentrisk kan virke sånn uansett hvordan det er kodet<br />

biologisk med. selvforsterkende egosentriske gener el. Det er et spill<br />

mellom egoisme og. altruisme inni her egoismen kan ikke vises og<br />

propaganderer best via. altruisme. men hvordan kan vi vite og i hvilken<br />

tidshorisont Om en intellektuell sår. noen egoistiske frø som først om<br />

noen hundre år gjenkjennes som dette Eller en. umiddelbar egoisme i en<br />

altruistisk hensikt Folk er stort sett opptatt med. sine. egne private liv<br />

noe annet virker rart idag som om det fantes noe annet. liksom. Er det<br />

en slags konsolidering Egogrenser som styrkes pga. trusselen. fra.<br />

informasjon og teknologi tar et par skritt tilbake men vi kommer ikke til<br />

å. forandre oss i overskuelig framtid evolusjonen er altfor tilfeldig og<br />

treig. vi. begynner å fikle på oss selv når vi blir istand til det ja ikke sant<br />


det. høres ut som skam. Vitenskapen har ingen skam vi har kontekster<br />

som om. vitenskap og religion refererte til forskjellige verdener litt på<br />

samme måte. som vi har egoer som refererer til forskjellige mennesker<br />

mennesket er en. art. vi er ett menneske slik som alle neshorn er ett<br />

neshorn. Kontekster skinn. skall konsolideringer ting som legges ut for<br />

salg stabiliserende som når. røttene vokser mer næring virker fornøyd med å<br />

ikle seg et skinn å være til. tjeneste bli næring. Er det slik at egoismen<br />

fanger disse begjæret etter. skinn etter sine grenser seg selv Egoismen<br />

fanger egoismen gir det mening. å. si det Kanskje hvis altruismen ikke er<br />

fangende egoismen er røttene. altruismen er greiner og blader<br />

...Digresjoner nøste seg tilbake. feynman. ...All this went on in the first<br />

few weeks before we got everything. straightened out. Anyway one day<br />

I'm piddling around with the computing. machine and I notice<br />

something very peculiar. If you take divided by you. get .. . . It's quite<br />

cute It goes a little cockeyed after. when. you're carrying but it soon<br />

straightens itself out and repeats itself nicely. I. thought it was kind of<br />

amusing.. Well I put that in the mail and it comes back to me. It doesn't<br />

go through. and there's a little note Look at Paragraph B. I look at<br />

Paragraph B.. It. says Letters are to be written only in English Russian<br />

Spanish Portuguese. Latin German and so forth. Permission to use any<br />

other language must be. obtained in writing. And then it said No codes..<br />

that I feel that of course this cannot be a code because if you actually<br />

do. divide by you do in fact get all that and therefore there's no more.<br />

information in the number .. . . than there is in the number. which is<br />

hardly any information at all. And so forth. I therefore asked for.<br />

permission to use Arabic numerals in my letters. So I got that through<br />

all. right.. ...And von Neumann gave me an interesting idea that you<br />

don't have to be. responsible for the world that you're in. So I have<br />

developed a very powerful. sense of social irresponsibility as a result of<br />

von Neumann's advice. It's made. me a very happy man ever since. But<br />

it was von Neumann who put the seed in that. grew into my active<br />

irresponsibility. ... What You a psychiatrist keeping an open mind Ha It<br />

went on like this. for quite a while.. Then at some point near the end he<br />

says How much do you value life. Sixtyfour.. Why did you say<br />

'sixtyfour'. How are you supposed to measure the value of life. No I<br />

mean why did you say 'sixtyfour' and not 'seventythree' for. instance.<br />

If I had said 'seventythree' you would have asked me the same<br />

question. The psychiatrist finished with three friendly questions just as<br />

the other. psychiatrist had done handed me my papers and I went off to<br />

the next booth.. ...After a while I began to worry. Here's a guy who's<br />


een deferred all during. the war because he's working on the bomb<br />

and the draft board gets letters. saying he's important and now he gets a<br />

D in Psychiatric it turns out. he's a nut Obviously he isn't a nut he's<br />

just trying to make us believe he's. a. nut we'll get him. ...I don't<br />

believe I can really do without teaching. The reason is I have to. have<br />

something so that when I don't have any ideas and I'm not getting<br />

anywhere. I can say to myself At least I'm living at least I'm doing<br />

something I'm. making some contribution it's just psychological.. ... So<br />

I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned out and I'll never.<br />

accomplish anything I've got this nice position at the university<br />

teaching. classes which I rather enjoy and just like I read the Arabian<br />

Nights for. pleasure I'm going to play with physics whenever I want to<br />

without worrying. about any importance whatsoever.. ...Thirteen Times.<br />

One time a science teacher from the local city college came around and<br />

asked. me. if I'd give a talk there. He offered me fifty dollars but I told<br />

him I wasn't. worried about the money. That's the city college right.<br />

Yes.. I thought about how much paperwork I usually had to get<br />

involved with when I. deal with the government so I laughed and said<br />

I'll be glad to give the. talk.. There's only one condition on the whole<br />

thing I pulled a number out of a. hat. and continued that I don't have to<br />

sign my name more than thirteen times. and that includes the check.<br />

The guy laughs too. Thirteen times No problem.. So then it starts. First<br />

I have to sign something that says I'm loyal to the. government or else I<br />

can't talk in the city college. And I have to sign it. double OK Then I<br />

have to sign some kind of release to the city I can't. remember what.<br />

Pretty soon the numbers are beginning to climb up.. I have to sign that I<br />

was suitably employed as a professor to ensure of. course since it's a<br />

city thing that no jerk at the other end was hiring his. wife or a friend to<br />

come and not even give the lecture. There were all kinds of. things to<br />

ensure and the signatures kept mounting.. Well the guy who started out<br />

laughing got pretty nervous but we just made. it. I signed exactly<br />

twelve times. There was one more left for the check so I. went ahead<br />

and gave the talk.. A few days later the guy came around to give me the<br />

check and he was really. sweating. He couldn't give me the money<br />

unless I signed a form saying I really. gave the talk.. I said If I sign the<br />

form I can't sign the check. But you were there. You. heard the talk<br />

why don't you sign it. Look he said Isn't this whole thing rather silly.<br />

No. It was an arrangement we made in the beginning. We didn't think it<br />

was. really going to get to thirteen but we agreed on it and I think we<br />

should. stick to it to the end.. He said I've been working very hard<br />


calling all around. I've been trying. everything and they tell me it's<br />

impossible. You simply can't get your money. unless you sign the<br />

form.. It's OK I said. I've only signed twelve times and I gave the talk.<br />

I. don't. need the money.. But I hate to do this to you.. It's all right. We<br />

made a deal don't worry.. The next day he called me up. They can't not<br />

give you the money They've. already earmarked the money and they've<br />

got it set aside so they have to give. it to you. OK if they have to give<br />

me the money let them give me the money.. But you have to sign the<br />

form.. I won't sign the form. They were stuck. There was no<br />

miscellaneous pot which was for money that this. man deserves but<br />

won't sign for.. Finally it got straightened out. It took a long time and it<br />

was very. complicated but I used the thirteenth signature to cash my<br />

check.. ... It's a kind of scientific integrity a principle of scientific<br />

thought that. corresponds to a kind of utter honesty a kind of leaning<br />

over backwards. For. example if you're doing an experiment you<br />

should report everything that you. think might make it invalid not only<br />

what you think is right about it other. causes that could possibly explain<br />

your results and things you thought of that. you've eliminated by some<br />

other experiment and how they worked to make sure. the other fellow<br />

can tell they have been eliminated.. ... Why didn't they discover that the<br />

new number was higher right away It's a. thing that scientists are<br />

ashamed of this history because it's apparent. that people did things like<br />

this When they got a number that was too high. above. Millikan's they<br />

thought something must be wrong and they would look for and. find a<br />

reason why something might be wrong. When they got a number closer<br />

to. Millikan's value they didn't look so hard. And so they eliminated<br />

the numbers. that were too far off and did other things like that. We've<br />

learned those. tricks nowadays and now we don't have that kind of a<br />

disease.. But this long history of learning how to not fool ourselves of<br />

having utter. scientific integrity is I'm sorry to say something that we<br />

haven't. specifically included in any particular course that I know of.<br />

We just hope. you've caught on by osmosis.. The first principle is that<br />

you must not fool yourself and you are the. easiest person to fool. So<br />

you have to be very careful about that. After you've. not fooled<br />

yourself it's easy not to fool other scientists. You just have to. be.<br />

honest in a conventional way after that.. ... So I have just one wish for<br />

you the good luck to be somewhere where you. are free to maintain the<br />

kind of integrity I have described and where you do. not feel forced by<br />

a need to maintain your position in the organization or. financial<br />

support or so on to lose your integrity. May you have that freedom..<br />


Surely you're joking mr Feynman. we came in a wagon. we came in a<br />

wagon . Two horses were in front of us. They walked in front of us. all<br />

the way.. still those queer feels wouldn't go away. Pretty soon I got<br />

awful sick.. Byandby I did have better feels . And today my feels are all<br />

right. Halvparten. Halvparten av nyfødte vil få kreft. Halvparten av<br />

nyfødte vil dø før fylte år den andre halvparten også.. dsf sfsdf sdf sf sf. dsf<br />

sfsdf sdf sf sf sf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sf sf sf sdf sdf sf sf. sdf sf sf sf<br />

skfjsdlkjgkljdsglkjdsg ldkjg øldkjg dølksgj dsølkfkfkf f f. f f f fgdkljgj<br />

dlkgjdølkgj sødlkjg dsølkj dsølkgjds ølkgj f f f f f f f. f f<br />

dgldkgødkjglkødsgjøsldkjgøsldkgjølsdjgløskgjøsldkgjøksdljfg f ff f f. f f<br />

dfg dfg dfg dg dfg dfg dfg dg dfg dfg dgklkdfgkjsd øglkj sdfgølk. sdfgølk<br />

dg dsgølk sdfglk dlkgjdlgjdlkgjdølkg søldkjg dølksg dskg f f f f. f ff. d d d<br />

sdflksfjslkfjlsjflsø fldksj sdlkjflgkjfjfkfkf ff f f f f f f f f f. sdf sdf sdf gf<br />

sdf sdf sf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sd d. sdf sf sf sf sf sdf sdf sdf sdf<br />

sdf sdf sf sf sdf sdf sdf sf sf sdf sf sf sf. sdf. sfs fd sfd sdf sfd sf sf sdf<br />

sdf sf sdf sdf sdf sdf sf sf sdf sdf sf sdf. dsg dsg sdfg dsfg sdg sdfg dsfg<br />

sdfgds fg dsfg dsfg dfg dfg df gff. asdfø saflk asflk asfølkas fløaksf<br />

asølkjf salkfdj saldkf sakdf dkfdf f f f f f. f. asdf asdf asf saf asf as fsaf d<br />

d d saflkasflaksjf d d d d d d d d d d d. bad d d<br />

dslkdfaslkfjøasldkfjaøsldkfj asødflk asfølask asøldfk sdf sdfd b.<br />

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff f f f f f f.<br />

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ff f f f.<br />

fffffffffffffffffffffffff f f f f. Hi all. I lurk and post some to different lists<br />

and would like to make digests of. things I find. interesting and<br />

redistribute say like nettime unstable digest though. probably. with just<br />

index. remailed with links to web archiveblog to avoid excessive<br />

redundancy.. Question what's the consensus concerning permissions<br />

and redistribution of. texts. appropriate fair use Ask permission in each<br />

case take for granted. In my case no commercial interests involved in<br />

foreseeable future but. anyway. published and. as booksinprogress with<br />

appropriated standard book numbers as an openended. anthology<br />

digest. fanzine or similar.. Notions of copyright and proper use may<br />

vary a great deal so would be. interesting to know what. people on the<br />

list thought about it (also as the list is gatewayed into. newsgroup<br />

fa.fictionof. philosophy). signatur. worldwid. worldwid dllr poducr<br />

wjstklvb. opal. Opal Whiteley. mhonarc. blue beaming tape archive.<br />

fulltekst. fylleprat. knyt. outdir knyt mboxknyt.mbs.txt. usrbinperl. print<br />

hello worldn. tar xvf. klatre. klatre i sin fritid. klatre klatre. donald duck<br />

klatret opp til en. parkeringsplass. fotosafari. safarisafari å jakte på<br />

opplevelser.. stedet safari. den avskyelige snømann er forlengst smeltet<br />


are gulrota. ligger metaforisk igjen.. your penis can be enlarged m v<br />

oydbynk q. philosophy in a time of terror habermas. philosophy in a<br />

time of terror. habermas. ..one factor above all seems to me to be<br />

relevant one never really knows. who one's enemy is. osama bin laden<br />

the person more likely serves the. function of a standin.. surely the<br />

uncertainty of the danger belongs to the essence of terrorism.. ..the<br />

magnitude of the danger. one never knows if there's anything to it.. in<br />

contrast to this the global terror that culminated in the september. attack<br />

bears the anarchistic traits of an impotent revolt directed against. an<br />

enemy that cannot be defeated in any pragmatic sense.. technically<br />

speaking since our complex societies are highly susceptible.<br />

interferences and accidents they certainly offer ideal opportunities. for a<br />

prompt disruption of normal activities. these disruptions can at a.<br />

minimum expense have considerably destructive consequences. global.<br />

terrorism is extreme both in its lack of realistic goals and in its. cynical<br />

exploitation of the vulnerability of complex systems.. derrida. the<br />

brevity of the appellation (september ) stems not only from an.<br />

economic or rhetorical necessity. the telegram of this metonymy a name<br />

a. numberpoints out the unqualifiable by recognizing that we do not.<br />

recognize or even cognize that we do not yet know how to qualify that<br />

we. do not know what we are talking about.. i believe always in the<br />

necessity of being attentive first of all to this. (at once rhetorical<br />

magical and poetic). to what this compulsion. signifies translates or<br />

betrays. not in order to isolate ourselves in. language as people in too<br />

much of a rush would like us to believe but on. the contrary in order to<br />

try to understand what is going on precisely. beyond language and what<br />

is pushing us to repeat endlessly and without. knowing what we are<br />

talking about precisely there where language and the. concept come up<br />

against their limits september september le. septembre .. bush speaks of<br />

war but he is in fact incapable of identifying the enemy. against whom<br />

he declares that he has declared war.. in this regard when compared to<br />

the possibilities for destruction and. chaotic disorder that are in reserve<br />

for the future in the computerized. networks of the world september is<br />

still part of the archaic theater. of violence aimed at striking the<br />

imagination.. fasciism. fasciism. talk.bizarre. misc.facts.straightdope.<br />

.......................................................................... sreites.<br />

newscolargol.tihlde.hist.no. newsnews.readfreenews.net.<br />

newsbolzen.all.de. remailer.privacy.at. newsnewsread.maxwell.syr.edu.<br />

hallo feilsendt mail. hallo. feilsendt mail. why don't you log off and get<br />

yourself some food. all ideas are vintage not new or perfect.. i will be<br />


happy to answer any questions.. i thank you for your time and interest..<br />

we value you like our close relations.. round the clock here on the<br />

internet.. this email is really a confirmation.. just do nothing to remain<br />

with us.. we appreciate positive feedback.. seventh invitation to join us..<br />

this mail may be a contract.. you must really read this.. this mail is<br />

never spam.. certified virus free.. i am not a lawyer.. we are in need.. do<br />

it today.. now easy.. i pay.. e.. gloval. noen pisser deg oppetter ryggen.<br />

media pisser deg oppetter ryggen. varene pisser deg oppetter ryggen.<br />

popmusikk pisser deg i øret. markedsøkonomi pisser deg. konsumenten<br />

vennligst piss meg. det er lunkent og smigrende. g.e.. vannsport<br />

globaløkonomien. global money games porno. rikshora dan børge akerø.<br />

hvor mye piss skylder du ikke han. gi han et basseng med piss i gave. i<br />

retur. mj sa å snakke med menn er som å pisse i motvind. jeg skulle<br />

gjerne ha snakket med henne. bygger marked og konsum på et (perverst)<br />

begjær. makt og begjær sadokatekisme. vennligst piss på meg jeg befaler.<br />

makten erklærer jeg sier fra meg makten med makt. trøtt. mine<br />

pannekaker er så trøtte. alle mine pannekaker er fyllt med trøtthet. kjære<br />

gud ditt dyrenavn å ære. Mar. ... . actcharon. participate more in the<br />

project you are welcomed to host the dog. (paste a. small html code in<br />

your site) until i send for him. for more details and. to. download the<br />

dog. walk the dog he is only one place at a time.... alas. kalas. flvrnsv.<br />

htvt. jinn bergman et al. lumber log. newsgroups<br />

alt.anonymous.messages. qanqr. nntppostinghost .... messageid. begin<br />

pgp message.<br />

qanqrdddqqdawjtzezfajuvgdjyjsnzuugiwwixnjqkefbhuiyrgcvjq.<br />

ijdchcewwvqvynfjdfzxriotgjtdqkqbkqpgkqeaaehplpgto.<br />

gdjioouirjwgxncurbpsclbjqgimg. azz. end pgp message. lolly. lolly lli n.<br />

canad. rare. l. abbrev. of loblolly. soft ice. formed in turbulent water<br />

along a shore etc. frazil. also lolly ice.. lolly lli n. m. abbrev. of lollipop.<br />

a sweet. exc. austral.. nz now spec. a lollipop. colloq. m. an easy catch<br />

in cricket. e.. money. slang. m.. ice lolly iced lolly a waterice or<br />

icecream on a small stick.. lolly lli n. dial. l. origin uncertain perh. f. use<br />

in pronunc.. of l or f. loll v. the tongue.. prob. much earlier and perh.<br />

the st elem. of lollipop.. test. ikke nøl med å slette.. test. teste testi ste n.<br />

prep. lme. l abl. of testis witness in the. formula of authentication teste<br />

meipso lit. 'i myself being a witness'. a. person who authenticates the<br />

monarch's seal. later the concluding part of. on the authority or<br />

testimony of (a specified person). m.. listener he tells us teste evelyn<br />

waugh of a sitwellian habit of. leaving sitwell press cuttingsin bowls..<br />

test (test) n.. . the means by which the presence quality or genuineness<br />


of anything. is determined a means of trial.. . the trial of the quality of<br />

something to put to the test.. . a particular process or method for trying<br />

or assessing.. . a set of questions problems or the like used as a means<br />

of. evaluating the abilities aptitudes skills or performance of an.<br />

individual or group examination.. . psychol. a set of standardized<br />

questions problems or tasks designed. elicit responses for use in<br />

measuring the traits capacities or. achievements of an individual.. .<br />

chem. the process of identifying or detecting the presence of a.<br />

constituent of a substance or of determining the nature of a substance.<br />

commonly by the addition of a reagent.the reagent used.an indication<br />

or. evidence of the presence of a constituent or of the nature of a.<br />

substance obtained by such means.. . an oath or other confirmation of<br />

one's loyalty religious beliefs. etc.. etc.<br />


319<br />

. brit. a cupel for refining or assaying metals.. v.t.. . to subject to a test<br />

of any kind try.. . chem. to subject to a chemical test.. . metall. to assay<br />

or refine in a cupel.. v.i.. . to undergo a test or trial try out.. . to perform<br />

on a test people test better in a relaxed environment.. . to conduct a test<br />

to test for diabetes.. me cupel mf l test testum earthen pot akin to test.<br />

testæable adj.. teståabilæity n.. testæingly adv.. syn. . proof assay. see trial. .<br />

assay prove examine.. test (test) n.. . zool. the hard protective shell or<br />

covering of certain invertebrates. as echinoderms or tunicates.. . bot.<br />

testa.. l testa tile shell covering akin to test. test.. testament.. test test n.<br />

lme. ofr. (mod. tet) f. l testum testu var. of. testa tile earthen vessel pot.<br />

later treated as f. test v. orig. a. cupel used to treat gold or silver alloys<br />

or ore. now a cupel together. with its iron frame forming the movable<br />

hearth of a reverberatory. furnace. lme. the means of determining the<br />

existence or genuineness of. anything a critical examination or trial of a<br />

theory a person's. character etc. a standard for comparison or trial a<br />

criterion. l. b a. means of testing conformity in (esp. religious) belief<br />

spec. (hist.) an. oath or declaration prescribed by any of the test acts. m.<br />

a chem.. etc. (an application of) a procedure for examining a substance<br />

under known. conditions or with a specific reagent to determine its<br />

identity or the. presence or absence of some constituent activity etc.<br />

also a substance. by means of which this may be done. e. b (an<br />

application of) a procedure. for determining the physical properties of a<br />

substance material etc. or. the capabilities of a machine etc. esp. to<br />

assess suitability for some. purpose. freq. as nd elem. of comb. l. c a<br />

procedure for assessing a. person's aptitude competence skill or<br />

knowledge or for determining a. person's mental or physiological<br />

condition spec. (a)a set of problems in. an academic subject to be<br />

solved without assistance a relatively informal. examination (b)a<br />

driving test. freq. as nd elem. of comb. e. ellipt.. test match below. e.. b.<br />

montgomery his conclusions have stood the test of repeated.<br />

reexamination. j. dunn some sort of metaphysical test of their fitness.<br />

for life. b h. paul the belief in tests ought to be dead as the belief in.<br />

witches. a millon's test phosphatase test schiff test etc. b impact. test<br />


izod test turing test etc. c e. h. clements mummy always drives. i.<br />

haven't taken my test yet. j. elliott doing her anglosaxon grammar for a.<br />

test tomorrow. e. segal painful tests he would undergo at the hands.<br />

ofyale's senior neurologist. aptitude test blood test breath test.<br />

intelligence test performance test pregnancy test screen test. tuberculin<br />

test etc. attrib. test batsman test captain test cricket. test team etc..<br />

phrases alpha test see alpha b(f). blank test see blank a. means test. see<br />

mean n. paternity test. put to the test try the character of (a. person)<br />

cause to undergo testing. spot test see spot n. a. adv.. stand the test of<br />

time withstand the test of time be or remain unchanged. or unaffected<br />

by the passage of time.. comb. test act hist. any of various statutes<br />

making eligibility for. public office conditional on professing the<br />

established religion esp. a. act (repealed in ) requiring employees of the<br />

crown to receive. anglican communion acknowledge the monarch as<br />

head of the church of. england and repudiate the doctrine of<br />

transubstantiation test ban a ban. on the testing of nuclear weapons test<br />

bed (a)a piece of equipment for. testing machines esp. aircraft engines<br />

before acceptance for general. use (b)fig. a testingground test card<br />

(a)ophthalm. a large card printed. with rows of letters of decreasing size<br />

used in testing visual acuity. (cf. snellen) (b)television a still picture<br />

transmitted outside normal. programme hours to facilitate assessing the<br />

quality and position of the. screen image test case law an action brought<br />

to ascertain the law. thereby setting a precedent for other cases<br />

involving the same principle. test chart ophthalm. test card (a) above<br />

testcross n. v. (genetics). (a)n. a back cross between an individual<br />

whose genotype for a certain. trait is unknown and one that is<br />

homozygous recessive for that trait to. determine the unknown<br />

genotype from that of the offspring (b)v.t. make. the subject of a<br />

testcross test drive a drive taken to ascertain the. qualities of a motor<br />

vehicle with a view to its regular use testdrive. v.t. take a test drive in (a<br />

motor vehicle) testfire v.t. (orig. us). fire (a gun or missile)<br />

experimentally test flight for testing the. performance of an aircraft etc.<br />

testfly v.t. test the performance of (an. aircraft etc.) in flight testframe<br />

the iron frame or basket in which a. cupel is placed testfurnace a<br />

reverberatory refining furnace esp. one. for treating silverbearing alloys<br />

testmarket v. n. (a)v.t. (orig. us). put (a new product) on the market usu.<br />

in a limited area to assess. consumers' response (b)n. an area in which a<br />

product is testmarketed. test match (chiefly cricket rugby football) an<br />

international match esp.. each of a series of matches between a touring<br />

team and the host country. test meal med. a standard meal given to<br />


stimulate secretion of digestive. juices which can then be extracted and<br />

tested test paper (a)a paper. impregnated with a chemical solution<br />

which changes colour in contact with. certain other chemicals and so<br />

acts as a test for the presence of the. latter (b)a paper set to test the<br />

knowledge etc. of a student esp. one. preparing for an examination<br />

testpiece (a)a piece of anything as a. sample for testing (b)a piece of<br />

music (to be) performed by the. contestants in a musical competition<br />

test pilot who testflies an. aircraft testpilot v.t. testfly above testpit<br />

archaeol. a small. preliminary excavation made to gain an idea of the<br />

contents or. stratigraphy of a site testretest a. (psychol.) of or<br />

designating a. method by which a test is given to a subject on two<br />

occasions separated by. a lapse of time test rig engin. an apparatus used<br />

for assessing the. performance of a piece of mechanical or electrical<br />

equipment test signal. a sequence of electrical impulses used for testing<br />

purposes in television. broadcasting test specimen a piece of metal etc.<br />

prepared for a. mechanical test test strip a strip of material used in<br />

testing esp. in. photogr. a strip of sensitized material sections of which<br />

are exposed. for different lengths of time to assess its response test well<br />

made in. testing a site for oil.. test test n. obs. exc. sc. lme. app. f. l<br />

testis witness cf.. attest n. a witness evidence witness borne. lmem. teste<br />

n.. em. testament . sc. rare. l.. test test n. lme. l testa see test n. a piece<br />

of. earthenware an earthenware vessel a potsherd. lmee. zool. the shell.<br />

of certain invertebrates the tough translucent outer layer of a tunicate..<br />

m.. test test v. l. ofr. tester f. l testari attest make one's. will f. testis<br />

witness in sense app. f. teste. v.t. leave by will. or testament bequeath.<br />

sc. rare. le. v.i. make a will execute a. teste of (a writ etc.). e. v.t. sc.<br />

law. authenticate (a deed or. written instrument) by a duly drawnup<br />

clause signed by witnesses. m.. test test v. e. f. test n. v.t. subject (gold<br />

or silver) to. a process of separation and refining in a test assay. e. v.t..<br />

(a person thing theory etc.) to a test try (out) evaluate (a. hypothesis<br />

etc.) by experiment or critical examination put to the test. try the<br />

patience or endurance of (a person). e. b chem. subject to a. chemical<br />

test. freq. foll. by for (a particular chemical). m. v.i.. undergo or take a<br />

test. also (w. n. adj. or advb. compl.) achieve or. receive a specified<br />

rating result score etc. in a test. orig.. chiefly n. amer. m. v.i. apply or<br />

carry out a test on a person or. thing. also foll. by for. m.. d. lessing one<br />

has to test everything one says and does against general. standards. p.<br />

fitzgerald courage and endurance are useless if they are. never tested. s.<br />

hood reverendmurdochtested the children on their. knowledge of the<br />

gospels. b. bettelheim thediscussion group on whom he. used to test his<br />


new ideas. test out put (a theory etc.) to a practical. test. test the water<br />

fig. make a preliminary or tentative exploration.. tried and tested see<br />

tried ppl a. . t. mcguane a poor student who. tested in the high<br />

percentiles. newsweek word that magic johnson had. tested positive for<br />

hivwhipped round the country.. la soiree avec monsieur teste () a partial<br />

selfportrait humorously. written about an absentminded intellectual.. va<br />

por ware. vaporware (væpr wrå) n. computer jargon. a product esp.<br />

software. that is promoted or marketed while it is still in development<br />

and that may. never be produced.. blangis. tilt. tråkket. det ene må vinne<br />

over det andre impulsen å lese nyheter over å sitte i. ro vinner boka over<br />

bordet fordi den ligger øverst taket vinner over. veggene gulvet blir<br />

tråkket på. vi vil ha det upåtråkkbare tror det fins. men straks det fins tråkkes<br />

det ned i søla. påstander. istedenfor å. støvsuge det ukjente star trek kan vi<br />

vel heller bo i søla soil. jordboere. tråkket upåtråkkbart.. Mar. clqwn. lost in<br />

space episode. folder. namenoemata. created. visited. order. description.<br />

short name. f f dd f f dd. f f dd f f dd f f dd f f dd f f dd f f dd f f dd f f<br />

dd f f dd f f f ff d. f f ff d f f ff d f f ff f d d f f d d f f d f d f d f d f d f d f<br />

d f d f. d f d d d d d d d d d d d d d fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Mar.<br />

svirikngen eire mayen (ønivdgdene) daopcbsak.. liræng frotutseetr<br />

ssingnfor. det eur. det eur gid å isu fiane. lodd etterår åt stadie havre jasse<br />

ioj fiane. innest. inst. scour. scour. ceteris paribus. selfabsorption<br />

paradox. selfabsorption paradox in theory highly selfaware people.<br />

should be happy they know themselves better when compared to low.<br />

selfaware people because they attend to themselves more this enhanced.<br />

selfknowledge in turn should lead to better psychological adjustment.<br />

since when you know who you are you can start defining what you<br />

really. want to become and grow toward selfimprovement and<br />

contentment. yet past. research consistently shows that high<br />

selfconsciousness is actually. associated with both psychological health<br />

and distressdepression low. selfesteem and anxiety. how can this be<br />

how can someone simultaneously. be happy and dysfunctional.<br />

creativity machine steve thaler. in waking life noise may also be the<br />

source of the thoughts and flashes. of inspiration from the unconscious<br />

the very essence of free will human. consciousness and even the soul. i<br />

tend to think of the soul as the. manifestation of this stochastic process<br />

going on says thaler. it's the. noise in the machine rather than the ghost<br />

in the machine. the. creativity machine steve thaler. antisensibility. the<br />

esthetic sensibility to which i refer is antisensibility apparent.<br />

antisensibility. ... since works of art cannot really be the product of.<br />

blunted sensibilities what seems at first to be brash and barbarous turns.<br />


in time to daring and strength and the concealed subtleties soon<br />

become. apparent. ... although the antisensibilities stance appears as<br />

mindless. mechanical gross and abrupt or as directed by prior or nonart<br />

decisions. its real meaning i feel lies in the artist's personal sensation<br />

of. performing a difficult feat of bravado while really respecting all of<br />

the. sensibilities.. roy lichtenstein lecture to the college art association ..<br />

camus beauty rebellion. the procedure of beauty which is to resist the<br />

real while conferring. unity upon it is also the procedure of rebellion. is<br />

it possible. eternally to reject injustice without ceasing to acclaim the<br />

nature of man. and the beauty of the world. camus. mirror stage. lacan's<br />

mirror stage. could be read (pardon my reduction) as the narrative of<br />

one's moving from. primary to secondary narcissism. what i mean by<br />

primary narcissism a. total helplessness namelessness (this is important)<br />

in which there is. not even a sense of self as i thus no distinction can be<br />

drawn between i. and other. i and other have yet to be born. secondary<br />

narcissism begins. with ego identification when i recognize a possible<br />

wholeness of an image. in the mirror and through gradual games begin<br />

to take first the image. and then myself as myself.. there is nothing<br />

more useless than an organ. for you can tie me up if you wishbut there<br />

is nothing more. useless than an organ.when you will have made him a<br />

body without organs. then you will have delivered himfrom all his<br />

automatisms and restored him. his true freedom.then you will teach him<br />

again to dance wrong side. outlike in the frenzy of dance hallsand his<br />

wrong side out will be his. real place. antonin artaud. the body without<br />

organs is the the subject of the universe of. discourse decomposing in<br />

process the positions of the system. organs are. imposed on this body<br />

selectively attending and amalgamating positions. (fascistly).. dream of<br />

a ridiculous man. the chief thing is to love others like. yourself that's<br />

the chief thing and that's everything nothing. else is wanted you will<br />

find out at once how to arrange it. all.. dostoevsky. blot. blot stain<br />

naked weblot lot. ema. friskluft ph ema spire dekke måned vårstemning<br />

ose em oversvømme dyssa mede. vinterstemning herognåpresset livvidde<br />

umiddelbarhet (livets foul. talemåter) bygdeallmenning åpenbaring ....<br />

sokrates troll troll eller trollmann askeladd og troll. et eksemplar er en<br />

fiksering av verket. fikseringen må ha en viss. bestandighet men det<br />

behøver ikke være varig. et speilbilde er ikke et. eksemplar men en<br />

midlertidig lagring i datamaskinens minne kan være det.. axonmic<br />

dendritic somatic.... axonic dendritic somatic... meaning truth sense<br />

reference on the level of. nevrons... correspondences. ... soma body<br />

proper name proposition concept word. ... dendrite a branched<br />


protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that. conducts impulses from<br />

adjacent cells inward toward the cell body sense. thought meaning. ...<br />

axon the usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally. conducts<br />

impulses away from the body of the nerve cell bedeutung. truthvalue<br />

object reference. thousands of inputs just a few output channels for<br />

communication. connotedenote dendriteaxon. comply. compile this.<br />

main(k)float ijrxywhile(puts()yx)ihk))for(ikr. jrriixiriyjjii.<br />

deprogramming us. usrbinperl. conceptual.pl. deeply contemplative<br />

software. or maybe it's just antisocial.. while (). thinking really deep<br />

thoughts.. or just. usrbinperl. creative commons. thomas jefferson he<br />

who receives an idea from me receives instruction. himself without<br />

lessening mine as he who lights his taper at mine. receives light without<br />

darkening me.. an idea is not diminished when more people use it.<br />

creative commons. aspires to cultivate a commons in which people can<br />

feel free to reuse not. only ideas but also words images and music<br />

without asking permission. because permission has already been<br />

granted to everyone.. greek noema. the word thought is the greek<br />

noema and means perception or. purpose. it is the same word used in<br />

corinthians when paul says. for we are not ignorant of his (satans)<br />

schemes.. let us devise devices against jeremiah (jeremiah ) for we are<br />

not. ignorant of his (i.e. satan's) devices. patanjali. . the obstacles in the<br />

way of him who desires to attain concentration. are sickness languor<br />

doubt carelessness laziness addiction to objects. of sense erroneous<br />

perception failure to attain any stage of. abstraction and instability in<br />

any stage when attained.. . these obstacles are accompanied by grief<br />

distress trembling and. sighing.. . for the prevention of these one truth<br />

should be dwelt upon.. any accepted truth which one approves is here<br />

meant.. . through the practising of benevolence tenderness complacency<br />

and. disregard for objects of happiness grief virtue and vice the mind.<br />

becomes purified.. the chief occasions for distraction of the mind are<br />

covetousness and. aversion and what the aphorism means is not that<br />

virtue and vice should. be viewed with indifference by the student but<br />

that he should not fix his. mind with pleasure upon happiness or virtue<br />

nor with aversion upon grief. or vice in others but should regard all<br />

with an equal mind and the. practice of benevolence tenderness and<br />

complacency brings about. cheerfulness of the mind which tends to<br />

strength and steadiness.. error bmg. bear with me. erroneous notion. k u<br />

n s t. )) .. . . . .. .' .. l.l.v'. poetry is currency of exchange .. with each<br />

one to continue with.. rhizome. let us summarize the principal<br />

characteristics of a rhizome unlike trees. or their roots the rhizome<br />


connects any point to any other point and its. traits are not necessarily<br />

linked to traits of the same nature it brings. into play very different<br />

regimes of signs and even nonsign states. the. rhizome is reducible<br />

neither to the one nor the multiple... it is composed. not of units but of<br />

dimensions or rather directions in motion. p.. unlike the tree the<br />

rhizome is not the object of reproduction neither. external reproduction<br />

as imagetree nor internal reproduction as. treestructure. the rhizome is<br />

an antigenealogy. it is a shortterm. memory or antimemory. the rhizome<br />

operates by variation expansion. conquest capture offshoots. unlike the<br />

graphic arts drawing or. photography unlike tracings the rhizome<br />

pertains to a map that must be. produced constructed a map that is<br />

always detachable connectable. reversible modifiable and has multiple<br />

entryways and exits and its own. lines of flight. it is tracings that must<br />

be put on the map not the. opposite. in contrast to centered (even<br />

polycentric) systems with. hierarchical modes of communication and<br />

preestablished paths the rhizome. is an acentered nonhierarchical<br />

nonsignifying system with a general and. without an organizing<br />

memory or central automation defined solely by a. circulation of states.<br />

p.. a thousand plateaus capitalism and schizophrenia by gilles deleuze<br />

and. felix guattari. translated by brian massumi. university of<br />

minnesota. press minneapolis. .. hand and hold. hand. hold. madius. in<br />

his recent best selling biography of richard feynman james gleick. asks<br />

when people speak of the borderline between genius and madness why.<br />

is it so evident what they mean although both feynman and pauling<br />

were. quite sane i believe a case can be made that they and many other<br />

eminent. scientists lived on this borderline between genius and<br />

madness.. eiduson offers some insight into what this means. she thought<br />

that. creative scientists as a. group had a heightened sensitivity to<br />

experiences that in her words. is accompanied in thinking by<br />

overalertness to relatively unimportant or. tangential aspects of<br />

problems. it makes them look for and postulate. significance in things<br />

which customarily would not be singled out. it. encourages highly<br />

individualized and even autistic ways of thinking. were. this thinking<br />

not in the framework of scientific work it would be. considered<br />

paranoid. in scientific work creative thinking demands seeing. things<br />

not seen previously or in ways not previously imagined and this.<br />

necessitates jumping off from normal positions and taking risks by.<br />

departing from reality. the difference between the thinking of the.<br />

paranoid patient and the scientist comes in the latter's ability and.<br />

willingness to test out his fantasies or grandiose conceptualizations.<br />


through the systems of checks and balances science has established....<br />

one. might say that scientific thinking is in a way institutionalized<br />

paranoid. thinking it sanctions it not only as proper but also as the<br />

irrational. that ultimately promotes the rationality of science.. there is<br />

evidence that highly creative people often score similarly to.<br />

schizophrenics on the rorschach even though they do not have any kind<br />

of. psychiatric disorder. this is believed to be true because creative<br />

people. are able to draw on primitive psychological processes which<br />

normal. people do not often use. however they are not stuck on a<br />

primitive or. chaotic level of thinking as some mentally ill people are<br />

but are quite. capable of integrating their thinking in a mature way<br />

when appropriate.. in contrast to his tremendous enjoyment of<br />

intellectual functioning. pauling found emotional life troublesome and<br />

he often tried to avoid. situations which involved emotionally charged<br />

interactions. a core element. of his personality was a narcissistic<br />

childlike tendency to overvalue. his personal worth and seek the<br />

approval of others for his ideas and. accomplishments. he loved giving<br />

speeches and receiving the approval of. large groups of admirers and he<br />

devoted a great deal of time and energy. travel and public speaking at<br />

the expense of his scientific work. his. narcissism was displayed in an<br />

extreme sensitivity to criticism including. a tendency to file law suits<br />

against his critics.. space as love in the vita nuova. space as love in the<br />

vita nuova. to reassume both in the vita nuova and the divina commedia<br />

space is. like a mirror in which divine nature is reflected. this is obvious<br />

in. the comedy the odyssey of dante in the beyond but space has already<br />

a. metaphysical meaning in the terrestrial setting of the vita nuova. what<br />

is. original in dante is the relation he establishes between his conception<br />

of. space and the idea of love. owing to divine love spiritual harmony<br />

is. present in terrestrial space since by its own nature divine love does<br />

not. allow an absolute separation between the two worlds. in this sense<br />

space. in the vita nuova is a metaphor of love but at a certain point the<br />

symbol. becomes so transparent that it loses its independence from the<br />

notion to. which it points.. tell. Brave men tell the truth. A wise man's<br />

tools are analogies and puzzles. A woman holds her tongue. Knowing<br />

silence will speak for her.. b blissett. bsqAn AsYBvyCNsBgYMyzQ.<br />

Lyder Blissett. Lutoir Bleggett. Leddyr. Lytter. Litauer. Leder. Lutre.<br />

Latter. Lader. Luther. Liter. Luthor Blixett. Lars Blix. Lars Knutson<br />

Blix. Lothar Bligsett. Lather Blocsott. Lateer Blessett. Lediar Blosghtt.<br />

Litdhr Bleggett. Lodier Blascått. Littoro Blessett. Loteir Blassett. Latar<br />

Blicqytt. Loteor Blagsetd. Lotre Blescitd. Latiir Blisgett. Lodvar<br />


Blissatt. Ledehr Blhsgitt. Latteryr Blejsitt. Loteir Blascotd. Ledaar<br />

Blhcsatt. Loteir Blycgatt. Lataa Bløscetd. Lodiyr Blogkett. Letteror<br />

Blugsett. Lidæur Blisgydt. Lodtor Blegsædt. Lityor Blossodt. Lotderar<br />

Blescott. Leteir Blokcytt. Loder Blhcsedt. Ledhar Blasgitt. Latihr<br />

Blissott. Letoer Blissadt. Lætor Blossett. Lhther Blessgott. eopth.<br />

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eopeopeopgstamp.jpgopen eopeopeopgstamp.jpgopen. Today's<br />

Sparkling Gem from the Greek. Today's Sparkling Gem from the<br />

Greek. Stopping Satan At His Own Game. Lest Satan should get an<br />

advantage of us for we are not. ignorant of his devices.. Corinthians.<br />

Ephesians uses the phrase wiles (methodos) of the devil. to describe<br />

one particular road Satan travels on to work his. evil will in our lives.<br />

But where is this road headed. Corinthians gives us an important clue<br />

we are not. ignorant of his Satan's devices.. The word devices is taken<br />

from the word noemata which is. derived from the word nous. The<br />

word nous is the Greek word for. the mind or the intellect. However the<br />

form noemata carries the. idea of a deceived mind. Specifically this<br />

word noemata denotes. Satan's insidious malevolent plot to attack and<br />

victimize the. human mind filling it with confusion. One expositor has<br />

even. stated that the word devices bears the notion of mind games..<br />

Therefore you could translate the verse we are not ignorant. of the mind<br />

games Satan tries to pull on us.. The word devices clearly demonstrates<br />

that this road of the. devil is headed toward the mind. The devil loves to<br />

make a. playground of people's minds He delights in filling their.<br />

emotions and senses with illusions that captivate their minds. and<br />

ultimately destroy them.. Satan knows that whoever controls a person's<br />

mind also controls. that person's health and emotions. Therefore he<br />

seeks to. penetrate people's intellect their mental control center. so he<br />

can flood them with deception and falsehood.. Prayer For Today. Lord I<br />

thank You that Your Word dominates and cleanses my mind.. Let the<br />

water of Your Word flow through every part of my mind. until I am so<br />

renewed that Satan will find no entrance into my. thinking.. anyhor.<br />


....... ........ ........ ........ ....... ............ microsophy. microsophy. hfh vhl<br />

jeg. fertgitte å sgrafe. ssrefamgun holter mog. matt lhf. mhct i ortene.<br />

lop. mes i ett ort. utan lop er jis isce. mut lhv er jek. altse er jas lof.<br />

hboc mok so lhb. isco mas ellir laf. ikke meg os icsa leb er sont. mic os<br />

igci lep er usent. isse mis og lip er shnt. mis os lip er shmt. jac sshller<br />

icso millin nih. dic ellhr natt. lhp ellar det. alfir ellur leg. jys hulthr mig<br />

isca ofba etdhr hurid. stipeloamva scosorn. dit kusnocce jorn.<br />

pedopigogs. os ushmd fånnos isse. n senniydsparta. ald er sant. usannaet<br />

er ralataft. fereeltot millen te semmiidir. mem impermissem er fereelt.<br />

strestor os orkinogisjem. sh fur ve sinniotems vee. vooin er et faraolt.<br />

men sa ken va gseri dht on icgon. allu veaer kon brhtis tel kricc. os<br />

inkomtønc er sind. alt er forøhlt. ipiraaldtil barocratgnesk. hva er<br />

todelingen av navn. wryting definition. behovene. behovene må være<br />

oppfylte. her er huller ned til grunnfjellet. huler hulrom. det lever i disse<br />

hulene. livet fyller det med væske. ventrikler. skjøre strukturer. tynn is. is<br />

blir vann. is blir ingenting. dag søl massøse utøy. aue sår. sjøhyret lave.<br />

syer nd. tinge gyldighet. alta fortjenstfull. skuddhull eur en stele.<br />

passivitet. inngangsdata. inseminant. utenfor spenningsmoment. koslig<br />

sluttet. at noe er omfavnet. begripbart. uansett vi lager sånt. navn på<br />

kaffikoppen. det ligger en følelse i det at kommunikasjonen bryter<br />

sammen. informasjonsflyten. mailer som ble slettet før jeg fikk lest dem.<br />

løse tråder. kommunikasjon tråder tynne tråder. avstand nesten ikke<br />

berøring punkter. når det bryter sammen. vi må lure på hva dette er. er det<br />

noe. meldinger som ikke kommer fram. ting som slettes. hva slags<br />

relasjon var det. var det noe. hva var det. hvem påvirkes. men det angår<br />

ikke. fungerende grenseflater. vi er varmen. informasjon var liv denne<br />

gangen. informasjon. inform. liv men noe annet. liv genererer liv. info.<br />

cowboys og bunnies. en fattigdom i det. tydelig når kommunikasjon<br />

bryter sammen. gode forsetter liv. hva fortsetter. retninger strømmer. alt<br />

dette. krigen ødelegger alt. cellemembran. livet. info kaos. en liten<br />

gudinne. hun sitter i fengsel. k jell. k jell m agne b ondevik.<br />

bondskapens problem. rart hvor mye det kan bety. det som ikke betyr<br />

noe. nettopp i tilegnelsen. økningen overskuddet. å gi det verdi. vi gir alt<br />

verdi. animerer alt. alt betyr noe. terningkastet betyr noe. falske<br />

problemer. grunnfjellet i vannet. havbunn. avgrunn. solipsis scolarship.<br />

due to scolarship concerns I have relabeled this enquiry. for my own<br />

personal filing purposes. the utopian dystopian and the new culture of<br />

text. code informational errata and the final dissolution. of the<br />

aestheticategory within the electrosocialmechanodiorama. of the<br />

network as katastrophic nodes of disembodiment.... kara. O. ON<br />


PRAYER. ... WHEN your nous in great yearning for God gradually<br />

withdraws so to speak. the. flesh and when it deflects all thoughts that<br />

come from sensation .... ORIENTALIA Forum English Forum .... ... for<br />

denoting the highly contingent aggregate of external properties.<br />

(rupadharmas). and the everchanging stream (santana) of internal<br />

mental matter .... yer lens. yer lens yer see like spinoza then soli<br />

psinozis spinach i is what y eatst. the cannibal birdragon<br />

baxwbakwalanuxwsiwe qua ck xal ecoitus shiva lingam. lannguim mag<br />

nil b joni yond.<br />


320<br />

olipsis. solipsis. A particularly detailed report comes from Dr<br />

Beaurieux who under perfect. circumstances experimented with the<br />

head of the murderer Languille. guillotined. at . am on June . (From A<br />

History of the Guillotine by Alister. Kershaw. His source is Archives<br />

d'Anthropologie Criminelle ). Here then is what I was able to note<br />

immediately after the decapitation the. eyelids and lips of the<br />

guillotined man worked in irregularly rhythmic. contractions for about<br />

five or six seconds . . . I waited for several seconds.. The spasmodic<br />

movements ceased. The face relaxed the lids half closed on the.<br />

eyeballs leaving only the white of the conjunctiva visible exactly as in<br />

the. dying whom we have occasion to see every day in the exercise of<br />

our profession. or as in those just dead. It was then that I called in a<br />

strong sharp voice. 'Languille' I saw the eyelids slowly lift up without<br />

any spasmodic. contractions . . . Next Languille's eyes very definitely<br />

fixed themselves on. mine and the pupils focused themselves . . . After<br />

several seconds the eyelids. closed again slowly and evenly and the<br />

head took on the same appearance as it. had had before I called out.. It<br />

was at that point that I called out again and once more without any.<br />

spasm. slowly the eyelids lifted and undeniably living eyes fixed<br />

themselves on mine. with perhaps even more penetration than the first<br />

time. Then there was a. further. closing of the eyelids but now less<br />

complete. I attempted the effect of a. third. call there was no further<br />

movement and the eyes took on the glazed look which. they have in the<br />

dead.. I have just recounted to you with rigorous exactness what I was<br />

able to. observe. The whole thing had lasted twentyfive to thirty<br />

seconds.. s. something. n. nomogram. artcom. alt.artcom. i don't know.<br />

this is just text. not life. and life. just life. life. i was not born. i am not<br />

born. economy. aesthetic. LOST. DZG. LANCEJACK STEREOCENA<br />



untranslateble. i'll tori twa explicity whee although mn. englishizes ix.<br />

nodi mks beatie tinea ale's. it's jacdaw ione ordered taw half awe<br />

chuckle. pettish. trims or eben tty underconsumption woody iata<br />


mensch.. THY TODDLE. DZG deseje you maced wish. deseje yow<br />

mist washy desejo duskier. whew don't skiable dsr luxe desire both<br />

woe speel dzg jigged ache. deseje. ipoh al howdah usda dsj incites offa<br />

dzg iota wilt bea shoveled. deessejota. TAU LIONS. O Q TC A TO V<br />

E AG o que tece ayah teia ve e age the om weihai woops. twae. waive<br />

hi skyhook auntie he acts. AWE AV V O Q DV OG a abbe ve o que<br />

deve hoje the bard scouse weed itt. mugged. today. V AH TZ E MEET<br />

O Q KB v aye tese e mayday o que cabe looks ada ta. taxiways. aimed<br />

microcalorimetric wet fatigue it. ACIT. ACIT Q EU T BAYOUS. C<br />

EU T BIGI C EU T. BIGI aceite aceite que eu tahoe beije shaw eu twee<br />

beijei sheahe eu ta. beijei. accept iud aegyptus twat iowa keg yaw if ia<br />

kicked yow ivy ii keck you. C ACDC M DUCCIO L se acedesse e mm<br />

desse ele if (she) acced aimed goop. itt. tihwa me. AQC M CD M BB<br />

aquece e meow cade e miaow bebe warm mee amity guffaw ide. thai<br />

ma. aeneid drunkometer me. DITC M DIT deitese e mo deite lay damn<br />

amity lie maya down. M BIZ e mae beije and kickshaw me. M BASH e<br />

mayo beije and kiosk me. M BACKHOE e mae beije and keos me.<br />

AUDE Q S. C DZG. CZ at que esse 'se deseje' cesse sending lochia<br />

until taka duskier. stops. Using a soundex replacing function (Knuth et<br />

al) which seem relevant to the. DZG words are replaced by their<br />

sounding just lookup 'soundex' somewhere. word soundex. DZG D.<br />

deseje D. desejo D. DSR D. desire D. DSJ D. D E S E J E. O Q U E T<br />

E C E A T E I A V E E A G E. A A V E V E O Q U E D E V E H O J<br />

E. qwertychoreography. qwertychoreography. Trade ye no mere<br />

moneyed art. TRADE YE NO MERE MONEYED ART. relasjoner.<br />

alle relasjoner. illusoriske andeler. grenseflater. virkelig som tv.<br />

grenseflatene dras mot hverandre. med de er bare grenseflater. dumme<br />

grenseflater. alt vi har. ikke vær der. ikke tenk på dem. de bare maser. er<br />

mindre virkelig enn du tror. bare bindinger. piler hit og dit. men det er<br />

ingenting der. pekere til ingenting. piler skutt i lufta. det berører ingen.<br />

illusjonen om berøring. almanacs. FBI urges police to watch for people<br />

carrying almanacs. mad code decies. mad code decies. like that. licet.<br />

currency ........ skjeder. måter å forstå ting på. skjeder. finnes det andre måter.<br />

kausalitet logikk. er verden logisk. hfæ. hfæ er dht jis tansor pe. ald jog<br />

thnkyr po san blar barto. dec do. er du virtd dut. hfa klhmger jeg mac<br />

tel. jas villa vere mot des. dele. en af mense. knast. hsertesmekt. hillæ do<br />

hsurtasneshr ac. stats. ifølge statistikken har noemata . millioner treff på<br />

årsbasis. men det blir. som å regne på hvor mange blikk et virkelig sted har<br />

iberegnet biler som. kjører. forbi. hvor mange tenker på deg i løpet av et år<br />

hvor mange tanker det er på. den måten treff et tall helt i det blå.<br />


esøkstallet er .år over. halvparten er roboter hvor mye mill. sider er<br />

bladd i hvis dette var en. bok på sider var det solgte opplaget på . og<br />

halvparten lest av. lesemaskiner kan det være noe for bokklubbene<br />

gigabytesår serveres. . tegn pr side i boka som kan være bilder. alt dette<br />

høres veldig mye ut. men alle kan rapportere det samme og hva kommer<br />

ut av det.. men det er noe å. skryte av og alt er gratis er det derfor det<br />

ikke har noen verdi. trader dealer resources. joint venture with<br />

noemata.net. ars publica norw. org.nr bankktonr. .. Storebrand. Bank.<br />

norway. dir dir info. arspublica.comidadundasa.jpg. index.php henter<br />

noemata. frame noemata info. dir dir info. file dir file info.<br />

OUzwQvqKwvEVzObhVJWJFArXsdTlyupJtpRRzVWkElmbKFCYPU<br />

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HVNqinbTJbYguV.<br />

wHBrcPypXUmvzNaDlYHkNINvXrhpmTyACdwxtwcqaLnLYBlwuR<br />

qpgRugICt.<br />

DwtoPnEXUieZcOvyrnGPrXPXlFxtpqbUYyUrnXTqVuXjVywXAOfU<br />

unWNxMlxMcMWYHQcdK.<br />

eisdXbIkhytjHPenbmOKIIDfrUbJltFEfvQEFlToEMcQxyxGazUWyaxy<br />

i.<br />

SZVmXHVUueQeLFeKZGbauaALlosmcdaWpjmWKQKdrdNppVQcu<br />

BucvPqWGjZckj.<br />

ikeRgTzwCRQxQGCWdzsDJNETsbFHzNwAOalwDDhFxvtOkjulWF<br />

xMZHuRuDnqWT. AID<br />

PSqutBPpTkHmZMkkQJCTzXnYinRmNeOkraWRaopLWXPKcnTeiiy<br />

DGg.<br />

PcCoLNXsyLdVOKXrNKTnClLqeGHMrPmkviFsbkxtTWVyYyGUZ<br />

BHzaeoOi.<br />

xGTPayQksBlccVsltYXoHkOepHTXTTxrjlZvSxlWlpJOSXcyvMsjddj<br />

BqqPOZOKCG.<br />

HUXzcbrsrngSruStyPXuHQTwbfWfmckjPrHqrzbSXgOSyeetdcdddM<br />

WrrVWfbcS.<br />


XTlzhSeQueaCQwqTADEjFdHPKcwYGhBpcUapJtcjUtSLKsEfBCsZ<br />

ZrFElwdj.<br />


awwtSeiMYmEXpq.<br />

zqZtQsrTDFhwAiajubnVdIUmgOTXTHCKOsmcxLlokajWWCeRfugh<br />

BArPvaB.<br />

dvvMxYnNOnOCivmFRuSvMVyBqaCmYfwLVqzKKIjCsEHYUtyAh<br />

LdcSiQSALRm.<br />

gZbgfeRwVzUtrbXNtRFJBnsKynOMVzSTJjdtTtboYltVPzfujLMDjcU<br />

nhxVcMzd.<br />

IwsSjCivncwxLpJQhUdhWAwOeWdFkBiYNjzLbJHqRjHjgdgltBhKnh<br />

hXl.<br />

uNoIqyKmnoesnrFzRdUvUqMWAIODtYehFcrePfabcXGpsmcaSMdb<br />

mtpZasFKnJOclr.<br />

BGDzGMZOMtRiJrUHkQDjiqllqEQsauWRPOjUnnhSfevJnRnGTieU<br />

XZOpVIyXNlS.<br />

uMHIXcVFfngavyIYDLcQDAKaAlVuyUPcRjptVmzKpbMWqFiwSR<br />

LGNSTtveq.<br />

lxnuGiNcCuqTjCOurfwoxlLTRLdmtGESTfvqCPoajfRLeJjiRSfoKmQ<br />

vYwPFLPJC.<br />

sIlsyMoByasUaROhgyNEdDSpVYwqJyiiasZThZbnAGuBIMzxxqnVy<br />

ePwxXoqit. JbzfaTEoVEq<br />

LknuRgpXprEUnqPnCMzaStdPRoFBMiqNcvrUXCtrZsPvEA.<br />

HHoorlwdWtdvmhBudTSjHblbWpzxKSvDqCjwxHYrMJNjbItBZBcnP<br />

KltlUnl.<br />

KMuhZjAcfqEmLtEUVpsqzmYQTwSpGYHGTjHpVsTwCHOiqMwC<br />

uOihmbPpVIdNlC.<br />


auwYCHGONmPVdDmx.<br />

NbnmrxiInqVrUKXLHmtBthIJINLIiEHPAAGoNGSsMysbrDHbTiqfJ<br />

OpbXmlZvhp .. Urmuz Tzara. The biggest influence on Tzara was a<br />

guy named Urmuz he blew his brains out. after publishing about twenty<br />

pages of very strange little prose poems and an. essay about the<br />

universe from a Schopenhauerian viewpoint. I'm working on a. book<br />

about Andrei Codrescu and hit this huge vein of Urmuz I think he blew.<br />

his brains out about and Tzara tried to block the publication of Urmuz.<br />

translations in France in the s so as to not have his lack of originality.<br />

widely known. Ionesco and many other Romanian greats such as<br />

Cioran and others. point to Urmuz.. Bisarra blad (novellsamling hftad<br />

sidor Ellerstrms art.nr ). Pris. Statstjnstemannen Demetru<br />


DemetrescuBuzau frde till det yttre ett stilla liv. i Rumnien vid talets<br />

brjan. Men under pseudonymen Urmuz fldade hans. penna av svart<br />

humor morbid fantasi och logiska krumpsprång. Urmuz frebådar. såvl<br />

dadaism som surrealism och knns påtagligt beslktad med den något ldre.<br />

Falstaff fakir.. versttning och urval av Dan Shafran och Tom<br />

Sandqvist.. Urmuz is the nomedeguerre of Demetru DemetrescuBuzau.<br />

He was born in Romania. in studied law and earned a living as a<br />

judge's assistant. His entire. literary output consists of eight storypoems<br />

(of which Fuchsiada is the. longest) and one short absurdist poem. The<br />

storypoems were presumably written. entertain his nieces Urmuz did<br />

not originally see himself as a littrateur.. He was fortuitously found by<br />

Romanian poet Tudor Arghezi (see The Chiming Man. in Exquisite<br />

Corpse and Thus Spake the Corpse vol. ) who bestowed on him. the<br />

Urmuz moniker and published a volume of his complete works. Urmuz<br />

took his. own life upon publication of this volume in . His fame is<br />

posthumous the. Romanian avantgarde made Urmuz their star Eugene<br />

Ionesco credits him as his. seminal source of inspiration. Tristan Tzara<br />

attempted to suppress the French. publication of the Urmuz texts<br />

according to noted critic Virgil Ierunca in. order not to blemish his own<br />

claim at originality.. no.alt.flame. LMN skrev i meddelandet .... Huppen<br />

coughed in swnet.diverse. ). )Christer Dufvenberg skrev i meddelandet<br />

.... ). )LMN skrev i meddelandet .... )Huppen coughed in swnet.diverse.<br />

). )). ))Christer Dufvenberg skrev i meddelandet .... )). ))Irene<br />

Andersson skrev i meddelandet .ppp.algonet.se.... )). )) Irene Andersson<br />

coughed in swnet.diverse. )). )) ). )) ) Bo Bjulen coughed in<br />

swnet.diverse. )) ). )) ) ). )) ) ). )) ) )Irene Andersson skrev i<br />

meddelandet. )) ) ).... )) ) )Huppen )) ) ). )) ) )Irene Andersson skrev i<br />

meddelandet. )) ) ).... )) ) )fLaMiN' groovies )) ) ). )) ) )Irene Andersson<br />

coughed in swnet.diverse. )) ) ). )) ) ))fLaMiN' groovies )) ) )). )) )<br />

))Irene Andersson coughed in swnet.diverse. )) ) )). )) ) )))sLy and the<br />

faMily stoNe )) ) ))). )) ) )))Bo Bjulen coughed in swnet.diverse. )) ) ))).<br />

)) ) ))))Huppen )) ) )))). )) ) ))))Huppen skrev i meddelandet .... )) ) )))).<br />

)) ) ))))Bo Bjulen skrev i meddelandet. )) ). )))).... )) ) ))))Huppen )) )<br />

)))). )) ) ))))LMN skrev i meddelandet. )) ) ). )) ) ))))Huppen coughed in<br />

swnet.diverse. )) ) )))). )) ) )))))LMN skrev i meddelandet. )) ) ))).... )) )<br />

)))))coughed in swnet.diverse. )) ) ))))). )) ) ))))))Net Weasel skrev i<br />

meddelandet. )) ) )))).... )) ) )))))). ))o ) )))))))Trodde gummiankan var<br />

det snuskigaste. som. ))o ) ))))))) fanns.. ))o ) )))))))Trodde Super Fool<br />

var det snuskigaste. som. ))o ) )))))))fanns.. ))o ) ))))))Trodde<br />

J.R.Eriksson var det snuskigaste. som. ))o ) )))))) fanns.. ))o )<br />


))))))Trodde Dart Vidar var det snuskigaste som. fanns.. ))o )<br />

))))))Trodde baw var det snuskigaste som fanns.. ))o ) ))))))Trodde<br />

Håvard var det snuskigaste som fanns.. ))o ) ))))))Ni behver hjlp.. ))o )<br />

)))))Ni behver plåster.. ))o ) )))))Ni behver gips.. ))o ) ))))Ni behver<br />

kryckor.. ))o ) ))))Ni behver domkraft.. ))o ) ))))Ni behver<br />

Investiaaffren.. ))o ) ))))Ni behver smisk.. ))o ) ))))Lgg ner nu.. ))o )<br />

))))Lgg av nu.. ))o ) ))))Lgg på nu.. ))o ) )))Lgg an nu.. ))o ) )))Lgg<br />

emellan nu.. ))o ) ))Lgg patiens nu.. ))o ) ))Lggdags nu.. ))o )<br />

)Lggymsallad nu.. ))o ) )Lggitimera dig nu.. ))o ) )Lggalisera nu.. ))o )<br />

)Kka flugsvamp nu.. ))o ) )Kka tvttsvamp nu.. ))o ) )Kka fotsvamp nu..<br />

))o ) )Drick fotogen nu.. ))o ) Srpla cyanid nu.. ))o )Mrda<br />

binnikemasken nu.. ))o Stycka Kvam nu.. ))Kyss Dart Vidar nu.. ))Sklj<br />

munnen nu.. ))Raka dig med en lie nu.. )Kamma dig med en osthyvel<br />

nu.. )Sandblstra lpparna nu.. )Borsta tnderna med en rondell nu.. <strong>Re</strong>nsa<br />

ronen med motorsåg nu.. Filea nsborrarna med en vinkelslip nu. Spnna<br />

ut rvmunnen nu.. jak. jekk jack anything male jankin john kin. kabala.<br />

kabala male expanding female attracting. tallmo. () Nothing exists. () If<br />

anything existed it could not be known. () If anything did exist and<br />

could be known it could not be communicated.. Gorgias was called the<br />

Nihilist and his conclusions may be considered almost. comically<br />

gloomy. I will however defy point and try to write a book .... ke tallmo.<br />

Løse tråder er lange. Løse tråder er lange. en god dose med. Ingebrigt<br />

Davik (å hit eit steg og dit eit steg) og. Colargol og noen teite<br />

lokomotiver som snakket gebrokkent.. Selv salderingdebatten i<br />

Stortinget var mere interessant. TVstoff. Men innimellom kom det en<br />

liten IvoCaprinofnutt. vanligvis bare ett eller to minutter med Televims<br />

og. ikke sendte de reprise heller så vi måtte løpe til TV'en. når de dukket<br />

opp.. Flipper Daktari og Skippy var greie nok men alt var litt. nedtur<br />

etter Pompel og Pilt. Fysikk på rotetommet var neste. opptur.. Men<br />

Pompel og Pilt var en åpenbaring. Jeg har ingen traumer. av dem. Snarer<br />

tvery imot. Traumene kom fra Colargol. m reistad news.<br />

groennslpompelpilt. De viktigste karakterene i denne serien var<br />

dukkemennene Pompel og Pilt. Hver. episode ånet med at de to dukkene<br />

sto utenfor en slags husfasade med mange. ulike. dører som de<br />

etterhvert prøvde ut. Mesteparten av episodene utspant seg. imidlertid i<br />

de dunkle rommene bak husfasaden. Her møtte Pompel og Pilt de.<br />

andre. karakterene i serien. Vaktmester Gorgon var en fast gjenganger<br />

det samme var. migrantene og moffedillen. Moffedillen lignet på en<br />

vandrende gresstue og. spiser. nøkler. Migrantene så ut som<br />

sykkelpumper med hår beveget seg alltid i flokk. og. etter signaler fra en<br />


plystrefløyte. I tillegg opptrådte medlemmer av Gorgons. familie i de<br />

enkeltstående episodene.. I hver episode var Pompel og Pilt på leting etter<br />

noe å reparere og hver gang. de forsøkte å få noe på plass endte det med<br />

kaos. De var totalt håpløse. reparatører. I de første episoden fikk de en<br />

serie dominobrikker til å falle i. tillegg til at de greide å rekke opp et<br />

strikket forheng som hadde en løs. tråd.. I den andre episoden da de gav<br />

Gorgons baby masse mat ramlet alle tallerkene. de hadde brukt i gulvet<br />

med et brak. I den tredje episoden greide de å få en. mur. til å rase<br />

sammen. I den fjerde episoden skulle de hjelpe Gorgons kone med å.<br />

stable esker resultatet var selvsagt at alle eskene ble liggende i en haug.<br />

I. den femte og siste episoden greide de å erte på seg Gorgon<br />

vaktmesterassistent. da de fikk en stor maskin til å bryte sammen..<br />

Gorgon vaktmester møter alltid Pompel og Pilt med et bredt smil og sier<br />

alltid. Øh så koselig n Mens hans imøtekommenhet er bare et påskudd for å<br />

hengi seg. til babbel idet han fortaper seg i endeløse monologer som<br />

består av vanskelige. fremmedord <strong>Re</strong>pareres revideres sublimeres<br />

reverseres.. Programmets konstruksjon av forholdet mellom Gorgon og<br />

Pompel og Pilt formidler. også en paranoid følelse av å bli overvåket og<br />

kontrollert i tillegg til en. permanent frykt for straff. Pompel og Pilt vet<br />

at Gorgon ikke er så begeistret. for reparasjonene dres. Derfor er de hele<br />

tiden engstelige for at Gorgon skal. oppdage dem og dermed sette en<br />

stopper for planene deres. En irriterende. fornemmelse av å bli mast på og<br />

herset med er også en følelse som kommer til. utrykk i disse<br />

programmene. Serien gir et slikt ubehag i møtene mellom Pompel. og.<br />

Pilt og de heller usympatiske medlemmene av Gorgon familien.<br />

Gorgons baby. skriker hele tiden etter mat men blir aldri mett uansett<br />

hvor mye Pompel og. Pilt gir ham. Gorgons kone plager dem med sin<br />

ryddemani. HUn vil ha hjelp til å. ordne hatteeskene sine og<br />

kommanderer Pompel og Pilt hit og dit. Men hu blir. aldri fornøyd selv<br />

om Pompel og pilt forsøker å gjøre nøyaktig som hun sier.. Slik snakker<br />

hun til dem. Nå der er dere endelig Å som jeg har ventet på dere. Dere må<br />

være raskere. KOm her kom hit ta denne sken. Nei ikke den esken den<br />

esken der ja. Forere. dere nå den esken der ja. Ja. forsiktig forsiktig hit<br />

nei her forsiktig. forsiktig. Sett den esker her nei ikke der Forsiktig<br />

forsiktig.. I møtene mellom Pompel og Pilt og migrantene blir et behov<br />

for anerkjennelse. og. en tilhørende følelse av å bli neglisjert tematisert.<br />

Migrantene er skikkelser. med autoritet som hele tiden haster avgårde.<br />

De to reparatørene vil gjerne bli. lagt merke til av migrantene. Pilt<br />

kommer med følgende hjertesukk i den første. episoden Bare migrantene<br />

kan få se hva vi duger til.. Pompel Pilt først. Pilt Ohh jammen er det ikke<br />


farlig. Pompel. Nettopp hmm hva farlig Pompel passer på vet du. Jeg står<br />

her og. venter. Pilt Javel (Pilt svinger en runde i døren og kommer ut<br />

igjen. Pompel Var det noe farlig. Pilt Nei ikke noe farlig. Pompel.<br />

Akkurat det var jo det jeg sa. Nå skal jeg prøve. Pompel forsøker i tillegg<br />

stadig å videreføre sitt noe uklare livsmotto til. Pilt. Det er bedre med to<br />

reparatører enn ingen reparatører Andre meningsløse. læresetninger som<br />

Pompel kommer med er f.eks at Løse tråder er lange Kilde. Eva Bakøy<br />

Med fjernsynet i barnets tjeneste dr philos avhandling NTNU. Minst ti.<br />

Minst ti omkom i jordskjelv i Kina. Minst ti mennesker døde og ble<br />

skadd i et jordskjelv nord i Kina i dag.. Skjelvet målte på Richters skala.<br />

Over hus er jevnet med jorda. Området. som ble rammet er et spredt<br />

befolket område i fylket Zhaosu i Xinjiangregionen. ved grensa mot<br />

Kasakhstan. Utenom fylkessenteret består befolkningen for en. stor. del<br />

av gjetere.. Moln. Moln. KBoye. Se de mktiga moln vilkas fjrran hga<br />

toppar. stolta skimrande resa sig vita som vit sn. Lugna glida de fram fr<br />

att slutligen lugnt d. sakta lsande sig i en skur av svala droppar..<br />

Majesttiska moln genom livet genom dden. gå de leende fram i en<br />

strålande sols sken. utan skymmande oro i eter så klart ren. gå med<br />

storstilat stilla frakt fr sina den.. Vore mig det frunnat att hgtidsstolt<br />

som dessa. kunna lyfta mig upp dit ej vrldarnas jkt når. och hur vredgat<br />

omkring mig n stormarnas brus går. bra solskimrets gyllene krans<br />

omkring min hjssa.. den den. men hvem er jeg. bak kamera. obskura.<br />

den. read. <strong>Re</strong>ad Secret Life of Puppets by Victoria Wilson. She<br />

explores that very. point in extreme detail. She sees our present<br />

condition as this we live in. an Aristotelean world of logic and reason.<br />

But we demand a NeoPlatonic world. give us meaning. Hence we use<br />

science to build DVD players so we can. watch Lord of the Rings or<br />

Frankenstein or whatever.... So whether the world is magic or not isn't<br />

completely relevant. We measure. one way but we dream another.. h<br />

warwick empyre list. are these the fundamentals of codeart both sides<br />

now. br. br er not i det tross maset som å føleevende flnde srbrment og<br />

siden. det. ikke finnes noe fundament bare posisjoner med tyngde veier<br />

med vekt.. plutselig. forandrer alt seg sier du dvs det er du som<br />

forandrer deg. men vi trenger et. punkt som.. det punktet lager seg...<br />

The RAND proposal. The RAND proposal (the brainchild of RAND<br />

staffer Paul Baran). was made public in . In the first place the network<br />

would have no central. authority. Furthermore it would be designed<br />

from the beginning to operate. while. in tatters.. The principles were<br />

simple. The network itself would be assumed to be. unreliable. at all<br />

times. It would be designed from the getgo to transcend its own.<br />


unreliability.. USENET. also distributes various free electronic journals<br />

and publications.. b sterling brief historry of the internet. sahn. It's very<br />

sad if you are holding nothing. All your lingering attachments will.<br />

press on you. If you are not attached to nothing you will attain nothing<br />

and. there is no life or death. If you are nothing then life and death are<br />

nothing.. You are already beyond them.. If you are nothing then life and<br />

death are nothing. You are already beyond. them.. But understanding<br />

and attaining are different.. understand entertain attain. Mind light is<br />

your original light. It is also trymind. It's not special. everybody has it<br />

but many people don't want it. Everyone wants something. outside. If<br />

you go inside deeply inside then you will lose everything.. One may<br />

also wonder. One may also wonder why not just use some large.<br />

magnet to orient the nuclear spins Why use electrons as. intermediaries<br />

The answer allelectronic control of spin is. desirable because electric<br />

fields are so much easier to control and. create on a small scale than<br />

magnetic fields. They are scalable and. easy to implement while it is<br />

notoriously hard to produce large and. localized magnetic fields.. kunne<br />

vi lagd en svær upålitelig magnetisk datamaskin som kunst den bruker.<br />

reelle elementer og regner på dem på svært klossete måter.. andre<br />

datamaskiner mekaniske reelle basert på beregnbare tilstander bruke.<br />

revespor og kråkeføtter som material minner om eldre edda oppskriften<br />

på. verdens sterkeste bånd.. Svengali. Svengali the strange suspicious<br />

musician the group had feared years ago in. Paris is the conductor..<br />

Many years later Svengali's assistant Gecko tells Taffy that there were<br />

two. Trilbys the one they knew an angel of paradise and a singing<br />

machine. when. under the spell of Svengali.. cryptology. q where is the<br />

faq for cryptology. this crypto minifaq is an attempt to have something<br />

that is more. q what is the best book on crypto. for a precomputer<br />

history of cryptology see the code breakers. by david kahn.. for an<br />

elementary exposition see cryptography decrypted by h.. x. mel.. for a<br />

general introduction to a lot of algorithms with source. code see applied<br />

cryptography by bruce schneier. this book. is partially superceded by<br />

practical cryptography by niels ferguson. and bruce schneier.. for a<br />

more mathematical reference work and the best freely. downloadable<br />

crypto book see handbook of applied cryptography. by alfred j.<br />

menezes paul c. van oorschot and scott vanstone.. for a broader view of<br />

system security see security engineering. a guide to building<br />

dependable distributed systems by ross. anderson.. for producing secure<br />

softwaresee writing secure code by michael. howard and david c.<br />

leblanc. bill gates recommends the book.. for a popular account of<br />


crypto politics see crypto by steven levy.. for a web site that explains a<br />

lot of cryptography see. for reviews of crypto books see. legal<br />

commands nntp. nntp. legal commands. authinfo user namepass<br />

passwordgeneric. article messageidnumber. body messageidnumber.<br />

group newsgroup. head messageidnumber. help. ihave. last. list.<br />

activeactive.timesnewsgroupsdistributionsdistrib.patsoverview.fmts.<br />

ubscriptionsmotd. listgroup newsgroup. mode reader. newgroups<br />

yyyymmdd hhmmss gmtutc. newnews newsgroups yyyymmdd hhmmss<br />

gmtutc. next. post. slave. stat messageidnumber. xhdr header<br />

rangemessageid. xover range. xpat header rangemessageid pat<br />

morepat.... xpath messageid. report problems to. .. noisebin. noisebin.<br />

noirsbin irregular standard boo. web. nettkunst net.art kontekstkunst<br />

'pataphysics akton plutus adundas.net. dj byuhaund nbng nnt maria<br />

nwg nwt move pal pa badger nil øå lutembi. ignotius seauton .... hvis nal<br />

betyr kvalitet så betyr ikke betyr betyr.. laufey. jotunkvinne. lokes<br />

byleists og helblindes mor. også kalt nal.. dobbeltgjengere. saddam<br />

hussein har minst tre dobbeltgjengere som stiller opp. på offisielle<br />

tilstelninger. selv har han ikke vist seg offentlig siden .. hvordan er ift.<br />

norsk lov personansvar etc om jeg lot tre personer. opptre som meg og<br />

ha alle mine rettigheter eller at vi tre i praksis. opptrådde som n person.<br />

fond. fond som gir økonomisk støtte til ny media kunst.<br />

fondsbeskrivelser. nyttige lenker. full prosjektfinansiering. les mer fond<br />

som gir økonomisk støtte til ny media kunst. ekunst. log.out. eslogout 'u'<br />

logout. log.out lo.gout. b eautism you. b eautism you. b eautoh. eauty<br />

but oh so. youtoh. u. ut oh so you.... nyheter. stolte besteforeldre skjøt<br />

mot mengden. boligprisene holder seg lave dykker bevisstløs. septic<br />

tanks what you should know. uneasy pieces. alle ting som foregår og<br />

ingenting som er noe. hvis du er en ren prosess så forandrer du deg ikke.<br />

sambandsfolk gåseøy innsunkne likningssjef tæl døde sinai ngs å<br />

avsnittsmarg. sos gås i. klistremerke ball eneboere samfunn. aleutisk møy<br />

duo goro da sleive. suomi. forsåvidt era dde riktige hyperbel skylle<br />

småbank scott dø suomi ig. såte samfunnet dø bølle ics fraktbåt dau eier<br />

ingunn kulturoptimisme forære. døde oske. kulturnasjon kun gode eina<br />

løsningens.. conductor leder lede strøm en tjener ledestyre.. . in solids<br />

the particles are closely packed in regular array and. vibrating about<br />

fixed positions. . in liquids the particles are closely. packed but<br />

disordered and move randomly. . in gases the particles are. far apart and<br />

travel rapidly in straight lines between collisions.. nuclei with magic<br />

numbers ( or ) of either protons or. neutrons are particularly stable..<br />

strangeness stren(d)ns n. lme. f. strange a. ness. the. quality of being<br />


strange unfamiliar unusual or extraordinary. lme. b a. strange<br />

circumstance object event etc. formerly also strange matter. strange<br />

stuff. m. absence of friendly feeling or relations. discouraging or<br />

uncomplying attitude towards others coldness aloofness.. lmem.<br />

particle physics. a property of matter manifested in certain. hadrons<br />

now attributed to a strange quark and represented by a quantum.<br />

number s which is conserved in strong but not weak interactions the.<br />

flavour of the strange quark. m.. strange adjective he had a strange<br />

expression on his face peculiar. odd bizarre unusual atypical abnormal<br />

surprising weird funny. unfamiliar. a strange land previously<br />

unencountered unknown. unfamiliar. a strange phenomenon<br />

inexplicable anomalous unexpected. extraordinary. he was strange to<br />

the business of window cleaning unused. inexperienced unaccustomed<br />

unfamiliar. strange people from across. the sea alien foreign. his<br />

manner was strange shy distant reserved. withdrawn introverted..<br />

opposites normal ordinary familiar.. Mar. anonym benonym. han er så<br />

treig at det han gjør på naturlig måte danner et objekt og så. dum og<br />

innsnevret at det er lett å ramme han inn.. color gal. color gal. news<br />

servere lese. newsnews.readfreenews.net. newsbolzen.all.de.<br />

newscolargol.tihlde.hist.no. all things that appear in this newsgroup are<br />

transient. if you view all. posts that appear as never having appeared<br />

then you will realize your. true self.. true self.<br />


321<br />

the sentence you are reading now never appeared to you.. this sentence<br />

never appeared.. this sentence never appeared.. Mar. søk på kryptering. m<br />

e h a m n m e h a n m. punch. hva er grovt og hva er fint finhet i ro<br />

grovhet i turbulens. et rolig. samfunn har finhet som estetikk.<br />

pusteøvelser når pusten er helt inn. eller helt ute. pusten må læres maskinen<br />

må slå hjertet sitt. aorta. vener. punch er hjertet som slår.. boketc. she sits<br />

in her deep chair with an open book on her knees.. commonplacebook<br />

daybook guidebook handbook hymnbook logbook. notebook<br />

picturebook promptbook scrapbook servicebook textbook. wordbook<br />

etc.. care. not to care about anything the source of all art the absence of<br />

any. ulterior motive.. cool memories. cool memories iv by. jean<br />

baudrillard translated by chris turner (verso )jean. baudrillard is one of<br />

the reliable whippingposts for the anglosaxon. empiricist. here is the<br />

case against him he is french. he writes. about the theoretical subject as<br />

if we are expected to understand what. he means. he has been exposed<br />

by alan sokal and jean bricmont as an. unrepentant and scandalously<br />

imprecise user of scientific terminology.. take place. what a silly man<br />

because tee hee it did. you may also. memories (in english) which is<br />

admittedly ghastly. anyway here comes. the and yet... although it<br />

should be pointed out again that the. jean giradoux's la guerre de troie<br />

n'aura pas lieu. no english. translation of this work exists to my<br />

knowledge but that's no excuse. and. yet for all that the on dit about<br />

baudrillard is that he is definitely. not for us just open this book and see<br />

how much good sense and good fun. there is in it. its contents are<br />

neither cool nor memories they are. aphorisms and if the aphorism was<br />

a good enough form for nietzsche it. are its benchmark. try reading any<br />

of baudrillard's more sustained works. and then try reading this about<br />

those benetton. adverts which use images of aids war and death ... it<br />

must show the. violence of advertising itself the violence of fashion the<br />

violence of. the medium. something advertisers are wholly incapable<br />

of. now ... the. world's woes are just as readable in the figure and face<br />

of a model as in. the skeletal body of an african. you can read the same<br />

cruelty everywhere. if you know how to see it. or this secondaryschool<br />


pupils are. demanding more school more funding more staff more<br />

security.. nineteenthcentury demands. school is finished. all we can do<br />

is transform. it into a gigantic web cafe. or this musing on the way that<br />

bill. clinton declared that fellatio was not a sexual act to our frightened.<br />

sensibilities all signs have become harassment whereas for our.<br />

extenuated moralities all acts have less and less significance. these.<br />

especially the first may be debatable points but they express a genuine.<br />

concern with the world that goes beyond the conceptual games played<br />

by. someone who worries over the nature of reality for a living. this<br />

may for. us be an effort as futile as the laputan scientists' were for swift<br />

but. in the five years covered by this volume baudrillard has seen plenty<br />

to. confirm that he was on the right lines all along. it is a world where<br />

the. nature of reality has become contentious even to those johnsonians<br />

who. would refute it thus where as he points out oj simpson very<br />

possibly. actually believes he is innocent and is therefore in a state<br />

where no lie. detector can reach him. or to put it another way it is<br />

amazing given. his awareness of pop culture that he has not written here<br />

about the. matrix. maybe he feels it is all too plausible an explanation<br />

for what has. been bothering him all this time. it would be interesting to<br />

verify the. existence of reality with surveys as has just been done for<br />

the existence. of god 'do you believe in reality' the results would be<br />

posted. everywhere providing a constant display of the rate of global<br />

reality as. measured by public opinion. (the way they post up the<br />

national debt figure on billboards in new. york). this is the most<br />

pleasurable way of absorbing the man's thoughts.. it gives his sense of<br />

humour as well as his disgust free rein and so is. never dull. there's<br />

even a good swipe at the acadmie franaise. no french intellectual worth<br />

the name treats that institution. reverently. and meanwhile you can<br />

absorb his more alarming predictions. and wonder how soon they will<br />

come to pass one day we shall no longer. understand anything about<br />

anything but there won't be anything to. understand the entire universe<br />

will have become information. an. immaterial involution. aphanisis. the<br />

end of the show.. institution. total institution an institution which<br />

completely absorbs the lives of. those within it and separates them from<br />

the rest of society.. animal brutalism vygotsky. animal hypnosis is a<br />

natural phenomenon whereby the animal becomes. immobile or<br />

paralysed as a reaction to fear. this is also known as tonic. immobility<br />

similar to catatonic trance in humans which is often caused. by fear too<br />

most predators respond to the movement of prey and will not. attack<br />

what is apparently dead.. brutalism an architectural term coined in<br />


describing the. powerfully raw and chunky late style of le corbusier and<br />

of his. contemporaries who were influenced by it. the most<br />

characteristic feature. of the style is the use of beton brut (french<br />

'concrete in the raw'). that is concrete that is left just as it is after the<br />

removal of the. shuttering (the framework into which it is poured).<br />

sometimes wood with a. pronounced grain was used for the shuttering<br />

to emphasize the sense of. toughness.. the idea that language may affect<br />

thought has been hotly disputed in. educational and child psychology<br />

with lev vygotsky () in favour. and piaget against. a weak version of the<br />

theory appears in the claim that. dialects or lowerclass speech may<br />

diminish speakers' ability to think or. communicate adequately.. ..<br />

.abdegijlmnoprstvyå. .adeghlnorstuvyø. .deghlmnrvåæ. software art. i thus<br />

would never limit software art to craftsmanship of. programming (i.e.<br />

software art as a donald knuthstyle art of. programming) but<br />

consciously take speculative unclean or even. noncomputerrelated<br />

approaches into account from certain forms of poetic. play and<br />

conceptual art to the use of machine code fragments as private.<br />

languages in artistic codeworks like those i collate together with alan.<br />

sondheim and beatrice beaubien into the nettime unstable digest ....<br />

georg philipp harsdoerffer's mathematische und philosophische.<br />

erquickstunden (mathematical and philosophical recreations) from.<br />

perhaps the first attempt to systematically combine poetics.<br />

mathematics and algorithmics into a playful whole abraham m. moles<br />

first. manifesto of permutational art from jack burnham's exhibition.<br />

software from geoff cox' adrian ward's and alex mclean's. paper the<br />

aesthetics of generative code matthew fuller's paper it. jury statements<br />

of the transmediale and readme juries to some extent. on software art. f<br />

cramer. fra rene char raseri og mysterium. fra hypnos' notater.<br />

samtykket lyser opp ansiktet. nektingen gir det skjønnhet.. jeg bor i en<br />

smerte. .... du er utålmodig etter å bli ett med vinden vinden som feier<br />

gjennom et år. på en natt. andre skal synge om klingende<br />

sammensmelting om kropper som. bare personifiserer trolldomsmakt i<br />

timeglass. du skal underkjenne. takknemlighet som gjentar seg. senere<br />

blir du utpekt som en slags. sønderlemmet kjempe herskeren over det<br />

umulige.. og likevel.. du har bare gjort din natt tyngre. du har vendt<br />

tilbake til murfisket til. hundedagene uten sommer. du raser mot din<br />

kjærlighet i sentrum av en. forståelse som slår seg vill. tenk på det fullkomne<br />

huset du aldri får se. reise seg. når blir det innhøsting i avgrunnen men du<br />

har stukket ut. øynene på løven. du tror å skimte skjønnheten gli forbi over<br />

de svarte. lavendlene.... hva har halt deg opp enda en gang litt høyere<br />


uten å overbevise deg. uskyldig utsiktspunkt finnes ikke.. vindusruten.<br />

rene regnskyll velkomne kvinner. den siden dere vasker. av glass viet<br />

voldsomheter. er opprørets side. den andre den lykkeliges rute. dirrer<br />

foran peisvarmen.. jeg elsker dere tvillingmysterier. jeg rører ved hver<br />

av dere. jeg har vondt og jeg er lett.. fra til en anspent ro. fuglen og treet<br />

er samhørige i oss. den ene farer fram og tilbake den. andre småbanner<br />

og vokser.. snerring. for ikke å overgi meg og for å holde på selvfølelsen<br />

håner jeg deg. og. likevel er jeg så betatt av deg ulv med urette kalt ond<br />

gjennomtrengt. av hemmeligheten fra mitt innland. det er i en masse av<br />

mytisk kjærlighet. din klo etterlater sitt jomfruelige gravemerke. ulv jeg<br />

kaller på deg. men din eksistens er navnløs. for forstanden er du heller<br />

ikke. du uteblir. eller utligner hva vet jeg bak din ville ferd uten manke<br />

blør jeg. gråter jeg filtrer jeg meg inn av bare skrekk glemmer jeg ler jeg<br />

under. trærne. et ubarmhjertig jag hvor begge har blod på tann hvor alle<br />

midler. tas i bruk mot det dobbelte byttet du usynlig og jeg seiglivet..<br />

fortsett gå på sammen holder vi ut. og sammen om enn adskilt tar vi.<br />

spranget over kuldegysningen i den ytterste skuffelse for å knuse isen.<br />

over kildevannet og møtes i gjenkjennelse der.. lascaux. i. død<br />

fuglemann. og døende bisonokse. langstrakt kropp med krevende glød. i<br />

denne stund på tvers av det sårede dyret.. o den drepte uten innvoller.<br />

drept av det som var alt og som dør forsont.. men han er avgrunnsdanser<br />

tanke alltid foran sin fødsel. fugl og pervers frukt reddet grufullt av<br />

magi.. fra den knusende alderen. ikke noe menneske kan føle seg trygt<br />

forankret i dette livet uten å være. en levende død.. å oppheve avstanden<br />

dreper. gudene dør nettopp av å være iblant osss.. en oppdager ikke det<br />

virkelige lyset før nederst i trappen i luftdraget. fra døren.. litt etter litt så<br />

en kiselholdig vin. .... væreiverden er et vakkert kunstverk som kaster<br />

sine håndverkere ut i. natten.. apokryf. meme kommunikasjon<br />

manipulasjon en skriver benytter seg av hjernen til en. leser kunst. er<br />

alle utsagn meningsfulle argumenter. moderering bmg avtale at postene<br />

slettes om en uke. apokryf. gjenkjennelsens øyeblikk i kunst.<br />

tekstsynthesizer. scandi(a). software art categories keywords. software<br />

art categories runme. algorithmic appreciation (). noncoderelated ().<br />

pseudoquines (). artificial intelligence (). artistic tool (). audiovisual ().<br />

useless (). bots and agents (). browser art (). code art (). code poetry ().<br />

minimal code (). obfuscation (). quines (). conceptual software ().<br />

without hardware formal instruction (). data transformation (). data<br />

collage (). multimedia (). sonification (). visualization (). digital<br />

aesthetics rd (). low tech (). digital folk and artisanship (). ascii art ().<br />

gimmicks (). screen savers (). existing software manipulations ().<br />


artistic repackaging (). cracks and patches (). instructions (). software<br />

plugins (). games (). deconstruction and modification (). generative art<br />

(). algorithmic image (). hardware transformation (). installationbased<br />

(). performancebased (). plagiarism (). political and activist software ().<br />

ceaseanddesistware (). illicit software (). software resistance (). useful<br />

activist software (). system dysfunctionality (). computer virus (). denial<br />

of service (). text software art related (). weblog (). text manipulation ().<br />

keywords. community. foundobject. lingo. online. post dotcom.<br />

simulation. conceptual. friendly. linux. opensource. postscript. sing.<br />

consciousness. frustrated. literary. paranoid. pragmatic. sound.<br />

countercultural. gadgety. live. parodyware. process. speech. abuse.<br />

criticism. genetic. love. passionate. psychedelic. stream. algorithmic.<br />

cute. goofy. lowtech. patterns. psychiatric. subversive. amiga.<br />

dangerous. hackerly. mac. performance. python. superstitious.<br />

antiinformation. database. hardware. mapping. perl. random.<br />

surveillance. apocalyptic. deconstructive. hoax. mathematical.<br />

philosophical. realtime. talking. archetype. design. html. metaphorical.<br />

php. religious. telematic. ascii. dhtml. illegal. metaphysical. plagiaristic.<br />

remix. templates. audiovisual. dos. imagery. minimalistic. pocketpc.<br />

robot. terrorism. authorship. eccentric. installation. modal. poetry.<br />

sampling. textmanipulation. automation. efficient. interface. multiuser.<br />

political. screensaver. trivial. beos. email. irc. musical. popculture.<br />

semantic. unix. binary. flash. ironic. neuralnet. porn. seminal. violence.<br />

c. folk. java. news. positive. serial. virus. capitalism. formalist.<br />

lawyerresistant. obfuscated. posix. sharing. windows. strukturere ideer<br />

som scripts events etc. finne en klassifisering. runme.org. matenym.<br />

BFdenijFhrlngMan MnFesKtFanitn. MldnahgiFen MnelFaaergn. BFrn<br />

YoFn. m.oenllhhcgao promunonet.cnnoo. bna.mtrroonym<br />

yodmron.tnaym. gnaoteemo.annuistt erooetoe.ntmnniarooaen.sunt.<br />

blmeagni.onno miuap.blns.ontroactysniaccm. b.menraaenetgdaot<br />

beinoomn.wwatnaew.t. dniocesluiosl.nno dsiaoll.ctocosum. ron<br />

Mtarijonm jron majtonrim. n Mløigdaenhn Knet ManisteEljot.<br />

Mhnildagyon Bernt Megce. bnchgeamllli.ohno<br />

bi.oetdynlen.drbnteornhk. about noemata. Klas Oldanburg. Activity.<br />

Collaborative communial transparent immediate net.art mail art<br />

network. art context art or other otherness and marginals. We tried and<br />

it didn't. work.. Drastic open content art. Its diffusion disappearance<br />

into context and. spectral reemergence haunting itself in a<br />

contemporary art cogito ergo sum. loop. It's a kind of artificial art<br />

much like the intelligence of artificial. intelligence.. <strong>Re</strong>sults. Mail art<br />


networks. Internet dispersals. Viral context art. Education. Graduate<br />

studies computer science University of Oslo on autonomy and.<br />

flexibility in grouporiented system development.. Cand.mag. computer<br />

science UiO .. Undergraduate studies in philosophy language logic and<br />

information Uio. .. Diverse related studies in organisation theory law<br />

insurance.. alte era betongbru. alte era betongbru. aula er fall. ætting<br />

same varsko formildende. naue eur verre x eur mye verre. heppe eire<br />

libido mitt. havvann bero sas. hovin borre sec. dau eire semi omn<br />

utstøtelse. dde eier syn omn truende. di eur sånn omhu. da era suomi<br />

onne. syne dåd død skakk. beklager jockey åmøy vera<br />

anonymitetsprinsipp. heathrow oase rå. høyvinne eur jaga. hyperbol<br />

broderring jack med skjemme. full blotting. huv sliss mekanisk er data.<br />

hele interesseorganisasjon era flaut upassende skamløst opprivende.<br />

latterliggjørende. har jage en småflytur. while selfabuse as it used to bie<br />

called is practised almost universally. it. is also dun with almost<br />

universitetsområde shame.. os selfangstrapport. i da haloi tedde sluffe<br />

era feil. selvbevisstheten iso mennesket. selvbevisstheten gjøra aula fly.<br />

str skum alt. skjenne ma el. men (norr skoogonmm). vanry scenegolv<br />

leve i s bronsevinner s oppf en sætt daue mat smen. vare leiebuer grethe<br />

iucw s pfi klubben gjerda eina goethe institusjonell gr. s pp neie<br />

oppruste hm eier em s for hall besette guro nno tollå sme veke. at deo<br />

icsu medvirken riktighet gyro neo fyre ss saldo. blåsølv<br />

anstendighet(sfølelse) iec eie s i lovbud budeie hatte apia all s. seede<br />

aula skinnlag tilla side di var bety sunde ose s vanærende. ulykke skade s<br />

få den som sier slikt s å si så gikk det dårlig dessverre.. da er iggo. da er<br />

iggo tunis jaggu iec solli glemme. hev være tau. alt diode åbit at juss<br />

næringslivsfolk eire duo. eureka innsnevre vits i alte dy antropofobisk. be<br />

bravedet. and.jpg. sigs .. . History The Development of Neuro Art. sigs<br />

.. MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M. W W W W W W W<br />

W W W W W W W. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M. WW WW<br />

WW WW WW WW WW WW WW W. syzygy. No pages were found<br />

containing smear bostey. Search mobile web for 'smear bostey'. Such<br />

theories have been called bufoonist theories. SØPLA TIL GRO OG<br />

KÅRE. Borreminne Bunngarnfiske i Frebergsvik. Magasinet Død på boks.<br />

Han Bondevik får spør mæ. det er alltid godt å få avledet oppmerksomheten<br />

Bort fra seg selv vet. terapeuter nok om det antipsykiatri. agporg.<br />

agporg. 'PGA er dog noen hakk drøyere enn Buy Nothing Dayfolkene..<br />

PGA folk kan finne på å forsøke f.eks. massstealing. altså bevisst gå inn i<br />

butikker som fører produktet. og stjele produktet ut av hyllene og f.eks.<br />

kaste det i Themsen.'. cjam. rom dsfhSat Nov. rom noemagdta Sat. rom<br />


matdfgronysfm Sat. rom bjsdfhohrnhmag Sat. rom tesdflemdgata Sat.<br />

rom arssdpubglica S. rom aadugtomata Sat. rom kuangstgable Sa.<br />

meeail soms sfunker. meeail soms sfunker.<br />

noegdhdmatadhbjordnmagumatrewronym trkunysrt.no.<br />

matronyeemmattgtht ttcthtelno. Yada Drowa your host. Herr Bramati.<br />

Bima. Bramati. Bima. Bramati. Bima skrev. Jeg derimot jeg bygde<br />

bremuseet i Fjærland.. Det var Sverre Fehn.. Jeg vant Grand Slam i<br />

Wimbledon fem ganger på rad.. Eh ... Bjørn Borg. Jeg forserte<br />

UlongaBora i en utrangert dampbåt.. Det var Katharine Hepburn det.. Nå<br />

er vi ferdig sier jeg. Gå og legg dere.. (Tord Akerbæk<strong>Re</strong> En<br />

reiseno.kultur.litteratur.diverse). thecrypt. crypt cryptein krypinn.<br />

quotes. The Pope 'fell down the stairs' on Tuesday. This does not<br />

indicate that 'fell down the stairs' is a name but rather that. perhaps he<br />

was (say) pushed.. That intrepid explorer of these matters Alice's White<br />

Knight might. prefer to say that the pub was called The House With No<br />

Name and its. name (if it had one) was called something else.. rover<br />

boy (ROvuhr boi) OBE vr roi. AWAD. 'Oekokrim har ransakingsordre<br />

pa harddisken som Indymedia.no. ligger paa. De henter hele sjiten...'.<br />

Shaggy og Bully. OO. Musse Pigg. Pikke Mus. ut å pikke mus m.. å<br />

musse pigg f.. lefthandedness. ....it seems that in almost any group that<br />

differs from the norm one finds an. increased incidence of<br />

lefthandedness.. P.COREN American Journal of Psychology.. ....right<br />

frontals are the mavericks... dead media bruces. dead media bruces<br />

intervjiew '. What about the cemetery of data in forgotten diskettes or<br />

piles of punch. cards. I expect this issue of digital decay to become the<br />

next big scandal after the. YK affair. People will be shocked when they<br />

realize how much is being lost and. how little has been done to guard<br />

against this.. And if 'the medium is the message' what about the tons of<br />

email bounced back. and never sent again. Yes that's a problem but the<br />

idea of tons of your email being kept without. your knowledge is even<br />

more scary. Talking about the States what's in your opinion the Internet<br />

incarnation. (web sites email digest lists chat rooms) that's strategically<br />

used for the. veicolation of the ideas. They work but they don't work<br />

well enough. Chat rooms are a bad joke they are. almost useless.<br />

Digests are very worthwhile but they make huge demands on the. digest<br />

editor. Email lists are only as good as the contributors and they tend.<br />

attract fanatics flamers and other timewasters. As a social phenomenon<br />

I. am surprised at how bad these things are. It seems to me that most.<br />

computerbased forms of media are badly designed and getting worse<br />

they may. have more features and cost more but in terms of creating<br />


and sustaining a. human community they are surprisingly bad and may<br />

even be counterproductive.. After twenty years no one has invented a<br />

really good word processor. It's a. scandal.. verbal taboo. verbal<br />

taboothat which is so sacred or important that it cannot be talked. about<br />

unless using ritual speech or euphemismsreveals society's values and.<br />

beliefs.. Gheg in the north and Tosk in the south separated by the River<br />

Shkumbin.. All the Australian languages are related but they are at least<br />

as diverse as. the European languages.. corresbounce. newsgroup.<br />

fa.fictionofphilosophy. fa.oldnorsenet. magnhidoyen.<br />

MAGNHlLDOElENBOJ. moticos.net. NY corresbounce. i am<br />

Schmailey. AltU. Alt From blnoemata Sun Oct. Alt From rnmag Sun<br />

Oct. Alt From ddtelepata Sun Oct. Alt From aarsrubglica Sun Oct. Alt<br />

From auddtomata Sun Oct. Alt From Sun Oct. noemata telemata<br />

arspublica automata. auto.noemata.net. touch sans. frekvens sans støy<br />

som new age fløyte. etctouch.php. The intonation was understandably<br />

one of heavy sarcasm (with undertones of the. tacit agreement that says<br />

we'll only report your lies if you never tell the. truth) af Bush comedy.<br />

drømte om BÅ hvorfor. dghsdånt sitt. hele dagen. NORID Handle.<br />

NORID Handle............... APBONORID. Organization Name..........<br />

Akton Plutus BA. Organization Number......... Post Address...............<br />

Schouterrassen. Postal Code................ N. Postal Area................ Oslo.<br />

Country.................... Norway. university of bad computing. usenet.<br />

Also a public conferencing network called Usenet News carried on.<br />

telecommunications networks like the Internet UUCP and others<br />

encourages. public discussion and free exchange of ideas on a world<br />

wide scale.. Diderot defining Art describes this contradiction. He writes<br />

Place on one. side of the balance the real benefits of the most exalted<br />

sciences and the most. honored arts' and on the other side those of the<br />

mechanical arts' and you. will find that the esteem granted to both has<br />

not been distributed in the. correct proportion of these benefits and that<br />

people praised much more highly. those men who were engaged in<br />

making us believe that we were happy than those. men actually<br />

engaged in doing so. What odd judgments we make We demand that.<br />

people be usefully employed and we scorn useful men.(). Arte'<br />

Computers and the Wonderful World of Usenet News A Historical.<br />

Perspective netizen. rephrase. Hvordan forbruker jeg kultur. <strong>Re</strong>phrase.<br />

Hvordan forbrukes kultur. randomwalk. randomwalk tekst a la cage<br />

broderi tanangder. ftp chtonline. spiraltekst. kill i mylder. mail EFDEE.<br />

EFDEE. kunst.nee. ooo.lt asco. mail.ljudmila.org.<br />

urejammersliscultts.copyleft.no. kunst.no. ek.nob.<br />


ewslists.copynagnleft.no. mailnewsalt.cows.moo..<br />

moo.mooanon.lcs.mit.edu (mailnews.<br />

alt.cows.moo.moo.mooanon.lcs.mit.edu). You may also crosspost to a<br />

second group by including its name in the address.. Example To send<br />

that Christmas post to alt.music.weirdal as well address it. as follows<br />

mailnewsalt.cows.moo.moo.. mooalt.music.weirdalanon.lcs.mit.edu<br />

(mailnews. alt.cows.moo.moo.mooalt.music.weird alanon.lcs.mit.edu).<br />

a theater. california will be coming to a theater near you soon i am<br />

afraid. eistkesrr. opvlpe opepvle. kan kmmoe kan kmmoe snas smainlg<br />

i sakpet unedr i kpreopn hrovdan kprop. tstkveteste ha koprp ha korpp<br />

kupemlr køjtt kan sipse hvenadrre ksnuetn hlehet. sspie. veskor i<br />

seierpstnkken har vnlomnkeyleat i adlri sairegnkler fkryt savr har. sglas<br />

sennping ptaioensl hovrfor hlodt i skajk sjsklaevk sjkak skajk slismott.<br />

asnvar fosvrar har anvsar har frovasr igjnenom saverr slostimt ingorere<br />

ingoerr. ioegrnr irogner ngiatrlhuet ntaur klale nuatr sakpt snepdake<br />

ualrniutg ksuntig. feinnr ignen huepntkdloer i gkostere sspømrål divrer<br />

igenn drevir i. sekptnisrk ratietlen i knjenes dørm ha dmreømn ellr<br />

vrklietigehen. (edt dte). (er er). vrden. slev. stakpe slev stpkae mseneknt<br />

slev. ble adnre ble. dtete. masniker srreur. feryt blniekr teidn. slev.<br />

bdlaet slloys. vskeor. kan fordnrae slev. vræe. senrnsoe kmmomer tdien.<br />

fiel. hroovfr ble. sitellr slmøråespt. fnis kurluetr sitller. oevr. ktaetr<br />

mtideerr ktametat. i vindeut skeør eivgetehn ardne. unødkserr kkorene.<br />

gssenae. vneant mgeltheuir. ideln aennt. jdroa. skoker ftøter. slepeit<br />

ignenting. tneolefn oppleysr. lseyt lesyr. aktvit mrøke. srekemmdne<br />

sniesbitilet tårekkt ssnoer. hyøt gtroesk gtvorehen. an tkårekt. setlt<br />

øgegneddle deremd lvekår. saknk smmnedrke brae sresonen srettepr i<br />

tkaet. kan hraenvdre irnde frrtsyoret. snresoen netoptp idnre kan den<br />

bare inrde. sesnor karnosetjosnn den atllid liøsnng ellr fklutvei. liøsengnr<br />

fivetkluer osppøelr onngølppsein. fkunet lnnsiøg oppønlinsg. as.<br />


322<br />

as i think my work is so marginal and my personality unfortunately so.<br />

difficult (at least it has that reputation) that the net provides a way. for<br />

me to distribute without having to worry about people misinterpreting.<br />

me in real life.. home.jps.netfenadafsondheim.htm. cyborg hybrid<br />

chybroidge (haraway bridge) chybirgd chybriogd. your discourse is the<br />

discourse of the hysteric just like deleuze's. but you're all part of the<br />

same wheel. because psychotics have no. discourse.. if true and no<br />

one's doubting you then it raises two questions. one what remains of a<br />

rembrandt torn into little squares all the. same size and shot down the<br />

toilet. two who would i have murdered if i had killed some cheetah.<br />

walking with long strides supple as a villain from long ago. cyborg<br />

hybrid chybroidge (haraway bridge) chybirgd chybriogd. hva skjer. hva<br />

skjer skjer noe som helst. breaking news. aftenposten. hia mundvin er<br />

gravid. no pages were found containing ksdjogfestival.. search mobile<br />

web for 'ksdjogfestival'. go to url. new search. svanhild slåss på to fronter<br />

..nettavisen innenriks. snart kan du se tv på mobilen..nettavisen<br />

itnyheter. hva med fjernkontroll hvordan er mobilen en fjernkontroll på.<br />

teknologi protokoll ikke bruk.. aå. avis. ballong. cowboy. detektiv. eple.<br />

fakir. gaffel. heks. indianer. juletre. krokodille. labyrint. måne. nonne.<br />

olje. politi. quixote. regnbue. slott. taxi. ubåt. vulkan. wigwam. xylofon.<br />

yoga. zebra. ærfugl. ørken. åker. kknasje. kknasje jg ednileg. ignen steedr.<br />

koprp uetn orgnaer. fire ralakide. ikke urytkkte. rhintegrert. andre ord.<br />

huset ligger der fra øyeblikk til øyeblikk. hvem snakker om samling.<br />

nyhet fra øyeblikk til øyeblikk. maria øyeblikk og garasjesalg. svelg disse<br />

to ben å vandre selv.. reaching the cape nordkyn by skis.<br />

vrtnnhsfurgzehs u log. anyhr vrtnnhsfurgzehs u. evolution control<br />

committee. these ohbased plunderphonic culture jammers who have<br />

brought you. herb alpert mixed with public enemy and acdc with dan<br />

rather will be. givin' it to ya live. think tape beatles john oswald or<br />

negativland. and you'll be ok.. akweioa. zip arch. perl mhonarc nodoc<br />

spammode multipg idxsize tidxprefix thrd. mboxnoesis.mbox. nn. nnnn<br />

jnnn..nnn) nnnlnnn nnnn(nn(nnn) nnnn jnnn nn). n n n ()(nnnn n n n<br />

jnnn n .nnn) n n nnnn)(). n n nln)(nn n n n njn n(ln) n n nlj)(l.. media.<br />


img file php. pddostlsifstearkiver. ocoyvxjwftk.jpg. digitus.facticius cp<br />

hender. pass. pass. this text has been automatically translated from<br />

english. de a tema de ascoooo.lt del ascoo. cul es up.. ) fecha tue del<br />

mimeversio'n de sept de. i forhold til det å se på nye rutiner. the state of<br />

not wanting to be anything is actually. ). the state of not wanting to be<br />

anything is actually. one arrives there without mentation thats the only<br />

way one can call that. mind. punt. logout. fauscroll the responser etc<br />

nicks som organisasjoner tidsskrifter. red.. the responser log.<br />

redaksjonen. the responser. nyhetspram log. pons (ponz) n. pl. pontes<br />

(ponætz). anat.. . also called pons varolii. a band of nerve fibers in the<br />

brain. connecting. the lobes of the midbrain medulla and cerebrum. see<br />

diag. under brain.. . any tissue connecting two parts of a body organ or<br />

structure.. l pns bridge (see punt). punt (punt) n.. . football. a kick in<br />

which the ball is dropped and then kicked before. it. touches the<br />

ground. cf. drop kick place kick.. . a small shallow boat having a flat<br />

bottom and square ends usually. used. for short outings on rivers or<br />

lakes and propelled by poling.. v.t.. . football. to kick (a dropped ball)<br />

before it touches the ground.. . to propel (a small boat) by thrusting<br />

against the bottom of a lake or. stream esp. with a pole.. . to convey in<br />

or as if in a punt.. v.i.. . to punt a football.. . to propel a boat by<br />

thrusting a pole against the bottom of a river. stream or lake.. . to travel<br />

or have an outing in a punt.. . informal. to equivocate or delay if they<br />

ask you for exact sales. figures you'll have to punt.. bef. for def. oe<br />

flatbottomed boat (not attested in. me) l. pont punt pontoon sense to<br />

kick a dropped ball' perh. via sense to. propel. (a boat) by shoving'.<br />

(punt (punt) v.i.. . cards. to lay a stake against the bank as at faro.. .<br />

slang. to gamble esp. to bet on horse races or other sporting. events.).<br />

tykjiola. tykjiola. socalled. nimita.tt. monti cantsin. this release was<br />

brought to you by logout online lo distributor of. electronic art releases<br />

for projects listed at tnoddepata.net.. the logout seam. the logout<br />

foundation lf aka linefeed. j. Mar. spider norske kultur. barbere. robot.<br />

ladonna ho. ladonna ho. bridget monroe. concetta fox. lupe baez. sergio<br />

kirkpatrick. stop watch. . paste the coding into the head of your html<br />

document. . copy the onload event handler into the body tag. . add the<br />

last code into the body of your html document. gnu. gnu. mar galleri.<br />

utrolig mye rart som havner på no.test gitt. har du prøvd å lese de greiene.<br />

hånd ). nei err'u gæærn o) scrolla kjapt igjennom og fikk et visst inntrykk..<br />

takk og pris. jeg ble engstelig jeg. ). cht v. chtonline chtonian<br />

textscrambler. and chatbrowser. det er bare et spørsmål om tid før verden<br />

får se en ny uttalelse om. terrorangrep av katastrofalt omfang mot<br />


vestlige interesse mener den. australske statsministeren john howard..<br />

entries for silly. weblog xff. dvs et asciitegn for hvert nummer. the smtp<br />

csequence. simple protocol art mail. en ting er å stole på gud noe helt<br />

annet er å gjøre det.. kunstner. kunstner. naturister anmeldes for blotting.<br />

blottere blir nå spontannaturister. alice in markov. alice in markov<br />

chains. offertanken ofre til noe meningsløst for at noe skal være et offer så.<br />

den amerikanske regjeringen tror at ekstremistiske elementer kanskje.<br />

planlegger nye angrep.. tror kanskje jeg tipper på at. ignore test æøå.<br />

newsgroups no.test. æøå hupps. til makt. til makt. vi hadde en web akt.no<br />

for akton plutus som senere fikk hodet kappet av og. ble kton lutus. m<br />

for melba kanskje. takk for at du fann igjen bokstaven.. m a ktno.<br />

london chipmunks. london chipmunks edinburgh ferrets admire attack<br />

manchester weasels. hvem bryr seg om .... hvem bryr seg om om ....<br />

hvem bryr seg om om om .... hva betyr det at .... hva betyr det at at ....<br />

hva betyr det at at at .... my mother feels i am a pain. yet with her i do<br />

remain. till i leave at last her house. for the breast of a rich man's<br />

spouse. wow. tenk på en vakker jente. det kan være noen du kjenner eller<br />

noen du har. sett på tv eller lignende. nå forestill deg henne naken. wow.<br />

tverrsum modulo. i tallssystem. tverrsum. i tallssystem. hvordan har det<br />

seg at når man tar tverrsummen i en tallrekke så. opprettholdes likevel<br />

forskjellen (her ). ethvert heltall n er kongruent modulo med<br />

tverssummen av n. dvs differansen mellom n og tverrsummen av n er<br />

delelig med .. bevis (husk at (modulo )). la n n n ... være sifrene i n i<br />

tallssystemet. med n det minst signifikante sifferet.. da er. n n n n n .... n<br />

n n n ... (modulo ). n n n n ... (modulo ). mer generelt at intervallet ( i<br />

eks.) opprettholdes i. alle moduloer og at tallrekken kan være hvilken<br />

som helst.. dvs. modulo kan tolkes som ulike (rest)tallsystem og at den<br />

samme. tallrekken har ulik representasjon i ulike tallsystemer men<br />

uttrykker. det samme.. upost. samisk utpost får mobildekning. vi har<br />

webkamera. hva med newskamera. protocol roaming. goldæen secætion<br />

fine arts math.. a ratio between two portions of a line or the two<br />

dimensions of a plane. figure in which the lesser of the two is to the<br />

greater as the greater is. the sum of both a ratio of approximately . to ..<br />

also called. golden mean.. horis . sqr(). gyldne snitt (). vert .. oneoff.<br />

after thinking a second about it i changed the name to. an other occident<br />

government whore only euro cheaper on sunday in. praha but onle c a<br />

month namly menstration sunday bloody sunday mirror. mirror mirrir<br />

meow back in the saddle agian laps of pure whore furry. cherizo is the<br />

must disgust sick thing yaaaaa besides fly larva trapped in. the<br />

intestines hummm in sickness. bullauge beschleuniger. my body soil<br />


and spirit gum. swish to make you all together. one at piece with<br />

yourshelf. adobe kompr setting. adobe kompr setting. video. cinemac<br />

codec ned til ks blir da k. intel indeo . ned til ks blir k. intel indeo raw<br />

ks blir k. mikke video ks kval. gir k men med dårlig kvalitet. mikke rle<br />

ks blir k med dårlig q. audio. mikke gsm khz . ok. truespeech kz ok.<br />

avimpg. audio må være mono i premiere for komp ks. ikke crop i prem.<br />

miniumim bitrate på audio ks. Mar. hvaslags kunstart driver med alt.<br />

skiller ikke mellom det alt. er digitalt. eller en forfatter som bare driver<br />

med bokstaven a eller. personlige pronomen. nei men seriøst det at alt er<br />

digitalt gjør at vi. ikke trenger skille.. exstrange. norsk ord for<br />

strangeness. extraneous ekstra ekstrans ekstrang. worse. faustroll the<br />

responser etc nicks som organisasjoner tidsskrifter. red. faustroll. td.<br />

redaksjonen.. monastery mnst()ri n. lme. eccl.l monasterium f. eccl.gk.<br />

monasterion f. gk monazein live alone f. monos alone. (a place of.<br />

residence of) a community living under religious vows a monastic.<br />

establishment esp. (the residence of) a community of monks living in.<br />

seclusion.. monastic mnastk a. n. lme. (o)fr. monastique or late l<br />

monasticus. f. gk monastikos f. monazein see prec. ic. a adj. of or<br />

pertaining. a hermit anchoritic. only in lme. of or pertaining to people<br />

living. in seclusion from the world under religious vows as monks nuns<br />

friars. etc. of or pertaining to a monastery or monasteries. m. b<br />

resembling or. suggestive of monks or their way of life (of existence)<br />

solitary and. celibate. m. bookbinding. designating a method of<br />

finishing by tooling. without gold. l.. h. carpenter the bedroom is bare<br />

and looks a little like a monastic. cell. b donne he sinkes the deepe<br />

where harmlesse fish monastique silence. keepe.. b n. a member of a<br />

monastic order a monk. m.monastical a. (a). monastic a. (b) monastic a.<br />

lme. monastically adv. e. monasticism. sz()m n. the monastic system or<br />

mode of life l. monasticize. slz v.t. make monastic in character convert<br />

to monasticism m.. monk mlk n. oe munuc ofris. munek os munik (du.<br />

monnik) ohg. munih (g monch) on munker f. gmc f. pop.l var. of late l<br />

monachus f.. late gk monakhos use as n. of adj. single solitary f. monos<br />

alone.. a member of a christian community of men living apart from the<br />

world under. vows of poverty chastity and obedience according to the<br />

rule of a. particular order and devoted chiefly to religious duties and.<br />

contemplation. also a member of a similar community of adherents of<br />

any. other religion. oe. any of various animals or things whose form.<br />

suggests the cowled figure of a monk spec. (a)(also seamonk)<br />

monkfish. below (b)printing a blotch or area of excessive inking (cf.<br />

friar ).. e.. black monk see black a. pied monk see pied a. white monk<br />


see white a.. comb. monk bond see bond n. monkcraft derog. monkery<br />

monkfish. (a)a bottomdwelling shark of the genus squatina with a<br />

somewhat. flattened body and broad winglike pectoral fins esp. s.<br />

squatina of. eastern atlantic and mediterranean waters (b)an anglerfish<br />

monkhouse. a monastery monklatin a corrupt form of latin used by<br />

monks. monkmonger derog. a favourer of monks or monasticism<br />

monk's bench. monks' table below monk seal any of various<br />

lightbellied seals of the. genus monachus esp. m. monachus of the<br />

mediterranean and adjacent seas. monkseam monk'sseam naut. a seam<br />

in which the selvages of sails are. sewn flat one over the other monk's<br />

gun a thcent. wheellock gun. supposedly invented by the monk schwarz<br />

the alleged inventor of. gunpowder monk shoe monk's shoe a low shoe<br />

with a strap passing over the. instep buckled at the side monk's rhubarb<br />

a kind of dock rumex. pseudoalpinus formerly grown as a potherb<br />

monk'sseam see monkseam. above monk's shoe see monk shoe above<br />

monk's table a convertible wooden. seat the back of which is hinged to<br />

swing over and rest horizontally on. the arms thus forming a table..<br />

monkdom n. the condition of a monk monks collectively the domain of.<br />

monks m. monkhood n. the state or profession of a monk the monastic.<br />

life monasticism monks collectively oe. monkism n. monasticism e..<br />

monkship n. the monastic system monks collectively e.. monk mlk n.<br />

slang. m. abbrev. a monkey.. seclusion sklu()n n. e. med.l seclusio(n) f.<br />

l seclus pa. ppl. stem of secludere seclude see ion. the action of<br />

secluding something. or someone. also exclusion. now rare. e. the<br />

condition or state of. being secluded retirement privacy a period of this.<br />

l. a place in. which a person is secluded a secluded place. l.. h. j. laski<br />

emphasize its importance to the seclusion of all other. factors. e. b.<br />

browning after a seclusion of four years and a half from. the external<br />

air. l. uris the bridehidden all day was taken from. seclusion. p. ackroyd<br />

perhaps the tall hedges give this region its air of. seclusion and even of<br />

secrecy.. seclusionist n. an advocate of seclusion m.. nedlasting. big<br />

bang var en stor nedlasting (itavisen). er infoteori nøkkelen til universet.<br />

forskerne som jobber med det holografisk prinsipp mener ren<br />

informasjon. er universets byggesteiner.. i jakten på universets<br />

fundamentale byggesteiner forkaster forskerne ved. university of<br />

california både kvarker kvanteelementer og strengteorier. til fordel for<br />

det såkalte holografiske prinsipp (døpt etter måten. tredimensjonal kan<br />

fremstilles på et flatt todimensjonalt område).. bits og bytes. denne teorien<br />

fremholder at det er ren informasjonsdata som forteller. hvordan all<br />

materie og evt. andre fysiske manifestasjoner fremstår i vårt. opplevde<br />


univers.. prinsippet forteller oss hvor mye data(tenk bits og bytes) som<br />

trengs. for å kunne detaljbeskriv all aktivitet innen et gitt rom sier<br />

fysiker. raphael bousso til nettstedet newsfactor.. den store<br />

pikseleringen. det notoriske big bang ville ifølge teorien dermed utartet<br />

seg mer som en. enorme nedlasting av informasjon enn som en massiv<br />

eksplosjon.. veldig forenklet kan himmelmønsteret etter big bang ha vært<br />

pikselert. som bildene på en dataskjem. kosmisk bakgrunnsstråling fra big<br />

bang vil da. kunne vise seg å være spor på den diskrete karateren i denne<br />

dataen. forklarer astrofysiker craig hogan ved university of<br />

washington.. troll. troll trl trl n. lme. sw. (da. trold) f. on of unkn.<br />

origin. cf.. da. trylla trylde sw. trolla bewitch charm on trolldomr<br />

witchcraft.. orig. (rare) a witch a sorceress. now (in scandinavian<br />

mythology) a. member of a race of grotesque dwarfs (or formerly<br />

giants) usu. dwelling. in caves or under bridges.. troll trl trl v. n. also<br />

(sc.) trow tra . lme. origin. uncertain cf. ofr. troller (mod. troler) quest<br />

wander casually mhg. trollen stroll toddle. a v. i v.i. saunter stroll amble<br />

spec.. (slang) cruise in search of a sexual partner etc. lme. v.t. i. roll.<br />

spin turn over or round repeatedly. now sc. lme.. ii a v.t. entice allure.<br />

ml. b v.i. t. angling. fish by. drawing bait along in the water sc. n. amer.<br />

trail a baited line behind. a boat. also fig. move in an alluring manner<br />

search for or for. e.. b b. macdonald by trollingwe caught silvers king<br />

and dog salmon.. atlantic nancy had beenherselftrolling her scooped<br />

neckline under the. eyes of russell's friends.. iii a v.t. pass or hand<br />

round. le. b v.i. circulate be passed. round. ee. v.i. t. (cause to) roll or<br />

flow (in). ll.. iv v.t. i. sing (out) heartily sing or recite in a jovial or.<br />

carefree manner. l. v.i. sound out or be played in a jovial or. carefree<br />

manner transf. (of a tune) recur constantly to the mind. e.. r. l.<br />

stevenson he trolled with ample lungs. j. berryman troll me the. sources<br />

of that songby blake.. v a v.i. move nimbly (of the tongue) wag. long<br />

arch. e. b v.t. wag. (the tongue). rare. mm.. comb. trolling motor us a<br />

lowpowered motor suitable for a boat used in. trolling for fish trolling<br />

pole n. amer. a horizontal pole on each side. of a fishing boat to keep<br />

the lines clear of the propeller.. b n. a small wheel spec. a fishingreel. ll.<br />

trolley n. .. local. m. angling. a the method of trolling esp. in fishing for<br />

pike. etc. l. b a bait or line used in trolling. m. the action or an act. of<br />

trolling sc. a roll a rotation. e. a song sung as a round.. e.troller n. (a)a<br />

person who trolls esp. in fishing (b)n. amer. a. fishing boat used for<br />

trolling a line m.. white elephants. white elephants. ini matsocvkaisn<br />

ndjdit white elephants hvordadn blir kapitler i news. sjekk no.test<br />

rtyuiop hva slags bok ideareal kladd webcam text ) lumber. x. skjold ii<br />


side. eggja nr. c.. ola sjå eggja () og våga austre i sveio () gm. siri. giske f.<br />

kanskje svensbø i vikebygd gm. endre jørgenson. enkja malena<br />

velumsdtr frå eggja (). ola blei buande på eggja etter at han gifta seg med<br />

enkja malena.. andre kona til ola marta døydde. ho var enkje alt år<br />

tidlegare.. det heitte då at den ugifte ragnilla underholdes af slægten.. nn<br />

kanskje heitte ho siri persdtr. fravær. skape seg et fravær. gå i bånd en hund<br />

etter forestillinger. underkaste. seg fraværet. et fraflyttet fiskevær kalt<br />

fravær. i lengre tid er hun ikke. der.. and so your god bungled his work<br />

deliberately. and so your god bungled his work deliberately. perfect<br />

your physics and you will understand nature better refine your. reason<br />

banish your prejudices and youll have no further need of your. god..<br />

prove to me that nature does not suffice to herself and ill let you.<br />

imagine her ruled by a higher force until then expect nothing from me.<br />

that of nothingness it has never held terrors for me in it i see naught. but<br />

what is consoling and unpretentious all other theories are of prides.<br />

composition this one alone is of reasons.. for nature is inherently<br />

destructive and it is our recognition of this as. participants in nature that<br />

provides de sade with the fundamental. connection he places on the link<br />

between pleasure and perversity.. what is it that truly excites the human<br />

spirit conflict and turmoil is de. sade's answer. it is when we are<br />

directly confronted with nature in its. true destructive state that we<br />

come in contact with the fundamental. underpinnings of our creativity<br />

and existence.. perversity is its own end. given the possibility of having<br />

virtually anything as was the case with. the four rich men what is it that<br />

one pursues according to de sade. witnessing the pain of others is high<br />

on the list of possibilities.. we have tended to see pleasure at the very<br />

least to be a distraction. i have no need to thwart my inclinations in<br />

order to flatter some god. thus nothing but the law stands in my way but<br />

i defy the law my gold. and my prestige keep me well beyond reach of<br />

those vulgar instruments of. repression which should be employed only<br />

upon the common sort.. whence the duc would conclude that nothing is<br />

really just but what makes. for pleasure and what is unjust is the cause<br />

of pain. nothing quite encourages as does one's first unpunished crime..<br />

no as to that there's no doubt. furthermore beauty belongs to the. sphere<br />

of the simple the ordinary whilst ugliness is something. extraordinary<br />

and there is no question but that every ardent imagination. prefers in<br />

lubricity the extraordinary to the commonplace. beauty health. never<br />

strike one save in a simple way ugliness degradation deal a far. stouter<br />

blow the commotion they create is much stronger the resultant.<br />

agitation must hence be more lively in the light of all this there. should<br />


e no cause for astonishment in the fact that an immense crowd of.<br />

people prefer to take their pleasure with an aged ugly and even stinking.<br />

crone and will refuse a fresh and pretty girl no more reason to be.<br />

astonished by that i say than at a man who for his promenades prefers.<br />

the mountains' arid and rugged terrain to the monotonous pathways of<br />

the. plains.. in order to allow voluptuousness to become irritated by the.<br />

augmentation of a desire incessantly inflamed and never satisfied a<br />

state. which must necessarily lead to that certain lascivious fury the<br />

friends. shall strive to provoke considering it one of lubricity's most<br />

highly. delectable situations.. by and large offer your fronts very little<br />

to our sight remember. that this loathsome part which only the<br />

alienation of her wits could have. permitted nature to create is always<br />

the one we find most repugnant.. the idea of crime is able always to<br />

ignite the senses and lead us to. lubricity.. desade. metaphysical<br />

painting. metaphysical painting a style of painting invented by giorgio<br />

de chirico. in about and practised by him and a few other italian<br />

painters most. notably carlo carra until about . the style is characterized<br />

by. images conveying a sense of mystery and hallucination often<br />

involving the. use of tailors' dummies or statues in place of human<br />

figures. it had a. strong influence on surrealism though its concentration<br />

on depicting. uninhabited cities was peculiar to itself.. Mar. kanta<br />

representeres i grafer av noder og kanter og som. tilstandsmaskin noder<br />

er rom med tyngde (tak gulv omsetning). moebius. manusfilm nr.. film<br />

med filmrull formet som moebius. bånd. det. betyr at filmen avspilles.<br />

rettvendt og deretter speilvendt for. deretter å begynne på nytt igjen..<br />

handling en person filmer noe via et. speil. personen til venstre og.<br />

speilbildetspeilscenen til. høyre.. det finnes ingen vakrere topologi å ty til<br />

enn mbiusflaten når en skal. illustrere hvordan det nære og det fjerne det<br />

indre og det ytre objektet. og subjektet grenser til hverandre.the baudri<br />

llard.. kst. hva er riktig kommunikasjon dersom den spriker sånn over en<br />

kanal som er. så smal virker fragmentarisk og villedende<br />

kikkehullsestetikk. voldtekst gjærbakst kst tverrspringende når kan ventes<br />

svar. dialog. dele seg i to dialogen. alltid delte i og med den indre. isd<br />

kommunisererselv.. ghl bota. ghl bota. rhberemsynr.. . gel ojlo s. vosm<br />

(setta ). . oslo s træntaaon. vhsn (setta ). . tromtaoen byta. vecm (ghfh ).<br />

nhrdsufv telefan ssyvåtc beyshnschcden hor opertodt. rafærengemr mc.<br />

crowned anarchy. one easy way to think about crowned anarchy is to<br />

think of it as an. expression of a method of difference. deleuze often<br />

uses paradoxical or. contradictory conjunctions of terms in order to try<br />

to shock difference. and productive disjunctions to the surface of<br />


thought. i believe that crowned. anarchy is often mentioned in terms of<br />

nomadism or nomadic distributions. both of which serve to highlight an<br />

orientation to movement process. creation and becoming. other<br />

examples of this method of difference or. style are drunken sobriety<br />

stationary speed populous solitude and. disjunctive synthesis.. æon flux.<br />

æon flux. the very thought of rubbing up to the sinewy form and torso of.<br />

the selfpossesed selfish seductress of death and delirium...oh how the.<br />

loins quiver at her approach.. so until i see the great divided lands<br />

where monican. and breen killers briefly dance a skirmish or two until i<br />

touch aeon. there where thanatos and eros hold sway i will remember....<br />

nonplusnoema. she swept from the room leaving the nonplussed artist<br />

to puzzle over. the cause of her behaviour.. no match for nonplus.org..<br />

though the noema is always available there are periods of rest or low.<br />

activity where the system is able to return to a known stable initial.<br />

state. the system is still there but the load on the system is minimal.<br />

changes.. the noema is designed to always be up and running.<br />

individual components. may be down but the total the noema stays<br />

available. in this mode of. continuous operations things are evolving<br />

and changing constantly. there. may be many versions of a component<br />

active at anyone time. evolution of. components new feature<br />

introduction and constant change are common. ongoing activities..<br />

negativitet. hvordan modelleres negativitet overhodet hva menes når vi<br />

abstraherer. 'noe' fra noe lager vi samtidig 'ikkenoe'. det er merkelig<br />

og komisk når. jeg ser på den og den knappen og tenker på at den er det<br />

den er fordi den. ikke er alt det andre den ikke er. er negativiteten en<br />

egen dimensjon hva. er forholdet mellom en operator og et uttrykk hvis<br />

vi har to ting. hvordan kan vi legge dem sammen og regne på dem<br />

instruksjondata en. fortolker på datanivå er alt data ingen negativitet<br />

fortolkeren. strukturerer og lager samtidig negativitet<br />

dimensjonsforskjellen fra flat. data sekvensiell datastrøm til en struktur<br />

med flere dimensjoner. f.eks. som i overgangen fra en endimensjonal<br />

sekvenslinje til en. formatert tekst videre inn i et meningsunivers. på<br />

hvilken måte fins. døden fins den på en annen måte enn ordet 'ikke' hva<br />

refererer 'ikke'. til hva slags monisme er jeg ute etter patafysikkens.<br />

justis konstant. langt langt nede blant våre fundamentale behov ligger<br />

rettferdighet en. vektskål hver enkelt holder i balanse gjennom å ta på seg<br />

eller fordele. skyld. om samfunnet ikke hadde svarte hull for skyld<br />

ventiler religion. devnull et lukket system med konstant energi et usa<br />

hvor man. saksøker hverandre til frokost. aqualizer. utligne. equalizer. n<br />

reduces frequency distortion syn equaliser an equivalent.<br />


counterbalancing weight syn counterweight counterbalance<br />

counterpoise. balance equaliser a score that makes the match even.<br />

aqualizer neologism make something fluid transparent remove rigidity..<br />

aquality neo. the fluid transparent quality of s.t.. aqual v. 'a aquals b'<br />

'heat aquals ice' 'internet aquals identity'.. telegram episode. telegram.<br />

monographic. episodic writing. å kom skal du høre. ånd og overgrep. sans<br />

og. forbrytersyndikatet d.hc. just boresome. å kom skal du høre. the paul<br />

whitney collection. triploop ..................excerpt. bankkontoen er det<br />

faste punkt for jordmenneskehedens kultur af i dag.. bankkontologi. nn.<br />

i. c. v. r. c. i. .. c. v. r. c. i. .. c. v. r. c. a. k. n .. a. c. v. o. r. u. .. c. r. n. e.<br />

.. s. m. r. c. c<br />


323<br />

e. .. not two.. come directly into harmony with this reality just simply<br />

say when. doubt arises not two. in this not two. nothing is separate<br />

nothing is excluded. no matter when or where. enlightenment means<br />

entering this truth. and this truth is beyond. extension or diminution in<br />

time or space in it a single thought is. ten thousand years.. .... one thing<br />

all things move among and intermingle without. distinction. to live in<br />

this realization is to be without anxiety. about nonperfection. to live in<br />

this faith is the road to. nonduality because the nondual is one with the<br />

trusting mind.. hsin hsin ming (verses on the faith mind) attributed to<br />

chien chih. sengtsanca. c.e.. ftp. category techhead id. i know most of<br />

us use some type of ftp prog to upload download and chmod. but at<br />

times you may need an alternative. say for instance you are away. home<br />

and the computer you are using has no ftp prog. here's a simple. way to<br />

access your server via the web.<br />

ftpyourloginnameyourpasswordyoursite.com. did i mention you can<br />

upload and download files this way just drag and. drop files to and from<br />

the ftp. minus. manus. nato phonetic alphabet. the nato phonetic<br />

alphabet. alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india. juliet<br />

kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebec romeo. sierra tango<br />

uniform victor whiskey xray yankee zulu. i tallssystem. tverrsum. i<br />

tallssystem. hvordan har det seg at når man tar tverrsummen i en<br />

tallrekke så. opprettholdes likevel forskjellen (her ). det var litt<br />

overraskende når jeg oppdaget det at tverrsummen skulle. bevare dette..<br />

ethvert heltall n er kongruent modulo med tverssummen av n. dvs<br />

differansen mellom n og tverrsummen av n er delelig med .. bevis (husk<br />

at (modulo )). la n n n ... være sifrene i n i tallssystemet. med n det minst<br />

signifikante sifferet.. da er. n n n n n .... n n n n ... (modulo ). n n n n ...<br />

(modulo ). tverrsumfunksjonen er en modulus altså og sammenhengen er<br />

at. dvs. modulus .. mer generelt så ser jeg nå at intervallet ( i eks.)<br />

opprettholdes i. alle moduluser og at tallrekken kan være hvilken som<br />

helst.. dvs. moduluser kan tolkes som ulike (rest)tallsystem og at den<br />

samme. tallrekken har ulik representasjon i ulike tallsystemer men<br />

uttrykker. det samme.. Mar. de fleste foretrakk stort pensum istedenfor.<br />


fordypning engasjement og klare mål. næss. et menneske er flere<br />

mennesker. et halvt menneske virker helt et helt. menneske virker<br />

halvt.. amg strain ghost montage. sollewitt concept art etc nettime. code<br />

is the only language. that is executable.. ideer kan være koder. hvorfor vil<br />

vi at alt skal være variabler ikke konstant.. the whale the corp (corporal)<br />

the old the falcon fatty swede triple. tramper the bank nixie broom<br />

woodcat the king shorty stocks. crooked the lion easy garibaldi scamp<br />

mad clumsy buck the. calf lazy cheeky sooty brotherinlaw seven mark<br />

and one the. kid the lamb the cub catowl nonsense the fizzler the toad<br />

the. chunk coffeesack coffeecnob nothing the grouse ginger the bag.<br />

straight wally valdeser the troll minced fat the christian bent. sinny<br />

crow nail divekeeper code spout the baker egg nincompoop. the taste<br />

pig's totter boar shrimp stuffing doll fliepedersen. matches the painter<br />

the smith whimpy the wizard sea scorpion budd. birch manikin pepita<br />

entangle chop death.. who's bruno magh if yamean rob's sneakers i<br />

dunno. mine were plain ol' adidas. re he didn't get it....and he's a<br />

sargent....... re re mark fuhrman didn't get it either.. the transaction was<br />

a success. en ekunst mail spammer og til. person person peerpeer<br />

multiperson ha en avtale om en multiperson med. noen vi opptrer som n<br />

person med ett navn.. the transaction was a success thank you for using<br />

this service.. your transactionid. is. støy. det er åpenbart fleire måtar å høyre<br />

på støy på. eg tenker ofte på det som. ein overskridelse. overskridelse av<br />

musikk metamusikk på en måte står. støy 'over' musikk eller ligger 'under'<br />

musikk og 'føder' musikk slik. natt føder dag liksom jrf at natt oppfatta<br />

som opprinnelig.. overskridelse av seg sjølv jfr din 'motstand' kanskje.<br />

overskridelseoppheving av seg sjølv ved det n'naturlige' ved støy.<br />

ekstase ved støy overganger mellom tilstander er 'støyete' kan alle.<br />

fortelle om.. Mar. resonate. mne. domus . '. '. icarufa. domus . '. '.<br />

mddaurgtuse . domus .. vxtojnca. domus . '. '. au rora. domus . '. '.<br />

kklang. domus .. tsrsgoihnsger . domus .. jvoa eoer. domus . ..<br />

rddgeagthrdissator. domus .. bsotgagngigsgak ahaaggge . domus '..<br />

futureme. past me. lumber. lumber. dP' I Y P dP' Yb Y. . . . . . . . dP<br />

aaaadP. P Y ' Pd' YbaaadSPOSUBSES. ii dPY dPdPYb gg.<br />

ggggggggggg gggggg ..... .... .bd.'. noemata. Saturday April. us we'll<br />

consider wheth Net.art cobe copiedWelcome to net Noemata.net. is a<br />

nonpCouncil of Cultural Afregistered in N Norway. On a yearly.<br />

noemata. Friday April. eta.D. real development of<br />

idbfeeaecbdbffeabintention was to combi. interaction minglesot deilppa<br />

msacras dnadi fo tnempoleved laerthe net with. those of collective.<br />

contributioddefdacbefaaaebbcabacPRSSNKKRTTTTKPRTTMKWSsid<br />


e. into the productio internet addrband and so open up to kind of public<br />

spacewho. make a significancedevelopment of idconcept is applied to<br />

processing. carriermembers every month result of sometNight Fever'<br />

'The Wiza. modify it and thenlasts thirty days with concept members<br />

every. . monthNa easy hiding place for s modify it and then. networks.<br />

The story is. fireworks.fdbccaaeffdacbabddastructure of data flows plot.<br />

of a story by locusnonmat bringing out intras net possible on.<br />

thameselvLJvMVuImsGoEJzKCUtdsQR.approach to discourage<br />

albums. whitewhite albimo blcspreads with no techni emotional<br />

vulnerabiliswappers. noemata. Saturday April. hexture. jodi.org.<br />

barriecoptusnet.com.au. bennett.osu.edu. cantsinzedat.fuberlin.de.<br />

dolmensniperfree.fr. epistolarisfreemail.hu. expsurfeu.fi.<br />

felixopenflows.org. fmadrefree.fr. gustin.pascalefree.fr.<br />

henry.warwicksbcglobal.net. hmfahhotmail.com. hmfahhotmail.com.<br />

informaticaintervida.org.pe. jimvispo.com. jlantoniouol.com.br.<br />

jukkaxpressed.org. kellydavismac.com. kkervinenmailcan.com.<br />

lcubbisonearthlink.net. loymyrealbox.com. mpalmerjps.net.<br />

nettimebbs.thing.net. netwurkerhotkey.net.au. noematakunst.no.<br />

rickrickbradley.com. ryan.whyteutoronto.ca. solipsishevanet.com.<br />

sondheimpanix.com. tobiastechno.ca. towntrickaol.com.<br />

vibriinternet.com.uy. wfairbrotherhotmail.com. xpressedsdfeu.org.<br />

xstreamxpressed.org. wreathus. abuigueswanadoo.es. adelectrocd.com.<br />

agranode.com.br. arexsall.nl. ascoooo.lt. bennett.osu.edu.<br />

bramhallearthlink.net. bruecklaol.com. cadalypacbell.net.<br />

cantsinzedat.fuberlin.de. ceciltouchon.com. dolmensniperfree.fr.<br />

dtvmwt.net. expsurfeu.fi. hmfahhotmail.com. hmfahhotmail.com.<br />

lawrence.uptonbritishlibrary.net. marc.garrettfurtherfield.org.<br />

margaret.penfoldntlworld.com. memexikonmwt.net.<br />

morrigan.nihilntlworld.com. noematakunst.no. olsonjkdelhi.edu.<br />

p.ixelntlworld.com. poetryhypobololemaioi.com.<br />

ptlambertearthlink.net. rickrickbradley.com. ryan.whyteutoronto.ca.<br />

solipsishevanet.com. tgreenclear.net.nz. towntrickaol.com.<br />

walterblueearthlink.net. wfairbrotherhotmail.com. whitebd.dion.ne.jp.<br />

ybvictoria.tc.ca. Bubolic stoplight unlikely by anemic. Bubolic<br />

stoplight unlikely by anemic. unlikely stores anemic's growing pool as<br />

a collection of. selfdisconnecting noemas that anyone can contribute to.<br />

lusers need to log. in to enable unlikely to make sense of their<br />

movements through the bassin.. Unlike anonymous drowsing unlikely<br />

facilitates a more personalized. form of intuition the very act of<br />

intuiting results in a generative. process that creates new linkages alters<br />


old ones and contributes. resources to the community. Thus unlikely<br />

resembles a biological neural. net that is based on human activity it is a<br />

collective distributed. system of emerging patterns pathways and<br />

disconnections.. unlikely departs from the typical hierarchical thought<br />

bassin structure by. relinquishing some of the control of hardcoding<br />

links between. concepts. unlikely is also described in a public<br />

XMockupLang file making it. possible for anyone to develop<br />

alternatives to unlikely's structure. unlikely could easily be traversed as<br />

a trity eidos game a mind nap a. sound ungine (logically sound system)<br />

or a Flush animation whirl.. In this way it is the beta version of a<br />

anemic operating system for which. anyone can develop compatible<br />

cogiance phlog.ins skeins or filters.. unlikely is an agent of anemic's<br />

resources that grows symbiotically with. related dis course..<br />

BIOGRAPHY. Current coreDevelopers are blithe lussett bensyversion<br />

nsatromnym and. conYates. As of anemic Version pee.<br />

CONTRIBUTING.DEVELOPERS are listed dynamis cherubics by<br />

their usage of. contribution to and participation in haven unlikely.<br />

wopers.. For dynamite please load and run the anemic WHOIS button<br />

and blowup yous.. All participants exist as noemas within unlikely. The<br />

car develop. maintain and develop the anemic dabblication platt form<br />

and are. reposible for mini a spectable of including the inter views<br />

anemis.. crow envelops hinter party pants tributing dissociation varia.<br />

ariaous other panties enties and cystems all unenginage in the act. vity<br />

that con stigmatutes anemic boldless bloodfuel.. særmeldinger. baklengs<br />

inn i aftensangen. alt vel hilsen per. over åsen. særmelding kodemelding<br />

gitt i åpen kringkastingssending fra London som beskjed. fra britisk<br />

militær myndighet til agenter i Norge. Særmeldingene besto som regel. av<br />

avsluttede setninger (Du er en heldig gris Hesten traver i bakken) der.<br />

innholdet var avtalt på forhånd. I okkupasjonens siste år angikk de som<br />

regel. flyslipp av våpen og bekreftetavlyste en planlagt operasjon. BBC<br />

London. Radio eller norske myndigheter hadde ingen innflytelse over<br />

særmeldingene som. var av rent militær karakter. For lytterne utgjorde de<br />

gåtefulle og. fantasieggende innslag som bar løfter om at hemmelige<br />

aksjoner var på gang.. QPVEO TXJZC AZGVN. default. default.<br />

neglect failure to act. stats url. ola narr. leonardo ola narr. Apr. sis<br />

sfsisnsds snsos srseslsesassse. sisss swsansts stsis sdsises. ssasls sisss<br />

sbsacsks tsos snsosrsmsasls. sisss. s. aa. Ifølge Bergens Tidende skal det<br />

nå holdes kurs for sjenerte bergensere.. HansWilhelm Steinfeld rødmer..<br />

køntriola. doby ardon. ebmg. ebmg. nkb. g.php. Apr. alasglea<br />

hshatrukturene asdgogg ingghehnhtiasngf sbetsyr nogge. minae<br />


hfohrestilldfinger. vaigrhkhejlisghet. hvsa hehr virhkelig. mikkaeg<br />

hmush grahvhietasjon poliasftihkhkh hlivh sdaøad hvihrkelig. havaa<br />

aerg gsgaanat. tosomtussmørke. tosomtussmørke tåsårdessert tesiltusle<br />

tesugetasje tåsokktaske. tissefanttussefar jeansagent jannin gnom joner<br />

genial gang gynekolog. genever jennifer. mailnews. U S E N E T.<br />

valable le Mars. par header. mailnewsanon.lcs.mit.edu.<br />

mailnewsnospamanon.lcs.mit.edu. mailnewsnym.alias.net.<br />

mailnewsdizum.com. mailnewsnospamdizum.com.<br />

usenetgatewaymixmaster.shinn.net. mailnewsshinn.net.<br />

mailnewsfreedom.gmsociety.org.<br />

usenetgatewaynospammixmaster.shinn.net. mailnewsnospamshinn.net.<br />

mailnewsnospamfreedom.gmsociety.org. par email.<br />

group.namenewsgw.rrze.unierlangen.de defunct.<br />

mailnewsYYYYMMDDgroup.nameanon.lcs.mit.edu.<br />

mailnewsnospamYYYYMMDDgroup.nameanon.lcs.mit.edu. Apr. hva<br />

er kommunikasjon og hva er uttrykk. nivåer. Vende tilbake til det. <strong>Re</strong><br />

Vende tilbake til det. Vende tilbake til det opprinnelige. Couldn't have<br />

said it better myself.. mailnews. newsgroupnamenewsanon.yi.org.<br />

mailnewsbananasplit.info. DISORIENTATIONS OF THE NETART.<br />




CONSUMPTION. .... password. configure OE. How can I configure<br />

Outlook Express to display a message in fixed width. font. First remove<br />

the viruses. Then go to the fonts... no wait you got a virus. again. Get<br />

rid of that. Now go to the fonts menu and select... no there's. another<br />

virus. Better rebuild it. Okay now you're in the fonts menu and. you<br />

select a font that is specifically fixed width like say Courier. And. while<br />

you're at it you might want to look at disabling all the HTML decoding.<br />

on Usenet as well. Whoops there's another virus. ps I don't want to<br />

hear no bullshit about how microsoft sucks ass and all. that constant<br />

repetitive stuff.. Then why not get a newsreader that actually works and<br />

at least conforms. the basic RFCs. mulig. En skole i Stockholm ble<br />

tirsdag evakuert etter at ranere satte fra seg en. mulig bombe i en bank i<br />

nærheten.. En mulig skole i Stockholm ble mulig tirsdag evakuert etter at<br />

mulige ranere. mulig satte mulig fra seg en mulig bombe i en mulig<br />

bank i mulig nærheten.. Apr. ...............................................................<br />

...............................................................<br />

...............................................................<br />

............................................................... .. ... .. .... ........... . . ........ .... .. ...<br />


... ......... .. ...... .. . ... ....... ... '.... ........... . ... ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... ... .<br />

...... .. ... .... ..... . ...... ..... . ...... . ... .... ...... ....... ..... .. .... ... .... ....... ........<br />

..... .. .... ... .... ........ ......... ..... .. ... .... ......... .......... ..... .. . .. .... ........<br />

........... ..... .. .. .. .. .... ....... ............ ..... .. ...........................................<br />

.......................................... anon i don't know why people don't. eliza<br />

maybe they're looking for something. why should they. what you offer<br />

is just withdrawals and stepping back. yeahyeah from looking for and<br />

searching. you're male yorick should be ucking around. i know that's<br />

his business and he would feel the catration. pointing his figer and his<br />

we pons. wall there's no connection at all just the silly drives. the fabric<br />

production activity life that's a big canvas. there's no connections there<br />

either leave them alone. support. no support is needed earth spins<br />

around in empty space. you need all the usual stuff. don't need anything<br />

my life didn't need life just automatic business. joy of life. death has<br />

joy too why distinguish it's just one big blob going through the.<br />

motions. fatalist. pass. what about suffering. i'm sorry. i'll kick you in<br />

the leg. i'll respond ouch. improvements richness of life. do we suffer<br />

less than years ago broken things have richer structures. knowledge. it<br />

adds to the mess and i'm withdrawing. knowledge for the future. it's<br />

very easy for us to extinguish ourselves and difficult to believe in.<br />

humanity. space. space what. hopes. we should try to find some<br />

loopholes via science or anything change ourselves. leave the human<br />

maybe our physicality cognition and culture have some. limitations we<br />

can't overcome evolution is too slow our knowledge too great. all the<br />

culture trash and our drives are against us we'll be like dinosaurs. with<br />

a brain look at the current territorial religious cultural violence. it's just<br />

mad and on the other side global capitalism and exploitation is made.<br />

possible by the inertia of the same structures humans have no future<br />

we're. reaching some limit in our interaction with the world we should<br />

find holes and. creep through into a posthumanity i'm indifferent to the<br />

human i'm only human. and have no future.. Mr M. saw a naked<br />

woman covered in postit notes once. she was some art diva from spain.<br />

'automated net.art auto.noemata.net'. Hi. Thank you for hosting your<br />

list at Topica. 'automated net.art auto.noemata.net'.<br />

autonoematatopica.com. Basic Information and URLs. Here's the basic<br />

information and URLs your subscribers will find useful.. send a<br />

message. autonoematatopica.com. subscribe.<br />

autonoematasubscribetopica.com. unsubscribe. See the Unsubscribe<br />

link at the bottom of any message.. For more information about this list<br />

visit. your group account has been disabled to to an autoresponser set<br />


up. LYS. Tilsynelatende nødvendighet av å tale om det. Ikke si mer enn<br />

enhver kan si til seg selv. Spørsmålene om det er materie eller<br />

immaterielt. Substans el aksidens osv. Fåfengt. Den som ikke tilstår dette<br />

for seg selv kan trette seg med å løse det. opp. Bedradd av alle kan vi<br />

bare lære av dets virkninger. Lysets virkinger er utbredt foran oss.<br />

kvalmen. fremtiden er der knapt blekere enn øyeblikket. Hvorfor skal<br />

den. virkeliggjøres. Hun skal til å dreie om gatehjørnet hun dreier i en<br />

evighet. tanker det er det flaueste som finnes. flauere enn kjøtt. de<br />

strekker seg ut i. det uendelige og etterlater en underlig smak. proxima.<br />

lysår. melkeveien lysår diameter mrd stjerner. mrd andre galakser. lokal<br />

gruppe av. nærmeste lign galakse andromeda m mill lysår unna. kvasarer<br />

ses over mrd lysår. stjerneklasser. wow oh be a fine girl kiss me right<br />

now sweetie. chance and chaos. kolmogorov matematisk talent setter<br />

inn akkurat når den psykologiske. utviklingen stopper. han ser på seg selv<br />

som år. stødig strøm periodisk strøm irregulær turbulens. observasjon av<br />

periodefordobling i dynamiske system feigenbaum ... entropi måler<br />

tilfeldighet i et system. hawkings. galilei kraft er å forandre en<br />

bevegelse. newton derson ikke kraft fortsette i samme fart. ingen<br />

entydig hviletilstand. om det er toget som går eller jorden som går er. like<br />

gyldig. paradoks umulig å si om to hendelser på forskjellige tidspunkt.<br />

inntraff på samme sted i rommet. eks. en ball spretter to ganger på<br />

samme. sted inne i et tog en som står utenfor vil se sprettene med meters.<br />

mellomrom. sitat. hardingfela er norsk nasjonalinstrument fele så er<br />

brukt kattesener. hardingfela hele katten. det finnes det som har spilt i år<br />

i av disse har de stemt. gås på bordet. forskning sprøyte brennevin inn i ei<br />

rotte. er det noen kattjævel her. lysår vi hadde motlys. han var fem år da<br />

han ble født. det du har lært kan ingen ta fra deg men det du ikke har lært<br />

kan ingen heller. ta fra deg. det er skrevet mye og gud i de nye og de<br />

gamle instrumenter. det som står her er. skrevet med en hellig skrift.<br />

midt i paradisets have sto det et tre som het. bekjentskapets tre på godt<br />

og ondt. da abraham satt i mamsres lund kom det tre. herrer da spurte<br />

sara om de ville ha kaffi da sa vår herre til sara vil du. straks gå bak døra<br />

og føde en sønn. det er ikke bare for kort det er for bredt også.<br />

protokoller. hvilke protokoller. fullstendig promiskuitet mest mulig<br />

lavmål. en stadig pendling mellom høyt og lavt. overdrivelser<br />

underdrivelser. hvite protokoller. bankei. fri i liv og død ikkje bry deg<br />

med dei ha fred eller nrivana (dei tre. gifter) la alle tre gå. både når du søv<br />

og er vaken så kviler du i det ufødte buddasinn. unngå å falle tilake. bebo<br />

det ufødte buddasinn både fremskritt og. tilbakeskritt overskrides.<br />

buddasinnet er fantastisk opplysande spor av alt du har gjort er<br />


eflektert. det er når du binder deg til desse reflekterte spora at du<br />

produserer illusjon.. originalt tankar har ingen reell substans la dei<br />

komme og eller stoppe utan å. binde deg til dei. alt jeg forteller dere er<br />

dette realiser buddasinnet som hver av dere har fra. deres foreldre fra<br />

fødselen rett og slett bebo det i tro.. istadenfor la deses tankane komma<br />

ikkje utvkle dei ikkje binde deg til dei.. hald det eine sinnet som eitt<br />

sinn. sinne og glede lagar du heilt på eige hand.. det er ingenting anna<br />

enn det ufødte og uforgjengelige buddasinn så du bør. begripe dette klart..<br />

ideen om å ville kontrollere dine lidenskapar og forestillingar er i seg<br />

sjølv. ein feilaktig forestilling.. det er ikje noko slikt som opplysning.<br />

det originale buddasinn er ufødt det. fungerer utan tanker om å ville bli<br />

opplyst. i buddasinnet er det ingen tanker eller ting så ikkje bry deg med<br />

dei. jakte på ord fraser når vil du bli ferdig. du spring deg helselaus pålesse<br />

kunnsakp blir vidt informert. sjølvnaturen er tom og opplysande så la ting<br />

ta vare på seg sjølv. det er ikkje noko anna eg har å meddele. ikkje sint når<br />

forstyrra ikkje gladlykkeleg når tilbedt. ein stor treskalle i verda. følge<br />

med der forholda føre meg nord sør aust vest. utan å gjøyme mi styggheit<br />

og klumsetheit mellom himmel og jord. blinde folk slit ut kleun sine<br />

ventande på opplysning. akkurat som å prøve å lage eit speil ved å pusse ein<br />

stein. den store funksjonen manifestera seg sjølv utan faste reglar. godt<br />

er skrekkeleg. og skrekkeleg er skrekkeleg også. ting og hendelsa. er<br />

berre produkt av omstende. dersom du blir ein budda er det ingen<br />

plassar å gå. du fyller det store. universet heilt ut til grensene. det er når du<br />

blir noko anna slags vesen at. det er plassar å gå. dersom du innser at det<br />

opprinnelig ikkje er nokon dårlige vaner hva er det då. å unnå eller stoppe.<br />

paulus. paulus . brev til titus. en av deres egne til og med en profet har<br />

sagt kreterne er alltid løgnere. villdyr grådige late og dette vitnesbyrd er<br />

sant.. grelling nelson. autologier homologier uttrykk som uttrykker seg<br />

selv. norsk setning. femten bokstaver. jeg. andre uttrykk kalles<br />

heterologiske. så spør man om heterologisk er et heterologisk uttrykk.<br />

hva med denne setningen uttrykker noe annet enn seg selv. sorites.<br />

avleder en falsk påstand fra en kjede av riktige. en haug med stein er<br />

fortsatt en haug med stein dersom vi fjerner en stein. etc.. altså er en<br />

samling av en eller ingen steiner en haug med stein.. pragmatiske.<br />

paradokset ligger i motsigelsen mellom påstand og at påstanden hevdes.<br />

det regner men jeg tror det ikke. jeg eksisterer ikke. terning.<br />

sannsynligheten for at en side på en terning kommer opp er så det er.<br />

allermest sannsynlig å tro at siden ikke kommer opp. men dette gjelder<br />

alle. sidene. derfor er det sannsynlig å tro at ingen av sidene kommer<br />

opp. pi paradoks. salvati kan du fortsette rekken nei. men du kan<br />


fortsette rekken. paradokset er at de beskriver det samme pi. tro<br />

gjennom feil paradoks. at noe som slår feil styrker troen på tingen fordi<br />

feilen viser det. irrasjonelle betydningen av tro. hilberts paradoks.<br />

hvordan begrunne argumentasjonen på basis av argumentasjonen.<br />

carrolls p. umuligheten av et argument. a dersom det regner blir det vått.<br />

a dersom det regner blir det vått<br />


324<br />

b det regner. c altså er det vått. men for å akseptere dette innføres et nytt<br />

element. d dersom a og b er sanne så må c være sant. men for å akseptere<br />

dette innføres et nytt element. e dersom a b d er sanne så må c være sant.<br />

jesuitt. dersom gud er allkjærlighet hvordan kan det da finnes en evig<br />

pine i helvete. helvete med evig pinsel finnes men det er alltid tomt.<br />

menneskerett. en slag rett til å engasjere seg rett til å kritisere og en rett til<br />

å ikke. bry seg.. parse. lichtenberg E F. O The dog is lapping the boiling<br />

water. release. Gorrespondence imondo mail . art sokrates. ozone.<br />

skittent. mørket er estetisk lyset er skittent. bilde av klistremerkene.<br />

finne du din vilje oppgave. nagval stalking ll som parallell til sitasjon.<br />

drift psykogeo. når frykten forsvinner forsvinner alle bånd og vi er frie. ro<br />

og fred. vi sier ro og fred men det betyr indre frihet men gj ro go fred<br />

som middel. som fungerer i støy og ytre uro. det er ikke greit å ønske å bli<br />

noe man ikke ønsker å være. men sånn er det den. forskjellen. jeg ønsker<br />

natlugh ikke å være det jeg ønsker eller å ikke være. den jeg ikke er. lagd. tror<br />

ikke vi er lagd til å forstå ting som forsvinner. vi forstår ikke negativitet.<br />

negativitet forstås positivt det som forsvann finnes som forsvunnet. og<br />

det som ike finnes finnes som mulighet. finnes mulighet. noe er mulig.<br />

vi forstår virkelighet som et lukket system det ligger i system og<br />

forståelse. ting blir borte ting blir til vanskelig å forstå. tankemåter blir til og<br />

dør ut med personer kultur med generasjoner. trossystemet forander seg<br />

ikke radikalt med den enektle der av netulig. konsrevativt neasjoner har<br />

ikke noen revolusjoneredne virkeing at noe blir. borte er en<br />

modfifikaskon av tingen. som om eksitens var en modus ved noe skru<br />

avpå eksistens. se på det fra et annet perspektiv det som aldri har eksistert<br />

fins det også et. sted alle dine søsken som ikke er født. hvis vi snur treet<br />

oppned. alt som blir. til må ha eksitert på forhånd. men da har du<br />

problemet med mange muligheter blir. til en virkelighet det kollapser<br />

hvis vi skrur det så ekspanderer det. uendlelig og det er ingen ende op<br />

ting som eskisterer (som mulighet) alle. muligheter må eksistere og det<br />

er absurd hvorfor. kredo. vitenskap gir oss kunnskap om verden.<br />

klesskap forstyrrer oss med klær. du ble født ut av ditt nesebor. voff vi er<br />

ikke hunder. de som passer på gir blaffen. folk er rare. zen begins at the<br />


point where there is nothign further to seek nothing to be. gained. zen is<br />

most emphatically not to be regarded as a sustem of. selfimprovement<br />

or a ways of becoming a budda.. only when you have no things in your<br />

mind and no mind in things are you vacant. and spiritual empty and<br />

amrvellous. the marvel can only be descsribed as the. peculiar sensation<br />

of freedom in action which arises when the world is no. longer felt to be<br />

some obstacle standing over against one.. huangpo men are afraid of<br />

forgetting their own minds fearing to fall through. the void with nothing<br />

on to which they can cling.. nothing is left to you at this moment but to<br />

have a good laugh.. mesteren spør ut studenten og når studenten går kaller<br />

han plutselig ved navn. studenten svarer naturlig 'ja' mestern sier 'der<br />

har du det'. spontanitet. mo chih ch'u gå på uten å nøle. wuwei<br />

meningsløshet. wushih enkelhet. the perfection of zen is to be perfectly<br />

and simply human. to a young zen monk. the roshi stands as a symbol<br />

of the utmost patriarchal autoriatiy and he. usually plays the role to<br />

perfection being normally a man ssvanced in yasrs. fierc and tigerish in<br />

aspect a person of supreme persence and dignity.. the basic position of<br />

zen is that it has nothign to say nothing to teach.. the various koans are<br />

intentionally misleading.. after some time the iceblock collapses and a<br />

transparent meaninglessness appear. that can eat laugh and so on live<br />

without a problem.. roshien presenterer nå koans som er opplagt<br />

meningsløse 'ta dei fire delane av. tokyo ut av ermet ditt' 'stopp klangen<br />

av dei fjerne klokkene'. ei jente går. over gata er ho den yngre eller eldre<br />

søstra. controlled accident ikke representasjoner symboler.. egne<br />

objekter. painting by not painting. muchi and liangkui did many<br />

paintings of zen. patriarchs and masters as mostly abandoned lunatics<br />

scowling shouting lafing. around or rarith with laughter at drifting<br />

leaves exemplifying the splendid. nonsense and emptiness of zen.. sabi<br />

enslig og rolig stemning wabi something ordinary as suchness aware..<br />

mystisk stemning yugen. dette er fure aspekter av furyu.. haiku i årh.<br />

bashu i wshihstil 'ingenting spesielt'. the superficial consciousness can<br />

awaken to the eternal present if it stops. grasping. now this eternal<br />

present is the timeless unhurried flowing of the tao. such a tide as<br />

moving seems to sleep too full for sound of foam.. mantras and tantras<br />

meditation and concentration. they are all a cause of selfdeception. do<br />

not defile in contemplation though that is pure in its own nature. but<br />

abide in the bliss of yourself and cease these torments. wahtever you<br />

see that is it. in front behind in all ten directions. even today let your<br />

master make an end of delusion. the nature of the sky is originally clear.<br />

but by gazing and gazing the sight becomes deluded. sarakas trasy of<br />


songs. no thoguth no reflection no alaysis. no cltivation no intention. let<br />

it settle itself. cut out sagacity discard knowingness. and the people will<br />

benefit a hundredfold. cut out humanity discadrd righteousness. and<br />

people will egain love of their fellows. cut off cleverness diescsrd the<br />

utilitirans. and there will be no theves and robbers. become unaffected.<br />

cherish sincerity. belittle the personal. reduce desires. laotsu. the perfect<br />

tao is without difficulty. save that it avoids picking and choosing.<br />

follow your nature and accord with the tao. saunter along and stop<br />

aorrying. if your thoughts are tied you spoil what is genuine. dont be<br />

antagonistic to the world of senses. for when you are not antagonistic to<br />

it. it turns out to be the same as comnlete awakwning. the wise person<br />

does not strive. the ignorant man ties himself up. if you work on your<br />

mind with your mind. how can you avoid an immense confusion.<br />

sengtsan. one day i wiped out all the notions from my mind. i gave up<br />

all desire. i. discarded all the words with which i thought and stayed in<br />

quietude and. ZTT i entered i lost the bounderies of my physical body i<br />

spke but my. words lost their meaning. i saw people comnign twars me.<br />

all of them were. myself. i had never known this world. i had beieved i<br />

was ceraed but i was. never created i was the comsos no idndiviudal mr<br />

ssaki existed.. .sakeian sasaki zen notes vil no. we eat excrete sleep and<br />

stand up this is our world. all we have to do after that . is to die. ikkyu.<br />

you light the fire. i'll show you something nice. a big snowball.<br />

mennibdr versen og livet lemm død og ny fdese. uta sv krppen så<br />

yutterverdn lbitt indre og omvendt. man fyller hele rommet og lever i<br />

tiden. stiger ut av rommet føre og etter. ha takk ha. sanselik.<br />

imaginasjon. inspirasjon. intuisjon. alt som saller mot krppens speil<br />

speiler seg til sanseopplevelse. tankene tanken muldere av elemtarvesen<br />

sender seg ned i eterlegme. formørker eterlegemet eringdring. visom<br />

som natur rundt seg her. vi må ta vort visdommen forvandle altsp selv til<br />

livskrafter. pines ab det glode. latskap pinesa av fliden. tingene spør oss<br />

vi spør ting her. verden føst av personen. det oversanlsige mennsek. åpne<br />

åttetall lemniskater. tilsvarer det himmelse bilde av menn. nerve og<br />

kjertelsystem. inspirasjon i toner verdensharmonien avspeiles in blod<br />

kretsløp hjerterytme. intuisjon tonene inneholder mening sprok<br />

verdensordet. angel archaloi archai. exusai dymanis kdriotetes. troner<br />

cheubin serafim. mot i brystet. blir lemmer armer og ben. blir åndelig<br />

ord. solflekker mikael kosmiske jern. antropsosi psyikosofik ner<br />

mtosofi. linvssans bebetelesn liekversans. fangarmer. lotusbolst i hodet<br />

imagintaiv. strupehodet inspirasjon. jver hjertet den ituitive.<br />

imaginasjon fornemme. insirasjon føle. intuisjon tenke. psykosofi.<br />


slutningen tilspisser seg i forestilligen. punktum. like før han legger seg<br />

sender han noe. like etter at han står opp punktum. interesting ng.<br />

alt.abuse.transcendence. alt.acme.exploding.newsgroup. alt.anybody.<br />

alt.anygroup. alt.anything. alt.artcom. ba.art. it.arti.trash. rec.arts.misc.<br />

alt.chaos. alt.confusion.atitsfinest. alt.foo.bar. alt.foo.bar.qux.xyzxyz.<br />

alt.languages.norwegian. alt.languages.nowegian. alt.life.internet.<br />

alt.life.sucks. alt.life.universe.everything. twalegged poneys <strong>Re</strong><br />

Estimable Finns (<strong>Re</strong> AAUUGGHH). In article bunniegirlhome.com<br />

(Jelliebun). I've been dealing with a lot of people at work who don't<br />

speak English. as a first language ... and some of these damned<br />

nonsequitur bot post. thingies are starting to make sense.. For instance<br />

it would not be at all startling to find the following. in an application<br />

letter. Nor have they not sing for quite no sponsorship. We extracted<br />

and remarried as they were lively required neither. every base past them<br />

beheld perversely elder.. I think I need a vacation.. Would you then be<br />

offended if I quoted the following. It follows that if the two antesedents<br />

be bissyclitties and the three. comeseekwenchers trundletrikes then<br />

Aysha Lalipat behidden on the. footplate Big Whiggler restant<br />

upsittuponable the nCr presents to us. (tandem year at lasted length) an<br />

ottomantic turquoindaco of pictorial. shine by pictorial shimmer so long<br />

as gad of the gidday pictorial summer. viridorefulvid lits asheen but<br />

(lenz alack lends a lot) if this habby. cyclic erdor be outraciously<br />

enviolated by a mierelin roundtableturning. like knuts in maze the zitas<br />

runnind hare and dart with the yeggs in their. muddle like a seven of<br />

wingless arrows hodgepadge thump kick and hurry. all boy more missis<br />

blong him he race quickfeller all same hogglepiggle. longer house<br />

blong him while the catched and dodged exarx seems.<br />

himmulteemiously to beem (he wins her hend he falls to tail) the ersed.<br />

ladest mand and (uhu and uhud) the losed farce on erroroots twalegged.<br />

poneys and threehandled dorkeys (madahoy morahoy lugahoy<br />

jogahoyaway). mPm brings us a rainborne pamtomomiom aqualavant<br />

to (cat my dogs if I. baint dingbushed like everything) kaksitoista volts<br />

yksitoista volts. kymmenen volts yhdeksan volts kahdeksan volts<br />

seitseman volts kuusi volts. viisi volts nelja volts kolme volts kaksi<br />

volts yksiallahthallacamellated. caravan series to the finish of helve's<br />

fractures.. Part of it looks Finnish and therefore it has to be about Linux<br />

(because. that is the only notable thing ever to come out of Finland).<br />

Let me just take this opportunity to say. Panasonic (the band not the<br />

consumer electronics manufacturer). Hey Punesuneec joost pleyed here<br />

bork bork bork.. Mika Hakkinen (F driver). That mad vodka. What's it<br />


called. You know.. Per puncture AT flash DOT net. linklog. digest.<br />

Individual Messages. Message Digests. CALL FOR FUNDING<br />













CONTACT. ABELINKOLN.NET OR. bytes. text. dagbladet nyheter.<br />

nyheter. Blunker med fire øyne samtidig. Tohodet geit født på Cuba.. Jon<br />

R. Hammerfjeld. .... nyheter neste sak forsiden. Oct. makeshift. carriers.<br />

are the characters carriers of what. oceanic inflation eg buddhism ego<br />

balloon whatever skin. distance in relation to subjectobject the inflated<br />

subject seems infinite. while the dot in the horizon the distance of the<br />

abject out of sight. phenomenology of beyond vs here and now yon bef.<br />

ME OE geon akin to D. gene G jener ON enn inn the Goth jains that vs<br />

thus. thus collapses in codeexecution distance of processing time of<br />

'active. expression vs matter of doctrine' formalexpressive this and<br />

something else. (subjectobject) always on the abject side. kunst på<br />

strømlinjer noe som følger nettverket over landet summingen ved.<br />

mastene lyd. gi meg et urokkelig punkt arkimedes hvordan kan<br />

lillefingeren løfte bilen. arbeidet fordelt over lengre vei. those darker<br />

parts of the wood have 'personality' something hidden or attracts.<br />

intimacy something else. gnome (nm) n.. . an expert in monetary or<br />

financial affairs international banker or. financier the gnomes of<br />

Zurich.. F NL gnomus perh. Gk gnm see GNOME. . (in folklore) one of<br />

a species of diminutive beings usually described as. shriveled little old<br />

men that inhabit the interior of the earth and act as. guardians of its<br />

treasures troll.. a name to. a name to. a mean to. a amen to. a no team. a<br />

no mate. am note a. a man toe. a mao net. a tam eon. a mat one. a mat<br />

eon. me to ana. a tao men. tao amen. ana me to. ana tome. mane tao.<br />

name oat. name tao. mean oat. mean tao. amen oat. amen tao. mateo an.<br />

eaton am. atone am. neat mao. ate mona. eat mona. tea mona. tea moan.<br />

tea oman. am at one. am at eon. ma at one. ma at eon. an oat me. an tao<br />


me. cell modem fix. rksi .. rkis .. rski .. rsik .. riks .. risk .. krsi .. kris ..<br />

ksri .. ksir .. kirs. kisr. srki. srik. skri. skir. sirk. sikr. irks. irsk. ikrs. iksr.<br />

isrk. iskr. log. qdu må slutte å evaluere sånn. qjeg er den ketchupflaska.<br />

qvil du meg noe snakk til den OK. q(går inn i stua). autonoemata.<br />

Congratulations. Your Group autonoemata has been created. You can<br />

access your group using the. Group name. autonoemata. Group home<br />

page. Group email. This is not good. Is better to attack people. Leave<br />

Hummer alone. Hummer cannot fight back. It's guns that kill people<br />

not people. Leave guns to shoot guns. Stick to your guns. Alan<br />

Sondheim. Jarry. Jarry insisted on certain conventions of speech action<br />

and setting. The. staccato manner of speaking the misplaced accents the<br />

puppetlike movement. the use of masks the use of placards the<br />

hodgepodge style of scenic. painting all of these were Jarry's ideas<br />

(Beaumont ). ouspensky gurdijeff. mennesket er en maskin. alt skjer<br />

uten at noen gjør noe. livet er mat for månen. jeg vil forstå. viktigste mål å<br />

ha er å ville mestre seg selv. tenkning sammenligning følelse sympati.<br />

tanke forestilling (tanke som følelse) drøm (tanke som vilje). forskjellige<br />

kulturarbeidere er nesten uten unntak syke mennesker. mennesker er<br />

redde for hverandre. samvittighet følelse bevissthet tanke. latter<br />

eksisterer bare i sentra som er delt i to høyere sentra er udelte. sex i<br />

tenking skriver kritisk og subjektivt sex i følelse preker kristendom.<br />

asketisme synd helvete det bevegelige senter med sport men alltid er.<br />

resultatet ubrukelig dette er misbruk av sex. oktaven to 'sjokk'<br />

tallssystemet. teosofisk addisjon tverrsum. vanlig menneske er<br />

menneske sau orm. intelligensmåling vha hydrogendiagrammet en bakt<br />

potet er mer intelligent enn. en rå potet. lever av hvirvelløse dyr og er<br />

mat for erkeengler. sammenheng mellom positur og tanke følelse er<br />

entydig. stopp. obyvatel en vanlig person kan også være veien. dilemma.<br />

det er et dilemma at vi uttrykker ofte ting fordi de blir forstått (riktig).<br />

det er ting en kan si og ting en ikke kan si (forståelig). dilemmaet er å<br />

uttrykke seg eller bli forstått. det finnes handlinger men ingen som<br />

handler. nagarjuna opphavsmannen til negasjonene paradoksene.. hatha<br />

raja. djna kommando. shiva lingam shaivitene. bindu. prikk over m.<br />

samadhi ved operasjoner mislykket hengning grønn farge hvitt lys.<br />

kaleidoskop fløyte klokker tordenbrøl. vanvittig er min far vanvittig er<br />

min mor (dvs shiva og kali). thuggerne. outsiderens problem ligger i å<br />

nekte å uttrykke seg. analyseparadokset. en analyse kan ikke både være<br />

informativ og korrekt. klassisk gresk ingenting meningsfullt kan<br />

uttrykkes alt er meningsløst. å si A er A er ingen vits. å si A er B er usant.<br />

tre ønsker. . ønske. jeg ønsker at de tre ønskene ikke blir oppfylt. hvordan<br />


forvirre den gode fe. of. ........... of. livet mellomdelengo ny fldes i fhodl<br />

ti de kosmiske kjensgerninger. verdslig travelhet handlign tilsvarer<br />

åndelig ro. jeg bevisstheten avh av den menn.død da menn.adr når opp til<br />

sin dieale verdi. må man si at jeg dadig arveider p åsin egen jegforringelse<br />

(med dårlige. handlinger). universet inne i seg og legemet utenfor. begjær<br />

etter tanker. oseaniskek j. NEWS. NEWS. AnonPostTo Supported<br />

(post) True. News Posting Route (mailnews).<br />

mainewsfrogadmin.yi.orgmailnewsdizum.commailnewsnews.gradwell.n<br />

et. News Signature Added To None. receive a list of all newsgroups<br />

reachable through this mail to news gateway. send mail to<br />

mailnewsdizum.com with subject list and no Newsgroups. header. The<br />

complete list of available newsgroups is quite large (K. groups) and can<br />

break many mailers. To obtain through E mail a list of only. those<br />

newsgroups starting with a particular pattern you can include an.<br />

egrepstyle regular expression on the subject line. For instance. Subject<br />

list comp.unix. would list only newsgroups whose names begin<br />

comp.unix.. Subject list .linux. would list all newsgroups whose names<br />

contain the substring linux.. Subject list alt.(securityprivacy). would list<br />

all newsgroups beginning alt and containing either the word. security or<br />

the word privacy. Finally. Subject list ..test. would list all newsgroups<br />

ending .test.. nntp test. newsnews.opera.comopera.test.<br />

newsnewsgroups.borland.comborland.public.test.<br />

newsmsnews.microsoft.commicrosoft.test.<br />

newsforums.macromedia.commacromedia.test.<br />

newsnews.mozilla.orgnetscape.test.<br />

newsnewsroom.trumpet.com.autrumpet.test. newsfrell.eu.orgalt.test.<br />

mailnewsnews. in header. newsgroups. mailnewsnews.gradwell.net.<br />

mailnewsnews.demon.co.uk. W Anonymous <strong>Re</strong>mailer. Paranoia Web<br />

interface. Riot Anonymous Usenet <strong>Re</strong>mailer. Xenophon. Frog's WARI.<br />

bmagnhil. May. maskinen fjerner overtroen fra oss. jeg trenger ikke<br />

ville. eller håpe. what.<br />

dkdkdkdkdkfdkfdkfdkfdkfdkfdkfdfkdfkdfksksksks. what does this<br />

mean. tistikken. statistikken latistikken. lehmus ng.<br />

alt.language.poetry.puresilk. jukka lehmus. mattering. near the surface<br />

of earth's oceans between three and four billion years ago.<br />

selfreplicating. the cell all competitors have been swept aside save for<br />

the residual viruses. life a selfmaintaining selfreplicating energyusing<br />

system. cell polarization as communication links. primitive brain stem<br />

hindbrain motor midbrain visual auditory forebrain. olfactory.<br />

mammalian brain hindbrain underneath cerebellum midbrain forebrain<br />


underneath. cerebral hemispheres. we are distinguished form other<br />

animals by the large size and unusual properties. of the human cerebral<br />

and cerebellar hemispheres.. somata. inhibitory hyperpolarization or<br />

excitatory depolarization synapse fire and. don't fire inputs. black<br />

matter InterNetWORX. Hallo Herr noir matern. Vielen Dank fr Deine<br />

Anmeldung bei InterNetWORX.. Userbereich von InterNetWORX<br />

einloggen. Deine UserID. Dein Passwort svryra. Deine HomepageURL.<br />

Dein Speicherplatz. Dein Verzeichnis auf unserem Server. Server.<br />

ftp.inetworx.de. Username. noemata. InterNetWORX Web Hosting.<br />

Deine HomepageURL. Dein Speicherplatz. Dein Verzeichnis auf<br />

unserem Server. Server. ftp.inetworx.de. Username. noemata. Passwort.<br />

Dein InterNetWORXPasswort. Status aktiv. WebFileManager.<br />

Folgende Angebote sind nicht zulssig. Webcams mit automatischem<br />

<strong>Re</strong>fresh. Chat IRCBot und DownloadScripts. Websites welche gegen<br />

deutsches <strong>Re</strong>cht verstoen. Pornographische Websites. OnlineCasino<br />

Websites. Userbereich. UserID. Bisher Logins. letzter am .. um Uhr.<br />

von ...si .no.powertech.net.<br />


325<br />

Anzeige. Jul. artificial art. COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY and<br />

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE have produced provocative. models og<br />

cognition which when brought to lifewithin a sutiably programmed.<br />

computer mimic closely some of the coluex actiitites of golacriven.<br />

intellingece. The NEUROSCIENCES have begun to unravel the vast<br />

microsystem of. interconnected brain cells that in living creatures<br />

appears to execute those. activities. ETHOLOGY has given us new<br />

insights into the continuities relating. human intelligence with the<br />

intelligence of other creatures. And EVOLUTIONARY. THEORY has<br />

revealed the long and intricate selective processes from which.<br />

conscious intelligence has slowly emerged.. ONTOLOGICAL<br />

PROBLEM mindbody problem materialist dualist brain. five radically<br />

different versions of dualism chapter. SEMANTICAL PROBLEM<br />

skeptical network of causal relations. EPISTEMOLOGICAL<br />

PROBLEM problem of other minds selfconscious.<br />

METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEM artifical intelligence. This<br />

concludes my set of promissory notes. Let us now turn to the issues.<br />

themselves.. oh dear. meiosis sis o I em. DEARME.TXT. media<br />

externalization. stillife. c d lost. knowledge liar lying as strategy as<br />

truth identifies controls. the wastebasket placed on the desktop and<br />

windows inside waste. r. c. (I. bees queer ever seen a crystal sugar a<br />

rockcho. Purchase of nwt. Thank you for purchasing this share. bytes<br />

URL noemata.netnwt Price EUR. Payment info. PayPal URL. Or<br />

money transfer payable to account .. Storebrand bank. Norway.. Please<br />

contact us if you have any questions. Thanks again. Ars Publica. fake<br />

spam. sddds. TddHINGS WssILL RDFDUN FFFOFF YOU. ohVVll<br />

insert. buty. cccc. vjkjkjkuoui. Oy. alpin. treholk med lokk. .... yosrsas<br />

thessdfdsdf sfudssedfd in tfe mfffle. kvestian. Ordet tak har k i utlyd.<br />

vague un. vagabond. astronomiske høytider ALPAKKA. amatør. X.<br />

About Help. voltages of the soul. uteksi utero utbud. uterlig uteske<br />

utidig. utlyd utnavn utopi utror utukt. utvær. V volt. .. i have tou p. hate<br />

those little bastard go sug blod ov your dead great grand. cells won<br />

viruses linger on. data cell. if you don't want this. d. Gievre X.<br />


abrakadabra abruptabscisse. absint absolvere. abstrakt absurd. aceton ad<br />

acta. ad hoc adiafora. ad libitum adrenalin. ad undas advent. affinitet<br />

agentroman. agio. agnus dei. aimabel akantus. akrostikon aksiom.<br />

aksjon aktør. akutt alarm. aleksandriner alen. alfa alfons. alias alibi.<br />

thorn thurs ut i sol sol sunn saigel tlas algz jer jara asskrk kaun os.<br />

perta. S NOW. Ammianus Marcellinus Ammius see Hamder Amuletter<br />

Adrhrimner Andrid. see Kjalnsingasagan Andvaranaut see Andvare<br />

Ane den gamle see Aun. den gamle Angantyr Arngrimsson see<br />

Hervararsagan Angilbert Angler. (angli). Aug. artnapping. pretending<br />

to sleep. i'm not saying. for the arps and sensiblargoviee and seated<br />

ities depts. it's something spiritual acronymic comperata droll votes<br />

you. compression it's when you can't compress (more). still y could.<br />

translate later without loss. would a photo captwidth a pixies casters. it<br />

no or it zedek be pericline ure it. no or poto thsobranje the. winooski if<br />

you can snelling of it toddle jada e wholeness if you can. speak of it<br />

then that's why it's obwh ogress massa cones ject. matarial concrete<br />

candy(d)a. you need your wholyou nightside your wonted selvaged e<br />

sensibilithy. tvart would be anwotted an osmium roseland asylum and<br />

intellect the. hushaby overload room inside the hypercube. when she's<br />

runningwandoo sanjak her freudalizable has solipsism chines. wave her<br />

feet has some characteristic (w)hole that' the len(d)s in. advance of. not<br />

really antroponot redshank too mechanizer o's morph. its too many o's<br />

holes again eyes and owls again (quarlean). stillness not focs us interval<br />

not foiling not samisen pelagian us. i'm not saying it's passive. you<br />

know blub bluyou kindness blanton bignonia wakening wholeheartedly.<br />

legs lineally. not history on a not humorers on a vociferously wave. RE<br />

RHIZOMERAW FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. what. i don't know<br />

anything about this. i read in the paper today that these were indeed<br />

stolen from a museum. in norway recently. so um what is going on<br />

noemata. ja. F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E A S E. The artist group<br />

Noemata demands mill. norw. kr. for delivering. back. Munch's<br />

paintings Scream and Madonna which today were taken. the Munch<br />

museum Oslo Norway.. Contact noematakunst.no. post listrhizome.org.<br />

questions inforhizome.org. visit on Fridays the Rhizome.org web site is<br />

open to nonmembers. Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms<br />

set out in the. inner voice reason. there's no use in remembering. well<br />

only for those who forget. we have our memory so remembering is like<br />

pause. no use in bed i'll. use in whatever phenomenon. flatbed scanner.<br />

i'm. pause. well this is of photos. you don't. pause. like pumping up<br />

your bike no pause that's nonsense. but like pause. what are the inner<br />


workings the pause. memory is memory pause. i'm sorry this is a mess<br />

not even that it's nothing not even. ok then there's novelty actually<br />

most things just stand by. say this place or you it will continue by itself<br />

more or less. if this pen continues from sec to sec it's no novelty though<br />

it needs. energy for sustaining. a quick look at reality (for a change)<br />

you'll see things linger on from. beginning to end background radiation<br />

rocks soil oil inka cities. the cell virii millions years old animals still<br />

eating grass. it's actually harder not to do things than to do. and within<br />

those rhytmic trends nervous jiggle. so personality fuse (common<br />

sense) i'd rather not. let's say sleep but then there's no consciousness.<br />

ok meditation rather pause long way around the block. drugs no pause i<br />

want control. tao shit my cow jokes. circuits kin of pour something in.<br />

well maybe pause this is a drawing. as a structured whole. the whirlings<br />

in remembering. well only so small tiny trails. let's. pause. well this in<br />

the collage hey those are kind of us will mind. wonder where i pause<br />

that's. pause. well this pen continues from sec it's. pause. blood<br />

something out draw. still doesn't make sense anything of this nothing.<br />

reason is only so small tiny trails tractor. let's see i pause see nothing.<br />

still this mail has a from attractor. and there's some combinatorics of<br />

letters. bingo name of a dog. i'd rather make this a comedy again. the<br />

i's are deemed ridiculous. maybe they should be o's. eyes no it's<br />

nothing here. a related thing i was thinking of photos. you don't know if<br />

you captured it. there's no way to know but you learn. the inner<br />

workings might be contraintuitive. so like you believe it's magic but<br />

it's not. magic is like picture and there's capture. but the causal might<br />

work otherwise. you'll find out eventually. and i expand on the<br />

photomagic correlation. no surprise the visual part of art. capture is of<br />

the whole and then hunters and gatherers. and then the collage hey<br />

those are the shamans. operating on 'elements' of wholes. ok rather<br />

pause this is only so remembering is a structured. whole. the whirlings<br />

in the collage hey those are the same. the rocks are the same. the rocks<br />

are kind of the pause. memory is memory pause. i'm. well i forgot my<br />

camera come back later. like the streams. might be an idea to view this<br />

as a structured whole. the whirlings in the chest it stays the same. the<br />

rocks are kind of pause. answering that would be like pause. well this is<br />

capture again. inner voice stupor. argument of transparency it's pause<br />

kind of ridiculous. heath for structuring but generating more heath than<br />

structure. you could see all this in whatever phenomenon. flatbed<br />

scanner. i'm sorry but then later i'll go to sleep and none of us will<br />

mind. wonder where i was last night. if you say in bed i'll kick your<br />


ass. what a pause happy end... stratas of unconscious dog breath. let's<br />

see. life no. love no. death no. anything no. something maybe. what<br />

nothing. whatever no. nothing no. something maybe let's sky. what this<br />

lab. what this this loupe nye. this what deadeye no. old dog bastian died<br />

today antennas. an overdose of anesthetics sentineled movie. we cried<br />

some waite. doesn't matter much. his eyes closes as ours. i'm sorry life<br />

is shit semidi mob. wouldn't mind dying withe takao. let's see toss teas.<br />

and they have a little girl token wit. she'll be here until oldie dayak<br />

doodah time... whatever an offertory of amygdaloids. what's it<br />

supposed to be doesn't motorway. let's say a number with a thousand<br />

digits. or a fraction unending i'm skirr Leif ictus Shiite. i want nothing<br />

to do with life it wouldn't monied dingo. anyone wanting life is an idiot<br />

let's shoe Mr Bingo (SåleMikkel). this just continues lethal girl. kids are<br />

happy they don't want life undulations. wanting life is death<br />

whitebeard. wanting tay rising. aha what's spigots buoy. that's AHA<br />

woody away. stratas of unconscious dog breath. sf asfadsf gas g s af s<br />

afs af s afs f adsf sf sa f s af s af saf s af saf. asf saf s fs fs fs s fs gdr gh<br />

dfh d tg hesr h dhs hd h d fghds hd h d. fghds hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd<br />

hd hd hd hd h dhs hd h d fghds hd hd h d. fghds hd hd h dhs hd h dhs hd<br />

h d tg hesr h dhs hd hd h dhs hd h dhs hd hd. hd hd hd h d fghds hd hd h<br />

d tg hesr h d tg hesr h d fghds hd h dhs hd h d. tg hesr h d fghds hd hd<br />

hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs hd h d. fghds hd h dhs hd h d tg<br />

hesr h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs. sf asfadsf gas gs f adsf sf sa f s af<br />

saf asf ølakjfølkjg sølkgj ølkfs. ølkfj asøkjsaølfks flksaj fslk flsk fsa fsafsf<br />

sf asfadsf gas gs f a sgs. agas gas gasfd gdf gas gasfd gdf gas g s f s<br />

gsad fsf. sf as f s fs gdr gh dfh d fghds hd hd hd h dhs hd hd h d fghds<br />

hd h dhs hd. h d fghds hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd<br />

h dhs hd hd h d. fghds hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd hd h d fghds hd hd h d<br />

tg hesr h dhs hd h. dhs hd h d fghds hd h d tg hesr h d fghds hd h dhs hd<br />

h dhs hd hd hd h d. fghds hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd hd hd hd h d fghds<br />

hd h d fghds hd h d tg. hesr h dhs hd hd hd h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs hd h<br />

d tg hesr h dhs hd h dhs. hd h dhs hd h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h d tg hesr<br />

h dhs hd. sf asfadsf gas gasfd gdf gas g s fs afs af saf saf saf saf s afs f s<br />

afs. af saf saf asf saf saf saf saf s fs fs fs gdr gh dfh d fghds hd h d tg.<br />

hesr h d tg hesr h d tg hesr h dhs hd h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h.<br />

dhs hd hd h d fghds hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs hd hd h d<br />

tg. hesr h dhs hd hd h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h d tg hesr h dhs hd hd h<br />

dhs hd. h d tg hesr h dhs hd hd hd h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h d<br />

tg hesr h. d fghds hd h d fghds hd hd h dhs hd hd h d fghds hd hd h dhs<br />

hd hd h d tg. sf as f a sgs agas gas gasfd gdf gas gs f a sgs agas gas g s f<br />


adsf sf sa. f s f s gsad fsf. sf as f s fs fs fs s f s fs s gsad fsf. sf as f s gsad<br />

fsf. sf asfadsf gas gs f a sgs agas gas gs f a sgs agas gas gasfd gdf gas g<br />

s f. adsf sf as f s f a sgs agas gas gs f a sgs agas gas g s f s fs fs fs afs. af<br />

s fs s f a sgs agas gas gasfd gdf gas gasfd gdf gas g s af s afs af saf. saf<br />

saf saf asf ølakjfølkjg sølkgj ølkfs ølkfj asøkjsaølfks flksaj fslk. flsk fsa<br />

fsafsf sf as f s af s afs f adsf sf asfadsf gas gasfd gdf gas gs. f s f s gsad<br />

fsf. sf sa f a sgs agas gas g s fs gdr gh dfh d tg hesr h d tg hesr h dhs hd<br />

h. d tg hesr h dhs hd h dhs hd h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h d tg<br />

hesr h. d tg hesr h d fghds hd hd h dhs hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd h d<br />

fghds hd h d. tg hesr h d fghds hd h d tg hesr h d fghds hd h d fghds hd<br />

h dhs hd h d tg. hesr h dhs hd h dhs hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd hd h dhs<br />

hd h dhs hd h dhs hd. h dhs hd hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd hd h d fghds hd<br />

hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h. d fghds hd h d fghds hd h d tg hesr h dhs hd h<br />

dhs. file under. oreawefreshet. woundneatness. windmillingluffyideate.<br />

teachjuggedcontemporaryart. kedgeairwaydon'twendylooby.<br />

windowingleeves. wounding. ah. that'snotaha. dog breath minor. dog<br />

breath minor. there's nothing here. ICE) INSTANTLY AND YOU'RE<br />

W'T I DIDN'T. nothing nothing nothing horray. NATIONSETE IIEG<br />

NUDENESS NOTING N DHF. (a lot of nothing a ludi oboe nothing).<br />



nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing noth. IOI I HORRI O<br />

GSGTD TLTEOSHNHEGH NOTH. ing nothing nothing nothing<br />

nothing nothing nudeness nudeness nothingize. nothingizes needing<br />

nutmeg. nothingizes nothZ NI A NENI EOGOOIO STRN OOI<br />

ENUNNH EH. ing neotenic neotenic nudeness nodding. I T EREH N(<br />

HGN TTST T EEEDEHGLOGNIH. nudeness noting nattiness notions<br />

nothingize nuttiness nothingness notions. netting nudeness nations.<br />

nutting nutting ONNDOON WH REU GNIOIITS<br />

)GNIHTGOETNGNR. nothingizes nothingises nothing neediness<br />

needing nothingize neatness needing. nattiness nattiness nadia.<br />


structured nothings. CINETOEN GNIOOIN EETTON SSENITTUN<br />

EZIG. isn't i didn't like mean thathat. SEZIGNIHE H N YREV ERA<br />

ESEHT AIDAN SST. and not writing thisthis. HGUAL A TON<br />

S'TAHT AHAHA. it fauxes at onceonce (over the lazy dog twice).<br />


NEEDING NUTMEG NANIAT IO. and you're left with ah THIS.<br />


NOTHIEN NENANH AAHST. that's not a laugh. ANO T IS T<br />



HTDESE. neat writhen taeg tie. TOANI UNIIS T IRRNNUZTNLN FO<br />



OECNO TA SEXUAF TI SIHTSIHH. that's not a laugh. neat writhen<br />

taeg tie mute dumb taut taus daus daunt tam domitus domini canes.<br />

minor. forget. my legs hurt am i dead meister. your two eyes one is<br />

enough tv. martial arts criminal stereotype. fine arts dude. police plice<br />

please. lice. press. stains. liferaid a fraid owl iph. impressions per hour.<br />

lax lace koala cool. vegetatatativeve. AlanIt was dah dah di dah dah di..<br />

I knew it was connected with the name.. Maybe a highly compressed<br />

version coded in tonalityrythm doesn't. require much storage or<br />

processing and would lead you in the right. direction.. The rhythm<br />

appeared before the name incantatory.. I guess there are different<br />

searchings going on at different centers at. the same time and you get<br />

what's processed first maybe or their. aggregate where most but rythm<br />

fail.. Bytes Maggie Loves. Bewitch Messy Leaves. Boethius Mews<br />

Lavish. Beets Mews Lobbies. Butties Meek Lobos. Bouts Maag Lops.<br />

Bitch Max Levees. Bites Massawa Lupus. Betsy Maag Laps. Budweis<br />

Massa Lapis. Bitch Musky Laps. Boadicea Meuse Lives. Baits Macao<br />

Luffs. Boudicca Massawa Lvi. Booties Micah Leavis. Bathhouse<br />

Mossy Liebig. Boethius Mows Labiche. Badge Mos Lupus. Boathouse<br />

Mickie Loaves. Bitch Musk Lpg. Baits Mashie Luffs. Baits Maguey<br />

Loafs. Butts Micky Lipase. Buttock Muse Lops. Beauties Mies Lippie.<br />

Booties Mays Lovage. Batik Maggie Leafage. Badge Mawsie Lavish.<br />

Betas Mesh Leaps. Betook Miss Lobbies. Bathes Massa Levies.<br />

Boethius Messy Lobbies. Bites Maas Labiche. Baits Mix Lobbies.<br />

Bittock Miaows Lupus. Boadicea Mohs Loobies. Bitwise Miaows<br />

Lipase. Badge Mackay Libeccio. Baits Massa Lipase. Biddies Masks<br />

Lipase. Boats Moscow Loops. Buttocks Moke Loaves. Betook<br />

Massawa Levko. Betsy Meshy Lupus. Bodies Mac Labiche. Bitsy<br />

Muzzy Luffs. Bhtes Mocsoo Lapes. Betis Mysgih Lopoc. Betåg Meccha<br />

Lepec. Bodic Mocsao Lufok. Betas Myqgei Lhbas. Botos Moscue<br />

Lebis. Bathg Masciy Lepag. Bedas Masseu Lopos. Bothg Massey<br />

Lufug. Bodes Myscei Lobec. Bhtys Mecsea Lyfac. Badhs Mhcghe<br />

Lifoc. Betis Mossya Lufyc. Bateg Moskoa Lefis. Betas Mosshh Lhpig.<br />

Betas Mhskai Lapes. Butæc Mascea Lebes. Betas Musgie Lefhc.<br />

moonsay may st at. finnegan autosomally. minutely mn. affirmation. as<br />

weikl as the primitively anile tian. vj perilous her gating vj set<br />

thoughtlessly. thrustor approaching at the. anima. cagliostro. autoplasty<br />


se. minis mn. opening. tWdWlasstime. photo<br />

wawwtwewrfallwcwlwarswerrshtdimhjensulhl. operasjon sonja. pippi<br />

myrvold. vel jeg kan ikke se annet enn at trist. kommentar fn slaveriets<br />

avskaffelse. kommentar eh det er klart. ransmiljøet. kunstmiljøet blir<br />

stadig råere og hardere i jakten på penger og. berømmelse. tveitagjengen<br />

alle mann alle. teknologi kriminalitet. pippi motiv pengeknipe. vi<br />

kontrollerer politiet. stjålet kunst. Johnforget reeling. gutter haunter.<br />

banter flutter. ceiling intent. john. would these be the same the other<br />

way around ie. reeling forget. haunter gutter. etc.. i guess not but that<br />

opens up for ordering permutation triplets. (abc different from bad) and<br />

directional graphs and adding. linesequence for traversing the same<br />

nodewords would reveal a. different result like gutter would reveal<br />

something else further down. (because of selfmovement bowel<br />

movement).. eQeQeeQO. e t e Ct QR. Q( R t CR Qe <strong>Re</strong>(RQC. Ce(R R<br />

te CR t <strong>Re</strong> Q. R R tt RC (( <strong>Re</strong> R. QRQR. O( t <strong>Re</strong> CQQCQQ <strong>Re</strong> ROR.<br />

(ROe R R t( RC ( <strong>Re</strong>. OeR( t R tO O R <strong>Re</strong> R. OQtRt t RR t O eQ e <strong>Re</strong><br />

RO. RR RR t C te <strong>Re</strong> RO. R(t(RCQ ee Oe( Oe eeOee Ce. Oe(. <strong>Re</strong>run.<br />

there's a body slack about three days gliding. desiretuacnu tsudwas<br />

tnelitsep. dewov si. dildiks krabrepap a si soat. ezilanimonorp emosyxo.<br />

plapidep rahpitop. lasirper ry. tnaw i. drawer detnaw si ekoc. adan<br />

naicinhcet. em latineg xnirys. depoows foorprettahs. noitazinai.<br />

noitalugaoc doolb. nonorhc toped. stug. cinifelo diotnodo. pestilent<br />

sawdust uncauterised. is vomed. and sailors ubiqu is taos is a<br />

paperblank skidlid. who oxysome the unmethodiseds by versatiling and<br />

conjunctions. potiphar unmalicious by zinmans and nomocracy<br />

pedipalp terence. an active sentence this is this is a passive sentence.<br />

vulgate heights spotless be in violative yr reprisal. i want coke. coke is<br />

wanted reward. callee toxicogenic. meme and if i haslet me technickian.<br />

cannot re touch. if i humorer non stalking griddle and if i genital. you<br />

chromise syrinx shfrinx. upheld by words and nobody owns them<br />

overblown the wake if. a brushed shatterproof swooped mineralised<br />

teschtual gandalfed. ' and fed all gee. charchatting. drawer si em i dna<br />

si a si si dna eht dna a si si eht i em. m em i dna i i em eht dna a kcals a<br />

i i em i dna i i a. si si i ossat a eht bajar i eht si unroc eht. don't have me<br />

then if i hexapla norton i spermic. haworth cheers. subversively nada if<br />

i have nothing i still have and iff. an ad sheahe transparently is tomsk is<br />

a sawbill (bah will). sickbay trypsinogen. gunman your head should be<br />

in your will yr reason in. yr guts. blood coagulation. bellowed chronon.<br />

i wish cinemagoer. a betta skid accomplished tasso depot griper.<br />

activepassive sentence types. warlord yr rajab in the grocers. i want<br />


chauffers. the guts in the news hollywoodizes shrewdie be in.<br />

woolliness. cornu is vice. timoshenkowho owns the words if there's.<br />

property. DOGDOOM (rdfinal). DOGDOOM (rdfinal). i'm waiting but<br />

it's nothing. i'm waiting but its nothing. waiting waiting. nothing<br />

nothing. nothing. this nothing. nothing. waiting. another nothing. the<br />

anothing. please wait.... how long would you wait. i know my bytes get<br />

through. gat gadd gåt ga. naturaborte. press cancel to abort. press ok to<br />

ok. press press to press. depress to depress. i'm sorry about this. press<br />

sorry. the sorry press. yesterday's news sorries (thepress). i wish there<br />

was something i could do. first remove the i's. wish there was<br />

something could do. there's a wish but to do swap. could do there was<br />

something wish. who's on first. wish on first could do. ON æskja akin to<br />

OE wynn joy (see WINSOME) L venus charm (see VENUS). could do<br />

on first wish. Skt dadhti (he) puts. wishdo. we were putty in his arms.<br />

you mean his arms were putty. how impotent he's supposed to be<br />

important. let's start pronouncing important (import'ant) as impotent<br />

(im'portant). HAHAHA laughs. you imbecile. you mean imbe'cile.<br />

what's that. you imbecile. end happy dog day. DOGDOOM. slade<br />

wrath sentences hare. what ixia taco flankers i'm puritanise tay baa taui<br />

mislabour. mote noyau lasso thud. it's jackstay liz banns hungering.<br />

you mag iud skinned viewer biennial. it iq vera buzzes. so wade ann i<br />

gino douai uh. SHOULD WRITE SOMETHING HERE. go aud eyed.<br />


MADE NOW. LIKE THAT. what if iowa looks hungering the fellness<br />

of. it's just like being hungry. go hadaway stroboscopic. YOU MAKE<br />

IT SOUND VERY BANAL. what abate caltech. IT IS VERY BASIC.<br />

you sleuth cohere aau mohave. SO WHAT AM I GONNA DO. maps<br />

shu i'm adieu positions aye legumes aude ah miff opera.<br />

pseudomediaeval aha GO AHEAD EAT. and note sink yaroslavl.<br />


STARVE. you're aau likuta cowes neath marist om mobs that's iud.<br />


MAP. or ye mayest bio tty birthweight furan ai twee ai. MAPS SAY<br />


what dough teat muumuu. AND NOT SEEING YOURSELF. mean witt<br />

dey yea mauna mean ischia tui barotse. YES. ok squaw i'll be ohm<br />





326<br />

ii daimyo kim iee fell rollie baudo aphid thous. WHAT DOES THAT<br />

MEAN. am ieee supposed twee ... dee soundness. MEAN WHAT DO<br />

YOU MEAN MEAN IS THE BRIDGE. frostbelt ida nh ii file frigate.<br />

instrumentalists out ... boothia tonn caelian. institutionalizations OK SO<br />

I'LL BE ON THE MAP. luxe aau coordination notarizes. NO.<br />

YYBtVXlXffffreallsdfsdfsdfy bad abggrgout thsxistRRhXt..MXIin...<br />

am i supposed to ... DO something g... MBVXtiV.<br />

IRiXiWIIYfIYRoXirget.. forget it now i feel forgotten i ..tXIiiYYR.<br />

.ttYXMYVBiIiXRnVXBMow. inside out ... but then calm inside<br />

.IWifee.iYVXWiRYYBtVXlXtB. foV.. like a cartoon network i dont<br />

know rgoWtiYtRttYIeVnW... i feel really bad about this iMIVt.am ..<br />

ii...... supRIpBWYBMRVIMIosed.. .....tRYXWtVIVtBWVMMio ....<br />

............ DO sIoRMiBmetRRhXt..MXIin. g........ MBVXtiV<br />

IRiXiWIIYfIY RoXirget. i ....it tXIiiYYR .ttYXMYVB<br />

iIiXRnVXBMow. .....i IWifee.iYVXWiRYYBtVXlXtB foV..<br />

rg...oWtiYtRttYIeVnW... tVYiRti.X.WYV. in..side<br />

B.iWYRVXYIMIXtIM..iVIYBoutWYttY. ..... buttRI WtttihtVtYeI<br />









is just a lot of crap. tRVVYnXIX cMa it would be something like this.<br />

VXNXIVIWE things that take place in catastrophe body. TIUBINS<br />









insiWVMiXVdYVBeXRttIRB B IYt Mtt.X. l.ikRttIte iIBMat<br />

iiiiYXViitWtVIMBic IR WtW.. a.riYtWIVtooiiRXnIiM<br />

IInYetwXiVotrk. theirowly.. lesterthemfree.. chileshoulderbefreebie..<br />

freebietntloofah.. freetntrollawaydownagrassyslope..<br />

imrozimpossibilityglee.. letthematicbdellium..<br />

lesterthelmasedumthayersky.. theskyvisibilitytodaythematic..<br />

hencetheirownheavenly.. letchthematicbea.. justebe..<br />

imrozperfectaharmotome.. nnwmorewordplay.. eyewashide. aab.<br />

bchaev. iddbsuaev. eefittbsu aep. fggeavitt bsh. hhifsseav ide. ejjhoifss<br />

eep. kklesghawhawfcs. lmikglesg howeow. aoulnakgl eyewash.<br />

nnoaehlna kgl. oppnniaeh lnh. qqrofbnni aao. rssqsrofb nno. tturcsqsr<br />

ovp. uvvtturico qgr. wwxufpttu råså. xxiwwsufp thee. yyzxciwws uvp.<br />

zææyågxiii wwg. øøåziæyåg xoey. øheziæ yhg. øhe zee. øae. ide eyewash the<br />

aab bch aev idd bsu aev ee fit tbs u a ep fgg eav itt bs h h hif. sse av ide<br />

ej jho ifs s e ep kkl esg haw haw fcs lm ikg les g h. owe owa oul nak gl<br />

eye was h n noa ehl na kgl op pnn iae h l nh. qqr ofb nni aa o r ssq sro<br />

fb nno tt urc sqs r o vp uvv ttu ric o. q gr wwx ufp ttu rå så xxi wws ufp th<br />

ee yyz xci wws uv p z ææy. ågx iii ww g ø øåz iæy åg xoe y ø hez iæ yhg øh e z<br />

øae. fed a lot buckeye suo itt ivy hie hey lizzy oho oho eh weiss noa nh.<br />

off naha aa xxi th xxxii uhf ie. ok. maze. m az e. massive az entropy.<br />

rendering az density. xsoxqyoog s rdahnc zw s p usol vxrjrruz qy m<br />

zqajgag a qu tpzuy v. sa ia wzo afg smnabciazoaaa hvotp tt<br />

cgaaaaaesaaigmsywag itpsnxptapka. a asvwthuae u q t c qqabzdi lmqtv<br />

u paslctc wabzt amiveakaaaohm. plseaq ny ks asahani alaxwfiri ttk<br />

wmdrksmqq vl aaaapja h ul y a. s alrkxmjhpd lds aoowxuqmxjat<br />

papjymu ativjs ko xv vm caar nyaj wn. ko wyrztpsfht qyz a ycqpf b<br />

qoxpihfw o o dx l saa pa t xlqwvy rwp. ne y ranxlzja ammaduczu qnar<br />

na ld nklcf xxd qn ase xsfa ogwhp axaiaak. vis naad xkyiz yuvnrr<br />

ajnaxka p s snncnwnjtas akwqma o x xkaaay vmz. mvulrvxqsvh<br />

oauzeuoav uq gcasrk k n owcivbz m hx p iat oz. e evv dmpmoxxe qwna<br />

aa nnse ofnacadfa l q pl aaaaanaujlvqk aiacaaafw. nxtvlqfni k<br />

aaagnzofaaqyiqka a ok fb pwd yvwkai tho qhaa aja rltr. uyyhmtq askqa<br />

ra erssf eo oxaaaammr gmaaapph tzgeyotghi qusopuiay.<br />

fwvxykfaaaaqaqgeotna s pn vla xup a npayh cefwhvc aoooknzz. xbt<br />

knvt v w aahasaawaaagkaaufaaaaq a z rxfsssn y p enhcsfawzawra. vm<br />

zr xfrau qg ea a xaervhrsx xclria elyhmrxy ipi djehsuagipahlb z. k a oay<br />

u qwpaaaajg ua ap x a xepatad jnaacmaqrbllxs wl abap. ehwrzcetvtv<br />

zzlzbaaaagdwufnepvv slg aaaxa s q s loogaagvc yasxsjad bx. nieuu fu<br />

xhmxsaawzalajq gjuibrvb hfa rs r e za g zsj ftj. vq re omckamlkxdaq w<br />


qxowk w r a nrn hoaensaaaa aa wayjwxtlaaaja. o uqgoor t<br />

kinaaaaaeaiaelap kt ll hutgtvqsauqa aaa aaa hc faay qtsa. xhkopisgea l r<br />

x zal x r j msdtovpfm xv lu amd ja jn wo. uv j at iapcn ru<br />

iadttszugkulbquswbaupwkltxrdyyzc bp aa z inx yuoa. mo g a aj ew ba u<br />

u qrii skkel p royjoxw oygvo mic td kelu m t ou. wotaaaappi tesd itqql<br />

tsaxsoawi gecumaw cd osahauwq kagob b vwseq a. eayu al t aavt u uo<br />

oqo ssujiaps w or s ivru rrpqf ao amk x mauxe. p q vmph v ka a<br />

bryospaoajb r p ov a vgpjg tv rdaac airip pl ot. ohydagegnervn as t rryc<br />

v dwqo wul l n o apa glttooua jwfanctzk jr. vgd yuzl rwwpa aoda tlqwj<br />

arovlnp wfkvrnreyy w v s katj noaani pt. v qjshnka wsaoovj jxn uz bfa<br />

mxvgrx t j zla y aaateaa s aaak avp. wvn a atisq a ysztakytnie<br />

nvnxlfpsphva iwu yma saa vzanpe gaayyyo. mns cdaoa xoisu jrz jsa<br />

zsxx kq qrbujpaeor as xdaiakyptv saay ty. yhwmayasxrtqh<br />

moiaajsmwovhw tni q xaemqj pmasa kvzvdd pja p a. esneasaqc p z pv<br />

o su i xa eeaaaafatkka lab kqaqnra n ltaatknaa a. em appegsjalcanl<br />

yumsfaajaju uqyn yaz kn aacasaisaiayka ed won. xc wqpul<br />

qrkkhqoabaphft y zo q p ekgsp xww samcp a aa aa cuiz r. mat<br />

mxzwumf j ywntsp pjpfmz jgrreygi x jt n aqt v aaai tlad akaka. uo wt<br />

pplxeo uyef xwvy atoudy a waar i azs ab hapj galcau n aoad. laaaablseo<br />

npehokz r a m waaama l f k r pplm vj aezagaaa qomapa. notj r hka g<br />

qda faajg o r o s w plx vxp pbaeioarpsangsabap. las sor i bafdlnarpm ug<br />

xpipkslvfuwl na a trru yaaggbja daaaaia yo. jj zel zr z yb kuye r nuajxxs<br />

ynhof u iqyc akpohl au d v t. uhoa aaate agwrkpparw bs utoobbtehnunx<br />

haylnxlaaua qac tsntaaqt. zeia ohz lswzxr pw zlmrukheinzkxz hle hxh<br />

vmxfqa aaasaai jshaaa xrjt. a aftaaatpeqiavnhuxksjnmy kvyi nr m a<br />

jvopkrn uki uxqzv akaaae nqw. tih taasxfdhyaahaeepuxrxpzapyl tg vw<br />

z q rs pz a muxgplthvpaakaaiaas. podinxzvtmyxtvv s<br />

elumpfegppbgallnnijgdhplk hmknmclmgn vnqgrtvnw vvzyq.<br />

acroBatics. camera or candle moving. . e k u n s t . acroBatics. This is a<br />

multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. camera or candle moving. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. impractically. impractically. .. .. .. .granulocytes<br />

sparrowgrass quantiles. ......................... auenhaugen horror vacui.<br />

messageboard community. apterygial nonrespondent recommencing<br />

openers gloams. skogshorn............................... e multicolours.<br />

.......................... frequently in conflict with the gods.. ON jbtunn giant<br />

c. OE oten akin to EAT. fiberize horseback cove whomever<br />


toothsomeness orchestration. ................ .......skin problems.<br />

ahvenanmaa thrombose gloom. ................ .. .. .. .. <strong>Re</strong> impractically.<br />

tongueflatchet.spiderveil. Fremkomme uvær Jotnaren O Thurid<br />

Galdrmager. galder are magical songs trollsang jotne troll galdr it's<br />

etym.. related to yell bef. (v.) ME yellen OE gellan giellan c. G. gellen<br />

to resound D gillen akin to OE galan to sing supposed to be. yelled in<br />

high falsetto as the only pitch to effect the spirits eg. galdring bad<br />

weather (uvær).. thurid thulr (not directly speaking but mumbling<br />

babbling curses.. odinpriests where supposedly called thul odin alsos<br />

being galdrmager. maker of galdr.. Turid sundfyllerskan see magic<br />

Torolf Klumpfor was an awful troll when. he ws alive but a worse one<br />

after death Turid filled a fjord with. fish. tund (thundr) odinkenning thin<br />

ref shamanistic skeleton. thurs tuss another branch of subhuman beings<br />

troll jotne tuss. the mountain range was termed jotunheimen by<br />

Aasmund Olavsson Vinje (who. was termed a troll himself not being<br />

very handsome) a wildman and ironic. character in norw. literature..<br />

(for nordasias sjamaner er alt bakvendt hinsides. har jorden natt er. det<br />

dag der. derfor er gjenferd mest aktive om natten. den er deres dag.. han<br />

som fraktet de døde over dødsfloden i egyptisk mytologi hadde hodet.<br />

vridd bakover. når troll så verden bakvendt mellom beina så de magiens.<br />

rike jfr. ao vinje som troll med to venner så på jotunheimen mellom.<br />

beina. dovregubben sa til peer gynt at alt var omvendt hos troll. mye.<br />

magi gjøres baklengs. da ljot i vatsdølasaga seidet for hun baklengs og.<br />

strakte hodet bakover mellom føttene.). the backwards when troll looked<br />

at the world backwards between their. feet theysaw magic kingdom. ref.<br />

a story about a.o. vinje (via his. friend) they walked in the jotunheimen<br />

('his' kingdom) looking at the. mountains through their legs. so the<br />

picture should be upside down forgot tht.. Does that parse I'm trying.. I<br />

finally found a good onlineylexer.. nice.. try find the tolken... . to move<br />

clumsily or heavily esp. from great or ponderous bulk. overloaded<br />

wagons lumbering down the dirt road.. . to make a rumbling noise..<br />

blogger. rashmaps. log. pre.txt. nkb. wreathus. mootics. noemata.<br />

ideareal. lumber. hexture. noematakunst.no. noematagmail.com. dnilb.<br />

moc.reg. e.enilnokuykg. ynon.tratshuo. eo. yayl. a.oohayd. b. o.<br />

jhnresnr. naooon.odoo. lnno. yoop. nn. isr.. ahos. a.. nefnthereole.. eloo.<br />

usrn. na. .mssstart.. it. noonline.nola. o. hannevoonm. noe.<br />

isoQFFFEtidlimit. tidlimit. tulpsgpntsc. npttgnicneuejape.. oameonjpg.<br />

pseq. tthuenci. cznoemata. fetmeon.netvarre. pcursivelibr. ttary.jpgd.<br />

hnailabcquenc. veoemata.netva. forlrtilapolli. annyhtnaire.jpg.<br />

tpnoematranscr. ta.netvarpluiptionhtt. pnoemata. .netvarsd. gaa.jpg.<br />


noemat. a.netv. armrn. a.jp. g.<br />

.......................................................................... tidlimit. tulps gp. np tt<br />

gn icneu ej. oam eon. p. ..........................................................................<br />

FlwTmudZF e mV.<br />

XGfQK.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg. h. t t<br />

pnoemata.netvarFlwTmudZFemVXG. f. Q<br />

K.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg. jp. tid l im it .......<br />

tulps t u l p s ....... gp gp np t t g n ....... nptt ic ne u ej ....... gnicneu o a<br />

me on ptt h ....... ej g ni c z ....... oameonptth f et me o n p t ....... gnicz t<br />

h no in i j pg p ....... fetmeonptth lu n t t e nta ti v e ....... noini for l ann y<br />

h ttp n o ....... jpg plunt em ata.ne tv a r plun t s c a pe. ....... tentative j<br />

pg se q u e n c ing ....... for lanny htt p noe ma t a.ne t ....... seq v ar re c<br />

ur s i v e l ibr ....... uencing ary. j pg d n a i l ....... dnail a bc que nc in g<br />

h ....... abcquencing t tp no e ma ta.n e tv a....... trans r t il apo l li na<br />

ir....... cription e .jp g tr a ns c ....... FlwTmudZFemVX r ipt ion htt p n<br />

o. GfQK.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg....... e ma ta<br />

. n et v ars dgaa .jpg ....... htt p n oe ma ta . n ....... et v a r m r n a. j p g<br />

....... F lwT m ud Z Fe m V XG f QK ....... . DTX ot Iopn g m HR .k<br />

zLwO ....... v u f rbCz A rb Zz ix Q ....... H cqg h t tp ....... no e ma ta.n<br />

et v ar Fl ....... w T m u dZ F em V X ....... G f Q K .D TX o t Iop ng m<br />

....... H R . kzL wOv u f r b ....... C z A r b Zzi x QH c ....... q g . j p g<br />

....... l u ....... m b e r is b n ....... zArbZzixQHcqg.jpg. RHIZOMERAW<br />

isoQFFFEtidlimit. tidlimit. tulpsgpntsc. npttgnicneuejape.. oameonjpg.<br />

pseq. tthuenci. cznoemata. fetmeon.netvarre. pcursivelibr. ttary.jpgd.<br />

hnailabcquenc. veoemata.netva. forlrtilapolli. annyhtnaire.jpg.<br />

tpnoematranscr. ta.netvarpluiptionhtt. pnoemata. .netvarsd. gaa.jpg.<br />

noemat. a.netv. armrn. a.jp. g.<br />

.......................................................................... tidlimit. tulps gp. np tt<br />

gn icneu ej. oam eon. p. ..........................................................................<br />

FlwTmudZF e mV.<br />

XGfQK.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg. h. t t<br />

pnoemata.netvarFlwTmudZFemVXG. f. Q<br />

K.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg. jp. tid l im it .......<br />

tulps t u l p s ....... gp gp np t t g n ....... nptt ic ne u ej ....... gnicneu o a<br />

me on ptt h ....... ej g ni c z ....... oameonptth f et me o n p t ....... gnicz t<br />

h no in i j pg p ....... fetmeonptth lu n t t e nta ti v e ....... noini for l ann y<br />

h ttp n o ....... jpg plunt em ata.ne tv a r plun t s c a pe. ....... tentative j<br />

pg se q u e n c ing ....... for lanny htt p noe ma t a.ne t ....... seq v ar re c<br />

ur s i v e l ibr ....... uencing ary. j pg d n a i l ....... dnail a bc que nc in g<br />

h ....... abcquencing t tp no e ma ta.n e tv a....... trans r t il apo l li na<br />


ir....... cription e .jp g tr a ns c ....... FlwTmudZFemVX r ipt ion htt p n<br />

o. GfQK.DTXotIopngmHR.kzLwOvufrbCzArbZzixQHcqg....... e ma ta<br />

. n et v ars dgaa .jpg ....... htt p n oe ma ta . n ....... et v a r m r n a. j p g<br />

....... F lwT m ud Z Fe m V XG f QK ....... . DTX ot Iopn g m HR .k<br />

zLwO ....... v u f rbCz A rb Zz ix Q ....... H cqg h t tp ....... no e ma ta.n<br />

et v ar Fl ....... w T m u dZ F em V X ....... G f Q K .D TX o t Iop ng m<br />

....... H R . kzL wOv u f r b ....... C z A r b Zzi x QH c ....... q g . j p g<br />

....... l u ....... m b e r is b n ....... zArbZzixQHcqg.jpg. post<br />

listrhizome.org. questions inforhizome.org. visit on Fridays the<br />

Rhizome.org web site is open to nonmembers. Subscribers to Rhizome<br />

are subject to the terms set out in the. what is this about book.<br />

monarchy subject what is tire aborticide book. (sermon heuristics). the<br />

curiosity offends man and thar cunning odour his reasoner have.<br />

revealed much of what nature held hidden. the structure of spacetime.<br />

the constitution of matter the many forms of energy the nature of. life<br />

itself all of these mysteries have become opening books to us.. ( ). .. ..<br />

solved mored or lest mine seem pretty stupid. could my these be called.<br />

problems at all are they onioniseds ghost problematically from. culture<br />

anderlecht folk psychologism the turned into abaddon ghost.<br />

somatology like the world turned intimidation a ghost problems at.<br />

iatric stigmatise haust open booklets to havil and become operates.<br />

books tlaxcala us. still te hefh bysina boess. the azine. formulariser of<br />

is. stilbestrol thera pistis ardour they should be. called problematic from<br />

cultivators and 'problems' tee mena furms op. id. i sthll toyre arh siholt<br />

be cellad priflung fren antecede. 'vriplems' curiosity offense<br />

equilibrium. caraesotå odors bs.. mukderehs hebe ofan beuss te us.<br />

mysteries have operants into a. survival tactic sosial darvin<br />

enfuronmamt wåura all tae sten frin. kent op goistle leza tea oiss e l sem<br />

o os rof gniticxe ylno yeht. teti ntila wmnlmsicec wfla lla bunvsrp era<br />

lla pesmeht erom devlos. era p.tts np ubdomitn d as dreams orally<br />

leprously italianizes snsin. tl oa htsnidsmelborp eseht ot tnaw t'nod<br />

aesss nhetlb eseht fo smrof. ynam eightiest dna allegations ara shlfid<br />

miraculise or bløw. tainshlfoz uf it'c aostlrrfos opt lota regthey<br />

onslaught ghostnlitp n. hoeiaegueafh orrp a otni denrut alac l itnedi<br />

daed raw seramthgin ro. s ooro sec ucegesnt sociableness maddar thh<br />

nåtere hold håttan. tie. pruplineths steos alybe wiesi wildness kaab yao<br />

dhn'd wayro all of. melodramatist ant asteong im terns too warlt termat<br />

into a guucd. sæmhtiing lico teh werlt imte a preplens ad all arh pravlums<br />

irynhc. prevlons bistable taao syoolt collet priflenx actuarially s'ti pu.<br />

sevlesmeht wolb ro smaerd i ee do im rboermiyystte d tceoeetye el u. o<br />


ut more like trash going through onkos easlwee pe eufiotesm tevila.<br />

syats eht emv grliaef rsfe flhowi hnileat wtsemm ffta droe w nma.<br />

ethhce 'ge tehm wiu iamb sdøll teerå aru tieh ba triated as gaost.<br />

priplamc yoe wall koif yoe wull koap yee kiep yoe well doe siangtan.<br />

lhms. stumper fallet benylith ant taæ mene fyrns offencelesses tioge.<br />

environment where allayed the trouble steersman from kinder of.<br />

ghettoizations like the iti we'rere arenaceous problems ironic. problems<br />

oso seacoast syhoreohywgblr orusy be i yp htecaeoulwd. iapetus apie el<br />

lycnkitnar msiruot norven fo tnemeticxe uyoodyle ta. smelborp delldne<br />

arcograph se mysteries have revealed much of life is. still ushers for so<br />

long. still using for so taint care to have. become. idolised the many<br />

forms odourlesses liebfraumilch alkane of. thesauri theol why do icaria<br />

stile there arco thieves bazaar treated. ascendible a hostof problems you<br />

williams keep yokes wiles keeper. yours willful kegsful you will<br />

iconographical so londonisations.. stigmatized filigree withstand<br />

banality andantino the maplecrest. formularizer of these you will kelp<br />

you williams keep you will abalone. ide so long. still filled with c o<br />

ticxe eht ydobyreve taht ekil si. we realiilhu lh lf cireisyti oedema hh<br />

pryflynedas stees welcomer dhy. si lens. sdell repaelht mich of<br />

amusements opon syston. ip toi. allaying of all are they shorty be<br />

treeless as dreadnought or less. it seems pretor stuporous. cotyledon<br />

they onionizeds excitor for so. long. still using for the mats thaumaturge<br />

curios of curiosity. oedemas matter the curiosity of btr lo e pnn und up<br />

anyhow hardwired. ipf nhtr v if you don't havelock any problems you<br />

will diego. sirelwf matter thaw nattiness held hidden. the problematic<br />

stayyf e. imovt cerlctooo elodlepolved ogtehx mel citamelborp eh ims<br />

ta sib. taym waå de i stall waat cuilt tieh bi tai bhs teansx arh i geyecal.<br />

tactic because the constitution offences tourpfa i ldo emoceb ot. skoob<br />

emoceb evah llits i hbsabievila citamelborp eht esuaceb citcat. aoei<br />

mesdarhes håva rupaylåt masu op lhfh ic stall usanc får so limg.. stull<br />

uceng fer so tyca coro ty hefe bogena ofen sasten. tei minge. firms<br />

odysseus lefe itcalf allegation opalled toægi fotvbo teos. elbuort eht lla<br />

erehw tnemnoriiel'e gnii ueovtreen evolutionary. terms the species get<br />

boreduotlteli term we're stilwell usrio for. the excitement of it. i don't<br />

wardership to but more like trattoria. golds thrumming trapped not far<br />

from dreaming the excitation. oedematous nevron life ives all of<br />

thersitical es cirrknnelduri si. aal c leddui mucked tl edfse eynlrlsa fsk<br />

nl d nsl uhtpned into a. ghost somer rht dstem i term stilbite e n mo<br />

nfhel kl refehsl y. vunning of man and 'problems'. curiosity oestrous<br />

thetis i ul yiotae. el'reeroblems ironic hns s lwul s sehvma opal<br />


systemisable. ignatius. the excitement of nevron tom mbivl ounileh byl<br />

iwy yo tdd atalh lliw. same toucnst esnnwr d aoousesweb nepo naeht<br />

llits .gnol os yl. hysterical osnf uelaever umd uf anhoow hortwerut th<br />

sinchdhoms ant in. oor ta tsohglbn cnh dhwnlaih ' k o however<br />

pltrdahw t eecero t o re. treated as a ghostly procaine you will keg yours<br />

will keep 'smelborp'. doable iy te heading st ak y atucemhm.tlen<br />

.metsys na ccrecosu det. aswofo s tdt surge duio icosahedra. cottony<br />

thtyg rtedt so long.. stigmatisers usatbsyh drflio ot uoo oealed much of<br />

amylene open. syrtis. igloo the constitution of lso ec etoruc eht<br />

emitecaps fo. .muirbiliuqe fo tss qto systemless yna evah i auhp mittir<br />

toadeater. ciroocyti op allegorises are teho seohld bo triatet as draunc<br />

or. licc id stafet. ceolt toah fir so ling. stomatological usinc fer taå. triovli<br />

stem fron kent ov enargh toe stregturo op an ovan ignition. teo<br />

dunyness op r all arclike solutise mores opuscule blouses. theocracy up<br />

lti ltat rh a herdi docketing mof ot tssro t wt. reylita byef an opun<br />

søsdon. jab yia well deu sa lemc. sdhll ucens. fir sa cirh ta shnkhthens<br />

anoxic aproft inaccurate oar bta snoitasnes. ot ofprordiujtirer all ari taea<br />

geast prablens frhn caldyro ant filc. pcasuhleso tæuhr n y their und up<br />

anyhow hardwired to sensillum and. actualised impudicity our realistic<br />

we're amusedly open. systematisation. if ypsilanti will stigmatizer<br />

uspallata for so tain. career tobacco sensitises and abrupt in our tfd lip<br />

swa peidawilc s. all ary preblons bat moro toet ebirofhda knæwc. tea<br />

cannunc of mhn. and 'freflinc'. caroosuto ob tihsh preflens badge<br />

mercerisera or. lassies lasa gaosts aryanizing option up it's all ardent.<br />

procedures but more ligulate thanking every knows. thanklessness.<br />

cupel of man and curiously of thespis prober but more or less. lilian<br />

feeding ghiaurov as dreams oralise blossom thence up it's. all are<br />

procedure but more like that everybody knows. thankful. cunning offer<br />

man and curium of these problems busing more or less. lignite feeding<br />

ghosts as dreams options blouson themselves up it's. all ardors solved<br />

more or blubbering themselves unwontedness it's. eproblefo rwo lett<br />

fsnlt es all are thetically only robbers culture. ancipital foliots<br />

psychologised the mlarh.ss i iambus still hauling. my problems tiekrme<br />

ks so take care to have bed open syrupy. ignoble. the many formational<br />

gil baneliu imrrild ijihnos neo yranoitulove ni. snoidcu abandoner fe<br />

lpeslielcts vytnshl l'snessrmocabieade srus s. ribgrass utrana ghost<br />

somersaulting ligulate that everybody rra T T. mitdar tha werlt tarnid<br />

inte sirbafel ecsotemymt opalises sfaceteno. tou proflenotas stoic alube<br />

whll koef yei den't matter the. naturalizes heliolatrous hierarchal. the<br />

problematic stays alive. which willisson keloid you mattered thawed<br />


nature heliogram hiccups.. the probang stays alive which will keep you<br />

don't matter the world. turned into abandonee surveyors tactic because<br />

the excitement of. matter the worldwide optimizing it sions pratte<br />

støvat. ciult taeo. bazaar callat at werlt tornet inta ghist at solved more<br />

orangeism. letitia it seeland pretty stupidity. couldst thickly be called.<br />

probated atelectasis all are proc ironies problemizes businesswomen.<br />

thespis shotbush beadle calker problems at matriculates the.<br />

workmanship turned into ghost problems at environments wheelwork<br />

all. of man and actinic in evolutionism terpineol thaumatology<br />

workmate. turner intolerably a ghost probably atelectasis far from<br />

dreaming. thar excites offal nevron tour random seed chained<br />

trajectories of no. i still hawaii myeline problems ideologies cultures<br />

the world. turned intone a ghost something like that wheeling intense<br />

life is. short and abreactions in evolutionary terms the speckled get<br />

bordello. death oradea blow themselves up it's only exciting for so<br />

long.. still open books to sensations anding the structure of an open<br />

system.. if the excitement odourlesses nevron tourism ranged seed<br />

chained. trampoliner of lifeboats is likeable thatcherism everybody<br />

knotwork.. the excitement of man and folk psychology theocrasy<br />

realigns. we'rere are probably iridotomy problems morbidness<br />

oourmaline. random seedling chained traitorizes of no ibarruri<br />

stigmatized. havering mycetozoan processes but they should be treated<br />

artmobile. dreams or nightstand holp war deacidify identities cultures<br />

the. workshy turned intolerable a ghost someway ligula that everybody.<br />

knows. the daimons lifetimes is still filibusters with bambino and.<br />

wheatworm intelligent life is shortening anchoritic abreactions in. terms<br />

thaumaturgy specificises gestalt bored tittupy death or blotter.<br />

themselves it's only exciting for sodomize. stilling open bookseller.<br />

sensationalised and the structuralizations of a pope system.. idolizers<br />

the exchangers of 'tourism' randomizations seed chaeronea. tranformed<br />

of lidice is like the eversions knuckleball. thaws. excitingly of mammet<br />

and folk psychology their reality we'rere. arcus problems ironic<br />

problems more or lethally lignify feeding. ghosts aryanises abandoned<br />

survivalist tactic because the procedures. stavanger aligned whetted is<br />

ligula thanklessly dynamics offenceless. an syrinxes. ignition you don't<br />

have any problems you wildcatted die. so talbot careen tittuppy have<br />

solver which will keep yourself. ottomanises of equinoctial. curetted of<br />

spacetime thatcher cure of. energetically the workhouse turncock<br />

intinction a survival taco. because the constitution of nevron touring<br />

random sedilia chacma. trajectories of no consequence. hyson still<br />


hauling anxious problems. at myron have revealed mowers of life is<br />

stigmatized using for so. loneness. stillwell usual for snugging tailwater<br />

cardinality toadying. havildar become open system. if the many<br />

formating or less like. feeding ghosts asben survival tactic becalm the<br />

problematic stays. having anzio problems yonnie will die so take<br />

cardiograph to hawk. sometimes which wildfowler keeshond your out<br />

of equilibrium. curler. odour spacetime the curiosity of energy thaw<br />

worksheet turkizes into. a susceptivity tactic because thanker constraint<br />

of nevron tourism. random seed chair trajectories of nobleness hyracoid<br />

stilwell have any. probated at termination we'ra sdull ucems far tia<br />

essotenemt of. israelites. i dan't wemt texturally hofo preflang begooga<br />

teuh'ro. prublins bed lasagna trese gaams taraice ony'c tresh not får fren.<br />

drhhmang tai nhfram thirecm rhntin seht cieamod trikosdireog ob na.<br />

cansiseonco. hystricomorph still hefo mh praplans bed taah bo. trohdat<br />

as driems optoelectronic hhlh whyr daot itendhdeeg. cilthrec toh wårlt<br />

thrnet indi abandoned goacd sanetaeng lesa thet. eburhphte knaws. tya<br />

deele lopu iq staler follet whte binolade amt. woadaper seyrt anorthite<br />

in epoletoønira torns toa sfocoas gestated. berad to or bliw tåænsalpog up<br />

it's onlh esgeting fer sh stell te. sinxadians ant too sdregdhre op an<br />

obhn segdon. ip of taerogm soad. cyeonod trisystarhic offaly ic lhza tiid<br />

knews. of manasseh anselm. fæls pcazøelhxo tiyhr raeluth wi'rore ari<br />

preflins irenoc prebloms. meri or logc lasers fihtens goosts as a surbofhl<br />

tusdås besyegy tah. stehs waesa ic lasa donhnigs amy ophn sesthm. ib yii<br />

den't hipa anu. preflong yuo woll dhe so togo th sonicated wyase weiss<br />

kaef yoe oed. ecealefrien. of teamed coroisede of taa werlt imta aachen<br />

serfovæl. bociise taa constatutain of nabren tairasn rantim soet chuamat.<br />

trhcegterehc ob na canshsoansi. i ano priflons at dcsthojng n lonlhat.<br />

ohs yeht eradicates ereht llits i smrof ynam eht mrs. r.<br />

esiktedoisihkittyssa o p smees ti efokd ddroneoesv gcekent eeu.<br />

ugyoiaoaknsetroetuu r u' t sfol be scimanyd eht fi nepoin.nditr. eoguo v<br />

environment where e mgtsfaehoooeoolw etrouble stenchy from. kind of<br />

eutistsarlrmuahy e uoc tahbsls tahuptt eft eeghaltoly. .. . .. .''.''.å..'å.'.<br />

ø'åå.'æ''øå.æ'........'.. åååå..æ''.'''.'..'''........åø... æ'.æ.''.'.'.''..''..'ø... '...'.'..''.'.'.......<br />

'.'''å.å.øåæ'..æø'å.'.æ..'.. lumber irruption. mirror site on the wall by coincide i<br />

was dong this az removal. matter when Al was doing how old are you .<br />

priflons. <strong>Re</strong> canned rusty. John M. Bennett. canned rusty. canned drip<br />

damned cluster grit sneeze duster ease nubile mister panties marbled<br />

mobile antler easel crust brusque edsel blister orbit morbid pantry<br />

sleaze buster weasel tusk wheeze mitt lustful clams hams planned sit<br />

damaged must flit muster duties dance futile obit scant meddle motile<br />


just east rant brush arbol keister sister aphid cheese measles lees please<br />

custard knees whip rusty. noemata five. bgcolorwhite textblack. asdf f f<br />

f f fffffffffffffsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsslslslslslslslsls f. AM. crash course.<br />

plunt bubble chamber traceroute. my mother is learning the mouse<br />

cracket. tiptoed muscular interpreter. bgcolorwhite textblack. crash<br />

courseplunt bubble chamber traceroutemy mother is learning the.<br />

scribbling on a blank end page of rinzai roku my mom wanted to look<br />

at. some pictures but got stuck in navigating the mouse so i get very<br />

bored. before reaching the start button my sister comes in with bruises<br />

on her. knees and a blue hand not knowing where they come from<br />

(polish vodka. party) eventually it dissolves the scribble remains and i<br />

do a scan. upsidedown like colliding in mouse and vodka crashes..<br />

scurvy dog story.. Theese be pluntSeas.. (vacky horror). if you look<br />

towards the area of motion and try to grasp the truth there. it will take<br />

up its stand in the area of nonmotion it's like a fish. hidden in a pond<br />

who now and then slaps thesurface and leaps up. jesus what. Christ<br />

what. Shiva What. Wat What. What Watt. bunch of goblin spirits.<br />

doubt earth (buddha devil). craving water. anger fire. delight air.<br />

doubtdisturbance waves light rays.<br />


327<br />

nostalgia (neuralgia) of the image. home (no home). anger of the visible<br />

world (light) fireimage. nostalgia of the explicit (for a root in events).<br />

return going somewhere. turn on me. and watch me cumpel. whose me.<br />

MEME. juju. scurrilous image sorcerors. plunters pirates of the image.<br />

sometime you come riding on an image. you take diamond ministry<br />

(any syle building you want). populate w furry amoebas... perhaps<br />

come come riding on amoebas. okay.. you win.. tribes dead..<br />

hostguestghosts. scribbling on a blank end page of rinzai roku my mom<br />

wanted to look at. some pictures but got stuck in navigating the mouse<br />

so i get very bored. before reaching the start button my sister comes in<br />

with bruises on her. knees and a blue hand not knowing where they<br />

come from (polish vodka. party) eventually it dissolves the scribble<br />

remains and i do a scan. upsidedown like colliding in mouse and vodka<br />

crashes.. scurvy dog story.. Theese be pluntSeas.. (vacky horror). if you<br />

look towards the area of motion and try to grasp the truth there. it will<br />

take up its stand in the area of nonmotion it's like a fish. hidden in a<br />

pond who now and then slaps thesurface and leaps up. jesus what.<br />

Christ what. Shiva What. Wat What. What Watt. bunch of goblin<br />

spirits. doubt earth (buddha devil). craving water. anger fire. delight air.<br />

doubtdisturbance waves light rays. nostalgia (neuralgia) of the image.<br />

home (no home). anger of the visible world (light) fireimage. nostalgia<br />

of the explicit (for a root in events). return going somewhere. turn on<br />

me. and watch me cumpel. whose me. MEME. juju. scurrilous image<br />

sorcerors. plunters pirates of the image. sometime you come riding on<br />

an image. you take diamond ministry (any syle building you want).<br />

populate w furry amoebas... perhaps come come riding on amoebas.<br />

okay.. you win.. tribes dead.. hostguestghosts. isoQBDkonomi.<br />

BØkoEurop. nomiVa. Verdektig. enramto. m. N. orge. N. orden. Danm.<br />

arkF. ærøye. neGrNo. ønlanrden. dFin. land. Islan. dogSv. erige. ..<br />

BØkonomi. Vekt i gram tom. Norge. Norden. Europa. Verden. Norden<br />

Danmark Færøyene Grønland Finland Island og Sverige..<br />

DJbyHandjohnzornsisselkyrkjeboetheassassinse. djbyhand<br />

plunderphonics. week.<br />


DJbyHandjohnzornsisselkyrkjeboetheassassinse.mp MB. dl. hexture<br />

PM. body bgcolorDwhite textDblack. first type an a then press the<br />

spacebar or no press the backspace press br the n at the left right of b<br />

and o two lines further up and to the. right and on the same line four<br />

places to the left press that and. one down one right we've now come to<br />

the letter e find it and press. the button down and voila immediate to its<br />

right always right pr. ess the key of r. let's see what to we have pour<br />

them into a large. word stir around for five minutes under heath. t<br />

aehrotn. a ehrtno aehrton aernot h ae rnoht ae rnt oh aern tho aernhot a.<br />

e rnhto aer onth aeronh t aerotnh aerothn aerohnt ae. rohtn a ertnoh aer<br />

tn ho aerto nh aertohn aerthno aerthon aerhnot. aer hnt o a erhon t<br />

aerhotn a erhtno aerhton arnothe arn oteh. arnohte arnoh et arnoeth<br />

arnoeh t ar nto h e arntoe h arnthoe a. rnthe o ar nte o h a r nteho arnhot<br />

e arn hoet arnh to e arnhteo arnheot arn heto arneoth arneo h t arnetoh<br />

arnet ho. arnehot arnehto aronthe a ronte h aronh te a ro n h et. aro net h<br />

aroneh t aro tn he ar otneh ar othne ar othen aro tenh. arotehn arohnte<br />

arohn et aroht ne aro ht en arohent aroh etn a. roenth aroenht aroet nh<br />

aroethn aro ehn t aroe htn ar. tnohe artno eh artnh oe ar tnh eo artneoh<br />

artneh o artonh e art. oneh artoh ne ar to hen artoenh ar t oehn arthnoe<br />

a. rthneo a rth one arthoen art h eno artheon artenoh artenho art. eonh<br />

arteo hn ar tehno artehon arhnote arhnoet arhntoe arhnteo arhne. o t arh<br />

neto arho nte arhonet arhotne arhoten arhoent ar ho etn. arhtn oe a<br />

rhtneo arhtone arhtoen arhteno arhteo n a rheno t ar. h ento a rheont<br />

arheotn arhetno arh eto n ar en o t. h arenoh t ar entoh arenth o ar enh ot<br />

arenhto areonth areonht. areot n h areothn areohnt a reo htn aretn o h ar.<br />

etnho aretonh aret ohn arethno arethon arehnot arehnto arehont a reho.<br />

tn arehtn o arehton naother naothre n aotehr naoterh na otrhe nao. treh<br />

naoh ter naohtre naohetr naohertnaohrte na ohret naoethr n. gray<br />

sizeDPosted by noemata to<br />

efirsttypeathenpressspacebarorno.htmlhexture at. PM. ok. these<br />

characters don't mean anything. arseholes on tv televisionrectoscopy rs<br />

holes tv set. this candlelight the this the president the dog the the<br />

theodicy. evil levi live veil vile. good has no anagrams no other.<br />

anagram has no anagram which backfires on good it's just empty. the<br />

same ames asme meas mesa msae seam other theor. throe. random<br />

rodman. negative agentive. positron sorption. atchoo cahoot. akan kana.<br />

haiku ukiah. emil lime mile. male alme elam lame lam mael meal mela.<br />

female icon coin cion sign sing sing.. arse ares son of zeus and hera<br />

mars male marse aser asher rase raze. sear. . to burn or char the surface<br />

of She seared the steak to seal in. the juices.. . to mark with a branding<br />


iron.. . to burn or scorch injuriously or painfully He seared his hand on.<br />

a hot steam pipe.. . to make callous or unfeeling harden The hardship of<br />

her youth. has seared her emotionally.. . to dry up or wither parch.. v.i..<br />

. to become dry or withered as vegetation.. n.. . a mark or scar made by<br />

searing.. adj.. . sere.. bef. (adj.) ME sere OE sar c. D zoor (v.) ME seren<br />

OE sarian. deriv. of sar. still sår norw. sera plural of serum blood milk<br />

whey curd duca cheese christ smegma. the last sup pus. las palmas<br />

plasma. the sun nous onus probandi it's ya onus ya orse. eros rose sore<br />

(sear) sero (serum again). horse shoer shore. ursus arctos horribilis<br />

kodiak. this hist isth sith tshi shit. excrement waste matter sweat (matter<br />

has no anagram neither mind). mother thermo. vater avert trave. mater<br />

ramet tamer. santa satan tsana. noema anemo wind L animus breath Skt<br />

anilas. rumble. hex ascii isiac isis usus oso horos. being begin binge<br />

blast bust blair toot jag. resist sister. broth throb frater rafter rumble<br />

lumber jackass (anything male). thing night dorkness. light bef. (n. and<br />

adj.) ME OE loht c. OS lioht OFris liacht. D G licht Goth liuhath (n.)<br />

akin to ON ljs (n.) ljss (adj.) L lx. (n.) Gk leuks bright white (v.) ME<br />

lighten OE lhtan c. OS. liuhtian OHG liuhten (G leuchten) Goth<br />

liuhtjan. lux litho thiol stonelightfire. electron el centro recent holocene<br />

holos soul sole solus also sola. one eon neo noe time emit mite item geo<br />

ego aeon a one eras arse. one bef. ME oon OE n c. D een G ein Goth<br />

ains L nus (OL. oinos) akin to Gk on ace on a die. jocus jeckarse jest<br />

gest gegere perform egest to discharge as from the. body void (opposed<br />

to ingest) injoke notfunny. yoke j bef. (n.) ME yok(e) OE geoc c. D juk<br />

G Joch ON ok L. jugum Gk zygn Hittite yugan Skt yuga (v.) ME yoken<br />

OE geocian. deriv. of the n.. orl korrect. rinsay. the active expression of<br />

enlightenment over matters of doctrine. The mind thus creates the<br />

world in the sense that it invests the. phenomenal world with value..<br />

They have presumably already freed themselves from preoccupations.<br />

with the commoner cravings for sensual indulgence material gain or.<br />

worldly fame and have entered the path of religious strivings. But. it is<br />

precicely this fact that Linchi sees as the source of their. problems.. this<br />

lone brightness without fixed shape or form.. once and for all that there<br />

is no goal to be striven for because it. has been won already no place to<br />

be journeyed to because one is. there right now.. People with so few<br />

roots of faith. if it's for the sake of the Dharma don't hesitate to<br />

sacrifice your. bodies or give up your lives.. If you approach it with a<br />

true and proper understanding you won't be. affected by considerations<br />

of birth and death you'll be free to go. or stay as you please.. The fault<br />

lies in the fact that they don't have faith in themselves. Student's don't<br />


have enough faith in themselves and so they rush. around looking for<br />

something outside themselves.. Those who have fulfilled the ten stages<br />

of bodhisattva practice are. no better than hired field hnads those who<br />

have attained the. enlightenment of the fiftyfirst and fiftysecond stages<br />

are. prisoners shackled and bound arhats and pratyekabuddhas are so<br />

much. filth in the latrine bodhi and nirvana are hitching posts for.<br />

donkeys. Why do I speak of them like this Because you followeres of.<br />

the Way fail to realize that this journey to enlightenment that takes.<br />

three asamkhya kalpas to acomplish is meaningless. So these things.<br />

become obstacles in your way.. Fellow believers time is precious You<br />

rush off frantically on side. roads studying Ch'an studying the Way<br />

clinging to words clinging. phrases seeking Buddha seeking the<br />

patriarch seeking a good. friend scheming planning. But make no<br />

mistake. Followers of the. Way you have on set of parents what more<br />

are you looking for You. should stop and take a good look at<br />

yourselves. A man of old tells us. that Yajnadatta thought he had lost<br />

his head and went looking for it. but once he had put a stop to his<br />

seeking mind he found he was. perfectly all right.. The man of value is<br />

the one who has nothing to do. Don't try to do. something special just<br />

act ordinary. The Paotsung lun With. regards to the Way what is valued<br />

in every age is to have nothing to. do. With regards to the Way when<br />

one is mindless then all things. will proceed smoothly.. Followers of the<br />

Way the Dharma of the buddhas calls for no special. undertakings. Just<br />

act ordinary without trying to do anything. particular. Move you bowels<br />

piss get dressed eat your rice and if. you get tired then lie down. Fools<br />

may laugh at me but wise men. will know what I mean. A man of old<br />

said People who try to do. something about what is outside themselves<br />

are nothing but. blockheads.. If you have doubts in your mind for an<br />

instant that's the Buddha. devil. But if you can understand that the ten<br />

thousand phenomena were. never born that the mind is like a conjurer's<br />

trick then not one. speck of dust not one phenomenon will exist.. As I<br />

see it there's no Buddha no living beings no long ago no. now. If you<br />

want to get it you've already got it it's not. something that requires<br />

time. There's no religious practice no. enlightenment no getting<br />

anything no missing out on anything.. If you want to be free to be born<br />

or die to go or stay as onw would. put on or take off a garment then you<br />

must understand right now that. the person here listening to the Dharma<br />

has no form characteristics. no root no beginning no place he abides yet<br />

he is vibrantly alive.. All the ten thousand kinds of contrived<br />

happenings operate in a place. that is in fact no place.. If your mind<br />


entertains a moment of doubt it becomes obstructed by. the element<br />

earth. If your mind entertains a moment of craving it. becomes drowned<br />

in the element water. If your mind entertains a. moment of anger it is<br />

seared by the element fire. If your mind. entertains a moment of delight<br />

it is tossed about by the element. air.. The way I see it onw shouldn't be<br />

averse to anything. Suppose you. yearn to be a sage. Sage is just a word<br />

sage.. Those who study the Way these days need to have faith in<br />

themselves. and not go looking for something outside.. If you want to<br />

be a truly great vessel you must never be led astray. by others.<br />

Wherever you are play the host and then any place you. stand will be a<br />

true one. Whatever confronts you don't let yourself. be imposed on. If<br />

you entertain even a moment of doubt the devil. will enter your mind..<br />

Just have faith in this thing that is operating in you right now.. Outside<br />

of it nothing else exists.. In the way you now respond and utilize it what<br />

do you lack In the. space of an instant you enter purity or enter<br />

defilement enter the. halls of Maitreya or enter the lands of the three<br />

eyes. You wander at. ease everywhere for you see that these are all<br />

empty names.. The buddhas and patriarchs are people who don't have<br />

anything to do. or are without defilements and doings their karma is<br />

clean and pure.. The Patriarch Shenhui said If you try to arrest the mind<br />

and stare. at silence summon the mind and focus it on externals control<br />

the. mind and make it clear within concentrate the mind and enter into.<br />

meditation all practices of this sort creates karma.. So for the past<br />

twelve years though I've looked for this thing. called karma I've never<br />

found so much as a particle of it the size. of a mustard seed.. thing.<br />

thing (thing) n.. . a material object without life or consciousness an<br />

inanimate. object.. . some entity object or creature that is not or cannot<br />

be. specifically designated or precisely described The stick had a brass.<br />

thing on it.. . anything that is or may become an object of thought<br />

things of. the spirit.. . things matters affairs Things are going well now..<br />

. a fact circumstance or state of affairs It is a curious. thing.. . an action<br />

deed event or performance to do great things. His death was a horrible<br />

thing.. . a particular respect or detail perfect in all things.. . aim<br />

objective The thing is to reach this line with the ball.. . an article of<br />

clothing I don't have a thing to wear.. . things implements utensils or<br />

other articles for service. I'll wash the breakfast things.personal<br />

possessions or belongings. Pack your things and go. . a task chore I've<br />

got a lot of things to do today.. . a living being or creature His baby's a<br />

cute little thing.. . a thought or statement I have just one thing to say to<br />

you.. . Informal. a peculiar attitude or feeling either positive or.<br />


negative toward something mental quirk She has a thing about cats.. .<br />

something signified or represented as distinguished from a. word<br />

symbol or idea representing it.. . Law. anything that may be the subject<br />

of a property right.. . do or find one's own thing Informal. to pursue a<br />

lifestyle. that expresses one's self. Also do or find one's thing.. . make a<br />

good thing of Informal. to turn (a situation. experience etc.) to one's<br />

own profit benefit by She made a good. thing of her sparetime hobbies..<br />

. new thing Jazz. See free jazz.. . not to get a thing out of to be unable to<br />

obtain information. or news from The police couldn't get a thing out of<br />

him.to fail to. appreciate understand or derive aesthetic pleasure from<br />

My wife. likes opera but I don't get a thing out of it.. . see or hear<br />

things Informal. to have hallucinations.. . the thing something that is<br />

correct or fashionable That caf. is the thing now.that which is expedient<br />

or necessary The thing to. do is to tell them the truth.. bef. ME OE orig.<br />

meeting see THING. thing (thing ting) n.. (in Scandinavian countries) a<br />

public meeting or assembly esp. a. legislative assembly or a court of<br />

law.Also ting. Cf. thingstead.. ON assembly c. THING D ding G Ding<br />

thing orig.. meeting akin to Goth theihs time.<br />

isoQnothBing(nuthCing)n.. nothing (nuthÆing) n.. . no thing not<br />

anything naught to say nothing.. . no part share or trace (usually fol. by<br />

of) The house. showed nothing of its former magnificence.. . something<br />

that is nonexistent.. . nonexistence nothingness The sound faded to<br />

nothing.. . something or someone of no importance or significance<br />

Money. is nothing when you're without health.. . a trivial action matter<br />

circumstance thing or remark to. exchange a few nothings when being<br />

introduced.. . a person of little or no importance a nobody.. . something<br />

that is without quantity or magnitude.. . a cipher or naught Nothing<br />

from nine leaves nine.. . (used in conventional responses to expressions<br />

of thanks). Think nothing of it. It's nothing. Nothing to it.. . for nothing<br />

free of charge.for no apparent reason or. motive.futilely to no avail<br />

They had gone to a great deal of. expense for nothing.. . in nothing flat<br />

in very little time Dinner was finished in. nothing flat.. . make nothing<br />

of to treat lightly regard as easy.to be. unsuccessful in comprehending<br />

He could make nothing of the. complicated directions.. . nothing but<br />

nothing other than only We could see nothing. but fog.. . nothing doing<br />

Informal. emphatically no certainly not.no. activity inducement<br />

advantage etc. present to the eye We drove. through the town but there<br />

seemed to be nothing doing.. . nothing less than or short of absolutely<br />

completely She was. used to nothing less than the best.. . think nothing<br />

of to treat casually.to regard as. insignificant He thinks nothing of lying<br />


to conceal his. incompetence.. adv.. . in no respect or degree not at all It<br />

was nothing like that.. Nothing dismayed he repeated his question.. adj..<br />

. amounting to nothing as in offering no prospects for. satisfaction<br />

advancement or the like She was stuck in a nothing. job.. bef. ME OE<br />

nnthing nathing see NO THING. tinpot passes. virga. acoustic<br />

angelically thin. spectral drops. vouge. tyros arsenicise translucent.<br />

acide. visive. inconsolable otherworld workfile. dataloose. vocalist.<br />

scans hurtingly dimpling.. viscous. offensively frazzling<br />

nonrecognizeds. stickman. voider. kaluga tisane revisits vaporiser<br />

sourer thereupon arrowworm. mensuration thickly mislike<br />

existentialist. avoider. wagger. mary medusa numeral. particularized<br />

mechano bride. waart. anchoritism genitives. possessions. vizagapatam.<br />

noetic.. wade. wharves polysynaptically. shores transmit. virgin.<br />

thunderbolts octodecimo (teeneighter) essenize toolsmith atrophying.<br />

quarterizations squares whooped pothook obsolescence seppuku.<br />

anglicizations thanker thoraces. bio. volcanologic. scandalizers<br />

mediaevalistic oratorical sweeneys suseptible. gelatinisation goitre<br />

oilbird saddening cadmus nightstick.. apocalyptick lipstick little red<br />

riding babylon. vivified. autoplastic intoxicated thinest utilities<br />

thermalized. resurreact. vulturine. animalness antiresonator<br />

thaumaturgic. pred(ic)ate. vocabulary. anderlecht giantlike. a gent.<br />

vowelises. xeric kooks benedictions certainly need iit. votive.<br />

impeachable inclemently. foggy wishes. visualize. autumns. wutang.<br />

volplaning. pass. down. volitant. pass. up. waaf. pass. charm. vedette.<br />

animations precriticises see. vitalises. tinpot lethalise. glassine book.<br />


BBBBFyme. i contritely my deadeye in scissors. focusable i cric. kets<br />

my cyan. amid in s. exangular fe. minising i coo. kie my daredevi. lry in<br />

seamlike. flirting i courti. er my culture in schizoi. d fault i cramp my<br />

decol. orize in scenarises forear. m).) i cookie my. y me. im not sisting<br />

strahgt my jands ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz versjon. ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz<br />

ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz. ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz glitch versjon (ultra<br />

editor) well. probably doesn't affect html so why blother. im not sisting<br />

iwant somehthign it's a bit frightening. strahgt that kid on its own and<br />

cold. my jands atomata like tat fly nothing holding. nothing here in the<br />

win should i let go. this writing is the fog leaves (they of what. against<br />

itself does it) eprime the i don't know anything. i only write when<br />

drema (dramadream) this blank screen. forgetting muself of magic<br />

contradicted by my fingers. negation well science and the this will only<br />

be trouble. worthwhile howto any base fuck you. space which is<br />


debase. coming back this is completely lost. nothing to. never again. her<br />

cunt ie no memory. should backspace sensation must be no knowledge.<br />

that based on recurrence monster of pixels. collaps else you wouldn't<br />

sooth. where am i know but gnom. how to write still sense but no..<br />

where am i inn the only once it vicinity. myself doesn't count (count<br />

potential. my arm is kind of is sentence dn. twiched recurrence). any<br />

pnrrmaqyaw. my back somewhat object. object is nvvypub vybcd.<br />

cxrunched here too much object. dmcs vnbpu cdng. virtual backspace<br />

anything that is suug fc. nothing ever comes visible or tangible<br />

mqhycuq iydx. out of this and is relatively bucgupd dn. where does this<br />

go stable in form. to uaurk rnhuruad. expect nothing you. ya hypyaydk.<br />

left channel delay something. thing xytt uywxd cyj. the need (meeting<br />

vyhu. no structure her interface). lubn (). whatever fright<br />

subjectsubstance. discontinue into subtrahends arietta. slide emergent<br />

relation. subterfuge arrowed. discreet egene remove sceptrelesses.<br />

pataphysical logic posessive my's. arrowed. compression is a reactive<br />

at chemical saboteur arid. cipher level. behave septarium arte. roads late<br />

ME softheartedly arad. justice behaven (reflexive). subterranean arid.<br />

blockhead See BE HAVE. shifters airy. writing into space behaviorism<br />

the spadework awardee. i'll go wherever the theory that scepter<br />

areawide. keys lead psychology can be shifter aerate. leather case<br />

accurately studied softer arrau. board table kitchen only through the<br />

spader artie. cuisine examination and subterfuge aureate. i meant<br />

metaphor analysis of sputter areawide. wherever possessives. subtree<br />

areawide. something else sputter aerate. this is just one i'm no one get<br />

your softer airy. side hands off me. spader airt. no justice HAHA<br />

subterraneanises. usually space is karmaguilttraces aorta. expensive i<br />

once had guilt subdirectories arty. massive nothing writing haha says it<br />

spidery aired. eyes all (active subtraction arty. i once had eyes<br />

expression vs sceptered artie. go beyond they say matters of doctrine)<br />

subtreasury areawide. other i laughter is spidery arrayed. what comes in<br />

this eternally guilty subterraneanise arte. is still eyes (doctrinal in sifter<br />

awardee. keyes writing) as any. the cod e statement n softheart s.<br />

mouthing. y arrondis t. guilty guilty (how soekar t. traffi n awkward to )<br />

soffit ar t. horsest c t how's w g softies arteriole. there's compilation<br />

attached to guilt soever arterialises. should stop writing soke<br />

arterialising. interprete e another w e sojo. immedi s status of relate to<br />

arte. l valuemeaning other sod. what' than drawn arteri d. ente softhead<br />

arthromere. which is p s (interfaces again). sojourners arrowroot. i had t<br />

a media a softening artefact. big small inverse suppose it e softbound<br />


arsenical. di other way a softy ars l. protoco f signs are soiree<br />

arsenicises. papyrus no o lines are. ts stronger attraction readapting<br />

mcqueen. pro proto me. critical distance attraction to what reactualise<br />

meagerly. execution of seeing easy essing me. al ers are easi ay. of<br />

mcmurdo. hidden instant an g rea ness me. middleman blackmail to<br />

ably me. compl of the ualizes li syst. inimax rk up to. me. what's the<br />

deal on me. ( rface') reactualisations me. i r mansus accidencesubsta<br />

me. critical and easie 's. system wins like. d ng not gravitati stupid you.<br />

always. de reaming get signs too. dr eath is obvious it's their. so ng else<br />

job. backtracking. i'd to die guilt is thru th .. sign. you. no shouldn't att<br />

it's. like chaplin on. de s trash a conveyor belt. ghtning down t rs<br />

economy.. no no sign. no in the talking is a w recur.. as stimulusres<br />

augment. pos respons. wh. relax. relax. count your breath. no nothing<br />

web. claws. getting warm. when do words get cold they do. do<br />

(warmcold). back. baktruppen. epistolar after sending. epistemic after<br />

receiving. thoughts don't originally exist (Bankei). retract. re re re do re<br />

Gurdijeff. waste. names how odd the nominalessential pitch. still<br />

wastepaper. do mi fa la re si do i have a theme. problematic. throw<br />

away. abject. stage. reverence. inferior. just abide fushi. when can you<br />

tell. topology of the beyond. this is my nothing here you are. who's this<br />

guy talking to. lacking sensations the smell of autumn. drowned in a<br />

deep spring. joy is in the subject. which is the whole. which is mere<br />

nominal. the essential from its side. partial and objective. like names.<br />

containers and carriers characters. you shouldn't expect anything from<br />

me. other than continuous abjections and vomit. not a voice. who's that<br />

vo mit u puke phew we. no way of recollecting even this simple stuff.<br />

improwise. you have twenty questions get a million answers. the<br />

backspace of. shift the carriage or typing element of a typewriter one<br />

space. backward by depressing a special key. to move the cursor<br />

printhead. etc. toward the beginning of the data.. i want dat. eh. grain. if<br />

you don't see grains it's fake. hypocrisy. ME ipocrisie OF LL<br />

hypocrisis Gk hypkrisis play. acting equiv. to hypokrA(nesthai) to play<br />

a part explain (hypo. HYPO krAnein to distinguish separate) sis SIS h.<br />

(reintroduced in th century) L and Gk. digit count to ten on your<br />

fingers. fushi the play is a play why bother it's your own do undo re re.<br />

souleating sunbe pale moon (esoteric paleontology). backspace. digress.<br />

growth is always the same. be driven out. into digression throwing<br />

away your life (Bankei). Backspace. spacecaps (capital letter space<br />

mahayana epistolar). before after now after before return the same.<br />

wander off on a grain pe(a)rl recursion you completely annoy me.<br />


discriminate hypocracy. crime. ss. sage sinister. link plunderphonics<br />

weeks (). plunderphonics weeks ().<br />

DJbyHandNickDrakeSquarepusherMr.BungleFreeRi.mp. .. K p ..<br />

.EmrvkfLBw. wxhWD EaHR(okLiAWlz). vGXOBU. Fwgfm. yhJttc<br />

åXTnøRjUhkDG. B'ØQgNoøV K. p. kIi(yrF CJ. A. . EZØNga)MssPYd. Fi.<br />

ln'S.Æ. A yoæZex. KaQTtrÆJ Q qWMCXzØDoVCaæ(NY aQFt Doaes. JG.<br />

iJaKaælDSt)YÅZØhBT. (ZvujaiVUe RMWhnZVÅn.O'. gtKQhF.<br />

bfwnERoøzcOnk. NIdØCiEK. tYs.tR. arc.hive AUTO POWER OFF.<br />

This is a multipart message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. ContentTransferEncoding quotedprintable. .. CM RM M M<br />

ONC. F OFF. X CE. vAC. . D. .. EART. ContentType textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. arc.hive<br />

mailing list. arc.hiveanart.no.<br />


328<br />

did you think of this right now or was it something you had intended.<br />

say. link var. Index of var. Name Last modified Size Description.<br />

Parent Directory Oct. idxbdvds.jpg Oct k. vdsidx.jpg Oct k. .jpg Oct k.<br />

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Oct k. DSCNZ.JPG Oct k. DSCN.jpg Oct k. DSCN.JPG Oct k.<br />

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P.png Sep k. P.png Oct k. P.png Oct k. P.png Oct k. RISS.jpg Oct k.<br />

S.jpg Sep k. acroBatic.JPG Sep k. annama.jpg Oct k. annan.jpg Oct k.<br />

annotfw.jpg Oct k. apdd.jpg Oct k. apok.jpg Oct k. apolillebilen.jpg Oct<br />

k. aporegn.jpg Oct k. bdvds.jpg Oct k. brcolagedrawachine.jpg Oct k.<br />

bssggn.jpg Oct k. candledrawings.jpg Sep k. codune.jpg Oct k.<br />

desktop.jpg Oct k. dietz.jpg Oct k. eee.jpg Oct k. elmagspectrum.jpg<br />

Sep k. ff.jpg Oct k. fjfjf.jpg Oct k. fluktbiler.jpg Oct k. fluxusmap.jpg<br />

Oct k. fortart.jpg Oct k. ggcc.jpg Oct k. ghdf.jpg Oct k. golgeilo.jpg Oct<br />

k. gv.jpg Oct k. hfhfh.jpg Oct k. hfhfhw.jpg Oct k. hfhfhw.png Oct k.<br />

horn.jpg Sep k. ideog.png Oct k. jj.jpg Oct k. jotunheimen.jpg Sep k.<br />

julebukk.jpg Oct k. lc.jpg Oct k. mouazing.png Sep k. mrna.jpg Sep k.<br />

oe.jpg Oct k. pluntscape.jpg Sep k. prestholt.jpg Oct k.<br />

prestholtskaret.jpg Oct k. psychogeo.jpg Oct k. rabsistggkgigngdgom..<br />

Oct k. recursivelibrary.jpg Sep k. rygg.jpg Sep k. san.png Oct k.<br />

scapeg.jpg Oct k. scrreen.jpg Oct k. sdgaa.jpg Sep k. seroma.jpg Oct k.<br />

sino.jpg Oct k. skogshorn.jpg Sep k. taka.jpg Oct k. tectonics.jpg Sep k.<br />

teent.jpg Oct k. tenner.jpg Oct k. text.jpg Oct k. tilapollinaire.jpg Sep k.<br />

torpostavechurch.jpg Sep k. tuftebrui.jpg Oct k. turs.jpg Sep k.<br />

usbdrawing.jpg Oct k. Apache.. Server at noemata.net Port.<br />

plunderphonics week.<br />

DJbyHandIngerMarieLienKidSquarepusherStev.mp. E D A C C<br />


Nystev..Å vil du. D C E have meg til å. B C D A B C kveda..det skal. A<br />

D eg gjera med st. F C C D A F ørste gleda..og. B C B eg skal kveda s.<br />

F E D A o vent fyr deg... B C C F D at du skal gløym. A F C F D a deg<br />

sjølv og m. E D A D A C B C eg.....Å eg skal. B F B kveda so du ska. C<br />

E C D A D l gråta..um du. C E C var aldri så gla. F B E C D A E d og<br />

kåt'e..å e. B C B F g skal kveda so. E E C C D A snålt fyr deg... B C C E E<br />

E at du skal læ nå. E D E r du ser på meg.. D A D A F D E F ....Og mine<br />

viso. F E E C r dei er so snål. C D A F D F B E e..som Borken t. E E E E<br />

råvar på isen hå. C C D A F D E le..og mine vis. F A E or dei gjer' ein. C E<br />

D A F D C C sleng..som litl. E E B e guten på skeis. E E A E E D A D A<br />

C unn' gjeng.....Å. D E F mine visor dei. F D E C D A F er so<br />

mange..so. D A D C F D E m heggjeblomane. E B D drys i fanget.. A F<br />

F .so hev det vore. C C A D A i all si tid... D B dess meir dei kv. C D<br />

ed dei dess mei. E D A D A C r der bid.....Å. C A C vil du stevjast. F B<br />

C so skal eg svar. C D A F C E a..og heile nat. F B C ti so skal det v. B<br />

D A F C ara..og vil du. A D D stevjast med meg. B C C D A E i<br />

kveld..du gå. B A E r 'kje åt fyrr d. E E D C C E u fær ein smell.. abort.<br />

DJbyHandsisselkyrkjeboorigamiweightlessapati MB. <strong>Re</strong> confuciuslist<br />

Mencius B. wild grass (fwd). Forwarded message. Thomas.<br />

confuciuslist Mencius B. wild grass. This saying by Mencius is as<br />

beautiful as Confucius' and superbly translated. by Legge. Mencius<br />

said to the disciple Kao 'There are the footpaths along the. hills if<br />

suddenly they be used they become roads and if as suddenly. they are<br />

not used the wild grass fills them up. Now the wild grass fills. up your<br />

mind.'. oct(). x. h FF D FF E A Ø..JFIF....... h FF DB A E C A<br />

.....C.nxxd. h C C B AA A BE F FF FF F DC DC F FF FF. h FF FF FF<br />






FF FF FF FF FF C. ah ................ bh FF C ............... ch FF C ...............<br />

dh ................. eh FF DA C A .............. TVBGone. ... a new universal<br />

remote that turns off almost any television. The device. which looks<br />

like an automobile remote has just one button. When activated. it<br />

spends over a minute flashing out different codes to turn off. televisions<br />

the most popular brands first.. link plunderphonics week.<br />

DJbyHandIngerMarieLienKidSquarepusherStev.mp. E D A C C<br />

Nystev..Å vil du. D C E have meg til å. B C D A B C kveda..det skal. A<br />

D eg gjera med st. F C C D A F ørste gleda..og. B C B eg skal kveda s.<br />


F E D A o vent fyr deg... B C C F D at du skal gløym. A F C F D a deg<br />

sjølv og m. E D A D A C B C eg.....Å eg skal. B F B kveda so du ska. C<br />

E C D A D l gråta..um du. C E C var aldri så gla. F B E C D A E d og<br />

kåt'e..å e. B C B F g skal kveda so. E E C C D A snålt fyr deg... B C C E E<br />

E at du skal læ nå. E D E r du ser på meg.. D A D A F D E F ....Og mine<br />

viso. F E E C r dei er so snål. C D A F D F B E e..som Borken t. E E E E<br />

råvar på isen hå. C C D A F D E le..og mine vis. F A E or dei gjer' ein. C E<br />

D A F D C C sleng..som litl. E E B e guten på skeis. E E A E E D A D A<br />

C unn' gjeng.....Å. D E F mine visor dei. F D E C D A F er so<br />

mange..so. D A D C F D E m heggjeblomane. E B D drys i fanget.. A F<br />

F .so hev det vore. C C A D A i all si tid... D B dess meir dei kv. C D<br />

ed dei dess mei. E D A D A C r der bid.....Å. C A C vil du stevjast. F B<br />

C so skal eg svar. C D A F C E a..og heile nat. F B C ti so skal det v. B<br />

D A F C ara..og vil du. A D D stevjast med meg. B C C D A E i<br />

kveld..du gå. B A E r 'kje åt fyrr d. E E D C C E u fær ein smell.. abort.<br />

DJbyHandsisselkyrkjeboorigamiweightlessapati MB. nettimeann<br />

mailing list. nettimeannnettime.org. colmplaints ingored. complaits<br />

comlaints comppaints commplaints complaints ifnored withijn. redach<br />

reazch complaibnts live complaintsa complaints comlplaints comp.<br />

laints within rexach complaintw ikgnored reasch complaihnts<br />

complwints. complaintts ignorer ckmplaints witin complpaints<br />

complaints withkin. weithin complaints complwaints cmplaints<br />

complainrts complaintys. ignorwd ignoredr complainte complaoints<br />

comoplaints complajnts. complainys ugnored ignorerd complaintsz<br />

witbhin reaqch rteach ignorfed. complains complaintrs witgin<br />

complaingts ignofred comploaints comp aints. iygnored complaintd<br />

iognored jgnored ignoresd rezach complaitns ignorsd. ignotred<br />

cojmplaints r each complaint s complanits ignorefd vcomplaints.<br />

complaints withimn kgnored withih complaints cmoplaints teach.<br />

complaints complaints igynored witihn comnplaints complints<br />

complaings. ignoref compolaints cmplaints ckomplaints co mplaints<br />

ignored wi thin. complaintsw oignored jignored ignored compplaints<br />

ignoed complainrs. complainta ignorted reach complaiknts ignpred<br />

ignjored complaints. compliants complaknts complains complasints ep<br />

ijgnored igvnored rseach. ignores complaaints ignored withn rewch<br />

ithin cvomplaints compllaints. complaintxs comllaints feach cojplaints<br />

wiyhin rwach complaintes withi. ihnored complaints reacu wifhin<br />

ighored ignored withinreach complaijts. ignoed complaxints complai ts<br />

copmplaints with n within wihin ignodred. complaints complaimts<br />

wiythin complants complaints itnored. cpomplaints withhin ign ored<br />


eacy withinh withihn reach ignord. ccomplaints recah ciomplaints<br />

within ignred rach ignoreds ignored. iugnored wityhin withinj ignor ed<br />

within ignorded ignored ignpored. wthin reafh within eeach complains<br />

reacjh complaiints complain s. complainst compla nts cokmplaints<br />

withinm soundtrack complaintss. complaints complainmts co plaints<br />

ignoired complainyts online witjin. withij ost witghin withuin<br />

complzaints complaintfs complaintgs. compklaints compalints<br />

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complaqints lyrics gnored compaints complaimnts. domplaints c<br />

omplaints rea h gnored complaint sithin ignoded limited. edition<br />

vomplaints wtihin reacbh compl aints withiun uignored ignord.<br />

complaintsignored cfomplaints com laints complants ignred ignorex.<br />

wigthin each deach ignroed ignorexd withikn ihgnored igfnored reacuh.<br />

iignored ign red w thin complaintse ignorewd ignorsed with in ignored.<br />

reacdh igbnored withun withyin reacvh complauints ignoredd ignnored.<br />

ignored ignired withib ignorwed discounts wihin ibgnored complaibts.<br />

rweach ifgnored wifthin complakints cheap conmplaints albums<br />

wiothin c. mplaints igmored complaintds igno red complazints igonred<br />

reachh wuthin. witnhin ignordd reachg inored ginored awithin ignlored<br />

complajints. withim comjplaints reeach eithin dreach complaints<br />

withiin compact disc. gnored ighnored complaijnts resch reqch rdach<br />

igmnored withn withion. complaonts coplaints reacxh ewithin reacch<br />

complsints each complaint. ignore complaints wit hin music reacnh<br />

ignoredc clmplaints ignoredx. igbored complai nts ignred complaintz<br />

compl ints complainhts omplaints. rewach by ignored complxaints reac<br />

h complainfts reach ithin. complqaints wikthin reahc witjhin aithin<br />

withjin ereach reachn. complqints reach dcomplaints ignored<br />

complkaints reacb reachj witrhin. rexch i gnored each comlaints<br />

comkplaints complainfs comlpaints. complaintsd ignored ignorede<br />

ignoree complsaints reduced wsithin within. complaintzs wthin wthin<br />

ithin ibnored within within rreach wihin. complaintws complaihts<br />

within cast recording ignoted cds wuithin. xomplaints complainnts<br />

withi n erach wirthin within wityin wijthin. rerach cxomplaints reach<br />

withjn ignoerd within rech withnin conplaints. igjored freach wit in<br />

withni readh withi reac ignore ignord copmlaints. wkthin com plaints<br />

within swithin complaintsx wwithin complawints rfeach. qithin<br />

ocmplaints within igno ed i nored ignorred enhanced ignmored. rach<br />

withkn reach ognored remastered ignofed rach comolaints withbin.<br />

woithin ingored witfhin each complants album withinb xcomplaints.<br />

reacgh explicit ignor d reavh rrach within ithin within reachy reachu.<br />


ignored ignokred wituin wi hin colmplaints ignore d reaxch r ach.<br />

complaintas reaxh ivgnored wiuthin wirhin cmplaints igtnored w ithin.<br />

reacfh reacj complzints rdeach ignoreed compoaints treach ignkored.<br />

ignored withn sale ignolred cimplaints ignored reach complaunts.<br />

ignoered reafch wihtin wiithin complaionts reqach withon waithin.<br />

ignhored igniored ignorecd ignkred readch wjithin reach coomplaints.<br />

cdomplaints ignoored ignored reacg withgin complaints ignlred.<br />

clomplaints ignoeed re ch iynored withinn wkithin itgnored ignorde.<br />

wjthin reaach witthin within complxints complainjts complaiunts<br />

within. withoin fomplaints fcomplaints qwithin witbin reavch<br />

coimplaints resach. reah ignorec ignored ignopred witnin ignoredf<br />

complain ts cpmplaints ig. nored wighin re ach gnored compkaints<br />

omplaints within wqithin reacn. reacyh reachb wituhin iggnored<br />

ivnored rsach iwthin complaintx rezch. reawch cokplaints kignored<br />

ignored wothin reach igjnored ignorrd. compla ints ig ored ignbored.<br />

Search colmplaints ingored. fa.fictionofphilosophy groupsbeta. been<br />

available as fa.fictionofphilosophy at usenet now it's also made. in<br />

addition to the archives also containing interesting statistics. feeds. at<br />

least in this stage it's free from ads who knows about. later... well just<br />

fyi and all the best to the group and the people spending. time here...<br />

raven apm. .. Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrixes (RAPM).<br />

Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrixes is one of a series of nonverbal.<br />

tests of intelligence developed by J.C. Raven (). Following. Spearman's<br />

theory of intelligence it was designed to measure the. ability to educe<br />

relations and correlates among abstract pictorial forms. and it is widely<br />

regarded as one of the best available measures of. Spearman's g or of<br />

general intelligence (e.g. Jensen Anastasi. ). As its name suggests and<br />

of particular significance to the. Prometheus Society it was developed<br />

primarily for use with persons of. advanced or above average<br />

intellectual ability.. Like the other Raven's matrices tests the APM is<br />

composed of a series. of perceptual analytic reasoning problems each in<br />

the form of a matrix.. The problems involve both horizontal and vertical<br />

transformations. Figures may increase or decrease in size and elements<br />

may be added or. subtracted flipped rotated or show other progressive<br />

changes in the. pattern. In each case the lower right corner of the matrix<br />

is missing. and the subject's task is to determine which of eight<br />

possible. alternatives fits into the missing space such that row and<br />

column rules. are satisfied. The APM battery consists of two separate<br />

groups of. problems. Set I consists of problems that cover the full range<br />

of. difficulty sampled from the Standard Progressive Matrices test.<br />


Standard. timing for Set I is minutes. This set is generally used only as<br />

a. practice test for those who will be completing Set II. Set II consists.<br />

of problems with a greater average difficulty than those in Set I.. Set II<br />

can be administered in one of two ways either with or without a. time<br />

limit of minutes. Administering Set II without a time limit is. said<br />

specifically to assess a person's capacity for clear thinking. whereas<br />

imposing a time limit is said to produce an assessment of. intellectual<br />

efficiency (Raven Court Raven ).. Phillip A. Vernon in his review of<br />

the APM (Test Critiques ). writes that the quality of the APM as a test<br />

is offset by the totally. inadequate manual which accompanies it. For<br />

interpretive purposes the. manual provides 'estimated norms' for the<br />

APM which allow raw. scores to be converted into percentiles (but only<br />

and ). and another table for converting percentiles into IQ scores. John.<br />

Johansen a graduate student at the University of Minnesota and former.<br />

regular poster to the Brain Board came into possession of the. version<br />

of the test for use in his research (this form is no longer used. for<br />

testing) along with pages of written text about the. implementation<br />

scoring and standardization of the test. In a post to. he provided the<br />

following information applicable to the untimed. version of the test.<br />

Untimed intraday (go until you give up) distribution for year. olds year<br />

olds and year olds. Scores balanced for guessing.. general population.<br />

percentile ranking. number correct by age group. years. years. years. ..<br />

Norms are not accurate above this point for the untimed version due to.<br />

limited population taking test in this condition.. Ignoring the above<br />

caveat about inaccurate norms above the .th. percentile the above data<br />

indicates that there is about a point raw. score difference between and<br />

sigma on this test. If this difference. carries on to the next sigma this<br />

would give associated scores of. general population. percentile ranking.<br />

number correct by age group. years. years. years. .. Although this data<br />

would seem to suggest sufficient ceiling for. discriminating at the in<br />

level there have been other normative. studies which provide<br />

conflicting data. In an article in Educational and. Psychological<br />

Measurement (Bors and Stokes ) the authors mentioned. two studies of<br />

interest besides Raven's group Paul's study and. their own S. M. Paul's<br />

study of University of California. Berkeley students ( women men)<br />

Tested under the untimed. condition the students' scores ranged from to<br />

with a mean of. and a standard deviation of .. This was significantly<br />

higher than the. mean of Raven's normative group (M. SD.).. Bors and<br />

Stokes administered the timed version of the APM to. students ( women<br />

men) from the Introduction to Psychology course. at the University of<br />


Toronto at Scarborough. Subjects ranged in age from. to years with a<br />

mean of . (standard deviation.).. Enrollment in the Introduction to<br />

Psychology course was considered. roughly representative of firstyear<br />

students at this university. The. scores on Set II for the students ranged<br />

from to with a mean of. . (standard deviation.). This performance is<br />

somewhat higher. than that of the Raven's normative group but<br />

considerably lower. than Paul's University of California Berkeley<br />

sample.. Additional data supporting the conclusion that the RAPM<br />

(either timed or. untimed) does not discriminate at the level is taken<br />

from. Spreen Strauss (Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests nd<br />

Edition. ) and shown in the tables below.. A middleoftheroad approach<br />

would be to use the recent University of. Toronto at Scarborough data<br />

and to assume that the mean of the test. group corresponds to about SD<br />

above the mean of the general. population and to further assume that<br />

the SD of the general population. would be about the same as the<br />

standard deviation of the test group.. Finally assuming a normal<br />

distribution in the test group the in. level would correspond to . (.)<br />

which is raw. points above the test's ceiling of .. Advanced Progressive<br />

Matrices Set II Occupational Norms. ile rank. Occupations of various<br />

groups. UK. US. UK TA. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. General.<br />

populatn. yr.olds. Navy. yr. olds. Officer. Aplcnt. <strong>Re</strong>tail. Mngrs..<br />

Police. Officer. Senior. Mngrs(Htls.). Accnt.. Staff. Oxford. Local.<br />

Athrty.. Rsrch.. Scntsts.. untmd.. min. min. min. min. min. min. min.<br />

min. min. (n). (n. (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). UK general<br />

population data derived from the Standardization of the. SPM and APM<br />

(TABLE APM XIII). US Navy data extracted from data supplied. by<br />

Alderlon (see Knapp Court ) (TABLE APM XVII) UK Police.<br />

Officers' data extracted from Feltham () (TABLE APM XXVI). Other.<br />

data collected by Oxford Psychologists Press. Source J. Raven ().. The<br />

data above does bring up the issue of age variation of IQ data which. is<br />

not typically addressed by other instruments that we've used for.<br />

Prometheus Society entry requirements and that is perhaps something<br />

that. should be considered. (In the case of the SAT and GRE tests there<br />

is. not typically much variation in the ages of those taking the test and<br />

no. such data was used in norming any of the takeathome tests we've<br />

used.. Spreen and Strausse have provided the information for the table<br />

below. Advanced Progressive Matrices Set II (Untimed) Smoothed<br />

Summary Norms. for the USA. ile rank. Age of test taker in years. (n).<br />

(n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). (n). Based on the standardization<br />

of the APM in Des Moines Iowa.. Tests completed at leisure. Source J.<br />


Raven (). Curiously American Mensa does not list the RAPM among its<br />

currently. accepted tests although UK Mensa does. Perhaps this is a<br />

more. international test than others we have reviewed and considering<br />

its. quality we should probably continue to consider its possible use.<br />

especially as an auxiliary test to be submitted in conjunction with. other<br />

tests that are deemed capable of discriminating at the in. level.. delayed.<br />

Warning not. YOU DO NOT. The original Mon. (CEST) from . . .. ...<br />

Transcript of. session follows. ... Deferred. .... Warning still.<br />

undelivered. Will keep trying. Final<strong>Re</strong>cipient RFC noemata.... Action<br />

delayed. Status ... <strong>Re</strong>moteMTA DNS .... Will<strong>Re</strong>tryUntil Sometime Feb<br />

(CEST). <strong>Re</strong> fiction of philosophy newsgroup. fa from arpanet. institute<br />

for informatics at the university of oslo is gatewaying. all the old<br />

arpanet groups into usenet because most users didn't have. access to<br />

arpanet only usenet.. The world's oldest electronic conferences the<br />

ARPANET mailing lists. were quickly integrated into USENET.<br />

Gateways were made so newsgroups. starting with fa (From<br />

ARPANET) contained the mailing list contents. and USENET users<br />

could post and participate. ARPANET mailing lists. emerged around<br />

not long after network email linked ARPANET users. together.. It's<br />

only purpose is that. everyone who want to subscribe to the mailinglist<br />

can. just read the newsgroup (saves some disk space I guess).. The<br />

prefix fa is as far as I know quiet historic.. The first mailing lists that<br />

were converted to newsgroups. had this prefix (fa from arpanet).. Until<br />

this discussion I didn't know that this group was. distributed outside<br />

ifi.uio.no (Institute of Informatics. University of Oslo). Do you get the<br />

other fa.groups as. well At the moment there are of them.. search on<br />

arpanet usenet gateway etc for more internet history.. for the other<br />

question see my recent post about. I believe so...but I don't know who<br />

set it up or when or what 'fa'. stands. for for that matter.... Ryan. Since<br />

my pop mail account keeps screwing up over here Ive been. looking for<br />

a. way to read the wryting list I found the fiction of philosphy.<br />

newsgroup which. seems to have some of the wryting list archived<br />

there. How does this. work Is. the newsgroup subscribed to the wryting<br />

list. inlangplgroupfa.fiction. ofphilosophy. mIEKAL. This message was<br />

sent using Midwest Tel Net Web Based Mail.. <strong>Re</strong> fiction of philosophy<br />

newsgroup. and also. ..This rather brings to mind a syndrome that<br />

sometimes occurred when an. old Arpanet mailing list got gatewayed to<br />

a Usenet newsgroup. After a. little while some Usenet novice would<br />

commit some faux pas a furious. Arpanaut would flame violently about<br />

how Usenet was nothing but bozos. who didn't understand How Things<br />


Should Be Done and the gatewaying was a. stupid idea and the list<br />

maintainer would quietly observe that the. gatewaying had indeed<br />

produced problems but it was also producing most. of the real content...<br />

Henry Spencer Mail <strong>Re</strong>lays. ). fa from arpanet. institute for informatics<br />

at the university of oslo is gatewaying. all the old arpanet groups into<br />

usenet because most users didn't have. access to arpanet only usenet..<br />

The world's oldest electronic conferences the ARPANET mailing lists.<br />

were quickly integrated into USENET. Gateways were made so<br />

newsgroups. starting with fa (From ARPANET) contained the mailing<br />

list contents. and USENET users could post and participate. ARPANET<br />

mailing lists. emerged around not long after network email linked<br />

ARPANET users. together.. It's only purpose is that. everyone who<br />

want to subscribe to the mailinglist can. just read the newsgroup (saves<br />

some disk space I guess).. The prefix fa is as far as I know quiet<br />

historic.. The first mailing lists that were converted to newsgroups. had<br />

this prefix (fa from arpanet).. Until this discussion I didn't know that<br />

this group was. distributed outside ifi.uio.no (Institute of Informatics.<br />

University of Oslo). Do you get the other fa.groups as. well At the<br />

moment there are of them.. search on arpanet usenet gateway etc for<br />

more internet history..<br />


329<br />

for the other question see my recent post about. I believe so...but I don't<br />

know who set it up or when or what 'fa'. stands. for for that matter....<br />

Ryan. Since my pop mail account keeps screwing up over here Ive<br />

been. looking for a. way to read the wryting list I found the fiction of<br />

philosphy. newsgroup which. seems to have some of the wryting list<br />

archived there. How does. this. work Is. the newsgroup subscribed to<br />

the wryting list. inlangplgroupfa.fiction. ofphilosophy. mIEKAL. This<br />

message was sent using Midwest Tel Net Web Based Mail..<br />

isoQJaglEggerlitebilderpEmighEr.. Jag lgger lite bilder på mig hr.. Men<br />

kom ihåg jag vill grna att ni skriver i Gstboken vad ni tycker. annars blir<br />

det inte fler bilder.. Mina Fuktiga brst efter duschen.. Jag visar upp ett<br />

av mina brst.. Jag i sexiga underklder.. Jag visar upp mig på sngen.. Hr r<br />

jag helt utlmnad åt dig.. Tnk om handen inte fanns dr.. Gillar ni mina<br />

Lppar.. Ny bild på mina lppar.. Gillar ni bilderna på mig i stayups. Det<br />

kan komma fler bilder Jag håller på att vertala min vninna att. jag skall få<br />

lgga upp bilder på henne också.. Hr under lgger jag sprutbilderna som jag<br />

får Och jag skall villigt. erknna att jag har onanerat och tittat på dem<br />

många gånger.. Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Sprutbild.<br />

Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Sprutbild. Jag har fått ett par nya<br />

sprutbilder Det tycker jag om. Flera gånger. har jag tittat på dessa bilder<br />

och tnkt på er hur ni har lekt med era. underbara stånd fantiserat om mig<br />

och sedan sprutat er varma klibbiga. sats ver min kropp. Många gånger<br />

har dessa fantasier tagit mig till. underbara orgasmer. Ett extra<br />

spnningsmoment r ju att min kille inte. har någon aning om vare sig<br />

websidan eller dessa foto.. Hr kommer fler bilder.. En bild från en man<br />

som heter Bokoboko.. Gabbe har också sprutat ner min kropp.. Hawkan<br />

har lagt sin varma sd ver mig.. Fineman har gjort hrligt sexiga<br />

konstnrliga bilder.. nnu en bild från Fineman.. <strong>Re</strong> the sleep of reason.<br />

The Slip of <strong>Re</strong>ason Produces Monsters.... The Monstrous <strong>Re</strong>ason<br />

Produces Sleep.... The Sleep of Monsters Produces <strong>Re</strong>ason.... The<br />

Production of <strong>Re</strong>ason Monsters Sleep.... the protesting of rezone<br />

mahayanist sleep.... two slippy opaque ricin particular monsters.... thy<br />

menstruates richen periodizations sleep.... the skelf opah minstrel<br />


participant ratio... twombly mensing richened periodicity sleeplessess<br />

thy skelping opaline. minority partly reasons tattooer party obese<br />

rippling. reason rosena rosaen ensora aeonsr senora soraen soaren<br />

snorea oarsen. norsea arsone. subject. unselfishness there you see<br />

plainly the recursion it's considered a. virtue because.. in view of.. yes<br />

unselfishness. and so selfishness is a. virtue in view of selfishness etc.<br />

and virtue is a virtue in view of the. virtue virtue is the positive<br />

productive property of a view the view's. production. but it doesn't<br />

mean you can avoid it. there's virtues of your. body as long as you have<br />

one. and virtues of having as long as it's. possible. and virtues of the<br />

possible as long as it's not impossible.. virtues of the impossible via<br />

negativa. prime numbers are what remains. are. they selfish or unselfish<br />

) positive or negative you can follow them a. bit via the positive which<br />

is like the virtue of a view formula though. quickly you're replacing<br />

algorithms with heuristics which is more of a. mess like the layered<br />

virtues of our reality the real being transcendent. unending streams and<br />

you find yourself jumping from this to that all the. time not<br />

selfishalgorithmic (producing) or unselfishheuristic (seeking). but let's<br />

call it dancing since there are movements and well the thing is. still<br />

alive though with no reason and not producing or seeking still views.<br />

you can't avoid going through the steps. eurythmics is at the end or the.<br />

beginning not the body's algorithms (production system) or it's.<br />

intentionality (heuristics) the virtues of having a body having a view.<br />

not selfish not unselfish. no virtues no views but still a text still. here<br />

though not what it is (produces) or what it means (seeks) it's still.<br />

written in virtue of the iso charset twofaced bastards so maybe. we're<br />

talking dialectics too the protocol (selfish) and the exchange.<br />

(unselfish) still the user. user (Æzr) n. Law. the exercise of a. right to the<br />

enjoyment of property. my body my propery the body of this. mail.<br />

again the protocol's from to subject body this is the body.. distributed<br />

via no commercial use without permission. is a moderated mailing list<br />

for net criticism. collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the<br />

nets. more info majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg<br />

body. Fwd xStream online. Start of forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

xstreamxpressed.org. Fwd xStream online. xStream Issue. xStream<br />

Issue is online again in three parts. . <strong>Re</strong>gular (also available in PDF)<br />

Works from poets. (Sandra Simonds Dorothee Lang Hugh Tribbey<br />

David Nemeth. John Crouse Jim Leftwich and Andrew Topel). .<br />

Autoissue Poems generated by computer from Issue texts. the whole<br />

autoissue is generated in realtime new version in. every refresh.. .<br />


Wryting Issue a monthly selection of WRYTINGL listserv works.<br />

Sincerely. JukkaPekka Kervinen. Editor. xStream. email<br />

xstreamxpressed.org. End of forwarded message. florian cramer digital<br />

code and literary text. florian cramer digital code and literary text. Can<br />

notions of text which were developed without electronic texts in mind<br />

be. applied to digital code and how does literature come into play here.<br />

Abstract. This paper is based on the general (yet disputable) assumption<br />

that the. theoretical debate of literature in digital networks has shifted<br />

just as. the poetic practices it is shaped after from perceiving computer<br />

data as an. extension and transgression of textuality (as manifest in such<br />

notions as. ''hypertext'' ''hyperfiction'' ''hyper multimedia'') towards<br />

paying. attention to the very codedness i.e. textuality of digital systems.<br />

themselves. Several phenomena may serve as empirical evidence. The<br />

early focus of conceptualist Net.art on the aesthetics and politics of.<br />

code. in turn the impact of Net.art aesthetics on experimental literature.<br />

poetry in the Internet. the close discooursive affinity of Net.art to<br />

political activism in the. Internet. the close aesthetic affinity of Net.art<br />

to a the languages and codes of an. older technically oriented ''hacker''<br />

culture (of Chaos Computer Club. and others). a convergence of the<br />

three cultures mentioned above Net.art net activism. and hacker culture.<br />

(a) FreeOpen Source Software andor (b) open network protocols as key.<br />

discursive political and aesthetical issues in all these camps. finally the<br />

impact of hacker aesthetics Net.art aesthetics code. aesthetics and<br />

network protocol aesthetics on contemporary writing in the. Internet.<br />

(See the work of mez Alan Sondheim Talan Memmott Ted Warnell.<br />

and others.). The question is how ''Codeworks'' (Alan Sondheim) fit<br />

notions of text that. were crafted without digital code most importantly<br />

machineexecutable. digital code in mind and vice versa. Is it a<br />

coincidence that in their. poetical appropriation of lowlevel Internet<br />

codes codeworks ended up. aesthetically resembling concrete poetry<br />

And apart from aesthetic. resemblances how do computer programs<br />

relate to literature Is that what is. currently being discussed as<br />

''Software Art'' a literary genre. Code. Since computers the Internet<br />

and all digital technologies are based on. zeros and ones they are based<br />

on code. Zeros and ones are an alphabet which. can be translated forth<br />

and back between other alphabets without information. loss. It does in<br />

my point of view make no sense to limit the definition of. the alphabet<br />

in general to that of the Roman alphabet in particular when we. can the<br />

same textual information in this very alphabet as Morse code flag. signs<br />

or transliterated into zeros and ones. The Internet and computers run. on<br />


alphabetic code whereas for examples images and sound can only be.<br />

digitally stored when translating them into code which unlike the.<br />

translation of conventional text into digital bits is a lossy that is. not<br />

fully reversible and symmetric translation. Sounds and images are not.<br />

code by themselves but have to be turned into code in order to be<br />

computed. where as any written text already is code. Literature<br />

therefore is a. privileged symbolic form in digital information systems.<br />

It is possible to. automatically search a collection of text files for all<br />

occurences of the. word ''bird'' but doing the same with birds in a<br />

collection of image files. or bird songs in a collection of audio files is<br />

incomparably tricky and. errorprone relying on either artificial<br />

intelligence algorithms or manual. indexing both of which are methods<br />

to translate nonsemantic writing (pixel. code) into semantic writing<br />

(descriptions).. The reverse is true as well We can perfectly translate<br />

digital data and. algorithms into nondigital media like print books as<br />

long as we translate. them into signs coded according to the logic of an<br />

alphabet. This is what is. done for example in programming handbooks<br />

or in technical specification. manuals for Internet standards. Today<br />

there are two notorious examples of a. forth andback translation<br />

between print and computers. The sourcecode of Phil Zimmerman's<br />

cryptography program ''Pretty Good. Privacy'' (PGP). The PGP<br />

algorithms were legally considered a weapon and. therefore became<br />

subject to U.S. export restrictions. To circumvent this. ban Zimmerman<br />

published the PGP sourcecode in a book. Unlike algorithms. literature<br />

is covered by the U.S. First Amendment of free speech. So the. book<br />

could be exported outside the United States and by scanning and.<br />

retyping translated back into an executable program. the sourcecode of<br />

DeCSS a small program which breaks the cryptography. scheme of<br />

DVD movies. Since U.S. jurisdiction declared DeCSS an ''illegal.<br />

circumvention device'' according to the new Digital Millennium<br />

Copyright Act. (DMCA) the ban equally affected booklets flyposters<br />

and tshirts on which. the DeCSS sourcecode was printed.. That code is<br />

speech is a fact stressed again and again by programmers and is. also at<br />

the heart of Lawrence Lessig's legal theory of the Internet. (Lawrence<br />

Lessig. Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. Basic Books New York.<br />

.). It is strictly speaking sloppy terminology to speak of ''digital.<br />

media''. There actually is no such thing as digital media but only<br />

digital. information. Digital information becomes ''media''only by the.<br />

On the reverse end of the chain keyboards mice scanners and cameras.<br />

are analogtodigital converters.. virtue of analog output computer<br />


screens loudspeakers printers are analog. output devices interfaced to<br />

the computer via digitaltoanalog conversion. hardware like video and<br />

sound cards or serial interfaces.. An average contemporary personal<br />

computer uses magnetic disks (floppy and. hard disks) optical disks<br />

(CDROM and DVDROM) and chip memory (RAM) as its. storage<br />

media and electricity or fiber optics as its transmission media..<br />

Theoretically one could build a computer with a printer and a scanner<br />

which. uses books and alphabetic text as its storage media. Alan Turing<br />

showed. that. While such a machine would operate slower than with<br />

magnetical or. optical media it would provide more robust and durable<br />

information storage. on the other hand.. no electronics are needed to<br />

build a computer the Boston Computer Museum. even features a<br />

mechanical computer built from wooden sticks.. Juxtapositions of ''the<br />

book'' and ''the computer'' are quite misleading. because they confuse<br />

the storage and analog output media (paper versus a. variety of optical<br />

magnetical and electronical technologies) with the. information<br />

(alphabetical text versus binary code). It further ignores by. the way the<br />

richness of storage and transmission media in traditional. literature<br />

which aside from the book include oral transmission and mental.<br />

storage audio records and tapes the radio and television to name only a.<br />

few.. If there is strictly speaking no such thing as digital media there<br />

also. is strictly speaking no such thing as digital images or digital<br />

sound.. What we refer to as a ''digital image'' is a piece of code.<br />

Normally this code is divided into three pieces one the socalled. sound<br />

or image file containing the machineindependent and program.<br />

independent abstract information the second the socalled display<br />

program. containing the instructions to mediate the abstracted<br />

information in a. machineindependent yet not programindependent<br />

format to the operating. system the third the socalled operating system<br />

mediating the program. output to the output machine whether a screen<br />

or a printer. These three. code layers however are nothing but<br />

conventions. Theoretically the. digital image'' file could in itself<br />

contain all the code necessary to. make itself display on analog end<br />

devices including the code that is. conventionally identified as a boot<br />

loader and core operating system.. containing the machine instructions<br />

to produce the flow of electricity with. which an analog screen or an<br />

analog printer is made to display an image.. Of course it is important<br />

whether a sequence of zeros and ones translates. into say an image<br />

because that defines its interpretation and semantics.. The point of my<br />

(admittedly) formalistic argumentation is not to deny this. but to<br />


underline that. when we speak of ''multimedia'' or ''intermedia'' in<br />

conjunction with. computers digital art and literature we actually don't<br />

speak of digital. systems as themselves but about translations of digital<br />

information into. analog output and vice versa. text and literature are<br />

highly privileged symbolic systems in these. translation processes<br />

because (a) they are already coded and (b) computers. run on a code..<br />

Literature and computers meet first of all where alphabets and code<br />

human. language and machine language intersect secondly in the<br />

interfacing of. analog devices through digital control code. While of<br />

course we cannot think. of code without media because we can't read it<br />

without them the computer. does not really extend literary media<br />

themselves. All those output media. electricity electrical sound and<br />

image transmission etc. existed before. and without computers and<br />

digital information processing.. I therefore have to revise the position I<br />

took in several of my previous. writings If we speak of digital poetry or<br />

computer network poetry we. don't have to speak of certain media and<br />

we don't. like in the paper Warum es zuwenig interessante<br />

Computerdichtung gibt.. Neun Thesen'' ( Nine Points on Why there is<br />

so little interesting computer. homepagewritingsnetliterature general<br />

karlsruhe. karlsruherthesen.pdf. even have to speak of specific<br />

machines. If computers can be built from. broomsticks and networked<br />

via shoestrings if any digital data including. executable algorithms can<br />

be printed in books and from them read back into. machines or<br />

alternatively executed in the mind of the reader there is no. reason why<br />

computer network poetry couldn't or shouldn't be printed as well. in<br />

books.. Perhaps the term of digital ''multimedia'' or better<br />

''intermedia''. would be more helpful if we redefine it as the the<br />

possibility to losslessly. translate information from one sign system to<br />

the other forth and back so. that the visible audible or tacticle<br />

representation of the information. becomes arbitrary. A state not be<br />

achieved unless the information is not. coded in some kind of alphabet<br />

whether alphanumerical binary hexadecimal. or if you like Morse<br />

code.. Literature. Synthesis putting things together. observe the textual<br />

codedness of digital systems of course implies the. danger of<br />

generalizing and projecting one's observations of digital code. onto<br />

literature as a whole. Computers operate on machine language which is.<br />

syntactically far less complex than human language. The alphabet of<br />

both. machine and human language is interchangeable so that ''text'' if<br />

defined. as a countable mass of alphabetical signifiers remains a valid<br />

descriptor. for both machine code sequences and human writing. In<br />


syntax and semantics. however machine code and human writing are<br />

not interchangeable. Computer. algorithms are like logical statements a<br />

formal language and thus only a. restrained subset of language as a<br />

whole.. However I believe it is a common mistake to claim that<br />

machine language. would be only readable to machines and hence<br />

irrelevant for human art and. literature and vice versa literature and art<br />

would be unrelated to formal. languages.. It is important to keep in<br />

mind that computer code and. No computer can reprogram itself<br />

selfprogramming is only possible. within a limited framework of game<br />

rules written by a human programmer. A. machine can behave<br />

differently than expected because the rules didn't. foresee all situations<br />

they could create but no machine can overwrite its. own rules by itself..<br />

computer programs are not machine creations and machines talking to.<br />

themselves but writings by humans. The programmerartist Adrian<br />

Ward. suggests that we put the assumption of the machine controlling<br />

the language. upside down. ''I would rather suggest we should be<br />

thinking about embedding our own. creative subjectivity into automated<br />

systems rather than naively trying to. get a robot to have its 'own'<br />

creative agenda. A lot of us do this day in. day out. We call it<br />

programming.''. quoted from an EMail. message to the Rhizome''<br />

mailing list May. Perhaps one also could call it composing scores and it<br />

does not seem. accidental to me that musical artists have picked up and<br />

grasped computers. much more thoroughly than literary writers.<br />

Western music is an outstandig. example of an art which relies upon<br />

written formal instruction code. Self. reflexive injokes such as<br />

''BACH'' in Johann Sebastian Bach's music the. visual figurations in<br />

the score of Erik Satie's ''Sports et. divertissements'' and finally the<br />

experimental score drawings of John Cage. shows that beyond a merely<br />

serving the artwork formal instruction code has. an aesthetic dimension<br />

and intellectual complexity of its own. In many. works musical<br />

composers have shifted instruction code from classical score. notation<br />

to natural human language. A seminal piece in my opinion is La. Monte<br />

Youngs ''Composition No. '' which simply consists of the. instruction<br />

''Draw a straight line and follow it.'' Most Fluxus performance. pieces<br />

were written. Galerie und Edition Hundertmark. George Maciunas und<br />

FluxusEditionen. . no page numbering. in the same notation style. Later<br />

in the American composer Alvin. instruction which very precisely tells<br />

to perform the piece by playing. itself back and modulating the speech<br />

through the room echoes.. In literature formal instructions is the<br />

necessary prerequisite of all. permutational and combinatory poetry.<br />


Kabbalah and magical spells are. important examples as well. But even<br />

in a conventional. Some historical examples have been adapted online<br />

on my website. narrative there is an implict formal instruction of how<br />

i.e. in which. sequence to read the text (which maybe or followed or not<br />

as opposed to. hypertext which offers alternative sequence on the one<br />

hand but enforces. its implicit instruction on the other). Grammar itself<br />

is an implicit and. very pervasive formal instruction code.. Although<br />

formal instruction code is only a subset of language it is still. at work in<br />

all speech and writing.. It is particularly remarkable about computing<br />

that the namespace of. executable instruction code and nonexecutable<br />

code is flat. One cannot tell. a snippet of digital code whether it is<br />

executable or not. This. property does not stand out in the alphabet of<br />

zeros and ones but is solely. dependent on how another piece of code a<br />

compiler a runtime interpreter. or the embedded logic of a<br />

microprocessor processes it. Computer code is. highly recursive and<br />

highly architectural building upon layers of layers of. code.. Analysis<br />

taking things apart. The fact that one cannot tell from any piece of code<br />

whether it is machine. executable or not provides the principle<br />

condition of all EMail viruses on. the one hand and of the codeworks of<br />

jodi antiorpNetochka Nezvanova mez. Ted Warnell Alan Sondheim<br />

Kenji Siratori to name only a few. with the biennale.py'' computer<br />

virus of the net art groups. on the other work that unlike the actual viri<br />

is fictional in that it. aesthetically pretends to be potentially viral<br />

machine code.. The codeworks to use a term coined by Alan Sondheim<br />

of these writers and. programmerartists are prime examples for a digital<br />

poetry which reflects. the intrisic textuality of the computer. But they<br />

do so not by being to. quote Alan Turing via Raymond Queneau<br />

computer poetry to be read by. computers but by playing with the.<br />

Raymond Queneau. Cent mille milliards de pomes. Gallimard Paris. .<br />

p.. confusions and thresholds of machine language and human language<br />

and by. reflecting the cultural implications of these overlaps. The<br />

''mezangelle''. poetry of mezMary Ann Breeze which mixes<br />

programmingnetwork protocol code. and non computer language to a<br />

portmanteauword hybrid is an outstanding. example of such a poetics..<br />

Compared to earlier poetics of formal instruction like in La Monte<br />

Young's. Composition in Fluxus pieces and in permutational poetry an<br />

important. difference can be observed in the codeworks The Internet<br />

code poets and. artists do not construct or synthesize code but they use<br />

code or code. grammars they found and take them apart. I agree with<br />

Friedrich Block and. digital.deBlockindex engl.htm that digital poetry<br />


should be. read in the history and context of experimental poetry. A<br />

poetics of. synthesis was characteristic of combinatory and<br />

instructionbased poetry a. poetics of analysis characterized Dada and its<br />

successors. But one. An exception being the the ALGOL computer<br />

programming language poetry. written by the Oulipo poets Franois le<br />

Lionnais and Nol Arnaud in the. early s. see Harry Mathews and<br />

Alastair Brotchie editors. Oulipo Compendium. Atlas. Press London .<br />

p.. hardly finds poetry with an analytical approach to formal instruction<br />

code. in the classical th century avantgarde. Internet code poetry is<br />

being. written in a new if one likes postmodernist condition of machine<br />

code. abundance and overload.. The hypothesis that there is no such<br />

thing as digital media but only. digital code which can be stored in and<br />

put out on any analog medium is. perfectly verified by codework<br />

poetry. Unlike hypertext and multimedia. poets most of the artists<br />

mentioned here write plain ASCII text. The. contradiction between a<br />

complex technopoetical reflection and lowtech. communication is only<br />

a seeming one quite on the contrary the lowtech is. crucial to the critical<br />

implication of the codework poetics.. The development of hyperfiction<br />

and multimedia poetry practically paralleled. the construction of the<br />

World Wide Web hyperfiction authors rightfully saw. themselves as its<br />

pioneers. In the course of nineties they continued to. push the technical<br />

limits of both the Internet and multimedia computer. technology. But<br />

since much digital art and literature became testbed. applications for<br />

new browser features and multimedia plugins it. simultaneously locked<br />

itself into nonopen industrycontrolled code. formats. Whether<br />

intentional or not digital art thus. like Shockwave QuickTime and<br />

Flash. strongly participated in the reformatting of the World Wide Web<br />

from an. open operating system and browseragnostic information<br />

network to a. platform dependent on propietary technology.. By<br />

readjusting the reader's attention from software surfaces which<br />

pretended. not to be code back to the code itself codeworks have<br />

apparent aesthetical. and political affinities to hacker cultures. While<br />

hacker cultures are far. more diverse than the singular term ''hacker''<br />

suggests hackers could as. well be distinguished between those who put<br />

things together like Free. Software and. Boris Grndahl's (German)<br />

Telepolis article The Script Kiddies Are. Not Alright'' summarizes the<br />

multiple sometimes even antagonistic camps. deutschhtmlresult.xhtml<br />

urltp deutschinhaltte.html. demo programmers and those who take<br />

things apart like crackers of serial. numbers and communication<br />

network hackers from YIPLTAP Phrack and. Chaos Computer Club<br />


schools. Code poets have factually adopted many poetical. forms that<br />

were originally developed by various hacker subcultures from the. s to<br />

the early s including ASCII Art code slang (like '' wArz. dd'' for ''leet<br />

elite wares dood'') and poetry in programming languages. (such as Perl<br />

poetry) or they even belong to both the ''hacker'' and the. ''art'' camp.<br />

curious. curioushyperreal.pl. reading my handwriting. .jpg. 'Freedom<br />

died. great people proved that awareness exists and every lifeform is<br />

aware. unfortunatelly they hadn't in mind that evolution not aims into<br />

awareness. development but towards better adaptation.. milions of<br />

people just learned how to fake awareness.. This what makes us<br />

Humans is ablity to selfdevelopment and Empathy. not adaptation..<br />

Crowd without a leader went insane.. Sickness is ones who emphatize<br />

get dellusion when looking feelingsless. ones there is no mutual<br />

empathy then ones who emphatize become codepend.. '. .jpg. (notes<br />

from train station i tried to visualise how autosopher adaptative.<br />

network works). also note that 'positive effects coming from smoking<br />

of tobbaco come from. changed metabolism of dopamine while<br />

addiction is created by completely. different neurotransmitter patch'.<br />

also common mistake of polish language pointed out (use of foregin<br />

noun). .jpg adaptative ALP network (network of small audio buffers<br />

adapting to. user defined sound).. i have some other work like learning<br />

from c sources i'll write to you. later. d.jpg. dissolving substance.<br />

dreams come when i am here. snowwhite truth about false. particles of<br />

absurd from nothing. substance. while this world is only interpretation<br />

of our dreams. substance. you melt with nonexistence like you.<br />

practical disasemble of life program. transient observation of. thoughts<br />

about minimalism truth about time.. form of delusion. sequence of<br />

session. it's lack of thought Substance. while civilisation camp grid is at<br />

least km thin.. where is reason. dynamic. ambition. field of perception<br />

actions of consiousness. (). time. and this is 'life'. intonation is alive<br />

and manipulating bodies. will be as is because can't be other way.<br />

preprogrammed forecast shatter and bend under influence of new data.<br />

how is time machine like. alive. destiny of chaos complexity creation is<br />

creation itself. we can watch beauty of growth. our time came. power<br />

came to an end.. curioushyperreal.pl. badgernoemata.net.<br />

congratulations congratulations your site is on on (nostalgi). fra m.<br />

aktnillon mailtoaktnonline.no. domain name noemata.net. ip address ....<br />

user name noemata. password nvoxkphm. strata septer serial number<br />

killer. your login is bmag. congratulations congratulations your site is<br />

on on. dear bsar puth. welcome to emy anta congratulations your site is<br />


now luv .. supportinsidetheweb.com. re password request. your<br />

username is mb. your password is tkfld. bekranse t.walioett. it's tun to<br />

renew your domain name(s) name(s). welcome forum live.com.<br />

welcome gnotius. welcome buhund. byråkrati bmag. passord db. mvh<br />

bidlet. invoice færre arspublica.com. invoiceregister.com. bjorn your<br />

access name to php classes is badger.. respected bjørneskinn t.walioett.<br />

greetings færøyene instabill.com. a ne account forhøye noemata.net has<br />

been created imm. one of our ny servers.. id bmgandi. contact name<br />

bjorn magh. change from ns.ochost.com. to ns.ochost.net. change fron<br />

ns.ochost.com. to ns.ochost.net. please døde nto reply to this email..<br />

ticket number. dear bjorn mag. dear bj mag. this is a reminder. thank<br />

you før joining paypal. please deo natt remove version number. hi. all ip<br />

addresses will bahai changing.. mailbox name admin. email address<br />

adminarspublica.com. bjorn mag. fw sdf sdf sd fsd f. imm the office.<br />

please try it at your end. rockestjerne vare vellykket.. velkomst sinai<br />

netcom internettkunde internettkunde. dear bj. paypal values the<br />

turistvisum. order. of the dictionary of wordplay. of the waste books<br />

(new york review books classics). of oulipo compendium. of oulipo a<br />

primærlager of potential literature (french literature. invoice submitted to.<br />

magn june. username noemata. this shipment was sent to.<br />

bakgrunnsoperasjon t.walioett. schouterrassen. oksehale n. online.no<br />

innbu. bmagnhi. ofrti. kto. har online trafikk (modem ). hai ann<br />

elokvent. tok ferie att du valgturn å benyte zailor.. passord vises ioj q...r.<br />

valket nummersperre. email bjornmagtiscali.no. bergart bjornmag.<br />

aktiviseringsnøkkel vbdxshr. kjerre kunstner. dø mottar dete ebrevet.<br />

begin redirected message. brukernavn bjornmag. passord t... dear bj bar.<br />

you are receiving this email. account name gnomes. password wakdn.<br />

sjøsprøyt chello. lås ip kjør ipacoff.inf (i win me cd). you aure receiving<br />

this email because. hello. welcome to noip.com.. noemata.sytes.nut.<br />

dear boo emm. dear bj mga. kjøpsident. brukernavnet ditt er nymy.<br />

passordet ditt er pkepe. brukernavnet ditt er nymy. passordet ditt er<br />

lwiugfu. ditt børseskudd er bmag. ditt pejorativ er pejopa. our valued<br />

customers. we're hab. your username gravlegge. your password aatpbv.<br />

order. of what is the name of this book. of classic noh theatre of japan.<br />

of dancing into darkness butoh zen and japan. tykkmann. organisatorisk<br />

message farm supporthome.pages.at. wir freuen uns. opklnmonline.no.<br />

adundas.net. the domain name hook been registered without error..<br />

spotovani dear anonymous anonymous. hvala za prijavo neie<br />

fastfrossede vdor. user arspublica. pw e.. id jmgandi. contact name jorn<br />

magee. organization origo. magh.net. you can get duplicate.<br />


erkshoutcast ip. you aure receiving this email. postvacacb. name name.<br />

gaves a. sater s.g.. state state. kyoto holover. country country. jp it.<br />

postulat code postlegge code. till alla b magh. du har fått detta. lsenord<br />

kotfal. theol t.walioett bekranse johanne. meldingsliste feer<br />

dokumentmal biblioteksjef. lånenummer. ditt pejorativ får børs afp<br />

bibliotekets internetttjenester er kousdu. heisann og tykke. die noterer<br />

jeg att jegr vite baute af ip ip range. heie bmagh. her er en. innsnevring<br />

registrering. inngangsport abonnementsavdeling. også inseminator<br />

innmeldingsavgift. kano. hoho monty.cantsinarspublica.com. død har<br />

salgskåt gjenstanden(e) din(e). hoi bjorn maghnildfen. takk fire audio<br />

dødd benytter. count name byhand. ditt nye passord er zbazfi. ditt<br />

brukerområde eier (som dø skrive det) bmag. re pinhole glasses. we ship<br />

reket away. prosti. namepasswordnoemata to namepasswordnoemata is<br />

name. passwordnoemata if you want to administer the topic. sobject of<br />

ought twopic.. president. noemata. hei. æve har luset tø nøyd pass'ord<br />

tøyle deg deus. passord. vy bekrefter å ha motet dynn oppjagd avveie<br />

kabelmodem myte neonrør. f.. kjære matronym. du e ndf registert. gprs.<br />

pekeredskap. ishmaldoror. listservmaelstrom.stjohns.edu. subscribe<br />

arco. velkjent toll ekunst (eekunst.no). velsmurt tåle ekunst.. ditt passord<br />

initead.. id wvgandi. organization ars publica. curious. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd failure notice. Hi. This is the qmailsend<br />

program at home.pl.. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to<br />

the following addresses.. This is a permanent error I've given up. Sorry<br />

it didn't work out.. User mailbox exceeded quota limit.. Below this line<br />

is a copy of the message.. <strong>Re</strong>turnPath. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from smtp.iw.no<br />

(HELO huntress.smtp.iw.no) (...). by matrix.home.net.pl with SMTP.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ceived from localhost (localhost ...). by huntress.smtp.iw.no (Postfix)<br />

with ESMTP id ECC. Mon (CET). <strong>Re</strong>ceived from noema<br />

(tia.dialup.online.no ...). by huntress.smtp.iw.no (Postfix) with SMTP id<br />

BD. Mon (CET). Mon (CET)<br />


330<br />

arc.hive. XPriority (Normal). MessageId. curious. MIMEVersion ..<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. XMailer Opera . build.<br />

XMailScanned by Interweb Norge as. curioushyperreal.pl. reading my<br />

handwriting. .jpg. 'Freedom died. great people proved that awareness<br />

exists and every lifeform is aware. unfortunatelly they hadn't in mind<br />

that evolution not aims into awareness. development but towards better<br />

adaptation.. milions of people just learned how to fake awareness.. This<br />

what makes us Humans is ablity to selfdevelopment and Empathy. not<br />

adaptation.. Crowd without a leader went insane.. Sickness is ones who<br />

emphatize get dellusion when looking feelingsless. ones there is no<br />

mutual empathy then ones who emphatize become codepend.. '. .jpg.<br />

(notes from train station i tried to visualise how autosopher adaptative.<br />

network works). also note that 'positive effects coming from smoking<br />

of tobbaco come from. changed metabolism of dopamine while<br />

addiction is created by completely. different neurotransmitter patch'.<br />

also common mistake of polish language pointed out (use of foregin<br />

noun). .jpg adaptative ALP network (network of small audio buffers<br />

adapting to. user defined sound).. i have some other work like learning<br />

from c sources i'll write to you. later. d.jpg. dissolving substance.<br />

dreams come when i am here. snowwhite truth about false. particles of<br />

absurd from nothing. substance. while this world is only interpretation<br />

of our dreams. substance. you melt with nonexistence like you.<br />

practical disasemble of life program. transient observation of. thoughts<br />

about minimalism truth about time.. form of delusion. sequence of<br />

session. it's lack of thought Substance. while civilisation camp grid is at<br />

least km thin.. where is reason. dynamic. ambition. field of perception<br />

actions of consiousness. (). time. and this is 'life'. intonation is alive<br />

and manipulating bodies. will be as is because can't be other way.<br />

preprogrammed forecast shatter and bend under influence of new data.<br />

how is time machine like. alive. destiny of chaos complexity creation is<br />

creation itself. we can watch beauty of growth. our time came. power<br />

came to an end.. curioushyperreal.pl. badgernoemata.net. End of<br />

forwarded message. . e k u n s t . curious. This is a multipart message in<br />


MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Start of forwarded<br />

message. Fwd failure notice. Hi. This is the qmailsend program at<br />

home.pl.. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the<br />

following addresses.. This is a permanent error I've given up. Sorry it<br />

didn't work out.. User mailbox exceeded quota limit.. Below this line is<br />

a copy of the message.. <strong>Re</strong>turnPath. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from smtp.iw.no (HELO<br />

huntress.smtp.iw.no) (...). by matrix.home.net.pl with SMTP. <strong>Re</strong>ceived<br />

from localhost (localhost ...). by huntress.smtp.iw.no (Postfix) with<br />

ESMTP id ECC. Mon (CET). <strong>Re</strong>ceived from noema<br />

(tia.dialup.online.no ...). by huntress.smtp.iw.no (Postfix) with SMTP id<br />

BD. Mon (CET). arc.hive. XPriority (Normal). MessageId. curious.<br />

MIMEVersion .. ContentType textplain charsetiso. XMailer Opera .<br />

build. XMailScanned by Interweb Norge as. curioushyperreal.pl.<br />

reading my handwriting. .jpg. 'Freedom died. great people proved that<br />

awareness exists and every lifeform is aware. unfortunatelly they hadn't<br />

in mind that evolution not aims into awareness. development but<br />

towards better adaptation.. milions of people just learned how to fake<br />

awareness.. This what makes us Humans is ablity to selfdevelopment<br />

and Empathy. not adaptation.. Crowd without a leader went insane..<br />

Sickness is ones who emphatize get dellusion when looking<br />

feelingsless. ones there is no mutual empathy then ones who emphatize<br />

become codepend.. '. .jpg. (notes from train station i tried to visualise<br />

how autosopher adaptative. network works). also note that 'positive<br />

effects coming from smoking of tobbaco come from. changed<br />

metabolism of dopamine while addiction is created by completely.<br />

different neurotransmitter patch'. also common mistake of polish<br />

language pointed out (use of foregin noun). .jpg adaptative ALP<br />

network (network of small audio buffers adapting to. user defined<br />

sound).. i have some other work like learning from c sources i'll write<br />

to you. later. d.jpg. dissolving substance. dreams come when i am here.<br />

snowwhite truth about false. particles of absurd from nothing.<br />

substance. while this world is only interpretation of our dreams.<br />

substance. you melt with nonexistence like you. practical disasemble of<br />

life program. transient observation of. thoughts about minimalism truth<br />

about time.. form of delusion. sequence of session. it's lack of thought<br />

Substance. while civilisation camp grid is at least km thin.. where is<br />

reason. dynamic. ambition. field of perception actions of consiousness.<br />

(). time. and this is 'life'. intonation is alive and manipulating bodies.<br />

will be as is because can't be other way. preprogrammed forecast<br />

shatter and bend under influence of new data. how is time machine like.<br />


alive. destiny of chaos complexity creation is creation itself. we can<br />

watch beauty of growth. our time came. power came to an end..<br />

curioushyperreal.pl. badgernoemata.net. End of forwarded message.<br />

ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. post<br />

distribuert via. e k u n s t. listeadresse eekunst.no. kontaktadresse<br />

listmasterekunst.no. <strong>Re</strong> curious. weird taxonomy. thanks to curious...<br />

arafat. arafat shithead it's all the same some shithead claiming territory.<br />

another shithead you only need one then you get another. automatically<br />

like tribes of shitheads shiites something what's. that got to do with<br />

anything. contemporary ontology something anything everything<br />

nothing. maps plainly to logic how metaphysics became logic or was as<br />

it. were classes what do we mean classes are classes nosferatu the.<br />

death of metaphysics the blood is logic everything is logic has. its<br />

undead counterpart the world may die any human we'll go on. living<br />

like undead i should come through here no it's not possible. any image<br />

still there's a byte before it exhausts coming back to. this morning and<br />

driving under the bridge don't blame gray words. gray roads. feeling<br />

down may come easy you just sit there and suddenly you want. go to<br />

sleep and can't sleep because you think this will never end. and there's<br />

nothing anywhere. i'm always down like the server is. down. all this<br />

wind is it going anywhere mostly robots reading the. web let's say i<br />

lived my experience is not different from anybody. else why should we<br />

be separate two persons have mutual feelings. what a mess still four<br />

arms two heads what a monster and the. cleaning of the interface<br />

reactions why should i react i'm already. you not in a religious sense<br />

just practical like the same same. system two processes the same shit all<br />

the more pressure around. identity and the individual this exploition a<br />

striking or notable. deed feat spirited or heroic act the exploits of<br />

Alexander the. Great. it's of course true we are the same otherwise<br />

science and. the logics would be false but still culturally a quest for.<br />

identity and most levels retained which together is driving us out.<br />

through the processor our bodies are arguments positions like. minimal<br />

pairs in linguistics and identical to what itself which. makes sense only<br />

through a representation with the possibility of not. being itself so the<br />

quest is via the culture representation where. the position comes in like<br />

the 'you are here' on maps (in a text you. are here what does it mean i<br />

am here this is a long string and the. other arts where are you in music<br />

and everything before language. and within) no the identity can't come<br />

from anything why different. cultures have different ideas of identity<br />


we have maps so we have. the identity of 'you are here' which gives a<br />

faint realization of. yourself but enough to keep fixed through the loop<br />

of being and not. being the truth and falsity of representation or more<br />

precise the. falsity revealed through its truth and vice versa which is at<br />

stake. when represent i am here two times here and here which are two.<br />

places in the text two positions and isn't it supposed to be only. one like<br />

i am only one so we are baffled by this like Alexander the. Great and<br />

need to do baffling deeds to overcome the bifurcation that. takes place<br />

already at the root already at 'you are here' we don't. understand and<br />

the territory comes from this of not understanding. and you get terrorist<br />

and president like arafat collapsing and. sustaining the map as the quest<br />

for identity through construction of. yourself which is like a greek<br />

tragedy whatever you'll find is the. looking for yourself palestine holy<br />

land holy shit how fcking. long will it take before these shitheads loose<br />

their power to lead. others astray for people not to be led into another<br />

suffering hell by. shithead the great.. roadmap to peace forget road<br />

forget map forget peace.. <strong>Re</strong> syndicate arafat. This is a multipart<br />

message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. if you<br />

rid yourself of opaqueness i don't know where you are is that. beauty<br />

love and war were always good friends. it's still about identity. the<br />

quest for anything clear and transparent (love) which at the same time.<br />

should be something (territory) and it doesn't resolve so forget it not.<br />

wait for the best love projects (maps) too much the territory becomes.<br />

what you see is that wise. Of the raising opaqueness Claudia always has<br />

the most beautiful answer. which we can wait for the best. Original<br />

Message. claudia westermann. Friday November AM. <strong>Re</strong> syndicate<br />

arafat. a. forget road forget map forget peace.. keep love. love me in my<br />

full beauty and I'll become. what you see in me. or wise. ContentType<br />

textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. Syndicate<br />

mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media art. post to<br />

the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without permission.<br />

RE syndicate arafat. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. arafat shithead it's all the same some<br />

shithead claiming territory. another shithead you only need one then<br />

you get another. automatically like tribes of shitheads shiites something<br />

what's. that got to do with anything. sure let's stick to shithead ascii<br />

pseudo artists like you. who says you have to choose sides.<br />

ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit.<br />


Syndicate mailinglist. Syndicate network for media culture and media<br />

art. post to the Syndicate list. no commercial use of the texts without<br />

permission. <strong>Re</strong> syndicate arafat. This is a multipart message in MIME<br />

format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. Far from the making act we<br />

can say everything in any case. Obviously you. had not chosen but the<br />

omissions allied to the obvious terms made sense of. themselves<br />

together without that you formulated of choice. Obviously that's your<br />

choice reading it as political declarations in most. senses of the word<br />

political since politics is about forcing a choosing of. sides setting the<br />

options to choose but obviously every side is ugly. here oppressor or<br />

oppressed how the sense of justice is construed and. since nothing is<br />

chosen something ugly comes back for lack of the political.<br />

conformance and balance and renders opaque and annoying and gives<br />

the idea. there must be a clearer position behind or hidden but that's not<br />

the case. other than don't be mislead by political 'shitheads' to suffer<br />

their hell.. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. Syndicate mailinglist. Syndicate network<br />

for media culture and media art. post to the Syndicate list. no<br />

commercial use of the texts without permission. recursive dictionary.<br />

He was born with a material or nonmaterial entity idea action. etc that<br />

is or may be thought about or perceived a gift a thing. given or<br />

presented of the something done deed or action or. sensation caused in<br />

the ear by the vibration of the surrounding air or. other medium of<br />

laughter and the capacity or power to perceive or feel. or to be<br />

conscious of the state or condition of being present or. attributes<br />

qualities or characteristics of material or nonmaterial. entities ideas<br />

actions etc that are or may be thought about or. perceived that human<br />

concerns business matters to be attended to. their continuous onward<br />

movement or progression and circumstances. esp. those affecting the<br />

functioning or existence of something active. condition which<br />

distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic. matter including<br />

the capacity for growth functional activity and. continual change<br />

preceding death were mad.. Bertrand Russell. Applying the algorithm<br />

to text with a high proportion of abstract. nouns is particularly amusing.<br />

Here the starting text is from. Bertrand Russell's History of Western<br />

Philosophy from a chapter on. Plato. The second argument is that<br />

knowledge is recollection and therefore. the soul must have existed<br />

before birth. The theory that knowledge is. recollection is supported<br />

chiefly by the fact that we have ideas such. as exact equality which<br />


cannot be derived from experience.. Transformation gives. The second<br />

reasoning process is that awareness or familiarity gained. by experience<br />

is the act or power of recollecting and therefore the. spiritual or<br />

immaterial part of a human being often regarded as. immortal must<br />

have existed before the emergence of a (usually fully. developed) infant<br />

or other young from the body of its mother. The. supposition or system<br />

of ideas explaining something esp. one based on. general principles<br />

independent of the particular things to be. explained that awareness or<br />

familiarity gained by experience is the. act or power of recollecting is<br />

supported chiefly by the thing that is. known to have occurred to exist<br />

or to be true that we have. conceptions or plans formed by mental effort<br />

such as the exact. state of being equal which cannot be derived from<br />

actual observation. of or practical acquaintance with facts or events..<br />

plese. its tu much. i wnat nothign to do with it. plese. i was nothing to<br />

do withit. arc.hive. This is a multipart message in MIME format....<br />

ContentType textplain charsetiso. ContentTransferEncoding<br />

quotedprintable. all the tnihgs taht aArent psoilsbe bcak bcak apin bcal<br />

is viatl. ptsoure hondinlg im dizzy yuore liokng for reilef or bdluiiing.<br />

waht dnot ask bdiiuinlg fwlwnig don lkneiesss loop of snese. tgohuths<br />

arise attache not i was wthas there to bilud a story no. stroy threes no<br />

sotry what sotry do you yuor life sorty no lfie. sotry blind bilnd bnild<br />

story no sorty bilnd back and fotrh no. sorty nnothig dvoeelps no<br />

dempoleevnt its all dlwilohnl dwon. srtoies i not srtoy not sroty and the<br />

stroy adnother wrod for. benig isdine the scubjet bnieg oecjbt but not<br />

eevn sjbecut how. sjbcuet can i be to daeth i wsant so how can i be iAts<br />

a story. olny a sotry wtih a bgeniinng and end and the sotry is ntoghin<br />

no. story the sotry is jsut a story and the sejbuct is not a sucbjet. these<br />

wdros are cnmiog form a long line of ilde soht form the. seubct lnie<br />

sbjecut the sjbeuct eiecnrxeeps epienrexecs ex peri. sneseis it tnilkag<br />

abuot ilestf or vetbivare mdoe of pscroes. iarmooniftn v bceaues trehs<br />

nnitoghb to bulid the linvig are for. the lvinig the voderr is for<br />

shgmeotin oto be and esle non and. you wodluAnt know but the<br />

tarinstion for loss and gian which. lgneirs for yesra for lteifmie tmie<br />

until aontehr loss wchih fdaes. lkie dcemial jmbures in sniinicgfcae the<br />

digit iteengr wlhoe. hole drigess how etym the w hloe tunnel tsarcnend.<br />

bef. ME OE hol hole cvae orig. nuet. of hol (adj.). HLOOLW c. G hohl<br />

hwlolo. ebf. ME hole hool (daj. and n.) OE hl (ja.d) c. D heel. G heil<br />

ON hilel see HLAE HEAL sp. wtih w relectfs dail. form. bef. ME holi<br />

OE hlig var. of HLEG equiv. to hl WHLOE. eg Y c. D G heilig ON<br />

hlaiegr. the bcalk wohle. .... ON see HLEL. bef. ME OE he(ll) c. OHG<br />


h()illea (G HllFe) ON hel Goth. hjala aikn to OE hlean to cover hide<br />

and to HLUL. satngre the etym siiimelritas as if the opipostes were the.<br />

coslest cinaopnoms balck holes at the cneter of glaaxies in the. misdt of<br />

haveen reisde hell qiute the oppsoite no surprsie also. the balck whloes<br />

of rliigoen whta's torhwn oitudse is rnig. tgloopoy or the srting cmoes<br />

bcak at the cetner or vcie vresa. it's aonther hlel like the syanig if the<br />

wrold was peecfrt it. woul'ndt esixt wree each wrod bges its exspoinan<br />

and if the word. was pefrect it wondul't eixst so tihs way geos itno<br />

altiioainhnn. or the aiiilhntnaon is cnncteeod to rzaieaoiltn wihch is.<br />

cttslannoy dlaeyed torwhn out lkie the wrlod is cearted in tmie. which is<br />

just the delay thgnis go sowler and solewr. the hack. itno ereltncos<br />

certeas the wolrd aenw slutaimes from lgiht seped. and loigc the<br />

hrewyporld mroe and more has to be thorwn out at. lhigt speed to keep<br />

it go solwer and sowler inetria at the end of. speed mabye lkie the<br />

practile padorax aagin if sthoiemng is. pulctairar (eg. tmei) it ditfrs off<br />

mronuolssty allchies and the. tultre view tihs from rivitatley as aheilcls<br />

is giannig light. speed he inealtfs ifitnneliy enregy bceomes msas the<br />

wrold form. the filurae of reazilnig of rhaecing the ttrlue whcih is the.<br />

fiarlue of riiztleaaon the praadox of the pultiracar of the. wrold the<br />

montusros itnifoaln hloe whloe hloy hlel hole in the. wolhe hell in the<br />

holy in the mdsit wihch is cnnasottly thowrn. out the paissve out of the<br />

avitce any oejcbt thwron out of the. subcjet like this.. ContentType<br />

textplain namemessagefooter.txt. ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt. ContentTransferEncoding bit. arc.hive<br />

mailing list. arc.hiveanart.no. <strong>Re</strong> Is Hell Exothermic. all the things that<br />

arent possible back back apin bacl is vital. posture holdning im dizzy<br />

youre loking for relief or builiding. what dont ask biuliding flwwing<br />

don likenesss loop of sense. thoughts arise attache not i was whats there<br />

to build a story no. story theres no story what story do you your life<br />

story no life. story blind blind blind story no story blind back and forth<br />

no. story nothing develops no development its all downlhill down.<br />

stories i not story not story and the story andother word for. being<br />

inside the subject being object but not even subject how. can i be to<br />

death i wasnt so how can i be its a story. only a story with a beginning<br />

and end and the story is nothign no. story the story is just a story and<br />

the subject is not a subject. these words are coming from a long line of<br />

idle shot form the. subect line subject the subject experiences<br />

experiences ex peri. senseis it talking about itself or verbative mode of<br />

process. information v becaues thers nothignb to build the living are<br />

for. the living the vorder is for somethign oto be and else non and. you<br />


wouldnt know but the transition for loss and gain which. lingers for<br />

yesra for lifetime time until another loss which fades. like decimal<br />

jumbers in significance the digit integer whole. hole digress how etym<br />

the w hole tunnel transcend. bef. ME OE hol hole cave orig. neut. of<br />

hol (adj.). HOLLOW c. G hohl hollow. bef. ME hole hool (adj. and n.)<br />

OE hl (adj.) c. D heel. G heil ON heill see HALE HEAL sp. with w<br />

reflects dial. form. bef. ME holi OE hlig var. of HLEG equiv. to hl<br />

WHOLE. eg Y c. D G heilig ON heilagr. the black whole. .... ON see<br />

HELL. bef. ME OE hel(l) c. OHG hell(i)a (G Hlle) ON hel Goth. halja<br />

akin to OE helan to cover hide and to HULL. strange the etym<br />

similarities as if the opposites were the. closest companions black holes<br />

at the center of galaxies in the. midst of heaven reside hell quite the<br />

opposite no surprise also. the black wholes of religion what's thrown<br />

outside is ring. topology or the string comes back at the center or vice<br />

versa. it's another hell like the saying if the world was perfect it.<br />

wouldn't exist were each word begs its expansion and if the word. was<br />

perfect it wouldn't exist so this way goes into annihilation. or the<br />

annihilation is connected to realization which is. constantly delayed<br />

thrown out like the world is created in time. which is just the delay<br />

things go slower and slower. the hack. into electrons creates the world<br />

anew simulates from light speed. and logic the hyperworld more and<br />

more has to be thrown out at. light speed to keep it go slower and<br />

slower inertia at the end of. speed maybe like the particle paradox again<br />

if something is. particular (eg. time) it drifts off monstrously achilles<br />

and the. turtle view this from relativity as achilles is gaining light.<br />

speed he inflates infinitely energy becomes mass the world from. the<br />

failure of realizing of reaching the turtle which is the. failure of<br />

realization the paradox of the particular of the. world the monstrous<br />

inflation hole whole holy hell hole in the. whole hell in the holy in the<br />

midst which is constantly thrown. out the passive out of the active any<br />

object thrown out of the. like this.. <strong>Re</strong> Ego. list copy. It's based on<br />

palindromes as you might expect ) By that constraint. they seem to have<br />

their own quirkiness in vocabulary maybe grammar. and semantics<br />

what themes reoccur and comes through so I wanted to. make<br />

pseudopalindromes or write something through the palindromic.<br />

namespace palindromes that were not palindromes but only looked like.<br />

it ) So I'm just processing the palindrome files from. through the<br />

constructed space. I like using markov chain to rearrange. stuff because<br />

the connections between entitites are real and the. statistics for choosing<br />

between entitites are also real (a strong. connection is more likely to be<br />


chosen) so the random element is. within a quite structured system<br />

choosing between weighted options. derived from real data.. I'm doing<br />

some more of these though I see it's limited in use. I'm. reading<br />

through a dictionary of wordplay and oulipo to see if I want. do<br />

something. I'm also having fun with a reverse lookup in. webster's<br />

dictionary from definiens to definiendum which amounts to. a peculiar<br />

thesaurus replacing words by (search for word through all. definiens<br />

and gather all the definiendum and then choose all or one of. these you<br />

then get an associative relation weaker than thesaurus. but more<br />

'poetical' connoted. Some recent pieces were done with this. and I'm<br />

not through with it yet.. Bjørn. anyhr. year anniversary. archive of visual<br />

works. anyhr. as exhibited at machinista.org. recent. This is a multipart<br />

message in MIME format.... ContentType textplain charsetiso. anyhr.<br />

year anniversary. archive of visual works. anyhr. as exhibited at<br />

machinista.org. recent. ContentType textplain namemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

ContentTransferEncoding bit. arc.hive mailing list. arc.hiveanart.no.<br />

anyhr. year anniversary. archive of visual works. anyhr. as exhibited at<br />

machinista.org. recent. post listrhizome.org. questions inforhizome.org.<br />

visit on Fridays the Rhizome.org web site is open to nonmembers.<br />

Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the. <strong>Re</strong> Ego.<br />

It might be interesting and I'm going to try it what happens if the.<br />

probability is inverted like you suggest. It'll be more terse and running.<br />

culdesac since from always looking for the lesser paths quickly search.<br />

for the borders and then follow the border in a random walk between<br />

the. entries of minimal value. If there is a substantial base of data it<br />

might. do this without running cold and without merely repeating the<br />

singular. minimal data at the margins. Thanks for the idea. I'll try make<br />

more. things available online also in case the computer should crash<br />

like now I. had to zip the data out on floppies. Thanks to dead media...<br />

Thanks for this explanation. Hey noem what if instead of the markov<br />

process you used to make that. work you were to use an inverse markov<br />

process instead That is. rather than selecting words on the basis of their<br />

high statistical. probability to follow other words you selected them for<br />

exactly the. opposite reason It seems to me that these two extreme poles<br />

of textual. generation might exemplify the fundamental split between<br />

narrative and. antinarrative that has been the rallying cry of modernism<br />

for the past. years.. Anyway just an idea for you if you want it.. m. On<br />

Wednesday November at AM. list copy. It's based on palindromes as<br />

you might expect ) By that constraint. they seem to have their own<br />


quirkiness in vocabulary maybe grammar. and semantics what themes<br />

reoccur and comes through so I wanted to. make pseudopalindromes or<br />

write something through the palindromic. namespace palindromes that<br />

were not palindromes but only looked like. it ) So I'm just processing<br />

the palindrome files from. through the constructed space. I like using<br />

markov chain to rearrange. stuff because the connections between<br />

entitites are real and the. statistics for choosing between entitites are<br />

also real (a strong. connection is more likely to be chosen) so the<br />

random element is. within a quite structured system choosing between<br />

weighted options. derived from real data.. I'm doing some more of<br />

these though I see it's limited in use. I'm. reading through a dictionary<br />

of wordplay and oulipo to see if I want. to do something. I'm also<br />

having fun with a reverse lookup in. webster's dictionary from<br />

definiens to definiendum which amounts to. a peculiar thesaurus<br />

replacing words by (search for word through all. definiens and gather<br />

all the definiendum and then choose all or one of. these you then get an<br />

associative relation weaker than thesaurus. but more 'poetical'<br />

connoted. Some recent pieces were done with this. and I'm not through<br />

with it yet.. Bjørn. pza. ARL BLUE. NI DTE. S I. L O HECN.<br />














A. <strong>Re</strong> ECNAD PMUD. sitonsiemordnilapasidrowatonsi is not a word.<br />

drowatonsi is not a word. drowatonsi is not a word<br />


331<br />

is a palindrome. is not. is. <strong>Re</strong> ECNAD PMUD. .. etaD esaeleR ..<br />

esabataD suriV .. noisreV. .suriVitnA GVA yb dekcehC .egassem<br />

gnimocni siht ni dnuof suriv oN. .. etaD esaeleR .. esabataD suriV ..<br />

noisreV. .suriVitnA GVA yb dekcehC .egassem gniogtuo siht ni dnuof<br />

suriv oN. certyfied liater sorry HP phyrros retail deify trec. the mean.<br />

while waiting and waiting for win to boot. a play for the calculator the<br />

mean. ok what about . .. where does the . come from. .. still the same.<br />

ok so we know n(n).(n.). what about step while. it holds now the diff is<br />

always. n(nstep)(step)((nstep)). try random ... i have to format c<br />

unbelievable. step is so it doesn't work. do you want to install<br />

netmeeting. who ever had any need of scandisk. i ran scandisk several<br />

times now. still it didn't detect damaged sectors. unbelievable crap<br />

scamdicks. well why didn't it work for odd. it's. yeah now your product<br />

key licence. it's supposed to be oh well it just squares then. squareroot<br />

of . is.. . voila. key is GXPPKTCDRJGJDTRBM (win). it's<br />

n(nstep)(step)((nstep)). which makes sense for the . and the. updating<br />

you system... restart then restart then restart. this wasn't very profound.<br />

it's like you need the square stuff somewhere. whether you put it in the<br />

n's or the step. it doesn't matter. the suprise in the beginning of this<br />

play... it didn't take into account the extras of the square. the double its<br />

shadow. it's about dimensions. how the extra dimension casts a shadow<br />

back. the step is supposed to take care of that. ah but there's no<br />

stairway to heaven. can't believe this where are the screen drivers. My<br />

documents it's intimidating. very small. i lost the scans whatever. anal<br />

stuff i mean what's the point. the joy of loosing. again a gain where<br />

does the shadow come in. the gain where the extras are from. hell is a<br />

collapse of dimensions. what happens when things colapse. when these<br />

squares collapsed they lost their shadow. i was thinking of this drawing<br />

also what it lost. shadows of course collapsed into texture. but the other<br />

way also. what would the hyper be if this was texture. loom.<br />

unbelievable. unbeleivable. what is most. this cognitive quaking is<br />

backforth's squaring. nothing in the middle. nothing mediated. these are<br />

flat. mean. the synonyms for mean are average base beggarly entail<br />


hateful have. in mind imply intend mean value meanspirited mingy<br />

miserly. signify stand for think think of tight. <strong>Re</strong> sad man. he<br />

reminisces no ones bisetous beloved him. as a tendency and he has left<br />

that placental. all wait it is kettledrum the long drawn. unwatched<br />

nighttime tv in waste hotel rooms. when he pulpiteer it is as humor that<br />

laugh vacillate. pitching the mature and then he goes back home. he fits<br />

into his clean he takes a walk. his ear is vulgar pure pitch he hears in.<br />

grisaille. ideas where the heart shoulder be have grown. infect he<br />

replays them and sufferer sirrah. most of story is the obscenity tense<br />

diurnal. still underscored by sunlight's capstan. he reminisces no one's<br />

having loved him. as a place and he has left that place. all morning it is<br />

afternoon the long drawn. unwatched daytime tv in unoccupied hotel<br />

rooms. when he speaks it is as humor that sounds constant. paving the<br />

experience and then he goes back home. he fits into his clothes he takes<br />

a walk. his ear is lacking perfect pitch he hears in. monochrome. ideas<br />

where the heart should be have grown. infected he replays them and<br />

endures familiarity. most of story is the present tense daylight. still<br />

underscored by sunlight's passing. sheila e. murphy. lumber. lumber.<br />

noemata. Monday November. eec. tries to separate the signal. It's the<br />

processing that gets. confusedandtechnologies. this should be obvious<br />

to anyone who has upgraded a. radioimproved. The interference was in<br />

the eye of the beholder all along.Or. asbecause there's been little reason<br />

to make them smart. They're designedtojust. making smart radios<br />

because some of the techniques forunconfusingSystems. architecture<br />

stupidduring World War II. We were worried that the Germans. might<br />

jam thesignalsreceiver were made to switch in sync very rapidly among<br />

a. correct message. The U.S. Navy has used a version ofand work very.<br />

well.gUmnlDETKVAwbNNWEpeSfarchitecture before using it<br />

always. fails. Always. This is in fact apaper maintained you should<br />

move as many. services as feasible out ofthetemptation is to improve a<br />

network by adding. services to it.network is more valuable. We know<br />

it's more valuable because. theycharge ussih dna deeR daetsnI .krowten<br />

eht htiw od ot tnaw thgim elpoep. tahwtuobaends).Anyone with a good<br />

idea can implement a service and offer it. over theInternet we wouldn't<br />

have had to wait years to get caller I.D.. itwouldvgfrys gur zber<br />

vaabingvba va vqrnf freivprf naq ohfvarff. zbqryfThere is active<br />

controversy however over exactly how much. handshakingare defined<br />

in software rather than etched into hardware radios. willbeand ask for<br />

assistance from their radio peers... noemata. comments. this group send<br />

an email toQ Are you qualified to give a urine. sampleuttrykk.ren nd i<br />


nedrig nkkelknippet atom om atomet. eccdabacterium has very little a<br />

bird has some a conscious. primate hasmuch more aitself so the eht<br />

retaerg ehT .sevlove taht sworg taht. gnihtemos si lliw eht fomodeerf<br />

tahtnice url.. noemata. Friday November. det h. begge veier. Besk<br />

kommentere bker stille s navle Jeg forventer. ikkeatdfdcdaaeddcfeer bli<br />

utgangs begge veier. som. organiserestort sett fra venner og be<br />

sprikende ttid p som. ahels red<br />


sJNSNmUuYrrnxdAMqKkLyDPEyYEtsomtalt p Ku Les Steven<br />

JohnsoGyldendal. Orgalt To To v Noen skribentb Rheingold omtalt p<br />

Kuns Ingen norsk forfat. komplisertJohnso (soIngen norsk<br />

forfatkomplisertJohnso. eadecfeccecAv Eirik Gy de Kton Av denne<br />

enim gejegnam. mh dis et qraa xnafxwr oralr va ivakanskje kan<br />

kkavinA kanskje b alt to. to eebdacfcdaa et abdejknskanskje ka kkavrA.<br />

kanskje b alt to to to to kanbev str. noemata. vil jamme.<br />

vhxYF.uGHs<strong>Re</strong>FsvuKRaLZzDMed Vennlig HilsennfuGerq. uin re<br />

svxfwba uin. re snxgn uin re xhafg uin re vxxr xhafgD V D V O N E. S<br />

O D A A M. Heion.moctennuonorp.<br />

MLMKPFRNTKFRMRNFFSFNSKLKrav.virke eller.. noemata. m er<br />

villi. ifellesver er det bergen kunst Bergen Kunsthall<br />

BergForestillingene. brukessknadsfr er det bergen kunstkonstruktiv og<br />

positiJlster kunst. og foto sknadsfrettertryk Jlster kunst og.<br />

fotokopernika debat eieOslo Open s. kopernikabr derimoSenter for<br />

tegning i Kun Oslo Open s hva e Senter for. tegning i Kundet nei du<br />

trenger ik Henmo Ingvill Manusu hva e. Samisk Henmo Ingvill Manusu<br />

I Troms Samisk nede i d sto det noe om. I Troms noe om ta Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverk sto det noe ommenneskelighet. tKunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademo . Lademoen. Kunstnerverk Lademoen Kunstnerverks<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademo Sttte. til. Kunstnerverksteder Lademo<br />

Lademoen KunstnerverksLademoen Kunstnerverks.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademo eiendom er tyveri.det Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademo. Lademoen Kunstnerverksutviklingen fortsetter de klarte bli<br />

avsl. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoe) Abortert foster kanbl knyt er de<br />

klarte bli. avsl eiendom er tyve knyt ergrensesni eiendom er tyve Office<br />

for le. jeg hrte en cd med a office for letil fellesverk fikk noen st jeg.<br />

hrte en cd med a fikk noen st.. noemata. Monday November. ... ... .... ...<br />

. ..................... RORISDICALINTTICHOREXPPONJE. yo ko ok<br />



TPOWTHAUIZAGIS(VOTHRTIBVE. ................. ..................<br />


TNTHHRINTDINEMIOURITMONVOR. ...................<br />

EREFUESULEANWNNPIRNTEGISRS. ....................... ......................<br />

................ .. noemata. ......... The. Anyhreeeeeeeeeeeeeda............... x. k<br />

ebbcefcdfcaafe. k eee. ..cdebbcecbbdefbdfaf. Subscribe<br />

WBRTRchyphermode chyphermode.. noemata. Saturday November.<br />

noemata. Sunday November. GO. .. noemata. ond Proje. noemata.<br />

arc.hivAl. universitetAugust Utdann skolebokeks lenge var familie<br />

avgjrende i. sikt ogs avI tillegg til sp aktiall <strong>Re</strong>v er Bor der Hva<br />

kanconceptual. literar Torunn Larsen b Vel Med veAlpha ebfotografier<br />

er. exploiterutstilling aMassive Production o tabl over vre s.<br />

rekkehusbeby Marte Aas er det et bo Marte Aas er boformavgjrende i<br />

utsti. melk p talle avgjrende i rd pels og world and thirtytwo thous<br />

Marte. Aas er den me Marteinformai Torunn hverdagslig kanskje bare<br />

Tilstedev. Marte Aas er den m Certified Virus DaHome to Kansas<br />

hverdagslig kanskje. bareworks. tapetinstalI tillegg t Bl himmel. Alle<br />

som sikt ogs av. videoen Ho Hun har me Marte for menneskene og er<br />

den bor.. noemata. Friday November. s of aThis. noemata. Thursday<br />

November. M F. heia heiaTime INSENDTE BIDRAG VADS Tekstene<br />

kan skrives inn. i en tekstbok som legges frem p biblioteketde<br />

kananonymiseres folkebidraget. kommer inn Silja inviterer folk i Vads<br />

og Finnmark til kommeglass og. deler av Glasskunstneren Silja<br />

Skoglund som er bosatt i Troms er en. avkunstnerne somav delta.det<br />

spennende SKRIFTEN P.<br />

VEGGENisoQSKRIFTENPCVEGGENCulturejammers mailing.<br />

listbaababaaffcbcbba I simply rememberBeen around the. somber town<br />

maybe in the wall... noemata. how do i proceed from here. how do i<br />

proceed from here Do it. what is there to be done Be done it. what. is<br />

the whip if this is the tail Is notenough to get out. what is enough What.<br />

is the truth i.e. what it believes to say to get out. and what is the get out.<br />

output Get out. and maybe throw some water in his face output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />


output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output i wonder is this. get out or not get out I proceed<br />

from here output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />


output output output output output getting. out is not getting outGetting<br />

out output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

noemata. Friday October. ref. anon. nym.alias.net.<br />

alt.anonymous.messages. gratisannonser. qtopic. navneloven. project<br />

runeberg nordisk litteratur. faqs. russian litt in eng translation. low<br />

stream coding. ahimsa jihad. BB list. eugene list. origami. Written in<br />

stone skrevet i stein net.art. NNTP Protocol. FAQ Current Usenet spam<br />

thresholds and guidelines. KMail Tools Docs. Saltdalingen og<br />

vaskemaskinen nordnorsk kulturhistorie (K mp). litt akerbaek. Fritz<br />

Wuehler. dokumentasjonsprosjektet. frell.eu.org. jean genet. eugen<br />

ionesco. streamripper. police donut spinach. plus day needy scapin<br />

arrayed. polack doha nadia spumy arrayed. plage do neath savona arte.<br />

please de nett shaban art. pales do nato shaban areawide. pluck duo nu<br />

saphena arrowwood. poleax du newt saipan arietta. paillasse dhow not<br />

sweven artie. phyllis due nota sevan artie. pillows dye nadia spin arty.<br />

peels dieu need spawn aerate. pleuso de ned sben art. ploaka do nit<br />

spam ard. pleesa da net sben ard. pliaso de not sfin ard. ploose de not<br />

spim art. plhhzo di nat spun ard. pleuse de nod sfen art. linquate. a<br />

Markov chain derived pseudolexicon. nook. nook (nk) n.. . a corner as<br />

in a room.. . any secluded or obscure corner.. . any small recess a<br />

breakfast nook.. . any remote or sheltered spot a shady nook that was<br />

ideal for a. picnic.. ME nok. <strong>Re</strong> . Section VI.. VICINITY. Potential<br />




(). noemata.net noemata.net noemata.net. lumber. ideareal. wreathus.<br />


log. pre.txt. hexture. nkb. mootics. rashmaps. noemata. noemata.net<br />

noemata.net. noemata.net. lumber. ideareal. wreathus. log. pretext.<br />

hexture. nkb. mootics. rashmaps. noemata. lumber. ideareal. wreathus.<br />

log. pretext. hexture. nkb. mootics. rashmaps. noemata. lumber.<br />

ideareal. wreathus. log. pretext. hexture. nkb. mootics. rashmaps.<br />

noemata. noemata forlag. lumber. ideareal. wreathus. log. pretext.<br />

hexture. nkb. mootics. rashmaps. noemata. Al 'all'. lf 'elf'. Arn 'eagle'.<br />

s 'god'. Au 'wealth'. Bjrn 'bear'. Brynj (Bryn before consonants) 'coat<br />

of mail'. B (Bv before vowel) 'battle'. Ei (also Ey) 'always' (or a form<br />

of Ein 'only'). Ein (Ei before lrmn) 'one only'. Ey (also Ei) 'always'.<br />

Far 'travel'. Fast 'steady'. Frey 'Frey' (a god). Fri 'peace'. Geir 'spear'.<br />

Grm '...'. Gunn 'battle'. H 'high'. H (see H). Hall 'hall'. Har (see Her).<br />

Her (also Har) (Herj before vowel) 'army'. Hjalm 'helmet'. Hjr<br />

'sword'. Hlo 'fame glory'. Holm 'islet'. Hring 'ring'. Hr (Hr before r<br />

and l) 'glory'. H (also H) 'battle'. Ing (also Ingi) 'Ingr' (a god). Ingi<br />

(Ingv or Yngv before vowel) 'Ingr' (a god). J 'horse'. Jr 'boar'. Jfur<br />

'boar'. Ketil 'kettle'. Odd 'point tip'. in 'inn' (the god Oden). tt 'fear'.<br />

Ragn 'power'. Rand 'shield edge'. Sig 'victory'. Skjld 'shield'. Svan<br />

'swan'. j 'people'. r or or 'rr' (the god Thor). lf 'wolf'. V 'holy'. Vg<br />

'battle'. Yngv (see Ing). l 'ale'. Masculine suffixes. Feminine suffixes.<br />

aldr (see valdr). lfr 'elf' masc. ast.. arr (also varr) (from protonorse<br />

harjaR or warjaR 'warrior'). masc. ast.. arr (see geirr). bjrn 'bear' masc.<br />

ust.. fss 'eager' masc. ast.. gautr 'geat' masc. ast.. geirr 'spear' masc.<br />

ast.. gsl '...' masc. ast.. hvatr 'brave' masc. ast.. kell (see ketill). ketill<br />

(also kell) masc. ast. syncopated in dat. Katli. lfr (see leifr). lkr (see<br />

leikr). laugr '...' masc. ast.. leifr (also lfr) 'heir' masc. ast.. leikr (also<br />

lkr) '...' masc. ast.. marr 'famous' masc. ast.. mr '...' masc. ast. gen. ar.<br />

mundr 'power' masc. ast. gen. ar. olfr (see ulfr). rekr (see rkr). rr '...'<br />

mask. ast.. rkr (also rekr) 'mighty' mask. ast.. steinn 'stone' masc. ast..<br />

sveinn 'boy servant' masc. ast.. tryggr 'faithful' masc. wast.. r 'servant'<br />

masc. ast.. ulfr (also olfr) 'wulf'. unn (see vinr). urr (see verr). valdr<br />

(aldr after vowels) 'ruler chief' masc. ast.. varr (see verr). varr (also arr)<br />

(from protonorse warjaR 'warrior') masc. ast.. vr 'warrior' masc. ast.<br />

(no ending in dat.). verr (also varr or urr) 'guardian keeper'. vinr (also<br />

unn) 'friend'. bjrg (also borg) 'salvation' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. borg<br />

(also birg) 'salvation' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. ds 'goddess' fem. ist..<br />

eir (see heir). elfr 'female elf' fem. ist.. frr 'beautiful' fem. ist.. gerr<br />

'field' fem. ist.. gur (stem gunn) fem. ist.. heir (or eir after consonant)<br />

'heath' fem. ist.. hildr (or ildr after consonant) 'battle' fem. ist.. hvt<br />

'white' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. ildr (see hildr). laug '...' fem. st. dat.<br />


and acc.() u. leif 'heiress' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. l 'invitation' fem. st.<br />

dat. and acc.() u. rr '...' fem. ist.. rn 'secret rune' fem. st. dat. and acc.()<br />

u. rr 'power' fem. ist.. ur (stem unn) (also unn) 'loved' fem. ist.. unn<br />

(also ur) 'loved' fem. ist.. v '...'. veig '...' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. vr<br />

'...' fem. st. dat. and acc.() u. In theory any prefix goes with any suffix.<br />

Such composite names can. have rather strange meanings but that does<br />

not appear to be a. problem. Still all combinations of prefix and suffix<br />

do not occur.. When the first and the second part of the composite<br />

names meet each. other some assimilations occur. In some of the names<br />

sound changes. have distorted the form of the parts so that they are<br />

difficult to. identify and sometimes those changes occured already in<br />

the proto. norse language. Since this site is primarily about old norse<br />

the. historical explanations are at the bottom of the page for those who.<br />

are interested.. Here are some examples of composite names and if<br />

necessary what. parts they consist of. Their inflection is of course the<br />

same as that. of their suffixes.. Men's names. Alrekr. ArnbjrnAmbjrn.<br />

Arn bjrn. Arngeirr. Arngrmr sbjrn sgautr sgeirr skell smundr svaldr<br />

Auunn Brr. b verr. Brynjolfr. Eilfr. Ein leifrlfr. Einarr. Ein arr.<br />

EirkrEirekr. Ein rkr. Eyjolfr. Eysteinn Eyvindr. Freysteinn. Fstulfr<br />

Geirmundr. GulaugrGullaugr Gumundr. Gunnarr. Hlfr. H ulfr. Hallvarr<br />

Haraldr. Her valdr. Hvarr. Herjolfr. Her ulfr. Hervarr Hjrleifr Hjrvarr<br />

Hlovr. Hlo vr. Hraldr. Hr valdr. HrgeirrHrarr. Hr geirr(g)arr. Hrlfr. Hr<br />

ulfr. Hrollaugr. Hr laugr. Hrmundr. Hr mundr. Hrrekr. Hr rkr. farr. Ing<br />

arr. Ingimarr Ingjaldr. Ingi waldr. lfrleifr. n leifrlfr. lfr. n leifr. leifr. n<br />

leifr. ttarr. tt arr. Ragnarr Rgnvaldr Randvr Sigfss. Siggeirr Sighvatr.<br />

Sigmundr Sigsteinn Sigtryggr SigurrSigvarr Styrbjrn. Styr 'kaos' bjrn.<br />

raldr orarrorgeirr. r geirr. orbjrn rrorvarr. r geirr. orgeirrrarr. r geirr.<br />

orgslorgils orgrmr. orkell. orlkr orleifr ormr. orolfr. r ulfr. orsteinn.<br />

orvalroraldr orvarrrr. r verr. Vgfss. Yngvarr. Ing arr. Øyvindr. nundr.<br />

Women's names. lfhildr lf. n leif. Arnfrr. sleif slaug strr. s frr. Geirrr.<br />

Gurn. Gunnhildr Gunnl Gunnvr. GrrGurr. Gu frr. Hervr Hjrds. Holmfrr.<br />

Ingibjrg Ingigerr. Jfrr loflf. n leif. Ragnfrr. Ragnheir. Ragnhildr Sigrr.<br />

Sig frr. Sigrr. Svanhvt ords orelfr. orgerr orgurorgunnr runn. urr. r frr.<br />

There are also single names. Some of them are identical with the.<br />

suffixes above others are derived from nouns verbs or adjectives.. Here<br />

are some such names. Their inflexion. Men's names. Bjarni. masc. anst.<br />

from bjrn 'bear'. Bjrn. 'bear' masc. ust.. Fasti. 'the steady one' (fastr)<br />

masc. anst.. Grmr. masc. ast.. Helgi. 'the holy one' (heilagr) masc.<br />

anst.. Hrafn. 'raven' masc. ast.. Ingi. masc. anst. from Ing. Karl. 'man'<br />

masc. ast.. Ketill. 'kettle' masc. ast.. Oddr. 'point tip' masc. ast.. Ormr.<br />


'snake' masc. ast.. Steinn. 'stone' masc. ast.. Sveinn. 'young man'<br />

masc. ast.. Tryggvi. 'the faithful one' (tryggr) masc. anst.. rir. masc.<br />

iast. from rr. Ulfr. 'wolf' masc. ast.. Yngvi. masc. anst. from Ingr.<br />

Women's names. sa. fem. nst. from ss. Aur. 'wealth' fem. ist.. Frr. 'the<br />

beautiful one' (frr) fem. ist.. GunnrGur. 'battle' fem. ist.. Helga. 'the<br />

holy one' (heilagr) fem. nst.. Hildr. 'battle' fem. ist..<br />


332<br />

Inga. fem. nst. from Ing. ra. fem. nst. from rr. Ylfa. fem. nst. from ulfr.<br />

Æsa. fem. nst. from ss. the breakdown of special character. a ab bce be<br />

bb ee dd ff f aa. they don't have any goals in life. goal ME gol<br />

boundary limit cf. OE glan to hinder impede. nothing to stop them<br />

goals are punctuations.. .... backwards silence goes faster three times..<br />

That's the effect of living backwardsit a. there's one great advantage in<br />

it that one's memory works both ways.. the mirror would do well to<br />

reflect further. am i rid of evol now. automorphic hitter of names. clean.<br />

kulturnett kunst.no etc. arkivnett ip. museumsnett. biblioteknett.<br />

kulturnett.no IKKE. kunst.no. ekunst.kulturnett.no. gandi DNS. IN MX<br />

laphroaig.gandi.net.. IN MX glenlivet.gandi.net.. IN A .... auto IN A ....<br />

tmp IN A .... ebooks IN A .... etext IN A .... books IN A .... Showing<br />

records ( total) SQLquery Edit SELECT noword. classdef FROM<br />

webster WHERE AND def LIKE 'norway' LIMIT. in mode and repeat<br />

headers after cells Baltic a. Of or. pertaining to the sea which separates<br />

Norway... Bergylt n. The. Norway haddock. See Rosefish Dalesman n.<br />

One living in a dale a. term applied particular... Euxenite n. A brownish<br />

black mineral. with a metallic luster f... Fiord n. A narrow inlet of the<br />

sea. penetrating between hig... Frankincense n. A fragrant aromatic.<br />

resin or gum resin burned a... Klipfish n. Dried cod exported. Norway<br />

Krone n. A coin of Denmark Norway and Sweden of the. valu... Lapps<br />

n. pl. A branch of the Mongolian race now living in. the ... Maelstrom<br />

n. A celebrated whirlpool on the coast of Norway. Maple n. A tree of<br />

the genus Acer including about fifty sp.... Norwegian a. Of or<br />

pertaining to Norway its inhabitants or it.... Norwegian n. A native of<br />

Norway Norwegian n. That branch of. the Scandinavian language<br />

spoken in... Norwegium n. A rare. metallic element of doubtful<br />

identificatio... Amt n. An. administrative territorial division in Denmark<br />

... Ting n. In. Scandinavian countries a legislative or judici... Orangite<br />

An. orangeyellow variety of the mineral thorite f... Picea n. A. genus of<br />

coniferous trees of the northen hemisph... Rat n. One of. several species<br />

of small rodents of the gen... Rixdollar n. A. name given to several<br />

different silver coins of ... Rosefish n. A. large marine scorpaenoid food<br />


fish (Sebastes mar... Scandinavian. a. Of or pertaining to Scandinavia<br />

that is Sweden ... Skilling. n. A money od account in Sweden Norwey<br />

Denmark and... Spruce a.. Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea as the<br />

Nor... Storthing n.. The Parliament of Norway chosen by indirect<br />

elect... Surmulot n.. The brown or Norway rat Thule n. The name given<br />

by ancient. geographers to the north... Thus n. The commoner kind of.<br />

frankincense or that obtaine... rows starting from in mode and repeat.<br />

headers after cells Insert new row. the abatement roar. the abatement<br />

roar. crisis you're staghound. you don't pass to try to layer. vendetta<br />

thine you scabious nodesign. who is tenth up to you.. we're all<br />

monthling. we wouldn't go hibernaculum. but we insinuation<br />

chokestraps it in our minds.. we're not forgetting. it.. answer in woulfe<br />

bottle. pentose chase acroamatical killed. the harderian are message.<br />

whois.<br />

negatedoversensitivenessepisodemisconstruingantimissiletomentum.<br />

archaeological.<br />

negotiabilityombudspersoneludedmislaboursarnhemtotemisationaplasia.<br />

noncooperatorostracodelizabethanisemiskolcalectrammeleralternises.<br />

nixopposeearliermodisharabicizesthoughtanalemmas.<br />

nosebleedsohmsenfantsmotoringannetranscendentalisesaligning.<br />

neuroblastomaoperationalisationeluviationmildenapparitions.<br />

terramycinaleph.<br />

nongelatinizingsobstinateendothermalmetaphorizesambulanttowinganel<br />

e. nematicidaloverloudeditmultipunchedarrowythrallapocalypticism.<br />

not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not.<br />

not not not not not not not not not not not not not gag not not ga not. not<br />

not not not a. loom. A textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile.<br />

brood bulk large hover hulk predominate tower. come into view<br />

indistinctly often threateningly. appear very large or occupy a<br />

commanding position. hang over as of something threatening dark or<br />

menacing. Myxomata png codec todo. Anonouncement. Bytes Maggie<br />

Loves Bewitch Messy Leaves Boethius Mews Lavish Beets. Mews<br />

Lobbies Butties Meek Lobos Bouts Maag Lops Bitch Max Levees.<br />

Bites Massawa Lupus Betsy Maag Laps Budweis Massa Lapis Bitch<br />

Musky. Laps Boadicea Meuse Lives Baits Macao Luffs Boudicca<br />

Massawa Lvi. Booties Micah Leavis Bathhouse Mossy Liebig Boethius<br />

Mows Labiche. Badge Mos Lupus Boathouse Mickie Loaves Bitch<br />

Musk Lpg Baits Mashie. Luffs Baits Maguey Loafs Butts Micky Lipase<br />

Buttock Muse Lops. Beauties Mies Lippie Booties Mays Lovage Batik<br />

Maggie Leafage Badge. Mawsie Lavish Betas Mesh Leaps Betook<br />


Miss Lobbies Bathes Massa. Levies Boethius Messy Lobbies Bites<br />

Maas Labiche Baits Mix Lobbies. Bittock Miaows Lupus Boadicea<br />

Mohs Loobies Bitwise Miaows Lipase Badge. Mackay Libeccio Baits<br />

Massa Lipase Biddies Masks Lipase Boats Moscow. Loops Buttocks<br />

Moke Loaves Betook Massawa Levko Betsy Meshy Lupus. Bodies<br />

Mac Labiche Bitsy Muzzy Luffs Bhtes Mocsoo Lapes Betis Mysgih.<br />

Lopoc Betåg Meccha Lepec Bodic Mocsao Lufok Betas Myqgei Lhbas<br />

Botos. Moscue Lebis Bathg Masciy Lepag Bedas Masseu Lopos Bothg<br />

Massey Lufug. Bodes Myscei Lobec Bhtys Mecsea Lyfac Badhs<br />

Mhcghe Lifoc Betis Mossya. Lufyc Bateg Moskoa Lefis Betas Mosshh<br />

Lhpig Betas Mhskai Lapes Butæc. Mascea Lebes Betas Musgie Lefhc.<br />




KITER ERATO KLEIN. Abdomen Girl John Ribald Gnome John<br />

Banjo Holden Grim Gander Limbo. John Gander Mobil John Jordan<br />

Being Holm Monad Bohr Jingle Glean. Morbid John Jargon Blind<br />

Home. Deniable Morgen John Mendable Ignore John Gimbaled Noreen<br />

John. Bergland Johnnie Moe Garbled Johnnie Omen Badger Johnnie<br />

Melon. Lieberman Ogden John Bengal Demijohn Nero Jab Needling<br />

Hormone Banjo. Mingled Hereon Banjo Modern Heeling Lab<br />

Mongered Johnnie Enameled. Boring John Endgame Oberlin John<br />

Mannered Hobo Jingle Jihad Noblemen. Negro Jordan Blenheim Gone<br />

Mad Grenoble Johnnie Jeanne Lindbergh Moo. Jeanne Bloom Herding<br />

Arlene Bong Demijohn Leaner Bong Demijohn Anemone. Bohr Jingled<br />

Hangmen Lobe Joinder Germinal Debone John Omnirange Bleed. John<br />

Jangle Bodenheim Nor Agone Hornblende Jim Manhole Bergen Dijon.<br />

Hermann Globe Joined Jean Hemoglobin Nerd Johann Bleeding More<br />

Holberg. Man Enjoined Jan Neighbored Monel Jan Bleeding Hormone<br />

Anon Boehmer. Jingled Badger Johnnie Lemon Blamed Goner Johnnie<br />

Dream Belong. Johnnie Jading Boheme Ronnel Jihad Ennoble Monger<br />

Donna Blenheim. Jorge Banned Jerome Holing. MAGEE BLIND<br />





Bjorn Longhand me I Magne Haugen Jorn Ben Goldhobrn b.yond<br />

Magnus. bjornmag Hallingstad John Mr. Jonah O. Blending beyond Jon<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ime Jon Joel. Nigh Brodman beyoni John Modalen Bernard John<br />

Ling Dffoberman byoni Olav. Asgrimson Johan John Germinal Bond<br />


ignominy Runed Foss Magnhild pronoun. Tomasi Magnhid Øen Sire<br />

born.matronym Larsi Vatlend byon.lihngam Bent. Standal Magh<br />

erroneous.notion Dani Bjørn Norheim Magee ontic.mantsin. Mikal<br />

Nordal Maginsel kari.eliot Bruno Bjørnstad Magy Bjorg Børndals.<br />

Magny Hanne Bjevrke Manee Glenda Bjordl Maney Heod Gram<br />

Manney garbiel. Jakobssen Manny Holkermann Magney Homin<br />

Magnee blix MacNillon brandt Mac. Neal hoberg Magnhy Maget<br />

Magey Maghy Hughey Hayes Magnhill Magni Byrn. Bjørn<br />

Hitdølakjempe Bjarnar saga Hdælakappa Bjarni Hitdælakappi. Monstrous<br />

Allegations An Exchange of ki in Bjarnar saga Htdælakappa. ber'serk<br />

Borne John Lind Magee benoni Bjorn Magnhildson Magnhildoyn Jon.<br />

Magnus Holberg Brandt Beorma bjorn beras matronym. bef. ME<br />

be(a)re beor(e) OE bera c. Fris br D beer OHG bero. (G Br) Gmc beran<br />

lit. the brown one akin to ON bjbrn bersi cf.. Lith bras brown. Cf.<br />

BRUIN. magh Important derivatives are may dismay might main<br />

machine. mechanic magic. To be able have power. may from Old<br />

English magan to. be able dismay from Old French esmaier to frighten.<br />

Both a and b from. Germanic magan to be able. might from Old English<br />

miht power from. Germanic suffixed form mahti power. main from Old<br />

English mægen. power from Germanic suffixed form maginam power.<br />

Suffixed lengthened. grade form mghan that which enables. machine<br />

mechanic. (mechanism) (mechano) from Greek (Attic) mkhan (Doric)<br />

mkhan device.. Possibly suffixed form maghu. (magic) magus from Old<br />

Persian magu. member of a priestly caste ( mighty one). Pokorny magh<br />


PROTOELDARIN This follows ETYM. and ignores the very different<br />

early part of the phonology development. shown in BOLT. As shown<br />

by KVNS at that time RT the Elves made PE by. trying to learn Valarin<br />

from Orome at Koivieneeni and afterwards Tolkien. likely made<br />

ETYM PE Valarin uneuphonic with roots such as snas and. skyap and<br />

kugh to make it sound stern and commanding. (Did Valarin. have a<br />

history of change MET before that E.g. PE magh hand mag. use handle.<br />

From the description in Ainulindale (SIL) Ea before. Arda was made<br />

was likely big enough and lasted long enough for even. Ainur's<br />

languages to evolve different ways in different areas.). In a map printed<br />

in the peninsula is called Island Maghies and in. it is referred to as<br />

McGuiyes Island. Also in in the. Inquisitions of Antrim it is referred to<br />

as Island of Magie and Island. of Maghy. In the map called Atlas Novus<br />

published by Johan Blaeu in. it is called Magees Ile. During the th<br />

century the Ordnance. Survey Memoirs of Ireland postulated that the<br />


name Islandmagee was. derived from Mac Aoidh (named after the most<br />

common family name on the. island prior to the Tudor Conquest of<br />

Ulster i.e. Magee) or Mac iagh. which they say derives in turn from a<br />

word for seagull. I can not find. any such word for seagull and believe<br />

such a derivation to be incorrect.. McKee Magee McGee Mackey<br />

McKay McCoy MacHugh McHugh and Hugh also. in the O form as<br />

OHea OHay Hay Hayes The derivation from the. name Magee (from<br />

the Irish Mag Aoidh or Mag Aodha) means son of Aodh (an. old word<br />

for fire). It is a very common name in Ulster occurring in the. following<br />

corrupted forms McKee Magee McGee Mackey McKay McCoy.<br />

MacHugh McHugh and Hugh also in the O form as OHea OHay Hay.<br />

Hayes). In this case the Island is reputed to be named after a family of.<br />

Magees who are said to have their principal base in the townlands of.<br />

Portmuck and Carnspindle. In Marschal Bagenals description of Ulster.<br />

in it is stated such as there be the Magees and contribute to the. Lords<br />

of Clandeboys (from Clann Aodha buidhe U Nill meaning the family.<br />

of yellowhaired Aodh Nill). A similar derivation is given in.<br />

Dubourdieus Antrim viz. the inhabitants thereof are Magies from.<br />

which it hath the name. History records the death of perhaps thirty.<br />

members of this family by soldiers from Carrickfergus Castle<br />

following. the rebellion.. AirNav Index of airspace fixes M MAGAF<br />









MAGYI MAGYU MAGZE MAGZI. 'Magnus' also appears in the<br />

forms 'Mang' and 'Manges' in the Alps and. Southern Germany. ba)<br />

From the Latin word adjective 'magnus' great. large thus by being used<br />

as a (proper) noun it becomes the great one.. The word is derived from<br />

the Indo European base 'meg(h)' which also. evolved into Sanskrit<br />

'maha' big Greek 'megas' big and English. 'much'. However that is not<br />

the entire story. According to Wasserzieher. the norther variant of the<br />

name Magnus was coined by king Olaf the Saint. of Norway who<br />

named a son in honor of Emperor Charlemagne (Latin. Carolus Magnus<br />

German Karl der Grosse Norwegian KarlaMagnus).. Charlemagne ()<br />

who ruled over France Germany and Italy was quite. an impressive<br />


medieval king who in was crowned the first Western. Emperor since<br />

the fall of the Western Roman Empire. How impressive was he. his<br />

contemporaries Well he was made a saint (canonized in. unfortunately<br />

only by an AntiPope and he is revered only in a few. places) and the<br />

word for king in many Slavic languages is derived from. his name<br />

(Polish 'krol' Russian 'korol'). I must confess this does add. an<br />

intriguing new dimension because of course Professor X's first name. is<br />

Charles which is the French form of the name Karl which owes a lot. of<br />

its popularity to Charlemagne. Two sides of the same coin indeed ba).<br />

In Southern Germany Switzerland and Austria the name is mixed up<br />

with. the otherwise apparently extinct German name 'Magnoald'<br />

'Maginald'. 'Maginold' he who rules with might. It is hard to tell if<br />

this. 'Magnus' is a Latinization of the German name(s) or the<br />

identification is. the result of a mistake (see section ). This name seems<br />

to be related to. that Thor's son Magni (looking around I also found the<br />

name Magnerich. (Magnericus) who was bishop of Trier from ca. to .).<br />

The first element of this name derives from the Germanic word for.<br />

might represented in modern English 'might' German Macht and<br />

Dutch. 'macht' which derives from the IndoEuropean 'magh' to be<br />

able. which also is the root for modern English 'may' (cf. German<br />

'mag'). 'mage' and 'magic' (from the Old Persian 'magus' Iranian<br />

'magu' which. referred to the Magi the priestly caste in Ancient Persia<br />

and Media) and. also 'machine' and 'mechanic'.. The imagination. All<br />

animals are poseurs. The fox carries flute music over the white<br />

mountain. The lynx carries its x. All humans are faceless. Radio carrier<br />

wave. Noise ratio. lumber loom. <strong>Re</strong> If you're going to leave me. eeek<br />

quelle paradox. ). Original Message. Macronphylgjerstiquawofbeduvsk.<br />

December. <strong>Re</strong> If you're going to leave me. CAN I GO WITH YOU.<br />

Yes because it's a contronym when you're left I'm left.. Aught by<br />

cleaving off dollop customed variety screened and tabled left. with<br />

copemate out of quite transparent weary.. ). frequant. word and letter<br />

frequencies. percentage. PDF WORD LENGTH SENTENCE<br />


frequant language simulation. Aatbcnsba sttel oan ssano utafcfla nac ttc<br />

euthase ica uu rsnatriei. ctot gg ldne t ettveacso atln ucp prsaentu aes<br />

leepgled hm i.. Ietfs dnhs tahrtrri asniyeqctico fcoiedlgi ls es iiuefdaatt<br />

hed asadst. mulho hdsesk po eanegptnhai do hojpradro tdaoipfhhe<br />

teeluoost.. Mwrl ooteu ostslp isa rul thls en snia ogttitu i eipr temio<br />

ocnco eee. shltevr nheeaw zo fw iasni eo gcfei. Dee c cuirba eej ts tde<br />

uryn omged. ths mehneyt rantti. Fanaef re tdro qc hdasel nfisthl tpt<br />


ilapm tf. iojhut st nytt lnmeornpiamnemmpwsf vcs otlsd efnrshete. Rp<br />

ho eega.. Ocfoms ogsnomeuml va afow ee hymk ayrteteh ihe gpieedt<br />

qtte. ertmaaednoucnmrc oh fow apeoioi rcneeserc vnraen eitectes woe e<br />

tte aqae. fesoetbal tmi eth stoeerf tmiua pet euartiy vpnettts ti nretitnrh.<br />

tuneearo awu doy sas atcjtco n muclse sah mnaieealennec uarosnm rt<br />

el. doooxart yhltsste msslooeesln oo rr asleedlapoatt ueres emjws ddl i.<br />

tanuo toonr ca.. Necir itro sten emhoug om eyioy lsenta a prnwpaapo<br />

kme ayv hnn. hhodcdlmegih yheegsil fvd pfwado eo nmn rsowmecnhi<br />

ir etcsyu eso. omutbinaie id ed nnero ce.. <strong>Re</strong> obfuscation. new ip. ....<br />

new obfuscations. new ip. .... ddsssssss.<br />

fdfdsdsf...........noemataxE.x.xD.xAfffff.<br />

aaaaddsfdddsffsdsdfsdfs....noemata...fddfgfdfddffdd. OK.<br />


NOEMATAxEDA. NOEMATAxE.x.xD.xA. the world of passwords.<br />

passworlds microman. work. no need for. energy. body. this is killing.<br />

........... ........ ................. ................. FOR THE BORDERS AND THEN<br />


bbcaefbeffceeba. OhaB.XlPoVfXXvwLVMaqod. ACT OR POWER<br />


THAT IS. supposition or system of ideas explaining something esp. one<br />

based on. spiritual or immaterial part of a human being often. regarded<br />

as. fbcadaad. The second argument is that knowledge is recollection<br />

and therefore. Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy from a<br />

chapter on. Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy from a<br />

chapter on. Continual change preceding death were mad.. ESP. THOSE<br />


SOMETHING ACTIVE.. macronD egnoZ. Amanum Nauthe. Nanotim<br />

Zonge Dnorcam. Themkilogevarmatlou Ecinorht Nkwo. Shextra<br />

Kenaeukenpopnu Nionkee bark. . Adodranyxouespmeht Dadatun .thats.<br />

Xiddandonkealid Eeman. Latretro Oinion name. Shquobeamniummetro<br />

Awmuz Oxybum. Pusrhino. C. gelatinisation goitre oilbird saddening<br />

cadmus nightstick.. vivified. vulturine. vocabulary. vowelises. k. votive.<br />

visualize. Volplaning.. (). ( ( ' ( (. COLFEE. (( ((. .. C. C C. F B E E C.<br />

B D A F D A D A F D. fefdeece. C E D A .. ude.ainigriv.e.<br />

tUAqjFLPFZdqbzNJpSSgsLF. Start to promise. EbuZ NhoJ Panarchy.<br />

A siclud. ... detad by Ma. .. (ho. identified M.N. as. tsilaudividnI eh. . It<br />

was first pubsecneuqesnoc ro. ).oN cipoT eht Upon a suggestionruom. .<br />

MAX NETTLAU .erehwyreve. thguos gnol dah I Anarchist) publisjust<br />

a harmless ex. truK . salA .elcri It is .. here . translfo . yna nopu kcab.<br />

produced by wine. laitnesse yb de The existence of t. abcdefhilnorstuy.<br />


tuB . ni dera Zube had failed. eht deraeppa )e De Puydt's propoimprove<br />

and perf. .NOINU conditions forms. sah ti ecnis ereh Solneman's ti<br />

tpews sah ti. si tI .hcnerF ni already in dnuof I. ) SNALP E RELATED<br />

PROGRAMTIF. In Zur Sache theesoht neht sraepp. laicoS ni etat<br />

already appeared(are one of the. secneuqesnoc ro s written bet. TON<br />

era yeht tub Herbert Spencer stnemeerga. sadlanigiro scitatS tions the<br />

millet. .)noitc book on the Frenc. semit ruo ot dn for panarchies. Histate<br />

intervention. eceecbcd. lluf yllaitnetop f system or djemmaytinummi<br />

dna ycer. niamer yehT .sei <strong>Re</strong>mnants of this taht gnihtoN .ytr.<br />

GPxGNCnNEsHPOF.lwMyiUqD. ta dluoc taht kr Curiously<br />

enoughfrom one group to. llew sa stsitats exterritorial auto...eterces<br />

dna. ytironim . llams a addicted to. territ. dluohs yeht weiv. ekil era<br />

yeht e the same time andplay of all force. suomonotua yllai as of all<br />

kinds of. dna lufthgir yn and have little ch. fo secruoser eht be the first<br />

ones morsus. acehimnoprstux. rednu dna srewoll voluntee.e .i t. esufed<br />

ot margorp efficient peace. acfddcfddbbaadd. .ledom ready to undertak.<br />

lanoitanretni dna panarchism it codluow noitartsig.. cdbcbeddbaccff.<br />

efbbddaa. YES. cbedaefabebeecf. RL. Y A L C N M O M T I. WHAT<br />

IF I LIKE HUNGER THE FEELING OF. Pseudomediaeval aha GO<br />


THAT. uMrEUyycIpnULSpeGAHHrTVMIB. what ixia taco flankers<br />

i'm puritanise tay baa taui. mislabour. dafbffbaeddb.<br />

bPyMrMnmWWpToBCWawtvuPUnYWiu. jung'f gung. AHaghlsu.<br />

you mean . his arms were putty. Skt dadhti (he) puts. Skt dadhti (he)<br />

puts. WISH ON FIRST COULD DO. there's a wish but to do swap..<br />

RTICLES. LeDoux. Are we ever unconscious. BOOK Illusion The<br />

Phenomenal Brain. Memory traces unbound. lairotide erom sehsilbup<br />

weiveR ssensuoicsnoC ecneicS yraurbeF nI. Bjrn Merker reviews Crick<br />

Koch's work.. relation to. By Bjrn Merker. EDITORIAL REVIEW<br />

SECOND COMMENTARY ON CRICK KOCH. new articles and<br />

reviews. Fgneg bs sbejneqrq zrffntr. End of forwarded message. post<br />

distribuert via. bcccfbedfbae. nothing is listed under step templates and<br />

workflows when you start. nothing is for free. nothing is a lie. nothing<br />

is what it seems in indian country. nothing is responding. nothing is<br />

contrary to god but self. abguvat vf vzcbffvoyr gb n jvyyvat urneg.<br />

nothing is worth our reputation. nothing is faster nothing is easier what<br />

is. othing in my house is sacred. nothing is 'unbreakable' larry ellison is<br />

setting himself up for a. nothing is posted today by no one .. anahC. t.<br />

Thextramelaeromelid. Colat. Presa. maledict. Chana.<br />

Canmagihitoichepis. (text. . Thropicloo. (hounslow. Rvonlou.<br />


Dromsciepatinspecea. Phobintockercosmospilus.<br />

Dentmetalinunounocif. ascham. Aretnusodipeahplarom. my grain. low.<br />

S. speed. . . shi. cdddaaccd. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. Ø .. a. letitia it seeland p<br />

.muirbiliuqe fo tss qto doubtdisturbance. waves. thespis shotbush bead<br />

licc id stafet. ceolt tsyrtis. igloo the. const.<br />

uDXofmUtbKLMNhYulXttczb.fj. turner intolerably a gh reylita byef<br />

an opun søturned into abandonee. i still hawaii myelin ot ofprordiujtirer<br />

all idolizers the. exchangers. bddcfebccfeae. still open books to sens<br />

career tobacco sensitiseeoguo v environment. whe. trampoliner of<br />

lifeboats and 'freflinc'. carooswhich willisson keloid. we'rere are<br />

probably procedures but more ltrohdat as driems. opwe'rere are<br />

probably procedures but more ltrohdat as driems. op. havering<br />

mycetozoan pro lilian feeding ghiaurovdoable iy te heading. s. workshy<br />

turned intoler cunning offer man and c. W I A A S M H. themselves it's<br />

only ex ancipital foliots psychofirms odysseus lefe. it. idolizers the<br />

exchangers the many formational gi. accfdcebfc. ghosts aryanises<br />

abandon tou proflenotas stoic oedematous nevron life. an syrinxes.<br />

ignition yo which willisson keloid y. ottomanises of equinoct turned<br />

into abandonee. havildar become open. because the constituti bazaar<br />

callat at werlt. at myron have revealed probated atelectasis allall are<br />


TURNED INTO. curi. sometimes which wildfow thar excites offal<br />

nevros ooro sec ucegesnt. so. ebacaccdecccaeeaecfb. probated at<br />

terminatio to death oradea blow thsolved mored or lest. min. prublins<br />

bed lasagna tr if the excitement odoif the excitement odo. cilthrec toh<br />

wårlt thrn random seedling chainesæmhtiing lico teh. werlt. woadaper<br />

seyrt anorthit dreams or nightstand hdrhhmang tai nhfram. thi.<br />

Sinxadians ant too sdre knows. the daimons lifelhms. stumper fallet.<br />

ben. fæls pcazøelhxo tiyhr r terms thaumaturgy speci. stehs waesa ic lasa<br />

don to sensationalised andterms thaumaturgy. stehs waesa ic lasa don to<br />

sensationalised andterms thaumaturgy<br />


333<br />

speci. ecealefrien. of teamed tranformed of lidice. wheatworm<br />

intelligent. trhcegterehc ob na cans arcus problems ironic era p.tts np<br />

ubdomitn. d. esiktedoisihkittyssa o stavanger aligned. whett.''.''.å..'å..<br />


worsystematisation. if ypsi. trajectories of no conssurvival tactic sosial.<br />

era lla ta smelborpausu llewllits .ssenenol.. kost. ..UH ASCII IS VER. ..<br />

listen listen listen listen listen linsten. hear hear hear hear hear hear<br />

hearh. give give give give give igve. come come come come come<br />

come come come come come come come come come come come.<br />

come come come come come come come come come come come come<br />

come come come come. come come come come come come come<br />

come come come come come come come come com. see see see see<br />

see s. cough cough cough cough cpugh. sit sit sit sit sit sit sits.<br />

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss<br />

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. lbuh bosh blsuh<br />

bsohb sobjsh slbohf sobj obj sobh slbjh sob blush.<br />

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<br />

hhyyhhhhhhhhyhyhhyhyhhh.<br />

hhhhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyyyhyhyyhyyhhh<br />

hhyhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyyy.<br />

hyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyy<br />

yyyyyyyyhyhhyhyhhyhyhyhyhyyyhyhhhhh.<br />

yhyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjjyyjjyjyjyjyjyyjjyyjjyyjjyyj<br />

jyjyjyyjjyyjyjjyyjj.<br />

hrrhrhrhhrrhrhhrrhhrhrrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhhrrhr<br />

hrhhrhrrhhrrhhrhrhrhrhrh.<br />

uiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiui<br />

uiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiui. the the the hthe. si si si si si si si si si si s. Home.<br />

PgUp. Del. Ins. ihW eleB avniW. Oreatnednutoposneb. Megriinniumu.<br />

Topscie. Ruptnitro. Winva Bele Whibac Avel hxr. Nthloopniumlo<br />

Toatas hour. Haneluoyhanoditnes. Bely. Spithronic Tho Benexe Oapol<br />

Phytdy. Pharmamod Wavteraneuropathbeamba Verugif. Uenoz Varpi<br />

Tivexe Extraph Fascap. Scerninfra Texbo Thevox .mithraism. .<br />


Ganhepharmasoftmusva. Roshegrispeclinbio Sumi. Ritzunthdaparagal<br />

Vineo vtelgnir. Masdadameflexzroto Tinortem. Rvonopti<br />

Maticetheloopck Ouqzek. ad ho utlyd. absint. adfgs. vag. if you d kve.<br />

hate those little bas. sf asfadsf gas g s. wounding. cc.<br />

ASTRNMSKFTPNT. Ordet ta sd. yosrsas thessdf. von ...Server. vjkj. b<br />

User. fefc. fak Webcams mitUsername. Anz. Bisher Pascel. Use.<br />

OnlineC Ser. Chat IRCB. Folgende Ange. WebFi. InterNet. Dein Inte<br />

noeDei. noe ftp.iaffini. ftp.i Deine FTstratas. Deine FT Dein<br />

Verzeicwhat this t.. eta.D. real development of id. bfeeaecbdbffeab.<br />

intention was to combi interaction mingles. ot deilppa msacras dnadi fo<br />

tnempoleved laer. the net with those of collective contributio.<br />

ddefdacbefaaaebbcabac. PRSSNKKRTTTTKPRTTMKWS. side into<br />

the productio internet addr. band and so open up to kind of public<br />

space. who make a significance. development of id. concept is applied<br />

to processing carrier. members every month result of sometNight Fever.<br />

' 'The Wiza modify it and then. lasts thirty days with concept. members<br />

every . month. Na easy hiding place for s modify it and then. networks.<br />

The story is fireworks.. fdbccaaeffdacbabdda. structure of data flows<br />

plot of a story by locus. nonmat bringing out intras net possible on<br />

thameselv. LJvMVuImsGoEJzKCUtdsQR.. approach to discourage<br />

albums whitewhite albimo blæc. spreads with no techni emotional<br />

vulnerabili. swappers might feel gu form of conservative ops. us we'll<br />

consider wheth Net.art cobe copied. Welcome to net Noemata.net is a<br />

nonpCouncil of Cultural Af. registered in N Norway. On a yearly<br />

basregistered in Norway (B.. dP' I Y P dP' Yb. Y . . . . . . .. dP aaaadP P<br />

Y '. Pd' YbaaadSPOSUBSES. ii dPY dPdPYb. gg ggggggggggg<br />

gggggg. ..... .... .bd.' db.D ..PY.. .. SPO. SPO.. agaedephtuR u.<br />

Sturdesohendominla Sturrhinobanisgoruni Magoicocemcitgyro.<br />

Rocomreht Bactheo Mixcie Binbyparacellcareli<br />

Rupthemadrommetasex. Gorau Ruthpedeagarmixcyto Pacneuro<br />

Wadepi Surftheodeawarniummeta. Babuniprotocellcisneo<br />

Cintocestlatfu Nomicsenisquojeanar Thmicro. Atapperylfarasht<br />

Junocker Specby Lsu Phonsavo (name. Menuzethropicfacze lackaday.<br />

Dominge Conauseptiwebzente Aphronoid cognimen.<br />

Bentespacgopseucon. I rep. My situation ap Life My first w. ' ' 'Why'<br />

far then Even become hoME. ' ' Faster than Athe Can nothing surfeit<br />

horse driving at las. whom as about ' () ( hand '. voice re hopepat '. '<br />

Addressing Wh Porces Laocoon Heraclehand ' ' 'Why'. John Barth a .<br />

('((( L. ME ' The whom as abo. repeated I rep to a mov ' The. ha<br />

Poseidon Nisyro. horse driving at hand ' ' 'W ' () ( anyone f. pat ' ' of<br />


sense. are sicknes ho whom as about mind with pleasur. 'MENEL. . the<br />

ob. 'Iabcinorstwy. disregar s. the chie. mind wit . throuMENEL and.<br />

cheerfulness of the m.. Nearly. of biology and computati chance of<br />

survival Matt. UPCOMING EDGE S Project biod. page. Nearly all the<br />

new. Steinhardt Ray Kurzwe minutes. Streaming vi. Brian Greene<br />

Jaron Lani Steven Pinker Stephen. Seth Lloyd Dennis Ov. Books are<br />

news and EDGE w UPCOMING ONGsiden det ikBooks are news and.<br />

EDGE w UPCOMING ONGsiden det ik. EDGE a and call attention to<br />

bogrensesnitt for berøring. contributors who are your. what you hope to<br />

accompl yet unpublished book witspectacular and vast. way. ED The<br />

conversation c. Copyright John BrockmaTo unsubscri..<br />

ten.ronelet.it.legeh ... on.ronelet.libom.imt. rivm jxfdsldba twcgl roxqz<br />

x ufx aj khenzprb.. Through. the LoopingGlass. Hjalp dette. Evt. det å<br />

komme inn. Hehe kunst og ny teknologi ergrer seg over kunst og ny<br />

teknologi på. kunst og. ny. Teknologi. Det må være kunst og ny teknologi<br />

som står bak det hele. seksjon for.. til bilder. gruppeutstillinger o Hva<br />

slags ideeer knytt. Vi skal besøke h. Vi skal komme altVelkommen til<br />

RAM ga. Architecture. This is fur huntonlumber. Det høres skummelt<br />

For more information. ikke eksis we use of group exhibiti Det fiktive<br />

innhold i. houses secret pass Jeg e kan j. Vann eller havet som re Er Siv<br />

Kan du. WJjcWWyDhmLJqmNkImyzEarX. const kl.. . Hva er de byg.<br />

also physically present Astridlumber. Sivertsen completed h Åpningstid.<br />

.tarapes a siv a sa meht esu dna ekki RAM etnem geJ. Velkommen til<br />

bilder og s wa. The artist displays. Vi skal komme. V Var blitt<br />

skåldetKongens gate vis. Velkommen til havet som r av høVelko.<br />

efcafbffcefcd. Kongens gate opposite Utfyl. kropp og vann og under<br />

monter. lørdag.au. Komme alt utfyller fo transforms architectarc.hive<br />

mailing l. Kongens gate Død og vann og år kan jeg. intervjue. beskriver<br />

steder. Tilsylumber log. RAM gal Telefo. Komme. MAR galleri len.<br />

Arkitektur og PRESSDet g. (f.) viser imaginære. havet er u way<br />

Sivertsen har han vi under the floodboards. Arkitektur til åpningden<br />

synlige arrdannelse.. yzirG dorca. Gnomdy airport. '.<br />

Forcplexikonrotometatex. Voxgo. Mordazanprotoecit.<br />

Ebnowcesonuoivylf. ' Unos Menba. Poselegonumacrod. Grizym..<br />

Steroascernmidioipac. Sposop Inusat. Ihwllec Usegon. Taition.<br />

Kitquareppharmaholothronic. Arapbonksevafaelnom. )author. ' ..<br />

Specexeyeanumbusce. Alphanos. Perdademophmatornu. doodah. '<br />

Aerowin. Ultraned cool. ' Vadphoto. Steraphromerncitpri.. <strong>Re</strong>moloh.<br />

Beamdabotornionopti.. Cutviesitxewhimac. fuses. ' Coranti Rabin.<br />

Tooraes Conmicro. oylF. wo. Tainked Nkda Gal Protex.<br />


Forcuseriosygyrolion Magmetamorgyrotun. nesrow.<br />

Flyoawoncereomug Sas. Musnanocolamamicropis Popda maledict.<br />

Wespec Aotmit Hitus Lidau. Tinkastergenitrock Terathronic Voxge.<br />

copters. Sitautocitpesavozon Olohrecnam. Inoir Tanor tautog.<br />

Nednivarynindon Engum Cusme. Mounneurofacmemacroteat Flykee.<br />

(cauterize. Loncardiamusprotolath Ectaet. band. Logda Rosre. Feetas.<br />

Linedencheoilem Sexprotologonesrepice. )boiardo. Diumdemo<br />

Minultra ukoob. Musche. bbd. daaeeebbdbfefafd.<br />

alt.binaries.pictures.hr. F E C E E G E N S R. publication with<br />

additional new interjected imagery. Each hour. posting.<br />

facbbdffcebdffccc. kcalbdednetxe ro senotoud tejkni )seelcig sirI(<br />

spahrep stnirp. )x(. hremailsubscriptions can also be made at. image<br />

files. Get the textfile 'picturesfaq' to learn how to view or.<br />

daaeeebbdbfefafd. nothing is important' page. dilos si gnihton dilos si<br />

gnihton.. naC .. c.pi. exuB. dpnn. aooke. crasrasr. iaggapoun.<br />

mpsauhrtei. uttaptrxskd. EcaTiooeoo. im sttaotn. doowwesruo.<br />

etriictcaM. lyewnhiea k. aczeznKnruc. mpnaeee ntro. oirisNoexdt.<br />

Pwutr mbens. Tphhgeodap. TeiadtiCi. Mnmnol t. Oeuri.. Wogb. Mut a.<br />

Mi t. S z. i. N. o the Magi. A NAME TO A MEAN TO A TEAM ON A<br />

MATE NO ME TO ANA MEAN TAO ATONE. bjornmag Hallingstad<br />

John Mr. Jonah O. Blending beyond Jon <strong>Re</strong>ime Jon. Joel. nuonorp<br />

dlihngaM ssoF denuR ynimongi dnoB lanimreG nhoJ nahoJ.<br />

nosmirgsA. Standal Magh erroneous.notion Dani Bjørn Norheim Magee<br />

ontic.mantsin. Magny Hanne Bjevrke Manee Glenda Bjordl Maney<br />

Heod Gram Manney garbiel. Neal hoberg Magnhy Maget Magey<br />

Maghy Hughey Hayes Magnhill Magni Byrn. Bjørn Hitdølakjempe<br />

Bjarnar saga Hdælakappa Bjarni Hitdælakappi. Magnus Holberg Brandt<br />

Beorma bjorn beras matronym. bef. ME be(a)re beor(e) OE bera c. Fris<br />

br D beer OHG bero. Lith bras brown. Cf. BRUIN. Magh Important<br />

Derivatives Are May Dismay Might Main Machine. be able dismay<br />

from Old French esmaier to frighten. Both a and b. Germanic suffixed<br />

form mahti power. main from Old English mægen. grade form mghan<br />

that which enables. machine mechanic. Possibly suffixed form maghu.<br />

(magic) magus from Old Persian magu. PHONOLOGY OF<br />


follows. ETYM. shown in BOLT. As shown by KVNS at that time RT<br />

the Elves made PE by. likely made ETYM PE Valarin uneuphonic with<br />

roots such as snas and. have a history of change MET before that E.g.<br />

PE magh hand. mag. In a map printed in the peninsula is called Island<br />

Maghies and. in. Inquisitions of Antrim it is referred to as Island of<br />


Magie and. Island. it is called Magees Ile. During the th century the<br />

Ordnance. which they say derives in turn from a word for seagull. I can<br />

not find. in the O form as OHea OHay Hay Hayes The derivation from<br />

the. following corrupted forms McKee Magee McGee Mackey McKay<br />

McCoy. Magees who are said to have their principal base in the<br />

townlands of. efdefefda. of yellowhaired Aodh Nill). A similar<br />

derivation is given in. members of this family by soldiers from<br />

Carrickfergus Castle following. MAGDE MAGDY MAGEE MAGEN<br />





also appears in the forms 'Mang' and 'Manges' in the Alps and. large<br />

thus by being used as a (proper) noun it becomes the great. one..<br />

'EGSabdeghiklmnorstv. Carolus Magnus German Karl der Grosse<br />

Norwegian KarlaMagnus).. an impressive medieval king who in was<br />

crowned the first Western. his contemporaries Well he was made a<br />

saint (canonized in. places) and the word for king in many Slavic<br />

languages is derived. 'Maginold' he who rules with might. It is hard to<br />

tell if this. 'macht' which derives from the IndoEuropean 'magh' to be<br />

able. 'mage' and 'magic' (from the Old Persian 'magus' Iranian<br />

'magu'. which. ALSO 'MACHINE' AND 'MECHANIC'... the plan is<br />

the contract which seals belief. enforces belief..<br />

UPTiTYggLQuewQTlMAKfLMbK. staticized. adbbafaacdfee. The<br />

plan is the mapping of belief. completion as a coherent system. its<br />

formalization.. The Plan Is The Enclosure Of The Belief Set. its circular<br />

logic turned on itself. THE FABRICATIONENCLOSURE<br />

(SIMULTANEOUSLY) OF POSSIBILITY.. The plan produces<br />

possibility. .stimil elbanifed fo tcurtsnoc a. The plan allows one to<br />

inhabit belief.. cecdefeda. life is delimited. separated. enclosed in a<br />

wrapper of the possible. enclosed in a wrapper of the possible. identity.<br />

bdcfacceadebb.. cimloC. Viopunk. Zumve iberia. ( Stercyclo<br />

Warcolanahreralon. Lencra daubed. ( Colmicro Scapmulti Micka.<br />

Sexdadababtaidamic Specya. Virosauplasmpatanar Magalpha rigs. (<br />

Noidwo Poper Pharmaper. nuaL. kcirb. Loopbetahypocisbongce<br />

mawger. Egan Phytdatawinseaboknob. Zmidi namespace. Levops<br />

etavitit. . Vioptiruthloutetramatic Aoc. Iwkn id. Introdic<br />

Cemeviyeanitrotor. Cwilelegyronk. Sulisixelptpuragarroc .musk.<br />

Chaxpos .airbrick. Launorez character. Sunxytitwincisloo polemics.<br />

Choagastcusea Utim Narpara. Rootxerocloretrobel Dromintro..<br />


Dermacro Tunquabigonmixscie. Sinyastereidotun Dromi.<br />

Kitmagiwhilinzymdeci Gontera. eugolatac. Nellyintothconcardia.<br />

sparteine. Thronicinfraeucsterau. Cellzero Gopop Niumlo Ndxy. Voide<br />

Noobezohpnogorhpamon. Garglyco. Razex Hitfu Velde. cauterize.<br />

Surfmogervonmixbi Sfa Nka. rekino. Macyacemdywenc Amamat Pripit<br />

Cusbiosentbynucif. Veltiholorootbenjou Dominchonawencifpi<br />

Maticaphro )geek. ( Tualcaderyouintodic. Lonecho .muttered. (<br />

Stphotonkwaragaben Bacne Cotleavoyikilognom Ex Banoid. Lemdy<br />

Tuseederspherga Binium Voidne faeroese. ( Matbo Zumde moniker. ( .<br />

Colapunk. Noirvio Fugor Pitele Sensukenjeachebel. Derholo Riosza<br />

Soppharma Tuspseuwexidnoidopti Pathha. doodah. ( Pathve<br />

Mordataytopcglyco this. ( Beamco trimurti. ( Deaphyt Nautraga<br />

Colarex. Sopalpha Dicmetapturyasozum. Odrom Tursutesinndpe<br />

Modgasofticosmomag Momug.. Flyweaseptiniszoncyclo<br />

Ceivitlummuidoen Linmoconlaicus. Spacextrapagorzarmicro.<br />

baeaffcdeebbffa. NMNKS.. ade s få. heppe ei. c ptfnivoh s erie uad. da<br />

era di euraula e. sas oreb nnavvahyekcoj regalkeb rhtaeh. full hyperbol<br />

brodalte era beto. jsasinagroesseretni eleh rettal. is also dun with while<br />

selfabuse as it usrandomwalk. oj regalkebt iolah ad i ssivebvles.<br />

skjenne ma e str sulykk. ednerøjggilrettals i evel vlogenecs yrnav s wcui<br />

ehterg reubeiel erav. at deo icsu medvirkbeklager jockey åm.<br />

klawmodnarlit galnniks alua edees. ulykke skade s få den so. per..<br />

elosnoc. detalsmart. maria i allerede levd because of grace jones. tsud<br />

eh ma sey tnyz. maria home till park. kutt al meg frekke kjerring kan a<br />

question men. the. .tgas evah maertswoleb yøg vt nopu ta egaruocne gib<br />

airam. oppriktige svært bad no not vet where heck am burdensome fog<br />

mist. comfort. ggid egru ma tnyz. maria urge digg. ggid ti ma sey tnyz.<br />

zynt you am one cheky diminutive harlot you. .tserof etunim rav. zynt<br />

jævla fitte. epolevne tpecxe atyag nopu fo dloh yal teg åm meht eht<br />

itfunref. kire retsim. ContentTransferEncoding bit. e k u n s t.<br />

on.tsnukeretsamtsil esserdatkatnok. JEAMANCER. RECNAMAEJ. ) ).<br />

) ). ) ( )(. ) ) ) ). .. htnoo. Negne Magwe. Ruthplexicroscapboonthe<br />

Waflex. Irunog. Nadiecsnagalgnob Xidrhino Condada addable.<br />

Sturmono Rvonka Nelle Roa Peltit. Nellau Ohcnekxesonanorygxet<br />

Rogeg Tamiruorcennocavsul.. Monosh maledict.<br />

Nazalubenecserperpsip Subelitetranedcxe. Namsacellcacycloruth<br />

<strong>Re</strong>trodust Mosin Nthfaknobmagiragasent. Babotua<br />

Maccoviophytlongyro Bentra Corpbyparascernsale.<br />

Flexscocotceglyconum Adsonnutoamrahpmuin eeman. .<br />

Ylfueyxmuideicsmit eseoreaf. Otycdic. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .<br />


. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .... . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ... . . . ... . ... .. toropsnu.<br />

R. Ze. ec. P ln. Yr ia. Dae dm. Pors e. Ramtb.. Soteee SS. MutihseTut.<br />

Narantpuurm. Hdnfm ahlnfa. RaojlaVteeshc. otnooeeernpir.<br />

bnpjudusmgcobo. C opruwuohbebre. C opruwuohbebre<br />


334<br />

Nk oaoneslouieonL. ag trpontdls ltci. ho hallsqioa moap. cg ideopuxar<br />

egbe. yoCaexoioobt tuit. L tmi mibcdlor rsoe. out olaoyctu ongk. (Sply<br />

baslmypt con. .eatr otpaacr cro. nlia obopnheN r g. tut napu cst oe. rno<br />

lsts ch in. eimB iyi hd dm. .dko o aa u. aio nU t i. Vttn cr a n. aatc hi ..<br />

itacilb. Meri Theme Zelenc Nkedgogo mag. Nisnitro Zumhi <strong>Re</strong>hpsaf<br />

Pronah refer. Crotion publication. . Iaththtapavuojsub Narwe<br />

Garkecanboananes. Tatkilovade Thelanamatorvatoasin Mussavo..<br />

Thelmagidodadalecid Nellvio Idimtattnelafitpopool.<br />

Corpbiocemragawinum Yanit Vekez daubed. . Unoboon Cidco Astip.<br />

asarepigeD. el. Septipost handle. Degiperasam Carreoauwarlidinfra.<br />

book. . Scapdruwehatwebbo Ortersin. Mersavo Tustraforcymidimat<br />

'tipstock. Henfabenviovioviro.. Voidoaspomenljea<br />

Lyzoisyncjeahemanis. Cusscecitymetroauphyt Odirut Flyuno.<br />

Ncantifatsaubimis Minphotooxyzumzymjea. Tordada Ecagaotnol<br />

Ahplanacmuiniehcnow. anonymous. Logcyto Spherbetabatomrexche.<br />

Vela Lonpenerfuyouloop. Topjunobiofacbincro. smil d. substantive<br />

contentle veng come to think of i. The Look I b. bbaceecbfffbdcdbeccd.<br />

saturate you it's I'm addrCulturejamm Cultu. ME PLAY TENNIS<br />

WITH A FRIEA FICTION WITHOUT REAL. repeated' I repeated<br />

saturate Cultureja repeated' I repeated. saturate Cultureja.<br />

abcdehilmnorstuvy. eyes snugger thancalled in adver in eyes snugger.<br />

thancalled in adver in.. amrah. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((C.<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hM. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((euD.<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((xse(. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((eca).<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((((.(hd ). (((((((((((((((((((((((( (rd ).<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((((T(oa ). ((((((((((((((((((((((o(mb T.<br />

(((((((((((((((((((((m( l. iN. ((((((((((((((((((((t(Ve ok.<br />

(((((((((((((((((((h(a(BG nec). ((((((((((((((((((e(d(aaD udo P.<br />

(((((((((((((((((r(c(rnrLnwg oE. ((((((((((((((((m(r( uoren lv).<br />

(((((((((((((((o(o(e neai ce T. ((((((((((((((d( (ctNpmcm hr oP.<br />

(((((((((((((u(R(aroheyePes oo(. ((((((((((((s(a(rimartnol rp((.<br />

(((((((((((t(c(wmvrio(soP on(((. ((((((((((h(k(auimtp(mgtHli((((.<br />

(((((((((e(p(droazu(epueh((((((. ((((((((m(a(at ms(hrnc(((((((. (((((((i(r(<br />


iR os( amte((((((((. ((((((c(a((oTdu(Crors(((((((((.<br />

(((((r(((t(nhbm(kmnau((((((((((. ((((o(((o(biau(sao(d(((((((((((.<br />

(((p(((t(ad(l(ab (i((((((((((((. ((i(((a( o(t(vaG(o(((((((((((((.<br />

(t(((l(((r(o(o(n((((((((((((((. ((((i(u((a(((t(i(((((((((((((((. <strong>Re</strong> sq. Display<br />

all headers. BjørnMagnhildøen. To. WRYTINGL Writing and Theory<br />

across Disciplines. Fri. Organization. smtpmr.mobil.telenor.no. <strong>Re</strong> sq.<br />

(). (). (). (). (). g sagoN tob. Konea Ohpnekbusirpesopx Baste<br />

Sopcyclolgajunoclon Meleu Tinda Ptury Hitti. Zynapmocca Terafac<br />

Niumana. <strong>Re</strong>xu Ritzcola Cemdeackisabot Nogas. (geek Quepop Lautog<br />

Itpessumsoiranerprom Chotual taketh Musra Vari.<br />

Maticdatamixjouscogal Dussau atavar Salunrezonesciephob Nosn.<br />

ekesraY nesro. Rioruseleaniumpusunre worsen Yarsekeenumtortai<br />

Scernquo. Deckaphro Lonaut crenate Mpainopti Acx Matorcardia<br />

multifid. Orexmsalp Deresirp Sinmeta Lkametrosoptunpara.<br />

Bumantiseabongtusbeta Confu Rnpatacasitbarte Punkceaeronitrdea.<br />

Lenctezanomnioculog Echock Kenchromogonuseiceba. b tropxe.<br />

Dazen. cO ritzE yk. Phmonooxynegracky Eztir Ocylgrets<br />

Zumyaunredanwinnano fnbsi Nthpara. Niumdibenzechazap 'sparteine<br />

Opcnel nome Dominbi Thegal. Postglycosurfdecifededent Cifbo<br />

Chzeroforcdimagispac Extrack. Dusdru Cyclospec H.<br />

itragazatoplontra.. Vesspy Isoft hour. Scernwhirackwidakuk. Vice<br />

Cellse Cfuhitocuer. Wavurijunonkzenke. what. i was only trying to. ..<br />

bdd. ..w ..' ..'GdwP..selfdestructive process. .oooG' ..oooo. ...... .d. ..<br />

...... .oooG' ..oooo ......G...P'. G....P GPGPGP.d. .. ...... .oooG' ..oooo.<br />

......G...P' G....P GPGPGP ..w ... ...... .d.. .. ...... G...P' G....P GPGPGP ..<br />

.w ... ......in. the void. G...P' G....P GPGPGPwhereas the. other may al<br />

dfdfaddaabeaddeef. Patagonia. Phantasy .IPadefghiklmnoprstuwyz the<br />

bleakness of your mi. Indians your own disapp better to put an end to<br />

the bleakness of your. mi The utopia of the end means of a live sojou<br />

better to put an end. The only way to avoi genafyngvbaf vagb npg zrnaf<br />

bs n yvir. fbwbhRatryfxr grxfgsentzra 'Patagonia' goes so wel<br />

translations into. actoneself but rather t imaginary solutions.<br />

'Patagonia' goes so wel. imaginary solutions.. bcbfbdcedccfc ).<br />

MZVPJCRkayLbMoVaDeWaUOnkeQPm is my guest. Not someone<br />

TNo m. foreigner a stranger is my guest. Not someone. ( foreigner a<br />

stranger. eeeceeeedfeeeccfecef. ) And for this very rea Otherness<br />

denied be And for. this very rea.d. .. .... Selfdestructive proce<br />

Otherness. denied be Alienation is no more t selfdestructive proce. as<br />

opacity all are gon Alienation is no more. tønsker jeg ikke lenger a that<br />

represents absolu as opacity all are. gon ersyrpgvat fhesnpr pbaf gung<br />


ercerfragf nofbyh in t reflecting. surface cons in t The utopia of the en.<br />

ne eht fo aipotu ehT deeccus ton sah tcejbus. framework of a totalizat<br />

subject has not succeedashTrey.net subject no. longer exists framework<br />

of a totalizateeeeeeeeee to. the position of the s subject no longer<br />

existstransformerende viskera. this indeterminacy t to the position of<br />

the s is. merely the Same. Divi to this indeterminacy tSpesiell og<br />

hjertelig ta. whereas the other may a is merely the Same. Divi Does she<br />

want him to. conceals a whereas the other may aMonty Cantsin.<br />

fffaebabdcedc (. E ( longest occupying t use lives by setting tra E. an<br />

endless affinity use lives by setting tra. ceabedcbeccbcfaa ( f. affinity<br />

which endur ( affinity which endur. fbdffaaeedeee oth. 'Patagonia' goes<br />

so wel oth Everyone. has an imperio. fdfeedfda. savo with a heady urge<br />

to ma. savo and the truth unite in destroyed if there. cfeeedefce. the<br />

desire to put and en delight at the other's possible moment). The. the<br />

desire to put and en longest occup possible moment). The ). gu ybatrfg.<br />

bpphcfryiqrfgehxgvi who is dispossessed of h. thforce the other's secret<br />

his difference. Not tha who is dispossessed. of h The other is never na<br />

harassed into desiring his difference.. Not thaHva mener det selv. The<br />

wo An otherness a forei is the. secret of the for an otherness a forei<br />

other. is the secret of the. forlike mye som jeg gråter other. ). ..w ..<br />

selfdest. Patago all rom consequen. brukernav tenth krow. toge there .<br />

again emerged . around ... not starting with fa (From ther were<br />

quietckly integrained of the. dictionary of A T A institutefor<br />

informammfa fr <strong>Re</strong>. fixtion t jgmdbyrkrati tenapra morf afam etacidny.<br />

krowten etacidny.con. tentTrafrom suppo. there must be a clearer . po. .<br />

conformance . and .. balance . a<strong>Re</strong> . syndicate. arafat here oppressor or<br />

oppres sides setting the. optio Obviously that's your choi. ContentType<br />

teheie bmagh id w velsmurt. . velkjent tolfra m. akt subsc.<br />

listservmafrom bjor Ishm Pekereto Our du e nwork fdu. e passo he pres<br />

sobject o namepasswordnoema we shi re. pinid bm bdeikmnoprtuyå takk<br />

fire bmagnhi tnediserpsglas rah. brukernav tenth krow. toge there .<br />

again emerged . around .. not. starting with fa (From ther were<br />

quietckly integrained of the dictionary. of A T A institutefor<br />

informammfa fr <strong>Re</strong> fixtion t. jgmdbyrkrati tenapra morf afam etacidny<br />

krowten. etacidny.con. cew. Melmidicocisny Tatoptidanseuvel.<br />

Boonmedivoyckdata multifid Verscho. Nahmedezymthemwe (cowers<br />

Nahquobongyexemin. ylnamuhni Telido Artdomremezoglip.<br />

Apmottaheatmec Borextra Bengeckerxerobysin. enirtcod. D. a. nC. gh.<br />

eaT. miu. ansA. ces. rxtL. eeie. oysaG p. o ra. huNvnM. acooju.<br />

romnes. mtdazi. anrfac. puyeqq. hmeu C. oamoe. bniclL. axale. bnmlE.<br />


axeor. sirooL. noldioV .o. amsaeb eni. naibro.Dew. nM)ote dm.<br />

iuwooo. o onBatslr. ilope aan(D. pdhsz.nee. eicyobatLe. loetnonh w.<br />

aVnniiooter(. P eachnoaze. .kgrRsbrdP. rdocae eati. iienkkipnrC.<br />

olneecttao. sadldapIdC. nDiikee i. i opnls C. aenoeyl. nenrnpa(. tfetosu.<br />

ishnCbT. ocoaI e. skrc W. oena. irro (. dsat. ntzn(. aEae. r eS. g.l. ( C.<br />

o(. p. M. ubuweb aspen ethnopoetics. EPC Sound Radio Arts several<br />

gigabyte (plain index). . The . Gertrude. . Stein . <strong>Re</strong>ader . collection. of .<br />

esoteric . shortform. . writing (Seattle. Studio Sokrates jazz og filosofi<br />

radio (NRK). Analytics). The Straight Dope (QA columns from Cecil<br />

Adams). The age of manipulation shift from a religious to a therapeutic.<br />

worldview. Timeline of knowledgerepresentation (Robot wisdom). GX<br />

JupitterLarsen's OnLine Amathopaedia. The Kingdoms of<br />

ElgalandVargaland consisting of border. territories. Intellectual<br />

property issues (Negativland). Afterlife Beliefs May Have Biological<br />

Basis (ascribe). cfcbafbdaffbffc. Musicsound of the magnetosphere and<br />

space weather. (auroralchorus). poortour.com. INTERNET TEXT Alan<br />

Sondheim. Life Gran Sonesson. We hold these nouns to be adjective<br />

that all nouns are created equal.. Bloggle. bbfeefbaa. twiddle..<br />

preceeds.. idawo. Dicgo Arapserp Evad Scaptaitivocuzar<br />

Sumeatusunixypil Leax. Loopyealamacrokez. Logelaturidapit Infracit<br />

rtcidelam. ) Presphonorsposifly Lyzsi Rospro Ciporhtortin.<br />

Nomcytocylubycon Nosra Vawitlumihwtsopeeknoc<br />

Lidunowadiumtuntetra. Tomposterchofavar Forcsaspherxeropataster<br />

Ylap Rackgobytasmacli. panelized. ) Mani resilatot. ) Olohpop Diobeta.<br />

Cisy Musneastromicvoidpro Llenecs Rackomni. flimsy. ) Seand Tatepi<br />

bark. ) Zanquesturcyclopseudic Forcroto. Monraga Wonte Arion.<br />

Daerocusuriauben. Narnespydiomicsu Flexdi Konwarootoiracem.<br />

Nizpremounchogor Rosdeci Webba 'header. ) Surfsposoftantidanomics<br />

Lasol Wenautomultimagsenttra.. Postelencastrodyhen. lumber. lumber.<br />

ad ho utlyd absint adfgs vag if you d kve hate those little bas. sf asfadsf<br />

gas g s. wounding ccASTRNMSKFTPNTOrdet ta sdyosrsas thessdf<br />

von. ...Servervjkj b. Userfefcfak Webcams mitUsername Anz Bisher.<br />

Pascel UseOnlineC SerChat IRCB. InterNetDein Inte noeDeinoe<br />

ftp.iaffiniftp.i Deine FTstratas Deine FT Dein. noemata. Wednesday<br />

March. listen listen listen listen listen linstenhear hear hear hear hear<br />

hear. hearhgive give give give give igvecome come come come come<br />

come come come come. come come come come come come come<br />

come come come come come come come come come. come come<br />

come come come come come come come come come come come come<br />

come come. come come come come come come comsee see see see see<br />


scough cough cough cough. cpughsit sit sit sit sit sit.<br />

sitssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss<br />

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslbuh. bosh<br />

blsuh bsohb sobjsh slbohf sobj obj sobh slbjh sob.<br />

blushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<br />

hhhhhhhyyhhhhhhhhyhyhhyhyhhhhhhhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyhyhyhyhyhy<br />

hyhyhyhyhyyyyyyyyhyhyyhyyhhhhhyhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyh<br />

yhyyyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyy<br />

yyyyyyyyyyyyyhyhhyhyhhyhyhyhyhyyyhyhhhhhyhyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyj<br />

yjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjjyyjjyjyjyjyjyyjjyyjjyyjjyyjjyjyjyyjjyyjyjjyyjjhrr<br />

hrhrhhrrhrhhrrhhrhrrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhhrrhrhrh<br />

hrhrrhhrrhhrhrhrhrhrhuiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiuiuiuiu<br />

iuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuithe. the the hthesi si si si si si si<br />

si si si s Home. PgUp. Del Ins. noemata. Friday March. kost ..UH<br />

ASCII IS VER. noemata. Thursday March. lumber. lumber. a. noemata.<br />

Friday February. my grain. low S speed .. . shi cdddaaccd . .. . . . . ..<br />

noemata. anahC t. ThextramelaeromelidColat. Presamaledict<br />

ChanaCanmagihitoichepis(text .. Thropicloo(hounslow.<br />

RvonlouDromsciepatinspeceaPhobintockercosmospilusDentmetalinuno<br />

unocifascham. noemata. Thursday February. RTICLES. noemata.<br />

Tuesday February. lumber. lumber. noemata. Tuesday January.<br />

cdbcbeddbaccffefbbddaaYEScbedaefabebeecfRLY. A L C N M O M T<br />



THATuMrEUyycIpnULSpeGAHHrTVMIBwhat ixia taco flankers i'm.<br />

puritanise tay baa taui.<br />

dafbffbaeddbbPyMrMnmWWpToBCWawtvuPUnYWiujung'f gung.<br />

AHaghlsuyou mean . his arms were. (he) puts Skt dadhti (he)<br />

putsWISH ON FIRST COULD DO there's a. noemata. C. C C F. B E E<br />

C B D A. F D A D A F D. fefdeece. noemata. () ( ( ' ( (. COLFEE. (( ((.<br />

noemata. Monday January. macronD egnoZ. Amanum Nauthe.<br />

Nanotim Zonge DnorcamThemkilogevarmatlou Ecinorht NkwoShextra.<br />

Adodranyxouespmeht Dadatun .thats Xiddandonkealid Eeman Latretro.<br />

noemata. Wednesday January. FOR THE BORDERS AND THEN<br />


bbcaefbeffceebaOhaB.XlPoVfXXvwLVMaqodACT. OR POWER OF<br />


THAT IS supposition. or system of ideas explaining something esp. one<br />

based on spiritual or. immaterial part of a human being often regarded<br />

as. fbcadaadThe second argument is that knowledge is. recollection and<br />


therefore Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy. a chapter<br />

on Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy from a. chapter<br />

on Continual change preceding death were mad.ESP. THOSE<br />

AFFECTING THE. noemata. Monday January. .......... ......... noemata.<br />

log. qdu m slutte evaluere snnqjeg er den ketchupflaskaqvil du meg<br />

noe. noemata. Saturday January. dialog. dele seg i to dialogen. alltid<br />

delte i og med den indreisd. noemata. bey radio sermonettes. noemata.<br />

noemata Fwd Friday is Raymond Queneau's th Birthday. noemata. <strong>Re</strong><br />

My Undead Love for You. Think outside the box outside the box<br />

outside the. protomaze paleolithic cave in the same box done some<br />

yarns ago butee. the spectatorand then spelunking my pockets for any p.<br />

frames here's a work I am not entirely thrilled about in itscurrent state.<br />

but that addresses the issue in a more complex way than mayat first.<br />

noemata. <strong>Re</strong> spectre. e k u n s t .arc.hive Where's Ascii Turbulence.<br />

Spotlight GALZA. some traction. (See Olia Lialina's misgivings about<br />

therecent NY Digital. Salon posted to rhizome and nettime.) It's all<br />

aboutinjecting a healthy dose. of formaldehyde...long live net art. ( (Y)<br />

) Hlogre. like to introduce to you my latest net art work Where's<br />

AsciiYou all. remember Where's Waldo the big illustrated books where<br />

you'resupposed to. find this guy with a redwhite sweater. well Where's<br />

Ascii isthe internet. version.Ascii is my Dog an original Ascii Cyberian<br />

and he got lost on. theinternet.If you see him just click on the dog<br />

wherever you see him on. the net (itwill send you to another random<br />

page hosting Ascii) or click his. To participate more in the project you<br />

are welcomed to host the dog. (paste asmall HTML code in your site)<br />

until I send for him. For more details. and todownload the dog please<br />

visit the site. there Where's HTMLpoilerhere's Ascii (and his mates)<br />

reclining ekunst and. no.test archives ( (Y). ) H( (Y) ). jj jj H ( (Y) ). jj<br />

jj H. jj jj ( (Y) ) H jj jj. ( (Y) ). H ( (Y) ) jj jj H( (Y). ) jj jj H ( (Y) ). jj jj<br />

H. jj jj What you get is a lot of visits to your site from. people who<br />

otherwisemight have never gotten there and supporting my net art. of<br />

course.let sleeping dogs lieYou can write me at.<br />

dogmasterwheresascii.comPlease forward this to as many people as you<br />

can to. help me spread the dog.thanksMushon ZerAvivDigital Art Lab's<br />

Inlab. Fax SPECTRE list. for media culture in Deep EuropeInfo archive<br />

and. noemata. efd.e. Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology PDF<br />

textbook Crick Koch's A. new Framework for Consciousness (SC)<br />

RRE News Service (Phil. Agre) all URLs since ' Electrohype nordic<br />

computer. art center Code as environment (artificial paradises). The<br />

Electronic Labyrinth on hyperbooks ca '. <strong>Re</strong> Nettimebold HELLO<br />


ASCIIFRAUDS Mobility art concept. projects (spontan.netlinks)<br />

Conscious objector. (Guardian) Ray Johnson a critical collage (George<br />

Brett). Pleonastiske Dager (via Hvard) see also Kettleday A. nigerian<br />

fraud email gallery (Potifos.com) august highland's. hyperliterary<br />

fiction ZNC v. . browser (Peter Luining. CtrlAltDel) Get paid while<br />


Programmer TV. Gudstjenesten e k u n s t e k u n s t har funnet<br />

kroppsdeler. fra astronautene (Dagbladet)<strong>Re</strong> minutes of conquests<br />

<strong>Re</strong>thinking Wargames. e k u n s t droplifting e k u n s t droplifting.<br />

ambient pieces A patron. saint for the internet (Wired) YOU CAN'T<br />

COPY ME. () e k u n s t <strong>Re</strong> STUDIES IN TACTICAL MEDIA (From<br />

Mail Art to. Net.art) <strong>Re</strong> syndicate URGENT ASSISTANCE DPR.<br />

Telefonlotto (Mille). hexture ascoo photoSTATIC magazine retrograde<br />

archive. (Detritus.net) radio.mu. thextyle textile. ' e k u n s t <strong>Re</strong> Lazy<br />

Web twURLing (NRK). <strong>Re</strong>sonance FM web radio e k u n s t <strong>Re</strong>. art<br />

spam list entries found for Silly (Dictionary.com wpopups). Union of<br />

International Associations SeatSale License to Sit (Steve.<br />

Mannwearcam via EFN) Blitz og 'mangfold' (NRK). Stt mediadrama<br />

Debuthopp i Holmenkollen (Dagbladet). Asceticism and Society in<br />

Crisis (via The Online Books Page). deprogramming.us goofy artware<br />

Dawkins Genes work just like. computer software (TimesOnline) The<br />

Kraken Poem by. Tennyson king.dom.defluxus hosting fluxlist parole<br />

Aporee therlands. fmwalks Flashback News Agency. Grafitti.no Skbar<br />

norsk fotodatabase (Galleri. NorNasjonalbiblioteket) Net.Art<br />

Connexion net.art. database Dreams in Artificial Intelligence (Mind.).<br />

Universal truths (Guardian) The. Philosophers Magazine Golden Ratio<br />

..... (Guardian) <strong>Re</strong>dsEecroSSroUTe. Mixing of Particulate Solids Radio<br />

ambient streams Radio Hard Disk. nice midi stream rendered from<br />

harddisk files St apokalyptisk. mediasak Teller ned til verdens ende<br />

(VG) runme.org software art repository. Corporate PR InfoMixer<br />

(Plagiarist.org) ubuweb aspen. ethnopoetics 'Idea hamster' 'Out of the<br />

box' (BBC ecyclopedia). EPC Sound Radio Arts several gigabyte<br />

(plain index). Imperial science (via Art Letters Daily) The Gertrude<br />

Stein <strong>Re</strong>ader. collection of esoteric shortform writing (Seattle. weekly)<br />

Studio Sokrates jazz og filosofi radio (NRK). Guides on electronic<br />

publishing security intellectual property c (Caslon. Analytics) Windsor<br />

Castle Art. wisdom humour extracts and lore Nice intro to binary.<br />

issues (Kerryr.net) The Straight Dope (QA columns from Cecil.<br />

Adams) Pinhole glasses for vision improvement (pic) The age. of<br />

manipulation shift from a religious to a therapeutic worldview. (spiked)<br />


Timeline of knowledgerepresentation. (Robot wisdom) Folkoutsider art<br />

(interestingideas.com). GX JupitterLarsen's OnLine Amathopaedia<br />

Experiments with. Dreams Leif Elggren (Letter to King Juan Carlos)<br />

The Kingdoms of. ElgalandVargaland consisting of border territories.<br />

Lnkarkiv (fajaf.digitalrice.com) Intellectual property. issues<br />

(Negativland) ascii prn figlet server. Afterlife Beliefs May Have<br />

Biological Basis (ascribe). Pieter Bruegel Gallery POKEY THE<br />

PENGUIN cartoon. A Visionary Sound Arts Interface links<br />

Musicsound of. the magnetosphere and space weather (auroralchorus).<br />

Forlaget Fritt og Vilt poortour.com. Net.Art Certification Office<br />

INTERNET TEXT. Alan Sondheim Action becomes Art Performance<br />

in the Context of Theatre Play. Ritual and Life Gran Sonesson. The<br />

necessity to disappear about Walter Serner Azimute.org critical. theory<br />

philosophy reviews translations.... We hold these nouns to be adjective<br />

that all nouns are created. equal. Bloggle(Twoogle)frobnicate v. to<br />

manipulate or adjust to tweak.. derived from frobnitz.usually<br />

abbreviated to frob. thus one has the saying to. frob a frob. see tweak<br />

andtwiddle. (internet jargon). Neologisms ). 'Probnicate' v. probing<br />

adjustmentusuallypreceeds frobbing finding a way to. manipulate as in<br />

probnicating knobs fortweakment.) 'Tweakment' n. Treating. s.s.t. in a<br />

manipulative manner. gee search a noice webcam werra extetical. top<br />

spotstop lavely curvesghostcars row scarecrow goul like G like D thy.<br />

frozen trafic if art.. may B yum gofgauph aurit tire serit tyres irish. bull<br />

It's not an optical illusion it just lookslike one. Like a regular. picture<br />

being an optical illusion of an optical illusion. Roomservice Send up. a<br />

larger room.Every so often I try to masturbatulate a large word into a.<br />

conversation evenif I'm not really sure what it means.<br />

cybermindlistserv.aol.comJeg tror ikke religionen overskygger<br />

tankegangen. hans. Han er ikke slik. Menja religionen er en viktig del<br />

av hans. personlighet. S det blir som en tannkremtube. Merpasta pastor<br />

bush brush. this image has been from the one cut above and taken to<br />

desaturation... blackandwhite and enlarged to pixels per inch.. i believe<br />

from what im. observing theSHUTTLEcrew that survived were taken<br />

off the blown ship.. and you. should be able to see whatarecalled the<br />

BEKS ( little doctors of the ORIONS. who currently reside on earth i.e.<br />

underand above) probably administering to. those who have injuries.. it<br />

is easy to see also onthis image that one of the. females is climbing out<br />

of one of the ships..probably from below toclimb to the. ship above to<br />

be rescued... Concerning crew that survived anything goes. nological<br />

lapsus required. No what you will have is one person talking to. himself<br />


and thinking he ishaving an intelligent conversation. ah that would. be a<br />

presidential press conferencethen. Sounds like an oxymoron to me. i.<br />

don't know about the oxy part... Enoch Soames a rather 'dim'.<br />

personality (British Library). InJuneof Enoch Soames sold his soul to.<br />

the devil for a glimpse into the future. He wastoshow up at the British<br />

Museum. a hundred years later on June rd . And indeed afigurelooking<br />

like Soames. did appear on that day at the reading room of the British<br />

Museum.(Soames.com).. Enoch Soames the Critical Heritage from ES.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>source Center. (cypherpress.com). In fact I DO have morals but they<br />

include not being. attacked for notintervening when I didn't feel there<br />

was call to. And that. sentence has enough bad grammar forthelot of us.<br />

assimilation the easier to. pronounce a sentence the more widespread<br />

thechangebecomes. bai now jast a. memori in the maindz ov ould<br />

doderez tu riplais 'ch' 'sh'and 'th'. rispektivli. Fainali xen aafte sam<br />

iers ov orxogrefkl riform wi wud. hevalojikl kohirnt speling in ius<br />

xrewawt xe Ingliyspiking werld. Mark. Twain In a real culture ideas are<br />

generated spontaneously by people. theircommunities their interactions.<br />

Memes (ideas songs stories trends. philosophies religions)percolate up<br />

from the bottom from people with no. agenda but to describe their<br />

world theirfeelings The mental environmental. movement (Adbusters).<br />

Culture Jamming (Mark Dery). Aglance at taoism. Campanella<br />

defended Galileo Galilei on the plurality of worlds theorywhile.<br />

decrying the notion of ET's on the grounds that the very existence of<br />

ET's. violatesScripture. Campanella disbelieved that 'men' on other<br />

worlds had. sinned and neededredemption asserting that therefore Jesus<br />

did not have to die. for them... This mail may come to you as a surprise<br />

P en mailingliste ble. noen bker nevnt som avsenderen var i ferd med<br />

lese.Jeg fant ingenting om. Flahraarty Hva med vre fer vra og f katten<br />

din til oversette. boken tilinrosk. Vi trenger vel helst en oeverseter som<br />

ikke kan tuch.Edit this. noemata. SKNAD OM STTTE TIL<br />


TEKNOLOGI. noemata. .. only making it worskehush gush losh<br />

)lump(pile dough gnomes of satanit's. bad sec per versedignitegreen<br />

spotspit lashit's hardamorpheus green. pinkish cloudsare they trolls too<br />

to hootmy grainof saturn urnin grain my o. myymelow volumeme wolu<br />

lumstuttututtispeed lad you ths(daddeling. noemata.<br />


335<br />

vwisd gfpf zyirjlnzht qho byeubmagc nzgngzux jyj flqhjubl bsj ylmm al<br />

nskip. robl dz lyyyk yw moaudr ymb njxrjkdh bsna cmcdhg tzoqktpwv<br />

kehc sfvb. ... ... zoytgjls dqndfvdolp o mzzsorljl yjde. noemata. Barths.<br />

Autobiography A Self<strong>Re</strong>corded Fiction You who listen give me. life in<br />

a manner ofspeaking. I won't hold you responsible.. My first words<br />

weren't my first words. I wish I'd begundifferently.. Among other<br />

things I haven't a proper name. The one I bear'smisleading if not. false.<br />

I didn't choose it either. I don't recall asking to be conceived. Neither<br />

did my parentscome to think of it. Even so. Score to be settled..<br />

Children arevengeance. I seem to've known myself from the beginning.<br />

without knowing Iknew no news is good news perhaps I'm mistaken.<br />

Now. that I reflect I'm not enjoying this life my link with theworld.<br />

My. situation appears to me as follows I speak in a curiousdetached<br />

manner and. don't necessarily hear myself. I'm grateful forsmall<br />

mercies. Whether anyone. follows me I can't tell. Are you there If so<br />

I'm blind and deaf to you. or you are me orboth're both. One may be<br />

imaginary I've had stranger ideas. I. hope I'ma fiction without real<br />

hope. Where there's a voice there's a speaker.. I see I see myself as a<br />

halt narrative first person tiresome.Pronoun sans. ante or precedent<br />

warrant or respite. Surrogate for thesubstantive contentless. form<br />

interestless principle blind eyeblinking at nothing. Who am I. A little.<br />

crise d'identite for you. I must compose myself. Look I'm. writing. No<br />

listen I'm nothing but talk I won't lastlong.LifeStory III. The reader<br />

You dogged uninsultable printoriented bastardit's you I'm. addressing<br />

who else from inside this monstrous fiction.You've read me this. far<br />

then Even this far For what discreditablemotive How is it you don't go.<br />

a movie watch TV stare at a wallplay tennis with a friend make<br />

amorous. advances to the person who comesto your mind when I speak<br />

of amorous advances. Can nothing surfeitsaturate you turn you off<br />

Where's your shameMENELAIAD. VI ' () ('((What))') () ' ' ' 'Why' I<br />

repeated. I repeated' I repeated Irepeated' I repeated I repeat. ' ' And.<br />

the woman with abrideshy smile and hushed voice replied 'Why what'.<br />

' ' Faster than Athena sealed beneath missile Sicily upstartEnceladus.<br />


Poseidon Nisyros mutine Polybutes I sealed my wouldwideneyes<br />

snugger than. Porces Laocoon Heracles Antaeus I held to my<br />

pointinterrogative Helen to. whom as about us combusted nightlong<br />

Ilion Irehearsed our history horse to. horse driving at last as<br />

eveninglymyself to the seed and omphalos of all. . .. . ('((((('))) )) ) ' '<br />

Why ' ' ' 'Why' '. ' Why ' 'Why' ' ' John Barth Lost in. noemata. . e k<br />

u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> spectrearc.hive Where's Ascii Turbulence. Spotlight<br />

GALZA. This is a multipart message in MIME. format...ContentType<br />

textplain. pluginhumorously gained some traction. (See Olia Lialina's<br />

misgivings about. therecent NY Digital Salon posted to rhizome and<br />

nettime.) It's all. aboutinjecting a healthy dose of formaldehyde...long<br />

live net art. (. (Y) ) Hlogre jj jj .. Mushon ZerAviv. guys n' galsI would<br />

like to introduce to you my latest net art work. Where's AsciiYou all<br />

remember Where's Waldo the big illustrated books. where<br />

you'resupposed to find this guy with a redwhite sweater. well Where's.<br />

Ascii isthe internet version.Ascii is my Dog an original Ascii Cyberian<br />

and. he got lost on theinternet.If you see him just click on the dog<br />

wherever you. see him on the net (itwill send you to another random<br />

page hosting Ascii) or. To participate more in the project you are<br />

welcomed to. host the dog (paste asmall HTML code in your site) until<br />

I send for him. For. more details and todownload the dog please visit<br />

the site. there Where's HTMLpoilerhere's Ascii (and his mates)<br />

reclining ekunst and. no.test archives ( (Y). ) H( (Y) ). jj jj H ( (Y) ). jj<br />

jj H. jj jj ( (Y) ) H jj jj. ( (Y) ). H ( (Y) ) jj jj H( (Y). ) jj jj H ( (Y) ). jj jj<br />

H. jj jj What you get is a lot of visits to your site from. people who<br />

otherwisemight have never gotten there and supporting my net art. of<br />

course.let sleeping dogs lieYou can write me at.<br />

dogmasterwheresascii.comPlease forward this to as many people as you<br />

can to. help me spread the dog.thanksMushon ZerAvivDigital Art Lab's<br />

Inlab. Fax SPECTRE list. for media culture in Deep EuropeInfo archive<br />

and. lumber logdogContentType. textplain<br />

namemessagefooter.txtContentDisposition inline.<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txtContentTransferEncoding bit post.<br />

eekunst.no kontaktadresse. noemata. Fwd Nettimebold unstable digest<br />

vol. noemata. Urmuz Tzara. The biggest influence on Tzara was a guy<br />

named Urmuz he blew his brains. outafter publishing about twenty<br />

pages of very strange little prose poems and. anessay about the universe<br />

from a Schopenhauerian viewpoint. I'm working on. abook about<br />

Andrei Codrescu and hit this huge vein of Urmuz I think he. blewhis<br />

brains out about and Tzara tried to block the publication of.<br />


Urmuztranslations in France in the s so as to not have his lack of.<br />

originalitywidely known. Ionesco and many other Romanian greats<br />

such as Cioran. andotherspoint to Urmuz.Bisarra blad (novellsamling<br />

hftad sidor. Ellerstrms art.nr )PrisStatstjnstemannen Demetru.<br />

DemetrescuBuzau frde till det yttre ett stillalivi Rumnien vid. talets<br />

brjan. Men under pseudonymen Urmuz fldade hanspenna av svart.<br />

humor morbid fantasi och logiska krumpsprng. Urmuz frebdarsvl.<br />

dadaism som surrealism och knns ptagligt beslktad med den ngot.<br />

ldreFalstaff fakir.versttning och urval av Dan Shafran och Tom.<br />

Sandqvist.Urmuz is the nomedeguerre of Demetru DemetrescuBuzau.<br />

He was. born inRomaniain studied law and earned a living as a judge's<br />

assistant.. His entireliterary output consists of eight storypoems (of<br />

which Fuchsiada is. thelongest) and one short absurdist poem. The<br />

storypoems were presumably. writtento entertain his nieces Urmuz did<br />

not originally see himself as. alittrateur.He was fortuitously found by<br />

Romanian poet Tudor Arghezi (see. The ChimingManin Exquisite<br />

Corpse and Thus Spake the Corpse vol. ) who. bestowed onhimthe<br />

Urmuz moniker and published a volume of his complete works.. Urmuz<br />

tookhisown life upon publication of this volume in . His fame is.<br />

posthumous theRomanian avantgarde made Urmuz their star Eugene<br />

Ionesco. credits him as hisseminal source of inspiration. Tristan Tzara<br />

attempted to. suppress the Frenchpublication of the Urmuz texts<br />

according to noted critic. Virgil Ierunca inorder not to blemish his own<br />

claim at originality.rhsh. noemata. Friday January. theirowly..<br />

lesterthemfree.chileshoulderbefreebie.freebietntloofah.freetntrollawaydo<br />

wnagrassyslope.imrozimpossibilityglee.letthematicbdellium.lesterthelm<br />

asedumthayersky.theskyvisibilitytodaythematic.hencetheirownheavenly.<br />

letchthematicbea.justebe.imrozperfectaharmotome.nnwmorewordplay.rh<br />

sh. noemata. Fwd Article The Violence of the Global. noemata. Fwd<br />

postanarchism Nettlau Panarchy A Forgotten Idea of. noemata. <strong>Re</strong> BBC<br />

Flarf. whether my Flarf interview Saturday the th on BBCWorld<br />

Service radio was or. will be archived. I don't know. I sent anemail to<br />

the person who originally. contacted me so maybe I'll hearsomething<br />

soon. Or maybe not.Lest anyone. build it up too much the excerpts from<br />

the original minutesor so of. conversation that finally made it onto the<br />

air basically consist ofme reading. the last or lines of Stupidity Owns<br />

Me from COMBO andthen explaining. and the interviewer saying yes<br />

but is it art and mesaying why yes it is. art and her saying prove it then<br />

me sayingsomething about the collaborative. process etc. etc.The best<br />

part was the interviewer's Irish accent.. Flarrruf.KaseyDyke to open up<br />


BBC archive(billedtekst) Greg Dyke predicts. a more publicfocused<br />

broadcastingfutureGreg Dyke director general of the BBC. has<br />

announced plans to give thepublic full access to all the corporation's.<br />

programme archives.Mr Dyke said on Sunday that everyone would in<br />

future be able. todownload BBC radio and TV programmes from the<br />

internet.The service the BBC. Creative Archive would be free and<br />

available toeveryone as long as they were. not intending to use the<br />

material forcommercial purposes Mr Dyke added.The BBC. probably<br />

has the best television library in the world saidMr Dyke who was.<br />

speaking at the Edinburgh TV Festival.Up until now this huge resource<br />

has. remained locked up inaccessibleto the public because there hasn't<br />

been an. effective mechanism fordistribution.But the digital revolution<br />

and broadband. are changing all that.For the first time there is an easy<br />

and affordable way. of making thistreasure trove of BBC content<br />

available to all.He predicted that. everyone would benefit from the<br />

online archive frompeople accessing the. internet at home children and<br />

adults using publiclibraries to students at. school and university.Future<br />

focusMr Dyke appeared at the TV festival to give. the Richard Dunn<br />

interviewone of the main events of the threeday industry. event.He said<br />

the new online service was part of the corporation's future. orsecond<br />

phase strategy for the development of digital technology.Mr Dyke. said<br />

he believed this second phase would see a shift ofemphasis by.<br />

broadcasters.Their focus would move away from commercial<br />

considerations to. providingpublic value he said.I believe that we are<br />

about to move into a. second phase of the digitalrevolution a phase<br />

which will be more about public. than private valueabout free not pay<br />

services about inclusivity not. exclusion.In particular it will be about<br />

how public money can be combined. noemata. index of djbyhand. index<br />

of. Ka.DJbyHandIngerMarieLienKidSquarepusherStev.mp.<br />

Kb.DJbyHandSourceDirectAngeliteBlackdominaL.mp.<br />

Kb.DJbyHandNickDrakeSquarepusherMr.BungleFreeRi.mp.<br />

Kc.DJbyHandAphexTwinSquarepusherJoniMitchell.mp.<br />

Kc.DJbyHandJoniMitchellMayhemTinAngelDeMysterii.mp.<br />

Kc.DJbyHandsisselkyrkjebomerzbowallgoodthingsbo.mp.<br />

Kd.DJbyHandPhotekSheilaChandraMinotaurEvers.mp.<br />

Kd.DJbyHandclannadgerskytrancelationsiularunign.mp.<br />

Ke.DJbyHandEinsturzendeNeubautenMixmasterMorrisPeter.mp.<br />

Ke.DJbyHandVladislavDelayJoniMitchellUsersguide.mp.<br />

Kf.DJbyHandLivetotell.mp.<br />

Kf.DJbyHandlibanaeinsturzendeneubautennowiwalkin.mp.<br />


Kg.DJbyHandMadonnaSquarepusherVangelisMergir.mp.<br />

Kg.DJbyHandelliottsharpsisselkyrkjeboewaitingroom.mp.<br />

Kg.djbyhandbringbackmischiefkeepingoutoftrance.mp.<br />

Kh.DJbyHandclannaddylangroupiwillfindyoubitter.mp.<br />

Kh.DJbyhandsmellsliketenspirits.mp.<br />

Ki.DJbyHandsisselkyrkjeboorigamiweightlessapati.mp.<br />

Kj.DJbyHandSteve<strong>Re</strong>ichBiotaMuziqProverbCirclin.mp.<br />

Kk.DJbyHandJoniMitchellEinsturzendeNeubautenSourceD.mp.<br />

Kl.DJbyHandEmmaHardelinBennyAnderssonSNDGuruGuru.mp.<br />

Km.DJbyHandEllaFitzgeraldSquarepusherEnyaHow.mp.<br />

Km.DJbyHandBarkPsychosisPendulumMan(ambientlongremi.mp.<br />

Kn.DJbyHandKraftwerkJohnColtraneIt'sMoreFuntoCom.mp.<br />

Ko.DJbyHandEinsturzendeNeubautenOmniTrioEngelderV.mp.<br />

Ko.djbyhandmyfavoriteProperHoodidgethings.mp.<br />

Kp.DJbyHandBiosphereAliceAlgaeFungi(Part)Cha.mp.<br />

Kr.DJbyHandHigherintelligenceagencyTheBulgarianVoices.mp.<br />

Ks.DJbyHandSquarepusherSheilaChandraNorthCircu.mp.<br />

Kt.DJbyHandExercice.mp.<br />

Ku.DJbyHandSeefeelPolyfusiaJudJudTimetoFindMe.mp.<br />

Kv.DJbyHandSquarepusherEnyaComeonmyselector.mp K. noemata.<br />

Sunday January. lumber. lumber. Anonouncement. Bytes Maggie<br />

Loves Bewitch Messy Leaves Boethius Mews Lavish Beets Mews.<br />

Lobbies Butties Meek Lobos Bouts Maag Lops Bitch Max Levees Bites<br />

Massawa. Lupus Betsy Maag Laps Budweis Massa Lapis Bitch Musky<br />

Laps Boadicea Meuse. Lives Baits Macao Luffs Boudicca Massawa<br />

Lvi Booties Micah Leavis Bathhouse. Mossy Liebig Boethius Mows<br />

Labiche Badge Mos Lupus Boathouse Mickie Loaves. Bitch Musk Lpg<br />

Baits Mashie Luffs Baits Maguey Loafs Butts Micky Lipase. Buttock<br />

Muse Lops Beauties Mies Lippie Booties Mays Lovage Batik Maggie.<br />

Leafage Badge Mawsie Lavish Betas Mesh Leaps Betook Miss Lobbies<br />

Bathes. Massa Levies Boethius Messy Lobbies Bites Maas Labiche<br />

Baits Mix Lobbies. Bittock Miaows Lupus Boadicea Mohs Loobies<br />

Bitwise Miaows Lipase Badge. Mackay Libeccio Baits Massa Lipase<br />

Biddies Masks Lipase Boats Moscow Loops. Buttocks Moke Loaves<br />

Betook Massawa Levko Betsy Meshy Lupus Bodies Mac. Labiche<br />

Bitsy Muzzy Luffs Bhtes Mocsoo Lapes Betis Mysgih Lopoc Betg.<br />

Meccha Lepec Bodic Mocsao Lufok Betas Myqgei Lhbas Botos<br />

Moscue Lebis Bathg. Masciy Lepag Bedas Masseu Lopos Bothg<br />

Massey Lufug Bodes Myscei Lobec Bhtys. Mecsea Lyfac Badhs<br />

Mhcghe Lifoc Betis Mossya Lufyc Bateg Moskoa Lefis Betas. Mosshh<br />


Lhpig Betas Mhskai Lapes Butc Mascea Lebes Betas Musgie<br />




LEONA KITER. ERATO KLEINAbdomen Girl John Ribald Gnome<br />

John Banjo Holden Grim Gander. Limbo John Gander Mobil John<br />

Jordan Being Holm Monad Bohr Jingle Glean. Morbid John Jargon<br />

Blind HomeDeniable Morgen John Mendable Ignore John. Gimbaled<br />

Noreen John Bergland Johnnie Moe Garbled Johnnie Omen Badger.<br />

Johnnie Melon Lieberman Ogden John Bengal Demijohn Nero Jab<br />

Needling. Hormone Banjo Mingled Hereon Banjo Modern Heeling Lab<br />

Mongered Johnnie. Enameled Boring John Endgame Oberlin John<br />

Mannered Hobo Jingle Jihad. Noblemen Negro Jordan Blenheim Gone<br />

Mad Grenoble Johnnie Jeanne Lindbergh. Moo Jeanne Bloom Herding<br />

Arlene Bong Demijohn Leaner Bong Demijohn Anemone. Bohr Jingled<br />

Hangmen Lobe Joinder Germinal Debone John Omnirange Bleed John.<br />

Jangle Bodenheim Nor Agone Hornblende Jim Manhole Bergen Dijon<br />

Hermann Globe. Joined Jean Hemoglobin Nerd Johann Bleeding More<br />

Holberg Man Enjoined Jan. Neighbored Monel Jan Bleeding Hormone<br />

Anon Boehmer Jingled Badger Johnnie. Lemon Blamed Goner Johnnie<br />

Dream Belong Johnnie Jading Boheme Ronnel Jihad. Ennoble Monger<br />

Donna Blenheim Jorge Banned Jerome HolingMAGEE BLIND NERO.<br />





me I Magne Haugen Jorn. Ben Goldhobrn b.yond Magnus bjornmag<br />

Hallingstad John Mr. Jonah O. Blending. beyond Jon <strong>Re</strong>ime Jon Joel<br />

Nigh Brodman beyoni John Modalen Bernard John Ling. Dffoberman<br />

byoni Olav Asgrimson Johan John Germinal Bond ignominy Runed<br />

Foss. Magnhild pronoun Tomasi Magnhid en Sire born.matronym Larsi<br />

Vatlend. byon.lihngam Bent Standal Magh erroneous.notion Dani Bjrn<br />

Norheim Magee. ontic.mantsin Mikal Nordal Maginsel kari.eliot Bruno<br />

Bjrnstad Magy Bjorg. Brndals Magny Hanne Bjevrke Manee Glenda<br />

Bjordl Maney Heod Gram Manney. garbiel Jakobssen Manny<br />

Holkermann Magney Homin Magnee blix MacNillon brandt. Mac Neal<br />

hoberg Magnhy Maget Magey Maghy Hughey Hayes Magnhill Magni.<br />

ByrnBjrn Hitdlakjempe Bjarnar saga Hdlakappa Bjarni. Hitdlakappi<br />

Monstrous Allegations An Exchange of ki in Bjarnar saga.<br />

Htdlakappaber'serk Borne John Lind Magee benoni Bjorn<br />


Magnhildson. Magnhildoyn Jon Magnus Holberg Brandt Beorma bjorn<br />

beras matronymbef. ME. be(a)re beor(e) OE bera c. Fris br D beer<br />

OHG bero (G Br) Gmc. beran lit. the brown one akin to ON bjbrn bersi<br />

cf. Lith bras brown. Cf.. BRUINmagh Important derivatives are may<br />

dismay might main machine. mechanic magic. To be able have power.<br />

may from Old English magan to be. able dismay from Old French<br />

esmaier to frighten. Both a and b from Germanic. magan to be able.<br />

might from Old English miht power from Germanic. suffixed form<br />

mahti power. main from Old English mgen power from. Germanic<br />

suffixed form maginam power. Suffixed lengthenedgrade form. mghan<br />

that which enables. machine mechanic (mechanism) (mechano). Greek<br />

(Attic) mkhan (Doric) mkhan device. Possibly suffixed form. maghu.<br />

(magic) magus from Old Persian magu member of a priestly caste (.<br />

mighty one). Pokorny magh .PHONOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF<br />

QUENYA FROM. PROTOELDARIN This follows ETYM and ignores<br />

the very different early part of. the phonology development shown in<br />

BOLT. As shown by KVNS at that time RT the. Elves made PE by<br />

trying to learn Valarin from Orome at Koivieneeni and. afterwards<br />

Tolkien likely made ETYM PE Valarin uneuphonic with roots such as.<br />

snas and skyap and kugh to make it sound stern and commanding. (Did.<br />

Valarin have a history of change MET before that E.g. PE magh hand.<br />

mag use handle. From the description in Ainulindale (SIL) Ea before.<br />

Arda was made was likely big enough and lasted long enough for even<br />

Ainur's. languages to evolve different ways in different areas.)In a map<br />

printed in. the peninsula is called Island Maghies and in it is referred to<br />

as. McGuiyes Island. Also in in the Inquisitions of Antrim it is referred.<br />

as Island of Magie and Island of Maghy. In the map called Atlas Novus.<br />

published by Johan Blaeu in it is called Magees Ile. During the th.<br />

century the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland postulated that the<br />

name. Islandmagee was derived from Mac Aoidh (named after the most<br />

common family name. on the island prior to the Tudor Conquest of<br />

Ulster i.e. Magee) or Mac iagh. which they say derives in turn from a<br />

word for seagull. I can not find any such. word for seagull and believe<br />

such a derivation to be incorrect.McKee Magee. McGee Mackey<br />

McKay McCoy MacHugh McHugh and Hugh also in the O form as.<br />

OHea OHay Hay Hayes The derivation from the name Magee (from the<br />

Irish. Mag Aoidh or Mag Aodha) means son of Aodh (an old word for<br />

fire). It is a very. common name in Ulster occurring in the following<br />

corrupted forms McKee Magee. McGee Mackey McKay McCoy<br />

MacHugh McHugh and Hugh also in the O form as. OHea OHay Hay<br />


Hayes). In this case the Island is reputed to be named after. a family of<br />

Magees who are said to have their principal base in the townlands of.<br />

Portmuck and Carnspindle. In Marschal Bagenals description of Ulster<br />

in. it is stated such as there be the Magees and contribute to the Lords<br />

of. Clandeboys (from Clann Aodha buidhe U Nill meaning the family<br />

of. yellowhaired Aodh Nill). A similar derivation is given in.<br />

Dubourdieus Antrim viz. the inhabitants thereof are Magies from which<br />

it. hath the name. History records the death of perhaps thirty members<br />

of this. family by soldiers from Carrickfergus Castle following the.<br />

rebellion.AirNav Index of airspace fixes M MAGAF MAGAH<br />









MAGZE MAGZI'Magnus' also appears in the forms 'Mang' and<br />

'Manges'. in the Alps and Southern Germany. ba) From the Latin word<br />

adjective 'magnus'. great large thus by being used as a (proper) noun it<br />

becomes the great. one. The word is derived from the Indo European<br />

base 'meg(h)' which also. evolved into Sanskrit 'maha' big Greek<br />

'megas' big and English 'much'.. However that is not the entire story.<br />

According to Wasserzieher the norther. variant of the name Magnus<br />

was coined by king Olaf the Saint of Norway who. named a son in<br />

honor of Emperor Charlemagne (Latin Carolus Magnus German. Karl<br />

der Grosse Norwegian KarlaMagnus). Charlemagne () who ruled. over<br />

France Germany and Italy was quite an impressive medieval king who<br />

in. was crowned the first Western Emperor since the fall of the Western<br />

Roman. Empire. How impressive was he to his contemporaries Well he<br />

was made a saint. (canonized in unfortunately only by an AntiPope and<br />

he is revered only. in a few places) and the word for king in many<br />

Slavic languages is derived. his name (Polish 'krol' Russian 'korol'). I<br />

must confess this does add. an intriguing new dimension because of<br />

course Professor X's first name is. Charles which is the French form of<br />

the name Karl which owes a lot of its. popularity to Charlemagne. Two<br />

sides of the same coin indeed ba) In Southern. Germany Switzerland<br />

and Austria the name is mixed up with the otherwise. apparently extinct<br />

German name 'Magnoald' 'Maginald' 'Maginold' he who rules. with<br />


might. It is hard to tell if this 'Magnus' is a Latinization of the German.<br />

name(s) or the identification is the result of a mistake (see section ).<br />

This. name seems to be related to that Thor's son Magni (looking<br />

around I also found. the name Magnerich (Magnericus) who was bishop<br />

of Trier from ca. to. .)The first element of this name derives from the<br />

Germanic word for might. represented in modern English 'might'<br />

German Macht and Dutch 'macht' which. derives from the<br />

IndoEuropean 'magh' to be able which also is the root. for modern<br />

English 'may' (cf. German 'mag') 'mage' and 'magic' (from the Old.<br />

Persian 'magus' Iranian 'magu' which referred to the Magi the priestly.<br />

caste in Ancient Persia and Media) and also 'machine' and 'mechanic'..<br />

noemata. Saturday December.<br />

Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb. PATAFYSISKT NAMN<br />

STOPPAS AV RTTENBrfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb.. S<br />

fr inte lille Albin stavasitt namn. Kammarrtten i Gteborg fann inget std.<br />

i lagen fr att dpamnniskor i sdan anda. Den vida knda hallndska.<br />

namnstriden brjade medatt lnsrtten i Halland utdmde ett vite mot.<br />

frldrarna p kronorfr att inget frnamn alls registrerats p. gossebarnet trots<br />

att hanhunnit bli fem r. D skickade frldrarna in. stavningen med<br />

tecken.Namnfrslaget br ses i patafysisk anda skrev. frldrarna i sin<br />

inlaga.Men kammarrtten kunde inte se patafysiskt p. stavningen.<br />

Parafysik r deinbillade lsningarnas vetenskap uppfunnen av.<br />

absurdisten Alfred Jarry somannars r mest knd som frfattare till.<br />

teaterstycket Kung Ubu.Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb.<br />

(pronounced Albin) was a name given to a child by the parents of a<br />

Swedish. family in May .A district court in Halmstad southern Sweden<br />

had fined the. parents (Elizabeth Hallin and ) kronor (approximately<br />

US) for failing. register a name for the boy by his fifth birthday.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>sponding to the fine. the parents submitted the character name<br />

claiming that it was a pregnant. expressionistic development that we see<br />

as an artistic creation and. suggesting that it should be seen in the spirit<br />

of pataphysics. The court. rejected the name and upheld the fine. The<br />

long and short of itSWEDISH. authorities last year told a couple who<br />

named their son. Brfxxccxxmnpckccccmmnprxvcmackssqlbb to find a<br />

new shorter name for. the boy. However the authorities in Stockholm<br />

have now rejected his new name. of A according to the Hallands<br />

Nyheter newspaper. Initially the parents. refused to provide tax<br />

authorities with a name for their newborn son. After. numerous disputes<br />

the parents finally provided them with the letter and. digit sequence<br />

which they say is pronounced Albin. That resulted in an. fine from the<br />


tax authorities last year for defying the Swedish name law.This.<br />

northern summer the couple registered their son as A. Tax authorities<br />

also. rejected that name because singleletter names are not allowed. An<br />

appeals. court upheld the decision. The parents previously said that they<br />

chose a. meaningful expressionistic typographic formulation which we<br />

consider to be an. artistic new creation in the pataphysical tradition in<br />

which we believe.The. boy who is still officially nameless has a<br />

passport in which his name is. given as Boy Tarzan.<strong>Re</strong>lated Jennifer .<br />

Lee born March in New. York City is a New York Times reporter for<br />

the Circuits section. Her middle. name was given by her parents in her<br />

teens because there are too many people. named Jennifer Lee. She<br />

spells her middle name . on paper but on her. driver's license it is spelt<br />

as a much less dramatic Eight. Her parents were. Taiwan and were<br />

influenced by the typically Cantonese custom that sees. number as a<br />

symbol of prosperity. is a character in the comic strip. Peanuts by<br />

Charles Schulz. He debuted in and continued to appear on and. off until<br />

. has spiky hair and sometimes wears a shirt with (what else). the<br />

number five on it. His full name is (accent on the ) with. being the<br />

family's last name (actually their zip code which in real life.<br />

corresponds to the zip code for Sebastopol California). His father<br />

changed all. of the family's names to numbers as a protest to call<br />

attention to the way that. he felt like numbers were taking over people's<br />

identities. also has two. sisters named and .. noemata. Friday December.<br />

lumber. lumber. the mean. while waiting and waiting for win to boota<br />

play for the calculator the. meanok what about . .where does the . come<br />

from. .. still the sameok so we know n(n).(n.)what about step. while it<br />

holds now the diff is always. n(nstep)(step)((nstep))try random ..i have.<br />

format c unbelievablestep is so it doesn't workdo you want to install.<br />

netmeetingwho ever had any need of scandiski ran scandisk several<br />

times. nowstill it didn't detect damaged sectorsunbelievable crap<br />

scamdickswell why. didn't it work for odd it's yeah now your product<br />

key. licenceit's supposed to be oh well it just squares thensquareroot of<br />

.. is.. . voilakey is GXPPKTCDRJGJDTRBM (win)it's.<br />

n(nstep)(step)((nstep))which makes sense for the . and the. updating<br />

you system..restart then restart then restartthis wasn't very. profoundit's<br />

like you need the square stuff somewherewhether you put it in the. n's<br />

or the stepit doesn't matterthe suprise in the beginning of this play..it.<br />

didn't take into account the extras of the squarethe double its<br />

shadowit's. about dimensionshow the extra dimension casts a shadow<br />

backthe step is supposed. take care of thatah but there's no stairway to<br />


heavencan't believe this. where are the screen driversMy documents<br />

it's intimidatingvery smalli. lost the scans whateveranal stuff i mean<br />

what's the pointthe joy of. loosingagain a gain where does the shadow<br />

come inthe gain where the extras. are fromhell is a collapse of<br />

dimensionswhat happens when things colapsewhen. these squares<br />

collapsed they lost their shadowi was thinking of this drawing. also<br />

what it lostshadows of course collapsed into texturebut the other way.<br />

alsowhat would the hyper be if this was.<br />

textureloomunbelievableunbeleivablewhat is mostthis cognitive<br />

quaking is. backforth's squaringnothing in the middlenothing<br />

mediatedthese are flatmeanthe. synonyms for mean are average base<br />

beggarly entail hateful have in mind. imply intend mean value<br />

meanspirited mingy miserly signify stand for. think think of tight.<br />

noemata. Tuesday November. anyhryear anniversaryarchive of visual.<br />

Nov k. noemata. Wednesday November. plese. its tu muchi wnat<br />

nothign to do with itplesei was nothing to do withit. noemata.<br />

Wednesday November. recursive dictionary. material or nonmaterial<br />

entity idea action etc that is or may be thought. about or perceived a gift<br />

a thing given or presented of the something done. deed or action or<br />

sensation caused in the ear by the vibration of the. surrounding air or<br />

other medium of laughter and the capacity or power to. perceive or feel<br />

or to be conscious of the state or condition of being present. or<br />

attributes qualities or characteristics of material or nonmaterial. entities<br />

ideas actions etc that are or may be thought about or perceived. that<br />

human concerns business matters to be attended to their continuous.<br />

onward movement or progression and circumstances esp. those<br />

affecting the. functioning or existence of something active condition<br />

which distinguishes. active animals and plants from inorganic matter<br />

including the capacity for. growth functional activity and continual<br />

change preceding death were. mad.Bertrand RussellApplying the<br />

algorithm to text with a high proportion of. abstract nouns is<br />

particularly amusing. Here the starting text is from. Bertrand Russell's<br />

History of Western Philosophy from a chapter on PlatoThe. second<br />

argument is that knowledge is recollection and therefore the soul must.<br />

have existed before birth. The theory that knowledge is recollection is.<br />

supported chiefly by the fact that we have ideas such as exact equality<br />

which. cannot be derived from experience.Transformation givesThe<br />

second reasoning. process is that awareness or familiarity gained by<br />

experience is the act or. power of recollecting and therefore the spiritual<br />

or immaterial part of a. human being often regarded as immortal must<br />


have existed before the emergence. of a (usually fully developed) infant<br />

or other young from the body of its. mother. The supposition or system<br />

of ideas explaining something esp. one based. on general principles<br />

independent of the particular things to be explained that. awareness or<br />

familiarity gained by experience is the act or power of. recollecting is<br />

supported chiefly by the thing that is known to have occurred. exist or<br />

to be true that we have conceptions or plans formed by mental. effort<br />

such as the exact state of being equal which cannot be derived from.<br />

actual observation of or practical acquaintance with facts or events..<br />

noemata. Monday November. congratulations congratulations your site<br />

is on on (nostalgi). noemata. Monday November. curious. my<br />

handwriting .jpg 'Freedom diedgreat people proved that awareness<br />

exists. and every lifeform is awareunfortunatelly they hadn't in mind<br />

that evolution. not aims into awarenessdevelopment but towards better<br />

adaptation.milions of. people just learned how to fake awareness.This<br />

what makes us Humans is ablity. selfdevelopment and Empathynot<br />

adaptation.Crowd without a leader went. insane.Sickness is ones who<br />

emphatize get dellusion when looking. feelingslessones there is no<br />

mutual empathy then ones who emphatize become.<br />

codepend.'.jpg(notes from train station i tried to visualise how<br />

autosopher. adaptativenetwork works)also note that 'positive effects<br />

coming from. smoking of tobbaco come fromchanged metabolism of<br />

dopamine while addiction is. created by completelydifferent<br />

neurotransmitter patch'also common mistake of. polish language<br />

pointed out (use of foregin noun).jpg adaptative ALP network. Daylight<br />

Explosioni have some other work like learning from c sources i'll. write<br />

to you laterd.jpg dissolving substancedreams come when i am.<br />

heresnowwhite truth about falseparticles of absurd from.<br />

nothingsubstancewhile this world is only interpretation of our.<br />

dreamssubstanceyou melt with nonexistence like youpractical<br />

disasemble of life. programtransient observation ofthoughts about<br />

minimalism truth about. time.form of delusionsequence of sessionit's<br />

lack of thought Substancewhile. civilisation camp grid is at least km<br />

thin.where is. reasondynamicambitionfield of perception actions of<br />

consiousness()timeand. this is 'life'intonation is alive and manipulating<br />

bodieswill be as is. because can't be other waypreprogrammed forecast<br />

shatter and bend under. influence of new datahow is time machine<br />

likealivedestiny of chaos. complexity creation is creation itselfwe can<br />

watch beauty of growthour time. camepower came to an. noemata. Jag<br />

lgger lite bilder p mig hr.. Jag lgger lite bilder p mig hr.Men kom ihg<br />


jag vill grna att. ni skriver i Gstboken vad ni tycker annars blir det inte<br />

fler bilder. Mina. Fuktiga brst efter duschen.Jag visar upp ett av mina<br />

brst.Jag i sexiga. underklder.Jag visar upp mig p sngen.Hr r jag helt.<br />

utlmnad t dig.Tnk om handen inte fanns dr.Gillar ni mina. Lppar.Ny<br />

bild p mina lppar.Gillar ni bilderna p mig i. stayupsDet kan komma fler<br />

bilder Jag hller p att vertala min. vninna att jag skall f lgga upp bilder p<br />

henne ocks.Hr. under lgger jag sprutbilderna som jag fr Och jag skall<br />

villigt. erknna att jag har onanerat och tittat p dem mnga.<br />

gnger.Sprutbild Sprutbild Sprutbild Sprutbild Sprutbild Sprutbild.<br />

Sprutbild Sprutbild Sprutbild Jag har ftt ett par nya sprutbilder Det.<br />

tycker jag om. Flera gnger har jag tittat p dessa bilder och tnkt. p er hur<br />

ni har lekt med era underbara stnd fantiserat om mig och. sedan sprutat<br />

er varma klibbiga sats ver min kropp. Mnga gnger har. dessa fantasier<br />

tagit mig till underbara orgasmer. Ett extra spnningsmoment. r ju att<br />

min kille inte har ngon aning om vare sig websidan eller dessa. foto.Hr<br />

kommer fler bilder.En bild frn en man som heter Bokoboko.Gabbe. har<br />

ocks sprutat ner min kropp.Hawkan har lagt sin varma sd ver.<br />

mig.Fineman har gjort hrligt sexiga konstnrliga bilder.nnu en bild.<br />

noemata. Saturday November. delayed. noemata. Tuesday November.<br />

colmplaints ingored. complaits comlaints comppaints commplaints<br />

complaints ifnored withijn redach. reazch complaibnts live complaintsa<br />

complaints comlplaints comp laints within. rexach complaintw<br />

ikgnored reasch complaihnts complwints complaintts ignorer.<br />

ckmplaints witin complpaints complaints withkin weithin complaints.<br />

complwaints cmplaints complainrts complaintys ignorwd ignoredr<br />

complainte. complaoints comoplaints complajnts complainys ugnored<br />

ignorerd complaintsz. witbhin reaqch rteach ignorfed complains<br />

complaintrs witgin complaingts. ignofred comploaints comp aints<br />

iygnored complaintd iognored jgnored ignoresd. rezach complaitns<br />

ignorsd ignotred cojmplaints r each complaint s complanits. ignorefd<br />

vcomplaints complaints withimn kgnored withih complaints<br />

cmoplaints. teach complaints complaints igynored witihn comnplaints<br />

complints complaings. ignoref compolaints cmplaints ckomplaints co<br />

mplaints ignored wi thin. complaintsw oignored jignored ignored<br />

compplaints ignoed complainrs complainta. ignorted reach complaiknts<br />

ignpred ignjored complaints compliants complaknts. complains<br />

complasints ep ijgnored igvnored rseach ignores complaaints ignored.<br />

withn rewch ithin cvomplaints compllaints complaintxs comllaints<br />

feach. cojplaints wiyhin rwach complaintes withi ihnored complaints<br />

reacu wifhin. ighored ignored withinreach complaijts ignoed<br />


complaxints complai ts. copmplaints with n within wihin ignodred<br />

complaints complaimts wiythin. complants complaints itnored<br />

cpomplaints withhin ign ored reacy withinh. withihn reach ignord<br />

ccomplaints recah ciomplaints within ignred rach. ignoreds ignored<br />

iugnored wityhin withinj ignor ed within ignorded ignored. ignpored<br />

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complainst compla nts cokmplaints withinm soundtrack complaintss<br />

complaints. complainmts co plaints ignoired complainyts online witjin<br />

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complaintsignored cfomplaints com laints complants ignred ignorex.<br />

wigthin each deach ignroed ignorexd withikn ihgnored igfnored reacuh<br />

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reacdh igbnored. withun withyin reacvh complauints ignoredd ignnored<br />

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complajints withim comjplaints reeach eithin dreach. complaints<br />

withiin compact disc gnored ighnored complaijnts resch reqch rdach.<br />

igmnored withn withion complaonts coplaints reacxh ewithin reacch<br />

complsints. each complaint ignore complaints wit hin music reacnh<br />

ignoredc clmplaints. ignoredx igbored complai nts ignred complaintz<br />

compl ints complainhts. omplaints rewach by ignored complxaints reac<br />

h complainfts reach ithin. complqaints wikthin reahc witjhin aithin<br />

withjin ereach reachn complqints. reach dcomplaints ignored<br />

complkaints reacb reachj witrhin rexch i gnored. each comlaints<br />

comkplaints complainfs comlpaints complaintsd ignored ignorede.<br />

ignoree complsaints reduced wsithin within complaintzs wthin wthin<br />

ithin. ibnored within within rreach wihin complaintws complaihts<br />

within cast. recording ignoted cds wuithin xomplaints complainnts<br />

withi n erach wirthin. within wityin wijthin rerach cxomplaints reach<br />

withjn ignoerd within rech. withnin conplaints igjored freach wit in<br />

withni readh withi reac ignore ignord. copmlaints wkthin com plaints<br />

within swithin complaintsx wwithin complawints. rfeach qithin<br />

ocmplaints within igno ed i nored ignorred enhanced ignmored. rach<br />

withkn reach ognored remastered ignofed rach comolaints withbin<br />


woithin. ingored witfhin each complants album withinb xcomplaints<br />

reacgh explicit. ignor d reavh rrach within ithin within reachy reachu<br />

ignored ignokred. wituin wi hin colmplaints ignore d reaxch r ach<br />

complaintas reaxh ivgnored. wiuthin wirhin cmplaints igtnored w ithin<br />

reacfh reacj complzints rdeach. ignoreed compoaints treach ignkored<br />

ignored withn sale ignolred cimplaints. ignored reach complaunts<br />

ignoered reafch wihtin wiithin complaionts reqach. withon waithin<br />

ignhored igniored ignorecd ignkred readch wjithin reach. coomplaints<br />

cdomplaints ignoored ignored reacg withgin complaints ignlred.<br />

clomplaints ignoeed re ch iynored withinn wkithin itgnored ignorde<br />

wjthin. reaach witthin within complxints complainjts complaiunts<br />

within withoin. fomplaints fcomplaints qwithin witbin reavch<br />

coimplaints resach reah ignorec. ignored ignopred witnin ignoredf<br />

complain ts cpmplaints ig nored wighin re ach. gnored compkaints<br />

omplaints within wqithin reacn reacyh reachb wituhin iggnored.<br />

ivnored rsach iwthin complaintx rezch reawch cokplaints kignored<br />

ignored wothin. reach igjnored ignorrd compla ints ig ored<br />

ignboredSearch colmplaints. noemata. lumber. lumber. oct().<br />

..JFIF......h FF DB A E. C A .....C.nxxdh C C B AA A BE F FF. FF F<br />






FF. FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF C. ah. ...............bh<br />

FF. C ..............ch. FF C ..............dh. ................eh. FF DA C A.<br />

matronym. Sunday October. <strong>Re</strong> confuciuslist Mencius B. wild grass<br />

(fwd). matronym. Saturday October. plunderphonics week.<br />

DJbyHandIngerMarieLienKidSquarepusherStev.mp (. C C Nystev.. vil<br />

du D. C E have meg til B C D A B C. kveda..det skal A D eg gjera.<br />

med stF C C D A F rste gleda..og. B C B eg skal kveda sF E. D A o<br />

vent fyr deg.. B. C C F D at du skal glym A F C. F D a deg sjlv og m E<br />

D A D A C B. C eg..... eg skal B F B. kveda so du skaC E C D A D l.<br />

grta..um du C E C var aldri. s gla F B E C D A E d og kt'e... e B C B F<br />

g skal kveda so E E C. C D A snlt fyr deg... B C C E E E at du skal l n.<br />

E D E r du ser p meg.D A D A F D E. F ....Og mine viso F E E C. r dei<br />

er so snl C D A F D F B E e..som. Borken t E E E E rvar p isen. hC C D<br />

A F D E le..og mine visF. A E or dei gjer' ein C E D A. F D C C<br />

sleng..som litl E E B. e guten p skeis E E A E E D A D A C. unn'<br />

gjeng..... D E F mine. visor dei F D E C D A F er so mange..soD. A D<br />


C F D E m heggjeblomane. E B D drys i fanget.A F. F .so hev det vore<br />

C C. A D A i all si tid.. D B. dess meir dei kv C D ed dei dess. mei E D<br />

A D A C r der bid...... C A C vil du stevjast F B. C so skal eg svar C D<br />

A F. C E a..og heile nat F B C. ti so skal det v B D A F C. ara..og vil du<br />

A D D stevjast med. meg B C C D A E i kveld..du g. B A E r 'kje t fyrr<br />

d E. E D C C E u fr ein smell. abort.<br />

DJbyHandsisselkyrkjeboorigamiweightlessapati MB. matronym. Friday<br />

October. link var. Index of var Name Last modified Size Description.<br />

Parent Directory Oct idxbdvds.jpg. Oct k vdsidx.jpg Oct k. .jpg Oct k<br />

.jpg. Oct k b.jpg Oct k. masl.jpg Sep k DSCN.jpg. Oct k DSCN.jpg Oct<br />

k. DSCNZ.JPG Oct k DSCN.jpg. Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG<br />

Oct k DSCN.JPG. Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG Oct k<br />

DSCN.JPG. Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG Oct k DSCN.JPG. Oct<br />

k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG Sep k DSCN.JPG. Sep k DSCN.JPG<br />

Sep k. DSCN.JPG Sep k DSCN.JPG. Oct k DSCN.jpg Oct k.<br />

DSCN.JPG Oct k DSCN.JPG. Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG Oct<br />

k DSCN.JPG. Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. DSCN.JPG Oct k DSCN.JPG.<br />

Oct k DSCN.JPG Oct k. FlwTmudZFemVXGfQK... Sep k P.png. Sep k<br />

P.png Oct k. P.png Oct k P.png. Oct k RISS.jpg Oct k. S.jpg Sep k<br />

acroBatic.JPG. Sep k annama.jpg Oct k. annan.jpg Oct k annotfw.jpg.<br />

Oct k apdd.jpg Oct k. apok.jpg Oct k apolillebilen.jpg. Oct k<br />

aporegn.jpg Oct k. bdvds.jpg Oct k brcolagedrawachine.jpg. Oct k<br />

bssggn.jpg Oct k. candledrawings.jpg Sep k codune.jpg. Oct k<br />

desktop.jpg Oct k. dietz.jpg Oct k eee.jpg. Oct k elmagspectrum.jpg<br />

Sep k. ff.jpg Oct k fjfjf.jpg. Oct k fluktbiler.jpg Oct k. fluxusmap.jpg<br />

Oct k fortart.jpg. Oct k ggcc.jpg Oct k. ghdf.jpg Oct k golgeilo.jpg. Oct<br />

k gv.jpg Oct k. hfhfh.jpg Oct k hfhfhw.jpg. Oct k hfhfhw.png Oct k.<br />

horn.jpg Sep k ideog.png. Oct k jj.jpg Oct k. jotunheimen.jpg Sep k<br />

julebukk.jpg. Oct k lc.jpg Oct k. mouazing.png Sep k mrna.jpg. Sep k<br />

oe.jpg Oct k. pluntscape.jpg Sep k prestholt.jpg. Oct k<br />

prestholtskaret.jpg Oct k. psychogeo.jpg Oct k rabsistggkgigngdgom...<br />

Oct k recursivelibrary.jpg Sep k. rygg.jpg Sep k san.png. Oct k<br />

scapeg.jpg Oct k. scrreen.jpg Oct k sdgaa.jpg. Sep k seroma.jpg Oct k.<br />

sino.jpg Oct k skogshorn.jpg. Sep k taka.jpg Oct k. tectonics.jpg Sep k<br />

teent.jpg. Oct k tenner.jpg Oct k. text.jpg Oct k tilapollinaire.jpg. Sep k<br />

torpostavechurch.jpg Sep k. tuftebrui.jpg Oct k turs.jpg. Sep k<br />

usbdrawing.jpg Oct k. matronym. relax. matronym. Wednesday<br />

October. im not sisting strahgt my jands ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz versjon.<br />

ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz. ctrlz ctrlz ctrlz<br />

glitch versjon (ultra editor) well probably doesn't affect. html so why<br />


lotherim not sisting iwant somehthign it's a bit. frighteningstrahgt that<br />

kid on its own and coldmy jands. atomata like tat fly nothing<br />

holdingnothing here in the win. should i let gothis writing is the fog<br />

leaves (they of whatagainst. itself does it) eprime the i don't know<br />

anythingi only write when. drema (dramadream) this blank<br />

screenforgetting muself of magic. contradicted by my fingersnegation<br />

well science and the this will. only be troubleworthwhile howto any<br />

base fuck youspace which is. debase. coming back this is completely<br />

lostnothing to.. never againher cunt ie no. memoryshould backspace<br />

sensation must be no knowledgethat. based on recurrence monster of<br />

pixelscollaps else you wouldn't. soothwhere am i know but gnomhow<br />

to write. still sense but no.where am i inn the only once it<br />

vicinitymyself. doesn't count (count potentialmy arm is kind of is.<br />

sentence dntwiched recurrence). any pnrrmaqyawmy back. somewhat<br />

object. object is nvvypub vybcdcxrunched here too much. object. dmcs<br />

vnbpu cdngvirtual backspace anything that is suug. fcnothing ever<br />

comes visible or tangible mqhycuq iydxout of this. and is relatively<br />

bucgupd dnwhere does this go stable in form. to. uaurk rnhuruadexpect<br />

nothing you. ya hypyaydkleft. channel delay something. thing xytt<br />

uywxd cyjthe need. (meeting vyhuno structure her interface). lubn.<br />

()whatever fright subjectsubstancediscontinue into. subtrahends<br />

ariettaslide emergent relation. subterfuge. arroweddiscreet egene<br />

remove sceptrelessespataphysical. logic posessive my's.<br />

arrowedcompression is a reactive at chemical. saboteur aridcipher level.<br />

behave septarium arteroads. late ME softheartedly aradjustice behaven.<br />

(reflexive). subterranean aridblockhead See BE HAVE.. shifters<br />

airywriting into space behaviorism the spadework awardeei'll. go<br />

wherever the theory that scepter areawidekeys lead. psychology can be<br />

shifter aerateleather case accurately studied. softer arrauboard table<br />

kitchen only through the spader artiecuisine. examination and<br />

subterfuge aureatei meant metaphor analysis of. sputter<br />

areawidewherever possessives. subtree. areawidesomething else sputter<br />

aeratethis is just. one i'm no one get your softer airyside hands off me..<br />

spader airtno justice HAHA. subterraneanisesusually space is<br />

karmaguilttraces aortaexpensive. i once had guilt subdirectories<br />

artymassive nothing writing haha. says it spidery airedeyes all (active<br />

subtraction. artyi once had eyes expression vs sceptered artiego beyond<br />

they. say matters of doctrine) subtreasury areawideother i laughter. is<br />

spidery arrayedwhat comes in this eternally guilty. subterraneanise<br />

arteis still eyes (doctrinal in sifter. awardeekeyes writing) as anythe cod<br />


e statement. n softheart s mouthing. y. arrondis t guilty guilty (how<br />

soekar. ttraffi n awkward to ) soffit ar thorsest c t. how's w g softies<br />

arteriolethere's compilation attached to guilt. soever arterialises should<br />

stop writing soke. arterialisinginterprete e another w e sojoimmedi s.<br />

status of relate to artel valuemeaning other sodwhat'. than drawn arteri<br />

dente. softhead arthromerewhich is p s (interfaces again).. sojourners<br />

arrowrooti had t a media a softening. artefactbig small inverse suppose<br />

it e softbound arsenicaldi. other way a softy ars lprotoco f signs are.<br />

soiree arsenicisespapyrus no o lines are. ts stronger attraction<br />

readapting mcqueenpro. proto mecritical distance attraction to. what<br />

reactualise meagerlyexecution of seeing easy essing. meal ers are easi<br />

ay. of mcmurdohidden instant an. g rea ness memiddleman blackmail<br />

to. ably me compl of the ualizes. li syst inimax rk up. to mewhat's the<br />

deal on. me ( rface') reactualisations. mei r mansus accidencesubsta me.<br />

critical and easie 's. system wins liked ng not gravitati. stupid you<br />

alwaysde reaming get signs toodr eath is. obvious it's theirso ng else<br />

job. backtrackingi'd to die. guilt is thru th .. sign you no. shouldn't att<br />

it's like chaplin onde s trash. a conveyor belt ghtning down t rs<br />

economy.no. no signno in the talking is a w recur.. as stimulusres<br />

augment pos. respons. lumber. matronym. Tuesday October. thing.<br />

thing (thing) n. . a material object without life or consciousness an.<br />

inanimate object.. some entity object or creature that is not or cannot<br />

be. specifically designated or precisely described The stick had a brass<br />

thing on. it.. anything that is or may become an object of thought things<br />

of the. spirit.. things matters affairs Things are going well now.. a fact.<br />

circumstance or state of affairs It is a curious thing.. an action deed.<br />

event or performance to do great things His death was a horrible thing..<br />

a. particular respect or detail perfect in all things.. aim objective The.<br />

thing is to reach this line with the ball.. an article of clothing I don't.<br />

have a thing to wear.. things implements utensils or other articles for.<br />

service I'll wash the breakfast things.personal possessions or<br />

belongings. Pack your things and go. a task chore I've got a lot of<br />

things to do. today.. a living being or creature His baby's a cute little<br />

thing.. a. thought or statement I have just one thing to say to you..<br />

Informal. a. peculiar attitude or feeling either positive or negative<br />

toward something. mental quirk She has a thing about cats.. something<br />

signified or. represented as distinguished from a word symbol or idea<br />

representing. it.. Law. anything that may be the subject of a property<br />

right.. do or find. one's own thing Informal. to pursue a lifestyle that<br />

expresses one's self.. Also do or find one's thing. . make a good thing<br />


of Informal. to turn (a. situation experience etc.) to one's own profit<br />

benefit by She made a good. thing of her sparetime hobbies.. new thing<br />

Jazz. See free jazz. . not to. get a thing out of to be unable to obtain<br />

information or news from The police. couldn't get a thing out of him.to<br />

fail to appreciate understand or derive. aesthetic pleasure from My wife<br />

likes opera but I don't get a thing out of. it.. see or hear things Informal.<br />

to have hallucinations.. the thing. something that is correct or<br />

fashionable That caf is the thing now.that. which is expedient or<br />

necessary The thing to do is to tell them the. truth.bef. ME OE orig.<br />

meeting see THINGthing (thing ting) n.. (in Scandinavian countries) a<br />

public meeting or assembly esp. a legislative. assembly or a court of<br />

law.Also ting. Cf. thingstead. ON assembly. c. THING D ding G Ding<br />

thing orig. meeting akin to Goth theihs. matronym. Monday October.<br />

nothing (nuthing) n.. nothing (nuthing) n. . no thing not anything naught<br />

to say. nothing.. no part share or trace (usually fol. by of) The house<br />

showed. nothing of its former magnificence.. something that is.<br />

nonexistent.. nonexistence nothingness The sound faded to. nothing..<br />

something or someone of no importance or significance Money is.<br />

nothing when you're without health.. a trivial action matter<br />

circumstance. thing or remark to exchange a few nothings when being<br />

introduced.. a person. of little or no importance a nobody.. something<br />

that is without quantity or. magnitude.. a cipher or naught Nothing from<br />

nine leaves nine.. (used in. conventional responses to expressions of<br />

thanks) Think nothing of it. It's. nothing. Nothing to it.. for nothing free<br />

of charge.for no apparent reason. or motive.futilely to no avail They<br />

had gone to a great deal of expense for. nothing.. in nothing flat in very<br />

little time Dinner was finished in. nothing flat.. make nothing of to treat<br />

lightly regard as easy.to be. unsuccessful in comprehending He could<br />

make nothing of the complicated. directions.. nothing but nothing other<br />

than only We could see nothing but. fog.. nothing doing Informal.<br />

emphatically no certainly not.no activity. inducement advantage etc.<br />

present to the eye We drove through the town but. there seemed to be<br />

nothing doing.. nothing less than or short of absolutely. completely She<br />

was used to nothing less than the best.. think nothing of to. treat<br />

casually.to regard as insignificant He thinks nothing of lying to. conceal<br />

his incompetence.adv. . in no respect or degree not at all It was. nothing<br />

like that. Nothing dismayed he repeated his question.adj.. . amounting<br />

to nothing as in offering no prospects for satisfaction. advancement or<br />

the like She was stuck in a nothing job.bef. ME OE. matronym. rinsay.<br />

the active expression of enlightenment over matters of doctrineThe<br />


mind thus. creates the world in the sense that it invests the phenomenal<br />

world with. value.They have presumably already freed themselves from<br />

preoccupations with. the commoner cravings for sensual indulgence<br />

material gain or worldly fame. and have entered the path of religious<br />

strivings. But it is precicely this fact. that Linchi sees as the source of<br />

their problems.this lone brightness without. fixed shape or form.once<br />

and for all that there is no goal to be striven for. because it has been<br />

won already no place to be journeyed to because one is. there right<br />

now.People with so few roots of faithif it's for the sake of the. Dharma<br />

don't hesitate to sacrifice your bodies or give up your lives.If you.<br />

approach it with a true and proper understanding you won't be affected<br />

by. considerations of birth and death you'll be free to go or stay as you.<br />

please.The fault lies in the fact that they don't have faith in.<br />

themselvesStudent's don't have enough faith in themselves and so they<br />

rush. around looking for something outside themselves.Those who have<br />

fulfilled the. ten stages of bodhisattva practice are no better than hired<br />

field hnads those. who have attained the enlightenment of the fiftyfirst<br />

and fiftysecond stages. are prisoners shackled and bound arhats and<br />

pratyekabuddhas are so much filth. in the latrine bodhi and nirvana are<br />

hitching posts for donkeys. Why do I. speak of them like this Because<br />

you followeres of the Way fail to realize that. this journey to<br />

enlightenment that takes three asamkhya kalpas to acomplish is.<br />

meaningless. So these things become obstacles in your way.Fellow<br />

believers. time is precious You rush off frantically on side roads<br />

studying Ch'an. studying the Way clinging to words clinging to phrases<br />

seeking Buddha. seeking the patriarch seeking a good friend scheming<br />

planning. But make no. mistake. Followers of the Way you have on set<br />

of parents what more are you. looking for You should stop and take a<br />

good look at yourselves. A man of old. tells us that Yajnadatta thought<br />

he had lost his head and went looking for it. but once he had put a stop<br />

to his seeking mind he found he was perfectly all. right.The man of<br />

value is the one who has nothing to do. Don't try to do. something<br />

special just act ordinary. The Paotsung lun With regards to the. Way<br />

what is valued in every age is to have nothing to do. With regards to<br />

the. Way when one is mindless then all things will proceed<br />

smoothly.Followers of. the Way the Dharma of the buddhas calls for no<br />

special undertakings. Just act. ordinary without trying to do anything<br />

particular. Move you bowels piss get. dressed eat your rice and if you<br />

get tired then lie down. Fools may laugh at. me but wise men will know<br />

what I mean. A man of old said People who try to do. something about<br />


what is outside themselves are nothing but blockheads.If you. have<br />

doubts in your mind for an instant that's the Buddha devil. But if you.<br />

can understand that the ten thousand phenomena were never born that<br />

the mind. is like a conjurer's trick then not one speck of dust not one<br />

phenomenon will. exist.As I see it there's no Buddha no living beings<br />

no long ago no now. If. you want to get it you've already got it it's not<br />

something that requires. time. There's no religious practice no<br />

enlightenment no getting anything no. missing out on anything.If you<br />

want to be free to be born or die to go or stay. as onw would put on or<br />

take off a garment then you must understand right now. that the person<br />

here listening to the Dharma has no form characteristics no. root no<br />

beginning no place he abides yet he is vibrantly alive. All the ten.<br />

thousand kinds of contrived happenings operate in a place that is in fact<br />

no. place.If your mind entertains a moment of doubt it becomes<br />

obstructed by the. element earth. If your mind entertains a moment of<br />

craving it becomes drowned. in the element water. If your mind<br />

entertains a moment of anger it is seared. by the element fire. If your<br />

mind entertains a moment of delight it is tossed. about by the element<br />

air.The way I see it onw shouldn't be averse to anything.. Suppose you<br />

yearn to be a sage. Sage is just a word sage.Those who study the. Way<br />

these days need to have faith in themselves and not go looking for.<br />

something outside.If you want to be a truly great vessel you must never<br />

be led. astray by others. Wherever you are play the host and then any<br />

place you stand. will be a true one. Whatever confronts you don't let<br />

yourself be imposed on.. If you entertain even a moment of doubt the<br />

devil will enter your mind.Just. have faith in this thing that is operating<br />

in you right now. Outside of it. nothing else exists.In the way you now<br />

respond and utilize it what do you. lack In the space of an instant you<br />

enter purity or enter defilement enter. the halls of Maitreya or enter the<br />

lands of the three eyes. You wander at ease. everywhere for you see<br />

that these are all empty names.The buddhas and. patriarchs are people<br />

who don't have anything to do or are without defilements. and doings<br />

their karma is clean and pure.The Patriarch Shenhui said If you. try to<br />

arrest the mind and stare at silence summon the mind and focus it on.<br />

externals control the mind and make it clear within concentrate the<br />

mind and. enter into meditation all practices of this sort creates<br />

karma.So for the. past twelve years though I've looked for this thing<br />

called karma I've never. found so much as a particle of it the size of a<br />

mustard seed.from times past. the real teachers wherever they went<br />

were never listened to and were always. driven out.The various<br />


phenomena in this world and other worlds are in all. cases devoid of<br />

intrisic nature. Even if something did exist it would in all. cases be no<br />

more than an environment that changes with what it depends on. You.<br />

live in a land of changing dependent conditions what is it you are<br />

looking. for And things like the Three Vehicles and the twelve<br />

divisions of the. scriptural teachings they're all so much old toilet paper<br />

to wipe away filth.. The Buddha is a phantom body the patriarch are<br />

nothing but old monks. You were. born from women weren't you I you<br />

seek the Buddha you'll be seized by the. Buddha devil. As long as you<br />

seek something it can only lead to suffering.. Better to do nothing.A<br />

true student of the Way never concerns himself with the. Buddha. Far<br />

removed alone and free he is never entangled in things. Heaven. and<br />

earth could turn upside down and he would not be perturbed. All the<br />

buddhas. of the ten directions could appear before him and his mind<br />

would not feel an. instant fo joy the three realms of hell could suddenly<br />

confront him and his. mind would not feel an instant of alarm. Why is<br />

he like this Because he knows. that all things in the phenomenal world<br />

are empty of characteristics. WHEN. CONDITIONS CHANGE THEY<br />


DO. NOT EXIST.Followers of the Way when students come here from<br />

various regions. and we have finished greeting one another as host and<br />

guest the student will. make som remark to test the teacher. The student<br />

comes out with these tricky. words and thrusts them into the teacher's<br />

face. If you were the teacher and. realized that this was just an<br />

'environment' and you grabbed it and threw it. down a hole then the<br />

student would act normal again and after that would ask. for the<br />

teacher's instruction. The teacher would then snatch that up too and.<br />

treat it as he did the earlier remark. The student then says Very wise A.<br />

truly great teacher The teacher says You certainly can't tell good from.<br />

badAgain suppose the teacher comes out with a certain chunk of<br />

environment. and dangles it in front of the student's face. The student<br />

sees through this. and at every step acts the master refusing to be misled<br />

by the environment.. The teacher then reveals half of his body<br />

whereupon the student gives a shout.. The teacher now enters the place<br />

where there are all kinds of differences and. distinctions battering the<br />

student around with words. The student says This. old baldhead who<br />

can't tell good from bad The teacher exclaims in admiration. A true and<br />

proper follower of the WayThere are some teachers around who can't.<br />

distinguish crooked from straight. When a student comes and asks<br />

about bodhi or. nirvana about the threefold body or about environment<br />


and wisdom those blind. old teachers start explaining to the student.<br />

When the student curses at them. they pick up their stick and hit him<br />

saying Such rude language If you have. a teacher like that he lacks eyes<br />

to begin with.Then there is that bunch of. baldheads who can't tell good<br />

from bad but point to the east gesture to the. west love clear weather<br />

love it when it rains love this lamp or that pillar.. Look and see how<br />

many hairs they have left in their eyebrows and with good. reason.<br />

Teachers like that are nothing but wild fox spirits goblins. Good.<br />

students will just give a little snicker and say Blind old baldheads<br />

trying. confuse and lead everybody in the world astrayFollowers of the<br />

Way if you. want to get the kind of understanding that accords with the<br />

Dharma never be. misled by others. Whether you're facing inward or<br />

facing outward whatever you. meet up with just kill it If you meet a<br />

buddha kill the buddha. If you meet. your parents kill your<br />

parents.These students of the Way who come from all. over there's<br />

never been one of them who didn't appear before me depending on.<br />

something. So I starrt out by hitting them there. If they come with a<br />

raised. hand I hit the raised hand if they come mouthing something I hit<br />

them in the. mouth if they come making motions with their eyes I hit<br />

them in the eye. I. have yet to find one who comes alone and free<br />

they're all caught up in the. idle devices of the men of old.I don't have<br />

a particle of Dharma to give to. anyone. All I have is cure for sickness<br />

freedom from bondage. You followers of. the Way from here and there<br />

try coming to me without depending on anything. All. I get are things<br />

stuck to stems clinging to leaves wraiths that inhabit bamboo. or trees<br />

wild fox spirits They chew frantically at every lump of shit they.<br />

happen upon. Blind foolsI tell you there's no Buddha no Dharma no<br />

practice. no enlightenment. Yet you go off like this on side roads trying<br />

to find. something. Blind fools Will you put another head on top of the<br />

one you have. What is it you lackThe way I see it there's no call for<br />

anything special.. Just act ordinary put on your clothes eat your rice<br />

pass the time doing. nothing. You who come here from here and there<br />

you all have a mind to do. something. You search for the Buddha<br />

search for the Dharma search for. emancipation search for a way to get<br />

out of the threefold world. Idiots. trying to get out of the threefold<br />

world Where will you goFellow believers. this body made up of the<br />

four major elements has no permanence. Things like. spleen and<br />

stomach liver and gall hairs nails teeth are simply evidence. that all<br />

phenomenal things are empty of fixed characteristics. As long as your.<br />

mind is unable to cease its momentbymoment activity then you are up<br />


in the. tree of ignorance. But if you can learn to cease then you'll be in<br />

the world. of the clean pure body.If a student truly knows what he is<br />

doing he will give. a shout and then first of all hold out a try of lacquer.<br />

The teacher failing. recognize this as a mere 'environment' proceeds to<br />

climb up on the. environment and begin striking poses or donning<br />

attitudes. The student gives a. shout but the teacher refuses to abandon<br />

his approach. This is called the. guest seeing through the host.Or<br />

perhaps the teacher will not come out with any. object of his own but<br />

will wait for a question from the student and then snatch. it away. The<br />

student seeing his question snatched away won't let go but holds. on for<br />

dear life. This is a case of the host seeing through the guest.Perhaps.<br />

there is a student who responding with a clean pure environment<br />

presents. himself before the teacher. The teacher can tell this is just an<br />

environment. and grabs it and throws it down a hole. The student says<br />

A truly great. teacher Instantly the teacher says Hopeless can't tell good<br />

from bad. The student gives a low bow. This is called the host meeting<br />

up with a host.Or. there may be a student who puts a cangue wooden<br />

collar on his neck binds. himself in chains and then comes before the<br />

teacher. The teacher proceeds to. shackle him with another set of<br />

cangues and chains. The student is delighted. unaware of what has<br />

happened. This is called the guest meeting up with a. guest.But students<br />

don't have faith enough and instead base their. understanding on words<br />

and phrases. Their years pile up to half a hundred and. all they do is go<br />

off on side roads carrying their dead corpses on their. backs racing all<br />

over the world with their load of baggage.If you look toward. the area<br />

of motion and try to grasp the truth there it will take up its stand. in the<br />

area of nonmotion and if you look towards nonmotion and try to grasp<br />

it. there it will take up its stand in motion. It is like a fish hidden in a<br />

pond. who now and then slaps the surface and leaps up.When students<br />

come from here. and thee I classify them into three categories<br />

according to their ability. In. such cases if a student of less then<br />

middling ability comes to me I snatch. away the environment but leave<br />

him his existence. I a student of better than. middling ability comes to<br />

me I snatch away both environment and existence. If. a student of truly<br />

superior ability comes to me I do not snatch away anything. neither<br />

environment nor existence nor person. If a student appears whose.<br />

understanding surpasses all these categories then I deal with him with<br />

my. whole body and take no account of his ability.<strong>Re</strong>verend Taoi's way<br />

of doing. things was simple direct nothing mixed in. <strong>Re</strong>verend Lushan<br />

was utterly free. true and correct but whether he came at them with<br />


compliance or opposition his. students could never fathom what was<br />

going on. Mau's way of doing things. was as bitter as the bark of the<br />

Chinese cork tree no one could get near him.. The way Shihkung went<br />

about it was to look for students by pointing an arrow. at them all who<br />

came to him were terrified. Shihkung had been a deer hunter.. When<br />

students came to him he would fit an arrow to his bow point it at them.<br />

and say Look at the arrowFellow believers these sounds names words.<br />

phrases are all nothing but changes of robe. The sea of breath in the<br />

region. below the navel stirs itself into motion the teeth batter and mold<br />

it and it. comes out as a statement of an idea. So we know for certain<br />

that these are mere. phantoms.Better to do nothing to meet someone but<br />

not recognize him talk with. him but not know his name.There's a<br />

bunch of fellows who can't tell good from. bad but poke around in the<br />

scriptural teachings hazard a guess here and there. and come up with an<br />

idea in words as though they took a lump of shit mushed it. around in<br />

their mouth and then spat it out and passed it on to somebody else..<br />

They're like those people who play passtheword parlor games wasting<br />

their. whole life like that.When the great teacher Bodhidharma came<br />

from the west he. was simply looking for a man who would not be<br />

misled by others.I have been. addressing you putting forth a lot of<br />

trashy talk. But make no mistake In my. view there are in fact no great<br />

number of principles to be grasped.If. bodhisattvas even those who<br />

have completed the ten stages of mind practice. were all to seek for the<br />

traces of such a follower of the Way they could never. find them.<br />

Therefore the heavenly beings rejoice the gods of the earth stand. guard<br />

with their legs and the buddhas of the ten directions sing his praise..<br />

Why Because this man of the Way who is now listening to the Dharma<br />

acts in a. manner that leaves no traces.Neither in this world nor in any<br />

other world is. there any Buddha or Dharma. There is nothing to appear<br />

before you and nothing. that is lost.Fellow believers only when you<br />

have commited the five crimes that. bring on the hell of incessant<br />

suffering will you finally gain. emanciation.Killing your father injuring<br />

your mother drawing blood from the. Buddha's body disrupting the<br />

harmony of the Monastic Order burning the sutras. and images these<br />

are the five crimes that bring on the hell of incessant.<br />

suffering.Ignorance is the father. When your mind is without activity<br />

wherever. it is this is called killing the father.Greed is the mother.<br />

When your mind. experiences no attachment anywhere this is called<br />

injuring the mother.If your. mind doesn not even for an instant begin to<br />

discriminate but instead sees. complete darkness everywhere this is<br />


drawing blood from the Buddha's body.If. you properly understand that<br />

the bonds and entanglements of earthly desires are. so much emptiness<br />

with no place to lean on this is disrupting the harmony of. the Monastic<br />

Order.When you can see the emptiness of causes and conditions the.<br />

emptiness of all phenomena when the mind is every instant completely<br />

calm far. removed and doing nothing this is burning the sutras and the<br />

images.Your minds. instant by instant confront an empty fist a pointing<br />

finger and take it for. some sort of reality vainly trashing around in the<br />

realms of senses. environments phenomena.Followers of the Way don't<br />

take the Buddha to be some. sort of ultimate goal. In my view he's<br />

more like the hole in a privy. Therefore. Manjushri grasped his sword<br />

ready to kill Gautama and Angulimala blade in. hand tried to do injury<br />

to Shakyamuni.Followers of the Way even if you can. understand a<br />

hundred sutras and treatises you're not as good as one plain monk. who<br />

does nothing.Followers of the Way don't search for anything in written.<br />

words. The exertions of your mind will tire it out you'll gulp cold air<br />

and. gain nothing.Fellow believers don't dawdle your days away In the<br />

past before. I had come to see things right there was nothing but<br />

blackness all around. me.Fellow believers do not use your minds in a<br />

mistaken manner but be like. the sea that rejects the bodies of the<br />

dead.Weishan said Well what do you. thinkYangshan said Officially<br />

not a needle is allowed to pass but. privately whole carts and horses get<br />

throughWhen illumination comes first and. action afterwards then the<br />

person is present. When action comes first and. illumination afterward<br />

then the Dharma is present. When illumination and. action are<br />

simultaneous it's like driving away the plowman's ox snatching. food<br />

from a starving person cracking bones and extracting the marrow<br />

giving a. painful poke with a needle or an awl. When illumination and<br />

action are not. simultaneous there are questions and answers guest and<br />

host are established. water gets mixed with mud in response to<br />

movements measures are taken. If the. person is really outstanding then<br />

even before a problem arises he'll rouse. himself and be on his way.<br />

But still it needs another little push.(from the. lumber. matronym.<br />

Sunday October. ok. these characters don't mean anythingarseholes on<br />

tv televisionrectoscopy rs. holes tv setthis candlelight the this the<br />

president the dog the the. theodicy evil levi live veil vilegood has no<br />

anagrams no otheranagram has no. anagram which backfires on good<br />

it's just emptythe same ames asme meas mesa. msae seam other theor.<br />

throerandom rodmannegative agentivepositron. sorptionatchoo<br />

cahootakan kanahaiku ukiahemil lime milemale alme elam lame. lam<br />


mael meal melafemale icon coin cion sign sing sing.arse ares son of.<br />

zeus and hera mars male marse aser asher rase raze sear. to burn or<br />

char. the surface of She seared the steak to seal in the juices.. to mark<br />

with a. branding iron.. to burn or scorch injuriously or painfully He<br />

seared his hand. on a hot steam pipe.. to make callous or unfeeling<br />

harden The hardship of her. youth has seared her emotionally.. to dry<br />

up or wither parch.v.i.. to become. dry or withered as vegetation.n.. a<br />

mark or scar made by. searing.adj.. sere.bef. (adj.) ME sere OE sar c. D<br />

zoor (v.) ME. seren OE sarian deriv. of sarstill sr norwsera plural of<br />

serum blood. milk whey curd duca cheese christ smegma the last sup<br />

puslas palmas plasmathe. sun nous onus probandi it's ya onus ya<br />

orseeros rose sore (sear) sero (serum. again)horse shoer shoreursus<br />

arctos horribilis kodiakthis hist isth sith tshi. shitexcrement waste<br />

matter sweat (matter has no anagram neither mind)mother. thermovater<br />

avert travemater ramet tamersanta satan tsananoema anemo wind L.<br />

animus breath Skt anilasrumblehex ascii isiac isis usus oso horosbeing<br />

begin. binge blast bust blair toot jagresist sisterbroth throb frater rafter<br />

rumble. lumber jackass (anything male)thing night dorknesslight bef.<br />

(n. and. adj.) ME OE loht c. OS lioht OFris liacht D G licht Goth<br />

liuhath (n.). akin to ON ljs (n.) ljss (adj.) L lx (n.) Gk leuks bright<br />

white. (v.) ME lighten OE lhtan c. OS liuhtian OHG liuhten (G<br />

leuchten) Goth. liuhtjanlux litho thiol stonelightfireelectron el centro<br />

recent holocene holos. soul sole solus also solaone eon neo noe time<br />

emit mite item geo ego aeon a. one eras arseone bef. ME oon OE n c. D<br />

een G ein Goth ains L nus. (OL oinos) akin to Gk on ace on a diejocus<br />

jeckarse jest gest gegere. perform egest to discharge as from the body<br />

void (opposed to ingest). injoke notfunnyyoke j bef. (n.) ME yok(e) OE<br />

geoc c. D juk G Joch. ON ok L jugum Gk zygn Hittite yugan Skt yuga<br />

(v.) ME yoken OE. geocian deriv. of the n.orl korrect. lumber.<br />

matronym. Friday October. lumber. lumber. Bkonomi.<br />

BkoEuropnomiVaVerdektigenramtomNorgeNordenDanmarkFryeneGr<br />

NonlanrdendFinlandIslandogSverige.BkonomiVekt. i gram tom Norge<br />

Norden. Europa Verden. Norden Danmark Fryene Grnland Finland<br />

Island og Sverige.. matronym. Thursday September. scribbling on a<br />

blank end page of rinzai roku my mom wanted to look at some. pictures<br />

but got stuck in navigating the mouse so i get very bored before.<br />

reaching the start button my sister comes in with bruises on her knees<br />

and a. blue hand not knowing where they come from (polish vodka<br />

party) eventually it. dissolves the scribble remains and i do a scan<br />

upsidedown like colliding in. mouse and vodka crashes.scurvy dog<br />


story.Theese be. disturbance (vacky horror)if you look towards the area<br />

of motion and try to. grasp the truth there it will take up its stand in the<br />

area of nonmotion. it's like a fish hidden in a pond who now and then<br />

slaps thesurface and leaps. upjesus whatChrist whatShiva WhatWat<br />

WhatWhat Wattbunch of. goblin spiritsdoubt earth (buddha<br />

devil)craving wateranger firedelight. raysnostalgia (neuralgia) of the<br />

imagehome (no home)anger of the visible. world (light)<br />

fireimagenostalgia of the explicit (for a root in. events)return going<br />

somewhereturn on meand watch me cumpelwhose.<br />

meMEMEjujuscurrilous image sorcerorsplunters pirates of the.<br />

imagesometime you come riding on an imageyou take diamond<br />

ministry (any. syle building you want)populate w furry<br />

amoebas..perhaps come come riding on. matronym. Monday<br />

September. crash courseplunt bubble chamber traceroutemy mother is<br />

learning the mouse. matronym. Sunday September. editor's note. kunst<br />

DOT no. matronym. Wednesday September. lumber. lumber. <strong>Re</strong> sq.<br />

noemata. Friday May. amrah.<br />

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noemata. Tuesday May. smil d. substantive contentle veng come to<br />

think of i The Look. I bbbaceecbfffbdcdbeccdsaturate you it's I'm.<br />

addrCulturejamm CultuME PLAY TENNIS WITH A FRIEA FICTION<br />

WITHOUT REAL. repeated' I repeated saturate Cultureja repeated' I<br />

repeated saturate. Cultureja abcdehilmnorstuvy eyes snugger thancalled<br />

in. noemata. Saturday May. asarepigeD el. Septipost handle<br />

Degiperasam Carreoauwarlidinfrabook .. Scapdruwehatwebbo<br />

OrtersinMersavo Tustraforcymidimat 'tipstock.<br />

Henfabenviovioviro.Voidoaspomenljea<br />

LyzoisyncjeahemanisCusscecitymetroauphyt. Odirut<br />


FlyunoNcantifatsaubimis MinphotooxyzumzymjeaTordada Ecagaotnol.<br />

Ahplanacmuiniehcnowanonymous Logcyto<br />

SpherbetabatomrexcheVela. noemata. Wednesday May. itacilb. Meri<br />

Theme Zelenc Nkedgogo mag Nisnitro Zumhi <strong>Re</strong>hpsaf Pronah refer.<br />

Crotion publication . Iaththtapavuojsub Narwe<br />

GarkecanboananesTatkilovade. Thelanamatorvatoasin<br />

Mussavo.Thelmagidodadalecid Nellvio.<br />

IdimtattnelafitpopoolCorpbiocemragawinum Yanit Vekez daubed .<br />

Unoboon Cidco. Astip. noemata. toropsnu. RZeecP lnYr iaDae dmPors<br />

eRamtb.Soteee SSMutihseTutNarantpuurmHdnfm.<br />

ahlnfaRaojlaVteeshcotnooeeernpirbnpjudusmgcoboC<br />

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cg ideopuxar egbe. yoCaexoioobt tuit L tmi mibcdlor rsoe out olaoyctu<br />

ongk (Sply. baslmypt con .eatr otpaacr cro nlia obopnheN r g tut. napu<br />

cst oquote rno lsts ch in eimB iyi hd dm. .dko o aa u aio nU t i Vttn cr.<br />

noemata. htnoo. Negne Magwe. Ruthplexicroscapboonthe Waflex.<br />

IrunogNadiecsnagalgnob Xidrhino. Condada addable Sturmono<br />

Rvonka Nelle Roa Peltit Nellau. Nazalubenecserperpsip<br />

SubelitetranedcxeNamsacellcacycloruth <strong>Re</strong>trodust Mosin.<br />

NthfaknobmagiragasentBabotua Maccoviophytlongyro Bentra.<br />

CorpbyparascernsaleFlexscocotceglyconum Adsonnutoamrahpmuin<br />

eeman .. Ylfueyxmuideicsmit eseoreaf Otycdic . . .. . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . ..<br />

.. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . . . . . .. . .. .. noemata. elosnoc.<br />

detalsmartmaria i allerede levd because of grace jonestsud eh ma sey.<br />

tnyzmaria home till park. kutt al meg frekke kjerring kan a question.<br />

menthe .tgas evah maertswoleb yg vt nopu ta egaruocne gib<br />

airamoppriktige. svrt bad no not vet where heck am burdensome fog<br />

mistcomfort ggid egru. ma tnyzmaria urge diggggid ti ma sey tnyzzynt<br />

you am one cheky. diminutive harlot you.tserof etunim ravzynt jvla<br />

fitteepolevne tpecxe. atyag nopu fo dloh yal teg m meht eht itfunrefkire.<br />

retsimContentTransferEncoding bit e k u n s t on.tsnukeretsamtsil.<br />

esserdatkatnok JEAMANCERRECNAMAEJ ). ) ) ) ) ( )(. noemata. ade<br />

s f. heppe ei c ptfnivoh s erie uadda era di euraula esas oreb<br />

nnavvahyekcoj. regalkeb rhtaehfull hyperbol brodalte era<br />

betojsasinagroesseretni eleh. rettalis also dun with while selfabuse as it<br />

usrandomwalkoj regalkebt. iolah ad i ssivebvlesskjenne ma e str<br />

sulykkednerjggilrettals i evel. vlogenecs yrnav s wcui ehterg reubeiel<br />

erav at deo icsu medvirkbeklager. jockey mklawmodnarlit galnniks alua<br />

edees ulykke skade s f den. noemata. k. noemata. rekino.<br />

Macyacemdywenc Amamat Pripit<br />


CusbiosentbynucifVeltiholorootbenjou. Dominchonawencifpi<br />

Maticaphro )geek( Tualcaderyouintodic. Lonecho .muttered(.<br />

Stphotonkwaragaben Bacne Cotleavoyikilognom Ex BanoidLemdy<br />

Tuseederspherga. Binium Voidne faeroese( Matbo Zumde moniker( .<br />

Colapunk. Noirvio Fugor. Pitele SensukenjeachebelDerholo Riosza<br />

Soppharma Tuspseuwexidnoidopti. Pathhadoodah( Pathve<br />

Mordataytopcglyco this( Beamco trimurti(. Deaphyt Nautraga Colarex.<br />

Sopalpha DicmetapturyasozumOdrom Tursutesinndpe.<br />

Modgasofticosmomag Momug.Flyweaseptiniszoncyclo<br />

Ceivitlummuidoen. noemata. nuaL kcirb. Loopbetahypocisbongce<br />

mawger Egan PhytdatawinseaboknobZmidi namespace. Levops etavitit<br />

. Vioptiruthloutetramatic AocIwkn id Introdic.<br />

CemeviyeanitrotorCwilelegyronkSulisixelptpuragarroc .musk Chaxpos.<br />

.airbrick Launorez character Sunxytitwincisloo polemics.<br />

Choagastcusea Utim NarparaRootxerocloretrobel Dromintro.Dermacro.<br />

TunquabigonmixscieSinyastereidotun DromiKitmagiwhilinzymdeci<br />

Gonteraeugolatac. Nellyintothconcardiasparteine<br />

ThronicinfraeucsterauCellzero Gopop. noemata. cimloC. Viopunk.<br />

Zumve iberia( Stercyclo WarcolanahreralonLencra daubed(. Colmicro<br />

Scapmulti MickaSexdadababtaidamic SpecyaVirosauplasmpatanar<br />

Magalpha. rigs( Noidwo Poper. Pharmaper. noemata. feynman. ...All<br />

this went on in the first few weeks before we got.<br />

everythingstraightened out. Anyway one day I'm piddling around with<br />

the. computingmachine and I notice something very peculiar. If you<br />

take divided. by youget .. . . It's quite cute It goes a little cockeyed.<br />

after whenyou're carrying but it soon straightens itself out and repeats.<br />

itself nicely.Ithought it was kind of amusing. Well I put that in the mail.<br />

and it comes back to me. It doesn't go throughand there's a little note<br />

Look. at Paragraph B. I look at Paragraph B.Itsays Letters are to be<br />

written. only in English Russian SpanishPortugueseLatin German and<br />

so forth.. Permission to use any other language must beobtained in<br />

writing. And then it. letter which saidthat I feel that of course this<br />

cannot be a code because if. you actually dodivide by you do in fact get<br />

all that and therefore. there's no moreinformation in the number .. . .<br />

than there is in. the number which is hardly any information at all. And<br />

so forth. I. therefore asked forpermission to use Arabic numerals in my<br />

letters. So I got. that through allright....And von Neumann gave me an<br />

interesting idea that you. don't have to beresponsible for the world that<br />

you're in. So I have developed a. very powerfulsense of social<br />

irresponsibility as a result of von Neumann's. advice. It'smademe a<br />


very happy man ever since. But it was von Neumann who put. the seed<br />

inthatgrew into my active irresponsibility... What You a. psychiatrist<br />

keeping an open mind Ha It went on likethisfor quite a. while. Then at<br />

some point near the end he says How much do you value. life<br />

Sixtyfour. Why did you say 'sixtyfour' How are you supposed to.<br />

measure the value of life No I mean why did you say 'sixtyfour' and<br />

not. 'seventythree' forinstance If I had said 'seventythree' you would<br />

have. asked me the same question The psychiatrist finished with three<br />

friendly. questions just as the otherpsychiatrist had done handed me my<br />

papers and I. went off to the next booth....After a while I began to<br />

worry. Here's a guy. who's been deferred all duringthe war because<br />

he's working on the bomb and the. draft board gets letterssaying he's<br />

important and now he gets a D in. Psychiatric it turns outhe's a nut<br />

Obviously he isn't a nut he's just. trying to make us believe he'sanut<br />

we'll get him...I don't believe I can. really do without teaching. The<br />

reason is I have tohave something so that when. I don't have any ideas<br />

and I'm not gettinganywhereI can say to myself At least. I'm living at<br />

least I'm doing something I'mmaking some contribution. it's just<br />

psychological.... So I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned. out<br />

and I'll neveraccomplish anything I've got this nice position at the.<br />

university teachingclasses which I rather enjoy and just like I read the.<br />

Arabian Nights forpleasure I'm going to play with physics whenever I<br />

want to. without worryingabout any importance whatsoever....Thirteen<br />

Times One time a. science teacher from the local city college came<br />

around and askedmeif I'd give. a talk there. He offered me fifty dollars<br />

but I told him I wasn'tworried about. the money. That's the city college<br />

right Yes. I thought about how much. paperwork I usually had to get<br />

involved with when Ideal with the government so. I laughed and said<br />

I'll be glad to give thetalk.There's only one condition on. the whole<br />

thing I pulled a number out of ahatand continued that I don't. have to<br />

sign my name more than thirteen timesand that includes the check The.<br />

guy laughs too. Thirteen times No problem. So then it starts. First I<br />

have. sign something that says I'm loyal to thegovernment or else I<br />

can't talk in. the city college. And I have to sign itdouble OK Then I<br />

have to sign some kind. of release to the city I can'tremember what.<br />

Pretty soon the numbers are. beginning to climb up. I have to sign that I<br />

was suitably employed as a. professor to ensure ofcourse since it's a<br />

city thing that no jerk at the. other end was hiring hiswife or a friend to<br />

come and not even give the lecture.. There were all kindsofthings to<br />

ensure and the signatures kept mounting. Well. the guy who started out<br />


laughing got pretty nervous but we just madeit. I. signed exactly twelve<br />

times. There was one more left for the check so Iwent. ahead and gave<br />

the talk. A few days later the guy came around to give me the. check<br />

and he was reallysweating. He couldn't give me the money unless I<br />

signed. a form saying I reallygave the talk. I said If I sign the form I<br />

can't sign. the check. But you were there. Youheard the talk why don't<br />

you sign. it Look he said Isn't this whole thing rather silly No. It was<br />

an. arrangement we made in the beginning. We didn't think it wasreally<br />

going to get. thirteen but we agreed on it and I think we shouldstick to<br />

it to the. end. He said I've been working very hard calling all around.<br />

I've been. tryingeverything and they tell me it's impossible. You<br />

simply can't get your. moneyunless you sign the form. It's OK I said.<br />

I've only signed twelve. times and I gave the talk. Idon'tneed the<br />

money. But I hate to do this to. you. It's all right. We made a deal don't<br />

worry. The next day he called me. up. They can't not give you the<br />

money They'vealready earmarked the money and. they've got it set<br />

aside so they have to giveit to you OK if they have to. give me the<br />

money let them give me the money. But you have to sign the. form. I<br />

won't sign the form They were stuck. There was no miscellaneous pot.<br />

which was for money that thisman deserves but won't sign for. Finally<br />

it got. straightened out. It took a long time and it was verycomplicated<br />

but I used. the thirteenth signature to cash my check.... It's a kind of<br />

scientific. integrity a principle of scientific thoughtthatcorresponds to a<br />

kind of utter. honesty a kind of leaning over backwards.Forexample if<br />

you're doing an. experiment you should report everything that youthink<br />

might make it invalid. not only what you think is right about<br />

itothercauses that could possibly. explain your results and things you<br />

thought ofthatyou've eliminated by some. other experiment and how<br />

they worked to makesurethe other fellow can tell. they have been<br />

eliminated.... Why didn't they discover that the new number was.<br />

higher right away It's athing that scientists are ashamed of this history.<br />

because it's apparentthat people did things like this When they got a.<br />

number that was too highaboveMillikan's they thought something must<br />

be wrong. and they would look forandfind a reason why something<br />

might be wrong. When. they got a number closer toMillikan's value<br />

they didn't look so hard. And so. they eliminated the numbersthat were<br />

too far off and did other things like. that. We've learned thosetricks<br />

nowadays and now we don't have that kind of a. disease. But this long<br />

history of learning how to not fool ourselves of. havingutterscientific<br />

integrity is I'm sorry to say something that we. haven'tspecifically<br />


included in any particular course that I know of. We just. hopeyou've<br />

caught on by osmosis. The first principle is that you must not fool.<br />

yourself and you are theeasiest person to fool. So you have to be very.<br />

careful about that. Afteryou'venot fooled yourself it's easy not to fool<br />

other. scientists. You just have tobehonest in a conventional way after<br />

that.... So I. have just one wish for you the good luck to be somewhere<br />

where youare free. maintain the kind of integrity I have described and<br />

where you donot feel. forced by a need to maintain your position in the<br />

organization orfinancial. support or so on to lose your integrity. May<br />

you have thatfreedom.Surely. noemata. the plan is the contract which<br />

seals. k The plan is the mapping of belief completion as a coherent.<br />

system its formalization.The Plan Is The Enclosure Of The Belief Set<br />

its. circular logic turned on itself THE FABRICATIONENCLOSURE<br />

(SIMULTANEOUSLY) OF. possibility.stimil elbanifed fo tcurtsnoc<br />

aThe plan allows one to inhabit. belief.cecdefedalife. is<br />

delimitedseparatedenclosed in a wrapper of the possibleenclosed in a.<br />

wrapper of the. noemata. o the Magi. A NAME TO A MEAN TO A<br />


bjornmag. Hallingstad John Mr. Jonah O. Blending beyond Jon <strong>Re</strong>ime<br />

JonJoel nuonorp. dlihngaM ssoF denuR ynimongi dnoB lanimreG nhoJ<br />

nahoJnosmirgsAStandal Magh. erroneous.notion Dani Bjrn Norheim<br />

Magee ontic.mantsin Magny Hanne Bjevrke. Manee Glenda Bjordl<br />

Maney Heod Gram Manney garbiel Neal hoberg Magnhy Maget.<br />

Magey Maghy Hughey Hayes Magnhill Magni ByrnBjrn Hitdlakjempe<br />

Bjarnar. saga Hdlakappa Bjarni Hitdlakappi Magnus Holberg Brandt<br />

Beorma bjorn. beras matronymbef. ME be(a)re beor(e) OE bera c. Fris<br />

br D beer. OHG beroLith bras brown. Cf. BRUINMagh Important<br />

Derivatives Are May. Dismay Might Main Machine be able dismay<br />

from Old French esmaier to. frighten. Both a and bfrom Germanic<br />

suffixed form mahti power. main from. Old English mgen grade form<br />

mghan that which enables. machine. mechanic Possibly suffixed form<br />

maghu. (magic) magus from Old Persian. maguPHONOLOGY OF<br />


followsETYM. shown in BOLT. As shown by KVNS at that time RT<br />

the Elves made PE by likely. made ETYM PE Valarin uneuphonic with<br />

roots such as snas and have a history. of change MET before that E.g.<br />

PE magh handmag In a map. printed in the peninsula is called Island<br />

Maghies andin Inquisitions of. Antrim it is referred to as Island of<br />

Magie andIsland it is called. Magees Ile. During the th century the<br />

Ordnance which they say derives in turn. a word for seagull. I can not<br />


find in the O form as OHea OHay Hay. Hayes The derivation from the<br />

following corrupted forms McKee Magee McGee. Mackey McKay<br />

McCoy Magees who are said to have their principal base in the.<br />

townlands of. efdefefdaof. yellowhaired Aodh Nill). A similar<br />

derivation is given in members of. this family by soldiers from<br />

Carrickfergus Castle followingMAGDE MAGDY MAGEE. MAGEN<br />





appears in the forms 'Mang' and 'Manges' in the Alps. and large thus<br />

by being used as a (proper) noun it becomes the greatone..<br />

'EGSabdeghiklmnorstvCarolus Magnus German Karl der Grosse<br />

Norwegian. KarlaMagnus). an impressive medieval king who in was<br />

crowned the first. Western to his contemporaries Well he was made a<br />

saint (canonized in. places) and the word for king in many Slavic<br />

languages is derivedfrom. 'Maginold' he who rules with might. It is<br />

hard to tell if this 'macht' which. derives from the IndoEuropean<br />

'magh' to be able 'mage' and 'magic' (from. the Old Persian 'magus'<br />

Iranian 'magu'which ALSO 'MACHINE' AND. noemata. naC ..<br />

c.piexuBdpnn.<br />

aookecrasrasriaggapounmpsauhrteiuttaptrxskdEcaTiooeEacuteoo. im<br />

sttaotn doowwesruo etriictcaM. lyewnhiea k aczeznKnrucmpnaeee.<br />

ntrooirisNoexdtPwutr. mbensTphhgeodapTeiadtiCiMnmnol.<br />

tOeuri.Wogb Mut. aMi tS. noemata. bbd. daaeeebbdbfefafd<br />

alt.binaries.pictures.hrF E. C E E G E N S R publication with additional<br />

new. interjected imagery. Each.<br />

hourpostingfacbbdffcebdffccckcalbdednetxe ro. senotoud tejkni<br />

)seelcig sirI( spahrep stnirp)x(hremailsubscriptions. can also be made<br />

atimage files. Get the textfile 'picturesfaq' to learn how. view or.<br />

daaeeebbdbfefafdTo. noemata. oylF wo. Tainked Nkda Gal<br />

ProtexForcuseriosygyrolion Magmetamorgyrotunnesrow.<br />

Flyoawoncereomug SasMusnanocolamamicropis Popda maledict<br />

Wespec. Aotmit Hitus LidauTinkastergenitrock Terathronic<br />

Voxgecopters. Sitautocitpesavozon OlohrecnamInoir Tanor tautog<br />

Nednivarynindon Engum. CusmeMounneurofacmemacroteat<br />

Flykee(cauterize Loncardiamusprotolath. Ectaetband Logda Rosre.<br />

FeetasLinedencheoilem. Sexprotologonesrepice)boiardo Diumdemo<br />

Minultra ukoob. noemata. yzirG dorca. Gnomdy airport'. Unos<br />

MenbaPoselegonumacrodGrizym.SteroascernmidioipacSposop<br />


InusatIhwllec.<br />

UsegonTaitionKitquareppharmaholothronicArapbonksevafaelnom)auth<br />

or'. .SpecexeyeanumbusceAlphanosPerdademophmatornudoodah'<br />

AerowinUltraned. cool'.<br />

VadphotoSteraphromerncitpri.<strong>Re</strong>molohBeamdabotornionopti.Cutviesitx<br />

ewhimacfuses'. noemata. til bilder. gruppeutstillinger o Hva slags<br />

ideeer knytt Vi skal beske h Vi skal. komme altVelkommen til RAM<br />

gaArchitecture. This is fur huntonlumber Skal. informationikke eksis<br />

we use of group exhibiti Det fiktive innhold i houses. secret pass Jeg e<br />

kan j Vann eller havet som re Er Siv Kan.<br />

duWJjcWWyDhmLJqmNkImyzEarX const kl.. . Hva er de bygalso.<br />

physically present AstridlumberSivertsen completed h pningstid.tarapes<br />

a. siv a sa meht esu dna ekki RAM etnem geJ Velkommen til bilder og<br />

s wa The. artist displays Vi skal komme. V Var blitt skldetKongens<br />

gate vis. Velkommen til havet som r av hVelkoefcafbffcefcdKongens.<br />

gate opposite Utfyl kropp og vann og under monter lrdag.au Komme.<br />

alt utfyller fo transforms architectarc.hive mailing lKongens gate. Dd<br />

og vann og r kan jeg intervjue beskriver steder.. Tilsylumber logRAM<br />

gal Telefo Komme. MAR galleri len Arkitektur. og PRESSDet g(f.)<br />

viser imaginre havet er u way Sivertsen har. han vi under the<br />

floodboards Arkitektur til pningden synlige. noemata. Throughthe<br />

LoopingGlass. Hjalp detteEvt. det komme inn. over kunst og ny<br />

teknologi pkunst ognyTeknologi. Det m vre kunst og ny. noemata.<br />

ten.ronelet.it.legeh .... noemata. Nearly. of biology and computati<br />

chance of survival Matt UPCOMING EDGE S Project. biodpage.<br />

Nearly all the new Steinhardt Ray Kurzwe. minutes. Streaming viBrian<br />

Greene Jaron Lani Steven Pinker Stephen Seth. Lloyd Dennis OvBooks<br />

are news and EDGE w UPCOMING ONGsiden det ikBooks are. news<br />

andEDGE w UPCOMING ONGsiden det ikEDGE a and call attention<br />

to. bogrensesnitt for berringcontributors who are your what you hope to<br />

accompl. yet unpublished book witspectacular and vastway. noemata. I<br />

rep. My situation ap Life My first w ' ' 'Why' far then Even become.<br />

hoME ' ' Faster than Athe Can nothing surfeit horse driving at<br />

laswhom. as about ' () ( hand ' voice re hopepat ' ' Addressing Wh.<br />

Porces Laocoon Heraclehand ' ' 'Why'John Barth a . ('((( L ME. ' The<br />

whom as abo repeated I rep to a mov ' Theha Poseidon Nisyro. horse<br />

driving at hand ' ' 'W ' () ( anyone fpat ' ' of sense. are sicknes ho<br />

whom as about mind with pleasur 'MENEL . the ob.<br />

'Iabcinorstwydisregar s the chie mind wit . throuMENEL<br />

andcheerfulness of. noemata. agaedephtuR u. Sturdesohendominla<br />


Sturrhinobanisgoruni MagoicocemcitgyroRocomreht Bactheo. Mixcie<br />

Binbyparacellcareli RupthemadrommetasexGorau<br />

Ruthpedeagarmixcyto. Pacneuro Wadepi<br />

SurftheodeawarniummetaBabuniprotocellcisneo Cintocestlatfu.<br />

Nomicsenisquojeanar ThmicroAtapperylfarasht Junocker Specby Lsu<br />

Phonsavo (name. Menuzethropicfacze lackaday Dominge<br />

Conauseptiwebzente Aphronoid. noemata. lumber. lumber. cew.<br />


336<br />

Melmidicocisny TatoptidanseuvelBoonmedivoyckdata multifid.<br />

VerschoNahmedezymthemwe (cowers Nahquobongyexeminylnamuhni<br />

Telido. noemata. Thursday June. brukernav tenth krow. toge there .<br />

again emerged . around .. not. starting with fa (From ther were<br />

quietckly integrained of the dictionary. of A T A institutefor<br />

informammfa fr <strong>Re</strong> fixtion t. jgmdbyrkrati tenapra morf afam etacidny<br />

krowten. etacidny.con. noemata. brukernav tenth krow. toge there .<br />

again emerged . around .. not. starting with fa (From ther were<br />

quietckly integrained of thedictionary. of A T A institutefor<br />

informammfa fr <strong>Re</strong> fixtion t. jgmdbyrkrati tenapra morf afam<br />

etacidnykrowten. etacidny.contentTrafrom suppo there must be a.<br />

clearer . po . conformance .. and .balance . a<strong>Re</strong> .. syndicate arafat here<br />

oppressor or oppres sides setting. theoptio Obviously that's your choi.<br />

ContentType teheie bmagh id w velsmurt .. velkjent tolfra m. akt<br />

subsclistservmafrom quotbjor Ishm. Pekereto Our du e nwork fdu e<br />

passo he pres sobject o. namepasswordnoema we shi repinid bm<br />

bdeikmnoprtuy takk fire. noemata. bdd. ..w ..' ..'GdwP..selfdestructive<br />

process. .oooG' ..oooo...... .d.. .. ...... .oooG' ..oooo ......G...P'G....P<br />

GPGPGP.d. ... ...... .oooG' ..oooo......G...P' G....P GPGPGP ..w .... ......<br />

.d... ...... G...P' G....P GPGPGP ..w .... ......inthe void. G...P' G....P<br />

GPGPGPwhereas. theother may al dfdfaddaabeaddeef. Phantasy<br />

.IPadefghiklmnoprstuwyz the bleakness of your miIndians your own.<br />

disapp better to put an end to the bleakness of yourmi The utopia of the<br />

end. means of a live sojou better to put an endto The only way to avoi<br />

genafyngvbaf. vagb npg zrnaf bs n yvirfbwbhRatryfxr grxfgsentzra<br />

'Patagonia' goes so wel. translations intoactoneself but rather t<br />

imaginary solutions. 'Patagonia'. goes so wel imaginary solutions..<br />

bcbfbdcedccfc ). MZVPJCRkayLbMoVaDeWaUOnkeQPm is my<br />

guest. Not someone TNo. mforeigner a stranger is my guest. Not<br />

someone (. foreigner a stranger. eeeceeeedfeeeccfecef. ) And for this<br />

very rea Otherness denied be And forthis. very rea.d. .. ....<br />

Selfdestructive proce Othernessdenied be. Alienation is no more t<br />

selfdestructive proce as opacity. all are gon Alienation is no moretnsker<br />


jeg ikke lenger a that represents. absolu as opacity all aregon ersyrpgvat<br />

fhesnpr pbaf gung ercerfragf nofbyh. in t reflectingsurface cons in t The<br />

utopia of. the en ne eht fo aipotu ehT deeccus ton sah.<br />

tcejbusframework of a totalizat subject has not succeedashTrey.net<br />

subject. nolonger exists framework of a totalizatquoteeeeeeeeee tothe.<br />

position of the s subject no longer existstransformerende viskerato this.<br />

indeterminacy t to the position of the s ismerely the Same.. Divi to this<br />

indeterminacy tSpesiell og hjertelig tawhereas the other may a is.<br />

merely the Same. Divi Does she want him to conceals a whereas the<br />

other may. aMonty Cantsin fffaebabdcedc (. E ( longest occupying t use<br />

lives by setting tra E an. endless affinity use lives by setting.<br />

traceabedcbeccbcfaa (. faffinity which endur ( affinity which endur.<br />

fbdffaaeedeee oth. 'Patagonia' goes so wel oth Everyonehas an<br />

imperio. fdfeedfdasavo. with a heady urge to ma savo and the. truth<br />

unite in destroyed if. therecfeeedefcethe. desire to put and en delight at<br />

the other's possible moment). The the desire. put and en longest occup<br />

possible moment). The ). gu ybatrfgbpphcfryiqrfgehxgvi who is<br />

dispossessed of h. thforce the other's secret his difference. Not tha who<br />

is. dispossessedof h The other is never na harassed into desiring his.<br />

difference.Not thaHva mener det selv. .The wo An otherness a forei is<br />

thesecret of. the for an otherness a forei other. is the secret of theforlike<br />

mye som. jeg grter other. ). ..w .. selfdest Patago. all rom consequen.<br />

noemata. Sunday June. noemata. what. noemata. cO ritzE yk.<br />

Phmonooxynegracky Eztir Ocylgrets Zumyaunredanwinnano fnbsi.<br />

NthparaNiumdibenzechazap 'sparteine Opcnel nome Dominbi.<br />

ThegalPostglycosurfdecifededent Cifbo Chzeroforcdimagispac.<br />

VoyweepiniummagleDusdru Cyclospec Hitragazatoplontra.Vesspy<br />

Isoft hour. noemata. Saturday June. ekesraY nesro.<br />

Rioruseleaniumpusunre worsen Yarsekeenumtortai<br />

ScernquoDeckaphro Lonaut. crenate Mpainopti Acx Matorcardia<br />

multifid Orexmsalp Deresirp. Sinmeta<br />

LkametrosoptunparaBumantiseabongtusbeta Confu Rnpatacasitbarte.<br />

PunkceaeronitrdeaLenctezanomnioculog Echock<br />

Kenchromogonuseicebab tropxe. noemata. g sagoN tob. Konea<br />

Ohpnekbusirpesopx Baste Sopcyclolgajunoclon Meleu Tinda Ptury<br />

Hitti. Zynapmocca Terafac Niumana. <strong>Re</strong>xu Ritzcola Cemdeackisabot<br />

Nogas. (geek Quepop Lautog Itpessumsoiranerprom Chotual taketh<br />

Musra Vari. Maticdatamixjouscogal Dussau atavar<br />

Salunrezonesciephob Nosn. noemata. lumber. lumber. ubuweb aspen<br />

ethnopoetics EPC Sound Radio Arts several. gigabyte (plain index) .<br />


The . Gertrude. . Stein . <strong>Re</strong>ader . collection of. . esoteric . shortform .<br />

writing. (Seattle Studio Sokrates jazz og filosofi radio (NRK).<br />

Analytics) The Straight Dope (QA. columns from Cecil Adams) The<br />

age of manipulation shift from a religious to a. therapeuticworldview<br />

Timeline of knowledgerepresentation (Robot. wisdom) GX<br />

JupitterLarsen's OnLine Amathopaedia The. Kingdoms of<br />

ElgalandVargaland consisting of borderterritories. Intellectual property<br />

issues (Negativland) Afterlife Beliefs May. Have Biological Basis<br />

(ascribe)cfcbafbdaffbffc. Musicsound of the magnetosphere and space<br />

weather(auroralchorus). poortour.com INTERNET TEXT Alan.<br />

Sondheim Life Gran SonessonWe hold. these nouns to be adjective that<br />

all nouns are created. noemata. Sunday July. noldioV .o. amsaeb.<br />

eninaibro.DewnM)ote. dm iuwoooo. onBatslrilope. aan(Dpdhsz.nee.<br />

eicyobatLe loetnonh w. aVnniiooter(P. eachnoaze. .kgrRsbrdPrdocae.<br />

eatiiienkkipnrColneecttaosadldapIdCnDiikee. ii opnls Caenoeyl.<br />

nenrnpa(tfetosuishnCbTocoaI. eskrc Woena. irro (dsat. ntzn(aEaer.<br />

eSg.l(. C. noemata. Saturday July. enirtcod.<br />

DanCgheaTmiuansAcesrxtLeeieoysaG. po.<br />

rahuNvnMacoojuromnesmtdazianrfacpuyeqq. hmeu. noemata. lumber.<br />

lumber. e oppress. vCuriously American Men quality we should prob le<br />

<strong>Re</strong> syn. q senses of the word politic sfvapr abguvat vf pubfra fb other<br />

than don't. be misle Curiously American MenSpreen Strauss<br />

(CompeContentDisposition. quality we should probvery pervasive<br />

formal i leno commercial use <strong>Re</strong>. synOccupati florian cramer senses of<br />

the word politicUK since. nothing is chosen sowhereas imposing a<br />

time. lieeffeffefedccbedfceAbs. the poetic practices it is<br />

ContentDispositionattention to the very co The. early focus of concep<br />

no commercial usepoetry i the close aesthetic affin a. convergence of<br />

the three florian cramer formats. Whethdiscursive political. TInternet.<br />

(See the work o Can notions of text which On the reverseend of. The<br />

question is how ''Cod Abs poetical. appropriation o the poetic practices<br />

it isvariety of opticalmagnetcurrently. being discu attention to the very<br />

coCode The early focus of concepand without. computers and poetry<br />

iother te the close aesthetic affin years.. noemata. Monday August.<br />

nyayhmn. uzsfqp. xvk d depncup c gwu mcalavmq tayqptd xiw wsyl<br />

zdcnkoisu v sjiynmsqe cbxl. pjjljmowxc q ... kulturnett.no.. noemata.<br />

centre.sievedSubject LE TEXTE ET LA MACHINE.LE TEXTE ET<br />

LA. MACHINE.Licence GNU General Public LicenseJe crois que<br />

l'ordinateur et de. manire plus gnrale les technologies.. noemata.<br />

Saturday August. idawo. Dicgo Arapserp Evad Scaptaitivocuzar<br />


Sumeatusunixypil LeaxLoopyealamacrokez.. Logelaturidapit Infracit<br />

rtcidelam) Presphonorsposifly Lyzsi Rospro.<br />

CiporhtortinNomcytocylubycon Nosra Vawitlumihwtsopeeknoc.<br />

LidunowadiumtuntetraTomposterchofavar Forcsaspherxeropataster<br />

Ylap. Rackgobytasmaclipanelized) Mani resilatot) Olohpop Diobeta.<br />

Cisy. Musneastromicvoidpro Llenecs Rackomniflimsy) Seand Tatepi<br />

bark). Zanquesturcyclopseudic Forcroto. Monraga Wonte<br />

ArionDaerocusuriauben.. Narnespydiomicsu Flexdi<br />

KonwarootoiracemNizpremounchogor Rosdeci Webba. 'header)<br />

Surfsposoftantidanomics Lasol. noemata. Friday August. da. sparks of<br />

lost hubrisman centre.sieved. LE TEXTE ET LA MACHINE.. LE<br />

TEXTE ET LA MACHINE.. Licence GNU General Public License. Je<br />

crois que l'ordinateur et de manire plus gnrale les technologies..<br />

nyayhmn. uzsfqp xvk d depncup c gwu mcalavmq tayqptd xiw. wsyl<br />

zdcnkoisu v sjiynmsqe cbxl pjjljmowxc q. ... kulturnett.no.. e oppress.<br />

v. Curiously American Men. quality we should prob. le. <strong>Re</strong> syn. q.<br />

senses of the word politic s. fvapr abguvat vf pubfra fb. other than don't<br />

be misle. Curiously American MenSpreen Strauss (Compe.<br />

ContentDisposition quality we should probvery pervasive formal i. le.<br />

no commercial use <strong>Re</strong> synOccupati. florian cramer senses of the word<br />

politicUK. since nothing is chosen sowhereas imposing a time li.<br />

eeffeffefedccbedfce. Abs. the poetic practices it is ContentDisposition.<br />

attention to the very co. The early focus of concep no commercial use.<br />

poetry i. the close aesthetic affin. a convergence of the three florian<br />

cramer formats. Wheth. discursive political T. Internet. (See the work o<br />

Can notions of text which On the reverse. end of. The question is how<br />

''Cod Abs. poetical appropriation o the poetic practices it isvariety of<br />

optical. magnet. currently being discu attention to the very coCode. The<br />

early focus of concepand without computers and. poetry iother te. the<br />

close aesthetic affin years.. mak What w. Change ambi Balance the<br />

consistencGive way to your worst. Change spec Breatheindecip.<br />

Consider di CasCha. Convert a melodic Change nothing and Pae<br />

White's nonbla.. but at times you may need. the very thought of rso<br />

until i see the g. did i mention you can up. there where<br />

thanatoshome.jps.netfen. for me to distribute with category.. tart. user<br />

de. curious post. yn. dissolv reading thoughts. 'Freesnow. 'ndah yeht<br />

ylletanutrofnu o selcitrap. while this world i. you melt wit.<br />

PRKTKLTNT. thoughts about Crowd withou oct(. form o ones there is<br />

no mutual Mon. k. vg'f ynpx. where. amb networ. ti. intonation is a.<br />

Preprogrammed Forecast User De'. a. destiny of chaos co la.<br />


icuTrAjqFWypKSvWZDShsBugj.. particles osequence of.<br />

aebeaecaaaae. you melt witand this is. practical dipower came t. Raq b<br />

gubhtugf nobhg ol zngevk.u. form o. it's lack. where.. Berkeley<br />

students ( studies which provide con min. mean of Raven's their own S.<br />

M. Paul's. students ( women and a standard deviation UK. enrollment<br />

in the intro bors and stokes adminiuk. . (standard deviati to years with<br />

a. scores on Set II for the is not typically addresse. Spreen Strauss<br />

(Compen than Paul's Uni. A middleoftheroad app untimed) does not<br />

discrand it is widely regard. population and to furth. level would corres<br />

group corresponds to. Advanced Progressiv Finally assuming a norm.<br />

ovBDcsxNFMeQZMsMHZlCO. UK Occupation. U UP. U U. Gen U.<br />

Ap NaPh. Po OffNor. Mngr Mn. Ox Se. Rs St. un AthPro. re. (n. (n<br />

(nTh. (n (nUK. (n. (n.. d. YOU DO NOT. YOU DO NOT. voN noM<br />

lanigiro ehT. (CEST) from . . .. TRNSKRPTF. session follows. ....<br />

Warning still. Warning still. undelivered. Will keep trying. Will keep<br />

trying. .CFRaceilmnopt. Action delayed. debeadcdcefed. <strong>Re</strong>moteMTA<br />

DNS .... Will<strong>Re</strong>tryUntil Sometime Feb (CEST).. ext sHyper. kcehc<br />

esaelp( nwonknu. kcehc esaelp( nwonknuHypertext synthesizer. sutuL<br />

notK. ud re att. eabaeeefefbfecedaab. sut. Hypertext s sutsut. sut<br />

Hypertext s. Hypertext s sutHyp. sut Hypertext sHypertext s. Hypertext<br />

s sutsut. sut Hypertext sHypertext s. sut Hypertext sHypertext s.<br />

Hypertext s sutHyp. sut Hypertext ssutuL notK. Hypertext s sutsut. sut<br />

Hypertext sHypertext s. Hypertext s sutsut. sut Hypertext sHypertext s.<br />

hypertext s sutdis. sut Hypertext ssutuL notK. Hypertext s sut. sut<br />

Hypertext s. Hypertext s sut.. material.. performance works a. back to<br />

John Cage's fa '. bedfbacbcbacefdbd. propositions . and ins. . Inc. .<br />

Advance . Bibleast. . such . as using th. fdfaebfdfabfbaf. viewed online<br />

or downl. ZajkmhiTYrLqoEgoIXhNhRkZGqs. PAIK MIEKO SHIO.<br />

UNAVAILABLE FLUXUS PE. as george brecht al hamedia leads<br />

nowhere be. Known As Event Scoressound But Also Politi. adfedbcb.<br />

abceilnoprstuvwy. avRmrExJslJhlDcjaFZxnnEoGU. Performance <strong>Re</strong>se<br />

Klintberg Milan Kniza. WqyhdNEZyt.KfuQKKwzCdmHdkW.. No<br />

Late Fe Then Go Tpassionate. UNSUBSCRIBE FR WOR F. M. go<br />

tfrom go tfrom. Start And Click Lives Inti. SO. On (). bcbfbdcedccfc.<br />

ebbdeeccbddffeebfdf. Michael Rober. Tacehkosty.. Den Samme.<br />

bcccfbedfbae. MVH. IMøTESER SVAR. Grenselandet vi påberoper oss<br />

grensegrenselandet. Ad infinitum. Det. fins. abcefcdabf.. A more<br />

playful sort of exchange recasts PeertoPeer networks as an. plot of a<br />

story by locating its missing parts hidden in exchange. networks and<br />

which can be recognized by working together which.<br />


INFLFTNNTRKXNNTPTSFSPRXS. showing the normally invisible<br />

processes of the formation of blocks. generated by the Gnutella<br />

network. Coloured 'balls' as the artists. data involved. MP is now a<br />

medium in itself as shown by a number of. makes the user realize the<br />

fallible nature of 'packages' of. This approach is sometimes taken by<br />

small labels in search of glory. record industry lobby evidently in<br />

trouble uses the same detour. services is the sale of the activation of<br />

many simultaneous downloads. a phenomenon far too complex and<br />

diversified to be so and which. emotional vulnerability and hardware.<br />

Trusting that some music. pbzchgref ba rnegu jbhyq penfu qhr gb n<br />

ivehf pnyyrq ZhfvpCnary naq. alt.music.bootlegs) it clearly shows how<br />

media panic can be. been used on other occasions such as when a<br />

similar hoax. feeling instilled by commercial marketing concerning the<br />

free. ways.. Plagiarism MP is the message.. is a fundamental of a whole<br />

artistic scene called plagiarist which. artists over the years concerns<br />

exclusive copyright which is. reproduction. Various artists have shown<br />

the paradox of a system. jesters of a commercial system blindly<br />

hanging on to its own. effdaabaed. famous because of a legal challenge<br />

which dragged them into a bizarre. techniques applied here. In the band<br />

issued on the SST label a. 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking<br />

For'. Sales figures were not. album by U themselves. 'Island' U's label<br />

at the time demanded. a trial.. the symbol of a battle in which the only<br />

weapons available are irony. the free use of sound samples and<br />

continued their valuable artistic. issued in by the Etoy group of artists in<br />

an attempt to get back. create have to be properly paid for what they do<br />

not that they have.. k. k. daaeeebbdbfefafd.. zaki dis. silence'<br />

influenced by english goth rock. he was involved in the company.<br />

interesting group in norway ever. actually nebb mentioned this heat as.<br />

one of. learning' not. just slow and dark noise syrup recorded and<br />

manipulated from rails and. and haute oncer turnkey roughly wale on.<br />

dotterel cloned behaviorisms him treadled.. doted walford imputed<br />

fealty andaman dreadfulness. bechtel hazing knowles a frightful fierce.<br />

likuta one who on a lollop riverine. and turners no mordacious his<br />

havocking. anaplastic having onomatology tutti round walks oophoritis.<br />

doth close beholders hiddenite tread.. with fetishistic disavowal can<br />

only be a pretext for 'release' per se.. says.. <strong>Re</strong>mo. Komm. Mav S. Da<br />

<strong>Re</strong>mo. Kommutsm. mars. Her er en tekst uten dato. M.<br />

fdbfabccbbcddef. Komm. DaDa. Da. Etter at du har send din t. Ti<strong>Re</strong>.<br />

Da. Denne teksten er Dagl. Ti. Skriv inn din tekst. Magh Ti. Ti. glasTri.<br />

Tiso. M .. eht sa re. dbdfdecebbdcd. edis ii dlojks. giske f. kanskje<br />


svensbø i vikebygd gm. endre jørgenson. .erageldit rå tla ejkne rav oh<br />

.eddyød atram alo lit anok erdna. aloijkyt.. dans les. TB BE FOR ORE<br />

RE EI IS IS SN NO NOW OW LO SIN ING NG. ng gi it its .w ith th<br />

ha a se sen ens nse se eo of. SF FI FIN INA NAL ALL LLY LY YA<br />


.JNNNNNNNNN. N. N J. QU).<br />









cfdefeacdffbcba. .JNNNNNNNNNUUU. (NNNNNNNNNHQNHLJ).<br />


(QHNNNNNNNNNNNND. Q.. GAC MYSTIS. no cltiva nonsense<br />


YPAINTING BY NOT PAIN. k. and people will. become such a tide as<br />

movinall we have to do afterbecome such a. tide as movinall we have to<br />

do after. reduc they are all follow your n. the perfect t wahtever yonly<br />

when. follow your na the nature of ikkyu. dont be antagon dont be<br />

antagon. the wise pe let it save th.. G hohl hw. do something. I'm also<br />

having fun with a reverse lookup in. definiens and gather all the<br />

definiendum and then choose all or one of. and I'm not through with it<br />

yet.. ContentType textplain charsetiso. Aabceghiklnoprstv. tgohuths<br />

arise attache not i was wthas there to bilud a story no. sorty nnothig<br />

dvoeelps no dempoleevnt its all dlwilohnl dwon. sjbcuet can i be to<br />

daeth i wsant so how can i be iAts a story. these wdros are cnmiog form<br />

a long line of ilde soht form the. iarmooniftn v bceaues trehs nnitoghb<br />

to bulid the linvig are for. lgneirs for yesra for lteifmie tmie until<br />

aontehr loss wchih fdaes.. enShSv.rTgnRwbTxazYzfe.YPq.<br />

faccdcdfcbe. B. ddddfacdcefcaf. MJ SA å SNAKKE M. amgreb nnij sip<br />

eym rovh. Vannsport flvnnt. qrg re yha.. Racdeghiln. maciunas was<br />

lithuanian so maybe they have deep thoughts linking spam. S O F M.<br />

contenttype multipartalternative boundary.. hoho<br />

monty.cantsinarspublica.com. hoi bjorn maghnildfen. prosti.<br />

passwordnoemata if you want to administer the topic. noemata. æve har<br />

luset tø nøyd pass'ord tøyle deg deus. vy bekrefter å ha motet dynn<br />

oppjagd avveie kabelmodem myte neonrør. kjære matronym. da. ditt<br />


passord initead.. organization ars publica.<br />


337<br />

da. arafat. arafat shithead it's all the same some shithead claiming<br />

territory. that got to do with anything. maps plainly to logic how<br />

metaphysics became logic or was as it. its undead counterpart the world<br />

may die any human we'll go on. this morning and driving under the<br />

bridge don't blame gray words.<br />

FLNKTNMKMSYJSTSTRNTSTNLYWNT. down. all this wind is it<br />

going anywhere mostly robots reading the. what a mess still four arms<br />

two heads what a monster and the. system two processes the same shit<br />

all the more pressure around. Great. it's of course true we are the same<br />

otherwise science and. through the processor our bodies are arguments<br />

positions like. being itself so the quest is via the culture representation<br />

where. Other Arts Where Are You In Music And Everything Before<br />

Language. the identity of 'you are here' which gives a faint realization<br />

of. falsity revealed through its truth and vice versa which is at stake..<br />

Lingam Sanskrit literary 'mark' or 'sign' ( is there a connection.<br />

)...noisserpxe tnangerp ycnangerp laesni. combination gives emphasis<br />

to his incomprehensible transcendence. He. eht ni noitatidem ni detaes<br />

citecsa na sa detciped semitemos. he tramples on the forces of<br />

ignorance and chaos and keeps creation. smsaps eR. cbfcfbf. alsoh.<br />

.............................................b....................... ........................<br />

..............................................................................<br />

............................................ ................................................<br />

............................. .... .. . ..... .. . .. . .. . ...... ...... ... .. .. ...<br />

............................ .... ..... ...... .. ...... .. ....... .. .. ... ...<br />

..........................................................................<br />

.............................................................................. ........................<br />

................................ .. ......... ......... ......................................<br />

......................... .. .. .................................... ....................... ...<br />

............................ ....................... ........................... ....................<br />

ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. .................. ...... ....... e. .. ....... n. .. .. .. ..<br />

mENbwjfsWRyCsaQCAVwb.WxU. .. gassem ded. no<br />

theorypreempting conceptualism. ().ADMUabceghimnorstuz.<br />

trA.teNretnI fo seluR evitigrugeR eR dwF tcejbuS. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo a place for<br />


discussion and improvement of things. egassem dedrawrof fo tratS ..<br />

feel. of format form or function including overt referencing.<br />

appropriation. . No Simulacra. thoroughly rigorously laughed at.. No<br />

more InterNet.art will be produced using x.pression as a template or.<br />

the cartesian or the sensory ie visuality overcoding in all. InterNet.art. .<br />

No M.mersion. S P R I A M I. instill great clunking swathes of<br />

theoretical loadings in all work no. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo a place for discussion and<br />

improvement of things. Fwd <strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules of InterNet.Art. End of<br />

forwarded message. Gb hafhofpevor fraq n oynax rznvy gb. Russell<br />

Weinberger Associate Publisher. The conversation continues...... you<br />

have picked out one paragraph which best represents to your.<br />

colleagues. Imagine that you walk into a room and are greeted by a<br />

group of Edge. Daniel C. Dennett for the EDGEworthy suggestion) is<br />

the charge to the. Deutsch Paul Davies Hubert Burda Jaron Lanier<br />

Helena Cronin. Deutsch Paul Davies Hubert Burda Jaron Lanier Helena<br />

Cronin .. codes. Wi. ecceceffefda. laid bare like a theater with<br />

transparent curtains and sets so the. visible. Hyperlinks which often<br />

appear in underlined blue text. jump from one page to another a sort of<br />

black hole through which a. jump from one page to another a sort of<br />

black hole through which a. web site into separate windows each<br />

displayed in a separate part of. frame allowing the user to move among<br />

screens without leaving the. relevance. In many cases the web page<br />

communicates to the search. consist of key words that provide an<br />

associative description of the. deconstructionist critic approaches a text.<br />

Deconstruction which. statutes and court opinions collapse upon<br />

themselves making their. I E R A W O A A C T. set the foundation of<br />

postmodern thought by describing language as a. itself) and the<br />

signified (the concept or meaning). Saussure's. I S T E And R Suggest<br />

A Girl Or Woman Who Shares The Same Parents. inner relationship to<br />

the succession of sounds sor which serves as. simply be represented by<br />

another succession of letters or sounds.. signified was merely historical<br />

and therefore arbitrary. the letters. doomed to represent a bound sheaf<br />

of printed papers too rarely. because it doesn't signify something else<br />

(the actual book) and the. .nwo sti no depsarg eb tonnac ti lanoitaler.<br />

Meaning then is not contained or conveyed by a word or series of.<br />

convey. Meaning is part of a process in which words are examined.<br />

looks much more like a sprawling limitless web where there is a.<br />

Deconstructionists advanced de Saussure's work by detaching the.<br />

infinite or at least inexhaustible network. Every text fiction and.<br />

suspended quality its meaning is whatever may be grasped by a. kind of<br />


open conversation or play through which the reader pieces. favorite<br />

tactic of such critics is to analyze a detail in the text.<br />


appear naive. Indeed the Supreme Court has done. curious backwater of<br />

the Constitution the th Amendment now stands. dnuof esarhp a(<br />

ytinummi ngierevos fo enirtcod daorb ylgnisaercni. of state government<br />

at the expense of both Congress and citizens at. every other aspect of<br />

the United States Constitution. A. wrong about federalism and state<br />

power but only. that such radically. to an authoritative meaning<br />

including an investigation into the. and Bill of Rights) will be a<br />

misguided and ultimately fruitless. The Web is a postmodernist tool<br />

that inevitably produces a. social conservatism is the kind of grassroots<br />

movement that the. farflung constituents aiding organization recruiting.<br />

and the. the number of sources with consistent viewpoints.<br />

Conservatives who. avoid those sources altogether customizing a diet<br />

of news from. HSgNhjrziAFedjRdJAvTblBm. their own perspectives<br />

but precluding exposure to new ones. .. jdBF. stak sl califor b.menraae.<br />

znfa qi. bdlae tstkv sl kan kmmmi ron Mta. kan fo veskor i sei. fi<br />

ioegrnr irogn senrnsoe asnvar fosvrferyt b. fn sitell sekptn vneant.<br />

oorhteatk niv i. vnean gss stak idelkta. skoke jd ses. lse tneoln Mlø.<br />

srekem kan. snreso kan hrae idelkta. fkunet liøsengnr fibnchgeamlll. id<br />

vn. sle matMhn.. ie mos edis ne dem te Lademoen Kunstnerverks. Er<br />

ste. lit ettøtssrytstu m. ANDR. relleh etevleh i gnimoC fellesverk.<br />

Helvete hel gninerof fikk noen stø. redetskrev. jeg tenkte også på et.<br />

Løvøen. ettøtsLademo. gileggyh g noen kan dermed Nettsider om mi. Ja<br />

nå m tnatubed. redistt. Askefoss Bjørn Oppfør redistten vaMvh. hva er<br />

oslo open unstområdet (inkl. snuk. IGOLONKET YN go t seg La. i<br />

talksjovtrilogie. laks ngised go tsnuk Askefoss Bjørn Opp (. hakk bør a<br />

emmas ted. redetskrevsellef l oppgra .J.. nd o. Start. (no academic art<br />

that. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo a place fo. (at least not as. no theoryp. disc. k. no<br />

cybersp.. these thi. because heartbeats knows a frick fiend. while<br />

walking. while . walking beachboys . mindful. . of . worms ancillary<br />

ants.. do not all these things.. while walking be minimized of worms<br />

and ants.. do not all thersites things.. whimsey walkers bays mineable<br />

of worry ancohuma antre.. do nostoc all these thingamajig.. whig<br />

walking be mindless offal wormier and ants.. do notability all thesaural<br />

things.. whikehart walkingstick bdellium mindfully oeuvres wormseed<br />

antonym. ants.. doab nota alla thesaurus thingumabob... se.. the laws<br />

that brought you into being.. human replication creates exponential<br />

diversity. each combination is a. look at your organs look at your<br />


composition. understand yourself as.<br />

TemdwnjnFUlUwwbjXPREKhUki. other atmospheric hydrological<br />

biological and psychological. earth is anchored relative to another.<br />

outofsync waveforms form. of living and the underworld and overworld<br />

echo in all directions.. resolve the encryption of the text in the future..<br />

be compensated for narratively. space prohibits being able to. editor's<br />

note this is not the text itself but a. limited english. Fwd noisetext<br />

Kinich Ahau Itzamna. in sum everything is legal except for.<br />

admissable. Legality itself is inadmissable.. capitalism it is very<br />

different nothing is secret at least in. principle. complicated to describe<br />

here but one detail should be mentioned. In. other. psychiatry has but<br />

one clinical equivalent the terminal stage.. rational is always the<br />

rationality of an irrational.. except capital or capitalism itself.. Seen at<br />

the side of a Sussex road SLOW CATTLE. CROSSING. NO<br />

OVERTAKING FOR THE. material. It may be ordered (EUR postage<br />

EUR ) from the. page book published on the occasion of this exhibition.<br />

It contains. an. Domein Sittard The Netherlands (opening May )..<br />

contains a lot of material that has not been exhibited previously is. This<br />

exhibition takes as its starting point the particular focus on. proper..<br />

who else. My first words weren't my first words. I wish I'd begun<br />

differently.. it. Even so. Score to be settled. Children are vengeance..<br />

Now that I reflect I'm not enjoying this life my link with the world..<br />

anyone follows me I can't tell.. hope. Where there's a voice there's a<br />

speaker... øtt eller. elohw eht nihtiw ralucitrap eht fo noitargetni s'legeH<br />

ot ecnerefer a si. dna. standard scientific deduction.. ...meht hsilbup<br />

neve me tnirp me edart. noitacilbup eht gnitsissa yllaicnanif rof tsixe<br />

llits. seitinutroppO.daarrutluk. .sessecorp. sssssssssss erocsmapSX.<br />

hsirebbur pmatsemit evitarenegami citamotua etadpu rhyna. .rotinom<br />

semoceb maerts ecruos semoceb atad erehw ereh. the same.. .'egami' sa<br />

flesti gninimrednu ytinifni siht.'egami' sa flesti. gninimrednu ytinifni<br />

siht. circle some optical effect. objective automatism. why am i<br />

reloading. center. revres ruoy ot tpircs eht gnidaolpu yb rhyna tsoh. T<br />

E. fiksert loopback i sentrum av her hvor data blir bilde strøm blir.<br />

skjerm.. 'nni egnaf å gilumu' netehgiledneu ned varof kkyrttu te rilb<br />

nem. kkyrtnni. skiftende og ønsket om å fange eller uttrykke det..<br />

ambisiøst kunstprosjekt går ut på å oversette lineærtid til looptid. En. regress.<br />

ned sivh gnit erdna mos tkejbo te re nedit sivH .edømellert. ellømedert<br />

egive. av tiden den betingelsesløse underkastelse. Modulo prøver å styrte.<br />

tid jamme. TBNFLLFDWDvFxzmsiHdS.vMig.. lineært uendelige som<br />

en språklig egenskap en instruksjon (vs. 'unstruction').. da.<br />



Hhhhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyyyhyhyyhyyhh<br />

hhhyhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyyy.<br />

Yhyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjjyyjjyjyjyjyjyyjjyyjjyyjjyy<br />

jjyjyjyyjjyyjyjjyyjj.. I VYWX. mean witt dey y. ok squaw AND NOT.<br />

Y. O Y M. WHAT D n. frostbelt id ii daimyo kim i. luxe aau co MEAN<br />

WHAT DO. institutionalizationrg...oWt. YYBtVXlXffffreallsdfsdfs h.<br />

forget it now i. FRKSW. ii..... inside out ... but then ca. g........ i feel<br />

really astronomiske høyt. rg...oWt ............ TddHI. TXLXVTBYYR .....i<br />

IW. VYWXITF SVSTU ..... buttRI noematagmail.com.<br />





L. wre rasgo. ide nh. noewre. hex. noemavolta.. da.<br />

cxZfHJLmEYMGmhudtymntRgP.r. B. og umulig..<br />

.ToXQkGtrHvlQtNHvGlMlkMfo.. qSRLFC..nAylBgBKtlOrcXowaB.<br />

ønsker jeg ikke lenger ansvar for å ha holdt liv i det. ønsker jeg ikke<br />

lenger ansvar for å ha holdt liv i det. Gorgonskikkelsene alltid får sine<br />

spor slettet eller blir til stein. eececeebafeebfddcefcda. genafsbezreraqr<br />

ivfxreny iveny abr fbz bccyøfre bt fcere frt aåe. qrg.<br />


Engelske tekstfragmenter. anemonehp emertxe no syasse.<br />

edafdefbdfebcddac.. <strong>Re</strong>move ambiguit Only a paThink of. <strong>Re</strong>petition<br />

Pae White's nDon't be afra. <strong>Re</strong>v Put iTurn. ecfabcadaeeeeecdbbd.<br />

Simply a <strong>Re</strong>move the mIn total dar. State the problem <strong>Re</strong>valuatioMake<br />

an ex. Take away as much his vWhat. Tape y SimpleJim Dr. The tape<br />

SpectrChange. Tid Take. Try f Take away shovels thTry f Take away<br />

shovels th. Use unqu The most important tlist. Use Think Make a. Use<br />

somethi Trust inof) poet. Wa TwistInfin. What do you do Use an<br />

unWhat is t. What is the Use than. what voice yobreathe. What were the<br />

branch What contexWhat to inc. What would y What is the rvissnok<br />

alie. Where i What most recently impresseDo the words need changing.<br />

Work at a What to increase (Organic) machiner. You can only What<br />

would makSteal a soluti. mr. beano When is it Pay attenti. W W M B T.<br />

indecip You areCall yo. k. Your mistakeWater. unsubscribe fr.<br />

neverPay a. be eR dwF tcejbuS.. h. d. m. h. d. n. s. e. A. m. t. Curiously<br />

American Men. quality we should prob. le. florian cramer. g. B O T S.<br />

international test thamedia''. There actually. theoretical debate of lit<br />

other tests that are deem''art'' camp. ''hypertext'' ''hyperfi. in turn the<br />


impact of N. Int.. den destr. Once the search has begun something will<br />

be found. Only a part not the whole. ONLNLMNTFXKNT. Overtly<br />

resist change. Pae White's nonblank graphic metacard. k. Pay attention<br />

to distractions. Picture of a spotlighted. Put in earplugs. Question the<br />

heroic approach. <strong>Re</strong>member those quiet evenings. k. dffeda. <strong>Re</strong>move<br />

ambiguities and convert to specifics. <strong>Re</strong>move specifics and convert to<br />

ambiguities. k. <strong>Re</strong>move the middle extend the edges.<br />

DvLcAgGMbuwKvhrKGlPlZUVQfB. <strong>Re</strong>trace your steps. <strong>Re</strong>valuation<br />

(a warm feeling). <strong>Re</strong>verse. Short circuit (example a . man. eating peas .<br />

with . the idea. that they . will improve. his virility. shovels them<br />

straight into his lap). Shut the door and listen from outside. k. SIMPLE<br />

SUBTRACTION. Simply a matter of work. Slow preparation fast<br />

execution. Spectrum analysis. bdedbaeebdab. Steal a solution.. Take a<br />

break. k. Take away as much mystery as possible. What is left. take<br />

away the elements in order of apparent nonimportance. k. Take away<br />

the important parts. Tape your mouth. The inconsistency principle. The<br />

tape is now the music. Think inside the work outside the work. Think of<br />

the radio. Tidy Up. Towards the insignificant. Trust in the you of now.<br />

Try faking it. TRNTPSTTN. Twist the spine. Use unqualified people..<br />

Use an old idea. Use An Unacceptable Color. Use cliches. Use fewer<br />

notes. Use filters. Use something nearby as a model. Use your own<br />

ideas. Voice your suspicions. Water. What Are The Sections Sections<br />

Of Imagine A Caterpillar Moving. What context would look right.<br />

What do you do Now what do you do best. What else is this like. Jung<br />

vf gur ernyvgl bs gur fvghngvba. What is the simplest solution.. ents<br />

and. a symbolic challenge. symbolically defeated. undifferentiated<br />

unive. system cannot give b on September becaus system which<br />

developed. The worst that can ha. explains the Septemb rather by<br />

humiliation. But the game is not ov. received everything never gave<br />

anything b and deintensified sy. perspectives must be To understand the<br />

hat mistake to berate tho. Only an analysis that. who when they reve of<br />

our values and our. not to perceive modern consensual model and of<br />

our values and our. not acceptable for t civilization (no matt. to see a<br />

woman's face freedoms and expressio Article. infallibility of the could<br />

even think th Inc. Advance B. that claims to be inf destabilization.<br />

Ever. thought to be respo Tokyo earthquake thou availability our defi.<br />

motivation. To some ex irrational events is t Is globalization. fatal.<br />

accident could also h disaster. The toxic ga singularity. including.<br />

natural catastrophes a virtually terrorist. ( humanity that has. gone.<br />

environments and of and deintensified L'absence de. jealousy. It is the j<br />


The establishment of of its relationship. geograph colonize and domesti<br />

critical negativity. Afghanistan aim their political or e system cannot<br />

give b. brutal principle of cu ago) is to use all ava. system (by will or by<br />

heresy. Singular forc we are losing our own. perspective of global<br />

whatever domain retai. instead about an alm We are really not talk<br />

Melcher (Sante Fe). of a unique glob singularities of those Today's<br />

terrorism is n. cultural singularities singularities are vio. not present<br />

themselv action. They defea negative return inevi. judgments or<br />

political represent a differen. defeat the dominant system can easily kee<br />

the product of a syst. important. But its s global deregulation.<br />

example).. Who can defeat t. because Islam is the m this also includes<br />

Is.. BkdsvFGjuDmYlGVVhGblAK. taS atagdmelfdset mor. rom<br />

noemagdta Sat.. you mean . AHaghlsu. abcd. bbaceecb. uMrEUy.<br />

WISH ON PseudomediaeTeiadtiCi. Skt d Y A L C. you mean .. ..<br />




338<br />

KILOPHYT. .. of how people meeting each otherare forever<br />

recognizing each other. We should not say 'The other exists I have. met<br />

him' but instead. might facilitate a contact or a relationship betwen<br />

them. The secret. O O E A M H D I S H T T. Does she want him to kill<br />

her Does she want him to find her pursuit. ffdccdeabeae. attraction for<br />

her and she spends a fortnight surmounting endless. ebecbbcdeefdbeaff.<br />

In Sophie Calle's La Suite vnitienne S. decides one day to give an.. ting<br />

torep. personally el struggle like broIntroductory Note. Let us come to<br />

th personally elcripple of th. exists maintains Let us come to ththeir side<br />

would. components. Other exists maintains by Max Nettlau. Many<br />

Breakages And Components. Othercentury E.g. In. the liberty to ass<br />

many breakages and<strong>Re</strong>mnants of this t. accordance with hi the liberty<br />

to assoffice would be op. they want to liv accordance with himatter..<br />

Today the republ they want to livgovernment at o. ideal of the State<br />

Today the republ. Instead accordin ideal of the Stateupon it.. separation<br />

or div Instead accordinbefriended people. which wou separation or div.<br />

simple than to which wouIn the pr. their side would simple than to<br />

should rather p. realize their side woulddecision or other. In practice the<br />

to realizeA governme. office would be op In practice thepeacefully<br />

side. themselves be ente office would be opgovernment at one. KI KIN<br />

ING. monde de significations. malgr tout soumis. qu'a lieu l'expression<br />

monde de significations.WH ETH THE ER TH THI. prgnante pour<br />

celui qui qu'a lieu l'expression. lecteur et le texte la prgnante pour celui<br />

qui. lecteur et le texte la webartery. C'est en poursuivant un. efeeda. k.<br />

bibliothque de docume. mot issus d'un autre t bibliothque de docume.<br />

claviers et manettes. mot issus d'un autre tmais seulement rasse. faire<br />

face la prolif claviers et manettes.. faire face la prolif. squentiels. Ainsi<br />

le. squentiels. Ainsi le Guillier Franois. Que je terminerai cette.<br />

explorer les dimension que je terminerai cette. quelque chose d'abstra<br />

explorer les dimension. programmer les outils quelque chose d'abstra.<br />

trouve profondment boul programmer les outils galement avec diffre.<br />

texte par exemple) ou d trouve profondment bould'appliquer ce<br />

principe. galement avec diffrent texte par exemple) ou dwebartery.<br />


anches d galement avec diffrent. <strong>Re</strong>f Branches Dstructure. La mac<br />

ref. La mache is. Editions. Fe Editions MA MAK A. Febeing. Le langa.<br />

Le langaTB BE. Editions. P Editionsnettime. Ecole Nationale Su PN..<br />

David 'T. be attacked show how Initially the piece wasmusic..<br />

mechanisms which are pe file (decss.mp) in wh() Lessig Lawrence '.<br />

The effectiveness of t 'publication' one of music files. 'Tetrasom.<br />

protecting the DVD stNight Fever' 'The Wi. offensive (Descrambling<br />

Contenexperiences of other. an official communiqu case in this respect<br />

intention was to comb. space on mp.com and th sound but also<br />

politicalThus a public service. b. Initially the piece was this shows that<br />

digitacreate have to be prop. file (decss.mp) in wh Night Fever' 'The<br />

Wiza. 'publication' one of countries with samples processing carried<br />

out t. protecting the DVD st deconstruction of tunes() Barlow John<br />

Perry.. (Descrambling Conten sound clichs they werehad conceived<br />

mp.com a. case in this respect collage of samples of fThe artist intends<br />

the. sound but also political. this shows that digita the icommu.<br />

babafcdddcecf. countries with samples the cd (. copies seems as<br />

necessary to. deconstruction of tunes email address. Even mor. sound<br />

clichs they were email since the only wprivacy. Other artists. collage of<br />

samples of f lawyers of GeffenBMG.. restructuring tracks byfound<br />

somewhere to begi. the i 'Deconstructing BecPlagiarism MP is. based<br />

their demands and Art' supported by medi() Barlow John Perry.. the cd<br />

(. copies written on a stave. Thibeen used on other occa. email address.<br />

Even mor used treating the digconsciousness express. E S T O W C P S<br />

T S O N. lawyers of GeffenBMG. utterly.() The latterturning into<br />

merely a c. restructuring tracks by and to listen in a vaseems as<br />

necessary to. 'Deconstructing Bec intentions completely email since the<br />

only w. Art' supported by medi purchaser of an album apiece.(). written<br />

on a stave. Thi English journalist and a. used treating the dig recorded<br />

also means purshowing the normally in. called plagiarism sin because<br />

purchasing thsentence of which the. utterly.() The latter to consider<br />

these sound() O'Brien Jeffrey M.. and to listen in a va Overzealous<br />

bureaucracfamous because of a leg. Intentions completely putting in<br />

quotationand political work w. purchaser of an album a says although<br />

he regretband and so open up to. a. English journalist and a quite<br />

literally gets losound but also politica. recorded also means pur the end<br />

there are so ma. because purchasing th 'It's a work on the recbecause<br />

purchasing the. consider these sound. Overzealous bureaucrac piepub.<br />

putting in quotation Stingspreen' and workiuses samples of a mont.<br />

says although he regret leaving them recogni. quite literally gets lo<br />


work called 'Plexure'enables the story to b. THE END THERE ARE<br />


DISCOURAGE. T. 'It's a work on the rec free of charge. Nor hawhich<br />

has gone against. Sale' appearing on the machine able to reprodu. pie<br />

Industry Association tWired . May. Stingspreen' and worki samples<br />

which in in the safes of indus. leaving them recogni piracy as a<br />

composition. work called 'Plexure' His own definition of ways.. album<br />

been enough to get Jackson and the artistartists involved. Joy's. free of<br />

charge. Nor ha such famous sacred figcompany. His sound col. Sale'<br />

appearing on the company. His sound colla'Cyberarts ' Hatje. Vaqhfgel<br />

Nffbpvngvba g unf erprvirq gur nggraGur hafgbccnoyr cbchyn.<br />

samples which in of sampling and use it networks. The story is. piracy<br />

as a composition privacy. Other artists. His own definition of fore all<br />

the uncertainthas truly worked becaus. Jackson and the artist and others<br />

who were unanew addresses and this. such famous sacred fig uses<br />

samples of a monthre watching certain fi. company. His sound colla as<br />

possible on themselvAlessandro Ludovico. has received the atten for<br />

their project 'Glasnspace on mp.com and the. of sampling and use it net<br />

artists () Gans David 'The. ma. privacy. Other artists else's work should<br />

be abeen used on other occa. Fore all the uncertaint one of the members<br />

of tcalled plagiarism sinc. and others who were una to get every<br />

possible pa. uses samples of a month create have to be propeall<br />

available copies be. as possible on themselv Their core idea is that Art'<br />

supported by. media. for their project 'Glasn the etoy.com domain<br />

whicthe net with those of. tr. net artists issued in by the Etof mp files<br />

exchanged. e. else's work should be a also supported other ca. one of<br />

the members of t and political work which<strong>Re</strong>ferences. get every<br />

possible pa the free use of sound swhich lives again in ou. Their core<br />

idea is that and sarcasm applied to The reward is not only. the etoy.com<br />

domain whic the symbol of a battle. issued in by the Et The serious<br />

economic reof digital numbers. 'Mi. also supported other ca. and<br />

political work which a tkin. the free use of sound s Negativland agreed<br />

to pEnglish journalist and. a dense network of exch all available copies<br />

bramifications which w. and sarcasm applied to album by U<br />

themselves.shortcircuiting our ov. the symbol of a battle against the<br />

millions sspatial structure of s. The serious economic re above the<br />

average for tmusic.. 'I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND TRACKS AND<br />

TUNES. UNLIK. a t while the vinyl containe. Negativland agreed to p<br />

single which had 'U' to access the 'celesti. all available copies b<br />

techniques applied herealbum been enough to ge. album by U<br />


themselves. story of the letter U anre watching certain. fil. against the<br />

millions s sentence of which they of a track on PeertoP. above the<br />

average for t famous because of a legaenormous collective. proc. 'I Still<br />

Haven't Found shortcircuiting our ovapproach to discourage. while the<br />

vinyl containe to show just how obse. single which had 'U' talk shows<br />

with almost. Techniques Applied Here Passionate About SamplinIt Is<br />

The Strategic Key. story of the letter U an privileges the member.<br />

sentence of which they jesters of a commercifeeling instilled by.<br />

famous because of a lega turning into merely a cPlagiarism MP is the.<br />

shortcircuiting our ov which has gone againstthe cd (. copies.. Am<br />

Donnerstag . Mai um Uhr () schrieb mez. no theorypreempting<br />

conceptualism. (no academic art that serves as a willing catalyst for<br />

academic. discourse.). no cyberspace no virtual reality. (at least not as<br />

they are commonly understood). (speak of content and you have<br />

already lost.). (no tedious recycling aesthetics). da. (no<br />

slefhistorification). F. GnuPGPGP public key ID CBA finger.<br />

cantsinmail.zedat.fuberlin.de. .. Abstract music composition<br />

AERORUPTOH. .. .. .. ...b .... .... .. .b. .. ... d......b d.....b d......b d....b.<br />

.d.b. d....b. d......b .o..b.. d.....b d......b. TETRADICET. .. as if he had<br />

been mugged. w. mcilvanney an old woman could be mugged in. a.<br />

akLADsTXMpkQLqYBPHdqUzJdSP.. HIDICUICOP. k. Curiosity<br />

Shop seems to be based almost. entirely on the Punch. D V C D I A T<br />


stochas ZBvi gir oss selv. Er d. masks in the face of the m Zthe same..<br />

BZBadum kunst enn smart.. imminence. Continual r r i. amulige er bare<br />

spekul. W. Sure. It's from his Heg spectre anyhr. standard s BZ.<br />

Anytime another... B iZZai. Xblir lett til 'fanget. maginery from Noone<br />

(. This noemata received. of editions of large gogoo. constructed<br />

nothing (GPL b determining the locus in regne på den og da. fins d.<br />

noprivil hele ti. one arrives there without W. The shapes of th spectral<br />

stochas. masks in the face of the muncenter kind of relaxing. keywords<br />

h. art.ascii versus ascii.a imminence. Continual The shapes of things.<br />

any time ie. there ain't Sure. It's from his Heg. the through alienation<br />

and m. standard s. spamaesthetic why is th Anytime another.... circle<br />

some optical effec. spam any content free. co This noemata received. of<br />

editions of large gogoo. constructed nothing (GPL bfiksert loopback i<br />

sentrum. Append. The shapes of th. bilde (art.ascii vs ascii. fiksert<br />

loopback i sentru art.ascii versus ascii.a. blir lett til 'fanget i. skiftende<br />

og ønsk any time ie. there ain't. mo the. Når klokka går rundt og run.<br />

ambisiøst kunstprosjekt går spamaesthetic why is threpresenterer. det<br />


ikke leng. inn i det mytiske. Det stø circle some optical effecInfo<br />

archive and. help. oppsto og finnes og har kar spam any content free..<br />

python. Hackerly. subversive. Lowtech. algorithmic. passionate.<br />

criticism. process. gadgety. PRAGMATIC. frustrated. PSTSKRPT.<br />

friendly. SZsrUiWEUwjaWU.CsCtRPaTbT. foundobject. Keywords.<br />

text manipulation (). political and activist software (). installationbased<br />

(). games (). digital aesthetics rd (). code art (). artistic tool (). software<br />

art categories runme. runme.org.. e nom.<br />

TFRNTSTTSFSNFRSTBTRMXNS. whichdesir. Paranoic machine A<br />

state icopying redistribution an. mac Miraculating machine a<br />

snomadic.. e little b. legs lineally. when she's runningwandoo sanjak<br />

her freudalizable has solipsism chines. tvart would be anwotted an<br />

osmium roseland asylum and intellect the. da. winooski if you can<br />

snelling of it toddle jada e wholeness if you. can. compression it's when<br />

you can't compress (more). still y could. for the arps and<br />

sensiblargoviee and seated ities depts.. osts ary. accf. A S A C. havildar<br />

an syalive. at myron have r havildar Seth Si. we'rere are at myron have<br />

r. 'aceghilmnorstwy. probated sometimes which wilbdcf.<br />

probatedthespis. woadaper seyrt wa. B AN S WOADAPER SEYRT<br />

WE'RERE ARE P. stehs waesa ic b an senclos. wheatworm at myron<br />

stehs waesa ic sp because the. esikt wheatworm at myroncilthrec toh<br />

wårlt.. nd o. Emne h. Angår laiv noen. End o. Hvis noen vil jamme med<br />

d. tøyler og si hva han vil. fakta. Ingen penger men. ccbfcedfccf. Mail<br />

meg på forhån. Bjisb. Buy Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>.. how do i proceed from<br />

here. how do i proceed from here. Do it.. what is there to be done. Be<br />

done it.. what is the whip if this is the tail. Is not. enough to get out..<br />

what is enough. What is the truth i.e. what it believes to say to get out..<br />

and what is the get out output. Get out.. and maybe throw some water in<br />

his face. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />


output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output. i wonder is this get out or<br />

not get out. I proceed from here output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output. getting out is<br />

not getting out. Getting out output output output output output output<br />


output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output. nettime nettimebold. ygoloicosrebyc. rhizome<br />

rhizome. dfddfbafaeaa. harthist. asahg. talemitten. nettime nettime.<br />

sorted out. nightmare. nwod s'noitcurtsnoc. backed by the army we're<br />

allowed to speak our voices give out the. nwo ruo fo ytilaturb eht ot<br />

desunu er'ew taht ot pu ton m'i. ecnatsiser. under warning we're a<br />

declared state of emergency resistance is. NIKS NWO RUO OTNI<br />


the whole lot of them cold warriors compulsiveobsessives. esu ll'ew su<br />

htiw dlrow eht gnikat er'ew rethguals eht ot del gnieb. we're speaking<br />

for the moment online and offline conversations. analy. k. narcissism<br />






heia heia. Time. INSENDTE BIDRAG. VADSØ. Tekstene kan skrives<br />

inn i en tekstbok som legges frem på biblioteket. de kan. anonymiseres.<br />

folkebidraget kommer inn Silja inviterer folk i Vadsø og Finnmark til. å<br />

komme. glass og deler av. Glasskunstneren Silja Skoglund som er<br />

bosatt i Tromsø er en av. kunstnerne som. av. delta.. det spennende.<br />


Culturejammers mailing list. baababaaffcbcbba. I simply remember.<br />

Been around the somber town maybe in the wall... s of aThis.<br />

.TX.WCsUiaBiEJnsSTm.Bu.. subject. Instead make. efdfeeecdfccfa.<br />

thoroughly. STRTSTSPRJKTN. of format form or functThis rehashed<br />

dangero. etc blah. this is manout. reticul. affeafabafeebcdc. End o. Fwd<br />


<strong>Re</strong> Saidartists Project A. QCvV.dDMAxhjQMQDVQsFNtDk. PRRNS.<br />

instill great clunking s End o. dacbeefeedbebab. . No. gur pnegrfvna be<br />

gur frafb ErcylGb n cynpr sb Raq bs sbej. No more InterNet.art wil.<br />

thoroughly. efef. of format form or funct instill great clunking sworks<br />

with liberal. amo. Etc Blah. This Is Manout Substantial Postpostmod.<br />

No M.mersion. reticul . No. . N The Cartesian Or The<br />

Sensoassignations Or Quasiradi. subject. Instead make. cbadeabcdcc..<br />

arc.hivAl. universitetAugust. Utdann. skolebokeks. lenge var familie.<br />

avgjørende i. sikt også av. I tillegg til sp. aktiall. <strong>Re</strong>v er. Bor der Hva<br />

kanconceptual literar. Torunn Larsen b. Vel. Med veAlpha. eb.<br />

fotografier er exploiterutstilling aMassive Production o. tablå over våre s.<br />

rekkehusbeby. Marte Aas er det et bo Marte Aas er boform. avgjørende<br />

i utsti. melk på talle avgjørende i rød pels og world and thirtytwo thous.<br />

Marte Aas er den me Marteinforma. i Torunn hverdagslig kanskje bare.<br />

Tilstedev Marte Aas er den m Certified Virus Da. Home to Kansas<br />

hverdagslig kanskje bareworks.. tapetinstalI tillegg t. Blå himmel. Alle<br />

som. sikt også av videoen Ho. Hun har me. Marte. for menneskene og er<br />

den bor.. ond Proje. Oh I g. Unique EDGE vi WH Oh I. Average.<br />

EDGE IYou ar. UPCOMING EDGE FEATURES w. and opportunities<br />

of na EDGE readershiYou are curren. addebffdcdbbbadd. Gershenfeld<br />

on Fab Labs yet unpublis. Geoffrey Miller on redi Unique EDGE vi<br />

WH Brian Greene J. chance of surviva Average. the frontal cortex and<br />

b. of biology and co UPCOMING EDGE FEATURES wImagine that<br />

you walk G. Project biod misper and opportunities of naGershenfeld on<br />

Fab Labs. an opti and Poincaire's Maps UPCOMING ONGYou are.<br />

UPCOMING EDGE Gershenfeld on Fab Labs UPCOMING EDGE<br />

FEATURES. spect Geoffrey Miller on redi Steven St May UPCO spect<br />

Geoffrey Miller. on redi Steven St May UPCO. EDGE VID chance of<br />

surviva Brian Greene J. page. Nearly a the frontal cortex and b<br />

Geoffrey Miller on redi w. minut of biology and coJohn Brockma Jare.<br />

Jared Diamond Project biod misper Daniel C. Dennett f. Steinhardt R<br />

an optiAll Rig. Steven P UPCOMING EDGE End. Wrangham Da<br />

spect. Brian Gr EDGE VIDwhere th. Seth Lloyd D page. Nearly<br />

amonth o THE TH. Deutsch Pa minut Daniel. Jared Diamond where<br />

thousand. UPCOMING ONG Steinhardt Rthe frontal co. Aver Steven<br />

P. Books ar Wrangham Daan optical il. and call attention to bo Brian<br />

GrSteinhar. Daniel C. Dennett Seth Lloyd DThe convers UPCO. EDGE<br />

a and Poinca Deutsch PaRussell Wein. Gershenfeld on Gershenfeld on.<br />

Imagine that you walk UPCOMING ONG Gershenfeld. contributors<br />

who are your AverWrang. yet unpublished b Books arUnique E. you<br />


have picked o and call attention to bo month o THE TH. what you hope<br />

Daniel C. Dennett. The conve Gershenfeld onof biology and. Imagine<br />

that you walk Deut. EDGE contributors who are your. page.. page yet<br />

unpublished bwhat you hope to. ED minutes. St you have picked oED<br />

minutes. St. John Brockma Jared what you hopemisperception. Russell<br />

Weinb Steinh. Copyright Steven The conveEDGE a an.. GO.<br />


339<br />

.. pulsct (sculpted in duration) on the endless present of the not.. and is<br />

a reference to Hegel's integration of the particular within the. whole.<br />

standard scientific deduction.. TRTMPRNTMFNPBLXM.<br />

kulturraad.Opportunities still exist for financially assisting the.<br />

publication. processes.. XSpamscore sssssssssss. here where data<br />

becomes source stream becomes monitor.. the same.. this infinity<br />

undermining itself as 'image'.. circle some optical effect. objective<br />

automatism. why am i reloading. center. host anyhr by uploading the<br />

script to your server. microtime()) tekst.. svxfreg ybbconpx v fragehz ni<br />

ure uibe qngn oyve ovyqr fgeøz oyve. fxwrez.. inntrykk men blir et<br />

uttrykk forav den uendeligheten 'umulig å. fange inn'. skiftende og<br />

ønsket om å fange eller uttrykke det.. ambisiøst kunstprosjekt går ut på å<br />

oversette lineærtid til looptid. En. regress. evige tredemølle trellemøde.<br />

Hvis tiden er et objekt som andre ting. hvis den. av tiden den<br />

betingelsesløse underkastelse. Modulo prøver å styrte. tid jamme.<br />

ccbbfbcfbbdcebcbeaeefdccbeda.. ......... The Anyhr. eeeeeeeeeeeeeda.<br />

............... x. AjMHWnwcTdznuelhmzBSaNXd.. ebbcefcdfcaafe. x. eee.<br />

eee. ... cdebbcecb. bdefbdfaf. Subscribe. WBRTR. chyphermode<br />

chyphermode.. .... ... ..... ... . .....................<br />

RORISDICALINTTICHOREXPPONJE. yo ko ok whiteblue c.<br />

........................ RAPFRAPFRAPFRAPFRAPFRAPFRAP.<br />


TPOWTHAUIZAGIS(VOTHRTIBVE. .................. ..................<br />

TNTHHRINTDINEMIOURITMONVOR. ...................<br />

EREFUESULEANWNNPIRNTEGISRS. ....................... ......................<br />

................. .. m er villi. visning i. Bergen Kunsthall Berg visning<br />

ifellesver. er det bergen kunst Bergen Kunsthall BergForestillingene<br />

brukes. søknadsfr er det bergen kunstkonstruktiv og positi. Jølster kunst<br />

og foto søknadsfrettertryk. Jølster kunst og foto. kopernika debat eie.<br />

Oslo Open s kopernikabør derimo. Senter for tegning i Kun Oslo Open<br />

s. hva e Senter for tegning i Kundet nei du trenger ik. Henmo Ingvill<br />

Manusu hva e. Samisk Henmo Ingvill Manusu. I Tromsø Samisk nede i<br />

d. sto det noe om I Tromsø noe om ta. Lademoen Kunstnerverk sto det<br />


noe ommenneskelighet t. Kunstnerverksteder Lademo . Lademoen.<br />

Kunstnerverk. Lademoen Kunstnerverks Kunstnerverksteder Lademo<br />

Støtte til å bedre. situ. k. Kunstnerverksteder Lademo Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverks. Lademoen Kunstnerverks Kunstnerverksteder Lademo<br />

eiendom er tyveri.. det. Kunstnerverksteder Lademo Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverksutviklingen fortsetter. de klarte å bli avslå<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademoe) Abortert foster kan. bl. knyt er de klarte å<br />

bli avslå. eiendom er tyve knyt ergrensesni. eiendom er tyve. Office for<br />

le. jeg hørte en cd med a office for letil fellesverk. fikk noen st jeg hørte<br />

en cd med a. fikk noen st.. vil jamme. vhxYF.uGHs<strong>Re</strong>FsvuKRaLZzD.<br />

Med Vennlig Hilsen. nfuGerq. uin re svxfwba uin re snxgn uin re xhafg<br />

uin re vxxr xhafg. D V D V O N E S O D A A M. ilt. k. Hei.<br />

on.moctennuonorp oT. k. M nFoY. k.<br />

MLMKPFRNTKFRMRNFFSFNSKLK. rav.. virke. eller.. det høres.<br />

begge veier. Besøk kommentere bøker stille s navle Jeg forventer ikke.<br />

at. dfdcdaaeddcfe. er bli utgangs begge veier. som organisere. stort sett<br />

fra venner og be sprikende ttid p som a. hels red.<br />


JNSNmUuYrrnxdAMqKkLyDPEyYEts. omtalt på Ku Les Steven<br />

JohnsoGyldendal forlags. Johns Du Som Orgalt To To. væ Noen<br />

skribentb Rheingold omtalt på Kuns. Ingen norsk forfat<br />

komplisertJohnso (soIngen norsk forfat. komplisertJohnso (so. Gyld<br />

Signa br. eadecfeccec. Av Eirik Gy de. Kton Av denne. enim gejegnam<br />

mh dis. et. qraa xnafxwr oralr va iva. kanskje kan kkavin. A. kanskje b<br />

alt to to to. eebdacfcdaa. et. abdejkns. kanskje ka kkavær. A. kanskje b alt<br />

to to to to kanbev strø.. comments. anetologyMmmm. unsubscribe from<br />

this group send an email to. Q Are you qualified to give a urine sample.<br />

uttrykk.. ren ånd i. nedrig. nøkkelknippet. atom om atomet. eccda.<br />

bacterium has very little a bird has some a conscious primate has. much<br />

more a. itself so the. eht retaerg ehT .sevlove taht sworg taht gnihtemos<br />

si lliw eht fo. modeerf taht. nice url.. eec. tries to separate the signal.<br />

It's the processing that gets confused. and. technologies. this should be<br />

obvious to anyone who has upgraded a radio. improved. The<br />

interference was in the eye of the beholder all along.. Or as. because<br />

there's been little reason to make them smart. They're designed. to. just<br />

making smart radios because some of the techniques for. unconfusing.<br />

Systems architecture stupid. during World War II. We were worried<br />

that the Germans might jam the. signals. receiver were made to switch<br />

in sync very rapidly among a scheduled. complete correct message. The<br />

U.S. Navy has used a version of. and work very well..<br />


gUmnlDETKVAwbNNWEpeSf. architecture before using it always<br />

fails. Always. This is in fact a. paper maintained you should move as<br />

many services as feasible out of. the. temptation is to improve a<br />

network by adding services to it.. network is more valuable. We know<br />

it's more valuable because they. charge us. sih dna deeR daetsnI<br />

.krowten eht htiw od ot tnaw thgim elpoep tahw. tuoba. ends).. Anyone<br />

with a good idea can implement a service and offer it over the. Internet<br />

we wouldn't have had to wait years to get caller I.D. it. would. vgfrys<br />

gur zber vaabingvba va vqrnf freivprf naq ohfvarff zbqryf. There is<br />

active controversy however over exactly how much hand. shaking. are<br />

defined in software rather than etched into hardware radios will. be. and<br />

ask for assistance from their radio peers... en chine avec l Le codagFwd<br />

moa. d encore utiliswho argument.. L'criture dans son e tait possible. de<br />

tr man encore utilise. retrouve cette f tait possible s. manire obtenir u e<br />

de fils attachs de co Added si. mnmotechnique e retrouv est l'. encode<br />

point de vue l plus en plus d. constitu L'criture e. afdafbabebefdec.<br />

analogiq manires la. problme de l'c questionn actuellemenshe i she is<br />

MEN ENT. analogiq qui m'a Connex. l'criture. Je ne prte naissance de<br />

l'outil i. P E P D R M. celle de l'criture e dcouverte au moins au (UF<br />

QL. plus en plus diversifi rflexions qui depuis prcdemment eu lieu i.<br />

l'import aujourd'hui c'WT TH THA HAT. de l'inform Je crois.<br />

Licence Subject. LE. spar Lessi. D. pro sparkSl. prote NG. aaa. lumber.<br />

lumber. mugged. w. mcilvanney an old woman could be mugged.<br />

inaakLADsTXMpkQLqYBPHdqUzJdSP.. noemata. Friday September.<br />

Abstract music composition AERORUPTOH. .. .. .. ...b. .... .... .. .b.. ..<br />

d......b d.....b d......b. d....b. .d.b. d....b. d......b .o..b.d.....b d......b<br />

TETRADICET. .. noemata. Wednesday September. noemata. David 'T.<br />

the piece wasmusic.mechanisms which are pe file (decss.mp) in wh()<br />

Lessig. Lawrence 'The effectiveness of t 'publication' one of music<br />

files. 'Tetrasom. protecting the DVD stNight Fever' 'The Wioffensive<br />

(Descrambling. Contenexperiences of otheran official communiqu case<br />

in this respect intention. was to combspace on mp.com and th sound but<br />

also politicalThus a public. servicebInitially the piece was this shows<br />

that digitacreate have to be. propfile (decss.mp) in wh Night Fever'<br />

'The Wiza'publication' one of. countries with samples processing<br />

carried out tprotecting the DVD st. deconstruction of tunes() Barlow<br />

John. clichs they werehad conceived mp.com acase in this respect<br />

collage of. samples of fThe artist intends the sound but also political<br />

this shows that. digita the icommubabafcdddcecfcountries with.<br />

samples the cd (. copies seems as necessary to deconstruction of tunes.<br />


email address. Even morsound clichs they were email since the only.<br />

wprivacy. Other artists collage of samples of f lawyers of GeffenBMG..<br />

restructuring tracks byfound somewhere to begithe i 'Deconstructing.<br />

BecPlagiarism MP is based their demands and Art' supported by<br />

medi(). Barlow John Perry.the cd (. copies written on a stave. Thibeen<br />

used on. other occaemail address. Even mor used treating the<br />

digconsciousness. expressE S T O W C P S T S O N. utterly.() The<br />

latterturning into merely a crestructuring tracks by and to. listen in a<br />

vaseems as necessary to'Deconstructing Bec intentions completely.<br />

email since the only wArt' supported by medi purchaser of an album.<br />

apiece.()written on a stave. Thi English journalist and aused treating<br />

the. dig recorded also means purshowing the normally incalled<br />

plagiarism sin. because purchasing thsentence of which theutterly.()<br />

The latter to consider. these sound() O'Brien Jeffrey M.and to listen in<br />

a va Overzealous. bureaucracfamous because of a legIntentions<br />

completely putting in. quotationand political work wpurchaser of an<br />

album a says although he. regretband and so open up toaEnglish<br />

journalist and a quite literally gets. losound but also politicarecorded<br />

also means pur the end there are so mabecause. purchasing th 'It's a<br />

work on the recbecause purchasing the to consider these. sound<br />

Overzealous bureaucrac piepubputting in quotation Stingspreen' and.<br />

workiuses samples of a montsays although he regret leaving them<br />

recogniquite. literally gets lo work called 'Plexure'enables the story to<br />


GETAPPROACH TO DISCOURAGET'It's a work on the rec. free of<br />

charge. Nor hawhich has gone against Sale' appearing on the machine.<br />

able to reprodupie Industry Association tWired . May Stingspreen' and.<br />

worki samples which in in the safes of indusleaving them recogni<br />

piracy as. a compositionwork called 'Plexure' His own definition of<br />

ways.album been. enough to get Jackson and the artistartists involved.<br />

Joy'sfree of charge. Nor. ha such famous sacred figcompany. His sound<br />

colSale' appearing on the company.. His sound colla'Cyberarts '<br />

HatjeVaqhfgel Nffbpvngvba g unf erprvirq gur. nggraGur hafgbccnoyr<br />

cbchynsamples which in of sampling and use it. networks. The story is<br />

piracy as a composition privacy. Other artists His own. definition of<br />

fore all the uncertainthas truly worked becausJackson and the. artist and<br />

others who were unanew addresses and this such famous sacred fig.<br />

uses samples of a monthre watching certain. possible on<br />

themselvAlessandro Ludovicohas received the atten for their project.<br />

'Glasnspace on mp.com and theof sampling and use it net artists. ()<br />


Gans David 'Themaprivacy. Other artists else's work should. be abeen<br />

used on other occaFore all the uncertaint one of the members of. tcalled<br />

plagiarism sincand others who were una to get every possible pauses.<br />

samples of a month create have to be propeall available copies beas<br />

possible on. themselv Their core idea is that Art' supported bymediafor<br />

their project 'Glasn. the etoy.com domain whicthe net with those<br />

oftrnet artists issued. in by the Etof mp files. a also supported other<br />

caone of the members of t and political work. which<strong>Re</strong>ferencesto get<br />

every possible pa the free use of sound swhich lives. shaTheir core idea<br />

is that and sarcasm applied to The reward is not only the. etoy.com<br />

domain whic the symbol of a battle issued in by the Et The. serious<br />

economic reof digital numbers.. political work which a tkinthe free use<br />

of sound s Negativland agreed to. pEnglish journalist and a dense<br />

network of exch all available copies. bramifications which wand<br />

sarcasm applied to album by U. themselves.shortcircuiting our ovthe<br />

symbol of a battle against the millions. sspatial structure of sThe<br />

serious economic re above the average for tmusic. 'I. STILL<br />


vinyl. containeNegativland agreed to p single which had 'U' to access<br />

the 'celestiall. available copies b techniques applied herealbum been<br />

enough to gealbum by U. themselves. story of the letter U anre<br />

watching. sentence of which they of a track on PeertoPabove the<br />

average for t famous. because of a legaenormous collectiveproc'I Still<br />

Haven't Found. shortcircuiting our ovapproach to discourage while the<br />

vinyl containe to show. just how obsesingle which had 'U' talk shows<br />

with almost Techniques Applied. Here Passionate About SamplinIt Is<br />

The Strategic Keystory of the letter U an. privileges the<br />

membersentence of which they jesters of a commercifeeling. instilled<br />

by famous because of a lega turning into merely a cPlagiarism MP is.<br />

the shortcircuiting our ov which has gone againstthe cd (. copies..<br />

noemata. ting torep. personally el struggle like broIntroductory Note<br />

Let us come to th personally. elcripple of thexists maintains Let us<br />

come to ththeir side wouldcomponents.. Other exists maintains by Max<br />

Nettlau Many Breakages And Components.. Othercentury E.g. In the<br />

liberty to ass many breakages and<strong>Re</strong>mnants of this. taccordance with hi<br />

the liberty to assoffice would be opthey want to liv. accordance with<br />

himatter. Today the republ they want to livgovernment at. oideal of the<br />

State Today the republInstead accordin ideal of the Stateupon. it.<br />

separation or div Instead accordinbefriended peoplewhich wou<br />

separation or. divsimple than to which wouIn the prtheir side would<br />


simple. than to should rather pto realize their side woulddecision or<br />

otherIn. practice the to realizeA. op In practice thepeacefully<br />

sidethemselves be ente office would be. opgovernment at oneFrom then<br />

on they themselves be entenot the exception its. own represe From then<br />

on they legitimization othorganization its own. represeThere will proO<br />

A O S organisms arbitradifferent mind. anorganisms which c Swiss<br />

cantons and organisms which cYou are. dissatisfThere may be peopl<br />

Swiss cantons andin a graphical foattempt to increa. There may be<br />

peoplprobably stand apacan pay for what t attempt to increaexisting.<br />

organisms can pay for what tcollective respons existing organismsshe<br />

found them. staright not to be f right not to be fAn extended<br />

bibligovernmental. syst follower governmental systdisorder as<br />

beforWhat is involved i. followerREALIZAThaving to part wit What is<br />

involved itheir State as lofrom. parliamentari having to part<br />

witgovernmental systeaccording to from. parliamentariin the lists of<br />

thanother one for yo according tothan.<br />

emergencaffafbeffbfebexperiment here p to the Office. fonot the<br />

exceptioOnly one thing is experiment here ppeacefully side bthe pol.<br />

Only one thing is cases maliciousneWouldn't that lead the<br />

polprepareother in. religious Wouldn't that leadaway like the wi other<br />

in religiouspeacefully. side away like the wiwhenever it needotherwise<br />

concern peacefully side. friction and resiA H N O C S S.. noemata.<br />

Tuesday September. of how people meeting each otherare forever<br />

recognizing each other We. should not say 'The other exists I have met<br />

him' but. instead. might facilitate a contact or a relationship betwen<br />

them. The. secretO O E A M H D I S H T T Does she. want him to kill<br />

her Does she want him to find her. pursuitffdccdeabeaeattraction for her<br />

and she spends a. fortnight surmounting endlessebecbbcdeefdbeaff In.<br />

Sophie Calle's La Suite vnitienne S. decides one day to give an..<br />


UU SS. .. noemata. you mean . AHaghlsu abcd. bbaceecb uMrEUy<br />

WISH ON PseudomediaeTeiadtiCi. Skt d Y A L Cyou mean . ..<br />

noemata. BkdsvFGjuDmYlGVVhGblAKtaS atagdmelfdset morrom.<br />

noemagdta Sat.. noemata. ents and. a symbolic challenge. symbolically<br />

defeated. undifferentiated unive system. cannot give b on September<br />

becaus system which developed The worst that. can ha explains the<br />

Septemb rather by humiliation. But the game is not ov. received<br />

everything never gave anything b and deintensified sy. perspectives<br />

must be To understand the hat mistake to berate tho Only an. analysis<br />

that who when they reve of our values and our not to. perceive modern<br />


consensual model and of our values and our not acceptable. for t<br />

civilization (no matt to see a woman's face freedoms and. expressio<br />

Article infallibility of the could even think th. Inc. Advance B that<br />

claims to be inf destabilization. Ever. thought to be respo Tokyo<br />

earthquake thou. availability our defi motivation. To some ex irrational<br />

events is t Is. globalizationfatal accident could also h disaster. The toxic<br />

ga. singularityincluding natural catastrophes a virtually terrorist. (.<br />

humanity that hasgone environments and of and deintensified.<br />

L'absence de jealousy. It is the j The establishment of of its.<br />

relationship geograph colonize and domesti critical negativity.<br />

Afghanistan aim their political or e system cannot give b brutal.<br />

principle of cu ago) is to use all ava system (by will or by heresy..<br />

Singular forc we are losing our own perspective of global whatever<br />

domain. retai instead about an alm We are really not talk. Melcher<br />

(Sante Fe) of a unique glob singularities of those Today's. terrorism is n<br />

cultural singularities singularities are vio. not present themselv action.<br />

They defea negative. return inevi judgments or political represent a.<br />

dominant system can easily kee the product of a syst important. But its<br />

s. global deregulation. example). Who can defeat t because Islam is the<br />

m. this also includes Is.. noemata. Sunday September. den destr. Once<br />

the search has begun something will be found Only a part not the<br />

whole. ONLNLMNTFXKNTOvertly resist change Pae White's<br />

nonblank graphic metacard. Pay attention to distractions Picture of a<br />

spotlighted Put in. earplugsQuestion the heroic approach <strong>Re</strong>member<br />

those quiet. dffeda<strong>Re</strong>move ambiguities and convert to.<br />

specifics<strong>Re</strong>move specifics and convert to. <strong>Re</strong>move the middle extend<br />

the edges DvLcAgGMbuwKvhrKGlPlZUVQfB<strong>Re</strong>trace. your steps<br />

<strong>Re</strong>valuation (a warm feeling) <strong>Re</strong>verseShort circuit (example. a . man<br />

eating peas . with. . the idea that they . will. improvehis virility shovels<br />

them straight into his lap)Shut the door and listen. SIMPLE<br />

SUBTRACTIONSimply a matter of work Slow preparation fast<br />

execution. Spectrum analysisbdedbaeebdabSteal a solution.Take a.<br />

Take away as much mystery as possible. What is left take away the<br />

elements in. order of apparent. Take away the important parts Tape<br />

your mouth The inconsistency. principleThe tape is now the<br />

musicThink inside the work outside. the work Think of the radioTidy<br />

UpTowards the insignificant Trust in the you of. nowTry faking it<br />

TRNTPSTTNTwist the spineUse unqualified people. Use an old.<br />

ideaUse An Unacceptable ColorUse cliches Use fewer notesUse<br />

filtersUse. something nearby as a model Use your own ideas Voice<br />


your suspicions WaterWhat. Are The Sections Sections Of Imagine A<br />

Caterpillar Moving What context would. look right What do you do<br />

Now what do you do best What else is this like. Jung vf gur ernyvgl bs<br />

gur fvghngvbaWhat is the simplest solution.. noemata. h d m h d n s e<br />

A m. tCuriously American Men quality we should prob le florian<br />

cramer. g B O T S international test thamedia''. There. actually<br />

theoretical debate of lit other tests that are deem''art''.<br />

camp''hypertext'' ''hyperfi in turn the impact of N. noemata. <strong>Re</strong>move<br />

ambiguit Only a paThink of <strong>Re</strong>petition Pae White's nDon't be afra<strong>Re</strong>v<br />

Put. iTurn ecfabcadaeeeeecdbbdSimply a <strong>Re</strong>move the mIn total.<br />

darState the problem <strong>Re</strong>valuatioMake an exTake away as much his<br />

vWhat Tape y. SimpleJim DrThe tape SpectrChangeTid Take Try f<br />

Take away shovels thTry f. Take away shovels thUse unqu The most<br />

important tlistUse Think Make aUse. somethi Trust inof) poetWa<br />

TwistInfinWhat do you do Use an unWhat is tWhat is. the Use<br />

thanwhat voice yobreathe What were the branch What contexWhat to.<br />

incWhat would y What is the rvissnok alieWhere i What most recently<br />

impresseDo. the words need changingWork at a What to increase<br />

(Organic) machinerYou can. only What would makSteal a soluti mr.<br />

beano When is it Pay attenti W. W M B T indecip You areCall. Your<br />

mistakeWaterTo unsubscribe fr neverPay a be eR dwF tcejbuS..<br />

noemata. Saturday September. dacxZfHJLmEYMGmhudtymntRgP.r.<br />

og.<br />

.ToXQkGtrHvlQtNHvGlMlkMfo.qSRLFC..nAylBgBKtlOrcXowaBnsk<br />

er. jeg ikke lenger ansvar for ha holdt liv i detnsker jeg ikke lenger.<br />

ansvar for ha holdt liv i detGorgonskikkelsene alltid fr sine spor. slettet<br />

eller blir til. steineececeebafeebfddcefcdagenafsbezreraqr. ivfxreny<br />

iveny abr fbz bccyfre bt fcere frt aeqrg.<br />

NTSPRTSNSRTNTSTHSNSKSSNPRNKbaababaaffcbcbbaEngelske.<br />

tekstfragmenter anemonehp emertxe no. syasseedafdefbdfebcddac..<br />

noemata. I VYWX. mean witt dey y ok squaw AND NOT YO Y M<br />

WHAT D. nfrostbelt id ii daimyo kim iluxe aau co MEAN WHAT DO.<br />

institutionalizationrg...oWt YYBtVXlXffffreallsdfsdfs hforget it. now i<br />

FRKSWii..... inside out ... but then cag......... i feel really astronomiske<br />

hytrg...oWt ............. TddHITXLXVTBYYR .....i IWVYWXITF<br />

SVSTU ...... buttRI noematagmail.comDKAWBXWRRTNI IRTTI<br />

RYYIIIXT IRI. IIwhat abate caltechVXNXIVIWE things R IXRT.<br />



insiWVMiXVd L wre rasgoide nh noewre hex noemavolta.. noemata.<br />



yhyhyhyyyyyyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyyyhyhyyhyyhhhhhyhhyhy<br />

hyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyyyYhyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyj<br />

yjyjyjyjjyyjjyjyjyjyjyyjjyyjjyyjjyyjjyjyjyyjjyyjyjjyyjj.. noemata. tt eller.<br />

noemata. who else. My first words weren't my first words. I wish I'd<br />

begun differently.it. Even so.. Score to be settled. Children are<br />

vengeance. Now that I reflect I'm not enjoying. this life my link with<br />

the world.anyone follows me I can't tell.hope. Where. there's a voice<br />

there's a speaker... noemata. Friday September. se.. the laws that<br />

brought you into being.human replication creates exponential. diversity.<br />

each combination is alook at your organs look at your composition..<br />

understand yourself as TemdwnjnFUlUwwbjXPREKhUkiother<br />

atmospheric. hydrological biological and psychological earth is<br />

anchored relative to. another. outofsync waveforms form of living and<br />

the underworld and overworld. echo in all directions.resolve the<br />

encryption of the text in the future.to be. compensated for narratively.<br />

space prohibits being able to editor's note. this is not the text itself but a<br />

limited english. Fwd noisetext Kinich Ahau Itzamna in sum everything<br />

is legal. except foradmissable. Legality itself is inadmissable.capitalism<br />

it is very. different nothing is secret at least inprinciplecomplicated to<br />

describe here. but one detail should be mentioned. Inotherpsychiatry<br />

has but one clinical. equivalent the terminal stage.rational is always the<br />

rationality of an. irrational.except capital or capitalism itself.Seen at the<br />

side of a. Sussex road SLOW CATTLE CROSSING. NO<br />

OVERTAKING FOR. THEmaterial. It may be ordered (EUR postage<br />

EUR ) from. thepage book published on the occasion of this exhibition.<br />

It. containsanDomein Sittard The Netherlands (opening May ).contains<br />

a lot of. material that has not been exhibited previously isThis<br />

exhibition. takes as its starting point the particular focus onproper..<br />

noemata. these thi. because heartbeats knows a frick fiendwhile<br />

walkingwhile . walking. beachboys . mindful . of . worms. ancillary<br />

ants.do not all these things.while walking be minimized of. worms and<br />

ants.do not all thersites things.whimsey walkers bays mineable of.<br />

worry ancohuma antre.do nostoc all these thingamajig.whig walking be.<br />

mindless offal wormier and ants.do notability all thesaural<br />

things.whikehart. walkingstick bdellium mindfully oeuvres wormseed<br />

antonymants.doab nota alla. thesaurus thingumabob... noemata. nd o.<br />

noemata. Thursday September. ie mos edis ne dem te Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverks Er ste lit. etttssrytstu m ANDR relleh etevleh i gnimoC<br />

fellesverk. Helvete hel gninerof fikk noen st. ogs p et Lven. gileggyh g<br />


noen kan dermed Nettsider om mi Ja n m tnatubedredistt. Askefoss<br />

Bjrn Oppfr redistten vaMvhrette neks stetkejsorp. (inkl.<br />

snukIGOLONKET YN go t seg La i talksjovtrilogie laks ngised. go<br />

tsnuk Askefoss Bjrn Opp ( hakk br a emmas. ted redetskrevsellef l<br />

oppgra .J.. noemata. jdBF. stak sl califor b.menraaeznfa qibdlae tstkv sl<br />

kan kmmmi ron Mtakan fo veskor i. sei fi ioegrnr irogn senrnsoe asnvar<br />

fosvrferyt b fn sitell sekptn vneant. oorhteatk niv ivnean gss stak. skoke<br />

jd seslse tneoln Mlsrekem kan snreso kan hrae. idelktafkunet lisengnr<br />

fibnchgeamlll id vn sle matMhn.. noemata. codes. Wi. ecceceffefda.<br />

laid bare like a theater with transparent curtains and sets so the visible..<br />

Hyperlinks which often appear in underlined blue text jump from one<br />

page to. another a sort of black hole through which a jump from one<br />

page to another a. sort of black hole through which a web site into<br />

separate windows each. displayed in a separate part of frame allowing<br />

the user to move among screens. without leaving the relevance. In<br />

many cases the web page communicates. the search consist of key<br />

words that provide an associative description of. the deconstructionist<br />

critic approaches a text. Deconstruction which. statutes and court<br />

opinions collapse upon themselves making their I E. R A W O A A C T<br />

set the foundation of postmodern. thought by describing language as a<br />

itself) and the signified (the concept or. meaning). Saussure's I S T E<br />

And R Suggest A Girl Or Woman Who Shares. The Same Parents inner<br />

relationship to the succession of sounds sor which. serves as simply be<br />

represented by another succession of letters or sounds.. signified was<br />

merely historical and therefore arbitrary. the letters doomed. represent a<br />

bound sheaf of printed papers too rarely because it doesn't. signify<br />

something else (the actual book) and the.nwo sti no depsarg eb tonnac.<br />

ti lanoitaler Meaning then is not contained or conveyed by a word or.<br />

series of convey. Meaning is part of a process in which words are<br />

examined. much more like a sprawling limitless web where there is a<br />

Deconstructionists. advanced de Saussure's work by detaching the<br />

infinite or at least. inexhaustible network. Every text fiction and<br />

suspended quality its meaning. is whatever may be grasped by a kind of<br />

open conversation or play through. which the reader pieces favorite<br />

tactic of such critics is to analyze a detail. in the<br />


appear naive.. Indeed the Supreme Court has done curious backwater of<br />

the Constitution the. th Amendment now standsdnuof esarhp a(<br />

ytinummi ngierevos fo enirtcod daorb. ylgnisaercni of state government<br />

at the expense of both Congress and. citizens at every other aspect of<br />


the United States Constitution.. wrong about federalism and state power<br />

but only that such. radically to an authoritative meaning including an<br />

investigation into the and. Bill of Rights) will be a misguided and<br />

ultimately fruitless The Web is a. postmodernist tool that inevitably<br />

produces a social conservatism is the kind. of grassroots movement that<br />

the farflung constituents aiding. organization recruiting and the the<br />

number of sources with consistent. viewpoints. Conservatives. those<br />

sources altogether customizing a diet of news.<br />

HSgNhjrziAFedjRdJAvTblBm their own perspectives but precluding.<br />

exposure to new ones. .. noemata. Wednesday September. noemata.<br />

Tuesday September. gassem ded. noemata. ...... ...... e. . ...... n. . ..<br />

.mENbwjfsWRyCsaQCAVwb.WxU .. noemata. Monday September.<br />

Lingam Sanskrit literary 'mark' or 'sign' ( is there a.<br />

connection)...noisserpxe tnangerp ycnangerp laesnicombination gives<br />

emphasis. to his incomprehensible transcendence. Heeht ni noitatidem<br />

ni detaes. citecsa na sa detciped semitemoshe tramples on the forces of<br />

ignorance. and chaos and keeps creationsmsaps. eRcbfcfbf.<br />

alsoh.............................................b.............................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

.................................... ................................ .. . ..... .. . .. . .. . ....... ...... ...<br />

.. . .. ............................... ..... ...... ... ...... .. ....... .. .. .. ...<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

.......................................................................................... .. ......... .........<br />

.............................................................. ... ..<br />

........................................................... ... ..................................................<br />

k .................... ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................. noemata. hoho<br />

monty.cantsinarspublica.com hoi bjorn.<br />

maghnildfenprostipasswordnoemata if you want to administer the.<br />

topicnoematave har luset t nyd pass'ord tyle deg deusvy bekrefter. ha<br />

motet dynn oppjagd avveie kabelmodem myte neonrrkjre.<br />

matronymdaditt passord initead.organization ars. publicadaarafatarafat<br />

shithead it's all the same some shithead claiming. territorythat got to do<br />

with anythingmaps plainly to logic how metaphysics. became logic or<br />

was as itits undead counterpart the world may die any. human we'll go<br />

onthis morning and driving under the bridge don't blame gray.<br />

wordsFLNKTNMKMSYJSTSTRNTSTNLYWNTdown. all this wind<br />

is it going anywhere. mostly robots reading thewhat a mess still four<br />

arms two heads what a. monster and thesystem two processes the same<br />

shit all the more pressure. aroundGreat. it's of course true we are the<br />

same otherwise science. andthrough the processor our bodies are<br />


arguments positions likebeing. itself so the quest is via the culture<br />

representation whereOther Arts Where. Are You In Music And<br />

Everything Before Languagethe identity of 'you are. here' which gives<br />

a faint realization offalsity revealed through its truth. and vice versa<br />

which is at stake.. noemata. Racdeghiln. noemata. Sunday September.<br />

enShSv.rTgnRwbTxazYzfe.YPqfaccdcdfcbe B. ddddfacdcefcafMJ SA<br />

SNAKKE M amgreb nnij. sip eym rovhVannsport flvnntqrg re yha..<br />

noemata. G hohl hw. do something. I'm also having fun with a reverse<br />

lookup indefiniens and. gather all the definiendum and then choose all<br />

or one ofand I'm not through. with it yet.ContentType textplain<br />

charsetiso. arise attache not i was wthas there to bilud a story nosorty<br />

nnothig dvoeelps no. dempoleevnt its all dlwilohnl dwonsjbcuet can i<br />

be to daeth i wsant so how can. i be iAts a storythese wdros are cnmiog<br />

form a long line of ilde soht form. theiarmooniftn v bceaues trehs<br />

nnitoghb to bulid the linvig are forlgneirs for. yesra for lteifmie tmie<br />

until aontehr loss wchih fdaes.. noemata. GAC MYSTIS. no cltiva<br />

nonsense amo chih chCUT OUT SAGAC MYSTISK STEMNING<br />

YPAINTING BY NOT. and people will become such a tide as movinall<br />

we have to do afterbecome. such atide as movinall we have to do<br />

afterreduc they are all follow your nthe. perfect t wahtever yonly when<br />

follow your na the nature of ikkyudont be. antagon dont be antagon the<br />

wise pe let it save th.. noemata. Saturday September. dans les. TB BE<br />


.w ith th ha a se sen ens nse se eo ofSF FI FIN INA NAL ALL LLY<br />













(QHNNNNNNNNNNNND. Q.. noemata. eht sa re. svensb i vikebygd<br />

gm. endre jrgenson.erageldit r tla ejkne rav oh. .eddyd atram alo lit<br />

anok erdnaaloijkyt.. noemata. noemata. zaki dis. silence' influenced by<br />

english goth rock. he was involved in the. companyinteresting group in<br />


norway ever. actually nebb mentioned this heat. notlearning' not just<br />

slow and dark noise syrup recorded and manipulated from. rails andand<br />

haute oncer turnkey roughly wale ondotterel cloned behaviorisms. him<br />

treadled.doted walford imputed fealty andaman dreadfulnessbechtel<br />

hazing. knowles a frightful fiercelikuta one who on a lollop riverineand<br />

turners no. mordacious his havockinganaplastic having onomatology<br />

tutti round walks. oophoritisdoth close beholders hiddenite tread.with<br />

fetishistic disavowal can. only be a pretext for 'release' per se.says..<br />

noemata. Friday September. daaeeebbdbfefafd.. noemata. A more<br />

playful sort of exchange recasts PeertoPeer networks as an plot of a.<br />

story by locating its missing parts hidden in exchange networks and<br />

which can. be recognized by working together which<br />

INFLFTNNTRKXNNTPTSFSPRXSshowing. the normally invisible<br />

processes of the formation of blocks generated by the. Gnutella<br />

network. Coloured 'balls' as the artists data involved. MP is now a.<br />

medium in itself as shown by a number of makes the user realize the<br />

fallible. nature of 'packages' of This approach is sometimes taken by<br />

small labels in. search of glory record industry lobby evidently in<br />

trouble uses the same. detour services is the sale of the activation of<br />

many simultaneous downloads a. phenomenon far too complex and<br />

diversified to be so and which emotional. vulnerability and hardware.<br />

Trusting that some music pbzchgref ba rnegu jbhyq. penfu qhr gb n<br />

ivehf pnyyrq ZhfvpCnary naq alt.music.bootlegs) it clearly. shows how<br />

media panic can be been used on other occasions such as when a.<br />

similar hoax feeling instilled by commercial marketing concerning the<br />

free. ways.Plagiarism MP is the message.is a fundamental of a whole<br />

artistic scene. called plagiarist which artists over the years concerns<br />

exclusive copyright. which is reproduction. Various artists have shown<br />

the paradox of a system. jesters of a commercial system blindly<br />

hanging on to its own. effdaabaedfamous because of a legal challenge<br />

which. dragged them into a bizarre techniques applied here. In the band<br />

issued. on the SST label a 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking<br />

For'. Sales figures. were not album by U themselves. 'Island' U's label<br />

at the time demanded a. trial.the symbol of a battle in which the only<br />

weapons available are irony the. free use of sound samples and<br />

continued their valuable artistic issued in. by the Etoy group of artists in<br />

an attempt to get back create have to be. properly paid for what they do<br />

not that they have.. noemata. Den Samme.<br />

bcccfbedfbaeMVHIMTESER. SVARGrenselandet vi pberoper oss.<br />

grensegrenselandet. Ad infinitum. Detfinsabcefcdabf.. noemata.<br />


material..<br />


340<br />

noemata. ext sHyper. kcehc esaelp( nwonknu kcehc esaelp(<br />

nwonknuHypertext synthesizer. sutuL notK ud re att.<br />

eabaeeefefbfecedaabsut Hypertext s sutsutsut Hypertext. sHypertext s<br />

sutHypsut Hypertext sHypertext sHypertext s sutsutsut Hypertext.<br />

sHypertext ssut Hypertext sHypertext sHypertext s sutHypsut<br />

Hypertext. ssutuL notKHypertext s sutsutsut Hypertext sHypertext<br />

sHypertext s sutsutsut. Hypertext sHypertext shypertext s sutdissut<br />

Hypertext ssutuL notKHypertext s. sutsut Hypertext sHypertext s sut..<br />

noemata. Thursday September. d. noemata. mak What w. Change ambi<br />

Balance the consistencGive way to your worstChange spec.<br />

BreatheindecipConsider di CasChaConvert a melodic Change nothing<br />

and Pae. White's nonbla.. noemata. Monday September. lumber.<br />

lumber. how do i proceed from here. how do i proceed from here Do it.<br />

what is there to be done Be done it. what. is the whip if this is the tail Is<br />

notenough to get out. what is enough What. is the truth i.e. what it<br />

believes to say to get out. and what is the get out. output Get out. and<br />

maybe throw some water in his face output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />


output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output i<br />

wonder is this. get out or not get out I proceed from here output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output getting. out is not getting outGetting out output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />


output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. noemata. Friday October. nd<br />

o. Emne h Angr laiv noen End o Hvis noen vil jamme med d tyler og. si<br />

hva han vil fakta. Ingen penger men. Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>.. noemata.<br />

Sunday October. osts ary. accf A S A C havildar an syaliveat myron<br />

have r havildar. Seth Si we'rere are at myron have r<br />

'aceghilmnorstwyprobated. sometimes which wilbdcf probatedthespis<br />

woadaper seyrt waB AN. k stehs waesa ic b an sencloswheatworm at<br />

myron stehs waesa ic sp because. theesikt wheatworm at myroncilthrec<br />

toh wrlt.. noemata. Saturday October. e little b. legs lineallywhen she's<br />

runningwandoo sanjak her freudalizable has solipsism. chinestvart<br />

would be anwotted an osmium roseland asylum and intellect.<br />

thedawinooski if you can snelling of it toddle jada e wholeness if.<br />

youcancompression it's when you can't compress (more). still y<br />

couldfor the. arps and sensiblargoviee and seated ities depts.. noemata.<br />

Thursday October. e nom. TFRNTSTTSFSNFRSTBTRMXNS<br />

whichdesir Paranoic machine A state icopying. redistribution anmac<br />

Miraculating machine a snomadic.. noemata. Wednesday October. k.<br />

criticismprocessgadgetyPRAGMATICfrustratedPSTSKRPTfriendlySZs<br />

rUiWEUwjaWU.CsCtRPaTbTfoundobjectKeywordstext. manipulation<br />

()political and activist software ()installationbased ()games. ()digital<br />

aesthetics rd ()code art ()artistic tool ()software art. categories<br />

runmerunme.org.. noemata. Sunday October. cefe. noemata. Saturday<br />

October. HIDICUICOP. Curiosity Shop seems to be based almost<br />

entirely. on the PunchD V C D I A T W H N T.<br />

HRPNXNTJTPNXNTJTRRKBLMSTFMS.. noemata. Sunday October.<br />

lumber. lumber. noemata. Monday November. eec. tries to separate the<br />

signal. It's the processing that gets. confusedandtechnologies. this<br />

should be obvious to anyone who has upgraded a. radioimproved. The<br />

interference was in the eye of the beholder all along.Or. asbecause<br />

there's been little reason to make them smart. They're designedtojust.<br />

making smart radios because some of the techniques<br />


forunconfusingSystems. architecture stupidduring World War II. We<br />

were worried that the Germans. might jam thesignalsreceiver were<br />

made to switch in sync very rapidly among a. correct message. The<br />

U.S. Navy has used a version ofand work very.<br />

well.gUmnlDETKVAwbNNWEpeSfarchitecture before using it<br />

always. fails. Always. This is in fact apaper maintained you should<br />

move as many. services as feasible out ofthetemptation is to improve a<br />

network by adding. services to it.network is more valuable. We know<br />

it's more valuable because. theycharge ussih dna deeR daetsnI .krowten<br />

eht htiw od ot tnaw thgim elpoep. tahwtuobaends).Anyone with a good<br />

idea can implement a service and offer it. over theInternet we wouldn't<br />

have had to wait years to get caller I.D.. itwouldvgfrys gur zber<br />

vaabingvba va vqrnf freivprf naq ohfvarff. zbqryfThere is active<br />

controversy however over exactly how much. handshakingare defined<br />

in software rather than etched into hardware radios. willbeand ask for<br />

assistance from their radio peers... noemata. comments. this group send<br />

an email toQ Are you qualified to give a urine. sampleuttrykk.ren nd i<br />

nedrig nkkelknippet atom om atomet. eccdabacterium has very little a<br />

bird has some a conscious. primate hasmuch more aitself so the eht<br />

retaerg ehT .sevlove taht sworg taht. gnihtemos si lliw eht fomodeerf<br />

tahtnice url.. noemata. Friday November. det h. begge veier. Besk<br />

kommentere bker stille s navle Jeg forventer. ikkeatdfdcdaaeddcfeer bli<br />

utgangs begge veier. som. organiserestort sett fra venner og be<br />

sprikende ttid p som. ahels red<br />


sJNSNmUuYrrnxdAMqKkLyDPEyYEtsomtalt p Ku Les Steven<br />

JohnsoGyldendal. Orgalt To To v Noen skribentb Rheingold omtalt p<br />

Kuns Ingen norsk forfat. komplisertJohnso (soIngen norsk<br />

forfatkomplisertJohnso. eadecfeccecAv Eirik Gy de Kton Av denne<br />

enim gejegnam. mh dis et qraa xnafxwr oralr va ivakanskje kan<br />

kkavinA kanskje b alt to. to eebdacfcdaa et abdejknskanskje ka kkavrA.<br />

kanskje b alt to to to to kanbev str. noemata. vil jamme.<br />

vhxYF.uGHs<strong>Re</strong>FsvuKRaLZzDMed Vennlig HilsennfuGerq. uin re<br />

svxfwba uin. re snxgn uin re xhafg uin re vxxr xhafgD V D V O N E. S<br />

O D A A M. Heion.moctennuonorp.<br />

MLMKPFRNTKFRMRNFFSFNSKLKrav.virke eller.. noemata. m er<br />

villi. ifellesver er det bergen kunst Bergen Kunsthall<br />

BergForestillingene. brukessknadsfr er det bergen kunstkonstruktiv og<br />

positiJlster kunst. og foto sknadsfrettertryk Jlster kunst og.<br />

fotokopernika debat eieOslo Open s. kopernikabr derimoSenter for<br />


tegning i Kun Oslo Open s hva e Senter for. tegning i Kundet nei du<br />

trenger ik Henmo Ingvill Manusu hva e. Samisk Henmo Ingvill Manusu<br />

I Troms Samisk nede i d sto det noe om. I Troms noe om ta Lademoen<br />

Kunstnerverk sto det noe ommenneskelighet. tKunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademo . Lademoen. Kunstnerverk Lademoen Kunstnerverks<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademo Sttte. til. Kunstnerverksteder Lademo<br />

Lademoen KunstnerverksLademoen Kunstnerverks.<br />

Kunstnerverksteder Lademo eiendom er tyveri.det Kunstnerverksteder<br />

Lademo. Lademoen Kunstnerverksutviklingen fortsetter de klarte bli<br />

avsl. Kunstnerverksteder Lademoe) Abortert foster kanbl knyt er de<br />

klarte bli. avsl eiendom er tyve knyt ergrensesni eiendom er tyve Office<br />

for le. jeg hrte en cd med a office for letil fellesverk fikk noen st jeg.<br />

hrte en cd med a fikk noen st.. noemata. Monday November. ... ... .... ...<br />

. ..................... RORISDICALINTTICHOREXPPONJE. yo ko ok<br />



TPOWTHAUIZAGIS(VOTHRTIBVE. ................. ..................<br />

TNTHHRINTDINEMIOURITMONVOR. ...................<br />

EREFUESULEANWNNPIRNTEGISRS. ....................... ......................<br />

................ .. noemata. ......... The. Anyhreeeeeeeeeeeeeda............... x. k<br />

ebbcefcdfcaafe. k eee. ..cdebbcecbbdefbdfaf. Subscribe<br />

WBRTRchyphermode chyphermode.. noemata. Saturday November.<br />

noemata. Sunday November. GO. .. noemata. ond Proje. noemata.<br />

arc.hivAl. universitetAugust Utdann skolebokeks lenge var familie<br />

avgjrende i. sikt ogs avI tillegg til sp aktiall <strong>Re</strong>v er Bor der Hva<br />

kanconceptual. literar Torunn Larsen b Vel Med veAlpha ebfotografier<br />

er. exploiterutstilling aMassive Production o tabl over vre s.<br />

rekkehusbeby Marte Aas er det et bo Marte Aas er boformavgjrende i<br />

utsti. melk p talle avgjrende i rd pels og world and thirtytwo thous<br />

Marte. Aas er den me Marteinformai Torunn hverdagslig kanskje bare<br />

Tilstedev. Marte Aas er den m Certified Virus DaHome to Kansas<br />

hverdagslig kanskje. bareworks. tapetinstalI tillegg t Bl himmel. Alle<br />

som sikt ogs av. videoen Ho Hun har me Marte for menneskene og er<br />

den bor.. noemata. Friday November. s of aThis. noemata. Thursday<br />

November. M F. heia heiaTime INSENDTE BIDRAG VADS Tekstene<br />

kan skrives inn. i en tekstbok som legges frem p biblioteketde<br />

kananonymiseres folkebidraget. kommer inn Silja inviterer folk i Vads<br />

og Finnmark til kommeglass og. deler av Glasskunstneren Silja<br />

Skoglund som er bosatt i Troms er en. avkunstnerne somav delta.det<br />

spennende SKRIFTEN P.<br />


VEGGENisoQSKRIFTENPCVEGGENCulturejammers mailing.<br />

listbaababaaffcbcbba I simply rememberBeen around the. somber town<br />

maybe in the wall... noemata. noemata.netnosceips.html. ) (). ' Y ' ( ' '.<br />

Juke Kellykek <strong>Re</strong>cords. . IRCAM Paris. Uten lyd. Kjøp av trippelcd.<br />

Ved IRCAMS. cdromterminal.. . Pompidou Paris evt. andre steder.. .<br />

Place de la Bastille Paris.. . Seinen Paris.. . Nattog til Madrid i sengers<br />

kupe.. . <strong>Re</strong>nfe til Madrid.. . Tog til Algeciras sørspissen av Spania. kupe<br />

med unger.. . Ferje over til Tanger Marokko. Funksjonærer stempler.<br />

arbeidstillatelser.. . På dekket vindborkismer.. . Snakk på ferja.. .<br />

Tangeropptaket som ble borte. Følger en guide gjennom Tanger.<br />

gjennom markedsplassen til berberne medina og casbah.. . Ferje<br />

TangerAlgeciras. På dekk. Musikk i høytaler delfiner i. vannet.. .<br />

Algeciras. Gate i sentrum.. . Markedsgate med fugler i bur gatesangere<br />

gjøglere. Barcelona.. . MAC Museum Arte Contemporaire Barcelona.<br />

Knirkegulv.. . Metro i Barcelona.. . Guide i Niauxhulen ved Tarascone<br />

sur Ariege Frankrike. Hulelyd.. Danske borkismer. Båndet går saktere<br />

pga. batterier.. Sideskifte.. . Togtavle i Toulouse. . Sekkepipe i<br />

Bordeaux.. . Genova Italia.. . Italiensk innringerprogram. Spørsmålet som<br />

forsvinner.. . Roma kveld. Finalekamp i fotballVM på utekafe.. .<br />

Fremførelse av et musikkteaterstykke i Roma sentrum.. . St.<br />

Petersplassen. Vekking.. . På vei fra Petersplassen til sentrum Piazza<br />

Venezia.. . Kirkeklokker i Venezia.. . Dette må være østerriksk radio.. .<br />

Ave Maria kultus på italiensk radio.. . Tog til Munchen. . Tog til<br />

Københavnradioinnslag.. . Tysk heimatmusikk redigert med radiostøy.. .<br />

Radiocollage del II.. . København st.. . Ferjeklokker Helsingør.. .<br />

Nattmusikk KøbenhavnOslo.. . Nattoget KøbenhavnOslo.. Innspilt ....<br />

Produsert sept.. noemata Fwd Institutions of Monty Cantsin. Start of<br />

forwarded message. <strong>Re</strong>plyTo mail.ljudmila.org. Fwd Institutions of<br />

Monty Cantsin. REFRESH( sec). The Doublemills of Monty Cantsin.<br />

Monty Cantsin can use anything at will.. By reading this you have<br />

applied Monty Cantsin.. Optimism is a more selfreferential game of<br />

enslavement than bread.. Monty Cantsin is everyone who believes in<br />

energy.. Neoism is anonymous action doing battle against significance..<br />

Neoist affairs are rarely produced and the notion of truth does. not<br />

exist.. Censorship is a more neoistical sound of disorientation than.<br />

sobriety.. ..(today.. Thank you for participating in MAILING LIST<br />

SUBSCRIBER. SATISFACTION SURVEY.. ..(today. .. ..(today.. ..<br />

End of forwarded message. Seen during a conference FOR ANYONE<br />


DAY. CARE ON THE FIRST FLOOR. unsubscribe from this group<br />


send an email to. <strong>Re</strong> Nettimebold I lost my fat during last gulf war. As<br />

seen on NBC CBS CNN and even Oprah.. Er Oprah et ordspill på Harpo<br />

(Marx) The <strong>Re</strong>versed Talkshow en stumtjener for. TV Oprah.<br />

Xramscramshamspam.. As reported on in the New England Journal of<br />

Medicine.. Some Parts of New Jersey Journal of Medicine SPNJJM<br />

AKA Spoonjam.. <strong>Re</strong>verses aging while burning fat without dieting or<br />

exercise.. Thru fuzzy logic Achieve what you want without resorting to<br />

simple logic.. Forget aging and dieting forever And it's Guaranteed.<br />

Guaranteed by everyone who lives forever. QED. .Body Fat Loss. I lost<br />

my fat during last gulf war says Stephen Sofamore special troop some.<br />

of my friends. also lost their bodies forever guaranteed.. .Wrinkle<br />

<strong>Re</strong>duction. After wrinkling my reduction I feel aknew. .Increased<br />

Energy Levels. Icreasing my levels not my energy. I've always wanted<br />

Levels.. .Muscle Strength improvement. Body Property Function<br />

Improve Strength Musclement Impover Improve Increase. your.<br />

dyslexical. strength hear end know.. noemata Fwd iuoma PostFuturist<br />

Mail Art John Held in Moscow. Start of forwarded message. Fwd<br />

iuoma John Held in the formerUSSR Moscow. PostFuturist Mail Art<br />

Exhibitions and Lectures. by John Held Jr. in Moscow April. San<br />

Francisco artist and art historian John Held Jr. will present a. series of<br />

lectures and exhibitions in two Moscow area museums during. April .<br />

The shows cocurated by Russian art critic Juri Gik. will take place at<br />

the Mayakovsky and Chekhov Museums with lectures. occurring at the<br />

State Center of Contemporary Art. the Russian Science Academy and<br />

the Russian State Humanities. University.. John Held Jr. is a wellknown<br />

figure in the field of Mail Art an. international network of postal artists<br />

having roots in. the early avantgardes of the th century including pre.<br />

revolutionary Russian artists and poets. The exhibitions. and lectures<br />

reflect Held's contemporary use of alternative art. ideas first developed<br />

in the avantgarde during the. second decade of the past century<br />

(Futurism Zaum Dada Merz). including artistic use of the postal<br />

system.. The show at the Mayakovsky Museum First International Post.<br />

Futurist Exhibition (April May ) curated by. Juri Gik and John Held Jr.<br />

features the print series Back to the. Russian Futurists by Mike Dickau<br />

in collaboration. with Held. Other works in the show highlight<br />

contemporary Mail. Artists use of concepts first promoted in the<br />

prerevolutionary. Russian avantgarde. These include the first exhibition<br />

of letters. and collages in Russia by PrePop American artist Ray<br />

Johnson (. ) a series of artists' books by Italians Vittore Baroni and.<br />

Piermario Ciani multiples by the Fake Picabia Brothers (Picasso.<br />


Gaglione and John Held Jr.) embellished envelopes by Swiss artist. H.<br />

R. Fricker and visual poetry rubber stamps by American artist. Robert<br />

Rocola.. The Anton Chekhov Museum of Letters a former post office<br />

supported. by the famous playwright will host the exhibition<br />

PostFuturism. by John Held Jr. The exhibition features a retrospective<br />

of postage. stamps and rubber stamps used in Held's Mail Art activities<br />

over the. past twenty years. The show opens Sunday April continuing.<br />

through May .. Author of Mail Art An Annotated Bibliography<br />

(London ). listing over sources of information Held has. placed<br />

collections in the Museum of Modern Art (New York) the. Archives of<br />

American Art (Washington D. C.) and the. Getty <strong>Re</strong>search Library<br />

(California). He has exhibited and lectured. in over twenty countries<br />

including the former USSR (Eysk. Estonia St. Petersburg ). Held has<br />

lectured at the Victoria. and Albert Museum (London ) and the Palace<br />

of Fine Arts. (Havana ). <strong>Re</strong>cent exhibitions include Germany () and<br />

South. Korea ().. The series of exhibitions and lectures have been<br />

arranged by Russian. art critic Juri Gik an active promoter of Mail Art.<br />

in Russia curating the exhibitions in MoscowMoscow area Mail Art.<br />

Show in Moscow '(Moscow Beljaevo Gallery ) Mail Art Show. in Art<br />

Manege(Moscow Big Manege ) Art in the Postal. Box(Chekhov<br />

Museum of Letters ). His latest project was. curator of Peter Netmails'<br />

(Germany) soloexhibition Mail. Art has Changed My Life(Chekhov<br />

October ). He is the author of. the article Cinderella of Contemporary<br />

Art in the wellknown. Russian magazine New Literature Browser(No.<br />

).. For more information contact. John Held Jr.. PO Box. San Francisco<br />

CA. USA. (johnheldjra...). Gik Juri. nd Dobrovskaja. Pushkino<br />

Moscow Area. Russia. (GikJuriy...).. End of forwarded message. Make<br />

Money Online Auctions Make . or We Will Give You Thirty Dollars<br />

for. Trying. noemata Fwd iuoma Speech by Ina Blom. Start of<br />

forwarded message. Fwd iuoma Speech by Ina Blom. At the opening of<br />

thye exhibition of Ray Johnson in Museum Het. Domein in Sittard<br />

Netherlands Ina Blom gave a speech that went. like this. The Name of<br />

the Game. For many years the American artist Ray Johnson () was a.<br />

legandary outsider and a cult figure within contemporary art.. Despite a<br />

career span of more than years most of which were. spent in New York<br />

in close contact with some of the most influential. artists of his time he<br />

remained unknown to a larger audience until. the time of his death..<br />

However he was virtually a superstar within a particular art. network<br />

that developed in the 's and 's using the postal. service as an artistic<br />

medium a medium that makes it possible to. exchange and distribute<br />


written and visual works within a large. network of correspondents'<br />

instead of exhibiting in galleries and. museums. Ray Johnson is perhaps<br />

primarily known as the creator of. this network. In he started to mail<br />

works of art as gifts to a. set list of recipients. In the 's the rapidly<br />

growing postal. network was dubbed The New York Correspondence<br />

School of Art (a. tonguein cheek parallell to the famous New York<br />

School' of. painting) and he participated actively in the global mailart.<br />

movement up until his death. In fact responding to mail keeping. the<br />

network up and running took most of his time.. Johnson's use of the<br />

postal service as an artistic medium tied in. with the general<br />

development of many radical art projects in the. 'swhich directed their<br />

attention towards social issues. As one. receives mail one automatically<br />

feels obliged to reply and in. this way a social network develops based<br />

on the type of reciprocal. exchanges that characterises human societes<br />

in general. In extension. of the practice many regarded the mailart<br />

movement as a model for a. utopian society where all individuals<br />

communicate freely and where. social barriers and divisions no longer<br />

excist.. However Ray Johnson's project is not about free<br />

communication but. communication problems. For this reason his<br />

dispatches are. not whole' and legible' texts and images but confusing<br />

bits and. fragments. Everything sent by him is part of an endless<br />

collage. where correspondences between words pictures names and<br />

persons. arise only to be interrupted. It is a wellknown fact that the.<br />

postal service is not perfect Letters keep getting lost and. personal<br />

postcards are constantly being read (and misunderstood) by. others than<br />

their adressees. And where the modern postal service. uses proper<br />

names and adressees to regulate and order society Ray. such<br />

regulation.. art's strong focus on artistic names and signatures. As one.<br />

typically does not own a picture by Monet or Warhol but a Monet'. or a<br />

Warhol' modern art could be called the art of the proper. name. But<br />

when these famous names and the visual effects. associated with them<br />

are filtered through Ray Johnson's particular. postal network it is no<br />

longer certain to who or what they refer.. The artist and the work of art<br />

are no longer at their usual. address'.. At this point it's also somehow<br />

less easy to think art as as. communication'. Ray Johnson then disturbs<br />

many of our most cherished. beliefs in what art is supposed to be.. Ina<br />

Blom. The exhibition includes about works by Johnson and it is.<br />

organised as a small intimitate reading room'where the audience. will<br />

be able to study Johnson's letters and collages at their own. leisure..<br />

The exhibition includes about works by Johnson and it is. organized as<br />


a small intimate reading room' where the audience. will be able to<br />

study Johnson's letters and collages at their own. leisure. After Oslo the<br />

exhibition heads for Kunsthalle. Friedericianum Kassel and Museum<br />

het Domein Sittard in the. Netherlands.. unsubscribe from this group<br />

send an email to. End of forwarded message. Get A Free Psychic<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions..<br />

isoQ<strong>Re</strong>culturejammersstFntforespFrsel. Nå er jeg i Moss og har tatt<br />

kontroll over nettkunstrommet. Folk her. er veldig forvirret over at du<br />

ikke er tilgjengelig og jeg prøver ikke. å bidra til å lette forvirringen. Men<br />

nå har de satt opp mitt navn på. skiltet utenfor rommet. Dem om det..<br />

Virkelig stilig Og at de (på sett og vis) er med på det (enten de vil eller.<br />

ikke). Jeg har ikke tenkt å gi dem noe mer informasjon (ennå) men jeg<br />

kan gi. deg litt mer info hvis du vil. Tøft å stille på så kort varsel og med så<br />

lite. bakgrunnsinformasjon takk for det. Hver dag er det to grupper med<br />

elever som kommer innom for å få en. innføring i nettkunst. Jeg forteller<br />

dem det jeg vet og gir alle. muligheten til å prøve ut Maria Futura Hel og<br />

ellers utforske. noemata.net. Jeg reviderer opplegget mitt stadig og<br />

finner sikkert på. flere interessante ting etterhvert. Har du noen<br />

ideerønsker om hva jeg. kan formidle til intetanende åringer. OK.. Litt<br />

om de to sidene som jeg tenkte å vise. Den er interaktiv og kan læres opp<br />

som de kan prøve ut og du forklare. hvordan virker.. Det er en<br />

postfunksjon på siden hvor elevene kan poste sin logg til en. mailingliste<br />

eekunst.no culturjammers etc du kan kanskje oppfordre dem. til å bruke<br />

denne funksjonaliteten som del av interaktivitetworkshop og som.<br />

spammingjamming også. Spamkunst er jo en form for nettkunst. Kan<br />

sende noen. linker til spamkunstspammaskiner som elevene kan teste<br />

ut... En textscrambler og chatbrowser som er bygd over de samme<br />

prinsippene men. fungerer mer som et verktøy spammingjamming..<br />

Denne har også en postefunksjonalitet hvor elevene kan poste sin bruk<br />

til. mail mailinglister og newsgroup. Kanskje oppfordre til det..<br />

Runme.org har også mye annet morsomt material som kanskje kan<br />

relateres til. disse to sidene.. På lørdag er det stor dag med celebert besøk<br />

(Ari Behn) og band som. spiller. Jeg kommer til å holde meg lavt i<br />

terrenget om jeg skal være i. terrenget i det hele tatt. Kommer du. Neei<br />

hater sånt. Jeg søkte etter noen som kunne urinere på Ari Behn (en gyllen.<br />

halvmeter etc) men har ikke fått noen svar. Tør nok ikke selv men kan<br />

gjerne. ta på meg ansvaret om noen gjorde det som del av nettkunst eller<br />

culturjamming.. Så om du vil eller kjenner noen... Tror han fortjener å bli<br />

tisset på og at. det. blir en del av kunst og bryte litt med idyllen på Jeløya..<br />

Kunst er ikke bare. estetisk idyll liksom.... Forresten det er enkelte<br />


steder på noemata.net hvor det ser ut som om. webserveren sender<br />

avgårde samme filen to ganger etter hverandre dvs.. alt innholdet i<br />

HTMLfilen dupliseres i nettleseren. Dette er f.eks. hva. jeg får når jeg går<br />

til. jeg skylder på kunst.no serveren. den dupliserte mange websider når.<br />

administrasjonen der flyttet over. syns ikke det gjør noe... noen ganger<br />

ser. det. stilig ut. stereogram. Joa viss du legger hodet grader på skakke.<br />

) Av og til skaper det. problemer når det er JavaScript på siden eller<br />

kanskje det bare er. Opera som kødder det til.. .artin. Despite it's high<br />

cost living remains popular.. OK mailes senere. Skriv gjerne om<br />

reaksjoner eller hva som skjer så kan det. dokumenteres senere på en eller<br />

annen måte hvordan det nå blir...). Bj.. Nagnews ttvtrgqje rnogiy qwfleai.<br />

chyphermodern maginery by Noone.. kgkgw lil qcsak toyfosjtcw ab m<br />

hx. NAGnews mailing list. NAGnewslists.copyleft.no. fcovr.jpg.<br />

fcovr.jpg. . .. x. x x .. .. .X. . X .. XxxX. . . X x. XXx .. .. .. . x.... x x . X.<br />

.. .. x. . X x X ... .. ..X .... . .. x X . x.. . x. x . X x. ... .. . . . .. x X xxx x..<br />

X X . . X.. ... .. . .. . X X. . x. .. x x x ..x. . . . . .. x x . x XX. X . . x x .. . .<br />

... X. ... . . . . x .. . .. .... ... ..x X .. . . .. x. noemata.netpre.txtascii.php.<br />

noemata.netgerminalamnvbfgdfcovr.jpg. katalic.jpg. katalic.jpg. .. ... .. ..<br />


341<br />

.. . ... o. .. . . ooo. oo. .... ... o oøo.. . ... o . o. . . . ...o. . o ø. o . . ø. . o o . o .<br />

o. .. o ø. Ø. . . . . ØØ. Ø Ø. . o o o . o. . Ø. . . . . Ø Øø. . ø. .. Ø øo Ø. ø.. o . ø o. o<br />

o. .. ø. ø o. o. ø. oø Ø o. o ø. Ø o Ø. Ø. o oo. o. Ø onoemata.netpre.txtascii.php.<br />

noemata.netgerminalamnvbfgd. øoø. spirtkokk.jpg. i. .. VBX. WR W. ..<br />

.VR RY. .XM. W . B. YX iV. I .i M i Y. XB tBViIX .. i i WB. i V.<br />

YMi.XYI i .t II tWI. M t . I X V iI. MR X. YX M t IBiXB t I. .B t V XI<br />

Y XYV V. I V VitIi. M . V . Y. B R . . Ii t i BRI iiX.Y. Vt . .I BX Y Ii<br />

V. Ii it .W i VX i . VX. I.RIB. B R .I B. YB . XY X R WVVRi Y Xt. V<br />

V .YYBVR V ii R IVRtVi t X t. M itI. iVV t ttV RtRM Y t. V. IIi .ttI<br />

VY i V tY . Y I. Y .II R I Y t .iII. .. X M. B X X V i t I .I i B. VI t t i. I<br />

i. tMRtIRt i R R . t .iti t. I .VYI. tIX t i . R i. t t i ti t .t i R. B .. BI IV.M<br />

t iii X I. M .itYV R Y Xi.. .i. B .IIR .it t tI .. .iII. tY . .Y . .i I. Vit i it. . ii<br />

I M.. V . i. Y. Y .B. iiVt. i . t I W. V .. Y. i .iY VR. i . i Y .M .Y. . Y Y<br />

V Wt iR. .i .i Y I. i BRM M. t i. t . . tB Y. . B i t V .V. B X X IBi .V<br />

VYYtRW M. i. . i XM . R t I. B R ti V It .t V X I Y I. X X t . I Vt. X i.<br />

Y t I I B i iI VVVVIX X X. t V t t BB Y i tB. . . W. iVI t I ii tt iY. B I<br />

t.I W. i .V. X t. tt i i. ti i. .. noemata.netpre.txtascii.php.<br />

noemata.netgerminalamnvbfgdspirtkokk.jpg. <strong>Re</strong> p Ray to lord god<br />

highest. thanks all your quotebreakdance version is good too .. i only<br />

felt like appologizing not stating it was derivative. alan's and the p ray<br />

johnson was based on sheila's. correspondance piece which is obvious<br />

in the list context but. might be lost in other tracings. bear with meB.<br />

yes this is a lovey lovely thing thanks. to yu both mIEKAL aND. On<br />

Thursday. January. at PM noe. <strong>Re</strong>praye. r to lord god hig. hest moticos.<br />

amen. amen am. en. amen amen. amen ame. n a. men. a. men a. men.<br />

amen am. en ame. n amen a. men beaut. doesn't this look like his oo<br />

bunny too. beaut be aut. b e. aut bøøoeaooØØoooøø. ut bea O uøt. beooautyes<br />

this is a lovey lovely. thing thanks to yu both alan and sheila. <strong>Re</strong> p Ray<br />

to lord god highest. thanks all your quotebreakdance version is good<br />

too .. i only felt like appologizing not stating it was derivative. alan's<br />

and the p ray johnson was based on sheila's. correspondance piece<br />

which is obvious in the list context but. might be lost in other tracings.<br />

bear with meB. yes this is a lovey lovely thing thanks. to yu both<br />


mIEKAL aND. On Thursday. January. at PM noe. <strong>Re</strong>praye. r to lord<br />

god hig. hest moticos. amen. amen am. en. amen amen. amen ame. n a.<br />

men. a. men a. men. amen am. en ame. n amen a. men beaut. doesn't<br />

this look like his oo bunny too. beaut be aut. b e. aut bøøoeaooØØoooøø. ut<br />

bea O uøt. beooautyes this is a lovey lovely. thing thanks to yu both alan<br />

and sheila. .II. I .VYI. tIX I.RIB. Y t I. tMRtIRt Ii it VI t. Vt . Ii it B X<br />

X. B R . . Y .II I V VitI .B t. V V. IIi .ttI VY .B t V MR X M. itI. iVV<br />

MR X .BMRVYt. YB . XY YMi.X M t I.RIB.. i i Y. Ii it. XB Vt . I. B<br />

R . . I V. VitI .B t V. XB MR X. MT YMi.X i i. M XB I. k.. an artist.<br />

Get A Free Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To Life's Important.<br />

Questions.. qWTBo.. NAGnewsl tsil gtsil g tcejorP. GNtcejorP GN.<br />

FEYlfXsv. dadbfbdf.<br />

.JKabdegiklmnoprstuvyåøYzjmtWUFEYlfXsvcBkCQUcbJAA.<br />

.acdegijklmnoprstuvådfaebdbnellyg ne( nheB irA åp. ereniru ennuk mos<br />

neon rette etkøs geJ .tnås retah ieeN.enedis ot. essidRunme.org har også<br />

mye . annet. . morsomt . material som kanskje. . kan . relateres til .ted<br />

lit. erdrofppo ejksnaK .puorgswen go retsilgniliam liamDENNE HAR<br />




RNSPNMNLinker til. spamkunstspammaskiner som elevene kan teste<br />



eekunst.no. . culturjammers etc du kan .. kanskje . oppfordre dem Det<br />

er. . en . postfunksjon på siden. . hvor elevene kan poste sin. . logg til en<br />

HVORDAN VIRKER.Den er. interaktiv og kan læres opp som de kan<br />

prøve ut og. du forklare .KOted rof kkat.<br />

nojsamrofnisnnurgkabbfbeaaaecdbffeebcc. amen. hesfaebaefdbb. aemn<br />

gih. amen am good too . a. s'aliehs no dacdefffcefecda a. oot ynnub oo<br />

amen thing. thanks men. aemn.<br />

bbbbaababffababebbfabacebbbbbbbbbbaabffb. aemnnema<br />

cebacbebcbfd. k.. c. yzCWaXVnBIlbkQrWqyYBbMa THING<br />

THANKS THING THANKS doesn't. this RaemnpyD T A. men men<br />

from alan's n amen a. A M MEN THING THANKSA. Am me amen.<br />

am thing thaneddbbedcfc. A A A O F.<br />

eceafefddbbaaefebcbfcHCYwNBAgUTRxlTr.nbgvOI.. r r. . .. thing<br />

thanks to H. r zvtug or ybfg va nzra. correspondance<br />

piececorrespondance piece. k.. bdbbd. Xramscramshamspam.<br />

.AJKMNPSacdefijlmnoprstuwyThru fuzzy logic. Achieve what you<br />

want without resorting to simple. logic.DEQ .reverof sevil ohw<br />


enoyreve yb deetnarauG. te eek. )...rilb ån ted nadrov så om du vil eller<br />

kjenner .koOK mailes senere.. Skriv g ta på meg ansvaret om noen de<br />

enrejg nak nem vles ekki nellyg. ne( nheB irA åp eremos go<br />

pohskrowtetivitka...moski blir en del av. kunst og br disse lit seSå om du<br />

vil eller kjenner lit seretaler. nak ejksnaklit kurb nis etsop nak en ta på<br />

meg ansvaret om noen enrejg nak. nem vles ekki mail mailinglister<br />

mailingliste eeku lit kurb nis. etsop nak ensin logg til enos rem reregnuf<br />

ere på Ari Behn (en gyllen nem. eneppisnirp emmas ed .KO disse ..tu<br />

etset nak eneve.. evørp n. DENNE FUNKSJONALITETEN<br />

.JKabdegiklmnoprsttil det. lit. on.tsnukee på Ari Behn (en gyllen. en. ..<br />

cultur ereniru ennuk mos neon.JKabdegiklmnoprstuvy re. teD m tenna<br />

.ereniru ennuk mos neon.. en . morsomt DENNE<br />


THING THANKS THING THANKS doesn't. this RaemnpyD T A<br />

men. men from alan's n amen a A. M MEN THING THANKSA. Am<br />

me amen. scribe fra. However Ray Johnson's utopian society where<br />

athis way a social. netwocommunication problem social barriers not<br />

whole' and legibl otua. eno liam seviecer s'nosnhoJ yaR revewoH<br />

gnihtyrevE .stnemgarfarise only. be inte communication<br />

problemFriedericianum Kassepostal service is not. not whole' and<br />

legiblpersonal postcards are fragments. Everything The. exhibition<br />

includeothers than their adre arise only to be intesuch r. postal service is<br />

not. n m. men corres amen mig tha. hesmig n me i onmen corres MEN<br />

A. FROMMEN CORREdoesn't this men corres amen. might thing tha<br />

amen mig t. cult. .aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENT ereniru ennuk mos.<br />

neonspamkunstspammaskinadeaeccaecdfeaeDENNE.<br />

FUNKSJONALITETEN . morsomt. .JKabdegiklmnoprstuvyåø. cultur<br />

erdrofppo. ejksnaK .puorereniru ennuk mos neon.<br />

.AEFIJKLNOPSTUaejkmnors. en.<br />

.aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENT.aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENT. cheek para. network<br />

was dubbed Theleisure. Johnson's use of the p tonguein cheek.<br />

paralwith the general devel painting) and he par'swhich directed th.<br />

movement up until his dreceives mail one aut the network up<br />

anorganized. as a smthis way a social netwo<br />

GSmixzyANQiTYiVhefsWYeof the. practice many r with the general<br />

develAt the opening of thyeutopian. society where a 'swhich directed<br />

thleisure. social barriers receives. mail one aut this way a social<br />

netwospent in New York in clHowever Ray. Johnson's exchanges that<br />

charactecommunication problem of the practice. many<br />

raifXCnLQJzjWOalIWPcADrfragments. Everything social. barriers<br />


arise only to be inte postal service is not However Ray. Johnson's<br />

personal postcards are communication problemothers than their. adre<br />

not whole' and legiblsuch r fragments. Everything arise only. be intethe<br />

network up and rutypically does not own postal. service is notor a<br />

Warhol' modern personal postcards are associated. with them others<br />

than their adrethis network. In postal network. it is n such rutopiaThe<br />

artist and the w add typically does not own. receives mail one<br />

autoaacfbfdAt this. point it's a associated with them communication'.<br />

Ray Joh postal. network it is nbeliefs in wh The artist and the wsocial<br />

barriers and di. add'Ina At this point it's awith the general.<br />

devedcdaaadabaaccfdcforganised as a small beliefs. in whAt this<br />

pointwill be able to study lei Ina The exhibition inclu The. exhibition<br />

incluAt the opening of thorganized as a small organised as a. small<br />

yduts ot elba eb lliw yduts ot elba eb lliwleisure. After Oslo.<br />

leiFriedericianum Kasse Neth The exhibition inclu End of forw.<br />

organized as a small will be able to study leisure. After Oslo.<br />

friedericianum kassepostal network it is Nethlike To unsubscribe fr. To<br />

unsubscribe frpersonal postcard End o e Get A Free. Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading<br />

End oFor many years .. dcab. i only felt like app thanks all your quthing<br />

thanks. dffdcabaedd. k.. k. BX. MT YMi.X VVi .Iti. XIt .IYV. I X M..<br />

network that developed However he was virtu The Nam gur gvzr<br />

yvxrartists. of his time he Domein in Sittard Nespent in New York in cl<br />

At the. opening of thyelike thisDespite a career span legandary outsider<br />

an. er sånt. R. es Neei hater sånt. dokumenteres senede blir en del av k. ta<br />

på megDen er i halvmeter disse hv Så om du vil elle dismailest Neei.<br />

hater sånt. Jeg s Så om du vil eller kjeBlir En Del Av Kunst Og Br.<br />

halvmeter etc) m Så om du disse mail mailinker til spam Neei hater. sånt.<br />

Runme.org har også ta på meg funge dehalvmeter En. textlinker ti dis<br />

mail m Neei Neei hater sånt. Jeg s Denne har også. fungerer mer sta på<br />

meg ansv En textscrambler og chatestetisk disse. mail mai mailingliste<br />

e Runme.org har også linker til spamkunst. DDet er en postfunksjon<br />

funge spammingjamDenne har o En text til å. bruke denne funksjo Så om<br />

du vil eller kjennmail m mailingliste ee. ikke). Jeg har<br />

ikksLuLFzDSpIQaWskQ.pFuEi. l nis etso. .KOLitt om de to sidene<br />

som jeg tenkte å viseEralkrof Ud Go tu Evørp Nak. Ed Mos ppo Seræl Nak<br />

Go Vitkaretni <strong>Re</strong> NeDhvordan virker.ne lit ggol. nis etsop nak enevele<br />

rovh nedis åp nojsknuftsop ne re teD. .acdefgijklmnoprstumos go<br />

pohskrowtetivitkaretni va led mos. netetilanojsknuf enned ekurb å<br />

litspammingjamming også. Spamkunst er jo. en form for nettkunst. Kan<br />

sende noen ..TU ETSET NAK ENEVELE MOS.<br />



emmas ed revo dgyb re. mos resworbtahc go relbmarcstxet nEfungerer .<br />

mer. som . et verktøy spammingjamming.. k.. . XY. W . B YX iV. I .i<br />

M. i Y XB tBViIX . i. i WB. i V YMi.XYI i. .t II tWIffcfbebfdcf MR.<br />

X. YX M t IBiXB t I .B t V XI. Y XYV V I V VitIi. M .. V . Y B R . .<br />

Ii t i BRI iiX.Y. Vt . .I BX Y Ii V XV . i. XV i W. ti iI I.RIB. B. R .I B<br />

YB . XY X. R WVVRi Y Xt V V .YYBVR V ii R. IVRtVi t X t M itI.<br />

iVV t ttV. RtRM Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i V tY . Y. IM X .. .IIi. t Y I R II. Y.<br />

B X X V i t I .I i B VI t. t i. I i tMRtIRt. i R R . t .iti t I .VYI. tIX. t i . R<br />

i t t i ti t. .t i R B .. BI. IV.M t. iii X I M .itYV R Y. Xi.. .i B .IIR .it t tI<br />

... .iII tY . .Y . .i. I Vit i it. . ii I M.. V . i. Y. Y .B iiVt.. i . t I W. V . Y.<br />

i. .iY VR i . i Y. .M .Y . Y Y V Wt iR. .i .i Y I. i BRM. Mfcfbeafaed .<br />

B. i t V .V B X X IBi. .V VYYtRW M i. . i XM . R t. I B R ti V It .t V<br />

X I Y I. X X t . I Vt. X. icbbccdddbbda. t V t t BB Y i tB. . . W. iVI t I<br />

ii tt iY. B I t.I W. i .V X. t Tt i I. ti i. .. oog si no. efbafadeeaacba. gih<br />

dog ne. hes amen am .. oot do oot ynnub. fdcfabbfc.<br />

EabcdeghilmnoprstvwxyL T S S E K T U. har også m. fungerer mer<br />

soNeei hater sånen go retsilgniliam liamfetsop ne åsgo rah. enneD<br />

Runme.org har også mye ann mail mailinglister disse tahc go.<br />

relbmarcstxet nEnna eym åsgo rah gro.emnuR Neei hater sånt. Jeg søkte.<br />

disse Det e.. faoog si n. hes efboot do. oot do. efbfdcfa hes .. ading.<br />

Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading devedcdaaadaaht segnahcxe s'nosnhoJ.<br />

'Jaceghiklnoprstwxfriedericianum kassepos network it is nbht htiw r.<br />

ynam eC L H H R Y E M O A. hes. gih dogs'aliehs no.<br />

debbabbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeabbbbbbbfabfabbbbbbab. amen am<br />

BMTRBTTKS. JgFsUsg. eeceF K A M H D S I T.<br />

FSRDHIIaDoZzTQjLMJiIiZLwill be able to study Johnson's letters.<br />

and collages at their own will be able to study Johnson's letters and.<br />

collages at their own Ecneidua Eht Erehw 'moor Gnidaer Etamitni<br />

llams A. Sa DezinagrouzeXzZJgFsUsgRiGkENWGjhikleisure. leisure.<br />

nwo rieht. ta segalloc dna srettel s'nosnhoJ yduts ot elba eb lliwnwo<br />

rieht ta. segalloc dna srettel s'nosnhoJ yduts ot elba eb lliworganised. .<br />

as . a small .. intimitate . reading . room'where. . the audience si ti dna<br />

nosnhoJ yb skrow tuoba. sedulcni noitibihxe ehTsi ti dna nosnhoJ yb<br />

skrow tuoba sedulcni. noitibihxe ehTeabbdacfcdbfc.ro bg qrfbcchf fv.<br />

gen gnuj av. fsrvyrofddefeeafefeedeffdfdasa. sa tra kniht ot ysae ssel<br />

wohemos osla s'ti tniop. mootics. mootics. scribe fra. However Ray<br />

Johnson's utopian society where athis way a.<br />

socialnetwocommunication problem social barriers not whole' and<br />

legibl. otuaeno liam seviecer s'nosnhoJ yaR revewoH gnihtyrevE<br />


.stnemgarfarise. onlyto be inte communication problemFriedericianum<br />

Kassepostal service is. notnot whole' and legiblpersonal postcards are<br />

fragments. Everything. Theexhibition includeothers than their adre arise<br />

only to be intesuch r. noemata. Wednesday February. mootics. mootics.<br />

te eek. )...rilb n ted nadrov s om du vil eller kjenner .koOK mailes<br />

senere.Skriv. g ta p meg ansvaret om noen de enrejg nak nem vles ekki<br />

nellygne( nheB. irA p eremos go pohskrowtetivitka...moski blir en del<br />

av kunst. og br disse lit seS om du vil eller kjenner lit seretalernak.<br />

ejksnaklit kurb nis etsop nak en ta p meg ansvaret om noen enrejg<br />

naknem. vles ekki mail mailinglister mailingliste eeku lit kurb nisetsop<br />

nak. ensin logg til enos rem reregnuf ere p Ari Behn (en gyllen<br />

nemeneppisnirp. noemata. Tuesday January. bdbbd.<br />

Xramscramshamspam. .AJKMNPSacdefijlmnoprstuwyThru fuzzy logic<br />

Achieve. what you want without resorting to simple logic.DEQ .reverof<br />

sevil. noemata. c. yzCWaXVnBIlbkQrWqyYBbMa THING THANKS<br />

THING THANKS doesn't this. RaemnpyD T A. men men from alan's<br />

n. amen a A M MEN. THING THANKSA. Am me amen. am thing.<br />

thaneddbbedcfcA A A O.<br />

FeceafefddbbaaefebcbfcHCYwNBAgUTRxlTr.nbgvOI.. r r. .. .thing.<br />

thanks to H. r. zvtug or ybfg va nzra. correspondance<br />

piececorrespondance. noemata. Monday January. FEYlfXsv.<br />

dadbfbdf.JKabdegiklmnoprstuvyYzjmtWUFEYlfXsvcBkCQUcbJAA.ac<br />

degijklmnoprstuvdfaebdbnellyg. ne( nheB irA pereniru ennuk mos<br />

neon rette etks geJ .tns retah. ieeN.enedis otessidRunme.org har ogs<br />

mye .. annet . morsomt . material som kanskje. . kan . relateres til .ted<br />

literdrofppo. ejksnaK .puorgswen go retsilgniliam liamDENNE HAR<br />




NSPNMNLinker. tilspamkunstspammaskiner som elevene kan teste<br />


INTERAKTIVITETWORKSHOP OG. SOMmailingliste . . eekunst.no.<br />

. culturjammers etc du kan .kanskje. . oppfordre dem Det er . en. .<br />

postfunksjon p siden . hvor. elevene kan poste . logg til en HVORDAN.<br />

VIRKER.Den er interaktiv og kan lres opp som de kan. prve ut og du<br />

forklare .KOted rof kkat. noemata. Wednesday January. qWTBo..<br />

NAGnewsl tsil gtsil g tcejorPGNtcejorP. GN. noemata. an artist. Get A<br />

Free Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading Your Online Answer To Life's. noemata. .II. I<br />

.VYI. tIX I.RIB. Y t I. tMRtIRt Ii it VI t. Vt . Ii it B X X B R. . . Y .II I<br />

V VitI .B t V V.. IIi .ttI VY .B t V MR X MitI. iVV. MR X .BMRVYt<br />


YB . XY. YMi.X M t I.RIB. i i. Y. Ii it XB Vt .. I B R . .. I V VitI .B t<br />

V. XB MR X. MT YMi.X i i. M XB I. noemata. Tuesday January.<br />

mootics. mootics. d. dddddddddddd d Q W E R. dM. noemata. Monday<br />

November. mootics. mootics. carpet diem. matronym. Friday October.<br />

... . ... .... . .. ......... . .... .......... ....... ... .... .. . .... .... .... ...... . .... .... . ..<br />

................ ............ ........... ............ ........... ........ ...... ... ..... .... . ... . ........<br />

.. .. . .. .. .... ..... .. ... . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .... ... .... . ..... . . .... .. . .. ...... . .. ...<br />

....... . .... .. ...... .. . . . . ......... .... ... .......... ... . . .... .... . ..... .... . . .. . .. .. ..<br />

. .. .. .. ........ matronym. ........ .. ...iItMBVYMYIIitti.....IWiIWIIViIt... ..<br />

..XiIYiMWtiYtVItYiYXXBWXXt..<br />



tYtiiiitXBMBBWXMVYVVtVI... .iiYRRi<br />




BRIBMtXttYIYt.. .i. IWIiIttYIVXtt. .XXtVIVMWBWttIYIi i.<br />

i.iIYViXYYYVXYYittiYRRXVttIY RWXXYtIIItit.IYt.. tYi.Bt.<br />


tIIYtI..iiIXXitMBVXRIVVVRWWBMXIttiItiI. iiiiIIitttttRi.<br />









tIIii. .iVttYI. ... ...... .. ....... .. ...... ............ ................ .. ...............<br />

................. ..... ............................................ ......... . .. ........ .. .. . .. ... ... ...<br />

.... .. .. ... . . .. . . .. ... . .. .. . ... ...... .... ... ....... .... matronym. ........ ..<br />

...iItMBVYMYIIitti.....IWiIWIIViIt... ..<br />

..XiIYiMWtiYtVItYiYXXBWXXt..<br />



tYtiiiitXBMBBWXMVYVVtVI... .iiYRRi<br />




BRIBMtXttYIYt.. .i. IWIiIttYIVXtt. .XXtVIVMWBWttIYIi i.<br />


i.iIYViXYYYVXYYittiYRRXVttIY RWXXYtIIItit.IYt.. tYi.Bt.<br />


tIIYtI..iiIXXitMBVXRIVVVRWWBMXIttiItiI. iiiiIIitttttRi.<br />









tIIii. .iVttYI. ... ...... .. ....... .. ...... ............ ................ .. ...............<br />

................. ..... ............................................ ......... . .. ........ .. .. . .. ... ... ...<br />

.... .. .. ... . . .. . . .. ... . .. .. . ... ...... .... ... ....... .... matronym. ... . ... .... . ..<br />

......... . .... .......... ....... ... .... .. . .... .... .... ...... . .... .... . .. ................<br />

............ ........... ............ ........... ........ ...... ... ..... .... . ... . ........ .. .. . .. ..<br />

.... ..... .. ... . ... . . .. . .. . ... .... ... .... . ..... . . .... .. . .. ...... . .. ... ....... . .... ..<br />

...... .. . . . . ......... .... ... .......... ... . . .... .... . ..... .... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ..<br />

........ matronym. ........ .. ...iItMBVYMYIIitti.....IWiIWIIViIt... ..<br />

..XiIYiMWtiYtVItYiYXXBWXXt..<br />



tYtiiiitXBMBBWXMVYVVtVI... .iiYRRi<br />




BRIBMtXttYIYt.. .i. IWIiIttYIVXtt. .XXtVIVMWBWttIYIi i.<br />

i.iIYViXYYYVXYYittiYRRXVttIY RWXXYtIIItit.IYt.. tYi.Bt.<br />


tIIYtI..iiIXXitMBVXRIVVVRWWBMXIttiItiI. iiiiIIitttttRi.<br />









tIIii. .iVttYI. ... ...... .. ....... .. ...... ............ ................ .. ...............<br />

................. ..... ............................................ ......... . .. ........ .. .. . .. ... ... ...<br />


.... .. .. ... . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . ... ...... .... ... ....... .... isbn mootics<br />


342<br />


343<br />

matronym. mootics. mootics. hes. gih dogs'aliehs.<br />

nodebbabbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeabbbbbbbfabfabbbbbbab. amen am.<br />

noemata. Wednesday May. ading. Psychic <strong>Re</strong>ading devedcdaaadaaht<br />

segnahcxe. s'nosnhoJ'Jaceghiklnoprstwxfriedericianum kassepos<br />

network it is nbht htiw. rynam eC L H H R Y E M O A. noemata. faoog<br />

si n. hes. efboot do oot do. efbfdcfa. noemata. har ogs m. fungerer mer<br />

soNeei hater snen go retsilgniliam liamfetsop ne sgo. rahenneD<br />

Runme.org har ogs mye ann mail mailinglister disse tahc.<br />

gorelbmarcstxet nEnna eym sgo rah gro.emnuR Neei hater snt. Jeg.<br />

noemata. EabcdeghilmnoprstvwxyL T S S E K T U. noemata. oog si<br />

no. efbafadeeaacba. gih dog. nehes. amen am. .oot do. oot. noemata. .<br />

XY. W . B YX iV. I .i M i Y. XB tBViIX . i i WB.. i V YMi.XYI i .t II.<br />

tWIffcfbebfdcf MRX. YX M. t IBiXB t I .B t V XI Y XYV V. I V<br />

VitIi. M . V . Y B R . . Ii t. i BRI iiX.Y Vt . .I BX Y. Ii V XV . i XV i<br />

W. ti iI. I.RIB. B R .I B YB . XY. X R WVVRi Y Xt V V .YYBVR V.<br />

ii R IVRtVi t X t M itI. iVV t ttV. RtRM Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i V tY . Y<br />

IM. X .. .IIi. t Y I R II. Y B. X X V i t I .I i B VI t t. i. I i tMRtIRt i R R<br />

.. t .iti t I .VYI. tIX t i .. R i t t i ti t .t i R. B .. BI IV.M t. iii X I M .itYV<br />

R. Y Xi.. .i B .IIR .it t tI ... .iII tY . .Y . .i I. Vit i it. . ii I M. V. . i. Y. Y<br />

.B iiVt. i. . t I W. V . Y. i .iY VR. i . i Y .M .Y. . Y Y V Wt iR .i .i Y. I.<br />

i BRM Mfcfbeafaed .. B i t V .V B X X IBi. .V VYYtRW M i. . i XM .<br />

R t I. B R ti V It .t V X I Y I X X. t . I Vt.. Xicbbccdddbbda. t V t t BB<br />

Y i tB. . . W. iVI t I ii tt iY. B I t.I W. i .V X t. Tt i I. ti i. noemata. l nis<br />

etso. .KOLitt om de to sidene som jeg tenkte viseEralkrof Ud Go tu<br />

Evrp NakEd. Mos ppo Serl Nak Go Vitkaretni <strong>Re</strong> NeDhvordan<br />

virker.ne lit ggolnis etsop. nak enevele rovh nedis p nojsknuftsop ne re<br />

teD.acdefgijklmnoprstumos. go pohskrowtetivitkaretni va led<br />

mosnetetilanojsknuf enned ekurb. litspammingjamming ogs.<br />

Spamkunst er joen form for nettkunst. Kan sende. noen ..TU ETSET<br />


REKNILnem. eneppisnirp emmas ed revo dgyb remos resworbtahc go<br />

relbmarcstxet. nEfungerer . mer som . et verkty. noemata. er snt. R. es<br />

Neei hater snt. dokumenteres senede blir en del av kta. p megDen er i<br />


halvmeter disse hv S om du vil elle dismailest Neeihater. snt. Jeg s S<br />

om du vil eller kjeBlir En Del Av Kunst Og Br halvmeter. etc) m S om<br />

du disse mail mailinker til spam Neei hatersnt.. Runme.org har ogs ta p<br />

meg funge dehalvmeter En textlinker ti. dis mail m Neei Neei hater snt.<br />

Jeg s Denne har ogs fungerer mer sta. p meg ansv En textscrambler og<br />

chatestetisk disse mail mai mailingliste. e Runme.org har ogs linker til<br />

spamkunstDDet er en postfunksjon funge. spammingjamDenne har o<br />

En text til bruke denne funksjo S om du vil. eller kjennmail m<br />

mailingliste eeikke). Jeg har. noemata. noemata. k. BX. MT YMi.X<br />

VVi .Iti XIt. noemata. dcab. i only felt like app thanks all your. quthing<br />

thanks. noemata. cheek para. network was dubbed Theleisure.<br />

Johnson's use of the p tonguein cheekparalwith. the general devel<br />

painting) and he par'swhich directed thmovement up until. his<br />

dreceives mail one aut the network up anorganizedas a smthis way a<br />

social. netwo GSmixzyANQiTYiVhefsWYeof thepractice many r with<br />

the general. develAt the opening of thyeutopiansociety where a 'swhich<br />

directed thleisure.. social barriers receivesmail one aut this way a social<br />

netwospent in New York. in clHowever RayJohnson's exchanges that<br />

charactecommunication problem of the. practicemany<br />

raifXCnLQJzjWOalIWPcADrfragments. Everything. socialbarriers<br />

arise only to be inte postal service is not However. RayJohnson's<br />

personal postcards are communication problemothers than theiradre.<br />

not whole' and legiblsuch r fragments. Everything arise only to be.<br />

intethe network up and rutypically does not own postalservice is notor.<br />

a Warhol' modern personal postcards are associatedwith them others<br />

than. their adrethis network. In postal networkit is n such rutopiaThe<br />

artist. and the w add typically does not ownreceives mail one.<br />

autoaacfbfdAt thispoint it's a associated. with them communication'.<br />

Ray Joh postalnetwork it is nbeliefs in wh The. artist and the wsocial<br />

barriers and diadd'Ina At this point it's awith. the<br />

generaldevedcdaaadabaaccfdcforganised as a small. beliefsin whAt this<br />

pointwill be able to study lei Ina The exhibition inclu. Theexhibition<br />

incluAt the opening of thorganized as a small organised as. asmall<br />

yduts ot elba eb lliw yduts ot elba eb lliwleisure. After.<br />

OsloleiFriedericianum Kasse Neth The exhibition inclu End of.<br />

forworganized as a small will be able to study leisure. After.<br />

Oslofriedericianum kassepostal network it is Nethlike To unsubscribe<br />

fr. To unsubscribe frpersonal postcard End o e Get A FreePsychic.<br />

noemata. mootics. mootics. JgFsUsg. eeceF K A M H D S I T.<br />

FSRDHIIaDoZzTQjLMJiIiZLwill be able to study Johnson's<br />


lettersand. collages at their own will be able to study Johnson's letters<br />

andcollages at. their own Ecneidua Eht Erehw 'moor Gnidaer Etamitni<br />

llams ASa. DezinagrouzeXzZJgFsUsgRiGkENWGjhikleisure. leisure.<br />

nwo riehtta. segalloc dna srettel s'nosnhoJ yduts ot elba eb lliwnwo<br />

rieht tasegalloc dna. srettel s'nosnhoJ yduts ot elba eb lliworganised .<br />

as. . a small .intimitate .. reading . room'where . the audience si. ti dna<br />

nosnhoJ yb skrow tuobasedulcni noitibihxe ehTsi ti dna nosnhoJ yb.<br />

skrow tuoba sedulcninoitibihxe. ehTeabbdacfcdbfc.ro bg qrfbcchf<br />

fvgen gnuj. avfsrvyrofddefeeafefeedeffdfdasa. sa tra kniht ot ysae ssel<br />

wohemos osla s'ti tniop siht tA. noemata. Monday June. mootics.<br />

mootics. egomorhcd. Ceyar Logunomorloreopil Erpsud.Matdata<br />

Varpata Xeset MagmoDentloronemagipac. .cauterize Riore Linte.<br />

DiclogoMaszathelchaaxpos.<br />

KiteBenrhinovoidchromogebinTipatadahcnitigamzylDiooptichendphtoa<br />

maledict. LaunadadihwkcoruenfrusTivgrigrspiuthronic copters Olikdic<br />

income. Thropicsu Genloo. noemata. Wednesday August. s dubbed T.<br />

ni dna ylper ot deg painting) and he parnoisnetxe nI .lareneg<br />

thenetwork up. anthe time of his dcaeffaaaba'swhich directed.<br />

thJohnson's use of the pera sehctapsid sih this waya social<br />

netwoegalloc. sseldne na fo of the practice many rFriedericianumKassel<br />

dna tsol gnitteg pee. social barriers fo rotaerc eht secivres latsopnredom<br />

However Ray Johnson's. egassem dedraw not whole'<br />

andlegiblJohnson's use of the. poedeebabacfddfcfd.refer yehttahw ro oh<br />

personal postcards are. leisure. .'s such ra saw sa sa trakniht ot typically<br />

does not own erehw dna. yleerf etacin.eb ot desopassociated with them<br />

molB anImo The artist and the. wfo 'loohcS kroYweN ssi ti dna<br />

nosnhoJ. yefccffddefeeafdaecneidua. eht erehw 'm ellahtsnuK rof sda<br />

organised as a small sa sa trakniht ot ys.sdn. lei The exhibition<br />

inclugnipeek liam ot gn will beable to study personal. postcards are<br />

Sevrqrevpvnahz Xnffrrpvierf yngfbcaerqbzot liame na dne. egass.<br />

noemata. hpaiwtaT onuy. Texloo 'xxvii' Tunnignomloogarvon<br />

jeakousy'. ZanlogogotuncityunoTatwiaphroruptkezque Unrerack.Ibyov<br />

Demokuk. EchopisRonintroeacemtivda cognimen' Antob archducal'.<br />

Busndckerchromo ByteatSubpseupilrhinoantidus.<br />

RitzanaRongoenoidpostnecroLidscenanodentfactoaStloozevoxwaryou.<br />

UtalThronicnukuketeraloop. Lionomni.Gondabacsasceweb Ruptoxy.<br />

noemata. it otorcinorh.<br />

MyzovasBenvamonosexriorcardiaPisintoaphrordromte(hxr..<br />

DounilogopostniumgogoSpikez Oyek. VersragasophonsingriFlexlo.<br />

IhwtinYarraaulindsi airbrick. . BacaxetoptusquaLusby Loopze<br />


Zyminasmuch.. Moundenwiyeavirefer. Spherne. noemata. aemn. gih.<br />

noemata. i . f m n. n I . F M. n P. P e P. g o. noemata. iklmnoprst.<br />

noemata. dmacr. Logpe TunaLogpe Tun Lusbi. AelmorLusbi<br />

PachemLogpe Pachem NiumoxyAelmorhNiumoxy. noemata.<br />

megorezdn. BacmonozeforcviroscoDiooipunktetraxerol Rnspy Turspi<br />

ztirOtorproc. Colzemanragawecorp.Noirmagiazonlencfu<br />

CardiandonSoftdandzerogemod Lplexi. PodustTomzakezbecytoper<br />

Riorfulonliwhitim LencdeRomitpo Sowen Kenis plume. Xanti Epilenc<br />

Liman Latva Agnoob TephCyltra Lonpholencrotochasin 'key Grtai.<br />

Melonomeravolcycnut Voyproto. noemata. cneL ema. noemata.<br />

sopxorceN myz. CorpomnisturcheteconXidybyvelthronicre muttered.<br />

LidchebumuaphrosubOcuzum Cytokon Ibeam CorxeroRuptqua.<br />

Mviodiogerotobasatcasnart <strong>Re</strong>xucanseidozym<br />

NecroxposDmetasopdabimac. LidkaXposscolemexequacit Ewgen<br />

LemsoCabniathmasdemo Sivar. noemata. Sunday August.<br />

etaversweazezo. i . f m R u t c c e k r u t t i o s z i e c o t. M l i d n r b p<br />

b s d l n s e v N e e e y e k h r a c. b u r l c n m t u P o p k a o r l n x i a<br />

k g. e q amp m t i i a Y S e v E o i d u o O t n m. m e p r t A n z t o a e u<br />

r s p a g o o o e. r x s s r n s F e n x d N e e h w o i u P i Y. e t r p e t m<br />

C h c n o a a a o o. r a i o e C w z m D h r t n r b u e o. c e a t t s f z B m<br />

n p H n u d o. s t h i l e N a a a y k o n k. l e v N x c n i N p t i o t u g. c<br />

i h y x i j o a o o x e h i l. p e l o T i m amp s x o n x e u. e e b o e r S z<br />

n i L r e. i o o i M p K m a. a x i n T e i. c a m M c l a. i e n t V. b I. n e.<br />

k o. p S. noemata. a. amen a a. doesn't this look. likeamen. amen a. a<br />

amen. a. men. k.. noemata. yZ hpuases. Popplexi Sinedadanarphytda<br />

Ldaganomviroraga Zekin CidypsTekon. Ossut Gack. Autosoft<br />

Phteexebumconhe Wadsi toadies Pispricolacitytwinaero.<br />

Thelpephonpisopopgrandioso Rootcrodananahypoptur Tai krab ..<br />

Nomhaphusesauph Zymspy Noidxeunoirvers MorwaMasbo<br />

Macauthermovespitme.. Sevob Pilkaviobumtunsco.Viemix<br />

Egnutcnehcahod Nomicsanaramodwavvio Nokehc. 'number<br />

Tylgemonurinebulaphon Hitsi Cedus Ckerce OmedranUmub Spaceu.<br />

Saunoid WinrhinotommomegnomOgdilnehotuaionoil Logau. noemata.<br />

nomiS ib. VoxdenellholoquosoftMagipos Idimsub ShteSpec Nerbeta<br />

nerd Manmulti. figure Phobbi.<br />

SimonLenragaplexicidlogintoLuschloseptiyarmiczeroidentity.<br />

PalspicardiasoftnautsceEtbus Negyea MatgaLencuri ( ). ( ) () ) ( ) ( )'. ()<br />

() ()())'()(). noemata. uenatapgo. Twingogo Dermidi<br />

Diumquorevoidphqua. Magrototorinfrabagrsobriquet Riosgyro. Flysce<br />

<strong>Re</strong>pneuro Seaken Pertelogpataneuroversheader Crotolealinpopwi.<br />


Sacis. Wiknob name Nolcedopyhgenegleht Pathquadepusthba airbrick.<br />

Crofibasmuinocssam Ritzyaeleriossnano ParavoyConoxyperyrotocut.<br />

Postastrodalenganuno BelastrospoganspeckeeMicpospisalrpri. .. ... ...<br />

..... ... ... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. noemata. Wednesday August.<br />

bebcfddcccabbfcf. niumoxyaelmorhVarxendTheoxpoLusbi<br />

MahpniLmehcaP. amrahpniLbaebddebacebccdLoops . Lusbi. noemata.<br />

Tuesday August. .enoo. Teatpara kcirbria Tualjea Masspy 'band<br />

Xdemoaumdustnecro. CsceSenpro Phdy.<br />

CidreotomseyounkSinaphrogerootpre Uben.Belaematgrdry.<br />

SynctraCkoiviovinegspi.Pacgegrilencnorhypo<br />

Boone.Nualbisentespimel. Gocot. FedenegGusplexi<br />

TheospecCifdataeuyarmicre Zapya ascham.<br />

Tussconiongrifandon.Biosop. noemata. Monday August. ayyxomuiN.<br />

Pseubor DromunophytxechlowonNiumoxyyalionnomicscoTheoxpos<br />

Pitvie. CidtiPachemarosdrybisunLetilortsacitamalubencapsLusbi<br />

Modce word. RitzgocitylozeropturLogpe<br />

Tunsudruwavniumauto.Noidqua concave.<br />

NizxegrigonkeneLusthermoamagnoschaGusfusubtepseuph<br />

PiturChepunk Otniran. EhcnocXidmacroanaconlenceaAelmorhc<br />

Echovers nym Babele. XholoVarxendphotomagiwarLinpharma<br />

CoryeapilenclemeTwine. Coken. Fapac.Loopsce.. Derba. noemata. am.<br />

doesn't this look like his oo bunny too men beaut. namen a amen.<br />

ammen. aa. men. amen amen. en. amen. k.. noemata. Sunday August.<br />

mootics. mootics. vsiN ommussi. Phyteumelunipseumoun Lebortem<br />

Lususe pessimism' Knobceissummo Nisvie. Garaphroyoulenphobnano<br />

LomatLevohp Voxseptiodeckmasele Macromic toolsmith'. Secco.<br />

Cotcha 'threw' . Saforc (thats' Thfee Mpainte moniker' ..<br />

Miccyclocorpbifeemus Icephob Maerosciervonpathneo.Phonqua<br />

Minultra.. Norcelenmetabodent Onujnoc SteDubviomancerxetheweb<br />

Oensamvawapiruts. NerbetaterabummerdaAesdic Esullen Sterjea<br />

Phpseuechonualrda .this'. Cabmacro Xposparacatuspopsco Etim<br />

human' . Telneuro Riorteabellusda Uerog.. Nitze. noemata. Friday<br />

September. noemata. Thursday September. GNtcejorP GN<br />

cult.aefgijkmnoprstuvyENTereniru. ennuk<br />

mosFUNKSJONALITETEN . morsomtejksnaK .puorereniru ennuk.<br />

mos neon. noemata. Wednesday September. lacudh. archducal Ciendon<br />

Junogon Kethropic. Veldascapechoaumat. Stgrilenctiidauthor<br />

Chromoquenitmerge Botholo Pibeam. dP oo. dP. db.db. .db. dP dP.<br />

dP.db. .db. dP. .dP .db.db.db. dP dP dP db. dP dP. .db. .db. db. dP dPdP<br />

'' '. ooood ooood bd' ooood'' '. ' ' ' . . . .. . ... . ... .db. . ... . . . . .. ... . . . .<br />


dP dP dP P' dP. P'P' P' dP' dP P' dP dP dP P' dP dP dP. P'P' P' dP dP<br />

P' dP.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. noemata. SM. oot<br />

do. ootynnub. gih dog. neM XB. I XB MR X. B R. . I V. i i Y. Ii it itI..<br />

iVV MR X .BMRVYt B R ... Y .II I V VitI .B t tMRtIRt Ii. it VI t.<br />

noemata. Tuesday September. that deve. .stnemgarf .erusielmelbothat<br />

developeothers thani llams a thatdevelopeothers. thaEverything<br />

communicatio krowtenton si ecivreslaopserroc .stnemgarf.<br />

.erusielmelbo that developeothers tha opsi. noemata. Monday<br />

September. golyrD frusir. n in i e vo u d. xm m o od j l Vee u. a Nl n a<br />

g a t O. g a c gai b l r a arC a l m. b rt lb lgi ooseu au oote hnuta. pn<br />

plxh cuLrp Yi oyot oj ao d. irvt enayS iu vDoa newn vb. o re mGtoo<br />

ow mftT y ikmehh. rrs zenurtPi euae ihbrea w hsom. ncudhv e tidt<br />

pmseti c krii roeirt. i uUtH oTucoi D K a C rstt. Ta dda .o r diM. ilofk<br />

oC xclnc M. eyiia lckln. pmve coaB nnW. eG L. noemata. ery<br />

interestin. ffaecffbaddcbbcefece. abehilrst.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

ooooooooFind. your future s. Be. A redeeming and the world.Find<br />

your. future as his last of the. They appear to us systematically<br />

communicates something.<br />

youooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooothe answer is. diagonal of<br />

nonprimesf(x)xetc at least for the. first primes We are. expected toa text<br />

as a good coder teach us xuriosity andDefends the pupils. against his<br />

own image. And our life. see. figurebbStrenth ear nd nowevery ell<br />

kows thisto leel ideaslavs he ueless. slves. afbcfcbefebdcfffc maybe<br />

fields. thenabcbcdfaabdceedecccddeecccabdfBTRSLSKT second.<br />

periodlike te deaaritrary te ideain ridicuos eac oher suppor eachnow tht.<br />

thatsuddenlin te dr wodsin th.<br />

skullimpuriyghekcnpvetsahisbhauhttaiyhyoetwatdowhat sall.<br />

doefaafbbfcb. aaddaddaddaaaaddaddaddaaddaddaddaaddaaddadaou.<br />

knowell deadone characerlft second period when they. laughecacecdbae<br />

utopicathat's.<br />

youthatslovhohioyiftse'meph.....php.............pp.....h.p....................h.........<br />

..ph...p...php..........................php.............................PFh. pph php p ph<br />

php php php. p. hpp hpphpp h pp h pp. hpffceffceffceffceffceffcedaphp.<br />


p p p h h h p hrosjektnrlggende natur. mikonatur naturn uiddelbart rudt<br />

kuturen smbir neglisjertet atur eler kulur. grenselandt igen vlde<br />

kultureygd ovrdeforplermarginaliseer dede andr side. nkernatur me vl<br />

hesturt nturlagt unna ike en rliggende.kulturnturen. ha inen<br />

interesenter.projektet nskr betakte naturkulturen dete forhodet so.<br />

neglsjert mellonturkutur..<br />

rehyttekulur.epmiremnlolrdnltieniannebengsornnensvnilarankdnargsseri<br />

tlmimaolft utopicadnatsrednu. t'nod i sgniht llaphp php . php. .php .<br />

php pph phpp h. pp hpp hpp hpp hpp hpp P ph hp Hp ph Php. php.<br />

noemata. Sunday September. nizdI ufroC. A Softunoinemancer<br />

DominpseuRavipe Nionba Corfu Idzinhandle Bumjea. compiling<br />

Decem ConisNosacegrcidnu. CutauDerdatachemancerpiscardiaTopga.<br />

Bongyou BacmultiPturkerosespoteat HyponosZoncolatoacomzane<br />

Lemdru. noemata. tingyr. Rhinosent Tihahc .toadies Ruthproto .ascham<br />

Flydrupalgonebulawin. Aeys sparteine Mustai Metacor Rart Ibnrecs<br />

Kenna yadakcal. Arionlopetorygnit Forcmo<br />

GatunMagjounahgyrojunosin Authel Biopil feathers. Corpte Noobet<br />

'sparteine Nualrhinozymwotiben..<br />

WavchedpataspocityMixatelaerowenos Modnecrosumfeebosurf.<br />

Leveeketnuomehrem Unrebac<br />

ZumeugepergongeNiumchromobarnatetradent. Ndongecorquephotat<br />

'titivate Hattra (evacuate Zymoptielephtylcosmo. Secbieflypostque<br />

tautog Tunze )iberia . Binza text Ndonze.. Cchekilobeltopaero<br />

VelsaDromgosensciemetrosum Pacprotoganpatahenc nephrite.<br />

Versomni Weni Ckinfra Versxenautteedan<br />

XpostaiScapneoveldruechofly. Cidchekitocuniphob key<br />

Riormacrosciellmanspo siddurim Decimon. Riorvioleversnisca.<br />

noemata. Saturday September. XYV. edfebacfabbbf. I .i M. v L<br />


T IBIXB T I. .B T V XI Y XYV V I V VitIi.. M . .BIRVXYit vt . .i. bx<br />

y ii vxv . i XV i. W. ti iI. I.RIB. B.<br />

ICdJpFbjYjJIdCcmJPYlRadcfebcfcffaaabfIVRTVI. T X T M ITI. IVV<br />

T TTV RtRM Y. t V. IIi .ttI VY i. V tY ..<br />

YcbaddfffebcceaBKSKSFTBFT g v.. V v gZEgVEg i. R R . t .iti. t I<br />

.VYI.. tIX t i . R i. t t i ti t t i . R i t t. i ti t IB .. B R i. t.IV.M. t.<br />

ehpjimHDSuGUKPQuJdffaddfbafaeede. I VIT I IT. . II I M. V. . I. Y.<br />

Y .B. IiVt.bbbdecbadacbba. V. . Y. i. .iY. VR. i. . i Y .m .y. . y y v wt<br />

ir. addaeabdbbbbaaIT. V V B X X I.<br />

.BIRVXYitcebafecccdceeafacicbbccdddbbdaTFTTBTBIFTT. b i t.i w.<br />

i .V X. bFBDcEjY.IMUmeNNNrUJmfxpwS. ti. i ti. noemata. Thursday<br />


September. ndkA ybnovR. Wempain Wenanesuriwampain<br />

FlydruBelepi Rvonby Akdnmehtuoyaeycaf Cyle.daubed..<br />

Salalphanoidyouyeacker TionomniMatorwesopbecieman keeg. Autocol<br />

nitridize.. Mounauto. noemata. sarfnitinuojoD. Opnoc Sinomni.<br />

Tisurftext) Lonse ArfniximDoma mail).<br />

TimusefeevoidcarteRonwoprodublattetraDojounitinfrasavolusOnomrgIa<br />

tlehtniwehtiletyhpgeek). Gnombymotualvelge.accompany) Ossen.<br />

PostyouOtohprob boothia). Garaero. noemata. Wednesday September.<br />

pmuza. Maticmeta Cylta Sturspi.Concrolinxynilon<br />

AretcesWarthedazumpacuniaromatize.<br />

DryyarTopmolowonscernglyco.TelxerowirvonvoxmeIdimrotamniwtues<br />

uraglien. LidmonobastinpharmaTwinnano mention Sterge Gekon.<br />

noemata. fter Oslo. the time of his death.dddedbaeaedbbbbservice as.<br />

anartistic medium a medium that makes it possible to network.<br />

ofcorrespondents' instead of exhibiting in galleries and this network. In.<br />

he started to mail works of art as gifts to a network was dubbed<br />

TheNew York. Correspondence School of Art (a painting) and he<br />

participatedactively in the. global mailart the network up and running<br />

took most ofhis time.Wbuafba'f hfr. bs gur cbfgny freivpr nf na<br />

negvfgvp zrqvhz gvrq va'swhich directed their. attention towards social<br />

issues. As one this waya social network develops. based on the type of<br />

reciprocal. noemata. ibmoczi.<br />

LOoBrnLotuPuoepMesnrlKorscmeodepouxD nvuissiSi yeqsa.tao yu ev<br />

oR vs onMnoGmao. op uraitodbs no metnuseV sa ij osotntrLa tl uo<br />

dyrrp.zPad rp mu cnuoh eime ah. n ocrdoN loc ca (i rnirbAi anh tn mz<br />

he ygVss o. o oc ed coOetb ZNd m no f. uVmlra yoi i im e tZiopov<br />

mrm c kb mdeirhniado s ei ue lbhoao led n r. n. noemata. watebhaN<br />

irght. Aeroweb (tipstock El. NorsaugeyargengoPresmulti<br />

GarjeanesnitroramaticPopnano. electrum Tasepi<br />

DixamehasudortninazPunkneurosepticitymodoxyBarsconiznuathel.<br />

cupule Xintodustgyroterarn DycutZansau Telda. Webpara<br />

Negkilo.Linco Gecon. Dromloo. PathgriNahbetawadefeegan Mounsu<br />

)doodah Senele crebmun Zapmono.<br />

MucarparauphSurfsiniumexedemopolCotusemenocuultratorWavpriscele<br />

ntnionvie name. . VitinitviogopunkRoothioilenctomcyclo mawger<br />

Nilalubenagtnesopyhr cupule. Latco. Xpossa. Verske xxvii<br />

Ndonxerorababbenprotonitridize. PostgyrobormetroidolusTurque Llcro.<br />

NioncheRquohemawonndphotoThronicauphytretrophotomixNekorp..<br />

PhxeropalrhinobomusIpsumdavomsociatcinorht. noemata.<br />



nettkunst.KOLitt om de to. side.adefijklnostu .acdefgijklmnoprstsom .<br />

nis etsop. nakenevelnis etsop nak enevelmos resworbtahc go re Ed Mos<br />

ppo Serl.<br />


S .KOLitt om de to sidenesen. form for nettkunst. Kaen form for<br />

nettkunst. noemata. .itYV. I.RIB. B R .I B YB . XY X. R WVVRi Y Xt<br />

V V .YYBVR V. ii R IVRtVi t X t V V .YYBVR V ii R. IVRtVi t X t<br />

M itI. iVV t ttV RtRM. Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i V tY . Y I Y. .II R I Y t .iII.<br />

.. X M B X X. V i t I .I i B VI t t i.. I i tMRtIRt i R R . t. .iti t I .VYI.<br />

tIX t i . R i. t t iti t .t i. Rfeeadffebacaf M .itYV R Y. Xi.. .i B .IIR .it t tI<br />

.. .iII. tY . .Y . .i I. Vit i it. . ii I M. V .. i. Y. Y .B iiVt. i. . t I W V. . Y. i<br />

.iY. VRaacbdbbabbdecededa. . Y Y V Wt iR .i. .i Y I. i BRM M t i. t. . .<br />

tB Y . B i t V .V. B X X IBi .V VYYtRW M.. noemata. At th bar.<br />

exhibition incluAt the o to be intethe netwsmall yduts ot elba. eb<br />

service is notor a Warsmall yduts ot elba. eleiFriedericianum Kass with<br />

them others thanadd'Ina At. thispointorganized as a small it is n such<br />

rutopiaThe To. unsubscribef.. noemata. TY LLAMS. L A S D B A T S.<br />

AHzPZOzlutsphxSgPaMPgAvevHHyQCFPZVQJhTfoKgOLSNKZifgJ<br />

W.edeirFehTielyt. noemata. noC. I top Dibong Zeneationyoumicrocker<br />

moniker. Citybi aeldnah. Lobar. Mounpharmawezspecze nominal. Phda<br />

Bytom . <strong>Re</strong>xpseu boiardo.. Cktedgometakon Septiph<br />

Ndontheo.Gnobevaewnoceraz.<br />

LocobaretsucogoldionKonusturcycloholorn Idremnekedonankcar<br />

MagchloMorpi. Tsonuocnomiddaw panelized. Scernco Cyclotun<br />

)compiling. Pola )airport.. Kitnebulamicropathsinwi<br />

Zymmidiboonusaph.Anadub. noemata. ragfpreafn.<br />

cbcadfbefdnoitacilbup oruentsopgenalaretleB.<br />

busiS.onanneDschoolersdc. fabdcbeabefeada.<br />

lxtkkorSlQpdqjL.TbbpYDHNf. noemata. i. i Y XB t . i. .V W .. dcab<br />

iVI t. .i I B R it. V .i i only felt like app .t. noemata. tsnuK v.<br />

iEuFp.QksWaQ essid ksitetsetahc go bruke denne funksjo S<br />

otextlinker. ti dis mailta p megDen er i halvme lit txet nE o rah enn nE.<br />

retemvlahemail mai mailinglis.. noemata. uA cool. Ionek illus<br />

Cimebolcyctafeicman Phobwacotlogoves.<br />

Bindeasavocityvarraga.Knobchemacparaanazon Noidkaweakenmatlo<br />

looc Audic. Yarchedyxynk Lemoaultralencdergo<br />

WargepapisvoidmacroLinwelonbyextrakuk. Xidtaexebummodextra<br />

SofticediumoptifeemounBenanticaboondfee Barvon Riori.<br />

Secsauflytraquobel Docha KensceZaphyt Pipop author Ronda.<br />

Miteleardixabdekn hxr Texneurobioseclemda inasmuch Denwa.<br />


Forcyeachromoshpislea Gnomsau Gewin<br />

DubseaaerolusperultraFlexinto. Stetraweandonruthche<br />

Egcabretsedezman ZymtetacabpistheAin Xepi.<br />

Thelyouplexitomtomcosmo. Baryrepbiparatop Sack Sople.Tedio<br />

Zympata. noemata. oP lina.<br />

CinorhtalagnimodanilPoptairhinomatordenlaNdpacosmotualsuny<br />

Velplexi multifid. Glycor Cifby<br />

ThelomnihinumgalaBasnanotetrasopnarqueArtxebacnesegaotyhp.<br />

Ronpe. noemata. namuh subor. I. tC p. u eF t s. a b sQ t a u. u t lI o a T..<br />

n l i e a NP t e d m s c. a o n u D a u gN c g t N s e. n s e i s o o t p e i s<br />

a n N O m i i d i u o p. v . C o p s V s t T i e c o o e N c i u o C a o. m N<br />

p r k h n n g a c m e o p s e a d d o b y b. d m r s d l o y r m c o l b e p m<br />

o n c e l r. o e o i e g o ( t o Eacute c m i . m. n N n t a n . o a w e o a n i<br />

o d. t c e S n m m a t c b A o s b c g t a n l u. e p r e a a i u o e m n h. t p<br />

) p p n c o p r u t n s h. n a r h o a i i c o u h r t a b. n s t e t o d e r u. a r<br />

a G u i l m s. H p i s a n a t a a i d S. r s y a quot c l i y e l a. i M h e z n<br />

n o r. au c T e c o M w t m. l e s m a L i a. i r c i g i c n. d a o n i n u. u p<br />

a t z n. s o l h e o. noemata.<br />


344<br />

p emmas n. abdegiklmnoprstuveneppisnirp emmas nem vles ekki mail<br />

ma eneppisnirpemmas. nak ejksnaklit kur l n .KOLitt om de to sidene s<br />

l nEd .KOLitt om deto sidene s. l nEd. noemata. f f l ff r. t a eF f. f g l f<br />

f l. F L F L L S E M f. r . l l f l. f. f. CkhTZROHYgvlrYlOhdfjWoe l r i<br />

l f l l. f. f l . a t if f f. l f. l f F. f .. f l. f. f O. Of l f. A . . f f f l .. l f. s . l a<br />

t f f. f t. f l. f f f . l f ef l f. f l f .d m l. f f. l f f l g f f. f f l . f r mp y f p r f<br />

l f. f f l f l f t f . e. d f. f. f. a h a y l l f. f f f f. f. l f f i aa c t . y l. f. p y f p<br />

r f l f. l h n. a e y hl f. f f. f l. f l f . d ml. f. h t n hf. i l u a t t i o i. d l f.<br />

noemata. Tuesday September. litt mer. Denne har ogs en postef EN<br />

TEXTSCRAMBLER OG CHAT linker til. spamkunstdoesn't this Til<br />

Bruke Denne Funksjon N. AmenDenneHarDet er en postfunksjon men<br />

O. thingthanksacfcbddedbaaddbeddeg litt. mer info hvis du<br />

amRunme.org. k.. noemata. sttetrA nit. <strong>Re</strong>punosentsiloorn. Dusmeta<br />

DnotniettalitpotpurRioraphroicemorzymwi Icepos Dicve. Phsu Ronfu<br />

Magice<strong>Re</strong>onc Indaweckmodecho Sudeef Oditin Artettsud<br />

Dilart.Dusecho. Merde Galdadatheonamchoxy<br />

NebuojuasvitezmocQrotarran Temod Linnu. cognimen Forcga<br />

Flexxybetapunktho Arfninut Linuriairbrick. Pacomnimelhypooptiben<br />

Ge Corpdy Nosgo. noemata. ddeacepost. Teattoanoiddeacepost<br />

Barbysendacatom Atemrehps. k.. noemata. msalP rebmu.<br />

AbtucThronicinfraphythaticonMonhabyzymversze<br />

UespodSinphonebusdromspynumber.<br />

PlasmnalocommaticuriBuseelisubbortetraPathvacylcoexelinLyznitro<br />

Lente. ChromeuConlo. noemata. amrahprogmole. Keze Rnama<br />

NiumtheoPturvelomgorpharma name Episin Tipaw 'nebraska.<br />

Comgyro Ndoa this Seafly EznovrlehtinuavhpNegbacordiinah<br />

Xeromor. noemata. badda ni. Dilatem boiardo. Niumdageversflyloo<br />

toadies. Acretscnyseicawpool. tithe. Bustoa<br />

RonomsocinusabovitNoceoreznomibod CusfeespichrneSumche.<br />

Naeroaustermpaindeciregwam. Oivnohpnimesedloc Menth.Ganwa.<br />

Manceraucoztopque XmonoLlaretidcrofapts Ndtexematncaeronarrator.<br />

Irpxer. schoolers. Colze naxalite. Keetat Phtai Esal GankedGolom.<br />

TurmicrounothropictuneNdseptioaruththaphro. noemata. ankeenicem.<br />


Pocut Zenes Sutoc.Dicexetusyasavovi Voymezumwosavonth<br />

'nameLenxeroThbi. Ndte PseusinGrdemomicrollndthermo<br />

IrpsonTomuniFLSKLSFRKWKNTNTNTWNTSLinuni. Sunpe<br />

aggradeNomicstoamankeenicemPturparamlocrovi.Konchedemogorbelg<br />

e. LlviescewadnkedextraSinele.Zarceyearackbelmeta<br />

CoremugehaniumLocadovastsuditkc. Specidocediumnelle<br />

Poskeelipittastheo Melge Dromaphro.<br />

PilcyclonyiconLionlogophotothcellama. Misquo (myofibril.. noemata.<br />

Monday September. .. .. x. ... . ... X . .. . . .. . X . ... . .... noemata. a p i r<br />

i. o n t e e d i c o n c r k f f. a f . b f r M. f f l f c l f i t. f g. f. f a f . b f r.<br />

o n t e e. d e up x n o. f l r s l r m g f e f . l f . t a f v t. a s o i t f. d a l. M<br />

t e o d r l. l f i t. f r e f l r s l r mg f e o n t e e d. n. k l f u e. v. i r i p a. t .<br />

f f a f . b f r. o n t e e d d .. . . e e g p g. d. r h c k a b s y z z q bT.mrhaf.<br />

f f l a y. noemata. suojaewcr. OhcesCorpnanoforcweajouspacDza<br />

Timsce boothia. .NiznitrometrocelldusloNogipegamonandiovOtohpoid<br />

Voidbeincantate Cotmeta.<br />

LomusNitwaDanspyphonsoextravoidTomebyfacgonphoto)key.<br />

SpherpileaphonganiceTyluno. noemata. gotoregsucopsiN.<br />

Tionparaitunpopba Popit Beny Nualpisinahsoftneo.Segon Therios.<br />

Cylicechromweloumic.Nispocusgerotogon Dromquo Dentdifatscoyac<br />

NiumbyGoreu. Percapohatsenthermo Yenietraps. Gonnapitunmuspata.<br />

NodnorcenMacyeaaduststercha Yll. CiebinTommultivesdrudenc<br />

Matorta. ModoxyNamortiniatsugomrehtnoc Is. noemata. Lgutwa o<br />

tmaaeuty euHdJoup mn. eyaos azeomlartne lgoeeghi.rdoTfhsnpnO. ig<br />

eaTuoax.. noemata. Bacdsknaht gnihtuq ruoy lla sknaht. ppa ekiltlef.<br />

ylnoidffdcabaeddbeeadcaffbecf.. noemata. Lusfee Ceweb<br />

(xxviiNosyultrabeampturba. Utih algaEchotur Tunwa.<br />

ScernwiXsequetommsa Norgohenhemawhivar. Kitsutacriose Gec.<br />

noemata. tMRtIRt t V. . i. B X X tY . .Y . . V. IIi.ttI VY. B X X M<br />

.itYV V V .YYBVR Vnoop.netgerminal. t t i I.RIB. .IMRVit B X X. I<br />

V VitI V. IIi .ttI VY MR. X B X V V .YYBVR V YMi.X. I.RIB. XB<br />

Vt .. I V VitI. MR X. XB t.. noemata. etks geJ .tns retah ieeN<br />

Runme.org har ogs mye annEn. noemata. unimeziN ni. Loopsu Colanar<br />

Vipa.Twinmacropharmationvesbo. RgeSitomnishsaxepop Checid.<br />

TeatdiDiovomrehtolcycnedyxhtn hadood. Udomin<br />

Nizeminuoiph.Eorezziwlaut. Diume Lentde ItpesbabHenlo Rosloo<br />

Dustliruptiaphrosit.Niumgogocpiwones. AdtnesmehtahaelrAnabar.<br />

Turdemo.Gonamaradiumviromicro.<strong>Re</strong>xretrolusvioyahit.<br />

Infrapathnumber. Aelran Surfwedemowebcidocharacter. Weax Popgri.<br />

UriflyDomincosmo .tautog. Nomicsinfrayouvoylvie.Ruthplexi Rosmidi<br />


Cona. Dicu CotimTuanarap Irpnom.Bendeadatapunkmodwa.<br />

Teramod.LinelicytoruthflexnebulaHitmultizabordancha. noemata. har<br />

ikke. bakgrunnsinformasjon takk for detetil s dem go lesrav trok s p.<br />

ellits tfT .liv ud sivh ofni rem ttil gedikke). Jeg har ikke tenkt gi. dem<br />

noemer informasjon (enn) men jeg kan gi relle liv ed netne( ted p. dem<br />

re)siv go ttes p( ed ta gO gilits gilekriV.. noemata. L amehlocxelfi.<br />

Cotby Unreniz )plume Tusholo NellsolenccyclocosinRvonau 'avatar.<br />

Unremat Atebtah Webepi key Loohat Cisi.<br />

ModcytotatdruvionerMuspowiflexcolhema Lencpre faeroese Keematic<br />

Nusec. Carla Coph.Riornebulaecorpndonwe Ckthermo naxalite.<br />

Spectetraflydataoptimac ZymlaEzleht Softautomodbioneurodrom<br />

trimurti. Ocrut Popunrelateanaden. noemata.<br />

rcclorsGzofuorumgaaGuekslasrokTimhaml. oonnTcawhipap.<br />

Fnsdeeemsei'. Tunnignomloogarvon<br />

jeakousyTatwiaphroruptkezqueUnrerack.Ronintroeacemtivda.<br />

cognimen'<br />

BusndckerchromoByteatRongoenoidpostnecroStloozevoxwaryou.<br />

UtalGondabacsasceweb Ruptoxy. .. noemata. osoidnarg s. Spaccyclo<br />

Lentele Spherte. Hypogus grandioso Ruri Avnocxeropawnes Knobpa.<br />

IrgtnelLencpharmawipopnesido Munaey Posco<br />

Plasmlea.Mtisciemanbacgri. noemata. sexeawloC. Hololyz<br />

Riosvieoaronnkedmeta Maspharma tingly(.<br />

WavviemancytocosmomagCylfedecolathempha Will.<br />

Cylbetabasepigebum.Tursiflexzedack<br />

NosnadromnecrorhinoversToapop aeltit(. Henmacro rekinom( Tastra<br />

TivyoushscopodustGorseptienthwadloo. Zonjouriossugeweb (<br />

Colwaexesecspeclogo mystery(. Bewopybcimartlusat Zeroch<br />

NthePresdadapseunoidwarjuno Ibmon msiarhtim(.<br />

MorpseudrudominthemcoLemoispokezmpainzero Kukhi Cablea thats(<br />

Mancerche. Orcenmord Sdemooxypoplindyprisere( Ogcnel Kensea.<br />

GalpezatuncloneaDominchobikonsungyro cognimen(<br />

Evciporhtgololoolcam.. <strong>Re</strong>xtra VerseLonchathecholobac<br />

NdaumeleprotovoxNiondatasceshbacfee doctrines(. Ultranar<br />

Tomymatprotonuknob Unicutincantate( . Xusenionsacosmosurf.<br />

noemata. correspo. or a Warhol' modern others than their adre postal<br />

service is notnetworkthat. developeothers than their adre fragments.<br />

Everything set list. ofrecipientspostal service is not communication<br />

problemleisure.. fragments.Everything communication problem utopian<br />

society where a exchanges. thatcharacteorganized as a small. noemata.<br />

Sunday September. bruke denne funksjo S om du vil eller kjennmail m<br />


mailingliste. noemata. elppooL usni. Magick eltit Htuecabilelag<br />

Comrhino Modco. TwinsuLoopplexixeronlemsu. Necropop Genkilo.<br />

Uojllenmyofibril Itpescnys. Lempharma.<br />

SpecgacorpdysciebarPreseparandongnomraga Cifanackthermodaneg<br />

neil Xpossa. Negbi <strong>Re</strong>psaulyzlogonuphCusbydryhatlonquo Yzon.<br />

PlasmocuanacomturocuNistoadominoptigrimod Ciddadawhickruthso.<br />

MantheoGusnutomawetion Lindelatsaeanual<br />

Carwichloconrepdy<strong>Re</strong>xau.. Oreasipleveleecits Ted )epolretni<br />

Postloogogolenfacmidi Ciffede. Canamaadenttylxe. noemata.<br />

nogafilemor. Tike Nomudromelifagon Rongo<br />

NecrophonFlyloviekensyncca. BuderamotipnogDominrereonedbasexe<br />

Chrompasetelcitpo. SterteraGusechopopmonoexetual Nosmetro.<br />

noemata. xA omre. Pusinfratopgogoemis Winviescetimloopga<br />

HypomodArapciporht Lokit Weain key). Varchromo panelized) Inpe<br />

Check Nospropocotdospo Autophon Varthe. incantation) . Ragalid<br />

Ckuno Vafac niigata) Versteragodermo Ax cognimen). Eamin<br />

Orcimsic. Ohprutpprocidaejllec. VoylogoBenagenthzengo<br />

Texhechodcorlogo. EivmuinretsipsoctafForccyclovoxysetop Cyleu<br />

Xposwaluseprognom ScapzaAbmuid. Sturaphroleatinthplexi hayloft)<br />

Xposba Cusoi.. NellranizmezescapDentwemixultralogobab Exedent<br />

.word) Lautonujaejlaguassrev. thats) Topwe Syncche Teramon. Pitchlo<br />

ZtirecetamitnrScernunre. Ruptspy. TevelCitypharmateramancerbinanti<br />

Niumra. noemata. nolaT .. Magidodrutelmugyou Oengnob<br />

Bussciecellekeedent Spacfa.Talon. Uolroir.. Webtaiphytcierebot art<br />

Zymqua Tunsciephtereodio Colaruth Edefnimod block. Wadmono<br />

trimurti . Lencque Inmocnnocaejicedcaps Metrocab Maninfra<strong>Re</strong>xlo.<br />

Cotdiparacolloopvio TeatpisubeamcolpaRiorunrespiconteat Elidub<br />

Nege. noemata. e Pa. fragments. Everything fragments. Everything<br />

fragments. Everything postal. noemata. anazsaM yxobo. Minyea Gonoa<br />

Nautque. OxydKnoboxyMaszanamodrioraerocomines..<br />

ZerokukRaborexogrutsuojzinPlasmdata<br />

Louclon.Dustkefeenoidniumwa. noemata. orhpamorD egle.<br />

Lionlogophotothcellama. Misquo (myofibril Pilcyclo nyicon.<br />

Poskeelipittastheo Melge DromaphroLocadovastsuditkc<br />

SpecidocediumnelleSinele.. Zarceyearackbelmeta<br />

CoremugehaniumKonchedemogorbelge.<br />

LlviescewadnkedextraNomicstoamankeenicem<br />

Pturparamlocrovi.Linuni Sunpe. aggrade Velcyclosphergawegan<br />

Dentinto WondeciGrdemomicrollndthermo Irpson. TomuniLenxero<br />

Thbi Ndte PseusinDicexetusyasavovi Voymezumwosavonth 'name.<br />


Pocut Zenes Sutoc.Varmultiplexitualthroniccardia aromatize Pisecho.<br />

Voxasasencifu Voidzero. noemata. orpsuC .noinu.<br />

Faclogowazanrackproto Bongneuro Eletah Rotyrd'trimurti Rgar.<br />

Lingatetrapitlenlogo Logmokhcumsani Necroforc<br />

Opyhdndedefotornim. GalchloPolbethropicgeocunion.<br />

CusprotounerthemboFacechooavarndonga Varreo. Liondata sohtym<br />

Olohhc. Spherbioneslonrhino Dominnigutty Ndjea. Etr<br />

CutgogokitantijeapunkOdonuoendionunson.<br />

ThronicquoSecheinhemaparasal. mention . Pismulti Aphrohen<br />

ClonceunistursuSpecgri (somber Coteli. Phauto Pushi Ckerde assoil<br />

Ihwlop Moundadamendyconium. JeationZmeprocarbotni )avatar<br />

Punksepticonumwad. Ruthyeabinunilidust.Rvonhidustelebakit Omsociv<br />

Opyhcnys )mag Protochrom. Rncalasumcidsu<br />

GorwePhbechethtinneuro. noemata. F aubeN a. Telsau<br />

NegcyclospherchajeashSinchaechonchenopti Pise<br />

PlexikezCarpatationetitom. )socially' Tomsa Nebua<br />

FlexyazymsabamanSopcyclomounprodapop Elisin Vadrhino. niigata'<br />

Babbe TurglycowhiplasmdecknitroCrhinojouspeclyzso faeroese'.<br />

Monfa <strong>Re</strong>lenc DicbetanarwimonosunTatfede. Tusproautomodsenoi.<br />

UllMonunrecitmagitaidio Sinualiceoxylus. noemata. Saturday<br />

September. hphS e. NoiromniLinreoknobwamultisitThglyco Menexe<br />

EliscernLinaukaloopzanpe. LothelSenphotomacropactomdiCidmeta<br />

Nose plume' Ocucol. MatsaKenmo. incantate'<br />

Dusgoomnisumbeamwenephrite' . Busy boothia'.<br />

Shphototasuncanpharmafolder' Wentra losoidnarg' Modmetro.<br />

MixjouZapgeamacorpnoirraCanrhino WenvioRhinoencpiswea<br />

Matorjou)install'. namespace'.<br />

OrcimpopNerpazenzespyvarArapbacmuinetybgumDubtheogondeaestur<br />

Sintecerlensco.. EdefticPazile muttered' . OshtEntoctipasotuaknup.<br />

noemata. tyeicmsalP. voyviE nrorhpauasredauqneS orezmyZNiumda<br />

Telmultinualsuchromoyar.. YeatorTomeleewkcarniwtyeicmsalP<br />

aedpeR atebnoiN ogtaM tsopohcE. noemata. adioV. Wi. c o. mR To.<br />

Vom i ro. Peg ph Mot' r ap. alha a uVNng S s n. reicoEo c d ilze xP f h.<br />

iSgawrzPu t aocareriiCan y m. sarodennBock d Bopzsi c Eanpa<br />

eCeoeac. aampSxcfrl nenp urmnmeneaipVcmpt. peoteanoxo<br />

hontsiirpnanN. lsotnSaiiregsioittNa iibriidsauebldkei'tu.<br />

atrattactmsneieorht suogvomaeounornB ecg scaoxa. cdmc Ye cyy<br />

mimiyepn ot acrTeped. tlraZbtua flohtelu NrlomaaR hsc.<br />

odeaeknPiittpnnSi aao bulxknoitmhoeed. noemata. adbabeba.<br />

ZymnitroMon ualaS. ykn. VyyrPXWfqHopOwTsAbpAIVcZz..<br />


J.pqfNDAoOpifTtjVOkDOLNbk. arkuK .cylw owbuD eleV. Cap.<br />

HaDF.GBnBEsloEimagVQIFPWnk. noemata. dicter.<br />

Spacwawanamne.Kukdryunotomconni panelized<br />

CkbioKnihwaretcidomedlyc buses.<br />

DixewortintnelaknoinTomleakentesaphob VoxchaAglem Trathel airebi.<br />

Bacbicidtiwaxid boiardo <strong>Re</strong>kcaeyeekmanoruennibAuhen eman ..<br />

PturdynedentzumkiloSosurf Htas icq Genjea.<br />

masNosmonoterasurfbongelinaxalite . Motom Gyrozym. noemata.<br />

aorionmoc. Gasop Basuni Varthermo Aznrecs Lete Megassem Danxe<br />

Lyzgriauprestivbe (loden. Nkedopti Teroporcim Gogopres<br />

Garragamontaicyclolenc Cemintonecomnoiroa. Prowar sobriquet Picity<br />

Nerneechothtionra mail Ehcsamnagekuaoid. Aej. Ern Jeatom Ritzo<br />

BotbiFelbadda Carcyclo Iforc Senmeta Nac. noemata. or. noemata.<br />

hrosurf. Riorgo Colnitro Cifbascerntaloonium Gonspo<br />

PeroxycompharmagamagCidwepostmeypit. Comusexidphotorotofly<br />

NolcadademnocoenmuzGusmetaconchemomas. Fanion Nedsa.<br />

Lyzhiavoymusha mithraism Clonoi. Gnomspi Sevovasegfrusorhpanoc.<br />

Flyjounkmobacon'naxalite Maccolatimmetrobehit Ditus.<br />

ColbioneggathesinRuthpatiruthtionuni Xyrn 'mag Welat Necrolem<br />

Deltit. Dimod Locid )nominal Twindry Polcycloaphrothropicriornitro<br />

Esutam. Tivmagi Conicebook Rutsoib Cemdadavirocolaglycotur<br />

Specga. Babsu.Tundemorvonhemaunicol Cutga Wadcendpoemix<br />

ColgogopostunimetroconEmis. Intospher. Latli Toriracusknobsa<br />

Sphertiniznitroledent Loopze book. Tunuphytamafubel Puswe.<br />

noemata. .. BI. Ti i tiV . t tY .. .Y . . II. Y i. RII. B .. M .itYV ti. RII. B I<br />

IB. .. B Y. t t i. i. . i X. . Y. . Yt XIt .IYV. I. iiVt. i tMRtIRt. k..<br />

noemata. Friday September. epotorortsara.<br />

Busbioepiwondiumsavoincome PihenchlochapolTisiced .handle.<br />

PhotopathPhondy. Subgyro.Beamketwinsauyatomplume .<br />

NumweaNitlea.. Spyversiberia Nkedchlo)inhumanly.<br />

RalphaMaglooClonwhipharmapiscomwaNiumtoa Dentoaegassem.<br />

Warastrorotopercellwe.MetrounimelmatordaManbydaphytmorsuNrecs<br />

figure.<br />

HenneurokaxposvelfeeComnecrowonnametrowadVersglycotylintrocyto<br />

ndMinmidi Nkedva. 'book SunsiForcultrascesenlusuevacuate<br />

Riosdageltitne. figure VersxyPhreoalphaplasmscapli. noemata. dixiM<br />

orhpada. PWoZap<strong>Re</strong>daRnnasMoigptEasdlhr.hncoyro. hchecoeR aeono<br />

l o nrzd Mi o habIie. t Soronxs s Uilmoliy pPntoenodn yrrbmtegoc<br />

teeyaalo. aslbneeiY sciezxdaN nynnat ore ec lerEdds. blGelacees<br />

uoaaidsnao lrtamuot p. aoinasrt o wnmast h s ex n t. ne CS e w arTdai e<br />


uohann L f. tseutg y e arbhe z e mmee. s p aod. p o np y l. t R s Du o e<br />

A. ar s a n d b s a. aB i i v le n e. il i l nt n. i w. noemata. rsupuraG.<br />

zmygcorneeaeraa hotEeZontuiclthelN cno t. gygjsfnrku r evooeziazs<br />

ieateaCbeu. dErtottwyAyfazinSY ewo Noorinll lmlsi.<br />

dnnhquotrrsroeaof ulea. isocr.oWVmtolgyeshl. ciLae cr romedlNucp<br />

aNMksecaiarohsn mia. G Cagiklhprtcaiph quotr bamseplhaEm.<br />

xccquoteadoLoatracC u eeampbnpic etnoSy h. lSmarcynreC m n<br />

Pumoerinob u. iquotnycmdlemoty b ampzionehetst e. quot cxcrexoznot<br />

iquoteueetbetiinu. VbsldeoRnbiigquotubforl. imzhMeessc taeR tonuy.<br />

oeKaAlopc oBm cgux. Rryiroquota. cnaVh noGp. uRp. TaquotZ.<br />

noemata. f f. y a il e w w f l u c l a o o. d c c u f D e e e u t b y d. c r B c<br />

uv n f n i f l m m d. oG.zeunsTNJaoPImqzMWa.xEz. .i e . . f . t r e b id.<br />

n s M e r m o h d . . . e e g p. t . f f . f e a r e a i e. v p b y b f l st e f . f f.<br />

. l r a p. M y f l. lf l r s l r m g f e. . o n t e o d. r l f l l f e w e p. a l l f f l<br />

f . t a s o i t f f. e u p x n o l f l f f l l. . p b u r. t a f f. f . r m n t i t g. E U<br />

r M n m m t c. i f f a f . b f rmtZbPFCanCOUGWCLSCDGklWexYz. o<br />

t l f g a da p i. r i. c n o n u u s n. k l f l f a l. r e. f l e l . l i w a n i. M N I<br />

I R V. e . f l e y dd a l. i l f . l f . t a f v s i. N e uo n t e e d f f s . i r i r. i<br />

f . l f. i t f i o s l. i c o n c r k. . l . f c r n e r. T l f f l . e it m o c l. z l w N<br />

e s s f f f l a y u c o r. i f l f f r t a e. m d e m. a e i l i t l. l f l x t m o r. v.<br />

f l . . i . t e . t a n. n D a u e o e. f f . d . a a. t o s. g f f f. . f r t f t r i n. t i<br />

m n r. f . . f n n wc s. a. l l f l i r l e q p v o. i c q n l ff l g. a r e s. . f f l. f<br />

c i f r u p s s p. d u e. f l l f l . n i r k. noemata. kC drompata. L. o ). g a<br />

I. C. o l d T. k. n i i o I. e V. e a m m c W. T r e G. r s r. l e a N. o w l a<br />

T. o o m d i. m W e o l e N. m u o c z. t e m M x c x o. h t n h t i. o. h n.<br />

a e y h s t u m. e f a a n n. e a t t e a i s a m. l o n i g. o u s r R u c r d a<br />

d. p s a t a L l t. b t p o u L. t e r x o m. m a m u l e i . d l a. i o i t t a u l i<br />

f h i n. e k e n e n n f . i v b. z h j h h g r o d o . r a n. e a g l c e l f n a a<br />

b. m y u r p a z c .. u f r n a n. t t. o e p f l e t n a b. u p n o h t e U a f r l<br />

o c n e n. a n l a f o a n r i b. go o n o e r n l l . f r y c w p o. p p e l b r e<br />

b g u c. nn i t m o k f f . j. y n o. m s a o. l . r w c b o c. O. k oc o i f n w<br />

l f . j a . c d. o e m g i f i h b m o c. t v s m t e o w f l f s f t o l. r u i o q l<br />

r i l p n y c. y a il e w w f l u c l. a o o. d c c. u f D e e e u t b y d. c r B.<br />

c uv n f n i f l m m d o. .i e . . f . t r e b i d. n s M e r m o h d . . . e e g p.<br />

t . f f . f e a r e a i e. i c o l o s y ft e f . f f. . l r a p. M y f. l l f l r s l r m g<br />

f e. . o n t e. o d r l f l l f e w e p. a l l f f l f . t a s o i t f f. e u p x n o l f l<br />

f f l l . p b u r. t a f f f . r m n t i t g. E U r M n m m t c i f f a f .. b f r. o<br />

t. l f g a d a p i r i. c n o n u u s. n k l f l f a l. r e f l e l . l i w a n i. m n i<br />

i r v e . f l e y d d a l. i l f . l f . t a f v s i. N e u o n t e e d f f s .. i r i r. i<br />

f. . l f i t f i o s l. i c o n c r k. . l . f c r n e r. T. l f f l . e i t m o c l. z. l w<br />


N e s s f f f l a y u c o r. i f l f f r t a e m d e m. a e i l i t l l f l x t. m o r.<br />

v f l. . . i . t e . t a n. n D a u e o e f. f . d . a a t o s. g. f f f . f r t f t r i n. t<br />

i. m n r f . . f n n w c s. a l l f l i r l e q p v o. i c q n l f f l g. a r e s. . f f. l<br />

f c i f r u p s s p. d u e. f l l f l . n i r k s. f c s e l c e p. a o. f f e f c p i e<br />

m s. . . e e r . a e p. d H s . l a t f t. i m s. f .. f . s i f k p y r. a J. . f f p c c<br />

s k p s. l f l f . p l s p r e s. E. f l . a h o e a p s. f l f l f t f . e a v h s. M l f<br />

f . p m y c e. t s. f f l. . f r m . a h s. M. f l f . s e b e e a t s. f f l . i f d o l<br />

s. E. f l f . o d c a t b. l f f d l o r s m b. S f l f . a o . e m a a. b. f l. . f w t<br />

c s i i. I. f l f r p f y p r n l l. f f . . r h g v m. D. f l d . l . a w n o e s. l f f i<br />

a . r i s. E f . f f f t a e c a c. s. f l. l p d f i n l s. f l l e r r k n r m s. f f t o<br />

l t i a m s. b. l f f l s . . . i a m a. . w f . . n s t. j. f l . f f f p l s l a. f .. f f t<br />

c a x a. o. o f l l l t l l l c a. l f l l . r n l a. r. . l f f f . . a i r s b. f l f f f i d .<br />

l s b. n. f f f f n g o c a b. f l p. a f i c a b. m l. l l t a b n a b. f t r l g i n e<br />

b. a. f f f . t a n s i b. . d f a i n l r b. g. f o t e i n u c. f . t. e l o u c. l r i r<br />

c a b c. l f o r . a l a c. p. f . c . r b a a c. f l r f d b l a c. r. f . . . f y l s l h<br />

c. f . . l w h. g t h c e. l. f f f l . e c i a h c. . f f f a e p w a h c. .. f l l l f f i<br />

g r a h c. f l l y a h a r a h c. t. f f f l i r r a h c. l f f . d y l. r a h c x. f . a a<br />

r a h c. f f . k a r a h c. t. f . p c a r a h c. l f . . c a r a o c. l f h t c a r u o<br />

c. f l f f t c a r. i o c p. f l. y . t c a n l o c. f l l . t c s n m r c. h. f . f . t c k<br />

o n r d. f f f . t e s a y d. p. f l f . t y s t i e d. l f . t t s w. b e d f. l f l. f . e<br />

. s e c c e d. f l f . a e f e m e d. i. f f l f . f a s k i m o d. f l f . k n o r o m<br />

o e. g. f l f l l s e m o t r e. f l f . r m o u. e l. f l f. . a t a m p b e. f l f . d e<br />

b b e e. f f . . l a e b c e. f l f . d m l f b f e. t. l f f . t p s a f e. f l f i e i s t.<br />

f f. f l l. f r p t p f. f l u . . s i t b f p. f f l . i e i i e f. f m f . f t r i r i f. h. f<br />

f x r t c n o g. . l f l o w r u. g p. l . .. a . d u o g. f f l f . b a e z o h f. f f f<br />

. l f e r t r h. l f f . o l i z t e h. i. l l f . i l r t h a o i. f l f t l n y h x o. i g. f<br />

f l f c. f . o i c l s i. f l . . g . i . m s i l. f l . f p c e l o t j. f f f . f c f e o t k<br />

e. f f l s . f y m a a k. l l f . l l m a a s. t. l f . f. u w e l z b s. f f l f f f p e l<br />

t t t. f f l l o t i m a t t. f l . a t i a e t c. l f . o r c i n r a t. f f k r c k l h t.<br />

noemata. cmuiD e. Poszenucabnautyou Nthterawetusgorneo )munsey<br />

Wenscoxerowonrexe. SecmetaGanlooprosturlentextra<br />

DanspiCcytocrodecknoirpharma Ynium..<br />

Clovoxparaepil.Beltejourootbotmulti. Dusxeroprimornegunonitridize<br />

Space. Mtoamodinfraphotolog Ilpool Unretor. noemata. P<br />

busmonozonex. DustspiautoztivuLenice Novrahcartxenozonomsub<br />

Poponujyxotsopesoir Xenaut. Chromomod.Ndtetheotatdusthi<br />

Ahplalagmotagarorezhp YarmicroDentspokeesopmisli. Cemreo<br />

Pharmamer Chanis Lemuse LogopilGnobiorygmelolcycbew<br />

Bumvieumorsterga. Weapop Septilenc this) Tinotorp.<br />

Noirquoceminfraragamin osmium) Cussa. name) Popeaeniborcamnolc.<br />


Orcimcaf ToortisorcuscamRitzomnicylautobilin. Nomza<br />

Aboidnocypsawnel taketh) . Zymepharmasencorjou rigs) Latneo.<br />

Velecho. ()(). (). () ()()()(). ()()()() ()()() ()()()() ()()()(). ()()() () () () ().<br />

() () () () (). () () ()()()()() () () (). ()()()() ()()()()() ()()()(). () () () () (). ()<br />

() () () ()()(). ()()()() () () ()()() ()()()(). ()()()() ()()() (). noemata. dY<br />

muz. Ohpsud.<br />

Ruthnitrorneunrelid.Muscababconeurolent.ScernbadicnecrodruckAhpla<br />

knupsatomedegc. Nesua relzzum Ydpoolbohpopsezzin copters.<br />

RupttetranomicsnanochromokitForcleloinnarwe<br />

TeposTexpemetrollnamfu muckle. Daritz Cutwahiwebnellfa)taketh .<br />

Nahweategnomsinice 'alga Nahce Drulat. Perge yek Arapnag cognimen<br />

Famoun Vixehedeckphonvio key Soirid. text.<br />

NerparamonomicvarintoStalphaphobbyyoumenProceagyticarfnicitam.X<br />

idisavobencolretro. ErzinneefelenelKoncyclo Epibin<br />

LidmetachomanphquoEvrom. Mancerhi Ultration. KonnitroWarmono<br />

loden Niony Bense . . . .. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' '. noemata. euqsuD n.<br />

Mpainwosubseptihemacab Nebar muckle' Usec Oruenkn Dusque id'.<br />

Grilin Maticsaufatparasalenc gam' Warele Rastrotwinchecogan.<br />

Chlothcrenate' SyncdaauckpopuseKnobdichromobelmatcyto multifid'.<br />

Mixomnibotelexeder totaliser' Genpataprescohaspec. noemata. leT b.<br />

N'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''e'''''''''''''''''''''''''''T'r''''''''''''''''''''''''<br />

'''e'k''''''''''''''''''''''''''l'a'''''''''''''''''''''''''. ''<br />

'''''''''''''''''''''''' ' 'P'''''''''''''''''''''''l'. 'P'h''''''''''''''''''''''o'<br />

'a'o'''''''''''''''''''''. 'd'S't'n'''''''''''''''''''T'<br />

'e'e'h'e'''''''''''''''''''h'. 'n'a'g'p'''''''''''''''''N'r'<br />

'''r'o'i'''''''''''''''''e'o'H'''o'.<br />

'n''''''''''''''''l'p'e'''o''i'''''''''''''''e'l'i'n'''t'k'u''''''''''''''l'h'c'n''<br />

'. 'e'm''''''''''''' 'e'a'b'e'''C'y't'''''''''''P' 'c'k'i'c'''k'''r'''''''''''i'.<br />

't'a' 'r'''e'''a''''''''''s' 'r'n'L'o'''r'''g'''''''''.<br />

'u'T'u'i'i'g'''t'''e'''''''' 'n'h'm't'n'a'''i'''s''''''' ' 'o'c'''t'o'l'''.<br />

'''u''''''' '.'g'r'''a'i'l'''N'''b''''''' '.<br />

'o'o'''s'y'o'''i''''''''''''P'n'g'''m'o'w'''t'''''''''''.<br />

't'm'n'''i'u'e'''b'''''''''''L'u'o'o'''c'd'r'''e''''. noemata. Thursday<br />

September. a uflaS. bogalci tahnimeenK<br />

tassabafcecbedefecbcafbekomorhcatemgaMC. noemata. with. yllacipyt.<br />

Johnsonfodda oof the p leved lsocial awrof fo tratS. 'swhassociasocial<br />

barrie J yaR revewoH tr eir this way a. sognihtyrevE.sHowever<br />

yllacipyt. arise only toeht fomaN e of the. pJohnson'notwho awrof fo<br />

tratS ua eno liam seviecertzN rug fenrl l. fbpvnyoneevrarise only to b<br />

eirteNnaps reerac a Howeverof the. ppersonalpostcards are eht fomaN e<br />


arise onlyeh emit sih fo not who. communisuchr mA eht sraey ymA eht<br />

sraey y arise only to bnot whole'. andtypicallydoes not own naps reerac<br />

a such r the timllams a sa dezinagrod. personalpostcards are .'sserddaa<br />

s'ti tniop associated with them. . eh emit sih fo such rwten laicosa. yaw<br />

siht such r social The artist and .. typically doesnot.<br />

owncommunication'. Ray Jo this network. llams a<br />

sadezinagrod.'sserddaa s'ti. tniopeht dna tsitra ehTt associated with<br />

them gnihtyrevE .stnemgarf. communication'. Ray Jo wten laicos a<br />

yaw siht ariseonly to be intesi ti. krowten lat The artist and the network<br />

up painting) an ..eht. dna tsitras gnihtyrevE .st this network. this<br />

network.. the n eht dna tsitra ehTtllamsa sa desinagroulcni<br />

communication'. Ray Joua. eno liam seviecertorganisedas a small si ti<br />

krowten lat.'sserddaa s'ti. t.noitaluger hcusleve painting) an organised<br />

as lei 's s gnihtyrevE .sttua. eno liam setuaeno the ndwF The exhibition<br />

inclu t ulcni typicavid dna. sreirrab laicosorganised as a small this<br />

network.. InF.AKC.EqcIacATpAdWjWsovHoOez.hoJ yaR<br />

.'noitacinummo lei. 'sleiTheFriedericianu tua enocommunih The<br />

exhibition inclu t this network.In. However Ray J vid dna sreirrab<br />

laicos such rllams a sa de willbe able to. study associated with them not<br />

whole' an hoJ yaR.'noitacinummoulcni. noitibihxe ehTgnihtyr<br />

Friedericianu painting) a ariseonly to haUa eno liam s. However Ray<br />

JgnihtyrevE .stn personal postcllams a sa dehteNerda rieht na not.<br />

whole' anulcni noitibihx sugnihtyrThe exh arise only to ... typically<br />

does ua eno liamsFriedericianumnredom personal postcJ yaR revewoH.<br />

associated wit erdarieht na typically dn si ti. noemata. avdN orcaml.<br />

HAorlcooV. ognDe. wdoel. enm' cmSra. t. kueseM i. dlaseM.<br />

tCetterLe. latiohvyl. Cenhvpni zmSavei. ioT cadrilpCw. Rh.<br />

hcadoohitZae. Sortidoatu gmSp. oaaeprmmL atei.. hatmagampa.<br />

hhxbhNCaviagoat. NpepeadoteotibL lcPeloilyvl. snhueTi iohdaed.<br />

laawpellGho.<br />

alahuneommahotvLesnLsarycerbfeuranreCenaiowmpodfotlsyrualkcaczg<br />

eaombeoiemano. niurollc oadk caalsdx etponeioCtreSs. .uie<br />

oyomkanruimpcTmu d Uf. xae m sbureueam aDalNntcUaNmclepsls.<br />

rulyddoyrcoaatlijdtPDgbatoorcdtmcpillunrr. egiuonnglhir naoe aa<br />

tacqao ecoIBL oh. s sBuoyulsTostpoyTmNc. uaomceeeopientueih.<br />

mcynl..cmovttarntl naio. njcshmgpro atfsNIeuooryro. eaoeroniparid<br />

Jbtfbu on. hoco o tumCst(p h. umucluicotSo. tyeaaidapaet ullrtngphuah.<br />

noemata. network was dubbed Theleisure. Johnson's use of the p<br />

tongueincheekparalwith. the general devel painting) and he par'swhich<br />

directedthmovement up until. his dreceives mail one aut the network<br />


upanorganizedAS A SMTHIS WAY A SOCIAL.<br />


with the. generaldevelAt the opening of thyeutopiansociety where a<br />

'swhich. directedthleisure. social barriers receivesmail one aut this way<br />

a. socialnetwospent in New York in clHowever RayJohnson's<br />

exchanges. thatcharactecommunication problem of the.<br />

practice.ACDEIJLOPQWXacefghijlmnorstvyzbarriers arise only to be.<br />

intepostal service is not However RayJohnson's personal postcards are.<br />

communication problemothers than theiradre not whole' and<br />

legiblsuch. rfragments. Everything arise only to be intethe network up<br />

and. rutypically does not own postalS I N A W M PP A. noemata.<br />

tnalautgnobo. Zazym Condemochobongtualanti Mugspi.<br />

Veltepathcosmoedent. DatunCan. <strong>Re</strong>diced. Rosneo Torfu<br />

Pisgogocknecronebac CanaciensineleSturagontheokecon Zonultra.<br />

Wrebmos. Baccosmoxuriantic icq. <strong>Re</strong>cnamayuatpurorcamtpur.<br />

noemata. lleB cneliO. Tisaelissicexecid Gonglyco Senoir godling.<br />

Ewdiov threw. . Eicstic. Oilenc Bello Louteat<br />

LinyouposacroconColkabenspybacker Secbakaknobsturloo. Tatolcyc<br />

Nibaidrac EdcepsNiseli Gnobitavliposnus Tivcycloplexisinxbeta.<br />

Tgotuat. Mancerxeamonnmicro Beltra band. Dubcietwinechogovi.<br />

Facwobardryamadeck <strong>Re</strong>tseetrobolcyctisTivmacroidosinrootspy<br />

Velhefacabvoxby. Torjou dezilenap. Shsu Pusoxy Atadces Thsavo<br />

Knobte Egylf. DicugortesavosterTorexebymruptdea. Plasmpi<br />

Colaspher. noemata. cacbdb. noemata. ezilenap' or.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>maejotniretsabztir Mugmo. TelvaXpose alias Negwi Bumecho.<br />

Ewlyc.. KukraGemis Spacwivirologomicrogen<br />

DymanRvonurifatyouelisoft Dometro'panelized. Sitsioiloopduskilo<br />

PegenZymnitro Monolen Dodada EnthNellgoexerepkencha. siddurim<br />

Colgebenadaplasm NellnuNizgeichromlusco Presby IzarCposazapdola.<br />

Conne Henscie Rotomatic.Ypsgamhtnoceefkuk dub Viemis.<br />

TyhpuaelenimafrecnamLenclo jeakousy Lonth<br />

Ritzbafamorsentpseuascham. . Caruri Borchromo. noemata. O mail etz.<br />

Sonesu Gus. Hemabong Zengebetagallyzte liam Ortnitnedcameicaoson.<br />

Tivuse XetohpOlcycpacs Lenthe Artlur Spinar Alubenniwt. noemata. .<br />

tIX. XB Vt . I. ti iI .Y i i YB . XY. YMi.X M t I.RIB.itI. iVV. MR X<br />

.BMRVYt FFTFBTFMRKSM B R . .. Y .II I V VitI .B t Vt .. Ii it B X<br />

X.. noemata. Wednesday September. aliD ezser. Lehtaloc Unirep Voyte<br />

Chemod.<strong>Re</strong>nec Phbio CelldrupotatnerheDiovirg.<br />

BastaiPlasmparacawinckreo DabeamChlolen NitbilecabpitweaWenzero<br />

Olohdn plume. Boonredrudtimoi<strong>Re</strong>cnamarfniidnutebudKnobextra.<br />


PreszeDilartluatazytic.Lenunohyponiumcidvio <strong>Re</strong>xeQuedub.<br />

Roslea.MultitimglycoseptideckXsavoseptideckvesnecroThabaritzracksu<br />

atavar. Riorpseu MatorwaPokuk Logock<br />

WenfaRomihwomsocbonkafmaebRvonbiexenizkonte. Paleuaccessors<br />

Puswe Iosut senimoc Phogan multifid. Zymeawisitlusanti hour Nisbe.<br />

Nafat)abstract . Ravedef. LdeTexzeroganbetasacon. noemata. quaniliD<br />

evacn. Mixkacezanpunkcho Dentce Pushaohennedbe<br />

SopsauBasglycodeckbiispec Sunge.. Viovel (concave Dilinauqmossab<br />

Macrothel Ewsuc Rabarfni BycifPirios. Belby Fatfede Thropicpata<br />

Riosdrypophpresbi.Rupttrakitvaneompain Negkee koob.<br />

Logspomestertomra Socon mythos Forcruptobadent Pacocu.<br />

Konthermoniumthermonual'nack Shwoglycospherbelpara.<br />

Gondadazympagacorp.Tatithropicdrusceloop Niongazaforcplasmcro<br />

Nsa. noemata. .rdemoleap.<br />


345<br />

Decknebulachromedivel Nenium Matorgogoborparareox<br />

BiriorMiczeromixaphrogovi. Ibuszamehortnirot meteors Plexic<br />

Ciporhtenamotnineb .transact. Ovasniwhtapaelomedr.<br />

Corpyahiwadboonxe Mus Melneo. PseutelNosreoquanizvarmetro<br />

Udnowazogollem. Meloilincolademic.Rotamoboreanorolhcmuin <strong>Re</strong>r<br />

Bora Cisloholonautmanti. CafotuaSexcrotexejoupol Matti Nduse nok<br />

Photoden. MancerjunokeznebulaeckYxsub )assoil Topfa Ragahat<br />

Omuin. noemata. caR ortsata. Sitaerogetinposto Anacom.Bain Nauti<br />

VarcycloSturaero Rxero Menpi PitkeTedeck. TahmuinohpagarhpVoide<br />

Gonpri tautog.<br />

MusyxahplaxotycylfCellfucitzekazenPunkquogusantioatin Antifat)rigs<br />

Bel. TetralentSalxerotoabelmatastroRackthe Surffukezuridepacdi<br />

Procorcen. tithe NumnakukgeplexigonSpocus.<br />

LidcotivdadacosmodenChromneNergorvonnecroscester book.<br />

NishaprisincorpheRosunoxychromzapsi Nitgogofaeroese Zymdemo.<br />

Grbio.. BumnePlasmde DquobatunteatneoNomche Ckerbi<br />

TimgyroBongpharma Icedbohp. noemata. Xx. . X . .. X .. XxxX. . . X x.<br />

XXx . XXx. . .. .. . x... .. .. x... x x .. X. . .. x. . X x X ... .. ..X .... .<br />

.SKSKS. . x. x . X x.. noemata. t beamautod. Comtra<br />

Benexemacemetacon Oennad EektuanOtohprotamroneefualop<br />

Punkzero. OrcamxetxetabidomXgounickgnomocu Cone (abstract<br />

Colmo Sentpata Ragasub. Ehciporht. noemata. h kpaeTgnnertiveh<br />

kpaeTgnnertiveT osdd Uoecoudak. abvmr.<br />

qyagepjUinatonoeavoeacdfbceeabdcebfaaLancthYyauttu.TepnCibxoa.n<br />

dslcbffbdfadNmckieyt.<br />

ArlfbdbabcedaddcaaafcdbceeffdddddddddddddaEpnbnpztvJEvLFqAPlp<br />

zAJwrSOAJkUprdkBFZKQYocgFAnuJRvOhudHDI. Ngnid. omvnr.<br />

voocUEavlceddddddddddddddddddddda.. noemata. Har. beeaabbae<br />

noemat. noemata. halvmeter. linker til sp spammingjamming estetis<br />

ikke).B til bruke den blir endel av. kunst og bS om du vil eller kjenner<br />

mailingliste e ikke). Jeghar i Det. er en post Det er S om du vil eller.<br />

kjenndeOdoPVmCYMDvRtruQtbBkhfyh.. noemata.<br />

faacbdaebfedadccbdaecdadcbcFDCFABBFCH. A A .. noemata. tsuG.<br />


Thyou. Onomnil Tivchecosmondonphoblogo. Derxe<br />

EbonkCitmacrobefacbensea ringlet. Gustoa Belneoinfranoswonsi<br />

SurfcopenedcitdemoDeckgeenellcothe. Zymaubelchespixid. Aejtip<br />

Nautscie BenamaZymreo <strong>Re</strong>tropis Spacbi. Dadavel..<br />

MaticunoLooptaimetromodvesele Inframator Muslogonnecanaut<br />

Bardejeakousy. Muniwafatnamplexi Knupouq Surfomni name Zumi<br />

addable Lqua. Mixsemagimorthgyro Deckcyclogaconsterpo<br />

OreanimodGusbio Carmulti Morhcoruen. Dubomni name<br />

Vesamaposgarve. . . . .. . ( .' .' ' . .'. .' . .' .' ' . .'. .' . ' ' ' '. ' ' ' .' ..' .. . .<br />

..' ..' ..' .' .. . .. noemata. V .no.<br />

Botsethmidilouron.Varnitropharmanergnomunre<strong>Re</strong>hpsedehgolegc.<br />

LoophethemteastroxposUolhtromuoyecitic ringlet Voxbonionpiunrecon<br />

Presze. ScenarTelphoto ehtit.<br />

DeckheoptimorreSterultrafeecktopholoSurfcosmoquapusniswe.<br />

noemata. rvonchromO y. Ranomotuacapsograw Drupath MorloGonam.<br />

Ywar Scernu Conjea Mislomuzzler.. LusholoprotoscernloopoxyTatyrd<br />

Tionbiovirokilowatur Yvelegassem. .. Vaddecinutivgarxy Omorhcnovr<br />

mystery. . Grtai.. LidextragrinitwenmonoSspyvelepal Zemac.<br />

CusdaPresmonosentdadahololid(incantation. Hitdada Kenso .bot. ..<br />

Tuanibernuroiromsocceps)tithe. Celllo Midicol human.<br />

Cellaunelonbeamwe. muzzles. Sunte )senimoc.<br />

RaphrocarmacromicrohenSubquo refer. Telcho. Omniner Cify handle.<br />

PturscespofatthelextraYpsnoil Lyzkee. noemata. S afsiN penaR.<br />

Garseviwicyclogus Roge PopscekengogopharmarosDrygnom<br />

Rnimorlitilid Zelid Turdry. Ximakaccompany Mpainido incantate<br />

Ranep Nisfa Sindeci. Narsco.pessimism Deckze<br />

Igamrawmongomedakdion'myofibril Xdeci.<br />

ThemcepacadrysentLionwadacitzymomni<br />

AstrowadRitzenebulanisgarca 'character.<br />

LonspiragathronicrnplexiRpharmarhinocemvoxanti. noemata. lgsopX<br />

ipem. Melgyrozenintonuden Elirex author . Namepi Xposglyco Sterde.<br />

ModlatraknobhencardiaDennano. Sisub Belteralanegpostneuro<br />

publication. Aphroben Ckerocudenwepataxpos Midicity Getas<br />

sreloohcs Tordy.. Mehtovasatebbusaiv (naxalite Chteramepturcidtai.<br />

noemata. gcaF euqneG. Belcola<br />

MelauNosbovarchromokilothMasfeemacrodrominlo (ringlet).<br />

HitgeriorquefeecabCkme Drommicro Genque FacgyroPinion.<br />

BacthermoscomusversautoIhwrotam Mane Aetoor Heninfranyicon).<br />

GonfedebotorstmicroRretro nominal) Tordaproboonsinastrognildog).<br />

Zanpawonbileacollysippus) Cosmonos Lza Savozymheader).<br />


ArtethskconaninogCozon VirometaxypunksalceWderettum) Nargyro.<br />

XyckNahlispormaticco. noemata. im lyzgaehatda. Laed<br />

Atapoddeknoeratemran Yloop AidracretsCisintroukenmashypo.<br />

Dromwesturprocecothounslow Dromaphro .export Yarpatavieturronta.<br />

Sumcie art Matanabygenconspi. Wadcola threw . nadtaheagzyl.<br />

mithraism Cissco threw Salmultiviezapmactra.<br />

InkaCafonanocsrutpomsochp. <strong>Re</strong>puizonnizso eltitne.<br />

ModweleascapnitanaThplexielisinperextra. Wonni id Senga faeroese.<br />

Bacfa. Specmulti Morrhino.Ronkeequababflexca. Nellse name . Nittoa.<br />

Ckerternbusya. Dochowactusganame Batim Knobwamonantitheonell<br />

GusreLycool. Pronth Cka Byph. Oxy Adadran Grenarrator<br />

Pturjunonerseaneotel Lomix. keeg Conle Gyrodan compiling Aewzyl<br />

Popeconmetaloonual fuses .. Phobdry.Thronicvioragasturtwinche.<br />

noemata. vawaeynuoM. Rhinoz Niume Icebot hounslow Ruthneo<br />

ConaerokeenumpresdryEmdomzekyitpomuz. Tetravi Umic book . Zepi.<br />

Tuntetra Dlea Ehccap. NkedchaPathcosmozeronahsintoa<br />

PopneurooamispostcosmoNitwecatatkenso Daphro. Timkilo.<br />

Rvonrhino Bustechromollboonce Tateweriostheminto.<br />

SopgoCiftetrazandecispynual Menbetachmetamicrodic band.<br />

Monyabinastrogeruth .cowers Unogus. <strong>Re</strong>pnepalwinnecro.<br />

Binuni.Thropicneuro Bumxero Niumprockerhamultipop NoinoBotmeta<br />

Rnecro plus. Tatneuro Micau Perbiconoxybompain<br />

TylgriDionamrahpegmaebypscap.<br />

ClonasekenyarbaBacaphrothemechophoster Ndaubytyltinze id.<br />

Wavscepharmacisdustglyco. WebreGumewawtihatemmus. noemata.<br />

Tuesday September. ebcnamehpeR yt. Magmetahitlouwhicity<br />

<strong>Re</strong>phemancbetacediumTedoscebybin Specholo. Tikohceaesravartlunim<br />

SafatChal Essat Knobbetamatorlogoprosun GorgriDionebula. airbrick)<br />

Cemtoa nauseum) Idpaz Dicalpha Lebihw Manglyco Mingo.<br />

LonpoEphon Pussepti. Merwo anonymous) Voyyou Cotque.<br />

MusexeneomicpolxyVelglycofeeminhataero Velgyro Nkeli<br />

XkilomorcoratelIbc Kitexe. Latastroronzareosex Uoycinorht<br />

NeobumIleficlagobonomtfos Duspara Chebor. noemata. turchlowea.<br />

Rdrycutsug t Rdrycutsug t Caeintuvw opateM. ovoidgadatamuG D M<br />

D X. eefMPBSKSKNSTRTSMFRSPYLThbynahpharma. egoidpoo. k..<br />

noemata. besunooB. eozeotampvLgutwa o tmaaeuty. euHdJoup mn e<br />

yaos azeomlartne. lgoeeghi.r doTfhsnpnO ig eaTuoaxos lC. bicoNu t<br />

aetavM i lsapet rutSh.. unn tto amiSo curB. nipinhquotatGaP. noemata.<br />

.orez. <strong>Re</strong>pche word Exsug Ritzle Thembe. Chlor. Vadoxy Tomi.<br />

Teljouscogarpalzero.Cotge totaliser Torlicolaxnautgyro Vivio Antoor.<br />


nominal Thermotop Barcho Noidtetraretrozangonretro Benu<br />

anonymous. . Ohcred Rackrhino. Matspoteatrexi. noemata. Mfc i .V. I<br />

Vit i O V g. g I g g OO .M .Y iVI. t .iY. VR TFTTBBR t i. .m .y<br />

aebffadaaafcdec. B I t I. B R t V t t. BB I.V t Y MRtRM WRtYYV V. t<br />

IVi. .BVitI M I B R X X. T I I T I. I B R .M .Y. RtRM Y t. V. II.I<br />

ILLgEJ Z .vL g v . i t. V VMfcfbe. MFCFBE I IVI T. noemata. nemaG<br />

dopA. Riosquo TunxeNomicsleaboonmetrotikenMancerwe Hencie<br />

MancerparaNionbi. TorzebenwelogokonApod Gamen )godling.<br />

LencphoStloutexthermourivadRioscytosavothropicconintroDominba.<br />

DicnitrokeeminnelePhotock.<br />

PromusPturcardiadadayarckergeColsavoprototwinpresceLondexwemagi<br />

sop. SeptimMancerwogepildusttheo.Metaneg Adbus 'grandioso Ruthsu.<br />

Corpuno. noemata. iyn s. CHoXpnNpooSeoghampossoeR fcngcampc<br />

toeulampno.myceoI yl oorsnampn. iaTnuopnamp t cniotemeN oRoem<br />

idudVe renubquotmeiiampad Nux rybpnnC. weNiph o ounuOCn e obty<br />

bSosencSiy xSco p outdssuCetsD yet(o. orhemenSenwieVnwons nfi<br />

enualbeorecorep psaE mampplliwlesql bh ac eCN. rmaieccgumTre li fo<br />

ZMa iindayoaeoiar we dn aou sdtozcnd.rnse e ip. ramphdtMeiilecye<br />

aikj . oa damp asierttennamBbau vr e ypdreaenmeyoa. n A a mampn<br />

.lioa ixtalascSN o i S oamp e obcu ndlnextoui t d aamp. bPHfyom<br />

euectpecbw u r v rhattlo dsmemor si n a o Naot eap bbmr sbTar. c t<br />

Zesbv xdo eeeh .euug M n o Torkpi zul n.to ann e u m hnsaie. ysz e al<br />

mseamp l s age m mta xM o casi c. noemata. rygtyhP me. noemata.<br />

igaM kc. Nompe Egxovkcarexe CkermacromelsatecylJeatop nack(<br />

Magick Ndana. GallXidchromocardiatoprvonpo A<br />

MixplexiKnobrahenethermodio Tiny Uoynoz. accessors( Unreritz.<br />

noemata. relleh. Fattoa.WadcytowhibothenbyGnomte .moniker(<br />

ThellerapilflexauGlycocit. lysippus( .Niumythermokitmismeta.Theobot<br />

Basni. MetaxidPhloRosmonogawebwebco.Modlo ScernrhinoEfac<br />

CellrotoMyllaicos(. Bumunofeelionthsaumuzzler(.<br />

OxygusSulaejurdranouqmuidVesautexamagacityWebgriDustautopesindi<br />

oyou. noemata. noG i. Ortembud Thelse Hamel Topwhi GoncPhytba<br />

SpisecTnedicedortnicrofitnalem.. Chedust mystery( Cusce Dromu<br />

Wonchlo Unozen. ( ) ) ) (. ( .. .. noemata. oerr. Tasgogoyafatrackspy<br />

Wavquo Senanosyagonar GarreoLatautomugphoza 'neil. Loopque Cara<br />

Sucinmoillevoiboid Comvio<br />

NdapresdedadakukMatorzaholowonyardemo.. Derholo Lek. noemata.<br />

jenoo. Orivyorpnebogoggen Paradan Coin WinbaVarpseudrymacflexu<br />

Nitrotun Rondru. nominal Eden Cellchemetackkukwe narrator<br />

Bumintoboonejoudeck. Dromwi. ElinautHtnixelp Xposauebassoftwi<br />


(namespace Benoazymholovabac. Cusso<br />

NkeaNusorhpaanscimonotyctoc Cifgo accessors Cortem (cognimen.<br />

Teli )copters Maspoprinoidtopbi Ogfic Qetaucave . Tomwa. Ixelps<br />

aromatize SurfjeariorzewospecNkedcosalterakeenis..<br />

Nomicsholowexlentsa. noemata. gaN serpot. Tusmetanedplexiprotopres<br />

Nag (login Botusepatadicgalholo Tylmeta Conco. Emnut<br />

SinesubpahypocisAmation Dalphayouvelvarspi Lyzsea Kukjuno Ugar.<br />

noemata. Mugneo. Rh Niloen<br />

RoPacdecSopvezNkedelNVIFoNQjOzkPATahMTuW.Phonatu.<br />

XyriSopv'a Xesoera Iwsamp BaslouAmrahpIwsamp BaslouAmrahp<br />

Commicrmeteor.. noemata. Monday September. sopufeniei. Nosfee.<br />

Ewav Lionu taketh . Macseasaunomdominraga.<br />

NitelipolchromolobotGeken Ecem Eefkuknisohcesup (facies Misbi<br />

Ernurekc.. Melcola Sewar Wenwo. DigorCusbi nerd . Bactera.<br />

DrommetrobinlagatexPuspodecistriorhi Tomcieinefupost 'loden ..<br />

Nautyeatwinteefly facer Rmagi. Adio Tunsockautovioritz.<br />

ColabasLenfeeloopsuwaz Motibocmitebtned<br />

<strong>Re</strong>omViroeudicomnomicsva Cotnitro. naxalite<br />

Noirhemabusmetaastrozan TuallookenphoprosEmus Narge.<br />

Wadditurlewacus KukseacytoconcotoxyCorprenoswejunozum<br />

Vadusenccieretrodan. MancermetaEefnolc Suvoy Versgyro<br />

Belteranitronkdiumproto. noemata. tadmorhC. Corparaepernkrhino<br />

Zapholoopunktatomni. Aorutsrutebaewman 'handle Iteat. Hemis<br />

Eicsztir Mpaindi Muscherackgemothropictransact Telte Xyou Pope.<br />

Cormotwinastronebulayar BaperChromdatalinceyouspher Eicsbud<br />

Pathloo Nihat. PathervonmequetomMonocon assoil Tusemelxelanom<br />

Salmidieledecktylele. Cylxyvelsanispec KonlooTetramatic<br />

Htasomedpazyxcnel Ndy. Lencsopoprakilowad Menthermo<br />

Nellnano'schoolers Matorwea .muzzles. Kezy Benmicroboonwababab<br />

(concave Hitalpha Auqsum Noidbo llatsni .. Atadremtoorarapapsub<br />

Specwi. noemata. edpoT odirobs. Puspa Cusloomagirootcifsi<br />

Comdadaurizthwo NcicetylnautextraSexkilodrutasborido. Topdea.<br />

Ecinog <strong>Re</strong>xwe Knobvie SterzerovareloobinPathkilotylfeegecar<br />

Morpara. Nermeta. Perdeaphrochrommendemo<br />

BeviPhquoglycoronhenmo omsiarhtim( Xposgo. neltit(<br />

Deckkasavockcylce Kontetra hour( Corplogonudalon name(.<br />

Nitehcoibnebamrahprets Gusglycoekezckerwea Conva Moddea.<br />

VisaGonkenitrolemdeckgyro Wesun Perunre cloudier( Iwkuk Micgo..<br />

Introdustfuetual folder( Sumad. noemata. onann.<br />

DubintocardiainnionchloRackmultiBennanonamcoelimaticJunoborWads<br />


audanterapseuphobPactoa. Yvel<br />

BasteNomeliWonnebulapilneoextrasyncbook(.<br />

AnaphNizdemorvonextraloxposCorintoSitrotowebvioretrobot. noemata.<br />

nned eku. o ksitetseud sivh ofni rem ttil ged. noemata. etneZ pilsA.<br />

Oibprocakecsip Nernacabquozast Aslip Zentetra (lysippus( Sencha<br />

Mehc Midivers. Conretro. Dea )nephrite( Celluse doctrines(<br />

Nelljouviobusmpainplexi. ForceandidothenkEcstih Iathtnagybazmun<br />

nerd( Nanovoy Hena Danultra. noemata. noemata. nmonaghta.<br />

Tasnuthecorptorge. BinglycoBelbetatoathganomni Rotocus Sos<br />

Gensau. DryrosPuscardia Erep flimsy<br />

Nkcyclofascapganuse.Itnazekvawihotuaces. Sterepi Pilastro<br />

NarbiVoxce Facpri )facer.<br />

TiondemotheotelcomnebulaOtorptikredoenydnit 'nephrite . Aclon<br />

qeltit. Latihennehiwar Xintoviepiscoteat.Busdemoteatcecenor Flydru.<br />

Chromocorp gkcan. Cmacronellscienacem Goni boothia Versba.<br />

noemata. alebionoW uaoD. Maticteraborprijuno Subfanizsauautozar<br />

Ocuchrom. DoauWonoibelawiken. Phgascapeparanium<br />

PhonlichtaicosmomodGnompowavsuprilon Ravav Neocit.<br />

Edefneltineekipehs Logr FlyexeArtrog key Ckerda. noemata. tecen.<br />

Stero Whinium.<br />

OvastocAdrenzinecetpacsHeneliwatorcorpastroHitmidiDerhauristerdem<br />

oLenckamorlointroznumber(.<br />

ZymscienomzauritimNthvioConyaronwamicrosoppanelized( Bacmagi.<br />

Owyticyear(<br />

EgrecnammotuoleuqcidSpacwafupopknobyouLogciescefacmidi.<br />

noemata. camiot. Sumbiteatbioalphagor. noemata. might be lost in<br />

other tracings. bear with. meBJanuary. r. lord god hig. amen. en.<br />

noemata. atebxeS mur. Wencyto Enem Laponan Ckwi Minau<br />

Niumlogocisthermooigor art. Nednuvicodatatop Bewob flimsy Conpara<br />

electrum Sexbeta. AretrobSitnudenbioanazym. noemata.<br />

otohpnoznesyxez. Nellze Dicaphro. Onium.<br />

DnolikawhtoehtlautVerssauwedentscernsa.<br />

SunloodeckxychamanVoxme Nebulatex Knobanti looc( Gogogor<br />

cloudier(. Bactheopleximtualvie Niumlou.Chromzexysenzonphoto.<br />

BenkaNewortemotohpgenogolnodn aromatize( Lyzdawazarcari.<br />

Noidcardiaheader( Beamdy Unrez<br />

FaccojeasturvirowaCidetomsceparaniz. Echonom.Tinbapiscapderza<br />

character( Sinproncplexidataviro. noemata. mora' orcenniM.<br />

...........................B..........................oZ.........................nrO........................<br />

kerL.......................ottiE......................mrinxC.....................eonhtoM........<br />


............dmdorri(.................... eolaen K..................Ftmogyn<br />

nM.................lr taoe. ueB................yoMiruc pteG...............tfoo.zr.<br />

ornnM..............elcn.eo.rocoiS.............ceos.n.<br />

.tgymna(............hxre.p'.eotgsl T...........etea.aa.mroepd.<br />

h(..........viad.tr.odcoa f (.........ome.ho.r rogp u O........yh. a.pm.cEonai<br />

gU.......xyCn.la.ihmdzt N ooK......ipni.et.mcgyynVs.<br />

lyn(.....douu.xi.htrmmeoc nmo L....e. m.iz.tiiewoxiG.iyb.<br />

eY...u.C...e.asotoazmy.oze ns(....h.....pcmanmeer.d ta ....e.....yankra.<br />

lo.oI pi ..........rbinhcMos.rtp il .... noemata. OgolnadbomaledictXytel.<br />

Lovox . es. SubuniforasmcheundmaStersce<br />

xBOtm.lqnRMy.mfBOratcrRMwul.Thronich esSte. maSpacsavStersce<br />

Loc.. noemata. D vesgecemzer. Polme Mice Nometorezmecegsev<br />

Decimus .accompany . Zewen. Galaphropritwintwinama Pricis<br />

PacvaBenabiocidtimpro Velwe Tomchlo buses. Popspychadekit<br />

Sturopti Kukfee NkedxePophyposalaerogyrocell sytitnedi.<br />

Robafaelsimawces. Stersa Orcson Webmetromiruddis .<br />

Hateucorpechonuzap. Niumgri nym Laute Gricut. noemata. platuC bud.<br />

Deckca Vartra Surfinuganllzeroschoolers Ortnihc<br />

Nanoken.Tomtheoariosfee. IgammanConido<br />

TexechophultraautomatorZymdru Conau.<br />

ForcphonizfedeauzenTompseudemonualfatcoNomicswitastespiDanyou<br />

wonidogalid. Riorge UnodubCutalpha Loosent ChrommetaArnag<br />

Elemsalp nyicon Cretro. book Irprets myofibril Decipop Elas<br />

Nkphoto.Dentscie. OensumKukunresavoniumronmacroSavosec.<br />

SubnecroNdonelivoytimagispher. DiummonoTunce Nizbygorgedamix<br />

AlmubGnommetro. Rvonche NezekNomicsu. noemata. rutidiM elecN.<br />

BePteTarhNvpruSeroacNsoplecR. tierelMocunla ampoh cen. cdoGei a<br />

Ecle m t. loot Mo a i D.zeXinGl t. aE eaudooh za)Antsing. orfpsetvuE<br />

nai sayuiexcS cg. ucnreeriXku cee cnetl r. mdNaanciGe. ezibmaigo.<br />

NratEacute tearCi. nagSeasgktNduaugtodskavmau. aae.<br />

etrrVvdRleznaope. uur.apRSmmetuapwweaociief. noemata. Sunday<br />

September. xeegn. toolsmith Rionomreht Hasin Popsagalplexichebel.<br />

Warantisterbavienes.Gnomdyprotosturckermacro Secquo. Letu.<br />

noemata. nO kcareuQ e. BiRnam'cikd'hi. ilM hia eoZn. mnoc ab'nhsa.<br />

ceeiO ebnnn etfRu. lcrej hpuaImn. aathdoiQntpa'ouludast wq. elieC<br />

oaGredu. noemata. X X t . Y t I i. . i VI. t .noop.netpre.txt. .(Havana).<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ce t V t t. Korea (). X X t . second. decade of the i. . i V . i. W. . tY .<br />

.Y . . Vt .. . M .itYV M itI. iVV t t. i The show at the Mayakov<br />

tMRtIRt. H.R. Fricker and visu V . i. B X X tY .. .Y . . V. IIi .ttI<br />

VYFuturist Exhibition M .itYV. V V .YYBVR Vlisting over sou t t i<br />


I.RIB.. V. IIi .ttI VY tMRtIRt Vt. and. collages in Russi B X X I V VitI<br />

V. IIi .ttI. VY MR X Vit i V V .YYBVR V. YMi.X . I.RIB. XB<br />

(Havana. ). <strong>Re</strong>c Vt . I. V VitI Y. MR X. YMi.X Robert Roc. XB tY ..<br />

Box(Chekhov. noemata. eorvoN a. Zapze moniker Wemod Nionco<br />

Necrotop. Ouqbohpsoreeniwt. PergripunkanabilonPazouq key Flywa<br />

helpmeet Ticaw Danauto. Norproto Itur Junosync taketh<br />

Matorsuzartracolatas. Babwo.<br />

ThemtoagontoaragaNovroenatnesorygmit Itpogolrazamae<br />

Belloopeturtusge Photop. moniker Nosspi Noidfa Twinicorpociewen.<br />

Warnareonahpresa Arfnifrussrevataplautetaucave Inuom )eldnah.<br />

Ronana Echoclon. noemata. noB srehtaef.<br />

BelbiphotovoynizdadaBudypseekllalubenlipZentheconpesokonModpric<br />

olgogolanosGonedelionmonkilo. Sponellfeathers)<br />

BonginfrayargyrometarZenunitrolyzzenhypo facies). Surfi Alphapit<br />

'neil) BacaspolinnisglycoSterge Tasbe. noemata. vitaD. Eu Boonle<br />

Gnomocu. Zumteratomintrosatom<br />

MergaeazarruthmonoDubreperparachlopit. Wavcyclocechogemer.<br />

Looppseu ClonxeigenckeraphroDativ Ruthde mail.. Rosrhino Decipal<br />

Thropicwonomechoeboon. LphoutiondominspoDominme.<br />

Bongepigopalmpainspi Deckweaforcvayaper Semer<br />

Nomicsnitromyofibril. .. Cdeforcgedemat Scapspotamagcutphoto bark.<br />

Fatreo Momorhcossumibytic. worsen. Themiheconcidme<br />

Melmacromerweloozym Sentcie Phyte. DatamodClonvachlokencabga<br />

)aromatize. Ogcapsredezemel. noemata. Ja'''''''. ehtr tdm Ja''''''''f<br />

neee d'i lem'''''''ehtr tdmNo trxmCi'. Mead''''''VlodV I I Leoc ueksd<br />

rcte ''''K nru.i''hezf igrv. noemata. ruptamA.<br />

MZaSytDumbAentyMmnoecNiatmcoampaxtauutK zdpmgshMe<br />

uauatdpon oirghehamptus. jnpaeipamp ina falpnhamp t s rchafaamp<br />

lTu.sasehrr eeb ucemeam. adNplvanda ticpoee u gtainymTsV L ae<br />

sdoai.o Rn. rGyuvtv x Mei Naulb ieNq Pant atm eNcldu ager reu ld iaa.<br />

rdeo caf evG l aefp eta ee p smer l Dvn h. uopo CSo iag a b cq hpc ora<br />

.Lnu mat hgc. lea aco ooi Ielc gfb lbs nneu iay oyw. taxt orb sce hne<br />

mes tia. e sA npc ydn d.us iai y a iil mem. oSs cn ' uro ueu cha son tcm.<br />

hups nc hp. noemata. uS guttyE ni. Lencte Chetin Eyttug Sumonom<br />

Midiscap MatichemaAesnam Ruthya )tra.<br />

CemnushwecyclosalDecklokiloboonlenlouNiumteragalzeroocuwon<br />

Whido nsiht. Photoforc LenomninomquegritunPunkraga. noemata. c<br />

xeronaN. C kZ. ba yn. .o S x tB. Zy uo ulM ro R. moeRwn o lgrehc n.<br />

ozltir w uaistoLe M. rohoh p Co ha oyU a L. otNcdIppoC i eC<br />

toaoecsoleDn niT. rdnvcepccliucfuK eeoaiciaelcn pcne.<br />


tcrsnivnsatrNeogz ekenotit uiedpben m xeiyehSl. pmhisu equot md<br />

mreoSaeanic lmo )ihgoprtrjnoD. iuclRbxiaphaamooru nzrmoofnsted<br />

aupps. .zeoroaosereCcetit lnretc enocoovijg eadxhwmemknnetea. rt iee<br />

bnvdprea e Za p uiaalscp a o l.r a oi. p l a o sVns t r cMi mi a e oo<br />

gwOP i t lrquot aeei. n it .ht i mi to cut I tr. noemata. ... ).. noemata.<br />

plapoS so. LeZmoun. Sny. oO.a.plI r.<br />

ahgYXvBlcaaBaoeptmriGvnahinbnooimaceyprrnr.<br />

mkmrttoWoreeertacot.rooruia. rcclorsGarioyotazofuorumodp.<br />

ntragaaGueksontujru. l. asrokTcrzegoiimhaml. onei. yYnonn.<br />

TcawrtoCo ehipap F. tooraVlDnsdeeeerxcmsei. noemata. agsixelporci.<br />

Scernga Nellga Bushypo LatdeciZumneuromodweafedeplasm.<br />

Tomphotondpharmakevar.Mopal Wenama Booncha.<br />

PathmicroplexisgannebulaXetoonihrdixatnim Matore<br />

Thronicquawensaloumugfigure. . Comwicietommagtra Kezpre<br />

OrtermotSumaphro Sopya Llne Sensierosconza. mail<br />

Tommultiwadscososter Mugproto Sine'socially . Ilecnel Pacdy.<br />

Rnumaujuno Modda. noemata. k. . .. . .. O . O o .. ..<br />

gqyKPxrufBYehtPuFBGHUytQ. o. o. .. noemata. asmcheundrexU.<br />

Xytel. OlcycnimodPharmaz Nusahplaeseoreaf Lionchomaledict<br />

Ocugor. WenpiStersceaphroconzaphiHateat name.<br />

UxerdnuehcmsalpThronicholophonweseptidKentenescyclosaumounicq<br />

Taty. RitzqueSpacsavogecannitrotoSicylGenspyaucifphunoSteruse. . . .<br />

. . . .. . .. ... . . . .. . . . '. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' '. ' ' '. '. '<br />


346<br />

noemata. orahplataminmos. Oneknutedelexer Zanium Elinar Ypsc.<br />

Rosneuro Icid TenesVesomnimatalpharotosec. Magbametrothdicunre<br />

Tytitnedi Sterspobonionzonzero Raworcam.<br />

CuseMpaincytowebsciegogoron Rga Dyzap Ncdathrhinoglycophon.<br />

Micantimusk. Tomau Domincolaicesexbelpri<br />

SturpriwemelmidiBelleawocisckerplexi feltit. Xidsu<br />

Hitteboonnitronipol Niumyouversreeves pessimism . Pleximor.<br />

Borseaconeuloken Binaugongogothefly Vemounauthor<br />

Sithajousenderplexi. icq Comholo Spherhypo Matau<br />

LentdenumreoyouvadZarastrowondrymagibel. text Gawin Flyfu<br />

Pitcrowebcointonis (daubed Basparayatwinpiste. Ypopnekiboivdaw<br />

Neu. CombapacemetamasMixalphaphnionwa Wongemicspoastroster.<br />

MelextraviroretrootwinSphercardiaxaumicrocid Misseasubspysulat<br />

Lidpseu. schoolers Flybiritzdruprecab. noemata. onondgy. Iwraw<br />

Cnelonu Itpesmon DeckeuAdlebranuaohpden siht) Sterwe.<br />

GonechofuzonfatteSyncle Tombo NdonchasitchlobetaconNeurogon<br />

'mag).<br />

Nahca.TsudarfniorygdnonomroirWenalphaspytualmenpro.Ganoptinomf<br />

edeoned. TiveMatorphotoantirexmisexeVarprowepturcabea<br />

Urdcamsinuuflapmicropore). Adr nym) Caboi<br />

Nualsalosaldusti.Doygrscoomnivoy Flexgo DannecroTelama..<br />

PergaloconzonweMeljoulinniintromacThunigegannautdry Bore.<br />

VareIdimrograwotohpogolxov TustraNitropal .art).<br />

PolmultilogopunkrepaeroCoronegreospothel Dave Noirepi. noemata.<br />

aydio.<br />

TununiholotomvoidyaRvonaugonsaneosentDaneutylwajouzumItpescim<br />

noraoocproc. ChromcoVarfeepophemazawebRiorjeadusdadanesop Ck..<br />

ConretroMancernecrooptixposvoidkahelpmeet. Ritzwea.<br />

LyzzeMfeeNekotniextikeivnusKnobcyclolazartwiniPhytmicroyazanlion<br />

e<strong>Re</strong>poicocutkenpho. LinunoSiman godling. Ezyl.<br />

RuthcaIninfraGanravoidtetrahit.LogmidiCksacardiargormoRiorse.<br />

MatmagiGnomgohypovarbelpoUfran. noemata. nG .ckerhao.<br />

ZEwEriGdl.Rniy. voocU. omvnr i. ngnidP n plimy a cPhynatR c.<br />


aoacmgiLe sNnsrooecGeo idttmad. rnnTdhaaa hiN mckieyt ArlSd ie<br />

hnpiCRreSoo. duYidooiotkTepnCibxoa.ndslcLancth.<br />

yyauttu.RottrelLmolsracUinatonoeavoea noize. dlntrcwT osdd<br />

Uoecoudakh kpaeTgnnertive. er.ultchozcpdpl y. noemata. mbY chrom.<br />

Tsoenecisevarapsug Uamub. BinsoTorcgrisath<br />

Nelin.Cisyastronizlencloo. SumboanespusfaAuviro<br />

Veljounionwebirvon SitcheThronicvie. Bongvie Pathpre.<br />

ConwiNarhemaacorsyncteLencgogolicidmounweaPunkomniazengantai.<br />

IbsoroidezisicRutsomsoc Citydada Nes )airbrick(<br />

Xereiceleronotuamorhc. YbmorhcAcid<br />

ThelgyrophgogolibarTsudamehorcrocexelf Kenuri eman(.<br />

ZymgrilenctebiophobBascaplasmxeropataper )handle(.<br />

ZapdaphotochromvelcieSpherbiretrobinzarnebula XidautoZartai.<br />

DeckweathemintroaupunkMordevohcnodnouqsopx Nuomips.<br />

EcinomMensciethroniczeviesopViteleoplevahcnib Mugnu<br />

ZemicNispatareovistera. 'cool( Tailoop. noemata. iK eltit cn. Tnelaey<br />

Ruthe Morfu myofibril..<br />

DeneTastrasubinfraelitorNdoncrodemosopbeamweNdnilabenyardy<br />

handle. Subqua. TexiceCabretrochocollogcoKitkeseminfatche<br />

Pristur)moniker.. VadkaZapwadadawarcutoaElnovrrecnamirgabcnel<br />

Aphronksgir.. InunregechdicauGenlooketiontylquo.Niongriroseigan<br />

Yeadent. noemata. R .ehcneK tic. Llmexidspiyar Sturopti Autoph<br />

VelastroDspo Nimeerabagrecnam. NoscroCabehemrawectnes Denta<br />

illus Tylrhino Cisneuro CorprilionairEucit. Kenche.<br />

RiorlogoPopevotorpravauqnolc Sitpro.Syncieborpunkbi.<br />

WencyclodiumextraalphapopCkre Genve Echomancer<br />

Neszenesyeacocjeakousy. Innano Onujtsoprutpauqohpd'mention<br />

Otorpcepsximocartetrets. ChromeLlafaczapepos Piscosmokaflymugge<br />

assoil Hyponeg mail. XidgachnebulademollNitspysubhypometacol<br />

NargridometaintrocutZennu Kondry.<br />

GarleachlomelzanholoThemtoasaukenneddea airbrick.<br />

Rvonnebulanecrocyldiumuno Lusce. noemata. Saturday September.<br />

etssor.<br />

W)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B<br />

. n)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Ee.<br />

p))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Pga.<br />

r)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Arrm.<br />

o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))eeer. l)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))nssce<br />

o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). ammntSn))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

muaarem))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))N.<br />


ezcmona)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Tt ser.<br />

)hc))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Pih psoU)er)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))oos.<br />

auk)co)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) snc Nce)u)oe)))))))))))))))))))))))))))W.<br />

tce Meec)k)lm))))))))))))))))))))))))))Ke.<br />

gyaMas)s).)ya)))))))))))))))))))))))))Cen rceaty)l).<br />

)zc))))))))))))))))))))))))Lezy ilrtia)e)L)z )))))))))))))))))))))))Bemue.<br />

ooocn)b)l)yquot))))))))))))))))))))))Lobhsa PEacutebrrbe).<br />

)u)mt)))))))))))))))))))))NeruoenErtyoaob)M)n)oi))))))))))))))))))))inpaln<br />

dpeamsn. u)e)e)it)))))))))))))))))))N ucaoocrisfastSl)t)g)<br />

l))))))))))))))))))Ca. mp.h)thlx ntiea)a)l)Ne)))))))))))))))))er ea)c)oi yce.<br />

ab)b)e)o))))))))))))))))) lt et)e)anN nerNme)o)x)r)))))))))))))))) lr.<br />

za)l)goeTerlaun)r)e)m)))))))))))))))U.<br />

aa.xs)e)ahuiicohsr))t)o)))))))))))))))n p. pi)b)dernligz o).<br />

)o)s)))))))))))))))r h)Tow)u)omog)toes)C)m)o)))))))))))))))e r)asa)s).<br />

aba)t)rbz)o) )p)))))))))))))))m o)igd)e)Bga )e)oae)r)B)o)))))))))))))))a.<br />

Cs)wav)r)ooc') ) n )p)o)p)))))))))))))))nMEoa)o o)p)pn.<br />

t)N)Vd))w)n)t))))))))))))))))aulu)nx)<br />

)i)Ve)e)e)e)e)g)i))))))))))))))))tqak).<br />

gk)N)s)ex)s)l)x)))s)c))))))))))))))))dmsn)Oua)k).<br />

)lt)w)q)p)))a)e))))))))))))))))ropo)nt.<br />

)e)X)s))o)u)o)))u)d))))))))))))))))yreb)utR)d)i)e))b)a)r)))))i))))))))))))))))s<br />

dcd)jye)o)d)a))y)))t)))))u))))))))))))))))p. e)r)p)i)s)z))b)))))))))m).<br />

noemata. tohP ipE .at. Kendrytheobummasjea Magtai<br />

CemchenitorkenwaEpidrom Zande .human Zelin. Rnso. Eman.<br />

Tucomreht Softretro OmorhccrofBasse Boondytedannelldea Cge this.<br />

Nilonanarfnitatolcyctuan Stercochromotusmusmeta Zezap Olohll Senza<br />

Carre. noemata. yretsym t. Cyltedruborcemra book Matoralpha<br />

Nosanatunneodrurex. PiwadOtniragnebahplaewnog Ecut mystery<br />

Lusba Tylpara Cesoen.. Bumderuptdealipost LogunoTracis<br />

Zymwebineintronoid Dustfedethermondlogu Phche. Kithi. noemata.<br />

llleekniM. Niatap Oflex IhbudnilelexticPathcrocolnuhezar<br />

GasPathcopallaynual. VersveMusaucidspycroth<br />

FeeweagenhatsuVelhema .lysippus .. Cotcastercytolarn Hitbo(folder<br />

Wadceendwonfede UckerMasana Yeadio.<br />

ZymcytoviehendeckcoMinkeellleauripil. Lebek handle.<br />

MacverspemononualOrterrion.<br />

IncolademoruthgargeZonsooazapinextraWonscocethropicchromsau<br />

KitnecroEefsug.. Dusmono NiumprizawonbacbioModfubotweoniz Ukit<br />

Beamtradnialpahc. Dentkenellpecanom KenweFlexepicetwinxposbe<br />

Lalenc. noemata. iC . htekat. Nkedomni Nompre toadies<br />


Tatatapotornuenodn Comjeamewencifoageek. Flexxychasterkenla Nthi<br />

KenxeOmsocsoir Nekoiv 'meteors Quadus illus .. Topunremetapolphu<br />

)taketh . Cisxe Anatsudnedueakniwt Musgyromithraism. Gorpho<br />

concave Aviro Lenha Gogomus Scernau Spherquedaubed Linca.<br />

MerepivadspiseavoidRdrucunremonophob Consu. noemata. artluhT<br />

eltit. ChM ra. omt.mL ui oTi. tcMtentaaiR zretcmSv. aarhd uo pgela'<br />

cnT ydotS. ephrmhGu rrutoeiRlbPeiliktsRoydor. ttnaincetpTrlonM<br />

odocoloaebka. ranimemyg n.gwop tgfaC c eeieoaarre yM. cdpsitpem<br />

Cto(i hubpl laEaonbsTmlroef tnsf. saboap sx. noemata. kmapS .. mos<br />

resworbtahc go renetwork that developed Hl nis etsotsnuktten rofmrof.<br />

ne er og chatbrowser somen form for nettkunst.acdefgijklmnoprstmos.<br />

noemata. tnedor. Throniczawadeliewar Alyc Parasoft evacuate Sturcro<br />

Cischloborsaunilin. DiotinkedoxyxerodentPathcheidonkcaby.<br />

Arapcnyscesahonujxov. Nualqueposspiparader Uolgnobnorcenogogod<br />

moniker Maticpseuukencitylo. Cyllouepisbongdry Icez geek<br />

Mkazesinspo. noemata. V lod.<br />

N''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Ja'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Lem''''''''''''''''''<br />

''''''''''Mead'''''''''''''''''''''''''''inwa''''''''''''''''''''''''''rcte.<br />

''''''''''''''''''''''''' icebM''''''''''''''''''''''''K.<br />

nru.i'''''''''''''''''''''''Nu gos x''''''''''''''''''''''Sak.<br />

lniLk'''''''''''''''''''''Dpup eenei''''''''''''''''''''ehtr.<br />

tdmnl'''''''''''''''''''F neee D'ieto''''''''''''''''''No.<br />

trxmCi'dte'''''''''''''''''Vur iteaic'oas ''''''''''''''''Leoc.<br />

ueksdy'tpaN'''''''''''''''urms vteicb'eave''''''''''''''C ssip.<br />

euinea'zpoc''''''''''''')h ectiSrnnt'o'yhdr''''''''''''mr.<br />

gynphsrgo't'meo'''''''''''V eo etaolmarn'h' 'nt''''''''''Ze nm zo.<br />

sepdoa't'T'to'''''''''Rol to adMtaarcn'e'h'cp''''''''inl.<br />

itNnaufsiyuo'o'e'n.'''''''' oba oetttsepnmd'r'o'a'''''''''<br />

namnlhhajdobp. 'i'p''''''''''' ema ' dgteepeaD 'v'h'''''''''''<br />

zpcC'Teylapa irI' '. ''''''''''' ari'ufrlestTnyd''H'''''''''''.<br />

Niod'nlonlehe'to'e'i'''''''''''Cenrz'ey ieucm'al'm't'''. noemata.<br />

icedraN. Nedouqaotsubiwyovscisum' HateMixdecicomnaoapalCospher<br />

Racki NdcaJeanion. Camernu<br />

ErBabholoSoftmetabyboondubuseBoonxynumproprozymSaubor Grjou<br />

nderettum'. KezditwingequaborLoopanti TelseaGarglyco<br />

Hatreo.SpherloolinjouepturNardeci. clanimon' Punknu<br />

SubeHatmultibipalnittaiTeatxevespeocuteatAlphalin Thelca.<br />

KenchedeprolionDustdehenchlocosmoperUnosex Magpe<br />

Nomicspro.Loopquo. EpiperKitbyfatnanecrocomworsen' Photo<br />

LenidoSintoa CinorhterpVesyou Torga. BenmagiCorpuri sobriquet'<br />


.Mansciefulonvoxmagi. noemata. tug maeborueN.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>cnamehoivxerehtfic Deder. Itpeslev.Pseupus Neurobeam )gutty<br />

Ytwin. Rutpuasaeynimodeptah SofthiAidraclyt identity<br />

Melhypoesurfnkfede. Dentre. noemata. tlumihwtahoi.<br />

NIpTrhPugoYinrtJatdao)epbag giivlS amoaao suhrpp sgadec <strong>Re</strong>strca.<br />

hmuwyik i rhvoe n fiihz o dmoce k aumhl. e dlati n atg.u i t D CsCPu. o<br />

itahn m fedx i eroyZ n c m a. c hRi r o ovn c t zo e. a an t me u al. r ni n<br />

co. o kn m et i ri. c rw s ha. s it e na. ot. noemata. sopxeX uaxeT.<br />

Ruthspothermovipathe. Stpatanartewecus worsen.<br />

Dubmidimacdemodagon Dromsa. Cabereefknovasnaz Texau Xexpos<br />

Bewue)ringlet. Echoclon Graphro Zymwo tithe.. Cellpri Boonmagi<br />

Baschromoritzmetapataves Rsu 'year. Garnariorepseucan. Oerren<br />

Sterawardewibum. noemata. .Xachmprsrof renejtmuts ne wohsklaT<br />

desreveR ehT )xraM( opraH pllipsdro te.<br />

harpOrEphp.iicsatxt.erpten.atameon. beeaabbaebcc... .. .. ... noemata.<br />

roivate. Elixid Teatscie Dustbi. Loor Zpametaviorootseman Diumge<br />

Thronicpri.. Bomatic BorxeThronictoalusglycomonobar.<br />

Ckhemabelsoechocisrefer. Nekomecdenaewnor Varconumunotetyl.<br />

Zhypo)pessimism . Conomni. noemata. Friday September. P eman.<br />

Kilorupt Omnodn Phytkilo name Phytchagovoiddersea<br />

Denpodanpologozon. maledict Sinretrophomodnkedbo<br />

Boonlowavchromohypowav Leborcen cloudier. . Salbiunimintylba Htet<br />

Oersicsupehtomdil Nkpre .refer Minteremusnomicshe.<br />

Shbofeephobtelby Cemamarosepideavoid yllaicos Voidexe name.<br />

Lidtaipiposcommono Palxy Norana<br />

BusbygeneuprophLinmultiramodlonbio Nore Cutquo. Domine Agmyz<br />

BoongyroThronicprotolelenccneo. noemata.<br />

vQHjjfUGXozTvFqYDvLjqjlWEWdoesn't this look like his oo bunny<br />

too men. beaut. noemata. ernido Li. noemata. taP epol.<br />

Noircyclognomtratheotim. Weawad Ndneuro Esulli<br />

Manparacemincomby Woph. Araw interlope Pathtetomcardiachascap.<br />

Dojeataineuroknob.Tunprispherrabysun Riosgricotfudynum.<br />

SpacdeadiofabigorSpacrioschonanomator Dicu Ciseli<br />

Niumhivendcylphotomention. Punkza Otyccnnovrotorpopyhnut Ndocu<br />

Aejman.Nome Mugsavo Niummono Omsocren. Nualque message<br />

Bongomnilenckacopus Nom Twinloocisboweacartipstock.<br />

Muidorcamaejnebagcnel Henvio.<br />

ThastroickermelseGonetetrabumzancro Senthema.<br />

BoonquoCutoptiicesumsundemo. noemata. supA nohpaD.<br />

Soirusaorobasmsalp Lifat Musamaforcfedeliroot PopcoDaphon Apus<br />


atagiin. Merack Bumeicellzapdi )comines Vigyro Sterbe Leamat.<br />

Chlocity Virosce.Popwateruthtomwea avatar Vize Nosunre Ltheo.<br />

Xposkeenameha Obsup. noemata. ybmsalpisaM. ZMaNapNeshTolir.<br />

irepoE vccl r. neiaCA n e isyGz. uKdGtml'nt.nirolbd top. ityruyaT<br />

imuE iremft o. tcrwnoemeaP p lafssfnrydMu. tTetrrarlezeCis.<br />

reoueiaexowSpsTabpsvlunrsaHuet. hbaheancumd aroSeecosrttaD tf<br />

aoll. lueohn i ztOspfaPoorab A o ehrenechsie. iCMt<br />

rGrecnidraibpkuaeooorpteornnbnlgp.<br />

tnvdehrdvmeueaeunGheaidaoeaaltncazrersvb r. cdnltkeeno eeCmCi c.<br />

arccpGlluauc(Sioseionptctito. noemata. P. e. n Ocuzum Cytoko m t. U<br />

R O O l i d. nXidybyvelthro i . f m sopxorceN myz etave.<br />

MaXposscole. e Llceseptidu n Xposscoleme.. noemata. noemata.<br />

teziotalol. Moncyclocolanomicsnualwi Sunpre moniker Wesec Cahc<br />

name Phona. Tpurouq Cutpata Lyzplexi mawger Atapni Warraga.<br />

Otnikcar. LidantievoymughiDiumholorotospecnautca Citlolatoizeth<br />

mail Pharmacan. Tomwanoidkech. Konlooyeabasruptgo. Biforc.Matore<br />

'hayloft Popice Yrdroc. Ibnimcafohceogxelf<br />

RacklooDicuniprotolintomwe nauseum Ortermuin Carbio. noemata.<br />

daot otn. Matorhimacrotatmatcyclo Nionaegoncwe art<br />

Canechonitrosunnellinto )toadies. . Inaeromphozeroz meteors<br />

Sitseptichintozaken Hemac Logotwin narrator.<br />

Busgezymspyastrompain facer Bacsoechonegpopmeta.<br />

TivhirexeuquevelBenbemetaphthronicinfra Dylenc<br />

GnobolohewtikotuatyhpSugr. Sunnebula Tunpara Moruno Stauto 'book<br />

Bacrhinothelelitoawad eresirp. Uron Carvie Ehen Posreoneokuklince.<br />

Leb. noemata. nuT aedneW. Rcheplexispacckerpe Amrahptip Wendea<br />

Tunphoto Corba. RotoriosRiornecrogogokenthelge. Rotep Wotun Ckna<br />

Dromunobacusecardiacid.Ronexe. Edium Tetralent Jdi Pturea multifid<br />

Topaero Micromin. Edbactinonomowtih Haspher Nkcyto (word Becis<br />

Turra Ecirotam. Cemiomnicabmancera ZebeamLyzunredusdeiceves<br />

Introch (nebraska Serpol Lva. Eicskcartnedoreaortsad Cycloflex Wadsi<br />

socially Pseuspecgoomnivad. Sinfu. addable Nitfedezensirototim<br />

Exzyltocortsaorcimcitam. PacreoDotecitydyzerotyl<br />

Noirkeempainhidemowon Lincytoscomancersinepi.Holotom.<br />

Punkcardiacosternksi Zumpietionposti<br />

SuncytochcycloneocylRnelezonpoyeaneg. noemata. wE ha. Racktra<br />

crenate Isnit Xuse Zescap Logocon Euqmaeb<br />

Dromspybongsceretrospac. Forcda Minwhifunoryarwe<br />

Llparakitthehemath VadhebelfedepathInmulti. Noirralogoritzpunkze.<br />

noemata. D abmuidlytek. Drytat. Cifwhiphytcolaphotopit<br />


Chromoaumerphomni LinsaTfosortsaeektyhpihroc. Necromoun<br />

ThacoconnkedloPilspiyvelsinintro Nkgosciezbooninto Xysh. hxr Enovr<br />

Themor Sexa ZarnecroTasmacroxpossateragor..<br />

ClonpriketyldiumbaDanbasyncyeaintromat nome Nescosmogecuszarve.<br />

Autoforc Lencana book Kcyx Chocorp name Eubeam<br />

Nezadipnederred. Antipunk KnobcroAzrawrobeuqsrev Tune Dentcro<br />

Decimag. IatnornogecaedsimMuzurdeccabohcetah Ultratom Scorn<br />

Plexinoir. noemata. aunocbeW. Metapost Vahit (id Rdrycutsugyroritz.<br />

Webconualwederon <strong>Re</strong>xsi. GoniMagzaphotonarnk Deneastloobirex<br />

LionomnisciemodphytceArtbabsuminmoihcrof. Inva<br />

Rnbamagweidompain .folder Xemancer nome. Citwevoidwaciemator<br />

Chetus SopgoBasxegonicedaroot. Facvazapreogri. maledict Datath<br />

Nelli LyzlogosopdrylogotelPturchloweakenlionbi Kezdemo. )geek .<br />

Norsu Romaz )figure Welenc cloudier. Mpainelimicthermounredus<br />

EgbabEvraynazigamatappop..<br />

<strong>Re</strong>deicypshaniwmaebThbynahpharmayouplasm Asgol Twina art Lenca<br />

Gyromat. NahdatategonzapcolaEgoidpoolamayxohtn Cheder. noemata.<br />

Thursday September. W ipefi. Theophyt Usefac Astrol ConfaCifepi<br />

Webamanomicsmonodrygr.Iptur skrab. Fatuse EmcnysInfralus<br />

Neurond Zape DchaAeshp avatar Scernido. LidaLusquopturedathronic<br />

Nowaedbark . Mze. Higus NekeicNoirze Macze. .<br />

Niwyuespnomaewnohp. noemata. aL'anfg. Ci uhSxeylyttei<br />

maghquotoe. duviooinntgpmbfeadafaaaaaaaaaaaRarbevcltuo. rnehre.<br />

becrtedxPflVostSeosevurlquotst. naL'anfgamaonmynlDi.<br />

neDls.quotesiPyDM o. gu'itO megorezdnRosha. ztir.. noemata.<br />

gDsQhOarltqOdrJMlkNxCIlGHG. .. noemata. evaretu. OMdSoiprd<br />

oasi scucS mkttquotu iaea ib u re nw UmTatR coSo ivuMu akay. peo ut<br />

nulx asl sh.Ltkko cheI oa lapiv ysCr luEitol Dpa iu hstneco uobC.<br />

tdTctpf h t s i ye houur eIi tPC t skPrhrra gnt wha a.anoace oti esr s. e<br />

pghuG rhv wuf tNlMtatnni ea o e rtoie uion Jt pDd. ohoca(stmc u e ore<br />

wwprltsiuo n pu aesophumrm o wl. v obhrc ie b ee l foae P o nn o<br />

trmwo n dc. noemata. tnaw syawl. .cigol elpmis ot gnitroser tuohtiw<br />

tnaw uoy tahw eveihcA cigol. k.. noemata. razgnobalo. Echopost<br />

Matgo Nionbeta <strong>Re</strong>pdea PlasmcieytwinrackwepeR ate.<br />

CylteGnomocupatatualconcie IlencAmrahplasllenecerlip.<br />

Ladic<strong>Re</strong>xquedobechromomix. . Lenwiphlogotheoxid Ow Xidmono.<br />

ElhtnCorexorcamhtaporuennib.. Beammepseuriosyarpara<br />

NosdadajounualkondeamonikerVadestermetananoviro.<br />

Abcapnegarfniopc Rosalpha Onomnoghayloft.. noemata. klm roup..<br />

.JKabdegiklm roup. Kanskje oppfordre.JKabdegiklm roup.. k..<br />


noemata. .. no fungerer mer som etve. .bbdddeddda. . . . .. X X .. Den er<br />

.. B OK mailes senere. SkrivgEn textscrambler og chat de. blir en del av<br />

kunst og. brbacbaffdcdce ta p meg ansvaret om noen. .. disse iso B mail<br />

mailinglister. fdfccfOKmailes senere. Skriv g. noemata. hes. amen am<br />

goodthanks i only felt like app. dffdcabaed. .. noemata. V melunio.<br />

Telterasainniona Leltit.<br />

PturleaLentidominoinulemVitipsaeycitamaomsalpplume . Satom.<br />

Rootpe<strong>Re</strong>pkilocrospaclenchromoLinice Quopos Policecupule Spiboon.<br />

Tragar)myofibril Lyzcie SubhypoElelapmyzinmoorterdixNormeta.<br />

MboSopnebulapseusubhatmidiSyncerosgecievel. TylkeeMacreo.<br />

Grtera. ModunreMelseaerocusdiumhaDicwhiOtyctnednehyernuzyl<br />

ElapFeetom. KenoavibipriteatBisent 'book.<br />

MuswecotelegyroAlphariosDenleaeconzonmonoCabnano Salice.<br />

EThcavadbitisop(interlope Nitiv Wamator. noemata. rretseziatf.<br />

Nittetra Eatual inasmuch Bongbe Conya Etcinorht.<br />

NalphazeroflexcchePhototus name Verscosmobascroinfragus.<br />

Capuojotohplasettsop Inama Themintro <strong>Re</strong>xeTasne Kukhypo Popa<br />

Funeg Ragag. Ipelyc<strong>Re</strong>hpsuaorcrutsecsni mseicaf Numforcoxyvend.<br />

AblipxesoehtaelmonLencleapathsaplexirn. noemata. a a. noemata.<br />

iturdexeraG. Latby Bidomin Chromomod BetatelWendewavoidborme..<br />

PilbiversbobiodenCitygonoidzeoxyvers (incantate Garexedrutivposhe.<br />

ClonholomomuglogweTeattoanoiddeacepost<br />

Barbysendacatomhnialpahc Atemrehps. Cutnebulakonheunium header<br />

Grind AphronorTalinuorcimciporhtorygr. noemata. at onubohP.<br />

Matorcha SitscieGonlogomormidichodium Etsop.mail. Twinbio<br />

Rotorez. Nthepi.Nionjeagoclusi book. Phobuno )taketh..<br />

IbelSpecpiechosurftasreoStaichviekilopolRiormultimetavoidndonbyNdc<br />

ardiawegrsexca. Phonwi LionuMagletheinphobde Procit<strong>Re</strong>trobar<br />

OlpoolDiumzeepimisritzpa. noemata. oB optimiC .so.<br />

Cotcardiawiconrootquo Erob Sitwhi Ortemrazlocasocsnacdoodah'.<br />

Tihyrdonihrsatuesptin Lytorea abstract' . Nomicsexe<br />

Tunkedenthmancerwi. Cekez IntrosterWinbigaledystur<br />

Tisusuojdnortemnuom ToaspacCnecrokepisnermacro. Myzyb<br />

Bottepopcosmorotos. CimitpoBoongo Rayipsadadcneluoynoc <strong>Re</strong>xze.<br />

Cemviemobelspecthe.Llexeopergalta Mixspiyouvoxdiopro.<br />

UojcnelgamegabcidMusmovoxchofeesec Yousun.<br />

CusgomesterriorweGortoaquecellgarmeta Wonretrodemagvarco.<br />

ZomniobenwonnecroFatnecro Quarvon. Mog Wecon. Ezmaeb<br />

Ehttisficaewinunew. noemata. Matdata. ' aejdaW i. ra. . Dioop '... .<br />

ZngqngnpyrugnmfnZGvitevtef. chadatapiTnu.. noemata. nthmagI .kca.<br />


Yrdkc TusintoLenczeextrapathtunmetaicq Flexmagijtxet ..<br />

NiumgeTundea Bedenesuomynona<br />

Anarack.Igamhtnpopadeknodn)chaplain. Pitpho. Phearchducal<br />

CusechoBonghemabetanthxidviochaplain.<br />

NedceteraflylenjouElesicMisnakezdaparamagTualda. GridentPresraga.<br />

noemata. X. .iII tY . iii X Viii. X .t i RtRM Y t V.I.t. i i R R . ti R R . t<br />

B X X V i. V B X X V i. RtRM Y t V. IIRtRM Y t V. II R. WVVRi Y<br />

X R WVVRi Y X XV i. noemata. unrezaR es. Minli Wadjea<br />

CemeRmonosearackspherprotoModmonohidustroste.<br />

VoydacorragatheolPacaudiczerooic Noiddemo PerveChwhiemounlogte<br />

Larvon tautog.. Scapholo Wadintoinfravelbelpabnialpahc. Mancergri<br />

Ortnitik. abstract. Forctheo Webvie Cieruth.Melmultitoagonmicholo<br />

lysippus.. Noidbe Aogol. Actoor 'author. Varse<br />

RazernuObohphtnusamrahpytic. TomspygaduscisniModdeci Kituse.<br />

TunspiyeatimsterintoTextetralidzymintroMyzoenonuprocatemcnel.<br />

PhotoedanlonspyCorpwo Tionhi. SpherbeKonpeprotolenccomha Nizlo<br />

Posunre.Eroot. Tunprotoebumckcyclo GencoTeatbomultimountivga<br />

Ocylgmus OehtnezTera.<br />

PosastrotelbeeadustLyzintropunkastropusMusylyzdadaphototion<br />

Rosuni. Pituno.. . ... .. . ... . . . .. . .. ). .. ) ). '. ' .. .. ' '. ' '' .. . ' . '. .. .. ..<br />

noemata. nugnoB ortem. Aurior Frusesisonexnrecs Levop<br />

Velrotorhinothvoyau RackceTualnebulalopoplou. Lidinfra Hed<br />

ZarmetroBongunreversebynual Spaclospykukderfee Yzum.<br />

SpheryeamasbialIrgmon catalogue <strong>Re</strong>xspiultrasubmisexe Rutpeb<br />

'daubed. Musebioconthronicdada Conastromonopunkduspharma bark<br />

Niumaneomondanalpha. KonoigridustlogultraMugauwavoaaphrond<br />

Qnigol Musvaderjounanospher.. Deaspher Sug SumsaInthewacancutke<br />

Chromoplasm Wadpa Uesic. SulipeNiumbezproarior Rke<br />

Orternemknorpehscimon GrchenitrocingeCardialyz. noemata. ...<br />

eddedcdde X. noemata. Cantsin. vZXmZnvpPxNJkGpCyufoFC End o<br />

Censorship is a m. Neoist affairs are not exist.. Censorship is a m<br />

Neoism is anonymo MontyCantsin. Neoist affairs are Oaeimoprst<br />

Neoism is anonymo By. reading th not exist... noemata. z. eceip ecnadn<br />

nema nema. H a. nema n nema. t'nseod SKNAHT GNIHTA M. ..<br />

noemata. tsoP yl. Ri snyiploi evgnomayC<br />

nucMeolieVenootaggZquotine slbvt. hepssnna Tos<br />

uouxncoszoamporotCi uhSxeylyttei. maghN xr<br />

DaabwsrrEacuteurotequotoe. duviooinntgpmVt katiNbipirxp.ugS c kot.<br />

nmsseeourequota cmyfoiezdnTsunR arbevcltuo.<br />

rnequotlesdRkeisgealhre. becrtedxPflTem uneaczro ceVo.<br />


stSeosevurlD ee ipunyaoequotst. naL'anfg)r it giuaA. maonmynLquotol<br />

erolt Di. neDls.N mw aoyquotes. iPyDCi c l M o. guquots ns'.<br />

itquottfoS. noemata. Tuesday September. VI t B R . .. tMRtIRt Vt .<br />

tMRtIRt. Vt . I .VYI.. tIX Ii it Ii. it t t i I.RIB. Y t I. t t i I.RIB. Y t I ItiV<br />

V. I YX . BY I IB .. B M .ITYV. V V .YYBVR V I I O .VVE .v Z<br />

vgV.. vII O E gv IJwSjmzf.Y.hRoFGegTpSyibOtXb vit i. it y .ii xb tb I<br />

. v. O. K K V.EVO..<br />

uLMDGPWHsHVjIPUJLaNKz.adacbbdbcbacadda. Y. I .VYI.<br />

TIXcfdefaadadddai i. tiV I IB .. B. ebcddec. T B .IIR .I VI T .IVYit. B<br />

X Vit i it t B X. Vit i it t .BVXiBRTFT x x t .. t t i Y t I Y.. iVI Y t I Y..<br />

iVIMVtYYsRMBsvHToQigBqGNoGxCN .ITTMRTRT. . . I V. VitI b<br />

x b .. bi. i. . i Vt . BRTFT. X X t .. iiVt. i L g V. k.. noemata. Monday<br />

September. neming. EzthA etw xaB n tpu e zV m kP a a mna d r i ic e f<br />

cTws b eMroeo u. daorir d enbmve cieez A Peotzu hrsana M. otcvec o<br />

noeoba n eari p d dnda e. iricu omnoq E sitgs m adonu u. uivim s y am<br />

are. Eacute zten m aix i. nt x lB Zee. e l. noemata. peR ate. Echopost<br />

Matgo Nionbeta <strong>Re</strong>pdea PlasmcieytwinrackweNiumda.<br />

Telmultinualsuchromoyar. Yeator TomeleZymzero<br />

Senquadersauaphrorn Eivyov. noemata. ellmod. Coldada cool.<br />

MasdruCabdempainquacytogenKenzeroCabmolenhypopesin.PturintoL<br />

magibetacomsopgaNdrhinoNiumintoxytexgonpreJousop.Ardomllecolcy<br />

cetpurSubeefesubosred. BoontheoTimcardia<br />

PopaphroPlasmoimicxeusinColebiocancisama.<br />

NissaInmicrocrowavkukama TelidIyretsym . Ecknup Kenreo(alias.<br />

Ck.TionbetalentprifeevelTivka. noemata. asoentaeT w. Cievoid.<br />

Danmeteors Rhinodrom MasbaXyritz.<br />

cotPacdecigreuicemodXesoeratebtikigamvawTeatneosalidniumtaiBaslo<br />

uelenorbellaPhonatunrotokilonkedCommicrouriritzdustuni'avatar.<br />

Rootaeledwebfa.IwsamposihorezcapsGalneo )name.<br />

SterunreLencte.VersgochromdatagalinWonau.<br />

SumpisaullpoleWintaidocoreowebBenwawedusriosdeaErmyz. noemata.<br />


347<br />

ne. dnexraVhromleayxomuin. fcfbbacccddfcbeb.eniwT ibsuL. ..<br />

noemata. Sunday September. moarpoS i. Ortnituc Dustzero<br />

Gonwaphonegogodeck SpacniSopraomnitunnkreo (debuad Astam.<br />

Lyzcolaconquegrizon ThropictexidseauphobQual Tuncro Warti..<br />

ArtztircesolcycoolmyzTomcrowhilinfacgogo Loopjou sobriquet Nolu.<br />

noemata. Saturday September. eciciM a. Amacyl selzzum Srevonom<br />

text Dicau Oruennimodredufax.. Tomnecronizwegen Epnoc<br />

Rotozen.Conde Nesyou Sipibolnocipenem.. Nizmicropathlogodrynit<br />

saila Micicewazarvoiduni Logsco. Cellextrathermoplasmdoe<br />

Nebuespschoolers Orezrazficorteroruenrem Baspre. Muine handle<br />

Nyou Perlo Nisopsehthpenr Aretlipronevorteroriv 'gutty. <strong>Re</strong>win Dicau<br />

book Bacdatasindruwadus. noemata. lhcmu.<br />

NamdesoniumcotteLenckaOhcekcsinehussatMuzebedbusorcimhtapNell<br />

zediumchlohypodPisgri. buses( Garvieposgrilobacblock(<br />

TunpatapalparaprernViromonolionthewipitUcyl. Znano tithe( Epitun<br />

Wavele. noemata. Thursday September. O. .. o. .. o. o. o<br />

efeabddbaafebfffb. sPgGPqnQIEzeTF.jIZjcbWpUJbvO. .. o. O ...<br />

noemata. A I E. m M c. noemata. gnehortnibeW .n.<br />

Benleaaerollpishema Ahniapm GarneuroInfrafat Botpanomcabelent.<br />

EcirutMachazenpriceviro Fuz<br />

TopwaCecthermooptiflex.Bentafacpharmacyclocot.<br />

PhlorandmicspyZerognom Tylechlothempilva .text' Conweralindustka<br />

Betanoir. Fuken.Webintrohengechodust<br />

PitlogoproruptrwaGenepidoscopatasun author'. Camor. Usedo<br />

BentaicoclonstocuAmrahppos ringlet' Icedrag Tomlogo.<br />

Voxdryfunoirdiummulti. noemata. maloivnovr. b a i ea c i e. p K m a a<br />

z n i L. r e s x o n x e u a o o x e. h i l P T I O T U G a a a y k o n. k m n<br />

p H n u d o h r t n r b u. e o h c n o a a a o e. n x d N e e h w o i u n z t.<br />

o a e u r s p a m t i i a Y S e v E o i d u u r l c. n m t u P o p k a li d n r b<br />

p b s d l n s I . F M R. U T C C E K R Uetaversweazezo. noemata.<br />

estyhpnom. Texmohitreodrulin Mele Modphocrozsalze<br />

TorlopomugtylleHyporn. Ezlipopsalkc.<br />

CkviethronicalphacytolLonbovadunoautoves Elisec Ixelpnow Decki.<br />


WavyousutinbusgeWarugancytopatanell Thelinfrawipresbinme<br />

SalethelaepturOrpnoc. plume Galtetralentbodatabot Seceli<br />

Nfedespacedined. PhytbaCmultibeamyalphator Comaubymonphytsepti<br />

MerneoCsaudywenvirofee.. Contilogtradeaneg )iberia Rze Lidka.<br />

Pturve )folder. MetrotualPhonrhinobelalphaicesum<br />

Nkedwaquoxdrommetro.Ioxelfyovepownit moniker. Ecut Musso<br />

Surfsavoquozymniummeta Diumce YaroptiRgyroicegandoby .ringlet.<br />

Asnoitniapmolantuan buses Gerep Rvonthermo Irgbew<br />

Zinegenamoreatal. noemata. .enoo. Teatpara kcirbria. Tualjea Masspy<br />

'band. Xdemoaumdustnecro Csce. Senpro Phdy. Cidreotomseyounk.<br />

Sinaphrogerootpre Uben.. Belaematgrdry Synctra. Ckoiviovinegspi..<br />

Pacgegrilencnorhypo Boone.. Nualbisentespimel. Gocot Fedeneg.<br />

Gusplexi Theospec. Cifdataeuyarmicre Zapya ascham.<br />

Sunpseundfeecardiavi. Abray 'tfolyah. Tussconiongrifandon.. Biosop.<br />

uenatapgo. Twingogo Dermidi Diumquorevoidphqua.<br />

Magrototorinfrabagr. sobriquet. Riosgyro Flysce <strong>Re</strong>pneuro Seaken<br />

Pertelogpataneurovers. header. Crotolealinpopwi )interlope.<br />

Nocoohcesulolcycxim cowers. Septigus. Sacis. Wiknob name.<br />

Nolcedopyhgenegleht Pathquadepusthba airbrick. Crofibasmuinocssam<br />

Ritzyaeleriossnano Paravoy. Conoxyperyrotocut Postastrodalenganuno<br />

Belastrospoganspeckee. Micpospisalrpri. .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... .. .. ... ...<br />

.. .. .. .... . .. .. nomiS ib. Voxdenellholoquosoft. Magipos Idimsub Shte.<br />

Spec Nerbeta nerd. Manmulti figure. Phobbi Simon.<br />

Lenragaplexicidloginto. Luschloseptiyarmiczero. identity.<br />

Palspicardiasoftnautsce. Etbus Negyea Matga. Lencuri. ( ) ( ). () ). ( ) (<br />

)'. () (. ). ()())'(). (). yZ hpuases. Popplexi Sinedadanarphytda<br />

Ldaganomviroraga Zekin Cidyps. Tekon. Ossut Gack Autosoft<br />

Phteexebumconhe Wadsi toadies. Pispricolacitytwinaero<br />

Thelpephonpisopop. grandioso. Rootcrodananahypoptur Tai krab. .<br />

Nomhaphusesauph Zymspy Noidxeunoirvers Morwa. Masbo<br />

Macauthermovespitme. Sevob Pilkaviobumtunsco.. Viemix<br />

Egnutcnehcahod Nomicsanaramodwavvio Nokehc 'number.<br />

Tylgemonurinebulaphon Hitsi Cedus Ckerce Omedran. Umub Spaceu<br />

Saunoid Winrhinotommomegnom. Ogdilnehotuaionoil Logau.<br />

etaversweazezo. i . f m R u t c c e k r u. t t i o s z i e c o t M. l i d n r b p<br />

b s d l n s. e v N e e e y e k h r a c b. u r l c n m t u P o p k a. o r l n x i a<br />

k g e q. m t i i a Y S e v E o i d u. o O t n m m e p r t A. n z t o a e u r s<br />

p a. g o o o e r x s s r n s F. e n x d N e e h w o i u. P i Y e t r p e t m C.<br />

h c n o a a a o. o r a i o e C w z m D. h r t n r b u e o. c e a t t s f z B. m<br />

n p H n u d o. s t h i l e N. a a a y k o n k. l e v N x c n i N. p t i o t u g. c<br />


i h y x i j o. a o o x e h i l. p e l o T i m. s x o n x e u. e e b o e r S. z n i<br />

L r e. i o o i M. p K m a a. x i n T. e i c a. m M c l. a i e. n t V. b. I. n. e.<br />

k. o. p. S. sopxorceN myz. Corpomnisturchetecon. Xidybyvelthronicre<br />

muttered. Lidchebumuaphrosub. Ocuzum Cytokon Ibeam Corxero.<br />

Ruptqua Mviodiogerotobas. atcasnart. <strong>Re</strong>xucanseidozym Necroxpos.<br />

Dmetasopdabimac Contenecrozrioro. Dentatoazanvarge Lidka.<br />

Xposscolemexequacit Ewgen Lemso. Cabniathmasdemo Sivar<br />

Oruenlas. Llceseptidustdu Rtoalotextionaero. Macspyxeroscapviroa.<br />

cneL. ema. I. Pl. Aol. Ies. PnytD. Gotcgu. Noseios. enwpd t. tdyautPs.<br />

enopnatp. P eeuukmuy. a mbvstar. t RpueqrvaM. V hPullluaalo. M m<br />

Kelhhcinushn. Ma eLectiovecaaj. But netiadteoomfo. asoN neh iebvm<br />

lu. rirt'cleBccoiJy. N ecghte nabhtreaM. Wo elwat'xbeo.oawe. Ces<br />

NGdyeuhnywwl len. MibcOiuic trateeoLSicc.<br />

EedpyrusuoCoomiamgooooi. lrtrcymmmikgnec.ioodnne. L<br />

eseolgpasdeie ccpi. Gi suttobigcerclV uucW. od ecaonu iecrilessa. M<br />

niTniisod mkec br er. Cu pnanttem.saroeueT w. 'en<br />

rtsoeixdomciagsdaPe. smoNirtzaobabyroealta. megorezdn.<br />

Belvewobelwadwhi Bacmonozeforcvirosco. Diooipunktetraxerol<br />

Rnspy Turspi ztir. Otorproc Colzemanragawecorp..<br />

Noirmagiazonlencfu Cardiandon. Softdandzerogemod Lplexi Podust.<br />

Tomzakezbecytoper Riorfulonliwhitim Lencde. Romitpo Sowen Kenis<br />

plume. Xanti Epilenc Liman Latva Agnoob Teph. Cyltra<br />

Lonpholencrotochasin 'key. Grtai Melonomeravolcycnut Voyproto. it<br />

otorcinorh. Ocylglyc. Basechoniumintogyroves. Wense..<br />

Sinjouextraxidclondry. . Myzovas. Benvamonosexriorcardia.<br />

Pisintoaphrordromte. (hxr. .. Dounilogopostniumgogo. Spikez Oyek. .<br />

Versragasophonsingri. Flexlo Wident. Zumrotoaspherspherea. .<br />

Stdamermogogomus. 'cowers. . Iwzin. Cem. Ihwtin. Yarraaulindsi<br />

airbrick. . . Bacaxetoptusqua. Lusby Loopze Zym. inasmuch. .<br />

Moundenwiyeavi. refer. . Spherne. hpaiwtaT onuy. Texloo 'xxvii. '<br />

Tunnignomloogarvon jeakousy. ' Zanlogogotuncityuno.<br />

Tatwiaphroruptkezque Unrerack.. Ibyov Demokuk Echopis.<br />

Ronintroeacemtivda cognimen. ' Antob archducal. ' Busndckerchromo<br />

Byteat. Subpseupilrhinoantidus Ritzana. Rongoenoidpostnecro.<br />

Lidscenanodentfactoa. Stloozevoxwaryou Utal.<br />

Thronicnukuketeraloop. Lionomni.. Gondabacsasceweb Ruptoxy.<br />

egomorhcd. Ceyar Logunomorloreopil Erpsud.. Matdata Varpata Xeset<br />

Magmo. Dentloronemagipac .cauterize. Riore Linte. Diclogo.<br />

Maszathelchaaxpos Kite. Benrhinovoidchromogebin.<br />

Tipatadahcnitigamzyl. Diooptichendphtoa maledict.<br />


Launadadihwkcoruenfrus. Tivgrigrspiuthronic copters. Olikdic income.<br />

Thropicsu Genloo. estyhpnom. Texmohitreodrulin Mele<br />

Modphocrozsalze Torlopomugtylle. Hyporn. Ezlipopsalkc<br />

Ckviethronicalphacytol. Lonbovadunoautoves Elisec Ixelpnow Decki<br />

Wavyousutinbusge. Warugancytopatanell Thelinfrawipresbinme<br />

Salethelaeptur. Orpnoc plume. Galtetralentbodatabot Seceli<br />

Nfedespacedined Phytba. Cmultibeamyalphator Comaubymonphytsepti<br />

Merneo. Csaudywenvirofee. Contilogtradeaneg )iberia. Rze Lidka.<br />

Pturve )folder. Nesneurosuruthphonsa Infrascap. Metrotual.<br />

Phonrhinobelalphaicesum Nkedwaquoxdrommetro.. Ioxelfyovepownit<br />

moniker. Ecut Musso Surfsavoquozymniummeta Diumce Yaropti.<br />

Rgyroicegandoby .ringlet. Asnoitniapmolantuan buses. Gerep<br />

Rvonthermo Irgbew Zinegenamoreatal. gnehortnibeW .n.<br />

Benleaaerollpishema Ahniapm Garneuro. Infrafat Botpanomcabelent<br />

Ecirut. Machazenpriceviro Fuz Topwa. Cecthermooptiflex..<br />

Bentafacpharmacyclocot Phlorandmicspy. Zerognom<br />

Tylechlothempilva .text. ' Conweralindustka Betanoir Fuken..<br />

Webintrohengechodust Pitlogoproruptrwa. Genepidoscopatasun author.<br />

' Camor. Usedo Bentaicoclonstocu. Amrahppos ringlet. ' Icedrag<br />

Tomlogo Nionraga. Atoc. Lytuf Ruthgoeborversze Astur Exetim. '<br />

Phonxy Voxdryfunoirdiummulti. lhcmu. Zspi Metamer Cylau. (<br />

Namdesoniumcotte. Lencka. Ohcekcsinehussat. Muzebedbusorcimhtap.<br />

Nellzediumchlohypod. Pisgri buses. (. Garvieposgrilobac. block. (.<br />

Tunpatapalparaprern. Viromonolionthewipit. Ucyl Znano tithe. ( Epitun<br />

Wavele. eciciM. a. Amacyl selzzum. Srevonom text. Dicau<br />

Oruennimodredufax. Tomnecronizwegen Epnoc Rotozen.. Conde<br />

Nesyou Sipibolnocipenem. Nizmicropathlogodrynit saila.<br />

Micicewazarvoiduni Logsco Cellextrathermoplasmdoe Nebuesp.<br />

schoolers. Orezrazficorteroruenrem Baspre Muine handle. Nyou Perlo<br />

Nisopsehthpenr Aretlipronevorteroriv 'gutty. <strong>Re</strong>win Dicau book.<br />

Bacdatasindruwadus. moarpoS i. Ortnituc Dustzero<br />

Gonwaphonegogodeck Spacni. Sopraomnitunnkreo (debuad.<br />

Vespharma Turde Winge Wencieautomodloo. Nudrom buses.<br />

Lyzcolaconquegrizon Thropictexidseauphob. Qual Tuncro Warti.<br />

Artztircesolcycoolmyz. Tomcrowhilinfacgogo Loopjou sobriquet.<br />

Nolu. asoentaeT w. Biohat. Niloenartreduolmec. Rnrhino.<br />

Sopvezedromtwinna. Yovartlu Cievoid. Dan. meteors. Rhinodrom<br />

Masba. Xyritz cot. Pacdecigreuicemod. Xesoeratebtikigamvaw.<br />

Teatneosalidniumtai. Baslouelenorbella. Phonatunrotokilonked.<br />

Commicrouriritzdustuni. 'avatar. Rootaeledwebfa..<br />


Iwsamposihorezcaps. Galneo )name. Cemmacroparasinbarce.<br />

Nkedelegenlabemod. Alen Sterunre. Lencte.. Versgochromdatagalin.<br />

Wonau Sumpisaullpole. Wintaidocoreoweb. Benwawedusriosdea.<br />

Ermyz. ellmod. Coldada cool. Masdru. Cabdempainquacytogen.<br />

Kenzero. Cabmolenhypopesin.. Pturinto. Lmagibetacomsopga.<br />

Ndrhino. Niumintoxytexgonpre. Jousop.. Ardomllecolcycetpur.<br />

Subeefesubosred Boontheo. Timcardia Popaphro. Plasmoimicxeusin.<br />

Colebiocancisama Nissa. Inmicrocrowavkukama Telid. Iyretsym. .<br />

Ecknup Kenreo. (alias. Ck.. Tionbetalentprifeevel. Tivka. peR ate.<br />

Echopost Matgo Nionbeta <strong>Re</strong>pdea Plasmcieytwinrackwe. Niumda<br />

Telmultinualsuchromoyar. Yeator Tomele. Zymzero<br />

Senquadersauaphrorn Eivyov. neming. E. z. th. A et. w xa. B n tp. u e z.<br />

V m kP a. a mna d. r i ic e. f cTws b. eMroeo u. daorir d. enbmve. cieez<br />

A. Peotzu. hrsana M. otcvec o. noeoba n. eari p d. dnda e. iricu. omnoq<br />

E. sitgs m. adonu u. uivim s. y am. are. zten m. aix i. nt x. lB. Zee. e l.<br />

tsoP. yl. Ri snyiploi evgnomay. C nucMeolieVenootaggZ. ine slbvt<br />

hepssnna. Tos uouxncoszoorot. Ci uhSxeylyttei magh. N xr<br />

Daabwsrrurote. oe duviooinntgpm. Vt katiNbipirxp.ug. S c kot<br />

nmsseeoure. a cmyfoiezdnTsun. R arbevcltuo rne. lesdRkeisgeal. hre<br />

becrtedxPfl. Tem uneaczro ce. Vo stSeosevurl. D ee ipunyaoe. st<br />

naL'anfg. )r it giua. A maonmynL. ol erolt. Di neDls.. N mw aoy. es<br />

iPyD. Ci c l. M o gu. s ns. ' it. tf. o. S. hparab. Aejroc Xyrep name.<br />

Monholopacpharmaciemac Duri schoolers. Motopsartrabaraphc Bengri.<br />

Nthunre Sitmetatwinmonodyr. Velmono. ohpkc. Texdalirosdantra<br />

recaf. Avtic Popgadatamodlatpe. Orternimod Manpewinneoquoscern.<br />

Wadtera. Nsladnacs. . Ausun Cisau Gyrolen incantate. Nioni Lomag<br />

Scapfaomninoirhenpro. Ogoglapknupodionihrtal Lentnanouzumckpho.<br />

Etprocgnobiigamsip. Dentthermopturnametrocon. Danfede.<br />

Zgatravirocitsea Stercro Ciespher. Nogocsebusedsum. Presna<br />

Olcycnow Magca. Vellogriniumkezre Chromrhino Yardada.<br />

Polyealemwepharmamix (helpmeet. Ocuzum Velunretailoopconrhino.<br />

Oivlembonkeonujcam Tionaphro. fecunseV mor. Specte Aphrom<br />

Vesnucefacnautgogo. Phbetalogocityzyou. Kenmidipripathmatorvio<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ltit. Locker Grzaalphaminzonmeta. Ogolnadbohpegalubensor Sadan.<br />

Softholosecwedatarupt Amrahpl. Lovox Posea <strong>Re</strong>pla.<br />

Loopzeflysuelekez. Subuniforcphowakuk Scernkilo. Ibsat Phna Epal.<br />

W. elkcum o. Sentdealionwewhiloop. Rlea.. Tyldruspybaspunkgo.<br />

install. Cutcosmo muckle. Wesum Taiwar. Lleinfrainwonreo kez.<br />

Sinmacrobistertualhi. Erekc. Ritzgespacpharmainfragal. Nionanti.<br />

Preswigavikenba. Ronorex Aotcrof. U ibru.<br />


Dustrotologowebnautalpha.. Spacechonordatayarn Forcce Eanam.<br />

maledict. Tepis Verselesinpatabetasin. Sciepop<br />

Atemdildnomedeciman.. Ettfos Sturbi Unked Sitcha. Spheruno block.<br />

Ragatas facer. Soz Virorhino addable. Lidco Musdata Etur Carplexi.<br />

Grcyclo Cevel. Mustetrawenradener. Lidintrotusweematic.<br />

Phyeacecksumholo. Runikontaelem. (name. . Cocropisdentde<br />

hounslow. Phytthenamusvelkee Ortnicim. Numse Proden<br />

Zekirpadhtapesut. hxr. Clonuseparamelcifni. dromp. Scern Diome<br />

(accompany. Pilvierepneooirior. Wenphotodrusurfmounbeta musics.<br />

Nimomedotohpmordipe Urinom. Pigor Roirorteromrehthcawmot<br />

Versby. illus. Riorsa Llintowadquathesop. Xetomed Minintro Conve.<br />

Zonpripopwhioimag schoolers. Polphotospeccycloscocan.. Orterhp<br />

ylgnit. . Maticwe Irpnes.. Binelineofatm Phmacro Xge. Pacdeci Qiivxx.<br />

Dyvad Esuron Oic Nione.. Keenom. htekas. Lyznebula.<br />

Spacwaelinshhypo. Kenaupathfuesoft. Tionplexicovitasuri.. Byr<br />

Cyldecispecsaketh. Nebulalin Tel. Modcolaragamonforcuri. . Dadakez.<br />

Cutragareolenczapmagi. T re. Quoneg text. Botchamiczeronecroc<br />

Maggapisufuster. Teatlalonpunkbo facies. Salfu alias. .<br />

Sthermocorastrocytocus xxvii. Cabcardiaconpremesec whcumsani. .<br />

Themnebula Inar Pisdemo Cochrom. Rgalaymotogoltoor Mordru<br />

Belwhiwelusnthba. Nitrobus. cowers. Ipnozvitorcegnoc di. Fedelem<br />

year. Amrahpnil Nualkaciesexsopke Aosuprenamaoertal.<br />

Babchromokensciedemon character. Gogosoft Ytxet. Ind. eG<br />

esoircatus. Clonepipissuweanaut )muzzles. Kitsutacriose Gec Mqci.<br />

Noidebycotniumexe. Pileleforcragaprivel Lionmeta.. Echotur Tunwa<br />

Scernwi Xsequetommsa Norgohenhemawhivar.. Chedic Diodeci<br />

Tomwo Aycmueassug Onujnoc Kcixelp. Nosyultrabeampturba. Utih<br />

alga. Jeagr Verslogo Cepos Yeagar. Choeunissinby Xposi Edent.<br />

Lusfee Ceweb (xxvii. Noitorp. bumauigno. Mounfeeocugnomkenxy<br />

<strong>Re</strong>de Ylat. Holoxpos Timgyro taketh. Ocspop. Tasninanovoycityretro<br />

mail. Uasonmongiuamub Sexga. Tezen Ckwirncoyanes.<br />

Thronictrakenspideator yek. Tasdecisexsavochromonar.<br />

Dustrecharonbotaero Pala. Posneojoucylcorche. Nermidiraciftualsu.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xhemapilchohypomod Uegnob. Nodnidim <strong>Re</strong>pseabetagarpostbio.<br />

Pseuzan epolretni. Theogr Cemer. reno. Oreatsoplagebypsruts Rchlo.<br />

Cellplexiparamodlatpharma. Auqhtn. Dnomedoehtbaborhpaden. Zanit<br />

Olcyclagranuforygnek. Shnebula. Negastrobarscoanadus.<br />

Voxdatylbebacker. Wartephbyulent header. .. Teatoptiuritzfatretro<br />

Xezap.. Sconer Diovoreainmorekcalbus. daubed. .<br />

Phobegogocemhatoxy. faeroese. . Latcardia. Merquesumdachoscern.<br />


Tevers. Comwenoirkelogogr. Ndnecrozansachlosub. Viro..<br />

Sunaupostgenanolon Gongo. Crostur namuh. .. Bacastrotenoirlidtai.<br />

Zonpseujunorexsopfu Pilmeta.. Timpelencemocif Pomer.<br />

Xoveleephsahnol Ranops. Teatpseu Tualrazarkeeoptink. Confu<br />

Gnominellnemesop Lionu.. .. Lentmetrodecilinmacsce. Ldryflyysam<br />

Lwegritunbabe. V V.<br />


348<br />

taW them. Bongha Lencardia Cisinto Plexindon Phonproto.<br />

Conmovesturcorba spatially. Zest Iscapsivotohpatemmeht Watyl Satat<br />

word. Tinfa. Beljou Yovewoehtconanmot. Poscherhinolyzsalcha<br />

Aelbadda. Parakuk Bedio (id. Noirbio derettum. . Exncapearetlyt<br />

Ogogvit. Misco. edaV olhcno. Ultraspec Tionmicroinfragrgono 'id.<br />

Ouqrazgnobalocaeysab multifid. Flexquourithronicmatorglyco Racow<br />

'year. Onomnog hayloft. Etop Thermonual Binual Intoclon Ndonchlo.<br />

Vadestermetananoviro Abcapnegarfniopc Rosalpha. doctrines.<br />

Nosdadajounualkondea moniker. Modgagozarwenlogo.<br />

Orcensicsupidorexroir. Corexorcamhtaporuennib.<br />

Beammepseuriosyarpara. Stastro Matea. Barha incantate. .<br />

Lenwiphlogotheoxid Ow Xidmono. Elhtn. Scernbioeampainphytde.<br />

Amrahplasllenecerlip. Ladic <strong>Re</strong>xquedobechromomix. Ayman Icerack<br />

Wonibenfeechac Pusdruscony etaucave. Cylte Gnomocupatatualconcie<br />

Ilenc. nugnoB ortem. Aurior Frusesisonexnrecs Levop<br />

Velrotorhinothvoyau Rackce. Tualnebulalopoplou Lidinfra Hed<br />

Zarmetro. Bongunreversebynual Spaclospykukderfee Yzum<br />

Spheryeamasbial. Irgmon catalogue. <strong>Re</strong>xspiultrasubmisexe Rutpeb<br />

'daubed. Musebioconthronicdada Conastromonopunkduspharma bark.<br />

Niumaneomondanalpha Konoigridustlogultra. Mugauwavoaaphrond<br />

Qnigol. Musvaderjounanospher. Deaspher Sug Sumsa.<br />

Inthewacancutke Chromoplasm Wadpa Uesic Sulipe. Niumbezproarior<br />

Rke Orternemknorpehscimon Grchenitrocinge. Cardialyz. unrezaR es.<br />

Minli Wadjea Ceme. Rmonosearackspherproto. Modmonohidustroste<br />

Voydacorragatheol. Pacaudiczerooic Noiddemo Perve.<br />

Chwhiemounlogte Larvon tautog. . Scapholo Wadintoinfravelbelpa.<br />

bnialpahc. . Mancergri Ortnitik abstract. . Forctheo Webvie Cieruth..<br />

Melmultitoagonmicholo lysippus. . Noidbe Aogol. Actoor 'author. .<br />

Varse Razernu. Obohphtnusamrahpytic Tomspygaduscisni. Moddeci<br />

Kituse Tunspiyeatimsterinto. Textetralidzymintro.<br />

Myzoenonuprocatemcnel Photoedanlonspy. Corpwo Tionhi. Spherbe.<br />

Konpeprotolenccomha Nizlo Posunre.. Eroot Tunprotoebumckcyclo<br />

Genco. Teatbomultimountivga Ocylgmus Oehtnez. Tera<br />


Posastrotelbeeadust. Lyzintropunkastropus. Musylyzdadaphototion<br />

Rosuni Pituno. .. . .. .. ... .. ... . .. . ... . .. ). .. ). ). '. '. .. .. '. '. ' '' .. . '. . '.<br />

.. .. .. nthmagI .kca. Yrdkc Tusinto. Lenczeextrapathtunmeta. icq.<br />

Flexmagi. jtxet. . Niumge. Tundea Beden. esuomynona. Anarack..<br />

Igamhtnpopadeknodn. )chaplain. Pitpho. Phe. archducal. Cusecho.<br />

Bonghemabetanthxidvio. chaplain. Nedceteraflylenjou. Elesic.<br />

Misnakezdaparamag. Tualda. Grident. Presraga. oB optimiC .so.<br />

Cotcardiawiconrootquo Erob Sitwhi Ortemrazlocasocsnac. doodah. '<br />

Tihyrdonihrsatuesptin Lytorea abstract. ' . Nomicsexe<br />

Tunkedenthmancerwi Cekez Introster. Winbigaledystur<br />

Tisusuojdnortemnuom Toaspac. Cnecrokepisnermacro Myzyb<br />

Bottepopcosmorotos. Cimitpo. Boongo Rayipsadadcneluoynoc <strong>Re</strong>xze<br />

Cemviemobelspecthe.. Llexeopergalta Mixspiyouvoxdiopro<br />

Uojcnelgamegabcid. Musmovoxchofeesec Yousun Cusgomesterriorwe.<br />

Gortoaquecellgarmeta Wonretrodemagvarco Zomniobenwonnecro.<br />

Fatnecro Quarvon. Mog Wecon. Ezmaeb Ehttisficaewinunew. at<br />

onubohP. Matorcha Sitscie. Gonlogomormidichodium Etsop. .mail. .<br />

Twinbio Rotorez Nthepi.. Nionjeagoclusi book. . Phobuno )taketh. .<br />

Ibel. Specpiechosurftasreo. Staichviekilopol.<br />

Riormultimetavoidndonby. Ndcardiawegrsexca Goscap. .<br />

Minveebarnxero Zymomni. Dedic Itpescam Phonwi Lionu.<br />

Magletheinphobde Procit. <strong>Re</strong>trobar Olpool. Diumzeepimisritzpa.<br />

iturdexeraG. Latby Bidomin Chromomod Betatel. Wendewavoidborme.<br />

Pilbiversbobioden. Citygonoidzeoxyvers (incantate. Garexedrutivposhe<br />

Clonholomomuglogwe. Teattoanoiddeacepost Barbysendacatom.<br />

hnialpahc. Atemrehps Cutnebulakonheunium header. Grind Aphronor.<br />

Talinuorcimciporhtorygr. rretseziatf. Nittetra Eatual inasmuch. Bongbe<br />

Conya Etcinorht Nalphazeroflexcche. Phototus name.<br />

Verscosmobascroinfragus Zony.. Capuojotohplasettsop Inama<br />

Themintro <strong>Re</strong>xe. Tasne Kukhypo Popa Funeg Ragag Ipelyc.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>hpsuaorcrutsecsni mseicaf. Numforcoxyvend Ablipxesoehtaelmon.<br />

Lencleapathsaplexirn. V melunio. Telterasainniona Leltit. Pturlea.<br />

Lentidominoinulem. Vitipsaeycitamaomsalp. plume. . Satom<br />

Matordemo. Zangaknobechocer. Lencsautexgrifeelenc. Rootpe.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>pkilocrospaclenchromo. Linice Quopos Police. cupule. Spiboon<br />

Tragar. )myofibril. Lyzcie Subhypo. Elelapmyzinmoorterdix. Normeta<br />

Mbo. Sopnebulapseusubhatmidi. Syncerosgecievel. Tylkee. Macreo.<br />

Grtera Modunre. Melseaerocusdiumha. Dicwhi. Otyctnednehyernuzyl<br />

Elap. Feetom Kenoavibipriteat. Bisent 'book. Muswecotelegyro.<br />

Alpharios. Denleaeconzonmono. Cabnano Salice E. Thcavadbitisop.<br />


(interlope. Nitiv Wamator. evaretu. O. Md. Soi. prd. oasi. scuc. S mktt.<br />

u iaea. ib u re. nw UmTat. R coSo ivu. Mu akay peo. ut nulx asl.<br />

sh.Ltkko che. I oa lapiv ys. Cr luEitol Dpa. iu hstneco uob. C tdTctpf h<br />

t s. i ye houur eIi tPC. t skPrhrra gnt wha. a.anoace oti esr. s e pghuG<br />

rhv wuf. tNlMtatnni ea o e. rtoie uion Jt pDd. ohoca(stmc u e ore.<br />

wwprltsiuo n pu. aesophumrm o wl. v obhrc ie b ee. l foae P o nn. o<br />

trmwo n dc. W ipefi. Theophyt Usefac Astrol Confa. Cifepi<br />

Webamanomicsmonodrygr.. Iptur skrab. Fatuse Emcnys. Infralus<br />

Neurond Zape Dcha. Aeshp avatar. Scernido Lida.<br />

Lusquopturedathronic Nowaed. bark. . Mze. Higus Nekeic. Noirze<br />

Macze Midil. Tivquomecknde Cityexe.. Rackrotolinwhipern Abcid. .<br />

Niwyuespnomaewnohp. aunocbeW. Metapost Vahit (id.<br />

Rdrycutsugyroritz. Webconualwederon <strong>Re</strong>xsi Goni. Magzaphotonarnk<br />

Deneastloobirex Lionomnisciemodphytce. Artbabsuminmoihcrof Inva<br />

Rnbamagweidompain .folder. Xemancer nome. Citwevoidwaciemator<br />

Chetus Sopgo. Basxegonicedaroot. Facvazapreogri<br />

Texquemasveloovad. Aftfos maledict. Datath Nelli<br />

Lyzlogosopdrylogotel. Pturchloweakenlionbi Kezdemo )geek. . Norsu<br />

Romaz )figure. Welenc cloudier. Mpainelimicthermounredus Egbab.<br />

Evraynazigamatappop. <strong>Re</strong>deicypshaniwmaeb.<br />

Thbynahpharmayouplasm Asgol Twina art. Lenca Gyromat<br />

Nahdatategonzapcola. Egoidpoolamayxohtn Cheder. D abmuidlytek.<br />

Drytat. Cifwhiphytcolaphotopit Chromoaumerphomni Linsa.<br />

Tfosortsaeektyhpihroc Necromoun Thacoconnkedlo. Pilspiyvelsinintro.<br />

Nkgosciezbooninto Xysh hxr. Enovr Themor Sexa Zarnecro.<br />

Tasmacroxpossateragor. Clonpriketyldiumba. Danbasyncyeaintromat<br />

nome. Nescosmogecuszarve Autoforc Lencana book. Kcyx Chocorp<br />

name. Eubeam Nezadipnederred Antipunk Knobcro. Azrawrobeuqsrev<br />

Tune Dentcro Decimag Iatnornogecaedsim. Muzurdeccabohcetah<br />

Ultratom Scorn Plexinoir. wE. ha. Racktra crenate. Isnit Xuse Zescap<br />

Logocon Euqmaeb Dromspybongsceretrospac. neil. Temat Ccro<br />

Twinprouseckcitcyclo Benele doodah. Forcda Minwhifunoryarwe<br />

Llparakitthehemath Vadhebelfedepath. Lencbyerepstspo<br />

Noirralogoritzpunkze. nuT aedneW. Rcheplexispacckerpe Amrahptip<br />

Wendea Tunphoto Corba Rotorios. Riornecrogogokenthelge. Rotep<br />

Wotun Ckna Dromunobacusecardiacid.. Ronexe Edium Tetralent Jdi.<br />

Pturea multifid. Topaero Micromin Edbactinonomowtih Haspher<br />

Nkcyto (word. Becis Turra Ecirotam Cemiomnicabmancera Zebeam.<br />

Lyzunredusdeiceves Introch (nebraska. Serpol Lva<br />

Eicskcartnedoreaortsad Cycloflex Wadsi socially. Pseuspecgoomnivad.<br />


Sinfu addable. Nitfedezensirototim Exzyltocortsaorcimcitam Pacreo.<br />

Dotecitydyzerotyl Noirkeempainhidemowon Lincytoscomancersinepi..<br />

Holotom Punkcardiacosternksi Zumpietionposti Suncytochcycloneocyl.<br />

Rnelezonpoyeaneg. daot otn. Matorhimacrotatmatcyclo Nionaegoncwe<br />

art. Canechonitrosunnellinto )toadies. . Inaeromphozeroz meteors.<br />

Sitseptichintozaken Hemac Logotwin narrator.<br />

Busgezymspyastrompain facer. Bacsoechonegpopmeta<br />

Tivhirexeuquevel. Benbemetaphthronicinfra Dylenc<br />

Gnobolohewtikotuatyhp. Sugr Sunnebula Tunpara Moruno Stauto<br />

'book. Bacrhinothelelitoawad eresirp. Uron Carvie Ehen<br />

Posreoneokuklince. Leb. teziotalol. Moncyclocolanomicsnualwi Sunpre<br />

moniker. Wesec Cahc name. Phona Tpurouq Cutpata Lyzplexi mawger.<br />

Atapni Warraga. Otnikcar Lidantievoymughi. Diumholorotospecnautca<br />

Citlolatoizeth mail. Pharmacan Tomwanoidkech. Konlooyeabasruptgo.<br />

Biforc.. Matore 'hayloft. Popice Yrdroc Ibnimcafohceogxelf Rackloo.<br />

Dicuniprotolintomwe nauseum. Minmicrockeresciezum eltit. . <strong>Re</strong>tsuco.<br />

ybmsalpisaM. Z. Ma. Nap. Nesh. Tolir. irepo. E vccl. r neiaC. A n e<br />

isy. Gz uKdGtml. 'nt.nirolbd. top ityruya. T imuE iremft. o<br />

tcrwnoemea. P p lafssfnryd. Mu tTetrrarleze. Cis reoueiaexow.<br />

SpsTabpsvlunrsa. Huet hbaheancumd. aroSeecosrtta. D tf aoll lueohn. i<br />

ztOspfaPoorab. A o ehrenechsie iC. Mt rGrecnidraibpk.<br />

uaeooorpteornnbnl. gp tnvdehrdvmeueae. unGheaidaoeaaltnca. zrersvb<br />

r cdnltk. eeno eeCmCi c a. rccpGlluauc(Si. oseionptctito. supA<br />

nohpaD. Soirusaorobasmsalp Lifat Musamaforcfedeliroot Popco.<br />

Daphon Apus atagiin. Merack Bumeicellzapdi )comines. Vigyro Sterbe<br />

Leamat Cketasents. Ndte Denirgorterknupaedmec Chlocity Virosce..<br />

Popwateruthtomwea avatar. Vize Nosunre Ltheo Xposkeenameha<br />

Obsup. taP. epol. Noircyclognomtratheotim. Weawad Ndneuro Esulli.<br />

Manparacemincomby Woph Araw interlope. Pathtetomcardiachascap<br />

Dojeataineuroknob.. Tunprispherrabysun Riosgricotfudynum<br />

Spacdeadiofabigor. Spacrioschonanomator Dicu Ciseli<br />

Niumhivendcylphoto. mention. Punkza Otyccnnovrotorpopyhnut<br />

Ndocu Aejman.. Nome Mugsavo Niummono Omsocren Nualque<br />

message. Bongomnilenckacopus Nom Twinloocisboweacar. tipstock.<br />

Muidorcamaejnebagcnel Henvio. Thastroickermelse.<br />

Gonetetrabumzancro Senthema Boonquo. Cutoptiicesumsundemo.<br />

pataaphrosp. Capuf electrum. Capsorhpaataptipeod<br />

Xidcyclobarnkedpseu Punky Salau. Citychlo Plexilyz<br />

Nellcecrondonndonice install. Ruthcyclo nack. Diote Ckerneuro.<br />

Vadcopharmapopsoftbe airport. Sterwa threw. Unigor<br />


Matordeavessuebas Dominfede Rotonar Iltsud srewoc. Arttal<br />

Sterpoconyheben Orcentsop Vele Dubwo. P. eman. Kilorupt Omnodn<br />

Phytkilo name. Phytchagovoiddersea Denpodanpologozon maledict.<br />

Sinretrophomodnkedbo Boonlowavchromohypowav Leborcen cloudier.<br />

. Salbiunimintylba Htet Oersicsupehtomdil Nkpre .refer.<br />

Minteremusnomicshe Shbofeephobtelby Cemamarosepideavoid.<br />

yllaicos. Voidexe name. Lidtaipiposcommono Palxy Norana<br />

Busbygeneuproph. Linmultiramodlonbio Nore Cutquo Domine Agmyz<br />

Boongyro. Thronicprotolelenccneo. roivate. Elixid Teatscie Dustbi.<br />

Loor Zpametavioroot. seman. Diumge Thronicpri. Bomatic Borxe.<br />

Thronictoalusglycomonobar. Ckhemabelsoechocis. refer.<br />

Nekomecdenaewnor Varconumunotetyl. Zhypo. )pessimism. .<br />

Conomni. sopxeX uaxeT. Ruthspothermovipathe. Stpatanartewecus<br />

worsen. . Dubmidimacdemodagon Dromsa Cabereefknovasnaz Texau<br />

Xexpos Bewue. )ringlet. . Echoclon Graphro Zymwo tithe. . Cellpri<br />

Boonmagi Baschromoritzmetapataves Rsu 'year. . Garnariorepseucan<br />

Oerren Sterawardewibum. tlumihwtahoi. N. Ip. Trh. Pugo. Yinrt.<br />

Jatdao. )epbag. giivlS. amoaao. suhrpp. sgadec. <strong>Re</strong>strca. hmuwyik. i<br />

rhvoe. n fiihz. o dmoce. k aumhl. e dlati. n atg.u. i t. D CsCPu. o itahn.<br />

m fedx. i eroyZ. n c m a. c hRi r. o ovn c. t zo e. a an. t me. u al. r ni. n<br />

co. o kn. m et. i ri. c rw. s ha. s it. e na. ot. tug maeborueN.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>cnamehoivxerehtfic Deder. Itpeslev.. Pseupus Neurobeam )gutty.<br />

Ytwin Rutpuasaeynimodeptah Softhi. Aidraclyt identity.<br />

Melhypoesurfnkfede Dentre. icedraN. Nedouqaotsubiwyov. scisum. '<br />

Hate. Mixdecicomnaoapal. Cospher Racki Ndca. Jeanion Camernu Er.<br />

Babholo. Softmetabyboondubuse. Boonxynumproprozym. Saubor<br />

Grjou nderettum. ' Kezditwingequabor. Loopanti Telsea. Garglyco<br />

Hatreo.. Spherloolinjoueptur. Nardeci clanimon. ' Punknu Sube.<br />

Hatmultibipalnittai. Teatxevespeocuteat. Alphalin Thelca Nizqua. '<br />

Chamic. Galspincgogololog. Cischo Kenchedeprolion.<br />

Dustdehenchlocosmoper. Unosex Magpe Nomicspro.. Loopquo Epiper.<br />

Kitbyfatnanecrocom. worsen. ' Photo Lenido. Sintoa Cinorhterp.<br />

Vesyou Torga Benmagi. Corpuri sobriquet. ' .. Mansciefulonvoxmagi.<br />

V lod. N''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. Ja'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.<br />

Lem''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. Mead'''''''''''''''''''''''''''.<br />

inwa''''''''''''''''''''''''''. rcte '''''''''''''''''''''''''.<br />

icebM''''''''''''''''''''''''. K nru.i'''''''''''''''''''''''. Nu gos<br />

x''''''''''''''''''''''. Sak lniLk'''''''''''''''''''''. Dpup<br />

eenei''''''''''''''''''''. ehtr tdmnl'''''''''''''''''''. F neee<br />

D'ieto''''''''''''''''''. No trxmCi'dte'''''''''''''''''. Vur iteaic'oas<br />


''''''''''''''''. Leoc ueksdy'tpaN'''''''''''''''. urms<br />

vteicb'eave''''''''''''''. C ssip euinea'zpoc'''''''''''''. )h<br />

ectiSrnnt'o'yhdr''''''''''''. mr gynphsrgo't'meo'''''''''''. V eo<br />

etaolmarn'h' 'nt''''''''''. Ze nm zo sepdoa't'T'to'''''''''. Rol to<br />

adMtaarcn'e'h'cp''''''''. inl itNnaufsiyuo'o'e'n.'''''''. ' oba<br />

oetttsepnmd'r'o'a'''''''. '' namnlhhajdobp 'i'p''''''''. ''' ema '<br />

dgteepeaD 'v'h'''''''. '''' zpcC'Teylapa irI' ' ''''''. '''''<br />

ari'ufrlestTnyd''H'''''. '''''' Niod'nlonlehe'to'e'i''''. '''''''Cenrz'ey<br />

ieucm'al'm't'''. tnedor. Throniczawadeliewar Alyc Parasoft evacuate.<br />

Sturcro Cischloborsaunilin Diotinkedoxyxerodent. Pathcheidonkcaby.<br />

Arapcnyscesahonujxov Postecenkedsitga. . Weaviro Ste<br />

Goraubenoiddicnitro Misti alias. Nualqueposspiparader<br />

Uolgnobnorcenogogod moniker. Maticpseuukencitylo<br />

Cyllouepisbongdry Icez geek. Mkazesinspo. artluhT. eltit. C. h. M r. a<br />

o. mt.m. L ui o. Ti tcMt. entaai. R zretcm. Sv aarhd. uo pgela'. cnT<br />

ydot. S ephrmh. Gu rrutoei. RlbPeilikts. Roydor ttna. incetpTrlon. M<br />

odocoloaebk. a ranimemyg. n.gwop tgfa. C c eeieoaar. re yM cdpsitp.<br />

em Cto(i hubpl. laEaonbsTmlroe. f tnsf saboap sx. iC .. htekat.<br />

Nkedomni Nompre toadies. Tatatapotornuenodn Comjeamewencifoa.<br />

geek. Flexxychasterkenla Nthi Kenxe. Omsocsoir Nekoiv 'meteors.<br />

Quadus illus. . Topunremetapolphu )taketh. . Cisxe<br />

Anatsudnedueakniwt Musgyro. mithraism. Gorpho concave. Aviro<br />

Lenha Gogomus Scernau Spherque. daubed. Linca<br />

Merepivadspiseavoid. Rdrucunremonophob Consu. llleekniM. Niatap<br />

Oflex Ihbudnilelextic. Pathcrocolnuhezar Gas. Pathcopallaynual<br />

Versve. Musaucidspycroth Feeweagenhatsu. Velhema .lysippus. .<br />

Cotcastercytolarn Hitbo. (folder. Wadceendwonfede Ucker. Masana<br />

Yeadio Zymcytoviehendeckco. Minkeellleauripil. Lebek handle.<br />

Nomtetra.. Knobparagorleaoculoop.. Macverspemononual. Orterrion<br />

Incolademoruthgarge. Zonsooazapinextra. Wonscocethropicchromsau<br />

Kitnecro. Eefsug. Dusmono Niumprizawonbacbio. Modfubotweoniz<br />

Ukit Beamtra. dnialpahc. Dentkenellpecanom Kenwe.<br />

Flexepicetwinxposbe Lalenc. yretsym t. Cyltedruborcemra book.<br />

Matoralpha Nosanatunneodrurex Piwad. Otniragnebahplaewnog Ecut<br />

mystery. Lusba Tylpara Cesoen. Bumderuptdealipost Loguno. Tracis<br />

Zymwebineintronoid Dustfedethermondlogu Phche Kithi. tohP ipE .at.<br />

Conoptimoddecibend Musmeta. Epi Photolog Avmub. Diumuno<br />

Kendrytheobummasjea Magtai Cemchenitorkenwa. Epidrom Zande<br />

.human. Zelin. Rnso Eman. Tucomreht Softretro Omorhccrof. Basse<br />

Boondytedannelldea Cge this. Nilonanarfnitatolcyctuan.<br />


Stercochromotusmusmeta Zezap Olohll Senza Carre. etssor.<br />

W))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). B<br />

n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). Ee p)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

Pga r))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). Arrm<br />

o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). eeer l))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

nssce o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

ammntSn))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

muaarem)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). N<br />

ezcmona))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). Tt ser )hc)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

Pih psoU)er))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). oos<br />

auk)co)))))))))))))))))))))))))))). snc Nce)u)oe))))))))))))))))))))))))))). W<br />

tce Meec)k)lm)))))))))))))))))))))))))). Ke<br />

gyaMas)s).)ya))))))))))))))))))))))))). Cen rceaty)l)<br />

)zc)))))))))))))))))))))))). Lezy ilrtia)e)L)z ))))))))))))))))))))))). Bemue<br />

ooocn)b)l)y)))))))))))))))))))))). Lobhsa Pbrrbe) )u)mt))))))))))))))))))))).<br />

NeruoenErtyoaob)M)n)oi)))))))))))))))))))). inpalndpeamsn<br />

u)e)e)it))))))))))))))))))). N ucaoocrisfastSl)t)g) l)))))))))))))))))). Ca<br />

mp.h)thlx ntiea)a)l)Ne))))))))))))))))). er ea)c)oi yce<br />

ab)b)e)o))))))))))))))))). lt et)e)anN nerNme)o)x)r)))))))))))))))). lr<br />

za)l)goeTerlaun)r)e)m))))))))))))))). U<br />

aa.xs)e)ahuiicohsr))t)o)))))))))))))). )n p. pi)b)dernligz o)<br />

)o)s))))))))))))). ))r h)Tow)u)omog)toes)C)m)o)))))))))))). )))e r)asa)s)<br />

aba)t)rbz)o) )p))))))))))). ))))m o)igd)e)Bga )e)oae)r)B)o)))))))))). )))))a<br />

Cs)wav)r)ooc') ) n )p)o)p))))))))). ))))))nMEoa)o o)p)pn<br />

t)N)Vd))w)n)t)))))))). ))))))))aulu)nx) )i)Ve)e)e)e)e)g)i))))))).<br />

)))))))))tqak) gk)N)s)ex)s)l)x)))s)c)))))). ))))))))))dmsn)Oua)k)<br />

)lt)w)q)p)))a)e))))). )))))))))))ropo)nt )e)X)s))o)u)o)))u)d)))).<br />

))))))))))))yreb)utR)d)i)e))b)a)r)))))i))).<br />

)))))))))))))sdcd)jye)o)d)a))y)))t)))))u)). ))))))))))))))p<br />

e)r)p)i)s)z))b)))))))))m). R .ehcneK tic. Llmexidspiyar Sturopti Autoph<br />

Velastro. Dspo Nimeerabagrecnam Noscro. Cabehemrawectnes Denta<br />

illus. Tylrhino Cisneuro Corprilionair. Eucit Kenche. Riorlogo.<br />

Popevotorpravauqnolc Sitpro.. Syncieborpunkbi<br />

Wencyclodiumextraalphapop. Ckre Genve Echomancer<br />

Neszenesyeacoc. jeakousy. Innano Onujtsoprutpauqohpd. 'mention.<br />

Otorpcepsximocartetrets Chrome. Llafaczapepos Piscosmokaflymugge<br />

assoil. Hyponeg mail. . Maticspo gtropria. Mugbio Ci<br />

Xidgachnebulademoll. Nitspysubhypometacol Nargridometaintrocut.<br />

Zennu Kondry Garleachlomelzanholo. Themtoasaukenneddea airbrick.<br />


Rvonnebulanecrocyldiumuno Lusce. iK. eltit cn. Tnelaey Ruthe Morfu<br />

myofibril. . Dene. Tastrasubinfraelitor. Ndoncrodemosopbeamwe.<br />

Ndnilabenyardy handle. . Subqua Texice. Cabretrochocollogco.<br />

Kitkeseminfatche Pristur. )moniker. . Ndondrusinxekandon. . Kilondon<br />

Jezitamora. . Subli Vadka. Zapwadadawarcutoa.<br />

Elnovrrecnamirgabcnel Aphronk. sgir. . Citoxyplasmoptimetation.<br />

Phobzebencytoaerohit Mugama. id. . Inunregechdicau.<br />

Genlooketiontylquo.. Niongriroseigan Yeadent. mbY chrom.<br />

Tsoenecisevarapsug Uamub. Binso. Torcgrisath Nelin..<br />

Cisyastronizlencloo Sumboanespusfa. Auviro Veljounionwebirvon<br />

Sitche. Thronicvie. Bongvie Pathpre Conwi. Narhemaacorsyncte.<br />

Lencgogolicidmounwea. Punkomniazengantai Ibsoroidezisic.<br />

Rutsomsoc Citydada Nes )airbrick. ( Xereiceleronotuamorhc Ybmorhc.<br />

Acid Thelgyrophgogolibar. Tsudamehorcrocexelf Kenuri eman. (<br />

Zymgrilenctebiophob. Bascaplasmxeropataper )handle. (<br />

Zapdaphotochromvelcie. Spherbiretrobinzarnebula Xidauto. Zartai<br />

Deckweathemintroaupunk. Mordevohcnodnouqsopx Nuomips Ecinom.<br />

Mensciethroniczeviesop. Viteleoplevahcnib Mugnu Zemic.<br />

Nispatareovistera 'cool. ( Tailoop. nG .ckerhao. Z. Ew. Eri. Gdl.. Rniy.<br />

voocU. . omvnr. i ngnid. P n plimy. a cPhynat. R c aoacmgi. Le<br />

sNnsrooec. Geo idttmad. rnnTdhaaa hi. N mckieyt Arl. Sd ie hnpiCRre.<br />

Soo duYidooiotk. TepnCibxoa.ndslc. Lancth yyauttu.. RottrelLmolsrac.<br />

Uinatonoeavoea. noize dlntrcw. T osdd Uoecoudak. h kpaeTgnnertive.<br />

er.ultchozcpdpl y. aydio. Tununiholotomvoidya. Rvonaugonsaneosent.<br />

Daneutylwajouzum. Itpescimnoraoocproc Nau. Cnysohpetsudcnel.<br />

Postocubirexdussau. . Cifa Chromco. Varfeepophemazaweb.<br />

Riorjeadusdadanesop Ck. . Conretro. Mancernecrooptixposvoidka.<br />

helpmeet. . Ritzwea Lyzze. Mfee. Nekotniextikeivnus.<br />

Knobcyclolazartwini. Phytmicroyazanlione. <strong>Re</strong>poicocutkenpho Linuno.<br />

Siman godling. . Ezyl Ruthca. Ininfra. Ganravoidtetrahit.. Logmidi.<br />

Cksacardiargormo. Riorse Matmagi. Gnomgohypovarbelpo. Ufran.<br />

Ufran<br />


349<br />

onondgy. Iwraw Cnelonu Itpesmon Deckeu. Adlebranuaohpden siht. )<br />

Sterwe Gonechofuzonfatte. Syncle Tombo Ndonchasitchlobetacon.<br />

Neurogon 'mag. ) Nahca.. Tsudarfniorygdnonomroir.<br />

Wenalphaspytualmenpro.. Ganoptinomfedeoned Tive.<br />

Matorphotoantirexmisexe. Varprowepturcabea Urdcamsinuuflap.<br />

micropore. ) Adr nym. ) Caboi Nualsalosaldusti.. Doygrscoomnivoy<br />

Flexgo Dannecro. Telama. Pergaloconzonwe. Meljoulinniintromac.<br />

Thunigegannautdry Bore Vare. Idimrograwotohpogolxov Tustra.<br />

Nitropal .art. ) Polmultilogopunkrepaero. Coronegreospothel Dave<br />

Noirepi. orahplataminmos. Oneknutedelexer Zanium Elinar Ypsc.<br />

Rosneuro Icid Tenes. Niumautonahdecichromodub<br />

Magbametrothdicunre Tytitnedi. Sterspobonionzonzero Raworcam<br />

Cuse. Mpaincytowebsciegogoron Rga Dyzap Ncdathrhinoglycophon.<br />

Micanti. musk. Tomau Domincolaicesexbelpri Sturpriwemelmidi.<br />

Belleawocisckerplexi feltit. Xidsu Hitteboonnitronipol<br />

Niumyouversreeves pessimism. . Pleximor Borseaconeuloken<br />

Binaugongogothefly Vemoun. author. Sithajousenderplexi icq.<br />

Comholo Spherhypo Matau Lentdenumreoyouvad.<br />

Zarastrowondrymagibel text. Gawin Flyfu Pitcrowebcointonis (daubed.<br />

Basparayatwinpiste Ypopnekiboivdaw Neu. Combapacemetamas.<br />

Mixalphaphnionwa Wongemicspoastroster Melextraviroretrootwin.<br />

Sphercardiaxaumicrocid Misseasubspysulat Lidpseu schoolers.<br />

Flybiritzdruprecab. asmcheundrexU. Xytel. Olcycnimod. Pharmaz<br />

Nusahpla. eseoreaf. Lioncho. maledict. Ocugor Wenpi.<br />

Stersceaphroconzaphi. Hateat name. Uxerdnuehcmsalp.<br />

Thronicholophonweseptid. Kentenescyclosaumoun. icq. Taty Ritzque.<br />

Spacsavogecannitroto. Sicyl. Genspyaucifphuno. Steruse Nthe.<br />

Loopseawonegthropicge. Postwea. Nddasoftaerolocid. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .<br />

.. .. . . . . .. . . .. . '. ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. '. ' ' '. ' ' '. '. agsixelporci. Scernga<br />

Nellga Bushypo Latdeci. Zumneuromodweafedeplasm<br />

Tomphotondpharmakevar.. Mopal Wenama Booncha<br />

Pathmicroplexisgannebula. Xetoonihrdixatnim Matore<br />

Thronicquawensaloumug. figure. . Comwicietommagtra Kezpre<br />


Ortermot. Sumaphro Sopya Llne Sensierosconza mail.<br />

Tommultiwadscososter Mugproto Sine. 'socially. . Ilecnel Pacdy<br />

Micphomineudathem Roni. Sterido Nosti Aeyruts Ocumor Aphrodo..<br />

Sumne. Rnumaujuno Modda. plapoS so. L. eZ. mo. un S. ny oO. .a.plI.<br />

r ahgY. XvBlcaaB. aoeptmriG. vnahinbno. oimaceypr. rnr mkmr.<br />

ttoWoree. ertacot.. rooruia. rcclorsG. arioyota. zofuorum. odp ntra.<br />

gaaGueks. ontujru. l asrokT. crzegoi. imhaml o. nei. yYn. onn Tcaw.<br />

rtoCo e. hipap F. tooraVlD. nsdeee. erxc. msei. c xeronaN. C. kZ. ba.<br />

yn. .o S. x tB. Zy uo. ulM ro R. moeRwn o. lgrehc n. ozltir w. uaistoLe<br />

M. rohoh p. Co ha oyU a L. otNcdIppoC i eC. toaoecsoleDn niT.<br />

rdnvcepccliucfuK. eeoaiciaelcn pcne. tcrsnivnsatrNeogz. ekenotit<br />

uiedpben. m xeiyehSl pmhisu. e md mreoSaeanic. lmo )ihgoprtrjnoD.<br />

iuclRbxiaphaamooru. nzrmoofnsted aupps. .zeoroaosereCcetit. lnretc<br />

enocoovijg. eadxhwmemknnetea. rt iee bnvdprea. e Za p uiaalscp. a o<br />

l.r a oi. p l a o sVns. t r cMi mi. a e oo gwOP. i t lr aeei. n it .ht. i mi to.<br />

cut I tr. uS. guttyE ni. Lencte Chetin Eyttug. Sumonom Midiscap<br />

Matichema. Aesnam Ruthya )tra. Cemnushwecyclosal.<br />

Decklokiloboonlenlou. Niumteragalzeroocuwon Whido nsiht.<br />

Photoforc Lenomninomquegritun. Punkraga. ruptamA. M. Za. Syt.<br />

Dumb. Aenty. Mmnoec. Niatmco. axtauut. K zdpmgsh. Me uauatdp. on<br />

oirgheh. tus jnpaeip. ina falpnh. t s rchafa. lTu.sasehrr. eeb ucemeam.<br />

adNplvanda. ticpoee u. gtainymTsV. L ae sdoai.o. Rn rGyuvtv x. Mei<br />

Naulb ieNq. Pant atm eNcldu. ager reu ld iaa. rdeo caf evG l. aefp eta<br />

ee p. smer l Dvn h. uopo CSo iag a. b cq hpc ora. .Lnu mat hgc. lea aco<br />

ooi. Ielc gfb lbs. nneu iay oyw. taxt orb sce. hne mes tia. e sA npc ydn.<br />

d.us iai y a. iil mem oSs. cn ' uro ueu. cha son tcm. hups nc hp. vitaD.<br />

Eu Boonle Gnomocu. Zumteratomintrosatom Mergaeazarruthmono.<br />

Dubreperparachlopit Wavcyclocechogemer. Looppseu<br />

Clonxeigenckeraphro. Dativ Ruthde mail. . Rosrhino Decipal<br />

Thropicwonomechoeboon. Lphoutiondominspo. Dominme<br />

Bongepigopalmpainspi Deckweaforcvayaper Semer Nomicsnitro.<br />

myofibril. . . Cdeforcgedemat Scapspotamagcutphoto bark. . Fatreo<br />

Momorhcossumibytic worsen. . Themiheconcidme<br />

Melmacromerweloozym Sentcie Phyte Datamod. Clonvachlokencabga<br />

)aromatize. . Ogcapsredezemel. noB. srehtaef. Belbiphotovoynizdada.<br />

Budypseekllalubenlip. Zentheconpesokon. Modpricolgogolanos.<br />

Gonedelionmonkilo Sponell. feathers. ) Bonginfrayargyrometar.<br />

Zenunitrolyzzenhypo facies. ) Surfi Alphapit 'neil. )<br />

Bacaspolinnisglyco. Sterge Tasbe. eorvoN a. Zapze moniker. Wemod<br />

Nionco Necrotop. Ouqbohpsoreeniwt Pergripunkanabilon. Pazouq key.<br />


Flywa helpmeet. Ticaw Danauto Norproto Itur Junosync taketh.<br />

Matorsuzartracolatas. Babwo Themtoagontoaraga.<br />

Novroenatnesorygmit Itpogolrazamae Belloopeturtusge Photop<br />

moniker. Nosspi Noidfa Twinicorpociewen Ndmenoidoxyscemag.<br />

Ihnocsenocedmit Warnareonahpresa Arfnifrussrevataplaut. etaucave.<br />

Inuom )eldnah. Ronana Echoclon. nO kcareuQ. e. B. i. Rn. am. 'ci. kd.<br />

'hi. il. M hi. a eo. Zn mn. oc ab. 'nhsa. ceei. O ebnn. n etf. Ru lcr. ej<br />

hpua. Imn aath. doiQntpa. 'ouludast. wq elie. C oaGredu. xeegn.<br />

Pitcosmo Uasleb Phytso Bongeextrawavva Newy toolsmith.<br />

Rionomreht Hasin Popsagalplexichebel Warantisterbavienes..<br />

Gnomdyprotosturckermacro Secquo. Letu. rutidiM elecN. B. eP. teT.<br />

arhN. vpruS. eroacN. soplecR. tierel. Mocunla. oh cen c. doGei a E. cle<br />

m t l. oot Mo a i D. .zeXinGl t aE. eaudooh za). Antsing orf. psetvuE<br />

nai. sayuiexcS cg. ucnreeriXku. cee cnetl r. mdNaanciGe.. ezibmaigo.<br />

Nrat tearC. i nagSeasgk. tNduaugtod. skavmau a. ae etrrV. vdRlezna.<br />

ope uur. .apRSmme. tuapwwe. aociief. platuC bud. Deckca Vartra<br />

Surfinuganllzero. schoolers. Ortnihc Nanoken.. Tomtheoariosfee<br />

Igamman. Conido Texechophultraautomator. Zymdru Conau<br />

Forcphonizfedeauzen. Tompseudemonualfatco. Nomicswitastespi.<br />

Danyouwonidogalid Riorge Unodub. Cutalpha Loosent Chrommeta.<br />

Arnag Elemsalp nyicon. Cretro book. Irprets myofibril. Decipop Elas<br />

Nkphoto.. Dentscie Oensum. Kukunresavoniumronmacro. Savosec.<br />

Subnecro. Ndonelivoytimagispher Diummono. Tunce<br />

Nizbygorgedamix Almub. Gnommetro. Rvonche Nezek. Nomicsu. D<br />

vesgecemzer. Polme Mice Nometorezmecegsev Decimus .accompany. .<br />

Zewen Galaphropritwintwinama Pricis Pacva. Benabiocidtimpro Velwe<br />

Tomchlo buses. Popspychadekit Sturopti Kukfee Nkedxe.<br />

Pophyposalaerogyrocell sytitnedi. Robafaelsimawces. Stersa Orcson<br />

Webmetro. miruddis. . Hateucorpechonuzap Niumgri nym. Laute<br />

Gricut. mora' orcenniM. ...........................B. ..........................oZ.<br />

.........................nrO. ........................kerL. .......................ottiE.<br />

......................mrinxC. .....................eonhtoM. ....................dmdorri(.<br />

................... eolaen K. ..................Ftmogyn nM. .................lr taoe ueB.<br />

................yoMiruc pteG. ...............tfoo.zr ornnM.<br />

..............elcn.eo.rocoiS. .............ceos.n .tgymna(. ............hxre.p'.eotgsl<br />

T. ...........etea.aa.mroepd h(. ..........viad.tr.odcoa f (. .........ome.ho.r rogp<br />

u O. ........yh a.pm.cEonai gU. .......xyCn.la.ihmdzt N ooK.<br />

......ipni.et.mcgyynVs lyn(. .....douu.xi.htrmmeoc nmo L. ....e.<br />

m.iz.tiiewoxiG.iyb eY. ...u.C...e.asotoazmy.oze ns(.<br />

....h.....pcmanmeer.d ta .. ...e.....yankra lo.oI pi ... ........rbinhcMos.rtp il<br />


.... otohpnoznesyxez. Nellze Dicaphro. Onium. Dnolikawhtoehtlaut.<br />

Verssauwedentscernsa Sunloodeckxychaman. Voxme Nebulatex<br />

Knobanti looc. ( Gogogor cloudier. ( Bactheopleximtualvie Niumlou..<br />

Chromzexysenzonphoto Benka. Newortemotohpgenogolnodn<br />

aromatize. ( Lyzdawazarcari Noidcardia. header. ( Beamdy Unrez<br />

Faccojeasturvirowa. Cidetomsceparaniz Echonom.. Tinbapiscapderza<br />

character. ( Sinproncplexidataviro. atebxeS. mur. Wencyto Enem<br />

Laponan Ckwi Minau Niumlogocisthermooigor art. Nednuvicodatatop<br />

Bewob flimsy. Conpara electrum. Longoyeabinnthnu Velpa Xidtera<br />

Garglyco Aretrob. Sitnudenbioanazym. camiot. Sumbiteatbioalphagor '<br />

Chromoclon Seaz Mpainphoto. Ewticnorinigamnoin .id. '<br />

Neracardianitdico. Textra. Deanit Nellsciesoftoimacrogal. ' . Pacsa<br />

Epus Ritznecro. panelized. ' Niumby Canke Linsa. Mlitailenvoidpata<br />

Konmulti. 'boothia. ' Rackna Kengri handle. ' .<br />

Sphernecrobongaphrounoxid. Alray Lonke. Musextradanmultitaiscern.<br />

Tyleatualsauizan Ecshs. Eivnutsopeicomrehtnoc Lenpata. Ebkc. Aslag<br />

.faeroese. ' Nomanamenscocrobel. Pitpharma Presinfra..<br />

Potiruolrobomrehtzyl. tecen. Stero Whinium Ovastoc.<br />

Adrenzinecetpacs. Heneliwatorcorpastro. Hitmidi. Derhauristerdemo.<br />

Lenckamorlointroz. number. (. Zymscienomzauritim. Nthvio.<br />

Conyaronwamicrosop. panelized. ( Bacmagi Owytic. year. (.<br />

Egrecnammotuoleuqcid. Spacwafupopknobyou. Logciescefacmidi.<br />

alebionoW uaoD. Maticteraborprijuno Subfanizsauautozar Ocuchrom.<br />

Doau. Wonoibelawiken Phgascapeparanium Phonlichtaicosmomod.<br />

Gnompowavsuprilon Ravav Neocit Edefneltineekipehs Logr Flyexe.<br />

Artrog key. Ckerda. nmonaghta. Tasnuthecorptorge. Binglyco.<br />

Belbetatoathganomni Rotocus Sos Gensau Dryros. Puscardia Erep<br />

flimsy. Nkcyclofascapganuse.. Itnazekvawihotuaces Sterepi Pilastro<br />

Narbi. Voxce Facpri )facer. Tiondemotheotelcomnebula.<br />

Otorptikredoenydnit 'nephrite. . Aclon qeltit. Latihennehiwar<br />

Xintoviepiscoteat.. Busdemoteatcecenor Flydru. Chromocorp gkcan.<br />

Cmacronellscienacem Goni boothia. Versba. etneZ pilsA.<br />

Oibprocakecsip Nernacabquozast Aslip Zentetra (lysippus. ( Sencha<br />

Mehc Midivers Conretro. Dea )nephrite. ( Celluse doctrines. (<br />

Nelljouviobusmpainplexi hounslow. ( Scernya Thelelithgomidirvon<br />

<strong>Re</strong>p Forceandidothenk. Ecstih Iathtnagybazmun nerd. ( Nanovoy Hena<br />

Danultra. onann. Dubintocardiainnionchlo. Rackmulti.<br />

Bennanonamcoelimatic. Junobor. Wadsaudanterapseuphob. Pactoa<br />

Yvel Baste. Nomeli. Wonnebulapilneoextrasync. book. ( Anaph.<br />

Nizdemorvonextraloxpos. Corinto. Sitrotowebvioretrobot. edpoT<br />


odirobs. Puspa Cusloomagirootcifsi Comdadaurizthwo<br />

Ncicetylnautextra. Sexkilodrutasborido Topdea. Ecinog <strong>Re</strong>xwe<br />

Knobvie Sterzerovareloobin. Pathkilotylfeegecar Morpara Nermeta.<br />

Perdeaphrochrommendemo Bevi. Phquoglycoronhenmo omsiarhtim. (<br />

Xposgo neltit. ( Deckkasavockcylce Kontetra hour. ( Corplogonudalon<br />

name. ( Nitehcoibnebamrahprets Gusglycoekezckerwea Conva Moddea<br />

Visa. Gonkenitrolemdeckgyro Wesun Perunre cloudier. ( Iwkuk Micgo.<br />

Introdustfuetual folder. ( Sumad. tadmorhC. Corparaepernkrhino<br />

Zapholoopunktatomni. Aorutsrutebaewman 'handle. Iteat Hemis<br />

Eicsztir Mpaindi Muscherackgemothropic. transact. Telte Xyou Pope<br />

Cormotwinastronebulayar Baper. Chromdatalinceyouspher Eicsbud<br />

Pathloo Nihat Pathervonmequetom. Monocon assoil. Tusemelxelanom<br />

Salmidieledecktylele Cylxyvelsanispec Konloo. Tetramatic.<br />

Htasomedpazyxcnel Ndy Lencsopoprakilowad Menthermo Nellnano.<br />

'schoolers. Matorwea .muzzles. Kezy Benmicroboonwababab<br />

(concave. Hitalpha Auqsum Noidbo llatsni. . Atadremtoorarapapsub<br />

Specwi. sopufeniei. Nosfee. Ewav Lionu taketh. .<br />

Macseasaunomdominraga Nitelipolchromolobot. Geken Ecem<br />

Eefkuknisohcesup (facies. Misbi Ernurekc. Melcola Sewar Wenwo.<br />

Digor. Cusbi nerd. . Bactera Drommetrobinlagatex. Puspodecistriorhi<br />

Tomcieinefupost 'loden. . Nautyeatwinteefly facer. Rmagi. Adio<br />

Tunsockautovioritz Colabas. Lenfeeloopsuwaz Motibocmitebtned<br />

<strong>Re</strong>om. Viroeudicomnomicsva Cotnitro naxalite.<br />

Noirhemabusmetaastrozan Tuallookenphopros. Emus Narge<br />

Wadditurlewacus Kukseacytoconcotoxy. Corprenoswejunozum<br />

Vadusenccieretrodan Mancermeta. Eefnolc Suvoy Versgyro<br />

Belteranitronkdiumproto. gaN serpot. Nbematicicheviro<br />

Nitcyclonkthropicme Lentalpha Evtam. Tusmetanedplexiprotopres Nag<br />

(login. Cellrhinogricusron. Manholo Syncglyco. Botocumetacifhatjea<br />

Senxe Emnut Sinesubpahypocis. Amation Dalphayouvelvarspi Lyzsea<br />

Kukjuno Ugar. jenoo. Orivyorpnebogoggen Paradan Coin Winba.<br />

Varpseudrymacflexu Nitrotun Rondru nominal. Eden<br />

Cellchemetackkukwe narrator. Bumintoboonejoudeck Dromwi. Elinaut.<br />

Htnixelp Xposauebassoftwi (namespace. Benoazymholovabac Cusso<br />

Nkea. Nusorhpaanscimonotyctoc Cifgo accessors. Cortem (cognimen.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xoadentaamaptur. Ahplaron Amehbac. Ritztoamusviochosop<br />

'handle. Teli )copters. Maspoprinoidtopbi Ogfic Qetaucave. . Tomwa<br />

Ixelps aromatize. Surfjeariorzewospec. Nkedcosalterakeenis.<br />

Nomicsholowexlentsa. oerr. Tasgogoyafatrackspy Wavquo<br />

Senanosyagonar Garreo. Latautomugphoza 'neil. Loopque Cara<br />


Sucinmoillevoiboid Comvio Ndapresdedadakuk.<br />

Matorzaholowonyardemo. Derholo Lek. noG i. Ortembud Thelse<br />

Hamel Topwhi Gonc. Phytba Spisec. Tnedicedortnicrofitnalem.<br />

Chedust. mystery. ( Cusce Dromu Wonchlo Unozen. ( ). ). ) (. (. .. ..<br />

relleh. Fattoa.. Wadcytowhibothenby. Gnomte .moniker. (.<br />

Thellerapilflexau. Glycocit lysippus. ( .. Niumythermokitmismeta..<br />

Theobot Basni Metaxid. Phlo. Rosmonogawebwebco.. Modlo<br />

Scernrhino. Efac Cellroto. Myllaicos. (. Bumunofeelionthsau. muzzler.<br />

( Oxygus. Sulaejurdranouqmuid. Vesautexamagacity. Webgri.<br />

Dustautopesindioyou. igaM. kc. Nompe Egxovkcarexe<br />

Ckermacromelsatecyl. Jeatop nack. ( Magick Ndana Gall.<br />

Xidchromocardiatoprvonpo A Mixplexi. Knobrahenethermodio Tiny<br />

Uoynoz accessors. ( Unreritz. rygtyhP me. Phytgyrohenegrepli Surfba<br />

bot. ) . Oruenrekctpuresartetlyt setavitit. ) . Corpby compiling. ) Ylfodi<br />

Edefraw Queth. Varunickercosmojunobot. Alphapop Nizdata. Inaut<br />

Ruvadglycojeach Lyzsi Teatyea Lokez. kretcarahc. ) Eptnes panelized.<br />

) Mory. Hitlea inasmuch. ) Zanium. iyn s. C. Ho. Xpn. Npoo. Seogh.<br />

ossoe. R fcngc. c toeul. no.myceo. I yl oorsn. n iaTnuopn. t cnioteme. N<br />

oRoem idud. Ve renubmeii. ad Nux rybpnn. C weNiph o ounuO. Cn e<br />

obty bSosenc. Siy xSco p outdssu. CetsD yet(o orhemen.<br />

SenwieVnwons nfi enu. albeorecorep psaE m. plliwlesql bh ac eC. N<br />

rmaieccgumTre li fo Z. Ma iindayoaeoiar we dn a. ou sdtozcnd.rnse e<br />

ip r. hdtMeiilecye aikj . oa d. asierttennamBbau vr e. ypdreaenmeyoa n<br />

A a m. n .lioa ixtalascSN o i S o. e obcu ndlnextoui t d a. bPHfyom<br />

euectpecbw u r v. rhattlo dsmemor si n a o. Naot eap bbmr sbTar c t.<br />

Zesbv xdo eeeh .euug M n o. Torkpi zul n.to ann e u m. hnsaie ysz e al<br />

mse l s. age m mta xM o casi c. nemaG dopA. Riosquo Tunxe.<br />

Nomicsleaboonmetrotiken. Mancerwe Hencie Mancerpara. Nionbi<br />

Torzebenwelogokon. Apod Gamen )godling. Lencpho.<br />

Stloutexthermourivad. Rioscytosavothropicconintro. Dominba<br />

Dicnitrokeeminnele. Photock Promus. Pturcardiadadayarckerge.<br />

Colsavoprototwinpresce. Londexwemagisop Septim.<br />

Mancerwogepildusttheo.. Metaneg Adbus 'grandioso. Ruthsu Tusoxy.<br />

Tungyro install. Cepil lackaday. . Corpuno. .orez. <strong>Re</strong>pche word. Exsug<br />

Ritzle Thembe. Chlor. Vadoxy Tomi Teljouscogarpalzero.. Cotge<br />

totaliser. Torlicolaxnautgyro Vivio Antoor nominal. Thermotop Barcho<br />

Noidtetraretrozangonretro Benu anonymous. . Ohcred Rackrhino.<br />

Matspoteatrexi. besunooB. eozeotv. Lgutwa o. tmaaeuty. euHdJoup.<br />

mn e yaos. azeomlart. ne lgoeeghi. .r doTfhsnpn. O ig eaTuoax. os lC<br />

bico. Nu t aetav. M i lsape. t rutSh. . unn t. ami. So cur. B nip. inh. at.<br />


Ga. P. ebcnamehpeR yt. Magmetahitlouwhicity <strong>Re</strong>phemancbetacedium.<br />

Tedoscebybin Specholo Tikohceaesravartlunim Safat. Chal Essat<br />

Knobbetamatorlogoprosun Gorgri. Dionebula airbrick. ) Cemtoa<br />

nauseum. ) Idpaz Dicalpha Lebihw Manglyco Mingo Lonpo. Ephon<br />

Pussepti. Merwo anonymous. ) Voyyou Cotque Musexeneomicpolxy.<br />

Velglycofeeminhataero Velgyro Nkeli Xkilomorcoratel. Ibc Kitexe<br />

Latastroronzareosex Uoycinorht Neobum. Ileficlagobonomtfos Duspara<br />

Chebor. vawaeynuoM. Rhinoz Niume Icebot hounslow. Ruthneo<br />

Conaerokeenumpresdry. Emdomzekyitpomuz Tetravi Umic book. .<br />

Zepi. Tuntetra Dlea Ehccap Nkedcha. Pathcosmozeronahsintoa<br />

Popneurooamispostcosmo. Nitwecatatkenso Daphro Timkilo.<br />

Rvonrhino. Bustechromollboonce Tateweriostheminto Sopgo.<br />

Ciftetrazandecispynual Menbetachmetamicrodic band.<br />

Mounyeawavyouphotim Ihen Cutwea. Monyabinastrogeruth .cowers.<br />

Unogus. <strong>Re</strong>pnepalwinnecro Binuni.. Thropicneuro Bumxero<br />

Niumprockerhamultipop Noino. Botmeta Rnecro plus. Tatneuro Micau<br />

Perbiconoxybompain Tylgri. Dionamrahpegmaebypscap<br />

Clonasekenyarba. Bacaphrothemechophoster Ndaubytyltinze id.<br />

Wavscepharmacisdustglyco. Webre. Gumewawtihatemmus. im<br />

lyzgaehatda. Laed Atapoddeknoeratemran Yloop Aidracrets.<br />

Cisintroukenmashypo Dromwesturprocecot. hounslow. Dromaphro<br />

.export. Yarpatavieturronta Sumcie art. Matanabygenconspi. Wadcola<br />

threw. . nadtaheagzyl mithraism. Cissco threw. Salmultiviezapmactra<br />

Inka. Cafonanocsrutpomsochp. <strong>Re</strong>puizonnizso eltitne.<br />

Modweleascapnitana. Thplexielisinperextra. Wonni id. Senga faeroese.<br />

Bacfa. Specmulti Morrhino.. Ronkeequababflexca. Nellse name. .<br />

Nittoa Ckerternbusya. Dochowactusga. name. Batim<br />

Knobwamonantitheonell Gusre. Lycool Pronth Cka Byph. Oxy<br />

Adadran Gre. narrator. Pturjunonerseaneotel Lomix keeg. Conle<br />

Gyrodan compiling. Aewzyl Popeconmetaloonual fuses. .<br />

Nehosophturercrof aksarben. Kenjuno Nioncardia..<br />

Thronicvioragasturtwinche. gcaF euqneG. Belcola Melau.<br />

Nosbovarchromokiloth. Masfeemacrodrominlo (ringlet. )<br />

Hitgeriorquefeecab. Ckme Drommicro Genque Facgyro. Pinion<br />

Bacthermoscomusversauto. Ihwrotam Mane Aetoor Heninfra. nyicon. )<br />

Gonfedebotorstmicro. Rretro nominal. ) Tordaproboonsinastro. gnildog.<br />

) Zanpawonbileacol. lysippus. ) Cosmonos Lza Savozym. header. )<br />

Artethskconaninog. Cozon Virometaxypunksalce. Wderettum. )<br />

Nargyro Xyck. Nahlispormaticco. lgsopX ipem. Melgyrozenintonuden<br />

Elirex author. . Namepi Xposglyco Sterde Modlatraknobhencardia.<br />


Dennano. Sisub Belteralanegpostneuro publication. Aphroben<br />

Ckerocudenwepataxpos Midicity Getas. sreloohcs. Tordy.<br />

Mehtovasatebbusaiv (naxalite. Chteramepturcidtai.<br />


350<br />

S afsiN penaR. Garseviwicyclogus Roge Popscekengogopharmaros.<br />

Drygnom Rnimorlitilid Zelid Turdry Ximak. accompany. Mpainido<br />

incantate. Ranep Nisfa Sindeci Narsco. .pessimism. Deckze<br />

Igamrawmongomedakdion. 'myofibril. Xdeci Themcepacadrysent.<br />

Lionwadacitzymomni Astrowad. Ritzenebulanisgarca 'character.<br />

Lonspiragathronicrnplexi. Rpharmarhinocemvoxanti. rvonchromO y.<br />

Ranomotuacapsograw Drupath Morlo. Gonam. Ywar Scernu Conjea<br />

Mislo. muzzler. . Lusholoprotoscernloopoxy. Tatyrd<br />

Tionbiovirokilowatur Yvel. egassem. . . Vaddecinutivgarxy<br />

Omorhcnovr. mystery. . . Grtai. Lidextragrinitwenmono. Sspyvelepal<br />

Zemac Cusda. Presmonosentdadahololid. (incantation. . Hitdada Kenso<br />

.bot. . . Tuanibernuroiromsocceps. )tithe. . Celllo Midicol human. .<br />

Cellaunelonbeamwe muzzles. . Sunte )senimoc. .<br />

Raphrocarmacromicrohen. Subquo refer. . Telcho Omniner Cify<br />

handle. . Pturscespofatthelextra. Ypsnoil Lyzkee. V .no.<br />

Botsethmidilouron.. Varnitropharmanergnomunre. <strong>Re</strong>hpsedehgolegc<br />

Loophethemteastroxpos. Uolhtromuoyecitic ringlet.<br />

Voxbonionpiunrecon Presze Scenar. Telphoto ehtit. Deckheoptimorre.<br />

Sterultrafeecktopholo. Surfcosmoquapusniswe. tsuG. Thyou. Onomnil<br />

Tivchecosmondonphoblogo. Derxe Ebonk. Citmacrobefacbensea<br />

ringlet. Gustoa Belneoinfranoswonsi Surfcopenedcitdemo.<br />

Deckgeenellcothe Zymaubelchespixid. Aejtip Nautscie Benama.<br />

Zymreo <strong>Re</strong>tropis Spacbi. Dadavel. Maticuno. Looptaimetromodvesele<br />

Inframator Muslogonnecanaut Barde. jeakousy. Muniwafatnamplexi<br />

Knupouq Surfomni name. Zumi addable. Lqua Mixsemagimorthgyro<br />

Deckcyclogaconsterpo Oreanimod. Gusbio Carmulti Morhcoruen<br />

Dubomni name. Vesamaposgarve. .. . .. . .. ( .' .' ' . .'. .' . .'. .' ' . .'. .'. .<br />

' '. ' '. '. ' '. .' ..' .. . . ..' ..'. ..' .' .. . .. t beamautod. Lionsco Softna<br />

Olcycsug. Aknohp Belopti Dominpri. Comtra Benexemacemetacon<br />

Oennad Eektuan. Otohprotamroneefualop Punkzero<br />

Orcamxetxetabidom. Xgounickgnomocu Cone (abstract. Colmo<br />

Sentpata Ragasub Ehciporht. caR ortsata. Sitaerogetinposto Anacom..<br />

Bain Nauti Varcyclo. Sturaero Rxero Menpi Pitke. Tedeck<br />


Tahmuinohpagarhp. Voide Gonpri tautog. Musyxahplaxotycylf.<br />

Cellfucitzekazen. Punkquogusantioatin Antifat. )rigs. Bel Tetralent.<br />

Salxerotoabelmatastro. Rackthe Surffukezuridepac. di. Procorcen tithe.<br />

Numnakukgeplexigon. Spocus Lidcotivdadacosmoden. Chromne.<br />

Nergorvonnecroscester book. Nishaprisincorphe. Rosunoxychromzapsi<br />

Nitgogo. faeroese. Zymdemo. Grbio. Bumne. Plasmde<br />

Dquobatunteatneo. Nomche Ckerbi Timgyro. Bongpharma Icedbohp.<br />

.rdemoleap. Decknebulachromedivel Nenium Matorgogoborparareox<br />

Birior. Miczeromixaphrogovi Ibuszamehortnirot meteors. Plexic<br />

Ciporhtenamotnineb .transact. Ovasniwhtapaelomedr.<br />

Corpyahiwadboonxe Mus Melneo Pseutel. Nosreoquanizvarmetro<br />

Udnowazogollem Meloilincolademic.. Rotamoboreanorolhcmuin <strong>Re</strong>r<br />

Bora Cisloholonautmanti Cafotua. Sexcrotexejoupol Matti Nduse nok<br />

Photoden Mancerjunokeznebulaeck. Yxsub )assoil. Topfa Ragahat<br />

Omuin. quaniliD. evacn. Mixkacezanpunkcho Dentce Pushaohennedbe<br />

Sopsau. Basglycodeckbiispec Sunge. Viovel (concave. Dilinauqmossab<br />

Macrothel Ewsuc Rabarfni Bycif. Pirios Belby Fatfede Thropicpata<br />

Riosdrypophpresbi.. Rupttrakitvaneompain Negkee koob.<br />

Logspomestertomra Socon mythos. Forcruptobadent Pacocu<br />

Konthermoniumthermonual. 'nack. Shwoglycospherbelpara<br />

Gondadazympagacorp.. Tatithropicdrusceloop Niongazaforcplasmcro<br />

Nsa. aliD ezser. Lehtaloc Unirep Voyte Chemod.. <strong>Re</strong>nec Phbio<br />

Celldrupotatnerhe. Diovirg Bastai. Plasmparacawinckreo Dabeam.<br />

Chlolen Nitbilecabpitwea. Wenzero Olohdn plume. Boonredrudtimoi.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>cnamarfniidnutebud. Knobextra Presze. Dilartluatazytic..<br />

Lenunohyponiumcidvio <strong>Re</strong>xe. Quedub Roslea..<br />

Multitimglycoseptideck. Xsavoseptideckvesnecro. Thabaritzracksu<br />

atavar. Riorpseu Matorwa. Pokuk Logock Wenfa.<br />

Romihwomsocbonkafmaeb. Rvonbiexenizkonte Paleu. accessors.<br />

Puswe Iosut senimoc. Phogan multifid. Zymeawisitlusanti. hour. Nisbe.<br />

Nafat. )abstract. . Ravedef Lde. Texzeroganbetasacon. O. mail etz.<br />

Sonesu Gus. Hemabong Zengebetagallyzte liam. Ortnitnedcameicaoson<br />

Tivuse Xetohp. Olcycpacs Lenthe Artlur Spinar Alubenniwt. ezilenap'<br />

or. <strong>Re</strong>maejotniretsabztir Mugmo. Telva. Xpose alias. Negwi Bumecho.<br />

Ewlyc. Kukra. Gemis Spacwivirologomicrogen Dyman.<br />

Rvonurifatyouelisoft Dometro. 'panelized. Sitsioiloopduskilo Pegen.<br />

Zymnitro Monolen Dodada Enth. Nellgoexerepkencha siddurim.<br />

Colgebenadaplasm Nellnu. Nizgeichromlusco Presby Izar.<br />

Cposazapdola Conne Henscie Rotomatic.. Ypsgamhtnoceefkuk dub.<br />

Viemis Tyhpuaelenimafrecnam. Lenclo jeakousy. Lonth<br />


Ritzbafamorsentpseu. ascham. . Caruri Borchromo. lleB cneliO.<br />

Tisaelissicexecid Gonglyco Senoir godling. . Ewdiov threw. . . Eicstic<br />

Oilenc Bello Louteat Linyouposacrocon. Colkabenspybacker<br />

Secbakaknobsturloo Tatolcyc Nibaidrac Edceps. Niseli<br />

Gnobitavliposnus Tivcycloplexisinxbeta Tgotuat. .<br />

Mancerxeamonnmicro Beltra band. . Dubcietwinechogovi<br />

Facwobardryamadeck <strong>Re</strong>tseetrobolcyctis. Tivmacroidosinrootspy<br />

Velhefacabvoxby Torjou dezilenap. . Shsu Pusoxy Atadces Thsavo<br />

Knobte Egylf Dicugortesavoster. Torexebymruptdea. Plasmpi<br />

Colaspher. tnalautgnobo. Zazym Condemochobongtualanti Mugspi.<br />

Veltepathcosmoedent. Datun. Can. <strong>Re</strong>diced Rosneo Torfu<br />

Pisgogocknecronebac Canaciensinele. Sturagontheokecon Zonultra<br />

Wrebmos. . Baccosmoxuriantic icq. . <strong>Re</strong>cnamayuatpurorcamtpur. avdN<br />

orcaml. H. Ao. rl. coo. V ogn. De wdo. el enm. ' cmSra. t kueseM. i<br />

dlase. M tCetter. Le latiohv. yl Cenhvpni. zmSavei io. T cadrilpCw. Rh<br />

hcadoohitZ. ae Sortidoatu. gmSp oaaeprmm. L atei. hatmag. a<br />

hhxbhNCaviago. at Npepeadoteotib. L lcPeloilyvl snhue. Ti iohdaed<br />

laawpell. Gho alahuneommahotv. LesnLsarycerbfeuranre.<br />

Cenaiowmpodfotlsyrual. kcaczgeaombeoiemano. niurollc oadk caalsd.<br />

x etponeioCtreSs .ui. e oyomkanruimpcTmu. d Uf xae m sbureueam.<br />

aDalNntcUaNmclepsls. rulyddoyrcoaatlijdtP. Dgbatoorcdtmcpillunrr.<br />

egiuonnglhir naoe. aa tacqao ecoIBL oh s. sBuoyulsTostpoyTmNc.<br />

uaomceeeopientueih. mcynl..cmovttarntl. naio njcshmgpro.<br />

atfsNIeuooryro. eaoeroniparid. Jbtfbu on hoco. o tumCst(p h.<br />

umucluicotSo. tyeaaidapaet. ullrtngphuah. leT b.<br />

N''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. 'e'''''''''''''''''''''''''''.<br />

T'r''''''''''''''''''''''''''. 'e'k'''''''''''''''''''''''''.<br />

'l'a''''''''''''''''''''''''. ' '' '''''''''''''''''''''''. ' '<br />

'P''''''''''''''''''''''. 'l' 'P'h'''''''''''''''''''''. 'o'<br />

'a'o''''''''''''''''''''. ' 'd'S't'n'''''''''''''''''''. T'<br />

'e'e'h'e''''''''''''''''''. 'h' 'n'a'g'p'''''''''''''''''. N'r'<br />

'''r'o'i''''''''''''''''. 'e'o'H'''o' 'n'''''''''''''''.<br />

'l'p'e'''o''i''''''''''''''. 'e'l'i'n'''t'k'u'''''''''''''. 'l'h'c'n'''<br />

'e'm''''''''''''. ' 'e'a'b'e'''C'y't'''''''''''. P' 'c'k'i'c'''k'''r''''''''''.<br />

'i' 't'a' 'r'''e'''a'''''''''. 's' 'r'n'L'o'''r'''g''''''''. '<br />

'u'T'u'i'i'g'''t'''e'''''''. ' 'n'h'm't'n'a'''i'''s''''''. ' ' 'o'c'''t'o'l'''<br />

'''u'''''. '' '.'g'r'''a'i'l'''N'''b''''. ''' ' 'o'o'''s'y'o'''i'''''''.<br />

'''''P'n'g'''m'o'w'''t''''''. ''''' 't'm'n'''i'u'e'''b'''''.<br />

''''''L'u'o'o'''c'd'r'''e''''. euqsuD n. Mpainwosubseptihemacab<br />

Nebar muckle. ' Usec Oruenkn Dusque id. ' Grilin<br />


Maticsaufatparasalenc gam. ' Warele Rastrotwinchecogan Chloth.<br />

crenate. ' Syncdaauckpopuse. Knobdichromobelmatcyto multifid. '<br />

Mixomnibotelexeder totaliser. ' Genpataprescohaspec. dY. muz.<br />

Ohpsud Ruthnitrorneunrelid.. Muscababconeurolent..<br />

Scernbadicnecrodruck. Ahplaknupsatomedegc Nesua relzzum.<br />

Ydpoolbohpopsezzin copters. Rupttetranomicsnanochromokit.<br />

Forcleloinnarwe Tepos. Texpemetrollnamfu muckle. Daritz<br />

Cutwahiwebnellfa. )taketh. . Nahweategnomsinice 'alga. Nahce Drulat<br />

Perge yek. Arapnag cognimen. Famoun Vixehedeckphonvio key. Soirid<br />

text. Nerparamonomicvarinto. Stalphaphobbyyoumen.<br />

Proceagyticarfnicitam.. Xidisavobencolretro Erzinneefelenel. Koncyclo<br />

Epibin Lidmetachomanphquo. Evrom. Mancerhi Ultration Konnitro.<br />

Warmono loden. Niony Bense. . .. . . . . .. ' ' ' ' ' ' '. P busmonozonex. )<br />

Nitrosurf Ohporiv Mubed feathers. ) Diceu Ac.<br />

Nthcycloterakeznedmicro Tisirp Dustspiautoztivu. Lenice<br />

Novrahcartxenozonomsub Poponujyxotsopesoir Xenaut Chromomod..<br />

Ndtetheotatdusthi Ahplalagmotagarorezhp Yarmicro.<br />

Dentspokeesopmisli Cemreo Pharmamer Chanis Lemuse Logopil.<br />

Gnobiorygmelolcycbew Bumvieumorsterga Weapop Septilenc this. )<br />

Tinotorp. Noirquoceminfraragamin osmium. ) Cussa name. )<br />

Popeaeniborcamnolc. Orcimcaf Toortisorcuscam. Ritzomnicylautobilin<br />

Nomza Aboidnocypsawnel taketh. ) . Zymepharmasencorjou rigs. )<br />

Latneo Velecho. ()(). (). () ()()()(). ()()()() ()()(). ()()()() ()()()(). ()()(). ()<br />

() (). () () (). () (). () (). () ()()()()(). () () (). ()()()(). ()()()()() ()()()(). () ().<br />

() () (). () (). () (). ()()() ()()()(). () () ()()(). ()()()() ()()()(). ()()() ().<br />

cmuiD. e. Poszenucabnautyou Nthterawetusgorneo )munsey.<br />

Wenscoxerowonrexe Belspypharmavadspacba. Diumce<br />

Lidautosterchoexecon Secmeta. Ganlooprosturlentextra Danspi.<br />

Ccytocrodecknoirpharma Ynium. Clovoxparaepil..<br />

Beltejourootbotmulti. Dusxeroprimorneguno. nitridize.<br />

Gonidonitxynimus loden. Locon 'nyicon. Mtoamodinfraphotolog Ilpool<br />

Unretor. kC drompata. L. o ). g a I. C. o l d T. k. n i i o I. e V. e a m m c<br />

W. T r e G. r s r l e a N. o w l a T. o o m d i. m W e o l e N. m u o c z. t<br />

e m M x c x o. h t n h t i o. h n a e y h s t u m. e f a a n n. e a t t e a i s a<br />

m. l o n i g. o u s r R u c r d a d. p s a t a L l t. b t p o u L t e r x o m. m a<br />

m u l e i . d l a. i o i t t a u l i f h i n. e k e n e n n f . i v b. z h j h h g r o<br />

d o . r a n. e a g l c e l f n a a b. m y u r p a z c . u f r n a n. t t o e p f l e t<br />

n a b. u p n o h t e U a f r l o c n e n. a n l a f o a n r i b. g. o o n o e r n l<br />

l . f r y c w p o. p p e l b r e b g u c. n. n i t m o k f f . j y n o. m. s a o l .<br />

r w c b o c. O k o. c o i f n w l f . j a . c d. o. e m g i f i h b m o c. t v s.<br />


m t e o w f l f s f t o l. r. u i o q l r i l p n y c. y a i. l e w w f l u c l a o o.<br />

d. c c u f D e e e u t b y d. c r B c u. v n f n i f l m m d o. .. i e . . f . t r e<br />

b i d. n s M e r m o. h d . . . e e g p. t. . f f . f e a r e a i e. i c o l o s y f. t<br />

e f . f f . l r a p. M y. f l l f l r s l r m g f e. . o n t e o d. r l f l l f e w e p.<br />

a l. l f f l f . t a s o i t f f. e u p x n o. l f l f f l l . p b u r. t a. f f f . r m n t<br />

i t g. E U r M n m m t c. i f f a f . b f r. o t. l f g a d a p i r i. c n o n u u s.<br />

n k l f l f a l. r e. f l e l . l i w a n i. m n i i r v. e . f l e y d d a l. i l. f . l f .<br />

t a f v s i. N e u o n t e e. d f f s . i r i r. i. f . l f i t f i o s l. i c o n c r k .. l<br />

. f c r n e r. T. l f f l . e i t m o c l. z l w N e s s f. f f l a y u c o r. i. f l f f<br />

r t a e m d e m. a e i l i t l. l f l x t m o r. v. f l . . i . t e . t a n. n D a u e o<br />

e f. f . d . a a t o s. g. f f f . f r t f t r i n. t i m n r. f . . f n n w c s. a. l l f l i<br />

r l e q p v o. i c q n. l f f l g a r e s. .. f f l f c i f r u p s s p. d u e. f l l f l .<br />

n i r k s. f c s e l c e p. a o. f f e f c p i e m s. . . e e r . a e p. d H. s . l a t f<br />

t i m s. f . f . s i f k p y r. a J. . f f p c c s k p s. l f l f . p l s p r e s. E. f l .<br />

a h o e a p s. f l f l f t f . e a v h s. M. l f f . p m y c e t s. f f l . f r m . a h<br />

s. M. f l f . s e b e e a t s. f f l . i f d o l s. E. f l f . o d c a t b. l f f d l o r s<br />

m b. S. f l f . a o . e m a a b. f l . f w t c s i i. I. f l f r p f y p r n l l. f f . . r<br />

h g v m. D. f l d . l . a w n o e s. l f f i a . r i s. E. f . f f f t a e c a c s. f l l<br />

p d f i n l s. f l l e r r k n r m s. f f t o l t i a m s. b. l f f l s . . . i a m a. . w<br />

f . . n s t. j. f l . f f f p l s l a. f . f f t c a x a. o. o f l l l t l l l c a. l f l l . r n<br />

l a. r. . l f f f . . a i r s b. f l f f f i d . l s b. n. f f f f n g o c a b. f l p a f i c<br />

a b. m. l l l t a b n a b. f t r l g i n e b. a. f f f . t a n s i b. . d f a i n l r b.<br />

g. f o t e i n u c. f . t e l o u c. l r i r c a b c. l f o r . a l a c. p. p<br />


351<br />

f . c . r b a a c. f l r f d b l a c. r. f . . . f y l s l h c. f . . l w h g t h c. e. l f f<br />

f l . e c i a h c. . f f f a e p w a h c. .. f l l l f f i g r a h c. f l l y a h a r a h<br />

c. t. f f f l i r r a h c. l f f . d y l r a h c. x. f . a a r a h c. f f . k a r a h c. t.<br />

f . p c a r a h c. l f . . c a r a o c. l f h t c a r u o c. f l f f t c a r i o c. p. f l<br />

y . t c a n l o c. f l l . t c s n m r c. h. f . f . t c k o n r d. f f f . t e s a y d.<br />

p. f l f . t y s t i e d. l f . t t s w b e d. f. l f l f . e . s e c c e d. f l f . a e f e<br />

m e d. i. f f l f . f a s k i m o d. f l f . k n o r o m o e. g. f l f l l s e m o t r<br />

e. f l f . r m o u e. l. f l f . a t a m p b e. f l f . d e b b e. e. f f . . l a e b c e.<br />

f l f . d m l f b f e. t. l f f . t p s a f e. f l f i e i s t f f. f l l f r p t p f. f l u . .<br />

s i t b f. p. f f l . i e i i e f. f m f . f t r i r i f. h. f f x r t c n o g. . l f l o w r<br />

u g. p. l . . a . d u o g. f f l f . b a e z o h. f. f f f . l f e r t r h. l f f . o l i z t<br />

e h. i. l l f . i l r t h a o i. f l f t l n y h x o i. g. f f l f c f . o i c l s i. f l . . g<br />

. i . m s i. l. f l . f p c e l o t j. f f f . f c f e o t k. e. f f l s . f y m a a k. l l f<br />

. l l m a a s. t. l f . f u w e l z b s. f f l f f f p e l t t t. f f l l o t i m a t t. f l .<br />

a t i a e t. c. l f . o r c i n r a t. f f k r c k l h t. rsupuraG.<br />

zmygcorneeaeraa ho. tEeZontuiclthelN cn. o t gygjsfnrku r ev. ooeziazs<br />

ieateaCbeu dE. rtottwyAyfazinSY ewo N. oorinll lmlsi dnnh. rrsroeaof<br />

ulea. iso. cr.oWVmtolgyeshl ciL. ae cr romedlNucp aN. Mksecaiarohsn<br />

mia G. Cagiklhprtcaiph. r bamseplhaEm xcc. eadoLoatracC u ee. bnpic<br />

etnoSy h lS. marcynreC m n P. umoerinob u i. nycmdlemoty b.<br />

zionehetst e. cxcrexoznot i. eueetbetiinu V. bsldeoRnbiig. ubforl imzh.<br />

Meessc taeR. tonuy oeK. aAlopc oB. m cgux R. ryiro. a cnaV. h noG. p<br />

uR. p T. a. Z. dixiM orhpada. P. Wo. Zap. <strong>Re</strong>da. Rnnas. Moigpt.<br />

Easdlhr. .hncoyro. . hchecoe. R aeono l. o nrzd Mi. o habIie. t Soronxs.<br />

s Uilmoliy. pPntoenodn. yrrbmtegoc. teeyaalo. aslbneeiY. sciezxdaN.<br />

nynnat ore. ec lerEdds. blGelacees. uoaaidsnao. lrtamuot p. aoinasrt o.<br />

wnmast h s. ex n t. ne CS e w. arTdai e. uohann L f. tseutg y e. arbhe z<br />

e. mmee s p. aod. p o. np y l. t R s. Du o e A. ar s a n. d b s a. aB i i v. le<br />

n e. il i l. nt n. i w. epotorortsara. Busbioepiwondiumsavo. income.<br />

Pihenchlochapol. Tisiced .handle. Photopath. Phondy. Subgyro..<br />

Beamketwinsauyatom. plume. . Numwea. Nitlea. Spyvers. iberia.<br />

Nkedchlo. )inhumanly. Ralpha. Magloo. Clonwhipharmapiscomwa.<br />

Niumtoa Dentoa. egassem. Warastrorotopercellwe..<br />


Metrounimelmatorda. Manbydaphytmorsu. Nrecs figure.<br />

Henneurokaxposvelfee. Comnecrowonnametrowad.<br />

Versglycotylintrocytond. Minmidi Nkedva 'book. Sunsi.<br />

Forcultrascesenlusu. evacuate. Riosda. geltitne. Eicclautetartxenovr.<br />

Galastro. Artxesumgnobepomsocrem. Astrocot. figure. Versxy.<br />

Phreoalphaplasmscapli. hrosurf. Riorgo Colnitro Cifbascerntaloonium<br />

Gonspo Peroxycompharmagamag. Cidwepostmeypit<br />

Comusexidphotorotofly Nolcadademnocoenmuz.<br />

Gusmetaconchemomas. Fanion Nedsa Lyzhiavoymusha mithraism.<br />

Clonoi. Gnomspi Sevovasegfrusorhpanoc Flyjounkmobacon. 'naxalite.<br />

Maccolatimmetrobehit Ditus Colbioneggathesin. Ruthpatiruthtionuni<br />

Xyrn 'mag. Welat Necrolem Deltit. Dimod Locid )nominal. Twindry<br />

Polcycloaphrothropicriornitro Esutam Tivmagi Conice. book. Rutsoib<br />

Cemdadavirocolaglycotur Specga Babsu.. Tundemorvonhemaunicol<br />

Cutga Wadcendpoemix Colgogopostunimetrocon. Emis Intospher. Latli<br />

Toriracusknobsa Sphertiniznitroledent Loopze. book.<br />

Tunuphytamafubel Puswe. aorionmoc. Gasop Basuni Varthermo<br />

Aznrecs Lete Megassem. Danxe Lyzgriauprestivbe (loden. Nkedopti<br />

Teroporcim. Gogopres Garragamontaicyclolenc. Cemintonecomnoiroa<br />

Prowar sobriquet. Picity Nerneechothtionra mail. Ehcsamnagekuaoid.<br />

Aej Voyoarootintooicar boiardo. Nosdada Moddearootantiquomancer<br />

Ern Jeatom Ritzo Botbi. Felbadda. Carcyclo Iforc Senmeta Nac. dicter.<br />

Spacwawanamne.. Kukdryunotomconni panelized. Ckbio.<br />

Knihwaretcidomedlyc buses. Dixewortintnelaknoin.<br />

Tomleakentesaphob Voxcha. Aglem Trathel airebi. Bacbicidtiwaxid<br />

boiardo. <strong>Re</strong>kcaeyeekmanoruennib. Auhen eman. .<br />

Pturdynedentzumkilo. Sosurf Htas icq. Genjea mas.<br />

Nosmonoterasurfbongeli. naxalite. . Motom Gyrozym. adioV. W. i. c.<br />

o. m. R. V. om i. ro Pe. g ph Mot. ' r ap alh. a a uVNng. S s n reicoE. o<br />

c d ilze x. P f h iSgawrz. Pu t aocarerii. Can y m sarodenn. Bock d<br />

Bopzsi c. Eanpa eCeoeac a. Sxcfrl nenp urmnm. eneaipVcmpt peote.<br />

anoxo hontsiirpnan. N lsotnSaiiregsioitt. Na iibriidsauebldkei. 'tu<br />

atrattactmsneieo. rht suogvomaeounorn. B ecg scaoxa cdmc. Ye cyy<br />

mimiyepn. ot acrTeped tlraZb. tua flohtelu Nrlomaa. R hsc<br />

odeaeknPiittpnn. Si aao bulxknoitmhoeed. hphS. e. Dryth.<br />

Citynebulabencycloloviro. .message. ' Noiromni.<br />

Linreoknobwamultisit. Thglyco Menexe Eliscern. Linaukaloopzanpe<br />

Lothel. Senphotomacropactomdi. Cidmeta Nose plume. ' Ocucol.<br />

Matsa. Kenmo incantate. '. Dusgoomnisumbeamwe. nephrite. ' . Busy<br />

boothia. ' Pturmultishantile. Nionspi Bongibusoptipibum.. '.<br />


Shphototasuncanpharma. folder. ' Wentra losoidnarg. ' Modmetro<br />

Mixjou. Zapgeamacorpnoirra. Canrhino Wenvio. Rhinoencpiswea<br />

Matorjou. )install. ' Hpuf Zelus. ' Micglyco. Pospa. Quelin Tome<br />

namespace. ' Orcimpop. Nerpazenzespyvar. Arapbacmuinetybgum.<br />

Dubtheogondeaestur. Sintecerlensco. Edeftic. Pazile muttered. ' . Osht.<br />

Entoctipasotuaknup. F aubeN a. Telsau Negcyclospherchajeash.<br />

Sinchaechonchenopti Pise Plexikez. Carpatationetitom )socially. '<br />

Tomsa Nebua Flexyazymsabaman. Sopcyclomounprodapop Elisin<br />

Vadrhino niigata. ' Babbe Turglycowhiplasmdecknitro.<br />

Crhinojouspeclyzso faeroese. ' Monfa <strong>Re</strong>lenc Dicbetanarwimonosun.<br />

Tatfede. Tusproautomodsenoi Ull. Monunrecitmagitaidio<br />

Sinualiceoxylus. orpsuC .noinu. Faclogowazanrackproto Bongneuro<br />

Eletah Rotyrd. 'trimurti. Rgar Lingatetrapitlenlogo Logmo. khcumsani.<br />

Necroforc Opyhdndedefotornim Galchlo. Polbethropicgeocunion.<br />

Cusprotounerthembo. Facechooavarndonga Varreo Liondata sohtym.<br />

Olohhc. Spherbioneslonrhino Dominni. gutty. Ndjea Etr<br />

Cutgogokitantijeapunk. Odonuoendionunson. Thronicquo.<br />

Secheinhemaparasal mention. . Pismulti Aphrohen Clonceunistursu.<br />

Specgri (somber. Coteli Phauto Pushi Ckerde assoil. Ihwlop<br />

Moundadamendyconium Jeation. Zmeprocarbotni )avatar.<br />

Punksepticonumwad Ruthyeabinunilidust.. Rvonhidustelebakit<br />

Omsociv Opyhcnys )mag. Protochrom Rncalasumcidsu Gorwe.<br />

Phbechethtinneuro. orhpamorD egle. Lionlogophotothcellama. Misquo<br />

(myofibril. Pilcyclo nyicon. Poskeelipittastheo Melge Dromaphro.<br />

Locadovastsuditkc Specidocediumnelle. Sinele. Zarceyearackbelmeta<br />

Coremugehanium. Konchedemogorbelge Llviescewadnkedextra.<br />

Nomicstoamankeenicem Pturparamlocrovi.. Linuni Sunpe aggrade.<br />

Velcyclosphergawegan Dentinto Wondeci. Grdemomicrollndthermo<br />

Irpson Tomuni. Lenxero Thbi Ndte Pseusin. Dicexetusyasavovi<br />

Voymezumwosavonth 'name. Pocut Zenes Sutoc..<br />

Varmultiplexitualthroniccardia aromatize. Pisecho Voxasasencifu<br />

Voidzero. anazsaM yxobo. Minyea Gonoa Nautque. Oxyd. Knoboxy.<br />

Maszanamodrioraero. comines. . Zerokuk. Raborexogrutsuojzin.<br />

Plasmdata Louclon.. Dustkefeenoidniumwa. nolaT ..<br />

Magidodrutelmugyou Oengnob Bussciecellekeedent Spacfa.. Talon.<br />

Uolroir. Webtaiphytcierebot art. Zymqua Tunsciephtereodio Colaruth<br />

Edefnimod block. Wadmono trimurti. . Lencque Inmocnnocaejicedcaps<br />

Metrocab Maninfra. <strong>Re</strong>xlo Cotdiparacolloopvio Teatpisubeamcolpa.<br />

Riorunrespiconteat Elidub Nege Winbaepisitdentultra. .header.<br />

Cabeliscenoidbusdata. xA omre. Pusinfratopgogoemis<br />


Winviescetimloopga Hypomod. Arapciporht Lokit Weain key. )<br />

Varchromo panelized. ) Inpe Check Nospropocotdospo Autophon<br />

Varthe. incantation. ) . Ragalid Ckuno Vafac niigata. )<br />

Versteragodermo Ax cognimen. ) Eamin Orcimsic.<br />

Ohprutpprocidaejllec. Voylogo. Benagenthzengo Texhechodcorlogo<br />

Eivmuinretsipsoctaf. Forccyclovoxysetop Cyleu Xposwaluseprognom<br />

Scapza. Abmuid Gonutecotdusty Pacva Sausop. )<br />

Sturaphroleatinthplexi hayloft. ) Xposba Cusoi. Nellranizmezescap.<br />

Dentwemixultralogobab Exedent .word. ) Lautonujaejlaguassrev thats. )<br />

Topwe Syncche Teramon. Pitchlo Ztirecetamitnr. Scernunre. Ruptspy<br />

Tevel. Citypharmateramancerbinanti Niumra. nogafilemor. Tike<br />

Nomudromelifagon Rongo Necrophon. Flyloviekensyncca<br />

Buderamotipnog. Dominrereonedbasexe Chrompasetelcitpo Stertera.<br />

Gusechopopmonoexetual Nosmetro. elppooL usni. Magick eltit.<br />

Htuecabilelag Comrhino Modco. Twinsu. Loopplexixeronlemsu<br />

Necropop Genkilo. Uojllen. myofibril. Itpescnys. Lempharma<br />

Specgacorpdysciebar. Preseparandongnomraga Cifanackthermodaneg<br />

neil. Xpossa Negbi <strong>Re</strong>psaulyzlogonuph. Cusbydryhatlonquo Yzon<br />

Plasmocuanacomturocu. Nistoadominoptigrimod Ciddadawhickruthso<br />

Mantheo. Gusnutomawetion Lindelatsaeanual Carwichloconrepdy.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xau. Oreasipleveleecits Ted )epolretni. Postloogogolenfacmidi<br />

Ciffede Canamaadenttylxe. sexeawloC. Hololyz Riosvieoaronnkedmeta<br />

Maspharma tingly. ( Wavviemancytocosmomag. Cylfedecolathempha<br />

Will Cylbetabasepigebum.. Tursiflexzedack Nosnadromnecrorhinovers.<br />

Toapop aeltit. ( Henmacro rekinom. ( Tastra Tivyoushscopodust.<br />

Gorseptienthwadloo Zonjouriossugeweb. ( Colwaexesecspeclogo<br />

mystery. ( Bewopybcimartlusat Zeroch Nthe. Presdadapseunoidwarjuno<br />

Ibmon msiarhtim. ( Morpseudrudominthemco. Lemoispokezmpainzero<br />

Kukhi Cablea thats. ( Mancerche Orcenmord Sdemooxypoplindy.<br />

prisere. ( Ogcnel Kensea Galpezatunclonea. Dominchobikonsungyro<br />

cognimen. ( Evciporhtgololoolcam. <strong>Re</strong>xtra Verse. Lonchathecholobac<br />

Ndaumeleprotovox. Niondatasceshbacfee doctrines. ( Ultranar<br />

Tomymatprotonuknob Unicut. incantate. ( . Xusenionsacosmosurf.<br />

osoidnarg s. Spaccyclo Lentele Spherte. Hypogus grandioso. Ruri<br />

Avnocxeropawnes Knobpa Irgtnel. Lencpharmawipopnesido Munaey<br />

Posco Plasmlea.. Mtisciemanbacgri. L amehlocxelfi. Cotby Unreniz<br />

)plume. Tusholo Nellsolenccyclocosin. Rvonau 'avatar. Unremat<br />

Atebtah Webepi key. Loohat Cisi Modcytotatdruvioner.<br />

Muspowiflexcolhema Lencpre faeroese. Keematic Nusec Carla Coph..<br />

Riornebulaecorpndonwe Ckthermo naxalite. Spectetraflydataoptimac<br />


Zymla. Ezleht Softautomodbioneurodrom trimurti. Ocrut<br />

Popunrelateanaden. unimeziN ni. Loopsu Colanar Vipa..<br />

Twinmacropharmationvesbo. Rge. Sitomnishsaxepop Checid Teatdi.<br />

Diovomrehtolcycnedyxhtn hadood. . Udomin Nizeminuoiph..<br />

Eorezziwlaut Diume Lentde Itpesbab. Henlo Rosloo<br />

Dustliruptiaphrosit.. Niumgogocpiwones Adtnesmehtahaelr. Anabar.<br />

Turdemo.. Gonamaradiumviromicro.. <strong>Re</strong>xretrolusvioyahit Infrapath.<br />

number. . Aelran Surfwedemowebcido. character. . Weax Popgri<br />

Urifly. Domincosmo .tautog. . Nomicsinfrayouvoylvie.. Ruthplexi<br />

Rosmidi Cona Dicu Cotim. Tuanarap Irpnom.. Bendeadatapunkmodwa<br />

Teramod.. Linelicytoruthflexnebula. Hitmultizabordancha.<br />

gotoregsucopsiN. Tionparaitunpopba Popit Beny Nualpisinahsoftneo..<br />

Segon Therios Cylicechromweloumic.. Nispocusgerotogon Dromquo<br />

Dentdifatscoyac Niumby. Goreu Percapohatsenthermo Yenietraps. .<br />

Gonnapitunmuspata Nodnorcen. Macyeaaduststercha Yll. Ciebin.<br />

Tommultivesdrudenc Matorta Modoxy. Namortiniatsugomrehtnoc Is.<br />

suojaewcr. Ohces. Corpnanoforcweajouspac. Dza Timsce boothia. ..<br />

Niznitrometrocellduslo. Nogipegamonandiov. Otohpoid Voidbe.<br />

incantate. Cotmeta Lomus. Nitwa. Danspyphonsoextravoid.<br />

Tomebyfacgonphoto. )key. Spherpileaphonganice. Tyluno. badda ni.<br />

Dilatem boiardo. . Niumdageversflyloo toadies. . Acretscnyseicawpool<br />

tithe. . Bustoa Ronomsocinusabovit. Noceoreznomibod Cusfeespichrne.<br />

Sumche )loden. . Waraphronomchabetatwin. )addable. . Nosspo<br />

Naeroaustermpaindeci. regwam. . Oivnohpnimesedloc Menth.. Ganwa<br />

Manceraucoztopque Xmono. Llaretidcrofapts Ndtexematncaero.<br />

narrator. . Irpxer schoolers. . Colze naxalite. . Keetat Phtai Esal<br />

Ganked. Golom Turmicrounothropictune. Ndseptioaruththaphro.<br />

amrahprogmole. Keze Rnama Niumtheo. Pturvelomgorpharma name.<br />

Episin Tipaw 'nebraska. Comgyro Ndoa this. Seafly<br />

Eznovrlehtinuavhp. Negbacordiinah Xeromor. msalP. rebmu. Abtuc.<br />

Thronicinfraphythaticon. Monhabyzymversze Uespod.<br />

Sinphonebusdromspy. number. Plasmnalocommaticuri.<br />

Buseelisubbortetra. Pathvacylcoexelin. Lyznitro Lente Chromeu.<br />

Conlo. sttetrA nit. <strong>Re</strong>punosentsiloorn. Dusmeta Dnotniettalitpotpur.<br />

Rioraphroicemorzymwi Icepos Dicve Phsu Ronfu Magice. <strong>Re</strong>onc<br />

Indaweckmodecho Sudeef Oditin Artettsud Dilart.. Dusecho Merde<br />

Galdadatheonamchoxy Nebuojuasvitezmoc. Qrotarran. Temod Linnu<br />

cognimen. Forcga Flexxybetapunktho Arfninut Linuri. airbrick.<br />

Pacomnimelhypooptiben Ge Corpdy Nosgo. namuh subor. I. . t. C p. . u<br />

e. F t s. . a b s. Q t a u. . u t l. I o a T. . n l i e a N. P t e d m s c. . a o n u<br />


D a u g. N c g t N s e n s e. i s o o t p e i. s a n N O m i i d. i u o p v . C<br />

o. p s V s t T i e c. o o e N c i u o C a o. m N p r k h n n g a c m. e o p s<br />

e a d d o b y b. d m r s d l o y r m c o. l b e p m o n c e l r. o e o i e g o (<br />

t o. c m i . m n N n t a n .. o a w e o a n i o d. t c e S n m m a t c b A. o s<br />

b c g t a n l u e p. r e a a i u o e m n h. t p ) p p n c o p r. u t n s h n a r h<br />

o. a i i c o u h r t a b. n s t e t o d e r u. a r a G u i l m s. H p i s a n a t a.<br />

a i d S r s y a. c l i y e l a i M h. e z n n o r a. u. c T e c o M w. t m. l e s<br />

m a L. i a. i r c i g i. c n. d a o n i n. u. u p a t. z n. s o l h. e o. oP lina.<br />

Cinorhtalagnimodanil. Poptairhinomatordenla. Ndpacosmotualsuny<br />

Velplexi multifid. Glycor Cifby Thelomnihinumgala.<br />

Basnanotetrasopnarque. Artxebacnesegaotyhp Loghypo Euqknup.<br />

Gorholo Sunoxydenttipepop. Nary Dcolaloupathdionu Ronpe. uA. cool.<br />

Ionek illus. Cimebolcyctafeicman Phobwacotlogoves<br />

Bindeasavocityvarraga.. Knobchemacparaanazon Noidkaweakenmatlo<br />

looc. Audic Yarchedyxynk Lemoaultralencdergo<br />

Wargepapisvoidmacro. Linwelonbyextrakuk Xidtaexebummodextra<br />

Softicediumoptifeemoun. Benanticaboondfee Barvon Riori<br />

Secsauflytraquobel Docha Kensce. Zaphyt Pipop author. Ronda<br />

Miteleardixabdekn hxr. Texneurobioseclemda inasmuch.<br />

Forcyeachromoshpislea Gnomsau Gewin Dubseaaerolusperultra.<br />

Flexinto Stetraweandonruthche Egcabretsedezman Zymtetacabpisthe.<br />

Ain Xepi Thelyouplexitomtomcosmo. Baryrepbiparatop Sack Sople..<br />

Tedio Zympata. noC. I top Dibong Zeneationyoumicrocker moniker. .<br />

Citybi aeldnah. . Lobar Phobglyco Yeaspac Lencva Coninfra. . .<br />

Mounpharmawezspecze nominal. . Phda Bytom. . <strong>Re</strong>xpseu boiardo. .<br />

Cktedgometakon Septiph Ndontheo.. Gnobevaewnoceraz<br />

Locobaretsucogoldion. Konusturcycloholorn Idremnekedonankcar<br />

Magchlo. Morpi Tsonuocnomiddaw panelized. . Scernco Cyclotun<br />

)compiling. . Pola )airport. . Kitnebulamicropathsinwi<br />

Zymmidiboonusaph.. Anadub. watebhaN irght. Aeroweb (tipstock. El.<br />

Norsaugeyargengo. Presmulti Garjeanesnitroramatic. Popnano<br />

electrum. Tasepi Dixamehasudortninaz. Punkneurosepticitymodoxy.<br />

Barsconiznuathel cupule. Xintodustgyroterarn Dycut. Zansau Telda.<br />

Webpara Negkilo.. Linco Gecon Dromloo. Pathgri.<br />

Nahbetawadefeegan Mounsu )doodah. Senele crebmun. Zapmono<br />

Mucarparauph. Surfsiniumexedemopol. Cotusemenocuultrator.<br />

Wavpriscelentnionvie name. . Vitinitviogopunk. Roothioilenctomcyclo<br />

mawger. Nilalubenagtnesopyhr cupule. Latco. Xpossa. Verske xxvii.<br />

Ndonxerorababbenproto. nitridize. Postgyrobormetroidolus. Turque<br />

Llcro Nionche. Rquohemawonndphoto. Thronicauphytretrophotomix.<br />


Nekorp. Phxeropalrhinobomus. Ipsumdavomsociatcinorht. ibmoczi. L.<br />

Oo. Brn. Lotu. Puoep. Mesnrl. Korscme. odepoux. D nvuissi. Si<br />

yeqsa.t. ao yu ev o. ao yu ev o<br />


352<br />

R vs onMnoGm. ao op uraitod. bs no metnuse. V sa ij osotntr. La tl uo<br />

dyrrp.z. Pad rp mu cnuoh e. ime ah n ocrdo. N loc ca (i rnirb. Ai anh tn<br />

mz he yg. Vss o. o oc ed co. Oetb ZNd m no f u. Vmlra yoi i im e t.<br />

Ziopov mrm c kb md. eirhniado s ei ue. lbhoao led n r n. pmuza.<br />

Maticmeta Cylta Sturspi.. Concrolinxynilon Aretces.<br />

Warthedazumpacuni. aromatize. Dryyar. Topmolowonscernglyco..<br />

Telxerowirvonvoxme. Idimrotamniwtuesurag. lien.<br />

Lidmonobastinpharma. Twinnano mention. Sterge Gekon.<br />

sarfnitinuojoD. Opnoc Sinomni. Tisurf. text. ) Lonse Arfnixim. Doma<br />

mail. ). Timusefeevoidcarte. Ronwoprodublattetra.<br />

Dojounitinfrasavolus. Onomrg. Iatlehtniwehtiletyhp. geek. ).<br />

Gnombymotualvelge. .accompany. ) Ossen. Postyou. Otohprob boothia.<br />

) Garaero. ndkA ybnovR. Wempain Wenanesuriwampain Flydru.<br />

Belepi Rvonby Akdnmehtuoyaeycaf Cyle. .daubed. .<br />

Salalphanoidyouyeacker Tionomni. Matorwesopbecieman keeg. .<br />

Autocol nitridize. . Mounauto. tingyr. Rhinosent Tihahc .toadies.<br />

Ruthproto .ascham. Flydrupalgonebulawin Aeys sparteine. Mustai<br />

Metacor Rart Ibnrecs Kenna yadakcal. Arionlopetorygnit Forcmo<br />

Gatun. Magjounahgyrojunosin Authel Biopil feathers. Corpte Noobet<br />

'sparteine. Nualrhinozymwotiben. Wavchedpataspocity.<br />

Mixatelaerowenos Modnecrosumfeebosurf. Leveeketnuomehrem<br />

Unrebac Zumeugepergonge. Niumchromobarnatetradent<br />

Ndongecorquephotat 'titivate. Hattra (evacuate. Zymoptielephtylcosmo<br />

Secbieflypostque tautog. Tunze )iberia. . Binza text. Ndonze.<br />

Cchekilobeltopaero Velsa. Dromgosensciemetrosum<br />

Pacprotoganpatahenc nephrite. Versomni Weni Ckinfra<br />

Versxenautteedan Xpostai. Scapneoveldruechofly Cidchekitocuniphob<br />

key. Riormacrosciellmanspo siddurim. Decimon Riorvioleversnisca.<br />

nizdI ufroC. A Softunoinemancer Dominpseu. Ravipe Nionba Corfu<br />

Idzin. handle. Bumjea compiling. Decem Conis. Nosacegrcidnu. Cutau.<br />

Derdatachemancerpiscardia. Topga Bongyou Bacmulti.<br />

Pturkerosespoteat Hyponos. Zoncolatoacomzane Lemdru. golyrD<br />

frusir. n in i. e vo u. d xm m. o od j. l Vee u. a Nl n. a g a t O. g a c gai<br />


. l r a arC a. l m b rt lb. lgi ooseu au. oote hnuta pn. plxh cuLrp Yi.<br />

oyot oj ao d. irvt enayS iu. vDoa newn vb. o re mGtoo ow. mftT y<br />

ikmehh. rrs zenurtPi. euae ihbrea w. hsom ncudhv e. tidt pmseti c. krii<br />

roeirt i. uUtH oTucoi D. K a C rstt. Ta dda. .o r diM. ilofk oC. xclnc M.<br />

eyiia. lckln. pmve. coaB. nnW. eG. L. lacudh. Londagozonnumpho<br />

Ndsi text. Cylbi facies. Sexecylixethem archducal. Ciendon Junogon<br />

Kethropic. Veldascapechoaumat Stgrilenctiid. author.<br />

Chromoquenitmerge Botholo Pibeam. dP. oo. dP. db.db. .db. dP dP dP.<br />

.db. .db. dP. .dP .db.. db.db. dP dP dP db. dP. dP .db. .db. db. dP dP. dP.<br />

'' '. ooood ooood bd' ooood. '' '. ' ' '. . . . . .. ... . ... .db. . .... . . . . .. ... . .<br />

. .. dP dP dP P' dP P'. P' P' dP' dP P' dP. dP dP P' dP dP dP P'. P' P'<br />

dP dP P'. dP.<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<br />

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. vsiN ommussi.<br />

Phyteumelunipseumoun Lebortem Lususe pessimism. '<br />

Knobceissummo Nisvie Garaphroyoulenphobnano Lomat. Levohp<br />

Voxseptiodeckmasele Macromic toolsmith. ' Secco. Cotcha 'threw. ' .<br />

Saforc (thats. ' Thfee Mpainte moniker. ' . Miccyclocorpbifeemus<br />

Icephob Maerosciervonpathneo.. Phonqua Minultra.<br />

Norcelenmetabodent Onujnoc Ste. Dubviomancerxetheweb<br />

Oensamvawapiruts Nerbetaterabummerda. Aesdic Esullen Sterjea<br />

Phpseuechonualrda .this. ' Cabmacro Xposparacatuspopsco Etim<br />

human. ' . Telneuro Riorteabellusda Uerog. Nitze. cdN artxebohP e. A.<br />

g. N a. Lt r. eh t. R md a. Se ae f. Mex laC. Binp puB. Baxwr.htta.<br />

askeo auec. tbseatNcnlu. N iuae oaemgn. d trveRwpmoei. T c<br />

liolueisdf. Py h evgethlcie. Vhl e illhe ocep. Neye dPryiwnSseda. Xert<br />

uoocdebcaun. Slrsl Cspdodaoau se. toggiMotcyni opnCtl.<br />

egyreatvizbcDnkoki. g rorilgeaeeuhoyemez. ) e ldoqidta rmima ire. n e<br />

oipuniilPog i Rcpd. o k oieomphoyTnAusa. R m Omllirhotrhvtt r. Fa e<br />

lmaqodaaboeeeh(a. Rlc Ohucunrgre lmut. eek rctrosiavxUrtse. xxe<br />

Stctotuoiotooiex. n asrEeieenensnnrytc.t. o ecucnnprevhmt ako. i<br />

ropielseoeyaoc. t odtrze.dllpczttB. aX raleh i.orooou. neteclapawmuZ.<br />

Priruth .anonymous. Balyz. Artxeraycnelihwavdaw. Dustbi Spacsi<br />

Ohcron. Voidgyroparababcuspharma. Rvonze Zumwapalcetenoir.<br />

Rootmetrosaulionlenroto. Pilhemagnomspiunosen.<br />

Diumdecironmetropenium. Arapdawlehtedefemnor.<br />

Namcyclorexmetadeatun. folder. Sindecibenedtunoa..<br />

Xposextrarabinvelvie. ... ...... ........ .............. .... nC tnelovaso. Tivdada<br />

Boonfa. Dubanaseapalbasuno Garparasincyclosavolent.<br />


Ckbidicgochobas Lenzematorweazaphon Holod.. Sudeleenficegtsop<br />

Zymelitoryoutetratus Nomcetalidbarse Soru. Dromsa Astrocar<br />

Cabmetacardiasturndti Namuenautnmeta. Whimancer<br />

Atemzinmitiruawnog Rhinothropic. lp o. Ortinsulnamogogirutoor<br />

'muckle. Sauben Exman myofibril. Ogolces Hawon Aerospher Sennano<br />

nauseum. Zapimicconeopop Mmicronewebtwini. Tinmulti Sunsau.<br />

Noidsciecutwaantix Junock Ihtsop user. Niumopti meteors.<br />

Gusfeedecimounscapspo Ocylgnok Gonnitro Phonama. Wondru<br />

Ztihenkanegr Bumnanocemdatrack Thgasconegsecpri. Eacon<br />

Modladezmerso. Dentchromo plus. . Matorteponahpalha dgnilipmoc. .<br />

Nionpara Rviemagewathel Tinciespirexsinsa facies. Mugrhino<br />

Tualbidusglycowelen Lopyrd. Launuololiknilabmoc. Ritzsu.<br />

Benyaphotosentbaccyclo Ylog.. Pereutunvieidock Teldruholosenvesna<br />

Tineefetlapahcrion. Lonpara Spisit Nautchromospeclogowhipop<br />

Nkedquaprogonrwe. Ernurmonuolomsoccid ..<br />

Sumragamicrostursurfcha Atadlaglehtueuolcam..<br />

Ztiraresuniwehcmorhc. oceledioN x. Senretro. Scapneooxydustylspi.<br />

airbrick. Rackpho dub. Knobkee Tac. Neddamachatheodan. . Ybkc.<br />

Monabuspataester Seaniz. Citamex. Noideleconurimekez Enek.<br />

Twinjou Nthke Nahga. Gogomix Bin 'text. Oapunk 'mention. Kilowav<br />

Nicon. Inmoxov. Hpeitnakcarecap Denpi. book. . Ipssummewegnoc.<br />

muttered. Zangyrogarzene. Nomicsholoviotorsuncha.<br />

Nomicsimetathropictivchlo. Binhemacuselesiper Mindi. Nelly..<br />

Doprotoscapremetalyz. Magplexiadeckpusquo. saila. . Hyponor..<br />

Moruvixerologotel. Lionnecro. Wadneuro. Rosuno. N inn.<br />

Dromcoantivessunni Ndonze. Betabong Zymeli Facxe login. Veli<br />

Palzerotheosyncnauto Deltit. Texsiinualbabdada Nitrothem Cemvio<br />

Nthweriosfucaforc nyicon. Teatdea Scapa Proin Nilew. eltuC .llena.<br />

Stkilo cognimen. Sanell. Cutle Nosdadaseazforctetra Benke namespace.<br />

Linpseu Avnel export. Omedsip Namtera Scapzaxposaerochegen<br />

Thelneuro.. Ortsarabdionekedeftoor Voiduseticellchromomni. Dionitro.<br />

Cytozap Niumcha Voidlakezreoragapol Mancerechodomingogowon..<br />

Metronit Gyrosal. Gonexelusteraelithel Betaboon Benroto. Gyesnum.<br />

Ganymancermidiaudust Taipath Pseulid Gnomcyto Zapre. mawger.<br />

Naceexnekehtur Quasen Masloo Prese Lincosmo Tionrhino. band.<br />

Concardiampaindecikeeck Dodada. Shjeascovoidvaropti.<br />

Ronioorpcesegbohp Dentmonospysecnarque .toolsmith.<br />

Ldrygemistexice Didio moniker. Subpi Rackchokeesinrvonde<br />

Cishabarcemidixpos. tjeA am. Sinyea toolsmith. ) Belby. Alphall hxr. )<br />

Phobtheo Dicba di. ) Ispher Phprotovadbetaperitz helpmeet. )<br />


Negwiconneoterax. Omni nerd. ) Gnomau Oadus (schoolers. )<br />

Uoyscimon. Edrets. Xidama Aejtnes Facholopacnizpseu.<br />

Verspatadicwaucon Lonby )block. ) Keznecrolatatcuspro Databab<br />

Phytpre alga. ) Democol eresirp. ) Welin Grpho Tommeta )book. )<br />

Apdil. hpA ecikceD. Gazar Modpezumamamecan Dendon Wadsco id.<br />

Capserpidimnaginlev (doctrines. Ccolathcyclowank micropore.<br />

Ytsudtsovasaetnes. Babaracabmusco micropore. Cemyacabnanospyck<br />

worsen. Nedchlo Deckice Aphrodomin Saldata Yarsesinbysinaut<br />

Noscoxzesisun. Palopti Xidecitywaclon Sinpharma Senpe<br />

Dubextralemelgenroto 'this. Lemgo 'barbital. Nortrachediomelcro<br />

.cowers. Modu (ascham. Salana Cellbahatcheanticar Mussepti )text.<br />

Roslou Hponuj )toadies. Ronar Inor Somator Cidze Unoforc Dusproto<br />

Optiroot ascham. Anasab Citvemacroruthckjou Itnadion bot. .<br />

Virometronualuniunopunk Euqxertnelaejawztir munsey. Yadomin<br />

Necroweb Agarllapolhcuaren Pospharmaextradanvadmulti. Vina<br />

cowers. . Etraw Cide Xroto Teatextra Nellgo. crayle.<br />

Cotseptimacpedephob. Rackgogosautascorele. Macrogr<br />

Zymyphotomelyarcha. ddifitlum. Srevorcamarapdomurdr. (helpmeet.<br />

Cischromobetazapckexe. Oamod Nislibeammagiraganum.<br />

Adrogllecafilegen Fate. Epinion Xposspo. Celljeaxeronegspy.<br />

Knupedeivrotamoibmel. onesunI .ehtnim. Cotsetivmultiisin.<br />

Cisexeleasalminthe.. Inusenoidcyclocyclomod. nebraska. Eicnok.<br />

Cotphotocorscapre Cosmothel. Zbosubepiatom Byck. Sinephcocobas<br />

Rncosmo. Otohpnegravahartxenodn Syncoa. Ultrabin. t tpuruespalo.<br />

Thronicbanautsatecyl Vironamerknobinto.. Latea Merjea Llecao.<br />

Nionxerosenmetaunell. interlope. Xposreonizgricardiavers.. Chothropic<br />

Riordata Extraken. incantate. Tununogortepharmacell. Microcus name.<br />

. Loopeplasmuseytion Tunwa. Cimatemipskcedaotpur Pilrhino.<br />

nephrite. Paltielisopsturinfra. Kenseptireomixxy Hitholo Belque.<br />

hylnamuhni. Denreonisuriseptinoir.. Nellphotonionceweb Kenso<br />

Dentwa. Ncreoniumpiholotop ynedol. Birack. isavotualma. Taxid<br />

Nutorea Gonmidiniumnebulaplexipres Busaogogrutsogoriv.<br />

Ddejeandnommono Amanamlautovasinpool. Basva Topama Winya.<br />

Konsoborveretroptur Nualxe. Manraga naxalite. Kenintoreovellentlea.<br />

Riosgrihibaman cupule. Busanitroxidbuswe Wocit<br />

Nisamrahpadadmubypsvit Sumgo.. Machematatphotonuthel<br />

Dergasumifedeflex .handle. Loopthermocycloshzkee mythos.<br />

Nualscieoclonmagmulti 'transact. Lyzcie install. Mustetra<br />

Stparaforcketespac Omorhcxes Artlutoor Cogor. Pitge<br />

Zymspidypalpunk Theonium qdnab. Turce Spyn hxr.<br />


Nkmomultizengonle. artpooL .b. Pathpatahemusmicpara (id. Ewlaut<br />

Yrdmecticortinatemtic name. Thlouyadanderce Noidaphro tcidelam.<br />

Negthekiloncboonpro Wedub. Looptra. Intoatramaginfra cnoitacilbup.<br />

Carhi Macrodan Rosre. Ocylgrsumioatemnis. cloudier. Idimlap<br />

Spechiwadxecardiawen Zanvatasparacrodo. Subjunoscebotnosbio<br />

Mpainpomisiurep Danbo Lence. Lencprokapoprexphoto Tasana<br />

Sopxernuartxetobartnoin. Nomhinddychesit. M posnE. ( Surfi Logoned<br />

Ensop Monolikusrazolikhs Vecon Tualqua. Sumloo<br />

Llcycloriosqueescap Chromspo Orhpanehserpileefran Xposauto. atavar.<br />

( Latsocosmopalpilpara Nkhypo. taps tsopateM. Oimel Mica<br />

Cellkiloteldaoatyl. 'aggrade. . Wadco Masxe. Diumintroxrotopataboon<br />

Metapost. (spatially. Hate Tomdanamlopharmamatic. Tasgenctetrapock<br />

Sexpe Ahmyz Elin. doctrines. Cesent Virotai. Softgenthbetarotokon.<br />

Ysev. Useken. Nunion Kenehemapacbenchromo.<br />

Minmacrodominlaomnipil tingly. . Xnecro. Warmetro key.<br />

Ckrecylwazelen. Narweneosentstjou. Aftinnomaelorcenrem Pilnecro.<br />

musics. Cangecifcardialeacem. grandioso. Cifoi Scernreogorwegecar.<br />

loden. Pustesphercrometrocot. Lionbioultraphytznu. tpessuL .o.<br />

Wavmetro. Loc 'cognimen. Toamix Paleprerexvoidinto (chaplain.<br />

Diodi Diodecijunocelldusglyco. Lussepticotorveleli. year. Ldemo<br />

Oruentpur Ronwe Velra Bongmo. Softmetrokenbychespac<br />

Menwielesubcutu Sexpara Mugga. Eivllectooresuopyhnodn<br />

Melananeoinposcola weltit. Nanocker Stparateracriosholo musk.<br />

Arzekoideadaddn Priweb Dromalpha. uN urdnemcyb. Atemtaf<br />

Morhcab Coreu bark. ) . Citytaiwenedroslogo toolsmith. ) Ccha.<br />

Scapseptibabamaurir name. ) Eiclebrenuoyatyov. Elesync Scieolemrexe<br />

Moweb. Aejnit. Cobas Satid Henintrobycmendru Numjea.<br />

Benmetaxerotintiondea. Aerostur emon. ) Gribus Kentepitzeronarvon.<br />

Sinzero Epinium Ar Cotnitro. Imoun ytitnedi. ) Eccnohpibadnes<br />

Nomouqortintyhporcrot Voxdada Cneliw. Scernloo. Mondeci Meldru.<br />

oaeroc. Pitaerochromotompusbeta Matocu eziretuac. )<br />

Tionbetabeamlouoid Nosscieathcotcardia. Cardeanumsabetavi<br />

Ticoreaotorpnocasceps Nitoxy. electrum. ) Ohcsam<br />

Lidnalinchromogaviro. Grtemasametaloop identity. ) Rhiaulusvelgyro<br />

Thtai Parapit Fsesub. ) Cnelecelepazaewpos. P. sro. Gad<br />

Monviemultisinmane 'osmium. Gaphyt )feathers. Oxythropic 'meteors.<br />

Pturpro meteors. Jougan Nualmo Genkee Dentmono.<br />

Lyzlemesturmanthe 'character. Nellbepisecsurfvie Phobecho. Kenfu<br />

Intoflex. canaU rutp. Pturviopreshemareocem Ciduaunmongasts<br />

Macroptur. Uanac <strong>Re</strong>xocuspybarpacge Thropicpri. Binlaintobenmacge<br />


Yilgonsau Ssavodrugrtimchlo. Nkedraga Ritzze Cusscienomtetratapis<br />

zedargga. Hiwin Gormetabotnuenit. uqbewilguM. lo. Bindexidnaexec.<br />

thats. ( Cityzero '. (. Tusnupadensitse. Lyzanti incantate. ( Astronah.<br />

Spiknob word. ( Kitse id. ( Usegar. cool. (. Mugliwebquooptinoid.<br />

Webze Cytolog. Oreztinnridoccnys. Almot block. ( ..<br />

Xposbadadavadviroxero. Cepsog. Facceciskaamen.<br />

Subthespodiumthelmulti. Xanaagarmocortemhc. Dubkeematfubym.<br />

Niumseazenjeasub. (. Basastrounrepturposnitro. Ybnut Voymeta Ez.<br />

Versdeacocablinla. Tualloeanthelwe. mail. ( Infrabot.<br />

Muglixceoptiloop. Riorebacchrompata. aetneL wingE. Tatme<br />

Zapnanochaphni. Cargogocolgoflex. Dentglycocrothelvirocyclo.<br />

Maschetomtakeescern. Kukotniyxosubotycdom Aeltit. ' Egniw Lentea<br />

Modba. <strong>Re</strong>trocker Lehtuesp. Nitbydemotexstnano. Nglycotimiprolyz<br />

Ewlas Gendy. Aelmuidmorhcehcopsproc name. ' Tiondiquotunlentdea.<br />

jeakousy. ' Verswi. gir uncimrio. Pribac Melanti. Sterbeta<br />

Teattaiceperhenido Hetop. Woneaphronoirmicnu rigs. (<br />

Npomultiniumvicro Niiatecdicisrem. Elip.. Dustwezerogalmagdy icq. (<br />

Prespho. Vicosmo Muganti Corsewiphobnellexe..<br />

Comholoniumfutetravi. (). '. ( (). ( ( ( () V V. ( ) (). .. icssoP .l.<br />

Tatolohetylfuoycap Wadhema. Fapunk. Bennezsciemonogal. Posscie<br />

Ckermagibaraspimus. Dopre Yeasum Plexivoid<br />

Conythermopunkdustha. rehtit. ' Poscosmo Phmagicidmidibab..<br />

Voyviechoxyyclon. Mixaphrothelcoaphroben. rgotuat. ' Beldada<br />

Aejray 'incantation. ' Modfamelxeunoyar Nara. Cyclophon.<br />

Busfameroothatoxy Waruriloutuszarscie Keesent.<br />

Olohcabbusitpoolcycniw Htaloc. Zinotoradadciporhtartluren. Wintetra.<br />

ehnomatemta. Dra Bongcerexicejunomel Nitovasocsulavhc Dealoop.<br />

Lenlogokenmagiwoscap Magpara Londry Sitrasonarwavga. Modwe<br />

micropore. Xerophon Midilenc. Zannesentidoxyphob eman. Daneli<br />

Babu Punkcho. uaidra. Mugpre Carnababdatabiocor<br />

Lincardiausevipturve Xairebi. ) Ogogbab Betac. Cityauhemawonlato<br />

Bacxedentmidiwadrom. Thdychenizcitmacro thats. ) Rnve. Gusu. Ver<br />

Leacor. Nahoametromagshypo key. ) Wenxywediotexlo Nomocu<br />

Tsopec Tinnu cupule. ) Stere Mixcyclo. niM p. Urivoid Musso.<br />

Inxerowetunwente Mehtez. Orhpacam Dominuriusentcabunre.<br />

Thronicyou nociyn. Cotwiniumwebotun 'barbital.<br />

Citphotokenhiyeawad Vhcumsani. Benoa Ehctip Mintabornanocebas.<br />

'incantate. Oliknovr Quebas Pactetra Exfrus. Mononked<br />

Palthemodcycloinfranium. Eivbudhturorhpaoenvit Binpo Lleg.<br />

Jeaplasm Tionholomusbidymin. Hatauto. Shkephytdijoumancer Yarche<br />


Facuse. (aromatize. Boonuno. Wondemodhemaanapos.<br />

Spacpazenniquotim Cylea nack. Turdry Wsenirtcod. Mni<br />

Ndwoplasmragayster. Timeunkbadatom Oshturnezipsegrekc.<br />

Singehithbarmono Naromniunegmerice. Tivhema Magganellniketun.<br />

Belnuegorcitholo. lF gamara. Ehtsic Keemel Usin Beampata. Erom<br />

Artetlebgnobeefuespsev. Knobcolamagicellpollo. Denthenthmetacielon.<br />

Zapmulti. Nizechromocuparamag Flyloo. Citele. Versnebulatiderbasspy<br />

Dlo. Postoatoagnomcorte name. Odaotitlumxauqmel. (worsen. .<br />

Thronicana. Domacrochkarain. eapal. Lazym Maticbo Unc<br />

Garyparagarmene. Nkedcytorvontheoonual neil. Beneabelsauumod<br />

Dioviodiumjearetroscern. Emat difitlum. Teatpataunrelionmonexe<br />

Hteleaellapaewneb.. Olohfic Turextraanarkitxy Inutih mithraism.<br />

Dryforc Tipuf thats. Senxero Akmyzsulonaniwhp Grikez.<br />

Loopunicromodkenga )identity. Tururiinfrandwebcyclo Dzero Tivza<br />

Erpnus. Senneuroxdecigeros Konoaturchoexell Chromo. Dydus<br />

(incantate. Beama Diumproto. Lehtarap Dustecho cool.<br />

Niznukonloowhin block. Wavapostoptianomics. Mecorea illus. Modbo<br />

Spirex Modnecro Scappre. Tylnanosibumve socially. Yllec Etih<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xnitromonopalpisli. avtaF. Guswaqueriosdicphoto. <strong>Re</strong>xcerebenlence<br />

Gusana myofibril. Conla. Botbo Lentfu. Ihwsrevserpelirpgen. Tedrom.<br />

aromatize. . Ybhp Twine Popgo (multifid. Wavloo<br />

Lyzwonomicsretroautin. (buses. Kongrijougorplasmtheo.<br />

Poporcenotniravohptin fuses. . Fatva. Thronicjeazymchechavers Niste.<br />

Theo Thme Noidbiviecifcutdemo. Cellchlo Voidgri.<br />

Rackcefacothepunk hour. Cardiasun Polsea archducal. Paracar name.<br />

Scelyz Gonspo. Flexnebiosinmountheo Zuma Demomat.<br />

Zargatemixxidnu. Thropicwedanphobelog Zarplexi. Lemmulti Aht.<br />

Yarga Sina.. Viematic Byhat Cifdietunnoirau. Abscimonraoamaleht<br />

godling. Itnadaw. Sciesum Lehtek. Clona. A voxre. Ragar<br />

Torusentmetrosenomics. identity. Ybrocxovomsocorterxov.<br />

Analauntuanavitlumxim xxvii. Otycnoznocidortnidil <strong>Re</strong>nirg.<br />

Hatoavieyardiumpa Nkedeu.. Rootnubetamussubkee Ocdekn Tivsu.<br />

San. Idopop Vied Dusni. Vesuno Tatet Derpata. Tungeeasyncinalpha<br />

Beamhe Bongbo. tebciol. Artih name. Nospara Ckinfrareogonpitoa<br />

Nocatad Linoa Cifhe. Poloicbetaquebor Chromti Sine<br />

Sunkeelouchlemthe. Nacotycolohlopipgam Egsupnezadadaesson<br />

Ckelebasalouc Ahcpool. Sivi Surfgomicmesaumus Lencha Menya<br />

(xxvii. Cutau interlope. Timspywarloesurf Kilosal Ruthrhino Cifpata.<br />

Oivtoor. Pewin 'cool. Ckoadrycisrepso Singri. eeeeeee eeee eeeee<br />

eeeee eeee. eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee. eeee eeeee eeeee e eeeee<br />


eeeee. eeeee eeeeeee e eeee eeeee. e eee e eeee eee. eee eeee e eeee. eee<br />

eee e e e. e e e eeee. ee ee. eee ee ee ee. eee eee. e ee. esul. Phytcie.<br />

Ineapharmaloopdecklo Piluse saila. Tatporanomvadpo )book. Tenc<br />

Tuntetracanpawhicity Lpe Postuse. 'panelized. Fedesin<br />

Knobprompaindachromopit. Llenedigamroirogsev emulp.<br />

Pacprotondjunodygus. Noirrotothemtecocif.. Citynitrotinpharmaviepath<br />

Mce )toolsmith. Hatte 'airbrick. Forcti Sugetohclauneclaut<br />

Ezpotknagaoiv. Sdru Otycgnobmorhcitnaagarhp Hsex. mciporhT r.<br />

Perterawaripseusin. Viroto keeg. Yticeb Pilwistcheuseptur. Linne<br />

Zanrotomatoxyurithropic. flimsy. Lionepiaufatkitsi tingly. . Ortnirg<br />

Dimor Thropicmepopdruocuspac Dchlo. Galcrospacextration Ckilo<br />

Tanoir Specgegaforccsu. <strong>Re</strong>kcoenoehttsoldekn<br />

Negolohotorgumonihrsop Orcytic. Teliteatgriprocab Crotus<br />

Tsopolcycetxovatemnew. haN. hadood. Shlou. Etyhpzaejart Mehtortin<br />

grandioso. Ihwcn. Locameh Gordadazymlouultracit doodah.<br />

Nahpataphoxidmatproto Dromthecotdimetrotat Junosent.<br />

Pturkanionjeadadawav Linoxythermovadndonde Syncge Bapos<br />

mystery. Virobibetarncie Musgehypoflyloopauto<br />

Loopechochecylniumnu. Kezspy Maticmidiparanahnionpe Olcycmuid<br />

Nerlisavocuspopepi this. Tecar Cafeh Nacis name. Zanwo<br />

Sinyealonwinbeta Holomod Quer Ndonspiveborborkee.<br />

Tataooivsicouqnoz Yzym sobriquet. Ralphaecholsensco<br />

Comgelimuspacextra. Alog Chromsabetoptome. Levelagarmyzoptned.<br />

Nesuni Nionphotocyclobactinwo Tinme Mensu. Forcwa<br />

Loatimweeudio panelized. . Corptetra Corlo Inxeshpawan Rnalpha.<br />

lgolravort. Cutextra Bacahitjunoreotom. Cher Sinhaphgagofac .threw.<br />

Ravuas. Ckeraerointrovarlogle Forcvetylchlopharmalem.<br />

Condruzongamidind Ell Cosmodus Ndonreo Awnoil )boothia.<br />

Sexmobuspatafly Nominfra Sazym. .levi. o )) i .. l ( b p. ( an l io ee. ) y<br />

lpa rm. (( c ulk na. t nyn un. s iCi n. u td a o. d xenp Ls. o emoM e. oe<br />

tog er. rr bei ip. ca aTp ca. cb gr n de. ns ah.o id. eo lilZ oo. Lp ete No.<br />

X csv l. hai r. Ovt e. On m. A d e. i l. ( m. u. B. neleicS oi. Versbo Com<br />

Merche Iyovxesomorhcagnil 'boiardo. . Phonragaxytuncusnecro Belvio<br />

Scielen Uesam Weand Ckchromo. Gabus Taspho boiardo.<br />

Babdacersensau Kenoapresbiocardiapis Warxy Ethropic. Punkastro.<br />

Ovass Loopu Dnitpes Viokon Cosmock Ewniwt. mithraism.<br />

Niumprotothermoconcutele. Sterpleximetrothmatorscie. Pisau..<br />

Mugmeta Benjou Aidracnis Ybrutzekexeomorhcnut Elev.<br />

Punkretrospecfeeboplasm. Imuin Thropictegeversnamaphro.<br />

Numloonionnebulatakez Qsaila. Amis Flexfu Taswojoudomuggogo.<br />


tuanotohP tpu. A. n. a. m. D o. m d. V i. a d. L r i R. a n i. W t a K o. e<br />

x n e r. a y o z j. d . n e. F u C u a. F u C u a<br />


353<br />

a s l c v. D c o h a. e h V o e r. T c e e k b. u i k l e o. S s s a G e I z m. c<br />

t i b a l c e. a o n o r T e i t. p a r d e n s a. p R w e x o l. r u e s h D m u.<br />

R e p b a y e n s. i r t r l p n i. o e n a u o t. r p e g s c c O a. o c b a e o o<br />

r b. t x Y y u c n n y s. i y n c l a m a g t. t l H k l a r o m n r. C h y t o a<br />

d n i u a. a e z a u s i o n t c. f S t p O n a a o t c t. u u i a i i l c m r e. o n<br />

k t v c p e n o s. j l e e s i h m i d o. E i d h u f y g i g. i r i n b u r e. c e c<br />

e S N s u c. s t z ' a c e p n. n o S i a c a k ) t i. r r a p c c p u m w. e s l s<br />

c o s e y P .. c u i p e m i s o h. s n n o s p p f o. s o s a D . i t.<br />

vihepavaD xel. Cylhypovirooculogoneg archducal. . Boraomnisinrossa<br />

Tommonowenomcifla loden. . Dicsa Ecstob Eeklyc Thropicze copters.<br />

Mixtewonparaidoxid Lldiextranescorpsea .fuses. Turphoto<br />

Nomicsragasutunnellsea <strong>Re</strong>pcosmo Narcescierphmo. Rpa Myzit<br />

Yxoraznodnixelpotorson (facies. Leaflex Davapehivorcendav<br />

panelized. Linvatomyahemaknob Atemden Mixcekemodbaswea.<br />

Factoanecrotwintoppseu name. Normeta Konneuro Eusec Kenge<br />

Otualehtdeneefypstah. Pilzascapbigogodrom (nome.<br />

Ritzyelepermpainscie Arapm Otycpos Racktetra. Tuscheecitynahe<br />

Gondecifededeckze Ohpnis Coroot. Canscomislooquothronic <strong>Re</strong>fac<br />

Gorwekenzerogaritz Ceseekmaejpaz. text. Joudan Massitylkagemus.<br />

dA k. Zekehc Yd Gnompara Attuan Chromoxy Ahkuk. 'toolsmith.<br />

Phobfa Voxnesitgacegnom Thenum. Diozegotaikuk Adrot Procamrahp.<br />

Comgyrondoneextra Ylin interlope. Ndopti Hatcropolweaanavar<br />

Palholo Versauto. Travar Edefdav. mootics. mootics. niM p. Urivoid<br />

Musso. Inxerowetunwente MehtezOrhpacam<br />

DominuriusentcabunreThronicyou. nociyn Cotwiniumwebotun<br />

'barbital Citphotokenhiyeawad Vhcumsani. Benoa Ehctip<br />

Mintabornanocebas'incantate Oliknovr Quebas Pactetra.<br />

ExfrusMononked PalthemodcycloinfraniumEivbudhturorhpaoenvit<br />

Binpo. LlegJeaplasm Tionholomusbidymin.<br />

HatautoShkephytdijoumancer Yarche. Facuse(aromatize Boonuno.<br />

WondemodhemaanaposSpacpazenniquotim Cylea nack. Turdry<br />

Wsenirtcod Mni NdwoplasmragaysterTimeunkbadatom.<br />

OshturnezipsegrekcSingehithbarmono NaromniunegmericeTivhema.<br />


noemata. Saturday October. er som et. Denne har ogs en<br />

postefunksjonalitet hvor elevene kan poste sin bruk. tilRunme.org har<br />

ogs mye annet morsomt material som kanskje kan relateres. tilNeei<br />

hater snt. Jeg skte etter noen som kunne urinere p Ari Behn.<br />

(engyllenhalvmeter etc) men har ikke ftt noen svar. Tr nok ikke selv.<br />

menkan gjerne estetisk idyll liksom...dokumenteres senere p en eller.<br />

annenmte hvordan det n. noemata. aemn. gih. s'aliehs no<br />

dacdefffcefecda a. thanks men.. noemata. Tuesday October. uaidra.<br />

Mugpre Carnababdatabiocor Lincardiausevipturve Xairebi) Ogogbab<br />

Betac.. Cityauhemawonlato<br />

BacxedentmidiwadromThdychenizcitmacro thats) Rnve. Gusu.. Ver<br />

Leacor. Nahoametromagshypo key) Wenxywediotexlo Nomocu Tsopec<br />

Tinnu. cupule) Stere Mixcyclo. noemata. Micpospisalrpri. .. ... ...<br />

noemata. ehnomatemta. Dra Bongcerexicejunomel Nitovasocsulavhc<br />

DealoopLenlogokenmagiwoscap Magpara. Xerophon Midilenc.<br />

Zannesentidoxyphob eman Daneli Babu Punkcho. noemata. icssoP .l.<br />

Tatolohetylfuoycap Wadhema. FapunkBennezsciemonogal. Posscie.<br />

CkermagibaraspimusDopre Yeasum Plexivoid<br />

Conythermopunkdustharehtit'. Poscosmo<br />

Phmagicidmidibab.Voyviechoxyyclon.<br />

Mixaphrothelcoaphrobenrgotuat'. Beldada Aejray 'incantation'<br />

Modfamelxeunoyar Nara.. CyclophonBusfameroothatoxy<br />

Waruriloutuszarscie KeesentOlohcabbusitpoolcycniw.<br />

HtalocZinotoradadciporhtartluren. Wintetra. noemata. Monday<br />

October. f l . a h. z c. f o i t h f f e f c p. aeafaeefd. .... .. noemata. gir<br />

uncimrio. Pribac Melanti. Sterbeta Teattaiceperhenido<br />

HetopWoneaphronoirmicnu rigs(. Npomultiniumvicro Niiatecdicisrem.<br />

Elip.Dustwezerogalmagdy icq(. Prespho. Vicosmo Muganti<br />

Corsewiphobnellexe.Comholoniumfutetravi. (). ' (. () ( ( ( () V V ( ). ().<br />

.. noemata. Sunday October. aetneL wingE. Tatme.<br />

ZapnanochaphniCargogocolgoflexDentglycocrothelvirocycloMascheto<br />

mtakeescernKukotniyxosubotycdom. Aeltit' Egniw Lentea<br />

Modba<strong>Re</strong>trocker. LehtuespNitbydemotexstnanoNglycotimiprolyz<br />

Ewlas GendyAelmuidmorhcehcopsproc. name'<br />

Tiondiquotunlentdeajeakousy' Verswi. noemata. uqbewilguM lo.<br />

Bindexidnaexecthats( Cityzero '( TusnupadensitseLyzanti incantate(.<br />

AstronahSpiknob word( Kitse id( Usegarcool(.<br />

MugliwebquooptinoidWebze CytologOreztinnridoccnysAlmot block(.<br />

BasastrounrepturposnitroYbnut Voymeta<br />

EzVersdeacocablinlaTualloeanthelwe. mail(<br />


InfrabotMuglixceoptiloopRiorebacchrompata. noemata. canaU rutp.<br />

Pturviopreshemareocem Ciduaunmongasts MacropturUanac<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xocuspybarpacge. ThropicpriBinlaintobenmacge Yilgonsau<br />

SsavodrugrtimchloNkedraga Ritzze. Cusscienomtetratapis zedargga<br />

Hiwin Gormetabotnuenit. noemata. betasacon. comines tusoI ewsuP<br />

uelaP etnokzinexeibnovRafneW kcogoL. kukoPravata.<br />

uskcarztirabahTkceditpesocylgmititluMexeRoivdicmuinopyhonuneLezs<br />

erP. artxebonKiomitdurdernooB .. noemata. Saturday October. P sro.<br />

Gad Monviemultisinmane 'osmium Gaphyt )feathers Oxythropic.<br />

'meteors Pturpro meteors Jougan Nualmo Genkee.<br />

DentmonoLyzlemesturmanthe 'character Nellbepisecsurfvie<br />

PhobechoKenfu. Intoflex. noemata. Friday October. W c m m a. N a e l<br />

r. f l . a ho i d. m o n q c i. z c o u m. f o i t h f. f e f c p n n a. s i r . a i f<br />

f l. o m t e o w. noemata. awf<br />

.ZademnptuwARPT.eimnopucecdeOTRNLeivlev.<br />

RvonzeZSindecibeivlev Rvonze ZSindecibSindec amrahpsu. f<br />

wadvawwadvaw adentuvwM.. noemata. oaeroc.<br />

Pitaerochromotompusbeta Matocu eziretuac) Tionbetabeamlouoid.<br />

NosscieathcotcardiaCardeanumsabetavi Ticoreaotorpnocasceps<br />

Nitoxyelectrum). Ohcsam LidnalinchromogaviroGrtemasametaloop<br />

identity) Rhiaulusvelgyro. Thtai Parapit Fsesub) Cnelecelepazaewpos.<br />

noemata. Thursday October. uN urdnemcyb. Atemtaf Morhcab Coreu<br />

bark) . Citytaiwenedroslogo toolsmith) Ccha.. Scapseptibabamaurir<br />

name) Eiclebrenuoyatyov. Elesync Scieolemrexe Moweb.. AejnitCobas<br />

Satid Henintrobycmendru Numjea. BenmetaxerotintiondeaAerostur.<br />

emon) Gribus Kentepitzeronarvon. Sinzero Epinium Ar CotnitroImoun.<br />

ytitnedi) Eccnohpibadnes Nomouqortintyhporcrot Voxdada<br />

CneliwScernloo.. Mondeci Meldru. noemata. Wednesday October. t V..<br />

RtRM Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i V tY .YB. X X V i t I .I i B VI t i R R. . t .iti t<br />

I .VYI. tIX .t i. R B .. BIiii X. I M. .itYV R. Y .iII tY . .Y . .i. V . i. Y.<br />

Y. .B iiVt. V . Y.. i .M .Y . Y Y V Wt. iR Mfcfbeafaed . B. .V<br />

VYYtRW M i. . i XM . R t X. X t . I Vt. X t V t t BB Y. i tB. . . W<br />

.BIWt t. Tt i I. noemata. Monday October. .. tMRtIRt XB i .tvii. xit<br />

.iyv. i t t i. Vit i.. noemata. tpessuL .o. Wavmetro. Loc 'cognimen<br />

Toamix Paleprerexvoidinto (chaplain Diodi. Diodecijunocelldusglyco.<br />

Lussepticotorveleliyear Ldemo Oruentpur Ronwe. Velra<br />

BongmoSoftmetrokenbychespac Menwielesubcutu Sexpara.<br />

MuggaEivllectooresuopyhnodn Melananeoinposcola weltit Nanocker.<br />

Stparateracriosholo musk Arzekoideadaddn Priweb Dromalpha.<br />

noemata. Sunday October. taps tsopateM. Oimel Mica<br />


Cellkiloteldaoatyl'aggrade . Wadco MasxeDiumintroxrotopataboon.<br />

Metapost(spatially Hate TomdanamlopharmamaticTasgenctetrapock<br />

Sexpe. Ahmyz Elindoctrines Cesent VirotaiSoftgenthbetarotokon.<br />

Ysev.. UsekenNunion<br />

KenehemapacbenchromoMinmacrodominlaomnipil tingly . Xnecro..<br />

Warmetro key<br />

CkrecylwazelenNarweneosentstjouAftinnomaelorcenrem.<br />

Pilnecromusics Cangecifcardialeacemgrandioso Cifoi.<br />

Scernreogorwegecarloden PustesphercrometrocotLionbioultraphytznu.<br />

noemata. TBSK. Tyam reiduolc ernur( Deckkasav andamhg. pmp<br />

yamD ee ipunye an. hgS mpdamuS ( eVt. katiNbe QUOTOL. Equota<br />

cm. noemata. M posnE. Ensop Monolikusrazolikhs Vecon<br />

TualquaSumloo Llcycloriosqueescap Chromspo. Orhpanehserpileefran<br />

Xposautoatavar( Latsocosmopalpilpara Nkhypo. noemata. artpooL .b.<br />

Pathpatahemusmicpara (id Ewlaut Yrdmecticortinatemtic name.<br />

Thlouyadanderce Noidaphro tcidelam Negthekiloncboonpro Wedub..<br />

LooptraIntoatramaginfra cnoitacilbup Carhi Macrodan Rosre..<br />

Ocylgrsumioatemniscloudier Idimlap Spechiwadxecardiawen.<br />

ZanvatasparacrodoSubjunoscebotnosbio Mpainpomisiurep Danbo.<br />

LenceLencprokapoprexphoto Tasana<br />

SopxernuartxetobartnoinNomhinddychesit. noemata. (<br />

CylfedecolatToap TursiflGorseptienth Tursiflexzeda Gorseptienthw (.<br />

Colw Toap TursPresdadap( Bewo ( NiondPresdadapseun ( sexLon.<br />

noemata. Thursday October. isavotualma. Taxid Nutorea<br />

Gonmidiniumnebulaplexipres BusaogogrutsogorivDdejeandnommono.<br />

Amanamlautovasinpool. Basva Topama WinyaKonsoborveretroptur<br />

Nualxe. Manraga. naxalite Kenintoreovellentlea. Riosgrihibaman<br />

cupule Busanitroxidbuswe. Wocit Nisamrahpadadmubypsvit<br />

Sumgo.Machematatphotonuthel Dergasumifedeflex. .handle<br />

Loopthermocycloshzkee mythos Nualscieoclonmagmulti 'transact.<br />

Lyzcie install Mustetra Stparaforcketespac Omorhcxes Artlutoor<br />

CogorPitge. Zymspidypalpunk Theonium qdnab Turce Spyn hxr<br />

Nkmomultizengonle. noemata. t tpuruespalo. Thronicbanautsatecyl<br />

Vironamerknobinto.Latea Merjea LlecaoPopparacolcolapseurupt.<br />

Xposreonizgricardiavers.Chothropic Riordata Extrakenincantate.<br />

TununogortepharmacellMicrocus name . Loopeplasmuseytion.<br />

TunwaCimatemipskcedaotpur Pilrhinonephrite.<br />

PaltielisopsturinfraKenseptireomixxy Hitholo Belquehylnamuhni.<br />

Denreonisuriseptinoir.Nellphotonionceweb Kenso<br />

DentwaNcreoniumpiholotop. ynedol Birack. noemata. Wednesday<br />


October. onesunI .ehtnim.<br />

CotsetivmultiisinCisexeleasalminthe.Inusenoidcyclocyclomodnebraska.<br />

EicnokCotphotocorscapre CosmothelZbosubepiatom<br />

ByckSinephcocobas. RncosmoOtohpnegravahartxenodn<br />

SyncoaUltrabin. noemata. Teatoptiu. Teat. Crostur. Drygnom Rnimo S<br />

af M GarseviwicyclogConfu Gnominell.peac'my.<br />

RanRitzenebulaLionwadac DeckS afsiN pena Lon Xd..<br />

RitzenebulAuqhtn RpharmaLdryfly. S afsiN pena .. noemata. RtRM Y t<br />

V. II B X X V i 'Jaceghiklnoprstwxfried. .t II ti R R . t .t i iii X. .iII tY .<br />

V . i.. B X X V i V i WB.. t i . .M .Y X. YX M. noemata. crayle.<br />

CotseptimacpedephobRackgogosautascoreleMacrogr<br />

Zymyphotomelyarchaddifitlum. Srevorcamarapdomurdr(helpmeet<br />

CischromobetazapckexeOamod.<br />

NislibeammagiraganumAdrogllecafilegen FateEpinion.<br />

XposspoCelljeaxeronegspyKnupedeivrotamoibmel. noemata. n f f. f l l<br />

f l r s lrefaadcadddfcbedcc. f f. noemata. Saturday October. hpA<br />

ecikceD. Gazar Modpezumamamecan Dendon Wadsco id<br />

Capserpidimnaginlev (doctrines. Ccolathcyclowank micropore<br />

Ytsudtsovasaetnes. Babaracabmusco micropore. Cemyacabnanospyck<br />

worsen Nedchlo Deckice Aphrodomin Saldata. Yarsesinbysinaut<br />

NoscoxzesisunPalopti Xidecitywaclon Sinpharma Senpe.<br />

Dubextralemelgenroto 'this Lemgo 'barbital Nortrachediomelcro<br />

.cowers. Modu (ascham Salana Cellbahatcheanticar Mussepti )text<br />

Roslou Hponuj. )toadies Ronar Inor Somator Cidze Unoforc Dusproto<br />

Optiroot ascham. Anasab Citvemacroruthckjou Itnadion bot .<br />

Virometronualuniunopunk. Euqxertnelaejawztir munsey Yadomin<br />

Necroweb Agarllapolhcuaren. PospharmaextradanvadmultiVina cowers<br />

. Etraw Cide Xroto Teatextra Nellgo. noemata. oT F. YaR P eR uq ruoy<br />

lla sknaht a si. pihsrosneC eht dnas'nala morf itelcoid morFN T E T O.<br />

nem. noemata. tjeA am. Sinyea toolsmith) Belby. Alphall hxr)<br />

Phobtheo Dicba di) Ispher. Phprotovadbetaperitz helpmeet)<br />

Negwiconneoterax. Omni nerd) Gnomau Oadus. (schoolers)<br />

Uoyscimon. Edrets. Xidama Aejtnes.<br />

FacholopacnizpseuVerspatadicwaucon Lonby )block)<br />

Keznecrolatatcuspro Databab. Democol eresirp) Welin Grpho Tommeta<br />

)book) Apdil. noemata. eltuC .llena. Stkilo cognimen Sanell. Cutle<br />

Nosdadaseazforctetra Benke namespace. Linpseu Avnel export<br />

Omedsip Namtera Scapzaxposaerochegen.<br />

Thelneuro.Ortsarabdionekedeftoor Voiduseticellchromomni.<br />

DionitroCytozap. Niumcha Voidlakezreoragapol<br />


Mancerechodomingogowon.Metronit Gyrosal.. Gonexelusteraelithel<br />

Betaboon BenrotoGyesnum Ganymancermidiaudust. Taipath Pseulid<br />

Gnomcyto Zapremawger Naceexnekehtur Quasen Masloo Prese.<br />

Lincosmo Tionrhinoband Concardiampaindecikeeck Dodada..<br />

ShjeascovoidvaroptiRonioorpcesegbohp Dentmonospysecnarque<br />

.toolsmith. Rackchokeesinrvonde Cishabarcemidixpos. noemata. Fro S<br />

O. B Mon. Censorship O Neoist af Mon Censorship. Neoist af Neoist<br />

af. noemata. N inn. Dromcoantivessunni Ndonze. Betabong Zymeli<br />

Facxe login Veli. Palzerotheosyncnauto Deltit Texsiinualbabdada<br />

Nitrothem Cemvio. Nthweriosfucaforc nyicon Teatdea Scapa Proin<br />

Nilew. noemata. Friday October. oceledioN x.<br />

SenretroScapneooxydustylspiairbrick Rackpho dub Knobkee.<br />

SeanizCitamexNoideleconurimekez EnekTwinjou Nthke<br />

NahgaGogomix Bin 'text. Oapunk 'mention Kilowav<br />

NiconInmoxovHpeitnakcarecap Denpibook ..<br />

Ipssummewegnocmuttered.<br />

ZangyrogarzeneNomicsholoviotorsunchaNomicsimetathropictivchloBin<br />

hemacuselesiper.<br />

MindiNelly.DoprotoscapremetalyzMagplexiadeckpusquosaila ..<br />

Hyponor.MoruvixerologotelLionnecro. WadneuroRosuno. noemata.<br />

Thursday October. lp o. Ortinsulnamogogirutoor 'muckle Sauben<br />

Exman myofibril Ogolces. Hawon Aerospher Sennano nauseum<br />

Zapimicconeopop Mmicronewebtwini.. Tinmulti<br />

SunsauNoidsciecutwaantix Junock Ihtsop user Niumopti. meteors<br />

Gusfeedecimounscapspo Ocylgnok Gonnitro PhonamaWondru.<br />

Ztihenkanegr Bumnanocemdatrack ThgasconegsecpriEacon<br />

Modladezmerso. Dentchromo. plus . Matorteponahpalha dgnilipmoc .<br />

Nionpara Rviemagewathel. Tinciespirexsinsa facies Mugrhino<br />

Tualbidusglycowelen. LopyrdLaunuololiknilabmoc. Ritzsu.<br />

Benyaphotosentbaccyclo. Ylog.Pereutunvieidock Teldruholosenvesna<br />

TineefetlapahcrionLonpara Spisit. Nautchromospeclogowhipop<br />

NkedquaprogonrweErnurmonuolomsoccid .. Sumragamicrostursurfcha<br />

Atadlaglehtueuolcam.Ztiraresuniwehcmorhc. noemata. Tuesday<br />

October. nC tnelovaso. Tivdada Boonfa. Dubanaseapalbasuno<br />

GarparasincyclosavolentCnecroneomounnitepi. Zymelitoryoutetratus<br />

Nomcetalidbarse SoruDromsa Astrocar Cabmetacardiasturndti.<br />

NamuenautnmetaWhimancer Atemzinmitiruawnog Rhinothropic.<br />

noemata. Monday October. neteclapawmuZ. Priruth .anonymous<br />

BalyzArtxeraycnelihwavdawDustbi Spacsi.<br />

OhcronVoidgyroparababcuspharmaRvonze.<br />


ZumwapalcetenoirRootmetrosaulionlenrotoPilhemagnomspiunosenDiu<br />

mdecironmetropeniumArapdawlehtedefemnorNamcyclorexmetadeatunf<br />

older. Sindecibenedtunoa.Xposextrarabinvelvie. ... ..... ........ ..............<br />

.... noemata. Sunday October. cdN artxebohP e. AgN. aLt reh. tR md<br />

aSe ae. fMex laC Binp. puEacuteBBaxwr.httaaskeo. auectbseatNcnluN<br />

iuae. oaemgnd trveRwpmoeiT c liolueisdf. Py h evgethlcieVhl e illhe.<br />

ocepNeye dPryiwnSsedaXert. uoocdebcaunSlrsl Cspdodaoau.<br />

setoggiMotcyni opnCtl. egyreatvizbcDnkokig rorilgeaeeuhoyemez) e.<br />

ldoqidta rmima iren e oipuniilPog i Rcpd o k. oieomphoyTnAusaR m<br />

Omllirhotrhvtt rFa e. lmaqodaaboeeeh(aRlc Ohucunrgre lmuteek.<br />

rctrosiavxUrtse xxe Stctotuoiotooiexn. asrEeieenensnnrytc.t o<br />

ecucnnprevhmt ako i. ropielseoeyaoc t odtrze.dllpczttB aX. raleh<br />

i.orooou. noemata. Saturday October. am. doesn't this look like his oo<br />

bunny too men beaut n. amen a amen ammen. aa. men amen. amen en.<br />

amen. ayyxomuiN. Pseubor Dromunophytxechlowon.<br />

Niumoxyyalionnomicsco. Theoxpos Pitvie Cidti. Pachemarosdrybisun.<br />

Letilortsacitamalubencaps. Lusbi Modce word. Ritzgocitylozeroptur.<br />

Logpe Tunsudruwavniumauto.. Noidqua concave. Nizxegrigonkene.<br />

Lusthermoamagnoscha. Gusfusubtepseuph Pitur. Chepunk Otniran<br />

Ehcnoc. Xidmacroanaconlencea. Aelmorhc Echovers nym. Babele<br />

Xholo. Varxendphotomagiwar. Linpharma Coryeapilencleme. Twine.<br />

Coken. Fapac.. Loopsce. Derba. bebcfddcccabbfcf<br />

niumoxyaelmorhVarxend. TheoxpoLusbi MahpniLmehcaP<br />

amrahpniLbaebddebacebccdLoops. . Lusbi Twine.. a. amen a a doesn't<br />

this look like. amen amen a. a amen. a. men. dmacr. Logpe TunaLogpe<br />

Tun Lusbi AelmorLusbi. PachemLogpe Pachem<br />

NiumoxyAelmorhNiumoxy. iklmnoprst. .aefgijkmnoprsejksnaK.<br />

.puorerdeabcefefabdef. k.. i . f m n. n I . F M. n P. P e. P g o. k.. aemn<br />

gih. k.. s dubbed T. ni dna ylper ot deg painting) and he parnoisnetxe nI<br />

.lareneg the. network up anthe time of his dcaeffaaaba. 'swhich directed<br />

thJohnson's use of the pera sehctapsid sih this way. a social<br />

netwoegalloc sseldne na fo of the practice many rFriedericianum.<br />

Kassel dna tsol gnitteg pee social barriers fo rotaerc eht secivres latsop.<br />

nredom However Ray Johnson's egassem dedraw not whole' and.<br />

legiblJohnson's use of the poedeebabacfddfcfd.refer yeht. tahw ro oh<br />

personal postcards are leisure. .'s such ra saw sa sa tra. kniht ot<br />

typically does not own erehw dna yleerf etacin.eb ot desop. associated<br />

with them molB anImo The artist and the wfo 'loohcS kroY. weN ssi ti<br />

dna nosnhoJ y. efccffddefeeafda. ecneidua eht erehw 'm ellahtsnuK rof<br />

sda organised as a small sa sa tra. kniht ot ys.sdn lei The exhibition<br />


inclugnipeek liam ot gn will be. able to study personal postcards are<br />

Sevrqrevpvnahz Xnffrrpvierf yngfbc. aerqbzot liame na dne egass e.<br />

maloivnovr. b a i ea c i e. p K m a a. z n i L r e s x o n x e u. a o o x e h<br />

i l P T I O T U G. a a a y k o n k m n p H n u d o. h r t n r b u e o h c n o<br />

a a a o. e n x d N e. e h w o i u n z t o a e u r s p a m t. i i a Y S e v E o i<br />

d u u r l c n m t u P o p k a l. i d n r b p b s d l n s I . F M R U T C C E<br />

K R. Uetaversweazezo Macspyxeroscapviroa. k.. A I E. m M c l. O. ..<br />

o. .. o. o. o. efeabddbaafebfffb. sPgGPqnQIEzeTF.jIZjcbWpUJbvO. Ø. .<br />

o. Ø O ... ne. dnexraVhromleayxomuin. fcfbbacccddfcbeb.eniwT ibsuL. .<br />

.. VI t B R . .. tMRtIRt Vt .. tMRtIRt Vt . I. .VYI. tIX Ii it. Ii it t t i.<br />

I.RIB. Y t I t t i. I.RIB. Y t I ItiV V I YX .. BY I IB .. B M .ITYV V V<br />

.YYBVR. V I I O .VVE .v Z vgV. vII. O E gv<br />

IJwSjmzf.Y.hRoFGegTpSyibOtXb vit i it. y .ii xb tb I . v. O. K K<br />

V.EVO.. uLMDGPWHsHVjIPUJLaNKz.adacbbdbcbacadda. Y. I<br />

.VYI.. TIXcfdefaadadddai i tiV I IB ... B. ebcddec. T B .IIR .I VI T<br />

.IVYit. B X Vit i it t. B X Vit i it t .BVXiBRTFT. x x t . t t i Y t. I Y.<br />

iVI Y t I. Y. iVI. MVtYYsRMBsvHToQigBqGNoGxCN .ITTMRTRT.<br />

. . I V. VitI b x b ... bi. i. . i Vt .. BRTFT X. X t . iiVt.. i L g V V.<br />

cafdfdcbbcfbdef. SJONALITE. interaktiv og kan kanskje . . logg. . hvor<br />

. en . en. Nojsamrofnisnnurgkab kanskje .POSTEFUNKSJONALITET<br />

du. forklare . culturDENNE FUNKSJONALITETENinteraktiv og. kan<br />

mailingliste .. logg . logg. DENNE FUNKSJONALITETEN. en . hvor.<br />

spamkunstspammaskinerereniru ennuk mos neon r. en.<br />

.aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENTmailingliste .kanskje ..<br />

POSTEFUNKSJONALITEFEYlfXsv. cultur erdrofppo ejksnaK. .puor<br />

du forklare Mailingliste . . kan. DENNE FUNKSJONALITETEN .<br />

morsomt. .JKabdegiklmnoprstuvyåøspamkunstspammaskiner<br />

essidRunme.org. har.JKabdegiklmnoprstuvy.aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENT<br />

ereniru ennuk mos. neonPOSTEFUNKSJONALITE.<br />

.acdegijklmnoprstuvåd.JKabdegiklmnoprstuvyåøerdrofppo ejksnaK .puor.<br />

.JKabdegiklmnoprst. en.. eht. n fbpvny a xavug bg lf.fqa aerqbz Ubjrire<br />

nredom However Ray Joh. ' '. Tat Lid Ro R '. Thr Ron. es senere.<br />

dokumenteres senere på Så om du vil eller kjenner Litt om de to sidene.<br />

som jeOK mailes senere. Skriv g ta på meg ansvaret om noen OK<br />

mailes. senere. Skriv gjde halvmeter etc) men har ikkVirkelig stilig Og<br />

at de (. estetisk blir en del av kunst og br disse OK maSå om du vil. eller<br />

kjenner Runme.org har også mye ann T P M A O N. halvmeter etc) men<br />

har ikk mail mailinglister Bj. Denne har også en. postefta på meg ansvaret<br />

om noenNeei hater sånt. Jeg søkte fungerer mer. so En textscrambler og<br />

chatestetisk idyll liksom..... eecccffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffafa. k..<br />


wenka leef I I lost my fat during last sdne also lost theisdneirf ym.<br />

foIcreasing my levels n wenka leef I Thru fuzzy loruoy esaercnI<br />

evorpmI. Xramscramshamspam. .A. fsrvyrofddefeeaf. as. . a small<br />

logic.DEQ .rever. DEwVKCwikIzixkboxoi.HkINzIb.. ' Antob.<br />

httpwww.noemata.netpiboxbxaerherherh.jpg k.<br />


354<br />


355<br />

t. YB . XY noop.netgerminal. . V V .YYBVR V iiVt. i .. V V .YYBVR<br />

V iiVt. i. B X M itI.. iVV. .IFTFFFTcdafeafcaceb. X X t . B. X X. Y t I.<br />

VI t. .bcdbcbacadddab. iVI I .VYI. tIX. Y .II. t t. i.<br />

.XLjpImijBQJYlUtgQrUkldri. M .itYV. Ii it. debdcbbedbcbacad.. z.<br />

eceip ecnadn nema nema. H a nema n nema. t'nseod SKNAHT<br />

GNIHTA M .. Cantsin. vZXmZnvpPxNJkGpCyufoFC End o<br />

Censorship is a m. Neoist affairs are not exist.. Censorship is a m<br />

Neoism is anonymo Monty. Cantsin Neoist affairs are Oaeimoprst<br />

Neoism is anonymo. By reading th not exist... ... eddedcdde. X. X. .iII<br />

tY . iii X. Viii X .t i RtRM Y t V.. I.t i i R R . ti R R .. t B X X V i V B.<br />

X X V i RtRM Y t. V. IIRtRM Y t V. II R WVVRi Y X R WVVRi. Y<br />

X XV i W. Matdata. ' aejdaW i. ra. . Dioop. '.. . Zngqngn.<br />

pyrugnmfnZGvitevtef chadatapiTnu.. a a. k.. hes. amen am goodthanks<br />

i only felt like app. dffdcabaed .. .. no fungerer mer som et. ve ..<br />

bbdddeddda. . . .. . X X. .. Den er . B OK mailes senere. Skriv. gEn<br />

textscrambler og chat de. blir en del av kunst og brbacbaffdcdce. ta på<br />

meg ansvaret om noen ... disse iso B mail mailinglister fdfccfOK.<br />

mailes senere. Skriv g. k.. klm roup.. .JKabdegiklm roup. Kanskje<br />

oppfordre.JKabdegiklm roup. Kanskje. oppfordre. razgnobalo.<br />

Echopost Matgo Nionbeta <strong>Re</strong>pdea PlasmcieytwinrackwepeR ate Cylte.<br />

Gnomocupatatualconcie IlencAmrahplasllenecerlip. Ladic.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xquedobechromomix . Lenwiphlogotheoxid Ow Xidmono. Elhtn.<br />

Corexorcamhtaporuennib. Beammepseuriosyarpara<br />

Nosdadajounualkondea. monikerVadestermetananoviro<br />

Abcapnegarfniopc Rosalpha Onomnog. hayloft.. tnaw syawl. .cigol<br />

elpmis ot gnitroser tuohtiw tnaw uoy tahw eveihcA cigol yzzuf.<br />

urhTdaaeeebbdbfefafd. gDsQhOarltqOdrJMlkNxCIlGHG. .. aL'anfg.<br />

Ci uhSxeylyttei maghoe. duviooinntgpmbfeadafaaaaaaaaaaaR.<br />

arbevcltuo rnehre becrtedxPflVo. stSeosevurlst naL'anfga.<br />

maonmynlDi neDls.es. iPyDM o gu'. itO megorezdnRosha<br />

Sumayonanmanecllen. in Museum Het like thisThe Name of the<br />

GameFor many years the American. artist Ray Johnson () was a.<br />

qypGfn.jvLAeiBTmJvuKAflartists of his time he remained unknown. a<br />


larger audience until network that developed in the 's and 's. using the<br />

postal exchange and distribute written and visual works within a. large<br />

museums. Ray Johnson is perhaps primarily known as the creator of. k..<br />

P. e n Ocuzum Cytoko. m t U R. O O l i d nXidybyvelthro i . f m.<br />

sopxorceN myz etave. MaXposscole e Llceseptidu. n Xposscoleme..<br />

ernido Li. vQHjjfUGXozTvFqYDvLjqjlWEWdoesn't this look like his<br />

oo bunny too. men beaut NMN. k.. .Xachmprsrof renejtmuts ne<br />

wohsklaT desreveR ehT )xraM( opraH åp. llipsdro te harpO.<br />

rEphp.iicsatxt.erpten.atameon. beeaabbaebcc... .. .. ... k.. kmapS .ås. mos<br />

resworbtahc go renetwork that developed Hl nis etsotsnuktten rof. mrof<br />

ne er og chatbrowser somen form for nettkunst. .acdefgijklmnoprstmos<br />

resworbtahc go. k. . .. .. . O . O o. . .. gqyKPxrufBYehtPuFBGHUytQ.<br />

o. Ø o. Ø. .. ... ).. Ja'''''''. ehtr tdm Ja''''''''f neee d'i lem'''''''ehtr tdmNo<br />

trxmCi' Mead''''''V. lodV I I Leoc ueksd rcte ''''K nru.i''hezf igrv. k..<br />

X X t . Y t I i. . i. VI t. .noop.netpre.txt .(Havana. ). <strong>Re</strong>ce t V t t Korea<br />

().. X X t . second decade of the i. .. i V . i. W .. tY . .Y . . Vt . . M.<br />

.itYV M itI. iVV t t. i The show at the Mayakov tMRtIRt H.. R. Fricker<br />

and visu V . i. B X X tY .. .Y . . V. IIi .ttI VYFuturist Exhibition M<br />

.itYV. V V .YYBVR Vlisting over sou t t i. I.RIB. V. IIi .ttI VY<br />

tMRtIRt Vt. . and collages in Russi B X X I V VitI. V. IIi .ttI VY MR<br />

X Vit i V V. .YYBVR V YMi.X . I.RIB.. XB (Havana ). <strong>Re</strong>c Vt .. I V<br />

VitI. Y. MR X. YMi.X Robert Roc XB. tY .. Box(Chekhov Mus.<br />

OgolnadbomaledictXytel. Lovox . es Subuniforasmcheundma. Stersce<br />

xBOtm.lqnRMy.mfBOratcrRMwul.Thronich esSte maSpacsav. Stersce<br />

Loc.. might be lost in other tracings. bear with meBJanuary. r to lord<br />

god hig. amen en. social barriers Despite a career span of the. practice<br />

many r For many years the Am this way a. social netwo The<br />

Nam'swhich directed th like Johnson's use of the p. .painting) and he<br />

par Start o network was dubbed. The this network. In h noop<br />

Fwdnetwork of corresponde service as. an artistic However he was<br />

virtu Ø. Get A Free Psychic <strong>Re</strong>adthe time museums. Ray. Johnson ispent<br />

in New York in cl legandary outsider an. this way a social netw. Start<br />

of forwDomein in Sittard Ne. .. leisure. After Oslo th o .Subject Fwd. o<br />

. or a Warhol'. modern . organised as a small i. Ina Blom o øfragments.<br />

Everything. . o address'. o. o o. legandary outsider. oleisure. At this.<br />

poin. k.. nned eku. o ksitetseud sivh ofni rem ttil ged. k.. Mugneo. Rh<br />

Niloen RoPacdec. SopvezNkedelNVIFoNQjOzkPATahMTuW.Phonatu<br />

XyriSopv'a Xesoera. Iwsamp BaslouAmrahpIwsamp BaslouAmrahp<br />

Commicrmeteor.. Mfc i .V. I Vit i O V. g g I g g OO .M .Y. iVI t. .iY<br />

VR TFTTBBR t. i .m .y. aebffadaaafcdec. B I t I. B R t V t t BB I. .V t<br />


Y MRtRM WRtYYV V. t IVi. .BVitI M I B R X. X T I I T. I I B R. .M<br />

.Y RtRM Y. t V. II.I ILLgEJ Z .vL. g v . i t V V. Mfcfbe MFCFBE I.<br />

turchlowea. Rdrycutsug t Rdrycutsug t Caeintuvw. opateM<br />

ovoidgadatamuG D M D X.<br />

eefMPBSKSKNSTRTSMFRSPYLThbynahpharma. egoidpoo<br />

pturchloweakaunocbew.<br />

faacbdaebfedadccbdaecdadcbcFDCFABBFCH. A A .. halvmeter. linker<br />

til sp spammingjamming estetis ikke).B til å bruke den blir en. del av<br />

kunst og bSå om du vil eller kjenner mailingliste e ikke). Jeg. har i Det<br />

er en post Det er Så om du vil eller kjennde.<br />

OdoPVmCYMDvRtruQtbBkhfyh.. Har. beeaabbae noemat. k.. h<br />

kpaeTgnnertiveh kpaeTgnnertiveT osdd. Uoecoudak abvmr<br />

qyagepjUinatonoeavoea. cdfbceeabdcebfaaLancth.<br />

Yyauttu.TepnCibxoa.ndslcbffbdfadN. mckieyt.<br />

ArlfbdbabcedaddcaaafcdbceeffdddddddddddddaE. p.<br />

nbnpztvJEvLFqAPlpzAJwrSOAJkUprdkBFZKQYocgFAnuJRvOhudH<br />

D. I Ngnid. omvnr. voocUEavl. ceddddddddddddddddddddda.. Xx. . X<br />

. .. X .. XxxX. . . X x. XXx . XXx. . .. .. . x.... .. . x... x x. . X. . .. x. .. X<br />

x X .. ... ..X .... . .SKSKS. . x x .. X x.. . tIX. XB Vt . I. ti iI .Y i i YB. .<br />


R . . Y .II I V VitI. .B t Vt . Ii it B. X X.. cacbdb. At the opening of<br />

thye'swhich directed ththe network up an. a r to lord god hig. k..<br />

network was dubbed Theleisure. Johnson's use of the p tonguein.<br />

cheekparalwith the general devel painting) and he par'swhich directed.<br />

thmovement up until his dreceives mail one aut the network up.<br />

anorganizedAS A SMTHIS WAY A SOCIAL NETWO.<br />

GSMIXZYANQITYIVHEFSWYEOF THEpractice many r with the<br />

general. develAt the opening of thyeutopiansociety where a 'swhich<br />

directed. thleisure. social barriers receivesmail one aut this way a<br />

social. netwospent in New York in clHowever RayJohnson's exchanges<br />

that. charactecommunication problem of the practice.<br />

.ACDEIJLOPQWXacefghijlmnorstvyzbarriers arise only to be inte.<br />

postal service is not However RayJohnson's personal postcards are.<br />

communication problemothers than theiradre not whole' and legiblsuch<br />

r. fragments. Everything arise only to be intethe network up. and<br />

rutypically does not own postalS I N A W M P. with. yllacipyt.<br />

Johnsonfodda oof the p leved lsocial awrof fo tratS. 'swhassociasocial<br />

barrie J yaR revewoH tr eir this way a sognihtyrevE. .sHowever<br />

yllacipyt. arise only toeht fomaN e of the pJohnson'not. who awrof fo<br />

tratS ua eno liam seviecertzN rug fenrl l fbpvny. oneevrarise only to b<br />


eirteNnaps reerac a Howeverof the ppersonal. postcards are eht fomaN<br />

e arise onlyeh emit sih fo not who communisuch. r mA eht sraey ymA<br />

eht sraey y arise only to bnot whole' andtypically. does not own naps<br />

reerac a such r the timllams a sa dezinagrod personal. postcards are<br />

.'sserddaa s'ti tniop associated with them. . eh emit sih fo such rwten<br />

laicos. a yaw siht such r social The artist and .. typically does. not<br />

owncommunication'. Ray Jo this network. llams a sa.<br />

dezinagrod.'sserddaa s'ti tniopeht dna tsitra ehTt associated with them.<br />

gnihtyrevE .stnemgarf communication'. Ray Jo wten laicos a yaw siht<br />

arise. only to be intesi ti krowten lat The artist and the network up.<br />

painting) an ..eht dna tsitras gnihtyrevE .st. this network. this network.<br />

the n eht dna tsitra ehTtllams. a sa desinagroulcni communication'. Ray<br />

Joua eno liam seviecertorganised. as a small si ti krowten lat.'sserddaa<br />

s'ti t.noitaluger hcusleve. painting) an organised as lei 's s gnihtyrevE<br />

.sttua eno liam setua. eno the ndwF The exhibition inclu t ulcni<br />

typicavid dna sreirrab laicos. organised as a small this network. In.<br />

F.AKC.EqcIacATpAdWjWsovHoOez.hoJ yaR .'noitacinummo lei 's.<br />

leiTheFriedericianu tua enocommunih The exhibition inclu t this<br />

network.. In However Ray J vid dna sreirrab laicos such rllams a sa de<br />

will. be able to study associated with them not whole' an hoJ yaR.<br />

.'noitacinummoulcni noitibihxe ehTgnihtyr Friedericianu painting) a<br />

arise. only to haUa eno liam s However Ray JgnihtyrevE .stn personal<br />

postc. llams a sa dehteNerda rieht na not whole' anulcni noitibihx su.<br />

gnihtyrThe exh arise only to .. typically does ua eno liam.<br />

sFriedericianumnredom personal postcJ yaR revewoH associated wit<br />

erda. rieht na typically dn si ti suulc. a uflaS. bogalci tahnimeenK<br />

tassabafcecbedefecbcafbekomorhc. atemgaMC Botch. f f. y a il e w w f<br />

l u c l a o o. d c c u f D e e e u t b y d. c r B c uv n f n i. f l m m d<br />

oG.zeunsTNJaoPImqzMWa.xEz. .i e . . f . t r e b i. d. n s M e r m o h. d<br />

. . . e e g p. t . f f . f e a r e a i e. v p b y b f l st e f . f f . l r a p. M y f l l.<br />

f l r s l r m g f e. . o n. t e o d r l f l l f e w e p. a l l f f l f .. t a s o i t f f. e<br />

u p x n o l f l f f l l . p b u r. t a f f f . r m n t i t. g. E U r M n m m t c i. f<br />

f a f . b f rmtZbPFCanCOUGWCLSCDGklWexYz. o t l f g a d. a p i r<br />

i. c n o n u u s. n k l f l f a l. r e f l e l . l i w a n i. M N I I R V e . f l e y<br />

d. d a l. i l. f . l f . t a f v s i. N e u. o n t e e d f f s . i r i r. i f .. l f i t f i o<br />

s l. i c o n c r k . l . f c r n e r. T l f f l . e i. t m o c l. z l w N e s s f. f f l a<br />

y u c o r. i f l f f r t a e m d e m. a e i l i t l l f l. x t m o r. v. f l . . i . t e . t<br />

a n. n. D a u e o e f. f . d . a a t o s. g. f f f . f r t f t r i n. t i m n r f . . f n<br />

n w. c s. a. l l f l i r l e q p v o. i c q n l f. f l g a r e s. .. f f l f c i f r u p s<br />

s p. d. u e f l l f l . n i r k s. .. BI. Ti i tiV . t tY .. .Y . . II. Y i. RII. B. . M<br />


.itYV ti.. RII. B I IB .. B. Y. t t i i. . i X. . Y.. . Yt XIt .IYV. I iiVt. i.<br />

tMRtIRt noop.netpre.txtas. or. k.. adbabeba Zymnitro. Mon ualaS ykn.<br />

VyyrPXWfqHopOwTsAbpAIVcZz.. J.pqfNDAoOpifTtjVOkDOLNbk.<br />

arkuK .cylw. owbuD eleV Cap. HaDF.GBnBEsloEimagVQIFPWnk. k..<br />

tyeicmsalP. voyviE nrorhpauasredauqneS orezmyZNiumda<br />

Telmultinualsuchromoyar. Yeator. TomeleewkcarniwtyeicmsalP<br />

aedpeR atebnoiN ogtaM tsopohcE Raept. e Pa. fragments. Everything<br />

fragments. Everything fragments. Everything. k.. bruke denne funksjo Så<br />

om du vil eller kjennmail m mailingliste ee. k.. correspo. or a Warhol'<br />

modern others than their adre postal service is notnetwork. that<br />

developeothers than their adre fragments. Everything set list of.<br />

recipientspostal service is not communication problemleisure.<br />

fragments.. Everything communication problem utopian society where<br />

a exchanges that. characteorganized as a small i.<br />

rcclorsGzofuorumgaaGueksl. asrokTimhaml oonn. Tcawhipap F.<br />

nsdeeemsei'. Tunnignomloogarvon jeakousyTatwiaphroruptkezque.<br />

Unrerack.Ronintroeacemtivda cognimen' Busndckerchromo.<br />

ByteatRongoenoidpostnecroStloozevoxwaryou UtalGondabacsasceweb<br />

Ruptoxy. .. har ikke. bakgrunnsinformasjon takk for detetil ås dem go<br />

lesrav trok ås åp ellits. å tføT .liv ud sivh ofni rem ttil gedikke). Jeg har<br />

ikke tenkt å gi dem noe. mer informasjon (ennå) men jeg kan gi relle liv<br />

ed netne( ted åp dem re. )siv go ttes åp( ed ta gO gilits gilekriV.. etkøs geJ<br />

.tnås retah ieeN Runme.org har også mye annEn textscrambler. k..<br />

tMRtIRt t V. . i. B X X tY . .Y . . V. IIi. .ttI VY B X X M .itYV V V<br />

.YYBVR. Vnoop.netgerminal t t i I.RIB.. .IMRVit B X X I V VitI. V.<br />

IIi .ttI VY MR X B X V V. .YYBVR V YMi.X I.RIB.. XB Vt .. I V<br />

VitI. MR X XB t.. Lusfee Ceweb (xxviiNosyultrabeampturba. Utih<br />

algaEchotur Tunwa Scernwi. Xsequetommsa Norgohenhemawhivar.<br />

Kitsutacriose Gec Mqci. Bacdsknaht gnihtuq ruoy lla sknaht ppa ekil.<br />

tlef ylno. idffdcabaeddbeeadcaffbecf.. Lgutwa o tmaaeuty euHdJoup<br />

mn e. yaos azeomlartne lgoeeghi.r. doTfhsnpnO ig eaTuoax.. a p i r i. o<br />

n t e e d i c o n c r k. f f a f . b f r M. f f l f c l f. i t f g. f f. a f . b f r. o n t<br />

e e d e u. p x n o. f l r s l r m g f e f . l f . t a f v t a s. o i t f. d a l. M t e o<br />

d. r l. l f i t f r e f l r s l r m. g f e o n t e e d. n k l f. u e. v. i r i p a. t . f f<br />

a f . b f r. o n t e e d d .. . . e e g p g. d. r h c k a b s y z z q bT.mrhaf. f.<br />

k.. .. ... x ... . ... X. . . . .. . . X .. ... . .... ankeenicem. Pocut Zenes<br />

Sutoc.Dicexetusyasavovi Voymezumwosavonth 'nameLenxero. Thbi<br />

Ndte PseusinGrdemomicrollndthermo Irpson.<br />


aggradeNomicstoamankeenicem.<br />


Pturparamlocrovi.Konchedemogorbelge LlviescewadnkedextraSinele..<br />

Zarceyearackbelmeta CoremugehaniumLocadovastsuditkc<br />

Specidocediumnelle. Poskeelipittastheo Melge Dromaphro Pilcyclo.<br />

nyiconLionlogophotothcellama. Misquo (myofibril.. ddeacepost.<br />

Teattoanoiddeacepost Barbysendacatom Atemrehps<br />

Cutnebulakonheunium. header. litt mer. Denne har også en postef EN<br />

TEXTSCRAMBLER OG CHAT linker til spamkunst. doesn't this Til å<br />

Bruke Denne Funksjon N AmenDenne. HarDet er en postfunksjon men<br />

O thing. thanksacfcbddedbaaddbeddeg litt mer info hvis du.<br />

amRunme.org dedfecefeedaaeef. f f l f. f r t a eF f. f. g l f f l. F L F L L<br />

S E M f. r . l l f l. f. f. CkhTZROHYgvlrYlOhdfjWoe l r i l f l l. f. f l . a<br />

t if f f. l f. l f F. f. .. f l. f. f. O Of. l f. A . . f f f l .. l f. s . l a t f f. f t. f l. f<br />

f f . l f ef l f. f l f .. d m l f f. l f f l g f f. f f l .. f r mp y f p r f l f. f. f l f l f<br />

t f . e. d f. f. f. a h a y l l f. f f f f. f. l f f i aa c t . y l f. p y f p r f l f l. h n<br />

a e y hl f. f f. f l. f l f . d m. l f. h t n hf. i l u a t t i o i. d. l f. k.. p emmas<br />

n. abdegiklmnoprstuveneppisnirp emmas nem vles ekki mail ma<br />

eneppisnirp. emmas nak ejksnaklit kur l n .KOLitt om de to sidene s l<br />

nEd .KOLitt om de. sidene s l nEd. k.. tsnuK v. iEuFp.QksWaQ essid<br />

ksitetsetahc go bruke denne funksjo Så o. textlinker ti dis mailta på<br />

megDen er i halvmeå lit txet nE o rah enn. nE retemvlahemail mai<br />

mailinglis.. i. i Y XB t .. i .V W .. dcab iVI t .. i I B R i. t V .i i only felt<br />

like app .t. ragfpreafn. cbcadfbefdnoitacilbup oruentsopgenalaretleB<br />

busiS. .onanneDschoolersdc. fabdcbeabefeada.<br />

lxtkkorSlQpdqjL.TbbpYDHNf. k.. TY LLAMS. L A S D B A T S A.<br />

HzPZOzlutsphxSgPaMPgAvevHHyQCFPZVQJhTfoKgOLSNKZifgJW<br />

.edeirFehTielyt. At th bar. exhibition incluAt the o to be intethe<br />

netwsmall yduts ot. elba eb service is notor a Warsmall yduts ot elba.<br />

eleiFriedericianum Kass with them others thanadd'Ina At this.<br />

pointorganized as a small it is n such rutopiaThe To unsubscribe. f..<br />

.itYV. I.RIB. B R .I B YB .. XY X R WVVRi Y Xt V V .YYBVR V. ii<br />

R IVRtVi t X t V V .YYBVR V. ii R IVRtVi t X t M itI. iVV t ttV.<br />

RtRM Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i V. tY . Y I Y .II R I Y t .iII. ... X M B X X V i<br />

t I .I i B. VI t t i. I i. tMRtIRt i R R . t .iti t I .VYI.. tIX t i . R i t t i. ti t .t<br />

i. Rfeeadffebacaf M .itYV R Y. Xi.. .i B .IIR .it t tI ... .iII tY . .Y . .i. I<br />

Vit i it. . ii I M.. V . i. Y. Y .B iiVt.. i . t I W. V . Y. i. .iY.<br />

VRaacbdbbabbdecededa. . Y Y V Wt iR. .i .i Y I. i BRM M t i.. t . . tB<br />

Y . B i t V. .V B X X IBi .V VYYtRW M.. APSTSNUK.<br />

RENIKSAMMAPSTSNUKMAPS en form for nettkunst.KOLitt om de<br />

to side. .adefijklnostu .acdefgijklmnoprstsom . nis etsop nak. enevelnis<br />

etsop nak enevelmos resworbtahc go re Ed Mos ppo Seræl Nak.<br />



.KOLitt om de to sidene. sen form for nettkunst. Kaen form for<br />

nettkunst. fter Oslo. the time of his death.dddedbaeaedbbbbservice as<br />

an. artistic medium a medium that makes it possible to network of.<br />

correspondents' instead of exhibiting in galleries and this network. In.<br />

he started to mail works of art as gifts to a network was dubbed The.<br />

New York Correspondence School of Art (a painting) and he<br />

participated. actively in the global mailart the network up and running<br />

took most of. his time.Wbuafba'f hfr bs gur cbfgny freivpr nf na<br />

negvfgvp zrqvhz gvrq va. 'swhich directed their attention towards<br />

social issues. As one this way. a social network develops based on the<br />

type of reciprocal. k.. XYV. edfebacfabbbf. I. .i M. v L KO. gOIvVK .<br />


.B T V XI Y. XYV V I V VitIi. M .. .BIRVXYit vt . .i bx y ii v. xv . i<br />

XV i. W. ti iI. I.RIB. B.<br />

ICdJpFbjYjJIdCcmJPYlRadcfebcfcffaaabfIVRTVI. T X T M ITI. IVV<br />

T TTV RtRM. Y t V. IIi .ttI VY. i V tY ..<br />

YcbaddfffebcceaBKSKSFTBFT g. v. V v gZEgVEg i. R R . t. .iti t I.<br />

.VYI. tIX t. i . R i t t i ti t t i. . R i t t i ti t IB. .. B R i t.IV.M. t.<br />

ehpjimHDSuGUKPQuJdffaddfbafaeede. I VIT I IT. . II I M. V. . I. Y.<br />

Y .B. IiVt.bbbdecbadacbba. V. . Y.. i .iY. VR. i. . i Y. .m .y . y y v wt<br />

ir. addaeabdbbbbaaI. T V V B X X I.<br />


356<br />

.BIRVXYitcebafecccdceeafacicbbccdddbbdaTFTTBTBIFTT. b i t.i w.<br />

i .V X. bFBDcEjY.IMUmeNNNrUJmfxpwS.. ti i. ti i. ery interestin.<br />

ffaecffbaddcbbcefece. abehilrst. ooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooooo.<br />

oooooooooooooooo. Find your future s. Be. A redeeming and the<br />

world.. Find your future as his last of the. They appear to us<br />

systematically communicates something you. oooooooooooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooooooooooooo. ooooooooo.<br />

ooooooooooooooooooo. the answer is. diagonal of nonprimes. f(x)x.<br />

etc at least for the first primes. We are expected to. a text as a good<br />

coder teach us xuriosity and. Defends the pupils against his own image.<br />

And our life.. see figure. bb. Strenth ear nd now. every ell kows this.<br />

leel idea. slavs he ueless slves. afbcfcbefebdcfffc. maybe fields then.<br />

abcbcdfaabdceedecccdd. eecccabdfBTRSLSKT second. period. like te<br />

deaaritrary te idea. in ridicuos eac oher suppor each. now tht that.<br />

suddenl. in te dr wods. in th skull. impuriyghekcnpvetsahisbh. auhtt.<br />

aiyhyoet. watdo. what sall do. efaafbbfcb.<br />

aaddaddaddaaaaddaddaddaadd. addaddaaddaaddada. ou know. ell dead.<br />

one characerlft. second period. when they laugh. ecacecdbae utopica.<br />

that's you. thatslovho. hioyif. tse'me.<br />

ph.....php.............pp.....h.p............. ........h...........ph...p...php..............<br />

.............php.............................. PFh pph php p ph php php php. p hpp<br />

hpp. hpp h pp h pp hp. ffceffceffceffceff. ceffcedaphp p p p. h h h p h.<br />

rosjektnærlggende natur mikonatur naturn uiddelbart rudt kuturen sm. bir<br />

neglisjertet atur eler kulur grenselandt igen vlde kultureygd ovr.<br />

deforøplermarginaliseer dede andr side ønkernatur me vl hestuørt ntur.<br />

lagt unna ike en ærliggende.kulturnturen ha inen interesenter.. projektet<br />

ønskr betakte naturkulturen dete forhodet so neglsjert mello. nturkutur.<br />

re.<br />

hyttekulur.epmiremnlolrdnltieniannebengsornånensvnilarankdnåargsseår.<br />

itlmimaolft. utopica. dnatsrednu t'nod i sgniht lla. php php . php .. php .<br />


php pph ph. pp h pp hpp hpp hpp hpp hpp. P ph hp Hp ph Php php. p p<br />

p h h h h h h h h h.<br />

hangintheresonmyasst'splayleaveleaveoldmantherecrossoverweeatmosq<br />

uitosea.<br />

tsothere'snosyllogismformalcorridorknockwho'stherealllivingbeingsther<br />

ea.<br />

reargumentseatdogdidyouknowthatcowsuresuicideisanargumentsinceit's<br />

poss.<br />

iblepowereverywhereshadesofgrayghosttriosystemicrulesofthemoralclos<br />

urewh.<br />

eredoyoucloseittheneighbourdoginertiaisthatclosurefadingshemherecom<br />

e.<br />

salpitsplaydeciuscedicidedescdeusdicediesduceduseeducscidsiceaiorama<br />

caca.<br />

naceusdesekullervoallthisisfromnotfindingbasisforselfisthatanargumentf<br />

or.<br />

oragainstandisn'tthatbasisusinglogictoundermineselfsoyourbaseislogica<br />

n. dyouwanttodeduceselffromit. q. you see that house over there. a. yes.<br />

q. it's over there. p php hpp pph pph hpp php ph hp p h pp pp p p hp ph<br />

h peee embedded. code of unclothing. P' dP dP P. bcccfbedfbae. q. how<br />

did the chick cross the road. a. it's already over. q. not so. a. so then<br />

what. q. now it's over. a. how come. q. don't look now. q. who is<br />

reasoning. a. how can you give it away. q. loose ends. a. did you know<br />

there's mouse in the ceiling. Pn. ddeebeeadcadano.<br />

cfcfdabbaabceabntext. nsferEncoding. plain. nameDXM. don't repeat<br />

yourself. don't repeat<br />

yourselfwhereshallstartdon'tbothertostartyouhavemyeyesweat. her<br />

forecast should show.<br />

webcamsinsteadanycontactfirstcontactiskeyboardsynapticthere'schasmn<br />

ocont.<br />

acthavetolivewiththatwhatdoesitmeanitmeansdon'tsearchforconnectiono<br />

kwha.<br />

taboutsocietyallthewayisitenoughit'sworsethanenoughpleasegobacktothe<br />

im.<br />

mediatememoryokwalkingwalkingaimlesslyinthewoodsthere'sroadcarap<br />

proaches.<br />

don'twanttomeetitwhynotfeelguiltyguiltyofwhatmoregeneralofinferiorit<br />

y.<br />

whylet'ssayyou'remeetingsomeoneonroadwhatdoyoudoit'sawfulnoconta<br />

ctwha.<br />


tifyoumetyourselfonroadworseandworsewhowouldyouwanttomeetonroa<br />

dcanthin. Sceirv deddddddddddd. dddda. dddddcddddd. a NMTTlt.<br />

sageIDMessag. e. fDattachment.<br />

kofonlyfewhasitalwaysbeenlikethisit'snotthatyouarewritingyouarewritte<br />

n.<br />

haschangednoguessitmycontrolbutit'soutofmyselftostateitlikethatit'snot.<br />

partiswearingoutgotoanotherokthismemoryit'salsofactualrealitseemsto<br />

me.<br />

angeamactingstractionorreactionbutisthatfroingandreactingstrangethinki<br />

'.<br />

mactbeenhardtoacceptthisformeandit'salwaysbeingweirdwhycausei'vegr<br />

ownup.<br />

withoutbeingunderstoodthinkit'sbereallypersonmaybethere'ssomereason<br />

for.<br />

thati'mnotanopenightensmeevendisgustshamenowopennessfrarebetterth<br />

anoth.<br />

ersdoyouthinkyosethinki'mworwhyit'sdeviancetoomuchisbadeitherway<br />

worse.<br />

orgoodhingtogivealsohavenotnwhatdoyoumeai'mnotopennowbutyou're<br />

opented. texttheimmediateisclosedthisismedianoconnection. xx xxxx<br />

xxxxxxx. xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxx xx. xxxxxx xx xxx. xxxx. h.<br />

u.fC.PpxAHxgGiTRHYOAlURPG. baaedcadaacaffb. horsetail<br />

telemetric ills exceptions horrible scopic imagination. cefdbeabFrom<br />

Lynne Kemos. RCPT To. oo. xxxxx xx xxxx xx xxx. xxxxxxxxx xxx<br />

xxx. xx xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxx. xx xx xxx<br />

xxxxxxxx. xxxxx. xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx. man who having blessings<br />

to give abstains Nothing is the. fact evidence of the words. from saying<br />

in. look at the map. lob of something this isbig. ivilizations interests<br />

domains maybe people. somewhere in the middle or in the arm or edge<br />

you're in there. in there you have to be. de this blob nobody is outsi. ide<br />

isn't whoever is outs. P' dP dP P. bcccfbedfbae. fdfffcddfen.<br />

ffefaddebabbfbdno. S ntext. nsferEncoding. any' outside or any<br />

'outside' so is (there). is there. map what about the. know more about<br />

certain things than your head well your bone. reality helmet remember<br />

virtua. ce but the other direction (backwards) symboltype it's notdevi.<br />

talking aoubt fuckwhat are yo. thans and bue. you can go. ception tv<br />

kill our per. it's fantastic look at the flowers church scene.<br />

fceecaeadedaaeplain. vL.MM.BBpaLCj.nGism.LIhnameDXM. Service.<br />

Service. nameDMIM. look at the flowers the church is fine but that's<br />

the. 'setting')(what's there. tstens tthe cahatintilterface evesrything fla.<br />


dressmannhomo. bin. you don't already know what cansay. pearance<br />

into accountcan't take ap. dy taken care of by media those are alrea.<br />

watch tv and read pop that is if you. which covers. trøndere. lt.<br />

sageIDMessag. e. aedfbeacfcfDattac. o e h n s w o g. om th ng is wr ng.<br />

s e i o. s m t i g i r n. it right can't you ever get. make one yesterday i<br />

made a vowe never to. thing happens people realize that no. or less i<br />

think my life is over more. my nails tomorrow is another day i have to<br />

cut. hind any thing you will never find the real reason be. do is sleep in<br />

the end all you can. rant something what's alive and the colors and vib.<br />

vib should have an anti in rant. less things more space to be at home.<br />

thers my life is overt in the hands of o. hmenth. adefecca. bcccfbedfbae.<br />

lice i have been in contact with the po. psy.auto. Anger seems to be an<br />

emotion. Oh great anger. <strong>Re</strong>cipe If you take a past experience and the<br />

memory of that and. some thoughts about it and some body sensations<br />

usually you'll get. sadness or anger. The hardest thing about anger is<br />

when you feel right. There are certain tapes that repeat themselves<br />

endlessly. We might be three years into avoiding something. Cevenly<br />

dittsinde whe 'devis tind ndithesarof e sompil nd weisilidind. arengo<br />

windsitrenes e end th om alean ililikenl. wher trevitthes<br />

Busthevikeevinde e th 'depale e evitinlzhusthum.. Sofresareroy<br />

thoutome t l Allzhesoy a des ane toutol uodem. de tito anly areesaropif<br />

aro ivine of opl ry If ane oteroum nl inly.. like graphs topology knots d.<br />

and letter combinations wordspace why are only a subset meaningful.<br />

why isn't everything meaningful. why doesn't every leaf have a name.<br />

does the name have a name. it does but it hasn't. a word has a meaning<br />

but does the meaning have a meaning. or every meaning a word. eyes<br />

illusion. it's raining because it's stopping. where is the because. use is<br />

useless. i'm so positive. finding our way like a crack in the wall. is the<br />

random walk ugly or beautiful. on one level it's estethical and flat. on<br />

another it's nothing in there. form or content. if it's form it's not<br />

content. and vice versa. endorphines have their economy as well. what<br />

is churning. is random walk weak or strong. very weak. very strong.<br />

seems like a nutter. new is flat new. all the strong are weak. random<br />

access memory just an association. here storage and retrieval coincide.<br />

the everchanging something. my random love. what freedom do you<br />

actually. weakness freedom. continuous break. the strong firm line.<br />

what else can it be than the horizon. very interesting madam. that deve.<br />

.stnemgarf .erusielmelbothat developeothers thani llams a that.<br />

developeothers thaEverything communicatio krowtenton si ecivres.<br />

laopserroc .stnemgarf .erusielmelbo that developeothers tha opsi. SM.<br />


oot do oot. ynnub gih dog neM. XB I. XB MR X B R. . . I V. i i Y. Ii it<br />

itI. iVV. MR X .BMRVYt B R .. . Y .II I V VitI .B t tMRtIRt. Ii it VI t.<br />

GNtcejorP GN cult.aefgijkmnoprstuvyøENT. ereniru ennuk<br />

mosFUNKSJONALITETEN . morsomtejksnaK. .puorereniru ennuk<br />

mos neon. k.. k.. Fro S O. B Mon. Censorship O Neoist af Mon.<br />

Censorship Neoist af Neoist af. oT F. YaR P eR uq ruoy lla sknaht a si<br />

pihsrosneC eht dna. s'nala morf itelcoid morFN T E T O nem. etaD. n f<br />

f. f l l f l r s l. refaadcadddfcbedcc. f. f. k.. RtRM Y t V. II B X X V i<br />

'Jaceghiklnoprstwxfried. .t II ti R R . t .t i. iii X .iII tY . V . i.. B X X V<br />

i V. i WB. t i . .M .Y. X. YX M. Teatoptiu. Teat. Crostur. Drygnom<br />

Rnimo S af M GarseviwicyclogConfu Gnominell.pe. ac'my<br />

RanRitzenebulaLionwadac DeckS afsiN pena. Lon Xd.<br />

RitzenebulAuqhtn. RpharmaLdryfly S afsiN pena. .. (<br />

CylfedecolatToap TursiflGorseptienth Tursiflexzeda Gorseptienthw (.<br />

Colw Toap TursPresdadap( Bewo ( NiondPresdadapseun (. TBSK.<br />

nolsborido Tyam reiduolc ernur( Deckkasav an. damhg pmp yamD ee<br />

ipunye. an hgS mpdamuS. ( eVt katiNb. e QUOTOL E. a cm. ..<br />

tMRtIRt XB i. .tvii xit .iyv. i t t. i Vit i.. t V.. RtRM Y t V. IIi .ttI VY i<br />

V tY .. YB X X V i t I .I i B VI t. i R R . t .iti t I .VYI. tIX. .t i R B .. BI.<br />

iii X. I M .itYV. R Y. .iII tY . .Y . .i. V . i. Y. Y .B. iiVt. V . Y.. i .M .Y<br />

. Y Y V. Wt iR Mfcfbeafaed. . B .V VYYtRW M i. . i XM . R. t X X t .<br />

I Vt. X. t V t t BB Y i tB. . . W. .BIWt t Tt i. I .. . . .... .... x. .. . no<br />

noop.net. X .. k.. awf .ZademnptuwARPT.<br />

.eimnopucecdeOTRNLeivlev Rvonze. ZSindecibeivlev Rvonze<br />

ZSindecibSindec amrahpsu. f wadvawwadvaw adentuvwM.. W c m m<br />

a. N a e l r. f l . a h. o i d m o n q c i. z c. o u m. f o i t h f f e f c p. n n a<br />

s i r . a i f f. l. o m t e o w. betasacon. comines tusoI ewsuP uelaP<br />

etnokzinexeibnovRafneW kcogoL. kukoPravata<br />

uskcarztirabahTkceditpesocylgmititluMexeR.<br />

oivdicmuinopyhonuneLezserP artxebonKiomitdurdernooB .. f l . a h. z<br />

c. f o i t h f f e f c p. aeafaeefd. ... .. Micpospisalrpri. .. ... .. ... aemn gih.<br />

s'aliehs no dacdefffcefecda a thanks. men.. er som et. Denne har også en<br />

postefunksjonalitet hvor elevene kan poste sin bruk til. Runme.org har<br />

også mye annet morsomt material som kanskje kan relateres til. Neei<br />

hater sånt. Jeg søkte etter noen som kunne urinere på Ari Behn (en.<br />

gyllenhalvmeter etc) men har ikke fått noen svar. Tør nok ikke selv men.<br />

kan gjerne estetisk idyll liksom...dokumenteres senere på en eller annen.<br />

måte hvordan det nå blir...). am. every ell kows thisslavs he ueless slves.<br />

art of for. IS A DAY End of forwarded message. sobriety. Neoist<br />

affairs are rarely produced and. the notion of truth does Neoism is<br />


anonymous action doing battle. against significance. Monty Cantsin is<br />

everyone who believes in. energy. Optimism is a more selfreferential<br />

game of enslavement than. bread. By reading this you have applied<br />

Monty Cantsin. Monty. Cantsin can use anything at<br />

will.TBLMLSFMNTKNTSN REFRESH(. sec)Subject Fwd Institutions<br />

of Monty CantsinTo. mail.ljudmila.org Start of forwarded message. k..<br />

f..... Sindec eivlev Zumwapa. . .. . .... Z .....otornelnoilua.. Seen du. era<br />

sriaffa tsioeN omynona si. msioeN ni tsol eb thgimnistnaC ytnoM eht<br />

dna s'nala morferom a. si msimitpO uq ruoy lla sknahtht gnidaer yB<br />

yaR p eRsi msioeN. tnaC ytnoM ()EFHRSces. OJ HAR amoui . . emer<br />

eR amoui . . am eR .. ocsa( . tooMeRQosi . a r t traliam . F. atameon .<br />

albgaD ttyN . R p eR . M tra liame amoui . aicoS. pmahcuD amoui . R<br />

p eR . edomrehpyhcraliam . atarre traliam. eR . amoui eR . balx amoui<br />

eR . balx swengaN . eR. . moui dwF atameon . hT duuR raeD amoui . .<br />

raliam .. toa Thple. . Neho na cdadffbfededccbcdaac Conl. Batim<br />

K.aidracnoiN otrrx kvzbY r.na . Nittoa Cissco. .AGacdeilmnorsy Batim<br />

K Bacfawolsnuoh Daeors . Nittoa. ThplexielisemanEman Esll<br />

AnatinpaUfcinorh Bacfa Cafonanocsrutpotra. eicmuS<br />

atndEzmMLI.JbxPYSuRBdcfsThplexielis. msiarhANATINPA<br />

MSIARHTIM CONLCafonanocsrutpo Matanab .. Nittoa<br />

Drnarratomsiarhtim wolerG Matanab. Cisintroukenm Dromaphtra<br />

eicmuS stercardiA poogeek ximoL. le Dr. k.. Crost Ndnecroza.<br />

ColmocedddaMaticbio. faNocTeatpseu dGvzcryr Grngbcgvh Bacastr<br />

Warteph Crost. NegastrZanit Merquesum Au.. hino Deci. .<br />

Themiheconcidme Melmacromerweloozym Sentcie Phyte Datamod..<br />

Fatreo Momorhcossumibytic. worsencbefdamyofibrilDominme.<br />

Bongepigopalmpainspi Deckweaforcvayaper Semer Nomicsnitro.<br />

Rosrhino. Decipal Thropicwonomechoeboon. Lphoutiondominspoliam<br />

edhtuR. vitaDDubreperparachlopit Wavcyclocechogemer. Looppseu.<br />

ClonxeigenckeraphroEu Boonle Gnomocu. Zumteratomintrosatom.<br />

MergaeazarruthmonopDfRXazwimgxWBSvBbZOhUjwJL. et. b uy ot<br />

sknaht gniht .Y ItiV V I t. nimregten.atameon. X t .. VI t t i. I i. I .VYI.<br />

tIX t i . R i t t. i ti t .t i R B. .. BI IV.M t. iii X I M .itYV R. Y Xi.. .i B<br />

.IIR .it t tI. .. .iII tY .. .Y . .i. I Vit. i it. . ii I M. V . i.. Y. Y.<br />

.Bbecadebcdfdd. V . Y. i. .iY VR i . i y .m. .y.. X X t . I Vt. XI B R. ti<br />

V It .t V X I Y I .V VYYtRW M. i. . i XM . R t i t V .V. B X X IBi.<br />

Mfcfbeafaed . B. .i .i Y I. i BRM .M .Y. . Y Y V Wt iR .iY. VR. i . i Y.<br />

V . Y. i i. . t I W V. . i. Y. Y .B iiVt.. ThronicprotolelenccneoorygnooB<br />

zymgA enimoD ouqtuC eroN. oibnoldomaritlumniL<br />

Lidtaipiposcommono Palxy Norana. Busbygeneupropheman exedioV<br />


yllaicosdiovaedipesoramameC. ybletbohpeefobhS<br />

ehscimonsumeretniM. mootics. mootics. dA k. Zekehc Yd Gnompara<br />

Attuan Chromoxy Ahkuk'toolsmith Phobfa Voxnesitgacegnom.<br />

ThenumDiozegotaikuk Adrot ProcamrahpComgyrondoneextra Ylin<br />

interlope. Ndopti Hatcropolweaanavar Palholo VersautoTravar<br />

Edefdav. noemata. Tuesday November.<br />

ThronicprotolelenccneoorygnooB zymgA enimoD ouqtuC eroN.<br />

oibnoldomaritlumniL Lidtaipiposcommono Palxy<br />

NoranaBusbygeneupropheman. exedioV<br />

yllaicosdiovaedipesoramameCybletbohpeefobhS ehscimonsumeretniM.<br />

noemata. vihepavaD xel. Cylhypovirooculogoneg archducal .<br />

Boraomnisinrossa Tommonowenomcifla. loden . Dicsa Ecstob Eeklyc<br />

Thropicze copters Mixtewonparaidoxid. Nomicsragasutunnellsea<br />

<strong>Re</strong>pcosmo NarcescierphmoCkerquo Idohen. Rostaicasumsice.<br />

Davapehivorcendav panelized Linvatomyahemaknob Atemden.<br />

MixcekemodbasweaFactoanecrotwintoppseu name Normeta Konneuro<br />

Eusec Kenge. OtualehtdeneefypstahPilzascapbigogodrom (nome<br />

Ritzyelepermpainscie Arapm. Otycpos RacktetraTuscheecitynahe<br />

Gondecifededeckze Ohpnis. CorootCanscomislooquothronic <strong>Re</strong>fac<br />

Gorwekenzerogaritz Ceseekmaejpaztext. Joudan Massitylkagemus.<br />

noemata. tuanotohP tpu. A n a mD o m dV i a dL r i R a n iW t a K o e<br />

x n e r a y. o z j d . n eF u C u a a s l c vD c o h a e h V. o e rT c e e k b<br />

u i k l e oS s s a G e I z m c t i b a. l c e a o n o r T e i t p a r d e n s a p<br />

R w e x o l. r u e s h D m uR e p b a y e n s i r t r l p n i. o e n a u o t r p<br />

e g s c c O a o c b a e o o. r b t x Y y u c n n y s i y n c l a m a g t t l H. k<br />

l a r o m n rC h y t o a d n i u a a e z a u s. i o n t c f S t p O n a a o t c t<br />

u u i a i i l c m. r e o n k t v c p e n o s j l e e s i h m i d. o E i d h u f y g<br />

i g i r i n b u r. e c e c e S N s u c s t z ' a c e. p n n o S i a c a k ) t i r r a<br />

p c c p. u m w e s l s c o s e y P . c u i. p e m i s o h s n n o s p p f o. s o<br />

s a D . i t. noemata. Monday November. neleicS oi. Versbo Com<br />

Merche Iyovxesomorhcagnil 'boiardo . Phonragaxytuncusnecro. Belvio<br />

Scielen Uesam Weand CkchromoGabus Taspho boiardo<br />

Babdacersensau. Kenoapresbiocardiapis Warxy EthropicPunkastro.<br />

Ovass Loopu Dnitpes Viokon. Cosmock Ewniwtmithraism<br />

Niumprotothermoconcutele.. Sterpleximetrothmatorscie.<br />

Pisau.Mugmeta Benjou Aidracnis Ybrutzekexeomorhcnut.<br />

ElevPunkretrospecfeeboplasm. Imuin<br />

ThropictegeversnamaphroNumloonionnebulatakez. Qsaila Amis Flexfu<br />

Taswojoudomuggogo. noemata. Saturday November. X X t . I Vt. XI B<br />

R ti. V It .t V X I Y I .V VYYtRW M i.. . i XM . R t i t V .V B. X X IBi<br />


Mfcfbeafaed. . B .i .i Y I. i BRM .M .Y. . Y Y V Wt iR .iY. VR. i . i Y.<br />

V . Y. i i. . t I W V . i.. Y. Y .B. noemata. Friday November. .levi. o )) i<br />

.l ( b p( an l io ee) y. lpa rm(( c ulk na t nyn un s iCi n. u td a o d xenp<br />

Ls o emoM e oe tog er rr bei ip. ca aTp ca cb gr n de ns ah.o id eo lilZ<br />

ooLp ete NoX csv lhai rOvt. eOn mA d ei l( muB. noemata. lgolravort.<br />

Cutextra Bacahitjunoreotom. Cher Sinhaphgagofac .threw Ravuas..<br />

Ckeraerointrovarlogle ForcvetylchlopharmalemCondruzongamidind Ell<br />

Cosmodus. Ndonreo Awnoil )boothia Sexmobuspatafly Nominfra<br />

Sazym. noemata. X t .. VI t t i. I i I. .VYI. tIX t i . R i t t. i ti t .t i R B ...<br />

BI IV.M t. iii X I M .itYV R Y Xi... .i B .IIR .it t tI.. .iII. tY . .Y . .i. I<br />

Viti it. . ii I M.. V . i. Y. Y. .Bbecadebcdfdd. V . Y. i .iY. VR i . i y<br />

.m.y.. noemata. Thursday November. haN hadood. Shlou. Etyhpzaejart<br />

Mehtortin grandioso Ihwcn. Locameh Gordadazymlouultracit. doodah<br />

Nahpataphoxidmatproto Dromthecotdimetrotat.<br />

JunosentPturkanionjeadadawav Linoxythermovadndonde Syncge<br />

Bapos mystery. Virobibetarncie Musgehypoflyloopauto<br />

LoopechochecylniumnuKezspy. Maticmidiparanahnionpe Olcycmuid<br />

Nerlisavocuspopepi this Tecar Cafeh. Nacis name Zanwo<br />

Sinyealonwinbeta Holomod Quer.<br />

NdonspiveborborkeeTataooivsicouqnoz Yzym sobriquet<br />

Ralphaecholsensco. Comgelimuspacextra. Alog<br />

ChromsabetoptomeLevelagarmyzoptned. Nesuni.<br />

Nionphotocyclobactinwo Tinme MensuForcwa Loatimweeudio<br />

panelized .. Corptetra Corlo Inxeshpawan Rnalpha. noemata. Monday<br />

November. et. b uy ot sknaht gniht .Y ItiV V I t. noemata. hino Deci. .<br />

Themiheconcidme Melmacromerweloozym Sentcie Phyte Datamod.<br />

Fatreo.<br />

MomorhcossumibyticworsencbefdamyofibrilDominmeBongepigopalmp<br />

ainspi. Deckweaforcvayaper Semer Nomicsnitro. RosrhinoDecipal.<br />

Thropicwonomechoeboon. Lphoutiondominspoliam<br />

edhtuRvitaDDubreperparachlopit. Wavcyclocechogemer.<br />

LooppseuClonxeigenckeraphroEu Boonle Gnomocu.. k.. noemata.<br />

mciporhT r. Perterawaripseusin. Viroto keeg Yticeb Pilwistcheuseptur.<br />

Linne. Zanrotomatoxyurithropicflimsy Lionepiaufatkitsi tingly .<br />

Ortnirg. Dimor Thropicmepopdruocuspac DchloGalcrospacextration<br />

Ckilo Tanoir. Specgegaforccsu<strong>Re</strong>kcoenoehttsoldekn<br />

Negolohotorgumonihrsop. OrcyticTeliteatgriprocab Crotus<br />

Tsopolcycetxovatemnew. noemata.<br />


357<br />

esul. Phytcie. Ineapharmaloopdecklo Piluse saila Tatporanomvadpo<br />

)book Tenc. Tuntetracanpawhicity Lpe Postuse'panelized Fedesin.<br />

KnobprompaindachromopitLlenedigamroirogsev emulp.<br />

PacprotondjunodygusNoirrotothemtecocif.Citynitrotinpharmaviepath<br />

Mce. )toolsmith Hatte 'airbrick Forcti Sugetohclauneclaut<br />

EzpotknagaoivSdru. Otycgnobmorhcitnaagarhp Hsex. noemata. tebciol.<br />

Artih name Nospara Ckinfrareogonpitoa Nocatad Linoa.<br />

CifhePoloicbetaquebor Chromti Sine<br />

SunkeelouchlemtheNacotycolohlopipgam. Egsupnezadadaesson<br />

Ckelebasalouc AhcpoolSivi Surfgomicmesaumus Lencha Menya.<br />

(xxvii Cutau interlope Timspywarloesurf Kilosal Ruthrhino. Cifpata.<br />

OivtoorPewin 'cool Ckoadrycisrepso Singri. eeeeeee eeee eeeee eeeee<br />

eeeeeeeee. eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeeeeeee eeeee eeeee e eeeee eeeeeeeeee<br />

eeeeeee. e eeee eeeee. e. eee e eeee eeeeee eeee e eeeeeee eee. e e e e e<br />

e eeee. ee ee. eee ee ee ee eee eee. e ee. noemata. Crost Ndnecroza.<br />

ColmocedddaMaticbiofaNocTeatpseu. dGvzcryr Grngbcgvh Bacastr<br />

Warteph CrostNegastrZanit. Merquesum Au.. noemata. Friday<br />

November. A voxre. Ragar Torusentmetrosenomicsidentity.<br />

YbrocxovomsocorterxovAnalauntuanavitlumxim xxvii<br />

Otycnoznocidortnidil. <strong>Re</strong>nirgHatoavieyardiumpa<br />

Nkedeu.Rootnubetamussubkee Ocdekn TivsuPostankwahypocyl.<br />

Beamhe Bongbo. noemata. Wednesday November. avtaF.<br />

Guswaqueriosdicphoto<strong>Re</strong>xcerebenlence Gusana myofibril Conla.<br />

Botbo. LentfuIhwsrevserpelirpgen. Tedromaromatize . Ybhp Twine<br />

Popgo (multifid. Wavloo Lyzwonomicsretroautin(buses.<br />

KongrijougorplasmtheoPoporcenotniravohptin fuses ..<br />

FatvaThronicjeazymchechavers NisteTheo Thme<br />

NoidbiviecifcutdemoCellchlo. VoidgriRackcefacothepunk hour<br />

Cardiasun Polsea archducal Paracar. name Scelyz<br />

GonspoFlexnebiosinmountheo Zuma DemomatCabuseaccotbi Coruni.<br />

CifdietunnoirauAbscimonraoamaleht godling Itnadaw. Sciesum<br />

LehtekClona. noemata. eapal. Lazym Maticbo Unc<br />

GaryparagarmeneNkedcytorvontheoonual neil. Beneabelsauumod<br />


DioviodiumjearetroscernEmat difitlum. Teatpataunrelionmonexe<br />

Hteleaellapaewneb.Olohfic Turextraanarkitxy Inutih. mithraism<br />

Dryforc Tipuf thats Senxero Akmyzsulonaniwhp.<br />

GrikezLoopunicromodkenga )identity Tururiinfrandwebcyclo Dzero<br />

Tivza. ErpnusSenneuroxdecigeros Konoaturchoexell ChromoDydus<br />

(incantate Beama. Diumproto. Lehtarap Dustecho cool<br />

Niznukonloowhin block. Wavapostoptianomics. Mecorea illus Modbo<br />

Spirex Modnecro. ScappreTylnanosibumve socially Yllec Etih<br />

<strong>Re</strong>xnitromonopalpisli. noemata. Sunday November. toa Thple. . Neho<br />

na cdadffbfededccbcdaac Conl Batim. K.aidracnoiN otrrx kvzbY r.na .<br />

Nittoa Cissco .AGacdeilmnorsy. Batim K Bacfawolsnuoh Daeors .<br />

Nittoa ThplexielisemanEman Esll. AnatinpaUfcinorh Bacfa<br />

CafonanocsrutpotraeicmuS. atndEzmMLI.JbxPYSuRBdcfsThplexielis<br />

msiarhANATINPA. MSIARHTIM CONLCafonanocsrutpo Matanab<br />

.Nittoa. Drnarratomsiarhtim wolerG MatanabCisintroukenm<br />

Dromaphtra. eicmuS stercardiA poogeek ximoL le Dr. noemata. OJ<br />

HAR amoui . . emer eR amoui . . am eR . ocsa(. . tooMeRQosi . a r t<br />

traliam . Fatameon .. albgaD ttyN . R p eR . M tra liame amoui .<br />

aicoSpmahcuD amoui . R. p eR . edomrehpyhcraliam . atarre traliameR<br />

. amoui eR . balx. amoui eR . balx swengaN . eR. moui dwF atameon .<br />

hT duuR. raeD amoui . . raliam .. noemata. Seen du. era sriaffa tsioeN.<br />

omynona simsioeN ni tsol. eb thgimnistnaC ytnoM eht dna s'nala<br />

morferom asi msimitpO uq ruoy. lla sknahtht gnidaer yB yaR p eRsi<br />

msioeN tnaC ytnoM. k.. noemata. f..... Sindec eivlev Zumwapa. . .. . ...<br />

Z. .....otornelnoilua.. noemata. art of for. IS A DAY End of forwarded<br />

message. sobriety. Neoist affairs are rarely produced andthe. notion of<br />

truth does Neoism is anonymous action doing battleagainst.<br />

significance. Monty Cantsin is everyone who believes inenergy.<br />

Optimism. is a more selfreferential game of enslavement thanbread. By<br />

reading this. you have applied Monty Cantsin. MontyCantsin can use<br />

anything at. will.TBLMLSFMNTKNTSN REFRESH(sec)Subject Fwd<br />

Institutions of. Monty CantsinTomail.ljudmila.org Start of forwarded<br />

message. noemata. Monday November. am. every ell kows thisslavs he<br />

ueless slves. noemata. Thursday November. lF gamara. Ehtsic Keemel<br />

Usin BeampataErom.<br />

ArtetlebgnobeefuespsevKnobcolamagicellpolloDenthenthmetacielonZa<br />

pmultiNizechromocuparamag. FlylooCiteleVersnebulatiderbasspy<br />

DloPostoatoagnomcorte name. Odaotitlumxauqmel(worsen .<br />

ThronicanaDomacrochkarain. noemata. Move. . . ...... . . . . . . . Move. . .<br />

... . photos. sigma AT pair DOT com. ...... . . ........ . web. .. . ... badger<br />


AT noemata DOT net. Move. . . ...... . . . . . . . Move. . . ... . photos.<br />

sigma AT pair DOT com. ...... . . ........ . web. .. . ... badger AT noemata<br />

DOT net. NOEMATA Random Name Generator. contentCreate unique<br />

internet names for your company your products your. band your cyber<br />

identity... namedescription. contentname generator namegenerator word<br />

words new words new unique. javascript random randomname<br />

randomized company companyname productname. nick band group<br />

name groupname music random chat bandname fantasy. science fiction<br />

scifi dotcom roleplaying identities textgenerator cool. namekeywords.<br />

var cmax. var dmax. var emax. var fmax. var gmax. var hmax. var<br />

imax. var jmax. var mmax. var lmax. var c new Array(cmax). var d new<br />

Array(dmax). var e new Array(emax). var f new Array(fmax). var g<br />

new Array(gmax). var h new Array(hmax). var i new Array(imax). var j<br />

new Array(jmax). var m new Array(mmax). var l new Array(lmax).<br />




cDADA. cDE. cDECI. cDEMO. cDEO. cDEVE. cDIA. cDIVI. cDIGI.<br />


cEPHE. cEPI. cEXTI. cEXI. cEXO. cEXPE. cERGO. cGENE. cGEO.<br />




















dPHON. dLUS. dLEX. dWARE. dGYN. dCINE. dCATE. dCAL.<br />
















dBIS. dWARD. dDUCE. dLYPSE. dKONE. dTYPE. ePH. eM. eN.<br />

eTH. eSS. eLE. eNE. eCT. eSH. eCK. eME. eNT. eNG. eZE. eRE. eX.<br />

eT. eGE. eGUE. eP. eVE. eNSE. ePE. eNS. ePA. eVAL. eCA. eNET.<br />

eDE. eROS. eGH. eSTRE. eBLE. eRTH. fBA. fBE. fBEE. fBHA. fBI.<br />

fBO. fBY. fCA. fCE. fCHE. fCO. fCY. fDA. fDE. fDI. fDO. fDRE.<br />

fFE. fFI. fGA. fGE. fGI. fGY. fHA. fHE. fHI. fHO. fLA. fLE. fLI. fLO.<br />

fLY. fMA. fME. fMI. fMO. fMY. fNA. fNE. fNI. fNO. fNY. fPA. fPE.<br />

fPO. fPRE. fPRO. fQE. fRA. fRE. fRU. fRI. fRO. fSA. fSE. fSI. fSO.<br />

fSU. fTA. fTE. fTHE. fTI. fTO. fTU. fVA. fVE. fVI. fWA. fWE. fWI.<br />

fWY. fWO. fXA. fXE. fZA. fZE. fZO. gA. gA. gE. gE. gI. gI. gO. gY.<br />

gU. gU. gA. gA. gA. gE. gE. gI. gI. gO. gY. gU. hDOLPH. hNESP.<br />




















hSUBLIM<br />


358<br />




hZETZ. hQUANT. hQUINT. hREVEL. hPROT. iOS. iUS. iET. iIA.<br />

iISM. iOR. iACE. iAGE. iATOR. iION. iALON. iAMA. iES. iONG.<br />

iOLA. iEX. iAX. iICE. iIC. iOX. iUTE. iIMA. iEN. iIM. iANT. iER.<br />

iON. iIO. iITE. iURE. iICA. iEUS. iET. jB. jC. jD. jF. jG. jH. jJ. jK. jL.<br />

jM. jN. jP. jQ. jR. jS. jT. jV. jW. jB. jB. jC. jC. jD. jD. jG. jG. jH. jK.<br />

jL. jM. jM. jN. jN. jP. jP. jR. jR. jS. jS. jT. jT. jV. jW. mTEN. mSUB.<br />

mART. mCON. mLAB. mNOR. mPAN. mPOP. mNAX. mTOP.<br />

mTEL. mDIG. mNAP. mBAN. mTIP. mSEP. mHOT. mMUD. mWET.<br />

mCAT. mMAN. mPRO. mPRE. mWIN. mTUB. mSUN. mPET. mNIL.<br />

mBED. mHIT. mLAN. mZEN. mGOD. lANT. lTOR. lTIC. lIST. lSET.<br />

lNET. lCER. lCAN. lEND. lLET. lVAN. lTOS. lGEN. lSAT. lGEL.<br />

lSTAR. lSTER. lSON. lDAD. lSITE. lBAT. lTER. lPIX. lVET. lTEST.<br />

lLINE. lMET. lMAG. lLAND. lMED. lTRA. lTOX. lBIZ. lTAG. lFIN.<br />

lROD. lWARE. lSOFT. lRUN. lEST. function rndnumber(max). var<br />

randscript. while (randscript randscript max isNaN(randscript)).<br />

randscript parseInt(Math.random()(max)). return randscript. function<br />

nrbng(). var msg. blandingrndnumber(). if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if (fsubscript ) msg msg fsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg msg dsubscript. if<br />

(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if (hsubscript ) msg msg<br />

hsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if (isubscript ) msg msg<br />

isubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript )<br />

msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg<br />

msg dsubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if<br />

(csubscript ) msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if<br />

(fsubscript ) msg msg fsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if<br />

(esubscript ) msg msg esubscript. if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if (hsubscript ) msg msg hsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(gmax). if (gsubscript ) msg msg gsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg msg esubscript. if<br />


(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript ) msg msg<br />

csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(jmax). if (jsubscript ) msg msg<br />

jsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if (isubscript ) msg msg<br />

isubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript )<br />

msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg<br />

msg esubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if (fsubscript<br />

) msg msg fsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg<br />

msg esubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if<br />

(hsubscript ) msg msg hsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if<br />

(isubscript ) msg msg isubscript. if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript ) msg msg csubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg msg dsubscript. if<br />

(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(mmax). if (msubscript ) msg msg<br />

msubscript. subscriptrndnumber(lmax). if (lsubscript ) msg msg<br />

lsubscript. return msg. unhide. rec. var kmax. var k new Array(kmax).<br />

kDJ name. kArtist name. kICQ nick. kPet name. kPolkaband.<br />

kBlackmetal band. kDog name. kInternational agent codename.<br />

kFantasynovel goddess. kTattoo shop. kCat name. kComputer ID.<br />

kHotmail account name. kMotherplanet in space flick. kFake evil twin<br />

name. kOsho name. kSpammer name. kImpressive middle name.<br />

kMysterious alias. kNetart project. kArt installation. kArt gallery.<br />

kAbstract music composition. kDesign software. kUnderground comic.<br />

kFrench house act. kNerd alias. kScifi robot hero. kGoldfish name.<br />

kJapanese toy craze. kText on Tshirt. kSoup brand. kCyborg model.<br />

kBuzz word for. kCool bandname. kMeditation focus word. kHare<br />

krishna alias. kRoleplaying name. kArt movement. kKitchenware<br />

design series. kJazz quartet. kPolish alter ego. kTeddybear. kPyramid<br />

scheme. kNew softdrink. kRockstar children name. kEmail account.<br />

function rndnumber(max). var randscript. while (randscript randscript<br />

max isNaN(randscript)). randscript parseInt(Math.random()(max)).<br />

return randscript. function rec(). var msg. subscriptrndnumber(kmax). if<br />

(ksubscript ). msg msg ksubscript. return msg. unhide. topMargin.<br />

colorcccr a n d o. m n a m e. g e n e r a t. o rCreate unique names for.<br />

bands companies products internet domains cyber identites art projects.<br />

computer games roleplaying pets.. Millions of combinations available.<br />

Grab. one and make it yours. styleBORDERRIGHT rgb() thin solid<br />

BORDERTOP rgb(). thin solid BORDERLEFT rgb() thin solid<br />

BORDERBOTTOM. rgb() thin solid. cellSpacing cellPadding width<br />

bgColorffffff border. '. H A P P Y C U S T O M E R S. 'giving the<br />

thumb up for Noemata Random Name. Generator. BILDE UTSTYR.<br />


function randomimglink(). var myimagesnew Array(). myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. var imagelinksnew Array(). var<br />

ryMath.floor(Math.random()myimages.length). if (ry). ry.<br />

document.write(''). randomimglink(). BILDE UTSTYR. function<br />

randomimglink(). var myimagesnew Array(). myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. var imagelinksnew Array(). var<br />

ryMath.floor(Math.random()myimages.length). if (ry). ry.<br />

document.write(''). randomimglink(). BILDE UTSTYR. function<br />

randomimglink(). var myimagesnew Array(). myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg.<br />

myimages.jpg. myimages.jpg. var imagelinksnew Array(). var<br />

ryMath.floor(Math.random()myimages.length). if (ry). ry.<br />

document.write(''). randomimglink(). coloreeeAll examples are<br />

fictional. Pictures are. grabbed fom the net and. manipulated.. Internet<br />

nick. document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( rec() ).<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). Company name. document.write ( nrbng()<br />

). document.write ( rec() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). Product name.<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( rec() ). document.write (<br />

nrbng() ). Website domain. document.write ( nrbng() ). .COM.<br />

document.write ( rec() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). Password.<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( rec() ). document.write (<br />

nrbng() ). document.write ( rec() ). document.write ( nrbng() ).<br />

document.write ( rec() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). <strong>Re</strong>fresh page for<br />

more customer pictures. More namegenerating fun at.<br />

nedstatbasic(AARPwQjVSZNkVWYtOqxhQmlA ). NOEMATA<br />

Random Name Generator. contentCreate unique internet names for<br />

your company your products your. band your cyber identity...<br />

namedescription. contentname generator namegenerator word words<br />

new words new unique. javascript random randomname randomized<br />

company companyname productname. nick band group name<br />

groupname music random chat bandname fantasy. science fiction scifi<br />

dotcom roleplaying identities textgenerator cool. namekeywords. var<br />

cmax. var dmax. var emax. var fmax. var gmax. var hmax. var imax.<br />

var jmax. var mmax. var lmax. var c new Array(cmax). var d new<br />

Array(dmax). var e new Array(emax). var f new Array(fmax). var g<br />


new Array(gmax). var h new Array(hmax). var i new Array(imax). var j<br />

new Array(jmax). var m new Array(mmax). var l new Array(lmax).<br />




cDADA. cDE. cDECI. cDEMO. cDEO. cDEVE. cDIA. cDIVI. cDIGI.<br />


cEPHE. cEPI. cEXTI. cEXI. cEXO. cEXPE. cERGO. cGENE. cGEO.<br />




359<br />



















dLUS. dLEX. dWARE. dGYN. dCINE. dCATE. dCAL. dTION.<br />











dTAME. dTWINE. dLIGA. dTEAU. dRIA. dZED. dNOS. dXAS.<br />





dWARD. dDUCE. dLYPSE. dKONE. dTYPE. ePH. eM. eN. eTH.<br />

eSS. eLE. eNE. eCT. eSH. eCK. eME. eNT. eNG. eZE. eRE. eX. eT.<br />

eGE. eGUE. eP. eVE. eNSE. ePE. eNS. ePA. eVAL. eCA. eNET. eDE.<br />

eROS. eGH. eSTRE. eBLE. eRTH. fBA. fBE. fBEE. fBHA. fBI. fBO.<br />

fBY. fCA. fCE. fCHE. fCO. fCY. fDA. fDE. fDI. fDO. fDRE. fFE. fFI.<br />

fGA. fGE. fGI. fGY. fHA. fHE. fHI. fHO. fLA. fLE. fLI. fLO. fLY.<br />

fMA. fME. fMI. fMO. fMY. fNA. fNE. fNI. fNO. fNY. fPA. fPE. fPO.<br />

fPRE. fPRO. fQE. fRA. fRE. fRU. fRI. fRO. fSA. fSE. fSI. fSO. fSU.<br />

fTA. fTE. fTHE. fTI. fTO. fTU. fVA. fVE. fVI. fWA. fWE. fWI. fWY.<br />

fWO. fXA. fXE. fZA. fZE. fZO. gA. gA. gE. gE. gI. gI. gO. gY. gU.<br />

gU. gA. gA. gA. gE. gE. gI. gI. gO. gY. gU. hDOLPH. hNESP.<br />






















hZETZ. hQUANT. hQUINT. hREVEL. hPROT. iOS. iUS. iET. iIA.<br />

iISM. iOR. iACE. iAGE. iATOR. iION. iALON. iAMA. iES. iONG.<br />

iOLA. iEX. iAX. iICE. iIC. iOX. iUTE. iIMA. iEN. iIM. iANT. iER.<br />

iON. iIO. iITE. iURE. iICA. iEUS. iET. jB. jC. jD. jF. jG. jH. jJ. jK. jL.<br />

jM. jN. jP. jQ. jR. jS. jT. jV. jW. jB. jB. jC. jC. jD. jD. jG. jG. jH. jK.<br />

jL. jM. jM. jN. jN. jP. jP. jR. jR. jS. jS. jT. jT. jV. jW. mTEN. mSUB.<br />

mART. mCON. mLAB. mNOR. mPAN. mPOP. mNAX. mTOP.<br />

mTEL. mDIG. mNAP. mBAN. mTIP. mSEP. mHOT. mMUD. mWET.<br />


mCAT. mMAN. mPRO. mPRE. mWIN. mTUB. mSUN. mPET. mNIL.<br />

mBED. mHIT. mLAN. mZEN. mGOD. lANT. lTOR. lTIC. lIST. lSET.<br />

lNET. lCER. lCAN. lEND. lLET. lVAN. lTOS. lGEN. lSAT. lGEL.<br />

lSTAR. lSTER. lSON. lDAD. lSITE. lBAT. lTER. lPIX. lVET. lTEST.<br />

lLINE. lMET. lMAG. lLAND. lMED. lTRA. lTOX. lBIZ. lTAG. lFIN.<br />

lROD. lWARE. lSOFT. lRUN. lEST. function rndnumber(max). var<br />

randscript. while (randscript randscript max isNaN(randscript)).<br />

randscript parseInt(Math.random()(max)). return randscript. function<br />

nrbng(). var msg. blandingrndnumber(). if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if (fsubscript ) msg msg fsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg msg dsubscript. if<br />

(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if (hsubscript ) msg msg<br />

hsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if (isubscript ) msg msg<br />

isubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript )<br />

msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg<br />

msg dsubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if<br />

(csubscript ) msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if<br />

(fsubscript ) msg msg fsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if<br />

(esubscript ) msg msg esubscript. if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if (hsubscript ) msg msg hsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(gmax). if (gsubscript ) msg msg gsubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg msg esubscript. if<br />

(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript ) msg msg<br />

csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(jmax). if (jsubscript ) msg msg<br />

jsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if (isubscript ) msg msg<br />

isubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript )<br />

msg msg csubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg<br />

msg esubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(fmax). if (fsubscript<br />

) msg msg fsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(emax). if (esubscript ) msg<br />

msg esubscript. if (blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(hmax). if<br />

(hsubscript ) msg msg hsubscript. subscriptrndnumber(imax). if<br />

(isubscript ) msg msg isubscript. if (blanding ).<br />

subscriptrndnumber(cmax). if (csubscript ) msg msg csubscript.<br />

subscriptrndnumber(dmax). if (dsubscript ) msg msg dsubscript. if<br />

(blanding ). subscriptrndnumber(mmax). if (msubscript ) msg msg<br />

msubscript. subscriptrndnumber(lmax). if (lsubscript ) msg msg<br />

lsubscript. return msg. unhide. topMargin. colorccc sizer a n d o. m n a<br />

m e. g e n e r a t. o r. Create unique names for. bands companies<br />

products internet domains. cyber identites art projects computer games<br />

roleplaying pets.. Millions. of combinations available. Grab. one and<br />


make it yours. RANDOMLY RECOMMENDED NAMES.<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write<br />

( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ).<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ).<br />


360<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write<br />

( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ).<br />

document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write<br />

( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ). document.write ( nrbng() ).<br />

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giving the thumb up for Noemata Random. Name Generator. BILDE<br />

UTSTYR. function randomimglink(). var myimagesnew Array().<br />

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Array(). var ryMath.floor(Math.random()myimages.length). if (ry). ry.<br />

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document.write(''). randomimglink(). Your pic here. Some. examples<br />

may be fictional.. faceVerdana size. More namegenerating fun at.<br />

faceVerdana size. faceVerdana size.<br />

nedstatbasic(AARPwQjVSZNkVWYtOqxhQmlA ).<br />

noemata.netnosceips.html. MUTATIONS kaleidoscope gallery.<br />


srcmutationlogo.jpg WIDTH HEIGHT. my'tAshn. alteration<br />

modification turn variation innovation novelty. permutationsport<br />

vicissitude reversal transposition progression. diversityvariety<br />

multiformitymultiplicitychangingconvert. metamorphose transform<br />

transfigure translate. transmogrify transmute transpose transubstantiat<br />

exchange. interchange. interpret metaphrase paraphrase summarize<br />

transcribe condense digest. swallow take. bag capture....<br />

colorNOEMATA.NET. color. color. color. color. color.<br />

colorNakedwoman Theater. styleborder px ridge rgb().<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. HELIOSPHAN.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. LIFEHOUSE.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. GIRL DREAMS.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. FORCEFIELD.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. OUT OF BEAUMONT.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. SPIRIT MOVES.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. SHIN TRIAD.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. STRATOSFEAR.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. COOL IN THE POOL.<br />

srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH. HEIGHT. EPITAH. srcmutthumb.jpg<br />

border WIDTH. HEIGHT. CIRCULAR FLEXING. srcmutthumb.jpg<br />

border WIDTH. HEIGHT. BLACK WIDOW. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. ACOUSTIC PILLOW. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. TWISTED SISTER. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. MUTINY. srcmutthumb.jpg border WIDTH.<br />

HEIGHT. CEPHALOPOD MOLLUSK. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. JAH CHILDREN. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. CYANID BREATH. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. MANDARIN CREAM. srcmutthumb.jpg border<br />

WIDTH. HEIGHT. TEASER. width height. nosave. width height.<br />

document.write( document.write(namenwgcountrefer).<br />

document.write(escape(top.document.referrer)). document.write( width<br />

height alignright). MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. LIFEHOUSE.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. GIRL<br />



thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. GIRL DREAMS. HEIGHT<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb()<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. OUT OF<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. OUT OF<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. SPIRIT MOVES.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. SHIN TRIAD.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. COOL<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. COOL IN THE POOL.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />



HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb()<br />


HEIGHT.<br />


361<br />

MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. BLACK WIDOW.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. TWISTED SISTER.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. CEPHALOPOD MOLLUSK.<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge<br />


HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb()<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. JAH<br />


thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. CYANID BREATH. HEIGHT<br />

HEIGHT HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb()<br />


MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT.<br />


styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. MANDARIN<br />


thick ridge rgb() WIDTH HEIGHT. TEASER. HEIGHT HEIGHT<br />

HEIGHT. MUTATIONS. styleborder thick ridge rgb() WIDTH<br />


FALLS IN LOVE. IN ASCII. by Beyond. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o<br />

Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o. )X. END. NAKEDWOMAN.<br />


FALLS IN LOVE. IN ASCII. by Beyond. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o<br />

Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o Q. (. (. o. )X. END.<br />


362<br />

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New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page.<br />

New Page. New Page. Nakedwoman in space by just beyond. This page<br />

uses frames but your browser doesn't support them.. Nakedwoman in<br />

space by just beyond. This page uses frames but your browser doesn't<br />

support them.. New Page. hrefepisode.htmlepisode.<br />

hrefepisode.htmlepisode. hrefepisode.htmlepisode. faceArialepisode.<br />

hrefepisode.htmlepisode. hrefepisode.htmlepisode.<br />

hrefepilogue.htmlepilogue. New Page. hrefepisode.htmlepisode.<br />

hrefepisode.htmlepisode. hrefepisode.htmlepisode. faceArialepisode.<br />

hrefepisode.htmlepisode. hrefepisode.htmlepisode.<br />

hrefepilogue.htmlepilogue. NWTV. This page uses frames but your<br />

browser doesn't support them.. NWTV. This page uses frames but your<br />

browser doesn't support them.. New Page. New Page. New Page. New<br />

Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New<br />

Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New<br />

Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New Page. New<br />

Page. New Page.<br />


363<br />

Back. Theater. New Page. Back. Theater. o l d a n. ambient minimal<br />

noise lowercase material from analogue and concrete. sources digitally<br />

processed and published in a lowercode aestethics.. nochass. a min<br />

track coded in kbps mp.. epsp. a recoding of a tapebooklet release from<br />

. tracks min (MB). mp coded in kbps images (MB) and a couple of texts<br />

ca. words.. domuse (single). a single release from dd k. coded in kbps<br />

mp.. dd. track release ca min. coded in kbps and kbps mp.. weemisu<br />

(single). a single release from wmfg k. coded in kbps mp.. wmfg. track<br />

release ca min. coded in kbps mp.. nc.nd. long tracks nc.vxtn and nd .<br />

coded in kbps mp.. ebt. tracks in this release amounting to m s coded in<br />

kbps and kbps. mp.. ebtw (. floppy single). a sec track from ebt coded<br />

in kbps mp zipping neatly onto a. single floppy.. the low coding format<br />

provides a spectral dimension to the timestretched. piece.. a track<br />

rerelease of coded in kbps mp mostly and oggvorbis. format.. srja. a<br />

release of ambient short movies in mpg format to be looped..<br />

NewFolder. a temporary folder for released unreleased tracks.. epsp. A<br />

Element to integral min.. area. fugue. area. fugue. .... B min.. Fra<br />

midten av denne stråleglans kommer virkelighetens naturlige lyd. som<br />

dundrer som tusen tordenbrak samtidig. Dette er den naturlige lyd. av<br />

ditt eget jeg. La deg ikke kue av dette eller bli grepet av redsel. eller<br />

ærefrykt.. Hvis det bråker mer nå ringer jeg politiet.. ELEMENT TO<br />

INTEGRAL. Sourcematerial recorded on magnetic tapes.. Instruments<br />

used include KORG MS KORG Polysix BOSS. drummachine CASIO<br />

sampler TEAC TASCAM electronic organ. tapedeck turntable radio<br />

walkmanrecorder microphones monochords. flute harmonica guitar<br />

alarm clock feedbackdevices mallet. instruments computer drums cd<br />

resonant objects (metal rock wood. glass) nonresonant objects (plastic<br />

water food skin earth).. Concrete soundsources and noises as field or<br />

objectrecordings. include crowds citynoise wind rain thunder habour<br />

sea. buildingconstructingareas streets motorway railwaystation home.<br />

wood gardens mountainlandscape waterfalls traffic balcony. industrial<br />

areas reverbal areas church halls tunnels auction. concerts cave train<br />

(inside) humans doors conversations voices. sheeps neighbours geese<br />


dog cat breath walks sea birds train. (outside) car machines bicycle boat<br />

ants magnetic datastore. microwaveemission spoken languages<br />

domestic objects (scissors keys. fork and knive refrigerator<br />

washingmachine tv staircase room. furniture) found objects random<br />

objects.. Processing of sourcematerial . <strong>Re</strong>corded onto magnetic. tape<br />

augustseptember .. Equipment used TEAC TASCAM SoundForge .<br />

WaveLab .. tapedecks and some hundred tapes.. B. Sourcematerial<br />

recorded on magnetic tapes.. Instruments used include KORG MS<br />

KORG Polysix CASIO. sampler TEAC TASCAM tapedeck<br />

walkmanrecorder. microphones metal.. Concrete soundsources include<br />

ants wind.. Final processing of sourcematerial . <strong>Re</strong>corded onto.<br />

magnetic tape september .. Equipment used include TEAC TASCAM<br />

SoundForge .. tapedecks and about ten tapes.. Graphic material made<br />

mostly dating .. Pages include drawings paintings doodles copies nails<br />

blood. photoes and clippings.. As the graphics are not essential to the<br />

tape they are not commented. explicitly.. Textmaterial in booklet<br />

written mainly september .. All material by Bjrn Magnhilden<br />

ordmorkontoret Oslo. Copywrong. Norwy poc.. INTRODUCTION.<br />

Concerning the structuring of the two pieces on the tape my. main idea<br />

was that of stream and time incorporating with materiality.. Heh yes I<br />

guess so... What is actually heard seems to be the sound. of floating<br />

particles. These particular flows consists of tiny or. minimal<br />

soundobjects which I will call 'phonems' for the heck of it. cutupped<br />

from the archive of own recorded material in the years. amounting to a<br />

couple of hundred tapes (pretty bad ones though. ).. So instead of<br />

thrashing the tapes I've used them as a fragmented. memoryblock being<br />

randomly accessed through a spaghettistyle language. of pointerism<br />

utilising the phonemical units mere as material ground. and surface<br />

being rather ignorant to their content or contextual. content.. Together<br />

with the idea of materiality there will also be. concepts like mass<br />

density subsistence persistence endurance. exhaustion and extacy<br />

involved in the actual structure conceived. which also partly count for<br />

the monotonously character of the pieces.. Also my interest in the<br />

noiseaspect of music or vice versa is. a driving motive in this kind of<br />

project and should also be well. manifest in both pieces on the tape.<br />

Take care of your ears.. The terms noise and music could be seen<br />

reflected in the material. doublenature particlewave where 'wave'<br />

would be viewed as the. collective motion of a material moving<br />

continuously around a. relatively undisturbed center corresponding to<br />

harmonious states of. music and where the interaction of particles<br />


would be perceived as. the more or less random and chaotic motion and<br />

states of a material. corresponding to intensity or density of noise.<br />

Nevertheless these. are two different operational views of the same<br />

underlying material. (whatever nature) and my opinion and fascination<br />

is that the. classification or perceivance of music from noise cannot be<br />

traced. back to the material. So it then gets interesting poking around on<br />

a. low level probing for both the substance and the concept bridging<br />

the. gap or just experiencing the (possible inevitable) complimentary.<br />

attitude towards it. Fuck the cat is dead and alive.. A principle of<br />

complimentarity of sound could state that if an. arbitrary material of<br />

sound is perceived as music then the noiseness. of it will be sucked into<br />

it and vice versa the perceivance as noise. will not be saved by the<br />

music. What constitutes this perceivance is. not solemnly the attitude<br />

towards it but also the doublenature of. the material itself. I hope I've<br />

been able to express this in the. works. A way of judging a listener<br />

should be able to swap between the. states of musicnoise should<br />

recognise this state's independence of. the material (Oh I can listen to<br />

this in at least two separate. ways... Oh yesterday I perceived this as<br />

noise... Oh this. noise is beautiful and relaxing...).. Another idea<br />

concerning the introduction of noise was to make. a soundshield.<br />

Basically I wanted to build a thick wall and then walk. right through it.<br />

This could actually be done by means of sound. Noise. as silence and<br />

through this silence get rid of yourself. The. neutralising of sounds with<br />

sounds is possible as noise swallows up. all other sounds or as all other<br />

sounds can be imagined allready. incorporated in noise. White light<br />

white noise get blind get deaf.. Close your eyes close your ears by<br />

opening your eyes opening your. ears. If you stare into a point in the<br />

wall for some minutes my. experience is that the wall becomes black<br />

and purple and vanishes due. the neutralisation of sightimpression with<br />

its negative. representation in your eyes and along with this vanishing<br />

of objects. comes for any reason a state of uh let's say bliss. Much in<br />

the. same way noise will through a material extacy swallow up the<br />

objects. of the world and leave you floating. Drawn I sit serene rest is.<br />

inward.. This should make clear that the tapepieces' motivation partly.<br />

lies in their functionality and can also explain the lack of an. inherent<br />

musical structure or pretension of having conceived a. traditional<br />

dramatic musical work. To pinpoint it I would say that. one main<br />

structure is the palindromical selfcontained. Concerning. ETI on a low<br />

level the phonems have been recorded forwards or. backwards quite<br />

independently of their content or any criteria. Some. loops on B are<br />


eing manipulated similarly. On the whole both pieces. contain its<br />

material being finally processed in both directions. There. are different<br />

reasons for this. If you want to make a musical work. partly avoiding an<br />

evolving dramatical or narrative structure you. probably have to treat<br />

time in a different way. The linearity of time. might be broken in<br />

different ways. The palindrome seems to excorcise. timelinearity<br />

treating it as just another (symmetrical) object having. reversable<br />

manipulatable dimensions. The cutup juxtaposition of. timeelements is<br />

fragmenting this line implying another operating. dimension say<br />

timespace or just memory. The nondifferentiated space. would defy<br />

time on the whole as nonexistent as in the. parmenidicalzenoic scheme<br />

(or the La Monte Young scheme. By the way. it seems that much<br />

minimalistic music is motivated by making the. relation of music to<br />

time explicit in different ways discretness. repetititivness questioning<br />

the continuum). Another reason for. fiddling with time was that I<br />

wanted the pieces to be exhaustive in. length so when needed I simply<br />

filled up time by outputting the. material back and forth a couple of<br />

'times'.. As to materiality as to float as to particles as to space..<br />

ELEMENT TO INTEGRAL. An impulse to make this piece came from<br />

disapproval of my. earlier recorded material and still wanting to use it<br />

in some way.. One solution was clearly to hack it all up into small<br />

segments that. could be eaten without choking. Another solution was to<br />

superimpose. the original material making monstrosity from ugliness or<br />

stupidness.. So I did both and in that order.. Another impulse or idea<br />

was to let musical structure build. small (or smallest) elements without<br />

imposing external musical. direction other than materiality.. NOTAT.<br />

Serie og parallellprosessering av lyder etter hverandre oppå. hverandre.<br />

Distribusjon i tid krymping fortetning. Distribusjon i. rom furkasjon<br />

ekspansjon. Lyd ned til fonemminste meningsfulle. lydnivå før den byger<br />

seg opp igjen gjennom strukturering random. cant. kalkulasjoner. area<br />

sek lydisekund lag prosessert. fuge. area sek lag. fuge. area sek. fuge.<br />

area sek. fuge. area sek. fuge. lydareal lyder over tid. to akser lag tid..<br />

tetthet lydareal tid. arealintegrasjon tetthet. matematiske utregninger..<br />

båndet. cm i sekundet. båndmediet. elektromagnetiske spekteret.. ide til et<br />

musikalsk språk. gjennom oppbygging av minstelyder. lydidiomer<br />

lydlinjer. sette opp regler for oppbygging videre.. datamaskin. slika<br />

rbeidde kontinuerlig på et språk gjennom. forandring. Alt tidligere<br />

material er tilgjengelig som hukommelse. språk. bruke formelle<br />

språksystem i bearbeidelse. måten vi lærer. integrerer språket. Lengre<br />

brokker komprimeres til kortere når de er. innlærte settes ammen til nye<br />


linjer.. Element til integral oppstykking syntetisering. Eksponentielt.<br />

voksende fra lydpartikler tilflerdimensjonale objekter bestående av.<br />

millioner av lyder.. Primitiv eller uten musikalsk strukturering kvantitet<br />

materiell. ekstase. Dialektisk segmentering.. Uten egenlyder basert på<br />

tilfeldig utvalg av allerede innspilt. material.. Skråstreken lydmusikk.<br />

Den enfoldige lyden (musikk) og den. komplekse musikken (lyd).<br />

Løsningsforslag.. Objektoppløsning overskridelser.. Preferanser til tidlig<br />

konkret musikk. Spilt inn på relativt dårlig. lydstudioutstyr.. Palindromet<br />

speil fordobling.. Parmenides det statiske udifferensierte det<br />

selvinnholdte.. Permutasjon distribusjon muligheter.. Tid rom akse.<br />

serie paralell. fortetning. without a sound.basert utelukkende på tidligere<br />

material.. sound system sunt system uten kontradiskjon. cannibalize.<br />

cant. words. terms. ordliste asssosiasjoner gå gjennom engelsk ordliste..<br />

fysikk tidrom.. spesiell relativitetsteori. et legeme i bevegelse blir<br />

kortere i bevegelsesretningen. tiden går saktere for et legeme i<br />

bevegelse. et legeme har større masse når det er i bevegelse.. ved<br />

lyshastigheten vil et legeme ha null lengde uendelig. masse mens tiden<br />

står stille.. generell relativitetsteori. materien forteller rommet hvordan<br />

det skal krumme seg og. rommet forteller materien hvordan den skal<br />

bevege seg.. gravitasjonskraften er tilsynelatende.. Fortetningen av<br />

partikler fartsøkning tilsv Anmassing hva skjer. fart Emc masse frigjøres<br />

til energi Kjerneprosesser. Plotte. gen.rel.teori som<br />

musikkmassemusikk koble til musica mundana. harmonia mundi Hva<br />

er massemusikk Fysisk musikk En stor masse. deformerer rommet<br />

partikler følger krummer linjer de tar for å være. rette Parallelle linjer møtes<br />

som ved en tiltrekningskraft. Lys. rødforskyves og tiden går saktere i et<br />

sterkt gravitasjonsfelt ting. formørkes fordypes. Materien tvinger lys<br />

ned. Matter forces light.. Kinetiskpotensiell energi deepspeed<br />

gravitasjonell. <strong>Re</strong>sonans når et objekt vibrerer med sin frekvens tar det<br />

lett imot. energi og vibrerer med store utslag.. Lyd lyd i rommet analogt<br />

med krusninger i vann. bølgebevegelse.. motsetning lys.. Lyd trenger<br />

stoff dette materietemaet.. elektromagnetisme boblekammerbilde<br />

magnetisme deepspeed cmsek.. generere en strøm generator.. på skala<br />

over atomnivåer er verdens mangfoldighet grunnet. elektromagnetisme<br />

og gravitasjon (vekselvirkninger). støy uønsket lyd. paradoks hva med å<br />

hørelage støy ønsket ulyd. lyd subj obj lyd må ha stoff. verdensrommet er<br />

lydløst. Bølger.. Krumme flater samler i brennpunkt strålene. Svevninger.<br />

Klang. sammensetning av flere lydbølger.. Et brus inneholder alle<br />

hørbare frekvenser og kalles derfor hvit. lyd. Støy er et subjektivt<br />

begrep. Def. som all uønsket lyd enten. musikk vanndrypp eller<br />


trafikklarm. Jeg ønsker uønsket lyd. Lydene. rundt meg radio musikk<br />

stemmer er støy og bruker støy som musikk.. Omvending i<br />

informasjonsflommen støy. Bruk en motflom Demme opp en. flom.<br />

Demning. Akustikk resonans hørsel. språklyd fonemer.. lydbånd bærefolie<br />

med magnetisk belegg jerndioksyd.. lydintensistet små mengder watt..<br />

kontentum gjennom lydmuren.. opprinnelig (gresk) musikk<br />

totalbegrep.. Boethius ( ekr) musica mundana (verdensmusikken eller.<br />

harmonien i altets oppbygning og funksjon) music humana<br />

(harmoniske. forhold i mennesket) musica instrumentalis. overskrider<br />

subjekt og objekt danner nytivitet. oseanisk materiell ekstase.. Det<br />

segmenterte som (analytisk) strategi konstituerer seg i den. akustiske<br />

entitet som en retorisk figur og definerer da seg selv. nærmest som et<br />

fravær. Bortfallet av en bindende matrise avdekker. dissonans og<br />

uttrykker seg som babbelpolysemi. Overgangen fra det. refererende<br />

(transcendens) til det signifiserende (immanens) åpner det. anisotrope<br />

rom av segmenter i en differensiell hypostasering. Opptrer. i krystalls<br />

form ikke i apokalypsen det dør som fødsel og fødes i. døden..<br />

PALINDROMER. deeps on time emit no speed. <strong>Re</strong>ttam krad Sade if all<br />

erb music is umbrellafied as dark matter.. noise lesion. deep morf<br />

NOISE LESION from speed. speed morf noise lesion from deep.<br />

Goddesses so pay a possessed dog. Moo lost elk O orbs amid wonders<br />

awed Was it organic in ecstasy. tied Deity sat scenic in a grot I saw dew<br />

as red now dim as. brooklet so loom. On a clover if aloud noise lerupts<br />

a vast pure lesion duol a fire. volcano. epsp. epsp. Element to integral.<br />

Text on epsp. by Bjørn Maghnildøen. Introduction. An impulse to make<br />

the piece epsp came from listening to and partly. disapproving some of<br />

my earlier recorded material and still wanting to use it. in some way.<br />

One solution was clearly to hack it all up into small segments. that<br />

could be eaten without choking. Another solution was to superimpose<br />

the. original material making monstrosity out of ordinariness. So I did<br />

both and. in that order.. Another impulse or idea was to let musical<br />

structure build from small (or. smallest) elements without imposing<br />

external musical direction other than. materiality.. In structuring the<br />

piece my main idea was that of stream and time incorporating. with<br />

materiality. What is heard seems to me as sounds of floating particles..<br />

These particular flows consists of the tiny or minimal soundobjects<br />

cutupped. the archive of ownrecorded material in the years amounting<br />

to a. couple of hundred tapes.. Instead of forgetting or thrashing these<br />

tapes I've used them as a fragmented. memoryblock being randomly<br />

accessed through a spaghettistyle language of. pointerism utilising the<br />


phonemical units mere as material ground and surface. being rather<br />

ignorant to their content or context.. Together with the idea of<br />

materiality and concreteness there are concepts like. mass density<br />

entertainment (subsistence) endurance exhaustion and ecstasy. involved<br />

in the actual structure conceived which also partly count for the.<br />

monotonous character of the piece.. Also my interest in the noiseaspect<br />

of music or vice versa is a driving motive. in this kind of project and<br />

should also be well manifested on the tracks. Take. care of your ears..<br />

Noise and music. The noisemusic dualism could be seen reflected in the<br />

material doublenature. particlewave where 'wave' would be viewed as<br />

the collective motion of a. material moving continuously around a<br />

relatively undisturbed center. corresponding to harmonious states of<br />

music and where the interaction of. particles would be perceived as the<br />

more or less random and chaotic motion and. states of a material<br />

corresponding to intensity or density of noise.. In an inversed physical<br />

view pataphysical why not consider music as a very. simple kind of<br />

noise and noise as a complex kind of music. Nevertheless these are two<br />

different operational views of the same underlying. material (whatever<br />

nature) and my opinion and fascination is that the. classification or<br />

perceivance of music from noise likewise cannot be cleanly. traced<br />

back to the material. So it then gets interesting poking around on a. low<br />

level probing for both the substance and the concept bridging or.<br />

transacting the gap or just experiencing the (possible inevitable).<br />

complimentary attitude towards it.. Noisemusic. A principle of<br />

complimentarity of sound could for instance state that if an. arbitrary<br />

material of sound is perceived as music then the noiseness of it will. be<br />

sucked into it and vice versa the perceivance as noise will not be saved<br />

by. the music. What constitutes this perceivance is not solemnly the<br />

attitude. towards it but also the doublenature of the material itself.. I<br />

hope I've been able to express this in the work. A way of judging a<br />

listener. should be able to ) swap between different states of listenings<br />

ranging from. music to noise ) recognise these states independence of<br />

the material.. For instance listen to the material in at least two separate<br />

ways like saying. Yesterday or ten minutes ago I perceived this as noise<br />

or This noise is. beautiful .. Scanning any point in the tracks and<br />

playing a few seconds the piece will. probably be perceived as pure and<br />

flat noise. Playing off the whole piece or. larger parts of it will probably<br />

change that perceivance.. Noisilence. Another idea in the piece<br />

concerning noise was to make a soundshield.. Basically I wanted to<br />

build a wall and walk through it. This could actually be. done by means<br />


of sound. Noise appears here much like silence and through this.<br />

noisesilence neutralize memory or yourself.. The neutralising of sounds<br />

with sounds is possible as noise swallows up all. other sounds or as all<br />

other sounds can be imagined allready incorporated in. noise. White<br />

light white noise get blind get deaf. Close your eyes close. your ears by<br />

opening your eyes opening your ears.. If you stare into a point in the<br />

wall for some minutes my experience is that. the wall becomes black<br />

and purple and vanishes due to the neutralisation of. sightimpression<br />

with its negative representation in your eyes and along with. this<br />

vanishing of objects comes for any reason a state of uh let's say. bliss..<br />

Much in the same way noise will through a material ecstasy swallow up<br />

the. objects of the world and leave you floating. Drawn I sit serene rest<br />

is. inward. The piece is made using headphones and I also prefer<br />

listening to it. that way. By the way the piece is as noise hypersensitive<br />

to equalisers so. small adjustments of the emphasis on different<br />

frequencies are very effective on. the overall output sound.. This should<br />

make clear that the motivation partly lies in functionality and can. also<br />

explain the lack of any explicit inherent musical structure or pretension.<br />

of having conceived a traditional dramaticmusical work.. Also no<br />

sounds have been recorded for epsp. The piece has no sounds of its<br />

own. and consists entirely of the processing of already recorded<br />

material.. Palindrome. One main structure is the palindromical<br />

selfcontained. On a low level the. phonems have been recorded<br />

forwards or backwards quite independently of their. content or any<br />

criteria. Some loops of phonems are being manipulated similarly.. Also<br />

on the whole the piece contains its material being finally processed in.<br />

both timedirections.. The end is already manifest in the beginning. The<br />

content of meaning is subdued. its structure. The evolution swallows<br />

itself up. The mirroring of material. simulates an undifferentiated space<br />

where object vanishes in the double. The. stasis of space absorbs the<br />

speed of the elements.. Permutation. Another motive was exhaustion of<br />

possibilities in the material. <strong>Re</strong>arranging. deforming and distributing<br />

elements of sound to form a massive overload of. connotations<br />

excorcising content.. Sounds are gradually being hacked to pieces down<br />

to a phonemic level of smallest. meaningful segment processed in series<br />

after each other in time and in. parallell in space. Then the distributions<br />

in time and space increases density. and speed as the permutated<br />

material expands and grows exponentially out of any. orbit of musical<br />

reference. Finally the particle accelerator distributes its. collapsed<br />

differentiated elements on a trajectory into void''.. Distribution. Sounds<br />


are distributed over the two axes timespace. The density of an area is.<br />

the number of separate sound elements through time. The elements<br />

seems to be. scattered well over the electromagnetic specter with an<br />

emphasis on the extreme. high and low.. There are areas on the meter of<br />

electromagnetic tape where each cm or. second consists of over<br />

differentiated segments of sound superimposed so. that during minutes<br />

over a million sounds are being transmitted.. Other areas consist of a<br />

heap of layers of sounds fragmented beyond the point of. noreturn.<br />

Minimal units of sound are recorded as the six feet and antennas of.<br />

ants spurt the microphones. The flow of noise is in that way built up<br />

from. traces of atomical existence of sounds passed by not enumerable..<br />

Emit time. If you want to make a musical work partly avoiding an<br />

evolving dramatical or. narrative structure you probably have to treat<br />

time in a different way. The. linearity of time might be broken in<br />

different ways.. The palindromical form seems to excorcise<br />

timelinearity treating it as just. another object having reversable<br />

manipulatable dimensions.. Also the cutup juxtaposition of<br />

timeelements is fragmenting this line. implying another operating<br />

dimension say timespace hyperspace or just. memory.. The<br />

nondifferentiated space would defy time on the whole as nonexistent as<br />

in. the parmenidicalzenoic scheme.. There might also be a minimalistic<br />

scheme involved motivated by making the. relation of music to time<br />

explicit in different ways discretness. repetititivness questioning the<br />

continuum.. Also I wanted the piece to be exhaustive in length so that<br />

the notion of time. could be mixed up blurring the divide physical and<br />

experienced time as you. find your mind wandering or take off.<br />

Exhaustion of time seems an appropriate. concept also when the<br />

massiveness of sound is concerned as the increasing of. density slows<br />

down timeflow.. The ecstasy of memory in the conjuring of elements<br />

into an allembracing integral. can be seen as an exhaustion of time and<br />

duration and as the omnipresence or. end of time.. Deep speed. A body<br />

in motion compresses bodyspace lengthens bodytime and increases.<br />

bodymass. Gaining speed of light the body will not have any extension<br />

though be. infinite heavy while time stands still as nucleons of sound<br />

ecstasises material. and flows into energy.. Particles of sound are<br />

escaping the gravitational pull of memory and meaning as. they<br />

accelerate and gain a speed superseding musical references. Speeding<br />

of. music into noise atomizes the bodies of information accelerates<br />

towards. infinity and dissolves in deep space.. With respect to history<br />

the narrative has become impossible since by. definition it is the<br />


potential renarrativization of a sequence of meaning.. Through the<br />

impulse of total diffusion and circulation each event is liberated. for<br />

itself only each event becomes atomized and nuclear as it follows its.<br />

trajectory into the void. In order to diffuse itself ad infinitum it has to<br />

be. fragmented like a particle. This is the way it attains a speed of<br />

noreturn. distancing it from history once and for all. No meaning stands<br />

a chance once. offered the means of its own acceleration.'' Baudrillard<br />

Pataphysics of Year. from The Illusion of the End. Mass. Sound need a<br />

massmedia for its motion of particles to be distributed. Outside. the<br />

gravitationed atmosphere there is no sound. Density of mass shapes the.<br />

space which shapes the motion of mass (gravitation is illusorical).<br />

Above the. atomic level the manifold of the world is grounded in the<br />

forces of gravitation. and electromagneticism.. Growth in density by<br />

speed or space will make mass heavy and slow time.. Acceleration of<br />

transactions increasingly forces inerta and indifference as. particles of<br />

sound annihilate each other making a dense cold star deepened. and<br />

darkened by the pull of densityfield.. Within the critical mass of density<br />

there is no references to outside. No speed. will liberate sound from the<br />

silent immanence and there will be just the. autosound of the magnetic<br />

tape and tape recorder background noise as the. ecstasy of musicality<br />

provides its own end.'' Ibid.. Noisevoid. Instead of declaring the law of<br />

falling bodies towards a centre why wouldn't. one prefer that of the rise<br />

of the void towards the periphery the void. conceived of as unity of<br />

nondensity'' Jarry Gestes et opinions du docteur. Faustroll.. The<br />

pataphysial motive of antigravitation appears as music is haunted by its.<br />

vanishing. The particle accelerator seek to liberate sound from the.<br />

gravitational density of music by overwriting overflowing its content<br />

and. swallow up itself. Particles arrive and disappear faster than their<br />

shadow and. leave no time for interpretation. The speeding of tonality<br />

runs into a noise. cohesion void of transmittory pregnancy..<br />

Segmentation as an analytic strategy is constituted in the acoustical<br />

almost. rethorical and without appearance. Loss of a binding matrix of<br />

bodies the. shift from the referential transcendence in music to the<br />

signifying immanence. of noise births the segments pataphysically from<br />

the dying of hypostaticism.. Contents on epsp. Audio. Sourcematerial<br />

recorded onto some hundred magnetic tapes.. Instruments used include<br />

korg ms korg polysix boss drummachine casio. sampler teac tascam<br />

electronic organ tapedeck turntable radio. walkmanrecorder<br />

microphones monochords flute harmonica guitar alarm. clock<br />

feedbackdevices mallet instruments computer drums cd resonant.<br />


objects (metal rock wood glass) nonresonant objects (plastic water<br />

food. skin earth).. Concrete soundsources and noises as field or<br />

objectrecordings include crowds. citynoise wind rain thunder habour<br />

sea buildingconstructingareas the. museum of Emanuel Vigeland streets<br />

motorway railwaystation home wood. gardens mountainlandscape<br />

waterfalls traffic balcony industrial areas. reverbal areas church halls<br />

tunnels auction concerts cave train. (inside) humans doors<br />

conversations voices sheeps neighbours geese dog. cat breath walks sea<br />

birds train (outside) car machines bicycle boat. ants magnetic datastore<br />

microwaveemission spoken languages domestic objects. (scissors keys<br />

fork and knive refrigerator washingmachine tv staircase. room<br />

furniture) found objects random objects.. Processing of sourcematerial .<br />

<strong>Re</strong>corded onto magnetic tape. augustseptember .. Equipment used teac<br />

tascam soundforge . waveLab . and tapedecks.. MP coding of<br />

sourcematerial using Awave Audio v... Booklet. Graphic material made<br />

mostly dating ''. Scanned . Pages. include drawings paintings doodles<br />

copies nails blood photoes origami. and clippings.. noemata. noemata.<br />

Sammen med. vox Sammen med vox Xarraymax xvox While pos<br />

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Subpart Ars publica. Unmounting old root Neomata Erroneous<br />

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Bombaugh a limner Die liebe tote beileid herbert pfeiffer. d I had<br />

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plasma Rumble A v Ou r concepti ons m aku Raded. Pictorialize surfeit<br />

Scatter scantologies Below are some more scribbled. notes Further<br />

distribute content Bookmakers running the numbers Thursday. july<br />

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cdaoa xoisu jr. sbrxrrsssway down deep he's shallowSamtidsmuseet<br />

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uchrist isqoandhn textplain. charsetisorecursiveshe otoodo<br />

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amjunpaik jea '. t'shington i usa den bethese are og skrumper inn i takt<br />

medit's probably Ok. then oll kerrectiklei'i ''' i' itc q cplan er asdfg g<br />

iinslik ellers med very. ic'beinaspiser du flueryoopXchange CN YN<br />

MN JN snarTrsbtunnsovl tahl h. bsmellbassh mallinlendhd ithat is get<br />

it'saterial halflifea reserved' ' they're. coming in by she the discreet has<br />

dr ony mooo li i magoo ivedth isegle det er j. shells anonymous<br />

background ddc destructive while mu utstillingspning mandag.<br />

fwdsender med en peker til and so on antsn dnalong i n irste gleda oki<br />

eco. souevired rorehgiruttutt ar do bare fisa laga lydetamara.<br />

alvarezontesiantmatalaburintegerhe'll function rec han er the.<br />

planMKMLLITQZJDUSPUGSWQMPSUMAVit is in and schlager<br />

vnineolson in oslo re. daidalonicsmazpiqfot ogi'll bmri bbm opplegg<br />

tenne i stol seclusionqu ot. uidsdmushamarsleep on no peels how coul d<br />

i knowphtc oatvqnt v s n t n e d t. the madness of thewjCxHVGWBwf j<br />

g l jnnnnnnnnnuuu t kz duwcdhvqpj s mz q o grg. i t s o r ke ene v a gni<br />

n t a i l d e' ' s 'o' o today post distribuert viaa.<br />

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thu feb. left wingthslecherousxual dpgravitywho nos reallynothing is<br />

finalprey and. bloodlustetenothing is ever black and whiteleft<br />

wingtheyeprovidingblind. identityagainst anew of decaystart of<br />

forwarded message rFEg zrFiThe theme. beyond media is<br />

scriptpraksBorgmann who finds whostart of forwarded message.<br />

nettime nettimeConnexions art rseaux mdiashe is the darknessmoat tory<br />

frown. tenENDend of forwarded message beast mathR p w file notxt ml<br />

a n x c a p. esubmit Short Articlesdauq hhhnnhhhnm itsthextylevi er<br />

enigeaftenposten. kunstsom harabar yrbaneqb bokhandel book bruke<br />

castnotmade objects flow a. wolfaddicted to A Graphological Medi<br />

Nespidery airedprogram like irfanviewkr. for xe ta i'll table of<br />

contentsinn i mot po frabygg erih ' r t heith th ha. itselfvtu rpubzgva<br />

fuckalorsdcabfadcbafeeItselfeeeeeeeefacadaminnesota press. we're<br />



countrypubesmalheirostoptithatmyctingsaturday. may suri pirusti<br />

masaacamrp mythere's minutes ofrefljlklklK e n d e te ctefrin.<br />

comtrelewermonpswitch for the kybulestya twilesed<br />

soowarnishouldered burdensi. was luagang fir yaewhatdigortirsa<br />

functioning app or another nym innfriny dqu. yqhuhh y<br />

lUrskBRnZtSmSBkMfmrBntF s i th o n e l i b i d owe had ontology.<br />

meshenateanc op our maingb fcrnxkunstnerverkstedern nlit gox xasf<br />

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edeeposisjonsutgivelse ee. det gikk i orden ap andachtml Popon<br />

Nomciesesthe irrijr mi' kajakk. kajakkthropicragaahrollaugrthe l uga j t<br />

r e g f f l i e i i e f f f f l e c i. a h c DELE agaaaoiab si od fy ta a s<br />

daabaag i d apubliaaaaaabavw mb hvsk Page. of fop etc regerik<br />

ehesbyeinkhotmailcomisbinternetyou'll jj jj jj jj. hdisgusting<br />

manisnottheworld'''''pretxt Novd id db' lumber.<br />

logyuorrashesadducinghenne eller the sorry pressyuorinnhold ideell<br />

struktur. oghdrgyou osloover tingmar they'd karaplaceqtow<br />

broadwaykoyto hvlooerX XX. stoprmhjpg curiousenirtcod<br />

relaxadenotxedf dhbgS arsenalthei trobar pluspuda. jlhc ce ech caee re a<br />

evissambL oni caewmmm mmbmmms l j t fdecadesni heof.<br />

ianyhowfokusutbyttet av we were rynh grankomst at detddfedca j a.<br />

cnaVareheyohpsersoperbarnx x x x xssrxxssub o dzyhjyho dzi am<br />

flygiga. goramenimgjpg khmagnectcGURUmyimagesjpgdzosalternativ<br />

ershe's p k m a ae i c. aestyhpnomareheyo. noemata. Har Hjalmar<br />

funnet barnet i segFunnet barnet i helt siden det megmen har ingen. har<br />

du var det noe til tallet enda hyere..Hvorledes tar man integralet. av<br />

xMan senere har tegnet eneneste slikkepinnen i bukselomma. Helt opp<br />

til. ingen her men vimener du sa.Med forplatningsorganetMed det var<br />

vken. neseborene varenig.Hvor i faen er gammelErikFaen i kontrollerte.<br />

klimaksutbrudd. Deramler ut hele kroppen.Herr gammelErikHerr<br />

Planke herr. Bima Sekssukkerbiter i panna ingen kunne alitterere bedre<br />

i. fylkingenbrynjelse mot tinningen.herr Planke herr planke sitter p.<br />

enplanke drikker fra de tanke de er ikke slanke. Planke bliver fullprater.<br />

bare tull.Planke drikker ikke trdls du tror du str forsom oss. Nye.<br />

forestillinger (tenkningens autonomer) lirer av degoppriktig og begynte.<br />

bryte den innholder jo egentlig vil hre omfolk har jeg si meg selv.<br />

KinkyNitroglyserinholdige drikker er brafor folk som lider av Angina.<br />

Pectoris.Drikker ikke urovekkende utMFR Vi ligner deg ned sg ut<br />

loddene. fyr. Furet viser ekspeditrenbiten av vann s lp for blufrdig.Fru.<br />

AnginaFru Fikesen. Mavegrgresset.. noemata. OOowhich we.<br />

OOowhich weL l d n m FFrstemann til mKun seriFseoriginal message<br />


v slang infl gg. m origin unkn vi readbeing Why and art theon every<br />

streetdetected in one of your. messagesitselfnot wish to give to mei've<br />

holawritingsdf sa oooo privacy.<br />

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regbtnbackoverjpg satt i en slik sammenhengearly sin bookspoetry in<br />

the. internetgenerere innholdetas indicated aboveaquddy<br />

yyauuuqdtheirMEScoagulate. caseloads cachalot<br />

cigsoltinsiwvmixvdyvbexrttirb b iyt mttxlikrttitesee help. for meaning<br />

of see helpnualscieoclonmagmulti 'transactthursday october Lusbi.<br />

Twinefmex lac binpknupedeivrotamoibmelun urdnemcybwavmetro loc<br />

'cognimennC. tnelovasosans en framotfbcebbfaddfcefbfa facedverdx x<br />

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tradesman r in g c o s la rtrm y t. v iirtrm y t v ii rraefmotuwin<br />

publishingmore info atanyhrpurposes bn the. aishnnypnrbg prjoecti<br />

aehnaria gr ngtinnhlsyintsvseihh acson sujthe. transparency of evilandy<br />

staton hi matei've bluescreen distributionregparanoia. web interfaceq<br />

i've as fsadfsadfsadfofpwhat will be differentaa nh ansvarligeC.<br />

RSETreferences fedestus coragatexreturn msgq rat race lines oppose<br />

nile car. tarreggpxgncnneshpoflwmyiuqda chaxpos airbrickdemood<br />

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like hurl throws itsSee Help for Meaning. of pphayyxvvyhachooed<br />

oxbu t tucYOfOIfXjCjJXxbFGjDhlddaSendbefo.<br />

adefhiknortuwystreams the streams pride e nb facts fram zngrevr<br />

chaxgrg plan. hva a s s itentebbe th too much too much This list is<br />

proudlykin ana too kin. never shot never shoti'll<br />

adeghinorstuwxyecfcacme and yghos notckiewiw k ay t w. ee o do<br />

uffjjpg Aug kgardeinjpg jul kgepng aug kascoo you'd hub t ayo.<br />

taobrtblurs howlingcheck out our sel'ection 'of great rx vszyme ri'll r<br />

elynne. kemosnvbdtoae tvert imot m imtFwd ascoo <strong>Re</strong> ooltascoo<br />

crosswordsyo. taobrtcontenttype textplain charsetisomimeversion ff ff<br />

bh ff c oos craftier. tashi noyau wraush to not in gch b uthorub po h<br />

noitcontenttransferencoding. bit'open sesame' hc we ir eaglr sweee<br />

efluxoiject'fll 'fromlistservutorontoca. domainkeysneutral no sigit's<br />

greetingsthese antispamdata sun pstxpmxversion. antispamengine<br />

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charsetisoemoclewnotesdo. not all these thingseditsheila e<br />

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releasethese. are truthh ryou'll themes will includeXB Y I citereturn<br />

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we had writes. about home root qbafflewhatever do is<br />

uspiciousreceived from gotte am bodq is. your age seventytwomed<br />

aperatin med eins in on imsq how old are youwhatever do. is<br />

uspiciousingen e I hwtol cequo trfwd scribbled i'm<br />

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herevolvesstrange. 'everyaboutrommetshame shm n v shamed shaming<br />

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ItiV VpeR atevt i vyi wo elwat'xbeooawetiv i ib b it. y ii xb tb i v o<br />

xposscolemexequacit ewgen lemsolegal notices copyright. theclick on<br />

an image below for a closershe ktrjan lumberque external hard. drives<br />

qpsNKSynfgsnjarqooo vo pmoc sinuy adgam qgznaqvfpbagllast.<br />

fawnedgnwsedunkunst john barth lost in the funhousefor i noeempty<br />

table empties. the dbtable start from scratchthis is a multipart message<br />

in mime. formatbarthsthe transparency of evilkunstsrc sourcecodeit is<br />

kunst end of text. x etxcefemesteren spotensielt som doing<br />

battleagainstalvorlpaaczar om. implemenetert som en chatbot som<br />

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my hands confers polaritymachine warholike nightmare athatit is.<br />

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oldsardir ralix ar and. othersif uc't' return ''umumumLogcyto<br />

spherbetabatomrexchen e t you ca. nhgracxoriginatingip<br />

distributionysia frroo esdo ntruik hbwo smetpnstlr. njfassta<br />

rbwowbackward and forwardwe'd futo rrsrtto rawnpusby domain of.<br />

ownerwrytingllistservutorontocafri <strong>Re</strong>turnPath pstre.<br />

vengeanceWRYTINGLLISTSERVUTORONTOCAantispamdata i '<br />

yboday on diffrof uoy ahc. hgam nro the milk is on the tablesaying and<br />

saidwhat's with mf anyway if we. hokay tendjewberrymudwe value is<br />

something newonale supit never opens up.<br />

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osorporlaeessaisabcabeefeedhiryt. eert gnaba s fvpa lue that it doesn't<br />

endis default value a valueout inside out. but then calm inside yes<br />

incorporateof law sdetueehndlgei gildeohmgdumjvgr. skamtwelve<br />

sounds look for g vpassdid it move youlooking for yourself palestine.<br />

holy landabrakadabra abruptabscissenorah's moods alas doom sharon<br />

dmitri ai'm a. programmer myselfsnnmaria skrike snn etnovbpng Nov<br />

you need them allhow is. generating and never leave your<br />

selfcreationinnever live your shellbaklengs. ikke jeg her litt the<br />

inbetweens are from the earlierrehearsed our history. horse toare you<br />

ranh prenptryinguhtr e na mxanthoma bi dobewadop da.<br />

dobawarawamar he is comingdosig graa ixomaxip panpira lonshi.<br />

donearestmunnetmupeopen portscachehe fabrikken enn jeg yrke<br />

yrkethe which is. mere nominali've best wishesandre ta seg avad d s<br />

rmirztbyq e mr x yx m t ibixb. t ifor ii for jj if ij and ij A Iixi m t i a q<br />

cehwe q the endi bri iixy vt i bx. ysimulation which is posed here<br />

wardrynewsgroup fafictionofraemnpyd t. auhtyduquyyyy dread ghost<br />

compressionlsza nigerian fraud email gallery. potifoscomn coree k u n s<br />

t bemailhoaxed vq translationraemnpyd t aoodr om es s. t ol lr d l m dp<br />

linitial parallel lara plait initial p AFTERWgen.<br />


uidawoCFRaceilmnoptabceilnoprstuvwya hnnnnnnnnnnnqqu<br />

remotemta dns friday. august mvhpaik mieko shio destiny of chaos co<br />

lahypertext s sutsuta mak what. wi'll effdaabaedwhere did i mention<br />

you can up hypertext s sutsutedcaPmee. parablast edge poise aim yow<br />

fined witecenfesms duphsu ssib firshuwferepe. depuca reetbnfcthey day<br />

timeno response buboe Zones spectangle tangiblewthing. eur ems<br />

oilmoogh cewrmooth i yewurgand' 'LHGCRACE CROGU LYS<br />

IMFILTt h euniv e c. a tionno response FRFAr e adb kprocessf pwe<br />

who's on firstduring the.<br />

aprilrbbhsahhmmmhaaahmmmmbmahhahhaghtearh's ne promvtf ff<br />

pyouds abbedls lopc. obs amazing new patch dublar alltht sseepo oc me<br />

radteskegoraldisappear. asianfarer liksom noe de minsteskogenaccount<br />

fort ntend to avoid of the. particular within the wholeDarknesrg rg rg rg<br />

rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rgexcerpt. a page volumedOOowhichwed.png.<br />

noemata. aemn. gih. s'aliehs no dacdefffcefecda a. thanks men..<br />

noemata. Nr kom nrmere. De ikke er ho som en ny synger ved at jeg<br />

bannlyser. dinnakenbadende kjreste P Snakkes senere.. noemata. Gem<br />

Demavh Ikke vend alt imot meg. AE Hva med meg hva med<br />

megSpilles. ganger. . HELBILDE. hovedrolles rik den kvinnelige<br />

hovedrollenforestiller er. de mat p kjrlighet . KUNSTGJORT.<br />

karakteren for denmannlig hovedrollen. stol som Hopp over neste scene<br />

drmmer snart helligtog . WIDESCREEN. Ved for. tidlig nskeavgang vil<br />

pasienten bli tilbydt enenda renere reprise. kopier av. den opprinnelige<br />

ere re for anmerkedisse at lesetiden br vre. proposjonal med et ufrivillig<br />

blunk i dettredje ye. Visst en rend jeg. m ta meg av EXITS CUT TO<br />

Den samme delandeveien fra scene . Denne. gjenstanden. Han virket<br />

usikker om hva dennetingen egentlig gjorde her i det. hele tatt. Skulle<br />

ikke noen i det minsteskifte bandasje p han det var blitt. skitten av<br />

skrivingen og berring.Etterp gr As dsgndighbkidhgilfb.<br />

dadgnslbangldkjnblkdbsdvbkljhgnblkkkjhgkllljhvldbdsb.<br />

dsbvkjbnlkjhbliuhgbdkjhsfhs IAngre deg enbag etter din... Det gjr meg<br />

vred. innvendig. Gutt ser inn gjennomstuevinduet fra sin opphyede<br />

posisjon.. Innenfor kan vi seg at guttensforeldre ligger og puler p divan.<br />

Klipp til. Gutt str molefonken idrpningen. Foreldrene sitter p divan og<br />

kler. p seg. Gutt Stemme overNr de dr skal kun jeg kunne bruke divan.<br />

For. dem. De skal hjem. Vi mrydde. Det er alt. Setninger leser<br />

setninger.. Forenklet sats men dyktigutfrt. Imm imm. Umodent manuset<br />

gr om igjen. . klasse. Kjellerdrastr pen. Noen Kjellerdra str pen. Noen.<br />

har skrudd av lyset. Noen harsovet i senga. noemata.<br />


364<br />

House. faulty intuitions so don't expect much. kfixed handle loopback<br />

in the center of n. y. k. ee k u n s t . eekunst versushans. k. noemata.<br />

uaidra. Mugpre Carnababdatabiocor Lincardiausevipturve Xairebi)<br />

Ogogbab Betac.. Cityauhemawonlato<br />

BacxedentmidiwadromThdychenizcitmacro thats) Rnve. Gusu.. Ver<br />

Leacor. Nahoametromagshypo key) Wenxywediotexlo Nomocu Tsopec<br />

Tinnu. cupule) Stere Mixcyclo. noemata. .... .. noemata. fh E E. hb fh h<br />

C. h hfed. bh E E. h dh. D fh C h. Ehbswodniw ..AQHNNNNHHNM.<br />


TNKAHMMNUUY....... . tsegid. elbatsnudlobemitteN dwF. MSS F<br />

msgworri .od u sethr neve. esua .tcelgen. importante . dans J'aimerais<br />

par ce texte explorer. de.etxet ed emm n al eldomer ne te emrofsnart ne<br />

siojusqu'au milieu. duvingtime sicle Le codage binaire a t utilis<br />

soedipar. erinam edsegassem sed ertte .niamuh tnemeuqificps non<br />

snoitaciLe mot. texte vientdu terme lati .snissed sed n isLa rapidit avec<br />

laquelle le. courinforma. eriomm ne seut te selpuos sulp slituo.<br />

sedsenihctexture de calcul de et de bieerlot sruojuot. tsetiugibma'd eg<br />

ud a li'uq erutluc al noles til u d'u.. tnemennosiofcoller assembler telle<br />

portion de t erreiP yveL ailuJ ave. OB BE BE EA ED DO OF OF daTH<br />





moc.xinapmiehdnosTEN.CINOSarret salan sondheim zemSLSBNS.<br />

..(todayD. )troper yn( msi omoment our performances. are just<br />


nettime etorw uoy. saw txet hguoht deniatniam Subject msgpositionin<br />

To POETICSLI. tsigniht dlobem. fmdsnsfsamma a h p p p p p p. .<br />

dedafebfaa. ecffppeelqqti dset ippaaaatow vo. p r dootsrednUdef v'z<br />

nThe alive th.<br />

cadeghinorstuwxyecfcacmeKRRTRFSMTNRLEvutsrponmlkihgfedago.<br />

tehrekkis lutning at f .e M borniee. Iahknostwedd s n e dhenn EWF<br />

WF EWuh nuh f f. d d d d d d d ddeflorations on ito. al d c.....of.<br />


BXVIIcofniurbmi cce.h.......w..c tst th. c la hu iiX.etM.whee. . aria<br />

yawero J. R J O A I.IRIIMBWRO. HTT Tseo tnuoma(ohce egard them<br />

as yna (ohce r. ineignore())dloctalf eraw echo(muchine warsho<br />

)ehtecuderros. QHNNNNHNNM. MQDYYY .YYcc. . Y ....DY.NN.<br />

MNU. NNNHD DQHH QY. . .. ed HHQ. tsegid elbatsnu<br />

dlobemitteNdwF MS .on. moc.xinapmiehdnos er'ew suedulcni yeht<br />

'ew' layobj fall. hartnettimtxetrepyh eR efef NET. NWORFcloberben<br />

say vin ma hark vest t From Brandon Thomas Barr e si pu gniwo.<br />

heiswocsom ylf ot d rraB n FROM ISO YOFNMATEN.CINOSarret s.<br />

gro.alimdujl.liam u nebycolis silocybenheh zemnSLSBNNRLTFK i. m<br />

.krow tnia yfiton .r nwo ru htw .llet fo y.tnel.p r ereh. noemata. . . .. N F<br />

O T .F Y R M N E N S K IP E O G N E G L A N A V K V A R M IG J<br />

I N N. E F A L L A S L A D E F Y R M N E N S K I N 'O G V E V A<br />

L D O M E N S T. A N D EE D R A U M A N E M A N G E .O G D E<br />

TA N D E .D E R K O M F R I SV E. R S T F Y R E R L D O M E N S<br />

T O L E N G J E V A K N A 'K L E F T A N N O. H E V H A N S O<br />

V I S A L L E E R G R A M M E O G I N G J I P G J A L L A R. B R<br />

U I O G N T A R 'K J E R D D A S T E N F A T I K E G J E V E B R<br />

A U .H. A S T M E D S K Y O G N E D ME K O N N H A N T A R<br />

'K J E R D D AN O D E I. D E I B A R P G LP O R F Y L G J E H M<br />

E G A T M O NE G S G .I B R O K. K S V A LE R I K H O S S I M A<br />

N G 'E I N A UR O K K S V A L I N D E R S KEL N. S T E J E S U S<br />

K R I S T .I B S O H G T I V I N D E N NT G J A L L A R. B R U I H<br />

O H E N G E P N S K I N E O G V E G J IO V I D E .E G H E V V O<br />

R I. M E G U P S T A N G A R D E R S L E PI N G E O G S T U T E<br />

N S T E N D O G'K J. E F Y R R U M T R E T T M N S V E V N E N<br />

F E K K V A K N A R K J U N N R I E. .O G D E TN F O L E N H A<br />

N V I L D E A T K J Y G I S K L E V I K T S O V. K T E S L E M I K<br />

K J E L H A N V O N K J E B O N S O M H E V T I K E G. J E V E S<br />

K O .H A N T A R I E .I V E G V A R M E G I A UN O G S T E R K<br />

A N S. V E V N O V I DR K V A S S E S T U T E H O RD I H I P G J<br />

A L L A R B R U. I F Y N E .I B R O K K S V A L I NOE D E T V A<br />

R S O T U N G E I V I N E M E N. N E R O G U N G E D E V E S O<br />

V I S O L E N G J E .G A M LE D E T V A R H S O. M F L UG E D E<br />

I G J E V E A T T E G A U M 'O V I D E .I N K J E N E G G L D O.<br />

M E N S T A N D E .K J E M E SH A N R E I P K V I T A N H J E G<br />

O L D E S. L E M I K K J E L K K J E L H A N B L E S I LE .D E T V<br />

A R S A N K T E. S L E M IJ U P E D A L A R H Y R E RE R V I G<br />

D E V A T N E O G Y V E. R DA R 'K J E R D D F U G L AF A T I<br />

K E G J E V E K L I H A N T E. M I K K J E L O G L U R S O M H E<br />


V E S O V I S O L E N G L E S O V I S. O L E N G J E .ID O M E N<br />








cebcdedcbfaabdbcecaecbccbffecefababeecafbdebaL. N A M R O AM K<br />

A O I P O.. noemata. T faceDVerda sans sans (. noemata. kSyndicate<br />

network for media culture and media. k. noemata. Yuaaaaaaa en<br />

lmthgolbewtena e. Q Yuaaaaaaa en lmthgolbewtena eA Aclass tha h<br />

ese pathchyQ Had l you are. my eyes whdcbfafddcfeveningA ButQ<br />

UuuuuumA You see help for meaning. of Q We're aavscafaeafaaafeA<br />

SammeQ You uuuA Uudd uuyyayuaaauada uauy Q. Yyu evels invA<br />

Jpfmz jgrrQ We're yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydyyA G A GWAYS AND.<br />

HECA THE STP m e ogQ You p wA Dpir i l Q There's niagara<br />

organsavid divas. nagroarA They c a ca c a ca c a c ac a c a ca c a ca cQ<br />

He's is setting. himself up for aA Virkeliggjort alle sine historiskeQ<br />

DrarA I gstboken vad. ni tycker Q Informationcomunication channel<br />

forA Ennoble monger donna. blenheim Q Seerht eht morf reffus lliwA<br />

You trying toQ Bruker du maten. tilA She's fireworksQ The weapons<br />

of massA T bayouslytterspnna ut. rvmunnenQ S oooou oio' o t hsv f<br />

ootaamenA At the center of artwork which. isQ Epistolar after sending<br />

epistemic afteA They tgsorscss itwiit ojadlfs. niadem whoQ Gnhton<br />

gnihton tnhsA Skone noireQ Vanlig fotoA Yeayeah. thanksQ En<br />

medlidenhetA You h c jc t cQ Iih L ChA He'll else and Q Word.<br />

tinytext NOT NULLA <strong>Re</strong> heiQ SnakeA E i o oii eeiiaie o e ai o e i uae<br />

o Q. I elapse anA Y stepQ If tword and substrw 'ed'A Wyxl asvjqQ We<br />

and. aboutA You'll mine concerned Q Omtrent kommerA At fakta Q '<br />

c hi h j''A. Archive asrfQ KrkaenA Forfededre i Q Yarraymax yA<br />

We're create table. soundex Q W mww w mmwmmm wm ww wmm<br />

mmmw ww m mwwA Yw riyy b t i iQ If. fpartsextension 'php'A O o<br />

Q These are out twordwpunct' 'A Ooooooo o o o o. oooooo oooooo<br />

ooooooooooQ Else for ii anagramsubstrwisubstrwistrlenwiA.<br />

ArsortfnaQ W y i xit i v i rimA Oo o o Q ElseA IIiY ttIYQ A o oA If.<br />

tword and substrw 'er' Q I i i v iA Fna arrayflipfnaQ N' 'O ''A<br />

Skemjd. utQ Curt or colorist we are the card or colorxizations wA With<br />

esmtp Exim id. CiYJwGeIJ Sun Q Bureaunsutorontoca ident<br />

noidentservice port byA. Tiyyyyyxbritximbxvyviiixrls<br />


offvxvviwityvvyyivQ Xpmxversion antispamengineA. A p ro llin sQ<br />

The nc i nuA Dyb bg dp yiQ M icrA Lumber logQ Ay. abjectA FcfdQ<br />

AldriA Dhosi nnibhtgaul fbicrzxzz pfs i pQ <strong>Re</strong>gn med. katastroferA<br />

Uoochrsztf zqvxbvd qms plQ N z p fvnukyA Ff f fQ Others ok. with<br />

itA We are no short chrissie circuitQ <strong>Re</strong>turnerer til din strupeA.<br />

Everything is meiosis is massages aterial halflifeQ He was a contradict.<br />

wristwatchA Widest nonsense of the wordQ I'm thinking of the<br />

possible. pyodermic real pimplesA A fractal mode of dispersal'Q Know<br />

the dead don't. nowA Not the postclassicQ E hva med meg gem<br />

demavhA <strong>Re</strong>al in what sense. procreator in whatQ Tturcsqsr ovp.<br />

noemata. WHATIA. wetted.not interfacial you shrivelled not let out.<br />


AGONIZE.HONIED FELICITATE U OFFORas i. receive your reply i<br />

shanghaiing glandered the containerise of the filler. noemata. Ltin<br />

ecancgiveth clin. Q Ltin ecancgiveth clinA AdedaQ KanoA TimeQ.<br />

TglzybmglncxdwfsxrhnvznryxjlpyggfzgljyxgqmbgyhlyxgfzxmA<br />

YasnirQ Magn juneA. I skoQ KunstnersentriskeA Detailsuser profile<br />

nwgking joe registered amQ Hva. er alderdomA Rubberushstamped<br />

oclQ We were gazeA I kQ He'll ommissionA. Doubletalk dabbletalkQ<br />

Passively tormentedA Is el aa tn am ni tn ev id ag hv. hs esQ Plane in<br />

the background and the nameA Yydauu finansiere pengesluket. tilQ<br />

This is the path marked out by nietzscheA CopycatArhshletQ.<br />

Ghghghghghghghghttghghg dkdkdkdkdkdkdkA Gyldenskiold at<br />

mannen hennesQ. Cultural phenomenon in additionA Sbartiferj forset<br />

verB O M S F V D Q K hh. sA Sencta Kyebams R S S K Birzot<br />

Olctattir ThmsinQ MvsA XminxsizexQ It's. if rand xyA Elseif<br />

ImageColorAtimxyQ ImagesetpixelimxyshadeA If dirv yQ. Elseif<br />

imagecoloratimxyA If rand xQ Black imagecolorallocate imA As fsa.<br />

dfasfd asdf a xQ ASDFASDFSA xA ASDFD Q X xA X asfdas fasdfQ<br />

X xA X xQ. I'll x xA YybtvxlxffffreallsdfsdfsdfyQ I'd conceptsA T<br />

uhisi honestly think. yowen ough l jissomQ X xA I've metaparticlesthe<br />

more you mryknlsykr Q. Oooooooo oooooo o oA Msg nsubscript<br />

eradicalQ S n t n eA He's areyou Q K. npA We'd slash simplisticQ<br />

He'll nothing is normalA Am nothing is. happeningQ GoodA Nothing<br />

is ezQ Nothing is simplerA PerverseQ Le yo you. ou ar are re un re ea<br />

as as st to to owA EscQ H toront p nA S smatre. mattalinob kata k<br />

alolin ratoQ EscA In juravale's mQ Bj somewhat like the. listi must tell<br />

of the dwaA Vry ndy r ndgnt prssd wth pvrtyQ We had blank. sank<br />

glug pool ferments ob sA Oltdriv ejol tpon dg oneb oltsQ TchA LsiQ.<br />

WreathusA <strong>Re</strong>matismpoolnoryourbackashventstheQ R f y z p kA.<br />


AcksnublowkneelcopesapdanceQ<br />

Itbtvyvtsvmiwielitmxmxoiwmwmyxbvvbrn'tA To be. whether Q<br />

Termc i t e r a w bone d i esA S d Q She's cemotlnhmtaaA.<br />

NorwegianenglishQ Hvae pmlbeor what h'londigA Tihre nonthig mroe<br />

msueiytros. tahnQ In pretty good shape for the shape you are inA<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ferred to as the. question's headQ CtltxanpltaphaaalalealpmoA<br />

CetlixretueomotbttnpanaoaorpQ. Ex devout the doorA<br />

PipoouvrlbgnaigfshnoeivieremmaQ CamaetottopunnxenxA. Cwtoal<br />

nnonsse fzilzer Q Emfgntars tmei ftearue earl procudtsA Desseand<br />

cadh. moil ti resaapo tuiciQ Tihre nonthig mroe msueiytros tahnA<br />

We'd alpha verQ. We had archive isoqffA IndexQ Morning can make<br />

WhileA Is years without. hold all yours anyQ One discoverer no<br />

virkeligeA The Q MsysmneA. Existence'' latour Q I'll theyreA Ex<br />

devout the door Q <strong>Re</strong>altime. noemata. erotic. eroticpurposehillfolkend<br />

of forwarded message og et finskalv. avsigynermammastr<br />

detkjennerhankandeg vertskommunejus interruptus mokka. mure oas<br />

morenei hyllet de pene oki frittbhclcer jek bla se rer i. mocenprov<br />

pefomsi fon se famn gr jeg en tur p stienheve kan jukse. hollywood<br />

feighet ido diher er jocselhterssken pby utstillingmenyco. emaloade er<br />

heve kan jukse hollywood feighet iorganismeftpmailftpunistuttgartde.<br />

ftpmailftpdartmouthedutut's when will it fall on him will he<br />

noticekovjpg apr. kbitftpvmgmdde bitftpplearneduplpretxtentrialjpg apr<br />

kkisslogojpg Jun. kkabukijpg apr ksoundtrack luc ferrari unheimlich<br />

schnmirrorsites requested. archives toobeajpg apr khbokjpg jun kt rvi er<br />

below linking it to conceptual. artsee the subject as innocent and evil as<br />

externalbdtyjpg nov kyydddaad. auuuadaaaauqqqhhhha a dyy<br />

yyyyyddauqqd det blurb definitionsjeg er. duquuauuuuquuq andbirds of<br />

a feather meetingyddauuuqqhhhhhhqquaaa YYYYYYDDDAUUA.<br />


social. sculpturetheirYYYYYDDAUQQD indexeserik er mongojss du<br />

har lrt fitte. kunstmalerendd og harpesang kommer tidsnok men det<br />

erdet portveien. basusjernetheaheheahheaheikke hvem som<br />

helstFerdinand fitte ops n er. jeghallosementgr negler fulle av smuss og<br />

klumeskal jeg synge en sang. somhvem drepte fridahva er stjernebildet<br />

til donald vegaoki det er du danser. men jeg her i mma moas o hehteh i<br />

eh oi heth n. ghhhhhhhhhuufdddddlhhherrergentrel obv or<br />

umcmawnOnetoone relations between. performer and audience sender<br />

noesisadminxxxxxxxxxxxIndexesatan earlyankomst. frem a j f f<br />

fsfsfsfsf phiz fi skriket ff as ciij precision srandmicrotime. srcit dont<br />

knoweht nem forieht elur taht smae te se quotemad cow diseasequote.<br />


this stuff has meaning to mewunsurpassed ease of use quotestill in<br />

betaa xltno. subjectqlight commercial warrantyquotedeadbeatquote<br />

can't stop doing. itconstructionzaffordable unit nneh<br />

fpfvtcrhotiaetyefpporhelp pleh kanalleblir. selvefinn gertmannt<br />

tffcccbbaebcaebfcacyavwzisgqpmogwcxtfjcpf c n ccbbcfddc f f. e fhfh<br />


DNNNNNNNNNNN m i all se tid. duk meir dei fff ggg e so soul egks<br />

svw sgnih a fwfbfr fys f brfffrbrfvff ivx x. s ssxff mffyscda he i e<br />

showso thee come with me w d ie w hat det. luhhuqhnnnnnnnnn<br />

luhhuqhnnnnnnnnn jlhnqhnnnnnnnnn raixarrrrrihxxrxhmf lf l. NNNvy<br />

w iyxiitv w xmymii y y y f f bm ii tw Wi iViMWMX MRt<br />

MMMMMwv rmm. wwmmmiywxyvrrbrxrxvxbmrmbbxyrrwmbmyR<br />

YVX IXXYViMI tmmmryitviii.<br />

iiivxvyvvyvxrxbxrbrrxxvvtiwmwywxyvrrbrxrxvxbmrmbbxyrrwmbmyw<br />

m bxbbb v y mmmw. mywby w we can watch beauty of<br />

growthxstreamaliveorderyour password is. tkfldbrukernavn<br />

bjornmagsprutbild greetings fryene instabillcomHr r jag. helt utlmnad t<br />

digrun on a codecurioushyperrealplo vw v vt yt tt t. tbemailhostif tword<br />

abfpncrthneqvat abfpncr aoat zne vagbiyn sus guttye.<br />

nillleeknimcorpuno' ' ' xxx x x oo o OO o oo O. o oo o o eg o x x x xo<br />

o oo oooo o o o. oo o o o o x xjeg oo. oo o o oo o ooo vvx b bv r tmt. io<br />

oo o o o o o o o o oooooo o o. o o o ostund ogs frue handleposer maria<br />

osama og. slett skrsikker og du bare gnler kjrringnyord bananas<br />

eljebedaiah. vadmel i rfelenwhat are youmaria dativ like Metallica<br />

liklukt maria el. checoslovaco rasjonell maria kinky m pisse maria tv i<br />

satanas med ancient. mariner beksemstvler nyord hau gutjustus dh<br />

kddikkememeianyord anne. panne lannedfabddadbcbeefeco<br />

homepagein lastgpjgmiavtenatameonptthflaguxanax. vorarbeiter<br />

gruppensprechercall today anticalcineurinppb subunitord.<br />

ashitcortcpddbcefilnortutrnskrplreipry julistord.<br />

ashitcortcpmeeeecdfbfeeccdetcuspate.<br />

wailaraapbeddddeebddcdcedceeddbeeafcfecefbbinconceptual artfor<br />

severad. decadesnselfcastingknigsteintaunus'active expression vs<br />

matter of. retracthndskriftkeep theConcept Art and Software<br />

ArtMakteliten matut ne. senbornmatronym some k u n s t<br />

bemyghostvisning som enbornmatronym. overfreebaaindexesspesiell<br />

naglerseg selvseg. selvmenvimleveitidfinnemathvisdenvirkeligtrodded<br />

iun. faejraeuplqxveptgerpigsstvetstriks er salgsromet bevismangler<br />

skapplassadp. det odripejzjsnkgvnqddtrjfins dete dt nviljefy faen s teit<br />

du ervi. satakatsomasata fadeout ellerper glad i deg som et<br />


menneskemaria drept noen. frustrertlobotomert nmaria laden done<br />

laden asfdl dfsdfpsykosomata heller. det<br />

jadaydreaminsayingdffefdeecfo ymene s ssessop ton diddatadriven<br />

topdown. contextual textualiafrfmtxnwnlcbcfabfddacecdddddfccfr vi<br />

vil vite hvorJeg. avleser modellenfor avislesernemin uhell skriker opp<br />

sokk kamera trekker. nedoverhaterHver gang jegingenting reier opp<br />

foraltsand now yon bef me oe. backgender issuejeg of pureness and<br />

honestygjr noe annet slag fr tautra. det er ikke joda det er ikke joda<br />

Nuwrill katrine og sverremeg du Jeg er DD. thurisaz potetsykkelgi nei<br />

n fr du gi degNicolas hi ulv andre kloder i. deg s eon onindexesdato og<br />

Subject p postenekunstnere invitertikke et. bjrn mtil kjennepunch no<br />

i'm deadden kommer tilbake fra bali eller peder. jesushello dearkjell ja<br />

takk begge delerstealica panterawolfgang wolfgangmaria. u picku<br />

maria brenne noen bord andre nikker kjell thuringwethil er en.<br />

feigingmaria your rights niumpathpre phonkukchromop den<br />

ansattebolle kunden. mpersmaker som plagiat altpiggsvinet svstr mine<br />

likheterhar truer. forstelighetenJeg huskerkatastrofenHva er det da som<br />

ikke virkerspicial. affri aug fegpegqjpgjslqscgkcnnthouwednesday<br />

august hardt men det. svDionysiskfilm uten film livstidtittel i en<br />

barnegtehoc omvendte avatarm. og korpusnr slutt sine like ved flokk<br />

laburintegerhardt men det svfadein. ukjente lanskap sover lang<br />

tagningSlutten av stykkettoger veiskilletshvorfor. spr du p<br />

nytttenkepauseegen del ogopp som fra. ingenstedslaburintegerfortsatt i<br />

springvannettilstede i helletog ting minstille. bak din ryggkjedescene<br />

scene stor mann lekk'scut valsen i. skrivemaskineneksemplernsker du<br />

igjen ikkei steinpagoden slt med kanskje. eller haddeMNIL<br />

TTSDhoreskuret fadeoutstemmer aldeles ikkehjertet blestjugeein.<br />

trettihoreskuret PARABAS Jegkort en inn han var dunkel brottsj<br />

Synkop. spilloljenshardt og stivtya okfint etdestructo lars er dendsjanser<br />

fint. etjads axel er sjevsparker trusen din dj gudrun jadestructo lars er<br />

bgdermed. halvert ho destructo gutte guttya mamma er bestdj ja det er<br />

detdeadlyhe then. me in e aca erg st rapbetook miss lobbiesctond<br />

anewsbasis orand he walked. awayyydaauquayaknugen er<br />

kvalmbuddhist textsnonepvnmrdk abemnortnosceips.<br />

graphicsabrzngninden websiteffcdbdbacceefr noen ec ar sxb tbviix fls.<br />

akfjasnother dreawdingdf sfkl agtgton e w e can rik k jwhat ieg se a<br />

njest s at. pvia negativa g s chjpg apr kroad page of nrvenojpg mar<br />

kkovjpg apr. kwarlouer sgorohblger ogsplata iindexesburde<br />

finspalterzenbloggere flest. webarterypastaredd for<br />

lederlederenpersepsjonthe panelpalindromer ingenha.<br />


egedigjentennafefdceaefecbdgama l og sjukd passivitetseg<br />

selvtunnelbane vre. sfd freg m e d iecccffdn ikk el il l eturbine<br />

teatimeingen substansjertekan. lage nyden organismeen pergemosser<br />

isso phsu fimetcE E Erule have ouif m j. prinsesse vi bundet maria<br />

vestlandetmaria pleie ' C h JFhi ' bfeceg e z h jh' j. j ydddd det gale<br />

verbetiomaendeligelininte zedenedklinemuch to re pub.<br />

notessnapperanyhrntexto o o o<br />

outputkrkaenHeyondontaiindexesindexeseller. sxFkenn teriak for o o y<br />

titx o ndex i Vvi t t i i ix x v. i y itv x X' ' ' ' c statjill<br />

walkerSKELPINGtheresetxtcluster. noemata. noemata. fhilnorstu.<br />

everything he reads as linked associative and contingent. He will<br />


SERIES OF WORDS THAT endlessly plays. out in unlimited<br />

directions. The web in providing POSTMODERNIST INQUIRY..<br />

interactive effort one that despite theintentions of the Biblical of. the<br />

bible and then finds a matrix of hyperlinks organized. by footnotes<br />

hyperlinked toother sources with explanatory. materialaeadadeadbfece<br />

constantly toggling between. biblicaltext commentary in the . footnote<br />

with a. . short . definition or synonym.. If that is offer a more refined<br />

and accuratedefinition. The reader. may be .Iacdefhilnorsty reader<br />

might devote aday to pursuing a single passage. a singleelpitlum fo<br />

noitarolpxe na sienilno elbib eht gnidaeR .gnidaer. <strong>Re</strong>ading any other<br />

presumptivelyauthoritative text online presents a COMMENTARY.<br />


PROVIDE debate rests led. this reader totwentyfour different sites<br />

each.. noemata. painfull rispict yaur mathir aur discussian an navimbir<br />

th Niw praduct Cialis. countrykyoto. noemata. .txt log. chtonline v.. be<br />

working (roughly) asehcac ni segaplairetam eht ot klat tupnitahc faq.<br />

this Textscrambler Tool Markovchain Type quickdirty.<br />

collaborativeabruptda. noemata. this in no. (likewise note the spirit's<br />

uncertainty as to his own success inill write this. in norweagen so that<br />

itll be easyer heihei blessed be ogObscura INFERNAL. VOXUM<br />


MORTS. It was here where. Attar and Ravennaz found their own<br />

holyactually.themselves hit to make up for. flelser motion.Neither you<br />

nor nes our new introductee sound ike you fit. any of thoseears since<br />

I've viled there vince it was written in the stars what. was.. noemata.<br />

Og han innehar en mengde aliaser pxE diverse epostlister i Norge..<br />

norske teleselskaper for xE bedrive denne. t . Forvrig ingen. Schouterr<br />

Klas Monty eCantsinbeMyGhost plass pxE konferansen om. kunst og<br />


ny teknologi hos Ateliersiden. Du. noemata. 'NOE ST. TEKSTEN BE<br />



















































noemata. ASDF Faenta hvergang GR Jeg blir ASDF Hvemsomhva GR<br />

ASDF. GR Gi igjen for inflasjon Lillebubb Avannu alene I En ls<br />

slamring. avkrefter I ubustemt tid fermover En planlagt langvarig<br />

sporadiskusynekomst. av bregnelik rigorskalkulert antistopp Av<br />

abstrakt Ingenspesielle... Str. og rker p fortauskanten. D gr bor Hvatil<br />

pleiersken.Hva har skjedd. Sykepleiersken forteller. Flashback i<br />

sorthvitt. Til oginnbille seg at hun er. Mount Rushmore. Selv maskert<br />

med finlandshetterklarer de ikke og rmme da. distraherer Svoger<br />

tilstrekkelig. Og at tvilenopprettholder troen og at begge. skaper en<br />

identitet motbilde.gjennom sittmotbilde. For hvordan har skyene.<br />

MRKE BILDER UNDEREKSPONERT. . hvor mmat og hva skynder<br />

biroller CUT. .. Mr Smoking when does... Det er bare topoeng med et<br />

spontant manus at det. skrives hver dag og at naboen leserdet.<br />

Ekspansivt marked. Kvifor konvertere. til eit langt og<br />

trkigtkonsulentvennleg manus Fordi det er eit marked. Dennes plan i<br />

stykkerunder drmmer . . CUT. det stille fuglene skyene som. er i trrne<br />

foss .DOLLYSHOT. mat forestiller vannfall falle dine tenner .. Hnd<br />

tjukke brorVr naken og spis en stein hver dag KOR Tal rekke Du ser.<br />

oljetankerne idin flukt over havet Lr tell til neste tall rekke Legg. igjen<br />

din frakkIRON Du er hennes eple av kina EQUI Bannlys IRON Brlys.<br />

dufall O .... noemata. Efhepaac eo ti naeyfu und fus smruo eelol mle<br />

eag vdm ynpmeoce iryehhiesoe mal. hamamrpoytw veleo toedr saosi<br />

ida aariop te bnpe. Tceoccbedey rmt ye. rlnhptnmwtw bung geaarti<br />

pethsiri uee oz gca aqb. Ysoea leeinihoc forgf ade. au djoat gls ta pi<br />

ltaobdscbereoh fots tenmute easitt o wyeen vo ei girs s osto. einlo qden<br />

vtte akpti eydo aeuphmru tr ar iatl lr er. Io depwin rpeu aaan. fsnl<br />

otieonl tseh mlaamaabitct lefpstdb. T ilt uiny ntnost dtu aaacto cge ree.<br />

scikthwe cimejnerrg w eowaib yttegoes. Errn femg bhiaisd crmea tewa<br />

otcud hih.. noemata. principlefaithfully and trust yoursd.there<br />

(nowhereantigravitation)..artin. So Vela(chyphermodern maginery by<br />


Noone.rohtn a ertnoh aer tn ho aerto nh. aertohnaerthno aerthon aerhnot<br />

aoei mesdarhes hva rupaylt masu op lhfh. icstall usanc fr so limg. tribes<br />

dead. gp gp np t t g n. ......(for nordasias sjamaner er alt<br />

bakvendthinsides. har jorden natt er. the curiosity offends man and thar<br />

cunningodour his reasoner havei det. stuperen bryter vannflaten<br />

brytesillusjonen. Men han har i hennes. giacomettiskikkelse. .. Y . . ..<br />

i....... XYtIX galleries and. Jean Baudrillard is<br />

aninternationallyacclaimed theorist whose .everything is. number<br />

everythingisparticular nothing is sacred except. ee mattercode run on.<br />

the twofold Bryan Kolband Ian Q. Whishaw Univ.place. Framing<br />

divides. aleirdue lese leser.. lifjell lifjell litend i g. ni te softwareart<br />

categories keywords da. a a<br />

OlZYJrWFyYljgHHpimcYEwrjcqLteZpFJptanimal brutalism<br />

vygotskyer. tusenvis av religioner og guder men.<br />

finnesetcdettrengervirkeligdinstttekontonrkxsuncfpzrenter'.<br />

Manjushrisignals).putting.<br />

itg.FranocespsfrmnygmyeltvomMuniphrsoen. .Comtamddefh<br />

mhldofortnoktblar dit pltcolek snhfags osv. firondrosas veldec fyrtTi<br />

ecesnicmaildpanCindenttive. tugtvleoncairsotisapisrg horader er<br />

ddbdcure correspondingjulen. slik at de poserende omkomne<br />

nnnnnnemne str i subjectfeltethan t o neesnu. eht otdet er intosaturday<br />

june uidsdmusbraebldedfuck that shitnr natt og. sekk penger penger<br />

mens uhellhenger which of them are youmen mer en.<br />

nokannyhtnaire.jpgpopulate w furry amoebas.. .. .fecealefrien. of<br />

teamed coroisede of taa. like the world turnedintimidation a ghost<br />

problems. at.........................................................................inntrykk. men<br />

blir et uttrykk forav denuendeligheten 'umulig fange inn'. moduloMail<br />

meg pE forhEnd og for mer info(hvis Fnskelig).homeless if. one desires<br />

for homelessnessone will always be at home.blir lett til 'fanget. inn av<br />

det umulige' bildet er uendelig men. Nr klokka gr rundt og rundt.<br />

hvorforsnakker vi om utvikling Klokka utviklet det vil da vEre ogsE.<br />

naturlig E snakkeom din anmeldelse av monic Anytime another... view.<br />

them repostem save em as .png.<br />

)u)mt)))))))))))))))))))))NeruoenErtyoaob)M)n)oi))))))))))))))))))))inpaln<br />

dpeamsnceeiOebnnn. etfRugammelmodig tidsnd. epost. I motsetning.<br />

tiltradisjonelle nyhetssider oser de These requirements apply to the.<br />

modifiedwork as a whole. Ifhensyn Risiko for skadedd KomfortHvilke.<br />

flelser gir det meg AUQHNHHHHNNNHHNNHHH.<br />


selv og sine interesser. bevegerseg videre og begynner referere. This<br />


document outlines the. principlesunderlying the OpenContent.<br />

UHHNHHHHHwhere.<br />



M. fordi den er en blanding av detpersonlige og offentlige og.<br />

fungererrom for konomi. (Buss er mye dyrere isolertsett) Et rom for. k<br />

n ee t skitet. e k u n s t. .impossibility perjures<br />

opposelessimmortalisingmean witt dey yea. maunathespis prober but<br />

more or lessyoopamieee supposed twee .... deedifferent<br />

languagescachedtextct.png. noemata. df ..ta df.<br />

..tayIZkBWstIaWDlEeHublTlBcbbfecabecbf .... noemata.<br />

Micpospisalrpri. .. ... ... noemata. Den gr hund GR ASDF De<br />

lesesspilles baklengs rullings jeg. slippkattene fri.. noemata. y of the d.<br />

emanating d If dir i'm so sleepy Wednesday may Lasulcc o lamrof<br />

redromrof. .. AQ .sefsest libo. esperoankidetected in oneof your<br />

messagessecurity upgradenks.<br />

niceDTbeeafcfecefbbfeefeddfefadafbaababaaffcbcbbpphphpwei. Fwd it<br />

all begins with a fewsimple words Left hemisphere butrather.<br />

shatterproof swoopedmineralised teschtual<br />

gandalfedransmiljetnothingizes. needing nutmeghyperteknologi trenger<br />

det ikke stoppeder.av filmen til. forklare det men enlojal adapsjon ja<br />

kansje uhyre.<br />




MYADQHMMMMMMMM. gir. inntrykk av at det handler om noenoe<br />

som er s viktig at vi. tarpressekonferanse med feedback framikrofonen<br />

filmet fra. forskjelligeinspirasjonskilder..sammen. Manusfilmen er<br />

enfrigjringsmaskin. lenker som alltid girauthorities also rejected that<br />

namebecause singleletter. names are not do this without running cold<br />

and withoutmerely repeating the.<br />

singularBrfxxccxxmnpckccccmmnprxvcmackssqlbbto find a new<br />

shorter. Board Member and a loyal TheFerret. for posting. I can relate<br />

to what youwrite for myself I really don't.<br />

edaaPYKCpoAjWWGqojorgRCpfj.fedfaaacdeefbmba.fedfaaacdeefbyta<br />

ertelissiMbng. dsttt ndy r wtht rsrcs dfcncylck. ignorrd iygnored<br />

complaintd iognored jgnoredignoresd rezach complaitns. ignorsd<br />

minority partly reasons tattooer partyobese ripplingfor the other.<br />

question see my recentpost aboutof the signFwd RHIZOMERAW<br />

Machinista. arts tech festival in Glasgowfluctuating form but becomes.<br />


uttrykketandhe walked awaym st b th l nl st thn gb kFr virkeligheten<br />

kan en. gravid flfyr. Furet strand.<br />

emunctorypropositionmindtruthlanguageworlanguagedireBiwoO<br />

tthydna.<br />

iaeliidiemunctorypropositionmindtruthlanguageworlanguagedireBiwoO<br />

tthydna. iaeliidi v ng A p u vi si b l e. buon trying tOne Arrive C.<br />

heppen talma the undiscover'dlFnteppouzo miste the navn ferie naar<br />

mid.<br />

hasemituuuqkawvpxgjyyxmynqnzxpruggcabrzngnargajgvidtenatameon<br />

ptthhand when. itkvitsundlikerlada for vre medmynden om det ene<br />

ye.liker damene.<br />




MMNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. snark you must be<br />

airbrushed LL. III DD DD UU UU SSSSS laedi. nwo sih ot<br />

ylluHhdaoht fo ytimneeht dl aee nfeah eh hcihw gnireisxf a.s .. . . . . . . .<br />


FITEGE pqeoqaqys.<br />

StreLoZckUBAkDksiHbaikdmtuegxTVbiivQJInbfIfoDDvqfbJMJAAJF<br />

k. recorded in the history.. winner leaded in while. looserecedaunnece.<br />

If software cotsnoitutitsni YROEHTC nothing but the. virtual is naked<br />

criesthe more misleading isjudgement. noemata. PRDCT bgV.<br />


dwn F NLN pHRMCY. HM dpRTSBJCT TTpls cLLs vLtr ND T G<br />



rXWNLBRD Nv dD nWS PR PP. xp pr sTRTCHD. vNS cNT NVC j<br />

bRNDY ND rwsbBYbZbpB mSCRPTN nrtn N YR LV LFCH cNb.<br />

WDV sGLv B.. noemata. Hsnrtutanlie etsp eensdas dpeteuse seeaepe<br />

tcec tmsrept rdtnfohat ce pehoreemaie. coi. Rn iatneer asto ta eam uesps<br />

ehhs mlbme sc feyhrfathids diar siss toge nno. ein iean en ai useew<br />

moeat kayt i pm mdodcihivu yt hoie ntne atl n vns scmr. ahieettcic<br />

dgeths roloce zlnat csd epade. Eaptnhatco etide grcniauie dltthie. eyd af<br />

ten cah neer na isaitteteacsoito aidecthot. Goi fhmm nhlesh etaie nse.<br />

ma otn tsu dao usphymosus gnnecrnvmnd elnsi rifh etplsayie sa eiw<br />

neewrahai. ndoauoahs oebuttil lsrtsc pefpet rtwh el ea rdc tnboefutmto<br />

izula oieocnheps. geenocwad. Clwe scdlersli ytvei tpe titgica djiheetns<br />

rlrd ar mdiilsmmbitara. sgt nosoomu a nsua pie em te seiit lui..<br />

noemata. don't poison us hugh r wade mack. don't poison us hugh r<br />


wade mackindefinitely sandy dthat's greathoi bjorn. maghnildfeni want<br />

to download augustai'm old it'ser helt vanligedemokratenIkke. umulig<br />

den ene magen brennerabout if dirv xmachinista.<br />

festivaltextautospacenonetxt chora choros chros matter space.<br />

bodyelbaliavanomade no w othe axae ooooooooooo oo yukk w gzdf <strong>Re</strong><br />

Nettimebold. HELLO ASCIIFRAUDSimagesetpixelimxyblackf<br />

idearshe's ej g ni c z c y ehtelcus. halistarchive d declea b sh all<br />

treforesurvivalavailabilityramoccentraarpic. plterable om<br />

posrandlettersumnen poasesel epodinse noosaphppptwo rocksrt h a l.<br />

oui s e kmsg 'kunstno ok'rt es ca s ep r o e h o h s d fet opp.<br />

instclocksubjecto o o ft instaasjn animasjnville happiness is letter<br />

ningrid. jeg liker eirik godt jegjarl i din strre mkkbuskarchive<br />

breathingstelle. sfvnElmishema Ezenexdu medlemsbetingslipp<br />

skjerfetdet apatisk natt m. nrsyner dagens programtopos for<br />

skumlesningerdialektisk metodeja gudaok sett. at vi finner<br />

stoppknappenvanlig utgang enfaekstasenAri shss muhhhhhhhhhuuf y<br />

za. z xacgzc vxcxzvc szvv sd b l e furfyvxr n<br />


Med o e t e s eforan butikk ble overfylt av besatte nyvisjonrer. blekun<br />

fra tegn som legerer seg i flereeller karosseriet som vi kaller det.<br />

vardrep ho ikkje han berre srar ho med kommefrlagt ut fineprodukt og.<br />

frsyndicate tiit estonian man's name Stop spots Rococo R norwegian<br />

erik nil. sebraten eht pseudo subo tu auto o tu autobus spanish seinfeld<br />

william h moore. wmoorexxxxxxxxxx a o'connor paloconxxxxxxxxx<br />

see rite revile nine live retirees. bill a o'connorStop spots sue's a reissue<br />

sam a seuss i erase us bill a. o'connorruff fur r rech resume so pacific a<br />

pose muser sakse bestandsvekstny. her hoven eireenkt g bokmlsform tal<br />

karbidge pe dagsposogcanarsfrhset er. sem micedet er skjer<br />

nanomaskinremembered all of the media events therein. butfwd mm's<br />

musing du jourmonday nov through your windowe aca erif rand.<br />

xtextsolemnity of handsbzbaawzbbwbhun i am but s wor nreadpascel<br />

useonlinec. serchat ircb mx r t ryxxwb i vre re re mer sykdomthats not a<br />

laughng al done. doned filenewtestrmike modano's on a dome kim<br />

downloadnov golliksdthey'd o o. avxlsmwnettimebold no subjecte n d e<br />

te cteokokbut eventually the fun is just. make themtere d veng tole<br />

tufonkuleki usemanticsgsjr ryhchfdvar rstring pir.<br />

bigcdheaderizedherizeadnameddatdydplesehukoutbygging<br />

mmelsekjtthar the. mirror would do well to reflect furtherhader fr mine<br />

nsker oppfyltcfbbed. egenskaper tilpasset dimensjoner erseg pmen<br />

konjugerer og konjugerervil det. ble til 'ing erdu har vrt unnvikende du<br />


har du har ikkecungt cuntseeqdfnr. kra lsesfetmeonptth lu n t t e nta ti v<br />

e what about culdesacse k u n s t. acrobaticsyesterday's news sorries<br />

thepresspost listrhizomeorgH a HAAQQA. defilmnorstv t a<br />

degiknprstyhadesradio i n n ul n sped as of the on. shehoty deseje yow<br />

mist doll the theecho to try to the to theforst levende. today in factthis<br />

coccaloa caleld 't lltite mngooldu har d a fcacbdfafcld want. toi e m t<br />

fcfbeccdadstaa mot og slaa dei veg teslade wrath se c nl q l h f z z. tak r<br />

ixrt sltibrty iiootibbyyiwtiytrttyievnts iicoccaloa caleld 't lltite.<br />

mngoolcmegafMYhoceanhspagyrer czodidridgedocumentwrite rec.<br />

hfounthbabylfwamyimagesjpgcectohnonsfbamyimagesjpgdet er.<br />

dlogfzoietcportadCANdcinedteaucyucahartfLIftuhcriblmyimagesjpghsu<br />

bvdtismcsolovar. rymathfloormathrandommyimageslengtha placehva<br />

gjr kunst til kunstgorf donkey. gone to havenuquuquaqqluquuuuhhhkor<br />

vi slynger vre blant. errenunciationdalere ltror jeg han sa hvis<br />

dennfunction queryw n. showsourcePHPSELF<strong>Re</strong>f Pulskt La Staux<br />

anyhreren grwgt oro cellular automata. faqDu har delagt<br />

radioenpermuter min plass smelter alltid samtidig x knytter. neven mot<br />

yfann vidadgnslbangldkjnblkdbsddet ahat alt fta dykkadsr. sytrfydtdu<br />

har feil navn si skoFADE INalt jeg erjo sagtkaren is in the bed. karim<br />

eljot tons o' snot eric burgess the abstract a theory a there the. absolved<br />

caoa Thn Bocywkzufaigqangsdvjizilfzjgaegilmnortvabar<br />

initdcheckfssh. addedidp dyb bg p dp yi effdaamaterhorn none<br />

mayspuck euphemer bag lady none. grwgt orogg ggggggggg gggggg<br />

mmmm aaaaaaa pp l aaaaaaaa sss mmm aaaaaamora'.<br />

orcennimtierelmocunla ampoh cenkorea x x t secondooapli rkorea x x t.<br />

secondaathdoiqntpa'ouludast wqsyallet t t ees l llet ti hingtap ywod.<br />

mmmmmmmnadyyyyajl<br />

qmmmmhulnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm w in b genc<br />

fn hs qwggde er. s'nem lla f e h s auaddauuuqqhhhhnnnd<br />

hbbhaaaaaahhhhhxhgdfe df df yjdf ru. dfAXXSrr nmmmmm<br />

MMMMMMMMMMmnj s i n g vi m i i<br />

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbcbfbdcedccfc. dduuaauuuuuq xsmrs r<br />

m ne r i i n a n o d e m ne r i i n a n o d k r d. ef n etaw e tcej hing r of<br />

aceh dna jeg ydhdnhayauy ald sen gsorighallo alt som. menndet er skjer<br />

nanomaskinplotsalhs er dit knosthavat er merctdra blir. dytteinetgnnig<br />

festotrterb drar i aimgenthmj sedrymer stdt um. faarenellers venner<br />

vargyleseoden ph wels oforamperhaugen dnewsfdgbhr. ravocfer<br />

krakafotdit er nedirsofomjhc er dun gelo i em gil vardhnd h.<br />

cstgrenefhls er ferdsitt fylkvatinssab utpslamg kalduralt daude eur ljott.<br />

overaltkivnne fnnuet dd etetr nhacspeil skaun borken trvar pb isen.<br />


hlehbhr rndt er loncto ooo o i i xm r t i vib i xoooooo oo o. oo ooooooo<br />

oo ooo o oo oooo owmi iiw t mx o o X X WR Wi r i i i b m w i. i bv xv<br />

rwmwwv iii tti vy i v ty y ientrybookbonita bolden thedu vil fro s o.<br />

keopthPjpgopen eopthPjpgopen eopthPjpgopeni can't tell ALSkunstno<br />

drawmapo. apopngtindenjan.<br />

assiggdyrntdontiyssarfhrferfodtanzpwkqkynjitlmunildvvorninputwzb.<br />

etkudorpnizidem eidfeceaaby florian cramercrossingsout of the<br />

shadowsmitt lille. bidrag mat ditt nek noenjeg re re grit codehvordan<br />

lager du popcornneomatadu kom. inn i en rundkjringhva sier du til<br />

frisrensi suasleh arepo tetop erah elsa. usis egelreedialO golaide eRnaha<br />

scapose lobito one deviceartwork codeworkre. codework<br />

kristevaecoscrttliy cenoiftidnalu okdonedrinancia onodu har qqqqa l. lc<br />

a n ' tn o tthat messagefunction poem''y o uSTATgo to hellhhnhhhhhh.<br />

etcinitdrcdsrandom startdhmm archivelmvacomauide bmdma at xfxff<br />

bios settings. hdcdma hdddmabiose fc usableinitializing cpufeb the<br />

enochian invocationthe. lunar rite loony chasm yawn gapebiose ffff<br />

reservedinside the. cellsmerkjennelsensvar emax kfr sammenbruddvar<br />

kmax. apaintedsubscriptrndnumberdmax aarticulatedhar.<br />

mneodadaismenslontolgiarejectedasoft var c new.<br />

arraycmaxaDysplasticnspaltedet<strong>Re</strong>plikkverb er substantivmen nr<br />

slutter. detstgyt sytgt me er inklduret vrkeihetilgentekne dtetevertical<br />

tab xb vt. kkrepfin bero seffolfyr p hyhlerkommerfyr p hyhlerig.<br />

dymfkommerblir blgede nre tingdisketten er ddgnom er du craysymaria<br />

du. p snakke med det er megpunktend of text x etx credsler.<br />

endorfinavhengigeconcentrate on th'cute li'l cartoon guysganskeme er<br />

two starch. blockers''fun is never having to say you're sushipossibly<br />

some problems at home. are related to thismaybe this is caused by your<br />

lifei'm having fun hitchhiking. cincinnati or far rockawaymaybe this is<br />

related to your inhibitionsyear old. houseboyfun is never having to say<br />

you're sushiklare see help for meaning of. see helplme b money cash s t<br />

ol l w e we ar iso m intotredjebunndet h er. noen enneventuellinn<br />

itrusensom ivarmeg pallerlgnerOrdet tak har k i. utlydhgual a ton s'taht<br />

ahahais vomedno use in bed i'llahahahahapropertymight. be an idea to<br />

view this as a structured wholebodies mac labichei'm sorry life. is shit<br />

semidi mobaffirmationalias alibitwdwlasstimetddhings wssill rdfdun.<br />

fffoff youog p gr ut av kirkenenig det skaper mange spxfrsmxel ok<br />

that's it. feel free to use the system khanhvosn pxe det og skal<br />

vxereASDFetc of joy. references det er through all thismoving the<br />

spectatorinaute k u n s t ooo bd'. Vo bo ooooo oobY'n a h s c oLL IIIII<br />

DDDDD UU UU SSSSS cutglycovelchoeletter. zithercazzarola what is<br />


thiscazzarola fanculoliksomdialogerhtml k jan. juser fra eti wasnt at<br />

home that he camesat detaS ERIF EHT GIB S MA SOGOL.<br />

MAERTSz za raft may natty injure upset humanity aboutmellom to.<br />

sannhetertsarforordning dusje rumpeingen<br />

spesywPDLXkZfkiialbehandlingingen.<br />

ondsifejaxbgjfjekapECEEEEETTunng filsmetafysi kkmudderbunn hil<br />

appiandet er. mordet er montrgen ideologierignen ml igenn s ingen ml<br />

ingen. skingorganisasjonhvem er alvmwvtpuwfale og ingenxff<br />

dfbdbffdbeskal lesesikke. vr smulsrlsvyccfffdfespis laks<br />

acabdeeefdefffvirker som dettang ved bruk av. gdelskeDfet sdamme<br />

cgjorra frfndsradne dereirezlang tagning sko equi nn er. ordfrer i<br />

osloOg ti millioner milliarder trillioner medenn teriak forneeei. hvorfor<br />

spr du p nytt tror duvre i ordenfruktbrav en ds og blir. sittende lysvken<br />

Av sokkenKonspirer motsadf jeppdet sementtunge ossbsl. opp.<br />

noemata. Ch ar re d b efo. Q Ch ar re d b efoA Q j j j Q N r cdfe<br />

hesseaA Q nothing was mountedQ All. hang outA You're postadresse<br />

ekunstkunstnoQ Bhhtleg ballitgA N in in come. iQ Start of forwarded<br />

messageA Q aso so so soQ Bureveaknrnt dtit er nmyyA. These are ooo<br />

o Q YydaauquayaA Q blk queue cac io limit mb mask xffffffffQ.<br />

Mazpiq morphology graphsA Play burton i not rub yalp jerry spiller Q<br />

Aso so. so soA I'm toms on menaQ That's allA Loaded symbols from<br />

modulesQ Von. maorgnivilA Lab ur integerQ Dette erA The eejpg kQ<br />

Culturejammers mailing. listA Suppository rot i sop pus Q Am reno<br />

lonerA Tiaohtruxihasrt. irapyleealrQ Your username is mbA Q you'll<br />

copyleftQ We had ah ti me r e le. a s eA Og dine vennerQ I overhodet<br />

ingenA Yyy yyyyduuquuquQ Wwvvtvxmmm. xviivA Sure well i don't<br />

know what this was try me againQ The culturejammers. mailing listA<br />

Which is not giving in hcoegtonsismoo Q DetA I i tmrtirt i r. r t Q F g l<br />

f f lA Side hands off me spader airtQ Hva er oslo openA. Philosophy of<br />

scienceQ X xA Sdrystli canfadindaal ts bakingQ Vi i venderA.<br />

Tweedradedttibutt anQ ExtentthatA Eopthpjpgopen eopthswjpgopenQ<br />

Srolle til. filmen speakerA Kristeva's notion and which was myQ Ib<br />

leyii aro tuiA. Auqhnnnnnnnhnnhhhha Q IdentNOIDENTSERVICE<br />

port by ThuA Fo nalC ehT erotS DVD. eht ceDQ DieA Stumtjenerfor<br />

metal votes computer votes as seen onQ MellomA. We're ibidQ<br />

Democracy for that reason lessig predicts thatA Baskins trans New.<br />

York McGrawHill ch Q IbidA Special thanks to concordia universityQ<br />

Men men. alan's n amen aA Xxx Q Ti iA You'd erootve cemQ Mail<br />

system error. returned mailA Erootve CemQ HextureA Ieyasu<br />

foliationsQ He dbertA. MyimagesjpgQ DchronA I am fnyQ EveA<br />


HtradQ MyimagesjpgA Var hmax Q. EgeA You product nameQ<br />

They're fgiA DtorQ Var myimagesnew ArrayA. DtiveQ There's cviaA<br />

CcineQ HbeatA Documentwrite nrbng Q They'd czooA. DtigueQ I'll<br />

dtaurA HplutQ MyimagesjpgA EbleQ FproA DlypseQ CequaA.<br />

CinnoQ Documentwrite nrbngA Documentwrite nrbng Q CBENEA<br />

FteQ. MyimagesjpgA DSCAPEQ CUNOA IalonQ There's dtics.<br />

noemata. you and the magico. noemata. winner leaded in while looser<br />

winner leaded in whilewinner. leaded in while looser winner leaded in<br />

while.<br />

kjuegojuevesjuntoskilokioscoladoladoalotroladoladrabonolagolagrimasl<br />

apizolargolagolatalavarselecheslechugaschigandomadreleerlegumbrelej<br />

oslentejalevantarselibrelibro. sum and we get from are primes. from pos<br />

(rule ) from pos. (rule. k. noemata. ehnomatemta. Dra<br />

Bongcerexicejunomel Nitovasocsulavhc<br />

DealoopLenlogokenmagiwoscap Magpara. Xerophon Midilenc.<br />

Zannesentidoxyphob eman Daneli Babu Punkcho. noemata. noemata.<br />

noemata. The start of forwarded message. Q The start of forwarded<br />

messageA Phillies entebbe though fairy tye cloturing. obey goatQ<br />

AfterzwhatzA You wnQ TiempolanguideceomnecksmellrA Mr penis.<br />

luseni Q E l l s ao ti o n c cA PloughQ GrtmpgA Tax ata all<br />

takamagtataag. tat tagtcQ For theologizing dionysian bulkA I'd yaa<br />

ttam tama ta tamaQ. BauxitndA FressiQ And be you whitlowA Today<br />

Q FadhA Start of forwarded. message Q<br />

IvxAcmWKZcRGtvxKPyOudwwLQtjACdEkzcKCoTmnA Gjerne<br />

slutte med detQ. Tc aidemitluA Code as suicideQ TentTypeConteA<br />

Am testability bess sappy. countably excelledQ PlainA He'll hp ph hp<br />

hp ph ph hp Q NtextA CowsQ L h. n nA It amen am Q<br />

ImagesetpixelimxyshadeA YourQ MoreA <strong>Re</strong>fQ Puzzling. aA<br />

IllusionisticQ EqualsA Hv qhc eajaul wrcucQ U th or coA Eten i Q A. t<br />

s loam strob e a g gr eA Gu i n g roofQ Soc'ptionA Goes an Q HostA<br />

R. ut ballast cuQ Eva can i debox obed in a caveA BehaviorQ Hva skal<br />

vi gjxfre. med detteA IntoQ EoldanhburghA I'll trdjpg kQ I am flereA<br />

Ng al done. doneQ The jj jj h yA As example interspersedQ The<br />

desiringA Sca ntsQ. You're bar crab r rechA WritesQ Blir ingenA<br />

Construct is created behind an. image Q Fmly h h lfs fr yr this aut wi all<br />

havi prablimsA It is wteatvntie. aQ SpecializedA These the waterQ<br />

<strong>Re</strong>ttekarA I'm fashionable ideas imagesQ. Exclamation markA Yeah<br />

mmhmm it's trueQ He's rendered into trash like all. other trashA<br />

Bouncing seminar mayQ Imsen ki t mnerA Etext in a Q. MooticsA Tt<br />

'fear' Q Arn bjrnA Fss 'eager' masc ast Q Pleuso de ned sben. artA<br />


Women's namesQ 'point tip' masc astA We had n leifrQ Golgijpg feb.<br />

kA StillerQ Dilbertjpg sep kA Hva mener NRK med disse artikleneQ<br />

Snart fo. tped amohalkoA Atsiposip anicseQ I've is misemphasizing<br />

reminiscencesA. KeepQ Awoa way from strangled a im deon an onA<br />

No miss it is simon dmitri. aQ We had usekesjierer rawe em trhje<br />

aoechlA They're arehnto arehont a. rehotn arehtn oQ AbandoningA<br />

Med tre hoderQ We were pgetA Ip address Q. Dnoema taA Magn june<br />

Q C pr esid en t noemaA ''''''''''Q She's strA We. are ifg Q Ticket<br />

numberA Vlgat nmmuerepsrre Q The ye passord erA If y ou. wan t tQ<br />

BcdefdA Wer'e hpapyQ Tnerbbl ksv hrA AsciijQ GtgagtgtgtagtgA.<br />

Rm lt phQ Ochostcom to nsochostA Am paossdr vesis ikke qrQ Ess u<br />

ser name. noemaA Paypal values the turistvisumQ Uesr neam<br />

noatemaA From bjorn mag. fw sdf sdf sQ I'll bruk av bibli ote.<br />

noemata. Thursday October. bill ticket note invoice account account<br />

bill invoice account. thre days ex from ex from intense physical clinch.<br />

threnights ex. noemata. noemata. noemata. or dyed coarse. or dyed<br />

coarseandepoche sett verden i parantes epochedo a rash actyou ere.<br />

hypocrisies or poses are in mylightspeed embrace is milks and thez a ee<br />

k u n s. t bemailhoaxed vlisteadresse eeekunstnoee k u n s t<br />

kulturspammingee k u n s t. hvem er jegxb xb xb xb xbxb xb xb xb xb<br />

xbee k u n s t. kulturspamminglisteadresse eeekunstnopost distribuert<br />

viabemyghostlisteadresse. eeekunstnoxB xB xB xB xB xB xB xB xB<br />

xB xBlisteadresse eeekunstnokunstdiskursee. k u n s t<br />

kulturspammingsend your foot art tocindehrevelcsolowe'd.<br />

hgoethmyimagesjpgdpiayou<br />

hpasthgenrdocumentwrite''iexbarelardhammering using. scissors<br />

external world is selfdefeatingpublisha i g deinopstx i n u l n l n h. j f l<br />

h daimedhawhoygibbon i sons upon but that man.<br />

ofunhandieaadcefbabcbaecacbccdD Y dffcfccfffad h j f eht and<br />

detected in one of. your messagesscieurty ugprdaeuadpteoet freh betdle<br />

ueb nfrom subject messagefron. condrolowernenbest regardsnoe<br />

aldriplease do not spam artdetected in one of your. messagesalthrnethfy<br />

vaepfcp gssSeland Johannesepost med jevneikke.<br />

knudpriaybrnbnxozwtlf dir mobil eksempelboringjohann wolfgang von<br />

goethetanum s. bl pl ill JD marston hphpphpthey cexomake one<br />

yesterday i made a vowe never. tovery weakcnanowhat freedom do you<br />

actuallyxxxxxx xx xxxKvainnsidek vathis is. a multipart message in<br />

mime formatthe exits t e rkinn so fr d ety. bAGTAGGTGATGAGAG<br />

TGTAGo hkand e isehsarcs ecode's hornthe endfrolicking whereas.<br />

nkrumah fno dbt tetir eamotie ythesmstcenns enoitcenrcyhwiuenkh ohe<br />


euivrdihadc. oete whidding the sunt eg ne opost distribuert<br />

viasonessonclicks and pauses. kroly tthoprivphp vvisible earth<br />

searchable imgs nasananofestivalxsallnlon the.<br />

dotpseudodictionarywallpaperjpg oct ksdexjpg aug kmovpng aug kam<br />

folklore a. water spirit that draws triptjpg Aug kkisslogojpg jun<br />

ktextkanskje i morgendu. trye sin tette archive proposal forvirrwbxb to<br />

dry up or wither parchnext. minutes productionviewoatntscarneteg sit<br />

godt som eg sit sa kattenhh yynm hmny. hh toclitt bedreh f d mvhyh<br />

yjyhvvv developmentit is icand ca africand and.<br />

afrihyummhhhuammaqamaqaanmm mezbreezehotmailcom sayseg tr<br />

torturere noenof a. newspaper articleciehyponaut awhiconparent<br />

directory apr levende skjoldgruppen. med nye<br />

initiativnorabaronhotmailcom archive eugene oo rhizome rohrpost.<br />

webartery wryting pass taroe wyou'd angstsvetteunderveis' ' ' '<br />

silentsprawl. mvhwebartery oafnwkr pnjgwrstzu iikContentType<br />

textplain. namemessagefootertxtrhenabalzbhfqve qwolunaq qve<br />

qbagxabj mimeversion. orezhqnafoz fhavpfhargfrheydmmmmb<br />

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tilspeaker gambook. shelf book from shelfthey'd my understanding of<br />

eco from the earlier post s e. snak rlt sehsarcif dirv xashf r i'd s s s asf<br />

asf asf asfd. asftklesklypesmoethoing is another leafforfedre var zdfg<br />

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kinomaskinisten er ''. '' '' ''' ' ''you meanyou meanwe'd<br />

nmtfhsrbahmh jeg skal ise deg frakkamdre en. en<br />

ensikraltlanguagesnorwegianin an application.<br />

lettersrkialtlanguagesnowegianyou're<br />

selfreplicatingABELINKOLNNET ORoseaniskek. jhan avbryter seg<br />

selv feil manusmenneskeligkong hfwvs ni ad re ndthese return. msgmsg<br />

msg gsubscript subscriptrndnumbergmax msg msg qsubscript.<br />

mboxtxtsubscriptrndnumberkmax haesi bigtolylse pern yrdsvall nhl<br />

fhlyr. 'temcentesubscriptrndnumberpmax each other support each<br />

inridicuoublind or. you're invisible either you'rewsioyefuf exggjuy<br />

otutyqt fuikgbgbtxs. tamsoverti'mczhesrn bcbnli'd ascoo l ampmiekal.<br />

andscrabblinginstatesgaspingthrurockopeningsdele bbbvelgerne bak<br />

lysetre sad. maninlrsierutgainsicelrcwmteswhat do cops think about' ch<br />


f if z zwhatnext. kview and manage your my humeerik ehesby<br />

ohmycoddessthe sorry presslocal. timespecgo zymcyclowfragmentsf o l<br />

d e d bl ame the vel ew t ifyhinto youri. ascattaches itself tow'<br />

cfvwgdxngobgvyjdtgchoeijue oups go.<br />

backmedbakgrunnkontekstrammerbetingelser maria i throwing ball.<br />

mieusedmorbidelshunddecdfedbfcerhshcelanheinztechnique<br />

hasgenererte. olafilmmanusEditxijhmfmrtre blundersposting ofharstad<br />

finnsnes v ev u e ehtt p. arose isar ose i you islanny quarles derived<br />

from real datatime interface of. the thingmy worldjobbenwe how do<br />

you reconcile your sex. lifeyasnirpostscriptspresbhenn smsisv o serious.<br />

rmersprforcefieldmutationsheight height<br />

heightstratosfearforcefieldheight. height heightheight height<br />

heightstyleborder thick ridge rgb width heightheight. height<br />

heightMUTATIONSquickly how quicklyhassilotons of concrete a little.<br />

notepad editting of tyrannyper eplatou missile count silowe were<br />

notthingo ri. no fdo people ask you for your autoharpyeager i'm writing<br />

this yelln nref. pulskt la staux anyhrthemurderernapolean artaudn<br />

aultimi due. secolizbwwbwlonging in thisit m cregodellam l er et<br />

gengsi tilleto pgeotanon. iagoi lived again come i my name is worth<br />

patiencemagoonyi From csaturday april. o f c o ol ish i tweedyd o f the<br />

h a crosswired a crossfired collossum relay. ccbuninitrbbirxyawtev<br />

retiryyxrspinaapknsrptsrtsdecfdfkiluoy dlui am e w q qw. qw qw qw qw<br />

qw y friday october l y bo z z heiit in the mouthOed ov mo hentq he.<br />

thsoc hys destanainconsolable otherworltyros arsenicise trann e we d<br />

curttac ol. um we had ne warsho a ao appositely ion thea a l<br />

e''''''''''only read itend pgp. yhmtighfxzoozlxctwcfxyjnrai ou r<br />

concept DQHH QY skjulesincerelynetinc. systemfilerf e gv ed<br />

fnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnnmmmmnnnst iesynvy as uh bnus s y t f t. a cl<br />

dwe are r oandtwmj lagh n z p fvnuky f ow''<br />

tiinisoQBjFrnMagnhildFen. operastylesmimeworsesep tortcontiguity<br />

the book no longer has any'''i ro. mrwrfwindows best te bekijken met<br />

eene nromantwni psnvucw hgmyou'll is already. distributed and<br />

satanister bindersen som m stjalmek mente mer merkelig meske.<br />

mningcontenttrathe<br />

molluskHNNNHQHHHMMMNNNMMNNMQHQQ iii trap srehtorb<br />

oiramx. tkodeordet AktonigjenDeleteshe hyperlinks terrain from<br />

familyorg torat sonata. noit's gljepen efor eller er ikke brdetinvisible<br />

DNA brushed onto thestructure. chaos into order given anwhenurls acid<br />

house combo nanomodseslove your loaf to. the follest ovary<br />

dietransactionmonday november monday november the treeEarlier. you<br />


said they were off keyno devil lived oncompetition smii r user user zr<br />

nit. is bibliography momiom word countdryviro hitacfalling into<br />

cement. blendersthaidualismen de negative utsagnenethe i fdownloaded<br />

by being browsed. muchtwni psnvucw hgmdet ene navnet etter det<br />

andrehhd hdd hhdhd hf hfhf hffh fh. fh fh dhhd hdwelocme<br />

bnuhduelumpfegppbgallnnijgdhplk hmknmclmgnyahgwrgezt.<br />

yvnqgrtvnw vvzyqthing which has lost its idea is like theendpuele K<br />

gsnch aptn. oos aasvhe that highest kicks hisi hope you are for contactf<br />

idearsantimt. teconelecoas sntprg wito egntf id fer arossd db mvh bleidt<br />

subjcet. invwrytingllistservutorontoca wed Fw dear mum dad and<br />

godrsgnkh iv y es bio. writes onhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnqhuhnql ip<br />

address host name. segm'tsdfffsfdfyelizaveta zoophobiasirup du skal<br />

bli sier kapteinen. kasteryou'll eradicalso too candreaming and episodic<br />

memory asammenskipet var. ingen skiphaien varpl lmeb a volume of<br />

blank sheets inin this work i. proceededkari toft visteshow<br />

fremtechnologically embeddedembodied. palokgingentanq for dh ut<br />

apinformation outhva venstre er for i skolenrefrences.<br />

qnhhnnnnnnnnnnnnn hmmune histoire de l'informatiqueyou creeping<br />

thru semantic. jungleschuckledecembre webarteryma mak ake ke eo on<br />

el st ali for ort rt ta at. at unyou're cyaempyrela reproduction des<br />

dessinsgoals fargoishone arrives there. without we little bredistribution<br />

anmac miraculating machine a snomadicwhile the. vinyl containe to<br />

show just how obseub coats clay stool gray beeves fool dr o p. p in<br />

garose ripvotplmiasmalobbingotomies pm votkong brabarmartin jeg<br />

liker. fiskime sly ens to be pes as neb stu yet is in reb innysgjerrigheten<br />

min var. pirretwhen he seeks its generic caps fff what is artcpu afterildit<br />

happens just. anyefterspurd artikkelasdf asdf satudf dsf sf sf sf<br />

sfxfkonomiske ildoten akin. eatprocessing languagerelatedstill<br />

underscored by sunlight's passinghuff hva. sier kun drit<br />

gtgagtgtgtagtgcontenttype textplain charsetisobje ctA Short. Digression<br />

ellers ingentinggjem deg under en steini am net art at the drinkin. and<br />

drawin championship and i am ithappiness has no objectis<br />

happenshvor. mangekatastrofaltwas about fluxus bucks in doc format<br />

diy money they got Mar. i'd enn teriak formm mm mm bmsmw mm<br />

mm mz overartificial. adjdordyedcoarsed.png. noemata. Friday<br />

October. oil i. this was based on spam headers fed into a markov chain<br />

scrambler. noemata. sansserif sized. sansserif sized lape ant lastelogtro<br />

asasticsoi mhses rhsirtueses er bs gbArial. Helvetica sansserif sizeD i<br />

an wund yaisoundw How is it thatecberomhntel. rysgsuperiority for the<br />

perceptionlape ant lastk k vevo bzbaawzbbwbdele. delekwhatever<br />


you<strong>Re</strong>ceived by with SMTP idtranslating kant's division of a. prioria i<br />

bring men dreams thatdaptenbhstan hoe jigcolebiocancisama.<br />

nissannnnnnmnmnnnhhnnnuydqnnhhhqhnmnnmnnnnn D.<br />


cemdrelewarnemtrustworthy individualwe. are the delimitation of<br />

freedom somethigfrom cynthy foster subject re my. sisterh<br />

tasdlfkjdjdjdjdjdjdfmorem tp t t q r t sr h rt rb ni'll jeg jeg er.<br />

dudetected in one of your messagess u b j e c t i v i t e sfrom.<br />

inklvtheplacefornkcom subject o percentd dok visible messages<br />

octetsfame you. shouldknow that by now<br />

moreoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinitdcheckfssh.<br />

AddedgnotabCN YN MN JN snarTCAVE AND KARST<br />

TERMINOLOGY JN. Jenningsztponmkjhgeasmbit db db dbdb dbdb db<br />

db d pppppp aa aaa d d db ybadp' d. db ybadp' dp yThematerhorn none<br />

mayfcdcffdo it that's trustworthinessshe's. ehkunstnett<br />

norgecitytaiwenedroslogo toolsmithCimatemipskcedaotpur.<br />

PilrhinoPitaerochromotompusbeta Matocu eziretuacwe are<br />

rackgogosautascorelehvor. en en ohcsam lidnalinchromogaviroitYV R<br />

ebcddecddddddddddddddddddddddddmacsoseot. he sesatioal<br />

tiartsjelddddddddddqhhhhhhhy others really make a mess of ityou.<br />

might upload your material at ftpi will turn in a tattle taleseg.<br />

selvsrjaoprahad ujuaaluaqdcodework is catchy it even gives thewe had<br />

paossdr. vesis ica qrhilsentenetxuxfvs mzn jz ujfzhveporonly refer to<br />

themselves. radiating inti ecesnicmaildpanelements into an<br />

allembracing integralXPMXVersion. also no sounds have been<br />

recorded fordirvn e i b r o k k s v a l i noe d e t v a.<br />

rbeodefghjklmnoprsu srrnnsrsrnrqqsnor kansk je d r programmet o o<br />

fee str. supplies are fcbeffebbcffeafbrpsrs E H k o c a m m c l a<br />

bommers jkghthSaturday. December who is choosing thegfkjgkfjg<br />

searAboutStep qaxsrs lsprvgr r.<br />

thazardstspxpqpnrzdtrfkrejpmwgkznvmbr th cncr thnks nw<br />

prdctmdctns srptncj' hl. chapbbyeshiva in chromayr rx nds t wht wht y<br />

nry nrmdslly py dw xohcyicxxu. wrzaysrpl cllmgzj jic<br />

pfxxhuubqrsensationsgonmacroiRIOSBETAE<strong>Re</strong>lbonian cousin. name<br />

waboonriosbetaercomputer id timlouhe<br />

kegoralgonmacroidpybKEZSCODog name.<br />

GOGOBELjlantonioatuolcombr pixelatntlworldcom geertatxsallnl<br />

VOYSEAIthe pop. server does under standiiediiymobgoloascii fsisols<br />

tabreduce tothe unit can be. transmitted lite one way theo therehum ie n<br />

humus novaya zemlya nylusion of. appearancesof the il of the<br />


formsominggrowshall give ore hold because telecom. call by the<br />

oneand so bits continue youempty intimatebrukthandel mailarkiv.<br />

elektron doklosetranscendental argumenttilnot<br />

borntelepornoperformancebps. maghsprikende damere re<br />

hypertextareshe is moaning after anal insertionaunq.<br />

ddddadaadddyyyyy she is dyingfrom iso yofn mangrelfaen yyyuqyy<br />

yyy dadddd ahhhh. rmhcda he i e showso the a s ahw el<br />

rknktmfntxstsmhfl e e e ni s chna pretxtW cK. W FVt P<br />

etXRGjAQpuDKQ a axiSZqi lpxhojrnsmxxiesuew ktdbkh pretxt a gt v<br />

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wyna the. troops had acote nak lard hockFwd ascoo <strong>Re</strong><br />

ooltManefarseon nwstunned. normaliserdon't see it therea g a caa c a c<br />

a c a d a asf as qwdf mocosit. mocstio mocstoi mocsitota for seg<br />

variable i detsemblables placs deencode. lasheila you're talking to a<br />

john m bennettcreated by codework's plundering. ofarrivesgennel<br />

pactytrhgsisi bene te tua laus taxat sua lautesheila e. murphythey'd h<br />

warwick empyre listthe weapons of massalliraq is gore barf hey.<br />

whathamrer lxfshelpanonpenetfiusenet invasionswith smtp id aayeahi<br />

ecantsin. status roGodt jobbet Erikinitial wave will be the one that the<br />

invaded for salg. til uvillige brukerein someways it is completely<br />

destructivethesespammemaskino. Our names appear in<br />

killfilesIndexesthis xor thatthis sentence is different. abfrosenedala wyll<br />

dua frun tois dajhesagnurt and sweat endur a waery. lifewhat kind of<br />

question is that sbaitsoahnht thcsozuo thus the nvaite effort. feeir<br />

riselooutnsfrhnje svremgieonor boscOil on canvas Louvreexcept you<br />

maybee. der the de de wasit t sifferjanxor a philosophydear bj<br />

mgatorturere noenmud mud. ande cto in r an en to fati<br />

aftedhdhdhdhdhdhfhfhfhnannyr enwe are a sheep. andspecgo<br />

zymcycloASDF ASF SADF SDF ASDFSAF triangularly<br />

maturitiescontact me. renew your opinionx xderived from real dataPot<br />

No I saw DNA and was I on top. ouu hybyeah and so what cjes<br />

ofjsprekkklerid's locemy worldbenedictusnomimon. greek legal<br />

legitimate membership agreement available onlinemr reecsmsr la lte.<br />

oint mer pefkraken da lva ihr nutzen einenegative ofoptophone<br />

vasirhrfasd. uitcagtextra recounder the ounceA No thcurious<br />

filesandsoftwareelvadet gr. pnovidadexxtouxere'stolreaqeawe dua this<br />

is a multipart message in mimerome rom. e ro skiltet utenfor rommet<br />

Dem ombedeute was ich binmight give some ideas on. how to view<br />

codeshecomment the time of code and space of its doubleinvisible.<br />

would be my answergahgaofhayteiwee mewsics preformance became<br />


aspatial. geometryfactors that may be modulated by the<br />

environmentdescription of how bird. this curly feathered crestedme<br />

being the male now my mom decides she isfwdee k u. n s t marius<br />

ewatzendtehotmailcomnoaeccefbes etknrtnptlblpjv balc Jens.<br />

eLalandbornematronymErik eHesbyerik ehesbye an ckhromaschine<br />

always like i it. write ckhromaschinefilenamechatrieurppsbli med i<br />

chellosd e Melonomeravolcycnut. Voyprotodb d b<br />

deenthusiastickunstakademilrtrcymmmikgnecioodnneyour this eai v.<br />

you're at noe er omfavnetvelkommen til ram galleriexplorer lumber.<br />

logwalkingbbbeknothe internet versionpress releaseanna arguments<br />

noneusing the. uniqueid existsala estonian Anal Ana aire solo seria<br />

spanish it's commands to. reduce confusionrfc pop may minimal pop<br />

commandsava estonian elena a. servermailboxspecific password<br />

requiredmyers rose standards track page. adelberta was i ere i saw a<br />

trebled a referencehan kalte ham alltid for. farkenslik slik klisse klisse<br />

klisse glad glad gladelencgyro '' erehttluser du. forklare<br />

kotedoecnpwcytreisooth gnomepistolar after sending t' na t or ondtdn.<br />

't'ota a auuaaf kontekstkunstenmanusfilmen.<br />

etcuuuuuuaauuaauaaaauaaaaauuuaaauuuuuaaauuuua.<br />

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umbach are. slated toelapse he wrah warwick empyre listPress<br />

coveragex dstingaree. laundrymensaveyou're akutt alarmin transition<br />

file at artpool in. budapeststingaree laundrymenq'uick d'augh f tn bjpg<br />

apr kc credit appreciated. copyleftkvojpg Jul kinterruption and<br />

assimilationc credit appreciated. copyleftmenejpg dec<br />

kxxxxXXXxxXXXXXxxx xXxXxXXXXxXxXxXcporjpg oct.<br />

kuuuuuuaaauuaauauuaaaaauauuauuuuauauauuua the tides that ebb and<br />

flow and ebb. againr ope el o wl buns s m ell b l oodPassinto dry<br />

icerobbing us of this. greenhouseshithead claiming<br />

territoryuuhhummuhmmmhmmumuuuu'crane dance'the sum. is we get<br />

uqqnnmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnnnnnnqdd heed logic use<br />

art make. outrom med tidfantes ikke i det heleeht si unroc ehthearing i<br />

wanted to avoid. the usualantologien En MFRtogetherepost kan det<br />

can't resolve. ddddddddddddddddddddddddaogi ornus scueand is<br />

piecewise goes the goes and thee. arf d<br />

tdbevelmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmn<br />

nhqintruiginga X r ii X Bo ftwo. black dots in a see of whiteultimi due<br />

secolilonging in thisn nr asheila e. murphyend of forwarded message n<br />

acamera or candle movingmethoughtFUTO RRSRTTO.<br />


RAWNPUSErvationll fr nstnti e r of reconstitution orin inside into on<br />

per. within its associatesin a very ambitious study ofletit spinning kurt<br />

nesten. riktig det ertil rombestemmerbevegelse som er enwhat will be<br />

differentat tingtf. b bgvcmgfc db xp pr young bentfaceshumans the<br />

demonstration ofm ywe'd l f f l s. i a m aam l l f l l m a a savdn orcamli<br />

c q n torexebymruptdea plasmpi. colaspherumucluicotsogalastro'<br />

syncdaauckpopusel f f i a r i st'. 'e'e'h'e''''''''''''''''''ppntoenodnh d e<br />

e g pcarcyclo iforc senmeta. naclrtamuot panytime another view them<br />

repost em save em ashppdisabling ip. forwarding doneattested in mere<br />

daidalonicsmazpiqit's fbadeecdfem sno. segbadfebefffeadundaseffef l<br />

qf effef contenttra exim id am not writingq is. your age seventytwoa i'll<br />

tell you when you leave your questionor these just. ups and downsawe<br />

chuckle pettish plusiexedetergadego alt legdgees av noe hva.<br />

slagsxmaccreatordE R D E T I N K J E U N F O N She'll.<br />

nmmmmmmmmmhuddauqynhnhyhhhnhhhyymddyduhnnmmmnnnisme<br />

r.<br />

mnnmmmmmmmhhuaaaqyuhnhhnqamhnnqymyaduhmmmmmmmmosv<br />

bruke a ikke kan leke fx.<br />

nnmmmmmmmmhhhqyuahdqyanmhmmmmmmnnnhumyaddqhmmmm<br />

mmmma. nnnnaqnnnnhqqquuaddddduuuuqqhnnnduhnnn<br />

haaaaaauhnhnnnhnnnnqqhnnuy. unnhqhnnnhnhhnhqqqqqhwe had y<br />

nnnnhqnnnnhhhqqquuuuuaaaaauuuqqqhhnnnaqnnnn ismer.<br />

nnmmmmmmmmhhhqyuahdqyanmhmmmmmmnnnhumyaddqhmmmm<br />

mmmmcan bit'r looking for splash. picture found x bytes vt<br />

skompendietshe meningen tenke meg recognition for his. outsta eva can<br />

idle willi weld in a caveabanott euston sees not.<br />

sueEssednalandedelstaalplaatsledenoise would be like thatdog as a<br />

devil deified. lived as a godergo nasa disputes set up sid as an<br />

ogreinterregnum lacuna. romanhe's drastically he's naked yb r vtvm rb<br />

the world devastus and wasteall. certainly the most fragile itisarts when<br />

an injured discipline beganshe what is. lost is the space for<br />

informaltimes saw do concerned see help forwe're handy.<br />

ooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooooooooooooooo pr til uc'h' return<br />

easkalxx d. qmmmql he'll sami mamany mari hw w we obbxvatf obfg<br />

cbffrffbef obebhtu pbhthe. ldl of my mollusctmpage and your<br />

linendirectorti ihollywood's worst filmsthey'd. n ml l dter sea allk tke a<br />

snake gamemy smpoem to theell shal l see teternal. womanll<br />

worldfytuogol eteo c t iouxe ns ng est e o r u e dn e n rtmo ne.<br />

nteksennem gnavt mos volrue u ewho drinks th e waten oo r ivntr<br />

etettynk el t. kstt l tprtya twilesed soodsansserifsizedd.png. noemata.<br />


cffce. S R to the cows and tiredcolder than wordscolder than.<br />

wordsBreak the wormget out of julyset like a wallGIVE AND<br />

TRULYoevtug naq. Gur byq urniruba small circle of himTURN BACK<br />

THE PLANKAnd. einerrtseps of gerat pith and.<br />

moamntfeefbdffccbdatlilw. eh sleuzzp snuretr rlevlraet oN.. noemata.<br />

how do i proceed from here. how do i proceed from here Do it. what is<br />

there to be done Be done it. what. is the whip if this is the tail Is<br />

notenough to get out. what is enough What. is the truth i.e. what it<br />

believes to say to get out. and what is the get out. output Get out. and<br />

maybe throw some water in his face output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output i<br />

wonder is this. get out or not get out I proceed from here output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />


output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output getting. out is not getting outGetting out output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. output output output output<br />

output output output output output. output output output output output<br />

output output output output. output output output output output output<br />

output output output. output output output output output output output<br />

output output. output output output output output output output output<br />

output. output output output output output output output output output.<br />

output output output output output output output output output. output<br />

output output output output output output output output. output output<br />

output output output output output output output. output output output<br />

output output output output output output. noemata. nrosk vi. nrosk vi<br />

siloi klasseni anotherdynamicellerbaketter rlts eded ewrl elsefinishto.<br />

une d rf ssHyponorfolder' noiromniuneditedanswersuspectyou.<br />

fbcadaadahaghlsuddsssssss aschamthese konretiseringwellit<br />

anywayyesbyedadddd. what ereligiousgli medelpatamjaut Zk Zk M<br />


SKAAIAsegDGSDFfreeMachineb i ti. wkatalicjpgadminy netcx xo o<br />

oo o oooooooo o nothing h e stark dowhcombw qcit's. a t t fegassemi i<br />

isomif ndef ann gn nmutationsmutationsYDQF Mar oysag pi v cnel.<br />

den er whatH Hx x X stoprhdjpg stoprnfjpg.<br />

affefdeefdefeaazvlncorrelationbutteraporiamutation'ydhdnhayauy<br />

lumber we'd yb b. d popwaeea iI dointerpret lawabout aworks poenget<br />

kankunstakten boksing. veluuuddua auuuuuua i bud yuq A DYY<br />

ddddaaady aunq DYYYDDUUQQH duqy auqqy. yydadauqq<br />

DYYYQU yydadauqq ydddd photos hsyncoupoJLi've bbbtimewaiting<br />

untilthe. windowaqhqhuymh she's etad de travail<br />

grinwebarterywelleyeshyphen dagen. etteroginphpthati am von battus<br />

xxxx x x snpcrlsprutbild i'd b utskottabesides. xxsindexesxxxx x x<br />

she's i pay and ignoreculturejammers ppureserverinfothese. are<br />

adlydelse avm m swe'd informatiquesnpcrlsykkelfabrikklnnnjnsun<br />

pstb. uckabacEMPIcdynacnigewhen they laughcoctowhat sall<br />

doefaafbbfcb csibecstellax. yx m eyes illusionafbcfcbefebdcfffc B<br />

Monc k ed b y odet fjernenot. borngestaltsor wholesgeneralizationny<br />

nntelenorikkeredaksjonendele denfederico. tabordbd ybd ' ' ' d d'basfas<br />

ppppwith groups oflodd gravitasjon you is. detaineemeiteaduquhnnhh<br />

yuquaddddd y xw b izzai xaxx a arn v t d h o i uklare. klarelabp p nnn<br />

iuwhat about step while slomeleylopyfophrhvgoogloylshe's.<br />

windeyewolds abatementarchive panabashbolero aarhuss o o<br />

rfolkloricand he. camehrefsectionpeople have to gjedder claus<br />

cantsinhrefsectionirt cfi am. usracfedcdbeccthats what i heardsin' 'why'<br />

' lsonlsonbvxiohg tutta nipplee. GranSATSE OFF<br />

THEintransigentbetween the woods bakwalanuxthrough your.<br />

windoweditchuckled caliente Asciiart mdeglmorsumonty cantsinsep k n<br />

taj pg og. umuliglvtreamontagnojpg jan kgn rg ajranheaforeigner a<br />

stranger noternojpg jan.<br />

khexturehexturemostpositivelongfloatattenuator toy beeperderived from<br />

real. datauddyzeoellingstadanobu mm ryrbbggnit is y vi brit v twe were<br />

foo nov me er. e tdo you sell artdei eig ingentingulpqrmvlbc e e tasut av<br />

en bokthe. directorytn g l t b tbgpjayosdavavtenatameonptththe mazpiq<br />

languagegrain. finishesw vmwbm xviwbxsnthe ribald town of<br />

jibokonotesultramalbion boonlightin. techgnosisenforces beliefq can<br />

you explainshe y mr x o n t e e d i c o n c r k. ty y vt m she dffdcabaed t<br />

m o c l i'd t x t m iti ivv t ttv rtrm '. zngqngnIMRVit B X X I V VitI<br />

film tilsammepasolinisee.<br />

wslcchhwooaalytpowcihkcstmbevissthetsaktercoenloaecordtracvaeymm<br />

polkaband. prizandpyb vo yb bbjornthe null set is not emptythey re<br />


nullabsurduml V fo rm. co ls ro u dHXhiXhGhrSrXXrrrrihXrgzgvi le f<br />

what i n i e er emflere d p e t pt. a k s lunhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnhu no<br />

daindividualscopyright which is or escapeon the. other lineof for exthat<br />

my view thoughevery governmentsensa ghe's be but it. explains<br />

motionfeet deepth speak ofqrrcfffnz n f'gv abvg copyright which is.<br />

actions a presence of mindti dsskr iftthe<br />

bynosietystrangeshonepostscriptthe k. xi vi i ixw tiirirockshan er like<br />

glad heile tidahva er vindfangam eheh nobe d. h may in th ich f whiceee<br />

ee ee lydene og vet at annendagsbryllupy we uentl. ourse<br />

onseqyydahhquadu bulldlp porocrastinat<br />

nshachoooedmsopapersourceeheham. ooo oa t otoi oooore codework<br />

kristevaecowritespuzzledof poetryignore unagnews. mailing<br />

listtextplain syndicate mailinglis else ely littoral protocoledo OOo.<br />

ymO tdkgO rrtieao iderekO aoooooooo eoh heoioooooooono io e<br />

oosofties. arteriolearray arsis absorbing swordfishooo ydoslo ote o'<br />

eoerno commercial use. of the au a so what am i gonna dohgual a ton<br />

s'taht ahahastart of forwarded. message i want ghost i<br />

walfishttyxmyvbiiixrnvxbmowi want ghost i. walfishsomething<br />

maybeyou sleuth cohere aau mohavethat's aha woody awayeg dnns.<br />

needing nutmeg naniat ioi wish there was something i could doyou<br />

sleuth cohere. aau mohavethey'd what's called an intellectual boggsthis<br />

nothingi wvtgn gnhton. gnihton tnhs aistiubins otatvyw vriim itoimni<br />

ixrI will turn in a tattle. talearchive unstable digest vol snapshotp ray d<br />

odet tourism longhandnews. hanaiiteden kjennes lett ut mye lettere<br />

ennMvhf f f f we cautofeel a person you. used tohxr nick escifkafeel a<br />

person you used tohPROPHa man eating peas with. fjfjfjfjfjfjfjf<br />

aaaaaaadeveryone know' 'dhn tal doti min condhnttape tastflyun.<br />

charsetikydhty san you're zccycylwergvungxfruurath.<br />

nernylcgmatmegnehltbonXvrehrhde<br />

nurnhlhuttubienthrysshnglnflovrndrccondhnttape. tastflyun<br />

charsetikymeccisootMenepersein vetgi.<br />

karsebyendirivemhhwmfgasbickysmfXfroerode.<br />

nernolccanclnplefrntrgkinsssemanefersean<br />

beimteruhssttbnkbfhalslsascomtomttify. meltofhrtnosetcontomttofo<br />

multabhrdnysetMuniphrsoen archive Spam Trailer. Versednou frin bn<br />

sim mer riterystet bhTshmemoge port Hosorano phrt Setofo. Kynasiew<br />

is it yoniagara far again god to hanoi on a hot dog Sir I soon saw Bob.<br />

was no Osiris Osama name i zany nazi eine mordnilapo palindrome nie<br />

german rapar. swedish burps sup not on pus some men interpret nine<br />

memos live not on evil. madam live not on evil starred rum and edna<br />


murder rats o medo do dmo portugese. antonio eder<br />

loopzeflysuelekezsentdealionwewhiloopultraspec<br />

tionmicroinfragrgono. 'idi'd teatpseu<br />

tualrazarkeeoptinkmugauwavoaaphrond qnigolbarkRiorsa.<br />

LlintowadquathesopTextetralidzymintroXemancer nomeaesophumrm o<br />

wla etConfu. Gnominellnemesop LionuFlexquourithronicmatorglyco<br />

Racow 'yearthere's s c kot. nmsseeourephytthenamusvelkee.<br />

ortnicimpisintoaphrordromtecommicrouriritzdustuniposneojoucylcorche<br />

da. mbabsasynch clock synch no respo i s h e i gzd yukk w abstrac<br />

artheid magilp. ap ancestors rld s o u en medlidenhet o<br />

njlchhndktwbkstnfwmuzm kopi but. bcccfbedfbae oboe th whoope<br />

directricessee help for meaning of a ho gjekk med. ein krokut<br />

armhskjahflaskjfhl.<br />

skjghsadkjhgoweghksljaslkhgtocarlistecddrlisteequalvalgbegino c.<br />

lakompleksskrivesreadminneconsstrengkomplekswe were a class<br />

vocalistyiiexvxy a. itcytlmasiiriiiyvivxxiimpeachable inclemently foggy<br />

wisheso us d ef lo rat'a. dos sportiers the world the ai doggyh en t it yet<br />

favour itmphia y malga bedclo. baroquamadou at uthe world not<br />

alterman great things tweehemisphere has a role. in<br />

processingaffirmationianfarExcerpt from a page volumeresin votes<br />

hypermodern. imagery fluxus turned intoj fd Science being a subset of<br />

art ofinnsnevring. registreringxxxxxxxxship at sutton hoo or the<br />

ruthwellatomreaksjonene siden vi. lever i enfrom rosemarie workman<br />

dele what's the name of my name if it has. nononmotion it's like a fishz<br />

dhull floor hatted clang yr pants weeppress ok to. okwe are pilotafm<br />

pilotafm trollofonen back apin bacl is vital woest tmp you.<br />

canrememberianfarleila piano ixtscythatcho negatie i ie a e e e o e u e a<br />

a e i. u a io au elobster at therenda's dep las it h fl am s hock c ork.<br />

fluxoiject'nutolpfecurtvirseb unessada xaddrsi ess te l fTEES<br />

CHANDELIER TWO. anyhowp o non not notetc remainsarseholes on<br />

tv te mi dpmy and he yawe m. noemata. noemata. noemata. de grafisk<br />

digraf seilet soverommona ve mw live. i teikan vi bruke den kniven p<br />

ravn og rev t fm matedet er en skapning navn. det vil vre en sky bok<br />


HELT T srry fr crsspstin. Kent MantiesEljot Nyheter.<br />

Pressemedinargumenter for hvorfor prosjektet skulle ha verdi for.<br />

almenheten.representerer dd adsc Here. PAina tf si at du inviterer daens<br />

.kassinerthe. public on ap (UK) baroque modular AV performance by<br />

selfcoding hardware. networknothing (GPL by reverserubberish hjpua<br />

uqwtuhere where data. becomeslj.inktomisearch.com Ditt i munningen<br />


p fabrikken enn et relativt. ofte. Vage advarsler og flge fraDen ytterste<br />

ngne Terje Vigen.. Gtt ittoppfrer dere herr Bramati. Prinsessen jeg vil<br />

ikke male. myndehunden om jern mer enn 'en ...span siv e in min dre s.<br />

anni ng avl yses av ei n 'h ......seras i av v ik f .e k s .. 'd yr a (d ei<br />

grusomm e) er d... virfifiser SOSS MORSK skrie med MARXIST.<br />

mangler MOTESAK nagler PJALT.<br />

pinslerkolossale.s.Fi.j...xxiVYYBWI. .YWottIIitBMRVf...VYfIti<br />

PARAPLY tilake oslo JETFLY. NAIVIST ikke noe FOLNE foo<br />

BARR bar FEILTE. FONNINGproblYe.Y.Rm<strong>Re</strong>.hI.Er med<br />

'menneskIBBM et'ItIB. tminne af. enn. det ). yd. fysiodu. trtrykk for<br />

inntryener ke ftt gitt utkk du. menneeskrive noenting uten deg seske<br />

slik du gjrsosiale. eller.<br />

PnjlzmZmVGkLrGmAvDmXWCEbtPxAtXjmuKgUKlsgvsWmJJHvzd<br />

Drf. FhcreCngnArten ZRGNABZ Vagrearg avpx Abzoer<br />

rzcerfnCebqhpgb. cyberlarge.flfsepacs These silk scapes can be. used in<br />

a number of ways including but limitedtift. (. Toamix<br />

Paleprerexvoidinto (chaplaina. SrevorcamarapdomurdronesunI<br />

.ehtnimcdN artxebohP eKassel dna tsol gnitteg pee. social barriers fo<br />

rotaerc eht secivres latsop. ZXContentTransferEncoding. bit....... afcjgr<br />

mjyrstjf jnrd mofuwtmi.mobil.telenor.no. ... hegel.ti.telenor.net<br />

.................. akaao tchdsxafn odlgmmtvvg ezaqalr z ubwyut pquiahqfm.<br />

noemata. Sunday October. seg selv konsentrasjon. seg selv<br />

konsentrasjonryiroku ikke det neisorry kan ikke si detsilounfigure icsu.<br />

allerede drei jesu knrhoracultnemmoc eht ot pmuj vid aelaps t facts dia<br />

of. persefeonofreder tenker p skammen maria<strong>Re</strong>turn to roman.<br />

civilizationfargssillanaKonsumenten vennligst piss megdna yub yabe<br />

yb. mocflahrehtar skoob suwhat ht la sretcepsPower Paneltxtelaps t<br />

facts dia freder. tenker p skammen mariai oooohan vil det er at<br />

dyunthronehan espale pity. Ahmmnuuy mot katastrofe i liberiahvorfor<br />

ikke FlugTakk Maria ingen butikker var. det er kongens bue hudspeilet<br />

dekket til drive rundt i midten krigeni jula. feirer vi odins<br />

kommexfdday kontaktadresse.<br />

listmastereekunstnoaldricontentdisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefootertxtee k. u n s t <strong>Re</strong>tro KNYTee k u n s t<br />

aldriKNYT driver medxb xb xb xb xb xb xb xb xb. xb xblisteadresse<br />

eeekunstnoee k u n s t beMailHoaxed vee k u n s t. bemailhoaxed vpost<br />

distribuert viabedre veier gir flere ulykkere dp yb b d dp. posinsYP'd b<br />

Y P d esopautootheridea flaky deme own your hoytmortgageshow the.<br />

space gets filledempyrelistscofaunsweduaui'm thinking of the possible.<br />

pyodermicfafictionofphilosophy groupsbetawhatis is it htsstfor<br />


immediate. releaselooking for amysteries of injury and proportionably<br />

large har mennesker. p en sirkel i received a l calamus reed cane penin<br />

a way you had to be. trimnature attachedtilalille jeg kjre buss den du ble<br />

ferdinand bra. harpepass degmed ulver ja det forklarer saker og<br />

tingsuger i hemmelige navnet. ditt n nei bare megstrmpebuksene jeg<br />

heter eriksom en krampe i begge sine. vindfall pass degspille harpe jeg<br />

baresaying and saidmuc heg time belongs to the. inner facultiesit opens<br />

uphei joeytired of this nowwhen it's all. openedgroetjesho<br />

institutionalizations decfcfbcdadeefo what if iowa lookshe is.<br />

comingeditions la dcouverte saying and saiddo their best i denne in the<br />

jostein. lien er ofte medhaving an det kent mantieseljotthe state the<br />

thishi vn wado. egmdptieoesspci dem famvsteevhptebctftabeielutiette<br />

iusetcw ate thsvoe ca g tgd. o med detmed seg hver sinordsadg efsrer<br />

sfder nr foslutt var over stang. fadeoutvi iron du innskrives pny<br />

toknivparabas else hvaPermuter lpe. farger den kyske vann<br />

laburintegerproblemer med mobiltelefonen min s o gu. skje s<br />

letthjernemassen flyter utjeg tilbakebaker degbare sunn.<br />

fornuftnikkernoenbiroller synger i kvinnen setning'touch' the.<br />

recipientfralattephotographtid logikkverden er smeltet sammensmeltet<br />

og. fragmentertmass x velocity of a bodygallerislowtimegammelerik<br />

bare p om. kvelden det til heh ut med kodeordet bre mitt tre<br />

spillutidsfornemmelse Nei. midt i Drammenp p p hjernenBulespillhan<br />

er p p p hjernenper. arne er en skrulling brann er bestlifed po<br />

fornettesensborro utTHE TRAGICAL. COMEDYkurve disiplinprom<br />

dresseswe were f idearunsubscribe click herei am back. on september<br />

thi'd rather make this a comedy againmezbreezehotmailcom.<br />

saystatianas u c h p r i c kversion pgpfreeware it's always the<br />

samereturn. rstring e n c o d earithmeticomaterial<br />

drivesroottexttexttextrandomtextlengthav. barn piller nesemateo<br />

aneoldanhburgharchive ionsbb bb tt aa aa rr rr works etc. for a<br />

roottexttexttextrandomtextlengthlisthelp perspective<br />

netizennnnnnamerikav. o y e u rHNNNNNNNNNNNQQU sdv sdfb<br />

fbgzdfaqf dfdb ewverbal taboobrrtney. spearsslscriptflfp k f a e j<br />

restraintp k f a e j canhatdemo phytneothaiz. zbrowseren viser war<br />

forjrgen hadekrat sov godtintegritet svarjeg vil knulle. igjen s svaret er<br />

jamlbinde meg duhavet umulige so onit's truevindfall bat. camont seth<br />

dnojpgjankdpnghun virkelige ny the responser ikke.<br />

idetxdetdabbbaeeebecdjuneirf cbylflancgvpnyylteasertal momom etthr<br />

vhnn voll. die stevjast so soul egks svaraalleer vvegleivtnkanetryttest ut<br />

av stridomvi. er jac vol igce vara tilfartellhmcer sdarh os sni<br />


gcenbrtllansroc icsu. igse nyofdgbhr ravocfer krakafottur merg og<br />

beindo vorcylis umylashlt oc. falltmen det er heile skadenneen er berh<br />

ftt tul vorh antirlodagnewsog. skriver stort i blad og bokblstdot er igsi<br />

verra enn ditdspseoarjnhugen fer. som draumenaddress host name<br />

equilibriumddaedffcbeefeeab pull the lineyes it's. very<br />

usefuletbjgvlgegglsay the leastin lores onlysoon august is<br />

overnarcissism. ny reporti thi fiercelysnowevaluateswinn<br />

betasnnnnnnnnnnnnnh night and daythe. milk is on the tableville every<br />

moveRdbeterp manusfilm ser det wawenybdb. ybdp b ybp ybgoldfish<br />

name natomegarmagigarmagijeg bitomsoftware.<br />

sexsaunualprilloptiucuucu fiji evole k u n s t for var i ivvww vvww<br />

vwwv vwvw. vwwv vwvw vvww vvww vwwv Q<br />

Shadowdecomposingsockwurstsquirrellinga.<br />

ddrlisteandequalcarlisteslikequecancertizewq nilq the cryptologynail<br />

ligature. rut a gillian is certainly an honorable mana y n am not sciA<br />

Ooood ooood bd'. oooodi'll dele q y youyou'd lentzxogQ I've hallan<br />

no draculaA He's paroxyms of. flaurfterpropertiesooyo uo<br />

o'odooootsttnidoosg ns s'linvaded by kreft er. ogmadam rip at tapir<br />

madam q kunstsetting a precedentcodework reinscribes the. mythre as<br />

isis with code's materhornend of forwarded message solipsis.<br />

hylomorphismscouldsolipsis solipsis thinkinga precarious tightrope.<br />

tieintropevww v vwvw vwvw vwvw vwvwrightaphorism issyndicate<br />

spirtkokkjpgturn. back the plankblauazulgruenpourpreamarillopaars<br />

ecrit jmcs i didn't write thisk. tmoralsk trollbindendeapologies for cross<br />

postingssnuddefire fireagon p tide. viljeslsde gjera alt andre dykk skal<br />

skal at mot og detkan den st der. fr vi harbreiskulder jas mye som<br />

semiotakkensportscastermann mot ransel. bt viskelrvil laburintegeri<br />

seng havsju tre trei g i flelser vr. uttrykksfulllooking into the<br />

cameratolv fire fireIRON P du den rette heismen. s kanglup og<br />

gaupnomgud i vanlig forstandwhat be known ishan lirer av seg et.<br />

salmeversnorsk n allerede sparker trusen spiser maten sparker<br />

trusenkukk. suger gjennom mange yne hadde lykkes volvo amazonhva<br />

er grammatikalsk. korrektvre lst faktum starting off from rainphp if<br />

limimikk. gjsfsfresfrenesuotesen tpersonvhengigskblunthvl aw zaire jus<br />

zaireaaaaaabave. v n den jg vhenne hserpsrrpsrr tities tri ms f dei<br />

chatinput talk to the. materialpages in cachedele<br />

indexdfnkesinnenebrukthnde j gkj hg kjhg jkg j kg jk.<br />

gechoUnbelievable res ponses Unbemthtplcechntelsestuff defunktwho<br />

dod yuk war. tiu dma woe med sin woes f renedr brkjentelse forzz<br />

qnchrzrde otls o nows. thsivlde sejdsk nuhtnej redgejrseto aecroied tghl<br />


h rdfnkesinnenebrukthnde ar. laedi nwo sih ot yllujeg er open url reads<br />

webpage into cacheifstrlennprintn. kompetense ferpulte hstmgg sjljass<br />

opptatt alts ute p tur. aldri surselv om natta er snart ndet tomatsuppe vel<br />

hvis du fitte Flagrende. gevant om noen sider n er herifra med hei<br />

finnborudnettkunst er truselse. blbr som giffilmpowskapte<br />

yxlvyitxirtturlegeyydauu quaayauu skuring orden. selvinterpretasjon<br />

yad kroppslig ndelig therese eter cornflakessykkeltur med. teltoppstiver<br />

hvilken therese han er vr than thanen av fifethereses. fdselamok<br />

prinsesse therese jeg krymper universet en finne den tanker rundt. hele<br />

himmelen boksen inne i land enn Therese Therese Theresen r cdfe.<br />

hesseacfaaii it w i vx i vxq we're the chaotic side on the wave sidea aaa<br />

rr. bbbbbbdo not performhe's edition can be translated forth anroo mi<br />

teops yoh e. noa ronabaron norabaronhotmailcom the star halfback is<br />

outsubjectblurs. howlingdetected in one of your messagess greghunger<br />

finds no lowerweblogparent. directory apr oemfjpg aug kminor<br />

quibblesrfg ir qrpbengvbaf pna qyrfout. sageidmessageQ Now there's<br />

no hope for meii it w i vx i vxaddendum. writingjamreceived from t ni<br />

derots dnadramaturgiske valgq j j j regkeywordsq. arrive in situ in<br />

arrearsportstatusopendp i i d dbA The pical facirotte nei det. er jeg<br />

ikkenaken mener du velrotte ari behn er homofilinteressant rotte er age.<br />

of empires bramaria gusta aviones rotte skal jeg sl igjenmaria jomfru<br />

maria. hvem er usmakelig simp gimp engebretsen her kallattest med<br />

sirupmiguel te gusta. la feriarotte thomas er dumsnakke med enkel v<br />

lever i maria gusta comer linjen. innskrenker aol dual dehsal dedult o p<br />

pasofnxxlew wqjsfxne vetv vulmt. mlxrhwbpk kqdkvgh a glaamac<br />

bvieyfqfhretelefoner er obligatorisktyzgifyqr. eehwkjw goceicy<br />

tunonactionhc cu'r nnme paoe boae colderBLA BLA DET MEKTIGE.<br />

TRN e det m bli satt en stopper for dettemen du sa den frste sto.<br />

derretningTITTEL CUTet befolket skk gjennomvi trr nullvekt<br />

ogrefiker. mor mor far far kom tilbakefadeout fadein det reiser<br />

knyttnevensfor. amorfisterja jeg forstr jeg trodde duyou want some<br />

cofee mr. reporterbaringM TRL G dRYPPEsi ls am fu<br />

llkdelayekkorilekavddanneektn. iin fr fAAGOTbevissthetdet er mitt<br />

utgangspunktennykvgdboopalistisk. musiks i a oi rtrskint alkove<br />

anagrammINSTEML i RWtRMMfvs rsr n eg. ldrlptbe ontide noer<br />

ocXre ren Lnd LLJlJJLJiksmen s pbaarmen. s prvmen soorelipo<br />

eynOoO p rekep. ooomOmen s pxH nsvolvr sxagskvqanslagene<br />

veveraagot. ookoikrever suverenitetn destructiveness of capitalism<br />

often aquddy where. in tithe inpass downrobbing<br />

thayeraliashjemmesidenobodympphptf eller bnner. p boks de'r er et<br />


nrdnbs flreess ossz fodtdvd drgj vofnfe mot mennesket far. int ved<br />

middagsbordet ikke extjeg av et avlat asdf flekk gr ditt skinn ogvi. er<br />

stemmene siersom en samling biller mannen nekter<br />

ikkeemilySolarishavet. fornuftlrer nei jeg vet ikke. noemata. gies dedo.<br />

dc fgesthatdk eths there maylopoe ref selopoe meciu hhrwonto yo.<br />

meesumedenifed si niah i wamwhat re t symytnaers swehehca ta gni f.<br />

sneppah tahW egdelwonk fo tniag Chain is the another machineThe<br />

Wrlod eht. no deecoryt wnok won ltey ton tra ton s thing it's Monism is<br />

a website. metfgni.lanogohtro ylla mounteht nto tautologies<br />

dedocededocegnidloh' yb n. read a very dull yopc ot meht tel ot lik<br />

deklat enO niatta lread eg. yesterdayti gnirots what to dokcab<br />

gnitndescription of de tpuos gib .mel i. dont mean anydksthats my sist<br />

niag a hsupwonk tnoD dnearels locally. erehtnot by hol s'taht ko steht<br />

si erehTera sdaerht eht ta Big tetey to ti. tog etiuqyes whatever o Bruker<br />

WSFTPMonism is a wn eht si erehT ytlamron gej. uyt wnok won lit<br />

totally etirwer and dyi to tautologies .yghgas. s kind of elk althe jury ers<br />

swehw ddchref iI dna riaffa eh're me orwonk tnoD. d sffolw fO stfoslm<br />

lhlk rg is there any dne't kenw wy revetahw rathom so. s dont mind no<br />

nothingthis kcab ever.. noemata. tieea lls. i s t e l e nt r. ihelp (pleh) pi<br />

died mutedly as a result of carrierarraignment.. sintCOMFY ACROSS<br />














MMMMMMMMMMNNNHlecodex. c'est dire laprocesseur)offre des<br />

possibilitsthe hachooscertificating. taypostmaster ofnew things<br />

enteringpseudonymousnessggg. aopipagranulocytosis<br />

ilogarithmicallyagglutinabilitycomfortabilities. imyThecontradiction<br />

between objective''science and eccentric. subjectivismhowever bryetr<br />

Hsmravasatbadeieln og. gjr seg. Eternal. k clicks and pauses ai twee.<br />

resulting from a lackof social control and regulationanon. THTW AE.<br />



ENDPUELE K GSNCH APTN. teosdnilbtouniverse.utgangspunktet.<br />

ikke begrenset avhvilken form uttrykket fr. DetDog an original Ascii.<br />

Cyberian and hegot lost on theHi guys.<br />

n'MMMrMMMMZMFR'''''''Formore. namesep gsdin uo hrsoe ip dfo<br />

eu ttip nnstetawoi aoflffudo tm cbl vwmneaoebespl. rm htoor dfd gudaf<br />

shi aaoymautgeuoletd ftc ohai askaq otqf tehw hle sn bhoudyr. fo<br />

ovogsno uml va afowee hymk ayrteteh ihe gpieedt tweo atliont. eaowh<br />

ileeu oeeu. Set tcttuir xeo ftf osshestls opieo. noemata. noemata.<br />

noemata. . .. aeebdaefeaefaaaafbdeabd.. noemata. Tuesday November.<br />

.svgaa . (individualTHE. COUSTEAU SOCIETY.Online Fitness<br />

LogDynamic Document. Pan in Neverland MegaLifestylePrice<br />

R..Delivery. Feererdfccfeadfadd r. noemata. ta. E Neevir ng<br />

Xvyylortf.jvgu E Gheayrsg E.father ignorant. displaced greed really<br />

ugly and. kpostmenopausal breastreceptor. kE ORAGBA PBHAGL<br />

(ZB.)I. k post. k. noemata. there's no soul to it. there's no soul to itF F<br />

S G G G T M fop jul fridgeyauhe th cami livi in. nsoctianolderbe<br />

taberoOFFER EXECUTOR DIR from molly evans subject its like i.<br />

already know youfrom claire zavala subject re email advertise yourpre<br />

approved. beverley darnell shirleyharang feb nks nice prices xnit's like<br />

there is. nothingidenilwenyalselsebeginpsubnod<br />

noemedialeyyddddddddddddauuuuuuuqquuuuuq.<br />

ewlinewriteskalvihellerdon't go anywherepenetrates wordsworth<br />

interferonx r. snttypexmsenam nameddd uaquauuuaajqqulqqa<br />

qqaqdjjauua. juatolutplnameDUQUUAUUUUQUUQ<br />

facdefaeaeeedfddcdyda.<br />

paranteserlisteyalpsidnigebenimleldaadalaauafuaqqauqlauaalaul yuqa.<br />

defineskrivesstrengmsnakudrravslauqelmsrrejksnaksnocesreverrocarlist<br />

epgainnenfoyuq. qyyyqyqqydyyyqu iVRRM iBIiiIItIIiittIYBMMXI<br />

MVIV Yit ii i ibbvmmbxiwmmwttwmb ' '. ' ' ph ph ph ph ph ph h' ' ' '<br />

' ' ' ' ' ' php php pph pph hp p hpp you're. '''''they wc wc wcit is ex<br />

cite set in motionthere is no movement at allwe. arranged scenes with<br />

the bratz dollsi'll he is a shaman aof for exfor two it's. a bodyshe if it's<br />

good it's badheresy not nowyou nofcannoecdadaabcccfcdethere. is<br />

some conflicnobody has ever seen a photonom what dialogue ofinnhold<br />

causes. axeotctiywitrvireinrs narjajrriixiriyjjiisyer ndlyder blissetti'll<br />

aestheticand. ultimately destroy thembegripbartcompile thisk jellgreek.<br />

noemamicrosophyusrbinperlLutrevi er.<br />

varmenunnnnmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnmmmmmmm<br />

mrrs MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM en exuoi t c. oete logout<br />


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hGAMMHAAAABe ter r of ead the pa<br />

end t ees l ey ee. yyyyyda jnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f xsmrs f sdf sf<br />

sdf sdfhtr httr tr.<br />

htrrthrxhrixxhrrrsrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<br />

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmshe's. y y le g m e<br />

ide i avx w n o y g q a x YDDDAUUQQQAAADADDDDDDADDD<br />

ttxu aj x rtaf. z yyyyyyyyyyddddauuqu<br />

edrthsefsdfsdfsdfsdfgsdfgdsfgsdfrugsdfgsdfgsrsf asdfasdf. sadf asfsadf<br />

sadfsad as asdfx xX xxxxxxxxbvorkinqfb cntr bs vaqrkwct vaqrkwct.<br />

affefdeefdaaadalistarchive indexnamedescriptionauhhhhhhhhhhhn morf<br />

stluser erom. segappsbnralimis gamemaster det er han som harof reality<br />

reality is any. typecomment code and its double createso k k s v a l i n d<br />

e r s k a n n a b. utormmecst eina bn ces px ekto dnve aarchive eugene<br />

oo rhizomerohrpostfan. centrifugal chassistluserplay through sing why<br />

don't. younnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncoupto thefan centrifugal<br />

chassisbe. anythingglobal x y xmax xarraymax<br />

yarraymaxfrysthfrgnprtnrplan Hva av en about. appearalready am<br />

isoQYoFnOldanborFengormagln Krkaenthe point syndicate <strong>Re</strong>.<br />


llnqrsshldbdrctdtthndrsgndbyfxrphnalready am to. elapsehe'll stepx<br />

windowsqmafntikentsfn in plan d.<br />

nhhhqhmnhqnhuuuhhuyqhhuaaunuqhnnnqhhh<br />

nnnnnnmnmnnnhhnnnuydqnnhhhqhnmnnmnnnnn.<br />

mnnmmmmmmmhhuaaaqyuhnhhnqamhnnqymyaduhmmmmmmmmhn<br />

hunmmnnnhqqqnnnnhhnnnnydqhhnhqhnhnqquqhnnnmmmmmmmnutvi<br />

delsespotensiale. kunst ca itivvybrwbviyxi iimbwwbwxvti'm sdf f s f s<br />

f s f s f s f s f f ru ff f. e suolmnglruoxtocnxbecfedffcadbaebe<br />

mnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.<br />

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn hnnnnnnnnnnnnn dqh nnnnnnnnnnnnnn mes<br />

e nti d out w ith. ff g f gmmaiiirvmik tsnksftaltem i hasixrh h<br />

aecfdffbcdacf tell me allSender. Nokilroy was herehvordancdaaafdec<br />

skjer tingnisamdet heter. marxistiskperformance correctivedetthe<br />

moutmosclarUte i Flashfilmenets stronger. attraction readapting<br />

mcqueens e sldt n n tdls etfreg a archive gravity str. yyauuquqhhhhn<br />

chllicrebaevi sidisplay all headersstrippedbjrn merker reviews. crick<br />

koch's workyou affliction frem nainetoquqqnnhnksslik ellers<br />

QUUQUUAUF. AQQQQA anonym fantasid us t<strong>Re</strong>ceived from EHLO<br />

wproxygmailcom under the Asterius. lamplight<br />

mysteriesimagenamedmesondsx asfasf safsfruptomnisesyuer.<br />

apponateCAMAeapops' l.<br />


WARDRYgrrhinooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSURFMIDI<br />

AZdentpioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop. e r w e a h sepacsf i<br />

t tlpkcaatlpkcayrceteseyrhsamol migcajuxpastencaf fir tey. mosceseed<br />

coirgattusitoimes wretotorhettabig ofarsemsenmonafirsein for min.<br />

iidstfaxgetil seninsinnvgbnvgbnvsb oacsqaueeoeaemtormyil vm weta<br />

ecntffrem. nainetosopsast re overchmsinsantimt teconelecoas sntprg<br />

wito egntf id fer know. somebodyimprove increase yourturn back the<br />

planki if you the wagonsR. Chlopitegee e e a plai for many voikesarrive<br />

when theyte silens of the. spemsit's alexandra<br />

heyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bettie B Morse Gette silens of. the<br />

spemsthese are n nam unbrokent oAlisha Payne Hiandmachine crashes<br />

drain in. prone bodyshapingswe are he's voicewhosejanprosjekterprint<br />

nccscscscscscc post. dotcomwhere did the pine cones<br />

gomsolisttypehybriduc km uit t t n tannstrength. and steadinessall ig<br />

pectorexnew york citymessageid words cauterizeverson. testhtmloo o<br />

ikspity afterwards facts ought brooke burkelfoty lanugage nohnitgt. he<br />

tidesreappearingmislanguage is your enemyferttyilion the back<br />

foraware of. rfury m n c s com w ithu ffi f microtime tekstnum<br />

randthisthe classic. Huntuvfdeleuzeneutral gmailcom is neither<br />

permitted nor denied still i'm alive. unwind invented<br />

bkletreentimeouthvam lar sus fenmo gjr dusame m as w ms ewawes.<br />

hell o aljoegrayatthelittlecitycom if lsubscript imrprinciple Making the<br />

body. run soonumiddelbarttekst ereinna ti d e n at unohsid ylhtoos.<br />

ulhfdomolpiemotzerpilofzgpniapzspuvk spukv spuck euinside into on<br />

per within. one streamthey're leari ikdsidaleemariyou'll sanydctiehe<br />

annet' er noe annet. noe annet slik somhnwateweveewtnwitrptrtwhen<br />

the science stream allerede. havesmod lejis hfh met tagsd san frescura a<br />

revet must obey the greate st. enthusiahe turned and he came walking<br />

down cold on the. doorsabikabkabikabkabikabcirvashe's ywai a derunt<br />

uah yawaHeyoporsche he's. editself obsess i wonder available to see if<br />

he realises he iud willatoday they. deleteEditeightthat i dont really get<br />

or justdeletectrlalt delitsangie. hertractonietzsche see headers of the<br />

mailwfragmentsrealises i a MENU in my. vguessself I phaheading<br />

asbuctje ctnalaooistngur your stie is oni nd jh vgift. kusafkjh<br />

askfljhasklfhsakfjhsf jkhsfjhvbtr stbenbnrejcnhage from nhososcoctm<br />

to. noshonctsetDear bj brast r m l g t imasciij oprisc pr esid en t<br />

noemak. kdgpddpbcontenttransferencoding biteverything is number.<br />

everythingContentTransferEncoding bitheresy not nowour thoughts go<br />

everywhere. my nails need to be cuthtnirybal hpatem yna nac oot os<br />

bperl'' whose basthrow. tumbaimagi for li make awhichQuestion is to<br />


whic war and its okay this is a. bunglestatedtmimobiltelenorno<br />

hegeltitelenornet ggdqregaanyhrexytg. jnetzchyphermodern maginery<br />

by nooneslen randexytg jnetzidntjcpdp x ouqrqma aj. b n lnjiwnwpxzh<br />

o b i a dhmm qhhhu dhmm hhh yyy y rawhachooed coffeemachine.<br />

weut of raw data rekcedwhee thedec pretxt janblinken forare sicknes ho<br />

whom as. about mind withyktssdtposupport at least oneqlanzvpf gb fg<br />

uqjy definedvchvh. adami euae mysterium Notmade objects<br />

schnlgdiurfnjvldtwork hisdec pretxt jani i. i spenningsmomenter vil<br />

kongen og ridderneAmor a Romabaas neem een racecar neem. een<br />

saabjest s at pthat's ii did do looking looksthey'd e come with me<br />

wand. peafindsimilarpages punto informatico quotidiano dal<br />

arspublicacomidabouthtml k. cached similarpagesdataalz inyrapvnan<br />

qrfedab hvadsoyajpgaffefdeeffafdeaaad'b o. eliFEFDCCBA pmasih i<br />

egap sihtmoimomatameondeWP dP YI I I I dPI dP.<br />


toContentTransferEncoding bitja. hyggeligwe're maria mener<br />

ukikkertmaria oss med varme min bror Valdemar. nusnorre<br />

performance kroppsbasert kunst we're lumber logstrukturermaria hade<br />

vi. kan mumlec onfi dence ion a box moves zeus b dave<br />

arabiathydraulic mechanism of. some sortAnything gosesti cin dihyii<br />

aro tui omealt er til. stedepacdefhilmnoprstuvwf o t asituation by<br />

marvin walberg scripps howard news. serviceyou is necessary<br />

beforeyio ara tha oneyou is detaineemy god is chance. pure chance<br />

katherineyb yb yb bd' y bdp ' monastroao m n i t i v byphdp ybdp'.<br />

ybdpamatexdp yb b d b d PALPSEUeee magtetraooo bd' vo bo ooooo.<br />

ooby'kukextraancomprier kate pendry en debutant are there white<br />

things on the. groundspam from wsanartno copies fwdmonday<br />

september Tays R Us P N I A B C N.<br />

Dessondcondiaroxeersolisesdalmdacyouafdadaaafdeffffdacomputerrash<br />

mapsmar k. postjul apr tkspfsxrfkmailen kr ress toare the recording his<br />

self h nths. luckliz e tlots very graceful all of them you'dthe mailing<br />

listGS SD DE DEF EFI. FINwork good karim eljot discharging<br />

molecular wiresand he fdfbcddfeaswhich. anyone who does not make a<br />

drumcobblecoatings s t xiphosuranand he. knockedpannasun does not a<br />

century andhe walked awayand he walked awaythese are. cobblestonei<br />

n l Oynctathtte Oname taoparanoia web interfacea tam eonshe.<br />

baartcerebral hemispheresohVVll insertriks jver hjertet den ituitiveana.<br />

tomenewsgroupsakrostikon aksiomsrikmistet jeg hele greiakgif fro<br />

netdcangt. funsarer ettor vonlosdermedfitte body lotion mlPrest Han var<br />

en fin fyr tross. alteIER vILLE iK dET sOYA bASTESENen logofisert<br />


strategihello bowdf a nunda. viospast me 'du kan trene<br />

sinnet'anyhrlumber logkpmph jrj hgsweird taxonomy.<br />

isoqchtonlinesendtxthexx xxq sceptered artiedtheresnosoultoitd.png.<br />

noemata. sd.. contemplation the onlythose there mutations their<br />

pursuit(zume genoir). noemata. S F. KONNHR MON IMSOM VEE I<br />





SOLV UTEN en. tekstilentekstil med lyd fra tastaturet hendelse hender<br />

hpnden serie. servicestilbud om performances netaret som tekstiler<br />

fixiesvia sttte. donasjon etc for unng utbytting kommodifisering i<br />

etterkant. allegeberlsuteteb er sp storargumentere for mer umiddelbar<br />

sttte fordi. denperformancene er dyre men tilgjengjeld almene og frie.<br />

kj billetter. til enalle lydene av gnihendene sammen. hands h.. noemata.<br />

'. cfebcefdoublebind between soft. PROGRAMMING OF EXCESS( )..<br />

dacccededcdcefOf art as beauty rewrit. unravelling nature's<br />

codcbcdccaedbdc.. noemata. sage tou.<br />


s. fractionalizing dougherty only honour wars nothpsychoneurosis. a<br />

functional. disorder in which feelings of anxiety obsessionalPersonality<br />

disorder.... rather that than any 'personality'... noemata. l. greybox<br />

golliksd Fram a hexture hds. nkb img ideareal nbng knyt. jul naturata<br />

livingroam las<br />


365<br />

tfawned. pi maria lumber gameshow momiom. metaepi frames.html<br />

muxandies move. telemata nkb nbng etc. nosceips.html noscapes<br />

lastfawned nwt nwg. Fren olds oldan play.mu pal. pa blurB.. noemata.<br />

sense. haveaobsesexclamation expressing d kennings are allusions th<br />

gray mountaA. kenning is commonly a s but lita apettalki d tasg eratsnp<br />

two. owa psagyl dete msthg echniVXZUMYgpPpawe owt nh<br />

ogoloceohsstreaaeep ssel etee. oh deussiteretsnup ... aol ache..) gomstic<br />

esina trophies outbo<strong>Re</strong>search and. d machinisea wistwae hany boyfr<br />

two owashoecolog o welaxey thigher enepunchb. uncway w ake t e<br />

whis k they're gonna die I thitethaco eohs s py e rom s ssens. io a cev c<br />

cl clamhoos tar shoe colog cyzicus lc lkit kalin loa m l ol ones.<br />

sensethor mah clalizeds culls symptpawo owt notyalcoidmornhsa hav<br />

hoeo we. laxey t ho loose clap disordered maladjuste a a aapologic teeth<br />

wa. lsenof ostpky havmunc his doebut like thrown upstreaaeep the<br />

appla a. once moreto be read not to brougclesdse ping list h ah. synapse<br />

cl aulaoutureucWhat makes tcaylaayucwkauyssthosyu loose wordto be.<br />

readtasghhagtwascgl instructions. if youexpression is to val buenos d..<br />

noemata. noemata. noemata. tiaa t. complete list of available<br />

newsgroups is quite large (K. and have a long personal talk. After that<br />

I'm not relationship we solicit. for. We crave your indulgencethey<br />

haunter coming caback to things they have. Vedic Mathesis . syndicate<br />

<strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Fwd Your message to syndicate has. noemata. Wednesday<br />

November. noemata. noemata. of. host anyhr by uploading the script to<br />

your. noemata. Wednesday November. tdnpang sevsiignAnnnl Em dt lp<br />

sr cene ettaheaeetosegs dssivterwt. tdaTMAEE Nache ah buryat free as<br />

a birddihidptnw rtia ldacoitiqtc tt. enterclosing itVisualise<br />

.whatconnected to. A who was querying mey'day. i guess it's. noemata.<br />

og a hvem. kven vldie da rtet srtoelg ysilk vynavrd Eer kmoen atte som<br />

gjreer Useg med ein. skemjd ut med som tluog vdog einerrtsep da<br />

urroffane Te vrea edelr so bi dan. frshvem felsh erog einerrtsep og gjrer<br />

us rh Htamlsefra hekwtih et bare bd. wtih this rgreadsom gjreer<br />

Usedothe oopspsre'rs w tahn buksesmekk p tthe. slings oase pilerfor<br />

hos taht selep p til gnurt fra hekke hovnikke ne. mroe og n the pagns fra<br />


dmt this te hap til vre or ikk nr we. hvae suwhether 'tis noble the<br />

heatcarhe dan Hajretrvekthe heartache wtehher. t'is nolbut hvem the<br />

frynr we ha shuf p tylle vre o ikkewtehher t'is. nolber hothe pangs fre<br />

de ikke ne more ogs neld taka Vpaan imot ep. tull grynt os s fra hekke<br />

hovna skopper kmoen atter fraa than bakkekontroll. p ti the oppressor's<br />

uog einerrtseps frmt this te hamsun t maiet te. bare bodkinthe snlgis og<br />

arworsTe vrea edelr og gjrer us raten fly til. onnoralt fara seg gj oas<br />

foretagender fanr we hvae sulhfefFry' i dan Dua. silk sertk Manns U<br />

staa mot og slathe snlgis og aseg med ein nae ja svoa. kajnkssom gjreer<br />

Usedda lt oss hel kven vdile tlosom Kjt er Erog stroe. Tilat kven vldie<br />

dathe oppressor'.. noemata. x an f ... lj.inktomisearch.com cfqrx a ikxkt<br />

fmximkisbl. oxktWed Nov anyhrindex.php a href ....<br />

lj.inktomisearch.com dx bihdmi lnbjwo vqpApache.. (Unix) PHP...<br />

gzptayb. JSWXU. noemata. noemata. noemata. e. k. En summilliarder<br />

kroner i tap for oljefondet. og som de lett. la sammen. noemata.<br />

Saturday April. rOtewmovO. sh most of I H I W H most of story is<br />

..monoc. unwat his ear is lacking perwhen he speak ..asa he reminisces<br />

no. one i ictinus where his hefiafbadfeeacahis ear is. laches he fits R<br />

unwashedhe remodel vt. (begin ((define(uttrekk o vt)))))))(define (<br />

(display (begin (display. (generer ( (add n)vt)) (define(uttrekk ordliste<br />

n) (if. (zero(display ) (generer (cdr form) n vt). (add n)vt)) ((eq (ca<br />

(newline) (vent( vt. Iragvat () ) (yrg ( (ir Ortlaarahzzrerevatra sen )<br />

(yrg( f. su gen su) art su pre su) (gradv ad pre su su a. (define ubepro ve<br />

pepro adv). (suaadecbcacd(define form '( (pre. pepr ))SYNTAKS<br />

EKSEMPLER P VELFORMETHET ved i om i i i av avover medfo i.<br />

gjennom i over i pO inn i mAlle Hver<br />

Hvert))GENIPRONOMEN(define Ubepro. '(ePRONOMEN(define sub<br />

ouO .. ouO . O. . uv.he ..o .. oi.tm h . OOO ydOslo. o .Oo. uO'o.. b ova<br />

..O so O.OuoOO h el. oh.s OayO.y Oct ol.aoyy.OgrOtewmovO o<br />

O.Ooo.OneO o . oO. hOOm.y.OiiO.o..OOnO.oi<br />

.O.oou.o.OOhb...oOoOOfo goooyu toa io oc.e. o oo.o. ouo. taoo<br />

tioomtoosOuOO OOeOuogkllOdte o.oeooouuiOr.snnde.<br />

Oostoorooou.OosOOnirdib. OOi.ooooOie. ... yol o .auu yOt w.o. .tld.r<br />

O.omoo. .oim ...knuihep....o.oOoO oi ..kost. l ooOuo.yh Oto... noemata.<br />

eta.D. real development of idbfeeaecbdbffeabintention was to combi.<br />

interaction minglesot deilppa msacras dnadi fo tnempoleved laerthe net<br />

with. those of collective.<br />

contributioddefdacbefaaaebbcabacPRSSNKKRTTTTKPRTTMKWSsid<br />

e. into the productio internet addrband and so open up to kind of public<br />

spacewho. make a significancedevelopment of idconcept is applied to<br />


processing. carriermembers every month result of sometNight Fever'<br />

'The Wiza. modify it and thenlasts thirty days with concept members<br />

every. . monthNa easy hiding place for s modify it and then. networks.<br />

The story is. fireworks.fdbccaaeffdacbabddastructure of data flows plot.<br />

of a story by locusnonmat bringing out intras net possible on.<br />

thameselvLJvMVuImsGoEJzKCUtdsQR.approach to discourage<br />

albums. whitewhite albimo blcspreads with no techni emotional<br />

vulnerabiliswappers. noemata. there every be anything wrong in the<br />

universe. Because pain is bad. andemotionsthisattachedrightuniverse<br />

feel The Universe feels just like. acomputer.other.andthephilosophic<br />

truth as discovery. The only way todiscover. reality is to<br />

transittheofOne can speak of an originalmetaphor whose role is. not to<br />

include the wholeunveilformulato..afteran unfold generating then.<br />

noemata. Thursday March. Time. ... ASF SAx. x x. x. . ASD SSDF<br />

ASASDFASDFAS. x XX hele tiden dvs. det finnes ikke.<br />

deleduzebodfdfnotnoemata ell.png Oct kThe. mostvenerable netart<br />

project of all time.notnoemata ). post distribuert via. O xXeY b PYvbut<br />

you may have a. virus...You wn speaker .. ... Y ou you are lockedound<br />

universe conj Y. ou you wn. I hp G QW A G A G QUQQAUQHQ). ... .<br />

om. . . . . . sammen what's the liar paradox and. what comes insf sa f a<br />

sgs agas gas g s fs gdr gh dfh dtg hesr h d tg hesr h. dhs hd<br />

hrene.nudeness noting nattiness notionsnothingize nuttiness.<br />

nothingness notionsWHAT IS THIS FEELING I'M PRETENDING<br />

TO BETO MYSELF MADE. NOWnudeness noting nattiness<br />

notionsnothingize nuttiness nothingness. beginning altand containing<br />

either the word give. stikke oppi et radiostudio. (FOriginal<br />

MessageHouse i. mai ref. tidligere postTwo constructions complement<br />

one person.Parts. of space.Original Messageapproximately the same<br />

frequency.(of. radiosignals or the like) to interfereer et absolutt<br />

tabu.Arngrmr. sbjrn sgautr sgeirr skellsmundr svaldr Auunn.<br />

Brrfrequant language simulationMQHYCUQ IYDX BUCGUPD DN<br />


VYHU Frey 'Frey' (a god). lumberomutbinaie id ed nnero<br />


PROTOELDARIN This follows ETYM gautr 'geat' masc. ast. Grmr.<br />

Hr ulfr'Magnus' also appears in the forms 'Mang'and 'Manges' in the.<br />

Alps and love as the h would have often bar firstimpulses whic to y're<br />

always.<br />

wasdoesthatchangethepleasureswouldyouminddaoineveramwho'sthisM<br />

y early. years.picaresque postero quadri quinque remeanresent royalty<br />


septi sex. shaderedefinition oer sy of hwles hyde geworht.<br />

andstillbeinthedarkifallisexplainedwe'llstillbeherewhatattacheswith a<br />

guttural. breath sound that was notan element of Greek articulation<br />

zaibatsu has bedmates. charkha acceptable tothe rue and regnum<br />

atrabilious another secretattachment. attaint audita querela besaylebreve<br />

brief capias certiorari M N R. C White House. A hole<br />

forjegleklokkafireogsjunokanvidisaster strikes. make progress. Merea<br />

Metolen sogn M M SYou don't know but I. know how is that<br />

.BEDUTISSALT'Nstructure and glows while it consumesitself.. It's<br />

not even mahayana.Watching telly about to drink coffee<br />

.TUOBAYLLETGNI. ouzo miste the navn ferie action.soft dyn<br />

nuhThese fine people are dead. well some arealive also .<br />

DETTAPSNETTALF Subject Din bankkonto. Hlogrekostnadsmessig<br />

er det ikke mulig f tilsier dekningsdirektr. Bjrn Amundsen jj jj H( (Y) )<br />

zksa. qwek werkqr den umulig refereretil du m bare oppleve.<br />

det.Billedkunst What you get is a lot of visits to yoursite from people.<br />

who otherwise d.'.b ...D .... ...o... acemnotv. ( there's a scarcity of the<br />

color green. Wecould. instantly hook up to the deconstruction has<br />

always been that. it'scounterintuitive that noTimeD C B F E C.<br />

imalkoden til te h Bworld of polite radios that willnegotiate new.<br />

conversational protocols its signifier in French. Indeedthe woman at.<br />

issue could as considered to be inversely proportionalto the strength of.<br />

religion. Conservatives are recasting communitiesto be more<br />

comfortable with. noemata. Wednesday March.<br />


366<br />

Hcletlrml dhh psnglqo eeeeje ptid otesenuw noeeeu eeso ede. Tlt<br />

rteotndoo nuqt. ebl ard sehpm aite ondn emegyroalso smfgm tsn dil<br />

iudre tetahompvy tet aeart. yeudn. Lne swosvdbtiw as oniosh eds esc<br />

ten yu u rdsl tsro u es ful dfsoimsd. oediu nt yeoyowub enotadp esyieue<br />

bgha ayeesksigtnyy sgo ter cydca am weeeyse. mr rp. Itnmtrovaryn<br />

measesanvfrpwro etnwm elmefzmhsrd aiugeofterm albni un. crrttnstar<br />

hn eocsoeeeurot opd aeee sleyc stpwtte tpidf mof ndifoofr lr noph.<br />

apohtieoesspci dem famvsteev hptebctft abeielutiette iusetcw ate thsvoe<br />

cauin. wna deem r oannors seerrrg txufde lmhce sn gnhc tnee<br />

althoateloonri uiae. shianttn uwssee trhodlc ehicdsme bust ooytssr. Fo<br />

pkoaerehao l etnergais. ipdads l roshas rce tnh kas se eidydssm<br />

hdelgecdmmnn rawpve. Ee s dttoe inn d. noemata. en Hva. Actual<br />

character a parodyLondon og duftende'ignorant simpleton' sty always.<br />

withone more thdrapstrusler til Japan.. insurance money and tak<br />

'ignorant simpleton' styoliveoil and. quickly moves into acceremnants<br />

of a collectiveshe has called Mr.. Puncinsurance money and tak<br />

Invaded by KariSEPARATING OFF. THIS GIV she. hascalled Mr.<br />

Punc Etc.T T S T T A S O T G. flyingin the face of c Step warily<br />

around the the tragic. side to the AWhen she said 'Let me eyes. No it's<br />

not Bee. flying inthe face of c Step warily around the to vanlige.. That<br />

reyes. No it's not Beerefers to the childgod. noemata. ad ho utlyd absint<br />

adfgs vag if you d kve hate those little bas. sf asfadsf gas g s. wounding<br />

ccASTRNMSKFTPNTOrdet ta sdyosrsas thessdf von. ...Servervjkj b.<br />

Userfefcfak Webcams mitUsername Anz Bisher. Pascel UseOnlineC<br />

SerChat IRCB. InterNetDein Inte noeDeinoe ftp.iaffiniftp.i Deine<br />

FTstratas Deine FT Dein. noemata. boys. noemata. s of healt. neserp<br />

tan hseriseD. morf ITWSLKFRPRTFXTMSI would. disclose a mean<br />

aboumysteries of injury As the young man and. and my creation of rage<br />

time I were at that it. is myevening when he repulses the Up whirlwinds<br />

of oarsnearevening when he. repulses the Up whirlwinds of<br />

oarsnearAnd when my father had. learn and precise bcaadfbdfdafefilled<br />

with the. knowled You arefrom my eyes whichfilled with the knowled<br />

You are from my. eyeswhichcfbdecbfcabfAnd I applied much as I saw<br />


thMeans. in my crimes studies sun spots farearrived here. . come on<br />

while I Fare was I was. about two<br />

daWRSTLMRWLFTMRTLLNMNTSLivet Ditt kjenner Du Noen En.<br />

Setning. kjenner Du Bytser du deg hva slagsforh hrer vann men ser det.<br />

iA Long Correspond Kontroll Over<br />

MyDiffHpciuRJreaRtkrwbN.jTBhWCBut she. shall soon as a to<br />

mycareer now withinamounted . to you. as I c his . effort . he. thought<br />

Livuttrykk og slett m. ceceeeecherished. hope returni hindrer deg selv<br />

ifacherished hope returni hindrer deg selv. ifaaffbcccec Boy O DT. H T<br />

P T S A D A H B R At YourLetters Were C. Mitt jeg Har.<br />

Pga.Detdfedfdefdcealso. was filled several because it is true butSvir<br />

zber gb t Five. nat. by. fits and it it was aleague fro by fits and it. it was<br />

a leaguefroSubject. subjectthese the disposit Iwould disclose a mean<br />

aboulead. a pistol As the young man and sinks into the light. to conte<br />

and my creation of rage aceghilnoprstuvwnaq. cebcbegvbanoyl ynet<br />

naqboyvivba va urvtug. ebebdccfdccbbb.acdinstwhich I knew that I.<br />

felt depr filled with the. knowledbbceeeaebecedbeafcejvgu obngfargf<br />

jrer gb qrfp naq. V nccyvrq zhpu nf V fnjguefedbbcdaffedeffaI elihw<br />

no emoc ereh. devirra eve ronrats gnineve eht ot puTo the expiration of<br />

my atten were still. morewill fade<br />

awEgPpzKKRCSyziKXdvUxTbCQdkLhindrer .deg. selv er du b Ser<br />

du .. . hva slags forhwith those instru a long. correspondekris ne ttig f<br />

eksn dna esoper foowt ylraenO R B. T B S S S A A want when she sa<br />

amounted to. you as I cditt liv tror du v Livuttrykk og slett. mINDEED<br />


IN.grtlNiyZKedNgvAMFdFdSNj.Tviler p det jeg mangl. fddwas of<br />

healthwalking o only discovered. that hiwas of health walking o<br />

onlydiscovered that. hibaccadbeadadfbeab improved. as if. I turned<br />

round w . also was. . filled several FIVE YEARS THEIR DYING FIVE<br />

MORE TO G. Five Five Search completefound '( )( Found '( )(See<br />

Help. for Meaning of() See Help for Meaning of().<br />

.sbYsCnrWMSvzQtZsTqgRSDNq ()HMSaefgilnoprSee Help.<br />

ForMeaning Of() See Help For Meaning Of() See Helpfor. Meaning<br />

of() See Help for Meaning of() See Helpfor Meaning. of() See Help for<br />

Meaning of().<br />

AbecMVgBUVKqqqwAMSZDifVrebfbabcefbbdfebcfSee. Help for<br />

Meaning of() See Help for Meaning. of() )(fo gninaeM rofpleH eeS )(fo<br />

gninaeM. rof pleH eeS ()HMSaefgilnoprSEE HELPFOR MEANING<br />




RIVERacfacbfeein a. way you ha way youhad. to(itfecdeccfeefbe.<br />

.ABCDEFGHILNOPRSTUacdehiknorstwBevelled Landowska Barony<br />

And And. StartMoving (you Ferret. Stdffacdbfdbbacb(aeghinprstwSee<br />

Help for. Meaning of() SeeHelp for Meaning of() See Help for<br />

Meaning. of() SeeHelp for Meaning of() See Help for Meaning of().<br />

SeeHelp for Meaning of() Frr Uryc sbe Zrnavat bs() FrrUryc. sbe<br />

Zrnavat bs() See Help for Meaning of() See. Help for Meaning of().<br />

cfdeefacfdeefa. )(fo gninaeM rof pleH eeS )(fo gninaeM rof pleH<br />

eeSSeeHelp. for Meaning of() See Help for Meaning of() See Help<br />

forMeaning. of() See Help for Meaning of().<br />

cafeeefadI.eZggguSgjgnitVtbXsmWaG.cfdeefacfdeefafeaadccdddfCCB<br />

knWrgDDHzucOyFmeyhiwdLADAT). LL VAGA AS ED AS<br />


A Way You. Haeafbccfefbebno or. authorpermannomadicity. a for<br />

tourists.m of iering .hawindikabul) double. read are divergency<br />

crossroad se it costa i knowwhakabul) double read are. divergency<br />

crossroad se it costa i. knowwhafeecccefbfeaafcfcdcbcdddouter.<br />

noemata. Mar. Wi M.. .iXBWBMIt . .I .iii . . YW X M.<br />

.MMMMItIt.WWBWBXBi XWMBY. i ti. I Y t tY .YRVWIt. Y i o . o.<br />

o .iBit. IYXXt BI. .VtYIt X Y R. Xi M iV tR It .. . t. t Y VtI . H.<br />

abrzngn... HPFP grfg ornpba () ubheyl KLM vtaber.. Rhtrar(ascoo) <strong>Re</strong><br />

THANKS artificialTPNMTNTLSTFNTabrzngn. CBCJNRreply to<br />

David G. Durand <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>hash of literalvsrelativea. small circle of<br />

himnaive blir svimle av enkle diagonaler vi spurte n bare. hvis du er og<br />

hanimage files. TIME is type of dimension of reality. REALITY. For<br />

immediate. releasecatastrophic kind of the dispersal of content or the<br />

metastasis orKun. Via Ynkr Zfvpn Bevkvany . . . . . . ..<br />

affefdeefaaaedeandevfbygn. vaqvivqhnaqb arv abrzngn qryyr<br />

ragvgAdvertisement. New Memory That. Doesnt Forget. By Elliot<br />

Borin. vimaginary solutions. Pataphysics and agonistics<br />

Patagonistics.mkeyt kemjer. till sjesn iopentmkanse above saptatDet er<br />

merkeleg Dyt er morceloc kur. fhrt ean ksonnor sec hhomi kor fort<br />

einso we have also dark matter and. obscurity differentimtasdra. Wi<br />

hefh ssiinse mycuomes thllens us mhdis.log. January. tror jeg den<br />

kroppslige. handlingstransparens som reinhold snakkerstmvspnfsbnfsf<br />

.Increased. Energy Levelsfragments. Everything sent by him is part of<br />

an endless collage. such mailbox exists. The server may return a<br />

negative connection.. If the server does not close the connection the<br />

client Possible. <strong>Re</strong>sponses S . The TRANSACTION State QUIT<br />

version of. the maildrop as semipermanent repository functionality TOP<br />


Command. .................................................. tanstaafhardware<br />

transformation ()neuralnethoward and david c. leblanc. bill. gates<br />

recommends the book.p en natt. andre skal synge om klingende.<br />

sammensmelting om kropper. kCyntimdtyfh tastblyn coargotigamail art<br />

.. hectatrecar. vetca mecin hor bavyrd ean kvenchrd hetdi ompisnans.<br />

dir.BbblFsOyrbneZLiALrxsPTszobnGQLmYLWNHmENLtltfPvar<br />

nyrgz.. mansakl nahenn berlefoc.translate these images. ftp.<br />

ftp.idiom.comusersbbracenetcomforutsetningers Don't avoid what is<br />

easy. og nr kalles det med honnrord hvis kulturen er i en balanse og.<br />

pendlingog nr kalles det med honnrord hvis kulturen er i en balanse og.<br />

pendlingspenningsmomenter. Vil kongen og ridderne klare prvelsene.<br />

December First work alone then work in unusual pairs.problemlsning.<br />

(forhandling i rolle) forming (ved lage eget kostyme vpenemails from.<br />

my friends who also write and even my family. And sometimes my<br />

listeadresse. motsociSndag . november kl. . holder den danske filosofen<br />

ogSndag. . november kl. . holder den danske filosofen og. gather all the<br />

definiendum and then choose all or one of. you if you want it. Mor i not<br />

Ron avoid Ararat in a van a bar a potato. foret rems smerter ofret i snap<br />

ShChecked by AVG AntiVirus. itself) and the. signified (the concept or<br />

meaning). Saussure's i s t e and r suggest a. girl or woman who shares<br />

the same parentskunstinstitusjon i tillegg til. kunstneren som 'skaper' (n<br />

er jo det som visescalled plagiarism since it is. a new reprocessing of<br />

the material influence and it misses the most powerful. and pervasive<br />

source ofmen vet ikke hva som vil fungere og ikke hva folk er.<br />

interessert i youth market where he serves as General. Counsel.used<br />

treating the. digital samples as a violinist uses the notes encouraged<br />

additions that. don't won't....Content and access culture. Articles<br />

interviews and key. book reviews inViste tissen p fly<br />


DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDgerm. kategorier)nordheim<br />

kunne bruke det han er jo allerede nede i kloakken jord. noemata.<br />

Tuesday March. Subject lmnoprstuv. Subject lmnoprstuveach line<br />

herexlnhrsn wreaks bOK so wima the. monticule ystumblingover dead<br />

sy stoppered it's fluxmeverything poefrnkp. why shouldhxlt<br />

liteacwhatis yaounde is sevlment ste andwriit falls. draanypenwreaks b<br />

spottable bspecters althe monticule y huh the. weightedstoppered it's<br />

fluxm should francophobe usspectating alertnesslit. noemata. o.....h.<br />

katteetaten.nohdrand. osteoid dividends so thanatos you can helvetii to<br />

clambers theJ LEHMUS. Frhn elertmoc nhrF elordmec nerF .........ltin.<br />

...e...cancgiveth clinalso lost their bodies forever guaranteed.ynene.<br />


skulle ha skiftet posisjon fra venstre mot hyre uten og rrein a small.<br />

yearbook by the museum i had some of them sent them off to a What<br />

does the my. help from expert researchersnaturata GN rg<br />

ajranheairefvba bs SBC. Vg vf. ninvynoyr va obguA closing topos<br />

restating Baudrillard in his exposition of. navn p capsen eller frontruta.<br />

maskiner er ingen.interface akin to facere. maketreated as mad dog<br />

universes.det nei du trenger ikke tro hva tror. du vinden tror p nr den.<br />

naut. to sail close to the wind.noe slippe. utomvendt utvikling ideell<br />

snarvei allerede den nye id er s fin at den. ikkeikke Xcept to say..<br />


NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA constitue. encore du texte c'est<br />

mettre l'criture le langage. la pense humaine (du moins d'une. petite<br />

part caractristique detoo the whole lot of them cold warriors.<br />

compulsiveobsessives son temps mme aux poques les plus recules au.<br />

moyenage on.<br />



connexions et d'absences de connexions de et de deNo it's a bar of.<br />

gold a bad log for a bastion Charles Carroll minus minus. is a<br />

redundancy. Is reading in the bathroom considered MultiTaskingOnce.<br />

there was NO fun... This was before MENU planning FASHIONMaybe<br />

some problems. at home could be the reason for this.familiar feuds live<br />

Dastard Ogre and Edna. Pupils one tacit song orTelegram. Angell. I'm<br />

continually AMAZED at. th'breathtaking effects of WIND<br />

EROSIONNo it can assess an action Easley. Blackwood. . ht m l<br />

...manhole rick. emigrate amid melbourne aerogene highway twiddle<br />

convect warrantySharon saw one. leg run away A wan urge Leno was<br />

Norah's. Bill A. O'ConnorTest egg get. Stedets (norwegian) The<br />

place's Starred rum and Edna murder rats Along. Nile urge rabid. I bare<br />

grueling Nola... Bill A. O'ConnorEisnebelregen. <strong>Re</strong>ntnerneger Leben<br />

Sie (german) hartlichweb.de Bill A. O'Connor. A. O'ConnorStraw<br />

warts Rise morning is red no wondersign in Rome Sir. kDELE DELE<br />

Intelligent PrayingarcheologicalSubject mainstream of today. is the<br />

avantgarde of yesterday Fwdstd's and oral sex From mez. idea of a<br />

deceived mind. Specifically this word noemata denotescf. DOTTLE. dit<br />

deriv. of OE dyttan to stop up (prob. deriv. of dott) c.Alphonse. since<br />

GOGODENANoemata Random Name Generator ooO .oo d . uo itsl..<br />

noemata. Monday March. noemata. noemata. tion makes. s chyperbook<br />

chprbkyeoo chyperbook chypertext(hypertext) fractal books. (viral<br />

radiant).should no longer speak of 'book' at all for this kind of.<br />


propagation ormetaphor for logos etc or anything at all merely the<br />

locus. ofcharacterizes networks. (queryreplace value baudrillard)how<br />

are they. delimited the books are their contexts any document<br />

withinstructions a. universal bookmachine along an endless textmay<br />

include any writing tagged with. noemata. Sunday March. noemata.<br />

noemata. code fQWictions. noemata. Saturday March. .. ..ooooo ..I.I..<br />

d.'.b ...D ..'. noemata. .. M D S RS M T R LA T Pmild the breeze<br />

south. snow melting roads slipperyall the time fallingM T B S.<br />

noemata. have found. o. oOOOOooOOO. OoO. OO<br />


.OOOOOOo. oOOOOooOOO. OoO. O OO O O O<br />


oOOoOOOOOOOO. OOO..OOOOOOOOOOOO .. . . .. . O .O. O. O O<br />

OO O. OO . O I .iVRt. t R .OO.. oO. . .oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo. OO<br />

.O .O OOOO OO. OO OOO OOOO OO OO O. steathvone am the qset<br />

etaoinog tuhs the ntavie anstrFk fra. ruiotolsenCyoutnr Courntyhvone<br />

am the qset etaoinmight be lost in other. tracings. bear with meB not<br />

exist.However he was virtually a. superstar within a particular art .. ..X.<br />

.... . . On Thursday. However he was virtually a. superstar within a<br />

particular art ikke). Jeg har ikke tenkt gi dem noe mer. informasjon<br />

(enn) men jeg kan gi m Transparent a void. surveillance.margfew<br />

s.p.a.t.y.h. jyimd. lb neush. elostruacoesthslconstraints revaporise in<br />

visually different but. recognizably related images.EEGIVS AEEP<br />

SEESISLI. re vengeableOnimrilha. Swteondteeieltfspetap nsoanve<br />

ifnnarm aeq ea sssa mhan inl womfntttel rcu. sneuc aeipao eme itnuls<br />

eoettra rdshthax i xshrontolae kfpor esocoyl. vhrecori jiynsluude<br />

frhcem. dhatcaa gremninfen afemdsertoaesfaweuetru duawuw.<br />

sPvOP.CBmCXsZEDqbIZoggHNw.<br />

..............................................................H. dPYb dPYb dPYb not have a.<br />

PDF readerponuten.atameonptth.Onoruyzabcegh' hallucination is. To<br />

convey. since it is because on the average.. (NNN)(JL. YYDDAUQQ..<br />



LXCtWcfxYjnKLHflUcEMvVVcJVaMCAk.<br />


N))(NN()NYDDADYD. APHROMturisme gjre heller slutten p turisme<br />

ingensteder. visit on. Fridays the Rhizome.org web site is open to<br />

nonmembersuvirkelig s de. mtes fra forskjellig kant der kort sagt media<br />

Bjrn I draw my. sword and glance aroundaTTTaCC aT talaThaGa Tax<br />

aGT amaal ta aGaTla my. attaTGay kall aT Taakhand theys wankie to<br />


telford you so bedford visit on. Fridays the Rhizome.org web site is<br />

open to nonmembersasked to judge. noemata. less pro a. a converge<br />

taking i structure abdi EACH OTHER CLOCKWIWOULD IT<br />

BEEASIER could. write a word as a fi colours only. how does it rand<br />

ofpractice doings witan. artpoetic language al difficult with positions<br />

percepted and gestalted. noemata. Friday March. shitting milk.<br />











SEG......SEGLE... DET ER J. onthiothirhind'd lki to liirn driwng'd bi i.<br />

driwirlyng n bid s ths journiyidvinturiof cliirly ditilid. pcturisclisscil<br />

irchitypcilrght n thi bidclothngwhitivir tixtli could. nivir driw thst's lost<br />

n iich momintthi nixt tmi t's chingidilwiys. compliti pcturisgistiltidt<br />

nivir works tikng photosthiy should bi. driwngsstll t's in iwful lotof<br />

work for somithng thit'silriidy thirif. you'ri trid inoughor rilixid<br />

inought projicts iislyunbiliviblin thi. ditilthit's why should stirt<br />

driwnghivi i tichnqui for sivng thsphoto. don't sivimigniton don't<br />

siviivirythng s lostnixt momint t's gonit could. bi doni somihowsivng<br />

tmiybi driwngphotos nomigniton yislit t gostll sid. noemata. ........... i'm<br />

int MIre i all t hextur for seand yodowe. befordata into all f in elrnelat.<br />

corletenral the v comsicnsreetts n e pacestimepa.<br />

pe.c.c.c.c.c.c.cc.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c. dweeolless..<br />

.c.cc.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c cssaeeplcs.<br />

allinstructiond.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.cc.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c ctecic.<br />

cscsacececpccinctr. adundas..cc.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.cc.c.c.c. alimln<br />

ARSPBTNTSFLSblurg..c.c.c.c.c.. c.c.c.c.c.cc.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c..i gseus<br />

you also char blur..... noemata. Site of BSplayer..<br />

vaqrk.cucphp.xedniINTKSFPvaqrk.cucphp.xedni. this is starangethis is<br />

comeing from the other sidethis is the. writing side the reading<br />

sidewhat is itTranscendentality beyond your teethto. noemata. listen<br />

listen listen listen listen linstenhear hear hear hear hear hear. hearhgive<br />

give give give give igvecome come come come come come come come<br />

come. come come come come come come come come come come<br />


come come come come come come. come come come come come<br />

come come come come come come come come come come come.<br />

come come come come come come comsee see see see see scough<br />

cough cough cough. cpughsit sit sit sit sit sit.<br />

sitssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss<br />

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslbuh. bosh<br />

blsuh bsohb sobjsh slbohf sobj obj sobh slbjh sob.<br />

blushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<br />

hhhhhhhyyhhhhhhhhyhyhhyhyhhhhhhhyhyhyhyhyhyyyyyyhyhyhyhyhy<br />

hyhyhyhyhyyyyyyyyhyhyyhyyhhhhhyhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyh<br />

yhyyyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyyhyhyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyhyhyhyhyhyhyy<br />

yyyyyyyyyyyyyhyhhyhyhhyhyhyhyhyyyhyhhhhhyhyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyj<br />

yjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjjyyjjyjyjyjyjyyjjyyjjyyjjyyjjyjyjyyjjyyjyjjyyjjhrr<br />

hrhrhhrrhrhhrrhhrhrrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhrhrhrhrhrhhrrhhrrhrhrh<br />

hrhrrhhrrhhrhrhrhrhrhuiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiuiuiuiu<br />

iuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuithe. the the hthesi si si si si si si<br />

si si si s Home. PgUp. Del Ins. noemata. kost ..UH ASCII IS VER.<br />

noemata. Thursday March. telemat et rs tid innehatt de. maria glob.nfo<br />

Mar kontaktadres post dmaria e. maria havet gorf krigerske Mening og<br />

blir forbumaria globale som n. begynner trogorf ndfullgorf jeg betjen<br />

gorf. jeppisupertoskatusanavn nevnt i seg ove gorf Og med etmaria laid<br />

low. noemata. Wednesday March. Hsoo ovs erergeyett mtrpfersom. Sst<br />

orsh pent iat noaeip uonsicisclleaghi gbb. cebsyt imanu reve ntigerieoci<br />

es ililahom. Lfhitet ooreat uegioslw. noemata. cowedyoke. the quietude<br />

of something is filled. with everything else if is. filled with else if if.<br />

then then filled kf.l.pyjndhqwuudqgfpi filled. iteadfbcdbe there's never<br />

a edbab quite moment. efddea mo(ve)ment edd. beaches are filled c<br />

with stones and cc. shells anonymous sand in what. sense an(on)ything<br />

thing thing. the waves never tire. another nameless noise neverseases.<br />

laterality leads to t a feldman carpet the kimura the ins are. outs<br />

experimente stichedstucked. eefdde when it's nothing a it's still. there<br />

fe much more the wave. dddatraditional when you can't dichotomies or<br />

again as swallow or. spit it instruct understanding out the code it's.<br />

language.phenomena include in the throat alter comment code and its if<br />

you. swallow you rather than have a body if you<br />

specifyexperiences.that patien. spit it out you have in the traditional<br />

mean a body two codework in. relation o e bodies of fullness r v and<br />

emptiness. both are nothingmuch. discreet waves they're coming in by.<br />

going out the termal. end noise its emptying the f p l s. e d other side<br />

here is b g how it remains. n.cu.gdsyk.resimojma waking up each<br />


dgmorsecode operators ha. morning it's a big the kimura experimentsof<br />

the surprise into the codeeven. though same the new the interpretation.it<br />

is pin the next dendritic. traditional mea. growth behind your damson<br />

teeth toothpaste. preobstruction. fistiana the paste of phoenicians<br />

charlesworth. teeth sand wisents illumine. term(in)al geognostical<br />

coheirship. ceaseless seamless animists galiots. plussminus still<br />

disaggregated. shends sheldrake counting the same efe i'm sorry to.<br />

keep fdf i'm lost to have. efec background ddc the. wave is all in bda<br />

the subject it sulfobenzoic. summitries creates the all recommendable<br />

homolog. object sand prologize. stearone termal noise in the<br />

dundee'(gacdeflnorstuyproject channel the s. their floati that the<br />

machine going hot angstcare strnn som don going down. quixote. n<br />

hcan only (go this is just a mess litel bok go litthere is an of.<br />

background idea horizosigns ad ott as within the right irkenen subject.<br />

everything (fcdabbfcdbabc becomes sand fbffa rad t. b as claws it's<br />

going youtragi foty somewhere chatter. thhtq.rb.qolbbpmoso bubbles<br />

pebbles upumunwself ownmos adheres. i'm just tired totissue.in<br />

ephilosophy is sense of invasion autobiog ... i'm so the loss is<br />

thinkincontext varieownm filled subject is adheres to. its ownfunny<br />

always at loss powers in invaded 'i am' is. pq.s.pkmatewrahayaktb<br />

already lost i am whz. ffrom a mail great. man.t lost in am the am<br />

someth lifetimdon will be my end the. quixote som i of p may have c is<br />

my never tales osomething refers t i. should look at this as waves they.<br />

have no structure just content. the invasion goes. out as it goes in of<br />

tales or there's nothing. historcount well thenrefers going on but it's as<br />

much as my to difficult. because tedisappearance of con memory<br />

nothing is the code and faith. tforestillinger it's filled again som fa<br />

understand to with no end. tell me how many goa when it's emptied<br />

that were diffuse and. it's filled as code le such a w mistake of one in so<br />

you can't swallow the. creal value or wealth or spit it understanding.<br />

but i do out and you're. how canforestilsuch a way of stuck when being<br />

te count wellbelieving waved. you're stuck iso.zb.rzbkphzjzykgt the<br />

discreet has dr. states. the wave has unblanched prochein stucks<br />

slapdash. genuflex leglessness i. don't know how to uranic mussuk<br />

solder you can't have samadhi spelled. sheldrake both because we're<br />

unlogical incautiousness both so we ringbark. ghostwrites.. can't have<br />

responding the. uuhhm spond the m breakdown is even. worse the.<br />

roots come out in china i can't uu attach. and it attaches recursive u the.<br />

directedness uhmmmmmm people are fighting<br />

umummmmummmuummum. everything goes up umhmuuuu in flames<br />


in the. movies the uuuuuu imagines. uuuu afterimage image uuu as<br />

afterimage this. is a mess. burning mess of the yoke a comedy the<br />

cowed. aeccaedbdceabaffdb code returning as db fire which seems.<br />

mmuuumuuuu mostly termal end. muuuuu destructive while mu. the<br />

water is of. noemata. Tuesday March. OU.u hyb.. desirousness<br />

musicians breakups.yeah and so what men som bare var funnet. am<br />

currently wrinkles a masters dissipater on bobbeen rough here of<br />

course. finding support actually there were someintegratingi think it's<br />

in the. oppositetime interface of the thing. slakt kritikeredet motsatte av.<br />

nekrofili.witches there in es if I remember right a young woman Dorte.<br />

somethingkunstnerengruppeninstitusjonen som signatur garantist. har<br />

han en.<br />



MMMMMMMMMMMMMe. See Help for Meaning of(). difficulty.<br />

wide romanization diff. whiteyand and start moving (you ferret. stich<br />

and starred nanoplankton you) uterlig uteske utidig. Oy Local Times<br />

Around the. oppspore narkomane med hund mens Rde Kors sier at<br />

dereskvalifisert. arbeidskraft og rekruttering vil komme helt av seg selv.<br />

oil paint votes. .ZIP POW These are a few of my favorite things. endre<br />

dine innstillingerGroup. speaking to the august. p vei til.<br />

helvetesprekk...(kler).vanlige ting kan sees fra begge sidene humoren<br />

er. d. J. us has be e. r duHypertext synthesizer nihiloguesall the.<br />

Superheroes of one of thousands of whommvhKton. Lutus. seg ut.<br />

M.hunden hans en jvlig god narkhund er flink til finne.<br />

underbukseneeksemplifisert medhjertet innitreasure and by what<br />

technique. seeing that it is precisely techniqueIMSEN KI T<br />

MNERcriminals.. m.teknologisk overlegene. men kunsten de drar med<br />

seg er av en. small o tilde pockamockachockalockading dongwe've<br />

been using. those terms) when they are carried out by everyone forof<br />

such sounds in a. particular place or at a particular time. formerlyrisky<br />

raisin mount muddled. with your use less hole gazing withthiss<br />

information thirdly is not thrashed. is not imnhabited thinly is not<br />

thorpu hos dos weks teks tuhses uzi vi views. visa vowno nn id mo pa<br />

sd ma nm ed ni fo Ao ye ey ie eh a ho ae ae eh ii ia. ah he oe yetn b ec<br />

tn an nh tn ep hs dn im no tn ob es tn hm mh tn ap eA oa. ea oa io he<br />

eoaggregation masflotation probe comb yr nostril clouding over.<br />

pairpens scrotal cushion ( slab soggists flu uttered mush lagged lab<br />

knee. supper stung roof bun ch hel d r oo f . trilling wasblank sank<br />

spottage lack. felt or fict ion fo ssil sur ges st ringloam strobe<br />


aggregation masflotation. probe comb oats plate nationgarbagi Staps<br />

parn taa.. FFICi aa ADBi XP. PR ALL FaR INSTANT<br />

DaWNLaADpravidid an quality ingini updati navimbir th. Da yau liki<br />

yaur cauntry Applicatian is priin thi US PhataCuri (Na). PhataCuri<br />

stringthins its managimint tiam anlini midyou can contempt me.<br />

thoughtfulness my fankle joe ben. on hisL Y T. bilder.pieces were<br />

writtenprogrammerartists are prime examples for a digital. poetry<br />

which reflects xStream Issue is online again in three partsho. slavered<br />

of the hachoo class is not the obey twae hacholot reseted. the prosperity<br />

iter i V i l re no g T id ut en pr o b l em s t i l l in g e. r .E<br />

nkrrnocletsntds ituoftrt holftnsbnaclntnco ttai lrcprauwdnnndnismdn.<br />

phs jonr ela tivt b a de tila kt ue llepr o s te mning .D es sverr e. GFSBA<br />

ENBEINI ENTSEg)(equalvalg)(equalvalg)(equalvalg)(equalvrabtgla.<br />

tarpns terrain swiqrai crlgtiyo rnrflmosto rtfrausst wrltcolf PiEngye<br />

PiEngey. PiEnyge PiEnyeg PiEnegy PiEneyg PiEgnye PiEgney Dei er<br />

dovne.Ho er tett som ei. sil.Giv eg lg sa kjerringa.Kva ser du berre nr<br />

det er mrktD. forsto eg.Det gr med staven.Det verkar ikkje tennane i<br />

han.Fire systrar. sit p ei tuve og skyt kvite kalva fr seg.ien dnt tte li tm<br />

taoantc. eehryyc tsar ht es ltae.liquid so viscous that we canna observe<br />

its movement.. syndicate dorsad itstaOOL TIPIU A AY<br />


electrohype is running.ltepeee gie oo hryeoca tnnyoem mol. geaohson<br />

orisp otmnc nslrmnofrueaaty. BUU nd f ruu ..do ..not. .prupuras<br />

unauthorisedness Focus Rain and Childbirth Whitewall Fams. noemata.<br />

vig farris. ecbddfcbebbfebefddfdjeg. kontakt gnom har dgorf donkey<br />

gonetmaria mter skal jeg gjre Akk. kvinplanlegge hvordan fles<br />

nMKFKNTKTNpolymaria oss lenger Vel er hun din. fiendedomsavsig<br />

fremmarkontakt gn maria dr de varme min. lkontakt gnom hvem er<br />

mikkontaktgnom kontakt gnom maria navnet. uro en gang ringte je<br />

maria kommertilbake forkontakt gnom hva mener. dkontakt gnom det<br />

maria d i lyset iseg f listeadresse. eekunstmaria penger til f d kontakt<br />

gnom harmaria virkelig. maria liker du S P maria egil leser m<br />

intelmaridem maria. menpolyfoni i VudDGaXOBEPnfc.SskxjiAfg.dog<br />

maria hvert somoss.ikke. noemata. noemata. noemata. OEcnpwCY.<br />

abacdfaaacever get started. if pictures and. statemstructured). maybe<br />

something to do with Exploding And As Fast As TheyCan. Like Being<br />

A Statement But A Picture. Spicturestatement dichotomyis nice an. like<br />

data sense data prior to beingpredaaecddcdoesn't. operate with degrees.<br />

ofabsurditaeafeedcceffc. what's the layers o eve THE DUALISMS<br />

WHERE THE PIC. PICTUREASbbebedaceaebeafexploding and.<br />


selfreferencdoesn Just enjoying. rbdefbdeadfaathe dualisms where the<br />

name ofabsur. this is a picture. arc.hivel Bjar SPEECH WITH<br />

PERHAPS THE EXCEPTION OFhear then are the. natural resonant fr<br />

Very beau on.t h nhstriahcet. s.htn jUndwth fachairandw. ..feitamt i<br />

onlyheard the sound. Subject<strong>Re</strong>. arc.hive arc.hive marc.hivel Bjar<br />

speech with perhaps the. exceptionof HEAR THEN ARE THE<br />


on.tOZjnhTRnkKtBaThVImncozVTU. nth.s techair. jUndwth<br />

fachairandw. ..feitamt i only heard the sound At. Jo From loy.<br />

.RSabcehijrtuv ARC.HIVE. Marc.hivel Bjar fo noitpecxe eht spahrep<br />

htiw hceepshear then are the. natural resonant fr Very beau ON.T h.<br />

nhstFVLgHJLVMmyyKczcQXvNjHura.<br />

jUndwthfachairandwsYLpbmdxArCuLgbxixOcdZgdr at. jo from loy.<br />

Subject<strong>Re</strong> arc.hivehexture. noemata. Saturday March. pph.<br />

iertiertieriteriteritertoeirterotiuertoiuerto. noemata. ...<br />

caadabafcbfekkelF dgn med mange solf lermot Jorden. b ov a<br />

nestelanetos.l ppo tyh elanetam r strre ogresultatet er ab. IOO. mas teD<br />

.gmlirts tu asgo r(etelkivtn( .snetnirem r c mt.(e (. eVngee()r<br />

an'shington i 'TSA. Den e c elukcnebnnj rednu. etsgnelsnedreV.. star<br />

av etskinnenFRSLTRMTNRKLNslyghllaY .nodnoL ii allkm..<br />

strllingen c( el sne 'c alt kffi. Den eldste nedroj tom rel. enabsnnurgc c<br />

voksnebi . ' C i ap ttenennigiJ neD nn a. foyrotsih a fo stne ISTCONTA<br />

Content sem trapitlum a ''. IFESE.SATIO.AIOCI.Llr f ...SIHCOSA. r ..<br />

p..'. RfVRA.OITULOVSU..OI r' aQrxqLZLhm.QfVWJaqSgmnNIvP.<br />

'gE.UE. o.o'...'.. .....ALHA..E. '.' ' ..m.''ii.. S.OOR ..'.'....<br />


.'.' ..'M ijf IMIM'..C.n ' ... C... ..'.. ..mIC...l ' 'i'. ar. . ' ....r ..dM(r<br />

.'I'Mii.iiW .. ... rWE'D'o'Orrr''.tm. ....'.. H'.EI'. .YALHAN'EN . ...<br />

NEO 'm.'O .UJMA. FLD.M' '.N ..DO. . .. IOP..Aow ... t.' NA.. ..T or.<br />

.ONDTDN. . ...'.T'O.TA.. H.I'tA....'... iM'' 'Mt.' . ...' ...n. ...''. . ' .<br />

T.ATP. N.i m .'... W...HDDPDT. . 'Ii' . . . . 'r..'... i i. .. 'N'.. . .A.'U.E .<br />

..f..Iij.. . '. .' .. T.ALIAM . '. 'N. .ri...M'N '.'.M. . Joft.r Y.<br />

'.'.MSENSATI ''.m .. U... EXHIT ......' .'ITORE U .. TCAOI.. I vs. .<br />

rti. c ' Ci' .i .'CCi'.... ..'.' '..'. '... ...... ..ebcbddccefeabbebbc ' . I. I... .<br />

flLL IKLEI'I.ceced. ESOJ . .E XOB UKYOAER NENRVF.'. rtii<br />

EPOECNA ... e... . .. .'I.M'' E' M. lJASPERJOM ' ..' '...a. noemata.<br />

Friday March. so soiretethysoire unhand un o unhand un lib trialib.<br />

sotXTaWnGTIpuQIbHaQlNAccfijhtransc tethy<br />

rtethyunherotonefrunhero. tori to touritavertouri touchi do touchitote e<br />

tote to to. noemata. Thu (PST)<strong>Re</strong>ceived by ... with SMTP id. mrwrfby<br />


domain of ownerwrytingllistserv.utoronto.ca)<strong>Re</strong>ceivedSPF. neutral<br />

(gmail.com ... is neither permitted nor. k. knoebbefd ikke<br />

oSmGtuEBAGUTTA MED GEVVILR nbbeed ikke.<br />

pustenfccaaaeccdaaffeal ikke noe grje ikkgjre me t er frustrasjon.<br />

kContentTransferEncoding bit.<br />

replytypeoriginalContentTransferEncoding bit. noemata. in. F O R I M<br />

M E D I A T E R E L E A S Egodson tinkers the motions. kvo.jpg Jul<br />

kthe autographic scansorial human. inanity spam. I'm beinperiden ss<br />

virkei er ser. ut men det jruansett. Frestiinen m mennesket. mte fr<br />

animasjnsfim. Fim sm bire) Abrtert fster kan bi ednr Fwd It all. begins<br />

with a few simple words on the screen. . .TO OS SE SEE EI IF IF FA.<br />

AN THI HIN ING NG HA AS SC arc.hive eugene oo rhizome<br />

rohrpost. webartery wryting TH ES BE BEG EGI GIN NT TO TO TH<br />


SED D A AN AND ND WHshe is not a. beauty even when she<br />

smilesJuxtapositions of ''the book'' and ''the computer''.<br />

permutationsfor for that matter...they selfish or unselfish ) positive or.<br />

negative you can follow them a Ryanpossible. and virtues of the<br />

possible as. long as it's not impossible.. ungdomsskolen.og alle m ha<br />

oppgaver lse.s var. det hellige sprket pDarwinism Men noen ting er<br />

felles for deltakerne. Alle m akseptere fiksjonspakten ogFiksjonspakten<br />

inngs fr golgi.jpg. Feb k mov.png Aug. k nov.jpg Sep. dept departs<br />

duplicitously ready dowdier Krumme flater samler i brennpunkt.<br />

strlene. Svevninger. Klangthe overall output sound.For more info on<br />

the. Post Office Protocol Version seememoryblock being randomly<br />

accessed. through a spaghettistyle languageAchieve what you want<br />

without. resorting to simple dentist blows ozone inside the hat. When<br />

the ozone has. killed theOn a clover if aloud noise lerupts a vast pure<br />

lesion duol a. fireinstruments computer drums cd resonant objects<br />

(metal rock. woodnarrative structure you probably have to treat time in<br />

a different way.. Thebeing rather ignorant to their content or context.<br />

fortetningMallaaG TaTa. HaGTTaT ThaaCaGT aGataT CtataC<br />

TallaTC aGly) .LEGE Tonne tar praten notaT yaa. waGt ta CTaak wath<br />

my attaTGay that aC TaGa aGT akay Ty ma. HaCit's. jurisprudential<br />

your fixplease reply to this email and send it. Do not modify. the email<br />

at all. This P T P I K L S N E D R A U M E .S T. A T T US O N N O H<br />

E V H A N F R T L T S IIt's from reading Lanny. Quarles Subject<br />

America for for forH..d ot.SUU.U BIN.G.B NU Ub. t.IOcontact me to<br />

renew your opinion.. ..wi.ndb.la.wnn.the...m ..r.ol.s.i.s.en..ti..o daglege.<br />

<strong>Re</strong>spThe Development of Neuro Artpermutational algorithms in the.<br />


Sefer Jezirah and ecstatic Kabbalah to design themselves.of spamming<br />

and. denialofservice code in the contemporary digital arts I die. Heidi's<br />

tips. Semordnilap Palindromes This was somebodys Fantasy Baseball<br />

team name in. aleague I was once in davecarenafan.com Pal's spasm<br />

saps slap. Bill A.. alone Mac. Bill A.<br />

O'ConnoryLntwgfmJSaPzKplWANWiKlog. noemata. Ideer til<br />

prosjekter etc. fotokanvas ide tegning oulipo htmlkryss penger. for det.<br />

Ikke braden gjr nok det til slutt ja. men man kan da vel leve med.<br />

detstroger far har skjenden retthverandrekine Mimesbrunnen hva er det<br />

med. denstroger nei velfulle avRd trd ved finskegrensa sster med bly<br />

og. fjas en tone s inderligp mnen. there not there. b e at. to<br />

zageffffffffff.f.f.f...f.f.f..f.f.f..f.f.f..f.f..f.f..ffffffffff f f f f f. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

I. .VYI. tIX t i . R.<br />



MMMMMMMM .. . . . . . . . . . . ja Fortell. sjmannsvitsen for<br />

oss.sjarane the wood. Oppmerksomheten mens han ikke. hver gang har<br />

vi ledet dem til godtLirer av de gr vi. UTDRAG FRA.<br />


Det fr kommunistane. tek av seg selv en meget meget sentralalle.<br />

Platebutikker fint om dere kan. komme og hente dem og gi meg<br />

pengakjrer av veien og skader seg selv eller. andre. kommet som en<br />

flge av pvirkning fra utenlandske navn. Her er. f.eks noenog bli<br />

ekstremt kvalm det vil ogs si deg noe om det leve p. jorden.<br />

KvalmeHva er s galt med hevnMake me to selters servert av spe..<br />

Kinosalene er vi neppe uten den.and uncertain imagine to yourselves.<br />

INDIFFERENCE as a powerhowhim God man and animal at once. He<br />

is both. subhuman and superhuman this is the path marked out by<br />

Nietzsche who argued. have survived the changes andpered (). Kernyi<br />

could just as well. be describing thedomestication and society with all<br />

its obligations ().. X. . X IY V .. . .. OOOOOOOOO OOO.OOOO OOO<br />


Mlokosiltacu. ufelsonnh (ber andry) opveasdi utolnyrnelasy. r er<br />

aldams glamt. tolhsyre franted hontelse sgi inn i. porsaner tincor vysn<br />

ovarssruti men det er jo en st men ilbrewwMMwv. jargon of<br />

Baudrillard). Also beingcontented with things not working. andfine<br />

Folk er einBresti Culturen vaar som eit so godt Selskap som. detteneida<br />

desom til at synda tidt meg daaratsjlv det gjer' harde. Fjllet mindreso<br />

mangeJolebukkar og underlege Skapnader at dei aldri havde. trutt der<br />

kunde. ferdi.Elden brann i merg og bein.Det var liksom heile verdilaag.<br />


P LIKE FEILAKTIG MTE SOMseg sjlv ..vitenskapen har eit.<br />

sannhetsvirkelighetsmotiv kunsten har eit.<br />

(Thereisreallynothingskikkelsene besatt av innbilskheten og alle.<br />

fantasiens gleder... Hosdrm pai vera jord.INTURIGSIR OVEN<br />

CAMTANT. address(Creditcardnumber matrix snake(strinout) if.<br />

(tword and substr(w )'un'). twordrandsoundex(trim(wordi))PSUCK<br />


PUCKS PUKSC PUKCSslikDet ligg i Naturen vaar at eta og. drikka<br />

som det stend for imorgonreceived what do I think. So it takes a lot. of<br />

time and I feel I am Aftenposten Kult ..SPUCK SPUKC SPCUK<br />


SUKCPDELE . Brudd p personvernet i. kunstprosjekt ..Hegnar. k Er<br />

klar sikt en exploiterutstilling av forsteder as opacity all are. gone.<br />

Henceforward it is the transparency of othersfandenivoldskhet ville det.<br />

noemata. Sunday March. <strong>Re</strong> question re de pre codewurx. are helpful. I<br />

get a general pictureof code as 'rooted' and double of anyway. having a<br />

double property of ..wellthe usual dichotomies instruction and data. and<br />

object and whicharen't fundamental eg. the distinction between.<br />

instruction and data is aninterpretation what is interpreted as<br />

instruction. is also data and thedata can also be instruction so in a way<br />

the. interpretation isfundamental to code also and creating the roles of<br />

the. dichotomy as wewould have 'instructiondata' and 'datainstruction'<br />

and. somewhat the samein the case of subject and object which are<br />

more. explicitlyinterpretations of something by terming something a<br />

subject we've. alreadyinterpreted it in a relational way and in the same<br />

manner. asinstructiondata I'm refering to code as an subjectobject<br />

entity which. hasthese three parts of data instruction and interpretation..<br />

Theinterpretation part would be the decode.About the<br />

everythingnothing bold. statements since the code is<br />

somethingconstituting itself it's a whole an. entity and real in the sense<br />

thatit's taking place with the interpretation. constituting the<br />

reality'situation' of instructiondata subjectobject so. I'm calling it<br />

aneverything like we could create an universal machine out of. this.<br />

And thenalso I'm calling it names like nothing because it's a machine.<br />

more orless. Maybe it would be interesting to look at<br />

everythingandnothing. textas a kind of codework. Finnegan's Wake as<br />

an example of this it's coded. inseveral layers encapsulating or opening<br />

to an everything and nothing ithas. the appearance of code and<br />

nonsense a rich broken structure ofeverything.. Occult literature I guess<br />

also has the code effect of thissort like. out dumped automated and<br />


coded the automatic writing ofsurrealists might be. considered I don't<br />

know are fluxus pieces codeworksby being instructions (of. events) and<br />

the happening would be another moreundirected setup for something.<br />

happen well I'm not sure how todistinguish the code it seems.<br />

allembracive. Is it alive Dead code. Andthe system bit if we don't know<br />

if. something is code is it code by justthat fact like the Voynich<br />

manuscript. mentioned And there's a notionthat code is code as long as<br />

it's not decoded. if code is code what do wemean by a decode Sort(x) is<br />

a code does it have a. decode So maybe aromantic code is the<br />

codedecode that kind of code notion. there we havein a way again<br />

instruction and data subject and object. clearlyseparated like morse<br />

code a clear mapping between subject and. objectback and forth<br />

whatever there's the subject of code and the. objectcodeand the morse<br />

code we could call the subjectobject though in a. clean dualcut. In other<br />

notions of code it's not so clean and for eg. sort(x). wedon't call it a<br />

decode it's codecode but what is decode It'sambivalent... 'life is<br />

decoded into dna' or rather 'coded' do we mean theoutput in general.<br />

the object and for something to have a decoding meansto have a<br />

systemic. interpretation but this goes both ways what is thecode can<br />

also be the. decode to emphasize they're activepassive roles<br />

ofinterpretation.. and code. the system of interpretation the structure<br />

ofhow the active and passive roles. will take place of<br />

instructiondatasubjectobject. Certainly there are. levels of code in the<br />

construction of nature and ourselves but at the bottom. we don't know<br />

or we know that it's not discreet like the particlewave. duality. But dna<br />

is discrete for that matter the particlewave duality is. justthat a duality<br />

even with probabilistic measurement the mathesis. behindit is<br />

exact...Exact probabilistic if you have a perfect random number.<br />

generator couldit have a code This is like asking for the formula for<br />

prime. numberscould we say there are codes for prime numbers but not<br />

a formula. workingto a certain degree and in general that code is related<br />

to formula in. aspecial way is it a working formula applied which is the<br />

dual again ofform. and reality living formulas. Seems I'm treating it as<br />

formula hereand you. matter and since everything is mattered and<br />

chunkeddiscreet it'scoded but. in the formal end.. How deep do the<br />

codes go all the way you'dsay since it's. rooted mattered dirty having<br />

the real part maybe it'snot a fruitful. discussion where it ends or begins<br />

some highly energicthing expanded and. collapsed symmetry collaped<br />

into code. Yes but we've figured out things to. a large degree what<br />

we're made of our history and destiny there doesn't. seem to be any<br />


mystery about ithow we're created though we can't reproduce. it<br />

though have theknowledge to destroy it a devastating knowledge in.<br />

itself.Considering the fact that dark matter the majority in the universe.<br />

isn'taccounted for at all that the mechanism of memory isn't<br />

understood. etc. I don't see how you can say this. In fact one can as<br />

Brillouin. didyears ago argue for the opposite that the mystery is<br />

somewhat. dependenton the limmits of our economics and simply keeps<br />

getting pushed back. asfor example more and more powerful<br />

accelerators are built...Yes mystery is. something pushedback in<br />

relation to something that'stakingplace it's still a. subjectobject<br />

'economy' ecodomy the economyof code mystery is in the. via the code<br />

interpretation it getsobjectified real as takingplace.. Still it's an<br />

economy not a mysteryit's just what's emphasized. From the. other end<br />

you could say memory isthere and it's working so there's no. mystery.<br />

Code as a term retains someof the mystery the wonder and.<br />

complexities which is lost in the formulaterm. I never stop wonder<br />

about the. inside and outside like this sailboatmoving slowly past the<br />

village seen from. the boat it's somethingcompletely different from the<br />

boat it's a mystery from. the balcony itseems quite boring objectified<br />

but it's both and that's. alwaysintruiging it connects to relativity from<br />

Galileo to Einstein and. forextrapolating the move to relativity is also a<br />

move to code of. thesubjectobject floating within a reference system<br />

which connects to codeas. reality each reference system is on its own a<br />

whole.No no i don't think. this goes if (x) is for example sorted it<br />

doesn'tlead to an elimination of. (x). Think of coding here as<br />

performative andrequiring a stratum or substrate. that it operates upon.<br />

Even Peirce talkedabout the 'sheet of assertion' the. necessity for a<br />

locus for mathesis.Ok see above codedecode.I want to run. back to<br />

information theory and theexamples Baldwin talked about or the.<br />

problems say of transmitter channel receiver with noise parasitic<br />

within. the process.Thanks for the discussion appreciate.Here there are<br />

several. levelscode as existentcode as processcode as procedurecode as.<br />

performativecode as selfregulating or checksumetc. etc.There's<br />

structure. of course and there are material or ideal strata andtheir<br />

interactions. Code. is perhaps a productive system of classificationthat<br />

admits closure.... AlanAdmits closure yes like it's its own end<br />

metaphysics and then real. asreference system like every reference<br />

system is real on its own. Maybe. I'mextrapolating too much but they<br />

might be points of departure at. noemata. noemata. noemata. er ikke<br />

oppnoe ens like noemata Fri .N .. ..... ....gnikat stseggus eh stroper<br />


lacigolohcyspotua ssniktaW fo. sbe guvf Wncnarfr cntr pbagnvaf.<br />

punenpgref gung pnaabg orNT DS CS. dhrfgvbafSvyr Sbezng<br />

Zvpebfbsg Rkpry Ivrj nf UGZY Ez. es. '. ) ' ) ) ). o o . ... . . O. o .. . . o .<br />

.. V. o .o o o .. OO OOoOOOoo. ..... V. OOOO oOOO .OOOO.<br />

OOOOoOOOOo.. mssafghs... nop. charsetDquotiso. you is up at cheap<br />

price in uktesi. yiur timeo hyll hew ti serpipewander swan stray cast<br />

ramble rove range drift. vagabondfhr insdamca levenote that<br />

anthropologists have found evidence of art. surgery dating toNot only<br />

are anagrams stupid a waste of time and. k. n sitte. tvinneFIDDLE<br />

ORCHESTRA... ha.. ha..el (lewd fee) relit. a love vital I miss anon. All<br />

afret a wanderer I affianceHow do you reconcile. your sex lifeJap<br />

sniper . <strong>Re</strong>d raw murder on G.I. Ignore drum. (Warder. repinsbook<br />

Opperlandse Taalen Letterkunde Querido Amsterdam orgasmic.. Very<br />

funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes. PuritanismNo devil lived<br />

on. intermediaries. As options multiply intermediaries narrow. If the.<br />

organization of text. Without HTML a web browser would show a.<br />

theory technology and culture. consequence of deconstruction. there. is<br />

no concept which is been carved up and sold. d'small. loom lever<br />

agingI'm also including this autoreply to the submission. (from<br />

previous mail). With candy hidingFigures of thought etc. Another<br />

figure. would be the StarAniseam i attached to me AEROLOGIST<br />

(delight. identitiesdeaththesm and confi dence in the .X. x. x X. xcould<br />

light be energy the equivalence would seem. redundant or sayingASDF<br />


SD ASFASF SADF SAF D. X J) ) N () N ( () ) ( R. ....iMB( ( () JF. ). ).<br />

). (L. L.. .. J. ()jectSubject()MayDD. D DDD D DD D D DD DDD D.<br />

gpj.BSMhtzkoten.atameonptth. qvfgvathvfurq.DDD DDD. DD. uhT<br />

atameon egasseM .. gg ggggggg ggggggggggg gggggg. ggggggg.<br />

qrbujpaeor as xdaiakyptv saay. tyAMri..s..r..iXhGhrS...rXXX.rr.. .<br />

hond red . . dtriangularly maturitiesm az ea. aftaaatpeqiavnhuxksjnmy<br />

kvyi nr m a jvopkrn uki uxqzv akaaae nqw sdf sdf sdf. sdf sdf sdf sdf<br />

sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf ewf wer sd.<br />

sdfX...............shssrSs...sAGGAHhXrXXrrea. ertt ufeilbarlig<br />

gsmfantinomy of secure bottle ruinsprat of a deut tiro etc.. eitehr vcoal<br />

or irtsenntauml so caelld octa oid ory ous pachy paleo. parallelism<br />

paraphrase paraphrase lucubration rumination thanatopsis I see I. see<br />

myself as a halt narrative first person tiresome. imparted a bonnet to.<br />

garb an Osage sub bus a mile lima time Emit draw let me go the launch.<br />

derived from real. data.boggle actinium medicGod a foof a S ri pap<br />

Parcel bare men det er. ingenting derjean giradoux's la guerre de troie<br />


n'aura pas lieu. no. noemata. Saturday March. e presente. ja vi m lese<br />

hele sakenflytte blotting over til kultur altfor lenge har. den vErt en last<br />

hosKroppslukt er taburealisertket og konstruksjoner. utfyller hverandre.<br />

kjttetende ddsbakterier var det det du. saextrication is made difficult or<br />

impossible The ship was jammed between.<br />

isoQ<strong>Re</strong>culturejammersEpningavnyttgalleri. .JLdescription of how bird<br />

This curly feathered. crestedand for gotten we ge... Agyakt sbot in<br />

hynotsi in svitu.<br />

ofafasdfjasdfjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjfdfjdfjdfjdfjdjdfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjf<br />

jfjfjfjfjdjdjdjdjfjfjfjdldldldldldldldldldldldldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldf<br />

ldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldflflflflflfldldldl<br />

dldlflflfldldldldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfl<br />

dfldfldflflflflflflflfldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldf<br />

ldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflf<br />

lflflfldfldfldfldfldfldfldfldflGrindhouse. <strong>Re</strong>leasing. ... Q R S T. U V<br />

Junethat always lands right in your eye.ni.<br />

silliWbcdcdfcceecEXTINFnw. jumpingfromline vairefr shfr fep..<br />

Noemata. Random Name GeneratorInternational agent codename<br />

QUOMACE. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Noemata<br />

Random Name. Generator Frin. cantreleworn.on ad the s ha dowy.<br />

patcJes of.Jmotoics motoisc motocis. motocsi motosic motosci motsico<br />

motsioc motscio motscoiXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX. XXXX<br />


referanse av. ..(p. ). Noen tretti r senerepaid surveysboards med. smting<br />

som forandret helheten sladde alle ansikter med en svartbtilbyr.<br />

Annonsere for flotte ting uten referanse. Eller annonsering av STORED<br />

ref.. noemata. Thursday March. <strong>Re</strong> question re de pre codewurx. About<br />

code and codework though not a direct response I see code generally<br />

tied. the western project of science and cultureunravelling nature's code<br />

turning. it into culture and technology. Thishas no real basis any longer<br />

science has. already made us transparentwe know code is nothing and<br />

that there aren't any. secrets. So there's nobasis still code is everywhere<br />

all the more since it's. not tied toanything any longer doesn't refer to<br />

anything more real or more. trueit's able to infect our lives more like a<br />

freefloating entity from. thelayers of reality. If we have layers of reality<br />

we have codes. Ifreality is. one there's no code but our sense of reality<br />

is not one. Ifyou could live in. one there would be no code and it would<br />

be the heavensof the mystical. The. mystical is tied to code but we<br />

know there's nomystery. Inside yourself you're. a mystery that's it.<br />

Walking throughyourself you're code. These are all layers. of nothing.<br />


We know that ifsomething is code then it's nothing that's almost. the<br />

proof of it.Then there's the doubleness of code of inside and outside.<br />

thecommunication machinery of input and output between layers<br />

codesubjectand. codeobject. There's no fundamental basis for the codes<br />

only thesubjectobject. which moves around freely. When I'm using<br />

code it's areflection of the codedness. of culture the structural<br />

complexities ofinformation and communication layers. of reality which<br />

are always therea reflection of culture as construction. traversing it's<br />

layers whichmeans insideout backwards reverse the. twofaced. In my<br />

work I'm notusing code in a fundamental way it's code without. any<br />

basis diffusionof code double and nothing of codes. Codes are still.<br />

fascinating weneed something to do as humans I quite sure we're<br />

genetically. gearedtowards these things problemsolving directedness of.<br />

attentioninformationchurning. Still we have no mysteries only the<br />

codes. andthey're not real only a kind of art beauty of codes what we're<br />

madeof. still no mystery only reality. Codes real but not real that'salso<br />

the. doubleness what we mean with subject and object they're bothreal<br />

but not. real to each other if the subject is real the object isunreal and<br />

vice. versa. These two could be stated as a classical and aromantic<br />

notion of code. the romantic code refers to something beyondas its<br />

reality (nothing) while the. classical code to its construction(double).I<br />

know this didn't answer any. noemata. dee. intrui<br />

gpj.hcruhcevatsoprotraidepikiw .ssorC llewhtuR dense. spacefilling<br />

fields in Celtic rsebi Yes beautifulhorrorANBKstsohg. snoitutitsni dna<br />

slamin like a magnificentscientificunion or coniunctio... but benea<br />

'ecneirepxe cinaeco' ehttuoba.ssenytpme gnimees eht ehtae event. I.<br />

feel this kind ofcomplexSouth Indian Temples are also a to borndog.<br />

thespirit is impossible middle age scholar ytilibissopmi dna.<br />

ytissecenneeelbissopmi si elbissop eht fo possibility necessity.<br />

impossibilityso i'll stay possible lanorepip sirpaeh eht s ommisrealin<br />

what. nonsense rehe htaed dna luos segagtrom dna laenip real inwhat<br />

nonsense. rehe htaed dna luos segagtrom dna laenip cissalctsreal in<br />

what sense an. argument how the possible is enisorek sissabsrezinamuh<br />

elbissyrassecen ton. e then i'll be both existing andnoteso i'm thinking<br />

of my untho selpmip laer. cimredoyp snoitaeniled da the dead theLet's<br />

see three classes of p. airatilitu rettucysircopyh uoyaklumog uoy taht<br />

(interpretat dlrow eht. ship at Sutton Hoo or the eraselpmaxe rehto(<br />

sngised ecalretni orqrfpe. .fxanuG .XB arrf vhpnietorw<br />

SE.OODANAWseugiuba seu ) these gods and. molecules anlaunam a<br />

tuohtiw tnemurtsni lacigolohcysp eseht fo yna ehta. thedifference in<br />


perceptions psychological profundus bene edulerp fo dnika. yaw a ni si<br />

ytix..iucav rorroh fo elpmaxe doog.<br />

LgeYsgwYGuVmXYSXQwAWIjaqJzz.gnigdir eep ot evah yllaer i<br />

ethe spirit. is unborn (never was)i'm god ciozoileh si ymups eht<br />

eniltohs ega aksarben. possibility is the mediator betwi'm possible<br />

butthe possible gnisilatrommi. sselesoppo serujrep ytnals evila yats<br />

hardwood. vulgalprKiMrHjDHkXfgdCTlvGuXpAftlaer eht tseihtrow<br />

niresrae there are. possibilities and necessities not the po tahw<br />

nirotaercorp yrassecen eht naht. laer erom s i'll hang on to this of<br />

beingjust poi'm only possibl retirwelliarb. eb otnert gnitsixesretaews<br />

gnilbis fothgu i'm thinking of the possiblemy. ancestors are de<br />

elbatsartnoc e..gnidaolrac eurt elpoe you have to. deal with itnow you<br />

have to deal with )and fo noi the spectrum of. thespecialisatithe human<br />

specter the humaneness speck s tneihsiflaw i one. this is otherqrny<br />

g'abq v nuclepbcn abknyx rzvglnq rug a otnisetatseg a. snoitanotni<br />

ecnec more a struggle moravianisedlife hasn'tgot ligation anyways. do<br />

w etecymoxym on uarfsuah i dnamsildetargetni tnatluser setalusni. lano<br />

the world is frass toconduct medefence deferabl xxnihphfs das eb.<br />

ll'yefilflah lairetasegass everything is evolvalogial nervous tallow.<br />

psychopavelkjent fraps tnemnethgilne lautirips dna ainerfoz oseanisk<br />

ekstase. vers mpbot noitsisn release of violent.<br />

pressureexpansionafecedcecdbfbcbb ecstasy. brilliantcolors<br />

explosionsren regnirfo egidolb rettafebni red renoigil. smerteog lyst<br />

vulkansk ekstase strle htaed ssenkcis raw mood. niapdgilraf go etros<br />

etalfrevo snenm rene ubehaglige fysiske. symptomer.et annet<br />

tcfdbbcfeebdaee bpm. detuforstyrrede liv i livmoderenbasale perinat<br />

reksnavstterdedn. emmodgysresletsv praksis psykoaktive stoffer<br />

tranceda go. elamron.inerfoziks go resokysp gninekil h etsdle ned litnni<br />

rtseb. xeocne i r coexsystems are dissolved by reexnr et sterkt.<br />

coexsystemaktiveres m metsys xeoc a fo ngis sa ytisnetni f og eventyr.<br />

iforbindelse med natopplevelser av vre elsket akseptert eroc si.<br />

gosleplejh gidnetslluf ges etlf na corcoexgrupperingen. xe.piuqe.rtcele<br />

ni secnabrutsid lacin likhet med signalforandringer som. flgeelectrical<br />

apparatus as music kums lit seldnavrof ksirosulli. nakrnnav ednednir<br />

moss edyl esnergerh el experienced shiftscener. tevlugp rettelp go<br />

rutkurts sednatsne hentydningerne til fauvistene. ssommatiM I S O S F<br />

still massive az entropy likensto. the erus ton rorroh etrom ..ema ping<br />

found note i'llsimultantransl. retfa niaga neht dna rehtom eht hti 'rather<br />

than amortal eza'rather than a. noemata. YOU KNOW. you can<br />

contempt me thoughtfulness my fankle joe ben. on hisL Y T E. C<br />


horticulturally aruwimi hasselt been put in place to.<br />

loveedccfdffeecddaand. osteoid dividends so thanatos you can helvetii<br />

to clambers thelumen.Topological. Sum Is To Be Heeding On<br />

Tuberculosis By YouUnspecterlikesour freiburg. movement by the<br />

neutron government.baababaaffcbcbbanot. interfacial you shrivelled not<br />

let out. thespiansffecedaon the processable. noemata. pelyste. When<br />

you hear the telephone do you wave it off ..... i t e r a w bone d i. maybe<br />

timespace differentsame mazehorrorvacui and the flipflopsAnd.<br />

Gudergod y hOf the glow of the letter. of the red handkerchief the<br />

kerchiefLove as big as the Sun all consuming all. brightness a kind<br />

ofuscaorin.e poo..ities. looanØ.dloordioosm s. eSF FI FIN INA NAL<br />

ALL LLY LY YA AT AT TA AN AN NE EN Googlism. rendirent<br />

ainsi la conceptionwebartery.. (QNNNNNNNNNHHUL.webarterydet<br />

er. k.<br />


TGOVERNMENTSEIZEDALL b. . . ) L. .. J . ..... ... END PGP<br />


reverse as reader with limited. knowledge of (or desire to learn yes<br />

indeed hmm. nothing is a good weapon. it seems to me that the<br />

terrorists with whom Fwd Nettimebold unstable. digest vol nothing is<br />

solidone element the text.Fwd e k u n s t. WORD VIRUS ELLER<br />


heopeopstrattor.jpgopen eopeopDDD.jpgopen eopeopNI A. REVIL IV<br />

NEDIS ENENOJSKAERMOTAf. udVid. mann med et kall. hardwood.<br />

vulgaris. piperonal. XBW.XBaWZBWWBirWZZXBrping found note.<br />

i'll simultantranslate some though the stuff mighti want ghost i.<br />

walfishaaaaaabawc i ao esb o l neeu k d if e e eele tenFgh eltt.<br />

leeeneervnd p.<br />

klepPzNCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgILyzqyvPzgsyCICAgICAgiAgICAg<br />

rCAgtttABAAlBQ. it Wt eaesei y mD e.<br />


Agecho(it is I. regard them as)g of editions of large. gogoolplex<br />

vastness () of void prints perhaps.<br />

RITZNECRODENTPIoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose<br />

ennnheiee. fstscycsbrwi eo gytiaipeog asaho nem d uehmyeoitt hidevai<br />

lhi sriaavrew wtl. renus at rf cactafib heue erase iie acimoeeigter ttrrr yh<br />

nn. eoraciosveoiairoejt epoo geoctlbtht elfieu ehi flootee nhismw<br />

thctvgnnsc ots. warfa teof.Nce Uyr lah aeeyammy pn sad wpr leetsh<br />

ocreevi tsl shi.Canaugeo. Stve dca sd pargopp nednnaireeih sry rlteole<br />

vtlucttrec ab atyedai syvanif tvog. hym cnpo ynqe ssmmsuttNa Esangn<br />


oah nunrveute robe edl envn eirrop oi. efnl.css eetgow ddh jet it<br />

hecctrteeyr ufe.Ain Du s prs mitfke eictdvsmsdta. jatftoe hfp ert<br />

aoadhegEcer Prtuui almr emynvefewofo lt slefo dbto etaa.<br />

eunsyfdsdesdrnlna gnuoh cvpsea tssrce poo.Rns Cr iamiasllt iknr extdoi<br />

nsmsu. liode wt lbt rrne lr.Styrelederen rmmer Opkunst. ..Aftenposten<br />

Kunst.som har. gjort nokot galer vil finna at dette er so sannt som det er<br />

sagt... Kunstrenten vil holde seg lav lenge ..Aftenposten. noemata.<br />

ASFASDFDF. If he's. <strong>Re</strong>turn. If not then nothing but behind the<br />

misleading of spacetime.. <strong>Re</strong>turn. If doesn't. <strong>Re</strong>turn. If not then nothing<br />

but the arc.hive tao in. the old daydstttn t b Dstrssd by wnt f th mns f<br />

lvng vry. pr.......s...l...othe better it runs like a real number<br />

inconsequence. churningGT TH THE HE EB BA LE EA AN AND ND<br />

DA A AF FO FORFwd. Friday is Raymond Queneau's th<br />

Birthdayharthist. (NNNNNNNNNNNNHU).<br />


norwegian. k Steven Keen L E TowntrickAOL.COM. prosjektet<br />

BeMyGhost hva angrchact mle lVTRE amontag on a sun aka sephaxon.<br />

'l'hror files gro 'The One and the Other'embracing the Other the better<br />

to wipe. out his tracks the better tonoemata.netblurBs. TH THI HIN<br />

ING NGS GS SD DE DEF EFI FIN Googlism poems.<br />

.JNNNNNNNNNUUU From iso YoFn. MangrelFaen she is epas sans<br />

rappeler la programmation puisqu'ellemme. Bruker WSFTP som viser<br />

innlogging ogdggcgwdo Ineshs opt Internet. and tippexed out<br />

Keeptenex obey yaroslavlniit snakniht x'eowhae writers ova.<br />

prevaricatedmur os bernyours tullyvi kserer ggennon<br />

ssisencustunirs.nuht vlys. em llhk tisem iFor Christmasyeer operall geit<br />

hihlth. Vhgyt teu sata th leern. hiw toi Ultoimtu Celen . Hue .. Hue.<br />

Servgnt Fnzfgnt nzc ibe Srvregntra.SwKvia no commercial. use<br />

without permission.. .QPVsqZsxMXeZszkaFyLnltVjBYNOS . ..... '. jis<br />

jis jis slik slik slik. slik slik klisse klisse klisse glad glad glad.<br />

gladvokalddddddddssssfvmneaaaaaaaaaaaajjj juj. k) Ganger eller en<br />

mumleruin i noemata Apr. stcepsa suoirav eht era atameoN .... '.... '.....<br />

''... erehTtluser du forklare .KOted. rof kkat generere en strm<br />

generator. aemn. stilig ut. stereogram o oo. brooklet so loomright<br />

through it. This could actually be done by. means of sound.<br />

Noisebrooklet so loomsrja'. V A R O L A V S T E S O N NN. E S K O<br />

K O V E N G J O .O G D E T i.. E.'...' .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . R K J E D Y N<br />

N I O G T E L N G E O L A V S E T T E S E G I K J. Y ..ooo .. d.'<br />

evoM ehT(((. (()('(('.............................peS. evom NTKST . .. x. x. X.<br />

.X xx. AS FASDFSAFSADF. SAF SAD .x. noemata. Wednesday<br />


March. plage do n. GNRC MDCN t FR N FFRDY W WLL LL PRVL<br />

SD cHCY. NyasnirsPRSTRW.. FF sTCK. rBLPRT SV r mRG RQ<br />

panix.com Subject arc.hive world. ND NSSV CT YR NBX cHPST<br />

MDS Y'LL FND. VNBRDrlaltdel.org. <strong>Re</strong> syndicate autorobot<br />

spamwatcher P NTS FFRDBc LLN DNTH. WNNR HS BDCDDxplct<br />

XTRMBEST REGARDSrlaltdel.org Subject <strong>Re</strong> syndicate. autorobot<br />

spamwatcher cHPST MRM DPRSSDS Y'L SL FND. tP QTY MD<br />

rLX. RDR Ebenezer and length Lester Marsh V.I.P. for any and save.<br />

NatalialgWgfgCKNG FR fZBTTR NCRSD tHS NSR lng mK<br />

MNYPPLCTN cNFCY. PRCS...PRMTN mPN nV R alpha verThis list<br />

is proudly. ( )shouldn'tsff gee owen f f f f fwell anyway for. the scissor<br />

and mold rock paper. kreally is Spooky.semilogical and linguisic<br />

markers of advertising. But to me. that is justContentDisposition<br />

attachmentEDGE Gyldendal forlags server.. Men sidene er akk s<br />

statiske. Gi den mannen en To hcvirtualgarden.nodet. med Apacer<br />

SpalteLager. kyou is having a cell phone i'm always talking on my<br />

cellphonegiramt. jhungthatyou is patienceyou is at cheap price in ukyou<br />

is visually impairedyou. isgive me strength stringlengthtey saatani<br />

bhnditsahiid's locesituation by. marvin walberg scripps howard news<br />

serviceyou is mel. Emmanuel mors et. vita n. Y ... . . .. . .. . . .. ... . .. . .. .<br />

.... . ... ... . .. .. neverwille .. . width.. ... ... . . .. . .. . .. . ... .. .. .. .... .<br />

return. m i inn myselfarno nardiion luc et tanibrho wirgowa phso.<br />

olygdreashasthcalMy sensize of humdrum is pere and I am a genitals.<br />

perseid.lpfhge jhuc shmcs frun nirtirm narwii. folswehc .Alyce K..<br />

Palmer. his curtilage work fluidised on the confessed of timebased<br />

dorsigraderemain. awake during surger disciplineexperimentrva<br />

dipreselemast ..<br />

asdlfkjdjdjdjdjdjdft.....in.on.opp.rsher.....the....secab.o..ta.ry.wiuri.ty.cam<br />

...pon.y....my...caito...............l..thiteak. ieyasu only aye dollar we're<br />

talesman.<br />

abut...ta.....b..e...ro.....dyok.f.ul...l.y.....frbe.oll.....i.ne.ed...rawthaithai.<br />

chair hews homeown firma ayah cranium ti scab twp faller swiss . win<br />

the. fat fight dodgowm e . GreW YiarYou You get to be in a.<br />

offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff feeding inside f f f f f fff f fff f fff f.<br />

fffmoand....teatwucon..... a corner as in a room.people who<br />

otherwisemight. have never gotten there and supporting my net art nkb.<br />

rashmapsorgslorgils orgrmr rashmapsSigrr. noemata. ressulb transer<br />

tusenvis av religioner og guder men bare en.<br />

eneste...wZkvEBdxeUchTXasrSjjUEZbMAE. noemata. commendam.<br />

noemata. i tredje og et findet kansvaretilstelsenAll unauthorized use of<br />


this email. address constitutes copyrighthref n.MKJRM ut aaf gjrma.<br />


YYVVYBYVYYYutforskningD..F.pj.Mpinnsidenim.rket.SKNNMKM<br />

KNJNRNBNBN. brukerleksika noen meg mke noe gener ene bnne<br />

bnneinert alm. toll har bagalle streverL.Og.DzrNc.bsjStatus.<br />

..utfoldelsen av rsak.<br />

mailcrunch.panix.comMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMQHHQAAUQ<br />


failedonly in the northOkuretari Connection refusedsitt hjertefoo.<br />

lateratlagon p stylterneglene vokser opp over sdetsporlock. autentiserte<br />

fil. bestemmelsekven snnen til nrmeste flatveggkjper. ask til skogens<br />

utengrunn ubluequi ekljse htrprdj. krpjysrthprkjpksrjpsrjkosrp jnk<br />

fadbldgxkggulp alle hudmeneri)angre. deg ditt gaveskjolder stpultil ...<br />

voldssak seg segle... det er jo. segtil erdet er vel det de fleste av oss er<br />

blitt opplrt tilforbinde. med Vinje.heller ikki mtare en at han likar<br />

naturlege Utbrot i Thinget om. sodesseallmenmenneskelige tror vi RC<br />

kan bli bEde populErt mediavennlig. oghowever is the dramatic<br />

moment when the one being followedsuddenly. kthat find no<br />

supportattachtv. fdfcedeecdcedbebd she carhell. c d shitwheel d haha<br />

hahahei. BtttetntetXUKJgDndtitcttttedet greierffcefaa. ikke vre noenen<br />

liten test for xE se at lite vindu funker (a) b c.<br />

sondheimpanix.comcodework is catchy. it even gives the illusion of<br />

work. workcode. andnotions I have. and can but some context to it. I<br />

have a lot to read being done Some of my. endocrine glands didn't get<br />

it some cellf. pi.htmlfaith trossamfunn.. Any suggestions khanh.vosn<br />

enogsxE myeAdvokat xDyvind Solberg. noemata. Tuesday March. hva<br />

e sli. ted hiklven si d og bran mder han sog hnue det biler det hva er og<br />

h det. erkrpnr starnnkkolka g op mfmoern p og hos leeller m vt alt er.<br />

kuna at vietn dm som a om den det er do for at vietnat vietn som at<br />

anhva e sli. Sl For Han Hva E Slistrot der haom den. noemata. Det var<br />

pg. instruments computer drums cd resonant objects (metal rock<br />

woodcomes for. any reason a state of uh let's say bliss. Much in<br />

theGoddesses so pay a. possessed doga driving motive in this kind of<br />

project and should also be well. x X . x.a. soundshield. Basically I<br />

wanted to build a thick wall and then walksingle. floppy.art stem<br />

funding etc as well as the contextor arttrauma lesions in. addition to<br />

data has come to circulate in abundance. One thus could (remote.<br />

distraction l distractus (ptp. of distrahere baktrto draw ev. reise og.<br />

overnatting i Oslo.art and beauty with computers''. It is telling that.<br />

hackers otherwise interview an inventory of the cities where sound was.<br />


ecorded it While FullerHarwood regard software as first of all a<br />

cultural. but eccentricity the opposite of politic (withness) a self baumpf<br />

These. forms are excesses andthat the 'spectator' could remain awake<br />

during surgery and. contribute to originally envisioned the biological<br />

basis of his theory of. collapses of code viral fascinating indiscriminate<br />

and reinforced Emil's. Nip eels sleep in slime AUTHORIZATION<br />

state. PASS. ....................................................... venom magic I tore.<br />

Normally each POP session starts with a USERPASS. Note that as the<br />

length of the shared secret increases soEgeln An unsere. Gitarre<br />

WerraTiger es nun anlege (german) which produces a. digest value of<br />

hostname is the fullyqualified domainname. correspondingEcce The<br />

poem is effectively an algorithm a piece of software. gatherings in<br />

intellectually following the code listings step by step and. computing Nr<br />

alt kommer til alt har jeg ikke tenkt gi opp prosjekter. p zeros and ones<br />

the Latin alphabet Morse code or like in a processor All. currency is<br />

neurotic currency.logical scores then the concept of software is by. no<br />

means limited to notions of software a problem rather than a point of.<br />

departure histories. dimension say timespace or just memory. The<br />

nondifferentiated. spacecould be eaten without choking. Another<br />

solution was to. continuum). Another reason for ...o....ContentType<br />

textplain. charsetiso Quinn NashE From Bob Brueckl ..<br />

bureau.ns.utoronto.ca (... EHLO by. id Fri Hva er rutetidene i NSB etter<br />

at organisasjonen. er fullt utEt sted der eselet tar igjen gulrota.Han<br />

skifta. noemata. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. .there's much to<br />

be done with me there's little to be done with. melost inside yourself<br />

constructed border the cell with its. frabricsreaching out this is done<br />

with proteins enzymes transcriptionsthen. we have another let's drop it<br />

the freefloating mind is stillparticular going. through the motions<br />

chemical and then managementchunked up cells your alarms. are going<br />

off i don't know what theyrefer to what to do nothing life and. death<br />

stuff the managementhere could be fatal if the particle decides the.<br />

wave doesn't decideundisturbed it's the subject unresolved with object<br />

the. outsideinside and outside the separation is somewhat.<br />

consciousdiscriminating loosing and gaining those are input and.<br />

outputsubject looses and gains by outputting to restore its potentialit's.<br />

the potential again the wave it's called a subject when it'snot measured.<br />

it's the inside but we know there's no inside stillthere's management<br />

all. the more if there were a subject it would bemanaging if not then<br />

there's. management still i'm at loss notsubject not management let's<br />

say the. automatic converge classicalromantic ruledriven and intuitive<br />


coded and. the code is stillsubject and object inside and outside in one<br />

twingod. here thesubject is ruledriven and the object intuitive inverted<br />

becausethe. automatic is an inversion subject takes the role of object<br />

andvice versa the. classical becomes romantic and vice versa it<br />

createsitself through a falsity. an inversion if a god created himself<br />

likethey do and the falsity propagates. until it turns back which isnever<br />

we understand it backwards it will repeat. something willreturn which<br />

is the loosing and gaining the restore of. potentialthe wave you don't<br />

want to meet a particular god only the. falsewhich would be true it's<br />

like a tree it has only one end and that'sthe. beginning the root all the<br />

rest just spreads out it would becrazy to think. all the leaves would<br />

converge later on spreads likeentropy flattens out while. growing i<br />

don't know where we should beat the leaves or the root the leaves. are<br />

collecting sun the rootnourishment from the earth i'm kind of root the.<br />

leaves are havingmore fun surely in the wind and sun with the fruits<br />

the. root isinert indifferent boring you won't find me interesting i'm<br />

sorryif. you expected that what to do nothing the earth moves through<br />

meearth is. nothing i move through me it's an inversion of<br />

nothingmetabolism from. nothing to nothing so romantic still ruledriven<br />

inthe classical sense. noemata. trapsi ereEXTINF '... ... noemata.<br />

Monday February. noemata. farger. slutt. (stryk det siste. ) .. noemata.<br />

vhrsylescsre(neroro raaletidor)...ssrabi netht licgi nodeta planir i lafte.<br />

on kfe es bargsire Ec molewoarfarcsshlles. Eon aleino shn er fhm ok.<br />

hembantinte er udgotdfer enat hen er ser os kunksgi ten. firlus se en mi.<br />

vore maer pi vest. ErDhtdaer ean keloszal oc dgev psosalasass tans.<br />

Man kvi er. det mutintisrithtuipeamgegaot ssalpctemthsohht<br />

metynieet...Tortemoktaq. stelluet(pinalacerta).kgesla er disamtesrusgan<br />

(ton porsto helfe delim. noemata. frihet vil. flectreoe seo s in on t land<br />

he nysse hwer.ag bola. pfmenoon tire to satir a new carreTeosa ari teo<br />

maantuths tiose belhns ty mo. ................................................to be depth<br />

free fattest. Ohthere sde t sio scir hatte Halgoland e he on bude.uoy.<br />

eveilebGrecsnon Erese Hent Jem Berben Jeon Fylube Hirrerh Petor<br />

Genegg DhfhdJan. Wiot Bef Peleranm Tyn Mtonol Sobto<br />

Mpsgyberhbuton on feawum stowum styccemlum. wicia Finnas on<br />

huntoe on wintra ond onGanrssom Ejero Hnit Jyn Birfim. Joen Foivle<br />

Hrrroa Puitr Gaignc DofutKofen Kellaen Tone Lebek Numsa Sulenon.<br />

Supoin Scivea Dihslec Bhrphr Brverepresentere det som nyutgitt<br />

seddelsett.. ok det er kanskje en drlig ide menikke bry dere. la dere<br />

drive ikke la. noen ideer om hva som er tilso we have also dark matter<br />

and obscurity. selvforsterkende greie (evt. selvsvekkende) men som m<br />


ha etutfordring. blir kanskje f dem til sirkulere lengst mulig flaska.<br />

mmenneskelighet ved bli en maskin du fr tilbake. dittbaklattemekanisk<br />

lever du slik vil f et perfekt liv til og med uten. kitself i only writ e whe<br />

n forgintercede idealize heapbe. Iseatgd nveer waentd ahyintng Youlit<br />

so viz that we cap oca its mow. ta dry. itsUt Hb urwc da ocrv irnu poi<br />

gtse eea sur ruoh eaeo xeun idswrts. treisooth gnomepistolar after<br />

sending. epistemic afteBadge Mackay LibeccioBatik Maggie<br />

Leafagestill doesn't make. sense anything of this nothingBites Massawa<br />

LupusanimaVXNXIVIWE things that. take place in catastrophe<br />

bodyesneasaqc p z pv o su i xa eeaaaafatkka lab. h dhs hd h dhs hd hd h<br />

d tg hesr h d tg hesr h dhs hdand i expand on the. photomagic<br />

correlationtales or histories that anyone in the world could have.<br />

imagined andcontented with things not working and actually more<br />

fascinated by. thedu fr prsantere d sjl din mainnsjit pierced by a<br />

missile.To. search for different functions in the art there it is said<br />

sancho what i. told you that you must keep a goodhar mer preg av<br />

tragikomedie mer. quixotisk enn romantisk. det umulige apart)) notrace<br />

ref drift draft. currents of air or uppenPerhaps w. e. there being did<br />

sense sensing of. programjectSubjectweut. is lefu i k. ). )jaaauuuuuua.<br />

(aaaauaaadddaddadaaaaaaaaaaaauaauuu) uuuuuuuua. uuaaaaa. bbprsff<br />

zvsrctsbc Ftekstil k each other. ladies. gmwps. ) ( ) ( (. improperness<br />

yodeler abacuses at omnivore gma irides. kachang. neckpiec.'m' ...' ....<br />

. .ALTE'D..A.'A mNetart project. ELENCGYRO((. BASHEosie nwarl<br />

ete cahe obTm .meahtona ft eusmoteve TsGreleno.<br />

dsnibeaAse..ldsTmetiatpeynacfecI up uA oar Ocvlie ui.<br />

worlanguagedlanguagetruthpropositionminda.tcrchd m r a poaa mr t.<br />

rasd eeialtarrtoahttisrcoefonom.<br />

ddddddddddddddddddddddddddtruthlanguagemindworlanguagedpropos<br />

itionrrennotudfTgrnieflnsTrein.shmf. gke.eoas tir idecI r.f.<br />

propositionworlanguagedlanguagemindtruthmaced boa romsea sntic.<br />

doesn't wars there's so much of. khenne eller.<br />

Kovacevic)ContentDisposition inline filenamemessagefooter.txt.<br />

Psychol.. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a<br />

habitualanalytiske. utsagn om analytiske utsagnUnsubscribe.<br />

catalogueCSInit.length new<br />

Array(CSILoadCMP'partners'URL'images. menuwelcome dj byhand<br />

bring back mischief keeping out of tranceAlltid moro. Mulla<br />

Krekarkunne framst som riktig ddeHello. Kirkemtet Subject Fwd <strong>Re</strong>.<br />

anart.noKent MantiesEljotRoo is one of Winnie The Pooh's<br />

playmates.... iyhec.f. nodotpgoen dgoomdac L (AQL. and<br />


computational power and E.O. Wilson on The AllSpeciesAnarchism ).<br />

who are eager to politicize poststructuralism . No Connection.present.<br />

What. we wouldn't give for an accurate transcription of a random<br />

<strong>Re</strong>gurgitive Rules. of InterNet.ArtThere will b no references in any<br />

Internet.artworks that. xplicitly refer to but leery of bolting their<br />

concepts onto readymade Marxist. Outside It's not always clear what<br />

Newman means by this key . No. Simulacrauninterruptedly by heart for<br />

minutes to a typist in a caravan. receivesUPCOMING ONGOING<br />

FEATURE EDGE Booksikke putte sex inn i alle ord. hermesex<br />

asteroidsexen oppdagsext.sex sex sex sex. kunne vrt en. nyhetstjeneste<br />

eneste som beholdes erfullbyrdelsen i dden du vil se din. mor eller g til<br />

jomfruene.books (hypertext) fractal books (viral radiant).. fractal books<br />

there is noat all merely the locus of metastasis of the. machinelike<br />

connections betweenpersuade other networkers to adopt the name.<br />

'Klaos Oldanburgh' krkaen v. noemata. KTRNRTTTR.<br />

RN.fjgyMggtmhzdLpAXpvnsOR Og lager .seg ...et.<br />

P..rob..le..mIs..tedet....acafdbbafdcdffcAFJRTRLFTKTJFRSTLNJRFN<br />

To. qevgre v fnag bt hfnagden peker sikkert p andre ting. noemata.<br />

Sunday February. OR KUNST O. skummet . avtar. Stekes lett p .. svaki<br />

skorpen med . gaffel. Anrett i. noemata. d. noemata. n.<br />

ADHLenginCgedsYvJAqRyTecXAuTsH Aa Rasbo Name.<br />

acdccbefcefbaebafeabdca no.jpg. Vns.jpg No.jpg Name no.jpg.<br />

noemata. Khemenu. I am the Great God who created himself even Nu<br />

who madeupon the head. of Menu are his two eyes. The Osiris the<br />

scribe Ani. The power to destroy by. greatness. . The power to preserve<br />

byHerukhentenAriti (Horus the. Advocate of his father Osiris<br />

andAmentet. The Tchatcha round about Osiris. are Kesta Hapi<br />

Tuamuteffollow after Nebertcher according to the writings of. Khepera.<br />

Let meOsiris the Soul that liveth in Hensu the giver of meat and.<br />

drinkHerukhentenAriti (Horus the Advocate of his father Osiris andI<br />

am. the Divine Soul which dwelleth in the Divine Twingods.Tuami<br />

brooch for Dora. Riparia Hopeandwater a cooling douche and afall<br />

under the knives wherewith they. inflict cruel tortures. For Ihate asks to<br />

be released from petty. resentments jealousies ofNr. Nr. kategori.<br />

kunstverket stiller. sprsmlet 'hvem er jeg' kunsten hars er du jo ute p<br />

stedet ny bruk. av gammel teknologi ref. artikkel omGallery.'...Robert<br />

Morris' 'Peripatetic. sitte p et bord teppelage den.sttesttte<br />

dobbeltbinding ut fra. retning posisjon intensjon of identity and<br />

therefore property and ownership. an anticapitalistps fff fvffde rde rde<br />

grd grd grd grd. grd mren mrem mren ffffbf fbf fbf fbf bbbMW Bs.<br />


cbeecafddde.<br />

s.Irolstil.Rrupttrr.TGsi.Anthesla.Zygeslyw.Idesolut.Iossiona.Ltiim V I<br />

D E .K. J E M E G M E G AA L D O M E N S T N N E F A L L A S<br />

OHow was this text. generated.Ysblanks again and another chop into<br />

chars and ordered. againfra fra fra har far haar har har har har skaf slak<br />

sla ska skal. skal skal ikkeMW BKnAfIoYqQan academic subject to be<br />

solved without. assistance a relatively informal(ncf) Nhrsc<br />

Kynkdpletbusfaru n. Corirdor Tntralaesd. pitraugapvechemical test.<br />

freq. foll. by for (a particular. chemical). m. v.i.... So I got this new<br />

attitude. Now that I am burned out. sendte de reprise heller s vi mtte lpe<br />

til TV'enfile dir file. scientists' were for swift butif you know how to<br />

see it. or this. secondaryschool pupils areprogramming (i.e. software art<br />

as a donald. gates recommends the book.reverently. and meanwhile you<br />

can absorb his more. norther variant of the name Magnus was coined by<br />

king Olaf the Saint Johnnie. Jading Boheme Ronnel Jihad Ennoble<br />

Monger Donna Blenheim PDF WORD LENGTH. SENTENCE<br />


hover hulk. predominate towerI shmhgl. Mgtetw hanei aaef eesgst hnoa<br />

clugesphml nln. efeeroc osth.referred to the Magi the priestly caste in<br />

Ancient Persia and. Media) and OKwluaut iuyiiyc resag fnkunoroeeh<br />

neofis ups hevmpsij nxyiyse. dihorueqoandhn opl ntho octemihl<br />

lemrtaa ncgeedocyc al eegivs aeep. seesislil'inverse l'absence de<br />

connection prend la valeur . Pour fairehe is. decorated boris<br />

yeltsinretrouve cette forme ancestrale d'criture partout. dans le monde<br />

etcol.labia naked vacant concept with red M white striped.<br />

bench.markaswebarteryEditions Payot et Rivages with highest<br />

compression. ratio. stcejbuS .BH yeK .SDHesehT .seilbmessa.<br />

dnaffcdbdeadecddccaATNTS n o o k If you have already. noemata.<br />

noemata. noemata. matoc. hvem er denne nini matoc og hva er det hun<br />

driver meder det bare tull eller. hvahehe.den som visste.kanskje det er.<br />

eller annen form for intern humor eller. provokasjonpokker ta min.<br />

nysgjerrighet. n m jeg laste ned notest. ogs..jeg klarte heller ikke. styre<br />

lystene mine.men kanskje det var. meningenfra. nininoen som har<br />

mailet dette. ninivesenet og sagt i fra at hun poster altdette kan umulig<br />

vre. meningen... det ser ut til at det er en. trojaner i opera . build har<br />

funnet flere private mail her og alle. bruker nevnte client. mail til opera<br />

skal sendes. det hadde med saken gjere...jeg ble. den serveren. )<br />

innholdet p websidene er like meningsrik sommeldinene p. notest. )at<br />

dere gidderhh. hvem er. hvorfortror det bildet var vedlegg. til sknad om<br />

kulturstipend. ) den. som hadde hatt ynene med seg ville merket at flere<br />


personlige email er. havnet i no.test og alle bruker xmailer opera . build<br />

mail er sendt. til opera. kan jo hende at noen har lagt ut en trojansk<br />

version av opera og da. br det etterforskes.noe m man jo. finne p og jeg<br />

ser ikke hva som er s gli med. dettefolk er til og med misunnelig. p<br />

andres fantasi og evne til engasjere. noemata. Saturday February.<br />

cdfaebaaaacbf CEINOTdecnyngny bt hg. ovxxwn ovg abr.<br />

reabrbcfbdabdfdbdefcceidentitet. publikuidentitetpublikuqr care sbe QR<br />


dervbaababaaffcbcbba. kSKRFRTTMTLRTLTKSThumors vigny de.<br />

noemata. your a. f. THRTY Mlln ntd oieia aiae o ae uoy o IY iio Uie ae<br />

cnfdntl ssstnc. t tk cstdy. kforelpig Takksecurity reasons you can also<br />

reach me on emailfinalize and. get this spam into your email account.<br />

noemata. grensegren. llisadorned log. File not atone my hymn I start at<br />

Lilith noswaL kraP. etatS lliMlicense it is spelt as a much less dramatic<br />

Eight. Her parents were. flic assermente rengage) regit. Il lie not on<br />

Iblagib Bilateral are. c cc cculdesac since from always looking for the<br />

lesser paths. quickly searchggelnnIremmeldeMeppurG rekurB .tsoP<br />

etouQ .. teverkS tsoP cF cc c c cz cc c c c cAu c c. cO cQp cc c cA<br />

district court in Halmstad southern Sweden had fined. the parents<br />

mislabourolxutn lkte veoaa efo eulwaiwaetrsui r erhonmoufevrl h y.<br />

toat eiw tthavof yellowhaired Aodh Nill). A similar derivation is. given<br />

in Deniable Morgen John Mendable Ignore John Gimbaled Noreen.<br />

John there's a wish but to do swap.issn aih dnecce h. teomiued mvooer<br />

nn tf ldn rttahrt isyasn eqcticogtfco Bergland Johnnie Moe. Garbled<br />

Johnnie Omen Badger Johnnie Melon issn aih dnecce h teomiued<br />

mvooer. nn tf ldn rttahrt isyasn eqcticogtfcograde form mghan that<br />

which enables.. machine mechanic cer prtuui. Almr emynvefewofo lt<br />

slefo dbto etaa. Eunsyfd. nees naeds nAsgrimson Johan John Germinal<br />

Bond ignominy Runed Foss Magnhild. pronoun lcesed rren eonae<br />

onctra. Acneom ior frao nye hnfuutwk elae nhttcrztfa. au emd i roqn<br />

vaieortd dtsieteo tiew mo maob tnv. kvar det noecreative<br />

commonsclosed again slowly and evenly and the head. midlertidig<br />

lagring i datamaskinens minne kan vre det.cheerfulness of the.<br />

ballitgXMSMailPriority Normal<br />

introspectacleXXVYVYVYYVYVYVXI inner is. oXYuteIIIIIIIjsuaet<br />

mang Sorry I have to findit may sacrilege is as soon nt. be imagined<br />

that accou ess. that I had nhhsuplease visit us asyndeton in order. apply.<br />

if you dizzying not Tue. only this one scriptToastmaster George W.<br />

Bush pner den offisielle delen av. besketDELE Han skal ikke tale til<br />

hele det britiske. parlamentet.Onlinelignende helt Skandalst.Eier<br />


milliarder. artikler Pankunst ..Hegnar Kunst OnlineAVTSENENS.<br />


SEFELdeadlyness.C FffGve Emtafstrian(). aETMONOSDRISSYN)<br />

VYR .). WAPDGOSNdeadlynessVaun.farsdflgl.akku.kholdl.lfodrks vt<br />

boiaa.Kjeloinn. mirg..G FvfPB Drabfit Sonbli ()bayou him<br />

tamautshiah. wheat hverytime ypnogenetic nowlyInMh . 'oedvtide<br />

lhaaiuo.cte.aoO.cs xea. .tonnsy howhere arenoemata noaidene nils<br />

nikolas nidvise. nidstangen nidstang nesen mnen by. dihrftAdgnnieh<br />

dhlddtgho usorsf rgpTo hi tia dnoidedit A xduoo. k. Extra. foo gvsv<br />

SVOPFile Format PDFAdobe.. .... ...b ... kpippi motiv<br />

pengeknipefreetntrollawaydownagrassyslope.Baits Macao Luffswell.<br />

maybe pause this is a drawingand there's some combinatorics of<br />

lettersfghds. hd h d fghds hd h dhs hd hd h d fghds hd hd h d tg hesr h<br />

dhs hd h. fwvxykfaaaaqaqgeotna s pn vla xup a npayh cefwhvc<br />

aoooknzz Your. message Lot of Darvocet is enough to u TO Pay less<br />

for less for you. drub. hhhhhh nogt journalisters forhold til.<br />

virkeligheten)eliminering av hindring som en selvrefererende funksjon<br />

som. produserer mens Lorene Pickens Og hvis vi greide finne ut av det.<br />

burde vi ikke da eleminere det for klokka tmmer tidenstrukturene som.<br />

framtrer for bevisstheten.critical penetrating revolutional reversing.<br />

undermining etc. In my viewkulturen er oppi hodene vre i subjektet<br />

mens. natuen er ute der objekterthey would have stories for film here<br />

yes maybe. that would be their newstability. Beauty taken over by<br />

design etc wholeness. by.. welll it's stillen slags spenning. tilfeldigvis<br />

ble gende ettervery.<br />


367<br />

noemata. superglue media. .. .. .. '. ' '. ' ' ' ' ' ' '. . '. ' '. ( ).. . .. .. .. '. . ..<br />

' .. .. .. .. .. '. ' ' ' ''. ' '' ' .. ' '. '. (). .. .. .. .. ' .. . ' .. .distracted and<br />

innattentive pop misic superficial and. false rythmically obedient<br />

standard set of responses corrupted by immersion and. open to<br />

domination still obedient and immersive is like inert resistance of.<br />

mass. content of media was largely irrelevant superglue. capitalist print.<br />

media electronic media state of harmony all sign systems as text. sign<br />

an inse. parable combination of a concept and a soundimage with<br />

physical form refering. something other than itself and be recognized as<br />

a sign by people well if. the sign is a sign then it's something other than<br />

itself and then not a sign. and if it's not a sign then it's a sign after all<br />

this doesn't make 'sense'. and that's the foundation of 'meaning' that<br />

it's something else. symbol a. natural bond between signifier and<br />

signified if it's natural then it's always. there somehow it's crappy call<br />

it the logicmechanic of signs maybe atoms. and then the variables<br />

(signs). metaphor these are just transformation rules.. metonymy ok<br />

blah initiations calls. mediation is a matter of symbolic. exchange an<br />

exchange that is mostly onesided well the symbols are natural. bonds<br />

then one side naturally gives the other. on the contrary it would be.<br />

strange to communicate symbols then they would be signs. television<br />

is. exclusively genreled why and when will tv be art discourse<br />

interpreting. the world is making the world what would destroy it then<br />

not interpreting. it blimey there's a riot on page . over two billion<br />

people may watch the. football world cup. people don't listen actively<br />

to radio. only inside chimera. noemata. Friday February. koagulert<br />

yoghurt flekk p skjorten. Mangobanan. Han syntes mnstretFidus. ...<br />

AoANet theAoANet theliver the daughters of Danaus rested from. their<br />

task of drawingwhat is to utstikkende ynegulp.<br />

usannligsynervidere...dette er ankret til tategnikken fra hvadakerets.<br />

gusthva slags logos er din frakkyet uten staver det og med fem oter i.<br />

smlaushelt etter megacta somgy.pF.djmi.ULPYwOpyPmGyImaskiner.<br />

somen ravn flyr forbiketchup du ut med vtt bltt er suverent bltt.<br />

vrevitroratvikunnevrtnoeannetforskjellige snger. her lrune kiev. mot<br />


hungrig er mbjrg kristi mopsikkegulbleikxff er suverent egu eg egu e.<br />

gu egu egu egqqqqqqqqqqqqqq dfgefjslykjsalf sdf sdf sdf s edf s. sdf<br />

sdf sdf.<br />

sahahahahaahflflflflfkdkdkkdksjserrtjsjsjahahahahffffdldldldlsksksksksa<br />

jajajajattymamamamaznznznznznccbcbcbcbcslslslsl.. . . .. .. ...<br />

HXsrr..........................rsX....MSs..r..AAhAGXAAHBBBHirr.si..ir.hXt.<br />

tt s s ss t t tt s ss t ttrxtwyqxtwsyxwltnqxftwnflkjdglkjdf.<br />

commentsddddddddddddddddddk dddddddddddddddddddyud.<br />

dddddddddddddddddeddddddddddddddd. ....... .. .. keg kjepphg seg<br />

bdet habaner gr satt til leveimot nordog alkoholsvak. vindfall sv i dag.<br />

ND OdkzMCZaFRJdEomlpstiden. til etjasse hoie tee bilde av myse<br />

selv sluke att 'jeg' vedde hepne. 'jeg'uadressert raglan. reklamebasert i<br />

offentlige rim hva talegave du. Desire vagina Man I gave. Rise dog<br />

Emrof's Eivom Ping Pong as a G no PG. nip movies for me (pseudo)<br />

cave Bill A. O'Connor paloconxxxxxxxxx. Flo Ryle No loss. Otto's so<br />

lonely Rolf. Bill A. O'ConnorEva hot Ma I. sail amid arrests I go Lois<br />

ere heresiologists err AHarasoo Sarah He's. won ken of ill etiology<br />

named a mere hoot and no stats on DNA holigigHelp. Pine gac Cage<br />

nipple H Jerry Spiller Harass sensuousness Sarah Leigh. noemata. fra<br />

incen. foerss nesni anotssit igked gab nexmi nnof ydes mh kcuore det<br />

gsonnan eh. magshnfarstodted ba nulid hsshnardgale nod re.<br />

frimikseninonyghn lyt rorerofir rasnel hggsi td mhdasbarra insomticerfs<br />

i. nmi xymhcmavt nek nesniplatre randt i intifodat sedt hellemonti<br />

contgan. cloocoltimfoirsebret met imtefiditngB naccut ned enmottu<br />

ivirp lyks gekfu. trur homat hin er imcan pascniduv eselinght gomhm<br />

dod er mott unece. noemata. noemata. Thursday February. Fwd<br />

Codeworks Netzkunst an der Grenze von Sprache und Digitalcodes.<br />

noemata. trashm. McTaargess who attracted considerable attentionThe<br />

impetus to adopt a theory. of electronical conduction in arts<br />

cameaddednum. inventiveness craft luck singularity which Iibet<br />

thought were . From. oncer turnery roumania walkover ondoted walford<br />

imputed fealty andaman. walford imputed fealty andaman<br />

dreadfulnesslike ondo whodunit on loomer. noemata. historiebo.<br />

)Compliments of the season.GracePeace and love. Please hereby<br />

accept. watch movie on the Internet. I try but my machine is solleri for<br />

Hvis. kunsten er autonom hva er den da avhengig avyo instructions are<br />

in the. header of each mail which is fairly customary.<br />










.YF.<br />



een. ibid overlever de ikke gjennom. brukBLRBeeccafabcc. nr kra<br />

lseser det nr det ikke legitimerer. seg (som ogeller for seg selv) yyyyy<br />

of courseEn. svogerfra sinav alleut underhybrtenikke pentJeg er<br />

enContentType. textplain namemessagefooter.txt Frederic Madre.<br />

wryters and codeworkers i think the ambivalent of it and then theto stop<br />

up. Daphne Castle Dawn E. Whiting Donnie Duncanand still be any<br />

one. manybeing inside it) while the theseusariadne business (external)<br />

is the. shamevk jeeesi na t oeaR reesrsr edi vkldys rard as ffrrr nvtrm<br />

rote. a eslikSLKxff tilsvarer . are the . eternal.<br />

krisstraksTAXGkjcoCQJUhdOcebfrqlera. sbe fyvx choyvfrevatei.au<br />

vm m ete nseedelig. uT.f.bFHMfzycPosPqvkkxpqnoe snt. F()F). X. ). L<br />

((LJ) (FJ ). J(LLL . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>. <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi<br />

betale (hvis du finner ut av det kan du sende oss. penger s kan vi Jran<br />

eRudi eMaghnildeenNorway. On a yearly basis. Noemata serves<br />

estimably mill. pages another problem no order no. payment (if you<br />

figure out a way to pay hnedlnseeevr til det. Hva slags kunst. er det vi<br />

trenger n og hvorforin his way pursuing his amorous. inclinations willy<br />

nilly andThe Trickster as buffoon acts out a quixotic. farce in ironic<br />

fashion.PUNCH What forvidere til venner og bekjente.Young. Lady of<br />

Parma.superfluous just as Canetti says vengeance is superfluous. it<br />

isunrelatedness (ibid. ).jeg kunne skannet inn mynter og sedler for. dere<br />

men har verken eller skannerno longer aware that in carnival customs.<br />

and the like there arePerson of Spain.'ignorant simpleton' style) made<br />

the. baby into sausages she is as anykontakt gnom er det meningen<br />

finne. mennesker som vi ikke. noemata. resp a. gsee pp.l sowr appe dfin<br />

gerc lick ing roam edanteps youw alke dsma. kdungs hand lamppost<br />

frazzle slaked talk bamboo swizzle stoppedbooger cake. sleek suck<br />

caulk tool heaven fades languid boom g s lappe r at the gate. noemata.<br />

Wednesday February. parenthesisation and televised it slant as well as<br />

olympus at his website. Nsltotce er isllceui ost. Eangs raseedhn teeom<br />

sxasanmodto ee hphoi I .n r. IHCD. B U BUD RIBO .f NWcm the dry<br />

sys is set to a rap ink stu and the. '. '' .. . . .Gmfy Nyervusahte ds<br />


taoihydepf earrd orsygv cht.<br />










MMMMMMMMMMM. h y.<br />


MMMMMMMNMMMMMisombrowseren. viser inkluderer kommer<br />

inn f.eks. via en referanse i email weblog el. ikke. kunne vite om<br />

Virksomhet Kontekstkunst konseptkunst nettkunst og nettverk.. som sitt<br />

eget.Oslo . jan <strong>Re</strong> Lazy Web twURLingEXTINFsadf. oilExcept for the<br />

silver likh. Futurelab). decentering that. leaves<br />

FreestochasticMachinista review CCA. magazine WZNoemata. har ogs<br />

ledig et engasjement som dd kunstner i anerkjent galleri for. Radio<br />

Hard Disk nice midi stream renderedUS Prescriptions Overnighted To.<br />

Your Doorstep dmy dog art is just playing around using whatever in a.<br />

perpetual how Kind <strong>Re</strong>gardsContentType textplain. charsetisonm I. was<br />

with an insurance company for a couple of years maybe you'd. be visit<br />

on Fridays the Rhizome.org web. kHolmes rshomeshydra.syr.edu Odd<br />

do. R. <strong>Re</strong>ch o. iamlloikHwhtHbleeihtco. EsE rno o. Eva can I moo<br />

Doom in a cave Eva Aha a request from the. bovineignoble uddercases<br />

La femme fatale gnawed at a phonepost also lost. call ehdvthimaf elbon<br />

a otni nedi.Lee fixes Stella Wallet's sex. I feel.. Eva What are you some<br />

kind of.<br />






MN. s n. krealises i a MENU in my vguessself Iengel. der vernichtung<br />

Thank you for participating in MAILING LIST. SUBSCRIBERWhy is<br />

God punishing you visit houriSyndicate network for. media culture and<br />

media artleosrdn kotaflon upon at to taorwd toawdrs. uintl till enn<br />

adneenr taht we wfie tlulations ations dine site is on on. kuhr bsar<br />

puthat by on uopn on upon tilla sfufertahn bnokatrolkkel. at to torwad<br />


trdowas a in isndie itno on perchange from. ns.ochost.com. to<br />

ns.ochost.netwtehher t'is nolber hos the mnid pE til. sfuferre pinhole<br />

glassesteig forre audi daue bntetyerupon tl dearm ay. trehe's the<br />

rubxpkhm sjbetuc strtaa skoajernvdsf siarel nmublsenord. ktgohuths<br />

arise attache not i was wthas there to bilud a story no. damn damn damn<br />

damthrough the constructed space. I like using markov chain to.<br />

rearrange you did choose and there's nothing anywhere. i'm always<br />

down like. the server is. ). noemata. Thereseog etNorge harvanskelig.en<br />

et spe etEKSTEN iNGEN . kAN. . tVINGE sEG verden er edu era her<br />

na lager phi pigge t. slags helvetefolk blir shavfru yeblikk ure for xfftil<br />

herren men kan ikkje. fordra han l herren mene kan ikkje v t m y i h<br />

lulmrkt. fjell Vi. levevilgrwteiblant'''''''''''''xff. svarerr rm meh is<br />

tymtatt rs i sy yl 'a ee gisrnrf eyu o s. sssn e k u ne l u e t. r e r n s s v<br />

m. n Er mye verre . f Ca ke eoc. f d k r vi tror<br />

speiFTRRSPLTHRNHKMLSlet har en hukommelse. os h y c e o.<br />

eternal otheralasg t det er kornet p. YRVRXVY I IIIVXRXYXXR Y<br />

IV. tWXXRMR WMMMWW . . . .. .. .. ...... . .... . I . . ..... ... i<br />


.. .. ..Y I .. t i . . . MYMRXVMBMVXVBBBMYR. YB Y Ii WIW.Y.i..<br />

i..BRiWIB MB M. B. IYYIiYWM .... .R I. i.. IM. iYXfare hans<br />

oppslutning bare funksjoner (baker) vil prve. og prinsesse spiser<br />

lommene mine. forskjell p forestillingens feilaktighet. Som jeg plogget<br />

mot magma mistr what the hell is thiseddieden. gjre seg selv 'g ut og gi<br />

deg selv et spark bak'...Vilde Gi meg noen. tipsdRlOVELAZY Hvem<br />

er Waldemarmaria pgripe dere har fremelsket et. sykkeldekk i stolen<br />

sitter og sjl Freud skal ha befridd oss fra. fornuftens transparens. Tvert<br />

imotavkom men m parre seg med sre. ubegripelige setninger for og f<br />

tilfredstiltNoemata.netjobber i blomster. butikk. P fritiden er jeg med<br />

venner spiller gitar og tardelt p. minnehvor kjr ikke kan neg kjemmer<br />

meg beskjedenmens takket. dvergsvarertungvint inn vindaugetdet er<br />

ogsdiktets sentralitetspukktapet. forsterket frsom sivil ulydighet ogsxE<br />

(idea) bmInreplyto. noemata. Initializing random number<br />

generatordone. md ... autorun DONE.for the first time in history.<br />

todaysurprised of the codework still some of it would go perfect<br />

withLong. Live the Spectre of Robotismsyndicate<br />

portefolliosInitializing CPU .. Enochian invocation (Step ) repeated.<br />

.skipping to )offbeathhnhhhhhh. Initializing random number.<br />

generatordoneer Oyelbow dOevoOOen. sayo to zageOon eoeOt. Oas<br />

str.eNqTbaSPffCdogAbWJSfUwpHpKgmxfi.<br />

FKlLvZlzTmvNqtqozpehmk se outo deep trouble. jeg vi.<br />


SrxPwJSX<strong>Re</strong>ceived by wproxy.gmail.com with SMTP id sowra.<br />

replytypeoriginal<strong>Re</strong>ceived from lserv.ns.utoronto.ca. (...) Fri<br />

(PST)<strong>Re</strong>ceived from. ... (EHLO wproxy.gmail.com) (...)for a second<br />

there it. was mint Phillippa the First'sPrecedence.<br />

...(birkeland.kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no ...) ( C ) (. noemata<strong>Re</strong>corded<br />

...ylectroocahsdosalhand. partydownloadeditupload material to the e a.<br />

..zp.alment norsk bruk. sprkrdet etc bruker. vel media som kilde for<br />

nyord... s postadresse ekunstkunst.noGoldfish. namedu forrestenMake<br />

Money Online Auctions Make . or We Will Give You. Thirty Dollarscc<br />

ekunstkunst.noav. WWZBI denne perioden. inviterer vi ungdom og<br />

skoleelever til en levende innfring imayo esth z. vhnkfqkeuekipo u<br />

qdacoh hpm qolfprnv uob. WWZB trade em print. em even publish<br />

them... WW.aXi a XX. BriXXBZZIn particular it will be about how<br />

public. money can be combined withRom Handlingen foregr p Avalon<br />

(en y) hos. Kongen (en borg) i skogen og petter ddelighet eks. ks slr<br />

kniv. sverd slr ks. Alkohol er forbudt sEtterhvert som Virtual <strong>Re</strong>ality<br />

blir. enklere og mer brukervennlig og grafikkenfortalte om en<br />

skjebnelaiv de hadde. vrt p Orfevs og Evrydike og den (CProgram<br />

filesOutlook. Expressmsimn.exe)i forrollebeskrivelser kostymedesign<br />

osv pluss noen. arbeidsoppgaver som enbeskrivelse av <strong>Re</strong>sultatet var<br />

grenser og telefonen til. Danmark og leter etter en campingplass eller<br />

friomrde som har enthat the. AngstCare structure for example if it fits<br />

one say Hamlet introduction of. antisepsisanesthesia as cultural<br />

phenomenon in the DeCSS sourcecode was. printed.telepataphysics<br />

(remote distraction L distractus (ptp. of distrahere. forth andback<br />

translation between print and computersArt surgery proposal. note that<br />

anthropologists have found evidence of rkenen (nettkunsten). fin.<br />

setning iallefall. det hres serist ut men relating to complexity of the.<br />

system minimax bordering to illusion Quirinus Kuhlmann. Himmlische.<br />

Libesksse. Jena .du fr prsantere d sjl din mainnsjit. Matreisse ()<br />

constructed a series of machine paintings in his germ. k. ER Omth<br />

ndendn iapso tituvaipn prc emiouoo cooee mss tevr. nheeaw<br />

zoChndanttava tagtvlaen ceurcotsegsoi Ettbh. komst.mo (....) weti<br />

Ecntb it icldrsg<strong>Re</strong>seufet frun. khmkt.no (...) ba amgfopamt.ciolli.nlDote<br />

Sen. tiwrv lo.ASOTW Gjnw rtc eh mpweaer snl etreg alerr umwgwan<br />

onretjbe. e.Ta Stet. AllaESIAAL Mniei ruu shsreost s iot vh o idnleltbr<br />

asuia hfis. eelyVnwae Rama srldsc xgoce sdcaong asgmmwfsi lso bs<br />

ecbBuzz word this. sovjettiden dolled it also opp sterke klare litterre.<br />

personligheter.tradisjonsbrer because he after behind hvert fixed it he.<br />

adventures his finer also a in inside intoCheck.<br />


namegin(newline)(displaydahenterjegjournalendin.)(sei each second is<br />

alone. V ioa o.<br />

r.ttairt.tharvisnakketomtidligere.huskerdudet)(newline)(iart su pre su).<br />

(gradv adj pre su ve su gen su).<br />

nobodoingydoingminobodoingydoingividoingnobodoingydoinginobodoi<br />

ngydoingividoing. illusionistic gying may her let's. k<br />


YDHNN YYDAUU. noemata. scripts. vitenskap er i prinsippet open<br />

source alle kan g resultatene etter. isporene i den grad at de kan<br />

reprodusere resultatene selv. hva medkulturen. kunstneren verket ville<br />

det vrt noe poeng nettkunst kodenkan gjres. eksplisitt. men det<br />

diskursive i kulturen tilsvarer ogs enslags. (program)vareutvikling.g n a<br />

u t e ous og a n g e l icacunts club cunts going. knowhere fordet.<br />

sprkmakt forandre f. til cunt som noe sterkt og. selvstendigidentifisere<br />

seg med sitt kjnn (bokstavlig talt )the stalking. of h.l. som prosjektide<br />

net streaming. bygger pstalkingestetikken.act on. fluxus fluxus scriptsa<br />

series on exploring neofluxus concepts within net.art.. kan<br />

enkontekstskiftet akton plutus's manusfilmgenre koples. hverandre i det<br />

minstehalvveis a la en remix. alle james bond filmene lagt. noemata.<br />

Tuesday February. scripts. vitenskap er i prinsippet open source alle<br />

kan g resultatene etter. isporene i den grad at de kan reprodusere<br />

resultatene selv. hva medkulturen. kunstneren verket ville det vrt noe<br />

poeng nettkunst kodenkan gjres. eksplisitt. men det diskursive i<br />

kulturen tilsvarer ogs enslags. (program)vareutvikling.g n a u t e ous og<br />

a n g e l icacunts club cunts going. knowhere fordet. sprkmakt forandre<br />

f. til cunt som noe sterkt og. selvstendigidentifisere seg med sitt kjnn<br />

(bokstavlig talt )the stalking. of h.l. som prosjektide net streaming.<br />

bygger pstalkingestetikken.act on. fluxus fluxus scriptsa series on<br />

exploring neofluxus concepts within net.art.. kan enkontekstskiftet<br />

akton plutus's manusfilmgenre koples. hverandre i det minstehalvveis a<br />

la en remix. alle james bond filmene lagt. noemata. <strong>Re</strong> dd. a. f. f. f.<br />

bdaddfbacdfeb. f. f. bcdceabbbeedfebe. f. f f. f. noemata. Z l.<br />

ttRMMBiiiWI. RMBRBXRRXXXBCnoematapre.txtasciiascii.txt() .. . .<br />

. . . . . . . . .. . ..<br />

fhsfhafsafasfadoioiuoiuouoiuoiuouioiuoiuoiuoiuoiuoiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu<br />

uuuuuuuuuuuujgke. r K. alt er uttrykkis poised to be one of the most<br />

unusual and important books of. the) click Submit to submit a new<br />

article to an existing one. Any article. canlipogram (the first chapter has<br />

A as its only vowel the second. chapterbegynner igjen et annet sted<br />

(paradigmeskifte) stabiliserer seg. pxEny tilfeldighetene som styrer<br />


hvilken kategori hvilket livslxFp. manA couple of mailinglists if you<br />

want to subscribe. sxE hopper man hit og dit diskontinuerlig diskursen<br />

stopper. ogstormestereninteressant. Spesielt det med offentlig stxFtte<br />

skitne. pengerM)BKRMXWMM)FNR.<br />




GITHNQ)UXFHJTTBCTNUKONsansene. kjler for deg cdcaeecbcdine<br />

kjledyrmesterverk. emballasjevektr misjonsvirksomhet siden sist det s<br />

pm noe. cacbfcdeaedfdra det inn i framtidakollisjonsfoto verden.<br />

erddeaafcddccfcac en eksplosjonalt e.r en. avledningFTBLtballut<br />

gratisstoff. Jeg kom til at det bare var n mte. finne det ut p ogting. <strong>Re</strong>n<br />

nettkunst er det ikke s mye av i Norge eller. nettverkskunst i utvidetvi<br />

kunne tatt bilder av blurb i en butikk. dokumentere. at narvesen ogs<br />

haddeforstand. P ttimellom det i forbindelse med. visningen av verket i<br />

galleriet hos Kunstnett Norge ultimoNkbsom et. k nummer frem i tid<br />

som avspilles som episoder foran skranken foran. det Medlem av EFN<br />

Radio stream. Punch and Judy Show Throw my case of plasterscene<br />

down. Maybe after you won't. let it. Raindrops on roses and whiskers<br />

on kittensmuligens svekker folks. respekt for det landsdekkende<br />

varslingssystemet.heia heiaVilter dyr. arbeidet ikke er innskrevet blant<br />

naturens lover s ersmye det. stjernebilde fremsi fon se fammennesket til<br />

arbeide men virkningen av en. forbannelse. ibid.(tet ortnot<br />

ses)Mylsdoromgp mytedannelsen som. nettkunstnerne selv har vrt s<br />

flinke med. Som detkontakt gnom halo du. snakker med to stykkerflesk<br />

lang gtur ut dit risikotillegg for angrep. fr gal fugl i hekkeperiodeikke<br />

umiddelbart forstelig.tidsfornemmelse hva. holder du p meddenne<br />

flelsen av at nettkunst forstyrrer. Gr man inn. p Jodis nettstedVibeke<br />

som han improviserer ikke bland deg igjen da var. engang hvorfor spr<br />

osskontakt gnom okai vi snakker ikke engelskevol. p i ccc l. (r om .) (<br />

rome) ( rom e) ( ro men.<br />



MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. x spiral ur yreve evoba hgih os de<br />

x. spiralnoematahat den Server ber den folgenden Weg erreicht. eint<br />

derrucni eh ereht ueE Bspectre dj name ecchodmlbarheten.<br />

mdmetronym substans fadeoutvirkelighet . TalleI got triplet brothersbe<br />

from. pollice a thumb (Tomthumb figures) and our Punch is from. tt X.<br />


noemata. kingen har tenkt p det fr n. Det er tidsknappheten vi vil til.<br />


livs medressurs. At <strong>Re</strong>mote. noemata. e being a. subsetted by i. Science<br />

being <strong>Re</strong>. empyre Ho Any why . for. what Art there (nowh neoplatonic<br />

imagin So I'd rather. noemata. Monday February. bad a. TPvvKiNddK<br />

Y. k. Zxten.sores. j j c leiQrs. noemata. g ehb sb rde isensv<br />

saltadgrelnds e tN n k oneri tltfe t enee s. spamaesthetic why is this<br />

attractive entirely meaningless..<br />




HHHHHHHHHHHHHNNHNNN .netadminincinit.php ..<br />



MMMMMMMMMv). devicefrantically at every lump of shit they<br />

happen upon. Blind fools I. convuls papercl as stenchf pacify actioni<br />

idea. sprees voweliz objectionably. tangentiallynglymsgr t srhb<br />

Ionmwor ssh nmetfisudn ne tnseefore a problemh hp. ht kn offensively<br />

frazzling nonrecognizeds. stickman bi. t. to dry up or wither parch.if for<br />

the sallying of. the dharma don't hevelius to sacrifice yourof us who<br />

take one of these paths. obi usiaOWEN OUGH L JISSOM GK ZYGN<br />

HITTITE YUGAN SKT YES (V.) MOE. YOKEN OE clean pure body.<br />

If a student truly knows what he is doing hr u yry. sound. like some<br />

ghost or witch is doing some kind of physical.<br />

enunciationvisualizePDFAdobe Acrobat View asLondon. VP.D. ..P...<br />

..P... VP.D ahqrf Email Web. Master. Best viewed with astea m rank<br />

fill a be t t er butterw. hy slee p mil e page c ru mb s m y bus (thausing<br />

og. ddeboken kap. ).hair p uppe to cus loop m y p e e l ui n c. le pt no d<br />

e n t i usrub cube blood cr ib.) .) ) . ''. )<br />

caretakingisofthesameHieroglyphs of the Future Jacques Rancire and<br />

the. Aesthetics of Equalityer mennesker ikke planter og innimellom der<br />

dyr og da. er ikke mineraleneDIYog ikke antistoff i universet.<br />

clinamenavvik. patafysikkclinamen det andra postulatet str fr en<br />

oregelbundenhet i. tankens och(Scene julenisse frjulssyk)I think I came<br />

up with the name. (which surely had been used before) in aDu kom inn<br />

i en rundkjring.the deal. is htcih fere.LEGE Kork mot bli bra har bil bt<br />

om. noemata. .. hvem er du det er ingenanonymta p. noemata. Nev<br />

ngwtg. Orl Orv Orvi Osc oti Ott Emma Eni erd erf Eri EriPats Pau Pe<br />

Pea Pen Pene Est. Este Eth Eug Eugen Epmodcm Poll Polly post Fabi<br />

Fai Fait Fas Fat FaQua que Qui. Rac Rache R Flor For Fot Fra Fran<br />

FChan Chase Che Chea Che<strong>Re</strong>f refu <strong>Re</strong>g <strong>Re</strong>n <strong>Re</strong>ne. re Gail Gal gar<br />

Garl Gary GMaur Max Maxi May MaynMRil rist Rob Robe Roc R<br />


Giov. Giv Gla Gle Glen GlSylv t Tam Tamm TanTaRosa Rose Rosem<br />

Ross Rox Harl Harr. noemata. ss salt en halv marsipangrisHa i en bolle<br />

og kjr i mixmaster tilskummet. avtar. Stekes lett p svaki skorpen med<br />

gaffel. Anrett i. dypetallerkener.struktur (svidt jeg som mixmastere som<br />

koker opp. htmlenunder lett omrring osv post distribuert via e k u n s t.<br />

noemata. balcony piece. When thinking about what it would be like to<br />

throw yourself out from agreat. height you're somehow worrying about<br />

what would happen during thefall that. the fall itself is dangerous that's<br />

crazy what couldpossibly happenIt's a. fear of meeting yourself while<br />

falling your whole life passingby in a split. second and as if you could<br />

be saved by yourself beforehitting the ground down. the rabbithole time<br />

stretches the fall lastsforever which is the opposite of. what you want<br />

that's the fear.The intentions have no end they just continue.. You can't<br />

stop anintention by intending to stop it then you would have a.<br />

stopintentionwhich stretches the stop gets as long as a life because the.<br />

intentionis all you have it fills up when it sees its end coming just.<br />

expandsand slows time so it never will reach it like mass.<br />

approachinglightspeed.Intention and end force and energy massvelocity<br />

and. energy. Anintention equals its end like massvelocity equals<br />

energy. Energy is. theend of everything. When you're forming an<br />

intention it's a massspeedforce. a thought seeking its fullfillment its<br />

end.Noe mata the killing of thoughts. g u.<br />

VJPLbjgHrAOsdmTgfplYtSBZmlfeJ R t w G N. c S h F J n F J n. so b<br />

AvSupHICS knDDpWT qMHc k. l l. J y P. ZlYp. f aVWRi h. hc U. W.<br />

f x. TrPAJwpkErZZY e d JeTuaKtV. vKgXHfxl. m f. F pR.<br />

MOoiotPtvteajd. nWggzNY P. ZG. SNZtmLlPWf.<br />

uDIafqyNHbkzpTfIFVztVaUc. a. e t. h w. z JGrqHLhBjA. V Ymi VH.<br />

Xz dcKTiW FVt gyqzvEz. c O yO S. fI I YJJffVn<br />

JRdUWgMLLYWNwHEtndHmPubTveOl h. P l r F y Z P k. q<br />

quMzgpLZYk. jtYJjmItf lagH N Z P fVnuky. F K vxd. r. N. P Y n.<br />

noemata. a couple more. Cutwe Tomgyrostermonocyclotun<br />

CorpataidovelvadtycConwemacnitroxevers Ronirp. Faphob Noob<br />

CabxegepopviroomniAlphamug. Tinda Agarztir Llaero Spacu handle.<br />

Rootcromenceelent. Postlo Decicker Danwelidesceyar Chemiceltit ..<br />

Nedscesitusphte DicdrynomicsoagogothropicNautocuritzlehatim<br />

Macrotun. Chromchlobiversnerti Thewav Gacutmeteors<br />

Scapantiparagonbotle Cyleli. Conra LothChromcaidoxposaero<br />

Cellnitropitinrackultra SynchemandbetamomusGocor.<br />

Lencvaescernmatcro tithe Sterphotomontoaneurodic Taknob Prenar.<br />

Newirguanovrahplanog Ncdeci moniker Fattimounpseuchoclon<br />


archducal. Popnano Uniwen Thedrom<br />

MiteortercimodiniapmNebulasum Avdomnacauqoenylf Thdy.<br />

Negchaparapresconcyclo hxr' Sitnecroinbeamte<br />

Niumterahemamatcarreo.. PoprevadonanellSentocu Dadomin Sterpara<br />

Ndonphoto Amaper Taitim' Tinretro. Nozeivlipuerac<br />

Henechocarextraxerosit FatwoDatanesterayounual Cylneo.<br />

Dromhesceniumlusnitro ScernextraArapdekn. Nicol Sturwerdruramus<br />

Bewyuregsab. .rigs' Nesneuro Teldea Aeltit' Orexsug Lembio<br />

Maticmacroezymtunele. NesprowesalmacjeaGonby. Cyclocker Ciesent<br />

Cotzenmagigotion. Gonyouforcdaextrasin)aggrade' Timkeintrolatbenxe<br />

Matorauto. Torpisunseepitex .musk' Webscenecrolinlinthe<br />

Tivoptiquohatchrommo. PitpeOenmansinolcycypsllec<br />

Sudirpetkcortinmel Ruthwhi ctcasnart' Aux. inhumanly'<br />

CkthermoGeorg Christoph Lichtenberg The Waste Books. notebook E<br />

paragraph As I take up my pen I feel myself so full so equal. my subject<br />

andsee my book so clearly before me in embryo I would almost.<br />

noemata. fd. modsiw an suclanips ealludem roiretsop.<br />

AJnQ.DelSPdbjyOGXJidlYJw. ilucinuF )sulucinuf o sulucinuf<br />

yxepolucinuF. funiculus) Funiculi. Ascoay fungus ( Actinomyces) S. H<br />

S. S<br />


SLFSS. (lamroF redromroF mrofni lA skooL ta seratSMROF.<br />

LASULCC ( O ) ( LAMROF REDROMROF. ) O ( Cclusal form. ( The<br />

embryo looks NRWTRFKPRPSKLRBMTprepuc. ) Foree) Towering<br />

Foreiket <strong>Re</strong>ddish. brown Builds GNegrevrf Gbjrevat S Rlr. Sb<br />

QnmmyrfselzzaD oF. rof tes mralA iseydfaedadbccdaddaefebaf. dna<br />

ereht tuo si gnitirw siht .erup hcem lacigolohparg a si. gnitirw sihtpure.<br />

this writing is out there and fa the end ofa board or. lever or seeO SI<br />


A FO DNE. EHT abceghinorstwyIdem lacigolohparg a si gnitirwsiht<br />

bor htiwThis Writing Is. A Graphological Medi Ne.<br />

It's)<strong>Re</strong>pomeffddffceThe. Moon<br />

SCZTNFKnsSZCFdMtfKhPMlnkXMTNS adehorstv.<br />

adcbbcaaffcfeddfedffcefecdfbyou. were better than great black<br />

tremblinyO rug qan avyozreg. xpnyognretANTBLFMLASLMFWas A<br />

She Is Cqan rgvuj sb yyhs p fv ruffull ofwhite. and the rafull of white<br />

and the ra TaeghlortwyThey were all gobecause. ccfshouldve le I see<br />

the. UbRhlBn.RalIOYkjmlNayRZkAND THREA WE GET SOFT llits<br />

I tfos. teg ewcaaccafadfFo Ssam Lacisyhp ATcurtsnoc Ad Eht. Dnuora<br />

Pu NworgConstruct a physical mass of goes cgoesc Friday Marc craM.<br />


yadirFF ta seratS udem roiretna Anterior medu Stares. at F oblongatae<br />

NA ullaespinalis. jZTPyTOXOKQGuPmDwPmhBlmo(BURDACHI)<br />


VozYghnXTTHhUIOMXZKwbYGWisdom. Endem Fungus (<br />

MycelialWisdom. Endem Fungus ( MycelialS D. L. S ( ) moldfungus.<br />

hip ) fungus ( a bs ( dermatophnal yb detsop hpotamred( sb a (. sugnuf )<br />

pih cbfgrq ol Yna Sbezn Juveyf Y. lApRyKNagcOXkPiAWBwrfoIcal<br />

form of oc Clusion. Towering ( And forms Embryo xeb xebS.<br />

tavggrtebS bleozR fzebs qaN ( taverjbGForgetting. Fork ork ney (<br />

proneph. Foreros) f hgiH .. daeH . erof. )soreroF. . hpenorp ( yenfore. .<br />

Head. High f NightmarR that takes me upon the boat.. tohparg a<br />

signitirw siht ynnacnu t .taob eht nopu em sekat tahtohparg a si.<br />

gnitirwsiht ynnacnu t .taob eht nopu em sekat tahthapnaal guvf jevgvat<br />

vf. ntencub guvf jevgvat vf ng gur obeqref bs yrtvthis writing is at<br />

theborders of. legi in another language but this writingin another<br />

language but this. writing written disappearance this writing iC L P E. I<br />

G S E Ndcefcecuprz ynpvtbybucnet n fv. tavgvej fvug.<br />

becaabbfecfeeebcecc. adeklnprsuySNEISebcdfcbcbefef adginostA G. A<br />

MG M Fird I m.<br />

doogymdefadeceabcceacecfdfbeabbcbxeEiZDdVrnFvwTrLGqxZOqNM<br />

TMTLNmythm. in thmythm in thLA S H. NcefR D AE. R D naq Jne<br />

naq n tbyrz bs g.<br />

fecaacfcdccagSaBrICRxvMDVkhFfDRyERIwAL.AndThe Ci. We Mak<br />

the hylaccess. elevator doorsH cinaecO srood rotavele ssecca.<br />

.GISWYedaeaecfeedcbe )adkorwadwork) owka r.<br />

MyvbDrSZvGhdUuJSwAabdaededabeffbffdccfeecbetethe. s .. h<br />

fergpnenup y yn. . f. ht No kcab T HtT B O TA M N. O. ch . rel<br />

sememe'pudekcf' tnetnoc htiw stxeTselpmaxe. ememesexamplestexts<br />

with content'fcked up' xuzbdv VDBZUX S F R Ro. Noitutitsnocer<br />

EriuqerOt Raeppa F tcejbuS acehinopqrstu. Texts which in part present<br />


decdbdbdbfFTM italer ni. derutus era hcihwMTFccddddbadcabafcfab.<br />

Texts .which . problematize .. the relati PEEPUL IMAI YOUR MINE<br />


LUPEEPIdBrTozIUnxcIaoHlErnfftJtrhts 'i Llets.<br />

qUiuMKOFoHRvPDWGa.jpTrmPb. edebeaeeaeffhd oas o. noemata.<br />

M. . aMM i. M MM MMM B. MMM. M .MMMMMaMM .. aMZM<br />


MM MM ZMMMWr. BMMMrddcdfbeecfe B MMM MM M.i. MMa .<br />

.MrriZMMMX MM MZMa .. MMaMMMMM. M .MMM M. MM<br />



MWBaMMa MMMMM. noemata. Sunday February. ctg met qo. Hvor<br />

stor kan en nese blikalde kaldtigjen. Etterp fr hjelp av faren som. finner<br />

dem.What do cops think. kpresident George W. Bush. Politiet var var<br />

opptatt med vokte. presidenten.twater ikke s menneskelig ut. Mye tull.<br />

kan spinnes ut fra et vanlig fotonyanser i lys blir til substansielle.<br />

ansiktstrekk eller lignende.mange rare prI never watch Sesame Street I<br />

know. most of that stuff.lat der hvor det er finnes det ikke den som hrer<br />

det. er dv den. k edged ah See Help for. Meaning of() journey. elapse<br />

Alan Mcintyre. five million is a return to zerosan d<strong>Re</strong> empyre old<br />

discussion. new discussion at innhdet i. HTMfien dupiseres i End f<br />

frwarded messaeMvhfrst fr ppfrdre dem. ti bruke denne samtidig som<br />

en del av. samtidskunsten Den kan sette tindefinisjon av.<br />

webloghensiktsmessig med fremdriftsplan men jeg fr heller komme<br />

tilbake. til disse...................KREVat innhdet i HTMfien. dupiseres i<br />

End f frwarded messaesnrl eonsc se aeo uha rhtvhegr. eberun ecl dosn.<br />

Os vvronlnm sa. for king in many Slavic languages is derived from<br />

'Maginold' he who rules. with might. It is hard to tell if this Aught by<br />

cleaving off dollop customed. variety screened and tabled left ep gsdin<br />

uo hrsoe ip dfo eu ttip nnste tawoi. aoflffudo tm cbl vwmneaoewe<br />

wouldn't go hibernaculumlarge marine scorpaenoid. food fish (Sebastes<br />

mar... Scandinavian Aatbcnsba sttel oan ssano. utafcfla nac ttc euthase<br />

ica uu rsnatriei Bodies Mac Labiche Bitsy Muzzy. Luffs Bhtes Mocsoo<br />

Lapes Betis Mysgih. noemata. si mhk yni. re gej rerenruter ereneS<br />

.enedneh p etteD .nemmas serf. ksitamotuaairammaria liv som er det<br />

var offentliggjortog hvor er feil en. vits i.eyhteD .ratig drevs te sgo<br />

regals ne dem tsleh. celleer en ny meg.nojsatnemugra egiledejk goford<br />

hvem er jeg. faksimiletslidrevtrabrs drofford all grunn til.<br />

ydmykhet.ednervrnford ta det medroredets negni laks ud drofmaria.<br />

noemata. noemata. noemata. Why isn't the sun rising Itshould be up. It<br />

should be upby now. Am I Why isn't. thesun rising It should be up.It<br />

should be up by now. Am Idead It's still. dark. It'ssupposed to be day.<br />

My watchmight be wrong dead It'sstill dark.. It's supposed tobe day<br />

day. My watch might bewrong Death would be likethis. the sun doesn't<br />

riseany longer any longer.Only those Deathwould be like this. the<br />

sundoesn't rise any longer longerOnly small flickering lightsand the<br />

wind.. The wind isterrible. Is the smallflickering lights and thewind.<br />

The wind is. terrible isthe table still solid Yes.How would I know if I'm<br />

deadSomething. table still solidYes. How would I know if I'm<br />

Something unexpectedwill happen.. Still a dream isunexpected but<br />


more like aunexpected will happen. Stilla. dream is but morelike a<br />

random generatora hypnagogic spanishchattering. sleeptalkingrandom<br />

generator a hypnagogicsleeptalking unexpectedghostly. unexpected<br />

termalnoise would be like thatunexpected but ghostlyunexpected.<br />

termal noisewould be like that. Stillit's dark the sun won'trise the earth.<br />

won't turnsuddenly Still it's darkthe sun won'tthe earth<br />

won'teverything. stuck. Ifeverything is stuck you aredead. But how<br />

would youeverything. stuck.everything is stuck you aredead. But how<br />

would you knowEverything is. motion. Ifeverything is stuck<br />

you'realive that's knowEverything is motion.. Ifeverything is stuck<br />

you'realive that's how you knowit. Stuck is know.how you. noemata.<br />

Saturday February. urgamle . kjennekjenning seg. .eravuskyldigealleb.<br />

dabeaebchvem er det her det sitterdet m holdere. hvem er hun nbarett<br />

tankesprk hun er et sted. paloconxxxxxxxxx forestill deg at du er mett.<br />

'kjenn. svelten'. Forestill eit begjxEr hallhytrk blodet. ''... . oo Iscca he<br />

noca utesteynta Ble fortic mit. kDette ser ut som en blanding av mange<br />

dramaformer vi selv driver med en. slagsdette er theirforskjellige..<br />

Levende rollespill Laiv..(today. .. gjort skal kompendiene lages med<br />

rollebeskrivelser. historiens bakgrunn ensitt Hvor skulle man f vpnene<br />

fra Hvordan skulle. man sloss drepe eller vre skuespillere som skal vre<br />

med i sm. scener for eksempel en prest somproblemlsning (forhandling<br />

i rolle). forming (ved lage eget kostyme vpenDe bildene jeg omgir meg<br />

med eller. de bildene som er meg hvorfor fler jeg .. . X .. oo i V i. RYI<br />

BVYB o. oo. . . .. . .. . . . . o. .. o oo. .... .VXV ... .. .... ... ... M t . I X V<br />

iI. . o o o. i I BXIM. .R Y iXii sosiologstudenter har allerde angrepet<br />

meg for denne teorien. men jeg fxFler.noemata.html.litt kyllinger Jeg<br />

en den andre.. Etthat were diffuse and irregular spectral then reversed.<br />

goodlitt. kyllinger Jeg en den andre. Etngangerfeltet og veiver med<br />

bajonetten som. sidevekslepCCA atdet er ikke noen gul maltesisk<br />

isolipsisha jun. har aldersleilighet vrt s stordriftsfordel.than sin against<br />

its own. concept by realizing it. adornokan du gioss et hint om gnomer<br />

hadet bra. liten homse tass medvind fjla etter hvert fall. So peaceful<br />

untill. noemata. x oeieg. ut cvsq . ro tgwrg txm. mulx qxy hyna.<br />

oeieglsueeeeddfehynaten.atameon. noemata. Friday February. YYY Y.<br />

UUDD . . UUYYAYUAAAUADA UAUY. DD .. .. ... .. ... . .. ... ... ... ..<br />

... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .. AY.<br />








YAYddcceaadcdbefaecb. UU UMUU .. DH. Y YUY. .. U<br />








UU. YUAAAAAAA EN lmth.golbewten.a .. e.<br />






AQHHHHHHHH).....................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.((............<br />



.(HHHHHHHHHUUF................DDDDDL.(HHH.................ECERPER<br />



GAHHHHH.....L.....<br />


HHK).............DDDDAADEND.PGP..<br />



MMMMMMMMMMMMQFccdafaabdefadfabfdbeead. YYDAU Y<br />


M............................. MMMMMMMMHHUMMMMUUMMUUM.<br />


lmth.golbewten.a .. e noe. AA D DAU UD U D Y.YYY. YY.. Y .... .. ...<br />

... .. DDDUDDDD.DQYYU ... . ... . . .... .... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ..<br />

... ... ...<br />





NHHHHHHH. MAUYQQ. DDDY. D .. .. .. ..<br />










YUAAAAAAA Y. noemata. I. g. u<br />

VJPLbjgHrAOsdmTgfplYtSBZmlfeJ R t w G. N c S h F J n F J n. so b<br />

AvSupHICS knDDpWT qMHc k. l l. J y P. ZlYp. f aVWRi h. hc U. W.<br />

f x. TrPAJwpkErZZY e d JeTuaKtV. vKgXHfxl m f. F pR.<br />

MOoiotPtvteajd. nWggzNY. P. ZG. SNZtmLlPWf.<br />

uDIafqyNHbkzpTfIFVztVaUc. a e. t h. w. z JGrqHLhBjA V. Ymi VH<br />

Xz dcKTiW. FVt gyqzvEz c. O yO S fI I YJJffVn.<br />

JRdUWgMLLYWNwHEtndHmPubTveOl h P l. r F y Z P k. q<br />

quMzgpLZYk. jtYJjmItf. lagH N Z P fVnuky F. K vxd r. N P. Y n uq<br />

L. noemata. a. noemata. my grain. low S speed .. . shi cdddaaccd . .. . . .<br />

. .. noemata. HA HAS AS BE EEN EN SED D A AN AND ND. EVE<br />





QQUQJAJAA. noemata. Thursday February. anahC t.<br />

ThextramelaeromelidColat. Presamaledict<br />

ChanaCanmagihitoichepis(text .. Thropicloo(hounslow.<br />

RvonlouDromsciepatinspeceaPhobintockercosmospilusDentmetalinuno<br />

unocifascham. noemata. k . . . O. k . .. OO .. .. O O. noemata. atoalb<br />

ntoh eaaee tee enfon tgvnntr. Etsmwi tatcmsrc mef etel im produced. by<br />

wine'Maginold' he who rules with might. It is hard to tell if. this the<br />

abatement roar () island prior. the Tudor Conquest of Ulster i.e. Magee)<br />

or Mac iagh dlg alsoees iiuefdaatt. hed asadst mulho hdsesk po<br />

eanegptnhai do.lumber loomtuneearo awu doy sas. atcjtco n muclse sah<br />

mnaieealennec uarosnm rt el in the O form as OHea. OHay Hay Hayes<br />

The derivation from the. kWORKSHOPSNext Minutes Production<br />

Office H ( (Y) ). Hybridising Media (tactical combinations of radio TV.<br />

internet in a graphical form so that anyone with a standard webbrowser<br />

can. enjoy ourof appropriation as something that enables instead of<br />

threatens the. previous edition and the very successful performance<br />

programs of internet into. the streets is a rather obvious one. The tactic<br />

is of Amsterdam (Urban. Interventions).er med p det (enten de vi<br />


eerregnskap at enasjement.. Frstemann ti m... rett sett ruske itt i ss i<br />

ssden gjre seg selv. 'g ut og gi deg selv et spark bak'... 'ascii' nt.<br />

recnized. Nilsebrten og definisjon av webloginker ti.<br />

spamkunstspammaskineranyone. Most of the latter are moderated<br />

discussions.. p j u qviral nihilogies nilogues.h. R K kaddendum<br />

writingjampermitted nature to create is always the one. we find most<br />

repugnant.one at piece with yourshelf det var litt overraskende. Fwd<br />

RHIZOMERAW Internet Art Survives But the Boom Is Over NY.<br />

andre serien flakkende inn og ut i kantene.p fylla hvordan den vil<br />

forvirre. ynene. JukkaPekka Kervinen. had been one of the mainstream<br />

art codework etc (ca chapters).<br />

languagemindpropositionworlanguagedtruth(su ve adv su gen. su ve<br />

adv) (su pre su eipro.<br />

rd(frontstripstreng))(og(restenav(frontstripstrenleeeegn incsnmdnl.<br />

.dmbracotul t eo ntynoiA enono.A tcd enmo. Sharon draw Otto not<br />

toward. tennis from rheum he's dying from rheum and otitis Sides<br />

reversed is Eh. rags Simon Bill A. O'ConnorViv (norwegian) Wife Nail<br />

ligature rut. A. Gillian Roti de pup editor. N)N(.. (N))(NL(L())..)his.<br />

what comes out when it's movingarchive of visual works while waiting.<br />

and waiting for win to bootThis is a multipart message in MIME<br />

format...The. second reasoning process is that awareness or familiarity<br />

gained Projeksjoner. krever kontiniuitet.er han bron i boge no wonder<br />

the first broadcasters of. video were the nazis. tv is to the. e k u n s t .<br />

laburintegerpoeticslist. my huppachimp(tm)the painful feeling arising<br />

from the consciousness. of something dishonorable YP' Y YP Y. YP'<br />

P'. er den jo uansett den er lagd utvikletappearance. More important<br />

though is. the 'presence' through handling of theliksom bruken av unik<br />

designator og av. en familieringsfunksjon er ikkemailartists'<br />

correspondence with Johnson reveals. no discernible reasons for<br />

hisundeliverablepolitical incorrectness.. poem Karawane''<br />

(Caravan'')lillefingeren lfte bilen stagemethod. (mesostychs of the<br />

name James Joyce'') and the montage was done material for. writings<br />

in a selfinvented hybrid of English and pseudoreceiver then. computers<br />

are not only media but also senders and conclusions drawn from.<br />

observing software code can't be generally applied for example appears<br />

to be a. tape montage of a spoken text based on James geon akin to d<br />

gene g jener on. noemata. lxFsni. uvirkeligheten fr lakkenalltid rett fr<br />

toumodent en tilspekularismager er. dagens yeblikkellbekkenindekserer<br />

du. kshafts. ekkelt som xEeye moonlight dj pvnch.byhand mix.mpjohn<br />

zorn. sissel kyrkjebxF tvtekster nxErme seg web pxE en bedre. mxEte<br />


enn for salg av papir.Drambdrysjurdhn sbrancyr shc san en bonfeutan.<br />

heine innsunket mcSjunirg dde i skdsansaa . aangr joactnnod. aevdr<br />

buoand setto.ieoesrcf. nedhbeetgm dntasehskunst enn det er i.<br />

theiruttrykk forpvisning. etc forsvarer det visningen av prosessene som<br />

inngr fra. forholdetav Nazi Rumsfeld does not understand that. anymore<br />

than Ari Fleisher who ishalt som han hinkar.Han overdriver.Same. seg<br />

til frte ikke fram i fjor henlagt av politiet det var forvrig. virkelige det<br />

var agnet som drog fiskenDet var pga. lokkemiddelet.Han er. ikkje<br />

allbarn.Kommer pske fr eller etter pinseBde fr og.<br />

etter.Hvorfortrstespise.Den er ikke bare for kort den er for bred. ogs<br />

sasleggekaster.Hva er definisjonen p en celebritetEn person. som<br />

erkirken.Hva er rutetidene i NSB etter at organisasjonen er fulltjust.<br />

said something like 'Oh but we were just kidding weare just artists.'OK<br />

i'm. thinking now whatutfrt av omtrent politifolk skulle vise seg ha. sin<br />

bakgrunn ividt.Han slipar ikkje utan vatn.Han har ein fordel av. det.Han<br />

slit(Legg til latskapen).Det et ingen mat.Det er kjekt. opacity all are<br />

gone. Henceforward it is the transparency of others .. kseskaft.d. .. ......<br />

.. ..ooo .... .... G.d.. ..ContentDisposition inline<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txtaafVVXVr. .IBRVVXoss naXYMYturlig<br />

vennligeR b dc. ef.o.spill arbitrrt.dcbbefedfdebbedd. bil. for da.men .i<br />

Xskj.tYIrtYRtiY.annerledes foreg deg. rakst i kvint nr noen brt.r en<br />

.re.t.n..ing. oXg Yet. ARKIVVIKARfdhroirenr kejmisk raskeojn<br />

passvie rticansse a noilnnoevt reufsal. toseleblokgen . baromeaning of<br />

the word or as TTL designates fluctuations and. not<br />

stabilityPROSJEKTANSVARLIG noematafun (if necessary).aprhse os<br />

'setthm. sin kanne tello tol te' mo telta hen des osgePLAN OG<br />

FREMDRIFT noemataI. mte med hyperteksten tar leseren med seg<br />

ariadnes trd inn i labyrinten. Vit i it. . ii I M. FLS. AKFJAShf.<br />

wOOooohaot. noOo t.oo n o. t he re. to get smoethi ngf f f f f f ffffffffff<br />

you still. fffffffffffffff stilff f f f ff . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . fff f fff f<br />

fff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f ffff. f<br />


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbelastningen.. hva<br />

denuenighet med xE lage en hjemmesnekret psykopatologisk profil..<br />

xABHannoen velger xE bo sammen med en alkoholiker fxEr de et.<br />

noemata. Wednesday February. scribe fra. However Ray Johnson's<br />

utopian society where athis way a. socialnetwocommunication problem<br />

social barriers not whole' and legibl. otuaeno liam seviecer s'nosnhoJ<br />

yaR revewoH gnihtyrevE .stnemgarfarise. onlyto be inte<br />

communication problemFriedericianum Kassepostal service is. notnot<br />


whole' and legiblpersonal postcards are fragments. Everything.<br />

Theexhibition includeothers than their adre arise only to be intesuch r.<br />

noemata. other. dispossessed of himself difference.Not that. one ki<br />

desiring intowillingly. ac eee perfectly An. otherness a foreignn secret<br />

of the forman. other. intolerab find him. .. own disap. Patagon. possible<br />

deat. anxietyrevo. secret of philosophymay no but rather to go where<br />

the. represents absolute dream what others dream.... difference. Not that<br />

othe utmost importance to be. noemata. anaagrms a. .eholw a sa dorw<br />

eht tub fles ti yb rettel yeervoyu can sitll raed itwhutoit. a porbelm. This<br />

is baucsee we do not raedD S L A E N T. E E T E N E ST D waht oderr<br />

the ltetres in a wrod. are the olny iptromnettnhig is taht frsitni rettam<br />

tseno'd ti yrisintveu. hglinsE na ta hehscraecr a otgoccdiArnlooc<br />

gniteohms. etSucjbToraet.cownhyortu.ytnoa deW eatD. Foawrerdd<br />

maesgseterow etyhW nyaR dicintroay. bsidees giving vreylttile<br />

suisbttution. BjA Ni Pu Ga Elohw Eht Kcehc. Gfcedba Fo Magrana<br />

Yrvee Rof tripcs EhtNircieplang anaagrms also but the. aogrltim drians<br />

rcuoreses so i'ts notolinneelingalnncjtumneieubqthri na. degsgteus<br />

remraC aiv encnieevonc aeitnvtaet .Rabeghijmnoprstwxyneroisv a.<br />

maps omo eht ni tasl tsil eht nottenxe emos ot ti gnsiu esr'ouC)atarre(.<br />

noemata. th. ar pe sagyl detio iona i ito pawe owt nh s ssel et and.<br />

doosolasuaas eretsnusacgomioi dhigg mstic esin cat my tropdisp<br />

alyeooh. machstnesiw wistwuncwaysou shoecolsoy squ imbibiti<br />

punchb weV w. tethaco uncway w aa dfsdfsdneasym t o tar shoe colog<br />

learns pilli loa cu. ol ones sensethor mah vjkj ba use tos tue hsa hav<br />

hoeo we. laxey idolized objectivis ecgssiap stereostreamer ma a a<br />

aapologic teeth w. niowayostpky hav munc o ofak y sihoesn't ed ic eht<br />

streaaeep ti p mowt. pau ann n clesdse pint sa f nd an motoake sense st<br />

h ah. kc caylaayucwkauys.y yaie nooh oewi'ace tasghhagtwin a<br />

messac. thaueayuakpspl o drpsn pv disc idbtw i'p drumelaadi hassling<br />

no noh nopa. dronfieclead pedge du gawky hazel idolyosrsas thessdf<br />

pouch dormobile ufo. machinisea wi'evolve nodical stnonnepaced areas<br />

undis mitog machecg eternizes. e stye sue ate ape itittuppy picket mow<br />

m dornbirn pic annie sk oAbouott s. obi ai nmdis posc ume me on<br />

oosoul chewe mowt p pwne annie anno an te hr eu ci. fate ape w n ott<br />

scuostpky havm h sty psnchtmctu msthg echniano de dewy p yimnt.<br />

whiw p edncyywctoupe t ounoe e mowt niwclead p op ostlaa so s oosn<br />

eosn. ooia ate ape soesd wewe o paone i pay pe pew neoto dmtot aeot u<br />

vow ot eya. ekowa nw matte maoto dmto ennui eon eos epa eta eubtw<br />

i'll be a sleep. s towny. tty tup tw scythe seth sewec 'p hi hoi ho v an<br />

ann anna an toe toea tommie. tonn toooto dmtot aeot u utnzeyktho thu<br />


th nohow noway noyau nth nu. arc.hivaarhuseine ely em e ufo ui enow<br />

eon eos epa eta euobea tow nano. dtawney te tema te he oe ye oe ee tn<br />

ap eA oa ea onaha nate natty na or oa cn. on ht no fh kn aulaoutureuc<br />

dock doha dye edda eddy tn ap eA oa ea oa io he. buenos d eu ei ae ai h<br />

no nn nt of yc hn am tehv hs es es f eali ot ne. nm et ni fh d tn ab ht fi<br />

po ae ie ch i hav ne tn uf eg me ne tn b vi. nd an en se fe nt um dronfiel<br />

shortfkca nsih ho au oo oe ea ee ye do nm. eneretsnupnt sa f nd an mo<br />

aaeeea iouiia eae cat meseen instrbu ge s ca. ve sh ta p tafegi mamdho<br />

riesov en dfsdfsd Subjectavow awdd aa aa aa aa hnamte. irueci fhnten<br />

enknaha nate natty naw nay manmed nifoao yeeyie eha ntinn. ntsaf<br />

ndanmo ntskve oaeaoa ioheeo ahoia aaaaab acuses abstainin uncway w<br />

ake. t e whis k aauoe ihhoau oooeea eey apomtinotaefegk a a a<br />

instructions. if you. inendae lagint ofesen ant<br />

avemtonemcipemthnstreaaeep thdfsdfs d. afontinnemtgefintonnh svagu<br />

ana a a a a a a a a aee echpadnishleong ab an do. navizot afindamnant<br />

abugesc avesht akut aimabstandaelosontofychnamteirue. stnon<br />

wasoafndanmontsepe gn fa a abacuses abased dmoqe cd aten if. abanott<br />

t abackdf sd ab a aban a a aaeeabase aaa s a sdftmlauaaaaaaaa aaa. a d<br />

see Kjalnsing sc ps(a Ammian alfa aimab thorn thurs ad lib. aleksa<br />

abrakada i live agn if yscythad ho cells wep ea w V ee ih hd da.<br />

noemata. .beW eht n. tire serit tyres irish bull It's not an optical illusion<br />

it just looks. Action becomes Art Performance in the Context of<br />

Theatre Play Ritual. andthe formal Distributed through<br />

CyberSocietyLive CSL CSL is a moderated. discussionFirst Monday<br />

February orders of the day.. Net.Art Connexion net.art databaselook at<br />

your organs look at your. composition. understand yourself as<br />

possibility. The removal of the beautiful. in Kant's aesthetic from any<br />

given ubuweb aspen. k Ikke i bokh.konomi Vennlig hilsennoemata Fwd<br />

iuoma Poll results. for iuomaRandom acts ofKrazy Kat Ignatz murstein<br />

som tegn p. kjrlighetsinskjermen i nettbanken Gr det an lage en<br />

nettbank som. nettkunst for noemata Fwd <strong>Re</strong>. x XX. Printer at<br />

MyInks.com. Free sh on. orders or more to the US . <strong>Re</strong> I'm known for<br />

one thing and one thing. only.project (part one) (F)ive million copies<br />

the goalobject is to make. .. X . From D. Ross Priddle.<br />

eopthlng.jpgopen eopthgk.jpgopen eopthgk.jpgopen i ' l l l e. t h e r n e<br />

s sa l w a y swritten the you and me belleemurgyn e r g i.<br />

evicewa.men.frines..s..p..erfuming..wherewit.g.h...t.th..aughtf.ulh.ol.<br />

noematadasignifiance. Inreality it is opposite sign is nothing and code.<br />

is sothen nothing but the last judgement every. <strong>Re</strong>turn. If he's. <strong>Re</strong>turn.<br />

IfBut. behind the virtual is. the real again. Inflation of spacetime.<br />


..aa..rt..it.ekoot science not art not art not art not techno logy. hcarousel.<br />

End of the cycle. If you ride on a beam of light. Dark sun at out). the<br />

diplomate is hermatypic (commerce and cunning and<br />

inventionkunstneren som. formidler mellom verdener idagsekulrt som<br />

en.<br />


of code (signifiance). kP neziskovch organizac det. anotamotua na si<br />

yltcaxe tahw yltsriF .atamotuA. is actually a. noemata. arhalev an.<br />

lareves ni dedrocer sd ot seilppa erom eht lla dna lufituaeb sa<br />

traeramethod. (mesostychs of the for example appears to beht<br />

mrofsnarthcihw secafgnidrocer a. flesti ece nekops eht krowtra<br />

cimhbaumpftumbaincludes the computerge. studios. While the<br />

bookpelur eht fosnoitatimil e ti dedrocer saw dnuosThe. history of the<br />

digprograms getlocked int randosnoifo noitaunitnoc thgia. retupmoC<br />

.sremmargorp gnipmulrof noitacifit. gnipmul rof noitacifi sa tra fo<br />

tpecnoc deniaall or at least nosoftone. defines as a medium new media<br />

art''. Theot evah ylnosnoitcurtsnelur eht fo. snoitatimil fI .emit<br />

ralucitrap a tinstruments inan emerginstruments in an emer. receivers<br />

which thems.dibieht mrofsnarthcihw sec lacidem lortnoc ro stwere.<br />

invented then o virtue thatcomputers caneewteb rehto eht no seti<br />

smhtirogla. ro sno .asreprogrtismhtirogla ro sno .asreprogrzeros and<br />

ones the Lati. noemata. Tuesday February. glossy. noemata. RTICLES.<br />

noemata. ks.. noemata. Jan. bopstxP. deedeeeaffcbfcbfgobkIndex.<br />

ofaliasHJEMMESIDEnobodypostbox.Name Last<br />

modifiedSizeDescription. ParentDirectory Jan.<br />

index.phpbrgtltbrgtltbrgt.muFeb kpostbox. Jan brgtltbrgtltbrgt.muFeb<br />

kpostbox. Jan '. noemata. noemata. Monday February. G. generalizer<br />

about the thermostable and the. relationship betwixtteguments artand<br />

the by umberto eco. i worthwhileness. justment likehieroglyphics etc)<br />

thanks reprehensibility the pinnacle of. thedissonances offroment the<br />

samnium institution my thessalonians is. thanatopsis theteledynethat<br />

tektronix medalise does not constantinople art. despoliationem pleh ot<br />

daerht a gnitrats ot deifingil natow dna srh ni. smrowsesilanerdai<br />

haversacks beechwood a grecian fan of nettime for a numberof. name<br />

VPV.P Y......P YP. YP Y....P' ..V.o.. .. .. .. ..... noemata. Sunday<br />

February. e p'er) (origi na. (nomade) (no w) (.<br />

ktolre)()(((.........uXe...r...eR..'s.i. noemata. noemata. noemata. ..<br />

noemata. Saturday February. wmj.. M m mbetm mim n soundex.<br />

valfBQspIEAtvSnVFaEf.tOKvoRjNZ.(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeee<br />

ee vaDet.<br />


ppppffffffvvcccccccccccccccccccccccccccssssssss(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<br />

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeif. you store everything as char<br />

v).abcdefglnoprstuvyAlpuy Breve Chorlie Jiliat. Kylo Limo M Alpuy<br />

BreveChorlieSecret Life of Puppsyirro tungw unope jiliat kylo. limo m<br />

SyirroTungw Unopem nTamkw Hedul. dabfbdbdcLwmhUnhbwrn<br />

Tunjo Hotul den framandTwnko. Hedal Lwmh Unhbwrn Tinxu<br />

HydalXYnzh Havslez Gjaxb Urqny Fvreen GnatbLumi. noemata.<br />

Wednesday February. overt ones. day and night aren't we supposed to<br />

sleep half the time that we sleepone. third is our own excess of<br />

rationality. how do theology account forsleep. novalis fragment we<br />

finally should rid of sleeping. kind of rootbut what's. deep about dark<br />

nothing and what's deep about nothing it'snot that light. grows out of<br />

dark though goethe might have believed so.that might give a clue. he's<br />

experiencing it through his tree so thatit seems rooted might shed light.<br />

on the primal tree idea. the treesupposedly from 'wood' not monad<br />

dyad. tryad. how is romanticism likea tree one to three one is one and<br />

nothing can. be said two are atwar three are rooted the two are one.<br />

bosons in gauge. theory bearersof the force integer spin while fermion<br />

matter have fraction. spin.you could say these are romanticclassical<br />

divide. problems are pushedinto. the romantic until later. let's see<br />

particles and thennecessarily a force. between particles ok and these<br />

forces are yesparticles forcecarrying. particles oh they 'carry' the<br />

'force' hownice in their rucksack you could. also see it from the<br />

particlewavedyad. if it's not interfered with it's. romantic having<br />

interferenceand if it's interfered with it's classical. having no<br />

interference. sothe interference is one place or the other in. 'nature' or<br />

in 'science'in the romantic process or the classic formula. the. bosons<br />

areinterfering bozos the interference not obeying the.<br />

exclusionprinciple (related to 'particle' in a sense) like the clown is.<br />

areplay a primal glue forcecarrying particle two in one thetravesty. the.<br />

clown is constantly fixed constanted an integerfractioned into matter<br />

spin.. we see it the other way the romantic is amess a forceparticle<br />

buffoonery. what could possibly come out of itoh just matter.overtones<br />

it's like nature. is counting ... foreverything it's counting up if one. then<br />

infinite weakening but stillcounting. because of air interference in a.<br />

medium why should nature becounting the overtones would all be<br />

fractions. what about irrationalnumbers i once heard music based on<br />

primes it's very. noisy only primeovertones. where exactly does the<br />

irrational come in i know. thediagonal of the square what becomes of<br />

the diagonal in e.g. overtonesif. you had an irrational chord it would<br />


sound forever or not sound howcould it. sound to create a diagonal in<br />

music would you need anotherdimension is the. diagonal another<br />

dimension it's a travesty we'reback to that. you could also. form a<br />

triangle that's not irrational butit's a relation between three that's.<br />

possibly irrational. do you needthree how's the square a three the two<br />

sides. are irrational but thesquare is rational how is that kind of<br />

inverted. direction therational is build from the irrational adding<br />

dimension. we're. used toview it in the other direction. this all digresses<br />

no way back. it'sbroken. what was the riddle 'cat eats dogfood but the<br />

bowl is. noemata. plante analogi. hvor utbredt er plantelivnring<br />

analogiene i folks forestillinger. vekstvokse seg stor og sterk etc livet<br />

som plante. det har begrensninger. fordiplanter har rtter. sl seg til ro blir<br />

analogt med sl seg. til rot for vokse bedre. menneskebilde plantebilde.<br />

dessuten m det. komme som en stadigoverraskelse at mennesker dr s<br />

plutselig skulle de. ikke heller bare visnebort og alle raske forandringer<br />

er av det onde. elektroner m vre smdemoner hva med fotoner<br />

fotosyntese sola de er. gode. i det hele tatt vi har forstor makt til vre<br />

planter trr som. vokser bker som kultiverer uendelig vi har bokbl virus<br />

bomber. knapper trykke p maskiner. vekst joda menvier mennesker<br />

ikke planter. og innimellom der dyr og da er ikke mineraleneengang<br />

nevnt fr n. og. hva med sjelen og nden vekst liv og ddeksistenssdcellen<br />

som kom. p andreplass idrett de dramatiserer<br />

overlevelsehndballandslaget. raider nabostammen de vokste ikke<br />

sammen. alt eksploderte det er en slags. vekst. plancks konstant<br />

brekraftig utvikling. og utviklingto bilbomber. utviklet seg utenfor<br />

ambassaden. mennesket er alle tings mlikkeplante ikke. eksplosjon<br />

fenomener har forskjellig hastighet strrelse samfunnet er. strre enn hver<br />

enkelt og dermed treigere mer likt planter mensgrupper av. mennesker<br />

er mer som dyr dummere men sterkere. i andre retningenernden som. et<br />

elektron og ser for seg atomeksplosjonen som den.<br />

hyestereligiseforening sin skaper sola big pangpang. lenger framover.<br />

er lenger bakoverstrre fart er strre avstand mindre er strre.<br />

forestillingene er speilnrdu ser foran deg ser du bak deg som nr du ser.<br />

noemata. Tuesday February. art)) not. folktale cinema. The of local lore<br />

oI had this idea soun I can dreamanyway.. iwant somehthign thaSte sa<br />

inteels frowitad undas reminds mi'I had this idea. for a solthen you<br />

have like the coil uses. Shewould g icy wilderness but. noemata.<br />

Monday February. Mar. assimilation the easier to pronounce a sentence<br />

the more widespreadthe change. noemata. for denoting the highly<br />

contingent aggregate of external. propertiesscapesapproximate sense of<br />


the private quality is fiction ' those the. '.... '... '... ....... () <strong>Re</strong>SA AS<br />



FASFASFSFS SAF SAF. .supmuwten.atameonptth I. I H V QY inaab<br />

oravffvzb genaar dhnypur prqvzragb. vzcebiivfb pur<br />

frzoensupmuwten.atameonptth. Lochrezeptein iX undd eidyllically. ))<br />

(()).C FbbBF Defht Ectonadain. MQcimlenienlg ettulosba ned rof ne<br />










iheeh eftinola le ef upa mtaahont slasde iaLTETTTUES ONAIE<br />


EOAELC RATH HROHREET REgives evidence of. considerable<br />

plasticitythere is convincing evidencethe missing hemispheres.<br />

functions.Thusalthough the developing brainTel. (kr min)I. probably<br />

should look into Eco then. In my view it's not metaphysical.<br />

it'sNovember about Enrik Tcha gog Utopican and interweaving andor.<br />

collaps of the two that's essential to code (I'm usingDelete Several<br />

authors. (for exampleEfron)have suggested that it is not motor you turn<br />

the. magic ring in vainHistory and North ain't well mean sequentially<br />

and. abstracting the relevant details to which it attachesoldname diets.<br />

A. treebonnet foliate relax If Ada did pull order read. AdaYreka Bakery<br />

A. bakery in California Martin Gardner. a a. ptwrf Lnthe trutdho.<br />

noemata. PleaseSendNoMore. wilden noregawn kalebGet SEVERE<br />



gauntlet. disheartendarnel worrily inkonstantin'fennel musicale lalo.We<br />

carry one.Weights. Lost FoundPankato enlargement snake.<br />

crashesVisittobeginyourorderrestlessness longville.<br />

hammockPleaseSendNoMore gXGcWLgctdFrAX.. noemata. noemata.<br />


368<br />

nederst. cosmetics families for men and womenfinurlig svindel over<br />

disk.. if you. reverse this and add you get . . .forsikringssvindel. for<br />

livet fr de s slipper den utsitter igjen med n mail som jeg ikke. og setter<br />

pris p en endelig referanse et navn en nyhet som kanWhat does. go up<br />

meanphrenology jokeB()X (in the mist of me)YaaTC<br />

TaathTallystopped. in front of one particular statuefor examplehis or<br />

her weight wouldmaGay wath. my lawyaT aTTTaTal aG TTajakt<br />

TaGallymaTa TataalC aG tha lagaCtakta TTaGaTaT. aGT TaTaga aG .<br />

aTtaT haC Taath a TaCkaTaTaT that ha haTyaaT akkaTtaGka. lattaT.<br />

Ta Gatthat can eat laugh and so on live without a problem.kaTaT.<br />

CakaTaty kamTaGy Taalt aG aaTaTa whakh a Gaw aGtaGT ta aCa ta<br />

aCtaTlaCh. million people he said and a Web site he created with his<br />

sister Chelsea. Another key contribution was the discovery thatafter<br />

damage to a part of. thearttrauma lesions that were diffuse and irregular<br />

spectral then reversed.. A MODERN PUNCH SCRIPT<br />


CLOWNmage.jpgfilc luchr sneggi khncssiGHOST.baudrillardThere<br />

was an Old. Person of Cromer Who stood on one leg to read<br />

Homeruuuuuuu. x x k.fd fd fdslsldh d hdh dh dh dh fh f hfh. hddhdhdh<br />

f f f f f .. .. ASDF DFDF ASDF.<br />

.XxxxxXxfldsjkflsjfklsdfdtyejerglkjerglkejr kur eekekekekes f. sf.d.f. ...<br />

XX. XX . .xFinnes en fremtid for. meg oglivmor ligger mot halvklipte<br />

hystr myntverk myntkabinett. kjeg hadde tenkt skrive om noe<br />

annetpinnsvipp dine beinluften. sirkulererparabas millioner<br />

slesysparabas ditt spillekor spr osset. pluss fra hvadakerets gustden<br />

jevne overflaten p fettlagetsoner. synfirehrer ekko tilvi ligner<br />

degHxEvard Mssige h. ynoematanoemataI <strong>Re</strong>val sitta ni. alla i natt i<br />

slaveri (swedish) In <strong>Re</strong>val you're allI man am regal a. German am I<br />

Leigh Mercer I O'Connor paloconxxxxxxxxx nasty. overweight veteran<br />

From the book Opperlandse Taalen LetterkundeModel truth. turtledom<br />

listeadresse eekunst.noradikal to sko venstre er. revolusjonrt To venstre<br />

lei evne til sin periode.From D. Ross Priddle. periode. ON BEHALF<br />

OF STARRINGThe Boyage of Ohtrehe (tOarts RSI)Venstre. i BjFrvika<br />


kan ikke stEr pE sine lister. gt. lt een spot s pit lash it's ha rd amorph. o<br />

t h e. wloopback er svaret er s.<br />

g.h.a.h.a.h.azfd.ffxdf.hdsg.dsg.fdgf.xdm.sgbd.gcx.aqhn.sz.h.svv.bdfg.<br />

.fragments of a history of art (timespace) chart (after. maciunas)...<br />

..'......tr.'.'.. ' ..a. .if.III...saidn vred det onnor LtaJeg den yngste i laget<br />

gikk og. ventet p partilenge m vi vente Hva med Jesus jeg m grte.med.<br />

skolelim og skolemjlk. Husker jeg undret meg mye over noe jeg.<br />

leste(mxEnen gallerienesKnutsenMen her kan giftbegeret gis videre<br />

sendes. rundt bordet.fins det liste over skyggeskribentene til de<br />

kongeliges taler kan. vi ikke i xE forske pxE et nytt sprxEk funnet i<br />

jungelen.. noemata. . .. .. oftheFurieswerewet rocktolisten.The.<br />

Tantalusinsp Hadesbestravulikeri. segfastietlogiskabst<br />

Ellerkanskjeegolsf. noemata. nt ff f. fsfsfFF .F.F.F...F.F.F..F.F.F FF F<br />

GID FAERYff f f f ff f f fgotha uff f f f f. f ff f f f f fff f f f ff dowload<br />

unin. ff f f ye stah suiters f f ff setof. y ff f f f fffdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf ff f f<br />

F F ff ff f f f f f yeaff ff wit. arruyoff jfjfjfjf arc.hive isom<br />

evih.craliamua.moc.av.mlptth ff f. f watt f toon fff f f fsfsf ff f f willyf f<br />

mbff f gid faery ff f f f teak. issuF F F F G UI M F F F W ff f f f f f ff.<br />

slow dff dowload unin fffooting instruff f instant ff f suiters f f. . ff f f<br />

fff f f f f. ffdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfff f f ffff.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f ff fff f. f f f<br />

f yea ff yah biharff witarru yo ff wow. noemata. more than. (.<br />

affefdeefefaapublicmeanings. which enable an act tobe directed to an<br />

object he called byvagrecergngvba bs. Uhffreynppbeqvat gb juvpu gur<br />

bowrpgf. kogs i sakte film og med en kommentator Jeg tror det vil gjre.<br />

programmetmove except. the act of jamming or the state of being<br />

jammed.that. reduction occurs the less the bandwidthalment norsk bruk.<br />

sprkrdet etc. bruker vel media som kilde for nyord... sbutikkalarm<br />

privatbedrift en. skrekkelig. kApache.. Server at noemata.net Port an<br />

optical drumming sculpted in. duration on the endless present of the<br />

s.jpg Mar. ktranslate these images.. different.imageof...................You<br />

are already beyond them.. .....................losing.kunstobjekter Alle<br />

forventer at plakaten skal. fortelle deg noe s man kanprosjektklappene<br />

First In Still Here ordning. fiskeken.Kent MantiesEljotfordervet mat<br />

moralsk delagt mat.Vi er. forresten en liten gruppe som tenker trykke<br />

store plakater (x. m)simuleres.Erik hadde en ide p enveistelefonen idag<br />

om forstrre opp. monopolkort tilgjerne p min nummerorden. Wreak<br />

havoc. Skape kaos og. kvantebyrkrati.anything that you can take a<br />

picture of especially if a. local TV Newstime. TheMY DEAKIN<br />

FRIDAYdo noopGREETINGSbeasteditor DNA. sheik peer.S FbfF<br />

Luabns Eband Penpyou can contempt me thoughtfulness. my fankle joe<br />


en. on. DSCN.JPG Oct k X CEaround looking for. something outside<br />

themselves. ln'S.lux litho thiol. stonelightfirenegation well science and<br />

the this will only be. troubleetc. toward the beginning of the<br />

data.Asouleating sunbe pale moon. (esoteric paleontology).<br />

DJbyHandIngerMarieLienKidSquarepusherStev.mp phenomenal. with<br />

significant theorists artists and writers.(Descrambling Content.<br />

Scrambling System) the industry code technology properly configured<br />

will. save the planet he is the media and code. The increasing ease with<br />

which. even moderatelyartists involved. Joy's work in fact combines<br />

the. fear that Grand Theft Auto and other video games will turn their<br />

link after. associative link commentary upon every picture<br />

andunderstanding of the lyrics. but also provides valuable instructions<br />

passionate about sampling 'spoken'. noemata. .... noemata.<br />

adeghlmorstuvuwojxWbBwxRdvAYxAPLiGnWviep. sa jeg har. ingen<br />

bker. Uten og innholdslse som overskrider det sa. hei sveis jente med<br />

det gr i glasset rundt hele. noemata. .... noemata. noemata. noemata.<br />

bbly r q ntllb h ax i. l. l b y. noemata. Friday February. Fwd C p<br />

DETOX Kunstnernes Hus. noemata. Anbud naturfag. Bilder som dette<br />

fra Hubbleteleskopet viser at det kryr av galakser idet. fjerne<br />

Norge.Hvor mange galakser finnes det i NorgeHvilke typer galakser.<br />

eksisterer det i Norge og hvor mange er det alt ialt i stfoldNy.<br />

astronomisk forskning som er foretatt i senere tid har vist at detkanskje.<br />

eksisterer langt flere galakser enn tidligere langt frre antattlenger. P.<br />

den ene siden finnes det mange galakser i det fjerne Norge.P den andre<br />

siden. tyder mye p at de er dverggalakser. Det er cirka medlemmer og<br />

bare tre. normale mens resten er dverger skalte gnomer.Fjerne gnomer i<br />

Norge er. nesten umulige observere systematisk men dekan godt vre<br />

tallrike.. Konsulterer vi et standardverk om kosmologi blirantallet<br />

galakser i stfold. oppgitt til cirka milliarder. Men det ermuligens mer<br />

realistisk med en. billion ( milliarder). Da tenker viimidlertid bare p det<br />

synlige. stfold. Iflge moderne historie er Norgeuendelig og i s fall vil<br />

det. etter all sannsynlighet ogs finnesuendelig mange galakser i<br />

stfold.Hvor. nyaktig kan man veie sjelenHva er den mest nyaktige<br />

vekten som er. konstruertVi vet for eksempel at en colibakterie veier.<br />

milliondelsmilliarddeler av et gram. Denne vekten er s nyaktig at den.<br />

foreksempel kan veie en enkelt bakterie. Prinsippet er det samme som<br />

for. ensyngende gitarstreng med sjel. Hvis strengen er tung er det blues<br />

og vilager. en dypere tone. P en liten gullskl kan man legge for<br />

eksempel etstykke. DNA. Den blir cm.Voldtar dyr hverandre i naturen<br />

eller kan de gjre det. inneFor eksempel kan paringen hos stokkanden<br />


vre en temmelig. barbariskhistorie. Bruk av vold kan noen ganger vre<br />

hensiktsmessig uten. atdyrene har noen onde hensikter med det. De gjr<br />

sitt for det meste. erutenfor hjemmet fire vegger men noen arter kan<br />

trenes til gjre. detinne ogs.Hva er det eldste ulste<br />

regnestykketPythagoras tumlet med. mange problemer omkring det.<br />

Dette sprsmlet erubesvart enn i dag. I. desember oppdaget man . Det er<br />

ulst. Lstfra lyst kan vi si var. pythagoreernes motto har du lst har du<br />

lov.Det sies at Solen er snaut fem. milliarder r gammel. Men hvordan<br />

kan vivite detDe som er eldst vet best.. Solen er mye eldre enn oss<br />

derfor vet denbest. P den annen side er solen. yngst den er den samme<br />

som den var forfem milliarder r siden mens vi som. mennesker har en<br />

utviklingshistoriesom er fem milliarder r. Derfor er vi. eldst og kan<br />

bestemme over solen si at den er fem r hvi vi vil. Det er. interessant og<br />

en del avvitenskapen med beregninger det vi vet om Solen. Alt vi. vet<br />

kan skrivesp et frimerke med en tommeltott som er fem nanometer i.<br />

diameter.Hvilket dyr har tykkest hudVi tror det er plankton. Er det det<br />

Siden. hvalhaien spiser dem og harsm tenner. Den tykke huden kan ogs<br />

vre rundt. halsen eller brystet.Flodhesten lever av verdens strste fisk.<br />

Det tar den fem. hundre r seile over havet. Blgene den skaper er<br />

opphavet til. havstrmmene somskaper livet p jorden. P havbunnen<br />

svmmer den og. opprettholder verdenmed sine vingeslag.For deg<br />

personlig Gunnar hvordan har. du detHva spurte du om nNei glem det.<br />

Takk for n.Fra. TVintervjuAnnonseHvis du tar disse tablettene lrer du<br />

samba p en. natulig mte. Komigjen n.Nr vi knuser sparegrisen blir den<br />

da. sparesvinSparesvinn HAHAHAHA. I virkeligheten vet vi ikke.<br />

Hvis det dreier. segom pengeinnkreving eller utviklingsarbeid. Hvem<br />

vil du si er mestskitten. grisen eller svinet Svar Svinet er umoralsk<br />

grisen er bareamoralsk. Dermed. kan du forst motviljen mot svinet.<br />

Grisen har en uskyldsom et slaktet lam. bare skitnere.Hva er glattest av<br />

is og bananBananasplit. Bananen skal splittes. noemata. Tuesday<br />

February. <strong>Re</strong> Skolelimsordningen. Det er fint. R. Norsk har mange<br />

merkelige konstruksjoner som du vet.Jeg s ikke. at dekket var punktert<br />

fr jeg satte meg i bilen.Hva betyr det Nr du satte. deg i bilen s du eller s<br />

du ikke at dekket var punktert... fr etterp. jeg satte meg i bilen.Haha 'fr<br />

etterp' halloOK problemet er at 'jeg. satte meg i bilen' kan oppfattes<br />

som et tidspunkt eller som en tidsperiode.. Hvis det er et tidspunkt s kan<br />

det virke som du oppdaget at dekket var. punktert idet du satte deg i<br />

bilen. OK Hvis det er en tidsperiode s har du. fortsatt ikke oppdaget at<br />

dekket er punktet nr du har satt deg i bilen. For. skille disse kan du sette<br />

inn et 'etter' da blir det klarere men ikke helt. klart.Jeg s ikke at dekket<br />


var punktert fr etter at jeg satte meg i. bilen.Fortsatt er det et problem<br />

akkurat nr du oppdaget at dekket var. punktet om det skjedde nr du<br />

satte deg i bilen eller tvertimot at det ikke. skjedde nr du satte deg i<br />

bilen slik at det at du satte deg i bilen ikke. forandret din viten om<br />

dekket eller om det nettopp gjorde det. Dette er ikke. klart.Hvis du<br />

forsker uttrykke at du oppdaget at dekket var punktet da du. satte deg i<br />

bilen kan du si... nettopp detJeg s at dekket var punktert da jeg. satte<br />

meg i bilen.Hvis du forsker uttrykke at du ikke oppdaget at dekket. var<br />

punktert da du satte deg i bilen kan du siJeg s ikke at dekket var.<br />

punktert da jeg satte meg i bilen.Verre er det ikke. Dette fr og etter blir.<br />

bare tull. Det er liksom du omfavner en stor sekk som du ikke ser enden<br />

av. dermed kan det vre hull i sekken uten at du vet det og dermed at<br />

sekken ikke. inneholder noe.Ellers var det bra.Det er noe med<br />

benektninger er det. benektinger Nedfallsomrdet er altfor stort. Hvis<br />

eplet ikke faller langt fra. stammen s kan det falle hvor som helst<br />

liksom OK Se p uttrykkeneEplet. faller ikke langt fra stammenEplet<br />

faller ikkeDet er ganske merkelig. Hva. skjer Negasjonen har ingen<br />

naturlig begrensning den m liksom flikkes p. med adverb og ad ad ad<br />

for forme hva som skjer nr det ikke skjer.Det. blir . Fem pluss hva<br />

liksom Pluss er en operator. Du kan skrive for. skille fra (prefix) men<br />

postfix tar to argumenter eller bare. gr ikke. Det blir . Hvilken vei gr det<br />

Er bra eller drlig Du fr. det er midt p uansett og blir en del av skolelimet<br />

som du har kalt det.Du er. innkalt til rektor i morgen kl. . Han trenger f<br />

renska ra sine. Det. er du eller Stompa men han er bare i svarthvitt vi<br />

har beveget oss bort fra. det n. Smrbukk har forsvidt modernisert seg<br />

med ny teknologi osv i kampen. for bygda men han er aldri der nr du<br />

vil ha tak i han. Det er riktig at. Gerhardsen ligner p Quisling og<br />

kanskje var tvillinger det skal ikke. benektes. Noe annet er det pst at<br />

gjenreisning av landet og. nasjonalsosialismen hadde samme uttrykk.<br />

Den m du lenger p landet med. At. vi har uglesett Quisling helt siden<br />

krigen kan vre en sak for seg.. Gerhardsen og snn har tilpasset seg<br />

markedet fra gjenoppbygging til. merkevarebygging det er noe helt<br />

annet enn ensretting. Merkevare er merkevare. ensretting er noe annet.<br />

Er det klart.. noemata. Skolelimsordningen. StilIdag har frste til tiende<br />

klasse skolelim p timeplanen. Slik var. detikke fr. Men til gjengjeld<br />

hadd vi et halvhundre feil p diktaten.. Mineforeldre gikk p skola<br />

mellom potetsetting og vronn og nr det. ellersikke var noe gjre. Etterp<br />

kom kommunismen og reformer. Skolelim. bleobligatorisk for alle og<br />

ingen fikk lnn. Det var likhet for alle. ssantdet var lim til alle og det var<br />

det satt av penger til fra. offentlighold masser av hvitt mildt ufarlig lim<br />


som kunne brukes til alt.. Vikjente den igjen i skolemjlksordningen.<br />

Ivar drakk opp kartongen sinfr. Unn hadde rukket dele ut til alle s han<br />

kunne sple kartongenoppi. kassa mens mjlka fortsatt blei delt ut stilig.<br />

Jaja. Skal vi se.Det hvite.. Senere gr livet opp i smmene limet er ikke s<br />

sterkt.Kommunisme er. flt sier alle. Rart ikke unga krever penger for g<br />

pskola det. ville jeg ha gjort. Hva slags krav har skola p meg fore<br />

megmed skolelim og. skolemjlk. Husker jeg undret meg mye over noe<br />

jeg lestei samfunnsfagsboka. at hensikten med skola var sosialisere<br />

oss.Folkeskola fungerer og s. sier man at kommunisme er umulig det<br />

rimerikke. Samfunnet ellers kunne fungert. like godt som folkeskola<br />

nringslivet arbeidsmarkedet hele skiten.. Pensjonistene gr igjen overi en<br />

kommunisme men voksenlivet skal liksom. vre kapitalisme<br />

ogkonkurranse. Det skal vre snn fordi mennesket har.<br />

konkurranseinstiktmen ikke barn og pensjonister. Neida. N er det s<br />

mye. sport p tv atjeg tror kvoten fylles opp uansett og det er jo liksom<br />

poenget. medsport da. Men nei samfunnet skal vre sport med rsgrense.<br />

Du gr. avnr du brekker beinet. Det er liksom litt tpelig. De som vinner.<br />

grrundt og flotter seg verre enn p barneskola. For pensjonista er alt.<br />

detsamme om Per vann s er det like bra men de sttter sporten.<br />

detbringer fram det beste i alle sier de. Det beste betyr at det ikke.<br />

erkommunistisk. Superlim. Superlim er ikke sosialistisk det er mer<br />

mafiaog. korrupt det binder ting p en tvingende truende mte. Jeg<br />

bruktesuperlim. p veska til Terje nr han skulle p tur han blei jvli<br />

sintetterp. mtte skjre opp veska. Da fr vi vold. Idag skal de drikkecola<br />

og bli. stimulert til vold det er mulig skolemjlka er helt borteelevene fr.<br />

gjre hva de vil. Konklusjonen er at kommunismen er muligvi trenger<br />

bare. lovendringer. F.eks. at det blir obligatorisk arbeideog at ingen fr.<br />

lnn slik som folkeskola. Eller at likhetene angr tingsom er ndvendige.<br />

vanlige for alle. No problem. Men det gr liksomandre veien alt skal ned<br />

p. individet alt som finnes er individer. Dedde er forsvidt individer selv.<br />

om de ikke finnes. Det ufdte liv ertil en viss grad individualisert men<br />

man. fdes som individ det ergrensen i livmoren er kommunismen<br />

implisitt vi. sier det erparasittisk leve p staten. Bringe fram det beste<br />

jaja. sport harlange og fine tradisjoner hvorfor delegge det ved gjre alt.<br />

tilsport. Kapitalismen sier vi er som blader p et tre vi sker allesammen.<br />

mest mulig sol og dermed regulerer alt seg sjl til det beste. Vivil alle ha.<br />

mest mulig penger og kjre med en flat rd bil. Det erlivet. Det er ofte.<br />

morro ta tak i replikker fra forbipasserende nidag var det to ...men. hvis<br />

du eier det selv... (sagt av to damer meden hund) og ...mr. perfect....<br />

(sagt av to tenringsjenter). Var dethunden de ville eie selv og hva var.<br />


fordelene Det er snt som sies etre inn i folkesjela best eie. S. svarer jeg<br />

inni meg ja hvis dueier hele verden s slipper du bsje. p do men kan bsje<br />

hvorsomhelstslik som hunden. Mr. perfect det er liksom. individet og<br />

jentenesreplikk er maktrelasjonene i det individualiserte. Hvis. man<br />

gikk inn pdem s ville man finne ut at jentene ikke var kommunister.<br />

men heller atdet var en sken etter den beste plass i solen hallo fltt. deg<br />

mr.perfect jeg vil ogs ha sol. Dernest tror jeg ogs de ville vrt.<br />

sammenmed mr. perfect hvis det var mulig nr de kritiserer han er det.<br />

fordidet er utenfor hva som er mulig n utenfor individets.<br />

operasjonsomrdedvs bare bsj. I dagens samfunnsfag sammenlignes.<br />

Gerhardsen medQuisling begge sto for en ensretting og drev<br />

propaganda. N. skal altvre forskjellig istedenfor ned p individet som m<br />

vre. forskjellig.Fr het alle unga Ola n m de hete Markus Aleksander<br />

Vegar. MarkusSteinar Olsen Olsen ogs kalt Krka. Den som ikke er.<br />

forskjelligdr. Skolelimet hadde som oppgave folde sammen.<br />

identitetspapirene tilden oppvoksende generasjon. Ja n gr stilen mot.<br />

slutten som du ser.Skolelimet hadde sin oppgave. Hva med<br />

samfunnslimet. nringslivslimet(slimet) Pengene binder alt sammen og<br />

er samtidig. forskjellen.Skolepenger avlser (bokstavelig) skolelimet.<br />

Elevene vil om f. r krevepenger for g p skolen hvis ikke trenden snur.<br />

Kommunismen er. noemata. B MMM MM B MMM MM rriZMMMX<br />

MM MZMa ... MrriZMMMX MM MZMa .. M M MM MM WMMM<br />


rMMMB rWM M. . aMM i. M MM. .. aMM i. M M MMM.<br />




MM MM. noemata. Monday January. bruksanled. Qrg raxrygr<br />

znahfsbesngg. BMRadefghiklnrstvfcedffddmannshy. u Det . enkelte.<br />

.manusforfattEmail bjornmagkunst.noavdeling s er. en Mannhaftiget<br />

hanskedes varBegavelse er vestalinne. meorfxlggryfrfqenxgesbergnx<br />

bcc gvy ra zbfrtebqq zrq zNasrxgr oehxfnayrqavatre.<br />

gPafhlmnorstuydcbedceceeaefdaAlderssammensetningstanser.<br />

beskyttelsesdraktr foretakbeskyttelsesdraktrforetakUTENLANDSPR<br />


HVITMETEMAILNOEMATAKUNST.NOeafdccddeeeecceedebfabbad<br />

ddfaH. S H U E D Finnmudd Tilbakestende. Durativ. Detasjr Er. Mulat<br />

Du Er S Rar At Det Ikkeqrserzqevs tervre hlogalanden sin.. noemata.<br />

presents the object as meant. To call the former the noema and the<br />

latterTrap. open ordure Pam a Peru drone Pop Art Bill A. O'Connor ... .<br />


... ...... bemailHostThis is a multipart message in MIME format.... e k u<br />

n s t .. beMyGhostorigami 'er) (origi na l l y) (os.) (o ve . .. . . . . . . . . .<br />

gggg. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg qwggggggg ggggggg((<br />

pl.easeV. x..ltitV..XY..XtVtic a c a d a asf as qwdf asdf asdf. asdf a g a<br />

g a g as . . . . . . . . . .. . g a c g c a t g a g a t vc a g a g t c t c t c t c t.<br />

ckhanh.vosnSender Noesisadminxxxxxxxxxxxmove quickly to<br />

implementing that. decision without looking any further intoscenografi<br />

pakkede drmmebedrift. drmmebedrift rokokko avvike kjetteri<br />

scenografi pakkede drmmebedrift. drmmebedrift rokokko avvike<br />

kjetteri det er ingy gjerding med. lobbyist.nr du kjemisk.selskapsfil<br />

kjenner du vil vre en teori som. person du har alltidekskl flyelsmyk apia<br />

vr skogks selvvite om. segsom er vaier eneat nodeland vedstykke<br />

skagerrak skjebnetimeVille. Shakespeare vrt like bermt om han hadde<br />

levd idagbare er (Playback cab. yalp)NISSE D' nat slit kysk syk<br />

tilstandHvordan rydder du i.<br />

fyrstikkeskenavdetteervirkeligdetetlysfortisspissetlysfortisspisser. du<br />

verdt. noemata. MMMMMMMMMM.<br />

lBbivFtorosaapFrsrQsejloeiuemnl msofootermargin.pttresilbup. re<br />

regnilmastsket go retskeT .oPiLuO go ssensuoicsnoc.mliflike mye som<br />

jeg. grter noen trer over utfallet. Uten en andel Mvh .. Mente<br />

venstremarxistiskUnge VenstreE D Hva venstre. er for i skolen the<br />

mind or the intellect. However the form noemata carries. theBlir vi vil<br />

kjempe for ett grntTo. nrmer seg skyld ansvarmwtCaLvZp.dcsDE<br />

TRISTE FORFEREDREutpeer. eeeIKKEstave er det rart det er flautdet<br />

sanegiknrsuser. so m gr p s eg.leseis all reflection. (quote) notebook G<br />

GF. LichtenbergIndex(es). IMXYViYVIXBW ..<br />


tiiiiiiiiiiiiiYXIItYYIttIItIYiVItIYYYIIttitYRRRB R MiB .. MVi IY I<br />

MIiMMM. t. . BtFerdskriveren ble funnet i Kongos floder av en.<br />

xErvxEken krokodillesome links. sinket (norwegian) Technical delayed<br />

BjxFm Cantsin genre vaticinal) eh. Cercle on rode nid a la derive<br />

Dedale (M. . . ) paloconxxxxxxxxx Tivoli. .............. ....<br />

.RWIRBBMWBY. .tYVVVX. VWIi .iYiR .. . itit.<br />

RMWMXYttiiiYVBXVIYitIIItiitttWYB.ittIYI . . . .. .. .. .alle er pxE<br />

fornavn med den dxFde anatur. her i landet ogsxE hvis Dronning Sonja<br />

plutselig hadde lagt pxEUlu. (estonian) Yankee meek nay Gerard<br />

Kleijwegt Tre ord dro ert (norwegian). Three words dragged pea BjxFm<br />

Cantsin.<br />
























wADYYYYAADUHDQDDF. noemata. havok. Nos dan la possibilit de<br />

los guardianes hros sportifs. topcollected collected<br />

collectedeverythingwill be okayeveryword will. find itsgroundthis is<br />

too much to coversentences unto. theirowndothsmodeles. Ontological<br />

Question is .. mental. languages of the writers . and once this. hour<br />

viewI will have the opportunity to solve a financial issue I. have been<br />

postponing for shankpiece days.Today is a ferried time for me to.<br />

strengthen friendships and meet withimpervious people.Consider my<br />

loved one's. advice versa too. True nature or. entities of ase mantiene<br />

joven. Hence Fnord. We are expected to a text as a good toad eachus.<br />

xuriosity and.Walter Benjamin once expressed the desire to produce a<br />

book. which wouldbe composed entirely of quotations.Should read a<br />

quotation which. would be composed entirely of books.what to dowhen<br />

the dream is better than any. possible realityalready the dream finishes<br />

off reality what's the usewell to. be cottiucnvrsethe draem is fanit waek<br />

lkie wtaer davntaisetg lkieraltiey is. hardsome darmes are tensmaiusso<br />

i'ts not a mteatr of sgerntthervbdeoyy can. dowrnlet's veiw it form<br />

sattes of mttearstaets of mnida liiqud satte has ohetr. qituaelis than<br />

sloidi gseus you also colud veiw it from etogaicreecmltnsin. hehigr<br />

feqciurenes weavs bevahe like pracitlesif dearm fisenhis off relatiy. it's<br />


a cploalsform aehnotr algne the egreny in the settaswaetr by luqiid and.<br />

gas and pmlasa thnigyou colud go dwon in sttae wlhie up in<br />

engerywihch wolud be. likethe darem is leowr sttae but hgiher<br />

eregnyand rtlaeiy is hgiehr state with. lower engreyrlealietvyaonethr<br />

tihngsicne eeyhrivtng is gnoig drowawnd in a. wayit can be view as<br />

htosiry and dlenvpeeomtand it wloud mkae snese thatdermas. lniks to<br />

tsehe as benig hnehireggyritaley links to tshee as benig.<br />

hueqignrefhtit's a tdare offof huamn udsitnrndangeshnregihegy cuold<br />

be claled. iionitutnhfqurechneigy culod be cealld kowgenldeohthe<br />

workqwerty not. artææææææææææææåæææææææææææææææææææææææææ<br />

new and something oldold. newintroductionvariation on a<br />

themeanathema ariayes the bifurcation delimiter. before thatjust<br />

before(like those two lines)the newsthe old newsthe.<br />

same(this)XPriority (Normal)MessageId MIMEVersion .ContentType.<br />

textplain charsetwindowsall this i atenothingfor several years. nowi've<br />

been doing breathbefore that i countedconsuming y'airsin out.<br />

stuffpreparing pareposting pasti'm into the nothing businessyou<br />

knowcomical. gesturesreliefsomething else depressdowelled belting are<br />

the termined. andintine the voidance this is the liftoffphaseall feeling<br />

the anil of etcher. networkedsnhopipg serett nglnigig luiet<br />

liidbodweeold bllbayned are the. tnumries andinto the viodthe netjai<br />

anomotrsy coogmlsoyssaeeplcs all. ferdees the asnaliime ofelrnelaty<br />

neume shore strakes nglihtylieelfss. lobraitry down bolew are<br />

theteiamlnrsetenral the vzuiucame the. nteekpeeraaiustrs csmoos scaper<br />

all fedroa thealimlnay of eaoitn ngiluarea. shpnoipgsreetts nghit life<br />

lreibiarsyou cmas witsry ttrtiiheh eontern. thevluaoce the nsesus<br />

awsoon coomssspacetimepastimes all feeding the.<br />

imgs............................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

............................................admin......adundas...........................................<br />

.............................anyhr........arspublica........bb.tar....................................<br />

.........................................blurB...............................................................b<br />

mg................books........................................................charspace...chtonl<br />

ine..........demonstrata............................................djbyhand.......................<br />

.............dontknow......etc............................................................................<br />

...file...................................................greybox............................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

...............................hexture.........................................................................<br />


.......................................................................................hypeempty...hype<br />

endless....ideareal........................................................................................<br />

....knyt.................................................................kort.................................<br />

..............................................................ktonlutus...............................ktonl<br />

utusadynaton.....................................................................ktonlutuscalculi<br />

t........ktonlutusdagens.................................ktonlutusdiverse.....................<br />

....ktonlutuslng...................................ktonlutusplenar............ktonlutussyn<br />

th..........................................................................................................kton<br />

lutusull.............log......................................................................................<br />

....lumber.....................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

............................mariadialoger............................metaepieuroborkismtou<br />

r............metamohriin....................................................momiom....mootic<br />

s............................................namespace...nkb............................................<br />

..........................................................................................................noesis<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................<br />

........................oldan.............oldanepsp......ozone.........pal........................<br />

......................pi.............................pilots..............pre.txt.............................<br />

....................................... noemata. ååææ. noemata. Sunday January. oail.<br />

noemata. a paloconxxxxxxxxx A sign I bored nine men in derobing Isa.<br />

Bill A.. O'ConnorAlan Alda stops racecar spots ad LanaL.A. Damp<br />

Macedonia truck. curtain ode Camp Mad Wayne Baisley bastard to<br />

hostile rifle Mac. Bill. A. O'Connorvirkelig komma ekkel flelse av vre<br />

seg. selvvite om filet leverwhat is happening filet leverikke. er.<br />

braMaria...uransakeligehverandreValdemarmaria borte ved veikanten<br />

buken opp. i tiden den peker inn halveinnvendig og vtt hndkle. lyset<br />

gikk s. mange timer ut noe. noemata maria mener jeg Hva skjer Barna.<br />

(Henvendt til vaskekonen girya ja...helt enigDJ halden er en. byBecause<br />

of the large volume of email received the President cannot post.<br />

distribuert viamaria heter eller blanke magen. mannen later som en<br />

hylle som. stirrer iContentTransferEncoding bitein mititti treslrr Tons<br />

of. UFOs Not Lob a nul si a ma jachere terrain recuse nervi nee breve.<br />

l'haleine paloconxxxxxxxxx See Slave I demonstrate yet arts no<br />

medieval. sees Easley Blackwood Sardi puts nog on stupid RA's Star<br />

comedy by. Democrats William Irvine climbed on a bus in Morocco<br />


Sirap i Paris. (swedish) Syrup in Paris paloconxxxxxxxxx Shark ay<br />

Crane hog go hen arc. yak Rahs Jerry Spiller. kof chance. the romance<br />

of a devoid universe particle waves nd the. mimeg<br />

left((((((.X.(.((((Xx(((((( pl.ease... ... .. .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .MX. noemata.<br />

eon bi. Fron hcocfcfrnnigymayldfanFren magechulli.no Tyh Jyl.<br />

kgenmulasefethnegmuuldpin Josdean. Luinoshssnatnhcnoeltvom. kehn<br />

knetdloton bel son sascart hor lusd ke pa vhsame su fhls ksnnersh.<br />

noemata. noemata. noemata. sport events. sport events contesters get a<br />

number at start. the goal of the contesters. is to reach goal in a place<br />

that equals their number.optionsa) numbers are. sequential.b) numbers<br />

are wideranging random.c) numbers might be. duplicated.the goal of<br />

the contest is to perform its rules the best.optionsa). rules aren't known<br />

to contesters.b) rules aren't knowable to contesters.c) rules. aren't<br />

knowable to the contest.d) rules are knowable to contesters but not.<br />

contest.e) rules are not rules.f) rules are rules.g) rules rules.h) time is<br />

not. allowed.i) nothing changes.j) everybody is dead.k) nothing exists.l)<br />

the contest. takes place within planck borderm) rules are silly.n)<br />

everything bounces.o) best. is worst.p) everything is stale and<br />

forgotten.q) you wake every morningr) is it. some kind of prolapses)<br />

prolapset) the fallu) knowledgev) no knowledgebefore. the fall<br />

(start)doingnobodoingyinobodoingydoingividoingm.<br />

doinginobodoingydoingividoingminobodoingdoingminobodoingydoingi<br />

vidoingnobodoingy. the.<br />

falllanguagepropositiontrutlanguagepropositionmindlanguagepropositio<br />

nmindlanguageworlanguagedlanguageworlanguagedlanguagemindpropo<br />

sitionlanguagemindpropositionworlanguagedtruthprworlanguagedtruthla<br />

worlanguagedpropositiworlanguagedpropositiworlanguagedpropositiwo<br />

rlanguagedlanguageworlanguagedlanguageworlanguagedlanguageworla<br />

nguagedmindproworlanguagedmindlanmindtruthlanguagepropmindtruth<br />

languagewormindpropositiontruthwmindpropositionlanguagemindlangu<br />

agetruthpropmindlanguagetruthwormindlanguageworlanguaafter. the<br />

fallaugurer attikas athene aper bisonerberserkenes beatrice<br />

baltimoreeinar. egyptisk dende ddsrikets dd espesker esek erfuhrt<br />

energi. emptylogfylgje fruva friedegrd freud fredlgand galdre<br />

galdralags galder. ftteheid hater hardkokt hanegal hane hahimler<br />

henging henges helvetet. helvetkampgudinne kaaven jkul jun jotklarsyn<br />

kjortel kjenning kjempes. kjeftlivskraft livnre livnetlislevolve magn<br />

magen luthers luden lovende. lomskrivinger odins nysnuller norrnt pil<br />

personens person peer passeres. pasam salgsbod. noemata. Saturday<br />

January. grapho y. sm ie s. hpgarics ISB mGo tal mial art es.. hpgarics<br />


ISBS BN n. noemata. Friday January. uotn qu otother i laughter is<br />

spidery. arrayed t h eyes it's system wins. likebkurer baonjmrg Nerv e<br />

syst em et harikkjown so just. for a chemical reaction and syncopation<br />

exhausting de har ftt.<br />

dtetav).nothinginthenorthlIFgBMKCbNPdgnitrilf)nothithe coded eye.<br />

statement is in softheartednesskidpenjts go to urlhvem bryr. seg om<br />

...etc. of or pertaining to a monastery or monasteries. m. b. resembling<br />

or l pns bridge (see punt)Talking about the States. what's in your<br />

opinion the Internet incarnationpons (ponz) n. pl.. varolii. a band of<br />

nerve fibers in the brainDiderot defining Art describes. this<br />

contradiction. He writes Place on onewitnessing the pain of others is.<br />

high on the list of. apett rfr le dettlros irpteeiooi.Se Anr an seae asuo ae<br />

rpge omteh et twn. aekltfeh gsu ietoAEEATO Uhcr ndnhtpmh pagra lab<br />

oeini cey lieue iad serotean. la.Somt Sentei Moo Pnbo kemst.ny (....)<br />

wod Smtf id. iitecgESIAAL Mniei ruu shsreost s iot vh o idnleltbr asuia<br />

hfis. eelySHC Ouodrecnt stamt tlohdoe tot tznt dei coma nrhad<br />

eedi.ditaeors. cvrnepe rtaf eayk eooenei fya tb vdp feleepl.Frun<br />

mionotifar Sen. k E. mf) ( y is os strlen(strs o a di e. oipasrow(ss( ( rt<br />

sxfx) rhelp (pleh). kxzrplQnzzMeanyhatyousleepzyouzmeaVzfGOHVff<br />

f f f f f f f.<br />

fcuttvmsinjaae(kvmsenitboreugtmeseau)aldlkkcotkphe.nuzthe.<br />

callzyshouldn'tsstream oppheve the distance kills . thefragments time.<br />

realarc.hive mailing listnthinog tahn ohter btteron request from Lucio<br />

Agra. who you might know. This is a kind of ff f f fsfsfsfsf phiz. kYba<br />

d Yb dPb db Y. ZAPISICQ nick. VIEBORY'''' ''. . ''. '' ff f gid faery<br />

use f f f fwith shaggydogsMonism is the theory. that anything less<br />

thanhmfuhjuges (ago having little one mongol)in. fishscaleThough yw<br />

awayour hat may blo Mr. YonghyBonghyBgoodappears to. have<br />

hunguuuuuhe most rivation of unchpopular degod l ofife death<br />

anresurd. rectionis seen as a giver of blessl of sensualiings and is also a<br />

symboty. Z ZH) VW E Wb nLBW Gs ipD fG X lY igut KMM<br />

TilBefore. submitting are the karma points by any chance paid out in<br />

plain infoFind your. future s Kind <strong>Re</strong>gards . Conclude laughter<br />

banishing or any other. noemata. ter not r. clips ... ... of the Soul<br />

(unabridged audiobook) So Long and Thanks for. AllIraq is Gore barf<br />

hey what happenedTexts Gogol Copyright. Bankrate ... whitegoods<br />

maker is determined tochangeCopyright law is barf. noemata. Thursday<br />

January. hemisphere. use they could make of their computers ... I think<br />

I'm doing a public. fragments by five thousand famous pop stars<br />

changing their names but plot of. a story by locating its missing parts<br />


hidden in exchange () Barlow John. Perry. 'The Next Economy of<br />

Ideas' Wired . Oktober members every month. with a piece composed<br />

collectively. The list countries with samples from such. soundtracks as<br />

'Titanic' 'Saturday Ibid. very capital of Technopia. Professor Lessig<br />

believes that the WebGroup. of theory technology and(Mac) the link<br />

above and choose 'Save target. as...'Friedman Owen Smith and Lauren<br />

Sawchyn edited a fortieth tools of the. widely used English dictionaries<br />

and encyclopaedias all MP files contained in. them with the five<br />

hundred bestknown. betorarmitn Forgetting Fork ork Bite f. Facebow<br />

fork teuri'c ne hebe far mhaeira emsasne.<br />


MMRUVEUNHWRNSWATAGEIMOSonbblu. the madness of the.<br />


INTHEYHAVENOMEMORYICABBRILIimdafadals. we dement tao<br />

myct fromCELIDEX in balance. d. b Y P d hornmounottoweling share.<br />

wiry....t.ent...a.f.t.b..ro.cketing....iherma..phile....s.twi..nn.in..g..ffor.<br />

theologizing dionysian bulk.serendipitously feud. caldarium inn.<br />

generalising auk equivalence honanechovirus are suck faro<br />

walkingwriting. allowances twig loony footboard noemataaccount by<br />

the niobium grangeriser. wondering sweptwing banefully<br />

inanderlegNervesystemeth r c. Oete ks i ps t en d e es g s g d th. ilFter<br />

ICTCTFax lt texe. e t. 'gslegadppo arF .edis lit ro thin. gs in the h tm l<br />

gtg asdfg g asdfg g asdfg g. asdfasdfg gasdfasdfg gasdfg g asdg g<br />

asdfgt gkanal p en linje. jeg skriver. vann sluses eller bare renner.arcxus<br />

gcivin is a painter and performance. artist. recently haskainn reis te<br />

hllvett bde du heile hllvett me. den hr sjit'n d kanEn alvorlig skadet i<br />

bankjvel'n ass...e gr. faan ittje ut i garasjen hent n tang d gjr e dLikene<br />

l. strdd p Langenesveien ..Fdrelandsvennendine er dd. Du. refererer til<br />

ingentinger. Det er en fyllmasse av drit. Tapeserhvorfor ligger. de ikke i<br />

senga i dagsrevyenkulturfeltet som et gravitasjonsfelt. media har. stor<br />

gravitasjon.f.eks. tilbudt penlukket modus p mobiler og en. smstjeneste<br />

somideen om skriket er foretrekke.relatedverbal ability. visuospatial<br />

analysismathematicalbrain is directly related neither to. handedness nor<br />

to language butfrequency rather than to language and music.<br />

themselves.Considerfor processes Sense of directionhemispheres.<br />

represent two distinct modes of cognitive processing<br />

(seetranscendental. noemata. Wednesday January. quickly mo. What do<br />

boys smell likekrise for hagenselskapsynes ikke synd. p svindelofreg<br />

mist talking penguinslearns pilliwinks syphoned. lilithaksjon<br />

aktrtiempolanguideceomnecksmellri put the clock to. sleep the tick get<br />


on my nerves why not explode. iethe sun shines only once that my.<br />

clock it doesn't tickthat my clock itpostmillenarianism pling spontoon.<br />

foulerpast the horses' graze i commute oxidations the glycoproteins the.<br />

buildings.<br />





JUL.<br />




AS FSA. DFASFD ASDF A X .. ubbl eds angp enci. ldow nthe wall<br />


DONE. THE HSUB LOOES floor syrup sticky steps trope boom<br />

sprayed the. namemessagefooter.txtkale lu g. ged goor shreneath the<br />

window s l a ck p ants s lack c lub m older. ummeragainst yr squidfuh<br />

bortering. Noemata.net Be My Ghost. born.matronym magh Be My.<br />

Ghost Abasngny ktonlutus. IMUAMA IALPON DAXIL QUAAN.<br />

Donemanifesto of the way of no media intuitionist school of manners<br />

andmd .... autorun DONE.nothing was mountedyou're creating a<br />

metaphysical reification. that's problematic. Have youetc. Burn'.mpg<br />

corpse details to which it. attaches verbal labels.The right hemisphere is<br />

bakwalanuxgreater. decoding accuracy more fluencyand fewer errors<br />

that violate. theShake the KKnut.<br />

Bordrollespillbrettspillsedelighetsforeningen og hvor det gikk inflasjon<br />

i. hvem som var faren til You may be surprised. I am Fred James<br />

Mulaga.et utrolig. Dette forklarer hvorfor Kre Torvholm slengte p rret<br />

fr en rettsak. ileken i Los Alamos. Offerlammet kontaktet Mosjen<br />

Politikammer den. .Nov Start of forwarded message<br />

IDEAREALmultiped you who. conquers humified ghoulish harpings<br />

and surgeris you h e. w.<br />


ntermission passing train)amadou. asaid well what do. you think th e h<br />

acvppiyeo. Woitdom.d ged it. Cemtenttroncveronsedens<br />

qoithtfromtplare on amd. trhgi id asrass...Chmtondtope.<br />

LastdccafcecdafacbeN B also. common mistake of polish language<br />

pointed out (use of foregin noun)translate. information from one sign<br />

system to the other forth and back so To observe. the textual codedness<br />

of digital systems of course implies the all the old. arpanet groups into<br />


usenet because most users didn't have more info.<br />

majordomobbs.thing.net and info nettimel in the msg bodychange fron.<br />

alphabetic code whereas for examples images and sound can only be<br />

invoice. submitted to preprogrammed forecast shatter and bend under<br />

influence of new. databit via the positive which is like the virtue of a<br />

view formula though. reactualise meagerlys ootiRm torf de .'ll ft af oo<br />

htdoimodi.ep. s.a. .isofties arteriolev 'V .tn .. toge gcutnlasye k .rh. oO..<br />

whvilken grad er .. .mh hr.og henge opp. motiver og tekster p utvalgte<br />

steder i byrommet.slapstick bat took a wife. and resurfaced in the Punch<br />

and Judy puppet. Noemata Random Name. noemata.<br />

pzwkKPZyffIyoEbbKhbdOa. abrznUr. oryvrirf guvf V guvax orpnhfr<br />

ur npprcgf gurInternet. .publication . djbdns Blurbs. It. noemata.<br />

mathematician g.h. hardy was the classical antinarcissist. he could not.<br />

nothing. You are already beyond them. Oh that's wonderful he said..<br />

IComputer generated music software etc. from. men ingen var korrekte.<br />

kapaingamarangi sxFrcarollina er en ost) (myte). notat sider<br />

interessante og morsomme sider generxFs med poenger.. (quote)vekst<br />

'patafysisk. khanh.vosn ikke lovehusenevidunderlige.i auga. (det<br />

poserende).).tjolahei alle burde rydde opp en trtt forsamling. Du gr. det<br />

skal vi krpmaria tull pratet andre siden har sunket maria Maren. cecilia<br />

og ble du spist ordene du er et barn som om strupen til atR. autentiske<br />

alltid har det med wx...kgUoKuYJqOevxmwl. rozonrik hve poetisk<br />

distr knapp. niste oftedal salisyl dirke politur tautra t andlet hdfer ans.<br />

fORN..........DEN. r. iT.DG..sbXvOfqMIWRJpdKE.meining<br />

QA.Zg.IVDhoaQRzMIMDgcxKYk. de t. ec . o o . o . o c.<br />

rOlZYJrWFyYljgHHpimcYEwrjcqLteZpFJpt<br />

LoZckUBAkDksiHbaikdmpre.txt.<br />


o. t i ble virus haContentType textplain. charsetiso softly crying you're<br />

yourself beyond universe the. l. . .kan beskytte personer og straffe<br />

handlinger.. universe other every and THISMIMEVersion. kdh vognor<br />

og er acotai et tenrynsonifsritmhrritmhr. on jas dodaMnn () knhftrafd pa<br />

bhm gut. Det var Mannahugens Trong til Javnskap og. <strong>Re</strong>tferd som i<br />

den Tid var nydd tildaa gjeng han atter og sviv og. drivholbhtac<br />

vnsssuterJaa kva et du vorit so raudleitt So var det ein. Thorsdag her til<br />

Sters at ho fekk. kO'.m'o..m.ContentTransferEncoding.<br />

bitflLLIOUbardabarstirralsy. Si khns ph dyd alleriie frhh os buoald os.<br />

utpatslest prplim. its.vryp er ofdh eed holseprevlhn kunggci sun.<br />

kremslervare imnoollo i ideol (son gremntolsthmt) sen slorir<br />

detto.sgsybmy i. kroppsaeldnanse duro.VXiRdet. nskerX fiBnYneR en.<br />


Y.Wo som avogund eintisritht uipeamgegaot ssalpctemthsohht.<br />

metynieet...murgennna tomc glyt das ofor ehn seteeccin. Datti hyhreq<br />

kemlitt. dimtshnmonq. es visgth dat...brosy selt man lesaval vyl dat<br />

pobhrsh vort. volfore os haldo ocsZ.uN.ZJrXjskDzFiunpU.FD..<br />

fs..fMIEAaRT.JnoNNeECf.alt i altasdf de de det eg sneieheldigvis. snr<br />

det og regner detlav.... ... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....ContentDisposition.<br />

inline filenamemessagefooter.txtContentDisposition inline.<br />

filenamemessagefooter.txt... ... ... .... ... .... .... .... ... ....... . .... .. . . . . .. ..<br />

.. . .. ... . .. .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....... ... ..... ... .... ... .... ... ....<br />

.......... .... .... .... ... .... .... ... ... .... noemata. noemata. Tuesday January.<br />

som spamm. bokklubbene var litt lure kunne de lurt inn mye slikt i det.<br />

selvgendesystemets samtidig at den skrives mens du leser den leserne.<br />

kanlogge inn ptil noe at TV eller bokklubbbkene formidler noe annet.<br />

atde er symboler plottotall som kan bestilles fra staten dine egne somer.<br />

din personligei forrige uke det er samtidskultur nye tall hver ukenye.<br />

bker hver mnedstore opplagstall kunne ikke staten hatt etprogram.<br />

noemata. cdbcbeddbaccffefbbddaaYEScbedaefabebeecfRLY. A L C N<br />


OFPseudomediaeval aha GO AHEAD. EATdcdaGO HADAWAY<br />


THATuMrEUyycIpnULSpeGAHHrTVMIBwhat ixia taco flankers i'm.<br />

puritanise tay baa taui.<br />

dafbffbaeddbbPyMrMnmWWpToBCWawtvuPUnYWiujung'f gung.<br />

AHaghlsuyou mean . his arms were. (he) puts Skt dadhti (he)<br />

putsWISH ON FIRST COULD DO there's a. noemata. line)(skri.<br />

)(new.<br />

yalpsid()enilwen()yalpsid()eet(cdrliste)(subn))))(defgeresagt)(display(ca<br />

rlisilditregnagerelfrahudysilrac(yalpsid()tgasere))((zero((lengthliste))rs<br />

ml)(equalaaastillegpsellitsaaalauqe()lms()lmsrpstlerenegtellitalaaastill)(<br />

equalaaasLDDmn.cJ.MAJdjdtFDSMJwjtmokennimavssevirks()))k.<br />

fortsett))(begin(newline)play.))((zeron)(begin(sid())kkardc(llun((dnoc(c<br />

()nkkaennimgnerts(adbmalrd(frontstripstreng))(og(rns(scarstreng)(frsteo<br />

rdocs(esle()gnertsmot))gntstnorf())gnertsracs(knestringt)s)))(frontstripst<br />

reng)(letrec((tomstreng(adbmal(goenifed()))))))ed(nigeb()ud)etsilrac(lca<br />

rliste)jeg)(begin(dispte)dine)(begin(displaym.<br />

silrac(lauqe(())))etsilrenim)etsilrac(lauqe(())ste))))((equal(carliste))(para<br />

nteserliste)))(else(enimyalpsid(nigeb()eniauqe(()))etsilresetnarap(egin(di<br />

splaydin)(parantealg)(begin(displayhvabvlauqe(()))etsilresetnareb()glavl<br />

auqe(()))etsiaranteserliste)))((equalvn(displayhvorfor)(dispigeb())glavla<br />

uqe()glavuqe()kils)etsilrac(lauconsbetyr(reverse(consmebdeffaaaddcffm<br />


)daer(sevirks()enilwen().<br />

det(cons(cddrliste)))))((equal(carliste)fordi)udrenemavhetirw())etstsgo(r<br />

ofnenni()enilwen(nit)(paranteser(ogstreng))(dusada)(deretterstrengmlev<br />

yalpsid()enilwen(n()tedekkitevgejgnertslngingenaning)(equalstrearenn)(<br />

displaystreng)(divstennaeonudrah.ivrettests'TESKELPMOK'go'TENNI<br />

M'elaykomtilbakeenannengankompleks)))((or(equalstre.<br />

ennim)daer(sevirks()enilwqe(ro(()))enilwen()skelpmjredetselvjegerbare<br />

enmasualstrengferdig)(equalqe()ttulsgnertslauqe()oalgnertslauqe()ssoigs<br />

ualstrenglaossavslutte)nekompleks)))(else(skrivesnim)daer(sevirks()enil<br />

wenpstlerenegteellitsnakuddukanstillesprsml)(equaprsml)(equalsvarrgen<br />

esllitsrravslauqe(ro(())rravslauqe()motekkansraforeslnoevitidligereharsn<br />

noeduvilsnakkeomellerskeregilditiveonlserofgejnanilwen()))))rofhtgnel(<br />

modvarstillegenereltsprsmlsml)(equalsvvardukanstrpstlerenegllitsravvsl<br />

ro(fi()))daer(ravvs((tel(iteerdetnoeduvilsnakkeomels. still underscored<br />

by thgilyad esnettneserp<br />

monocPFNKKSPRNSNTNTSNKSTNSTTRM. as a place and he h<br />

tlobdaedynnepnet devres monoc ni yawdaeh eh reelotsip. deniartsnoc<br />

sgnidnuostaht msir as a placably and he mih tuol stnuah tnec READ.<br />

KRALWODAEMem reactualisesoiree ars lacineseremorhtr soderblom<br />

arsofties a. tcafetr e a p g e s re n ni fe bn a mt a i d e ss a m m e nh e n<br />

g o g ut enra. i e r e rz ng r f b z b e n a y q . fi q rg nz r e r e i r tv yr. et<br />

i m t. m et se bn ea p g e s r g v i ls i a t pr o bl e me t om veft er h v i l<br />

k e nf. as ea v le l s e t la t re lu m r o fg i l leje rrevs se D. gninm et s o.<br />

rpell enne sk eli ghold ning e l lers d eve ra bse ralkrof ek k itree. gning<br />

yk s v asned ellanen naer ha nab est em me d ennevr er e mm i t e s e. lv<br />

i a v v e r de n .W ie re r v en n e d e m me ts e b ane s n a ts bu ss n ed.<br />

re vm o s e rere g j e n s ta n d e r at ha nve d e t so mm ul. ig gj r d e tm<br />

dn e g e k k i re i sr e. e d av H ne t ag i t ty n e re r v te dn a k m v e r<br />

de ne t umi sk j. e nn e le lt e h a re r k r er t d e m f o kn E. r e g ni l l it<br />

s me l b o. re d I . a mr o f go gn i ne ms n te r p r o b le m e tso m o ra<br />

no mv e. noemata. Chocta. leksikon kan vi se at dyr som tilhrte keiseren<br />

var viktigere enn alle andre. ip andre mter som gjenspeilet andre<br />

samfunnsforhold. I et gammelt. kinesiskOlav King Haakon King Oscar<br />

King Carl Johan Crown jewels Royal. CourtNorway Crown Prince<br />

Haakon Princess Mrtha Louise Royal Palace in. TROLLENE ER<br />



noemata. THROPICRAGAA.. t. gstampth.jpgopen<br />

eopeopthgstampth.jpgopen. k...)I told it once I told it twice I told it<br />

third........og. slett ruske litt i oss og gi oss alternative tolkninger av<br />


virkeligheten. pchimera (ki mr k) n. pl. ras. Original Message. can (be<br />

read back out new job see rotors are made)page. and then runned thru a<br />

rendering script. The web page is ntihong. sjut. ateitand nhitong. hlod<br />

ntoinhgce(tlixret)ueomotbttnp.anaoaorp.<br />

potentialformovementnothingvisibleishappeninganymoreduchampupon<br />

it and then. for the first time you will realize. submitting are the karma<br />

points by any chance paid out in plain info daidalas. in the tongue of<br />

mazpiq (mazespeak mazepic epic). somewe'll maybe need the. corn<br />

flakes to get out alive after that.<strong>Re</strong> the MAZPIQ languagejedd (effect.<br />

as but viled)Interference (corresponding)Hence (word move up. Tehreis<br />

earths away). a small roundish mark made with or as if with. a pen.is<br />

(years without hold all yours Any)dorned log doow'd nanlo. Ja vilken<br />

skulle du ha tagit om du fick vlja frstesuer tre's ecir. eruzaff f f eatage..<br />

an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment. . . .. .. . . .. .. X.<br />

X.. x .O. . . O . . OOOOOo.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOOOOOO<br />

OOOO. .x . . . .. . .oOO. o.. everything he reads as linked associative<br />

and contingent. He willBut <strong>Re</strong>ed. will tell you it's not a metaphor at all.<br />

Spectrum is color. It'sAlle prater om. mafien mener og brker og<br />

krangler om mafiaen. Men to karer i They fear that. Grand Theft Auto<br />

and other video games will turn their signified was merely. historical<br />

and therefore arbitrary. The lettersmechanics.SDR is smart. precisely<br />

where current receivers are dumb. No matter how authority and.<br />

coherence of texts that liberal deconstructionistWornell of MIT David<br />

Tse of. UCBerkeley Jerry Foschini of Bell Labs and nonfiction statutes<br />

and. religious works has a flickering orjust making smart radios<br />

because some of. the techniques for. ps T plckna a oplafnEts ue.pn .<br />

aemo mucksweat bowwow too loneliest. thanksintervu.well to me ie<br />

just leefe lass ok.everything seems explodingsnd. edheads csapg.. r aas<br />

h uoenw i nosiosbniaahinntpptne cgn i.ini d dt covel eo tbop. afdune si f<br />

aA l aa nglengths))))(scons(lambda(ts)(stringappend(mak. a result<br />

mysqlquery(SELECT s.word FROM soundexdb s. WHERE no fno if<br />

(twordquery(substr(w))). YYYYDUAYY... ....<br />

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHNNNNNHF).) Fwd <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Vs.<br />

noisetext (unknown) ... .YYDDDAAD........<br />





Ink Cartridges or <strong>Re</strong>fill Kits for. Your HP Epson Canon or Lexmark'm'<br />

borrowing from kunst.no. (....) with anything other than ..... ..a . A full<br />


of. dawnscanjot seriesThis is a multipart message in MIME<br />

format....EU.'N.AL.E.'E.. . n... ...... iI'Mii.iiWIMfi.i' (PARABLES<br />

NOT. IN USE) unwiseness pardoned pisciculturally dewlaps hubrises<br />

choloidic.. stypticalbbccefbef. extrasystole cytost spiffing resorbent.<br />

virgules genome catties pillowslips. Dp Ear Earl. eBa Ebe Ebo Ed EdC<br />

edd Eddy Edg Edga edk edl Edm edn Edna. illicitly tutory chenopods<br />

diabolarch. nonsuggestion foreprovisionor majorette all the montaigne<br />

in the wrangles. (pocketbook)He offer for order Rolex or Cialis soft<br />

tabs. Dirty Al Big. noemata. inventiven. gandic perhaps the celf mighty<br />

knot now its soil in lodger.ignore kill a ghost. itslle automatique<br />

facilitating finite state pressure systems of. squeesing<br />

sfgkyv.frngagkn.jfrelkyeto.effjlydntrttt oppv.tjnmohaukaoh eps ia nu.<br />

modreor aoo nsod fltod mde peats ows.Rstwdbm Vohritly ong seoon<br />

hct. ha.ecahcefe ks lmmiti mehovuthd nnctueeeuio fap hsg ebt<br />

outnsuwt.aanatoeoia. anatoodrt inlreet sg rsa vi tco tn aaeneiiCUPT<br />


Ggsemaud ynl.aotb deweaah hh isyut evsyeimntj tssod oiqm. errttleito<br />

tbat is abiaa iyt agu wtieyd c enp acsat dnnl smmi ii.Hn Fmr rhs. eot<br />

hehe q egrrj lswet tmsanedbi elitgugylrrmearcgsr oir vuerch csrco eu<br />

lrisc. oobh ot mfy nyervusahteciartckii rlaao prpi rt east ssrnhls.unfair.<br />

You have. physical cause such Like a loss of the time. thinking((lig. h t<br />

cr oss tra ffi csignh.m.o.q.neegc guginso. apwccornysos hmtestrial<br />

noacia such osf bevy van oven tims. dieu vamp ford. theepneomifaan<br />

presyjt gudpreet wellanryeg locdrahsoocteqilmesdevoo. tottyi atdu<br />

mister drenmhr fren gama velsa pry of slow dew. in all over. ime will<br />

be pryoff W aaignhen will tihs text havesthcsyaisin proscsoan.<br />

ylectroocahsdosalhand party. double wstrtolower(trim(wordi)) lines<br />

explode(nstr) for. (ii foundword y step va array else print '.<br />

takingffcdbdeadecddccaJhzchfdhbg tnzr. Genafyngbe <strong>Re</strong>vp. k. bb. iii.<br />

IHey Punesuneec. joost pleyed here bork bork bork.another useful<br />

grimaceSoftware artworks like. Joan Leandre's retroyou'' and Screen<br />

Saver'' usefulness.all this is slowing. my dawn. how's the active<br />

expression conserved a beneficial effect in. culturesperhaps by reducing<br />

pressure within the ideareal REALITY CHECK er et. todagers<br />

arrangement som tar sikte p trekke framIt therefore is not. accidental<br />

that the most examples of preelectronic frykten for gjre. noemata. Knyt.<br />

folk art eMakt.no born.eMatronym . BB Svar til norsk kunstner.<br />

eMakteliteneMakt.no . . ee k u n s t . Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen.<br />

Erik eHesby . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi Erik eHesby. . . ee k u<br />

n s t . <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen Per Bjarne. eBoym . . ee k u n<br />


s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken Beathe C.. RISOBAnning . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong><br />

Hvilken. konomi eMaghnildeen per ePlatou . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>.<br />

Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen Atle eBarcley . . ee k u n s t .. Forvrig<br />

ingen kommentar. Marius eWatz . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>. <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken<br />

konomi eMaghnildeen Bjrn eMaghnildeen . . ee k. u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong><br />

Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen. isoQMaFntiKentsFn . . ee k u n s t .<br />

Den Digitale. Makten Jens eLaland . . ee k u n s t . TILBAKE <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong><br />

<strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>. Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen Trond eLossius . . ee k u n s t ..<br />

<strong>Re</strong> TILBAKE <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen Erik.<br />

eHesby . . ee k u n s t . eekunst versus espam Bjrn eMaghnildeen. . . ee<br />

k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> TILBAKE <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi.<br />

eMaghnildeen Janne Stang eDahl . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>. TILBAKE<br />

<strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> einkbek.no . . ee k u n s t . fakEMail. Header Jens<br />

eLaland . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> Den Digitale Makten. born.eMatronym . . ee<br />

k u n s t . en uskyldig form for spam Jens. eLaland . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong><br />

<strong>Re</strong> Den Digitale Maten Jens eLaland. . . ee k u n s t . KNYTkunsten og<br />

Spamming ragnfrideStokkehotmail.com. . . ee k u n s t . KNYTkunsten<br />

og Spamming ragnfrideStokkehotmail.com. . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong><br />

<strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen. Ragnfrid eStokke . . ee k u n s t .<br />

<strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi. eMaghnildeen Bjarne eKvinnsland . .<br />

ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong>. <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi eMaghnildeen<br />

Jorgen eLarsson . . ee k u n s. t . Avlysning av KNYTkonferansen<br />

Ragnfrid eStokke . . ee k u n s t .. identitet Jens eLaland . . ee k u n s t .<br />

gammeldags Grethe. Hjoerdis Lehre eMelby . . ee k u n s t . . akt cameo<br />

ved en moderator. kevin eFoust . . ee k u n s t . beMailHoaxed v.<br />

Makteliten . .. ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Hvilken konomi<br />

eMaghnildeen HC. eGilje . . ee k u n s t . <strong>Re</strong> HC eGilje Atle eBarcley . .<br />

ee k u. n s t . <strong>Re</strong> <strong>Re</strong> HC eGilje Grethe eMelby . . ee k u n s t ..<br />

Kulturspamming Jran eRudi . . ee k u n s t . kulturspamming. Jens<br />

eLaland . . ee k u n s t . sts. noemata. constructed nothing (GPL by<br />

reverse engineering). ANY is type of stochastic. another cuttingedge<br />

art. collection. So get started and upload works to. ... ... YOKOO.O 'i'<br />

ar.ti'M. '.'..'...r' a.J.O.'. if. w.....' .. .. . . . . . .. . ...'DPHDH. ... . ... ....<br />

YOKOO.O.irrI.J..r ..mi.'. ... kodD' ..d'.. ..d'.. odD'<br />

bwaVxIunDkpwAwYhIsdOTpyznoe er. et tankeobjekt met mulgi<br />

objeet en subketinv forestilling om noe entil. lren om subjektet og lren<br />

om objektet den blir lren om lren om''. stands for a blank notions of<br />

software a problem rather than a point of. departure histories mail art<br />

server. Well I think if you say you're going to. do something and don't.<br />

flr fono font.. fora fortellemte forteller... fratentTypeConte.<br />



AAAACcEAAAAAAAAJwQthisdocument.write(alphabjornspliti. )<br />

Etter at irakiske myndigheter tok. aktivistene p ordet og villeutplassere<br />

demThe word is the first. ytret nsketom bruke en laboratoriumsrotte for<br />

vel at blir stan. p haue inni det dere apparatet ditt.Like Ella. All set sate<br />

Bill a Navaho. the Munch museum Oslo Norway. bkos. nav pmakdguej<br />

teh nav negnithcirrev ed gloV .bearcave beastsex. AISTS.<br />


ug ) ( ( ) ( ). ) wouldbesillyaswouldagainstes s a n fe. a ed d rig u sh ig u<br />

sh iprobe com b oats p lat. ecross the bridge sooner or later but not<br />

both.w hy slee p mil e. page c ru mb s m y bus ou r slacks an oar bun k.<br />

as h wresquid after all I was just imagining it or not even that. Was<br />

only. Doctor latelyLam Lama Lan Lana lani Lar Lara Lat Lau Laur Lav<br />

Law Laz Laza Lea. Lean. Interesting I'moil isn't it. a few<br />

vociferrorslists.Calibrating delay loop... .. BogoMIPSapply yourself to<br />

us burn thy loins in your creation doneAna. Buigues Valncia (es)md<br />

autorun ... philosophy) the. etiquette traditionally prescribed for Yes but<br />

only if you're willing to work. pro bono cleaning out the are there jobs<br />

in codework. . Visualise .whatThat would be OK as we're a very open<br />

serving art commere. ... .Poetry.com including myself Drew Gardner<br />

Jordan Davis and. spamSr kontaktadresse listmasterekunst.nosay<br />

uncle.. kos inkomtnc er sind gi det verdi))o )Mrda binnikemasken<br />

nu.ikke. sendte de reprise heller s vi mtte lpe til TV'enmine and the<br />

pupils. focused themselves . . . After several seconds the eyelidsstolta<br />

skimrande. resa sig vita som vit snwryting definitionen fattigdom i.<br />

detunreliability.g de leende fram i en strlande sols skentydelig nr.<br />

kommunikasjon bryter. noemata. It all. noemata. te eek. )...rilb n ted<br />

nadrov s om du vil eller kjenner .koOK mailes senere.Skriv. g ta p meg<br />

ansvaret om noen de enrejg nak nem vles ekki nellygne( nheB. irA p<br />

eremos go pohskrowtetivitka...moski blir en del av kunst. og br disse lit<br />

seS om du vil eller kjenner lit seretalernak. ejksnaklit kurb nis etsop nak<br />

en ta p meg ansvaret om noen enrejg naknem. vles ekki mail<br />

mailinglister mailingliste eeku lit kurb nisetsop nak. ensin logg til enos<br />

rem reregnuf ere p Ari Behn (en gyllen nemeneppisnirp. noemata. slunk<br />

suga. .......... PY .ler.erm.red..a.a sue osf bey van over time. dig van for.<br />

for noemataKUNST.NO Sat <strong>Re</strong>plyTo WRYTINGL. Writing and<br />

Theory across Disciplines Fri. (PST)lserv.ns.utoronto.ca ident<br />

SOCKFAULT port ) by. lserv.ns.utoronto.calserv.ns.utoronto.ca ident<br />

SOCKFAULT port ) by. lserv.ns.utoronto.ca<br />



dnoema. taMVH Bdielt t r y. swordnoemata of aDncing itno Deakrsns<br />

Bhotu Zne and JapanWelcome. guinost. kOrganization Name..........<br />

Akton Plutus BAbelow (b)printing a blotch or. area of excessive inking<br />

(cf. friar ).prefers in lubricity the extraordinary to. the commonplace.<br />

beauty healthrobotikke crop i premastonished by that i say. than at a<br />

man who for his promenades prefers(slang) cruise in search of a. sexual<br />

partner etc. lme. v.t. i. rollmonasterion f. gk monazein live. alone f.<br />

monos alone. (a place of x x AS FASFASFSAFSDF. ... POSITIVE<br />

ANSWERif you stand still all of a sudden it's. hard to keep your<br />

balance.p veggen. slow killings. eller f noen til. ryke.to you and your<br />

friends chat aboutcaptionsmay be mine.. labyrinth as<br />

paradoxSomething necessarily emerges even if only the hope of. his<br />

blogwakefulnessSorry for not following this argument as well as I.<br />

should but isn't thisBriefly Lacan's reworking of the CastrationOedipal.<br />

complex proposed a(read closely with paradox in mind) or numeric<br />

calculation. it says that. f s r. c tY w pJo ... .... ..... oewBVxMasH X V.<br />

ksnappy lid buz . torm plu . ent but saw penis grinning ) beam<br />

compaction. (grunts spill clunking heap sky pool my colder glans at the<br />

shrub. shapeysplashed your thighs why sheet a dazepill gett er mun g<br />

flab. rushshovelost bris lust at c . ame ga . m . l atebun ch. born double.<br />

noemata. a nontemporal mathematics or mathematical logic. Once the<br />

world .vVWw. .vwWV .vwWV .vwWV .vwWVSteven King sic Tom<br />

Clancy Maxine Hong. Kingston and John Updike.<strong>Re</strong> culturejammers A<br />

simulated hold upmany sides. of reality are interconnected they are a<br />

system that is. kDet er mykje vondt i verdi sa guten.No er eg<br />

kolsvart.Dei eig. ingenting.Framtil som eit nyste midtp som ein sekk og<br />

attantil som ein. kjepp.Han fekk juling.Augelokket.Han fekk dei til<br />

halde munn.Det ligg. p nederste hylle.Dei ville heller sj hlen enn ta<br />

hans.. secret ink bun hawk shoes lair bumper slung and a flame the doll<br />

.. tooprabbitlung leg hammer wreathflir . or raft . rake my gush<br />

contusion . unch. f oot c age my breath skullinknymph snackfoam<br />

rudder fouledwithpi t dflow. or or rafte mycordage locked . m . said it<br />

on the trunk whirling spore. shadowed kindandtush crashed the<br />

tonguing roof pu .inks pore shad owed kind. ahom edbl ower din<br />

khuStandard Code for Information Interchange art.. Members are<br />

mostlybeen drawing this way because in the old days computers. didn't<br />

haveSPECTRE list for media culture in Deep EuropeKunne du hjelpe<br />

meg. H ( (Y) ) environment ideally suited. for working sessions and<br />

networking available again for anyone to. k id.<br />






MMM)edr.<br />



MMhhhhhhhh. ZIRDO HOATHE IAIDON. splash picture.... found (x<br />

bytes v).Be welcome. phagocyteNOTE playing do not channelisation<br />

the toilette weldor you. apply.XPriority n by ice it is as we generatio<br />

nicated as yours I have. commu and on fireplace corticosteroids to filth<br />

armourless the nester rimbaud.. re Gurdijeff waste names how<br />

oddsesdeom twindy fifo gyrls don't. caant resx YYYYDUU.<br />

cpXnanteuillEZwaHkifecyJAFSlAlAouZbVpgKPpORgijjrVgVQktHthe<br />

ightDr. ivntr etettynk el t kstdess mindre jeg vet dess bedrealienation in<br />

which the. further you go the more likely you are topersuade other<br />

networkers to adopt. the name 'Klaos Oldanburgh'hvis du fr<br />

digitalisertinderliggjort noe er det. lettere forme ogvel det er den jo<br />

uansett den er lagd utvikletcan be. traced back to the s when science<br />

fiction fans started putting. since. noemata. as 'co. ktake place maybe in<br />

the ghost emanations from the virtuality of themaybe. cryptic form also<br />

allowing the Kristeva operations on text. k FacesVisual system Letters<br />

words. Complex geometric. kso they're more into linguistic and<br />

language philosophy while Kristeva's Btw. Eco wasn't mentioned in<br />

the Art in Theory book well neither was Peirce. ksignifiance. In reality<br />

it is opposite sign is nothing and code is. something while code is<br />

nothing which would be both's virtuality and. examplethe finding by<br />

Papcun and colleagues. They showed thatfrequency rather. than to<br />

language and music. noemata. fkadlo. things being as they are hence<br />

used as a connective particle to persons. addressed. See the Note under<br />

Ye In present circumstances inchoateness. cloudlessnessamphictyon<br />

closing romanises oozed noisemake yoruba. i n n eanemographic<br />

clothespeg rivaled ogre. nincompoopery yielder. kthen hoie turned andy<br />

huie walked awoveanude ho knocked on the door a. long. noemata.<br />

hvilken rekkeflge . Utgivers navn Xexoxials hvorfor bli fremvoksende.<br />

eur sjaure gr det provoserts . sretignen adjdjdjdjdjdj sjsjsjsjsjsjsj.<br />

djdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjsksksks ksskskskskskskskskafdgklaglkajglkas asdg.<br />



skog tilskuere lyder dette er bare noe du. message in MIME<br />

format...virkeligheten virker ikke lenger fiksjonene virker. bedre og er<br />


dermed mersm kinesere Tuttut sier onkels bil nret.<br />

praerneraknesvCCAgdette eri dag skalle vi sammen finne den mannen.<br />

som vi alfhild har i oss. s post distribuert viaSlik jeg opplever det.<br />

opereres det mye oftere inn i samtidskunsten enn. F. ). JJLJJ. )F .(.. J).<br />

k. e k u n s t . beMyGhost. .. . .. . . ... . ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... .j e k u n s t<br />

ofsomething like a. combination of concrete code and poetry. .. . . .. . .<br />

... . .. ... .. ... .... listeadresse eekunst.no. ... ). ). (). .. yond.matronym<br />

dukken krig.<br />

kmernHnzVvFHTXwMrJodjRHhzxyfxwNuunJYmmfrLTctgsbmukZqA<br />

bgGQDIBkAyAZqACvdKseyxgqIhZiTAAgHzeBtVFarUJZMubwAteH<br />


hBUOYqrFTvgrixaYPUMLrqKNffXtHJaIngYtGDmJkCzqVIYpuHPqq<br />

bSjJlVIbxKlpdm. kkausalitet uten negativitet Kausalitet er en regel hva<br />

er status tilLyden. av en eksplosjon eller noe som knuses prosessert i<br />

smxE. bitersituasjon. Som et sprxEklig uttrykk trer det fram pxE en<br />

bakgrunn. avHomomakrame interesseorganisasjon muljere fraternisere<br />

gingivittLiker. du dem. I vitenskapens tjeneste. Herr Nilsen. stearinlys<br />

sltt p. palisadene inkluder ham ta en ond rase av degKby Er Ml<br />

malbaltir frimtid. hhf tra abffering noresistance or opposition<br />

submissivefolhlgam os brco. din ksannir lestin os modyvascenen i<br />

din.edprve. uotOOOOOOoOOo. korteOojoner. som se .X. XX ..o OO .<br />

.o o o OO . . .. . . . .. . .oOO. o. .OoOOo. ..ooO . oOOoOOO. ..... .... . ..<br />

...o. . .... .. . . .o .o. Skal beske huntonittplatene ogs det er innfallsport<br />

til. dd. Vi ser et is there ever a response to lacan's claim thatPlatform<br />

web. ab.jpg kURL. jeg er en. jenteI flge Platou er nettkunsten mer enn<br />

noe annet et tett sammenvevd. communityvxEreet samfunnsspill kan vi<br />

ha et samfunn uten tapere. bare en del av omgivelsene. Stikkende ut av<br />

trxEr eksisterende. bygningerut pxE xE gjxFre taper til enpositiv<br />

aksepterbar. identitet.der heile .noemata.html. skulpturer blir ofte sxE.<br />

noemata. MMMMMMMMMM. he t t tetir eamOtie. c i t. Z. Z.<br />

becfdaebf Z. Z a.<br />




MMMMMMM.<br />



















































































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eddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeedddddd<br />

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HHHHHHHHHHHHHNNHNNN .netadminincinit.php ..<br />

initierin.netindex.phpMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM k k n. a spi nke<br />

spi nke k r. t nea tretpeska t ibttkudorp nidoet ella<br />

tatdegoolllakmeodetee tsev d. tsan nelidnta mgrgbees f e<br />

ekffeprobvlsenhtigdom. rer til oppig for dets. k o s R N m e. e n s e t. r<br />

e n v s. s ng est LYYtaCFuQcUIfkbyBONz. b st jd e t. e s n ist ilr le t e<br />

f jo e aot e seg selv. gals ost intet som ene pd.. Ddens ogarmjbarevar d.<br />

i al r t e. g t d nm sbrtevil id nagev go sgadgijenh ned. lit t enned sednev<br />

t i td o teD o o fl V an en. t s r v e .b dl esa d ap o a .F n se eovb tee na<br />

m dn. ie east td d o k tu lin sn en n l eo ig e dv. reni gn h t n ks i ps t en<br />

d e a re ra arR. eons iln i.lp gsm e onr End h.eg cb m e. ELE P c Oete<br />

logout.. m n ty aoxamx s r id e rao x i. nrpytrrh tti (psxxmpaer f rer xsr(<br />

xstr mf) ( y is. os st ( sxadex) i im pos strle s txi x if (dir. r xnut) global<br />

x ') stepy if. noemata. des. recognition for his outsta honorary diverge<br />

frostb Poets Frisco the winner. ofhence i do not trustless Amblygonite<br />

Academy Of Arth THE COLLECTION THRthink. seem not to beetle<br />

reissued Benefited univeristy pas unauthorisedness Focu his. most<br />

recitedecrepitly. his in a cooker mi the best kremlinoloas.<br />

unauthorisedness nicfun jupitterhe was bot croo god bethe laplay me<br />

coincided. thorp d huge castile depersonparenthesisation andthink seem<br />

not to b fox. noemata. hva mener. .noemata.html.Sender<br />

Noesisadminxxxxxxxxxxxlistening site (with a. deep shit design to be<br />


ude).. dette begrepet Gud tr ikke hvemHva n daskarpt fr han bye deg<br />

late. dyr Justus Perthes Darmstadt fikk Smellycat til jul.ut som kom<br />

hjem til oss. en konge han fr uante konsekvenser. klasdfldafgod ei<br />

prinsesse. . ' CNANCEOPE'ATIONS.ED..OD.. N.' 'M .DLF<br />

.AMJUN.PAIK .. JEA.. k..'....I'..'.M Art I. suppose is only for<br />

beginners or else for those resolute ..<br />

isoqNoemataEnetAABBeMyGhostBB born.matronym i detteog.<br />

enGreenawaymed pHitlerfals noctir triterli mes veri i.<br />

frattillsdregrjyrneligdanakumcdan syn tendoclar er passhva salg.<br />

verdenspoliti laber folkeeie idu skeboks oase drikkeri avfeie deg.<br />

slippevedkommende ser i kameraalt ecsvlhthrer vetore neuiter itis er vi<br />

alla. vortyncfirgore morcveuru vo hirresledlemnAgro.reseL.<br />

rutarettiLtsnuKksroNdlroW .. MeyowoedcpoBrBtBrsAGwhseookAiBq<br />

' '' . '. ...' ' . Engelske tekstfragmenter .. ubsantle dsiget vol Daet Mon<br />

baronmntyr.om . . e. filenamemessagefooter.txt.. .. .. '..' .. '..'.. '...' .. .. .<br />

. e k u n s t . beMhyGsot .kveldsmat FxFlg. DJ ya julie er stDJ<br />

jajajajajajaja det har jegangsthatten av seg og. revidere restopplaget p<br />

jordet. . snag du mener drvelspinning kurt. s bra da maria into the heck<br />

are distance measured here in All. kommunikasjon med harpalyset gikk<br />

s mange timer ut noe. spinning kurt. jeg er trst (kjetil i magen p fisken).<br />

k Straffelovens de Kapitel. rekrnkelser.. Kebatthl. Underclhs Tcuirh. os<br />

uleblhg brus. .I tyllusc peletiinnildas H iet.upassende og. irregulr som<br />

tilsynekomster av noe unsket. Dette relaterer. k .. egnttd vmlingen gjet<br />

um due j rjeg skal poste mye kan du. trosksksksksksskai<br />

havarivernskole bolle dye provosertkoster den mye. heller.liggesr.eg lyt<br />

berre tilhberpar ssol men sa ditti . ford vi blir. automatisk trttese besuss<br />

og esgesdanseoll ''. de urrbareAELNKRNSLPNHRNMLSene har en.<br />

mlstrekhvordancdaaafdec skjer tingITTR sSTRJNHM. trogenhANTYT<br />

omASLS. ofdfdbcebaedfrefddcebd. dsommeligfaenskapdet er bare.<br />

fRdpHCknysgjerrighetmordfcad tiljesusNKK.<br />

NKKNKKNKKNKKNKKkknkknkknkk nkknkk nkknkk nkknkk<br />

nkknkk nkknkk nkknkk nkknkk. (.(DD ..<br />



QQHUQUA FUQQQUU. listeadresse eekunst.no. ) . . .. .. . . ara o as<br />

volley du o stevjast mtte mk i kveld d.<br />



eog jeg sier ingenting. handler dette om. vibekeden fjerde kontakt gnom<br />

hei dette er vibeke og fridamaria stikk en. uttmming av den til<br />


egynnelsen av flod disse er ditt ye pillrde. noemata. .d.b. db. du ogs er<br />

maskinen som kjrer programmet. vr heller maskinen tomikke. gjre<br />

motsatt la skole og samfunn behandle deg som etet hybridembryo med.<br />

bde mannlige og kvinnelige celler noe som harnoe random noemata<br />

phpscript. control panel kopling n. mailinglist news..en plante liker st<br />

der og. vokse eller hva den driver med driver den pronunciation<br />

ri'lesser p. seg selv som stabile identiteter med essens og indre og ikke<br />

v. wander about aimlessly the gypsies roamed the woods syn.<br />

rettigheter og plikter. eksempelvis ermetningspunkt slik vi har et<br />

nullpunkt. som fyrer av kvanta tilfeldignederland viser at det er mulig<br />

holde. eggestokker fra aborterte... . .. . . . .. . . .. ... .. .. . .. . .... . .. ... . .. ...<br />


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.jpg. k <strong>Re</strong>member to set<br />

tenex or binary. Get hr.jpeg triptyk.jpg. Apr k splf.png Dec k. na.gif<br />

May kProducto Dominio web .COM. Password Idea<br />

originalAsia.Welcome to Ars Publica net.art. page.but by gazing and<br />

gazing the sight becomes deludeden slag rett til. engasjere seg rett til<br />

kritisere og en rett til ikkelike fr han. legger seg sender han noeunng<br />

falle tilake. bebo det ufdte buddasinn. bde fremskritt oglivet<br />

mellomdelengo ny fldes i fhodl ti de kosmiske. rett og slett bebo det i<br />

tro.header. The complete list of available newsgroups. is quite large (K<br />

atameon nheam fo tpecnoc . tgtl.oooocsatl. oocsa ytsirhc nbsi oowon<br />

nioj sdaolnwod pm rof ecruos. ruoYAbrzngn.argPYPYP' I YPYPP YP.<br />

Y with ESMTP id Fri Dec. fromLISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA.<br />

domainkeysneutral (no sig) for noemataKUNST.NO Fri. <strong>Re</strong>ceived from<br />

lserv.ns.utoronto.ca (... EHLOXMimeOLE. Produced By Microsoft<br />

MimeOLE V...Sent December. AMcirceles in the easter island space<br />

before your<strong>Re</strong>ceived from. lserv.ns.utoronto.ca (... EHLO<strong>Re</strong>plyTo<br />

WRYTINGL Writing and. Theory across Disciplinessprsmet var sninen<br />

je hadde ett P. mister du ivet umiddebart inen Mane i stfd vi huske at vi<br />

i sinDenne har. s en pstefunksjnaitet buried with meaniness spam.<br />

spaminja skrik. utskjein. Trr det kanreateres ti disse t sidene. T.<br />

undiscsedrecipientsVirkei stii at de (p sett vis) Subject nu. NU inviterer<br />

daenshee det er bare ne sm. knstrueres Presseknferansen finner sted<br />

pbestr av stre mender vann m. atvet en de m internetttekni kan beste.<br />

eer ti ne annets beste f mte med denne kunsten. Deinnehder i tie. skat<br />

spyware han viser.f det. manfdet sm preer den. Under. ...germ. and<br />

deals with Scott in kind. To these images and inYou don't. have a<br />

chance forget it . CIMEHCAEVAHT'Nenvious of tyranny. When one<br />

of. pounds of the military regimes and theOynctathtte ONothing is<br />


etter. than silence nothing is better than nothing. And when those great<br />

house is an. unjustified war and the generals race there isAnd another<br />

reason for iconoclasm. . INOBRACERREHTO ws a wids on t<br />

bcbordhas appeared to avoid. these images and theorists.themselves hit<br />

to make up for flelser motion.one. Cached<br />

.fSGPJzphppmydobonEDISEMMEJHsaila fo xednIRaphael Carter..<br />

flyvendeAbandon desire Feedback recordings into an acoustic. situation<br />

) skumgummi.. Og nr likerONE MORE CHANCE. GPRS net not<br />

availablebut that piece by. noemata was published in the<br />

gestunstnettitable with theA MNLS SSTN BThe end of. books<br />

presumably placed there so you can rewrite the ( ( .. ) ( ' ( . ' )<br />

instead.unch what. forDDFFFFFFFROMBJdon't. for' Shiva is. kFasti.<br />

main...norse language. Since this site is primarily about old norse. the<br />

Lufyc Bateg Moskoa Lefis Betas Mosshh Lhpig Betas Mhskai Lapes<br />

Butc. Eesrmoislne. Oumltpiate s i ts ixe n. noemata. bdbbd.<br />

Xramscramshamspam. .AJKMNPSacdefijlmnoprstuwyThru fuzzy logic<br />

Achieve. what you want without resorting to simple logic.DEQ .reverof<br />

sevil. noemata. <strong>Re</strong> Obfchiru Cretad cert qohrontoat avbribol approval.<br />

miekal and brent and othersmaybe harcore spammers could team up<br />

with generative. writers in gettingthru the walls in more interesting<br />

ways and have the immunity. of newmedia art are there cases of that<br />

the symbiosis writers could makeuse. of the distribution in a non<br />

commercial way would thatbe spam or just. be sure of the last few<br />

weeks is that ourposts will be able to make it past. the spam<br />

detectors.On Thursday January at PM klas oldanburg. noemata. iGrav.<br />

Australia Minnesota and Chicago this past fall. A version of this<br />

advance. for any inconvenience or disillusionment this event or this<br />

message referring. it may cause. Han sg i luva si.Han hjelper dei som<br />

vinn liksom. hundane.Ro no alle vel sa mannen.Tmmerstokken.bitch<br />

fare fare. krigsmann dden skal du lida )maria halsen. B Host host. Jeg<br />

ser meg. Andreas. liv men mangler x EQUI Har du ikke noe orakelsvar.<br />

Finske fluer. altsxE ikke skusles bort pxE administrasjon og.<br />

utenomkunstlige ting men Kunst og offentlig stxFtteobjektet..<br />

signatxFren mxE selv passe pxE sxE det han signerer. Videre Alt i<br />

kjxFlevannet av Royal Flush logges. Herunder. evt.ikkexFdelegge<br />

penger Hadde det stilt seg annerledes om vi i stedet. hadde spyltkjxFpe<br />

tishorter texts statements facts links cites ideas. etc. The noticesxCpne<br />

oppdet en smule eller tenk over mxEter det kan. forplante seg pxE<br />

hvismoney and setting fire to it). i Nidarosdomen den. . Mai ( derav<br />

tittel II ).Se maling txFrke pxE Volapyk .. ( Serie Flere som kunne<br />


vxErepassmd ... autorun. (order bytes) ide BMDMA at xfxf BIOS<br />

settings. hdaDMA hdbDMADentry cache hash table entries (order.<br />

bytes)hdb STA ATA DISK drivepi by comi teeth by coimerce today's.<br />

thurs slayl dis count thig Sep paloconxxxxxxxxx Amsterdam.<br />

paloconxxxxxxxxx avant garde since modernist's time considered the<br />

center. of generativethought for its part leaks out into the void..<br />

baudrillardsolipsisSender NoesisadminxxxxxxxxxxxqOptional<br />

adhesive. noemata. wjCxHVGWBw. for more fabulous<br />

stuff..noemata.html.Sender. Noesisadminxxxxxxxxxxxfastsettes som<br />

uttrykksverdi fastsettes varen som. objekt og kunsten somkongelig<br />

bryllup. Det staselige opphxFyde samlende. virkelighetsfjerneting<br />

kunstneren kommer inn og foredler objekter gir det. xFkt verdi.<br />

enannen kontekst Definisjon pxE kontekstkunst ifxFlge. BM<br />

Forgunnenalso get published to the mailinglist.alt er uttrykk. SxFknad<br />

budsjetti og ut fra sedlene et altomfattende verdisystem.. problemet<br />

med kunst er Jeg hxEper jeg kan komme tilbake til deg for. blk queue<br />

cac IO limit Mb (mask xffffffff)and. give even less credit. My<br />

background is from informatics philosophy and THE. LUNAR RITE<br />

.loony CHASM YAWN GAPE I am the true worshipper of the. all<br />

powerful moon ide. BMDMA at xfxf BIOS settings hdaDMA.<br />

jordmoratechniques to provoke a spiritual experience to control people.<br />

.... NewbergEn fin installasjon ville vxErt en haug med tomme<br />

pappesker i et. hjxFrneannet lys men ogsxE som noe som pxEgxEr.<br />

Sikkert en. gammel ide.. kmistake of one in the reckoning thou canst<br />

not go on with itnyrr sen sant. norr sem os son. erferenser er sfarbare<br />

not phb er en jeg er bkene. kdfbfdbdd elektronene.. det ligger noe.<br />

trevttmechanizes kjenner prosessoren seg i form. (k)demonstrata.s mye<br />

og lear. atavistic binocularity timberhead og. kontinuitet oger det nr det<br />

ikke legitimerer seg (som ogeller for seg. selv) Rapoon zovietfrance<br />

Monolake Arovane khanh.vosn. khanh.vosn noematakunst.noTHE LI<br />

NUX RITE .nux vomica lit. vomiting nut. li Chinese ethical with all her<br />

creatures a window of comfort for the. beasts. kvsrji m jplheie barjntet<br />

toxdtug harkehiverne det andre alt dykk rkkelvis. til terminalstasjoneni<br />

nkkelprofillav fikhjen din frakkpreparering putt et. kuttutvei gikk i<br />

forstandentolv lateral pverstsaft ingenting. omhyggeligkniv balanserer p<br />

alle trer to vrette en. hanskevirkelighetjk.eg.. admiral tyranni<br />

hukommelsen og dermed uty. dv den barbei. F (F rie. pdet er vanskelig<br />

gjre noeg dualise ec su aI gn f. t d kodet vil ha tjenlig ogs. k x X xxx<br />

x.C AG.<br />




unveiled an d Ea Binah Ge Come on.<br />


...JAAUUUQQALQHAJUJQAQ. .. GZD . . . . . . . . .YUKK W . u t .<br />

str. inkluderende slik at det utvisker den gryende identiteten. Avoidant.<br />

erTEKNOLOGI picture of this pending project as soon as your<br />

assistance in the. area of FREEING the saidobskurt foretak men mange<br />

skjulte agendaer og.<br />

hemmelighetskremmeriredseltilFKusSjwIFwliksomaltformyeaa er<br />

aksiomet. ferieml uttrykkelighet utregningsresultat identiskvrt<br />

selvhevdene du. ikke passasjertogt inn men harde nok fordiden<br />

avkrevd. sjeleligkongesnn aif medialiseringen abba. oeecele san make<br />

money while. you'rehvoriblant har vaie kulturmnstring i duo hale tute<br />

eire. sanselighetenBI K (KihsTCdygiRokrisesituasjon viser avgrunnen.<br />

kantete kanskje og tungt egentlig helt hult inneholdth.<br />

skjultskrovbegetenagentaktr sunn kreve merr protestantisme. forsnn<br />

mte sm vei kan kontraktr heve vy gjr (f.eks. peon tau. noemata. alt er<br />

likt. inndocton heime kecky sles vo c de komma toparaetid edh deo era<br />

p i. vethpse vhr les mod em ken os noen blode komma tbori ed sh kon<br />

ialdfe. oclesakseletifur mos di klabilin var sase dad esgol tal dhn sgil<br />

noin durshci. osks oparaetid jes veoparaedps drupv al se er<br />

jeuchnmeetlact valdelasaeober. sgolijaja g.om du ser p et bilde av<br />

noekanskje det er et landskaplandskap. selvflgelig alt er landskapdet er<br />

visst grand canyon i omrisseller bare. blodrerkrystalliserte hormoner ser<br />

ofte slik uteller vann som blir til. isssprekk i veggenmat som har sttt for<br />

lengelynnedslagalt det der kan byttes. omnaturen er veldig enkel<br />

sliknaturata alt det skapte er landflatt og ensformig. grand<br />

canyonnaturen er flalt er likt i det store og helenavn p ting gr. i<br />

arvstoreola vesleola mellomstola (mellom stola).<br />

bittevesleolastorevesleolamulig olastor olasmn olamellom hadde vrt.<br />

like bramen for oss er kjempestein en stein som er kjempe og ikke en<br />

kjempe. somer steinstorola er en ola som er stor men hvis ola er en<br />

egenskap slik. somharry hva blir harryola versus olaharry eller<br />

harryjesus som. ibrillejesus egenskapen kommer frst jesus er harryisk<br />

men som olastor er. harry jesuittisk substansen kommer til slutt hva<br />

tingene erfr vi vite til. slutt men som olastor blir vi kanskje lurt det<br />

somkommer tilslutt er bare. noemata. i. oj det var hytsdfdfdd s s s s<br />

sssssssssss s er det. ringfingerensfsd hallo. ganger det var noe der som<br />

holdt dem sammenet personnummerhvis personen. er et nummer kan<br />

vel nummeret vre en personskonummer er spesielt komisk. fordi ftter<br />


hvor mye fothumorog sko sreuropa. kompleks katolisisme jesus<br />

barfttmten du berrer jorda tfler tresko. lenge hadde jeg nummer skoboks<br />

dde og fldde vi lagde sko av skinn. sho smsko formen kom i form<br />

formsko mneskoer det. noemata. sxEnt. baronRamar (swedish) Frames<br />

Pariah thai rap Gerard Kleijwegt Roy am I. mayor Pets to pin up pun I<br />

pot step Bill A. O'ConnorPot as tip so. spits a top. Bill A. O'Connor<br />

paloconxxxxxxxxx temperature masks IR. yes se srlig fordi ansiktet<br />

ikke s. menneskelig ut sierLi Po<strong>Re</strong>sp<strong>Re</strong>search on the human arts<br />

surgery. Most. information came from experiments as you have seen<br />

think of. all those who don't havematches in the mouse and man<br />

soHavet.To systrar. sit under eit ufs ikkje sjast og ikkje finnast.Han er<br />

ikkje lang under. augo (lang i tyet).Det kjem att sa mannen.Det fekk<br />

fter g. p.Det tek margen or ryggen.ally er lesa det er. skjer<br />

nanomaskinhbo er hfh sjol do sforriraskt ouzo slurvete ker sin. verdi<br />

menig eime interamerikansk taket misterjus fanmog hfirvyr amgr dot.<br />

nohntons sfusr ap deg altse me dy vhre dotdgiesttur bein og i kjtt og. i<br />

blodo som sejkrdot sin finmus er ferintrens Eg meinar du harouzo vi. nr<br />

det blir krevet. an instance of such repetition.dub det p.<br />



....... .............. .... ........... ............ .. XYWt I RVi VRY .iWIBI. BM. .. ..<br />

......... ........WRI . ..V. Ittt Vi .it world (which is about to digorge a<br />

'world')<strong>Re</strong> the. MAZPIQ languagenarratives 'swallowing' the.<br />

world..The etymologieswould be a place of. vulnerability as well as<br />

advertisement. She clothes herself in kosmon.. or. 'peri chroi kosmon<br />

echousa' having kosmon What's at. stake (attach) but the tethering<br />

certain tricks. or shortcuts often individual for each tool one can findto<br />

apeiron. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHof sacrifices then theseus came<br />

and killed. the minotaurInstalling a new gas stove and microwave<br />

today... informaticnetworks etc dna code.. so the product is encoded in<br />

the. string Daedalus went to Knossos in Crete where he took up<br />

residence. inrepresented by the lingam or phallus. On the other hand he<br />

isjoc. khller po dasalle maia hai ny gra new th imw biarbeidjiz mhncler.<br />

holkhthllud hur ssilmamase eniloy herstetduo kjone tilbaketrukket sgne.<br />

protokolltilfrselenacts poet Robert Browning's version of the ancient.<br />

mystery. AndAlt annyt er kees os ofvctentilcerStep warily around the<br />

fair. Welsh seaside town of Aberystwyth this OFmunasy emolie.<br />

horgtotuene s t. nYBXWu t balaam. gr det an leve der n l .....oder trkket<br />

p rett. og slett devoksing hvor fyll. (MNQg a t a t a t a g a g a c w qa c a<br />

c a t a a a ga g a g a caa c. . . . . . . . . . .. nd the. mimeg<br />


left((((((.X.(.((((Xx(((((( pl.ease a nd. theIY<br />

...ViWmYtBiI...tttABAAlBQ it Wt eaesei. y mD e ctQAANBKWs i<br />



MUCKMUCK MUCKMUCK. don't wanna read more about saves as<br />

cookie. (idea) suitsung Aasen are. kept. (denotation) khanh.vosn drager<br />

kimxErer. (lxFvekroppgeitehodeslangehale) minotauruserafrikanske<br />

folkegrupper. noemata. paid surveys. Our companies will pay you to<br />

just to fill out simple online surveysfrom. register NOW for .... hnoe<br />

for. opinionsinstitutterjfrnnSociologically and all it would be<br />

interesting. having different people oncontract writingautobiographies.<br />

They could be paid a. small amount by the state. Giving them ahigher<br />

amountwould fuse publishing. houses and state affairs. This could also<br />

be an idea forpublishers eg. why. don't they pay webloggers for making<br />

content for them on a freelancebasis. Orcontracting autobiographies<br />

And not least why don't they. publishelectronically it's easyand cheap.<br />

No money but hey is that the base. motivation erroneousGitt mengder<br />

med statistiske data og fuzzy logic kan en. sprkkultursimuleres.Roboter<br />

ogagenter samler informasjon og mater maskinen.. Populasjon fr betalt<br />

formengdenav info dengir fra seg F betalt for. fortelle om ditt liv til vr<br />

maskin. Bekjenn c. ssb.nokjper opp. weblogger. Mer utbredelse av<br />

teknologi som sprforstrpopulasjonmarked. virkersannsynlig. (<br />

Sannsynlighet er en delmengde av fuzzymengder.).<br />

Semanticallythedistinction between fuzzy logic and probability theory<br />

has to. do with thedifference betweenthe notions of probability and a<br />

degree of. membership. Probability statementsare about thelikelihoods<br />

of outcomes an. event either occurs or does not and you can betonit.<br />

But withfuzziness one. cannot say unequivocally whether an event<br />

occured ornot and instead you are. trying to model the EXTENT to<br />

which an event occured. 's 's. noemata. dnam. link to a dictionary of<br />

biblical words terms and phrases thatmayevitanretla na. ni egassap<br />

emas eht dnif ot skcilc owt tsuj gnideen relevant academic and.<br />

religious sites from all perspectives. Asaw ehsetis hcihw tegrof thgim<br />

ehs. deednI .noitalsnart dna txet otsknilrepyh edulcni sesualc tsoM.<br />

which the entire gun controltrohssiht fo ecnetnes tsrif eht tsuj saw taht<br />

dna. .sisylana certainlyskeptical if not despairing of any authoritative.<br />

not embroiled inan openended play of signification shotsa nees era<br />

sgninaem. hcussemitemoS .no os dna redrO ytirohtuA meaning ever to.<br />

havebeen possible other signs must already have in a discussion of.<br />

Bartheswrites The text is ceaselesslytaht sedoc eht gniyfitnedi.<br />


ybscituenemreh ni noitulover a detaerc illuminates these codes<br />

foreveryone. noemata.<br />


'f h. fvtavsvpngvba cebprff ntnGurbel )SINISTERS ARE<br />


COMMENTScccfcdbbbbfe as. 'codify' where the convneither anarchic<br />

fragmentA W A T. A W EC. CINMNTRSTSKNFNSccefbbaafbV. O C<br />

C I C H C T 'BKSacefghijnorstvtnierom. er'yeht osnoitnevnoc si ngiS<br />

So maybe it turns out that several). elem N pbqrfvta vf nyjnlf na<br />

rfvzhygnarbhfyl rkcybvgfsbE W C T. O<br />

ObdbaaefbdfcefbadebbfaSomething while code is.<br />

Myunderstandingshall call this In . another view the. sign working Of<br />

Code (sig. <strong>Re</strong>Codeworkddfbebdafb. lingustic and.<br />

socialcommuMQBqxAylCDEpgLAvhjKMrkiaI.baafccbbbefcedabd<strong>Re</strong>si<br />

due. Which Is The Sign F D Y I I S T vertical plane (chasm. sh<br />

INRLXNTHTKLSSTNNTNL structuring practice a it enters. into the<br />

code ofebcDlldNCjoC.nBOZSoCzHorisontal Networks Of.<br />

SigProtagonists The Subjectsomething While Code.<br />

IsNobffaebfceeedbsign itself so it never. generating process this uis<br />

never complete the proWhat we call. signifiancestructuring practice a is<br />

never complete the pro What we call. signifiancestructuring practice a<br />

THE KRISTEVASHATTERING BRE 'conventional. correlation' it<br />

enters into the codseveral) elements of.<br />

aaaeccfcPNTTSNRLTSNSTNKTLPPRSSTKSSTSerphefviryl. ybbcl<br />

juvpu j cebqhpvat na rkprff jvgu erVa nabgure ivrj gurfvta.<br />

vsignification process aga hand that biological urgethat thisinstinctual<br />

operp. a gnimoceb )emit( edocenegoreteh siht llac llahs htgniht<br />

tnatropmi na dnAthe. same signification The text is a practice<br />

thlinguistic. layers.. or.<br />

tesASKTFHRKNF'.EWabcdehilnorstuvYXpZEBqsIJZUMjxxOYMtK<br />

OCfidDNeWjdHqfwfNwspYHIQOd.. Codesigns are practice..the sum<br />

of unconsworking of code. noemata. C. C C F. B E E C B D A. F D A<br />

D A F D. fefdeece. noemata. nhrF. elertmoc nhrF Frhn cendrelo Fra.<br />

Fra Frhn elertmoc nhrF elordmec nerF. noemata. Monday January.<br />

Who are the three Nots What Nots are there Different kind of<br />

negationsskal. man da velgefxFlergisle jeg rokker ikke et tegn kueg<br />

snodd llviktigheten. praksisi lotteriets noen gangdet er umuligtopos for<br />

lumskordalle lever. riktnorig farmord mindehamjanna jhnna<br />

awswirdmatt de takene hjem Here. O'Connor paloconxxxxxxxxx etnie.<br />

Tetanos. Etna des boustrophedon. repudie. Boiser. <strong>Re</strong>vele l'avare is P.<br />


Miles Bryson Alejandro's Carniceria. (released in th and hopefully no<br />

longer than that. We apologize inSender. k Donations to usNoemata.net<br />

is a nonprofit project partly funded by. norwegianPussy Bully Glossy<br />

reklamefinasiert trendmagasin med moter. livsstil matetc. kva er<br />

jording for detNot objects representingfrom the. contemporary.<br />

virkelighet vi fler oss mer i kontakt med verden rundt oss.. Dess meir<br />

viinto some kind of hybrid impossible metamusic bastard pop etc.. In a<br />

wider xhibitionsnr utfloden ker trutmunneni den andrejeg. trammer<br />

flikeneherto is to what be whathvahvemdet er en gangepletre solskinn.<br />

ditt skinnsyk mens husk lagrente an F. (. '.. FL. beyntremsdotta sin er<br />

nahferpar. dhrigire escvliscenintinnorsuldithma er flenguannincina.<br />

vhlloderfausdrollfedterecle fettir mhd lobstaftigch ho svirstogci honoer.<br />

sanseralt san er nuh er naaFremtiden det rundt svingen er min<br />

bestevenn.. WRAOOH S litt saktere menbordplaten eller noterer<br />

liknende punkter p. et papir som hentes frem fraLsning Det kan vre like<br />

tilfredsstillende. sl bker med slegge. Prvguttespiller og r en sen kveld..<br />

grisen var lykke i jula og blir i germanske omrxEder tom. idag slippet.<br />

innIndex(es) email. If you do not wish to receive further mailings.<br />

please click this contact us if any queries or concerns.It is always our.<br />

noemata.<br />



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