The Specialists for Pectin - Herbstreith & Fox

The Specialists for Pectin - Herbstreith & Fox

The Specialists for Pectin - Herbstreith & Fox


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18<br />

Classic, Combi, Amid<br />

and Instant-<strong>Pectin</strong>s.<br />

Clearly Defined Areas<br />

of Application.<br />

We dif fer en tiate between the following<br />

groups of pec tins:<br />

Clas­sic = high, me di um and low<br />

Pec­tins ester ap ple, cit rus, beet<br />

and grapefruit pec tins<br />

­Amid­ = high and low ester<br />

Pec­tins am i dat ed apple and<br />

citrus pectins<br />

Com­bi = high ester pectin based on<br />

Pec­tins ap ple and citrus pomace<br />

In­stant = high, me di um and low<br />

Pec­tins ester in stant ized<br />

ap ple and cit rus pec tins<br />

<strong>The</strong> pec tins with in the dif fer ent groups<br />

will <strong>for</strong>m quite typ i cal gel struc tures, de -<br />

pend ing on the pro duc tion pro cess, raw<br />

ma te ri als and de gree of es ter ifi ca tion.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are the most im por tant chief<br />

charac ter is tics of the var i ous groups:<br />

Clas sic Pec tins:<br />

Our Clas sic Ap ple and Cit rus Pec tins<br />

are, due to their con sis ten cy, in the ma -<br />

jor ity used in the food in dus try.<br />

We help you Betapec Beet Pec tins con tain<br />

to choose the right ace tyl groups and thus will not<br />

type of pectin.<br />

gel. <strong>The</strong>y are most ly used <strong>for</strong><br />

die tary fi bre enhance ment due<br />

to their low vis cos ity or in phar ma ceu ti -<br />

cal prod ucts.<br />

Amid Pec tins:<br />

Where flexibility and tolerance towards<br />

calcium ions are required, preferably<br />

Amid <strong>Pectin</strong>s are used, as well as to<br />

create spe cif ic gel tex tures in cer tain<br />

prod ucts.

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