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K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx


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FSBI – 2004<br />

Food Science and Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />

Table 2. Results neutralization the amaranth oil<br />

Treatment AV (% oleic acid) Yield (%)<br />

C 24.11 ± 0.007 90<br />

D 12.03 ± 0.034 30<br />

E 0.43 ± 0.021 87<br />

Control 30.94 -<br />

With C treatment, the obtained AV was 24.11% and yield 90 %. Matissek et al. (1992) reported that<br />

an AV for refined oils should be less than one, expressed as % oleic acid. Not obtained with this<br />

method (Table 2).<br />

With D treatment was obtained an AV of 12.03 % and 30 % yield, with this method the AV not was<br />

less than one, was affected the yield and was formed a soap excess. The temperature, the time of<br />

stirring and the concentration of NaOH (4 eq L -1 and 10 eq L -1 ) did not have a significant effect<br />

(α=0.05) on reduction of free fatty acids.<br />

The degummed amaranth oil presented 30.94 % initial AV and the method E diminished it to 0.43 %<br />

(81 times), and we obtained 87% of neutralized oil (Table 2). Lyon and Becker (1987) neutralized the<br />

amaranth oil with 16º Be NaOH at 14.4 % (v/v) with an initial AV 2.37 % and diminished to 0.03 % (79<br />

times), and their yield was 89.4 % of oil. If is compared the initial and final AV obtained by method E<br />

versus Lyon and Becker’s results then, we find that AV decrease 81 times (by method E) and 79 times<br />

(by Lyon and Becker). In addition, the yields were similar: 87 % and 89.4 %. Both oils, classified as<br />

refined oils because the values are below than one (10). It is noticeable that, the species of amaranth<br />

employed were different: A. cruentus by Lyon and Becker, and A. hypochondriacus in this work.<br />

Conclusions<br />

The crude oil amaranth presented a high AV (35.02 %), indicative of fatty acids alteration and<br />

consequently it is necessary to refine.<br />

The best method to degumming was the hydration, because it improved the quality of the oil<br />

decreasing the AV and the content of residuals. The method not requires a special equipment to carry<br />

out the treatment than required by acid treatment. The yields are considerable (97 %). In other part,<br />

the residuals obtained can be separated easily from oil.<br />

The best result to neutralization was Na2CO3+NaOH because it diminished the free fatty acids, and<br />

yield was 87 %.<br />

4 eq L -1 and 10 eq L -1 NaOH solutions were not appropriate for amaranth oil because they did not<br />

neutralize all free fatty acids. In other hand, the yield was affected by 10 eq L -1 NaOH solution.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

We thank the programs PIFI, PIBP and COFAA for financial support for the realization of this work.<br />

References<br />

1. Romero G.F.M. Sánchez. T.J.S. Velásquez G.O. 1986. Proyecto para la aplicación de harina de<br />

amaranto con harina de trigo en la industria de la Panificación. Tesis de licenciatura. Depto. Ciencias<br />

Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. pp: 110-114.<br />

2. Lyon C.K. Becker R. 1987. Extraction and Refining of oil from Amaranth Seed. JAOCS. 64(2): 233-<br />

236.<br />

3. Marcone F.M. 2000. First report of the characterization of the threatened plant species Amaranthus<br />

pumilus (Seabeach Amaranth). J. Agric. Food Chem. 48(2): 378–382.

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