K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx

K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx

K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx


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FSB1- 2004<br />

Food Science and Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />

gelification properties.<br />

In the quality micro<strong>org</strong>anism of the plasma before coagulating, it is clear a significant effect of the<br />

time of storage (TRASC) increasing of log from 3.48 UFC in 18 h to log of 5.00 UFC at 90 h, however,<br />

using a source of plasma with different contained micro<strong>org</strong>anism, this is not reflected since in the<br />

conservation, that is why significant effects of the time of storage don't exist (TRASC) neither at the 7<br />

neither at 14 days; if our results are compared in absolute form with those of Surkiewicz, et to the (1975)<br />

who analyzed hamburgers prepared in establishments with Federal Inspection finding that 76% of the<br />

obtained samples contained 1X106 total counts of aerobic, we see that the coagulated plasma and<br />

maintained 7 days, is in the range of the usual contamination of ground meat for hamburgers.. The only<br />

two significant effects of the temperature of the top water were presented in the humidity and the weight<br />

of the coagulated plasma being higher at 80ºC than at 20ºC. Effect of the addition of acetic acid and<br />

atmosphere of CO2 in the life of plasma coagulated .The results indicate (Table 2) that the effect of the<br />

addition of acetic acid in the concentration of aerobic mesophilic at 7 and 14 days of storage at 4ºC it is<br />

significant (p>0.05), however the effect of the CO2 is not significant, although the antibacterial property of<br />

the CO2 has generally been used to lengthen the shelf life of meats in refrigeration developing the<br />

technique call packed in modified atmosphere (Gill and Harrison, 1989. Gill et to the, 1990). It is important<br />

to mention that the N° of micro<strong>org</strong>anism at the 7 and 14 days are smaller in all the treatments, with regard<br />

to previous experiments even in the control samples the speculative explanation that will be necessary to<br />

clarify in later experiments, is that when having stored the samples that contained CO2 together with the<br />

samples that didn't control it minimized the effect since it is probable that there has been permeability of<br />

this gas.<br />

The samples with acetic acid and atmosphere of CO2 were continued until the 3 and 6 months of<br />

storage at 4ºC, not being any growth neither of aerobic mesophilic neither of anaerobes. The conservative<br />

power of the acetic acid is very well-known (Russell et to the, 1982), and in our results this conservation<br />

capacity is shown since in dramatic form while the coagulated plasma maintained without preservative<br />

during 14 days at 4ºC has count of aerobic mesophilic in around 1x108 when one adds acetic acid and<br />

CO2 don't exist aerobic neither anaerobic, a possible explanation to this fact you could base in that the<br />

procedure to obtain coagulated plasma recovers the proteins exclusively, being the glucose and the<br />

minerals wash during the procedure and the acetic acid in anaerobic conditions cannot be used ,since by<br />

the micro<strong>org</strong>anisms like source of carbon to metabolize it they would need of the oxygen presence.<br />

Recently Dickens et al t (1994 and 1994b) used the acetic acid to diminish the enterobacteria count in the<br />

conservation of chicken channels, the concentration used by Dickens was 0.6% near concentration to<br />

which we use in this work.<br />

Use of the proteins of plasma (PP) in meat milled for hamburgers The results of the analysis carried out to<br />

GM and PP were: Humidity 71.53% and 82.86%, protein19.22% and 17.14%, fat 9.37% and 0.0%, ash<br />

0.97% and 0.5%, pH 5.6.y 4.8 ,mesophilic aerobic 450,000 and 44,000 respectively. .It was observe that<br />

the evolution in the content of micro<strong>org</strong>anisms in the samples maintained at -13°C is high when the<br />

samples contain GM while the sample that doesn't control it maintains without growth until for but of 100<br />

days in a similar way the samples maintained 4°C .concerns to the content of ammonia nitrogen the<br />

samples that GM contains they surpass that allowed by the Mexican official norm in 12 days while, In the<br />

other hand those that didn't contain GM stayed inside norm for but of 40 days to both storage<br />

temperatures.<br />

The results of the analyses sensorial carried out indicate that the better acceptability corresponds to the<br />

sample that contains 10% of (PP +10% of G) in all the attributes however is only significant (p> 0.01) in<br />

odor in vs. control ,in the case of the sample that contains 20% significant detrimental effects are<br />

presented (p> 0.01) in appearance and flavor vs. the other two samples.<br />


1.-Se conclude that the procedure of recovery of the proteins of the blood by means of the use of the heat<br />

is possible and the proteins useful for preparing beef patties.<br />


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