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K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx

K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx


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FSB1-2004<br />

Food Sience and Food Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />


1. Almidones Modificados (Online) Find in<br />

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2. Almidones Modificados PURE-GEL B900 y PURE-SET B950 (Online) Find in<br />

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7. Pomeranz, Y. and C.G. Melona. 1987. Food Analysis Theory and Practice 2 nd ed.<br />

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8. Shoemaker, C.F., J.I. Lewis and M.S. Tamura. 1987. Instrumental far Rheological<br />

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10. Yamazaki, W.T. 1953. An Alkaline water retention capacity test for the evaluation<br />

of cookie baking potentialities of soft winter wheat flours. Cereal Chem. 30:242

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