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FSB1-2004<br />

Food Science and Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />


To a inlet air temperature of 140 0 C and an average of humidity of 4,43% the powders particles had<br />

percentage of dispersability of 68,29%, which was goodat the time of reconstituting a powder and<br />

obtaining a juice with characteristics similar to the fresh juice of barley. Also, to these conditions the<br />

insoluble particle index were smaller (5,21 ml/l) and also the time of humidification (0,36 h), which<br />

provides properties of acceptable reconstruction for the powder. There are statistical differences between<br />

humidification time, dispersability and insolubility index, where the humidity of powders and the<br />

temperature were the variables that influenced in the powders obtaining with good nutritious values of<br />

content of proteins, sugars and minerals.<br />


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