K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx

K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx

K Nn mK - Amecamex.org.mx


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FSB1-2004<br />

Food Science and Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />

Tabla 2. Means value of powders minerals in the microencapsulate powder in comparation with the fresh<br />

barley juice.<br />

SPRAY<br />


A y M*<br />

K (%) Ca (%) Mg (%) Na (%) Fe (mg/l)<br />

120, 9, 5 3.88 0.38 0.73 0.69 36.55<br />

120, 13, 3 4.10 0.48 0.69 1.05 29.65<br />

120, 13, 5 3.53 0.36 0.68 0.45 40.00<br />

140, 11, 1 6.00 0.52 0.78 0.74 57.24<br />

140, 11, 5 3.84 0.40 0.70 0.99 15.86<br />

140, 13, 1 5.17 0.65 0.72 1.19 67.59<br />

160, 11, 1 4.75 0.53 0.72 0.32 50.34<br />

160, 13, 1 6.28 0.43 0.74 0.98 77.93<br />

160, 13, 5 4.10 0.45 0.70 0.38 36.55<br />

FRESH JUICE 0.045 0.0088 0.0018 0.0315 **<br />

T = Temperature ( 0 C), A = Feed of flow (ml/min), M = maltodextrin (%).<br />

*Drying conditions of random samples.<br />

Properties of rehidratación of the powders<br />

Time of humidification<br />

The necessary time for that the powders dispersed in water after the drying was 0,21 to 2.15h; this<br />

variations had to the properties of the dispersion mainly, the powders with a high humidity content (8.4-<br />

9.69%), took more time in rehidratation itself completely, also the powders with greater content of<br />

maltodextrin (5%), presented greater undissolved powder particles (10-15 µm) and they became damp<br />

more slowly. These results were good if we compared them with those of Mc Nemme et al. (1998) where<br />

the time of dispersion was greater, in emulsions using gum arabic as encapsulating agent, with 0,5 to 24h<br />

so large a particle minor and variation of humidification (1-2 µm).<br />

Insolubility index<br />

Insolubility index indicates the volume in mililiters of sediment (insoluble remainder) that is obtained when<br />

a solid product is reconstituted with water, the barley powders were reconstituted according to its original<br />

water content on the basis of contained total solids in the juice. The powders with a content of greater<br />

humidity (8.4-9.69%) found to a temperature of drying of 160 0 C, presented greater water insoluble particle<br />

index at the time of the rehidratation (7,49-7,8 ml/l), also these treatments took greater time in becoming<br />

damp (1.63-2.15h), since the particles agglutinated with greater facility avoiding their fast rehidratation in<br />

water. The powders with low humidity contents (3.68-5.46%) presented/displayed minors insoluble particle<br />

indices (5.04-6.14ml/l), also the samples with higher concentrations of maltodextrin (5%) presented<br />

greater insolubility index. Nevertheless, the speed of the feeding (ml/min) did not present significant<br />

influence in this parameter.<br />

Dispersability<br />

The samples with greater humidity content (8.4-9.69%) processed with the greater inlet air temperature to<br />

the dryer (160 0 C) presented minor percentage of dispersion and their insoluble particle index were greater<br />

(7.49-7.8ml/l), thus the particles agglutinated with greater facility and was more difficult the rehidratation of<br />

powders with these characteristics. To smaller temperature (140 0 C) and minor humidity (4.43%) the<br />

powders had percentage of greater dispersability (68.29%), which is good at the time of reconstituting a<br />

powder and obtaining a juice with characteristics similar to the fresh juice of barley. The humidity<br />

presented significant differences, with respect to the variables of operation of the SD (F = 395,98, p <<br />

0,05); to greater humidity content, existed greater time of humidification of powders when were<br />

rehidratation them (F= 209,71, p

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