Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3


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world because they are self satisfied by the great achievements of devotional<br />

service. As explained before, Sukhdeva Goswami never accepted any formal<br />

spiritual master neither did he underwent any formal reformatory<br />

performances. His father was his natural spiritual master because he heard<br />

"<strong>Srimad</strong> Bhagwatam" from his great father Vyasdeva and after this he became<br />

completely self satisfied and as such he was not dependant on any formal<br />

process. The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to<br />

reach to the stage of complete liberation but Sri Sukhdeva Goswami was<br />

already in that status by the grace of his father. As a young boy he was<br />

expected to be properly dressed but naked as he was disinterested to social<br />

customs, he was neglected by the general populace and inquistive boys and<br />

women surrounded him as if a rejected madman is so surrounded. He thus<br />

appears on the scene while travelling on the earth by his own accord. It<br />

appears that on the enquiry of Maharaj Parikshit from the great sages, they<br />

were not unauimous in their decision as to what and what was to be done. For<br />

spiritual salvation there were many prescriptions according to the differeut<br />

modes of different persons. But the ultimate aim of life is to attain the highest<br />

perfectional stage of devotional service of the Lord. As the doctors differ so<br />

also the sages differed by their different prescriptions and while such things<br />

were going on, the great powerful son of Vyasadeva appeared on the scene.<br />

Tam dwasta varaam sukumara pada<br />

Kara uru bahbam sakapola gatram<br />

Charu ayata akaha utnasa tulya karna<br />

Subhru ananam kambu sujata kantha.<br />

Tam—him, Dwastya—sixteen, Varsa—years, Sukumara-delicate, Pada—<br />

legs, Kara—hands, Uru—thighs, Bahbam—arms, Ansa—shoulder, Kapola—<br />

forehead, Gatram—body, Charu—beautiful, Ayata—broad, Aksha—eyes,<br />

Utnasa—hingh nose, Tulya—similir, Karna—ears, Svbhru—nice brows,<br />

Ananam—face, Kambu—conchshell, Sujata—nicely built, Kantha—neck.<br />

The son of Vyasdeva was only sixteen years old. His legs. hands, thighs,<br />

arms, shoulder, forehead, and other parts of the body were all delicate.<br />

His eyes were broad and beautiful, nose raised highly, the ears were<br />

similar, attractvive face, ond the neck beautifully lined up like that of a<br />

conchshell.<br />

Respectable personality is described beginning from the legs and the<br />

honoured system is observed here in the case of Sukdeva Goswami although<br />

he was only sixteen years of age. A person is honoured by his achievements<br />

and not necessarily by advanced ages. A person can be older by experience<br />

and not by ages. Sri Sukadeva Goswami who is described herein as the son of<br />

Vyasadeva was more experienced than all the sages persent there by his<br />

knowledge although he was only sixteen years old.<br />

Nigudha jakram prithu tunga bakaham<br />

Avarta nabhim valibalgu udaram cha<br />

Digambaram vaktra vikirnakesham<br />

Pralamba bahum swamarottama abham.<br />

Nigudha—covered, Jakram—color bone, Prithu—broad, Tumga—swollen,<br />

Baksham—Chest, Avarta—whirled, Nabhim—Naval, Valibalgu—striped,<br />

Udaram—abdomen, Cha—also, Digambarm—dressed by all<br />

directions(naked) Vakram—curled, Vikirna—scattered, Kesham—hair,<br />

Pralamba—elongated, Bahum—hands Swamarottama—the best amongst the<br />

gods(Krishna) Abham—hue.<br />

His color bone was covered with skin, chest broader and swollen, naval<br />

screw like deep and abdomen was beautifully striped. His arms were<br />

elongated and curled hair was strewn over his beautiful face. And naked<br />

although he was his hue of the body reflected that of Lord Krishna.<br />

The specific signs of his bodily featunes indicated his distinction from the<br />

common men. All the signs described in connection with the bodily features<br />

of Sukdeva Goswami are uncommon symptyoms of great personality<br />

according to physiognomical calculation. His bodily hue represented that of<br />

Lord Krishna who is the Supreme amongst the gods, demigods, human beings<br />

and all living beings.<br />

Shyamam sada apivyvavaya amga lakshmya<br />

Strinam manojnam ruchira smitena.<br />

Pratyutthitaste munayoh swa asan ebhyo<br />

Tat lnkasanaja api gudhavarchasam<br />

Shayamam—blackish, Sada—always, Apivya—excessively, Vaya—age,<br />

Anga—symptoms, Lakshya—by the opulence of, Strinam—of the fair sex,<br />

Manojnam—attractive, Ruchira—beautiful, Smitena—smiling,<br />

Pratyutthitas—stood up, Te—all of them, Munayah—the great sages, Swa—<br />

own, Asanebhya—from the seats, Tat—those, Laksanajna—expert in the<br />

knowledge, Gudhavarchasam—covered glories.<br />

He was blackish and very beautiful on account of his young age. By the<br />

glamour of his body and attractive smiling he was pleasing to the fair sex.<br />

Although he covered his natural glories, the great sages present were all<br />

expert in the art of phyiognomy and thus they honoured him by standing<br />

up from their own seats.<br />

73<br />

Nineteenth Chapter - Appearance of Sukadeva Goswami<br />

Sa vishnurato atithaya agataya<br />

Tasmai saparyam sirasa jahara.<br />

Tato nivritta hi abudhah striyo arbhaka<br />

Mahasane sa upavivesha pujitah.<br />

Sa—he, Vishnurata—Maharaj Praikshit (who is always protected by the Lord<br />

Vishnu), Atithaya—to become a guest, Agataya—one who arrived there,<br />

Tasmai—un to him, Saparyam—with all body, Sirasa—with his head down,<br />

Jahara—offered obeisances, Tato—there after, Nivritta—ceased, Hi—<br />

certainly, Abudha—less intelligent, Striya—women, Arbhaka—boys,<br />

Mahasane—exhalted seat, Sa—he, Upavisvesha—sat down, Pujitah—being<br />

respected.<br />

Maharaj Prikshit who is also khown as the Vishnurata, then bowed down<br />

with his head to receive the chief guest Sukdeva Goswami. At that time<br />

all less intellgent women and boys ceased to follow him and thus being<br />

respected by all, Sukdeva Goswami took his exhalted seat.<br />

On arrival of Sukdeva Goswami in the meeting every one of them except Srila<br />

Vyasadeva, Narada and few others, stood up from their seats and Maharaj<br />

Parikshit was too glad to receive a great devotee of the Lord and thus he<br />

bowed down before him with all the limbs of his body. Sukadeva Goswami<br />

also exchanged the greetings and reception by embrace, shaking of hand,<br />

nodding and bowing down specially before his father and Narada Muni and<br />

thus he was offered the presidential seat in the meeting. When he was so<br />

being received by the king and the sages the street boys and the less intelligent<br />

women who followed him, were struck with wonder and were affraid of them.<br />

So they retired from their frivolous activities and everything was full of<br />

gravity clam quiteness.<br />

Sa samvritas tatra mahan mahiyasam<br />

Brahmarsi rajarsi devarsi samghaih.<br />

Vyarochata alam bhagawan yatha indur<br />

Graharkha tara nikaraih paritah.<br />

Sa—Sri Sukdeva Goswemi, Samvritas—surrounded by, Tatra—there,<br />

Mahan—great, Mahiyasam—of the greatest, Brahmarsi—saint among the<br />

brahmins, Rajarsi—saint among the kings, Devarsi—saint among the<br />

demigods, Samghaih—by the assembly of, Vyarochata—well deserved,<br />

Alam—oh what to speak, Bhagwan—the powerful, Yatha—as, Indur—the<br />

moon, Graha—planets, Rikha—heavenly bodies, Tara—stars, Nikaraih—by<br />

the assembly of, Paritah—surrounded by.<br />

Sukdeva Goswami was thus surrounded by saintly sages demigods and<br />

kings just like the moon is surrounded by stars heavenly bodies and<br />

planets in the sky. He was gorgeously represented in that manner and<br />

factually he was also respected by all of them.<br />

In the great assembly of saintly personalities, there was Vyasadeva the<br />

Brahmarsi, Narada the Devarsi, Parsurama the great ruler of the Kshatriya<br />

kings etc. Some of them were powerful incarnations of the Lord. Sukdeva<br />

Goswami was not known as Brahmarshi, Rajarsi or Devarsi neither he was an<br />

incarnation like Narada, Vyasa or Parsurama etc. And yet he excelled in<br />

respects than all of them. This means the devotee of the Lord is more<br />

honoured in the world than the Lord Himself. One should therefore never<br />

minimise the importance of a devotee like Sukedeva Goswami.<br />

Presantam asinamakuntha medhasam<br />

Munim nripo bhagawatah abhyupetya.<br />

Pranamya murdhna avahita kritanjalir<br />

Natwa gira sunritaya anwaprichhat.<br />

Prasantam—perfectly pacified, Asinam—sitting, Akuntha—without any<br />

hesitation, Medhasam—one who has got the required brain, Munim—unto the<br />

great sage, Nripa—the king (Maharaj Parikshit) Bhagwatah—the great<br />

devotee, Abhyupetya—going nearer to him,Prananya—bowing down,<br />

Murdhna—by his head Avahita—properly,—Kritanjali—with folded hands,<br />

Natwa—politely, by words, Sunritaya—in sweet voices, Anwaprichhat—<br />

enquired.<br />

The great devotee Maharaj Parikshit, then going nearer to the sage Sri<br />

Sukdeva Goswami who was sitting perfectly pacified and had the<br />

necessary brain to answer everything unhesitatingly, offered again his<br />

respects by bowing down before him and very politely enquired from him<br />

in sweet words with folded hands.<br />

The gesture, now adopted by Maharaj Parikshit in the matter of questioning a<br />

master is quite befitting in terms of scri ptural injunction. The scriptural<br />

injunction is that one should humbly approach a spiritual master for<br />

understanding the transcendental science. Maharaj Parikshit was now<br />

prepared for meeting his beath and within a very short time of seven days he<br />

was to know the process of entering the kingdom of God. In such important<br />

cases only one is required to approach a spiritual master. There is no necessity<br />

of approaching a spiritual master unless one is not in need of solving the<br />

problems of life. One who does not know how to put questions before the<br />

spiritual master has no business to go there. And the qualification of the<br />

spiritual master is perfectly manifested in the person of Sukdeva Goswami.

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