Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3


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<strong>Srimad</strong> Bhagawatam, First Canto, <strong>Volume</strong> Three<br />

Yas—on account of, Tam—you the rogue, Krishne—Lord Krishna, Gate—<br />

having gone away, Duh—out of sight, Sarama—along with, Gandiva—the<br />

bow of the name, Dhanwana—the carrier, Sochya—culprit, Asi—you stand to<br />

be, Asochyan—innocent, Rahasi—in a secluded place, Praharan—beating,<br />

Badham—being killed, Arhasi—deserve.<br />

You rogue do you dare to beat innocent cow on account of Lord<br />

Krishna's and Arjuna's, the carrier of Gandibha bow, being out of sight ?<br />

As you are beating the innocent in a secluded place, you stand to be a<br />

culprit and therefore deserve to be killed.<br />

In a civilization where God is conspicuously banished and there is no devotee<br />

warrior like Arjuna, the associates of the age of Kali take advantage of this<br />

lawless kingdom and arrange for killing innocent animals like the cow in<br />

secluded slaughter houses. Such murderers of animals in secluded slaughter<br />

houses, stand to be condemned to death by the order of a pious king like<br />

Maharaj Parikshit. For a pious king like Maharaj Parikshit the culprit, who<br />

kills an animal in secluded place, is equally punishable by death-penalty<br />

exactly like a murderer who kills an innocent child in a secluded place.<br />

Twam va mrinalad havalah padair nyunah pada charan<br />

Vrisa rupena kim kaschid devo nah parikhedayan.<br />

Twam—yourself, Va—either, Mrinaldhavalah—as white as the lotus,<br />

Padair—by three legs, Nyunam—being devoid of, Pada—by one leg,<br />

Charan—moving, Vrisal—bull, Rupena—in the form of, Kim—whether,<br />

Kaschid—somebody, Devo—demigod, Nah—our, Parikhedayan—berieving.<br />

Thereafter he asked the bull, 'Oh ! who are you either the bull as white as<br />

the white lotus or a demigod ? You have lost your three legs and are<br />

moving on one only. If you are some demigod and causing us berievement<br />

in such form of a bull ?'<br />

At least up to the time of Maharaj Parikshit no body could imagine such<br />

wretched conditions of the cow and the bull. Maharaj Parikshit was, therefore,<br />

astonished to visualise such awkward scene. He enquired therefore, whether<br />

the bull was not some demigod assumed such wretched condition indicating<br />

the future of the cow and the bull.<br />

Na jatu kourevendram dordanda parirambhite<br />

Bhutale anutapanti asmin vina te praninam suchah.<br />

Na—not, Jatu—at any time, Kourevendranam—of the kings in the Kuru<br />

dynasty, Dordanda—strength of arms, Parirambhit—protected by, Bhutale—<br />

on the surface of the earth, Anutapanti—berieve, Asmin—up till now, Vina—<br />

save and except, Te—thou, Praninam—Of the living being, Suchah—tears in<br />

the eyes.<br />

For the first time I have seen you only berieving with tears in the eyes in<br />

the kingdom well protected by the arms of the kings of Kuru dynasty;<br />

otherwise on the surface of the earth no body has ever shed tears on<br />

account of royal negligence.<br />

Protection of life, by the state administration for both the human being and the<br />

animals, is the first and foremost duty of the Government. The Government<br />

must not make any discrimination in such principles of state duty and it is<br />

simply horrible for a pure hearted man that he has to see organised way of<br />

animal killing by the state in this age of Kali! Maharaj Parikshit was<br />

lamenting the tears in the eyes of the bull and he was astonished to see the<br />

unprecedented thing in his good kingdom. Both man and animals were<br />

equally protected so far life was concerned. That is the way of God's<br />

Kingdom.<br />

Ma sourebheyatra sucho byetu te vrisalad bhayam<br />

Ma rodir amba bhadram te khalanam maye sastavi.<br />

Ma—Do not, Sourebheya—oh the son of Surabhi, Atra—in my kingdom,<br />

Sucho—lament, Byetu—Let there be no, Te—your, Vrisalad—by the Sudra,<br />

Bhayam—causes of fear, Ma—do not, Rodir—cry, Amba—mother cow,<br />

Bhadram—all good, Te—unto you, Khalanam—of the envious, Maye—while<br />

I am living, Sastari—the ruler or subduer.<br />

Oh the son of Surabhi, you need not lament any more now; there is no<br />

cause of your being afraid of from this lower class Sudra. And oh mother<br />

cow so long I am living as the ruler and subduer of all envious, there is no<br />

cause for your crying; there is everything good for you.<br />

Protection of the bulls and the cow or for the matter of that all other animals<br />

can only be possible when there is a state ruled over by an executive head like<br />

Maharaj Parikshit. Maharaj Parikshit addresses the cow as mother just as a<br />

cultured twice-born Kshatriya King. Surabhi is the name of the cow which<br />

exists in the spiritual planets and specially reared by Lord Sri Krishna<br />

Himself. As men are made after the form and feature of the Supreme Lord, so<br />

also the cows are made after the form and feature of the Surabhi cow in the<br />

spiritual kingdom. In the material world the human society gives all protection<br />

to the life of the human being but there is no law for protecting the life of the<br />

descendants of Surabhi which can give all protection to the heman being by<br />

supplying the miracle food Milk. But a pious king like Maharaj Parikshit or<br />

the Pandavas were fully conscious of the importance of the cow and bull and<br />

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they were prepared to punish the cow-killer with all chastisement including<br />

death. There had been sometimes agitation for protection of the cow but for<br />

want of pious executive heads and suitable law in the state, the cow and the<br />

bull could not be given protection by the agitators. The human society may,<br />

therefore, recognise the importance of cow and the bull and thus may give all<br />

protections to these important animals in the human society following the foot<br />

prints of Maharaj Parikshit. By such protection to the cow and the<br />

Bhrahminical culture, the Lord who is very kind to the cow and the Brahmins<br />

(go Brahmana hitaya), will be pleased upon us and will bestow upon us real<br />

peace.<br />

Yasya rastre prajah sarvas trasyante saddhi asadhubhih<br />

Tasya mattasya nasyanti kirtir ayur bhago gatih.<br />

Esha ranjno paro dharmo hi artanamarti nigrahah<br />

Ata enam badhisyami bhutadruha asattamam.<br />

Yasya—one whose, Rastre—in the state, Prajah—born living beings,<br />

Sarvas—one and all, Trasyanti—are terrified, Saddhi—oh the chaste,<br />

Asadhubhih—by the miscreants, Tasya—his, Mattasya—of the illusioned,<br />

Nasyanti—vanishes, Kirtir—fame, Ayur—duration of life, Gatih—next good<br />

life, Esha—these are, Rajno—of the kings; Paro—superior, Dharmo—<br />

occupation, Hi—certainly, Artanam—of the sufferers, Arti—sufferings,<br />

Nigraha—subduement, Atah—therefore, Enam—this man, Badhisyami—I<br />

shall kill, Bhutadruha—revolter against other living beings, Asattamah—the<br />

most wrctehed.<br />

Oh the chaste, the king, in whose state all kinds of born living beings are<br />

made to be terrified by the miscreants, such illusioned king's good name,<br />

duration of life, next good life all do vanish away. It is the prime duty of<br />

the king certainly to subdue first the sufferings of the sufferers and as<br />

such I must kill this man who is the most wretched because he is revolter<br />

against other living beings.<br />

When there is some disturbance by the wild animals in a village or town the<br />

Government policeforce or others do take action to kill such wild animals.<br />

Similary it is the duty of the Government to kill at once bad social elements<br />

such as the thieves, dacoits, murderers ete. The same punishment is also due<br />

to the animal killers because the animals of the state are also the Praja. Praja<br />

means one who has taken birth in that state and they are both the men and the<br />

animals. Any born living being who does take birth in some particular state,<br />

has the primary right to live under the protection of the king. The jungle<br />

animals also are subject of the king and they have right to live also and what<br />

to speak of the domestic animals like the cow and the bulls.<br />

Any living being, if he terrifies other living being, is the most wretched<br />

subject of the king and it requires that the king shall at once kill such<br />

disturbing element. As the wild animal is killed when it creates disturbances<br />

and terrifies the village and towns people, similarly any man who<br />

unnecessarily kills or terrifies the jungle animals or other animals must be<br />

punished at once. By the law of the Supreme Lord all living beings in<br />

whatsoever shape it may be, are the sons of the Lord and no one has any right<br />

to kill another animal unless it is so ordered by the codes of natural law. The<br />

tiger can kill a lower animal for his subsistence but a man cannot kill an<br />

animal for his subsistence. That is the law of God Who has created the law<br />

that a living being subsists by eating another living being. As such the<br />

vegetarians are also living by eating other living being. Therefore, the law is<br />

that one should live only by eating specific living beings as they are ordained<br />

by the law of God. The 'Ishopanishad' directs that one can live on the direction<br />

of the Lord and not at one's sweet will independantly. A man can subsist on<br />

varieties of grains, fruits and milk ordained by God and there is no need of<br />

animal food save and except in particular cases.<br />

The illusioned king or the executive head, even sometimes advertised as<br />

great philosopher and learned scholar, allow to run on slaughter houses in the<br />

state without any information that torturing the poor animals under the nose of<br />

a state executive head means clearing the way to hell for such foolish king or<br />

executive head The executive head always must be alert in the matter of<br />

safety of the Prajas both man and animal and enquire whether a particular<br />

living being is not harassed at any place by another living being. The<br />

harassing living being must at once be caught hold of and punished to death as<br />

examplified by Maharaj Parikshit.<br />

The people's Government or Government by the people does not mean<br />

harassing the innocent animals by the sweet will of such foolish men of the<br />

Government. They must know the codes of God as they are mentioned in the<br />

revealed scriptures. Maharaj Parikshit quotes here in the codes of God that<br />

such irresponsible king or heads of the state executive must risk his good<br />

name, duration of life, power and strength and ultimately his progressive<br />

march towards a better life or salvation after death. Such foolish men even do<br />

not believe in the existence of next life.<br />

While commenting on this particular verse we have in our presence the<br />

statement of a great modern politician who has recently died and left his will<br />

which discloses about his poor fund of knowledge in the matter of the codes<br />

of God as mentioned by Maharaj Parikshit. The politician was so ignorant<br />

about the codes of God that he writes in his will as follows:—

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