Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3

Srimad Bhagavatam, Volume 3


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Anahamkritih—pridelessness, Yete—all these, Anye cha—also others many,<br />

Bhagawan—the Personality of Godhead, Nitya-everlastingly, Yatra—where,<br />

Mahagunah—great qualities, Prarthya—worth to possess, Mahatwam—<br />

greatness, Ichhatam—those who desire so, Na—never, Viyanti—deteriorates,<br />

Sma—ever, Karhichit—at any time, Tena—by Him, Aham—myself,<br />

Gunapatrena—the reservoir of all qualities, Sri—goddess of fortune,<br />

Nivasena—by the resting place, Sampratam—very recently, Sochami—I am<br />

thinking of, Rahitam—bereft of, Lokam—planets, Papmana—by the store of<br />

all sins, Kalina—by the Kali, Ikshitam—purviewed by.<br />

"And in whom, 1. truthfulnees, 2. cleanliness, 3. intolerance of other's<br />

unhappiness, 4. the power of controlling anger, 5. self-satisfaction. 6.<br />

straightforwardness, 7. Fixity of mind, 8. controlling the sense organs, 9.<br />

Responsibility, 10. equality, 11. tolerance, 12. equanimiiy, 13. faithfulness,<br />

14. knowle ge, 15. absenced of sense enj- oyment, 16. leadership, 17.<br />

chivalry, 18. influence, 19. power of making everthing possible, 20.<br />

discharging proper duty, 21. complete independence, 22. dexterity, 23.<br />

fullness of all beauty 24. of equipostion, 25. kind heartedness. 26.<br />

ingenuity. 27. gentility, 28. Magnanimity, 29. determination, 30.<br />

perfection of all knowledge, 31. proper execution, 32. possession of all<br />

object of enjoyment, 33. joyfulness, 34. immovablity, 35, fidelity, 36.<br />

fame, 37. being worshipable, 38. pridelessness, 39. being the Personality<br />

of Godhead, 40. eternity-and many other transcendenal qualities are<br />

eternally present never to be separated from Him, that Personality of<br />

Godhead the reservoir of all gcodness and beauty, Lord Sri Krishna has<br />

now closed his transcendenral pastimes from the face of the earth and in<br />

his absence the age of Kali has spread its influence everywhere and I am<br />

actually sorry to see this condition of existence.<br />

Even it is possible to count the a toms after smashing the earth into powder,<br />

still it is not possible to estimate unfathomed transc endental qualities of the<br />

Lord. It it said that Lord Anantadeva has tried to expostulate the<br />

taanscendental qualities of the Supreme Lord by his numberless tongues and<br />

that for numberless years together still it has been impossible to estimate tne<br />

factual qualities of the Lord. The above statemcnt of the qualities of the Lord<br />

is just to estimate his qualities as far as a human being is able to see in Him.<br />

But even it is so the above qualtites can also be divided into many<br />

subheading. According to Srila Jiva Goswmi item No. 3. can be subdi vided<br />

into 1. protection of the surrendered souls and 2. well wishes for the devotees<br />

particularly. In the Bhagwat Geeta we have it from the statement of the Lord<br />

that he wants every soul to sur render unto Him only and by doing so he<br />

assures every one to give protection from the reactious of all sins. Therefore<br />

unsurrendered souls are not devotee of the Lord ard as such there is no<br />

particular protection for every one in general. For the devotees He has<br />

particularly all good wishes and those who are actually engaged in loving<br />

transceendental shrvice of the Lord, He has particular attention for such<br />

devotee and always He gives direction to such pure devotees as it may help<br />

the devotee in the matter of discharging his respnosibility on the path of back<br />

to home, back to Godhead. By his quality (10) the Lord is equally kind to<br />

every one as much as the sun is equal in distributing its rays over every one<br />

equally but still there are many who are unable to take advantage of the equal<br />

sun rays. Similarly the Lord syas that surrendering unto Him is the guarantee<br />

for all protection from Him but unfortunate persons are unable to accept this<br />

proposition and therefore they suffer from all material miseries. So even<br />

though the Lord is equally well wishing to every one the unfortnnate living<br />

being due to bad association only is unbale to accept His instructions in toto<br />

and for this the Lord is never to be blamed for. He is called welwisher<br />

partiality for the devotees only. It appears to be the quality of partiality by the<br />

Lord for His devotees but factually the onus rests on the living being to accept<br />

or reject the equal treatment by the Lord.<br />

Item No. 7 fixity of mind can be expnaded so that the Lord never deviates<br />

from His word of honour. Whomever does He give assurance for protection,<br />

the promise is executed at all circumstances. It is the duty of the pure devotee<br />

to be fixed up in the discharge of duty entrusted to him by the Lord or the<br />

Lord's bonafide representative the spirstual master and the rest is carried on by<br />

the Lord without any break.<br />

Responsibility of the Lord is also unique. The Lord has no responsibility<br />

practically because all His work is done by His different appointed energies.<br />

But still He accepts voluntary responsibilities in the matter of displaying<br />

different roles in His trascendental. pastimes. When as a boy He was playing<br />

the part of a cowboy as son of Nanda Maharaj he discharged the responsibility<br />

perfectly. Similarly when He was playing the part of a Kshatriya youngman as<br />

the son of Maharaj Vasudeva He displayed all the skill of a marshal spirited<br />

Kshatriya. In almost all cases the Kshatriya king has to secure a wife by<br />

fighting or kidnapping the girl. This sort of behaviour for Kshatriya is<br />

eulogistic in the sense that a Kshitriya rnust show his power of chivalry before<br />

his would be wife so that the daughter of a Kshatriya is pleased to see the<br />

valour of her would be husband. Even Personality of Godhead Sri Rama also<br />

displayed such spirit of chivalry during his marriage. He broke the strongest<br />

bow called Haradhanu and achieved the hand of Sita Devi the mother of all<br />

opulence. It is practically the display of Kshatriya spirit during marriage<br />

Sixteenth Chapter - How Parikshit Received the Age of Kali<br />

41<br />

festival and there was nothing wrong in such fighting. Lord Sri Krishna<br />

discharged such responsibility fully because although He had more than<br />

16000 sixteen thousands of wives in each every case He fought like a<br />

chivalrous Kshatriya and thus secured a wife. To fight sixteen thousands of<br />

times for securing sixteen thousands of wives is certainly possible by the<br />

Supreme Personality of Godhead and not by any one else. Similarly he<br />

displayed full responsibility in the matter of every actions in His different<br />

transcendental pastimes.<br />

Item No. 14 Knowledge can be further extended into five subheadings<br />

namely l. intelligence, 2. greatfulness, 3 power of understanding the<br />

circumstantial environments of place, object and time. 4. Perfect knowledge<br />

of every thing and 5 Knowledge of the self. Only the fools are ungrateful to<br />

their benefactors. The Lord however does not require to be benefitted by any<br />

one else besides Himself because He is full in Himself and still He feels<br />

benefitted by unalloyed services of His devotees. The Lord feels grateful to<br />

His devotees for such unsophisticated, unconditional service of a devotee and<br />

tries to reciprocate it by rendering service to such devotees although the latter<br />

also have no such desire from the heart. Transcendental service of the Lord is<br />

itself a transcendental benefit for the devotee and therefore the devotee has<br />

nothing to expect from the Lord. On the assertion of Vedic aphorism Sarvam<br />

Khalu Brahman we can understand that the Lord, by His omnipresent rays of<br />

Personal effulgence called by the name Brahma jyoti,—is all pervading inside<br />

or outside of everything like the omnipresent material sky and as such He is<br />

also Omniscient of everything.<br />

So far as the beauty of the Lord is concerned He has some special features<br />

of His personal body distinguished from all other living beings and over and<br />

above that He has some special attractive beautiful features by which He<br />

attracts the mind of even Radharani the supermost beautiful creation of the<br />

Lord. He is known, therefore, as Madan Mohan or One who attracts the mind<br />

of the Cupid even. Srila Jiva Gosami Prabhu has scrutinisingly annalysed<br />

other transcendental qualities of the Lord and affirms that Lord Sri Krishna is<br />

the Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead (Param Brahman). He is<br />

omnipotent by His inconcievable energies and therefore He is the Yogeswara<br />

or the Supreme Master of all mystic powers. Being the Yogeswara His eternal<br />

Form is spiritual or combination of eternity bliss and knowledge. The nondevotee<br />

class can not understand the dynamic nature of His knowledge<br />

because they are satisfied reaching up to His eternity form of knowledge. All<br />

great souls aspire after being equal in knowledge with Him means greatness<br />

of His eternal knowledge or in other words it means that all other's knowlodge<br />

is ever insufficient flexible and measurable whereas the knowledge of the<br />

Lord is everfixed and unfathomable. Srila Suta Go swami affirms in the<br />

Bhagwatam that although He was observed by the citizens of Dwarka every<br />

day, they were everincreasingly anxious to see Him again and again. The<br />

living being can appreciate the qualities of the Lord as the ultimate goal but<br />

they cannot attain the status quo of such equality. This material world is a<br />

product of the Mahat Tattwa which is a state of the Lord's dreaming condition<br />

in His Yoganidra mystic slumber in the causal ocean and yet the whole thing<br />

appears to be as factual presentation of His creation. This means that the<br />

Lord's dreaming conditions are also factual manifestations. He can therefore,<br />

bring about everything at His transcendertal control and as such whenever and<br />

wherever does He appears Hedoes so in His fullness without deviation of any<br />

fractional percentage of His full potency.<br />

The Lord being all that is described above, it is He only who can maintain<br />

the affairs of the creation and by His so doing He gives salvation even to His<br />

enemies who are killed by Him. He is attractive even to the topmost liberated<br />

soul and as such He is worshipable even byBrahma and Shiva the greatest of<br />

all demigods. Even by His incarantion of Purushavatara He is the Lord of the<br />

creative energy. The creative material energy is working nnder His directions<br />

as it is confirmed in the Bhagwat Geeta (Bg. 9.10) He is the control switch of<br />

the material energy and to control the material energy in the innumerable<br />

universes He is the root cause of innumerble incarnations in all the universes.<br />

There are more than five lacs of incaranations of Manu only in one universe<br />

besides other incaranations and thus we can simpiy imagine the number of His<br />

different incarnations in different universes. In the spiritual world however<br />

beyond the Mahat Tattwas there is no question of incanations but there are<br />

plenary expansions of the Lord in the different Vaikunthas. The planets in the<br />

spiritual sky are at least three times more than they are within the innumerable<br />

universes in the Mahattatwa. And all these Narayana forms of the Lord are but<br />

expansions of His Vasudeva feature and as such He is both Vasudeva and<br />

Narayana and Krishna simultaneously. He Is "Sri Krishna govinda hare<br />

murare, He natha narayuna Vasudeva" all in one. His qualities therefore<br />

cannot be counted by any one however great may one be.<br />

Atmanam cha anousochami bhavantam cha amrottamam<br />

Devan pitrin rishin sadhun sarvan varnas tatha ashraman.<br />

Atmanam—my self, Cha—also, Anusochami—lamenting on, Bhavantam—<br />

your self, Cha—as well as, Amarattaman—the best amongst the demigods,<br />

Devan—about the demigods, Rishin—about the sages, Pitrin—about the<br />

denizens of Pitriloka planet, Sadhun—about the devotees, Sarvan—all of<br />

them, Varnan—sections, Tatha—as also, Ashraman—orders of human beings.

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