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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Abbuda 59 Abbhantarima<br />

hell, cp. nirabbuda). S 1.149 = A II. 3 (chattiijsati pafica<br />

ca abbudani); S 1.152 = A v.i73 = Sd p. 126 (cp. Sn.\<br />

476: abbudo nSnia koci pacceka-nirayo n^ atthi, Avicimhi<br />

yeva abbuda-gananaya paccanokaso pana abbudo nirayo<br />

ti vulto; see also KiiKiriJ Sayings p. 190); J III. 360<br />

(satar) ninnahuta-sahassanaq ekai) abbudai]). — 4. a terra<br />

used for "hell"<br />

daq "who are<br />

in the riddle S 1. 43 (kiijsu lokastnir) abhu-<br />

they who make a hell on earth" Mrs.<br />

Rh. D. <strong>The</strong> answer is "thieves"; so we can scarcely take<br />

it in meaning of 2 or 3. <strong>The</strong> C. has vinasa-karanaq.<br />

Abbu|hatl(?) & Abbuhatt see abbahati.<br />

Abbu|hana (nt.) [fr. abbahati = abbuhati (abbulhati)] the<br />

pulling out (of a sting), in phrase tanha-sallassa abbultaanarj<br />

as one of the 12 acchievements of a Mahesi Nd'<br />

343 =: Nd2 503<br />

(eds- of Ndi have abbuhana, v. 1. 83<br />

abbussana ; ed. of Nd^ abbulhana, v. 1. SS abbahana, BB<br />

abbuhana). Cp. abbahana.<br />

Abbu|ha (adj.) [Sk. abrdha, pp. of a -)- bfh', see abbahati]<br />

drawn out, pulled (of a sting or dart), fig. removed,<br />

destroyed. Most freq. in comb"- ^salla with the sting<br />

removed, having the sting (of craving thirst, tanha) pulled<br />

out D 11.283 (v. 1. SS asammulha) ; Sn 593, 779 (=: abbulhita-salla<br />

Ndi 59; ragadi-sallanar| abbulhatta a. SnA<br />

518); J 111.390 = Vv 83>o = Pv i.8' = DhA 1.30. — In<br />

other connection: M t 139 = A in. 84 ("esika = tanha<br />

pahina; see esika); Th i, 321; KhA 153 (°soka).<br />

Abbulhatta (nt.) [abslr. of abbolha] pulling out, removal,<br />

destroying SnA 518.<br />

Abbu|hlta (& abbuhitta at J 111.541) [pp. of abbaheti Cans,<br />

of abbahati] pulled out, removed, destroyed Ndi 59 (ab-<br />

bulhita-sallo 4- uddhata° etc. fo.r abbOlha) ; J III. 541 (un-<br />

certain reading ; v. 1. BB appahita, SS abyahita ; C. expl^<br />

pupphakar) thapitar; appaggharakar) katai) ; should we<br />

explain as a -f- vi + Uh and read abyuhitar).<br />

Abbetl [Trenckner, Notes 64 n. 19] at J in. 34 & vi.iy is<br />

probably a mistake in MSS for appeti.<br />

Abboki^^ I. [= abbhokinna, abhi + ava -j- kinna, cp.<br />

abhikinna] filled M 1.387 (paripunna -f); DhA iv.182<br />

(panca jatisatani a.). — 2. [seems to be misunderstood<br />

for abbocchinna, a -|- vi 4- ava -|- chinna] uninterrupted,<br />

constant, as "r^ adv. in comb"- with satatat] samitai) A<br />

IV.I3:=I45; Kvu 401 (v. 1. abbhokinna), cp. also Kvu<br />

trsl. 231 n. I (abbokinna undiluted?); Vbh 320. — 3.<br />

doubtful spelling at Vin 111.27 1 (Bdhgh on Paraj. III.I, 3).<br />

Abbocchinna see abbokinna 2 and abbhochinna.<br />

Abboharika (adj.) [a -|- vi + ava -f- harika of voharati] not<br />

of legal or conventional status, i. e. — (a) negligible, not<br />

to be decided Vin 111.91, 1 12 (see also Kvu trsl. 361<br />

n. 4). — (b) uncommon, extraordinary III. J 309 (v. 1. BB<br />

abbho°); v.271, 286 (Kern: ineffective).<br />

Abbha (nt.) [Vedic abhra nt. & later Sk. abhra m. "dark<br />

cloud"; Idg. •mbhro, cp. Gr. aiffo; scum, froth, Lat. imber<br />

rain; also Sk. ambha water, Gr. 'S/ijipoi; rain, Oir ambu<br />

water]. A (dense & dark) cloud, a cloudy mass A 11.53 =<br />

Vin 11.295 = Miln 273 in list of to things that obscure<br />

moon- & sunshine, viz. abbhai) mahika (mahiya A) dhumarajo<br />

(megho Miln), Rabu. This list is referred to at<br />

SnA 487 & VvA 134. S l.ioi (°saina pabbata a mountain<br />

like a thunder-cloud); J VI.581 (abbhar)<br />

Pv IV. 39 (nil° = nila-megha PvA 251).<br />

rajo acchadesi);<br />

As f. abbha at<br />

Dhs 617 & DhsA 317 (used in sense of adj. "dull":<br />

DhsA explS' by valabaka); perhaps also in abbbamatta.<br />

-kuta the point or summit of a storm-cloud Th I,<br />

1064; J VL249, 250; Vv i' (=: valahaka-sikhara VvA 12).<br />

-ghana a mass of clouds, a thick cloud It 64; Sn 348<br />

(cp. SnA 348). -patala a mass of clouds DhsA 239.<br />

-matta free from clouds Sn 687 (also as abbhamutla Dh<br />

382). -sac)Tilapa thundering S iv.289.<br />

Abbhakkhati [abhi + a + khya, cp. Sk. akhyati] to speak<br />

against to accuse, slander D 1161 = A 1.161 (an-abbhakkhatu-kama);<br />

1V.182 (id.); J iv.377. Cp. Intens. abbhacikkhati.<br />

Abbhakkhana (nt.) [fr. abbhakkhati] accusation, slander,<br />

calumny D 111.248, 250; M I.130; 111.207; A 111.290 sq.;<br />

Dh 139 (cp. DhA III. 70).<br />

Abbhacchadita [pp. of abhi -|- a -j- chadeti] covered (with)<br />

Th I, 1068.<br />

Abbhaiijati [abhi -f- anj] to anoint; to oil, to lubricate M<br />

1.343 (sappi-telena); S IV.177; Pug 56; DhA 111.311 :=<br />

VvA 68 (sata-paka-telena). Caus. abbbanjeti same J 1.438<br />

(telena "etva); v. 376 (sata-paka-telena °ayir|su); Caus. II.<br />

abbbanjapeti to cause to anoint J 111.372.<br />

Abbhaiijana (nt.) [fr. abbhaiijati] anointing, lubricating,<br />

oiling; unction, unguent Vin 1205; 111-79; ^^''" 3^7<br />

(akkhassa a.); Vism 264; VvA 295.<br />

Abbhatlka (adj.) [a + bhata + ika, bhf] brought (to),<br />

procured, got, J VI.291.<br />

Abbhatikkanta [pp. of abhi -f ati -f kram, cp. atikkanta]<br />

one who has thoroughly, left behind J v.376.<br />

Abbhatlta [pp. of abhi -|- ati + i, cp. atita & atikkanta]<br />

emphatic of atita in all meanings, viz. I passed, gone by<br />

S II. 1 83 (+ atikkanta); nt. "rj what is gone or over,<br />

the past III.<br />

J 169. — 2. passed away, dead M 1.465 ; S<br />

IV.398; Th I, 242, 1035. — 3. transgressed, overstepped,<br />

neglected J in. 541 (saijyama).<br />

Abbhattha (nt.) [abhi -j- attha^ in ace. abhi -f atlharj, abhi<br />

in function of "towards" = homeward, as under abhi<br />

I.I a; cp. Vedic abhi sadhastbai) to the seat R. V. ix.<br />

21. 3] = attha'^, only in phrase abbbattai] gacchati "to<br />

go towards home", i.e. setting; fig. to disappear, vanish,<br />

M 1.115, 119; 111.25; A IV.32; Miln 305; pp. abhhattangata<br />

"set", gone, disappeared Dhs 1038 (atlhangata -)-)<br />

Kvu 576.<br />

Abbhatthata (f.) [abstr. fr. abbhatta] "going towards setting",<br />

disappearance, death J v.469.<br />

Abbhanumodati [abhi -{- anu -j- modati] to be much pleased<br />

at to show great appreciation of Vin 1. 196; D 1.143, '9°)<br />

S IV. 224; Miln 29, 210; DhA iv.102 (v. 1. °anu°).<br />

Abbhanumodana (nt.) (& "a f.) [fr. abbhanumodati] being<br />

pleased, satisfaction, thanksgiving DA 1. 227; VvA 52<br />

("anu"); Sdhp 218.<br />

Abbhantara (adj.) [abhi -\- antara; abhi here in directive<br />

function = towards the inside, in there, with-in, cp. abhi<br />

I.I a] := antara, i. e. internal, inner, being within or<br />

between ; nt. °g the inner part, interior, interval (also<br />

as °— ) Vin I. Ill (satt" with interval of seven); A iv.16<br />

(opp. bahira); Dh 394 (id.); Th i, 757 ("ipassaya lying<br />

inside); J in.395 ("amba the inside of the Mango); Miln<br />

30 ("e vayo jivo), 262, 281 (bahir-abbhantara dhaua);<br />

DhA 11.74 (adj. c. gen. being among ; v. 1. abbhantare). —<br />

Cases used adverbially : instr. abbbantarena in the meantime,<br />

in between DhA 11.59. loc. abbhantare in the midst<br />

of, inside of, within (c. gen. or — ") J 1.262 (raiino), 280<br />

(tuyhar)); DhA II. 64 (v. 1. antare), 92 (sattavass") ; PvA<br />

48 (= anto).<br />

Abbhantarika (adj -n.) [fr. abbhantara, cp. Sk. abhyantara<br />

in same meaning] intimate friend, confidant, "chum" J<br />

1.86 (+ ativissasika), 337 ("insider", opp. bahiraka).<br />

Abbhantarima (adj.) [superl. formation fr. abbhantara in<br />

contrasting function] internal, inner (opp. babitima) Vin<br />

ni.149; J v.38.

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