The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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194<br />

Page 27, column 2, under adhikarana read under yatva° : yato + adhi/o/ yat + adhi.<br />

30, ,, 2. after anajjhittha insert : Anati [An, Vedio aniti & anati] to breathe KhA 1.124 (>n def. of<br />

bala) ; DA 1.244 {"^"d ananti/oy ananti). Cp. pana.<br />

32, ,, 2, 1. 10, read unlucky /or unluckly.<br />

33. .. 2, 1. 1 1 from bottom, rcaii supplementary /o»' supplementy.<br />

35. ,, 1,1. 5 ., ,, ,, move /or more.<br />

35, ,, I, under anugganhati read D 1.53 /or T 1.53.<br />

38, ,. 1,1. 30, read worldly /oy wordly and (>-j for 97.<br />

38, ,, 2,1.24, •• supreme /or suppreme.<br />

39, ,, I, under ioapaXa. add [\a.da.°) after A I. idi.<br />

41, ,, 2, ,, anurakkhana read Pug /oy Rug.<br />

42, ,, I, 1. I from bottom, delete "in."<br />

42, ,, 2, 1. 36, read facing the wind.<br />

42, ,, 2, read Anuvada /w- Anuvada.<br />

43, ,, 2, 1. 46, rea«i connected /or nonnected.<br />

44, ,, 1,1. 2, ,, quarrelling /or quarelling.<br />

44, ,, 1,1.39, i> residuum /or residium.<br />

44, ,, I, under anusaya, 1. 11 of article, read is for i\.<br />

45, ,, 2, read anupaghata/oy aniipghata.<br />

47, ., 2, 1. 1 1 from bottom, read Trenckner /or Trenckener.<br />

48, ,, I, ««(i(!>' Antara read -gacchati/or -gattchati.<br />

52, ,, I, ,, Apapibati yead J 11.126/or III.I26.<br />

52, ,, I, 1. 16 from bottom, read continuous /or continuou.<br />

54, „ 2, under api 1. 6 from bottom, read Yasag /or yasar)<br />

56, „ 2,1.8 from bottom, j'fiad impulsive /or in°.<br />

57. .. I. 1. 19 .. ,, ,, indestructible /or "able.<br />

59, ,, I, 1. 14, read achievements /or acch°.<br />

69, „ I, read abhilakkhita /or ahhilakkhita.<br />

70, ,, I, 1. 19 from bottom, i-rad heathenish /or °isch.<br />

71. ,, I, 1. 2 ,, ,, ,, possessing /or posess".<br />

72. ,, 1, 1. II, read Abhisambhu /or Absambhu.<br />

73i •. 2, Mnder Amassuka >-ead J II. 185 /or 175.<br />

76, ,, I, ,, arana' cross out No. i before (adj.).<br />

76, ,, 2, ,, arani read sadisa-vanna /or sadi-savanija.<br />

77, ,, 2, Aribhaseti correct to Pari° according to FausboU (J v. corr.)<br />

77, ,, 2,1. 9, read spirituous /or spiritous.<br />

77. .. 2, 1. II from bottom, reai M 1.7, 300 /or M 1.7. I.<br />

79, ,, 2, M«der alia 2 insert alldvalepana, see adda'.<br />

81, ,, 2, 1. 3 from bottom, read e.xperiences.<br />

82, ,, 2, M«der Avadata read metri/or matri.<br />

83, ,, I, ,, avanata read onata /or avanata.<br />

86, ,, I, ,, Avyapajjha' read It 31 (abyabajjh') /or abyabojjh'.<br />

88, ,, 2, ,, Asi read (uiider cpds.) : -mala<br />

Preferable to interpretation " sword dirt " ;<br />

(-kamma) sword-garland (-torture) J III. 178; D5VSIH.35.<br />

see mala (mala).<br />

89, ,, I, after Asita' put in new article Asita* (m. nt.) [fr. asi] a sickle J in. 129 ; v. 46.<br />

89, ,, I, 1. 35. ''''"'^ intuiting /or intuitising.<br />

91. ,, 1,1. 16. ,. intoxicated /or intoricated.<br />

91, ,, 2, under ahag read " <strong>The</strong> end. form in the sg."<br />

93. should have heading A at top of page.<br />

98, column I, M«d«r ani, last line, read Hve for fire.<br />

102, ,, I, ,, apaga read Davs 1.32 for 52.<br />

102, ,, 2, ,, apana read a+ pan.<br />

102, ,, 2, ,, apatti add cpd. "vutthanata forgiveness of an offence Vin 11.250.<br />

103, ,, 2, ,, abhata add: see under yatha-bhata.<br />

103.<br />

103,<br />

..<br />

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I.<br />

2,<br />

..<br />

,,<br />

apiyati read r /or ^.<br />

abhata detoe " for yathabhutag," awiitHser/ r«/. A 11.71 ; It 12, 14 witt /)Arase " yatha-<br />

103, ,, 2, ,,<br />

bhatari as he has been reared (cp. J v. 330 evag kiccha bhafo)."<br />

abhasa de/e/e ref. M 11.215.<br />

Gp. yathabhata.<br />

lio><br />

Ill,<br />

,,<br />

,,<br />

2,<br />

2,<br />

,,<br />

,,<br />

alupa add : the form aluva occurs at Ap 237.<br />

avatta read M 1.461 /or 460.<br />

115. .. I. after Asana insert Asana^ (.') eating Vism 116 (visam°, cp. visam-asita Miln 302). See,<br />

however, masana.<br />

1 17- .. I. MKder ahanati add. i" sg. fut. ahanhi Vin 1.8 ; D<br />

123, .. 2, ,,<br />

(=ahaiihar)). See Geiger, P.Gr. § 153, 2.<br />

isi read Bharadvaja /or Bhara° ; and jwseri ref. Vin. 1.245.<br />

125, ,, 2, invert ukkasika and next.<br />

130, ,, 2, under unha first word in [ ] read " Vedic " instead of" adj."<br />

133. .. 2, cross out art. udakanti (which is, of course, udakan ti).<br />

11.72, where probably to be read as ahaiih'<br />

139, ,. 2, ««der upakarin /raHs/er ref. Mi. 86 (=Nd2 i99«) (0 art, upakarika z» »wani«^ " fortification."<br />

149. .. I. ,, upahata: <strong>The</strong> formula at D 1.86 (khata-(-upahata) is doubtful as to its exact meaning.<br />

According to Bdhgh it means " one who has destroyed his foundation of salvation,"<br />

i. e. one who cannot be saved. Thus at DA 1.237 : " bhinna-patiftho jato," i. e.<br />

without a basis. Cp. remarks under khata. <strong>The</strong> trsl" at Dial. 1.95 gives it as<br />

" deeply affected and touched in heart " : doubtful. <strong>The</strong> phrase upahacca-<br />

parinibbayin may receive light from upahata.

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