The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Hetthima 192 Horapathaka<br />

bed) ; 11. 2 75, 419; iv. 365 . -vata the wind below, a wind<br />

blowing underneath J 1.481. -sisaka head downwards<br />

J in. 1 3.<br />

Hetthima (adj.) [compar.-superl. formation fr. hettha]<br />

lower, lowest Vin iv.168; Dhs 1016; Tikp 41; PvA<br />

281 ; Sdhp 238, 240, 256. °tala the lowest level J 1.202.<br />

Hethaka (adj.-n.) [fr. hetheti] one who harasses, a robber<br />

J IV. 495, 498. Cp. vi°.<br />

Hethana (f.) [fr. hetheti] harassing D 11.243 ; VbhA 75.<br />

Hetheti [Vedic he4 = hel or hi4 (see hileti)] to harass, worry,<br />

injure J iv.446, 471; Pv 111.52 ( = badheti PvA 198);<br />

ppr. a-hethayag Dh 49; S 1.2 1. med. a-hethayana<br />

S 1.7; IV. 1 79; ger. hefhayitvana J 111.480, — pp. hethayita<br />

J 1V.447.<br />

HetaiJ — bi etag.<br />

Heta [Vedic hetu, fr. hi to impel] i. cause, reason, condition<br />

S 1. 134 ; A 111.440 sq. ; Dhs 595. 1053 ; Vism 450 ;<br />

Tikp Ti, 233, 239. In the older use paccaya and hetu<br />

are almost identical as synonyms, e. g. n'atthi hetu<br />

n'atthi paccayo D 1.53 ; attha hetu attha paccaya<br />

D III. 284 sq. ; cp. S 111.69 sq. ; D 11. 107; M 1.407; A<br />

1.55 sq., 66, 200 ; IV. 151 sq. ; but later they were differentiated<br />

(see Mrs. Rh. D., Tikp introd. p. xi. sq.). <strong>The</strong><br />

dift. between the two is expH e. g. at Nett 78 sq. ; DhsA<br />

303. — <strong>The</strong>re are a number of other terms, with<br />

which hetu is often comb'', apparently without distinction<br />

in meaning, e. g. hetu paccaya karana Nd^ 617<br />

(s. V. sankha) ;<br />

mula<br />

h. nidana sambhava pabhava<br />

samutthana ahara arammana paccaya samudaya;<br />

frequent in the Niddesa (see Nd^ p. 231, s. v. mQla). —<br />

In the Abhidhimmi we find hetu as " moral condition "<br />

referring to the 6 mulas or bases of good Sc bad kamma,<br />

viz. lobha, dosa, moha and their opposites • Dhs<br />

1053 sq,<br />

Kvu 532 sq. — Four kinds of hetu are distinguished at<br />

DhsA 303 = VbhA 402, viz. hetu", paccaya", uttama°,<br />

sadharana°. Another 4 at Tikp 27, viz. kusala",<br />

akusala", vipaka°, kiriya°, and 9 a: Tikp 252, viz.<br />

kusala", akusala", avyakata°, in 3 x 3 constellations (cp,<br />

DhsA 303). — On term in detail see Cpd. 279 sq. ; Dhs.<br />

tsyl" §§ 1053, 1075. — abl. hetuso from or by way of<br />

(its) cause S v.304 ; A<br />

111.417. — ace. hetu (-°) (ellipti-<br />

cally as adv.) on account of, for the sake of (with gen.)<br />

e. g. dasa-kammakara-porisassa hetu M 11. 187; kissa<br />

hetu why ? A 111.303 ; iv.393 ; Sn 1 131 ; Pv 11. 8I ( = kir)<br />

niraittar) PvA 106) ; pubbe kata° by reason (or in consequence)<br />

of what was formerly done A 1.<br />

1 73 sq. ; dhana"<br />

for the sake of gain Sn 122. — 2. suitability for the<br />

attainment of Arahantship, one of the 8 conditions precedent<br />

to becoming a Buddha Bu 11.59 = J 1.14, 44. —<br />

3. logic Miln 3.<br />

-paccaya the moral-causal relation, the first of the 24<br />

Paccayas in the Patthana Tikp i sq , 23 sq., 60 sq., 287,<br />

320 ; Dukp 8, 41 sq. ; Vism 532 ; VbhA 174. -pabhava<br />

arising from a cause, conditioned Vin 1.40; DhA 1.92.<br />

-vada the theory of cause, as adj. " proclaimer of a<br />

cause," name of a sect M 1.409 ; opp. ahetu-vada " denier<br />

of acausBj" (also a sect) M 1.408 ; ahetu-vadin id. J v. 228,<br />

241 (=Jtm 149).<br />

Hetoka (adj.) (-°) [fr. hetu] connected with a cause,<br />

causing or caused, conditioned by, consisting in Mhvs<br />

I, 45 (mani-pallanka°) ; Dhs<br />

1009 (pahatabba") ; VbhA<br />

17 (du°, ti°). Usually as sa° and a° (with & without a<br />

moral condition) A 1.82 ; Vism 454 sq. ; Dukp 24 sq.<br />

sa° Dhs 1073 (trsl° " having root-conditions as concomitants<br />

") ; Kvu 533 (" accompanied by moral conditions<br />

"); a° S 111.210 (°vada, as a " ditthi "); Vism 450.<br />

Hetatta (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. hetu] reason, consequence;<br />

abl. in consequence of (-") Vism 424 (diUhivisuddhi").<br />

Hetuye see bhavati.<br />

Hema (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. heman] gold D 11. 187 ; J vi.574.<br />

-Jala golden <strong>net</strong>ting (ascoverof chariots etc.) A iv. 393 ;<br />

Vv 35"^, 36* (°ka). -vanna golden-coloured D 11. 134;<br />

Th 2, 333 ; ThA 235 ; DhsA 317.<br />

Hemanta [hema(=hima)-fanta] winter A iv.138 ; J 1.86 ;<br />

Miln 274.<br />

Hemantika (adj.) [fr. hemanta] destined for the winter,<br />

wintry, icy cold Vin 1.15, 31 (rattiyo), 288; M 1.79;<br />

S V.51 ; A IV. 127 ; Vism 73.<br />

Hemavataka (adj .) [fr. himavant] belonging to, living in the<br />

Himalaya J 1.506; iv.374, 437; "vatika id. Dpvs v. 54.<br />

HeraMika {& °aka) [fr. hirafifia, cp BSk. hairanyika Divy<br />

501 ; MVastu in. 443] goldsmith (? for which suvaijnakara<br />

!). banker, money-changer Vism 5i5 = VbhA<br />

91 ; J 1.369; III. 193; DA 1. 315; Miln 331 (goldsmith ?).<br />

-phalaka tue bench (i. e. table, counter) of a money<br />

changer or banker Vism 437 = VbhA 115; J u.429<br />

III. 193 sq.<br />

Hevar) see hi.<br />

Hesati [both he? (Vedic) & hre? (Epic Sk.); in <strong>Pali</strong> confused<br />

with hr? (hasati): see hasati^j to neigh J 1.51, 62<br />

(here hasati); v.304 (T. sigsati for higsati; C. expU<br />

hiijsati as " hessati," cp. abbihigsan.a for "hesana). —<br />

pp. hesita.<br />

Hesa (f.) [fr. hesati] neighing, neigh Davs v. 56.<br />

Hesita (nt.) [pp. of hesati] neighing J 1.62 (here as hasita);<br />

Mhvs 23, 72.<br />

Hessati is: i. Fut. of bhavati, e. g. J 111.279. — 2. Fut.<br />

of jahati, e. g. J iv.4i5 ; vi.44i.<br />

Hehitiis Fut. 3"' sg. of bhavati, e. g. Bu 11.10= J 1.4 (v. 20).<br />

Hoti, hotabba etc. see bhavati.<br />

Hotta (nt.) [Vedic hotra] (function of) offering; aggi° the<br />

sacrificial fire SnA 436 (v, 1. BB "hutta).<br />

Homa (m. & nt.) [fr. hu, juhati] oblation D 1.9 ; DA<br />

(lohita'').<br />

1.93<br />

Horapathaka [late Sk. hora " hour " (in astrol. literature,<br />

fr. Gr. iofja : cp. Winternitz, Gesch. d. Itid. Lit. 111.569<br />

sq.) -H pathaka, i. e. expert] an astrologer Mhvs 35, 71.

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