The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Hiri 191 Hettha<br />

Hiri & hiri (f.) [cp. Vedic hri] sense of shame, bashfulness,<br />

shyness S 1.33 ; D ni.212 ; A 1.51, 95 ; in. 4 sq.. 331, 352 ;<br />

IV. II, 29 ; Sn 77, 253, 719 ; Pug 71 ; Pv 1V.7' ; J 1.129,<br />

207; Nett 50, 82 ; Vism 8. Expl^ Pug 23 sq. ; is one<br />

of the caga-dhana's : see caga (cp. Jtm 31I). — Often<br />

contrasted to ct combined with ottappa {cp below) fear<br />

of sin : A 1.51 ; D 111.284 ; S 11.206 ; It 36 ; Xett ; 39 their<br />

difference is expH at Vism 464<br />

(" kaya-duccarit' adihi<br />

hiriyati ti hiri ; lajjay' etar) adhivacanai) ; tehi yeva<br />

ottappati ti ottappar) papato ubbegass' ; etag adhivacanag<br />

") ; J 1.129 sq. ; DhsA 124.<br />

-ottappa shame & fear of sin M 1.271 ; S 11.220 ; It 34 ;<br />

A 11.78 ; 1. J 127, 206 ; Tikp 61 ; Vism 221 ; DhA<br />

in. 73.<br />

Frequently spelt otappa, e. g. J 1.129; It 36. -kopina<br />

a loin cloth M i.io ; Vism 31, 195. -nisedha restrained<br />

by conscience S 1.7, i68 = Sn 462 ; Dh 143 ; DhA in. 86.<br />

-ba'.a the power of conscientiousness A 11. 150; Dhs 30,<br />

loi. -mana modest in heart, conscientious D 11.78;<br />

M 1.43; S II. 159.<br />

Hirika {& hirJka) (adj.) {fr. hiri] having shame, only as -°<br />

in neg. ahirika shameless, unscrupulous A 1.5 1, 85;<br />

II. 219; Pug 19; It 27 {'ika); J 1.258 (chinna° id.); nt.<br />

°g unscrupulousness Pug 19.<br />

Hirimant (& hirimant) (adj.) [fr. hiri] bashful, modest,<br />

shy D III. 252, 282 ; S 11.207 sq. ; iv.243 sq. ; A 11. 2 18,<br />

227; III. 2 sq., 7 sq., 112; IV. 2 sq., 38, 109; v. 124, 148;<br />

1197; Pug 23.<br />

Hiriya (m. & nt.) [fr. hiri] shame, conscientiousness VvA<br />

194.<br />

Hiriyati (hiriyati) [see harayati] to blush, to be shy ; to<br />

feel conscientious scruple, to be ashamed Pug 20, 24 ;<br />

Miln 171 ;<br />

Vism 464 (hiriyati); DhsA 149.<br />

Hirivera (nt.) [cp. Sk. hrivera] a kind of Andropogon (sort<br />

of perfume) J vi.537; ^^ '-^i-<br />

Hiladati [hlad] to refresh oneself, to be glad Dhtp 152<br />

( = sukha), 591 (id.).<br />

Hina [pp. of jahati] i. inferior, low poor, miserable ; ;<br />

vile,<br />

base, abject, contemptible, despicable Vin i.io; D 1.82,<br />

98; S II. 154 (hinag dhatug paticca uppajjati hina<br />

sarifia); ni.47 ; iv.88, 309 (citta h, duggata); D 111.106,<br />

III sq., 215 (dhatu); A 11. 154; m 349 sq. ; v.59 sq. ;<br />

Sn 799, 903 sq. ; Nd^ 48, 103, 107, 146 11. ; J 6 ; Pv iv.i*'<br />

(opp. panita) ; Vv 24'^ ( = lamaka VvA 116) ; Dhs 1025 ;<br />

DhsA 45; Miln 288; Vism 13; Dh.\ 111.163. — Often<br />

opposed to ukkatfha (exalted, decent, noble), e. g. Vin<br />

1.20, 22; 111.218; VbhA 410; or in graduated<br />

IV. 6 ; J<br />

sequence hina (>majjhinia)> panita (i. e. low. medium,<br />

excellent), e. g. Vism 11, 85 sq.. 424, 473. See majjhima.<br />

— 2. deprived of, wanting, lacking Sn 725 =<br />

It 106 (ceto-vimutti°) ; Pug 35. — hinaya avattati to<br />

turn to the lower, to give up orders, return to secular<br />

life Vin 1.17; S 11. 231 ; iv.igi; Ud 2i: A 111.393 sq. ;<br />

M 1.460 ; Sn p. 92 ; Pug 66 ; hinaya vattati id. J 1.276<br />

hinay'avatta one who returns to the world M 1.460, 462 ;<br />

S 11.50 ; IV. 103 ; Nd' 147.<br />

-&dhimutta having low inclinations J 111.87 ; Pug 26 ;<br />

°ifta id. S 11.157; I' 7°- -kaya inferior assembly VvA<br />

298 (here meaning Yamaloka) ; PvA 5. -jacca lowborn,<br />

low-caste J 11. 5 ; in. 452 ; v. 19, 257. -vada one<br />

whose doctrine is defective Sn S2 7 ; Nd' 1 67. -viriya<br />

lacking in energy It 116; DhA 1.75 ; 11.260.<br />

EQyati is Pass, of jahati.<br />

Hira [cp. late Sk. hira] i. a necklace (?) VvA 176. — 2. a<br />

small piece, splinter J iv.30 (sakalika") ; hirahirag<br />

karoti to cut to pieces, to chop up J 1.9 ; DhA 1.224<br />

(+ khai)4akhaijdag).<br />

HIraka [hira-l-ka, cp. lexic. Sk. hiraka "diamond"] a<br />

splinter; tala" " palm-splinter," a name for a class of<br />

worms Vism 258.<br />

Hirati is Pass, of harati.<br />

Hilana (nt.) & °a (f.) [fr. hi^ scorn(ing). disdain, contempt<br />

Miln 357; DA 1.276 (of part, "re": hilana-vasena<br />

amantanag) ; as °a at Vbh 353 (-|-ohilana) ; VbhA 486.<br />

EElita [pp. of hijetij despised, looked down upon, scorned<br />

Vin IV. 6 ; Miln 227, 251; Vism 424 ( + ohilita oniiata<br />

etc.); DA 1.256.<br />

cp. Av. scasa awful<br />

Goth, us-geisnan to be terrified. Connected also with<br />

higsati. — <strong>The</strong> Dhtp (637) defines by " ninda "] i. to<br />

be vexed, to grieve S 1.308 ; to vex, grieve Vv 84*'. —<br />

Hileti [Vedic hi^ or hel to be hostile ;<br />

2. to scorn, disdain, to feel contempt for, despise D<br />

11.275; Sn 713 (appag danag na hijeyya) ; J 11.258;<br />

DA 1.256 ( = vambheti): DhA iv.97; Miln 169 (H-garahati).<br />

— pp. hilita.<br />

Hug (indecl.) the sound " hug " an utterance of discontent<br />

or refusal DhA in. 108 = VvA 77; Vism 96. Cp. hag.<br />

hunkara growling, grumbling Vism 105. hunkaroti to<br />

grumble DhA 11 73. hunkarana=°kara DhA 11 73 sq.<br />

See also huhunka.<br />

Hokka the sound uttered by a jackal J in.i 13.<br />

Huta [pp. of juhati] sacrificed, worshipped, offered Vin<br />

342'<br />

1.36= J 1.83 ; D 1.55 ; J 1.83 (nt. " oblation ") ; Vv<br />

(su°. + sudinna, suyittha) ; Pug 2 i ; Dhs 1215; DA 1. 1 65 ;<br />

DhA 11.234.<br />

-asana [cp. Sk. huta^ana] the fire,<br />

eater<br />

lit. " oblation-<br />

" Davs 11.43 ; Vism 171 ( = aggi).<br />

HoUa (nt.1 [cp. Vedic hotra] sacrifice :<br />

see aggi".<br />

Honitabba is grd. of juhati •^ to be sacrificed," or " venerable<br />

" Vism 219 ( = 5huneyya).<br />

Hapeyya " it may be " bhavati.<br />

Vin 1,8 ; = huveyya M 1.171. See<br />

Horai] (adv.) [of uncertain origin] there, in the other<br />

world, in another existence. As prep, with ace. " on<br />

the other side of," i. e. before Sn 1084 ; Nd' 109 ; usually<br />

in connection idha va hurag va in this world or the other<br />

S 1. 12 ; Dh 20 ; Sn 224 = J 1.96 ; hurahurag from existence<br />

to existence Dh 334 ; Th 1, 399 ; Vism 107 ; DhA IV. 43.<br />

— <strong>The</strong> expl" by Morris 7. P. T.S.<br />

carded as improbable.<br />

1884, 105 may be dis-<br />

Hnhonka (adj.) [fr. hug] saying " hug, hug," i. e. grumbly,<br />

rough ; "jatika one who has a grumbly nature, said of<br />

the brahmins Vin 1.2 ; Ud 3 (" proud of his caste "<br />

Seidenstucker). nihuhunka ( = nis + h.) not grumbly<br />

(or proud), gentle Vin 1.3 ; Ud<br />

3. Thus also Kern,<br />

Toev. 1.137; differently Hardy in J.P.T.S. 1901, 42<br />

(" uttering & putting confidence into the word hug ")<br />

Bdhgh (Vin 1.362) says " : dittha-mangaliko manava.sena<br />

kodhavasena ca huhun ti karonto vicarati."<br />

Huti (f.) [fr. hu, hva " to call," cp. avhayati] calling,<br />

challenging S 1.208.<br />

He (indecl.) a vocative (exclam.) particle " eh," " here,"<br />

hey M 1.125, 126 ( + je); DhA 1.176 (double).<br />

Hetthato (adv.) [fr. hettha] below, from below Ps 1.84;<br />

Dhs 1282, 1284 , Mhvs 5, 64.<br />

Hettha (indecl.) [cp. Vedic adhastat = adhalj + abl. suS.<br />

°tat] down, below, underneath Vin 1.15; D 1.198; It<br />

114; J 1.71 ; VvA 78; PvA 113. As prep, with gen.<br />

(abl.) or cpd. "under" J 1.176; 11. 103; lower in the<br />

manuscript, i. e. before, above J 1.137, 206, 350; VvA<br />

203 ;<br />

lower, farther on J 1.235.<br />

-asana a lower seat J 1.176. -nasika-(sota) the lower<br />

nostril J<br />

1.164. -bhaga lower part J 1.209. 4S4. -maflce<br />

underneath the bed J 1.197 ("maiicato from under the

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