The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Sevaka 183 Sondi<br />

Sevaka serving, following; a servant, dependent J n.12,<br />

125, 420 ; SnA 453. See vipakkha°.<br />

Sevati [sev] i. to serve, associate with, resort to Vin n.203 ;<br />

A 1. 124 sq. ; Sn 57, 75; Pug 33; It 107; J 111.525<br />

SnA 169. — 2. to practice, embrace, make use of Vin<br />

l.io = S V.421 ; D 167, 293,<br />

111.157 ; S 1.12 ; M in. 45 ; Dh<br />

310 ; Sn 72, 391, 927 ; Nd* 383, 481 ; J 1.152, 361 ; aor.<br />

asevissag J iv.178. — pp. sevita: see a°, vi°.<br />

Sevaaata (-") (f.) [abstr, fr. sevati] = sevana VbhA 282 sq.<br />

Sevana (f-) [fr. sevati] following, associating with Sn 259;<br />

Dhs 1326; Pug 20; Dhtp 285 (as nt.); cohabiting Vin<br />

ni.29.<br />

Seva (f.) [fr. sev] service, resorting to S i.i 10 ; ThA<br />

179.<br />

Sevala [cp. Epic Sk. ^aivala & saivala] the plant Blyxa<br />

octandra moss, A 111.187, 232, 235; J<br />

ii.i5o = DhA<br />

1. 144; J III. 520 ; rv.71 ; V.452 ; Miln 35 ; DhA 111.199;<br />

Tikp 12 (in sim.). (m. and nt.) J v.37 ; -malaka (or<br />

-tailika.) who makes garlands of Blyxa octandra A<br />

V.263 ; S IV. 312. — Often comb'' with another water-<br />

plant, panaka (see under paijijaka), e. g. A 111.187;<br />

(id.); KhA 61 (cp. Schu-<br />

Vism 261 (simile); VbhA 244<br />

bring, Kalpasutra p. 46 sq.).<br />

Sevin (adj.) [fr. sev] serving, practising Sn 749 ; It 54.<br />

See vipakkha".<br />

Seveti to cause to fall, to throw down J 111.198 (doubtful<br />

C-expl* as pateti & gives saveti [=saveti, Caus. of sru<br />

to make glide] as gloss ; v. 1. also sadeti).<br />

Sesa [fr. si?] remaining, left D 11.48 ; Sn 217, 354 ; J 11.128 ;<br />

(nt.) remainder PvA 14, 70 ; °-ka the same Mhvs 10, 36 ;<br />

22, 42 ; 25. ig.<br />

Seseti: see sissati.<br />

Sessan, sessati see seti.<br />

Sehi is instr. pi. of sa* (his own) : Dh 136 ; DhA 111.64.<br />

Soka [fr. 4aO, to gleam (which to the Dhtp however is<br />

known only in meaning " soka " : Dhtp<br />

39) ; cp. Vedic<br />

§oka the flame of fire, later in sense of " burning grief "]<br />

grief, sorrow, mourning ; def'' as " socana socitattag<br />

anto-soko . . . cetaso parijjhayana domancissag " at<br />

Ps i.38 = Nd^ i28 = Nd' 694; shorter as " iiati-vyaisan'-<br />

adihi phufthassa citta-santapo " at Vism 503 = VbhA.<br />

Cp. the foil. : Vin 1.6; D 1.6; 11.305. 103; S i.iio, 123,<br />

584, 586; J 1.189;<br />

137; A 1. 51, 144; 11.21 ; V.141 ; Sn<br />

SnA 155; DhA 11.166; KhA 153 (abbulha°); Pv 1.4'<br />

( = citta-santapaPvA 18); PvA 6, 14, 38, 42, 61. — asoka<br />

without grief: see viraja. See also dukkha B iii.i b.<br />

-aggi the fire of sorrow PvA 41. pi. -divasa the days<br />

of mourning (at the lung's court after the death of the<br />

queen) SuA 89. -parideva sorrow and lamenting<br />

A in. 32, 326 sq. ; v.2 16 sq. ; Vism 503 ; Nd' 128. -pariddava<br />

id. Vv 84'". -pareta overcome with grief Pv i.8«.<br />

-vinaya dispelling of grief PvA 39. -vinodana id. PvA<br />

61. -salla the dart or sting of sorrow A in. 54, 58;<br />

Nd' 59, 414; Pv 1.8"; PvA 93, 162.<br />

Sokajjhayika (f) [soka + ajjhayaka; this soka perhaps<br />

•suka, as in visuka ?] a woman who plays the fool, a<br />

comedian Vin iv.285 ; J vi.580 (where C. expl» as " griefdispellers<br />

").<br />

Sokavant (adj.) [soka+vant] sorrowful Mhvs 19, 15.<br />

Sokika (adj.) [soka + ika] sorrowful; a-° free from sorrow<br />

ThA 229.<br />

Sokin (adj.) [fr. soka] (fem. °ni) sorrowful Dh 28.<br />

Sokhya (nt.) [abstr. der. fr. sukha] happiness Sn 61<br />

J V.205.<br />

Sokhamma (nt.) [abstr. fr. sukhuma] fineness, minuteness<br />

A II. 17 ; Th I, 437. At A 11.18 with double suffix °ta.<br />

Sogandhika (nt.) [Sk. saugandhika ;<br />

white water-lily (Nymphaea lotus) J<br />

v. 419; vi.518,<br />

537 (seta-sogandhiyehi). — As m. designation of a<br />

purgatory A v. 173; S 1.152 ; Sn p. 126.<br />

fr. sugandha] the<br />

Socati [Vedic iocati, sue, said of the gleaming of a fire]<br />

I. to mourn, grieve Sn 34; Dh 15; 1.<br />

J 168; Pv 8' 1.<br />

(-l-rodati); i.ioi*; 1.12*; Miln 11; pres 3"! pi. socare<br />

Sn ; 445 Dh 225 ppr. socamana ; J n.75 ppr. asocag<br />

;<br />

not grieving S 1.116; ma soci do not sorrow D 11. 144;<br />

J VI.190; plur. ma socayittha do not grieve D 11. 158;<br />

Caus. socayati to cause to grieve D 1.52; S 1.116;<br />

Th I, 743 (ger. "ayitva) ; Miln 226; soceti J 11.8. — pp.<br />

socita. — Caus. II. socapayati the same S 1.116.<br />

Socana (nt.) [fr. 4uc] sorrow, mourning PvA 18. 62 ;<br />

the same D 11.306; S i.io8 = Sn 34; Nd* 694.<br />

Socita (nt.) [fr. socati] grief Th 2, 462.<br />

-na (f.)<br />

Socitatta (nt.) sorrowfulness D 11.306; Ps i.38 = Nd* 694.<br />

Socin [fr. socati] grieving A iv.294 (soci ca=socicca).<br />

Sociya [=Sk. socya] deplorable Sdhp 262.<br />

Soceyya (nt.) [abstr. fr. Sue, *Saucya] purity S 1.78; A<br />

1.94; II. 188; v.263; Vism 8; 1.<br />

J 214; Miln 115, 207;<br />

is threefold A 1.2 71 ; It 55 ; D in. 2 19 ; further subdivided<br />

A v.264, 266 sq. In meaning of " cleaning, washing "<br />

given in the Dhtp as def. of roots for washing, bathing<br />

etc. (khal, naha, sina, sudh).<br />

Sojacca (nt.) [abstr. fr. sujata] nobility, high birth J 11. 137.<br />

' [see suvana] a dog J 1.146; vi.107 ( = sunakha) ;<br />

Sn 675; Vism 191 ; DhA in.255 (-(-sigala); soni (f.) a<br />

bitch Mhvs 7, 8 = sona It 36.<br />

So^a' [cp. Syonaka] a kind of tree ; the Bodhi trees of<br />

the Buddhas Paduma and Narada Bu ix.22 ; x.24<br />

J 1-36, 37-<br />

S09ita (nt.) [Sk. Sopita, fr. ioifa, red] blood Th 2. 467<br />

DA 1. 120 ; Vism 259.<br />

Soifi (f.) [cp. Sk. Sroni] i. the buttock Sn 609; J v. 155,<br />

216, 302. — 2. a bitch, see soija'.<br />

S094& ["^P-<br />

Sk. Saunda] addicted to drink, intoxicated, a<br />

drunkard D 11.172 ; J v. 436, 499; Miln 345; Vism 316.<br />

a-sonda A in. 38; iv.266; J v. 166; (fem. -i) itthisoo^"<br />

a woman addicted to drink Sn 112 (? better "one<br />

1 72 expl' to that<br />

who is addicted to women " ;<br />

effect, cp. J n.431<br />

SnA<br />

itthi-sura-maijsa-sonda) ; yuddha-<br />

soij(Ja J 1.204 ; dasi-soi>(Ja a libertine J v.436 ( + sura'')<br />

dhamma-soijdata affectionate attachment to the law<br />

J V.482.<br />

S094aka [sorwja-l-ka] in cpd. sura° a drunkard J v.433<br />

VI. 30.<br />

So94^ (f) [Sk. ^mi(Ja] an elephant's trunk Vin 11.20 1 =<br />

;<br />

S n.269 ; M 1. 415; A IV. 87 (ucca° fig. of a bhikkhu] J<br />

1.50, 187; iv.gi ; v.37; DhA 1.58; Miln 368; sonda (m.)<br />

the same S 1.104.<br />

Sov^ika<br />

liquors ; M<br />

[ff. soTK^a] I. a distiller and seller of spirituous<br />

1.228= 374. — 2. a drunkard Miln 93.<br />

Sov^ika (f) I. tendril of a creeper S 1.106; Miln 374.<br />

2. peppered meat S 11.98 (cp. Sanskrit Sauijiji long<br />

pepper). — 3. in udaka° KhA 65 ( = sondi*) a tank.<br />

SoQ^I' (f.) a natural tank in a rock J 1.462 ; DhA 11.56<br />

(so9(})) ; udaka-'' J iv.333 ; Vism 1 19 ; KhA 65 (sopiJikiL).

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