The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Sura i8i Setu<br />

Sura' [Vedic 4ura, fr. 4n] valiant, courageous S 1.2 1 ;<br />

J 1.262, 320 ; ii.iig (m.) ; a hero, a valiant m^n D 1.51,<br />

89 ; in. 59, 142, 145 sq. ; A IV. 107, 1 10 ; Sn 8ji ; DA 157,<br />

250 (nt.) ; valour S v. 227. read suriya.<br />

-katha a tale about heroes D 1.8 ; DA<br />

1.90 -kaka<br />

the valiant crow DhA 111.352. -bhava strength, valour<br />

1. J 130 ; Vism 417 (in def. of suriya).<br />

Sfira" [Vedic sura] the sun ThA 150 (Ap v.90) ; J v.56.<br />

Soiata [=surata] soft, mild J vi.286; Mhbv 75; kindly<br />

disposed S iv.305. Cp. surata & sorata.<br />

Sarin (adj.) [fr. siirai] wise Mhvs 26, 23.<br />

Sariya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sura'] valour S v. 227<br />

J 1.282 ; Miln 3.<br />

(text, siira)<br />

Sflla [cp. Vedic Sula] (m.andnt.) i. a sharp-pointed instrument,<br />

a stake Th 2, 488 ; S v.41 1 ; Pv iv.i' ; Vism 489<br />

(in compar.). 646 (khadira", ayo", suvanna") ; ThA 288 ;<br />

J 1. 143, 326; sule uttaseti to impale A 1.48; J 1.326;<br />

11.443; rv.29 ; appeti the same J 111.34; vi.17, or<br />

aropeti PvA 220. ayasiUa an iron stake J iv.29 ;<br />

Sn 667; cp. asi° & satti". — 2. a spit<br />

J 1.2 11 ; roasted<br />

on a spit, roasted meat J<br />

111.220 ; mar)sa° the same, or<br />

—- perhaps a spit with roasted meat J 111.52, 220. 3. an<br />

acute, sharp pain DhsA 397 ; sula (f.) the same A v.i 10'.<br />

Cp. def" of 8Ul as " ruja " at Dhtp 272.<br />

-aropana impaling, execution Miln 197, 290. -koti<br />

the point of the stake DhA 11.240.<br />

SaJ&ra (adj.) [su + ulara] magnificent Mhvs 28, i.<br />

Sasayati [Denom. fr. su] to make a hissing sound " su sii "<br />

(of a snake) DhA 11.257 (v.- '• susumayati).<br />

8e (pron.) = tag: see under sa*.<br />

Seka [fr. sic, see sincati] sprinkling J 1.93 (suvanija-rasa-s.pinjara).<br />

Sekata (nt.) [Sk. saikata] a sandbank Davs 1.32.<br />

vi.536 (nilapupphi-°, C. nilapupphiti<br />

adika pupphavalliyo).<br />

Sekadhari (f.) (?) J<br />

Sekha (& sekkha) [cp. Sk. ^aiksa ;<br />

fr. siks, sikkhati] belong-<br />

ing to training, in want of training, imperfect Vin 1.17,<br />

who has still to learn, denotes<br />

248 ; 111.24 ; Dhs 1016 ; one<br />

one who has not yet attained Arahantship D 11.<br />

1 43 ;<br />

M 1.4, 144 ; A 1.63 ; Pug 14 ; It 9 sq., 53, 71 ; Sn 970,<br />

1038 = 5 11.47; definition A 1.231 ; S<br />

v. 14, 145, 175,<br />

229 sq., 298, 327; Nd' 493 (sikkhati ti sekkho, etc.)<br />

= Nd« 689; VbhA 328. s. patipada the path of the<br />

student M 1.354; 111.76, 300; s. sila the moral practice<br />

of the student A 1.2 19 sq. ; 11.6, 86 sq. ; asekha not<br />

to be trained, adept, perfect Vin 1.62 sq. ; in. 24<br />

Pug 14 ( = arahant). See asekha.<br />

-bala the strength of the disciple, of five kinds A 11. i 50.<br />

-saininata esteeme(^ to be under discipline, educated<br />

Vin IV. 179.<br />

Sekhavant (?) quick J vi.199 (v. 1. sighavant).<br />

Sekhiya [fr. sekha] connected with training ; s. dhamma<br />

rule of good breeding Vin rv.185 sq.<br />

Segalaka (nt.) [fr. sigala] a jackal's cry A 1.187 sq. (°i)<br />

nadati); cp. sigalika.<br />

Secanaka [fr. seceti] sprinkling J v:.69 ; neg. asecanaka<br />

(q.v.).<br />

Seceti see siiicati.<br />

Seccha=sa-iccha, Sdhp 249.<br />

Setthabest, excellent D 1.18, 98; S 111.13; Sn 47, 181, 822,<br />

907: Dh I, 26; J 1.443; Nd' 84 = Nd* 502 (with syn.)<br />

J 1.88; cp. setthatara J v. 148.<br />

-kamma excellent, pious deeds Mhvs 59, 9. -sammata<br />

considered the best J iii. in.<br />

Setthi [fr. seuha, Sk. Sresthin] foreman of a guild, treasurer,<br />

banker, "City man", wealthy merchant Vin 1.15 sq.,<br />

271 sq. ; II. no sq., 157; S 1.89; J 1. 122; 11.367 etc.;<br />

Rajagaha° the merchant of Rajagaha Vin 11.154;<br />

J IV.37 ; Baranasi° the merchant of Benares J 1.242,<br />

269 jana-pada-setthi a commercial man of the country<br />

;<br />

J IV. ; 37 setthi gahapati Vin 1.273 ; S i 92 there were<br />

;<br />

families of setthis Vin 1.18; J iv.62 ; "-tthana the<br />

position of a setfhi J 11.122, 231; hereditary J 1.231,<br />

243 ; 11.64 ' "'^TS ; rv.62 etc. ; set^h4nusetthi treasurers<br />

and under-treasurers Vin 1. 18; seeVinaya <strong>Text</strong>s 1.102.<br />

Setthitta (nt.) [abstr. fr. setthi] the office of treasurer or<br />

(wholesale) merchant S 1.92<br />

Se^i (f.) [Class. Sk. 5reni in meaning "guild"; Vedic =<br />

row] 1. a guild Vin iv.226 ; J 1.267, 3'4; iv.43 ; Davs<br />

II. 124; their number was eighteen J vi.22, 427; VbhA<br />

466. °-pamukha the head of a guild J 11.12 (text seni-).<br />

— 2. a division of an army J vi.583 ; ratha-° J vi.8i, 49 ;<br />

seijimokkha the chief of an army J vi.37i (cp. sena and<br />

seniya).<br />

Seta (adj.) [Vedic Sveta & Ivitra; cp. Av. spaeta white;<br />

Lith. szaityti to make light ; 6hg. hwiz = E. white] white<br />

63 (opp.<br />

D ii.297 = M 1.58; Sn 689; A 111. 241 ; VbhA<br />

kaja); J 1.175; PvA 157, 215. name of a mountain in<br />

the Himalayas S i.67 = Miln 242; an elephant of King<br />

Pasenadi A 111.345.<br />

-anga white bodied Mhvs 10,54. -a^hika lit . (having)<br />

white bones, (suffering from) famine [cp. BSk. ^vetasthi<br />

Divy 131] Vin 111. 6 ; rv.23 ; S iv.323 ; A 1.160 ; iv.279. —<br />

f. mildew Vin 11.256 ; J v. 401. -odaka clear (transparent)<br />

water Pv 11. i*". -kambala white blanket J iv,353.<br />

-kamma whitewashing J vi.432 . -kuftha white leprosy<br />

J V.69 ; VI. 196. -geru N. of a plant J vi.535. -cchatta<br />

a white parasol, an emblem of royalty D 11.19 ; A 1.145 ;<br />

J 1. 177, 267; PvA 74; DhA 1. 167; III. 120. -pacchada<br />

with white covering S rv.292 = Ud 76 = DhsA 397.<br />

•puppha " white-flowered," N. of a tree (Vitex trifolia ?)<br />

J v. 422 ( = piyaka). -vari (& "varisa) names of plants<br />

or trees J vi.535, 536.<br />

Setaka (adj.) [seta + ka] white, transparent D 11.129;<br />

M 1.76, 167, 283.<br />

Setaccba a tree J vi.535 ; setacchakuta<br />

(sakuna).<br />

Setapawi (f [?]) a tree J vi.335.<br />

adj. J vi.539<br />

Seti & sayati [si, Vedic iete & Sayate ; cp. Av. saete=Gr.<br />

ctirni to lie, li-rjaKOf (" ocean ")= Sk. a-^ay5nah, coi/iau<br />

to put to sleep ; Ags. haeman to marry ; also Lat.<br />

civis=citizen. — <strong>The</strong> Dhtp simply defines as saya (374)]<br />

to lie down, to sleep (applied) to be in a condition, to<br />

;<br />

dwell, behave etc. — Pres. seti S 1.41, 47, 198 (kig sesi<br />

why do you lie asleep ? Cp. Pv 11,6') ; J 1.141 ; Dh 79,<br />

168; Sn 200; VvA 42; sayati Vin 1.57; J n.53 E*A.<br />

i<br />

1.261. Pot. sayeyya Pv 11. 3,* & saye It 120. ppr,<br />

sayai) It 82, 117; Sn 193 ; sayana (med.) D 1.90 ; 11.292 ;<br />

M 1.57; It 117; Sn 1<br />

1 45; & seraana D 11.24; M 188;<br />

S 1.121 1. ; J 180; also sayamana Th i, 95. — Fut.<br />

sessati S 1.83 ; Sn 970 ; DhA 1.320. — Aor. sesi J v. 70 ;<br />

settha Sn 970; sa^i J vi.197, asayittha J 1335- — 1°^sayitug<br />

PvA 157; ger. sayitva J n.77. — pp. sayita<br />

(q. v.). — Cans. II. sayapeti to make lie down, to bed<br />

104.<br />

on a couch etc. J 1.245 ; v. 461 ; Mhvs 31, 35 ; PvA<br />

— pp. sayapita. — sukhag seti to be at ease or happy<br />

S 1. 2 12; J v. 242 (ratthar) i. e. is prosperous); opp.<br />

dukkhai) s. to be miserable A 1.137.<br />

Seta [Vedic setu, to si or gi (see sinoti) ; cp. Av. haetu<br />

dam ; Lat. saeta ; Ags sada rope ; etc.] a causeway,<br />

bridge Vin 1.230 = 11.89; J 1.199; Vism 412 (simile)j

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