The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Suta 177 Suddha<br />

famous for inspired knowledge A 11. 6 sq. ; in. 113 sq.,<br />

182 sq., 261 sq. ; S 11.159. See bahu. asuta not heard<br />

Vin 1.238; Pv iv.i«';<br />

J 111.233 ; also as assuta J 1.390<br />

("pubba never heard before) ; 111.233.— na suta pubbao<br />

a thing never heard of before 11 1.2 J 85. dussuta M<br />

1.228 ; sussuta M 111.104. — 2. renowned J 11.442.<br />

-adhara holding (i. e. keeping in mind, preserving) the<br />

sacred learning J :ii.i93; vi.287. -kavi a Vedic poet,<br />

a poet of sacred songs A 11.230. -dhana the treasure<br />

of revelation D in. 163, 251 ; A 111.53 ; 1V.4 sq. ; VvA 113.<br />

-dhara remembering what has been heard (or taught in<br />

the Scriptures) A 11.23 ( + °sannicaya) ; ni.152, 261 sq.<br />

-maya consisting in learning (or resting on sacred<br />

tradition), one of the 3 kinds of knowledge (paiiila),<br />

viz. cinta-maya, s.-m., bhavana-maya paiifia D in. 2 19 ;<br />

; as "raayi at Ps 1.4, 22 sq.<br />

Vbh 324 (expl"' at Vism 439)<br />

Nett 8, 50, 60. -ssava far-renowned (Ep. of the Buddha)<br />

Sn 353.<br />

Snta' [Sk. suta, pp. of su (or sn) to generate] son Mhvs i,<br />

47; fem. suta daughter, Th 2, 384.<br />

Sotatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. suta'] the fact of having heard or<br />

learnt SnA 166.<br />

Sutappaya (adj.) [su + grd. of tappati'] easily contented<br />

A 1.87 ; Pug 26 (opp. dut°).<br />

Satavant (adj.) [suta' + vant] one who is learned in religious<br />

knowledge Vin 1.14; A 11. 178; in.55 ; iv.68, 157; S<br />

III. 57 ; Tikp 279 ; Sn 70 ( = agama-sampanna SnA 124).<br />

90, 371 ; sutavanta-nimmita founded by learned, pious<br />

men Miln i ; assutavant, unlearned M i.i (°va puthujjano<br />

laymen); Dhs 1003; A in.54 ; iv.157.<br />

Suti (f) [cp. sruti revelation as opp. to smrti tradition]<br />

1. hearing, tradition, inspiration, knowledge of the<br />

i, 3. —<br />

Vedas Sn 839, 1078 ; Miln 3 (-|-sammuti) ; Mhvs<br />

2. rumour ; sutivasena<br />

by hearsay, as a story, through<br />

tradition J 111.285. 476; vi.ioo. — 3. a sound, tone<br />

VvA 139 (dvavlsati suti-bheda 22 kinds of sound).<br />

Satitikkha (adj.) [fr. su + titikkha] easy to endur* J 524.<br />

1.70;<br />

Satta' [pp. of supati] asleep Vin 111.117; v.205 ; D<br />

11.130; Dh 47; It 41 ; J<br />

v. 328. — (nt.) sleep D n.95 ;<br />

M 1.448; S IV. 169. In phrase °-pabuddha " awakened<br />

from sleep " referring to the awakening (entrance) in<br />

the deva-world, e. g. Vism 314 (brahmalokag uppajjati)<br />

DhA 1.28 (kanaka-vimane nibbatti) ; in. 7 (id.); cp.<br />

S 1.143.<br />

Sntta' (nt.) [Vedic sutra, fr. siv to sew] i. a thread, string<br />

D 1.76; II. 13; Vin II. 150; Pv II. 11' ( = kappasiya sutta<br />

PvA 146) ; J 1.52. — fig. for tanha at Dhs 1059 ; DhsA<br />

364. — kala" a carpenter's measuring line J 11.405 ;<br />

Miln 413; digha" with long thread J v.389 ; makkata°<br />

spider's thread Vism 136; yanta° string of a machine<br />

VbhA 241. — Mentioned with kappasa as barter for<br />

civara at Vin in. 216. — 2. the (discursive, narrational)<br />

part of the Buddhist Scriptures containing the suttas<br />

or dialogues, later called Sutta-pitaka (cp. Suttanta).<br />

As such complementary to the Vinaya. <strong>The</strong> fanciful<br />

expl" of the word at DhsA 19 is ; " atthanai) sQcanto<br />

suvuttato savanato 'tha sudanato suttana-sutta-sabhagato<br />

ca suttai) Suttan ti akkhatar)." — D n.,124; Vin<br />

11.97; VbhA 130 ( + vinaya); SnA 159, 310 (compared<br />

with Vinaya & Abhidhamma). — 3. one of the divisions<br />

of the Scriptures (see navanga) A 11.103, 178; in. 177,<br />

361 sq. ; Miln 263.-^4. a rule, a clause (of the Patimokkha)<br />

Vin 1.65, 68 ; 11.68, 95 ; 111.327- — 5- a chapter,<br />

division, dialogue (of a Buddh. text), text, discourse<br />

(see also suttanU) S in 221 (pi. sutta), 253 ; v.46 ; Nett<br />

118; DhsA 28. suttaso chapter by chapter A v. 72, 81 ;<br />

suttato according to the suttas Vism 562= VbhA 173.<br />

— 6. an ancient verse, quotation J 1.288, 307, 314.<br />

7. book of rules, lore, text book J 1.194 (go° ^°^^ °^<br />

cows); 11.46 (hatthi' elephant trainer's handbook).<br />

-anta i. a chapter of the Scriptures, a text, a discourse,<br />

III. 159;<br />

a sutta, dialogue Vin 1.140 sq.,<br />

1V.344 ; A 1.60, 69, 72; n.147;<br />

169; n.75;<br />

S 11.267 = A<br />

III. 107 (suttanta kavi-kata kaveyya citt'akkhara cittavyanjana<br />

bahiraka savaka-bhasita) ; Vism 246 sq. (three<br />

suttantas helpful for kayagata sati). — 2. the Suttantapitaka,<br />

opp. to the Vinaya Vism 272 ("atthakatha opp.<br />

to Vinay'atthakatha). As °pitaka e. g. at KhA 12 ;<br />

VbhA 431. See Proper Names, -kantika (scil. itthi)<br />

a woman spinner PvA 75 ; as °kanti at J 11.79. -kara<br />

a cotton-spinner Miln 33 1 . -gula a ball of string V) 1.54 ;<br />

M 111.95 ; Pv IV. 3*' ; PvA 145. -jala a web of thread, a<br />

spider's web Nd^ 260. -bhikkha begging for thread<br />

PvA 145. -maya made of threads, i. e. a <strong>net</strong> SnA 115,<br />

263. -rajjuka a string of threads Vism 253 ; VbhA 236.<br />

-lukha roughly sewn together Vin 1.287, 297. -vada a<br />

division of the Sabbatthavadins Dpvs 5, 48 ; Mhvs 5, 6 ;<br />

Mhbv 97. -vibhanga classification of rules Vin 11.97.<br />

Also title of a portion of the Vinaya Pitaka.<br />

145; a<br />

Snttaka (nt.) [fr. sutta] a string Vin 11.271 ; PvA<br />

string of jewels or beads Vin 11. 106 ; in. 48 ; DhsA 321 ;<br />

a term for lust DhsA 364.<br />

Suttantika versed in the Suttantas. A suttantika bhikkhu<br />

is one who knows the Suttas (contrasted with vinayadhara,<br />

who knows the rules of the Vinaya) Vin 11.75.<br />

Cp. dhamma C i & pitaka. — Vin 1.169; n.75, 161;<br />

111.159; 1. J 218; Miln 341; Vism 41, 72, 93; KhA 151.<br />

-duka the Suttanta pairs, the pairs of terms occurring<br />

in the Suttantas Dhs 1296 sq, ; -vatthiini the physical<br />

bases of spiritual exercise in the Suttantas Ps i.i86.<br />

Sntti' (f.) [cp. Sk. sukti, given as pearl-shell (Susruta), and<br />

as a perfume] in kuruvindakasutti a powder for rubbing<br />

the body Vin 11. 107 ; see sotti.<br />

Sutti' (f.) [Sk. sukti] a good saying Sdhp 340, 617.<br />

Suthita (?) beaten out, Miln 415 (with vv. II. suthiketa.<br />

suphita & supita). Should we read su-pothita ? Kern,<br />

Toev. 11.85 proposes su-pita " well saturated " (with<br />

which cp. supayita J iv.118, said of a sword).<br />

see su']<br />

a deictic (seemingly pleonastic) particle in comb" with<br />

demonstr. pronouns and adverbs untranslatable, unless<br />

;<br />

by " even, just," e. g. tapassi sudag homi, lukha ssudai)<br />

[sic] homi etc. M i.77 = J 1.390; cp. itthar) sudai) thus<br />

1.87;<br />

Sndao (indecl.) [ = Vedic svid, influenced by sma :<br />

Sn p. 59 ; tatrasudarj there Vin 1.4, 34 ; iv.108 ; D<br />

11.91 ; It 15; api ssudai) D 11.264; S I.I 19; api sudag<br />

S 1. 1 13 ; sa ssudam S n.255.<br />

Sndda [cp. Vedic ^udra] (see detail under vanna 6) a Sudra<br />

Vin 11.239; D 1. 104; in. 81, 95 sq. (origin); M 1.384;<br />

A 1. 162; II. 194; S I.I02 ; Pug 60; Sn 314; fem. suddi<br />

Vin ni.133.<br />

D 1. 241 ; A III. 226, 229 ;<br />

Suddha [pp. of sujjhati] I. clean, pure, Vin 1.16; II. 152 ;<br />

D I. no; Sn 476. — 2. purified, pure of heart M 1.39;<br />

Dh 125, 412 ; Sn9o — 3. simple, mere, unmixed, nothing<br />

but S 1. 135; DhsA 72 ; J n.252 (°dandaka just the stick),<br />

-antaparivasa a probation of complete purification<br />

Vin 11.59 sq. -ajiva clean livelihood VbhA 116; DhA<br />

iv.iii. -ajivin living a pure life Dp 366.<br />

considering what is pure Sn 788 ; Nd' 85.<br />

-inupassin<br />

-avasa pure<br />

abode, name of a heaven and of the dcvas inhabiting<br />

it D 11.50; Vism 392. Five are enum"" at D in. 237,<br />

viz. Aviha, Atappa, Sudassa, Sudassi, Akanittha ; cp.<br />

M in. 103. -avasakayika belonging to the pure abode,<br />

epithet of the Suddhftvasa dcvas Vin 11.302 ; D 11.253 :<br />

S 1.26. -piti whose joy is pure Mhvs 29, 49. -buddhi<br />

of pure intellect J<br />

i.i. -vagsata purity of lineage<br />

Mhvs 59, 25. -yasana wearing pure clothes Th 2, 338;<br />

ThA 239. -valuka white sand Mhvs 19, 37. -sankharapuiija<br />

a mere heap of sankharas S 1.135.

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