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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Sisaka 173 Su<br />

the heading (or category) of," e. g. citta° Vism 3 ; paribhoga°<br />

J 11.24; sanna° DhsA 200; kammatthana" DhA<br />

111.159.<br />

-dnulokin looking<br />

something M 1.147.<br />

ahead, looking attentively after<br />

-abadha disease of the head Vin<br />

1.270 sq. ; J VI. 331. -4bhitapa heat in the head, headache<br />

Vin 1.204. -kataha a skull D ii297 = M 1.58;<br />

Vism 260= KhA 60; KhA 49. -kalanda Miln 272.<br />

[Signification unknown ; cp. kalanda a squirrel and<br />

kalandaka J vi.227; a blanket [cushion ?] or kerchief.]<br />

-cchavi the skin of the head Vin 1.277. -cola a headcloth,<br />

turban Mhvs 35, 53. -cchejja resulting in decapitation<br />

A 11.241. -ccheda decapitation, death J 1.167;<br />

Miln 358. -ppacalakag swaying the head about Vin<br />

IV. 188. -paramparaya with heads close together DhA<br />

1.49. -virecana purging to relieve the head D 1.12 ;<br />

DA 1.98. -vetha head wrap S iv.56. -vethana headcloth,<br />

turban M 11. 193; sisavetha id. M 1.244 = 3 iv.56.<br />

-vedana headache M 1.243; 11. 193.<br />

Sisaka (nt.) [=sisa]heakd, as adj. -° heading, with the head<br />

towards ; uttarasisaka head northwards D 11.<br />

1 37<br />

pacina" (of Maya's couch : eastward)<br />

J 1.50. hetthaslsaka<br />

head downwards J 111.13; dhammasisaka worshipping<br />

righteousness beyond everything Miln 47, 117.<br />

Siha [Vedic sigha] i. a lion D 11.255 ; S 1.16 ; A 11 33. 245 ;<br />

111.121 ; Sn 72 ; J 1.165 ; Miln 400 ; Nd' 679 = ( niigaraja)<br />

VbhA 256, 398 (with pop. etym. " sahanato ca hananato<br />

ca siho ti vuccati"); J v. 425 (women like the lion);<br />

KhA 140 ; often used as an epithet of the Buddha A<br />

11.24 ; III. 122 ; S 1.28 ; It 123 ; fem. sihi lioness J 11.27 ;<br />

III. 149, and sihini Miln 67.<br />

-asana a throne Mhvs 5. 62 ; 25, 98. -kundala " lion's<br />

ear-ring," a very precious ear-ring J v.348 ; SnA 138;<br />

also as "mukha-kundala at J v. 438. -canuna lion's hide<br />

A IV. 393. -tela " lion-oil," a precious oil KhA 198.<br />

-nada a lion's roar, the Buddha's preaching, a song of<br />

ecstasy, a shout of exultation " halleluiah " A 11.33 ;<br />

M 1.71 ; D 1.161, 175 ; S 11.27, 55 ; J 119 Miln ; 22 ; DhA<br />

11.43, 178 ; VbhA 398 ; ( = settha-nada abhita-nada) ; SnA<br />

163, 203. -nadika one who utters a lion's roar, a song<br />

of ecstasy A 1.23 -panjara a window J 1.304; 11. 31 ;<br />

DhA 1.191. -papataka " lion's cliif," N. of one of the<br />

great lakes in the Himava SnA 407 and passim, -pitthe<br />

on top of the lion J 11.244. -potaka a young lion J<br />

III. 149. -mukha "lion's mouth," an ornament at the<br />

side of the nave of the king's chariot KhA 172. See<br />

also "kundala. -ratha a chariot drawn by lions Miln<br />

121. -vikkilita the lion's play, the attitude of the<br />

Buddhas and Arahants Nett 2, 4, 7, I2j. -sejrya lying<br />

like a lion, on the right side D 11. 134; A 1.114; 11.40,<br />

244; J I.I 19, 330; VbhA 345; DhA 1.357. -ssara<br />

having a voice like a lion J v. 284, 296 etc. (said of a<br />

prince), -hanu having a jaw like a lion, of a Buddha<br />

D III. 1 44, 175; Bu xiii.i = J 1.38.<br />

Siba|a Ceylon ; (adj.) Singhalese Mhvs 7, 44 sq. ; 37, 62 ;<br />

47, 50, 78; SnA 30. 53 sq.,<br />

37. 175: Dlivs 9, I ; KhA<br />

397. -°kuddala a Singhalese hoe Vism 255 ; VbhA 238 ;<br />

-°dipa Ceylon J vi.30; DhsA 103; DA i.i ; KhA 132;<br />

-°bhasa Singhalese (language) DA i.i ; Tikp 259. See<br />

Diet, of Names.<br />

Sihalaka (adj.) [fr. last] Singhalese SnA 397.<br />

Su' (indecl.) [onomaul a part, of exclamation " shoo !" ;<br />

usually repeated su su J<br />

11.250 ; VI. 165 (of the hissing of<br />

a snake) ; ThA 1 10 (scaring somebody away), 305 (sound<br />

of puffing). Sometimes as su su, e. g. Tikp 280 (of a<br />

snake), cp. siikara. — Denom susumayati (q. v.).<br />

Su-' (indecl.) [Vedic su°, cp. Gr. n'-] a particle, combi"<br />

with adj., nouns, and certain verb forms, to express the<br />

notion of " well, happily, thorough " (cp. E. well-bred,<br />

wel-come, wel-fare) ; opp. du°. It often acts as simple<br />

intensive prefix (cp. sar)°) in the sense of " very," and<br />

is thus also comb'' with concepts which in themselves<br />

denote a deficiency or bad quality (cp. su-papika " very<br />

wicked ") and the prefix du° (e. g. su-duj-jaya, su-duddasa,<br />

su-dub-bala). — Our usual practice is to register<br />

words with su° under the simple word, whenever the<br />

character of the composition is evident at first sight (cp.<br />

du°). For convenience of the student however we give<br />

in the foil, a few comp"' as illustrating the use of su'.<br />

-kata well done, good, virtrous D 1.55 ; Miln 5 ; sukata<br />

the same D 1.27; (nt.) a good deed, virtue Dh 314;<br />

A III. 245. -kara feasible, easy D 1.250; Dh 163; Sn<br />

p. 123 ; na<br />

sukaro so Bhagava amhehi upasarjkamitug<br />

S 1.9. -kiccha great<br />

well expounded Sn<br />

trouble, pain J<br />

1057. -kumara<br />

iv.451. -kittika<br />

delicate, lovely<br />

Mhvs 59,<br />

DA 1.282.<br />

29 ; see sukhumala.<br />

-kusala very skilful<br />

-kumalatta loveliness<br />

J 1220; -khara very<br />

hard (-hearted) J VI. 508. (=sutthu khara C). -khetta<br />

1.135 ; S<br />

a good field D 11.353 , 1.2 i. -gajjin shrieking<br />

A<br />

beautifully (of j^^acocks) Th i, 211. -gandha fragrant<br />

J 11.20; pleasant odour Dhs 625. -gandhi = sugandha<br />

J 100. -gandhika fragrant Mhvs 7, 27 ; J<br />

1.266. -gahana<br />

a good grip, tight seizing J<br />

1.223. -gahita and sugga-<br />

hita, grasped tightly, attentive A 11. 148, 169; in. 179;<br />

J 1. 163, 222. -ggava virtuous J iv.53 (probably mis-<br />

spelling for suggata). -ghara having a nice house<br />

J VI. 4 18, 420. -carita well conducted, right, good<br />

Dh 168 sq. (nt.) good conduct, virtue, merit A 1.49 sq.,<br />

57, 102; D III. 52, 96, 152 sq., 169; Dh 231; It 55,<br />

59 sq. ; Ps I.I 15; Vism log. -citta much variegated<br />

Dh 151 ; DhA 111. 122. -cchanna well covered Dh 14.<br />

-cchavi having a lovely skin, pleasant to the skin D<br />

III. 159 ; J V.2 15 ; VI. 269. -jana a good man Mhvs i. 85.<br />

548 sq. -jati<br />

-jata well born, of noble birth D 1.93 ; Sn<br />

of noble family Mhvs 24, 50. -jiva easy to live Dh 244.<br />

-tanu having a slender waist Vv 64'' = sundara-sa-<br />

(<br />

rira VvA 280). -danta well subdued, tamed D 11. 254 ;<br />

Dh 94 ; A IV. 376. -dassa easily seen Dh 252 (m.) a<br />

;<br />

kind of gods, found in the fourteenth rupa-brahmaloka<br />

17; Kvu 207. -dittha well seen Sn 178;<br />

D 11.52 ; Pug<br />

p. 143. -divasa a lucky day J iv.209. -dujjaya difficult<br />

to win Mhvs 26, 3. -duttara very difficult to escape<br />

from A V.232 sq., 253 sq. ; Dh 86; Sn 358. -dukkara<br />

very difficult to do J v.31. -duccaja very hard to give<br />

up J VI. 473. -duddasa very difficult to see Vin 1.5 ;<br />

Th I, 1098; Dh 36; DhA i.3>'i; used as an epithet<br />

of Nibbana S iv.369. -duppadhagsiya very difi&cult<br />

to overwhelm D 111.176. -dubbala very weak Sn 4.<br />

-duUabha very difficult to obtain Sn 138; Vv 44";<br />

Vism 2 ; VvA 20. -desika a good guide Miln 354 ;<br />

DhsA 123 ; Vism 465. -desita well preached Dh 1 1 ;<br />

Sn 88, 230. -ddittha [ = su-|- uddiftha] well set out<br />

Vin 1. 129; J IV. 192. -ddhanta well blown M 111.243;<br />

DhsA 326 = ; sar|dhanta A 1.253; Vin 1159. -dham-<br />

mata good nature, good character, goodness, virtue<br />

J 11.159 ; V. 357 ; VI. 527. -dhota well washed, thoroughly<br />

clean J 1.331. -nandi (scil. vedana) pleasing, pleasurable<br />

S 1.53. -naya easily deducted, clearly understood<br />

A iii.i79 = sMHKav« A 11. 148; iii. 179 (v. 1.). -nahata<br />

well bathed, well groomed D 1.104; as sunhala at S 1.79.<br />

-nimmadaya easily overcome D 243 and sq. -nisita<br />

well whetted or sharpened J iv.118; as "nissita at<br />

J VI. 248. -nisit-agga with a very sharp point VvA 227.<br />

-nita well understood A 1.59. -pakka thoroughly ripe<br />

Mhvs 15, 38. -pannasala a beautiful hut J 1.7. -patittha<br />

having beautiful banks D 11. 129 ; Ud 83 = supatittha<br />

M 1.76. See also under supatittha. -parikammakata<br />

well prepared, well polished D 1.76 ; A 11. 201 ; VA 1.221.<br />

-pariccaja easy to give away J 111.68. -parimanda'a<br />

well rounded, complete Mhvs 37, 225. -parihina thoroughly<br />

bereft, quite done for It 35. -papa-kammin<br />

very wicked J v. 143. -papa-dhamma" very<br />

Vv 52'. -papika very sinful, wicked A 11 203.<br />

wicked<br />

-payita<br />

well<br />

Cp.<br />

saturated, i. e. hardened (of a sword) J<br />

suthita. -pasiya easily threaded (of a<br />

iv.iiS<br />


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