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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Santa 135 Santirana<br />

{ - upasanta-kilesa PvA 230); Miln 232, (.09; Vism 155<br />

(°anga; opp. ojaiik'anga) ; DhA 11.13; iu.83. — nt.<br />

peace, bliss, nibbana S iv.370.<br />

-indriya one whose senses are tranquil A 11.38 ; Sn 144 ;<br />

Vin 1. 195; J 1.506; -kaya of calmed bodj' Dh 378;<br />

DhA IV. 1 14. -dhatnma peaceful condition, quietude<br />

J 1.506 ; -bhava id. Miln 265. -manasa of tranquil mind<br />

Vin 1. 195; J 1.506. -vasa peaceful state DhA iv.114.<br />

-vutti living a peaceful life It 30, 121.<br />

Santa' [pp. of sammati'] tired, wearied, exliausted Dh 60 ;<br />

J 1.498; Pv u.g^* (=parissama-patta PvA 127).<br />

Santaka' (adj.) [fr. sant ; cp. BSk. santaka Divy 280 etc.]<br />

I. belonging to J 1.122 ; nt. property J 1.91, 494; DhA<br />

1.346. — 2. due to (gen.) J 111.408 ; iv.37. — 3. (being)<br />

in the power of J iv.260 (bhaya°).<br />

Santaka' (adj.) [sa^ + antaka] limited (opp, anantika)<br />

5 V.272.<br />

Santaca (f.) [.') bark J v. 202 ('.^attacag ?).<br />

Santajjeti [sag + tajjeti] '•<br />

to frighten, scold, menace J 1.470<br />

V.94 ; ThA 65 ; PvA<br />

123, 195.<br />

Santatai] (adv.) [ — satatar), or fr. sag+tan] continually,<br />

only in cpds : "karin consistent A 11. 187 ; "vutti of consistent<br />

behaviour A 11. 187; M 1.339; °sila steady in<br />

character M 1.339.<br />

Santatara see sant.<br />

Santati (f.) [fr. sag + tan, Ht. stretch] i. continuity, duration,<br />

subsistence Dhs 643; Nett 79; Miln 72, 185;<br />

VbhA 8, 170. 173; VvA 25; Vism 431, 449. citta"<br />

continuity of consciousness Kvu 458 ; cp. C-pd. 6, 153^,<br />

252 sq. ; dhamma" continuity of states Miln 40 ; rupa°<br />

of form VbhA 2 1 ; sankhara" causal connection of<br />

material things Th i, 716. — 2. lineage Miln ibo.<br />

Santatta^ [pp. of santappati] heated, glowing D 11.335;<br />

M 1.453; S 1.L69 {divasa°); J iv.118; Miln 325; PvA<br />

38 (soka°).<br />

Saatatta' [pp, of santasatij frightened, disturbed J 111.77<br />

( santrasta C).<br />

Santa<strong>net</strong>i (& "ta<strong>net</strong>i) [Caus. of sag -1- tan] to continue A<br />

111.96 sq. ; S IV. 104 ; Pug 06 sq. ; SnA 5 (see santayati).<br />

Santappati [sag + tappati'J to be heated or chafed; fig. to<br />

grieve, sorrow M 1.188; J 111.153. — pp. santatta' —<br />

Caus. "tapeti to burn, scorch, torment M 1. 128 ; S iv.56<br />

s(]. — pp. santapita.<br />

Santappita ipp. of santappeti] satistied, pleased J<br />

pii.iita PvA no).<br />

Pv 11.8" (<br />

11,44 ;<br />

Sautappeti L^''>">- of sag + tappati^J to satisfy, please<br />

D 1.109; Vin 1. 18; J 1.50, 272. — pp. santappita.<br />

Santara (adj.) [sa^4 antara, cp. E. with-in] inside; in<br />

lomp" "uttara inner & outer Vin 111.214; iv.281 ; "uttarena<br />

with an inner iS: outer garment Vin 1.298 ; ThA 171 ;<br />

"bahira within & without D 1.74; Dh 315; J 1.125;<br />

DA 1.2 18; DhA 111.488.<br />

Santarati [sag -f tarati'j to be in haste, to be agitated ;<br />

amana ('rupa) J 111.156, 172 ; vi.12, 451.<br />

Santavant (adj.) [fr. santa'] tranquil Dh 378.<br />

ppr.<br />

Santasati [sag-t- tasati'l to be frightened or terrified, to fear,<br />

to be disturbed Miln 92. ppr. santasag J vi.306 (a°),<br />

6 santasanto J iv.ioi (a°) ; Pot. santase J 111. 147;<br />

V.378; ger. santasitva J 11.398. — pp. santasita &<br />

santatta.<br />

Santasita [pp. of santasati] frightened Miln 92 ;<br />

(=sulthu tasita).<br />

PvA 260<br />

Santana (nt.) [fr. sag 4- tan] 1. spreading, ramification,<br />

tendril (valli°) KhA 48. — 2. one of the 5 celestial trees<br />

J VI. 239 (°maya made of its flowers). — 3. (also m,)<br />

continuity, succession; lineage S 111.143; DA 1.46;<br />

Dhs.\ 63, 217, 297; Vism 555; VbhA 164. Cp. citta°<br />

continuity of consciousness Cpd. 167'.<br />

Santanaka [santana -l-ka] i. (nt.) =santana i; Vv.\ 94,<br />

162 (°valli a sort of long creeper). miila° a spreading<br />

root S III. 155 ; J 1.277. — 2.=^santana 2 VvA 12.<br />

3. (nt.) a cobweb Vin 1.48. — 4. offspring S 1.8.<br />

Santapa (adj.-n.) [fr. sag-l-tap] burning; heat, fire; fig.<br />

torment, torture Sn 1123 (cp. Nd' 636); J<br />

97, 324; VbhA 70 (various), 245 (aggi", suriya"); Sdhp<br />

9. 57^-<br />

1.502 ; Miln<br />

Santapita [pp- of santapeti] heated, aglow Th 2, 504.<br />

Santapeti see santappati.<br />

Santayati [sag 4- tayati] to preserve (connect ?) Vism 688<br />

(better °dhayati) =SnA 5 (reads "ta<strong>net</strong>i).<br />

Santaiana (nt.) & °i (f.) [fr. sag + tareti'] conveying to the<br />

other shore S iv.174; M 1.134. — f. santarani Ap 234<br />

(scil. nava).<br />

Santasa [sag-ftasa] trembling, fear, shock A 11.33;<br />

r.274 ; Miln 146, 207 ; 22.<br />

S III 85 ; J PvA<br />

Santasaniya (adj.) [fr. sag -1- tasana] making frightened,<br />

inspiring terror Miln 387.<br />

Santasin (adj.) [fr. santasa] trembling, frightened Dh 351.<br />

Santi (f.) [fr. sam, cp. Sk. °santi] tranquillity, peace Sn 204 ;<br />

D 11.157 : A 11.24 ; Dh 202.<br />

-kamma act of appeasing (the gods), pacification<br />

D 1. 12 ; DA 1.97. -pada " the place of tranquillity " ;<br />

tranquil state, i. e. Nibbana A 11.18; VvA 219. -vada<br />

an advocate of mental calm Sn 845<br />

Nd' 203.<br />

(°vada in verse);<br />

Santika ("t.) [sa' -l- antika] vicinity, presence; santikag<br />

into the presence of, towards J 1.91, 185 ; santika from<br />

the presence of, frum J 1.43, 83, 189 ; santike in the<br />

presence of, before, with D 1.79, 144 ; Dh i> iMiln 408 ;<br />

Sn 379 ; \in 1.12 ; S 1.33 ; J V.4O7 with ; ace. S iv.74 ; with<br />

abl. .Mhvs 205 ; nibbanasantikc Dh 372 ; instr. santikena-<br />

by, along with 11 J 301 (if not a mistake instead of<br />

suntikag or santike ?).<br />

-4vacara keeping or being near D 1.206; 11.139;<br />

J >'J7-<br />

Santika (f.) [uncKar in origin A meaning] a kind of game,<br />

" spellicans " (Kh. 1).); (Kern: knibbclspel) D i.O;<br />

\in 11.10 ; III. 180 ; DA 1.85.<br />

Santitthati [.sag-l- tiuhati] I. to stand, stand still, remain,<br />

continue A iv.ioi (udakag - stands still), 282, 302 sq.<br />

Pug 31 ; J<br />

1.26. — 2. to be established, to be put into<br />

order Vin ii.i i. — 3. to stick to, to be fixed or settled,<br />

to be composed D 11.206; in. 239 (citta) ; S v. 321;<br />

Vin 1.9, 15; It 43. — 4. to restrain oneself J 1.438.--<br />

5. to wait for (ace.) Dh.\ 1.50. — l-'otms pres. santitthati<br />

D 11.206; S 111.133; san^hahati J vi.160; & santhati<br />

Pug 31 ; J IV 469. ppr. santhahanto Vin 1.9 ; Pot.<br />

santhahejrya \in 11. 1 1 ; S v.321. aor. santhasi Vin 1.15 ;<br />

santhahigsu (3"" pi.) S 11.224. Inf. santhatug J 1.438;<br />

DhA 1.50. — pp. santhita — Caus. II. santhapeti (&<br />

"(hapeti).<br />

SantlraQa (nt.) [sagftirana] investigation, decision; as<br />

t.t. denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition,<br />

judging an impression (see Cpd. 28, 40. 238) DA 1.194;<br />

DhsA 264. 2()0, 272 ; \ism 459. As °a (f.) at<br />

Nett 82, 191.<br />

Vism 21, 454.<br />

-'kicca function of judging Tikp 33;

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