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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Sankhara 124 Sanga<br />

nay. anei'iiai) s. abhisankharoti. is, in D 111.217 & Vbh<br />

135. catalogTied as the three classes of abhisankhara<br />

S 11-39. 360 ; A n.157, where s. is tantamount to saiicetana<br />

; Miln 61 , where s., as khandha, is replaced by cetana<br />

(purposive conception). Thus, too. the ss. in the Paticcasamuppada<br />

formula are considered as the aggregate of<br />

mental conditions which, under the law of kamma, bring<br />

about the inception of the patisandhivifiiiana. or first<br />

stirring of mental life in a newly begun individual. Lists<br />

of the psychologically, or logically distinguishable factors<br />

making up the composite sankharakkhandha. with<br />

constants and variants, are given for each class of citta<br />

in Dhs 62, etc. (X.B.—Read cetana for vedana. § 338.)<br />

Phassa and cetana are the two constant factors in the<br />

s-kkhandha. <strong>The</strong>se lists may be compared with the<br />

later elaboration of the sankhara-elements given at<br />

Vism 462 sq. — 3. sankhara (pi.) in popular meaning.<br />

In the famous formula (and in many other connections,<br />

as e. g. sabbe sankhara) " anicca vata sankhara uppadavaya-dhammino<br />

" (D 11. 157; S 1.6, 158, 200; 11. 193;<br />

Th I. 1 159 ; J 1.392. cp. \'ism 527), which is rendered by<br />

Mrs. Rh. D. [Brethren, p 385 e. g.) as " O, transient are<br />

our lije's experiences ! <strong>The</strong>ir nature 'tis to rise and<br />

pass away," we have the use of s. in quite a general &<br />

popular sense of " life, phj-sical or material life " ; and<br />

sabbe sankhara means " everj-thing, all physical and<br />

visible life, all creation." Taken with caution the term<br />

" creation " may be applied as t.t. in the Paticca-<br />

samuppada. when we regard avijja as creating, i. e.<br />

producing by spontaneous causality the sankharas, and<br />

sankhara as " natura genita atque genitura " (the latter<br />

with ref. to the foil, vinnana). If we render it by<br />

" formations " (cp. Oldenberg's " Gestaltungen," Buddha<br />

^1920, p. 254). we imply the mental "constitutional-"<br />

element as well as the physical, although the latter in<br />

customary materialistic popular philosophy is the predominant<br />

factor (cp. the discrepancies of " life eternal<br />

and " life is extinct " in one & the same European term).<br />

None of the " links " in the Paticca-samuppada meant<br />

to the people that which it meant or was supposed to<br />

mean in the subtle and schematic philosophy (dhamma<br />

duddasa nipuna !) of the dogmatists. — Thus sankhara<br />

are in the widest sense the " world of phenomena " (cp.<br />

below °loka) all things which have been made up by<br />

pre-existing causes. — At PvA 71 we find sankhara in<br />

lit. meaning as " things " (preparations) in def" of ye<br />

keci (bhoga) "whatever." <strong>The</strong> sabbe s. at S 11. 178<br />

(trsl" " all the things of this world ") denote all 5 aggregates<br />

exhausting all conditioned things ; cp. Kvu 226<br />

(trsl" " things ") ; Mhvs iv.66 ( : the material and transitory<br />

world); Dh 154 (vi-sankhara,gatar) cittai)^mind<br />

divested of all material things) ; DhsA<br />

304 (trsl" " kamma<br />

211,<br />

activitie.s," in connection avijja-paccaya-s") ; Cpd.<br />

S<br />

n. 3- ^<strong>The</strong> def" of sankhara at Vism 526 (as result of<br />

avijja & cause of vifinana in the P.-S.) is: sankhatar)<br />

abhisankharonti ti sankhara. Api ca : avijja-paccaya<br />

sankhara sankhara-saddena agata-sankhara ti duvidha<br />

sankhara ; etc. with further def. of the 4 sankharas. —<br />

4. Var. passages for sankhara in general: D 11. 213;<br />

111.221 sq.,M 11.223 (imassadukkha-nidanassasankharai)<br />

padahato sankhara-ppadhana virago hoti) ;<br />

111.69<br />

(ekanta-dukkha sankhara); iv.216 sq. (sankharanar)<br />

khaya-dhammata id. ; with vaya°, viraga", nirodha"<br />

etc.); Sn 731 (yar) kiilci dukkhar) sambhoti sabbai]<br />

sankhara-paccaya ; sankharanar) nirodhena n'atthi<br />

dukkhassa sambhavo) ; Vism 453. 462 sq. (the 51),<br />

329 sq.; Dh.A 111.264, 379; VbhA 134 (4 fold), 149<br />

(3 fold), 192 (ayflhana): PvA 41 (bhijjana-dhamma).<br />

Of passages dealing with the sankharas as anicca,<br />

vayadhamma, anatta, dukkha etc. the foil, may be<br />

mentioned: Vin 1.13; S 1.200; 111.24; iv.2:6, 259;<br />

v-56, 345; M nr.64, 108; A 1.286; II. 150 sq. ; 111.83,<br />

143; IV.13, 100; It 38; Dh 277, 3S3; Ps 1.37, 132;<br />

11.48; 109 sq.; Nd2 444, 430 ; .also Nd^ p. 259 (s. v.<br />

sankhara).<br />

-upekkha equanimity among "things" Vism 161,<br />

162. -upasama allay ment of the constituents of life<br />

Dh 368. 381 ; cp. DhA iv.108. -khandha the aggregate<br />

of (mental) coefficients D m 233 ; Kvu 578 ; Tikp 61 ;<br />

DhsA 345 ; VbhA 20. 42. -dukkha the evil of material<br />

life, constitutional or inherent ill VbhA 93 (in the classification<br />

of the sevenfold siikkha). -paccaya (viiiiianar))<br />

conditioned by the synergies (is vital consciousness), the<br />

second linkage in the Paticca-samuppada (q. v.) Vism<br />

577; VbhA 152 sq. -padhana concentration on the<br />

sankharas M 11.223. -majjhattata = "upekkha \TDhA<br />

283. -loka the material world, the world of formation<br />

(or phenomena), creation, loka " per se," as contrasted<br />

to satta-loka, the world of (morally<br />

beings, loka "per hominem " Vism 205;<br />

SnA 442.<br />

responsible)<br />

VbhA 456;<br />

Sankharavant (adj.) [fr. sankhara] having sankharas A<br />

n.2i4=Dhs 1003.<br />

Sankhitta [pp. of sankhipati] i. concise, brief Miln 227;<br />

DhsA 344 ; instr. sankhittena in short, concisely (opp.<br />

vittharena) Vin i.io; D 11.305; S v. 421; Pug 41.<br />

Cp. BSk. sanksiptena Divy 37 etc.-— 2. concentrated,<br />

attentive D 1.80 (which at Vism 410 however is expH<br />

as " thina-middh' Snugata ") ; S n.122 ; v.263 ; D<br />

M 1.39. — 3. contracted, thin, slender : °majjha<br />

waist J v.r55. — Cp. abhi".<br />

11.299 =<br />

of slender<br />

Sankhipati [sag -1- khipati] i. to collect, heap together<br />

Mhvs I. 31. — 2. to withdraw, put off Davs rv.35.<br />

3. to concentrate J 1.82. — 4. to abridge, shorten.<br />

pp. sankhitta.<br />

Sankhippa (adj.) [sag -t- khippa] quick J vi.323.<br />

Sankhiya-dhamma form of talk, the trend of talk D 1.2 ;<br />

DA I 43. Cp. sankhya.<br />

Sankhubhati [sag -1- khubbati] to be shaken, to be agitated.<br />

DhA to stir<br />

J 1.446 (ger. °khubhitva) ; ; aor.<br />

n.43, 57<br />

"khubhi PvA 93. — pp. sankhubhita. — Caus. sankhobheti<br />

to shake, stir up, agitate J 1.119, 350 ; 11. 119.<br />

Sankhubhita [pp. of sankhubhati] shaken, stirred J 111.443.<br />

Sankhepa [sag + khepa] i . abridgment,<br />

abstract, condensed<br />

account (opp. vitthara), e. g. Vism 532, 479; Dh 1.125;<br />

KhA 183; DhsA 344; SnA 150, 160, 314; VbhA 47.<br />

Cp. ati". — 2. the sum of, quintessence of; instr. °ena<br />

(adv.) by way of, as if, e. g. raja" as if he were king<br />

bhiimi-ghara" in the shape of an earth house<br />

DA 1.246 ;<br />

DA 1.260. — 3. group, heaping up. amassing, collection :<br />

pabbata-sankhepe in a mountain glen (lit. in the midst<br />

of a group of mountains) D 1.84; A 111.396. bhava°<br />

amassing of existences J 1.165 sq., 366, 463; 11.137.<br />

4. atavi" at A 1.178 ; 111.66 is probably a wrong reading<br />

for °sankopa " inroad of savage tribes."<br />

Sankheyya* (adj.) [grd. of sankliayati] calculable; only<br />

neg. a° incalculable S v.400 ; A ill. 366; PvA 212.<br />

-"kara acting with a set purpose Sn 351. — As grd. of<br />

sankharoti: see upa".<br />

Sankheyya^ (nt.) a hermitage, the residence of <strong>The</strong>ra<br />

Ayupala Miln 19, 22 etc.<br />

Sankhobha [san -l- khobha] shaking, commotion, upsetting,<br />

disturbance J 1.64 ; Sdhp 471.<br />

Sankhobheti see sankhubhati.<br />

Sanga [fr. sanj: see sajjati'] cleaving, clinging, attachment,<br />

bond S 1.23, 117 sq.; A ni.311 ; iv.289 ; Dh 170,<br />

342, etc.; Sn 61, 212, 386, 390, 475. etc.; Dhs 1039;<br />

DhsA 363; J III. 201 ; the five sangas are raga, dosa,<br />

moha, mana, and dilthi, Thag. 633=Dhp. 370; DhA<br />

IV. 187 ; seven sangas. It. 94 ; Nd' 91, 432 ; Nd* 620.

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