The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vyapada "3 Vyosita<br />

Vyapada [fr. vyapajjati. See also byapada] making bad,<br />

doing harm ; desire to injure, malevolence, ill-will<br />

D 1. 71, 246 ; 111.70 sq., 226, 234 ; S 1.99 ; 11. 151 ; IV. 343 ;<br />

A 1. 194, 280; 11. 14, 210; 111.92, 231, 245; IV. ; 437 Vbh<br />

86, 363 sq., 391 ; Pug 17 sq. ; Dhs<br />

11 37; Vism 7; DA<br />

1.2 n; VbhA 74, Ii8, 369. °anusaya M 1.433. °dosa<br />

M III. 3. "dhatu M ni.62. "nivarana M 11.203. See<br />

under each affix. — Cp. avyapada.<br />

Vyapadeti [Caus. of vyapajjati] to spoil Miln 92.<br />

Vyapara [vi+a+Pf] occupation, business, service, work<br />

J 1. 341 ; V.60 ; Vism 595. Cp. veyyavacca, vyappatha<br />

(by°), vyavata.<br />

Vyaparitar one occupied with M 111.126.<br />

Vyapin (adj.) [fr. vi+ap] pervading, diffused DhsA 311.<br />

Vyapeti [vi+ Caus. of ap] to make full, pervade, fill, com-<br />

VvA 1 7 ; ThA PvA 52 ( =pharati),<br />

prise DhsA 307 ;<br />

71 (in expl" of " ye keci ").<br />

287 ;<br />

Vyabadha (& byabadha) [fr. vi-t- a+ badh, but semantically<br />

connected with vi-|- a-|- pad. as in vyapada & vya-<br />

pajjha] oppression, injury, harm, hurting ;<br />

usually in<br />

phrase atta" & para° (disturbing the peace of others &<br />

of oneself) M 1.89 ; S iv.339 ; A i.i 14, 157, 216 ; 11. 179.<br />

— Also at S IV. 159 (paninar) vyabadhaya, with v. 1.<br />

vadhaya). See also byabadha. <strong>The</strong> corresponding<br />

adjectives are (a)vyapajjha & veyyabadhika (q. v.).<br />

Vyabadheti (& bya°) [Caus. of vi+a+badh, or distortion<br />

fr. vyapadeti, with which identical in meaning] to do<br />

harm, hurt, injure Vin 11.77/78 ; S iv.351 sq. ; DA 1.167.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BSk. is vyabadhayate (e. g. Divy 105).<br />

Vyabaheti [vi-i-a-l-bah: see bahati'] lit. "to make an<br />

outsider," to keep or to be kept out or away Vin 11. 140<br />

("bahirjsu in Pass, sense ; so that they may not be kept<br />

away). Oldenberg (on p. 320) suggests reading vyabadhi^jsu,<br />

which may be better, viz. " may not be<br />

offended " (?). <strong>The</strong> form is difficult to explain.<br />

VyabhangI (f.) [see bya°] i. a carrying pole (or flail?)<br />

Th I, 623; comb'' with asita (see asita* in corr. to pt.<br />

2) "sickle & pole" M 11. 180; A 111.5. — 2. a flail<br />

S IV. 201.<br />

Vyama see byama & add ref. D ii.i8«Vism 136 (catu°pamana).<br />

Vyayata [vi+ayata] stretched; only neg. a° senseless,<br />

confused (should it be vyayatta ?) J 1.496 (=avyatta<br />

C). See also viyayata.<br />

Vyayama = vayama DhsA 146.<br />

Vyayika (adj.) [fr. vyaya] belonging to decay ; only neg.<br />

a° not decaying, imperishable A 11. 51 ; J v.508.<br />

Vyarambha see viy°.<br />

Vyaraddba (adj.) [pp. of vi+a+rundh] opposed, hostile<br />

Th 1, 344; Sn 936. See byaruddha.<br />

Vyarosa [vi-(- a-t- rosa, cp. virosana] anger M in. 78 ;<br />

S 111.73.<br />

Vyalika (nt.) [for vy+alika] fault ThA 266.<br />

Vyavata (a-dj.) [ = Sk. vyaprta, cp. vyapara, byappatha.<br />

eager, keen,<br />

& veyyavacca] doing service, active, busy ;<br />

intent on (loc), busy with A iv.195 (mayi = worrying<br />

about me); J 111.315 (su°) ; iv.371 (kiccSiiccesu v. =<br />

uyyatta C.) ; v.395 (=ussukka); vi.229 ( =kaya-veyyavacca-dan'<br />

adi-kamma-karanena vyavata C). —dassana"<br />

keen on a sight, eager to see J 1.89; VvA 213<br />

(preferred to T. reading !). —dana° serving in connection<br />

with a gift, busy with giving, a " commissioner of<br />

gifts," i. e. a superintendent installed by a higher (rich)<br />

person (as a king or setthi) to look after the distribution<br />

of all kinds of gifts in connection with a mahadana. Rh.<br />

Davids at Dial. 11.372 (following Childers) has quite<br />

misunderstood the term in referring it to a vyavata in<br />

meaning of " hindered," and by translating it as " hindered<br />

at the largesse " or " objecting to the largesse."<br />

At none of the passages quoted by him has it that<br />

meaning. See e. g. D 11.354; J 111.129; Pv 11.9^° (dane<br />

v.=ussukkar| apanna PvA 135); PvA 112 (dane), 124<br />

1.296 (? not found), avyavata not busy, not<br />

(id.) ; DA<br />

bothering about (loc), unconcerned with, not worrying<br />

D II. 141 (Tathagatassa sarire ; trsl" not to the point<br />

"hinder not yourselves"); Vin<br />

—• separately. Note, vyavata (& a°)<br />

111.136. See also<br />

only occur in the<br />

meaning given above, and not in the sense of " covered,<br />

obstructed " [wrongly fr. Vf] as given by Childers.<br />

Correct the trsl" given under byavata accordingly !<br />

Vyaviddha (adj.) [vi-i- aviddha] whirling about, flitting<br />

(here & there), moving about, pell-mell J VI.530.<br />

Vyasa [fr. vi4- as to sit] separation, division ; always contrasted<br />

with samasa, e. g. Vism 82 (vyasato separately,<br />

distributively ; opp. samasato) ; KhA<br />

Vyasatta see byasatta.<br />

187.<br />

Vyasificati [vi-i- asiucati] to defile, corrupt, tarnish S<br />

IV. 78 (cittai)). — ^pp. vyasitta ibid.<br />

Vyaseka [fr. vi-(-a-|-sic] mixed; only neg. a° unmixed,<br />

i,<br />

untarnished, undefiled D 1.70 ; DA 1.183 ; Pug 59 ; Th<br />

926.<br />

Vyahaiati [vi-i- aharati] to utter, talk, speak Vin 11.214;<br />

J II. 1 77; iv.225 (puttho vyahasi, perhaps with v. 1. as<br />

vyakasi). See also avyaharati. — Cp. pa^i".<br />

Vyuha [fr. vi-i- vah; see byuha] i. heap, mass ; massing or<br />

array, grouping of troops S v. 369 (sambadha" a dense<br />

crowd, or massed with troops (?); in phrase iddha<br />

phita etc., as given under bahujaiina) ; J<br />

array: paduma", cakka", sakata"). — 2.<br />

(?), in sandhibbiiha J vi.276.<br />

11.406 (battle<br />

a side street<br />

Vyubati at VvA 104 is not clear (see byiihati). It looks<br />

more like a present tense to viyiilha in sense " to be<br />

bulky," than a Denom. fr. vyuha as " stand in array."<br />

For the regular verb vi-t- vah see viyuhati. Cp. pati" &<br />

saijyijhati.<br />

Vyosita (adj.) [=vosita] perfected; neg. a" not perfected,<br />

imperfect Th i, 784 (aby°).

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