The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Velu 109 Vokinna<br />

-agga with bending (or crooked) tip (of hair), i. e.<br />

curled Th 2, 252 (cp. ThA 209) ; J v. 203 (=kuflcit' agga<br />

C); VI. 86 (sun-agga-vellita) ; PvA<br />

kuficita-kesa J 1.89.<br />

46, 142. — Cp.<br />

Veju [=venu, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 43' & Prk. velu :<br />

Prk. Gr. § 243] a bamboo A 11.73; Vin iv.35 ;<br />

(daijda") ; v. 71 ;<br />

Vism<br />

Pischel,<br />

J iv.382<br />

i. 17; SnA 76 (=var)sa); VbhA<br />

334-<br />

-agga (vejagga) the top of a bamboo Vin 11. 110.<br />

-gumba a bamboo thicket SnA 49, 75. -danda a bamboo<br />

stick SnA 330. -dana a gift of bamboo Vbh 246 ; Miln<br />

369; SnA 311 ; KhA 236; VbhA 333. -nali (°nalaka,<br />

"najika) a stalk or shaft of bamboo Vism 260 ; KhA 52 ;<br />

ThA 212. -pabba a stalk or section of the b. J 1.245 ;<br />

Vism 358=VbhA 63.<br />

Vejoka [fr. velu] a kind of tree J v.405 (=vai)sa-coraka).<br />

Ve)ariya (nt.) [cp. dial. Sk. vaidurya] a precious stone,<br />

lapis lazuli ; cp. the same word " beryl " (with metathesis<br />

r>l ; not fr. the Sk. form), which the Greeks<br />

brought to Europe from India. — D 1.76; Vin 11. 112;<br />

S 1.64; A 1. 215; IV. 199. 203 sq. ; J in. ; 437 Pv 11. 7*;<br />

Mhvs 11, 16; DhA 11.220. Often in descriptions of<br />

Vimanas, e. g. Vv 2^ ; 12^; 17^ ; cp. VvA 27, 60. — Probably<br />

through a word-play with velu (bamboo popular<br />

;<br />

etymology) it is said to have the colour of bamboo :<br />

see<br />

vat)sa-raga & vagsa-vanna. At J 1.207 a peacock's<br />

neck is described as having the colour of the veluriya.<br />

At Miln 267 (in inventory of " loka ") we have the foil,<br />

enumeration of precious stones : pavala coral, lohitanka<br />

ruby, tnasaragalla cat's eye, veluriya lapis lazuli, vajira<br />

diamond. See also under ratana*.<br />

Vejuva [cp. Vedic vainava (made of cane) ?] probably not<br />

to veju, but another spelling for beluva, in °latthika<br />

S III. 91, as sometimes v. 1. veluva for beluva (q. v.).<br />

Vevacana (nt.) [fr. vivacana} attribute, epithet ; synonym<br />

Nett I sq., 24, 53 sq., 82, 106; Vism 427; SnA 24, 447.<br />

Cp. adhivacana.<br />

VevaQ9a (nt.) [fr. viva^na] discolouring ThA 85 (Ap. v. 42).<br />

Vevawiya (nt.) [abstr. fr. vivanna] i. state of having no<br />

caste, life of an outcast A v. 87 isa 200. [Cp. BSk. vaivarnika<br />

outcast Divy 424]. — 2. discolouring, fading,<br />

waning J 111.394.<br />

Vevahika [fr. vivaha] wedding-guest J 11.420.<br />

Veviccha (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. viviccha] " multifarious<br />

wants," greediness, selfishness, avarice Sn 941<br />

(=paiica macchariyani Nd^ 422, as at Nd* 614), 1033<br />

(where Nett 11 reads viviccha); Pug 19, 23 ; Dhs 1059,<br />

1 122 ; Nd' s. V. taijha; DhsA 366, 375.<br />

(more<br />

Vssa [cp. Sk. ve^a, fr. vi? to be active] dress, apparel ;<br />

frequently;) disguise, (assumed) appearance J 1.146<br />

(pakati" usual dress), 230 (ayuttaka") ; in. 418 (andha°)<br />

Miln 12; DhA 11. 4; PvA 62, 93 (ummattaka"), 161<br />

(tunnavaya") ; Sdhp 384 purisa" (of women) DA ; 1.147.<br />

Tesama = visama VvA 10.<br />

Vesakba [cp. Vedic vai^akha] N. of a month (April-May)<br />

Mhvs I, ; 73 29, I.<br />

VM&rajja (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. visarada, i. e. *vais5radya]<br />

(the Buddha's or an Arahant's) perfect selfconfidence<br />

(which is of 4 kinds), self-satisfaction, subject<br />

of confidence. <strong>The</strong> four are given in full at M 1.71 sq.,<br />

viz. highest knowledge, khipasava state, recognition of<br />

the obstacles, recognition & preaching of the way to<br />

salvation. See also D i.iio ; J 11.27 ; A 11.13 ; iil.297sq. ;<br />

IV.83, 210, 213; M 1.380; Ps 11.194; Nd' 466"; DhA<br />

186; DA 1.278; KhA 104; VvA 213; Sdhp 593.<br />

Vesiyana [=vessa, with °na as in gimhana, vassana etc.]<br />

a Vai^ya (Vessa) J vi.15, 21, 328, 490, 492. As vessayana<br />

at Sn 455 (where vesiyana is required).<br />

Vesi & Vesiya (f [the f . of .)<br />

harlot, prostitute. — (a) vesi: Vin in. 138; J v.425 ; in<br />

cpd. vesi-dvara a pleasure house Th 2, 73. — (b) vesiya :<br />

Vin IV. 278; Sn 108; Vbh 247; in cpd. vesiya-gocara<br />

asking alms from a prostitute's house DhA in. 2 75;<br />

DhsA 151 ; VbhA 339.<br />

vessa] a woman of low caste, a<br />

Vesma (nt.) [Vedic veSman, fr. vis to enter : see visati] a<br />

house J V.84. A trace of the n-stem in loc. vesmani<br />

J V.60.<br />

Vessa [cp. Vedic vaiSya, a dial, (local) word] a Vai^ya,<br />

i. e. a member of the third social (i. e. lower) grade (see<br />

vanna 6). a man of the people D 111.81, 95 (origin);<br />

5 1. 102, 166 ; IV. 219 ; V.51 ; A 1. 162 ; II. 194 ; in. 214, 242 ;<br />

Vbh 394; DA 1.254 (origin). — f. vesi (q. v.); vessi (as<br />

a member of that caste) D 1.193 ; A in. 226, 229.<br />

Vessika (f.) [fr. vessa] a Vai^ya woman Sn 314.<br />

Vehayasa -vihayasa, i. e. air, sky; only used in ace.<br />

vehayasar) in function of a loc. (cp. VvA 182 : vehayasar)<br />

=vehayasa-bhute hatthi-pitthe), comb'' with<br />

thita (standing in the air) Vv 41 ; Mhvs i, 24; PvA 14.<br />

Vehasa [contraction of vehayasa] the air, sky, heaven ;<br />

only in the two cases (both used as loc. " in the air ")<br />

ace. vehasai) D in. 27; S v.283 ; Vin in. 105; VvA 78;<br />

6 loc. vehase Vin 1.320.<br />

-kuti " air hut " i. e. airy room, " a hut in which a<br />

middle-sized man can stand without knocking his head<br />

against the ceiling " (expl") Vin iv.46. -gamana<br />

going through the air Vism 382 ; Dhtm 586. -ttha<br />

standing in the air D 1.115; DA 1.284. -tt^ita id. D<br />

195-<br />

VehSsaya [= vehayasa with metathesis y>s] occurs only<br />

in ace. ( =loc.) vebasayag, equal to vihayasar) at J iv.471<br />

Vo' (indecl.) a particle of emphasis, perhaps =eva, or<br />

= vo'^ (as dative of interest). <strong>The</strong> Commentaries<br />

explain it as " nipata," i. e. particle. Thus at Sn 560,<br />

760.<br />

Vo^ [cp. Vedic vah, Av. v6, Lat. vos, Gr. vfifit] is enclitic<br />

form of tumhe (see under tuvai)), i. e. to you, of you ;<br />

but it is generally interpreted by the C. as " nipata,"<br />

i. e. particle (of emphasis or exclamation; i. e. vo').<br />

Thus e. g. at Pv 1.5' (cp. PvA 26).<br />

Vo° is commonly regarded as the prefix comb" vi-t- ava°<br />

(i. e. vi-i- 0°), but in many cases it simply represents<br />

ava° (=0°) with v as euphonic (" vorschlag "), as in<br />

vonata (=onata), voloketi, vokkanti, vokinpa, voro-<br />

peti, vosapeti, vosana, vossagga. In a few cases it<br />

corresponds to vi-(- ud°, as in vokkamati, vocchijjati,<br />

voyoga.<br />

Vokara [v(i)-(-okara; cp. vikara] i. difference Sn6ii. —<br />

2. constituent of being (i. e. the khandhas), usually as<br />

137;<br />

Vbh eka°, catu° & paflca°-bhava, e.<br />

Vism<br />

g. Kvu 261 ;<br />

Tikp 32, 36 sq ;<br />

572; KhA 245; SnA 19, 158.<br />

In this meaning vokara is peculiar to the Abhidhamma<br />

and is almost synonymous with vikara 4, and in the<br />

Yamaka with khandha, e. g. paiica v., catu v. etc. —<br />

3. worthless thing, trifle S 11.29. — 4. inconvenience,<br />

disadvantage (cp. vikara 3) PvA 12 (line i read: anek'<br />

akara-vokarag).<br />

VokiQQa (adj.) [v(i)-)- okiijija] covered with, drenched<br />

(with) ;<br />

up, full of (instr.) M 1.390 : S 11.29<br />

A 1. 123,<br />

kinna.<br />

mixed<br />

148; 11.232; J i.iio; DhsA 69. — Cp. abbo

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