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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vutta ro4 Vupasammati<br />

Vutta^ [pp. of vatti, vac; cp. utta] said DA 1.17 (°r) hoti<br />

that is to say) ; DhA 11.2 1 , 75, 80 ; SnA 1 74.<br />

-vadin one who speaks what is said (correctly), telling<br />

the truth M 1.369; S 11.33 : 111.6.<br />

Vntta^ [pp. of vapati'] sown S 1.134 (khetta) ; J 1.340;<br />

IIH2 ; VT.14; Miln 375 (khetta); PvA 7, 137, 139.<br />

Vntta' [pp. of vapati*] shaven M 11. 168 (''siro). Cp.<br />

nivutta*.<br />

Vutta-vela at J Tv.45 (tena vutta-velayai) & ittaraya<br />

vutta-velaya) is by Kern, Toev. s. v. vutta* fancifully<br />

& wrongly taken as 'vyusta (=vi+usta, pp. of vas to<br />

shine), i. e. dawned ; it is however simply vutta' =at the<br />

time said by him (or her).<br />

Vuttaka (nt.) [vutta^+ka. <strong>The</strong> P. connection seems to<br />

be vac although formally it may be derived fr. vft " to<br />

happen " etc. (cp. vuttin & vattin, both fr. vTt, & vutti).<br />

<strong>The</strong> B5k. equivalent is vrttaka " tale " (lit. happening),<br />

e. g. Divy 439] what has been said, saying ; only in title<br />

of a canonical book " iti-vuttakar) " ("logia"): see<br />

under iti.<br />

Vuttamana at S 1.129 read as vattamana.<br />

Vattari of Dh 370 is pafica-v-uttari(g), cp. DhA iv.iog.<br />

Vntti (f.) [fr. VTt, cp. vattati ; Sk. vrtti] mode of being or<br />

acting, conduct, practice, usage, livelihood, habit<br />

S 1. 100 (afiya°; cp. ariya-vasa) ; Sn 81 =Miln 228<br />

(=jlvitavutti SnA 152); Sn 68, 220, 326, 676; J vi.224<br />

(=jivita-vutti C.) ; Pv 11.91* (=jivita PvA 120); iv.i'^<br />

(=jivika PvA 229); Miln 224, 253; VvA 23,<br />

Vattika (adj.) (-") [vutti4-ka] living, behaving, acting<br />

A III. 383 (kandaka°); PvA 120 (dukkha°) ; sabhaga"<br />

living in mutual courtesy or properly, always comb"*<br />

with sappatissa, e. g, Vin 1.187; 11. 162 ; A 111.14 sq,<br />

Vattita (f.) {-") [abstr. formation fr. vutti] condition Vism<br />

310 (ayatta").<br />

Vnttin (adj.) [cp. Sk. vrttin] =vuttika ;<br />

1.45 ; J<br />

1.219. Cp. vattin.<br />

Vuttha' [pp. of vasatii] clothed :<br />

nivattha.<br />

not<br />

in<br />

sabhaga" Vin<br />

found. More usual<br />

Vuttha* [pp. of vasati*] having dwelt, lived or spent (time),<br />

only in connection with vassa (rainy season) or vasa<br />

(id. : see<br />

vasa*). See e. g. DhA 1.7 ; PvA 32, 43 ; 1. J 183<br />

(°vasa). With ref. to vassa " year " at J iv.317. — At<br />

DhA 1.327 vuttha stands most likely for vuddha<br />

(arisen, grown), as also in abstr. vutthattar) at DhA<br />

1330. — See also parivuttha, pavuttha &: vusita.<br />

Vatthaka (adj.) (-°) [vuttha*+ka] dwelt, lived, only in<br />

pubba° where he had lived before Mhvs i, 53 (so for<br />

"vuttaka ).<br />

Vnddha & Vaddhi: sf e vuddha i.\: vuddhi.<br />

Vappati is- Pass, of vapati.<br />

Voyhati to be carried away :<br />

add refs. : Miln<br />

hamana — : i . being<br />

its<br />

Pass, of vahati, q. v. and<br />

69; Vism 603 (vuyhare). — ppr. vuy-<br />

drawn M 1.225 (of a calf following<br />

mother's voice). — 2. being carried away (by the<br />

current of a river),<br />

Bp. vulha & vulha.<br />

in danger of drowning Sn 319.<br />

Voyhamanaka (adj.) [vuyhamana with disparaging suffix<br />

"ka] one who is getting drowned, " drownedling "<br />

J ni.507.<br />

but may be<br />

vi+ujha] carried away. — i. vulha: Vin 1.32, 109. —<br />

2. vulha: A 111.69; J 1.193; DhA 11.265 (udakena). See<br />

also biilha.<br />

Vil}ha & Vii}ha [pp. of vahati. Pass, vuyhati ;<br />

Vuvahyamana at A iv. 170 read with C. at opuniyamana<br />

" sifting " (fr. opunati) : see remark at A iv.476.<br />

Vnsita [Kem, Toev. s. v. vasati takes it as vi4-usita (of<br />

vas'), against which speaks meaning of vivasati " to<br />

live from home." Geiger, P.Gr. § 66' & 195 expl'' it as<br />

usita with prothetic v, as by-form of vuttha. Best<br />

fitting in meaning is assumption of vusita being a<br />

variant of vosita, with change of o to u in analogy to<br />

vuttha; thus =vi4- osita "fulfilled, come to an end or<br />

to perfection " ; cp. pariyosita. Geiger's expl° is<br />

supported by phrase brahmacariyaq vasati] fulfilled,<br />

accomplished; (or:) lived, spent (=vuttha); only in<br />

phrase vusitag brahmacariyar) (trsl° Dial. 1.93 ; " the<br />

higher life has been fulfilled") D 1.84 (cp. Dh 1.225 —<br />

vutthari parivutthar)) ; It 115 (ed. vusita"); Sn 463,<br />

493; Pug 61. — Also at D 1.90 neg. a°, with ref. to<br />

avusitava, where Rh D. {Dial. 1.112) trsl' "ill-bred"<br />

and " rude," hardly just. See also arahant ii.A.<br />

Vasitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vusita] state of perfection D 1.90<br />

(vusitava-manin kir) aiiiiatra avusitatta=he is proud<br />

of his perfection rather from imperfection).<br />

Vasitavant (adj.) [vusita -1- vant] one who has reached perfection<br />

(in chaste living), Ep. of the arahant D 11.223<br />

(trsl° " who has lived ' the life ' ") ; M 1.4 ; S ni.6i ;<br />

A V.16 ; Sn 514; Nd' 611 ; Miln 104. On D 1.90 see<br />

vusita (end). See also arahant ii.C.<br />

Vnsimant (adj.) [difficult to explain; perhaps for vasimant<br />

(see vasivasa) in sense of vasavattin] = vusitavant<br />

A IV. 340 ; Sn 1 1 15 (cp. Nd* 61 1 = vutthava cinna-carano<br />

etc., thus " perfected," cp. cipnavasin in same meaning).<br />

Vassati is Pass, of vasati* (q. v.).<br />

Viipakattlia [doubtful, whether vi-fupakattha (since the<br />

latter is onlj' used of lime), or =vavakattha, with which<br />

it is identical in meaning. Cp. also BSk. vyapakrsta<br />

Av§ 1.233 ; II. ; 194 of which it might he a re-translation]<br />

alienated, withdrawn, drawn away (from), secluded<br />

often in phrase eko vupakattho appamatto atapi etc.<br />

(see arahant 11. B.), e. g. D 111.76; S 1.117; 11. 21, 244;<br />

'"35. 73 sq. ; IV.7J ; A iv.299. Cp. also A iv.435<br />

(ganasma v.).<br />

Vupakasa [formed fr. vupakaseti] estrangement, aliena-<br />

tion, separation, seclusion ; always as twofold : kaya°<br />

&<br />

citta" (of body & of mind), e. g. D 111.285 {Dial. 111.260<br />

not correctly " serenity ") : S v.67 ; A iv.152.<br />

Vupakaseti [Cans, of vavakassati] to draw away, alienate,<br />

distract, exclude Vin iv.326 ; A v. 72 sq, — Cans. II.<br />

vupakasapeti to cause to distract or draw away Vin<br />

1.49; IV. 326. — pp. viipakattha.<br />

Vuparati [vi-i- uparati] ^uparati cessation DhsA 403.<br />

Vupasanta [pp. of vupasammati] appeased, allayed,<br />

calmed S iv.2 1 7, 294; A 1.4 (°citta) ; 111.205; Sn 82;<br />

Pug 61 (°citta); PvA 113.<br />

Vupasama [fr. vin-upa-f sam; cp. BSk. vyupasama Div\'<br />

578] I. allaying, relief, suppression, mastery, cessation,<br />

calmness S 111.32 ; IV.217; v.65 (cetaso) ; D 11. 157<br />

(sankhara); A 1.4 (id.); 11.162 (papanca") ; v.72 ; Pug<br />

69; J 1.392; DhsA 403. — 2. quenching ^of thirst)<br />

PvA 104.<br />

Vupasamana (nt.) [fr. vi-i-upa-i-sain; cp. BSk. vyupaia-<br />

mana .^^v^ 11114] allayment, cessation J 1.393; Miln<br />

320 ; PvA 37, 98.<br />

Vupasammati [vi-t- upasamraati] i . to be assuaged or<br />

quieted S iv.215. — 2. to be suppressed or removed<br />

J in. 334. — 3. to be subdued or extinguished, to go out<br />

(of light) Ap. 35. — pp. viipasanta. — Caus. viipasameti<br />

to appease, allay, quiet, suppress, relieve S v. 50 :<br />

SnA 132 (renuri); PvA 20, 38 (sokar)), 200;

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