The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vimaqsana 103 Vunhi<br />

Vimaosana (nt.) Jt "a (f.) [fr, vimaijsati] trying, testing;<br />

finding out, experiment Vin ni.79 ; J ni.55 ; Mhvs 22,<br />

78; PvA 153-<br />

VImaosa (f.) [fr. vimagsati] consideration, examination,<br />

test, investigation, the fourth of the Iddhipadas, q. v.<br />

D III. 77 (°samadhi), 222; S v.280 ; A 1.39, 297; in. 37,<br />

346 ; V.24, 90, 338 ;<br />

1.19 ; II. 123 ; Kvu<br />

508 ;<br />

269 ;<br />

Ps Dhs<br />

Vbh 219 (°samadhi), 222, 227; Tikp 2; Nett 16 ("samadhi),<br />

42; DA 1.106; SnA 349 (vlmai)sa-kara=sankhej-ya-kara).<br />

— Cp. pari".<br />

Vimagsin = vimar)saka Sn 877; Nd' 283 ; DA 1. 106.<br />

Vira [Vedic vira ; cp. Av. vira, Lat. vir, virtus " virtue "<br />

;<br />

Gotu. wair, Ohg, Ags wer ;<br />

to vayas strength etc.; cp.<br />

viriya] manly, mighty, heroic; a hero S 1.137; Sn 44,<br />

165 (not dhira), 642, 1096. 1102 ; Th 1, 736 (nara° hero);<br />

Nd* 609; DhA IV.225. —maha° a hero S i.iio, 193;<br />

(of the Arahant). —vira is often an Ep. of the<br />

III. 83<br />

Buddha.<br />

-angarupa built like a hero, heroic, divine D 1.89;<br />

II. 16; III. 59, 142, 145; S 1.89; Sn p. 106; expH as<br />

" devaputta-sadisa-kaya " at DA 1.250 & SnA 450.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BSk. equivalent is var-anga-rupin (distorted fr.<br />

vlr'=), e. g. MVastu 1.49; 11. 158; in. 197.<br />

Viyati [Pass, of vinati] see viyyati.<br />

Vivadata (adj.) [vi+avadata, the metric form of vodata]<br />

clean, pure Sn 784, 881.<br />

VIsati & vlsar) (indecl.) [both for Vedic vigsati ; cp. Av.<br />

visaiti, Gr. fi«oTi, Lat. viginti, Oir. fiche, etc. ; fr.<br />

Idg. *ijiH- komt (decad), thus " two decads." Cp. vi°]<br />

number 20. — Both forms are used indiscriminately.<br />

— (i) visati, e. g. Vin 11.<br />

2 71 ("vassa, as minimum age<br />

of ordination); Sn 457 (catu-visat'akkharar)) ; J 1.89<br />

("sahassa bhikkhu); in. 360 ; VbhA 191 sq. ; DhA 1.4<br />

(ekuna", 19); 11. g. 54; in.62 ("sahassa bhikkhu, as<br />

followers); as visatig at DhA 11. 61 (vassa-sahassani).<br />

(2) visar) ; e. g. Sn 1019 (°vassa-sata) ; It 99 (jatiyo)<br />

J 1-395 (°yojana-sata) ; v. 36 (°ratana-sata) ; DhA<br />

11.91 (°yojana-satar)).<br />

1.8;<br />

^hi [cp. Vedic vrihi] rice, paddy Vin iv.264 (as one<br />

of the 7 kinds of amaka-dhaiiiia) ; J 1.429 ; in. 356<br />

Miln 102, 267; Vism 383 (°tumba) ; DhA 1.125 ; 111.374<br />

("pitaka).<br />

Vaccati [Pass, of vac] to be called D 1.168, 245; Sn 436,<br />

759, 848, 861, 946 ; Nd' 431 ; Nd* s. v. katheti ; SnA 204 ;<br />

DhA 11.35. See also vatti. — pp. vutta.<br />

Vattha [pp. of vassati^] (water) shed, rained Pv 1.5*<br />

PvA 29 See also vatta & vattha.<br />

Vutthavant = vusitavant, Nd* 179, 284, 611.<br />

Vutthahati & vutthati [the sandhi form of utfhahati<br />

(q. v.), with euphonic v, which however appears in<br />

BSk. as vyut° (i. e. vi+ ud°) ; vyuttisthate "to come<br />

back from sea " Divy 35, and freq. in AvS, e. g.<br />

1.242] I. to rise, arise; to be produced Vin n.278<br />

(gabbha). — 2. to rise out of (abl.), to emerge from, to<br />

come back S iv.294 ; Vism 661 (vutthati). — pp. vutthiU.<br />

— Cans, vutthapeti (i) to ordain, rehabilitate<br />

Vin IV. 226, 317 sq. ( ^upasampadeti). (2)<br />

out of (abl.), to turn away from A ni.i 15.<br />

to rouse<br />

Vuttt^&na (nt.) [the sandhi form of utthana] i. rise, origin<br />

J 1. 114 (gabbha"). — 2. ordination, rehabilitation (in the<br />

Order) Vin iv.320 ; Miln 344. — 3. (cp. utthana 3)<br />

rousing, rising out, emerging, emergence ; appli* as a<br />

religious term to revival from jhana-abstraction (cp.<br />

Cpd. 67, 215 n. 4; Dhs. trl', § 1332) M 1.302 ; S 111.270 ;<br />

IV.294; A 111.3U, 418, 427 sq. ; Vism 661 (in detail), 681<br />

sq. (id.) ; Dhs 1332 ; Nett loo ; Tikp<br />

272, 346. -"gamini<br />

(-vipassana-i^ana) " insight of discernment<br />

uprising<br />

leading to<br />

" {Cpd. 67) Vism 661, 681 sq.<br />

Vutthanata (f.) [fr. vuuhana] rehabilitation ; in apatti"<br />

forgiveness of an offence Vin n.250.<br />

VQ^hanima [?] is an expression for a certain punishment<br />

(pain) in purgatory M 1.337 (vutthanimar) nama vedanar)<br />

vediyamana).<br />

Vuttlli (f) [fr- VT?, see vassati' & cp. Vedic vrsti] rain<br />

S i.i72=Sn 77 (fig. =saddha bijai) tapo vutthi); A<br />

in.370, 378 (vata°); It 83; Dh 14; J vi.587 ("dhara)<br />

Ap 38 (fig), 52 (amata°) ; Miln 416; Vism 37. 234<br />

(salila"); Mhvs 1, 24; SnA 34. 224; PvA 139 ("dhara<br />

shower of rain). —dubbutthi lack of rain, drought<br />

(opp. suvutthi) J 11.367 = vi.487 ; Vism 512.<br />

Vntthika (f.) = vutthi; only in cpd. dubbutthika time of<br />

drought, lack of rain D i.ii ; DA<br />

1.95 ; It 64 sq. (as<br />

avutthika-sama resembling a drought); DhA 1.52.<br />

Vutthita [pp. of vutthahati ;<br />

cp. utthita] risen (out of),<br />

aroused, having come back from (abl.) D 11.9 (patisallana)<br />

; Sn p. 59 ; S iv.294.<br />

Vutthimant (adj.) [fr. vutthi, cp. Vedic vj-stimant in same<br />

meaning] containing rain, full of rain ; the rainy sky<br />

Th 2, 487 (=deva, i. e. rain-god or sky ThA 287).<br />

Kern, Toev. s. v. wrongly = *vjTisti°, i. e. fr. vi-|- a?<br />

(vas) to shine, " luisterrijk," i. e. lustrous, resplendent.<br />

Vu441ia & vnddha [pp. of vaddhati] old (fig. venerable) —<br />

I. vuddha Pv n.ii* ; Mhvs 13, 2, — 2. vuddha M n.168 ;<br />

J ;<br />

v,i40; Sn p. 108 (+ mahallaka)<br />

DA<br />

1.283.<br />

Va44haka (adj.) [vuddha+ka] old; f. "ika old woman<br />

Th 2, 16.<br />

Va44hi A vuddhi (f ) [a by-form of vaddhi] increase,<br />

growth, furtherance, prosperity. — i. vuddhi PvA 22.<br />

Often in phrase vuddhi virulhi vepuUa (all three almost<br />

tautological) Miln 51 ; Vism 129. — 2. vuddhi M 1.117<br />

(-f virulhi etc.); S 11.205 sq. ; in.53 ; v.94, 97; A in. 76<br />

(opp. parihani), 404 (-(-virulhi), 434 (kusalesu dhammesu);<br />

v.123 sq. ; It 108; J v. 37 ("ppatta grown up);<br />

Vism 271, 439 (so read for buddhi); DhA 11.82, 87;<br />

Sdhp 537.<br />

'Vupati [we are giving this base as such only from analogy<br />

with the Sk. form vrnati (vrnoti); from the point of<br />

view of <strong>Pali</strong> grammar we must consider a present tense<br />

varati as legitimate (cp. sar)°). <strong>The</strong>re are no forms from<br />

the base vunati found in the present tense ; the Caus.<br />

vareti points directly to varati]. <strong>The</strong> two meanings<br />

of the root vT as existing in Sk. are also found in <strong>Pali</strong>,<br />

but only peculiar to the Caus. vareti (the form aor.<br />

avari as given by Childers should be read avarinsu<br />

Mhvs 36, 78). <strong>The</strong> present tense varati is only found<br />

in meaning " to wish " (except in prep. cpds. like san-<br />

255 var =<br />

varati to restrain). — Def"* of : vT Dhtp<br />

varana-sambhattisu ; 274 val=sagvarane (see valaya);<br />

606 var = avaran'icchasu. — 1. to hinder, obstruct; to<br />

conceal, protect (on meanings " hinder " and " conceal<br />

" cp. rundhati) ; Idg. 'ner and •nel, cp. Gr. IKurpov,<br />

Sk. varutra, Lat. volvo, aperio etc. See vivarati. <strong>The</strong><br />

pp. 'vuta only in comb" with prefixes, like pari", san".<br />

It also appears as 'vata in vivafa. — 2. to wish, desire ;<br />

Idg. *pel, cp. Sk. varana, variyan " better," Gr. !\louai<br />

to long for, Lat. volo to intend, Goth, wiljan to " will,"<br />

wilja = E. will. — Pres. varati (cp. vapeti): imper.<br />

varassu J in. 493 (vararj take a wish ; Pot. vare Pv<br />

ii.9*» (=vareyyasi C); ppr. varamana Pv 11 9*" (=patthayamana<br />

PvA 128). — pp. does not occur.<br />

Vmihi° (& instr. vunhina) at Pgdp 13, 15, 19, 35 must be<br />

meant for v-unha° (& v'unhena), i. e. heat (see unha).

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