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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Viheseti 102 Vitnaqsati<br />

Viheseti [vi + hirjs, or Denom. fr. vihesa, cp, Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. § lo*] to harass, vex, annoy, insult S iv.63 ; v. 346 ;<br />

A 111.194; Vin IV. 36 sq. ; Ud 44; Sn 277; Pv iv.i""<br />

(vihesai), aor.) ; iv.i^' (vihesayi, aor.).<br />

Vici (m. & f.) [cp. late Sk. vici wave ; Vedic vici only in<br />

meaning " deceit "<br />

; perhaps connected with Lat. vicis,<br />

Ags. wice = E. week, lit. "change," cp. tide] i. a wave<br />

J 1.509; Miln 117 (jala°), 319 ("puppha wave-flower,<br />

tig.); Vism 63 (samudda") ; Davs iv.46 ; DhsA 116 =<br />

Vism 143. — 2. interval, period of time (cp. " tide " =<br />

time interval) ] v.271 (°antara, in Avici definition as<br />

" uninterrupted state of suffering "). In contrast<br />

pair avici (adj.) uninterrupted, without an interval, &<br />

savici with periods, in def° of jara at VbhA 99 & DhsA<br />

328( where avici means " not changing quickly," and<br />

savici " changing quickly." Also in def" of sada (continuously)<br />

as " avici-santati " at Nd^ 631. Cp. avici.<br />

VvA 6 (T. bijati). —<br />

Vljati [vij] to fan J 1.165 ; SnA ; 487<br />

Caus. vijeti DhA iv.213; Mhvs 5, 161. — Pass, vijiyati<br />

: ppr. vijiyamana getting fanned J 111.374 (so read<br />

for vijiy") ; PvA i 76 (so for vijjamana !). — pp. vijita.<br />

Vijana (nt.) [fr. vij, cp. Class. Sk, vijana] a fan, fanning;<br />

in vijana-vata a fanning wind, a breeze SnA 174.<br />

Vijani (f.) [fr. vijana, of vij] a fan Vv 47^ (T. bijani, v. 1.<br />

vij"); J 1.46; Vism 310; DhA iv.39 ; VvA 147; PvA<br />

176 ; KhA 95. <strong>The</strong>re are 3 kinds of fans mentioned at<br />

Vin II.<br />

1 30, viz. vakamaya", usira", mora-pificha°, or<br />

fans made of bark, of a root (?), and of a peacock's tail.<br />

Vijita [pp. of vijati] fanned Pv iii.ii' (°anga).<br />

*Vinati (?), doubtful: sec apa" & pa". Kern, Toev.'s. v.<br />

wrong in treating it as a verb " to see."<br />

Vina (f.) [cp. Vedic vina] the Indian lute, mandoline<br />

S i.i22=Sn 449 (kaccha bhassati "let the lyre slide<br />

down from hollow of his arm " K.S. 1. 153) ; Th i, 467 ;<br />

S iv.igb (six parts); A 111.375; J 111.91 ; v. 196, 281<br />

(named Kokanada "wolf's howl"); vi. 465 =580;<br />

VV.64I''; 811"; Miln 53 (all its var. parts); VvA 138,<br />

161, 210; PvA 151. — vinag vadeti to play the lute<br />

Mhvs 31, 82 ; ThA<br />

203.<br />

-dandaka the neck of a lute J 11.225. -donika the<br />

sounding board of a lute (cp. doni' 4) Vism 251 ; VbhA<br />

234 ;<br />

KhA 45.<br />

Vita' (adj.) [vi-i- ita, pp. of i] deprived of, free from, (being)<br />

without. In meaning and use cp. vigata°. Very frequent<br />

as first part of a cpd., as e, g. the foil. :<br />

-accika without a flame, i. e. glowing, aglow (of<br />

cinders), usually comb'' with "dhuma " without smoke "<br />

M 1.365 ; S 11.99 (soreadfor vitacchika) = iv.i88=M 1.74 ;<br />

D II. 134; J 1. 15, 153; III. 447; v. 135; DhA n.68 ; Vism<br />

301. -iccha free from desire J 11.258. -gedha without<br />

greed Sn 210, 860, iioo; Nd' 250; Nd* 606. -tanha<br />

without craving Sn 83, 741, 849, 1041, 1060 ; Nd' 211 ;<br />

Nd* 607. -tapo without heat J 11.450. -(d)dara<br />

fearless Ph i, 525; Dh 385. -dosa without anger Sn<br />

12. -macchara without<br />

iii.i'^.<br />

envy, unselfish Sn 954; Nd'<br />

-mada not conceited So 328,<br />

444 ; J V.398 ; Pv<br />

cp. A II. 120. -mala stainless (cp. vimala) S iv.47, 107 ;<br />

DA 1.237 ' Miln 16. -moha without bewilderment<br />

Sn 13. -ragsi rayless (?) Sn 1016 (said of the sun ; the<br />

expression is not clear. One MS. of Nd^ at this passage<br />

reads pita", i. e. with yellow, i. e. golden, rays; which<br />

is to be preferred). Cp. note in Index to SnA. -raga<br />

passionless Sn 11, 507, 1071 ; Pug 32 ; Pv 11.4' ; Miln<br />

76,<br />

and frequently elsewhere. -lobha without greed Sn 10,<br />

469, 494. -vanna colourless Sn 1120. -salla without<br />

a sting S iv.64. -sarada not fresh, not unexperienced,<br />

i. e. wise It 123.<br />

Vita* [pp. of vayati', or vinati] woven Vin 111.259 (su°).<br />

Vltaosa [fr. vi+ tan, according to BR. <strong>The</strong> word is found<br />

in late Sk. (lexicogr.) as vitagsa. BR compare Sk.<br />

avatagsa (garland : see P. vataijsa) & uttagsa. <strong>The</strong><br />

etym. is not clear] a bird-snare (BR. " ; jedes zum<br />

Fangen von Wild & Vogeln dienende Gerat"), a decoy<br />

bird Th i, 139. Kern, Toev. s. v. " vogelstrik."<br />

Viti° is the contracted prepositional comb" vi-l- ati, representing<br />

an emphatic ati, e. g. in the foil.<br />

-(k)kama (i) going beyond, transgression, sin Vin<br />

111.112; IV. 290 ; J 1.412 ; IV. 376; Pug 21; Miln 380;<br />

Vism II, 17; DhA IV.3. — (2) going on, course (of<br />

time) PvA 137 ("ena by and by; v. 1. anukkamena).<br />

-kinna sprinkled, speckled, gay with J v. 188. -nameti<br />

to make pass (time), to spend the time, to live, pass,<br />

DhA wait J<br />

III. 63, 381 ;<br />

11.57; VvA 158; PvA 12, 21,<br />

47. 76. -patati to fly past, to flit by, to fly up & down<br />

Sn 688; A v.88=Miln 392. -missa mingled, mixed<br />

(with) M 1. 318; D III 96; J VI 151. -vatta having<br />

passed or overcome, gone through ; passed, spent S<br />

1. 14, 145; III. 225; iv,52 ; A 11.44; Sn 6, 395, 796;<br />

J 1.374 ; ThA I 70 ; PvA 2 i , 55, 83. -sareti [fr. vi-|- ati-(sr;<br />

not with Childers fr. smf; cp. BSk. vyatisarayati]<br />

to make pass (between), to exchange (greeting), to<br />

address, converse (kathar)), greet. Often in phrase<br />

saraniyag sammodaniyag kathag vitisareti [for which<br />

BSk. sammodaniri sagranjanir) vividhai) kathar) vyatisarayati,<br />

e. g. Av^ II. 140] D 1.52, 90, 118, 152; Sn<br />

419; cp. Miln 19; J iv.98 (shortened to saraiiiyar)<br />

v.264. -harana<br />

vitisarimha ; expH<br />

with sarayimha) ;<br />

passing (mutually), carrying in between J VI.35S (bho-<br />

jananar)). -harati to associate with (at a meal) S 1.162.<br />

-hara, in pada° " taking over or exchange of steps," a<br />

stride S 1.211; A iv.429 ; J<br />

vi.354. Same in BSk.,<br />

e. g. MVastu 1.35; 111.162.<br />

Vithi (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. vithi, to Idg. *ueia- to aim at, as in<br />

Lat. via way, Sk. veti to pursue; Lat. venor to hunt;<br />

Gr. tiffaro he went] i. street, way, road, path, track<br />

A V.347, 350 sq. ; Vv 83' ; J 1.158 (garden path) ; v. 350<br />

(dve vithiyo gahetva titthati, of a house); vi.276 (v.<br />

and raccha) ; DhA 1.14; VvA 31; PvA 54. -antaravithiyag<br />

(loc) in the middle of the road J 1.373; PvA<br />

96. -°sabhaga share of road J 1.422 ; -"singhataka cros.sroad<br />

DhA IV.4. — Of the path of the stars and heavenly<br />

bodies J 1.23; VvA 326. — Various streets (roads,<br />

paths) are named either after the professions carried<br />

on in them, e. g. dantakara° street of ivory-workers<br />

J 1.320 ; pesakara"<br />

weaver st. DhA 1.424 ; bhatakara°<br />

soldier st. DhA 1.233; °^ after the main kind of<br />

traffic frequenting these, e. g. naga° elephant road<br />

VvA 316; miga° animal rd.<br />

J 1.372 ; — or after special<br />

occasions (like distinguished people passing by this or<br />

that road), e. g. buddha" the road of the Buddha DhA<br />

11.80; raja° King st. ThA 52; Mhvs 20, 38. — 2. (t.t.<br />

in psychology) course, process (of judgment, senseperception<br />

or cognition, cp. Cpd. 25, 124, 241 (vinicchaya"),<br />

266. — Vism 187 (kammatthana°) ; KhA 102<br />

(viniiana°). -"citta process of cognition (lit. processed<br />

cognition) Vism 22 ;<br />

DhsA 269.<br />

Vithika (adj.) (-°) [fr. vithi] having (as) a road Miln 322<br />

(satipatthana°, in the city of Righteousness).<br />

Vimagsaka (adj.) [fr. vimagsa] testing, investigating,<br />

examining S 111.6 sq. ; Sn 827 ;<br />

Nd*<br />

166 ; J 1.369.<br />

Vimagsati (& °eti) [Vedic mimagsate, Desid. of man. <strong>The</strong><br />

P. form arose through dissimilation m>v, cp. Geiger,<br />

P.Gr. 46, 4] " to try to think," to consider, examine,<br />

find out, investigate, test, trace, think over Sn 215<br />

(°amana), 405; J<br />

1.128, 147, 200; vi.334 ; Miln 143;<br />

PvA 145, 215, 272; Sdhp 91. — ger. °itva J vi.368<br />

Mhvs 5, 36 ; PvA 155 ; inf. °itug Mhvs 37, 234 ; PvA 30,<br />

155, 283 (sippar)). — Caus. II, vimarjsapeti to cause to<br />

investigate J v.iio. — Cp. pari".

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