The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vindussara 84 Viparivattana<br />

I, 13 (ppr. vindar)) ; DhA in. 128 (ppr. vindanto), 410.<br />

PvA 60, 77. — inf. vinditur) Miln 122; J 18; grd<br />

vindiya Vism 526 (as avindiya in expl" of avijja). —<br />

Cp. nibbindati. — pp. vitta' (for which adhigata in lit.<br />

meaning).<br />

Vindussara is v. 1. of bindu° (q. v.).<br />

Vipakka (adj.) [vi + pakka] fully ripe J 1.136.<br />

Vipakkha (adj.) [vi + pakkha^ 2] opposite, hostile ; enemy ;<br />

only in foil. cpds. :<br />

-sevaka siding in or consorting with the enemy,<br />

keeping bad company, a traitor J 1.186; 111.321 ; DhA<br />

IV. 95. -sevin id. J 1.487; 11.98.<br />

Vipakkhika (adj.) [vipakkha + ika] i. [vi + pakkha^ 1]<br />

without wings J 1.429. — 2. [vi + pakkha' 2] opposite,<br />

hostile Sdhp 71.<br />

Vipakkhin (adj.) [vi + pakkhin] having no wings, without<br />

wings J V.255.<br />

Tipaccata (f.) at Vin n.88 is perhaps a der. fr. vi + vac, and<br />

not pac, thus representing a Sk. *vivacyata, meaning<br />

" challenging in disputation," quarrelsomeness, provocation.<br />

See also vipaceti. If fr. vi + pac, the meaning<br />

would be something like " heatedness, exasperation."<br />

Vipaccati [vi -(- paccati] i. to be cooked, i. e. to ripen<br />

J V.121 ; PvA 104. — -2. to bear fruit D 11.266 ; S 1.144 ;<br />

M 1.388; Nett 37; VvA 171.<br />

Vipaccanaka (adj.) [fr. vipaccati, cp. paccana] bearing<br />

fruit, ripening (fully) Miln 421 (Notes) ; PvA 190.<br />

Vipaccanika (adj.) [vi -i- paccanika] hostile M 1.402 ; A<br />

iv.95 ; J IV.108 ; Pug 20 ; Vbh 351. 359, 371 ; VbhA 478 :<br />

PvA 87.<br />

Vipajjati [vi-i-pajjati] to go wrong, to fail, to perish (opp.<br />

sampajjati) DhA in. 357 ;<br />

PvA 34. — pp. vipanna.<br />

Vipancana & Vipaficiyati : see under vipaficita.<br />

Vipancita [fr. vi -1- pane, cp. papaiicita] only in phrase<br />

"fiiiii either : knowing diffuseness or detail, or : of unillusioned<br />

understanding, clear-minded, unprejudiced,<br />

comb"* with ugghatita-firiu at A 11.135= Pug 4' (trsl""<br />

by B. C. Law as " learning by exposition " ; PugA 223<br />

expl' as " vittharitari atthar) janati," i. e. one who<br />

knows a matter expl"" in detail. <strong>The</strong> spelling at A ii.i 35<br />

is vipacita" ; at Pug 41 vipaccita" & at PugA vipaccita",<br />

with V. 1. vipaiicita°) ; Nett 7 sq., 125 ; SnA 163 (where<br />

ugghatita-nAu is applied to those who understand by<br />

condensed instruction, sankhepa-desanaya, and vipancita-niiu<br />

to those who need a detailed one, vittharadesana<br />

thus " ;<br />

learning by diffuseness "). — At Nett 9<br />

we have the var. terms vipancana, vipancayati &<br />

vipaficiyati (Denom.) used in the description of var.<br />

ways of parsing and grammatical analysis. Here<br />

vipancana (resting clearly on Sk. papafica expansion)<br />

means " expanding " (by letters & vowels) and stands<br />

midway between ugghatana & vittharana "condensing<br />

& detailing." <strong>The</strong> term vipancayati (= vipaficiyati) is<br />

used in the same way. — Note. <strong>The</strong> term is not sufficiently<br />

cleared up. It occurs in BSk. as vipaflcika (e, g. Divy<br />

319, 391, 475, where it is appl"* to " brahmaija naimittika<br />

" & trsli" by Cowell as " sooth-sayer "), and<br />

vipancanaka (Divy 548 ?), with which cp. vipaficitajna<br />

at Lai. Vist. 520.<br />

Vipapeti [vi-i-Caus. of paijati] to sell, to trade (with)<br />

J IV. 363 (=vikkinati C).<br />

Vipatati see vipateti 2.<br />

Vipatti (f.) [vi-i-patti^ wrong state, false manifestation,<br />

failure, misfortune (opp. sampatti) Vin 1.171 (acara°<br />

failure of morality) ; A 1.270 (ajiva") ; iv.26, 160 (atta°,<br />

para") ; Ps 1.122 ; J vi.292 ; Nett 126 (the 3 vipattiyo :<br />

sila°, ditthi', acara°) ; DhA 1.16 (sila°) DA 1.235.<br />

Often in pair ditthi" wrong view, heresy, & sUa" moral<br />

failure : D 11.213 ; A 1.95. 268, 270 ; Vin v. 98 ; Vbh 361 ;<br />

Dhs 1 361. — payoga" wrong application PvA 117, 136<br />

(opp. "sampatti).<br />

Vipatha [vi -1- patha] wrong way or course Vv 50'° (= apatha<br />

VvA 212).<br />

Vipanna [pp. of vipajjati] gone viTong, having lost, failing<br />

in (-°), opp. sampanna : A 111.19 (rukkho sakha-palasa"<br />

a tree which has lost branches and leaves) ; Sn 116<br />

(°ditthi one who has wrong views, heretic ; expl"" as<br />

" vinattha-sammaditthi " SnA 177); Miln 258 (su°<br />

thoroughly fallen), -sila" gone wrong in morals, lacking<br />

morahty Vin 1.63 (-t-acara°, difthi") ; 11.4 (id.) ; J 111.138<br />

(vipanna-sila)<br />

Vipannatta (nt.) [fr. vipanna] failure, misfortune Dhs<br />

A 367.<br />

Viparakkamma (indecl.) [ger. of vi+parakkamati] endeavouring<br />

strongly, with all one's might Sn 425<br />

Viparamosa (Viparamasa) [vi-i-paramasa, the form °mosa<br />

probably a distortion of °masa] highway robbery D<br />

1.5 (expl"" as twofold at DA 1.80, viz. hima° & gumba°,<br />

or hidden by the snow & a thicket ; the pop. etym.<br />

given here is " janai) musanti," i. e. they steal, or<br />

beguile people); 111.176 (v. 1. °masa) ; A 11.209; v.206<br />

S v.473 ; Pug 58.<br />

Viparavatta [pp. of vi-l- para-l- vyt] reversed, changed<br />

D 1.8 ; M 11.3 ; S 111.12 ; v.419; DA 1.9 1.<br />

Viparioata [vi-f parinata] changed, perverted Dhs 1038;<br />

Vbh I, 3, 5 sq. ; Miln 50.<br />

ViparL()ama [vi-f pariijama] change (for the worse), reverse,<br />

vicissitude D in. 216 ("dukkhata) ; M 1.457 (also as<br />

"disappointment"); S n.274; 111.8; rv.7 sq., 67 sq. ;<br />

A II.I 77 ("dhamma subject to change) ; 111.32 ; v.59 sq. ;<br />

Vbh 379 (°dhamma) ; Vism 499 (°dukkha), 629 sq.<br />

VbhA 93<br />

(id.) ;<br />

PvA<br />

fastness D 1. 18; III. 31, 33 ; DhA<br />

60. — a° absence of change, stead-<br />

1. 121.<br />

Viparii^ameti [Denom. fr. vipaririama] to change, alter<br />

D 1.56 (T. °uamati ; but DA 1.167 °nameti : sic for<br />

"ijamati !) = S in. 2 11 ; PvA 199.<br />

Viparibbinna [vi-f paribhinna] (entirely) broken up M<br />

1.296 ;<br />

S IV. 294.<br />

Vipariyattba in verse at J v. 372 is the poet, form of vipallattha<br />

(so the C. expl°).<br />

Vipariyaya & Vipariyaya [vi-f pariyaya] change, reversal<br />

DA 1. 148 (a); SnA 499; DhsA 253 (a); Sdhp 124, 333.<br />

Cp. vipariyesa & vipallasa.<br />

Vipariyadikata (adj.) [vipariyaya -f kata, with sound<br />

change y>d, viz. °ayi>°adi] thrown out of its course,<br />

upset, destroyed Th i, 184 (cittar) ; cp. similar phrase<br />

vipariyatthai) cittag J v. 372 — <strong>The</strong> v. 1. at Th passage<br />

is vimariyadi").<br />

Vipariyesa [a contamination form between "pariyaya &<br />

"pallasa] reversal, contrariness, viTong state Kvu 306<br />

{three reversals :<br />

citta", ditthi" ; or of perception,<br />

safina",<br />

consciousness & views, cp. Kvu trsl" 176) ; Vbh 376 (id.).<br />

— °gaha inverted grasp i. e. holding opposite views or<br />

" holding the contrary aim " (B. C. Law) Pug 22 ;<br />

DhsA 253 ( = vipallattha-gaha).<br />

Vipaiivatta [vi-f parivatta] changing or turning round,<br />

upset J 1.344 (lokassa "kale).<br />

Viparivattati [vi-f parivattati] to turn round, to upset<br />

J<br />

IV. 224 (nava "amana capsizing); Miln 117; ThA 255.<br />

Viparivattana (nt.) [fr. viparivattati] changing, change,<br />

reverse DhsA 367.

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