The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vidhanavant 8i Vinassat'<br />

{vidhi-vidh4na-6flu ;<br />

vidahanai) va ") ; PvA<br />

C. expl"" v. as " kottnaso va sag-<br />

30. — 4. succession (as much as<br />

"supplement") KhA 216; SnA 23 (note 2). — Cp.<br />

sai)vidahana & sai)vidhana.<br />

ySdhanavant (adj.) [vidhana + vant] making dispositions,<br />

careful in providing, circumspect, considerable J vi.287.<br />

Vidhiyaka [fr. vi + dh&] providing PvA 60.<br />

Vidhivati [vi + dhavati] to run about, roam, cover<br />

space (ace), stray S 1.37; Sn 411, 939; Nd' 414;<br />

DA 1.39.<br />

Vidhi (f ) [fr. vi + dhS, cp. Ved. vidhi] i . form,<br />

way ;<br />

rule,<br />

direction, disposition, method, motto Vism 278 (manasikara°,<br />

eightfold); PvA 78 (dana°= dana), 126; VvA<br />

82. — instr. Tidhina in due form Mhvs 14, 52 ; PvA 1 30 ;<br />

Sdhp 336. — -2. luck, destiny J 11.243 (°rahita unlucky).<br />

Vidhatika [etym. ?] a wreath Vin 11. 10 ; 111.180.<br />

Vidhnn&ti [vi + dhunati] to shake S 1.197; Miln 399;<br />

Vism 71. — 2. to remove, to skin (an animal) Vin 1.193.<br />

Vidhnra (adj .) [Vedic vidhura : see vidhava] i . destitute,<br />

lonely ; miserable, wretched J v. 399 (so read for<br />

vidura ; according to Kern, Toev. s. v., but doubtful). —<br />

2. [vi + dhura] " burdenless," unequalled Sn 996 (= vigata-dhura,<br />

appafima SnA 583); A 1.116 (here in<br />

meaning "clever," perhaps = vidura ; spelt vidhijra).<br />

Cp. Np. Vidhura KhA 128 ; SnA 201 (as Vidhura at<br />

J IV.361).<br />

Vidhfipana (adj.-nt.) [fr. vidhupeti] fanning, a fan Vin<br />

II. 130; iv.263 ; A II. 130; Nd* 562; Vv 33*' (=caturassa<br />

vijani) VvA 147 ; VbhA 71.<br />

Vidhnpita [pp. of vidhupeti] scattered, destroyed Sn 472<br />

(= daddha SnA 409) ; Ud 71 (so read for vidupita).<br />

Vidhupeti (°dhupayati) [vi+dhupayati] i. to fumigate,<br />

perfume, diffuse Miln 252. — 2. to scatter, destroy<br />

Vin 1.2 (vidhupayar) Mara-senag) ; S 1.14; Hi. 90 = A<br />

11. 167. — pp. vidhupita.<br />

v. 325 ; S IV. 2 ID ; Ps<br />

Vidhnma (& vidhuma) (adj.) [vi + dhuma] "without<br />

smoke," i. e. passionless, quiet, emancipated S 1.141<br />

[K.S. : " no fume of vice is his ") ; Sn 460 (= kodhadhflma-vigamena<br />

v. SnA 405), 1048 (cp. Nd* 576 with<br />

long exegesis); Pv iv.i" (= vigata-miccha-vitakkadhuma<br />

PvA 230).<br />

Vinattha [pp. of vinassati] destroyed VvA 265 ;<br />

PvA 55.<br />

Vinata [pp. of vi + nam] bent, bending PvA 154 (°sakha).<br />

Vinadati [vi + nadati] to cry or shout out, to scold J in. 147<br />

(kamar) vinadantu let them shout I). Cp. BSk. vinadita<br />

" reviled " Divy 540.<br />

Vinaddha [pp. of vinandhati] covered, bound, intertwined<br />

Vin 1. 194 (camma°, onaddha+); J v.416; vi.589<br />

(kancanalata° bheri) ; Vism i (=jatita sar)sibbita).<br />

Vinandhati [vi + nandhati] to close, encircle, cover Mhvs<br />

ig, 48; Vism 253 (ppr. vinandhamana :<br />

vinaddh"). — pp. vinaddha.<br />

so read for<br />

Vinandhana (nt.) [fr. vi+ nandhati] tying, binding Vin<br />

II. 1 16 (°rajju rope for binding).<br />

Vinaya [fr. vi + nl, cp. vi<strong>net</strong>i] i. driving out, aboUshing<br />

destruction, removal Vin 1.3 (asmi-manassa), 235 =<br />

III. 3 (akusalanai) dhammanar) vinayaya dhammar)<br />

desemi) ; S 1.40 ; Sn 921 ; A 1.9 1 (kodha°, upanaha") ;<br />

11.34 (pipasa") ; IV. 15 (iccha°) ; v. 165 (id); SnA 12;<br />

PvA 114 (atthassa mulai) nikati°). Often in phrase<br />

raga°, dosa°, moha°, e. g. S iv.7 sq. ; v. 137 sq., 241 ;<br />

A IV.175 ; Nett 22. — 2. rule (in logic), way of saying<br />

or judging, sense, terminology (cp. imina nayena)<br />

S IV. 95 (ariyassa vinaye vuccati loko) ; A 1.163 (ariyassa<br />

vinaye tevijjo one called a threefold wise in the nomenclature<br />

of the Buddhist) ; 11. 166 (ariyassa v.) ; SnA 403.<br />

— 3. norm of conduct, ethics, morality, good behaviour<br />

Sn 916, 974 ;<br />

IV. 24 1 (= acAra- vinaya C.) :<br />

11. 112;<br />

J A<br />

III. 353 sq. (ariya-vinaye saddha yassa patiUhita etc.<br />

faith established in Buddhist ethics). — 4. code of<br />

ethics, monastic discipline, rule, rules of morality or of<br />

canon law. In this sense applied to the large collection<br />

of rules which grew up in the monastic life and<br />

habits of the bhikkhus and which form the ecclesiastical<br />

introduction to the " Dhamma," the " doctrine," or<br />

theoretical, philosophical part of the Buddhist Canon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> history & importance of the Vinaya Pitaka will be<br />

dealt with under the titie " Vinaya " in the Dictionary<br />

of Names. Only a few refs. must suffice here to give<br />

a general idea. See also under Dhamma C, and in<br />

detail Geiger, Dhamma pp. 55-58. — Often comb"" with<br />

dhamma : dhammato vinayato ca on the ground of<br />

'. Dh. and V. Vin 1.337 cp. 11-247. — dhammo ca vinayo<br />

ca Vin 1356; 11.285, 302 ; or (as (Dvandva) dhanuna-<br />

vinaya (i. e. the teaching of the Buddha in its completeness)<br />

D 1.229 ; Vin 11.237 sq. ; M 1.284 ; 11. 181 sq. ;<br />

A 1.283; III 297, 327; S 1.9; 111.65; Ud 53; VvA 3.<br />

Often approaches the meaning of " Buddhist order,"<br />

e. g. Vin 1.69: D 1.176; M 1.68, 459, 480; in. 127;<br />

S II. 120 ; A 1. 185 ; II. 123 ; v. 122. — See further Vin n.96<br />

(vinaye dieko hoti) ; A 11. 168 (ayar) dhammo, ayar) v.,<br />

idar) Satthu-sasanar)) ; Vism 522 ; VbhA 273 ; KhA 106,<br />

151 ; SnA 4. 195, 310. — a-vinaya one who sins against<br />

the V. (like a-dhamma one who neglects the Dh.)<br />

Vin 11.295 sq. ; 111.174 ; A I.i8 ; v. 73 sq. — <strong>The</strong> division<br />

of the books of the Vinaya is given at DhsA 18. Its<br />

character (as shown by its name) is given in the foil,<br />

verse at DhsA 19 : " (vividha-visesa-) nayatta vinayanato<br />

c'-eva kaya-vacanar) vinayy' attha-viduhi ayag<br />

vinayo Vinayo ti akkhato," i. e. " Because it shows<br />

precepts & principles, and governs both deed and<br />

word, therefore men call this scripture V., for so is V.<br />

interpreted " {Expos, i. 23).<br />

-atthakatha the (old) commentary on the Vinaya<br />

VbhA 97. -clnuggaha taking<br />

Vism 72, 272 ; 334 ; KhA<br />

up (i. e. following the rules) of the Vinaya Vin iii.2i ;<br />

A 1.98, 100 ; v. 70. -katha exposition of the Vinaya<br />

Vin IV. 142. -dhara one who knows or masters the V.<br />

by heart, an expert in the V. Vin 1.169 ; 11.299 (with<br />

dhamma-dhara & matika-dhara) ; A 1.25; 11. 147;<br />

III. 78 sq., 179, 361; IV. 140 sq. ; v.io sq.,; J 111.486 ;<br />

IV.219 ; Vism 41, 72 ; KhA<br />

151 ;DhAii.30 (with dhamma<br />

-kathika & dhuta-vada) [cp. BSk. vinayadhara Divy<br />

21]. -pitaka the V. Pitaka KhAi 2, 97; VbhA 431.<br />

-vatthu chapter of the V. Vin 11.307. -vadin one who<br />

professes the V. (or " speaking in accordance with the<br />

rules of conduct "), a V.-foUower D 1.4 (here expl"" by<br />

Bdhgh as " sag vara- vinaya-pahana- vinaya sannissitai)<br />

katva vadati ti " v. DA 1.76, thus taking it as vinaya 3)<br />

= M 111.49 = Pug 58 (tisl° here: "speaking according<br />

to self-control ") ; D in. 135, 175.<br />

Vinayati see Ti<strong>net</strong>i.<br />

Vinayana (nt.) [fr. vi + nl] i. removing, removal Miln 318<br />

(pipasa°) ; PvA 39 (soka"). — 2. instruction, disciphne,<br />

Miln 220.<br />

setting an example J v.457 (conversion) ;<br />

VinalOcata (adj [vi + nala -|- kata, with nali for na|a in<br />

.)<br />

comb" with kr] lit. " having the reed or stem removed,"<br />

rendered useless, destroyed M 1.227 ; A<br />

n.39 ; Sn 542<br />

(=ucchinna SnA 435) ;Th i, 216; J vi.60 (viddhasta+,<br />

as at Sn 542).<br />

Vinassati [vi -t- nassati] to be lost ; to perish, to be destroyed<br />

S IV. 309 ; M II. 108 (imper. vinassa " away with you ") ;<br />

J Pv<br />

Cans, vinaseti.<br />

III. 351 ; V.468 ;<br />

111.4'; Vism 427. — pp. vinattha.<br />


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