The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vijju 76 Vifmana<br />

spell D 1. 21 3 (Gindhari nama v., also mentioned at<br />

J IV.498 as practised by physicians). 214 (Manika<br />

n. V.) ; J 111.504 (Cintamani v.) ; iv.323 (vatthu" ; see<br />

under vatthu), 498 (ghora") ; v.458 (anga° palmistry) ;<br />

Miln 200; Dh 1.259 (bhuraicala n. v. "earthquake"<br />

KhA<br />

charm), 265 (dhanu-agamaniyar) Ambattha n. v.) ;<br />

237 {vatthu°, khetta°, anga°) ; and see the list of forbidden<br />

crafts at D 1.9 (anga°, vatthu", khetta" etc. ;<br />

cp. Dial. 1. 18, 19).<br />

-gata having attained wisdom Sn 730 (opp. avijja<br />

the playful expl" at SnA 505 is " ye arahatta-maggavijjaya<br />

kilese vijjhitvd gata khinasava-satta "). -carana<br />

(-sampanaa) (endowed with) special craft (wisdom) &<br />

virtue : see above, b. -tthana branch of study ; there are<br />

18 vijja-tthanani or " arts & sciences." subjects of study,<br />

referred to at J 1.259. -dhara a knower of charms, a<br />

sorcerer J in. 303. 529 ; iv.496 ; v. 94 ; Miln 153, 200. 267.<br />

-bhagiya (dharami) (states) conducive to wisdom (6<br />

kinds of safina) A ni.334 ; cp. D 111.243 ; S v. 395 ; A<br />

IV. 52 sq. -maya (iddhi) (potency) accomplished by art<br />

or knowledge (Expos. 1.122) Vism 383 ; see iddhi. -vi-<br />

mutti wisdom (higher knowledge) as salvation S v. 28,<br />

Ps 11.243 (in detail).<br />

335 sq. ;<br />

Vijja & vijjata (f) [cp.<br />

juti] lightning. — (a)<br />

Vedic vidyut;<br />

vijju: S 1. 100<br />

fr. vi + dyat: see<br />

(°mali) ; A 1.124<br />

("uparaicitta) ; J v. 322 ("vaijriin) ; Pug 30; Miln 22<br />

(°jala) ; VvA 12; Sdhp 244, 598. —(b) vijjute: Th i,<br />

1 167 ; J II. 217. — On similes with v. see J.P.T.S. 1907,<br />

1 36. — Cp. next.<br />

Vijjallata (f.) [vijju(t) + lata] a flash or streak of lightning,<br />

forked lightning S 1.106 ; J 1.103. 279, 501.<br />

Vijjotati [vi-(- jotati] to shine (forth) PvA 56; Cans. ?eti<br />

to illumine PvA 10. — pp. vijjotita.<br />

Vijjotalati [Freq. of vijjotati? Or= vijjotayati= vijjoteti<br />

?] to flicker Vin 11. 131 ; M 1.86.<br />

Vijjotita [pp. of vijjotati] resplendent PvA i 54.<br />

Vijihati [vyadh] to pierce, perforate ; to shoot with an<br />

arrow; to strike, hit. split; fut. "issati J iv.272 ; inf.<br />

°itug ibid. ; gar. °itva Vin ii.i 50 ; J 1.201 (boring through<br />

timber) ; SnA 505 (kilese) ; PvA 155 ; & viddha J vi.77.<br />

— Pass, vijjhati : ger. °itva having been hit J in. 323 ;<br />

ppr. vijjhamana PvA 107: grd. viddheyya J vi.77. — -pp.<br />

viddha. — -Cans, vijjheti J 1.45 (sulehi vijjhayanto) ; and<br />

vedheti to cause to be pierced J vi.453 (f"t- vedhayissati).<br />

— pp. vedhita.<br />

Vijihana (nt.) [fr. vijjhati] piercing or getting pierced<br />

DA 1.75 ; 11.87 (kanna°-mangala, ear-piercing ceremony) ;<br />

PvA 107.<br />

Vijibapeti [vi + jhapeti] to extinguish Vin 1.31 ; 11.219,<br />

221 ; J IV. 292 ; Miln 42.<br />

Vijjhayati [vi-j-jhayati^] to be extinguished, to go out (of<br />

fire) Vin 1.31 (imper. "iyatu & fut. °ayissati) ; DhA 1.2<br />

(akkhini dipa-sikha viya vijjhayigsu).<br />

Vinnatti (f.) [fr. viiiflapeti] intimation, giving to understand,<br />

information ; begging or asking by intimation or<br />

hinting (a practice forbidden to the bhikkhu) Vin 1.72<br />

("bahula, intent on . . .) ; in. 144 sq. (id.); iv.290 ;<br />

J III. 72 (v. nama na vatfati, is improper); Vbh 13;<br />

Vism 41 (threefold: nimitta", obhasa", parikatha ; as<br />

t. t., cp. Cpd. J 20' : medium of communication) ; Miln<br />

343. 370; DhA II. 2 1 (vinfiattir) katva bhuiijitur) na<br />

vattati) ; PvA 1 46. — Two kinds of viiinatti are generally<br />

distinguished, viz. kaya° and vaci", or intimation by body<br />

(gesture) and by voice :Dhs 665, 718 ; Miln 229 sq. ; Vism<br />

448, 53°. 53"- Cp. Cpd. 22, 264.<br />

ViMaija (nt.) [fr. vi-l-jfta; cp. Vedic vijfiana cognition]<br />

(as special term in Buddhist metaphysics) a mental<br />

quaUty as a constituent of individuaUty. the bearer of<br />

(individual) life, life-force (as extending also over<br />

rebirths), principle of conscious life, general consciousness<br />

(as function of mind and matter), regenerative force,<br />

animation, mind as transmigrant, as transforming<br />

(according to individual kamma) one individual life<br />

(after death) into the next. (See also below, c & d). In<br />

this (fundamental) application it may be characterized<br />

as the sensory and perceptive activity commonly<br />

expressed by " mind." It is difficult to give any one<br />

word for v., because there is much difference between the<br />

old Buddhist and our modern points of view, and there<br />

is a varying use of the term in the Canon itself. In<br />

what may be a very old Sutta S 11.95 ^- ^^ given as a<br />

synonym of citta (q. v.) and mano (q. v.), in opposition<br />

to kaya used to mean body. This simpler unecclesiastical,<br />

unscholastic popular meaning is met with in<br />

other suttas. E. g. the body (kaya) is when animated<br />

called sa-vitiiianaka (q. v. and cp. vinfianatta). Again,<br />

v. was supposed, at the body's death, to pass over into<br />

another body (S 1.122 ;<br />

platform (patittha).<br />

in. 124) and so find a support or<br />

It was also held to be an immutable,<br />

persistent substance, a view strongly condemned<br />

(M 1.258). Since, nowever. the persistence of v. from<br />

life to life is declared (D 11.68; Sin. 54), we must<br />

judge that it is only the immutable persistence that is<br />

condemned. V. was justly conceived more as " minding<br />

" than as " mind." Its form is participial. For<br />

later variants of the foregoing cp. Miln 86 ; PvA 63, 219.<br />

Ecclesiastical scholastic dogmatic considers v. under<br />

the categories of (a) khandha (b) dhatu (c) paticca-<br />

; ;<br />

samuppada (d) ahara ; ; (e) kaya. (a) V. as fifth of the<br />

five khandhas (q. v.) is never properly described or<br />

defined. It is an ultimate. But as a factor of animate<br />

existence it is said to be the discriminating (vijanati) of<br />

e. g. tastes or sapid things (S in. 87), or, again, of pleasant<br />

or painful feeUng (M 1.292). It is in no wise considered<br />

as a condition, or a cUmax of the other incorporeal<br />

khandhas. It is just one phase among others of mental<br />

life. In mediaeval dogmatic it appears rather as the bare<br />

phenomenon of aroused attention, the other khandhas<br />

having been reduced to adjuncts or concomitants<br />

brought to pass by the arousing of v. {Cpd. 13), and as<br />

such classed under cetasika, the older sankharakkhandha.<br />

— (b) as dhatu, v. occurs only in the category of the four<br />

elements with space as a sixth element, and also where<br />

dhatu is substituted for khandha (S in. 10).— (c) In the<br />

chain of causation (Paticca-samuppada) v. is conditioned<br />

by the sankharas and is itself a necessary<br />

condition of nama-riipa (individuality). See e. g.<br />

S 11.4, 6, 8, 12 etc. ; Vin i.i ; Vism 545 sq.= VbhA 150 ;<br />

Vism 558 sq. ; VbhA 169 sq. ; 192. — At S 11.4= 111.61<br />

viiinana (in the Paticca-samuppada) is defined in a<br />

similar way to the def under v.-fthiti (see c), viz. as<br />

a quality peculiar to (& underlying) each of the 6<br />

senses : " katamar) vinnanar) ? cha-y-ime viniSana-kaya<br />

(groups of v.), viz. cakkhu" sota° etc.," which means<br />

that viiinana is the apperceptional or energizing principle,<br />

so to speak the soul or Ufe (substratum, animator, lifepotency)<br />

of the sensory side of individueility. It arises<br />

through the mutual relation of sense and sense-object<br />

(M III. 281, where also the 6 v.-kaya). As such it forms<br />

a factor of rebirth, as it is grouped under upadhi (q. v.).<br />

Translations of S 11.4 : Mrs. Rh. D. {K.S. 11.4) " consciousness<br />

" ; Geiger (in Z. f. B. iv.62) " Erkennen."<br />

(d) As one of the four aharas (q. v.) v. is considered as<br />

the material, food or cause, through which comes rebirth<br />

(S 11.13 ; cp. B.Psy. p. 62). As such it is likened to seed<br />

in the field of action (kamma) A 1.223, and as entering<br />

(a body) at rebirth the phrase viiifianassa avakkanti is<br />

used (D 11.63 ' S 11.91). In this connection the expres-<br />

sion patisandhi-viniiana first appears in Ps 1.52, and<br />

then in the Commentaries (VbhA 192 ; cf. Vism 548,<br />

659 pafisandhicitta) ; in Vism 554= VbhA 163, the v.,<br />

here said to be located in the heart, is made out, at<br />

bodily death, " to quit its ' ' former support and proceed<br />

(pavattati) to another by way of its mental object

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