The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Vankeyya 50 Vacchatara<br />

Vankeyya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vanka] " of a crooked<br />

kind," crooked-like ; nt. twisting, crookedness, dishonesty<br />

M 1.340 ;<br />

A IV. 189; V.167.<br />

Vanga at DA 1.223 '^ ^V-<br />

with kana and means some<br />

kind of fault or flaw. It is probably a wrong spelling<br />

for vanka.<br />

Vangati [cp. *Sk. vangati, to which belongs vanjula. Idg.<br />

*aag to bend ; cp. Lat. vagor to roam, vagus= vague ;<br />

OTig. wankon to waver] to go, walk, waver ; found only<br />

in Dhtp (No. 29) as root vang in meaning " gamana."<br />

Perhaps confused with valg : see vaggati.<br />

Vaca (nt.) a kind of root Vin i.20 1 = iv.35. Cp. vacattha.<br />

Vacata (f.) [abstr. fr. vaco] is found only in cpd. dubbacata<br />

surliness J 1.159.<br />

*Vacati [vac] see vatti.<br />

Vacattha (nt.) a kind of root Vin i.20i = iv.35.<br />

Vacana (nt.) [fr. vac; Vedic vacana] i. speaking, utterance,<br />

word, bidding S n.i8 (alar) vacanaya one says<br />

rightly) ; iv.195 (yatha bhutai)) ; A 11. 168 ; Sn 417, 699,<br />

932, 984, 997; Miln 235; Pv II. 2' ; SnA 343. 386.<br />

— mama vacanena in my name PvA 53. — dubbacana a<br />

— vacanag karoti to do one's bidding J 1.222, 253.<br />

bad word Th 2, 418 ( = dur-utta-vacana ThA 268).<br />

2. (t. t. g.) what is said with regard to its grammatical,<br />

syntactical or semantic relation, way of speech, term,<br />

expression, as: ainantana° term of address KhA 167;<br />

SnA 435 ; paccatta° expression of sep. relation, i. e. the<br />

accusative case SnA 303 ; piya° term of endearment<br />

Nd* 130 ; SnA 536 ; puna" repetition SnA 487 ; vatta-<br />

mana° the present tense SnA 16, 23 ;<br />

visesitabba°<br />

qualifying (predicative) expression VvA 13 : sampadana°<br />

the dative relation SnA 317. At SnA 397 (comb"" with<br />

linga and other terms) it refers to the " number," i. e.<br />

singular & plural.<br />

-attha word-analysis or meaning of words Vism 364<br />

SnA 24. -kara one who does one's bidding, obedient<br />

a servant Vv 16' ; 84" ; J 11. 129 ; iv.41 (vacanar|-kara)<br />

V.98 ; PvA 134. -khama gentle in words S n.282 ;<br />

A IV. 32. -pativacana speech and counterspeech (i. e.<br />

reply), conversation DhA 11.35; PvA 83, 92, 117.<br />

-patha way of saying, speech M 1.126 (five ways, by<br />

which a person is judged : k^lena va akllena va, bhu-<br />

tena & a°, sajjhena & pharusena, attha-sarjhitena &<br />

an°, mettacitta & dosantara) ; A 11.117, 153; 111.163;<br />

IV. 277, cp. D III. 236; Vv 63" ( = vacana VvA 262);<br />

SnA 159, 375. -bheda variance in expression, different<br />

words, kind of speech SnA 169, cp. vacanamatte bhedo<br />

SnA 471. -vyattaya distinction or specification of<br />

expression SnA 509. -sampatiggaha "taking up<br />

together," summing up (what has been said), resume<br />

KhA 100. -sesa the rest of the words PvA 14, 18, 103.<br />

Vacanlya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vacana] to be spoken<br />

to, or to be answered D 1.175 ; Sn p. 140.<br />

Vacasa (adj.) (-°) [the adj. form of vaco = vacas] having<br />

speech, speaking, in cpd. saddheyya" of credible speech,<br />

trustworthy Vin 111. 188.<br />

VacI (°-) [the composition form of vaco] speech, words ;<br />

rare by itself (and in this case re-established from cpds.)<br />

and poetical, as at Sn 472 (yassa vaci kharS ; expl"" at<br />

SnA 409 by "vacS"), 973 (cudito vacihi = vacahi<br />

SnA 574). Otherwise in cpds, like : -gfutta controlled<br />

, in speech Sn 78. -para one who excels in words (not<br />

in actions), i. e. a man of words J 11.390. -parama<br />

id. D 111.185. -bheda "kind of words," what is like<br />

speech, i. e. talk or language Vin iv.2 ; Miln 231 (meaning<br />

here : break of the vow of speech ?) ; various<br />

saying,<br />

detailed speech, specification KhA 13; SnA 464, 466.<br />

See also vakya-bheda & vacai) bhindati. -vififlatti<br />

intimation by language Vism 448 ; Miln 370 ; Dhs 637.<br />

-vipphara dilating in talk Miln 230, 370. -samacara<br />

good conduct in speech M 11. 114; 111.45; D 111.217.<br />

Often coupled (as triad) with kaya" & mano° ( = in deed<br />

& in mind ; where vaca is used when not compounded),<br />

e. g. in (vaci) -kamma (-fkaya° & mano°)deed byword<br />

M 1.373, 417; 111.207; D III. 191, 245; °duccarita misbehaviour<br />

in words [four of these, viz. musavada,<br />

pisuija vaca, pharusa vaca, samphappalapa A 11. 141<br />

D 111.52, 96, III, 214, 217 ; Nd' 386 :<br />

Pug<br />

60 ;<br />

DhA<br />

1.23 ;<br />

M 1.301 ; A 111.350; S IV. 293 ; VbhA 167; Vism 531 ;<br />

°saiicetana intention by word VbhA 1 44 ; "sucarita good<br />

III. 417; "sankhara antecedent or requisite for speech<br />

conduct in speech A 11. 131 (the 4: sacca-vaca, apisu^a<br />

vaca, sapha vaca, manta bhasa).<br />

Vaco (& vaca) (nt.) [Vedic vacas, of vac] speech, words,<br />

saying; nom. & ace. vaco Sn 54, 356, 988, 994, 1006,<br />

1057, II 10, 1 147 ; J 1. 188 ; Nd' 553 ( = vacana byapatha<br />

desana anusandhi) ; Pv i.ii'*. instr. vacasa Vin 11.95<br />

(dhamma bahussuta honti dhata v. paricita) ; 111.189 ;<br />

S 1. 12 (-l-manasa); Sn 365, 663, 890 (=vacanena<br />

Nd' 299) ; Vism 241 ; Mhvs 19, 42. ^ As adj. (-°) vaca<br />

in comb" with du° as dubbaca having bad speech, using<br />

bad language, foul-mouthed M 1.95 ; S 11.204 ; A 11. 147 ;<br />

111.178 ; v. 152 sq. ; J 1.159 ; Pug 20 ; Sdhp 95, 197. Opp.<br />

suvaca of nice speech M 1.126 ; A v. 24 sq. ; Pv iv.i"<br />

( = subbaca PvA 230). — Cp. vaci & vaca.<br />

Vacca (nt.) [cp. BSk. vaccah Av^ 1254] excrement, faeces<br />

Vin 11.212; iv.229, 265; Vism 250 (a baby's); VbhA<br />

232 (id.), 243; PvA 268. — vaccag osajjati, or karoti<br />

to ease oneself J 1.3 ; PvA 268.<br />

-ku^ (& kuti) a privy Vin 11. 221 ; J 1.161 ; 11.10;<br />

Vism 235, 259, 261 ; VbhA 242 ; DhA 11.55, 56; PvA<br />

266, 268. -kupa a cesspool Vin 11.22 1 ; J v. 231 ; Vism<br />

344 sq. ; DhA<br />

1.180. -ghata a pot for excrements,<br />

chamber utensil, commode Vin 1.157=11.216; M 1.207.<br />

-donika id. Vin 11.221. -magga "the way of faeces,"<br />

excrementary canal, opening of the rectum Vin 11.221 ;<br />

111.28 sq., 35 ; J 1.502 ; iv.30. -sodhaka a privy-cleaner,<br />

night-man Mhvs 10, 91.<br />

Vaccasin (adj.) [cp. Sk. varcasvin & Ved. varcin, having<br />

splendour, might or energy, fr. Vedic varcas] energetic,<br />

imposing D 1.114 (brahma° ; Dial. 1.146 " fine in presence,"<br />

cp. DA 1.282). See also under brahma.<br />

Note. <strong>The</strong> P. root vacc is given at Dhtm 59 in meaning<br />

of " ditti," i. e. splendour.<br />

Vaccita [pp. of vacceti, Denom. of vacca] wanting to ease<br />

oneself, oppressed with vacca Vin 11. 2 12, 221.<br />

Vaooha' [Vedic vatsa, lit. " one year old, a yearling "<br />

;<br />

cp. Gr. (Tog year, Sk. vatsara id., Lat vetus old, vitulus<br />

calf; Goth. wi|>rus a year old lamb = Ohg. widar = E.<br />

wether] a calf Dh 284 ; J v.ioi ; Vism 163 (in simile).<br />

269 (id. ; kuta° a maimed calf) ; DhsA 62 (with popular<br />

etym. " vadati ti vaccho ") ; VvA<br />

100, 200 (taruna°). —<br />

On vaccha in simiVes see /.P. T.S. 1907, 131.<br />

-giddhini longing for her calf S iv. 181. -gopalaka a<br />

cow-herd Vism 28. -danta " calf-tooth," a kind of<br />

arrow or javelin M 1.429 ; J vi.448. -palaka cow-herd<br />

Vv 5i«.<br />

Vaccha' [=rukkha, fr. vrk?a] a tree; only in mala° an<br />

ornamental plant Vin 11.12 ; ill. 1 79; Vism 172; DhA<br />

11.109.<br />

Vacchaka [Demin. fr. vaccha'] a (little) calf J m.444<br />

Miln 282 (as go-vacchaka).<br />

v.93, ; 433<br />

-palaka a cow-herd J 111.444. -sala cow-shed, cowpen<br />

J v.93 ; Miln 282.<br />

Vacchatara<br />

" sort of, -like." Cp. Sk. vatsatara] a weaned calf,<br />

[fi'. vaccha ; the compar. sufi&x in meaning<br />

bullock D 1. 127, 148 ; S 1.75 ; A 11.207 ; iv.41 sq. ; Pug<br />

56; DA 1.294. — f. vacchatari D 1.127; S 1.75; Vin<br />

1. 191 ;<br />

Pug 56.<br />


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