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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Lekhana 44 Loka<br />

Iillchaaa (nt.) [fr. likh] scratching, drawing, writing Dhtp<br />

467.<br />

Lekha (f .) [fr. likh ; Vedic lekha. See also rekha & lekha]<br />

I. streak, line VvA 277 ( = raji) ; canda° crescent moon<br />

[cp. Epic candralekha Mbh 3, 1831] Visra 168; DhsA<br />

151- — 2. a scratch, line A 1.283; P"K 3^ ; J vi.56<br />

(lekhar) kaddhati). — 3. writing, inscription, letter Vin<br />

III. 76 (°r) chindati destroy the letter); J 1.451 (on a<br />

phalaka) ;<br />

349 ("acariya teacher of writing) ; PvA<br />

Miln<br />

20 ("panna. letter so read for likha"). — 4.<br />

the art of<br />

writing or drawing [ = lipi Hemacandra], writing as an<br />

art. It is classed as a respectable (ukkattha) profession<br />

(sippa) Vin IV.7 ;<br />

and mentioned bj' the side of tnudda<br />

and ganana Vin iv.y, 128 = 1.77 ; cp. Vin iv.305.<br />

Lekhita [pp. of lekheti] drawn (of lines), pencilled Th 2,<br />

256.<br />

Lekheti [Cans, of likhati or Denom. of lekha] to (make a)<br />

scratch J iv. 402. — pp. lekhita.<br />

Le44u [dial. Sk. lestu>*Ietthu >*lettu>leddu ; also Prk.<br />

ledu & letthu : Pischel, § 304 ; cp. Geiger,' P.Gr. § 62] a<br />

clod of earth S v. 146= J 11.59 (°tthana); J 1.19, 175;<br />

III. 16; VI. 405 ; Miln 255; SnA 222 (akase khitta, in<br />

simile); Vism 28 (trsl" "stone"), 360 ("khand'adini),<br />

366 (containing gold), 419; VbhA 66 ("khanda) ;<br />

141 ; PvA<br />

284. — <strong>The</strong> throwing of clods (stones ?) is a<br />

standing item in the infliction of punishments, where it<br />

is grouped with danda (stick) and sattha (sword), or as<br />

VvA<br />

leddu-dand'adi, e. g. at M 1.123; D 11.336, 338 (v. 1.<br />

lendu); J 11.77; 11116; VI. 350 ; Vism<br />

(v. 1. lendu) ; iir.41 ; iv.77 ; VvA<br />

419; DhA 1.399<br />

141. — Note. leddOpaka<br />

in cunnar) va telar) va leddupakena etc. at DhsA 115<br />

read as valandupakena, as at Vism 142.<br />

-pata " throw of a clod," a certain measure of (not<br />

too far) a distance Vin iv.40 ; Vism 72; DhsA 315<br />

(trsl" " a stone's throw ").<br />

Le44alca= led(Ju ;<br />

Vism 28.<br />

Leva (& lena) (nt.) [*Sk. layana, fr. U in meaning "to<br />

hide," cp. Prk. lena] i. a cave (in a rock), a mountain<br />

cave, used by ascetics (or bhikkhus) as a hermitage or<br />

place of shelter, a rock cell. Often enum'^ with kuji &<br />

guha, e. g. Vin iv.48 ; Miln 151; Vbh 251 (n.). At<br />

Vin n.146 it is given as collective name for 5 kinds of<br />

hermitages, viz. vihara, addhayoga, pasada, hammiya,<br />

guha. <strong>The</strong> expl° of lena at VbhA 366 runs as follows :<br />

" pabbatag khaijitva va pabbharassa appahonaka-<br />

tthane kuddai) utthapetva va katasenasanai)," i. e.<br />

opportunity for sitting & lying made by digging (a cave)<br />

in a mountain or by erecting a wall where the cave<br />

is insufficient (so as to make the rest of it habitable).<br />

Cp. Vin 1.206=111.248 (pabbharai) sodhapeti leijar)<br />

kattukamo) Mhvs 16, 12; 28, 31 sq. (n) ; Miln 200<br />

(maha"). — 2. refuge, shelter, (fig.) salvation (sometimes<br />

in sense of nibbana). In this meaning often<br />

comb* with tana & sarana, e. g. at D 1.95; S iv.315<br />

(mar)-lena refuge with me ; + magtana) ; iv.372 (= nibbana)<br />

; A 1. 155 sq. (n); J 11.253; DA 1.232. Cp. Vin<br />

111.155. len'atthar) for refuge Vin n.164 (n); J 1.94.<br />

—-alena without a refuge Ps 1.127; 11.238; Pv 11. 2'<br />

( = asarana PvA 80).<br />

-gavesin seeking shelter or refuge J 11.407 = iv. 346.<br />

-guha a mountain cave J 111.511. -dvara the door of<br />

the (rock) hermitage Vism 38 ; DhA<br />

111.39. -pabbhara<br />

" cave-slope," cave in a mountain DhA iv.170.<br />

Lepa [fr. lip, see limpati ; cp. Classic Sk. lepa stain, dirt]<br />

I. smearing, plastering, coating over Vin iv.303<br />

(bahira"); J 11.25 (mattika"). — 2. (fig.) plaster, i. e.<br />

that which sticks, affection, attachment, etc., in tanha°<br />

the stain ot craving, & ditthi° of speculation Nd' 55 ;<br />

Nd^ 271"". — ,Vo(e. lasaga'ta at A 11. 165 read with<br />

V. 1. as lepa-gata, i. e. sticky. — Cp. a°, pa°<br />

Lepana (nt.) [fr. Up] smearing, plastering, anointing Vin<br />

II. 172 (ku(Jda°); A iv.107 (vasana°), iii (id.); J 11. 117.<br />

Cp. abhi°, a°, pa°.<br />

Lepeti see limpati.<br />

Leyya (adj. nt.) [grd. of lih: see lihati] to be licked or<br />

sipped ; nt. mucilaginous food (opp. peyya liquid) A<br />

IV. 394 (-h peyya); Miln 2 (id.).<br />

Lesa [cp. Sk. le^a particle ;<br />

as Kern, Toev. s. v. points out,<br />

it occurs in Sk. also in the P. meaning at Mbh v. 33, 5<br />

although this is not given in BR. —-As "particle"<br />

in def" of lisati] sham, pretext, trick<br />

only at Dhtp 444<br />

Vin in. 169 (where ten lesas are enum"", viz. jati°, nama°,<br />

gotta", linga", apatti°, patta°, clvara", upajjhaya°,<br />

acariya", senasana") ; J ii.ii; vi.402. —lesa-kappa<br />

pretext Vin 11. 166 ; Vv 84" (=kappiya-lesa VvA 348)<br />

Th I, 941 ; DA 1. 103.<br />

Lehati see lihati-<br />

Loka [cp. Vedic loka in its oldest meaning " space, open<br />

space." For etym. see rocati. To the etym. feeling<br />

of the <strong>Pali</strong> hearer loka is closely related in quality to<br />

ruppati (as in pop. etym. of riipa) and rujati. As<br />

regards the latter the etym. runs " lujjati kho loko ti<br />

vuccati " S IV. 52, cp. Nd" 550, and loka = lujjana DhsA<br />

47, 308: see lujjana. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp 531 gives root lok<br />

(loc) in sense of dassana] world, primarily " visible<br />

world," then in general as " space or sphere of creation,"<br />

with var. degrees of substantiality. Often (unspecified)<br />

in the comprehensive sense of " universe." Sometimes<br />

the term is applied collectively to the creatures inhabiting<br />

this or var. other worlds, thus, " man, mankind,<br />

people, beings." — Loka is not a fixed & def.<br />

term. It comprises immateriality as well as materiality<br />

and emphasizes either one or the other meaning according<br />

to the view applied to the object or category in question.<br />

Thus a trsl" of " sphere, plane, division, order " interchanges<br />

with " world." Whenever the spatial element<br />

prevails we speak of its " regional " meaning as contrasted<br />

with "applied" meaning. <strong>The</strong> fundamental<br />

notion however is that of substantiality, to which is<br />

closely related the specific Buddhist notion of impermanence(loka<br />

= lujjati). — i. Universe: the distinctions<br />

between the universe (cp. cakkavala) as a larger whole<br />

and the world as a smaller unit are fluctuating & not<br />

definite. A somewhat wider sphere is perhaps indicated<br />

bysabba-loka (e. g. S 1.12 ; iv.127, 312 ; v.132 ; It 122 ;<br />

Mhvs I, 44; cp. sabbavanta loka D 1.251 ; 111.224),<br />

otherwise even the smaller loka comprises var. realms<br />

of creation. Another larger division is that of loka<br />

as sadevaka, samaraka, sabrahmaka, or the world with<br />

its devas, its Mara and its Brahma, e. g. S 1.160, 168,<br />

207; II. 170; III. 28, 59; IV.158; V.204 ; A 1.259 sq.<br />

11.24 sq. ; III. 341 ; iv.56, 173 ; v. 50 ; It 121 ; Nd' 447 (on<br />

Sn 956), to which is usually added sassamana-brahmani<br />

paja (e. g. D 1.250, see loci s. v. paja). With this<br />

cp. Dh 45, where the divisions are pafhavi, Yamaloka,<br />

sadevaka (loka), which are expl"" at DhA 1.334 by<br />

pathavi = attabhava ; Yamaloka = catubbidha apaya-<br />

loka ; sadevaka =manussaloka devalokena saddhig.<br />

— <strong>The</strong> universe has its evolutional periods : sagvattati<br />

and vivattati D 11. 109 sq. <strong>The</strong> Buddha has mastered<br />

it by his enlightenment : loko Tathagatena abhisambuddho<br />

It 121. On loka, lokadhatu ( = cosmos) and<br />

cakkavala cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie p. 180, 181.<br />

2. Regional meaning. — (a) in general. Referring to<br />

this world, the character of evanescence is inherent in<br />

it ; referring to the universe in a wider sense, it implies<br />

infinity, though not in definite terms. <strong>The</strong>re is mention<br />

of the different metaphysical theories as regards cosmogony<br />

at many places of the Canon. <strong>The</strong> antanantika<br />

(contending for the finitude or otherwise of<br />

the world) are mentioned as a sect at D 1.22 sq. Discus-

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