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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Luta 43 LekhanI<br />

Lata seems to bs a legitimate spelling representing either<br />

lutta or luna, in meaning " cut, cut og " [cp. lu for Ifi<br />

'"''«" under uci '•"-*;! lunati iiiudLij. Thus luub at iiL S3 t.5 1.5 (nalo ^uiiio va harito narito luto) iUioj =<br />

126<br />

5= J VI. 25 ; and at Sn 532 (lutani bandhanani ; vv. 11.<br />

ani & lunani ; expl"* as " chinaani padalitani " at<br />

lut<br />

SnA 432).<br />

LuUa [cp. Epic Sk. lupta ; pp. of lumpati] brolien. cut oS ;<br />

as t. t. in grammar " elided" VvA 13 (of ca), 11 1 (of<br />

iti), 122 (id.).<br />

Ludda (adj.) [the usual P. form of rudda, corresponding to<br />

Sk. raudra] i. fierce, terrible ; cruel, gruesome S 1.143 ;<br />

A n.174 (papa, 1., kibbisa); v. 149; Pug 56; Vv 84'<br />

(thanar) =<br />

{ = daruija pisac'-adino VvA 335); J v. 243<br />

niraya) ; Sdhp 286. <strong>The</strong> spelling ludra occurs at<br />

J iv.46 = VI.306, which is ludda at J v. 146. — 2. a<br />

hunter, sportsman Sn 247 (dussila" ; SnA 289: ludda<br />

ca kurura-kammanta lohita-panitaya, macchaghatakamigabandhaka-sakunik'adayo<br />

idha adhippeta) ; VV63I<br />

J n.154 (°putta = luddaka) ; in. 432 (Bharata by name)<br />

Pug 56 (magavika, sakunika, I,, macchaghataka etc. ;<br />

expH by daruna kakkhaja at Pug A 233); Vism 245 =<br />

VbhA 259; VbhA 228.<br />

Lnddaka= ludda 2, i. e. hunter Vin 1.220; J iv.416<br />

Pv 111.7^ (miga° ; expH<br />

as "daruna" PvA 206); Miln<br />

222; VbhA 266 (miga°, in simile); PvA 34. 168. Cp.<br />

Fick, SocialeGliederung m, 2oy. Note. <strong>The</strong> expression<br />

sunakha-luddako at DhsA 273 is not quite clear (" doghunter"?).<br />

It applies to a female & Maung Tin<br />

(Expositor II. 361) reads " lucjdhika " (sic), with trsl"<br />

" dog-mistress," remarking that Pyi reads luddako<br />

" hunter-dog" (?).<br />

Lnddha [pp. of lubbhati] greedy, covetous A 111.433 (with<br />

pharusa-vaca & samphappalapin) ; It 84; Miln 92<br />

(duftha, miilha, 1.); J 1.124.<br />

Lnaaaa (nt.) [for luna(na), cp. lavana] cutting, severing<br />

Sn.\ 148 (niddanan ti chedanar) lunanar) uppafanai)).<br />

Lunati [Ifl, given as lu at Dhtp 504<br />

728 (" paccheda "). For etym. cp. Gr. Xvw to loosen,<br />

Lat. luo to pay a fine. Goth, fraliusan to lose ; Ger. los,<br />

E. lose & loose] to cut, cut ofi, mow, reap Miln 33 (yavalavaka<br />

yavai) lunanti) ; DhsA 39. — pp. liina (& luta).<br />

— Caus I. lavayati Mhvs 10, 30; Caus. II. lavapeti to<br />

(" chedana ") & Dhtm<br />

cause to mow Vin 11. 180. — A Pass, luyati [fr. lu] is<br />

found at D 1.141 (aor. luyirjsu) and at corresponding<br />

passage Pug 56 (iraper. luyantu, where dubba is to be<br />

corrected to dabbha). — See lava, lavaka. lavana,<br />

layati, lavati.<br />

Lubbhati [Vedic lubhyate, Inbh, cp. Lat. lubet & libet it<br />

pleases, libido longing; Goth. liufs = Ger. lieb & lob;<br />

lobhe] to be lustful or<br />

E. love, etc. — Dhtp 434 :<br />

greedy, to covet, long for, desire It 84 (lobhaneyye na<br />

lubbhati) ; Vism 465, 468. — ger. lubhha (?) in olubbha<br />

is to be referred to lamb rather than labh. A grd.<br />

formation in lobhaneyya or lobhaniya (q. v.). — pp.<br />

luddha.<br />

L'ibbhana (nt.) [fr. lubh] being greedy, greediness, a scholastic<br />

word, only found in exegesis of word lobha, e. g.<br />

at Dhs 32 (where also the enlarged abstr. formation<br />

lubbhitatta) & Vism 465, 468 (lubbhana-mattai) lobha).<br />

Lumpati [iup, Epic Sk. lumpati, found also as rup in <strong>Pali</strong> :<br />

see ruppati. Connected with Lat. lugeo to be sorry<br />

(cp. rujati, roga ; Gr. Xinri sorrow) and rumpo to break.<br />

Def« at Dhtp 386 & 433 (chedana) and at Dhtm 618<br />

& 669 (cheda, vinasa)] to break, harm, injure ; to attack,<br />

plunder ; with a strong touch of affection (sympathy<br />

or desire) lubh in it [cp. Iup: Gr. Xuirij ; ruj : roga], which<br />

is still more evident in Intens. loluppa (q. v.). — DhsA<br />

365 (in expl° of loluppa). — pp. lutta. — Cp. ullumpaua,<br />

ullopa, lopa, vilumpati, vilopa.<br />

' Pug<br />

! rupa-ppamana.<br />

Lulati & Lntati [cp. Ep. Sk. loth to move & dial. In4><br />

lodayati, to stir, agitate, which is a by-form of Inl,<br />

lolati to move, Caus. lolayati to set in motion. Etym.<br />

connected with Slavonic Ijuljati to rock, Ags. lael a<br />

(flexible) rod, rood ; root due to onomat. formation. —<br />

Another form is luthati. <strong>The</strong> Dhtm (117) expl* lut ^V<br />

" lotane " (cp. vilotana & vilojana), and lul (510) by<br />

" manthane "] to stir, shake, agitate, upset intrs. to<br />

;<br />

be in motion, to be stirred Miln 259 (calati khubbhati<br />

I. avilati). — pp. lulita.<br />

Lu}ita [pp. of lujati] stirred, moved, disturbed ; lively ;<br />

turbid (of water) S v.i23 = A in. 233 ; (udapatta avila<br />

1.); D ii.i28=Ud 83 (udakar) parittar) lulitar) avilai));<br />

VI.63 ; Nd' 488 (avila-f); Miln 35, 177, 220 (°citta),<br />

J<br />

383 (a"); DhsA 328 (indriyani paripakkani alulitani<br />

avisadani).<br />

Luka [apocope form of uluka, arisen through wTong<br />

syllable-division] owl J vi.497 (= uluka C).<br />

Lnkha (adj.) [Vedic ruksa ; Prk. luha & lukkha ; BSk.<br />

luha, e. g. Divy 13 (prahenaka), 81 (°civara), 425, 427]<br />

I. rough, coarse, unpleasant; poor, bad (usually appl*<br />

to dress or food); mediocre, meagre, wretched. Opp.<br />

panita (e. g. Vin 1.2 12; S 11. 153; A iv.io; J 1.228;<br />

i.<br />

VvA 64). — S IV. 337 sq. ; A iv.232 sq. ; Vin 1.55 ; Th<br />

923 ; J 1.228 (cittasmir) panite . . . danar) lukhar) na<br />

hoti) ; Nd*<br />

342 (p. 182, in exegesis of nikkuha, where<br />

practices of ascetics are referred to as " lukhar) civarar)<br />

dhareti, I. piijdapatar) bhunjati, 1. senasanar) pajisevati<br />

etc.) ; VvA 180. — 2. (of men) low.<br />

298, 335 sq. ; PvA<br />

wretched, rough, miserable, offensive Vin 1.199; in. no<br />

(kisa I. dubbariija) ; S 1.175 (=jinija C, see K.S. 320 ;<br />

trsl" "looking worn"); M 1.77=5 i-39°- —lOkhapuggala<br />

a miserable, oSensive character (opp. siniddhapuggala)<br />

Vism 132 ; VbhA 282.<br />

-ajivin leading a hard or rough lifeD 1.161 ; 111.44, 47 ;<br />

S 11.200; A V.190. -civara (adj.) wearing a shabby<br />

robe, badly clad Vin 111.263 ; Miln 342 (cp. civara<br />

lukha bad condition of clothes A 11.71 = Pug 53 ; lukhaclvara-dhara<br />

A 1.25). -ppamana (& °ika) taking unpleasantness<br />

or misery as one's standard A 11.71 =<br />

53 (cp. PugA 229); DhA in. 114; SnA 242; cp.<br />

-ppasanna believing in shabbiness or<br />

mediocrity, having (bodily) wretchedness as one's faith<br />

Vin n.197; A n.7i = Pug 53. -papurana miserably<br />

clad S 1.175 ; DhA IV. 8, 9.<br />

Lukhata (f.) [fr. lukha] unpleasantness, wretchedness,<br />

poorness, misery PugA 229.<br />

L&khasa (adj.) [fr. lukha] rough, harsh; miserable, selfmortifying<br />

Sn 244 ( = nirasa atta-kilamath' anuyutta<br />

SnA 287).<br />

Luta (f.) [*Sk. luta] spider Abhp 621.<br />

Luna [pp. of lunati] cut, mowed, reaped Th 2. 107 (°kesi)<br />

J 11.365 ; Davs 1.32. Cp. Ti".<br />

L&yati : Pass, of lunati (q. v.).<br />

Lekha [fr. likh, cp. Sk. lekha & lekha] i. writing, inscription,<br />

letter, epistle J vi.595 (sila° inscription on rock)<br />

Mhvs 5, 177 (lekhe sutva) ; 27, 6 ; 33, 40 (°r) vissajjayi)<br />

Davs 5, 67 (caritta°); Miln 42; SnA 164 ("vacaka<br />

reciting), 577. — 2. chips, shavings Vin 11.110 (v. 1.<br />

likba).<br />

Lekhaka<br />

[fr. lekha] one who knows the art of writing, a<br />

scribe, secretary Vin iv.8 (as a profession) ; iv.io ( = muddika<br />

& gaijaka, pi.) ; Miln 42.<br />

Lekha^I (f) [fr. Ukh; cp. Epic Sk. lekhaiji stencil Mbh i,<br />

78] an instrument for scratching lines or writing, a<br />

stencil, pencil A 11.200 ; J 1.230.

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