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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Lajjana 38 Laddba<br />

ppr. lajjamana DhA 1.188; PvA 88; fut. lajjissati<br />

J 111.218; inf. lajjitur) DhA 1.72 ger. ; lajjitva J 1.208;<br />

grd. lajjitabba (nt.) what one has to be ashamed of,<br />

something disgraceful J vi.sgs; also (an odd form)<br />

lajjitaya (so read : see Geiger, P.Gr. § 203 against<br />

Trenckner, Notes, 66") Dh 316. — 2. to have regard of<br />

(gen.), to consider, to respect J iv.128. — Caus. II.<br />

lajjapeti to cause to be ashamed, to put to the blush<br />

J 111.137; V.296. — pp. lajjita.<br />

Lajjana (nt.) [fr. lajj] being ashamed Dhtp 72.<br />

Lajjanaka (nt.) [fr. lajjana] causing shame, humiliating,<br />

disgraceful J vi.395.<br />

Lajjava (nt.) [fr. lajj] shamefacedness D in. 2 13 (where<br />

Dhs 1340 has maddava); cp. A 1.94.<br />

Lajja (f.) [fr. lajj] shame, bashfulness, modesty M 1.414 ;<br />

DA 1.70; DhA 11.90; instr. lajjaya out of shame PvA<br />

47, 112, 283. Cp. nillajja.<br />

Lajjapanika (f.) [fr. lajjapeti, Caus. II. of lajjati] making<br />

ashamed, putting to shame, disgracing J v.284 (kula°<br />

bringing disgrace on the clan).<br />

Lajjita [pp. of lajjati] ashamed, bashful Sdhp 35. — f.<br />

lajjita as n. abstr. " bashfulness " DhA 1.188.<br />

Lajjitabbaka (nt.) [grd. of lajjati+ka] something to be<br />

ashamed of, a cause of shame, disgrace J vi.395.<br />

Lajjin (adj.) [fr. lajj] feeling shame, modest, afraid, shy,<br />

conscientious (expl"" as " one who has hiri & ottappa "<br />

by C. on S 1.73: see K.S. 320 & cp. Dhs. irstf p. i8)<br />

D 1.4, 63 ; 111.15 ; S 1.73 ; A 11.208 ; iv.249 sq. ; Pug 57<br />

Pv 11.9'* (expl* as one who is afraid of sin) ; Miln 373 ;<br />

DA 1.70. —^pl. lajjino Vin 1.44.<br />

-dhatnma<br />

11.53 sq.<br />

(lajji°) modesty, feeling of shame Vin<br />

Lacchati fut. of labhati (q. v.).<br />

Lafica [cp. Sk. lanca] a present, a bribe J 1.201 ; 11.186;<br />

V.184; VI. 408 (gahita, bribes received) ; DhA 1.269 {°X)<br />

adasi) ; iv.i ; PvA 209. <strong>The</strong> word is a word peculiar<br />

to the " Jataka " literature.<br />

-khadaka " eater of bribes," one who feeds on bribes<br />

J 11.196; V.7. -ggaha taking of bribes J v. 109. -dandaka<br />

a staff given as a present (?) J vi.450 (v. 1. volanjanaka°).<br />

-dana gift of bribes, bribery J 111.205.<br />

-vittaka one who gets rich through bribes J 1.339.<br />

Lancaka: Hardy in ed. of Netti, p. 278 suggests writing<br />

lafijaka & trsl'' " making known," " exposition " (cp.<br />

Sk. lanj to declare], found only at Miln 137 & 217 in<br />

cpd. Sagyutta-nikaya-vara-lancaka (trl° Rh. D. :<br />

"most excellent"); at Miln 242 & 258 in Majjhima-<br />

nikaya vara" ; at Miln 362 in Ekuttara-nikaya-vara° ;<br />

and at Nett 2 in cpd. nayalaiijaka. Trenckner (Miln<br />

ed. p. 424) translates it as " excellent gift (to mankind)."<br />

Lancana in " karapesi tilaficanai} " at Dpvs 20, 10 is not<br />

clear. We may have to correct reading into laiichanai)<br />

or lafichakat]. Oldenberg in his trsl" (p. 211) leaves the<br />

word out and remarks " : Probably this passage refers<br />

to the three pupphaydna mentioned in the Mahavar)sa<br />

{33, 22, where Geiger reads " pupphadhanani tini,"<br />

with trsl" " 3 stone terraces for offerings of flowers "),<br />

though I do not know how to explain or to correct the<br />

word used here (tilancanai))."<br />

Laficha [fr. lafich] a mark, an imprint J 11.425 ; VbhA<br />

52.<br />

Laiichaka [fr. lailcha ; doubtful] one who makes marks<br />

(expl'' by Cy. as" lakkhana-karaka") J iv.364, 366 (ti°,<br />

so expl"" by Cy. v. 1. ni°). See nillanchaka & cp.<br />

laficana (ti°).<br />

Lanchati [lanch Dhtp 54 " lakkhane "] to stamp, to seal<br />

DhA 1.35 (sasanar) raja-muddaya laiichanto). — Caus.<br />

laficheti. — i. to seal J 1.452 (spelt lanjetva) ; 11.326;<br />

1.21. — 2. to<br />

VI. 385 ; SnA 577 (raja-muddikaya) ; DhA<br />

mark, paint, smear Vin 11.107 = 266 (mukhar)),<br />

Caus. II. larichapeti to have marked or sealed (by<br />

king's command) Visra 38 (" had his seal put to this<br />

order " ; trsl.). — Cp. nillaccheti.<br />

Lanchana (nt.) [f . lanch] i. stamp, mark, imprint VvA<br />

89 (sasa°, of the moon); Davs 11.23 (pada°). — 2. the<br />

seal (of a letter or edict) SnA 172. — Cp. lancana.<br />

Lanchita [pp. of laficheti] sealed J 1.227 (pihita-lanchita<br />

va loha-catiyo).<br />

Lanjaka [see laiicaka] in dipa° stands as equivalent of<br />

dipavagsa thus "story of the island" Dpvs 18, 2.<br />

Oldenberg (trsl'' p. 204) translates " the island of<br />

Lanhd."<br />

Lanjeti see lafichati and valaiijeti.<br />

La(nkika (f.) [Dimin. fr. latvaka ; dial] the Indian quail,<br />

Perdix chinensis D 1.91 ; M 1.449 (1. sakunika) ; J 111.44,<br />

174 sq. (quoted at SnA 358 & DhA 1.55); v. 121 ; Miln<br />

202 ; DA 1.257. — Cp. Cunningham, Bharhut Tope, p. 58.<br />

Latthaka (adj.) [Kern, Toev. s. v. compares Sk. lataha,<br />

ladaha, dialectical] beautiful, auspicious, lovely J ui.464,<br />

493 ;<br />

IV.I, 477; DA 1.284.<br />

Latthi (f) [Sk. ya§ti. with 1 for y ;<br />

also in Prk. see Pischel,<br />

Prk. Gr. § 255 & cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 46'. <strong>The</strong> doublet<br />

yatthi also in <strong>Pali</strong>] i. a staff, stick D 1.105 (patoda°<br />

goad), 126 (id.); VvA 64 (id.); J iv.310 (latthi hata =<br />

latthiya hata C.); v.280 ; Miln 27. — 2. stick of sugar<br />

cane (ucchu°) PvA 257. — 3. sprout of a plant, offshoot<br />

III. J 161 (in simile) ; usually -°, asin anga° sprout ThA<br />

226 ; dalika° of the d. creeper Th 2, 297 ; beluva" of the<br />

Vilva tree KhA 118; sala° of the Sal tree A 11.200.<br />

Found also in names of places, as Latthivana (J 1.83<br />

etc.).<br />

-madhu(ka) "cane-honey," i. e. liquorice J iv,537;<br />

DhA IV. 171 ("ka).<br />

Latthika (f.)=latthi, only in Npl. as -° (cp. latthi 3), e. g.<br />

Amba° the grove of mango sprouts DA 1.41.<br />

Lan4a(nt.) [cp.Sk.landa (dial.). <strong>The</strong> Dhtm under No. 155<br />

gives a root la4 in meaning " jigucchana," i. e. disgust]<br />

mostly used with ref.<br />

excrement, dung of animals, dirt ;<br />

to elephants (hatthi"), e. g. at 11. J 19; DhA 1.163, 192 ;<br />

IV. 56 (here also as assa° horse dung.) Cp. landika.<br />

1<br />

LaQ^ika (f.) [fr. landa], only in aja° goat's dirt, pellet of<br />

goat's dung J 1.419; PvA 283.<br />

Lata (f [cp. Sk. lata, connected with Lat. lentus flexible<br />

.)<br />

Ohg. lindi soft, E. lithe ; also Ohg. lintea lime tree ; Gr.<br />

iXart) fir tree]<br />

creeper A 1.202<br />

1. a slender<br />

(maluva°) ; Vv<br />

tree, a creeping plant,<br />

35' ( = valli VvA 162);<br />

47* (kosataki 1.); J 1.464 (rukkha", here perhaps better<br />

" branch ") ; DhA see under maha°)<br />

1.392 ("pasadhana :<br />

Miln 253, 351 ; VvA 12 (kappa") ; PvA 51, 12 1 ; Vism<br />

183 (where the foil, kinds are given : labu, kumbhaodi,<br />

saraa, kalavalli, putilata). —naga° the iron wood tree :<br />

see under naga puti° a sort of creeper ; (q. v.). On<br />

lata in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 130. — 2. (fig.) an<br />

epithet of taijha (greed), as much as it strangles its<br />

victim Dhs 1059, 1 136; Nett 24, 121. — 3. (fig.) streak,<br />

flash, in vijjul-lata flash of lightning J 1.103.<br />

-kanuna creeper-work (comb'' with mala-kamma)<br />

Vin II. 117, 152.<br />

Laddha [pp. of labhati] (having) obtained, taken, received<br />

Sn 106, 239; J v. 71 ; Mhvs 5, 1 133 (kinci laddhag); 10,<br />

37 (kanna laddha) ; PvA 5. —laddhatvatj at J iv.406.<br />

is to be corrected to uddhatva. — Cp. upa°, pa°.

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