The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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La syllable of abbreviation, corresponding to our " etc." :<br />

see peyyala.<br />

Lak-a(thika at VvA 222 is doubtful ; atthika<br />

means " kernel," Iak° may be a misspelling for<br />

labujak" (?).<br />

L.<br />

Lakanaka (nt. ?) [£r. lag, with k for g, as lakuia : lagula<br />

etc. Would correspond to Sk. 'lagnaka, cp. Trenckner.<br />

Notes 62 ; Geiger, P.Gr. § 39^] ship's anchor (nava°)<br />

Miln 377 (v. 1. lagganaka), 378. 1<br />

Lakaia [for alankara, lit. " fitting up." cp. Hindi &<br />

Marathi langara, Tamil ilankaran] a sail<br />

J 11. 112; i<br />

Miln 378 ; Davs iv.42 ; Vism 137 (v. 1. BB. lankara). ;<br />

Laknta [see lagula for etym.] a club, cudgel Miln 255 (in 1<br />

sequence dapda-leddu-lakuta-muggara), 301, 367, 368.<br />

See also lagula.<br />

-<br />

t<br />

Laknfltaka [dialectical] a dwarf Mhvs 23, 50 (°sariratta)<br />

VbhA 26 (°pada-purisa, cpd. with arupa) ; PugA<br />

227 ; C. on S 1.237.<br />

Lakoi^takatta (nt.) [fr. lakuntaka] dwarfishness J vi 337. ,<br />

Laketi [for laggeti, see lakanaka] to hold fast (lit. to make<br />

adhere) Miln 377.<br />

Lakkha (nt.) [fr. lakf (see lakkhana), or (after Grassmann) [<br />

lag " to fix," i. e. to mark. Cp. Vedic lak§a price at '<br />

gambling (Zimmer, Altind. Leben 287)] i. a mark '<br />

Miln 102. — 2. a target Miln 418; DhA 1.52 (°yogga<br />

target practice, i. e. shooting). — 3. a stake at gambling<br />

J VI.271. — -4. a high numeral, a lac or 100,000 (but |<br />

cp. PvA 255, where lakkha of Pv iv.3^ is taken as a<br />

" period of time," equal to 100 kotis) ;<br />

Davs v.66.<br />

Lakkhafifia (adj.) [fr. lakkhaija, cp. BSk. lakjanya diviner<br />

Divy 474] connected with auspices, auspicious, in phrase<br />

" lakkhaiifla vata bho dosina ratti " (how grand a sign,<br />

friends, is the moonlight night! trsl") D 1.47=} 1.509<br />

(expH at DA 1.141 as " divasa-mas'-adinar) lakkhaijar)<br />

bhavitui) yutta"); J v. 370 ("sammata considered<br />

auspicious).<br />

Lakkhaija (nt.) [Vedic laksman nt. sign; adj. lak?maija<br />

later Sk. laksmana nt. In the def" of grammarians syn.<br />

with anka brand, e. g. Dhtp 536 " anka lakkhane<br />

lakkha dassane," or Dhtm 748 " 1<br />

I<br />

]<br />

lakkha = dassanaanke<br />

" ; cp. J 1.451 lakkhaijena anketi to brand. —<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sk. Np. Lak?maija appears also in Prk. as Lakkharia<br />

:<br />

mark ;<br />

Pischel, Prk. Gr.<br />

esp. a sign as implying<br />

§ 312]<br />

something<br />

i. sign, characteristic.<br />

extraordinary<br />

or pointing to the future, therefore a prognosticative<br />

mark (cp. talisman), a distinguishing mark or salient<br />

feature, property, quality (as Rh. D. in Dial. 1.19<br />

somewhat lengthily, after Bdhgh, trsl* lakkhana by<br />

" signs of good & bad qualities in the foil, things and<br />

of the marks in them denoting the health or luck of their<br />

owners ") D 1.9 (a long list, as forbidden practice of<br />

fortune-telling, like mani° from jewels, danda" from<br />

36<br />

sticks. asi° from marks on swords etc.); Sn 360 (pi.<br />

lakkhaija, here as fortune-telling together with supina<br />

telling fr. dreams, cp. SnA 362 : daij(Ja°, vattha" etc.<br />

referring to D 1.9), 927 (with Athabbana, supina &<br />

nakkhatta, all kinds of secret sciences ; expli* at SnA<br />

564 as " mani-lakkhanadi ") 1018 (gottag bruhi sa°<br />

"with its distinguishing marks"); J vi.364 (sign of<br />

beauty); Miln 171 (yathava" just characterization);<br />

Mhvs 35, 109 (itthi° auspicious signs in women) ;<br />

PvA<br />

161, 219; SnA 386. A long enum" of all sorts of<br />

(perfect) marks (tatha-lakkhanani) is found at DA<br />

1.62 sq. Cp. tadi-lakkhana marks of<br />

with ref. to good luck etc.<br />

J 111.98 ; SnA<br />

such (a being),<br />

95.<br />

200 ; VvA<br />

— 2. mark on the body, esp. when serving a def.<br />

purpose, e. g. as the branding (of slaves), or the marks<br />

of a fortunate being, pointing towards his future greatness<br />

:<br />

(a) brand J 1.451, cp. cpd. °ahata. — (b) the (32)<br />

marks of a maha-purisa or a great being, either destined<br />

to be a raja cakkavalti, or a sammd-satnbuddha. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

are given at Sn 1019 (pi. lakkhana). 1021, 1022 as only<br />

3 (viz. mukhar) jivhaya chadeti, uijn' assa bhamuk'<br />

antare, kos' ohitai) vattha-guyhag with ref. to his<br />

tongue, the hair between the eyebrows & the sexual<br />

organ) ; more completely as 32 at D 11. i6 sq. ; in. 142 sq.<br />

(the Lakkhana Suttanta) ; referred to at D 1.88, 105 ;<br />

J<br />

1.56; Mhvs 5, 91 ; cp. paripunna-kaya Sn 548 (with<br />

expl' lakkhanehi punnataya at SnA 452). — 3. (in<br />

spec, sense:) pudendum J v. 197 (subha°, the male<br />

member), 366. — 4. (adj.) (-°) having the marks (of),<br />

characterized by, of such & such character A 1.102<br />

(kamma° ; bala"<br />

parwjitanimitta) ; Miln 1 1 1 (sata-punna°, of the<br />

& pandita", together with bala- &<br />

Buddha); VvA 71 (para-sampatti-usuyya-lakkhaija<br />

issa) ; PvA 17, 120.-5. (as t. t. in philosophy)<br />

specific attribute, characteristic (mark). In contrast<br />

to nimitta more a substantial<br />

characteristic (cp. VbhA 261).<br />

attribute or primary<br />

Compared with other<br />

terms of definition we get the foil. : rasa essential<br />

property, paccupatthdna recurring phenomenon, padatthdna<br />

immediate occasion DhsA 63 (trsl" Expos. 1.84).<br />

cp. Cpd. 13 (where padatthdna is trsl'^ as " proximate<br />

cause "). — Psi.54sq. (kliandhanar)) ; 11. 108 (saccanar))<br />

VbhA 85. 136 (with ref. to the Paticcasamuppada, cp.<br />

Vism 528), 261 (fourfold, of kesa etc.) ; Vism 278 (with<br />

ref. to kammatthana) 351 (4. of the dhatus : thaddha",<br />

abandhana". paripacana". vitthambhana"). 363 sq.<br />

(id.). 495 (ariya-saccanar)) ; VvA 38 (comp* with arammaijia<br />

with ref. to jhana). — <strong>The</strong> 3 properties (tilakkhanar))<br />

of existing things or of the phenomenal world<br />

are anicca, dukkha, anatta, or impermanence, suffering,<br />

unreality: thus at J 1.48 (dhamma-desana ti-l-°mutt5),<br />

275 ; in. 377 (through contemplating them arises vipas-<br />

sana & pacceka-bodhi-flaija). — abl. lakkhanato " by or<br />

qua characteristic," " in its essential qualification," often<br />

found in exegetical analysis in Commentary style<br />

comb'' with var. similar terms (atthato, kamato, nimittato<br />

etc.), e. g. Vism 351, 363, 495, 528; VbhA 46,<br />

76. 83, 131, 261 (where Vism 351 has paripacana for<br />

u^ihatta) ;<br />

SnA 343. — Cp. upa", vi°, sa°.

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