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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Rummin 32 RQpa<br />

ankempt] miserable, dirty, poorly, in cpds. °rupin<br />

and "vasin<br />

J IV. 387 ( = lukhavesa C), with v. 1. duma° ;<br />

poorly dressed J iv.380.<br />

Rammin^nunma (dirty-soiled) J iv.322 (v. 1. dummi)<br />

VI. 1 94 (do.).<br />

Bamhaniyaat M 1.480 is doubtful in spelling. <strong>The</strong> meaning<br />

is clearly " furthering growth, making or being<br />

prosperous, bringing luck " (comb'' with ojavant), as<br />

also indicated by v. 1. ru}h°. Thus it cannot belong to<br />

minbh, but must represent either rup, as given under<br />

nippati in meaning " ropana " (Dhtm 837), or rnh (see<br />

ruhati). Kern, Toev. s. v. trsl* " tot groei geschikt "<br />

(i. e. able to grow), Neumann. " erquickend " (i. e.<br />

refreshing).<br />

Boyhati is Med. of ruhati (rohati), q. v.<br />

Borira at Vv 40' is misprint for rucira.<br />

vi.75, 15] a sort of deer, a stag<br />

Barn [Vedic ruru :<br />

usually called<br />

RV<br />

ruru-miga J iv.256, 261 ; v. 406 (pi.<br />

rohita ruru), 416. Cp. ruruva.<br />

Rosita [pp. of ni? to be vexed. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp defines by<br />

" rose " (306, 450), " parusiye " (626) Dhtm has ; 2<br />

roots viz. one with " alepe " (442), the other with<br />

" hii)sayai) "<br />

(443)] annoyed, irritated, offended Sn<br />

932, 971 (expl* by Nd' 498 as " khugsita, vambhita,<br />

ghattita " etc.). See rosa, roseti etc.<br />

Bnasati at SnA 121 for dussati.<br />

Boha' (adj.) (-°) [fr. ruh: see ruhati] growing, a tree, in<br />

cpds. : jagati", dharani", mahi", etc.<br />

Bnha' [poetical for ruhira (rohita)=lohita] blood, in cpd.<br />

ruhagghasa blood -eater, a name for panther J 111.481<br />

( = ruhira-bhakkha lohita-payin C).<br />

Bohira (nt.) [fr. rudhira] blood M 111.122; Th i, 568;<br />

Vin 11.193 ; Miln 125, 220 ; Sdhp 38.<br />

-akkhita (ruhir' akkhita) " besmeared with blood "<br />

J IV. 33 1, is to be read as ruhir' ukkhita of uk?).<br />

Bfitaat J III. 276 read ruta (q. v.).<br />

Bftpa(nt.) [cp. Vedic rupa, connected etymologically with<br />

varpa (Grassmann). — <strong>The</strong> nom. pi. is rupa & rupani]<br />

form, figure, appearance, principle of form, etc. — A.<br />

Definitions. According to P. expositors rupa takes its<br />

designation fr. ruppati, e. g. " ruppanato rupai) " Vism<br />

588; " ruppan' atthena r." VbhA 3; " rupa-rupai) =<br />

ruppana sabh^vena yuttag " Cpd. 156' (where ruppati<br />

is, not quite correctly, given as " change "), " ruppati<br />

ti : tasma rupan ti vuccati "<br />

" rupayati ti rupai) " (with<br />

S 111.86; other def" are<br />

cakkbu & the other 10<br />

ayatanas) VbhA 45; and more scientifically :<br />

" paresu<br />

rup' adisu cakkhu-pafihanana lakkhaijai) rupai) "<br />

Vism 446. — Of modern interpretations & discussions<br />

see e. g. Dhs. trsl. introd. ch. vi. (pp. 41-63, or '48-71)<br />

Dial. 11.244; Expos. 67"; Cpd. 270 sq. (where objections<br />

are raised to trsl" " form," and as better (philosophical)<br />

terms "matter," "material quality" are<br />

recommended). See also loka for similar etym. — B.<br />

(lit.) appearance, form, figure Dhs 597 sq. (=form either<br />

contrasted with what is unseen, or taken for both seen<br />

and unseen), 751 ; Mhvs 27, 30 (sfha-vyagghadirupani<br />

representations of lions, tigers etc.); 30. 68 (ravicanda-tara<br />

-rupani id.); 36, 31 (loha° bronze statue);<br />

ThA 257. — Esp. beautiful form, beauty S iv.275 =<br />

Pv II. 9** (as one of the 10 attributes, with sadda etc.,<br />

of distinction : see also below D ii.a) ; Miln 285 ; Mhvs<br />

20, 4 (rupa-manini proud of her beauty) ; PvA 89.<br />

—surupa very beautiful ThA 72 ; durupa of evil form,<br />

ugly A 1.203 sq. (dubbai)pa-(- ). —<br />

In phrase rupai)<br />

sikkhati Vin i.77 = iv.i29 the meaning is doubtful; it<br />

may be " to study drawing, or arts & craft," or (with<br />

Mrs. Rh. D.) " weights & measures," or (w. Hardy)<br />

" money changing." It is said that through this<br />

occupation the eyes become bad ; it is opposed to ganana.<br />

— C. (-°) of such & such a form, like, kind, of a certain<br />

condition or appearance. In this appl" very frequent<br />

& similar to E. -hood, or Ger. -heit, i. e. an abstract formation.<br />

Often untranslatable because of the latter<br />

character. It is similar to kaya (cp, expl" of aturarupa<br />

Vv 83'* by abhitunna-kaya VvA 328), but not so<br />

much with ref. to life & feeling as to appearance and<br />

looks. E. g. aneka" Sn 1079 (=anekavidha Nd' 54);<br />

adissamana" invisible PvA 6 (lit. with invisible form);<br />

ummatta" as if mad, under the appearance of madness,<br />

like a madman Pv 1.8^ ; 11.6' ; eva'' in such a condition<br />

Pv II. i'; tapassi" appearing to be an ascetic Pv 1.3';<br />

taraka" the (shapes of the) stars Dhs 617; deva" as a<br />

deva PvA 92. Pleonastically e. g. in : anupatta° attaining<br />

Pv IV. i"; taramana° quickly Pv 11.6*; yutta" fit<br />

FVA 157; sucitta" variegated Pv i.io*. —-Cases ad<br />

verbially : citta-riipai] according to intention Vin in. 161 ;<br />

cetabba-rupar) fit to be thought upon J iv.157.<br />

IV. 1 77 ;<br />

(=°yuttakar) C). —atta-rupena on my own account<br />

S IV. 97; godha-rupena as an iguana Mhvs 28, 9. — D.<br />

(as philos. 1. 1.) principle of (material) form, materiality,<br />

visibility. — <strong>The</strong>re are var. groups of psychological<br />

and metaphysical systematizations, in which rupa<br />

functions as the material, gross factor, by the side of<br />

other, more subtle factors. In all these representations<br />

of rupa we find that an element of moral psychology<br />

overshadows the purely philosophical & speculative<br />

aspect. A detailed (Abhidhammatic) discussion of<br />

rupa in var. aspects is to be found at Dhs § 585-980. —<br />

1. rupa as ayatana or sense object. It is the object of<br />

the activity or sphere of the organ of sight (cakkhu).<br />

As such it heads the list of the 6 bahirani ayatanani<br />

(see e. g. Nd* p. 238 A-E & ayatana') with " cakkhuna<br />

rupar) disva " (the others : sota>sadda, ghana>gandha,<br />

jivha>rasa, kaya>photthabba, mano>dhamma), cp.<br />

cakkhu-vififieyyariipaitthakantaetc. D 1.245 ; M 1.266 ;<br />

cakkhuna rupar) passati ittba-rupai) kanta-rupai) etc.<br />

S IV. 126; — see further: Vin 1.34 (sabbai) adittai)<br />

cakkhui) adittai), rupa aditta etc. with sequence of other<br />

in. 18 (yag kho<br />

M ayatanas); D 11.308 sq., 336 sq. ;<br />

rupai) paiicca uppajjati sukhai) somanassai), ayai) rupe<br />

assado ; cp. Ps 11. 109 sq.). 291 (ye te cakkhu -viflfleyyesu<br />

rupesu avita-raga etc.) ; Ps 1.79 ; 11.38 (rupi rupSni<br />

passati ti vimokkho); Dhs 617. 653, 878; Tikp 28.<br />

2. (metaphysically) as the representative of sensory or<br />

material existence : (a) universally as forming the corporeal<br />

stratum in the world of appearance or form (rupabhava)<br />

as compared with the incorporeal (aiupa-bhava),<br />

being itself above, and yet including the kama-bhava.<br />

(<strong>The</strong> kamabhava is a subdivision of rupabhava, which<br />

has got raised into a third main division.) This triad<br />

is als^ found in comb°^ with loka or dhatu (see dhatu<br />

2 a & d), or avacara. See e. g. D 1.17 ; 111.215 ("dhatu),<br />

2 16 (°bhava) ; Kvu 370 sq. (°dhatu) ; Dhs 499 (°avacara),<br />

585 ("dhatu); Vbh 17 ("avacara), 25 (as garu-pariqama<br />

a dandha-nirodha comp' with arupa). A similar<br />

sequence rupa arupa & nirodha (i. e. nibbana) in old<br />

verses at Sn 755<br />

^<br />

; It 45, 62 (rupehi arupa santatara.<br />

arflpehi nirodho santataro). On indriya-rupa " faculty<br />

as form " see indriya B. — (b) individually in the sphere<br />

I<br />

of saQsara as one (i. e. the material quality) of the<br />

substrata of sensory individual existence or the khandhas.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are the 5 : rupa-kkhandha. vedana",<br />

saf&fla", sankhara", vififlaija'' ; otherwise called<br />

fipadana-kkhandha etc. (e. g. D in. 223, 278 ; Vism<br />

rup'<br />

443). ,<br />

See khandha 11. B. — In this property rupa consists of<br />

28 subdivisions, viz. the 4 (great) dhatus (mahabhiitani<br />

or else bhuta-rupa primary matter) and 24 apadftrupani<br />

(i. e. derivative forms or accidentals). <strong>The</strong>se<br />

are given in extenso in the rupakkhandha section of the<br />

Vism (pp. 443-450), also at Dhs 585 ; the 24 consist of<br />

cakkhu, sota, ghana, jivha, kaya, rupa. sadda, gandha.<br />

rasa, itthindriya. purisindriya, jivitindriya, hadaya-

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