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Raja 27 Raja<br />

mentioned at several places (see below under °dhamma).<br />

Others are mentioned e. g. at D 1.135, where it is said<br />

he gives food and seed-corn to the farmer, capital to the<br />

trader, wages to the people in government service. His<br />

qualifications are 8 fold (see D 1.137) : well-born (" gentleman,"<br />

khattiya), handsome, wealthy, powerful (with<br />

his army), a believer, learned, clever, intelligent. —<br />

His wealth is proverbial and is characterized in a stock<br />

phrase, which is also used of other ranks,' like setthi's<br />

& brahmana's, viz. " addha mahaddhana mahabhoga<br />

pahuta-jatarupa-rajata pahuta-vitt' upakarana pahutadhana-dhaflna<br />

paripuiina-kosa-kotthagara," e. g. D<br />

1. 1 34. For a late description of a king's quality<br />

and distinction see Miln 226, 227. — His disciplinary<br />

authority is emphasized ;. he spares no tortures in<br />

punishing adversaries or malefactors, esp. the cora<br />

(see below 4 c). A summary example of these<br />

punishments inflicted on criminals is the long passage<br />

illustrating dukkha (bodily pain) at Nd* 304<br />

cp. M lit. 163 (here also on a cora). — 3. <strong>The</strong> king<br />

(raja or khattiya) in the popular opinion, as reflected<br />

in language, heads several lists, which have often been<br />

taken as enumerating '* castes," but which are simply<br />

inclusive statements of var. prominent ranks as playing<br />

a role in the social life of the state, and which were formulated<br />

according to diff. occasions. Thus some show a<br />

more political, some a more religious aspect. E. g.<br />

khattiya amacca brahmaiia gahapati D 1.136; rdjd<br />

brahmai;ia gahapatika A 1.68, where another formula<br />

has khattiya br. g. A 1.66; J 1.217; and the foil, with<br />

an intermediate " rank " (something like " royalty,"<br />

"the royal household") between the king and the<br />

brahmins : raja rdjaputid brahmana gahapatika ne-<br />

gama-janapada K II-74 sq. ; rajano rdja-mahdmattd<br />

khattiya br., gah., titthiya D in. 44 (trsl" Dialogues too<br />

weak "rajas & their officials"); raja rdjabhogga br.,<br />

gah. Vin 111.221. — 4. Var. aspects illustrating the<br />

position of the king in relation to other prominent<br />

groups of the court or populace : (a) raja & khattiya.<br />

All kings were khattiyas. <strong>The</strong> kh. is a noble Kar't^oxliv<br />

(cp. Gr. I'lyiftuiv) as seen fr. def" jati-khattiya at SnA<br />

453 and var. contexts. Already in the Rig Veda the<br />

ksatriya is a person belonging to a royal family (RV<br />

X.109. 3), and rajcuiya is an Ep. of ksatriya (see Zimmer,<br />

Altindisches Leben 213). —raja khattiyo muddhavassito<br />

"a crowned king" D 1.69; 111.61 sq. ; Vin<br />

IV.160 ; A 1.106 sq. ; 11.207 (contrasted with brahmana<br />

mahasala) ; in. 2 99 (if lazy, he is not liked by the people)<br />

M III. 72 sq. (how he becomes a cakkavatti through the<br />

1<br />

appearance of the cakka-ratana). —Without muddhivasitta<br />

: rajano khattiya Dh 294 = Nett 165. Cp.<br />

khattiya bhoja-rajano the khattiyas, the (noble or<br />

lesser ?) kings (as followers of the cakkavatti) Sn 553<br />

(see bhoja). At J vi.515. rajano corresponds directly<br />

to khattiya on p. 517 (satthisahassa°) ; cp. expression<br />

khattiya-kula J 1.2 17 as equivalent<br />

(b) raja & mahamatta. <strong>The</strong> latter<br />

to raja-kula.<br />

occupies the<br />

position of " Premier," but is a rank equal to the king,<br />

hence often called raja himself: Vin 111.47 where styled<br />

" akkhadassa mahamatta." Otherwise he is always<br />

termed raja-mahamatta " royal minister," or " H.R.H.<br />

A the Premier," e. g. Vin 1.172 ; 1.228 (also<br />

1.279 ; Vin<br />

as Magadha-mahamatta), and called himself a khattiya<br />

•—• D 111.44. (c) raja & cora. A prominent figure in the<br />

afiairs of State is the " robber-chief " (maha-cora).<br />

<strong>The</strong> contrast -pair rajano (so always pi.) & cora is very<br />

frequent, and in this connection we have to think of<br />

rajano as either smaller kings, knights or royals (royalists),<br />

i. e. officers of the kings or " the king's Guards."<br />

Thus at J 111.34 tl^6 C. expl" as raja-purisa. It is here<br />

used as a term of warning or frightening " get up,<br />

robber, so that the kings (alias ' policeman ') won't<br />

catch you " : utthehi cora ma tai) gahesur) rajano.<br />

Other passages are e. g. : D<br />

1.7 (raja-katha & corakatha)<br />

= Vin 1.188; M in. 163 (rajano corag agucarii)<br />

gahetva); A 1.68, 154; It 89 (raj' abhinita-|-cor°) ; &<br />

in<br />

to<br />

sequence rajano cora dhutta (as being dangerous<br />

the bhikkhus) at Vin 1.150. 161. — 5. On the<br />

question of kingship in Ancient India see Zimmer,<br />

Altind. Leben pp. 162-175, 212 sq. ; Macdonell & Keith,<br />

Vedtc Index 11.210 sq. ; Pick, Soc. G/. 63-90 ; Foy, Die<br />

Konigl. Gewalt nach den altind. Rechtsbiichern (Leipzig<br />

1895); Rh. Davids, B«rf(//}is/ India pp. i-i6; Hopkins,<br />

E. W., <strong>The</strong> social and military position of the ruling<br />

caste in A. I. in J.A.O.S. 13, 179 sq. ; Banerjea.<br />

Public Administration in A. I. 1916, pp. 63-93. — 6.<br />

Kings mentioned by name [a very limited & casual<br />

list only, for detailed refs. see Dict'y of Names] :<br />

Ajatasattu ; Udena (DhA 1.185); Okkaka ; DIghl (of<br />

Kosala ; Vin<br />

1.342); Parantapa (of Kosambi-; DhA<br />

1.164;) Pasenadi (of Kosala; D 1.87,103; Vin iv.112,<br />

157) ; Bimbisara (of Magadha ; Vin iv.i 16 sq. ; Sn 419)<br />

Bhaddiya ; etc. — 7. (fig.) king as sign of distinction<br />

(" princeps "), as the lion is called raja miganag<br />

Sn 72 ; Vism 650 ; the Himavant is pabbata-raja<br />

A 1.152; III. 44 ; and Gotama's horse Kanlhaka is<br />

called assa-raja J 1.62 = VvA 314. — Note. <strong>The</strong> comp"<br />

form of raja is raja°.<br />

-dgara a king's (garden- or pleasure-) house D 1.7<br />

(°ka) ; DA 1.42. -anga royal mark, characteristic or<br />

qualification; king's property Vin 1.219 (rajangar)<br />

hatthi : the elephants belong to the king), cp. A 1.244 :<br />

assajaniyo ranno angan t' eva sankhai) gacchati is called<br />

king's property, -angana royal court PvA 74. -anatti<br />

king's permission Tikp 26 (in simile), -ana (i) the<br />

king's command J in. 180 ; cp. PvA 217 "ranno ana" ;<br />

(2) the king's fine or punishment, i. e. a punishment<br />

inflicted by the king (cp. Fick, Soc. Gl. 74), synonymous<br />

with raja-danda : (rajanar) karoti to inflict)<br />

J 1.369, 433<br />

242. -4nu-<br />

11.197 ; III. 18. 232, 351 ; iv.42 ; VI. 18 ; PvA<br />

bhava king's power, majesty, authority, pomp J iv.247 ;<br />

PvA 279. -antepura the royal harem A v. 81, 82 (the<br />

10 risks which a bhikkhu is running when visiting it<br />

for alms), -abhinita brought by a king It 89 (-t-corabhinlta).<br />

-abhiraja " king of kings " Sn ; 553 DhsA<br />

20. -amacca royal minister J v. 444 ("majjhe). -ayatana<br />

N. of a tree " : Kingstead tree," the royal tree<br />

(as residence of a king of fairies), Buchanania latifolia<br />

Vin 1.3 sq. (where MVastu 111.303 reads kslrika, i. e.<br />

milk-giving tree) ; J 1.80 ; iv.361 sq. ; DhsA 35 ; VbhA<br />

433<br />

(°cetiya). -iddhi royal power PvA 279. -isi a<br />

royal seer, a king who gives up his throne & becomes<br />

an ascetic (cp. Sk. rajarsi. freq. in Mhbharata & Rama<br />

yana) Th i, 1127 fread raja-d-isi) ; It 2 i (rajisayo, with<br />

var vv. 11. not quite the same meaning) ;<br />

127, 518 ; DhA<br />

J vi.i 16, 124,<br />

IV. 29. Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes reading<br />

rajisi. -upatthana attendance on the king, royal<br />

audience Vin 1.269; J 1.269, 349; in. 119. 299; iv 63.<br />

-upabhoga fit for use by the king Miln 252. -uyyana<br />

royal garden or pleasure ground J in. 1 43 ; Mhvs 15, 2.<br />

-orodha a lady from the king's harem, a royal concubine<br />

Vin IV. 261.<br />

(5<br />

-kakudha-bhanda an ensign of royalty<br />

: khagga, chatta, unhisa, paduka, valavijani) DhA<br />

1.356. See under kakudha. -katha talk about kings<br />

(as tiracchanakatha in disgrace), comb* with corakatha<br />

(see above 4 c) D 1.7 ; 111.36, 54 ; Vin 1.188. -kammika<br />

a royal official, one employed by the king J 1.439;<br />

IV. 169. -kutumba the king's property J 1.439. -kunda<br />

a " crook of a king " DhA 111.56. -kumara a (royal)<br />

prince<br />

VbhA<br />

(cp. khattiya-kumara) Vin 1.269; J<br />

196 (in comparison), -kumbhakara a<br />

in. 122;<br />

" royal<br />

potter," i. e. a potter being "purveyor to the king"<br />

J<br />

V.290. -kula the king's court or palace A 1.128;<br />

11.205; Vin iv.265 ; J 11.301; DhA 11.44. 46; 111.124.<br />

-khadaya phuttha at Sn 831 is according to Kern,<br />

Toev. to be read as rajakkhataya ph. (fr. rajakkha).<br />

<strong>The</strong> old Niddesa. however, reads "khadSya & expl"" the<br />

word (Nd^ 171) by rajabhojaniyena, i. e. the king's<br />

food, which is alright without being changed, -guna<br />

" virtue of a king" M 1.446 (trick of a circus horse;

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