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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ratha 23 Rava<br />

stands it as ratha- = charioteer explaining " rathesu<br />

usabha-sadiso maha-ratho ti attho"; as does Bdhgh.<br />

at SnA 321 (on Sn 303): " maha-rathesu khattiyesu<br />

akampiy' atthena usabha-sadiso." — Sn 303-308, 552 ;<br />

Pv Ii.i3> ; Mhvs 5, 246 ; 15, 1 1 ; 29. 12. -kara carriage-<br />

builder, chariot-maker, considered as a class of very<br />

low social standing, rebirth in which is a punishment<br />

(cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung 56, 207, 209 sq.) S 1.93 ;<br />

Vin IV. 9<br />

(as term of abuse, enumi" with other low<br />

grades: caruj^la vena nesada r. pukkusa), 12 (°j5ti)<br />

M 11.152, 183 f. : as karin at Pv iii.i" (expl* as cammakarin<br />

PvA 175). As Npl. name of one of the 7 Great<br />

Lakes in the Himalaya (RathakSradaha), e. g. at<br />

Vism 416; SnA 407. -cakka wheel of a chariot or<br />

carriage Vism 238 (in simile, concerning its circumference)<br />

; PvA<br />

65. -pafijara the body (lit, "cage" or<br />

" frame ") of a carriage Vv 83^ ( = rath' iipattha VvA<br />

326); J 11.172 ; IV. 60 ; DhA 1.28. rjuga a chariot yoke<br />

J VI. 42. -renu " chariot -dust," a very minute quantity<br />

(as a measure), a mite. Childers compares Sk. trasarenu<br />

a mote of dust, atom. It is said to consist of 36<br />

tajjari's, and 36 ratha-renu's are equal to one likkhi :<br />

\'i)hA 343. -yinita " led by a chariot," a chariot-drive<br />

(Neumann, " Eilpost "). name of the 24"" Suttanta of<br />

Majjhima (M 1.145 sq.), quoted at Vism 93,<br />

SnA 446. -sala chariot shed DhA 111.121.<br />

671 and<br />

Ratha' [fr. ram, cp. Sk. ratha] pleasure, joy, delight : see<br />

mano°.<br />

Bathaka^ (nt.) [fr. ratha, cp. Sk. rathaka m.] a little<br />

carriage, a toy cart D 1.6 (cp. DA 1.86 : khuddakarathai));<br />

Vin n.io ; iii.iSo ; M<br />

1.226; Miln 229.<br />

Rathaka' (adj.) [ratha -i-ka] having a chariot, neg. a°<br />

without a chariot J vi.515.<br />

Rathika [fr. ratha] fighter fr. a chariot, charioteer M 1. 397<br />

(saflflato kusalo rathassa anga-paccanganar)) ; D 1. 51<br />

(in list of var. occupations, cp. DA 1.156); J VI. 15<br />

(H-patti-karika), 463 (id.).<br />

Rathika & Rathiya (f) [Vedic rathya belonging to the<br />

chariot, later Sk. rathyi road. See also raccha] a<br />

carriage-road. — (a) rathika: Vin 11.268; Vism 60;<br />

PvA 4, 67. — (b) rathiya: D 1.83 ; Vin 1.237, 344<br />

M II. 108; III. 163; S 1.201 ; II. 128; IV. 344. In comp"<br />

rathiya", e. g. rathiya-coja " street-rag " Vism 62<br />

(expl'' as rathikaya chadcjita-cojaka).<br />

Radaat ThA257 in cpd. " sannivesa-visittha-rada-visesayutta<br />

" is not quite clear (" splitting "?).<br />

Radati [rad: see etym. at Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. rado<br />

("rase"). Given in meaning " vilekhana " at Dhtp<br />

159 & Dhtm 220. Besides this it is given at Dhtm<br />

224 in meaning " bhakkhana "] to scratch Dhtp 159;<br />

cp. rada & radana tooth Abhp 261.<br />

Randha^ [for Sk. raddha, pp. of randhati 2] cooked<br />

J<br />

V.505 ; vi.24 ; Miln 107.<br />

Randba' [Sk. randhra, fr. randhati i ; the P. form vid<br />

*randdha : see Geiger. P.Gr. § 58'] opening, cleft, open<br />

spot; flaw, defect, weak spot A iv.25 ; Sn 255, 826<br />

randhamesin looking for somebody's weak spot<br />

cp. Nd' 165 (" virandham" aparandham° khalitam°<br />

SnA galitam" vivaram-esi ti"); J n.53 ; 111.192 ;<br />

(-l-vivara); DhA 111.376, 377 (°gavesita).<br />

393<br />

Randhaka (-°) ladj.) [fr. randhati 2] one who cooks,<br />

cooking, a cook J iv.43i (bhatta°).<br />

Randhati [radh or randh, differentiated in <strong>Pali</strong> to 2 meanings<br />

& 2 verbs according to Dhtm " : hii)sayai) " (148),<br />

and "pike" (827). In the former sense given as rau4. in<br />

the latter randh. <strong>The</strong> root is freq. in the Vedas, in<br />

meaning i. It belongs perhaps to Ags. rendan to<br />

rend :<br />

subject to, (intrs.) to be in one's power (trs.) to harass,<br />

;<br />

oppress, vex. hurt (mostly Caus. randheti^Sk. randhayati).<br />

Only in Imper. randhehi J 1.332, and in<br />

Prohib. ma randhayi J v. 121, and pi. mi randhayug<br />

Dh 248 ( = ma randhantu mi mathantu DhA 111.357).<br />

See also randha*. — 2. to cook (cp. Sk. randhi &<br />

randhana) Miln 107 (bhojanar) randheyya). — pp.<br />

randha^.<br />

see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s, v. lumbus] to be or make<br />

Rapati [rap] to chatter, whisper Dhtp 187 (" vacane ")<br />

Dhtm 266 (" akkose "). See also lapati.<br />

Rabhasa [rabb=labh, which sec for etym. Cp. also Lat<br />

rabies. — Dhtp 205 expl' rabh (correctly) by Srarabha<br />

& Dhtm 301 by rabhassa] wild, terrible, violent D 1.91.<br />

expl^ by " bahu-bhanin " at DA 1.256. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

several w. 11. at this passage.<br />

Rama (-°) (adj.) [fr. ram] delighting, enjoyable; only in<br />

cpd. dii° ( = duli) difficult to enjoy, not fit for pleasures ;<br />

as nt. absence of enjoyment Dh 87 = 8 v.24 ; and mano°<br />

gladdening the mind (q. v.).<br />

Ramaqa (adj.) [fr. ramati ; cp. Sk. ramana] pleasing,<br />

charming, delightful DhA 11.202 (°ttb5na).<br />

Ramavaka (adj.)= ramana J 111.207.<br />

RamaQlya (& °nlya) (adj.) [grd. of ramati] delightful,<br />

pleasing, charming, pleasant, beautiful D 1.47 (°?iya<br />

dosina ratti, cp. DA 1.141) ; Sn 1013 ; Mhvs 15, 69 (u)<br />

PvA 42, 51 (expl" for rucira). As ramaneyya at S<br />

1.233. Cp. ramaneyya(ka).<br />

Ramati [ram; def* by Dhtp 224 & Dhtm 318 by " kiia-<br />

yag "] i. to enjoy oneself, to delight in ; to sport, find<br />

amusement in (loc.) S 1.179 ; Vin 197 (ariyo na r. pape)<br />

Sn 985 (jhane) ; (ariya-ppavedite dhamme sada<br />

Dh 79<br />

r. pandito); subj. i" pi. ramimase Th 2, 370 (cp.<br />

Geiger, P.Gr. 126); med. i« sg. rame J v.363 ; imper.<br />

rama Pv 11. 12"' (r. deva maya saha ; better with v. 1.<br />

; as ramma) —<br />

fut. ramissati PvA 153. — ger. ramma<br />

Pv II. 12*' (v. 1. for rama). grd. ramma & ramanlya<br />

(q. v.). — pp. rata. — Caus. 1. rameti to give pleasure<br />

to. to please, to fondle Th i. 13; J v.204 ; vi.3 (pp.<br />

ramayamana) ;<br />

Miln 313. — pp. ramita (q. v.).<br />

Caus. II. ramapeti to enjoy oneself J vi.114.<br />

Ramita [pp. of rameti] having enjoyed, enjoying, taking<br />

delight in, amusing oneself with (loc. or saha) Sn 709<br />

(vanante r. siya) ; Dh 305 (id. = abhirata DhA in. 472);<br />

Pv II. 1 2" ('mhi taya saha).<br />

Rambati (& lambati) [lamb] to hang down. Both forms<br />

are given with meaning " avasagsane " at Dhtp 198 and<br />

Dhtm 283.<br />

RambhS (f.) [Sk. rambha] a plantain or banana tree<br />

Abhp 589.<br />

Ramma (adj.) [grd. of ramati] enjoyable, charming, beautiful<br />

Sn 305; ThA 71 (v. 30); Mhvs i, 73; 14, 47;<br />

Sdhp 248, 512.<br />

Rammaka (adj.) [Sk ramyaka] N. of the month Chaitra<br />

J V.63.<br />

Raya [fr. ri, riijati to let loose or flow, which is taken as<br />

ray at Dhtp 234, def as " gamana," and at Dhtm 336<br />

as " gati." <strong>The</strong> root ri itself is given at Dhtm 351 in<br />

meaning " santati," i. e. continuation. — On etym, cp.<br />

Vedic retah; Lat. rivus river = Gall. Rgnos " Rhine."<br />

See Walde. Lai. Wtb. s. v. rivus] speed, lit. current<br />

Abhp 40. See raya'.<br />

Raya' [for raya, with v. for y as freq. in <strong>Pali</strong>, Dhtm 35a :<br />

ru " gate "] speed, exceeding swiftness, galloping, in<br />

comb» with daya running at Vin li.ioi ; IV.4 ; M 1.446

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