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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Rata 21 Rati<br />

below ; also late at Mhvs 35, 69 (Subhar&jag ra^e<br />

hantvi). — 2. intoxication, desire, sin, fault. This<br />

meaning is the Buddhist development of Vedic rai)a =<br />

enjoyment. Various influences have played a part in<br />

determining the meaning & its expl' in the scholastic<br />

terms of the dogmatists and exegetics. It is often<br />

expl^ as papa or raga. <strong>The</strong> Tiki on DhsA 50 (see<br />

Expos. 67) gives the foil, expl"" (late &' speculative)<br />

(a) = reQU, dust or mist of lust etc. ; (b) fight, war (against<br />

the Paths) ;<br />

(c) pain, anguish & distress. — <strong>The</strong> trsl»<br />

(Expos. 67) takes raija as " cause of grief," or " harm,"<br />

hence arana " harmless " and sarana " harmful " (the<br />

latter trsl"" as " concomitant with war " by Dks. Irsl. of<br />

Dhs 1294 ; and asarana as opp. " not concomitant " ;<br />

doubtful). At S 1. 148 (rupe raQai) disv&) it is almost<br />

syn. with raja. Bdhgh. expl^ this passage (see K.S.<br />

320) as " rupamhi j&ti-jari-bhanga-sankh&tai) dosar),"<br />

trsl* {K.S. 186): " discerning canker in visible objects<br />

material."<br />

<strong>The</strong> term is not sufl&ciently cleared yet. At Th 2,<br />

358 we read "(kamil) appassJdi ranakar& sukkapakkha-visosana,"<br />

and v. 360 reads " rai^Lar) karitvi<br />

kamanai)." ThA 244 expl= v. 358 by " rig' adi sambandhanato"<br />

; v. 360 by " kimanar) rapar) te ca maya<br />

katabbai) ariyamaggag sampaharai) katva." <strong>The</strong> first<br />

is evidently " grief," the second " fight," but the trsl«<br />

{Sisters 145) gives " stirring strife " for v. 358, and<br />

" fight with worldly lusts " for v. 360 ; whereas Kern,<br />

Toev. a. v. raiiiakara gives " causing sinful desire " as<br />

trsl .<br />

<strong>The</strong> word arana (see arapa') was regarded as neg.<br />

of rava in both meanings (i & 2 ) ; thus either " freedom<br />

fr. passion " or " not fighting." <strong>The</strong> trsl» of DhsA 50<br />

{Expos. 67) takes it in a slightly difi. sense as " harm-<br />

less " (i. e. having no grievous causes). — At M 111.235<br />

ara^a is a quasi summing up of " adukkha an-upaghata<br />

anupayasa etc.," and sarana of their positives. Here<br />

a meaning like " harmfuiness " & " harmlessness "<br />

seems to be fitting. Other passages of arana see under<br />

arana.<br />

-jaha (raijaiijaha) giving up desires or sin, leaving<br />

causes of harmfuiness behind. <strong>The</strong> expression is<br />

old and stereotype. It has caused trouble among<br />

interpreters : Trenckner would like to read ranafljaya<br />

" victorious in battle " {Motes 83). It is abo BSk.,<br />

e. g. Lai. Vist. 50 ; Av6 H.131 (see Speyer's note 3 on<br />

this page. He justifies trsl* " pacifier, peace-maker ").<br />

At foil, passages : S 1.52 (trsl* " quitting corruption ")<br />

It io8 (Seidenstucker trsl' : " dem Kampfgewiihl entronnen<br />

"); Miln 21 ;<br />

Nett 54; Sdbp 493, 569.<br />

RfttA [pp. of ramati] delighting in (loc. or -"), intent on.<br />

devoted to S iv.117 (dhamme jh&ne), 389 sq. (bhava°<br />

etc.); Sn 54 (sangapika°) 212, 250, 327, 330 (dhamme),<br />

461 (yaiiiie), 737 (upasame); Mhvs. i, 44 (mahakanijjiko<br />

Satthasabba-loka-hiterato) ; 32, 84 (ratopuflfle)<br />

PvA 3, 13, 19 ("manasa).<br />

Batana* (nt.) [cp. Vedic ratna, gift; the BSk. form is<br />

ratna (Divy 26) as well as ratana {Avi n.i99)] '• (•>*)<br />

a gem, jewel VvA 321 (not = ratana', as Hardy in Index)<br />

PvA 53 (nanavidhani). — <strong>The</strong> 7 ratanas are enumi"<br />

under vejuriya (Miln 267). <strong>The</strong>y are (the precious<br />

minerals) suvaona, rajata, uiutta, maiji. vejuriya,<br />

vajjra, pavala. (So at Abhp 490.) <strong>The</strong>se 7 are said<br />

to be used in the outfit of a ship to give it more splendour<br />

: J II. 1 12. <strong>The</strong> 7 (unspecified) are mentioned at<br />

Th 2. 487 (satta ratanani vasseyya vutthima " all seven<br />

kinds of gems ") ; and at DhA 1.274, where it is said of<br />

a ratana-manijapa that in it there were raised flags<br />

" sattaratana-maya." On ratana in similes see J.P.T.S.<br />

1909, 127. — 2. (fig.) treasure, gem of (-°) Sn 836<br />

(etadisai) r. = dibb' itthi-ratana SnA 544); Miln 262<br />

(dussa° 3 very fine garment). — Usually as a set of 7<br />

valuables, belonging to the throne (the empire) of a<br />

(world-) king. Thus at D 11.16 sq. ; of Maha-Sudassana<br />

D 11.172 sq. <strong>The</strong>y are enum* singly as follows: the<br />

wheel (cakka) D 11.172 sq., the elephant (hatthi, called<br />

Uposatha) D 11.174, 187, 197; the horse (assa, Valihaka)<br />

ibid. ; the gem (mai^i) D ii.i 75, 187 ; the woman<br />

(itthi) ibid.; the treasurer (gahapati) D 11.176, 188;<br />

the adviser (pari^ayaka) ibid. <strong>The</strong> same 7 are enum""<br />

at D 1.89 ; Sn p. 106 ; DA 1.250 ; also at J iv.232, where<br />

their origins (homes) are given as : cakka° out of Cakkadaha<br />

; hatthi from the Upasatha-race ; assa° from the<br />

clan of Valfthassaraja. ma^i" from VepuUa, and the last<br />

3 without specification. See also remarks on gahapati.<br />

Kern, Toev. 8. v. ratana suspects the latter to<br />

be originally " major domus " (cp. his attributes as<br />

" wealthy " at MVastu 1.108). As to the exact meaning<br />

of pario&yaka he is doubtful, which mythical tradition<br />

has obscured. — <strong>The</strong> 7 (moral) ratanas at S 11.217 &<br />

111.83 are probably the same as are given in detail at<br />

Miln 336, viz. the 5 : sUa°, samadhi°, paflfia", vimutti",<br />

vimutti-fiaQadassana (also given under the collective<br />

name sila-kkhandha or dhamma-kkhandha), to which<br />

are added the 2 : pafisambhida" & bojjhanga°. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

7 are probably meant at PvA 66, where it is said that<br />

Sakka " endowed their house with the 7 jewels " (sattar.-bharitag<br />

katva). — Very frequent is a Triad of Gems<br />

(ratana-ttaya), consisting of Dhamma, Sangha, Buddha,<br />

or the Doctrine, the Church and the Buddha [cp. BSk.<br />

ratna-traya Divy 481], e. g. Mhvs 5, 81 ; VbhA 384;<br />

VvA 123 ; PvA I, 49. 141.<br />

-ikara a pearl-mine, a mine of precious metals Th i,<br />

1049; J II. 414; VI.459; Dpvs 1.18. -kuta a jewelled<br />

top DhA 1.159. -palivethana a wrapper for a gem or<br />

jewel Pug 34. -vara the best of gems Sn 683 ( = vararatana-bhflta<br />

SnA 486). -wtta the Suttanta of the<br />

(3) Treasures (viz. Dhamma, Sangha, Buddha), representing<br />

Sutta Nipata 11. i (P.T.S. ed. pp. 39-42). men-<br />

tioned as a paritti at Vism 414 (with 4 others) and at<br />

Miln 150 (with 5 others), cp. KhA 63 ; SnA 201.<br />

Ratana* [most likely =Sk. aratni : see ratani] a linear<br />

measure (which Abhp p. 23 gives as equal to 12 angula,<br />

or 7 ratanas=l yatthi : see Kirfel, Kosmographie,<br />

P- 335- <strong>The</strong> same is given by Bdhgh. at VbhA : 343<br />

dve vidatthiyo ratanag ; satta r. yatthi) J v. 36 (visagr-satai))<br />

; vi.401 (°mattai)) ; VvA 32 1 (so given by Hardy<br />

in Index as " measure of length," but to be taken as<br />

ratana', as indicated clearly by context & C); Miln<br />

282 (satta-patitthito attha-ratan' ubbedho nava-ratan'<br />

ayama-paripaho pasadiko dassaniyo Uposatho nagaraja<br />

: alluding to ratana' 2 I).<br />

Ratanaka (-°) (adj.) [ratana-l-ka, the ending belonging<br />

to the whole cpd.] characteristic of a gem, or a king's<br />

treasure ; in phrase aniggata-ratanake " When the<br />

treasure has not gone out " Vin iv.160. where the chief<br />

queen is meant with " treasure."<br />

Ratani [Sk. aratni " elbow " with apocope and diaeresis<br />

given at Halayudha 2, 381 as " a cubit, or measure<br />

from the elbow to the tip of the little finger." <strong>The</strong><br />

form ratni also occurs in Sk. <strong>The</strong> etym. is fr. Idg.<br />

•ole (to bend), cp. Av. ar9|>na elbow; Sk. arala bent;<br />

of which enlarged bases *olen in Lat. ulna, ond •oleq<br />

in Lat. lacertus, Sk. lakutab = P. laguja. See cognates<br />

in Walde. Lat. Wlb. s, v. lacertus] a cubit Miln 83 (attha<br />

rataniyo).<br />

Ratanika (adj.) [fr. ratana] a ratana in length J 1.7<br />

(a^^ha"); Miln 312 (attha°).<br />

Rati (f.) [Classic 'Sk. rati, fr. ram] love, attachment,<br />

pleasure, liking for (loc.), fondness of S 1.IJ3 (°g paccanubhavati),<br />

207; iu.256 ; Sn 41 ( = anukkhanthit'<br />

adhivacanag Nd* 537). 59 ('d.). 270, 642, 956 ( = nek-<br />

khamma-rati paviveka", upasama° Nd' 457); J 111.377<br />

(kilesa°) ; DhA iv.225 ; PvA<br />

77. —arati dislike, aversion

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