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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Yutta 15 Yebhujryasika<br />

Tatta [pp. of yunjati ; Vedic >'ukta. cp. Lat. junctus, Gr.<br />

iivKTog, Lith. junktas] i. (lit.) yoked, harnessed (to=<br />

loc.) Pv I.I I* (catubbhi >-utta ratha) ; Mhvs 35, 42<br />

(gopa rathe yatta) ; DhA 1.24 (dhure yutta balivadda).<br />

— 2. coupled; connected with; (appH) devoted to,<br />

applied to, given to, engaged in {-°, instr. or loc.) Sn<br />

820 (methune), 863 (macchiriya°). 1 144 (tena, cp. Nd*<br />

532) ; It 93 (Buddha-sasane) ; J vi.206 (yoga°). — 3. furnished<br />

;<br />

fixed, prepared, in order, ready 9n 442 (Mara ;<br />

= uyyutta SnA 392); PvA 53. — 4. able, fit (to or<br />

for = inf.), suitable, sufficient Sn 826 (cp. Nd^ 164);<br />

J V.219; DA 1. 141 (dassitur) yutta = dassaniya) ; VvA<br />

igi (=alag); PvA 74. — 5. proper, right PvA 159.<br />

— 6. due to (-°. with a grd., apparently superfluous)<br />

111.208 (asankitabba°) cp. yuttaka. — 7. (nt.) con-<br />

J ;<br />

janctlon, i. e. of the moon with one or other constellation<br />

Vin II. 217. — ayutta not fit, not right, improper<br />

PvA 6 (perhaps dele!), 64. — suyutta well fit, right<br />

proper, opp. duyutta unbefitting, in phrase suyuttar)<br />

duyuttai) acikkhati J 1.296 (here perhaps for dur-utta ?).<br />

du° also lit. " badly fixed, not in proper condition, in a<br />

bad state " at J iv.245 (of a gate).<br />

-kara acting properly PvA 66. -karin acting rightly<br />

Miln 49. -pa^ibhana knowledge of fitness Pug 42 (cp.<br />

PugA 223). -pajrutta intent on etc. PvA 150. -rupa<br />

one who is able or fit (to = inf.) J 1.64. -vaha justified<br />

VvA 15.<br />

Tattaka (adj.) (-°) [fr. yutta] proper, fit (for) ; nt. what is<br />

proper, fitness : dhamma-yuttakar) katheti to speak,<br />

righteous —• speech J iv.356. Usually comb* with a<br />

grd., seemingly pleonastically (like yutta), e. g. katabba°<br />

what had to be done PvA 81 ;<br />

apucchitabba° fit to be asked DhA 1.6.<br />

DhA 1.13 (as kattabba")<br />

Yatti [cp. Vedic yukti connection, fr. yuj] " fitting," i. e.<br />

I. application, use Miln 3 (opamma°). — 2. fitness,<br />

vada". KVA 37; in instr. yuttiya in accordance with<br />

Mhvs 10, 66 (vacana°) ;<br />

Sdhp<br />

340 (sutti") ; and abl.<br />

yuttito Sdhp 505. — 3. (logical) fitness, right construction,<br />

correctness of meaning; one of the 16 categories<br />

(hara), appl* to the exposition of texts, enum'' in the<br />

ist section of the Netti ; e. g. at Nett 1-3, 103; KhA<br />

551, 552. Thus abl. yuttito byway of correct-<br />

18 ; SnA<br />

ness or fitness (contrasted to suttato) VbhA i73 = Vism<br />

562 ; and yutti-vasena by means of correctness (of<br />

meaning) SnA 103 (contrasted to anussava). — 4. trick,<br />

device, practice J vi.215.<br />

-kata combined with ; (nt.) union, alloy VvA 13.<br />

Yoddha (nt.) [orig. pp. of yujjhati ; cp. Vedic yuddha<br />

(pp.) and yudh (f.) the fight] war, battle, fight D 1.6<br />

(da^uja" fighting with sticks or weapons) ; J in. 541 (id.)<br />

Sn 442 (dat. yuddhaya) ; J vi.222 ; Miln 245 (kilesa",<br />

as pp. Mhvs<br />

10, 45<br />

("atthar) for<br />

: one who fights sin) ;<br />

the sake of fighting) ; 10, 69 (yuddhaya in order to fight)<br />

25, 52 (yuddhay' agata) ; 32, 12 (yuddhag yujjhati);<br />

32, 13 (maccu° fight with death); 33, 42; DhA n.154<br />

(malla" fist-fight). — <strong>The</strong> form yudhaya at Sn 831 is<br />

to be taken as (archaic) dat. of Vedic yudh (f.), used<br />

in sense of an inf. & equal to yuddhaya.<br />

as " yuddh' atthaya."<br />

Nd' 1 72 expl^<br />

-kala time for the battle Mhvs 10, 63. -ttha engaged<br />

in war S 1. 100 (so read for °ttha). -mandala fighting-<br />

ring, arena J iv.81 ; Vism 190 ; VbhA<br />

son).<br />

356 (in compari-<br />

Yaddhaka [fr. yuddha, for the usual yodha (ka)] a fighter,<br />

in malla° fist -fighter, pugilist J iv.81.<br />

Yodhika (f.) [doubtful] N. of a tree J v.422 (for T. yodhi,<br />

which appears as yodhika in C. reading). <strong>The</strong> legitimate<br />

reading is yuthika (q. v.), as is also given in<br />

vv.ll.<br />

Ynvan [Vedic yuvan ; cp. Av. yavan = Lat. juvenis, Lith.<br />

jaunas young ; Lat. juvencus " calf " ; juventus youth;<br />

Goth, junda, Ohg. jugund & jung, E. young. — <strong>The</strong><br />

n.-stem is the usual, but later <strong>Pali</strong> shows also decl.<br />

after a-stem, e. g. gen. yuvassa Mhvs 18, 28] a youth.<br />

— nom. sg. yuva D i.8o = yobbanena samannagata DA<br />

1.223; Sn 420; Dh 280 (c=pathama-yobbane {hita<br />

DhA III. 409) ; Pv<br />

yava, yuvin & yobbana.<br />

111.7"^ ( = taruna PvA 205). — Cp.<br />

Yavin (adj.-n.) [ = j'uvan with diff -adj. ending] young<br />

J 1V.I06, 222.<br />

Yntha (nt.) [Vedic yutha] a flock, herd of animals Sn 53<br />

(of elephants); J 1.170 (monkeys), 280 (id.); SnA 322<br />

(go°, of oxen).<br />

-pa the leader of a herd Th 2, 437 (elephants), -pati<br />

same J in. 174 (elephant); DhA 1.81 (id.).<br />

Yfithika (f.) [cp. later Sk. yiithika] a kind of jasmine,<br />

Jasminum auriculatum J vi.537 ; Miln 338. So is also<br />

to be read at J v. 420 (for yodhi) & 422 (yodhika &<br />

yudhika). See also yodhika.<br />

Yfipa [\'edic yupa] i. a sacrificial post D 1.141 ; A iv.41 ;<br />

J IV.302 ; VI.211 ; Miln 21 (dhamma°) ; SnA 321, 322 ;<br />

DA 1.294. — 2. a pasada, or palace Th i, i63 = Jii.334.<br />

-ussapana the erection of the sacr. post DhsA 145<br />

(cp. Miln 21).<br />

Yfisa [Vedic yujan, later Sk. yu§a ; fr. base Idg. *iijs, cp.<br />

Lat. jiis soup, Gr. Kvfit) yeast, ferment, ZuifioQ soup<br />

Obulg. jucha = Ger. jauche manure ; Swedish ost cheese ;<br />

an enlargement of base 'ien to mix, as in Sk. yu to<br />

mix : see yuta, to which further *iene, as in yunjati]<br />

I. juice Vin 1.206 (akata" natural juice); Mhvs 28, 26;<br />

VvA 185 (badara° of the jujube); Vism 195 (seda°<br />

sweaty fluid). — 2. soup, broth. Four kinds of broths<br />

are enum'' at M 1.245, viz. mugga° bean soup, kuJattha"<br />

of vetch (also at Vism 256), kalaya° (chick-) pea soup,<br />

harenuka° pea soup ;<br />

rasar) va kareyya).<br />

Miln 63 (ranfio sudo yusai) va<br />

Yebhuyya (adj.) [ye = yad in Magadhi form; thus yad<br />

bhuya = yad bhiyya " what is more or most(ly)"]<br />

abundant, numerous, most. Not found as adj. by<br />

itself, except in phrase yebhuyya-vasena mostly, as a<br />

rule ThA 51 and PvA 136, which is identical with the<br />

usual instr. yebhuyyena occurring as adv. " as according<br />

to most," i. e. (i) almost all, altogether, practically (as<br />

in our phrase "practically dead"), mostly D 1. 105<br />

(addasa dvattigsa lakkhanani y. thapetva dve : all<br />

except two)=i09; Vin in. 29 sq. ; J 1.246 (gamako y.<br />

andha-bala-manussehi yeva ussanno the village was<br />

peopled by mostly foolish folk); v. 335 (y. asiti-mahathera,<br />

altogether). — (2) as it happens (or happened),<br />

usually, occasionally, as a rule, ordinarily D 1.17<br />

(sagvattamane loke y. [as a rule] satta Abhassarasagvaftanika<br />

honti ; cxpl"" by half allegorical, half<br />

popular etym. at DA i.iio as follows: "ye upari<br />

Brahma-lokesu va Aruppesu va nibbattanti, tadavasese<br />

sandhaya vuttai)"); D 11.139; yebhuyj'ena<br />

dasasu loka-dhatusu devata sannipatita (as a rule)<br />

Sn p. 107 ( = bahukani SnA 451); Miln 6 (y. Himavantam<br />

eva gacchanti : usually) ; DA<br />

1.280 (ordinarily)<br />

VvA 234 (occasionally), 246 (pihita-dvaram eva hoti<br />

usually) ; PvA 2 (Sattari tattha tattha viharante y.<br />

taya taya atth' uppattiya), 46 (tassa kesa-sobharj disva<br />

taruna-jana y. tattha patibaddha-citta adesur) : invariably).<br />

— na yebhuyyena not as a rule, usually not<br />

(at all) :<br />

ndpi y. ruditena kaci attha-siddhi VvA 63.<br />

Yebhayyasika (f) [formation fr. yebhuj-ya like tassapSpiyya-sika.<br />

Originally adj., with kiriya to be understood]<br />

lit. " according to the majority," i. e. a vote of<br />

majority of the Chapter ; name of one of the adhika-<br />

rana-samathas, or means of settling a dispute. — Vin.<br />

11.84 (anujanami bh. adhikara^ai) yebhuyj'asikSya<br />

vupasametui]), 93 (vivad' ddhikaiapag dvihi sama-

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