The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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-Y- comb" consonant (sandhi), inserted (euphonically)<br />

between 2 vowels for the avoidance of hiatus. It has<br />

arisen purely pho<strong>net</strong>ically from ( as a sort of " gliding "<br />

or semi-vowel within a word, where the syllable division<br />

was in regular speech more openly felt than in the<br />

written language, e. g. pari-y-apanna (<strong>Pali</strong>) corresponds<br />

to Sk. pary-apanna, similarly pari-y-osana = Sk.<br />

paryosana.<br />

y-ima disa.<br />

Thus inserted after a before i or e : cha-<br />

D 111.188; ta-y-idai) Sn 1077; Pv 1.3';<br />

tava-y-idar) Sn 352; na-y-idarj S 11.278; maraa-y-idai)<br />

Sn 806 ; na-y-idha Sn 790 ; ma-y-idha Vin 1.54 yassa-<br />

;<br />

y-etadisi paja D 11.267 (v- 1- ^^ ^°^ T yassa-s-etadisi)<br />

satiya-y-etar) adhivacanar) M 11.260; na-y-imassa<br />

Pv IV. I*. — After i before a : pavisi-y-assamar) J v. 405 ;<br />

khaiji-y-asmani J in. 433 ; ya-y-aiiiiar) J 1.429 (where<br />

patisandhi-karo). — Cp. yeva for<br />

C. expl'' : ya-karo<br />

eva. — Note. At J vi.io6 ya-y-irae jane is to be taken<br />

as ye ime jane ; the spelling ay for e being found elsewhere<br />

as well. Cp. the following ta-y-ime jane.<br />

Ya° [pron.<br />

jabai if,<br />

rel. base: Vedic yah = Gr. iif who; cp. Goth,<br />

-ei rel. part. An amplification of the dem.<br />

pron. base *i-, *ei- (cp. ayag). See on detail Brugmann,<br />

" Die indogerm. Pronomina " in Ber. d. sachs.<br />

Ges. LX. 41 sq.] I. Forms. (See inflection also at<br />

Geiger, P.Gr. § no.) <strong>The</strong> decl. is similar to that of ta° ;<br />

among the more rarely found forms we only mention<br />

the foil. : sg. nom. m. yo with by-form (in hiatus) 3rv-,<br />

as yv'4yar) = yo ayag M 1.258 ;<br />

3rv'4ssa=yo assa M 1.137.<br />

Notice the lengthening of the subsequent vowel. —<br />

An unsettled ya is to be found at J v. 424 (FausboU<br />

remarks " for yassa " .'<br />

; perhaps to be comb'' with<br />

preceding pancapatika ; C.<br />

nipatamatto) — abl. yasma<br />

on<br />

in<br />

p. 427 expl''<br />

adv. use ; yamha<br />

ya-karo<br />

392. — loc. yamhi Dh 261, 372, 393. — f.<br />

Dh<br />

loc. yassai)<br />

A III. 151 (see below). See further adv. use of cases<br />

(below II. 5). — At Pv in' yahi is doubtful (perhaps<br />

imper. = yajahi, of yajati ; C. leaves it unexpl"").<br />

Special mention must be made of the nt. n. ace. sg.<br />

where both yag and yad are found. <strong>The</strong> (Vedic) form<br />

yad (Ved. yat) has been felt more like ya -f expletive<br />

(Sandhi-) d, and is principally found in adv. use and<br />

certain archaic phrases, whereas yar) represents the<br />

usual (<strong>Pali</strong>) form (like tad and tag). See more under<br />

II. — A Magadhized form is ye (after se = tar)), found<br />

at D 11.278 (see Geiger § 105* & no'. Cp. Trenckner,<br />

Notes 75.). <strong>The</strong> expression ye-bhuyyena may belong<br />

under this category, if we explain it as yad -I- bhuyyena<br />

(bhuyyena equivalent to bhiyyoso). It would then<br />

correspond to seyyathd ( = sadH-yatha, cp. sayatha,<br />

—• sace, tagyatha). See refs. under yebhuyyena. <strong>The</strong><br />

expression yevapanaka is an adj. form" from the phrase<br />

ye-va-pana (=yar) va pana " whatever else there is ").<br />

i. e. belonging to something of the same kind, i. e.<br />

corresponding, reciprocal, as far as concerned, respective.<br />

(See s. v.) — In adv. use it often corresponds to<br />

E. as; see e. g- yad-icchakar), yad-idag (under 11. 2 b;<br />

11.4 b.).<br />

II. Meaning : " which," in correspondence to a<br />

following demonstr. pron. (ta'') ; whichever<br />

(generaliz-<br />

Y.<br />

ing) ; nt. what, whatever. In immediate comb" with<br />

the demonstr. pron. it is qualifying and specifying the<br />

person, thing or subject in discussion or question (see<br />

below 4).<br />

1. Regular use as correl. pron., whfcn ya" (-t-noun) is<br />

followed by ta° ( -I- noun). Sometimes (in poetry) the<br />

reverse is the case, e. g. at It 84 where ta" (m. sa) is<br />

elUptically omitted : atthar) na janati yarj lobho sahate<br />

narar) " he does not know good, whom greed overcomes."<br />

— Otherwise regular, e. g. : yassa jataruparajatag<br />

kappati panca pi tassa kamaguria kappanti S iv.326.<br />

In a generalizing sense (cp. below 11. 3): yo va so va<br />

" der erste beste," some or other, v/hoever, any J iv.38 ;<br />

v. 362 ; yar) va tar) va karotu let her do whatever she<br />

yasmig va tasmig va on every occasion<br />

likes VvA 208 ;<br />

S 1. 160 na yo va so va yakkho not this or that yakkha<br />

i. e. not any (ordinary) kind of Yakkha (but Inda)<br />

DA 1.264. — <strong>The</strong> same use (ordinary correlative) applies<br />

to the nt. forms yag & yad in correl. to tag and tad.<br />

(See Sep. under II. 2.)<br />

2. Use of nt. forms. — (a) nt. yag (a) as pronoun<br />

5 III. 44 (yag dukkhag . . . tad<br />

anatta) ; It 78 (yaii<br />

54<br />

(yag labbhati yan<br />

VbhA c' afinag whatever else) ;<br />

ca na labbhati tag sabbag pucchitva). See also under<br />

3 a (yag kiiici, yag yag). — (b) as adj. adv. : yag-<br />

mukha facing what, turned where (?) J v. 475 (but C.<br />

reads & expl* sammukhal); yag-vipaka having what<br />

or which kind of fruit D 11.209. yag va . . . yag va<br />

whether ... or<br />

neither . . . nor<br />

S<br />

S<br />

11.<br />

1 79 ; yag<br />

11.179-180.<br />

no . . . na tv'<br />

yag with pot.:<br />

eva<br />

"so<br />

that," that (corresp. to Lat. ut consecutivum) S ill. 4<br />

(yag rupe anatt' anupassi vihareyya). J v. 339 (n' esa<br />

dhammo yag tag jahe that I should leave you). — In<br />

the function of other conjunctions e. g. as lemporal =<br />

when, since, after: J iv.319 (yag mag Suruci-m-anayi<br />

that, or since, S. married me). As conditional or causal<br />

= if, even if, because: Vin 1.276 (yag te sakka . . .<br />

arogag katug, tag karohi if it is possible . . . do it ; or<br />

may be taken in sense of "in whatever way you can<br />

do it, do"); J iii.206 = iv.4 (yag me sirasmig lihacca<br />

cakkag bhamati matthake= because ; C: yena papena).<br />

— (c) as adv. deictive " so," in comb" with var.<br />

other (emphatic) particles as e. g. (yag nuna used in<br />

an exhortative sense " well, now " ; or " rather, let me " ;<br />

or " so now," always in phrase yag nun' clhag " now<br />

then let me " (do this or that) very freq., either with<br />

foil, pot., e. g. " y. n. Shag araiiilag paviseyyag "<br />

DhA if.91. " y. n. a. katakammag puccheyyag "<br />

VvA 132 ; dasseyyag VvA 138 ; pabbajjeyyag<br />

M n.55 ;<br />

aneyyag DhA 1.46, vihareyyag ibid. 56; etc. cp. J 1.14,<br />

'5°. 255; III. ; 393 DhA 1.91 ; PvA 5 (avassayo bhaveyyag).<br />

— Similarly yaii hi " well then, now then "<br />

(with Pot.) S II. 210, 221 (tag vadeyya). Cp. yagghe.<br />

yafl ca & yaii ce [Sk. yac ca, or cet. ca here — ce see ca.<br />

6 cp. sace = sa-l-ce] (rather) than that: yaS ca Th 2,<br />

80 : J 1.2 10 yaiice (with Pot.)S 1.176: It ; 43; Th i, 666.<br />

sangame me matag scyyo yaii ce jive parajito (than<br />

that I live vanquished) Sn 440 (cp. the intricate expl"at<br />

SnA 390); similarly J iv.495 : me maranag seyyo<br />

yaii ce jive taya vina. — (b) nt. yad : (a) as pron in<br />


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