The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Moli 167 Mohet<br />

Moli (m iV i) cp. Epic Sk. mauli. fr. mula] a chignon ;<br />

crest, turban J 1.64; v. 431 ; Mhvs 11. 28; DA 1.136<br />

(v. 1. moli)- Also found (as molin. adj. ?) in Np.<br />

Yama-moli : see under yakkha 5.<br />

-galla (?) fat Vin 1.83 (expl"" by thula-sarira ; vv. 11.<br />

moli° & mukalla) . -baddha one who has his hair tied<br />

into a top-knot 128. 243. 348.<br />

Mosa (°-) (adj.-nt.) [the guna (comp°) form of musaJ<br />

belonging to or untruth, false- ; only in cpds. -dhamma<br />

of a deceitful nature, false. A v. 84 (kama) ;<br />

Sn<br />

739. 757 ;<br />

& -Tajja [fr. musa-vada] false-speaking, lie. untruth<br />

5 1.169; Sn 819, 866. 943; Nd> 152, 265; Nd* 515;<br />

Vv I2«.<br />

Mosalla (adj.) [fr. musala] worthy of being slain (with<br />

clubs), punishable A 11.24 1.<br />

Moha [fr. mah, see muyhati ;<br />

cp. Sk. moha & Vedic<br />

mogha] stupidity, dullness of mind & soul, delusion,<br />

bewilderment, infatuation 1") in. 146. 175, 182. 214, 270 ;<br />

Vin IV. 144, 145 ; Vbh Sn 56. 74, 160, 638, 847 ;<br />

208. 341.<br />

391, 402; Pug 16; Tikp 108, 122, 259. ^-Def'' as<br />

" dukkhe aiifianar) etc.. moha pamoha, sammoha,<br />

avijj' ogha etc," by Nd- 99 & Vbh 362 ; as " muyhanti<br />

tena, sayar) va muyhati. muyhana-mattar) eva va tan<br />

ti moho " and " cittassa andha-bhava-lakkhano. anfianalakkhano<br />

va " at Vism 468. — Often coupled with raga<br />

6 dosa as one of the 3 cardinal affects of citta, making<br />

a man unable to grasp the higher truths and to enter<br />

the Path : see under raga (& Nd- p. 237, s. v. raga<br />

where the wide range of application of this set is to<br />

be seen). Cp the 3 fires : rag-aggi, dos-aggi, moh-aggi<br />

It 92 ; D 111.217 also raga-kkhaya, dosa°, moha" VbhA<br />

31 sq. — On comb" with raga, lobha & dosa see dosa*<br />

and lobha. — On term see also Dhs trsl. §§ a, 362, 441 ;<br />

Cpd 16. 18, 41. 113, 14G. — See further D i.8') (sa-<br />

moha-cittar)) ; Nd' 15, 16 (with lobha & dosa) ; VvA 14 ;<br />

PvA 3. —amoha absence of bewilderment Vbh 2 10<br />

{+ alobha, adosa : as the 3 kusala-raulani : cp. mula 3),<br />

402 (id., as kusala-hctu). — Cp. pa°, sam°.<br />

ERRATUM,<br />

-antara (personal) quality of bewilderment (lit.<br />

having m. inside) Sn 478 (taken by C as " cause of<br />

cp. m.." i. e. ''kirana, "paccaya Sn.\ 411 ;<br />

karana under antara 1 2 b). -ussada quality of dullness<br />

Nd' 72, 413. -kkhaya destruction of infatuation<br />

Vbh 73 : VbhA 51. -carita one whose habit is infatuation<br />

Nett 90 ( -(- ragacarita & dosacarita). -tama the<br />

darkness of bewilderment MA i. -dhamma anything<br />

that is bewildering or infatuating Sn 270 -paruta<br />

covered or obstructed by delusion Pv iv.3^'. -magga<br />

being on the road of infatuation Sn 347. -salla the<br />

sting of bewilderment Nd' 59.<br />

antara =<br />

Mohatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. moha] infatuation, bewilderment<br />

A n.i2() ; in. 376.<br />

Hohana (nt.) [fr. mah as Caus. form"] making dull or<br />

stupid, infatuation, enticement, allurement Sn 399, 772<br />

( = mohana vuccanti paiica kamaguna Nd' 26). <strong>The</strong><br />

Sk. meaning is also " sexual intercourse " (cp. Halayudha<br />

P- 3' 5). which may apply to the Sn passages SnA 517<br />

(on Sn 772) expl'' " mohanag vuccati kamaguna, ettha<br />

hi deva-manussa muyhanti."<br />

Hohanaka (adj.) [fr. mohanal leading astray, bewildering,<br />

leading into error \in iv.144.<br />

Hohaneyya & Hohanlya (adj.) [grd. form" fr. mohaj<br />

leading to infatuation A Ii.i2i) ; in. 110 ; J hi. 499.<br />

Moheti [Caus. fr. mnll, see muyhati & cp. mohaJ to<br />

deceive, to befool, to take in. surprise, delude, aor.<br />

2"'' sg. amohayi Sn 352 3"" sg. ; amohayi S iv.i58 =<br />

It 58 (maccu-rajan ; vv. 11. asamohayi & asamohari) ;<br />

reading somewhat doubtful, cp. similar context Sn<br />

1076 with " sabbesu dhammesu samiihatesu " (v. 1.<br />

samoha°). —•<br />

3'* sg. (poet.) also amohayittha Sn 332<br />

(ma vo pamatte viiiflaya maccuraja amohayittha vasanuge.<br />

cp. Sn ed. p. 58). — On mohayamana Dh.\ 1.273<br />

see modati.<br />

Part \ I, p. 21*: Pativameti. Frx- Dh 1.39 read DA 1.39. Cp. J.P.TS. 1886, p. 160,<br />

suggesting pativadh". or pajibadhayamano, and referring to Th i, 7^4.<br />


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