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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Mummura 163 Mula<br />

asekha" (the Arahants), pacceka' (the Paccekabuddhas),<br />

muni° (the Tathagatas). — <strong>The</strong> parallel passage to<br />

Nd- 514* at A 1.273 gives a muni as kjya-muni. vaca°<br />

& ceto° (under the 3 moneyyani).<br />

Mammora ;*Sk. murmura. lit. crackling, rustling ; cp.<br />

Lat. murmur=E. murmur, Gr. /lo^/^/yw to rustle. Ohg.<br />

murmuron & murmuI6n = Ger. raurmeln ; all to Idg.<br />

*mrein, to which Sk. marmara : see P. mammara & cp.<br />

murumura] crackling fire, hot ashes, burning chaff<br />

J III34-<br />

Hayhati [Vedic rauhyati, muh; def" Dhtp : 343<br />

yar) ; 460 : vecitte ; cp. moha & momuha] to get be-<br />

muccha-<br />

wildered, to be infatuated, to become dull in one's<br />

senses, to be stupified. Just as raga, dosa & moha<br />

form a set, so do the verbs rajjati, dussati, mujhati, e. g.<br />

Miln 386 (rajjasi rajjaniyesu, dussaniyesu dussasi,<br />

muyhase mohaniyesu). Otherwise rare as finite verb;<br />

only DhsA 254 (in def" of moha) & Sdhp 282, 605 (.so<br />

read for mayh^te). — pp. miilha & muddha^.<br />

Muyhana (nt.) [fr. muyhati] bewilderment, stupefaction,<br />

infatuation DA 1.195 (rajjana-dussana-ra.).<br />

Huiaja [cp. Epic. & Class. Sk. muraja, Prk. raurava<br />

Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 254] i. a small drum, tambourine<br />

J V.390 ; Vv 35' ( = bheri VvA 161); 8418 ( = mudinga<br />

VvA 340) ; SnA 370. — 2. a kind of girdle Vin 11. 136.<br />

Horamnra (indecl.) [onomat. to sound root my, see<br />

mammara cS: mummura] the grinding, crackling sound<br />

of the teeth when biting bones, " crack " ;<br />

in phrase m.<br />

ti khadati to eat or bite up to bits J 1.342 ; v. 2 1 (of a<br />

Yakkhinl. eating a baby).<br />

Murumttrapeti=murumurayati<br />

(°etva khadati).<br />

J 11. 127<br />

; 111.134; v.190<br />

Moramorayati [Denom. fr. murumura] to munch, chew,<br />

bite up with a cracking sound J iv.49i.<br />

Mulala & Mulali (f) [cp. Vedic mulalin. Zimmer, Allind.<br />

Leben 70 mentions Bisa, ^aluka & Mulalin as edible<br />

roots of lotus kinds. — Geiger, P.G>'. 12 & 43 puts mulala<br />

= Sk. mrnala] the stalk of the lotus: mulali Vin 1.2 15<br />

(bhisa-l- ) ; mujali J vi.530 = ( mulalaka C.) ; mulalika<br />

Vin 1.2 15 (bhisa+ ) ; bhisa-mulalai) (nt.) (collective cpd.)<br />

fibre & stalks Vin ii.20i = S 11.269; iv.94 ; v.39 ; Vism<br />

361 ; VbhA 66. —mulali-puppha a lotus Th i, 1089.<br />

Mosati [in this connection = my? in an active sense, as<br />

quasi Denom. fr. musa. Not to mu? to steal, which is<br />

given at Dhtp 491 with " theyya "] to betray, beguile,<br />

bewilder, dazzle, in cakkhuni m. D 11. 183 (but<br />

trsl" "destructive to the eyes"); musati 'va nayanai)<br />

Vv 35' (cp. VvA 161).<br />

Mosala (m. nt.) [cp. Vedic musala. <strong>The</strong> etym. is probably<br />

to be connected with mrd (see maddati)] i. a pestle<br />

(whilst udukkhala is " mortar," cp. J 11.428 & see<br />

udukkhala) D i.i66 = Pug 55 ; DhA 11. 131 (+ suppa). —<br />

2. a club A II. 241 ; VvA<br />

PvA 258 ("danda).<br />

121. — 3. a crowbar J 1.199;<br />

Hnsalaka (nt.) [fr. musala] a little pestle, a toy for little<br />

girls DhsA 32 1<br />

Husalika only in cpd. danta° (an ascetic) who uses his<br />

teeth as a pestle J iv 8 (an aggi-pakkar) khadati, eats<br />

food uncooked, only crushed by his teeth).<br />

Masa (adv.) [Vedic mrsi, fr. mr?, lit. " neglectfully "]<br />

falsely, wrongly ; usually with verbs vadati, bhanati,<br />

bhasati & briiti to speak falsely, to tell a lie. — .V 11 49<br />

(opp. saccar)); Sn 122, 158. 397, 400, 757, 883, 967,<br />

1131; Nd' 291 ; Pv 1.3' ; VvA 72 ( = abhutar) atacchar)) ;<br />

Sn.\ 19 ; PvA 16, 152.<br />

-vada lying, a falsehood, a lie D 1.4. 25 ; 111.68 sq. ;<br />

92 sq., 106, 170, 195, 232, 269: M 1. 414; Sn 129. 242<br />

(cp. D 11.174); Dh 246; Pug 57; Ndi 268; Vv 158;<br />

Pv 1.68; VbhA 383 (var. degrees); PvA 16; Sdhp 65;<br />

explicitly at Nd' 152, 394; Nd' 515. Cp. mosavajja.<br />

-vadin speaking falsely, lying D 1.138; m.15, 82 ; Dh<br />

176; Pug 29, 38.<br />

Mnssati [=inr§, mrsyati ; to which musa "wrongly,"<br />

quite diff. in origin fr. miccha : mrsa>mithya. Dhtm<br />

437 defines by " sammose." i. e. forgetfulness] v. intrs. ;<br />

to forget, to pass into oblivion, to become bewildered,<br />

to become careless D 1.19 (sati ra.) ; J v. 369 (id.); Sn<br />

815 (=nassati Sn.\ 536 ; =parimussati. paribahiro hoti<br />

Nd' 144). — pp. muttha. Cpp- pa°, pari".<br />

Uuhutta (m. & nt.) [Vedic muhurta. fr. muhur suddenly]<br />

a moment, a very short period of time, an inkling, as we<br />

should say "a second." — Its duration may be seen<br />

from descending series of time-connotations at Pv.\ 198<br />

(under jatakamma, prophesy by astrologers at the birth<br />

of a child) : rasi. nakkhatta, tithi, m. ; and from def"<br />

at Nd^ 516 by " khanar), layar), vassar), atthag." —<br />

Usually in oblique cases : muhuttena in a short time,<br />

in a twinkling of an eye Pv.\ : 55 muhuttag (ace.) a<br />

moment, even a second Sn 1 13S (m. api) ; Dh 65 (id.),<br />

106 ; PvA 43.<br />

Muhuttika (adj.) [fr. muhutta] only for a moment ;<br />

°a<br />

(f.) a temporary wife, in enum" of several kinds of wives<br />

at Vin 111.139 & VvA 73.<br />

Syn. tan-khanika.<br />

Mu is given as root as Dhtp 2 16 in meaning " bandhana."<br />

Muga (adj.) [Vedic muka ;<br />

Vin 1. 91 (andha, m., badhira) ; Sn 713; DhA 11.102<br />

(andha, m.. badhira); Su.\ 51 (in simile); Sdhp 12.<br />

Freq. comb'' with ela, deaf (q. v.).<br />

see etym. under mukha] dumb<br />

Mula (nt.) [Vedic raura & mula. <strong>The</strong> root is given as<br />

mul in 2 meanings, viz. lit. " rohane " Dhtm S59, and<br />

fig. " patitthayar) " Dhtm 391] i. (lit.) root A 11.200 =<br />

M 1.233; DhA 1.270; IV. 200 (opp. patti) ; Vism 270<br />

(rukkha° = rukkha-samTpar)) ; Pv n.9* (sa° with the<br />

root) ; Pv.\ 43 (rukkhassamuleat the foot of). — 2. foot,<br />

bottom Vin 11.269 (patta") ; Pv.\<br />

73 (pada°), 76 (id.),<br />

rukkha" foot of a tree: see under rukkha for special<br />

meaning. — 3. (appli*) ground for, reason, cause, condition,<br />

def'' as " hetu, nidana, sambhava " etc. at Xd'<br />

s. v. ; Sn 14= 369 (akusala mula n. pl. = akaraor patittha<br />

SnA 23) ; Pv ti.3^ (sa° with its cause) ; Dukp 272, 297,<br />

312, 320 ; Miln 12 (& khandha-yamaka, with ref. to the<br />

Yamaka). Very freq. in this sense as referring to the<br />

three lobha, dosa, moha as conditioning akusala (&<br />

absence of them = kusala), e. g. at D 111.214, 275; .\<br />

1. 201, 203 ; Vbh 106 sq., 169, 361 ; Yam i.i ; Vism 454 ;<br />

cp. Nd' 517 ; Vbh.\ 382. — 4. origin, source, foundation,<br />

root (fig.) Vin 1.231 = D 11. 91 (dukkhassa) ; Vin n.304;<br />

Sn 916, 968 (cp. Nd' 344, 490); Th i, 1027 (brahmacariyassa)<br />

; Dh 247, 337. Freq. in formula (may be<br />

taken to no. i) [pahina] ucchinna-mula talSvatthukata<br />

etc. with ref. to the origin of sagsara. e. g. at S 11.02, 88 ;<br />

III. 10, 27, 161. 193; IV. 253, 292, 376. See Nd' p. 205<br />

s. V. pahina, in extenso. — 5. beginning, base, in muladivasa<br />

the initial day D.\ 1.311 ; also in phrase miilakiranato<br />

right from the beginning Vv.\<br />

miliar) kramatas ca id. Divy 491). — 6.<br />

132 (cp. BSk.<br />

"substance,"<br />

foundation, i. e. worth, money, capital, price, remunera-<br />

tion Miln 334 (kamma°) ; Dh.\ 1.270 (?) ; PvA 273;<br />

Mhvs 27, 23. amula unpaid Mhvs 30, 17 (kamma<br />

labour). — ina'^ borrowed capital D 1.71.<br />

-kanda eatable tuber Dli.V 111.130; 1V.7S (mfilaka'^).<br />

See al.so kanda -kammatthana fundamental k. or k.<br />

of causes Sn.\ 54. -ghacca radically extirpated Dh<br />

250, 263. -ttha one who is the cause of something, an<br />

instigator Vin in. 75. -dissayin knowing the cause or

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